--- title: "🖇-sovereign-source-authority" ---
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7 messages
⧉infominer 07-Sep-19 05:16 PM
What is an Individual Human Being prior to "identity registration" in Society? What is the data administration framework of default partic...
⧉infominer 08-Sep-19 01:27 PM
ID3 is a Boston, Massachusetts, research and educational nonprofit whose mission is to develop a new social ecosystem of trusted, self-healing digital institutions.
You know who you are. So does the IRS, the DMV, and every website and service online where you have a login and a password for. But none of those entities really knows you. What they know is what t…
We are all different. We look different, we sound different, we think and act different. Even soldiers marching lock-step in uniform are all different. Emperor Qui Shi Huang recognized this fact by…