--- date: 2020-11-04 title: Meeco name: Meeco description: Zero Knowledge Proofs of the modern digital life for access, control, delegation and consent of identity and personal data excerpt: > Meeco enables people (data subjects)to provide their own verified records and controlled consent. This API-of-Me allows Meeco to provide a meta-data driven attribute wallet with no knowledge of the data to any authenticated identity of a user,which in turn enables an auditable personal-event chain of data interactions at scale. layout: companies permalink: companies/meeco/ canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/companies/meeco/' categories: ["Companies"] tags: ["MyData","Respect Network","DIF","Meeco"] header: image: /images/meeco_header.webp teaser: /images/meeco-teaser.webp last_modified_at: 2023-02-20 toc: true ---