--- title: Bitcoin Identity Standards and Applications layout: single classes: wide toc: false permalink: blockchain/bitcoin/ canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/blockchain/bitcoin/' redirect_from: - blockchain/bitcoin - id-initiatives/bitcoin/ - id-initiatives/bitcoin categories: ["Blockchain"] tags: ["Bitcoin"] last_modified_at: 2019-07-11T11:22:33-23:00 ---  ## ION
{% include video id="agPVWVe0p3Q" provider="youtube" %} * [decentralized-identity/ion](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ion) ## BTCR * /w3c-ccg/didm-btcr - WORK ITEM: BTCR DID Method Spec * did:btcr: - [BTCR DID Method](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr/) * The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field. No other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) would be placed on the immutable blockchain. * [btcr tx conversion playground](https://weboftrustinfo.github.io/btcr-tx-playground.github.io/) * /WebOfTrustInfo/btcr-tx-playground.github.io * /WebOfTrustInfo/btcr-did-tools-js * /WebOfTrustInfo/btcr-hackathon - Virtual hackathon to create spec and code for Bitcoin-based Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) ## Bitnation * [Bitnation taps Blockchain tech to aid Refugees](https://www.newsbtc.com/2015/09/09/bitnation-taps-blockchain-tech-to-aid-refugees/)[[**^**](#Bitnation-and-the-United-Nations)] * [BTCR DID Method](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr/) — The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field. No other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) would be placed on the immutable blockchain. ## Spidchain * [Spidchain](http://www.spidchain.com/) [[**wp**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B89WE3IIHmy1Z0ZSSWVmVEtaaG8/view)] * "offers a platform for self-sovereign identity, including desktop and mobile apps for end-users. It uses Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - backed by optionally Bitcoin or Ethereum - to implement a marketplace for verifiable claims. The Spidchain applications allow individuals to create, recover, and revoke DIDs, to authenticate, to sign and verify files and claims, and more." ### Spidchain Bitcoin Repos * /SpidChain/spidchain-btcr - An implementation of the btcr standard for self sovereign distributed digital identity * /SpidChain/electrumx Forked from kyuupichan/electrumx - Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server * /SpidChain/btcr-spv - Poc of an SPV implementation of BTCR * /SpidChain/satoshis-wheel-of-fortune - Pick a name from a list randomly in a provably honest way * /SpidChain/txref-conversion-js - Forked from WebOfTrustInfo/txref-conversion-js - Javascript library for converting txids to txrefs and backI'm excited to share with you an early look at our work on a scalable, open src, permissionless Layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers that runs atop Bitcoin, developed and supported by Microsoft as an open public infrastructure for all - meet ION: https://t.co/9TOl8oyEVB
— Daniel Ƀ (@csuwildcat) May 13, 2019