--- title: "06) Day 1. Understanding JWT CWT" header: teaser: /images/Understanding-JWT-CWT-OpenID-and-Related-Ecosystem.png ---
Understanding JWT/CWT, OpenID
and Related Ecosystem
Michael Jones, John Bradley
Aaron Parecki
JWT, OpenID Connect,
CWT, and Verifiable Claims
Michael B. Jones Microsoft and John Bradley Yubico
W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication and Identity
December 10, 2018
JSON Web Token (JWT) RFC 7519
Representation of claims in JSON
Can be signed with JSON Web Signature (JWS) RFC 7515
Can be encrypted with JSON Web Encryption (JWE) RFC 7516
Algorithms used extensible using IANA JOSE Algorithms Registry
For instance, ed25519 added and secp256k1 being added
By design, does not use any form of JSON canonicalization
Base64url encodes values to maintain content integrity instead
JWTs used by OpenID Connect, many other applications
ID Token Claims Example
"iss": "https://server.example.com",
"sub": "248289761001",
"aud": "0acf77d4-b486-4c99-bd76-074ed6a64ddf",
"iat": 1311280970,
"exp": 1311281970,
"nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj"
Working Together
OpenID Connect
What is OpenID Connect?
Simple identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0
Enables RPs to verify identity of end-user
Enables RPs to obtain basic profile info
REST/JSON interfaces low barrier to entry
Described at
You’re Probably Already Using OpenID Connect!
If you have an Android phone or log in at AOL, Deutsche Telekom, Google,
Microsoft, NEC, NTT, Salesforce, Softbank, Symantec, Verizon, or Yahoo! Japan,
you’re already using OpenID Connect
Many other sites and apps large and small also use OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect and Verifiable Claims
Aggregated and Distributed Claims
Self-Issued Identities
Representation of Claim Verification Information
OpenID Connect: Aggregated and Distributed Claims
OpenID Connect Core §5.6.2
Defines how JWTs can contain claims signed by others
Issuers of aggregated and distributed claims can be different than JWT issuer
For example, credit score signed by credit agency and payment information
signed by bank
Aggregated claims pass 3
party claims by value
Distributed claims pass 3
party claims by reference
OpenID Connect: Self-Issued Identities
OpenID Connect Core §7
Digital identity controlled directly by you
Backed by public/private key pair
Sometimes called “user-centric identity” or “self-sovereign identity”
Claims in self-issued identities
Self-issued claims signed by you
Aggregated and distributed claims signed by 3
Implementations in Japan and at Microsoft
OpenID Connect: Representation of Claim Verification Information
Syntax for providing metadata about claims along with claims
For instance, saying that name, address, and payment info validated by a
particular bank
At a particular time
In a particular jurisdiction
Under a particular legal framework
Also ways of requesting claims with particular validation information
New work proposed by Torsten Lodderstedt at most recent IIW
Ideas contributed to OpenID Connect working group
CBOR Web Token (CWT) RFC 8392
Binary equivalent of JWT
Uses CBOR RFC 7049 instead of JSON
Secured with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) RFC 8152
Can be more compact than JWTs because no base64url encoding
Good fit for IoT applications and bandwidth-constrained channels
OAuth for the Open Web
Aaron Parecki
W3C Social Web Working Group
Chartered to create open APIs for social networking,
to enable social communication on the web
Active from July 2014 to February 2018
Identity and authentication was out of scope for REC-track documents
W3C Social Web Working Group
W3C Recommendations Published:
Linked Data Notifications
Activity Streams
W3C Notes Published:
Social Web Protocols
Post Type Discovery
Follow me from Mastodon: aaronpk@aaronparecki.com
How can I comment on this
without having an account there?
[blog post, photo, issue, etc]
How can I sign in to an app
that lets me post to my account?
Traditional OAuth
IndieAuth: Bring your own identity
URLs for Identity
IndieAuth Summary
User IDs are URLs bring your own identity
Applications are identified by URLs no pre-registration
Authorization server is discovered from the user’s URL
User ID is returned at the end of the OAuth exchange
IndieAuth Providers
WordPress Plugin Drupal Plugin
micro.blog withknown.com
Selfauth PHP
Dobrado PHP
Acquiescence Ruby
Cellar Door Node.js
Microblog.pub Python
IndieAuth Summary
An extension to the OAuth authorization code flow
Prompt user for their identity (URL input, browser extension
auto-fill, etc)
Discover user’s authorization endpoint
Send the user there to ask their permission
On the redirect back, exchange the authorization code for an
access token and the user’s canonical URL
indieweb.org aaronpk.com
Learn More