import tweepy import csv import pandas as pd #### Credentials CONSUMER_KEY = os.environ.get('CONSUMER_KEY') CONSUMER_SECRET = os.environ.get('CONSUMER_SECRET') ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('ACCESS_KEY') ACCESS_SECRET = os.environ.get('ACCESS_SECRET') #### Authorization auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit=True) #### Keywords keywords = ["#verifiablecredentials","#selfsovereignidentity","Self+Sovereign+Identity","Hyperledger+Aries","DIDComm","Key+Event+Receipt+Infrastructure","#ToIP","#TrustoverIP","w3c+Credentials"] #### Get Date from datetime import date, timedelta, datetime #### Find 7 Days Ago current_date = days_before = ( now = date_time = current_date.strftime("%m%d%y") #### Open CSV + Write Column Names fname = 'SSI-DID_' + date_time + '.csv' csvFile = open(fname, 'w+') csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile) csvWriter.writerow(["Time","ID", "Link", "Likes", "Shares", "User", "Text", "Hashtags", "Urls", "UrlTitle", "UrlDesc", "UrlImg", "ImageUrls", "ReplyURL", "QuoteID", "QuoteText", "QuoteImg", "QuoteUrl"]) lines_seen = [] text_seen = [] for keyword in keywords: # Search hashtags\keywords for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(,q=keyword + ' -filter:retweets', count=100, tweet_mode="extended", lang="en", since=days_before).items(): ### Reset Variables medias = [] lnks = [] replink = "" title = [] description = [] image = [] qtid = '' qttext = '' qtmedia = [''] qturls = [''] seen = 'FALSE' ### Set basic tweet attributes retweetcount = tweet.retweet_count favorites = tweet.favorite_count username = tweet.user.screen_name id = "" + username + "/status/" + tweet.id_str idstr = tweet.id_str text = tweet.full_text hashtags = [hashtag['text'] for hashtag in tweet.entities["hashtags"]] created = str(tweet.created_at) #### Only add line to csv if it's not already been added if hasattr(tweet, 'quoted_status'): quotedid = '' + tweet.quoted_status.user.screen_name + '/status/' + tweet.quoted_status_id_str print("Quoted ID " + quotedid) if quotedid in lines_seen: print("Quoted Status Seen") seen = 'TRUE' for y in lines_seen: if id == y: seen = 'TRUE' for q in text_seen: if text == q: seen = 'TRUE' if seen == 'TRUE' or username == "Docbasia": continue else: ### Keep track of seen lines \ tweets lines_seen.append(id) text_seen.append(text) ### Check for reply id try: reply = tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str user = tweet.in_reply_to_user_id_str replink = "" + user + "/" + reply except: print("no reply url") ### Check for images in tweet if 'media' in tweet.entities: for media in tweet.extended_entities['media']: medias.append(media['media_url_https']) ### Check for urls in tweet if 'urls' in tweet.entities: for url in tweet.entities['urls']: lkn = url['expanded_url'] lnks.append(url['expanded_url']) ### Look for metadata from webpreview import web_preview ### Unless link is an image pdf twitter or insta if username == "Docbasia" or '' in lkn or '.png' in lkn or '.jpg' in lkn or '.pdf' in lkn or '' in lkn or '' in lkn or '' in lkn: continue else: try: ### get title img description print('>>Getting Link Metadata<<') headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'} tit, desc, ima = web_preview(lkn,timeout=10,headers=headers,parser='lxml') title.append(tit) description.append(desc) image.append(ima) except: print("broken link") ### If it's a quote-tweet, get original stats if hasattr(tweet, 'quoted_status'): print("Quoted Status NotSeen") qtmedia = [''] qturls = [''] qttext = tweet.quoted_status.full_text qtuser = tweet.quoted_status.user.screen_name qtid = "" + qtuser + "/status/" + tweet.quoted_status.id_str if 'media' in tweet.quoted_status.entities: for media in tweet.quoted_status.extended_entities['media']: qtmedia.append(media['media_url_https']) if 'urls' in tweet.quoted_status.entities: for url in tweet.quoted_status.entities['urls']: qturls.append(url['expanded_url']) #### Column attributes line = [created, "'"+idstr+"'", id, favorites, retweetcount, username, text, hashtags, lnks, title, description, image, medias, replink, qtid, qttext, qtmedia, qturls] #### Write row to CSV and print line csvWriter.writerow(line) print(line) csvFile.close() print("Complete")