--- title: "⏲-planetwork-asn" ---
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⧉infominer 05-Sep-19 05:49 PM
http://asn.planetwork.net/ > The Augmented Social Network: Building identity and trust into the next-generation Internet by Ken Jordan, Jan Hauser, and Steven Foster http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1068/988 > Could the next generation of online communications strengthen civil society by better connecting people to others with whom they share affinities, so they can more effectively exchange information and self-organize? Could such a system help to revitalize democracy in the 21st century? When networked personal computing was first developed, engineers concentrated on extending creativity among individuals and enhancing collaboration between a few. They did not much consider what social interaction among millions of Internet users would actually entail. It was thought that the Net’s technical architecture need not address the issues of "personal identity" and "trust," since those matters tended to take care of themselves. http://asn.planetwork.net/asn-archive/AugmentedSocialNetwork.pdf (edited)
The Augmented Social Network: Building identity and trust into the next-generation Internet