--- layout: single --- {% for item in page.headings %} {%assign mark=''%} {%assign marktwo=''%} {%assign markthree=''%} {% assign content = site.data.standards %} {% if item == "W3C ID History" and markthree != 1%} {%assign wgs = "Decentralized Identifiers,Verifiable Credentials,JSON-LD,WebAuthN" | split: ','%} {% assign markthree=1%}

Working Groups

{% for wg in wgs %}

{{wg}} Working Group

{% for row in content %} {% if row.main contains wg and row.section contains "Working Group"%} {% include entry_single.html %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {%endif%} {% for row in content %} {% unless item contains ";" %} {% if row.section contains item and row.main contains page.name and mark != 1 %}{%assign mark = 1%}



{% endfor %}