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excerpt: "An attempt to provide a high-level overview of the decentralized identity landscape."
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A good self‐sovereign identity system will allow individuals to directly influence how companies, governments, and others correlate our interactions across different services and locations by default. It won’t fix all identity problems nor preclude alternative identity approaches, but it will put the individual in control of most uses of identity and give organizations a simpler, easier, more ethical way to use identity to improve how they provide services and products. When successful, it will not only enable individuals to exercise greater control over how companies and governments keep track of us, it will also illuminate those situations where self‐sovereign identity is restricted, facilitating a conversation about when and where such limits are appropriate.
Joe Andrieu -A Technology‐Free Definition of Self‐Sovereign Identity
This website is inevitably incomplete. It began towards the end of 2018 as a curated list of resources surrounding decentralized identity. It quickly grew into a website, and by the end of 2019, an industry was exploding around the quest for Self Sovereign, Decentralized, Identity. Ideally, by sometime in 2021, it will have a reasonably comprehensive coverage of Decentralized Identity topics, and become relatively self-sustaining, both financially and informationally. - Infominer