{%assign attributes = "location,region,policy,event,sector,industry,market,focus,projects,tech,standard" | split: "," %} {% if page.name == "Decentralized Identifiers" and row.name !=nil and row.name != lastname %}


{% assign lastname = page.name %} {% endif %}
  • {{ row.title }} {%if row.parent !=nil and row.parent != "Personal" %}From: {{row.parent}}{%endif%} {% if row.authors !=nil%}By: {% if row.authors contains ';' %}{{ row.authors | replace: ";",", "}} {% else %}{{ row.authors}} {%endif%} {%endif%} {% if row.related contains ';' %} Related:{%assign related = row.related|split:';'%} {%assign trekker = 0%} {%for item in related%} {%assign trekker = trekker | plus: 1%} {%endfor%} {%for item in related%} {%if item != nil%} {{item|strip}}{%if trekker > 1%},{%assign trekker = trekker | minus: 1%}{%endif%}{%endif%} {%endfor%} {%elsif row.related == nil%} {%else%} Related: {{row.related}} {%endif%} Type: {{row.type|strip|capitalize}} {%if row.date != nil%} {% if row.type == "Working Group" %}Established:{%else%}Date:{% endif %} {{row.date}}{%endif%} {%for item in row%} {%if attributes contains item.first and item.last != nil %} {% if item.last contains ';' %} {{item.first|capitalize}}: {% assign ray = item.last | split: ';'%} {%for item in ray %}{%if item != " "%} {{item|strip}}{% if forloop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{%endif%}{%endfor%} {% elsif item.last contains ',' %} {{item.first|capitalize}}: {% assign ray = item.last | split: ','%} {%for item in ray %}{%if item != " "%} {{item|strip}}{% if forloop.last %}{% else %}, {% endif %}{%endif%}{%endfor%} {%else%} {{item.first|capitalize}}: {{item.last}} {%endif%} {%endif%} {%endfor%}
  • {% if row.text %}
    {{row.text | markdownify}}
    {%endif%} {%if row.image != Nil%} {%endif%}