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synced 2025-02-11 12:58:29 -05:00
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@ -452,11 +452,6 @@ SSI has the power to change the world for the better by flipping the power dynam
* [What is Self Sovereign Identity](https://medium.com/coinmonks/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-a8087b2bf0ea) Florian Strauf
the digital representation of the identification process we know from the physical world. Things like showing our driver’s license to prove we are allowed to drive, or sending a bank statement to a real estate agent to prove our income and account balance.
* [Webinar: The Future of Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DgimrMbcj91A)
Presented by Patientory includes Jim St. Claire of LFPH
Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a movement that claims digital identity should be just as legitimate and nuanced as a person’s human identity, while being accessible to all, privacy-preserving, and not reliant on a single government or corporation.
* [Self Sovereign Identity Explainer](https://www.didas.swiss/2021/12/17/self-sovereign-identity-explainer-introduction-to-the-world-of-ssi/) DIDAS ([PDF](https://www.didas.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/SSI-Explainer-Introduction-final.pdf)
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ published: false
# Events Calendar
## Identiverse
* [Reflections from Identiverse: Identity Security Threats & Trends](https://www.secureauth.com/blog/reflections-from-identiverse-identity-security-threats-and-trends/) SecureAuth
> talks like [“Simplify Your Least-Privilege Journey with Access Analysis”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESCI5F77RW8COIGZ/) and [“Managing and governing workload identities”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESTZ5WNB1OMKD9EV/) definitively provide greater insight. [...] UberEther showed in [“User Behavior Analytics: Marrying Identity and the SOC Like Peanut Butter and Jelly”](https://pheedloop.com/identiverse2021/virtual/?page%3Dsessions%26section%3DSESKWZML7NBJX42P3) how UBA (User Behavior Analytics) and UEBA (User Events Behavior Analysis) deliver additional value to help avoid threats in real-time and provide visibility to analysts.
* [2 special topics IIWs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0293.html) Kaliya IDwoman
we are pulling together these as an experiment based on feedback from the community in the closing circle of the last IIW.
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
> Sidetree protocols are layer 2 protocols that anchor to the underlying decentralized ledger system. That said, it is ledger agnostic and its primary role is to anchor batches of signed JSON operations to the network.
* [Sidetree Protocol reaches V1](https://blog.identity.foundation/sidetree-protocol-reaches-v1/) DIF
> This week, the DIF Steering Committee officially approved the first major release of the Sidetree Protocol specification, "v1" so to speak. This protocol has already been implemented, and four of its implementers have been collaborating intensively for over a year on expanding and extending this specification together.
* [@csuwildcat](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat) shares
> As of Friday, we believe v1 of ION is functionally code complete, and the Sidetree Working Group at DIF (@DecentralizedID) should have a v1 spec candidate ready for the underlying protocol by Jan 21st. Public v1 launch of the ION network on Bitcoin mainnet is just weeks away.
* [ION – We Have Liftoff!](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/identity-standards-blog/ion-we-have-liftoff/ba-p/1441555)
> We are excited to share that v1 of [ION](https://identity.foundation/ion/) is complete and has been launched on Bitcoin mainnet. We have deployed an ION node to our production infrastructure and are working together with other companies and organizations to do so as well. ION does not rely on centralized entities, trusted validators, or special protocol tokens – ION answers to no one but you, the community. Because ION is an open, permissionless system, anyone can run an ION node, in fact the more nodes in operation, the stronger the network becomes. Development of ION, and the Sidetree standard ION is based on, takes place in the [Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://identity.foundation/) (DIF). Read on to learn how you can integrate ION, DIDs, and Verifiable Credentials in your applications and services.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Web Standards
## List
- aggregate well-known-did-1-of-a 1 of a (intermediate)
- aggregate did-spec-registries-1-of-a Signature Implementations 1 of many (intermediate)
- aggregate did-spec-registries-1-of-b did-method 1 of many (intermediate)
@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
- MATTR bbs-signatures-spec [BBS+ Signature Scheme](https://mattrglobal.github.io/bbs-signatures-spec) (core)
- rdf-dataset-normalization [RDF Dataset Normalization](https://json-ld.github.io/normalization/spec) (non-core)
## W3C
### W3C
Decentralized Identifier ✓
- Explainer ✓
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ JSON-LD
- [W3C] ld-proofs [Linked Data Proofs](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-proofs) (core)
- [W3C] ld-cryptosuite-registry [Linked Data Cryptographic Suite Registry](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-cryptosuite-registry) (core)
### Data Privacy Vocab
* [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/collector/pages.action?key=WA&src=sidebar-pages](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/collector/pages.action?key%3DWA%26src%3Dsidebar-pages)
@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
## links
* [WAYF certificeret efter ISO 27001](https://www.wayf.dk/en/node/317)
WAYF has now been certified according to the standard for information security ISO 27001. This is the result of the audit that DNV conducted at WAYF on 23 September 2021. Language Danish Read more about WAYF certified according to ISO 27001
* [What Is ISO 27001:2013? A Guide for Businesses](https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-iso-27001-2013-a-guide-for-businesses/)
> ISO 27001 is also the cornerstone of a growing international consensus about data security best practices. Australia based its federal Digital Security Policy on ISO 27001. Likewise, ISO 27001 can provide guidance on how to meet the standards of other data privacy laws, such as the GDPR, which often direct companies to it as an example of universal best practices. So if you abide by ISO 27001’s recommendations, you’re on the right track for legal compliance, not to mention improved data security.
* [ISO/IEC 18013-5 vs Self-Sovereign Identity: A proposal for an mDL Verifiable Credential](https://www.procivis.ch/post/iso-iec-18013-5-vs-self-sovereign-identity-a-proposal-for-an-mdl-verifiable-credential) Procivis
in the context of government identity programs we see it as useful to compare them on the following parameters – background, credential data model & trust anchor and transmission protocols.
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
published: false
# Standards Orgs
## Contents
- W3C
## Links
## ITU-T
* [OASIS Open Establishes European Foundation to Advance Open Collaboration Opportunities](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/01/20/oasis-open-establishes-european-foundation-to-advance-open-collaboration-opportunities/)
> “The OASIS Open Europe Foundation gives us a unique opportunity to work with the European Union and EU Member States to advance open source and standards projects,”
* [Secure Credential Transfer](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-secure-credential-transfer-03.html) Vinokurov, Byington, Lerch, Pelletier, Sha
This document describes a mechanism to transfer digital credentials securely between two devices. Secure credentials may represent a digital key to a hotel room, a digital key to a door lock in a house or a digital key to a car. Devices that share credentials may belong to the same or two different platforms (e.g. iOS and Android). Secure transfer may include one or more write and read operations. Credential transfer needs to be performed securely due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Upcoming Work Group Calls
A lot of activity in this community happens every week in work groups. We are going to make more of an effort to highlight calls that may be of interest to folks and to do more coverage and linking to calls from the previous week that are interesting to a wider audience.
* [Subject Identifiers (IETF SECEVENT)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Apr/0017.html) Justin Richer (9 April)
The Security Events working group in the IETF (SECEVENT) has a standards-track draft for describing “subject identifiers” in various contexts.
* [https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html)
In short, it’s a way to say “this item is an email and here’s its value”, or “this item is an issuer/subject pair, here are those values”. This is useful in a variety of contexts where you want to identify someone but might have a variety of ways to do so.
I spoke with the editor of the draft to propose that we add a “did” format into this document, now that DID core is reasonably stable and the CR is published. She agreed that it would make sense but would rather have the experts in the DID community propose the actual text for the added section.
## W3C
* [The W3C’s Credentials Community is hosting a session on NFTs and Identity](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0049.html). 4/12 [9am PST](https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/weekly)
> There has been an explosion of interest in using NFT for identity, along with exploring how they could work with or support DIDs and VCs. Simone Ravaioli, Taylor Kendal and Heather Vescent have invited Evin Mcmullen of [Disco.xyz](https://www.disco.xyz/), Elina Cadouri of [Dock](https://www.dock.io/), Stepan Gershuni of [Affinidi](https://www.affinidi.com/) / [DeepSkills](https://www.deepskills.io/), and Dominik Beron of [Walt.id](https://walt.id/) to share their perspective on NFT identity and where it may overlap with DIDs and VCs
* [does the CCG have any thoughts about possible changes to W3C itself?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0067.html) Daniel Hardman (Saturday, 9 April)
This major organizational overhaul to the W3C is also happening at a time of unprecedented activity and change for the internet. Will the web support crypto and Web3 industry proposals? How will the web support advertising? What should be the baseline web browser security standards?
* [Announcement: W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0063.html) Kimberly Wilson Linson (Tuesday, 28 June)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en) W3.org
As W3C was created to address the needs of the early web, our evolution to a public-interest non-profit is not just to continue our community effort, but to mature and grow to meet the needs of the web of the future.
This week, we hit 5k followers on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID), driven in no small part by attention garnered by our [ToIP & DIF Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification becoming a W3C Standard](https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec/)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en)
> "We designed the W3C legal entity in a way that keeps our core unchanged," said Dr. Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. "Our values-driven work remains anchored in the royalty-free W3C Patent Policy, and the W3C Process Document where we enshrined dedication to security, privacy, internationalization and web accessibility. W3C and its Members will continue to play a fundamental role in making the web work for billions of people."
* [Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)](https://hedera.com/blog/hedera-hashgraph-joins-world-wide-web-consortium-w3c-new-did-method-published-by-w3c-credentials-community-group)
> We welcome Hedera as a contributing member to the W3C DID Working Group and congratulate their team for reaching this milestone of a published implementation of the latest W3C DID Identifiers v1.0 draft,” said Ivan Herman
* [Block Joins W3C](https://twitter.com/brockm/status/1526723285102120960) [@brockm](https://twitter.com/brockm)
> Today, we became a member of the [@W3C](https://twitter.com/w3c), as part of our commitment to building open standards for an open web. We are committed to advancing and adopting decentralized and privacy-preserving standards for self-sovereign digital identity that benefits all. Not centralized platforms.
### VC-EDU
* [VC-Educational Task Force](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2022-04-18-vc-education/) VCEdu Mailing List
> Dmitri Zagidulin: “with invisi edu here we've got two pressing problems [...] verifiable credentials that are going to be displayed in wallets but we also would like to bind them to more traditional display artifacts such as PDFs and that's what James is going to be talking about and the second one is [..] we want issuers to [...] at least advise to wallets, verifiers, and other software how to display the credential”
### CCG - Credentials community group
* [Harrison new Co-Chair of the CCG and CEO of Spokeo explaining SSI](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1545907309435428864) Harrison Tang @TheCEODad
Self-sovereign identity, or SSI, is basically an identity owned by you - the user. In self-sovereign identity, you control and manage the access to your information
* [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/meetings) - GitHub
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/) - W3C Community Page
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/) - Mailing List Arcives
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/) - GItHub Pages Site
* [CCG 101 - Help us know what is needed!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0150.html) Victor Syntez (Tuesday, 25 May)
I've invited you to fill out the following form:
CCG 101 - Help us know what’s needed!
To fill it out, visit:
* [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc%3D0%26amp;c%3D0%26amp;w%3D1%26amp;flr%3D0%26amp;usp%3Dmail_form_link)
* [CCG updates to cgbot and scribe-tool](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0169.html) Manu Sporny (Sunday, 30 May)
New CCG infrastructure features:
- Auto-presence - No one is required to present+ themselves any more. The cgbot does it for us now, saving our feeble sausage fingers from being over exerted.
- The Ryan Grant, Who We All Know And Love, Would Like To Know Where The Raw Transcripts Are Feature - When the cgbot closes out the meeting, it will let everyone in IRC know where the raw transcripts, audio, and video files are so anyone can download them and/or remix them to spread CCG propaganda. This will hopefully also save Heather from having to document yet another piece of tribal CCG knowledge.
- The You Exist Even Though You're Not in people.json Feature - When someone is present+'d, which is anyone that joins the call now thanks to auto-presence, that person will show up in the attendees list. This achieves two things 1) the poor minutes publisher can update the people.json at their leisure instead of being blocked by it whenever a new person shows up to a call, and 2) we get a more accurate record of attendees.
- The Fellow Jitser Invisibility Decloaker Feature - If you join the meeting with a new browser, or in Incognito mode, and you change your name from "Fellow Jister" to your preferred name, you never show up in the attendee list. People that change their names now show up in the attendee list. If you want to stay pseudonymous just give yourself an unrecognizable name... like "Robot Overlord".
* [...]
These are baby steps towards an attempt at auto-transcription and auto-publication of minutes. There are a few things that aren't automated yet (like auto-detecting the meeting name)... ETA on those upgrades is unknown since all these upgrades are on a best effort basis.
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/)
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/)
* [IRC mailing list bridge](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0117.html) Charles E. Lehner (Saturday, 23 April)
Notifications of messages to this mailing list (public-credentials) are now sent to our IRC channel (#ccg).
* [re: How to contribute to new standards work? (was:Re: RDF Dataset Canonicalization - Formal Proof)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0172.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 10 August)
* [The CCG Work Item process is outlined here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/):
* [Here's how you get started:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/edit%23heading%3Dh.f28tyzjvad8g)
This process is open to anyone -- no W3C Membership dues, fees, etc. required to participate.
* [Reminder: You can present to the CCG](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0151.html)
This is a friendly reminder that anyone in the community that is doing something interesting that you think the community should know about whether that work is done here in the CCG or elsewhere, can email the chairs with what you want to share and we can get you on the calendar. It's best if you email all 3 chairs.
* [Clarity about the group charter](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0044.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 22 June)
there are statements like: "Buy our products! We're the best!" (with nothing else that we can learn from) that is frowned upon... but, in general, even if it is a feature in one of your products, chances are that we want to hear about it if it has relevance to how we might interoperate on that feature (or use it to meet a goal of the community).
* [2022-2026 Verifiable Data Standards Roadmap [DRAFT]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0068.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 12 March)
## DID Working Group
* [https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/](https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/) - Website
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/) - LIst Archives
## Other
### OpenSSF
* [Digital Identity Attestation Roundup - Open Source Security Foundation](https://openssf.org/blog/2021/01/27/digital-identity-attestation-roundup/%23)
We kicked off the first Digital Identity Attestation Working Group meeting under the OpenSSF in August, 2020. The objective of this working group is to enable open source maintainers, contributors and end-users to understand and make decisions on the provenance or origin of the code they maintain, produce and use.
* [Digital Identity WG (September 30, 2020)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t%3D648%26v%3D6Ym5bXRuzZ8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be)
### CASA
* [Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CASA)
> The Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance (CASA) is a collection of working groups dedicated blockchain protocol-agnostic standards. CASA also publishes [Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs) which describe standards created by the different working groups.
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ published: false
* [DIDs are not enough - we need an Authoriziation standard too](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/api-access-security-for-dapps-cfcfa928623c) Energy Web
If you are a developer and want to write a DApp [...] you probably are using API-Keys in your front-end. If this is the case, then you should consider the security risk the publication of the API-Key in your front end represents and ask yourself if it would make sense to switch to a user authentication scheme.
## In general
* [FYI: What makes a standard ‘world class’?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0213.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Saturday, 14 August)
> - A world class standard should have well-defined objectives that respond to real needs in a timely manner.
> - Its technical content should be complete and accurate.
@ -50,34 +47,8 @@ Here’s my premise – we don’t have standards nor interoperability – at le
> Purple - General crypto packaging/protocol standards
> Orange - Application layer standards
### Verifier Universal Interface
* [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://essif-lab.eu/verifier-universal-interface-by-gataca-espana-s-l/)
> This draft version can be found at [https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/](https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/) and has been built using ReSpec.
> This draft version for VUI includes today 6 APIs:
> - Presentation Exchange
> - Consent Management
> - Schema resolution
> - Issuer resolution
> - ID resolution
> - Credential status resolution
### WebAuthn
* [W3C WebAuthn V2 Now a Standard](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2160) Mike Jones
> While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format. ([Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/REC-webauthn-2-20210408/)) ([CTAP also approaching standardization](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2155).
* [Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 2](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/). This specification defines an API enabling the creation and use of strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials by web applications, for the purpose of strongly authenticating users.
* [Second Version of W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) advances to Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2149)
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has published this [Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/) Level 2 specification, bringing the second version of WebAuthn one step closer to becoming a completed standard. While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format.
* [Near-Final Second W3C WebAuthn and FIDO2 CTAP Specifications](https://self-issued.info/?p=2143)
> The [W3C WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/blog/webauthn/) and [FIDO2](https://fidoalliance.org/fido2/) working groups have been busy this year preparing to finish second versions of the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and FIDO2 Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) specifications
### KMIP
* [OASIS releases KMIP 2.1](https://www.oasis-open.org/2020/12/18/key-management-interoperability-protocol-specification-and-key-management-interoperability-protocol-profiles-oasis-standards-published/)
> The Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is a single, comprehensive protocol for communication between clients that request any of a wide range of encryption keys and servers that store and manage those keys. By replacing redundant, incompatible key management protocols, KMIP provides better data security while at the same time reducing expenditures on multiple products.
### OMG
* [OMG ISSUES RFI FOR DISPOSABLE SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY STANDARD](https://www.omg.org/news/releases/pr2021/01-21-21.htm)
> This RFI aims to gain a better understanding of the self-sovereign identity space. In particular, the Blockchain PSIG is exploring the potential for standards setting in the area of contextually constrained or ‘disposable’ self-sovereign identity arrangements, building on top of existing W3C standards for self-sovereign identity [DID] and verifiable credentials [VC]. The aim of this RFI is to determine whether new standards for this specific aspect of self-sovereign identity are necessary, desirable and timely, and are not already being developed elsewhere. (The RFI)
@ -102,14 +73,7 @@ A [public presentation on the Disposable Self-sovereign Identity RFI](https://ww
Schema.org was founded on the idea of making it easier and simpler for the ordinary, everyday sites that make up the web to use machine-readable data, and for that data to enable an ecosystem of applications used by millions of people. While it's hard to predict exactly what the next decade will bring, if we can all keep these founding concerns in mind as we improve, refine and curate our growing collection of schemas, we'll be doing our part to continue improving the web.
## Identiverse
* [Reflections from Identiverse: Identity Security Threats & Trends](https://www.secureauth.com/blog/reflections-from-identiverse-identity-security-threats-and-trends/) SecureAuth
> talks like [“Simplify Your Least-Privilege Journey with Access Analysis”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESCI5F77RW8COIGZ/) and [“Managing and governing workload identities”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESTZ5WNB1OMKD9EV/) definitively provide greater insight. [...] UberEther showed in [“User Behavior Analytics: Marrying Identity and the SOC Like Peanut Butter and Jelly”](https://pheedloop.com/identiverse2021/virtual/?page%3Dsessions%26section%3DSESKWZML7NBJX42P3) how UBA (User Behavior Analytics) and UEBA (User Events Behavior Analysis) deliver additional value to help avoid threats in real-time and provide visibility to analysts.
## Oasis
* [Managed Open Projects: A New Way For Open Source and Open Standards To Collaborate](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/09/08/managed-open-projects/)
I recently pointed out in a [TechCrunch contribution](https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/09/a-revival-at-the-intersection-of-open-source-and-open-standards/) that the open source and open standards communities need to find ways to team up if they are to continue driving innovation and development of transformative technologies to push our society forward.
@ -117,32 +81,6 @@ I recently pointed out in a [TechCrunch contribution](https://techcrunch.com/20
JSON has its place. But I think we're overusing it in places where a good notation would serve us better.
## ISO 27001
* [WAYF certificeret efter ISO 27001](https://www.wayf.dk/en/node/317)
WAYF has now been certified according to the standard for information security ISO 27001. This is the result of the audit that DNV conducted at WAYF on 23 September 2021. Language Danish Read more about WAYF certified according to ISO 27001
* [What Is ISO 27001:2013? A Guide for Businesses](https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-iso-27001-2013-a-guide-for-businesses/)
> ISO 27001 is also the cornerstone of a growing international consensus about data security best practices. Australia based its federal Digital Security Policy on ISO 27001. Likewise, ISO 27001 can provide guidance on how to meet the standards of other data privacy laws, such as the GDPR, which often direct companies to it as an example of universal best practices. So if you abide by ISO 27001’s recommendations, you’re on the right track for legal compliance, not to mention improved data security.
## OpenBadges
* [Open Recognition is for every type of learning](https://blog.weareopen.coop/open-recognition-is-for-every-type-of-learning-ffd137a6fe17) From cold hard credentialing to warm fuzzy recognition
we want to explain what we talk about when we talk about Open Recognition. It builds on this [previous post](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629), and aims to move from the abstract to practicalities.
* [Keep Badges Weird is about breaking boundaries: How the KBW community is convening systems](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-is-about-breaking-boundaries-42afb0415826) WeAreOpenCoop
KBW helps people understand the badge landscape. The community is there to provide solidarity for badge champions and newbies. We do not assume prior knowledge of Open Badges or Verifiable Credentials. We recognise and celebrate those who can share their experience. Anyone interested in badges or integrating [Open Recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) are welcome to join.
* [Keep Badges Weird…](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-e26a1b055ff5) at the Badge Summit
> We have a new suite of badges to encourage participation, create value for others, and reflect on that experience. Participants will be able to both earn AND award badges, so they’ll have a chance to prove that they’ve understood the theory surrounding CoPs and badges as well as put those theories into practice.
* [Discover Open Badges 3.0!](https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/0bc15852-0f91-48c8-a7ca-478b246b553c) Keep Badges Weird
> 1. Check out the (accepted) [Open Badges 3.0 proposal](https://github.com/IMSGlobal/openbadges-specification/files/6977048/Proposal-Open-Badges-3.0-update-08-11-2021.pdf)
> 2. [Watch a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DQDGPwR1F3FY%26t%3D1357s) from the ePIC conference giving an overview of what Open Badges 3.0 will enable (or view the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NEJoQaI9b6KC1EFDDhR3MGybGVoa0R3bQh0xuKtUKkY)
> 3. Discuss what this means for you, your organisation, or your community in [this thread](https://app.participate.com/discussions/open-badges-3-0/68917656-db8f-4932-88fd-153fdb54e285)
* [Reflecting on the Evolving Badges and Credentials Ecosystem](https://blog.weareopen.coop/reflecting-on-the-evolving-badges-and-credentials-ecosystem-6efac4d673d3)
> Recently, the WAO team took the opportunity to update the badge platforms page on Badge Wiki, a knowledgebase for the Open Badge community. As the ecosystem continues to evolve we’re seeing some early platforms fall by the wayside and new platforms emerge.
* [What is Open Recognition, anyway?](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) Going beyond credentialing and the formal/informal divide
> Badges as credentials includes approaches that are well understood and largely replace or augment existing certification practices. Badges for recognition, however, include approaches that remain somewhat confusing to many people.
## Blockcerts
* [Blockcerts V3 release](https://community.blockcerts.org/t/blockcerts-v3-release/3022)
@ -162,15 +100,6 @@ KBW helps people understand the badge landscape. The community is there to provi
The SDI technology constitutes a very important example of decentralized counter-power to the web giants. The SDI maintains to keep the practicality of a unique identifier while guaranteeing the security of the data and the user's sovereignty over it
### CCI
* [Use Case Implementation Workstream](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/usecaseCCI) [usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io](mailto:usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io)
This is the Use Case Implementation Workstream of the [COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI)](https://www.covidcreds.com/). This workstream identifies privacy-preserving verifiable credentials (VCs) that are most useful to the COVID-19 response and provides a forum and platform for those who are implementing COVID VCs to present their projects/solutions.
* [@csuwildcat](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat) shares
> As of Friday, we believe v1 of ION is functionally code complete, and the Sidetree Working Group at DIF (@DecentralizedID) should have a v1 spec candidate ready for the underlying protocol by Jan 21st. Public v1 launch of the ION network on Bitcoin mainnet is just weeks away.
## Oberon protocol
@ -197,11 +126,6 @@ Family of standards related to timestamping
- [Nat has a presentation](https://nat.sakimura.org/2021/09/14/announcing-gain/)
- There is a [linked in Group](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12559000/)
* [Secure QR Code Authentication v1.0 from ESAT TC approved as a Committee Specification](https://www.oasis-open.org/2022/07/12/secure-qr-code-authentication-v1-0-from-esat-tc-approved-as-a-committee-specification/)
An alternative to passwords that includes QR Codes is described, and typical use cases are described. This document also provides an overview and context for using QR Codes for security purposes.
## JWP
* [JSON Web Proofs BoF at IETF 114 in Philadelphia](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2286)
@ -215,8 +139,6 @@ An alternative to passwords that includes QR Codes is described, and typical use
* [ONDC: An Open Network for Ecommerce](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/08/ondc_an_open_network_for_ecommerce.shtml) Phil Windley
* [Open Network for Digital Commerce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Network_for_Digital_Commerce) is a non-profit established by the Indian government to develop open ecommerce. The goal is to end platform monopolies in ecommerce using an open protocol called [Beckn](https://developers.becknprotocol.io/). I'd never heard of Beckn before. From the reaction on the VRM mailing list, not many there had either.
## JWT
### BBS Creds
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* [Secure QR Code Authentication v1.0 from ESAT TC approved as a Committee Specification](https://www.oasis-open.org/2022/07/12/secure-qr-code-authentication-v1-0-from-esat-tc-approved-as-a-committee-specification/)
An alternative to passwords that includes QR Codes is described, and typical use cases are described. This document also provides an overview and context for using QR Codes for security purposes.
## Oasis
* [Managed Open Projects: A New Way For Open Source and Open Standards To Collaborate](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/09/08/managed-open-projects/)
I recently pointed out in a [TechCrunch contribution](https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/09/a-revival-at-the-intersection-of-open-source-and-open-standards/) that the open source and open standards communities need to find ways to team up if they are to continue driving innovation and development of transformative technologies to push our society forward.
### KMIP
* [OASIS releases KMIP 2.1](https://www.oasis-open.org/2020/12/18/key-management-interoperability-protocol-specification-and-key-management-interoperability-protocol-profiles-oasis-standards-published/)
> The Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is a single, comprehensive protocol for communication between clients that request any of a wide range of encryption keys and servers that store and manage those keys. By replacing redundant, incompatible key management protocols, KMIP provides better data security while at the same time reducing expenditures on multiple products.
@ -14,7 +14,13 @@ published: false
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYb9bUyIPEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DlYb9bUyIPEw)
## iiw
* [@IDWorkshop (IIW) tweeting from the Flickr Archives](https://twitter.com/idworkshop/status/1471905005556822017?s%3D20)
Check out these [photos from IIW 1 in 2005](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/iiw2005/page1/)
## InCommon
* [Federated Identity, InCommon, and Enabling Federated Access to Research Services](https://njedge.net/blog/federated-identity-incommon-and-enabling-federated-access-to-research-services/)
> The panel will review the concepts of federated identities, authentication, and the role attributes play in managing access to services. They’ll further describe how the InCommon Federation and eduGAIN enable academic collaboration across local, regional, national, and international scales, discuss technical alternatives for participation in InCommon, and delve a bit into how research communities and research cyberinfrastructures manage federated access to their services.
@ -36,7 +42,8 @@ published: false
### Sovrin
* [Sovrin Update: Supporting Commercial Development of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D12M/_Sovrin_Update:_Supporting_Commercial_Development_of_SSI%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sumiran Garg, Chris Raczkowski
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/promoting-banking-for-all-announcing-the-compliance-inclusive-finance-working-group-cifwg-340633ef3e6c) Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
* [WHiSSPr Risk for People](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D20E/_WHiSSPRr_Risk_for_People%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sal D’Agostino
@ -75,27 +82,12 @@ conversations about digital identity innovation were mostly treated as a develop
The Center recently launched the [Institute for Rebooting Social Media](https://cyber.harvard.edu/programs/institute-rebooting-social-media) [...] In connection with this Institute and the [Berkman Klein Research Sprints](https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2020-10/research-sprint-participants-explore-digital-transformation-time-crisis-focus), and through the Center’s ongoing work with the over 100 international [Network of Internet and Society Research Centers](http://networkofcenters.net/), the Center will support conversations about digital identity issues that will reach diverse and interdisciplinary communities of research and practice.
### IIW
* [@IDWorkshop (IIW) tweeting from the Flickr Archives](https://twitter.com/idworkshop/status/1471905005556822017?s%3D20)
Check out these [photos from IIW 1 in 2005](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/iiw2005/page1/)
* [src](https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisheuer/57584208/in/photolist-5YzQy-613Xi-5YztD-613UK-5YBEi-669qJ-6153X-63sGm-65uyW-63sKa-63sHi-63sJv-6682a-669uE-5YzVT-68VoW-6685y-668ju-68VjB-669om-65uHm-65UDr-668pr-6689z-68Vd9-65Urf-68V8M-6693d-68V51-668vo-68Vhj-6696s-669jG-669eG-668z5-65Uvh-668ZD-668K2-668Vm-668rU-669ah-668Mb-668QJ-65uDA-668FE-65uFG-65UGT-65Uza-65uC8-65uAq/)
## Nevermined
* [7 Essential building blocks of decentralized digital ecosystems](https://medium.com/nevermined-io/what-decentralized-building-blocks-exist-to-build-your-digital-ecosystem-a2173550cc57) Nevermined
> The original goal of Nevermined was to allow data sharing and privacy-preserving computation. During the development journey, the above building blocks emerged as design principles, but after speaking with various organizations, we realized these components are actually the foundations that allow us to solve more complex problems, not only based on classical data center problems.
## Sovrin
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/promoting-banking-for-all-announcing-the-compliance-inclusive-finance-working-group-cifwg-340633ef3e6c) Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
## ID2020
* [ID2020 Welcomes BLOK Solutions to the Alliance](https://medium.com/id2020/id2020-welcomes-blok-solutions-to-the-alliance-1c53e952930c)
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# Standards Orgs
## Contents
- W3C
## Links
## ITU-T
* [OASIS Open Establishes European Foundation to Advance Open Collaboration Opportunities](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/01/20/oasis-open-establishes-european-foundation-to-advance-open-collaboration-opportunities/)
> “The OASIS Open Europe Foundation gives us a unique opportunity to work with the European Union and EU Member States to advance open source and standards projects,”
* [Secure Credential Transfer](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-secure-credential-transfer-03.html) Vinokurov, Byington, Lerch, Pelletier, Sha
This document describes a mechanism to transfer digital credentials securely between two devices. Secure credentials may represent a digital key to a hotel room, a digital key to a door lock in a house or a digital key to a car. Devices that share credentials may belong to the same or two different platforms (e.g. iOS and Android). Secure transfer may include one or more write and read operations. Credential transfer needs to be performed securely due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Upcoming Work Group Calls
A lot of activity in this community happens every week in work groups. We are going to make more of an effort to highlight calls that may be of interest to folks and to do more coverage and linking to calls from the previous week that are interesting to a wider audience.
* [Subject Identifiers (IETF SECEVENT)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Apr/0017.html) Justin Richer (9 April)
The Security Events working group in the IETF (SECEVENT) has a standards-track draft for describing “subject identifiers” in various contexts.
* [https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html)
In short, it’s a way to say “this item is an email and here’s its value”, or “this item is an issuer/subject pair, here are those values”. This is useful in a variety of contexts where you want to identify someone but might have a variety of ways to do so.
I spoke with the editor of the draft to propose that we add a “did” format into this document, now that DID core is reasonably stable and the CR is published. She agreed that it would make sense but would rather have the experts in the DID community propose the actual text for the added section.
## Other
### OpenSSF
* [Digital Identity Attestation Roundup - Open Source Security Foundation](https://openssf.org/blog/2021/01/27/digital-identity-attestation-roundup/%23)
We kicked off the first Digital Identity Attestation Working Group meeting under the OpenSSF in August, 2020. The objective of this working group is to enable open source maintainers, contributors and end-users to understand and make decisions on the provenance or origin of the code they maintain, produce and use.
* [Digital Identity WG (September 30, 2020)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t%3D648%26v%3D6Ym5bXRuzZ8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be)
### CASA
* [Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CASA)
> The Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance (CASA) is a collection of working groups dedicated blockchain protocol-agnostic standards. CASA also publishes [Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs) which describe standards created by the different working groups.
@ -16,3 +16,71 @@ Harrison Tang, CEO of Spokeo, [is the new co-chair of the CCG](https://twitter.c
W3C CCG (World Wide Web Consortium’s Credentials Community Group) aims to explore the creation, storage, presentation, verification, and user control of credentials (i.e. a set of claims made about someone, or a person record).
### VC-EDU
* [VC-Educational Task Force](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2022-04-18-vc-education/) VCEdu Mailing List
> Dmitri Zagidulin: “with invisi edu here we've got two pressing problems [...] verifiable credentials that are going to be displayed in wallets but we also would like to bind them to more traditional display artifacts such as PDFs and that's what James is going to be talking about and the second one is [..] we want issuers to [...] at least advise to wallets, verifiers, and other software how to display the credential”
### CCG - Credentials community group
* [Harrison new Co-Chair of the CCG and CEO of Spokeo explaining SSI](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1545907309435428864) Harrison Tang @TheCEODad
Self-sovereign identity, or SSI, is basically an identity owned by you - the user. In self-sovereign identity, you control and manage the access to your information
* [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/meetings) - GitHub
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/) - W3C Community Page
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/) - Mailing List Arcives
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/) - GItHub Pages Site
* [CCG 101 - Help us know what is needed!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0150.html) Victor Syntez (Tuesday, 25 May)
I've invited you to fill out the following form:
CCG 101 - Help us know what’s needed!
To fill it out, visit:
* [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc%3D0%26amp;c%3D0%26amp;w%3D1%26amp;flr%3D0%26amp;usp%3Dmail_form_link)
* [CCG updates to cgbot and scribe-tool](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0169.html) Manu Sporny (Sunday, 30 May)
New CCG infrastructure features:
- Auto-presence - No one is required to present+ themselves any more. The cgbot does it for us now, saving our feeble sausage fingers from being over exerted.
- The Ryan Grant, Who We All Know And Love, Would Like To Know Where The Raw Transcripts Are Feature - When the cgbot closes out the meeting, it will let everyone in IRC know where the raw transcripts, audio, and video files are so anyone can download them and/or remix them to spread CCG propaganda. This will hopefully also save Heather from having to document yet another piece of tribal CCG knowledge.
- The You Exist Even Though You're Not in people.json Feature - When someone is present+'d, which is anyone that joins the call now thanks to auto-presence, that person will show up in the attendees list. This achieves two things 1) the poor minutes publisher can update the people.json at their leisure instead of being blocked by it whenever a new person shows up to a call, and 2) we get a more accurate record of attendees.
- The Fellow Jitser Invisibility Decloaker Feature - If you join the meeting with a new browser, or in Incognito mode, and you change your name from "Fellow Jister" to your preferred name, you never show up in the attendee list. People that change their names now show up in the attendee list. If you want to stay pseudonymous just give yourself an unrecognizable name... like "Robot Overlord".
* [...]
These are baby steps towards an attempt at auto-transcription and auto-publication of minutes. There are a few things that aren't automated yet (like auto-detecting the meeting name)... ETA on those upgrades is unknown since all these upgrades are on a best effort basis.
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/)
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/)
* [IRC mailing list bridge](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0117.html) Charles E. Lehner (Saturday, 23 April)
Notifications of messages to this mailing list (public-credentials) are now sent to our IRC channel (#ccg).
* [re: How to contribute to new standards work? (was:Re: RDF Dataset Canonicalization - Formal Proof)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0172.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 10 August)
* [The CCG Work Item process is outlined here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/):
* [Here's how you get started:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/edit%23heading%3Dh.f28tyzjvad8g)
This process is open to anyone -- no W3C Membership dues, fees, etc. required to participate.
* [Reminder: You can present to the CCG](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0151.html)
This is a friendly reminder that anyone in the community that is doing something interesting that you think the community should know about whether that work is done here in the CCG or elsewhere, can email the chairs with what you want to share and we can get you on the calendar. It's best if you email all 3 chairs.
* [Clarity about the group charter](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0044.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 22 June)
there are statements like: "Buy our products! We're the best!" (with nothing else that we can learn from) that is frowned upon... but, in general, even if it is a feature in one of your products, chances are that we want to hear about it if it has relevance to how we might interoperate on that feature (or use it to meet a goal of the community).
* [2022-2026 Verifiable Data Standards Roadmap [DRAFT]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0068.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 12 March)
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# W3C
* [The W3C’s Credentials Community is hosting a session on NFTs and Identity](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0049.html). 4/12 [9am PST](https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/weekly)
> There has been an explosion of interest in using NFT for identity, along with exploring how they could work with or support DIDs and VCs. Simone Ravaioli, Taylor Kendal and Heather Vescent have invited Evin Mcmullen of [Disco.xyz](https://www.disco.xyz/), Elina Cadouri of [Dock](https://www.dock.io/), Stepan Gershuni of [Affinidi](https://www.affinidi.com/) / [DeepSkills](https://www.deepskills.io/), and Dominik Beron of [Walt.id](https://walt.id/) to share their perspective on NFT identity and where it may overlap with DIDs and VCs
* [does the CCG have any thoughts about possible changes to W3C itself?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0067.html) Daniel Hardman (Saturday, 9 April)
This major organizational overhaul to the W3C is also happening at a time of unprecedented activity and change for the internet. Will the web support crypto and Web3 industry proposals? How will the web support advertising? What should be the baseline web browser security standards?
* [Announcement: W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0063.html) Kimberly Wilson Linson (Tuesday, 28 June)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en) W3.org
As W3C was created to address the needs of the early web, our evolution to a public-interest non-profit is not just to continue our community effort, but to mature and grow to meet the needs of the web of the future.
This week, we hit 5k followers on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID), driven in no small part by attention garnered by our [ToIP & DIF Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification becoming a W3C Standard](https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec/)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en)
> "We designed the W3C legal entity in a way that keeps our core unchanged," said Dr. Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. "Our values-driven work remains anchored in the royalty-free W3C Patent Policy, and the W3C Process Document where we enshrined dedication to security, privacy, internationalization and web accessibility. W3C and its Members will continue to play a fundamental role in making the web work for billions of people."
* [Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)](https://hedera.com/blog/hedera-hashgraph-joins-world-wide-web-consortium-w3c-new-did-method-published-by-w3c-credentials-community-group)
> We welcome Hedera as a contributing member to the W3C DID Working Group and congratulate their team for reaching this milestone of a published implementation of the latest W3C DID Identifiers v1.0 draft,” said Ivan Herman
* [Block Joins W3C](https://twitter.com/brockm/status/1526723285102120960) [@brockm](https://twitter.com/brockm)
> Today, we became a member of the [@W3C](https://twitter.com/w3c), as part of our commitment to building open standards for an open web. We are committed to advancing and adopting decentralized and privacy-preserving standards for self-sovereign digital identity that benefits all. Not centralized platforms.
### WebAuthn
* [W3C WebAuthn V2 Now a Standard](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2160) Mike Jones
> While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format. ([Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/REC-webauthn-2-20210408/)) ([CTAP also approaching standardization](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2155).
* [Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 2](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/). This specification defines an API enabling the creation and use of strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials by web applications, for the purpose of strongly authenticating users.
* [Second Version of W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) advances to Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2149)
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has published this [Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/) Level 2 specification, bringing the second version of WebAuthn one step closer to becoming a completed standard. While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format.
* [Near-Final Second W3C WebAuthn and FIDO2 CTAP Specifications](https://self-issued.info/?p=2143)
> The [W3C WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/blog/webauthn/) and [FIDO2](https://fidoalliance.org/fido2/) working groups have been busy this year preparing to finish second versions of the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and FIDO2 Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) specifications
## DID Working Group
* [https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/](https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/) - Website
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/) - LIst Archives
@ -48,6 +48,24 @@ As one system begins to deteriorate, a new system begins to emerge. This got us
* [Creating a culture of recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/creating-a-culture-of-recognition-39ffdb6cf943) We Are Open co-op
Too often, though, these badges focus on credentialing rather than recognition. Open Recognition is the awareness and appreciation of talents, skills and aspirations in ways that go beyond
## OpenBadges
* [Open Recognition is for every type of learning](https://blog.weareopen.coop/open-recognition-is-for-every-type-of-learning-ffd137a6fe17) From cold hard credentialing to warm fuzzy recognition
we want to explain what we talk about when we talk about Open Recognition. It builds on this [previous post](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629), and aims to move from the abstract to practicalities.
* [Keep Badges Weird is about breaking boundaries: How the KBW community is convening systems](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-is-about-breaking-boundaries-42afb0415826) WeAreOpenCoop
KBW helps people understand the badge landscape. The community is there to provide solidarity for badge champions and newbies. We do not assume prior knowledge of Open Badges or Verifiable Credentials. We recognise and celebrate those who can share their experience. Anyone interested in badges or integrating [Open Recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) are welcome to join.
* [Keep Badges Weird…](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-e26a1b055ff5) at the Badge Summit
> We have a new suite of badges to encourage participation, create value for others, and reflect on that experience. Participants will be able to both earn AND award badges, so they’ll have a chance to prove that they’ve understood the theory surrounding CoPs and badges as well as put those theories into practice.
* [Discover Open Badges 3.0!](https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/0bc15852-0f91-48c8-a7ca-478b246b553c) Keep Badges Weird
> 1. Check out the (accepted) [Open Badges 3.0 proposal](https://github.com/IMSGlobal/openbadges-specification/files/6977048/Proposal-Open-Badges-3.0-update-08-11-2021.pdf)
> 2. [Watch a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DQDGPwR1F3FY%26t%3D1357s) from the ePIC conference giving an overview of what Open Badges 3.0 will enable (or view the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NEJoQaI9b6KC1EFDDhR3MGybGVoa0R3bQh0xuKtUKkY)
> 3. Discuss what this means for you, your organisation, or your community in [this thread](https://app.participate.com/discussions/open-badges-3-0/68917656-db8f-4932-88fd-153fdb54e285)
* [Reflecting on the Evolving Badges and Credentials Ecosystem](https://blog.weareopen.coop/reflecting-on-the-evolving-badges-and-credentials-ecosystem-6efac4d673d3)
> Recently, the WAO team took the opportunity to update the badge platforms page on Badge Wiki, a knowledgebase for the Open Badge community. As the ecosystem continues to evolve we’re seeing some early platforms fall by the wayside and new platforms emerge.
* [What is Open Recognition, anyway?](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) Going beyond credentialing and the formal/informal divide
> Badges as credentials includes approaches that are well understood and largely replace or augment existing certification practices. Badges for recognition, however, include approaches that remain somewhat confusing to many people.
* [How badges can change the world: Part 2: Why we need to transition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-badges-can-change-the-world-65395581f90c)
@ -480,3 +480,16 @@ On March 24th, 2022, [the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement o
* [the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge](http://validatedid.com/post-en/the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge) ValidatedID
> There’s an outstanding question, for us, around how this community explores and thinks about the theoretical underpinnings of a Community of Practice (CoP), but one thing is for sure, Keep Badges Weird is a CoP.
### Verifier Universal Interface
* [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://essif-lab.eu/verifier-universal-interface-by-gataca-espana-s-l/)
> This draft version can be found at [https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/](https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/) and has been built using ReSpec.
> This draft version for VUI includes today 6 APIs:
> - Presentation Exchange
> - Consent Management
> - Schema resolution
> - Issuer resolution
> - ID resolution
> - Credential status resolution
@ -503,6 +503,10 @@ ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being
The DIVOC project is hosted and maintained by [India’s eGov Foundation](https://egov.org.in/) and is available as an MIT-licensed open source software package DIVOC is also supported by various multilateral funding institutions, as well as a community of software contributors and adopters in various geographies. DIVOC’s verifiable COVID credentials have also been tested for interoperability with several consumer-health and locker applications globally; and DIVOC’s certificates from the adopter countries can now be scanned/read/ingested by these domestic and international applications.
* [From Closed Loop Systems to Open World COVID Credentials Exchange](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/CCI-Summit-Summary-Report-From-Closed-to-Open.pdf) CCI Report
> This summit, convened by CCI, was designed to beginarticulating a roadmap to get from closed loop systems to an open systemwhere it doesn’t matter if issuers, holders and verifiers are using the tool provided by the same solution provider as long as all solution providers are building on a certain common ground.The discussion focused on domestic reopening use cases using the US as the context.
* [Use Case Implementation Workstream](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/usecaseCCI) [usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io](mailto:usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io)
This is the Use Case Implementation Workstream of the [COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI)](https://www.covidcreds.com/). This workstream identifies privacy-preserving verifiable credentials (VCs) that are most useful to the COVID-19 response and provides a forum and platform for those who are implementing COVID VCs to present their projects/solutions.
* [Introducing the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.lfph.io/2021/06/08/gccn/)
* [Implementing the Good Health Pass’s recommendations with Cardea](https://indicio.tech/blog/implementing-the-good-health-passs-recommendations-with-cardea/)
> Cardea, a full, open-source ecosystem for verifiable health credentials developed by Indicio and now a community-led project at LFPH, meets the major recommendations of the Good Health Pass and facilitates the goals of the Global COVID Certificate Network.
@ -117,8 +117,6 @@ The earliest discussion of the phrase I could find is a [blog post](https://blo
* [EPS for SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity)](https://medium.com/@kokumai/eps-for-ssi-self-sovereign-identity-8c742e2b1d02)
> you might be interested to hear that the core of EPS is designed to convert images to high-entropy codes, which work as very long passwords and also as the seeds of symmetric or asymmetric cryptographic keys.
* [Testing self-sovereign identity with the Lissi demo](https://lissi-id.medium.com/testing-self-sovereign-identity-with-the-lissi-demo-854e73d05aad)
> We are convinced this demonstrated user flow can help to better understand the interactions in a digital identity ecosystem such as [IDunion](https://idunion.org/). [...] The Lissi team is in discussion with trust service providers, authorities, municipalities, agencies, associations and other relevant stakeholders to meet all the necessary requirements and provide you with the best user experience.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for Social Impact & Importance of UX](https://northernblock.io/self-sovereign-identity-for-social-impact-with-jimmy-snoek/) Jimmy J.P. Snoek, Tykn
> We saw pretty early that the puristic view of SSI, in terms of having everything stored on edge wallets — when you go to somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, that’s going to be pretty difficult, when there’s maybe one phone in a village and it’s not even necessarily a smartphone. It’s very easy to say, “Oh yeah, but within SSI, everything has to be stored on the edge wallet.” What we saw was that if you make that this hard requirement, and keep working from that, then all these population groups are just going to be left behind more and more.
* [Sexism in Facial Recognition Technology](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/sexism-in-facial-recognition-technology-d5e547a6e7bc) Berkman Klien Center
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