--- title: "🖇-windhover-principles" ---
DID History
3 messages
⧉infominer 05-Sep-19 04:39 PM
Today we communicate, share and transact digitally over the Internet. Individuals who make use of the Internet for these purposes should have control over their digital
HubID, (the self-sovereign digital identity system at the core of Hub Culture and the Ven currency) is the first consumer application to deploy the Windhover Principles and features new frameworks for digital identity, trust and open data. The core technology has been in deve...
⧉infominer 08-Sep-19 01:38 PM
ID3, founded out of the MIT Media Lab, has teamed up with nearly two dozen leading digital currency firms to announce the Windhover Principles. ID3 is a research and educational nonprofit with a mission to develop a new social ecosystem of trusted digital institutions. The Wi...