--- title: "02) Day 1. Understanding Verifiable Credentials" header: teaser: /images/understanding-verifiable-credentials.png ---
Understanding Verifiable
Dr. Daniel C. Burnett, PegaSys Blockchain Standards Architect, W3C VCWG Co-
W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity
Redmond, WA, Dec 10-11, 2018
<passport photo>
<driver’s license photo>
(Cryptographically) Verifiable Credentials
We aim to provide the same thing, but
A Verifiable Credential is
Issued by an Issuer (school, corp, govt, ind.)
Held by a Holder (student, employee, customer)
Presented to a Verifier (employers, security, websites)
A Verifiable Credential contains
An Identifier
Optional metadata
One or more claims
A proof section
Identifiers can be cryptographically controlled
Claims & Proofs
A Claim is
One statement about a Subject
A Claim contains
A Subject
A Property
A Value for the property
The Proof section contains
Signatures over the claims
ZKP info (work in progress)
VC Example in JSON-LD syntax
"@context": [
"id": "http://dmv.example.gov/credentials/3732",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
"issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov/issuers/14",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:73:24Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "did:example:ebfeb1f712ebc6f1c276e12ec21",
"ageOver": 21
"proof": { ... }
VC - signature-based proof example
{ "@context": [...],
"id": "http://dmv.example.gov/credentials/3732",
"type": ["VerifiableCredential", "ProofOfAgeCredential"],
"issuer": "https://dmv.example.gov/issuers/14",
"issuanceDate": "2010-01-01T19:73:24Z",
"credentialSubject": {...},
"proof": {
"type": "RsaSignature2018",
"created": "2017-06-18T21:19:10Z",
"creator": "https://example.com/jdoe/keys/1",
"nonce": "c0ae1c8e-c7e7-469f-b252-86e6a0e7387e",
"signatureValue": "BavEll0/I1zpYw8XNi1bgVg/sCneO4Jugez8RwDg/+
Verifiable Presentations
A Verifiable Presentation is
Presented by a Holder to a Verifier
Composed from multiple VCs
Often from different Issuers
Often about the same subject
A Verifiable Presentation contains
An identifier
Optional metadata
One or more claims or whole VCs
A proof section
Verifiable Credentials are (not)?
Verifiable Credentials allow
An issuing party to express a statement as a fact, ie “make a claim
A holding party to present the statement (in whole or in part) to a third party
A verifying party to validate the statement hasn’t been tampered with
Verifiable Credentials DON’T
Represent averified truth
It is the issuance of a claim that is verifiable, not the semantics of the claim
Standardization: W3C Verifiable Claims Working Group
In Scope
Recommend a data model and syntax(es) for the expression of verifiable claims, including one
or more core vocabularies
Create a note specifying one or more of these:
How these data models should be used with existing attribute exchange protocols
A suggestion that existing protocols be modified
A suggestion that a new protocol is required
Out of Scope
Define browser-based APIs for interacting with verifiable claims. This work may be performed
by a future Working Group if there is interest, but is not required for the Working Group to be
Define a new protocol for attribute exchange. This work may be performed by a future Working
Group if there is interest, but is not required for the Working Group to be successful
Attempt to address the larger problem of "Identity on the Web/Internet"
Attempt to lead the creation of a specific style of supporting infrastructure, other than a data
model and syntax(es), for a verifiable claims ecosystem
VCWG Work Status
Verifiable Claims Data Model and Representationsspecification
FPWD long past, wrapping up ZKP and JWT support
Informal reviews already from PING, WAI, others
CR expected early 2019
Editors’ Draft: https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/
GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model
Test Suite
Almost all tests written
Use cases
Editors’ Draft:
GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases
2018 VC Adoption in Commerce
(Financial Services)
Deployed Today by:
DID issuers
Details are W3C M ember Confidential
2018 VC Adoption in Commerce
Deployed Today for:
Authorized Importer
Authorized Exporter
Certificate of Origin
Details are W3C M ember Confidential
VCWG Mission and Goals
It is currently difficult to express claims regarding education qualifications,
healthcare data, banking account information, and other sorts of machine-
readable personal information that has been verified by a 3rd party on the
VCWG mission is to make expressing and exchanging claims that have been
verified by a third party easier and more secure on the Web
Our charter specifies that education related uses is our first focus but allows
that other uses can be addressed such as digital offers, receipts, and loyalty
programs and other areas if there is significant industry participation