# Spruce * [Spruce Developer Update #19](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-19/) - Sign-In with Ethereum offers a new self-custodial option for users who wish to assume more control - Kepler is a decentralized storage network organized around data overlays called Orbits. Kepler allows users to Securely share their digital credentials, private files, and sensitive media to blockchain accounts, all using a Web3 wallet * [Spruce At Graph Hack 2022](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-at-graph-hack/) SpruceID Earlier this month, The Graph hosted Graph Hack at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Graph Hack was a three-day hackathon, bringing together developers to kickstart the latest dapps and ideas featuring a mix of on and off-chain data via a variety of impactful use-cases. * [Spruce Developer Update #21](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-21/) We're currently working on a new, ergonomic way to use Sign-In with Ethereum and session management for applications, and are currently in the process of setting up beta testing. If you're interested in trying this out, please get in touch. * [Spruce Developer Update #23](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-23/) Updates on Sign in with Ethereum, Kepler, DIDKit, Rebase * [Spruce Developer Update #8](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/spruce-developer-update-8-70f04e95a5d4) > - “We are currently working on a project that will enable creator authenticity for digital assets including NFTs.” > - “focused on advancing did-tezos as the first formally verified DID Method.” > - DIDKit Updates > - Credible Updates