--- title: Digital Bazaar name: DigitalBazaar layout: companies description: Leaders in the creation of decentralized digital identity for the Web. excerpt: > We pioneer payment, identity, and credential technologies that will power the next generation Web. We have been heavily involved in Web standards for over a decade, participate in cutting edge research and development, and contribute to the open source community. permalink: companies/digital-bazaar/ canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/companies/digital-bazaar/' categories: ["Companies"] tags: ["IETF","Web Payments IG","VCTF","CCG","DHS","Veres One","W3C","GS1","SecureKey","TradeLens","Sovrin Steward","Founding Sovrin Steward","USC&B","Payments","XHTML+RDFa","HTML5+RDFa","Semantic Web","OpenID Connect","WebID","JSON-LD","RDFa","Verifiable Credentials","DID","Encrypted Data Vaults","Linked Data"] last_modified_at: 2023-02-20 toc: true header: teaser: /images/digital-bazaar-teaser.webp published: false --- ""