layout: single
{%assign todo = "parent,use,sector,market,projects,feed,policy,event,tags" | split: ","%}
{%assign socials = "discord,crunchbase,linkedin,telegram,twitter,youtube" | split: ","%}
{%assign core = "docs,developers,app,forum,github" | split: ","%}
{% if page.name %}
{% for row in site.data.companys %}
{% if row.name == page.name %}
{%if row.location %}
Location: {{row.location}}
{% elsif row.region%}
Region: {{row.region}}
{%if row.founders != nil %}
{% if row.founders contains ';' %}
{% assign authors = row.founders | replace: ";","," %}
Founders: {{authors}}
Founder: {{row.founders}}
{%if row.date != nil %} Founded: {{row.date}} {%endif%}
Main: Website Blog
{% for item in row %}
{% if core contains item.first %}
{% if item.last != nil %}
{{item.first | capitalize}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for item in row %}
{% if socials contains item.first %}
{% if item.last != nil %}
{{item.first | capitalize}}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{row.text | markdownify }}
{% endif%}
{% endfor %}
{%assign headers = "Meta,Ecosystem,Product,Standards,HowTo,Resources,Explainer" | split: "," %}
{% for item in headers %}
{%assign mark=''%}
{% for row in site.data.content %}
{% if row.section == item and row.main == page.name and mark != 1 %}{%assign mark = 1%}{{item | capitalize}}
{% if row.section == item and row.main == page.name %}
{%assign attributes = "tags,market,use,sector,projects,tech,standard" | split: "," %}
{% if row.related contains ';' %}
Relevant:{%assign related = row.related|split:';'%}
{%assign trekker = 0%}
{%for item in related%}
{%assign trekker = trekker | plus: 1%}
{%for item in related%}
{%if item != nil%} {{item|strip}}{%if trekker > 1%},{%assign trekker = trekker | minus: 1%}{%endif%}{%endif%}
{%elsif row.related == nil%}
Relevant: {{row.related}}
{%if row.parent !=nil and row.parent != page.name%}Parent: {{row.parent}}{%endif%}
Type: {{row.type|strip|capitalize}}
{{ row.title }}
{% if row.founders !=nil%}
{% if row.founders contains ';' %}
Author(s){{ row.founders | replace: ";","," | prepend: ": "}}
{% else %}
Author{{row.founders | prepend: ": "}}
{%if row.date != nil%} Date: ({{row.date}}){%endif%}
{%for item in row%}
{%if attributes contains item.first and item.last != nil %}
{% if item.last contains ';' %}
{% assign ray = item.last | split: ';'%}
{%for item in ray %}{%if item != " "%} {{item|strip}}{%endif%}{%endfor%}
{{item.first|capitalize}}: {{item.last}}
{% if row.text %}{{row.text | markdownify}}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%for row in site.data.content%}
{% if row.main != page.name and row.related contains page.name %}
{% assign count = 1 %}
{%if count == 1%}
From other pages on this site. (Beta)
{%assign attributes = "tags,market,use,sector,projects,tech,standard" | split: "," %}
{%for row in site.data.content%}
{% if row.main != page.name and row.type != "Company" and row.related contains page.name %}
{% if row.related contains ';' %}
Relevant:{%assign related = row.related|split:';'%}
{%assign trekker = 0%}
{%for item in related%}
{%assign trekker = trekker | plus: 1%}
{%for item in related%}
{%if item != nil%} {{item|strip}}{%if trekker > 1%},{%assign trekker = trekker | minus: 1%}{%endif%}{%endif%}
{%elsif row.related == nil%}
Relevant: {{row.related}}
{%if row.parent !=nil%}Parent: {{row.parent}}{%endif%}
Type: {{row.type|strip|capitalize}}
Title: {{ row.title }}
{% if row.founders !=nil%}
{% if row.founders contains ';' %}
Author(s){{ row.founders | replace: ";","," | prepend: ": "}}
{% else %}
Author{{row.founders | prepend: ": "}}
{%if row.date != nil%} Date: ({{row.date}}){%endif%}
{%for item in row%}
{%if attributes contains item.first and item.last != nil %}
{% if item.last contains ';' %}
{% assign ray = item.last | split: ';'%}
{%for item in ray %}{%if item != " "%} {{item|strip}}{%endif%}{%endfor%}
{{item.first|capitalize}}: {{item.last}}
{% if row.text %}
{{row.text | markdownify}}