I'm supposed to put some kind of guidlines for [contributing](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/contributing.md) here. That's [among my tasks](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome/blob/master/pull_request_template.md) if I want to be included in the awesome list of awesome lists. As I find a structure that I'm happy with following, then I'll get more serious about creating contributing guidelines. In the mean time, I'll be happy for pull requests, or issues opened to discuss ideas or draw attention to a resource that isn't listed, yet. My personal standard is more information, always more. I think I need to remove links from [awesome-decentralized-id](https://github.com/infominer33/awesome-decentralized-id/) that don't position themselves within the decentralized id standards community and are already mentioned in [blockchain-identity](https://github.com/peacekeeper/blockchain-identity/). I've also removed some sovrin\indy links from the awesome-decentralized-id so they can be featured more appropriately in [awesome-indy](https://github.com/infominer33/awesome-decentralized-id/blob/master/awesome-indy/). The goal is to let each of these lists do its own job. I'm gradually getting more familiar with the material and learning how it all fits together. Feel free to share your ideas too. Always interested to connect with other crypto-nerds, writers, and typically I hang out with developers and others for whom price is not the primary immediate interest. These lists serve as a great tool for writing. I've thought from the beginning that other writers writers and research enthusiasts would find value in the [Crypto-library](https://github.com/infominer33/Crypto-library).