# Ubisecure * [Digital identity in the UK in 2021 with TrueProfile.io’s René Seifert](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/digital-identity-uk-2021-ssi-trueprofile-rene-seifert/) “I think it’s interesting if we overlay this utopia of a self-sovereign identity that sounds maybe like science fiction today, and where these UK digital initiatives are geared, and my best guess is we can and will land somewhere in the middle.” * [vLEI 101 – the Verifiable Legal Entity Identifier](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/vlei-101/) Ubisecure We’ve been involved in some really cool work over the last few weeks focusing on the issuance of vLEIs and associated role credentials. Specifically, Ubisecure was the credential issuer for the GLEIF’s vLEI proof of concept project and issued the world’s first vLEI to the GLEIF, which was then used to sign the GLEIF’s 2021 annual report. - [vLEI 101 – Issuance and Wallets](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/vlei-101-issuance-and-wallets/) ubisecure * [Verifiable Credentials – how does it work? Understanding key VC principles](https://www.ubisecure.com/identity-management/verifiable-credentials-understanding-key-principles/) Ubisecure The Verifiable Credentials specification by W3C provides a way to express credentials on the web. In this article I’m giving an overview of components and terminology related to VCs, and also some information about other technologies and specifications that are needed when implementing Verifiable Credentials. * [Making Identity Easy for Everyone - Heather Flanagan, Spherical Cow Consulting](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/making-identity-easy-heather-flanagan/) Ubisecure how to explain digital identity to people outside of the identity industry, why is it important for everyone to understand, and what the industry can do to improve the understanding of identity for everyone. * [Inclusive identity: are we doing enough? With Tricerion, Women in Identity and FinClusive](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/inclusive-identity-tricerion-women-in-identity-finclusive/) Ubisecure One of the clearest areas of digital identity where we see the impact of not doing enough to include vulnerable people is authentication – the point where a user must verify their identity in order to gain access to a service. * [Meet Kantara’s new Executive Director, Kay Chopard](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/kay-chopard-kantara/) Lets Talk about Digital Identity > Kay explores why identity is so critical in so many applications; her hope for more promotion of Kantara’s great work and to advance opportunities for collaboration; Kantara’s new mobile drivers licenses (mDLs) work group; Women in Identity and the problem of lack of diversity in standards working groups; and why access and inclusion is one of the biggest challenges facing identity today. * [Enhancing the Privacy of Mobile Credentials, with John Wunderlich](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/mobile-credentials-john-wunderlich/) Ubisecure what are the challenges and solutions surrounding mobile credentials, what is IAM’s role in this and how systems need to be developed around trust. * [Launching the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) with Elizabeth Garber](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/global-assured-identity-network-gain-elizabeth-garber/) UbiSecure > fills us in on what the GAIN project is, explaining how it’s different from other trust networks and why GAIN is good for financial institutions. She also discusses the role of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) in the project, and what’s next for GAIN. * [How to get a vLEI Credential](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/how-to-get-a-vlei-credential/) Simon Wood, UbiSecure The first step in issuance is for a representative to enter a contractual agreement with a QVI to provide the issuance service. The individual from the legal entity that undertakes this contractual signup is known as the Designated Authorised Representative (DAR) [...] As per the LE-vLEI description the above is simplified. The full OOR-vLEIs issuance process is detailed in the [Ecosystem Governance Framework vLEI Credential Governance Framework Legal Entity Official Organizational Role](https://www.gleif.org/vlei/introducing-the-vlei-ecosystem-governance-framework/2022-02-07_legal-entity-vlei-credential-gf-draft-publication_v0.9-draft.pdf) * [PSA Today: Kaliya & Seth talk LEIs](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-34-Kaliya--Seth-talk-LEIs-Legal-Entity-Identifiers-with-Simon-Wood--CEO-of-Ubisecure-eqia74) with Simon Wood, CEO of Ubisecure (#1 issuer of Legal Entity Identifiers) > the evolution of LEIs since the financial crisis of 2008, the difference between high assurance and low assurance, and the relationship between rights and ownership as it relates to identity management of entities. * [How LEIs streamline KYC](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/lei-in-kyc/) Ubisecure Ubisecure brought innovation to the LEI market by automating LEI issuance. Revolutionising how quickly and effectively an LEI can be registered. While improving data accuracy along the way by connecting directly to business registries globally. This innovation has helped RapidLEI to become the #1 LEI Issuer globally, issuing about 1 in 4 new LEIs monthly, in just 3 short years. * [Lisa LeVasseur on the ethical behaviour of technology and the Me2B Alliance LTADI](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/lisa-levasseur-me2b-alliance/) > the Me2B Alliance and how it aims to make technology better for humans, plus the businesses (B-s) which are shining a light on privacy issues and giving the Me-s more control. > > “We used to call ourselves something like the ‘organic food label’. But that’s actually not right. We’re more like independent automobile crash testing.” * [Germany’s digital identity landscape with Verimi’s Roland Adrian](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/verimi-roland-adrian-identity-germany/) In episode 40, Roland fills us in on how Verimi works and its privacy-by-design cornerstones, including data minimisation. Oscar and Roland also discuss the digital identity landscape in Germany