--- layout: archive title: "ID History -Collaborative Curation- Archive" permalink: /history/archive/ author_profile: false header: image: /images/did-header1.png og_image: /images/evolution.png caption: "[DID History - Curators Collaborative](https://discord.gg/YdGEh2t)" sidebar: title: DID History nav: didhistory classes: wide share: true ---
The Evolution of Internet Identity from Prabath Siriwardena
{% capture written_label %}'None'{% endcapture %} {% for collection in site.collections %} {% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %} {% capture label %}{{ collection.label }}{% endcapture %} {% if label != written_label %}

{{ label }}

{% capture written_label %}{{ label }}{% endcapture %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% for post in collection.docs %} {% unless collection.output == false or collection.label == "posts" %} {% include archive-single.html %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}