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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
BUNDLE_PATH: "vendor/bundle"
@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ _posts/companies/2020-12-31-blockpass.md
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remote: https://rubygems.org/
activesupport (
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tzinfo (~> 1.1)
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liquid (= 4.0.4)
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@ -87,13 +86,13 @@ GEM
activesupport (>= 2)
nokogiri (>= 1.4)
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i18n (0.9.5)
i18n (1.12.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
jekyll (3.9.2)
jekyll (3.9.3)
addressable (~> 2.4)
colorator (~> 1.0)
em-websocket (~> 0.5)
i18n (~> 0.7)
i18n (>= 0.7, < 2)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3)
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coffee-script-source (~> 1.11.1)
jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0)
commonmarker (~> 0.22)
jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.2.0)
commonmarker (~> 0.23.4)
jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.4.0)
commonmarker (~> 0.23.7)
jekyll (~> 3.9.0)
jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0)
rouge (>= 2.0, < 4.0)
rouge (>= 2.0, < 5.0)
jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-feed (0.15.1)
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kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
kramdown (~> 2.0)
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liquid (4.0.4)
listen (3.8.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
mercenary (0.3.6)
mini_portile2 (2.8.1)
minima (2.5.1)
jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0)
jekyll-feed (~> 0.9)
jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1)
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nokogiri (1.14.0)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0)
nokogiri (1.14.1-x86_64-linux)
racc (~> 1.4)
octokit (4.25.1)
faraday (>= 1, < 3)
@ -242,20 +239,18 @@ GEM
unf (~> 0.1.4)
terminal-table (1.8.0)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
thread_safe (0.3.6)
typhoeus (1.4.0)
ethon (>= 0.9.0)
tzinfo (1.2.10)
thread_safe (~> 0.1)
tzinfo (2.0.6)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
unf (0.1.4)
unf_ext (
unicode-display_width (1.8.0)
webrick (1.7.0)
zeitwerk (2.6.6)
webrick (1.8.1)
@ -266,4 +261,4 @@ DEPENDENCIES
@ -10,20 +10,14 @@
{% assign title = post.title %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ include.type | default: "list" }}__item">
<div class="{{ include.type | default: 'list' }}__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
{% if include.type == "grid" and teaser %}
<div class="archive__item-teaser">
<img src=
{% if teaser contains "://" %}
"{{ teaser }}"
{% else %}
"{{ teaser | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ teaser | relative_url }}" alt="">
{% endif %}
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<h3 class="archive__item-title no_toc" itemprop="headline">
{% if post.link %}
<a href="{{ post.link }}">{{ title }}</a> <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" rel="permalink"><i class="fas fa-link" aria-hidden="true" title="permalink"></i><span class="sr-only">Permalink</span></a>
{% else %}
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
{% if post.header.teaser %}
{% capture teaser %}{{ post.header.teaser }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign teaser = site.teaser %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.id %}
{% assign title = post.title | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" %}
{% else %}
{% assign title = post.title %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ include.type | default: "list" }}__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
{% if include.type == "grid" and teaser %}
<div class="archive__item-teaser">
<img src=
{% if teaser contains "://" %}
"{{ teaser }}"
{% else %}
"{{ teaser | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
{% if post.link %}
<a href="{{ post.link }}">{{ title }}</a> <a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" rel="permalink"><i class="fas fa-link" aria-hidden="true" title="permalink"></i><span class="sr-only">Permalink</span></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" rel="permalink">{{ title }}</a>
{% endif %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<a href="http://link-to-whatever-social-network.com/user/" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<a href="http://link-to-whatever-social-network.com/user/" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fas fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i> Custom Social Profile Link
@ -1,41 +1,24 @@
{% assign author = page.author | default: page.authors[0] | default: site.author %}
{% assign author = site.data.authors[author] | default: author %}
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" class="h-card">
{% if author.avatar %}
<div class="author__avatar">
{% if author.avatar contains "://" %}
{% assign author_src = author.avatar %}
{% else %}
{% assign author_src = author.avatar | relative_url %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.home %}
{% if author.home contains "://" %}
{% assign author_link = author.home %}
{% else %}
{% assign author_link = author.home | relative_url %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ author_link }}">
<img src="{{ author_src }}" alt="{{ author.name }}" itemprop="image">
{% else %}
<img src="{{ author_src }}" alt="{{ author.name }}" itemprop="image">
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ author.home | default: '/' | absolute_url }}">
<img src="{{ author.avatar | relative_url }}" alt="{{ author.name }}" itemprop="image" class="u-photo">
{% endif %}
<div class="author__content">
{% if author.home %}
<a href="{{ author_link }}"><h3 class="author__name" itemprop="name">{{ author.name }}</h3></a>
{% else %}
<h3 class="author__name" itemprop="name">{{ author.name }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<h3 class="author__name p-name" itemprop="name">
<a class="u-url" rel="me" href="{{ author.home | default: '/' | absolute_url }}" itemprop="url">{{ author.name }}</a>
{% if author.bio %}
<p class="author__bio" itemprop="description">
{{ author.bio }}
<div class="author__bio p-note" itemprop="description">
{{ author.bio | markdownify }}
{% endif %}
@ -44,159 +27,159 @@
<ul class="author__urls social-icons">
{% if author.location %}
<li itemprop="homeLocation" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Place">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-map-marker-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span itemprop="name">{{ author.location }}</span>
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-map-marker-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span itemprop="name" class="p-locality">{{ author.location }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.links %}
{% for link in author.links %}
{% if link.label and link.url %}
<li><a href="{{ link.url }}" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"><i class="{{ link.icon | default: 'fas fa-link' }}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ link.label }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ link.url }}" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me"{% if link.url contains 'http' %} itemprop="sameAs"{% endif %}><i class="{{ link.icon | default: 'fas fa-link' }}" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">{{ link.label }}</span></a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if author.uri %}
<a href="{{ author.uri }}" itemprop="url">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].website_label | default: "Website" }}
<a href="{{ author.uri }}" itemprop="url" rel="me">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].website_label | default: "Website" }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.email %}
<a href="mailto:{{ author.email }}">
<a href="mailto:{{ author.email }}" rel="me" class="u-email">
<meta itemprop="email" content="{{ author.email }}" />
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].email_label | default: "Email" }}
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].email_label | default: "Email" }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.keybase %}
<a href="https://keybase.io/{{ author.keybase }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fas fa-fw fa-key" aria-hidden="true"></i> Keybase
<a href="https://keybase.io/{{ author.keybase }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-keybase" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Keybase</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.twitter %}
<a href="https://twitter.com/{{ author.twitter }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Twitter
<a href="https://twitter.com/{{ author.twitter }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Twitter</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.facebook %}
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/{{ author.facebook }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Facebook
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/{{ author.facebook }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Facebook</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.linkedin %}
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/{{ author.linkedin }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i> LinkedIn
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/{{ author.linkedin }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">LinkedIn</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.xing %}
<a href="https://www.xing.com/profile/{{ author.xing }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-xing-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> XING
<a href="https://www.xing.com/profile/{{ author.xing }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-xing-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">XING</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.instagram %}
<a href="https://instagram.com/{{ author.instagram }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i> Instagram
<a href="https://instagram.com/{{ author.instagram }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Instagram</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.tumblr %}
<a href="https://{{ author.tumblr }}.tumblr.com" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-tumblr-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Tumblr
<a href="https://{{ author.tumblr }}.tumblr.com" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-tumblr-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Tumblr</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.bitbucket %}
<a href="https://bitbucket.org/{{ author.bitbucket }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-bitbucket" aria-hidden="true"></i> Bitbucket
<a href="https://bitbucket.org/{{ author.bitbucket }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-bitbucket" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Bitbucket</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.github %}
<a href="https://github.com/{{ author.github }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-github" aria-hidden="true"></i> GitHub
<a href="https://github.com/{{ author.github }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-github" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">GitHub</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.gitlab %}
<a href="https://gitlab.com/{{ author.gitlab }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-gitlab" aria-hidden="true"></i> GitLab
<a href="https://gitlab.com/{{ author.gitlab }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-gitlab" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">GitLab</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.stackoverflow %}
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/{{ author.stackoverflow }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-stack-overflow" aria-hidden="true"></i> Stack Overflow
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/users/{{ author.stackoverflow }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-stack-overflow" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Stack Overflow</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.lastfm %}
<a href="https://last.fm/user/{{ author.lastfm }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-lastfm-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> Last.fm
<a href="https://last.fm/user/{{ author.lastfm }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-lastfm-square" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Last.fm</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.dribbble %}
<a href="https://dribbble.com/{{ author.dribbble }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-dribbble" aria-hidden="true"></i> Dribbble
<a href="https://dribbble.com/{{ author.dribbble }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-dribbble" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Dribbble</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.pinterest %}
<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/{{ author.pinterest }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-pinterest" aria-hidden="true"></i> Pinterest
<a href="https://www.pinterest.com/{{ author.pinterest }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-pinterest" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Pinterest</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.foursquare %}
<a href="https://foursquare.com/{{ author.foursquare }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-foursquare" aria-hidden="true"></i> Foursquare
<a href="https://foursquare.com/{{ author.foursquare }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-foursquare" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Foursquare</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.steam %}
<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/id/{{ author.steam }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-steam" aria-hidden="true"></i> Steam
<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/id/{{ author.steam }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-steam" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Steam</span>
{% endif %}
@ -204,14 +187,14 @@
{% if author.youtube %}
{% if author.youtube contains "://" %}
<a href="{{ author.youtube }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i> YouTube
<a href="{{ author.youtube }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">YouTube</span>
{% else author.youtube %}
{% elsif author.youtube %}
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/{{ author.youtube }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i> YouTube
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/{{ author.youtube }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">YouTube</span>
{% endif %}
@ -219,40 +202,40 @@
{% if author.soundcloud %}
<a href="https://soundcloud.com/{{ author.soundcloud }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-soundcloud" aria-hidden="true"></i> SoundCloud
<a href="https://soundcloud.com/{{ author.soundcloud }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-soundcloud" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">SoundCloud</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.weibo %}
<a href="https://www.weibo.com/{{ author.weibo }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-weibo" aria-hidden="true"></i> Weibo
<a href="https://www.weibo.com/{{ author.weibo }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-weibo" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Weibo</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.flickr %}
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/{{ author.flickr }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-flickr" aria-hidden="true"></i> Flickr
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/{{ author.flickr }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-flickr" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">Flickr</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.codepen %}
<a href="https://codepen.io/{{ author.codepen }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-codepen" aria-hidden="true"></i> CodePen
<a href="https://codepen.io/{{ author.codepen }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-codepen" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">CodePen</span>
{% endif %}
{% if author.vine %}
<a href="https://vine.co/u/{{ author.vine }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-vine" aria-hidden="true"></i> Vine
<a href="https://vine.co/u/{{ author.vine }}" itemprop="sameAs" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer me">
<i class="fab fa-fw fa-vine" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="label">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].email_label | default: "Email" }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
{% for crumb in crumbs offset: 1 %}
{% if forloop.first %}
<li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ListItem">
<a href="{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}/" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].breadcrumb_home_label | default: "Home" }}</span></a>
<a href="{{ '/' | relative_url }}" itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].breadcrumb_home_label | default: "Home" }}</span></a>
<meta itemprop="position" content="{{ i }}" />
<span class="sep">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].breadcrumb_separator | default: "/" }}</span>
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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<div class="notice--danger align-center" style="margin: 0;">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="https://browsehappy.com/">upgrade your browser</a> to improve your experience.</div>
@ -6,20 +6,13 @@
{% endcase %}
{% if site.category_archive.path %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Sort alphabetically regardless of case e.g. a B c d E -->
<!-- modified from http://www.codeofclimber.ru/2015/sorting-site-tags-in-jekyll/ -->
{% endcomment %}
{% capture page_categories %}{% for category in page.categories %}{{ category | downcase }}|{{ category }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign category_hashes = page_categories | split: ',' | sort %}
{% assign categories_sorted = page.categories | sort_natural %}
<p class="page__taxonomy">
<strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-folder-open" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].categories_label | default: "Categories:" }} </strong>
<span itemprop="keywords">
{% for hash in category_hashes %}
{% assign keyValue = hash | split: '|' %}
{% capture category_word %}{{ keyValue[1] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{ category_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.category_archive.path | relative_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ category_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% for category_word in categories_sorted %}
<a href="{{ category_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.category_archive.path | relative_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item p-category" rel="tag">{{ category_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<p class="comment__date">
{% if include.date %}
{% if include.index %}<a href="#comment{{ include.index }}" itemprop="url">{% endif %}
<time datetime="{{ include.date | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">{{ include.date | date: "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p" }}</time>
<time datetime="{{ include.date | date_to_xmlschema }}" itemprop="datePublished">{{ include.date | date: "%B %-d, %Y at %I:%M %p" }}</time>
{% if include.index %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<!-- start custom comments scripts -->
<!-- end custom comments scripts -->
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{% if site.comments.disqus.shortname %}
var disqus_config = function () {
this.page.url = "{{ page.url | absolute_url }}"; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable
this.page.identifier = "{{ page.id }}"; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable
this.page.url = "{{ page.url | absolute_url }}"; /* Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable */
this.page.identifier = "{{ page.id }}"; /* Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable */
(function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE
(function() { /* DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE */
var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
s.src = 'https://{{ site.comments.disqus.shortname }}.disqus.com/embed.js';
s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
'use strict';
(function () {
var commentContainer = document.querySelector('#giscus-comments');
if (!commentContainer) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', 'https://giscus.app/client.js');
script.setAttribute('data-repo', '{{ site.repository | downcase }}');
script.setAttribute('data-repo-id', '{{ site.comments.giscus.repo_id }}');
script.setAttribute('data-category', '{{ site.comments.giscus.category_name }}');
script.setAttribute('data-category-id', '{{ site.comments.giscus.category_id }}');
script.setAttribute('data-mapping', '{{ site.comments.giscus.discussion_term | default: "pathname" }}');
script.setAttribute('data-reactions-enabled', '{{ site.comments.giscus.reactions_enabled | default: 1 }}');
script.setAttribute('data-theme', '{{ site.comments.giscus.theme | default: "light" }}');
script.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
{% include /comments-providers/staticman_v2.html %}
{% when "utterances" %}
{% include /comments-providers/utterances.html %}
{% when "giscus" %}
{% include /comments-providers/giscus.html %}
{% when "custom" %}
{% include /comments-providers/custom.html %}
{% include /comments-providers/custom_scripts.html %}
{% endcase %}
{% endif %}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{% if site.repository and site.staticman.branch %}
{% if site.repository and site.comments.staticman.branch %}
(function ($) {
$('#new_comment').submit(function () {
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
script.setAttribute('src', 'https://utteranc.es/client.js');
script.setAttribute('repo', '{{ site.repository }}');
script.setAttribute('issue-term', '{{ site.comments.utterances.issue_term | default: "pathname" }}');
{% if site.comments.utterances.label %}script.setAttribute('label', '{{ site.comments.utterances.label }}');{% endif %}
script.setAttribute('theme', '{{ site.comments.utterances.theme | default: "github-light" }}');
script.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
@ -1,25 +1,39 @@
<h3>Comments by <a href="https://staticman.net/">Staticman</a> and <a href="https://identosphere.net">Identosphere</a></h3>
<iframe src="https://identosphere.substack.com/embed" width="400" height="267" style="border:1px solid #EEE; background:#f0f0f0;" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes"></iframe>
<div class="page__comments">
{% case site.comments.provider %}
<div class="page__comments">
{% capture comments_label %}{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comments_label | default: "Comments" }}{% endcapture %}
{% case site.comments.provider %}
{% when "discourse" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section id="discourse-comments"></section>
{% when "disqus" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section id="disqus_thread"></section>
{% when "facebook" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" data-mobile="true" data-num-posts="{{ site.comments.facebook.num_posts | default: 5 }}" data-width="100%" data-colorscheme="{{ site.comments.facebook.colorscheme | default: 'light' }}"></section>
{% when "staticman_v2" %}
<section id="static-comments">
{% if site.repository and site.staticman.branch %}
{% if site.repository and site.comments.staticman.branch %}
<!-- Start static comments -->
<div class="js-comments">
{% if site.data.comments[page.slug] %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comments_title | default: "Comments" }}</h4>
{% assign comments = site.data.comments[page.slug] | sort %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comments_title | default: "Comments" }}</h4>
{% assign comments = site.data.comments[page.slug] %}
<!-- In order to sort by date we must have an array of objects, not an array of arrays, so
create a new array of plain comment objects and then sort by the comment date. -->
{% assign commentObjects = '' | split: '' %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% assign commentObject = comment[1] %}
{% assign commentObjects = commentObjects | push: commentObject %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign comments = commentObjects | sort: "date" %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% assign email = comment[1].email %}
{% assign name = comment[1].name %}
{% assign url = comment[1].url %}
{% assign date = comment[1].date %}
{% assign message = comment[1].message %}
{% assign email = comment.email %}
{% assign name = comment.name %}
{% assign url = comment.url %}
{% assign date = comment.date %}
{% assign message = comment.message %}
{% include comment.html index=forloop.index email=email name=name url=url date=date message=message %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -30,7 +44,7 @@
<div class="page__comments-form">
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comments_label | default: "Leave a Comment" }}</h4>
<p class="small">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comment_form_info | default: "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked" }} <span class="required">*</span></p>
<form id="new_comment" class="page__comments-form js-form form" method="post" action="{{ site.staticman.endpoint | default: 'https://api.staticman.net/v2/entry/' }}{{ site.repository }}/{{ site.staticman.branch }}/comments">
<form id="new_comment" class="page__comments-form js-form form" method="post" action="{{ site.comments.staticman.endpoint }}{{ site.repository }}/{{ site.comments.staticman.branch }}/comments">
<div class="form__spinner">
<i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw"></i>
<span class="sr-only">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].loading_label | default: "Loading..." }}</span>
@ -49,7 +63,7 @@
<label for="comment-form-email">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comment_form_email_label | default: "Email address" }} <small class="required">*</small></label>
<input type="email" id="comment-form-email" name="fields[email]" tabindex="3" />
<div class="form-group hidden" style="display: none;">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="comment-form-url">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comment_form_website_label | default: "Website (optional)" }}</label>
<input type="url" id="comment-form-url" name="fields[url]" tabindex="4"/>
@ -86,14 +100,23 @@
<div class="js-comments">
{% if site.data.comments[page.slug] %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].comments_title | default: "Comments" }}</h4>
{% assign comments = site.data.comments[page.slug] | sort %}
{% assign comments = site.data.comments[page.slug] %}
<!-- In order to sort by date we must have an array of objects, not an array of arrays, so
create a new array of plain comment objects and then sort by the comment date. -->
{% assign commentObjects = '' | split: '' %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% assign commentObject = comment[1] %}
{% assign commentObjects = commentObjects | push: commentObject %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign comments = commentObjects | sort: "date" %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{% assign email = comment[1].email %}
{% assign name = comment[1].name %}
{% assign url = comment[1].url %}
{% assign date = comment[1].date %}
{% assign message = comment[1].message %}
{% assign email = comment.email %}
{% assign name = comment.name %}
{% assign url = comment.url %}
{% assign date = comment.date %}
{% assign message = comment.message %}
{% include comment.html index=forloop.index email=email name=name url=url date=date message=message %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -148,7 +171,10 @@
{% when "utterances" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section id="utterances-comments"></section>
{% when "giscus" %}
<h4 class="page__comments-title">{{ comments_label }}</h4>
<section id="giscus-comments"></section>
{% when "custom" %}
<section id="custom-comments"></section>
{% include /comments-providers/custom.html %}
{% endcase %}
@ -1,19 +1,15 @@
{% assign entries = site[include.collection] %}
{% if include.sort_by == 'title' %}
{% if include.sort_order == 'reverse' %}
{% assign entries = entries | sort: 'title' | reverse %}
{% else %}
{% assign entries = entries | sort: 'title' %}
{% endif %}
{% elsif include.sort_by == 'date' %}
{% if include.sort_order == 'reverse' %}
{% assign entries = entries | sort: 'date' | reverse %}
{% else %}
{% assign entries = entries | sort: 'date' %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.sort_by %}
{% assign entries = entries | sort: include.sort_by %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.sort_order == 'reverse' %}
{% assign entries = entries | reverse %}
{% endif %}
{%- for post in entries -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- unless post.hidden -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
@ -7,24 +7,12 @@
<div class="feature__wrapper">
{% for f in feature_row %}
{% if f.url contains "://" %}
{% capture f_url %}{{ f.url }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture f_url %}{{ f.url | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
<div class="feature__item{% if include.type %}--{{ include.type }}{% endif %}">
<div class="archive__item">
{% if f.image_path %}
<div class="archive__item-teaser">
<img src=
{% if f.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ f.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ f.image_path | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if f.alt %}{{ f.alt }}{% endif %}">
<img src="{{ f.image_path | relative_url }}"
alt="{% if f.alt %}{{ f.alt }}{% endif %}">
{% if f.image_caption %}
<span class="archive__item-caption">{{ f.image_caption | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -43,11 +31,11 @@
{% endif %}
{% if f.url %}
<p><a href="{{ f_url }}" class="btn {{ f.btn_class }}">{{ f.btn_label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a></p>
<p><a href="{{ f.url | relative_url }}" class="btn {{ f.btn_class }}">{{ f.btn_label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
<figure class="{{ include.class }}">
<img src=
{% if include.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ include.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ include.image_path | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if include.alt %}{{ include.alt }}{% endif %}">
{% if include.caption %}
<img src="{{ include.image_path | relative_url }}"
alt="{% if include.alt %}{{ include.alt }}{% endif %}">
{%- if include.caption -%}
{{ include.caption | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}
</figcaption>{% endif %}</figure>
{%- endif -%}
@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}{% endif %}"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].feed_label | default: "Feed" }}</a></li>
{% unless site.atom_feed.hide %}
<li><a href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}{% endif %}"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].feed_label | default: "Feed" }}</a></li>
{% endunless %}
@ -19,33 +19,17 @@
<figure class="{{ gallery_layout }} {{ include.class }}">
{% for img in gallery %}
{% if img.url %}
<a href=
{% if img.url contains "://" %}
"{{ img.url }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.url | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
{% if img.title %}title="{{ img.title }}"{% endif %}
<img src=
{% if img.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ img.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.image_path | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ img.url | relative_url }}"
{% if img.title %}title="{{ img.title }}"{% endif %}>
<img src="{{ img.image_path | relative_url }}"
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
{% else %}
<img src=
{% if img.image_path contains "://" %}
"{{ img.image_path }}"
{% else %}
"{{ img.image_path | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
<img src="{{ img.image_path | relative_url }}"
alt="{% if img.alt %}{{ img.alt }}{% endif %}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if include.caption %}
<figcaption>{{ include.caption | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</figcaption>
{% endif %}
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
{% include seo.html %}
<link href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}{% endif %}" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="{{ site.title }} Feed">
{% unless site.atom_feed.hide %}
<link href="{% if site.atom_feed.path %}{{ site.atom_feed.path }}{% else %}{{ '/feed.xml' | relative_url }}{% endif %}" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="{{ site.title }} Feed">
{% endunless %}
<!-- https://t.co/dKP3o1e -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
@ -13,30 +15,12 @@
<!-- For all browsers -->
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<!--[if IE ]>
/* old IE unsupported flexbox fixes */
.greedy-nav .site-title {
padding-right: 3em;
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position: absolute;
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{% capture script_path %}{{ script }}{% endcapture %}
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{% endif %}
<script src="{{ script_path }}"></script>
<script src="{{ script | relative_url }}"></script>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<!-- start custom head snippets -->
<!-- insert favicons. use https://realfavicongenerator.net/ -->
<!-- end custom head snippets -->
<!-- end custom head snippets -->
@ -1,35 +1,27 @@
{% if site.logo contains "://" %}
{% capture logo_path %}{{ site.logo }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture logo_path %}{{ site.logo }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture logo_path %}{{ site.logo }}{% endcapture %}
<div class="masthead">
<div class="masthead__inner-wrap">
<div class="masthead__menu">
<nav id="site-nav" class="greedy-nav">
{% unless logo_path == empty %}
<a class="site-logo" href="{{ '/' | relative_url }}"><img src="{{ logo_path | relative_url }}" alt=""></a>
<a class="site-logo" href="{{ '/' | relative_url }}"><img src="{{ logo_path | relative_url }}" alt="{{ site.masthead_title | default: site.title }}"></a>
{% endunless %}
<a class="site-title" href="{{ '/' | relative_url }}">{{ site.masthead_title | default: site.title }}</a>
<a class="site-title" href="{{ '/' | relative_url }}">
{{ site.masthead_title | default: site.title }}
{% if site.subtitle %}<span class="site-subtitle">{{ site.subtitle }}</span>{% endif %}
<ul class="visible-links">
{%- for link in site.data.navigation.main -%}
{%- if link.url contains '://' -%}
{%- assign url = link.url -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- assign url = link.url | relative_url -%}
{%- endif -%}
<li class="masthead__menu-item">
<a href="{{ url }}" {% if link.description %}title="{{ link.description }}"{% endif %}>{{ link.title }}</a>
<a href="{{ link.url | relative_url }}"{% if link.description %} title="{{ link.description }}"{% endif %}>{{ link.title }}</a>
{%- endfor -%}
{% if site.search == true %}
<button class="search__toggle" type="button">
<span class="visually-hidden">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_label | default: "Toggle search" }}</span>
<svg class="icon" width="16" height="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 15.99 16">
<path d="M15.5,13.12L13.19,10.8a1.69,1.69,0,0,0-1.28-.55l-0.06-.06A6.5,6.5,0,0,0,5.77,0,6.5,6.5,0,0,0,2.46,11.59a6.47,6.47,0,0,0,7.74.26l0.05,0.05a1.65,1.65,0,0,0,.5,1.24l2.38,2.38A1.68,1.68,0,0,0,15.5,13.12ZM6.4,2A4.41,4.41,0,1,1,2,6.4,4.43,4.43,0,0,1,6.4,2Z" transform="translate(-.01)"></path>
<i class="fas fa-search"></i>
{% endif %}
<button class="greedy-nav__toggle hidden" type="button">
@ -8,14 +8,7 @@
{% for nav in navigation %}
{% if nav.url %}
{% comment %} internal/external URL check {% endcomment %}
{% if nav.url contains "://" %}
{% assign nav_url = nav.url %}
{% else %}
{% assign nav_url = nav.url | relative_url %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ nav_url }}"><span class="nav__sub-title">{{ nav.title }}</span></a>
<a href="{{ nav.url | relative_url }}"><span class="nav__sub-title">{{ nav.title }}</span></a>
{% else %}
<span class="nav__sub-title">{{ nav.title }}</span>
{% endif %}
@ -23,25 +16,11 @@
{% if nav.children != null %}
{% for child in nav.children %}
{% comment %} internal/external URL check {% endcomment %}
{% if child.url contains "://" %}
{% assign child_url = child.url %}
{% else %}
{% assign child_url = child.url | relative_url %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} set "active" class on current page {% endcomment %}
{% if child.url == page.url %}
{% assign active = "active" %}
{% else %}
{% assign active = "" %}
{% endif %}
<li><a href="{{ child_url }}" class="{{ active }}">{{ child.title }}</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ child.url | relative_url }}"{% if child.url == page.url %} class="active"{% endif %}>{{ child.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{% assign date_format = site.date_format | default: "%B %-d, %Y" %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}
<p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label | default: "Updated:" }}</strong> <time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ page.last_modified_at | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}">{{ page.last_modified_at | date: date_format }}</time></p>
{% elsif page.date %}
<p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label | default: "Updated:" }}</strong> <time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ page.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ page.date | date: date_format }}</time></p>
{% endif %}
@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
{% if page.header.image contains "://" %}
{% capture img_path %}{{ page.header.image }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture img_path %}{{ page.header.image | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% if page.header.cta_url contains "://" %}
{% capture cta_path %}{{ page.header.cta_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture cta_path %}{{ page.header.cta_url | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.overlay_image contains "://" %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image }}{% endcapture %}
{% elsif page.header.overlay_image %}
{% capture overlay_img_path %}{{ page.header.overlay_image | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
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{% if page.header.overlay_filter contains "gradient" %}
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{% elsif page.header.overlay_filter contains "rgba" %}
{% capture overlay_filter %}{{ page.header.overlay_filter }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture overlay_filter %}linear-gradient({{ overlay_filter }}, {{ overlay_filter }}){% endcapture %}
{% elsif page.header.overlay_filter %}
{% capture overlay_filter %}rgba(0, 0, 0, {{ page.header.overlay_filter }}){% endcapture %}
{% capture overlay_filter %}linear-gradient({{ overlay_filter }}, {{ overlay_filter }}){% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.image_description %}
@ -31,7 +19,7 @@
{% assign image_description = image_description | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once %}
<div class="page__hero{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image %}--overlay{% endif %}"
style="{% if page.header.overlay_color %}background-color: {{ page.header.overlay_color | default: 'transparent' }};{% endif %} {% if overlay_img_path %}background-image: {% if overlay_filter %}linear-gradient({{ overlay_filter }}, {{ overlay_filter }}), {% endif %}url('{{ overlay_img_path }}');{% endif %}"
style="{% if page.header.overlay_color %}background-color: {{ page.header.overlay_color | default: 'transparent' }};{% endif %} {% if overlay_img_path %}background-image: {% if overlay_filter %}{{ overlay_filter }}, {% endif %}url('{{ overlay_img_path }}');{% endif %}"
{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image %}
<div class="wrapper">
@ -42,29 +30,24 @@
{{ page.title | default: site.title | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.show_overlay_excerpt != false and page.excerpt %}
{% if page.tagline %}
<p class="page__lead">{{ page.tagline | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</p>
{% elsif page.header.show_overlay_excerpt != false and page.excerpt %}
<p class="page__lead">{{ page.excerpt | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if page.read_time %}
<p class="page__meta"><i class="far fa-clock" aria-hidden="true"></i> {% include read-time.html %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% include page__meta.html %}
{% if page.header.cta_url %}
<p><a href="{{ cta_path }}" class="btn btn--light-outline btn--large">{{ page.header.cta_label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a></p>
<p><a href="{{ page.header.cta_url | relative_url }}" class="btn btn--light-outline btn--large">{{ page.header.cta_label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.actions %}
{% for action in page.header.actions %}
{% if action.url contains "://" %}
{% assign url = action.url %}
{% else %}
{% assign url = action.url | relative_url %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ url }}" class="btn btn--light-outline btn--large">{{ action.label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a>
<a href="{{ action.url | relative_url }}" class="btn btn--light-outline btn--large">{{ action.label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].more_label | default: "Learn More" }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<img src="{{ img_path }}" alt="{{ image_description }}" class="page__hero-image">
<img src="{{ page.header.image | relative_url }}" alt="{{ image_description }}" class="page__hero-image">
{% endif %}
{% if page.header.caption %}
<span class="page__hero-caption">{{ page.header.caption | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</span>
@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
{% capture video_id %}{{ page.header.video.id }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture video_provider %}{{ page.header.video.provider }}{% endcapture %}
{% include video id=video_id provider=video_provider %}
{% assign video = page.header.video %}
{% include video id=video.id provider=video.provider danmaku=video.danmaku %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{% assign document = post | default: page %}
{% if document.read_time or document.show_date %}
<p class="page__meta">
{% if document.show_date and document.date %}
{% assign date = document.date %}
<span class="page__meta-date">
<i class="far {% if include.type == 'grid' and document.read_time and document.show_date %}fa-fw {% endif %}fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% assign date_format = site.date_format | default: "%B %-d, %Y" %}
<time datetime="{{ date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ date | date: date_format }}</time>
{% endif %}
{% if document.read_time and document.show_date %}<span class="page__meta-sep"></span>{% endif %}
{% if document.read_time %}
{% assign words_per_minute = document.words_per_minute | default: site.words_per_minute | default: 200 %}
{% assign words = document.content | strip_html | number_of_words %}
<span class="page__meta-readtime">
<i class="far {% if include.type == 'grid' and document.read_time and document.show_date %}fa-fw {% endif %}fa-clock" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% if words < words_per_minute %}
{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].less_than | default: "less than" }} 1 {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].minute_read | default: "minute read" }}
{% elsif words == words_per_minute %}
1 {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].minute_read | default: "minute read" }}
{% else %}
{{ words | divided_by: words_per_minute }} {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].minute_read | default: "minute read" }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
<nav class="pagination">
{% assign first_page_path = site.paginate_path | replace: 'page:num', '' | replace: '//', '/' | relative_url %}
{% assign first_page_path = paginator.first_page_path | default: site.paginate_path | replace: 'page:num', '' | replace: '//', '/' | relative_url %}
{% comment %} Link for previous page {% endcomment %}
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{%- for post in site.categories[include.taxonomy] -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- unless post.hidden -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{%- for post in site.tags[include.taxonomy] -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- unless post.hidden -%}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
{% if site.footer_scripts %}
{% for script in site.footer_scripts %}
{% if script contains "://" %}
{% capture script_path %}{{ script }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture script_path %}{{ script | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
<script src="{{ script_path }}"></script>
<script src="{{ script | relative_url }}"></script>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<script src="{{ '/assets/js/main.min.js' | relative_url }}"></script>
@ -29,11 +24,6 @@
{% if site.after_footer_scripts %}
{% for script in site.after_footer_scripts %}
{% if script contains "://" %}
{% capture script_path %}{{ script }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture script_path %}{{ script | relative_url }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
<script src="{{ script_path }}"></script>
<script src="{{ script | relative_url }}"></script>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ const search = instantsearch({
const hitTemplate = function(hit) {
const url = hit.url;
const title = hit._highlightResult.title.value;
const content = hit._highlightResult.html.value;
const hightlight = hit._highlightResult;
const title = hightlight.title && hightlight.title.value || "";
const content = hightlight.html && hightlight.html.value || "";
return `
<div class="list__item">
@ -44,11 +45,18 @@ search.addWidget(
container: '.search-hits',
templates: {
item: hitTemplate
item: hitTemplate,
empty: '{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_algolia_no_results | default: "No results" }}',
// Starting the search
// Starting the search only when toggle is clicked
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".search__toggle").on("click", function() {
if(!search.started) {
@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
<div class="search-content__inner-wrap">
{%- assign search_provider = site.search_provider | default: "lunr" -%}
{%- case search_provider -%}
{%- assign search_provider = site.search_provider | default: "lunr" -%}
{%- case search_provider -%}
{%- when "lunr" -%}
<input type="search" id="search" aria-placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results"></div>
<form class="search-content__form" onkeydown="return event.key != 'Enter';" role="search">
<label class="sr-only" for="search">
{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_label_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}
<input type="search" id="search" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results"></div>
{%- when "google" -%}
<form onsubmit="return googleCustomSearchExecute();" id="cse-search-box-form-id">
<input type="search" id="cse-search-input-box-id" aria-placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results">
<form onsubmit="return googleCustomSearchExecute();" id="cse-search-box-form-id" role="search">
<label class="sr-only" for="cse-search-input-box-id">
{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_label_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}
<input type="search" id="cse-search-input-box-id" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results">
{%- when "algolia" -%}
<div class="search-searchbar"></div>
<div class="search-hits"></div>
{%- endcase -%}
<div class="search-searchbar"></div>
<div class="search-hits"></div>
{%- endcase -%}
@ -22,32 +22,23 @@
{%- assign seo_description = page.description | default: page.excerpt | default: site.description -%}
{%- if seo_description -%}
{%- assign seo_description = seo_description | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once -%}
{%- assign seo_description = seo_description | markdownify | strip_html | newline_to_br | strip_newlines | replace: '<br />', ' ' | escape_once | strip -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign author = page.author | default: page.authors[0] | default: site:author -%}
{%- assign author = page.author | default: page.authors[0] | default: site.author -%}
{%- assign author = site.data.authors[author] | default: author -%}
{%- if author.twitter -%}
{%- assign author_twitter = author.twitter | replace: "@", "" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign page_large_image = page.header.og_image | default: page.header.overlay_image | default: page.header.image -%}
{%- unless page_large_image contains '://' -%}
{%- assign page_large_image = page_large_image | absolute_url -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign page_large_image = page.header.og_image | default: page.header.overlay_image | default: page.header.image | absolute_url -%}
{%- assign page_large_image = page_large_image | escape -%}
{%- assign page_teaser_image = page.header.teaser | default: site.og_image -%}
{%- unless page_teaser_image contains '://' -%}
{%- assign page_teaser_image = page_teaser_image | absolute_url -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign page_teaser_image = page.header.teaser | default: site.og_image | absolute_url -%}
{%- assign page_teaser_image = page_teaser_image | escape -%}
{%- assign site_og_image = site.og_image -%}
{%- unless site_og_image contains '://' -%}
{%- assign site_og_image = site_og_image | absolute_url -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- assign site_og_image = site.og_image | absolute_url -%}
{%- assign site_og_image = site_og_image | escape -%}
{%- if page.date -%}
@ -61,6 +52,9 @@
{% if author.name %}
<meta name="author" content="{{ author.name | default: author }}">
{% if og_type == "article" %}
<meta property="article:author" content="{{ author.name | default: author }}">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<meta property="og:type" content="{{ og_type }}">
@ -69,7 +63,7 @@
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ page.title | default: site.title | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}">
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ canonical_url }}">
{% if page.excerpt %}
{% if seo_description %}
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ seo_description }}">
{% endif %}
@ -127,28 +121,21 @@
<link rel="next" href="{{ paginator.next_page_path | absolute_url }}">
{% endif %}
{% if site.og_image %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
{% if site.social.type == "Organization" %}
"@type": "Organization",
"url": {{ seo_url | jsonify }},
"logo": {{ site_og_image | jsonify }}
{% endif %}
{% if site.social %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "{% if site.social.type %}{{ site.social.type }}{% else %}Person{% endif %}",
"url": {{ '/' | absolute_url | jsonify }}{% if site.og_image %},
"logo": {{ site_og_image | jsonify }}{% endif %}
{% else %}
"@type": "Person",
"name": {{ site.social.name | default: site.name | jsonify }},
"url": {{ seo_url | jsonify }},
"sameAs": {{ site.social.links | jsonify }}
{% endif %}
"url": {{ '/' | absolute_url |jsonify }}{% if site.social.links %},
"sameAs": {{ site.social.links | jsonify }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if site.google_site_verification %}
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="{{ site.google_site_verification }}" />
@ -165,4 +152,7 @@
{% if site.naver_site_verification %}
<meta name="naver-site-verification" content="{{ site.naver_site_verification }}">
{% endif %}
{% if site.baidu_site_verification %}
<meta name="baidu-site-verification" content="{{ site.baidu_site_verification }}">
{% endif %}
<!-- end _includes/seo.html -->
@ -4,13 +4,8 @@
{% if page.sidebar %}
{% for s in page.sidebar %}
{% if s.image %}
<img src=
{% if s.image contains "://" %}
"{{ s.image }}"
{% else %}
"{{ s.image | relative_url }}"
{% endif %}
alt="{% if s.image_alt %}{{ s.image_alt }}{% endif %}">
<img src="{{ s.image | relative_url }}"
alt="{% if s.image_alt %}{{ s.image_alt }}{% endif %}">
{% endif %}
{% if s.title %}<h3>{{ s.title }}</h3>{% endif %}
{% if s.text %}{{ s.text | markdownify }}{% endif %}
@ -21,4 +16,4 @@
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<nav class="skip-links">
<h2 class="screen-reader-text">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].skip_links | default: 'Skip links' }}</h2>
<li><a href="#site-nav" class="screen-reader-shortcut">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].skip_primary_nav | default: 'Skip to primary navigation' }}</a></li>
<li><a href="#main" class="screen-reader-shortcut">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].skip_content | default: 'Skip to content' }}</a></li>
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
<h3>Social Share</h3>
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?{% if site.twitter.username %}via={{ site.twitter.username | url_encode }}&{% endif %}text={{ page.title | url_encode }}%20{{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--twitter" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Twitter"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Twitter</span></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--facebook" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Facebook</span></a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--linkedin" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on LinkedIn"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> LinkedIn</span></a>
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}&title={{ page.title | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--reddit" title="Share on Reddit"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-reddit" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Reddit</span></a>
<section class="page__share">
{% if site.data.ui-text[site.locale].share_on_label %}
<h3 class="page__share-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].share_on_label | default: "Share on" }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?{% if site.twitter.username %}via={{ site.twitter.username | url_encode }}&{% endif %}text={{ page.title | url_encode }}%20{{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--twitter" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Twitter"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Twitter</span></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--facebook" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Facebook</span></a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--linkedin" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on LinkedIn"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> LinkedIn</span></a>
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}&title={{ page.title | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--reddit" title="Share on Reddit"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-reddit" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Reddit</span></a>
@ -6,20 +6,13 @@
{% endcase %}
{% if site.tag_archive.path %}
{% comment %}
<!-- Sort alphabetically regardless of case e.g. a B c d E -->
<!-- modified from http://www.codeofclimber.ru/2015/sorting-site-tags-in-jekyll/ -->
{% endcomment %}
{% capture page_tags %}{% for tag in page.tags %}{{ tag | downcase }}|{{ tag }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign tag_hashes = page_tags | split: ',' | sort %}
{% assign tags_sorted = page.tags | sort_natural %}
<p class="page__taxonomy">
<strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-tags" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].tags_label | default: "Tags:" }} </strong>
<span itemprop="keywords">
{% for hash in tag_hashes %}
{% assign keyValue = hash | split: '|' %}
{% capture tag_word %}{{ keyValue[1] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="{{ tag_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.tag_archive.path | relative_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item" rel="tag">{{ tag_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% for tag_word in tags_sorted %}
<a href="{{ tag_word | slugify | prepend: path_type | prepend: site.tag_archive.path | relative_url }}" class="page__taxonomy-item p-category" rel="tag">{{ tag_word }}</a>{% unless forloop.last %}<span class="sep">, </span>{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
{% endcomment %}
{% comment %}
Version 1.0.14
Version 1.1.0
"...like all things liquid - where there's a will, and ~36 hours to spare, there's usually a/some way" ~jaybe
@ -44,34 +44,51 @@
* ordered (bool) : false - when set to true, an ordered list will be outputted instead of an unordered list
* item_class (string) : '' - add custom class(es) for each list item; has support for '%level%' placeholder, which is the current heading level
* submenu_class (string) : '' - add custom class(es) for each child group of headings; has support for '%level%' placeholder which is the current "submenu" heading level
* baseurl (string) : '' - add a base url to the TOC links for when your TOC is on another page than the actual content
* base_url (string) : '' - add a base url to the TOC links for when your TOC is on another page than the actual content
* anchor_class (string) : '' - add custom class(es) for each anchor element
* skipNoIDs (bool) : false - skip headers that do not have an `id` attribute
* skip_no_ids (bool) : false - skip headers that do not have an `id` attribute
An ordered or unordered list representing the table of contents of a markdown block. This snippet will only
generate the table of contents and will NOT output the markdown given to it
{% endcomment %}
{% capture my_toc %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture newline %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign newline = newline | rstrip %} <!-- Remove the extra spacing but preserve the newline -->
{% capture deprecation_warnings %}{% endcapture %}
{% if include.baseurl %}
{% capture deprecation_warnings %}{{ deprecation_warnings }}<!-- jekyll-toc :: "baseurl" has been deprecated, use "base_url" instead -->{{ newline }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.skipNoIDs %}
{% capture deprecation_warnings %}{{ deprecation_warnings }}<!-- jekyll-toc :: "skipNoIDs" has been deprecated, use "skip_no_ids" instead -->{{ newline }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign orderedList = include.ordered | default: false %}
{% assign skipNoIDs = include.skipNoIDs | default: false %}
{% assign baseURL = include.base_url | default: include.baseurl | default: '' %}
{% assign skipNoIDs = include.skip_no_ids | default: include.skipNoIDs | default: false %}
{% assign minHeader = include.h_min | default: 1 %}
{% assign maxHeader = include.h_max | default: 6 %}
{% assign nodes = include.html | split: '<h' %}
{% assign firstHeader = true %}
{% assign previousLevel = 0 %}
{% assign nodes = include.html | strip | split: '<h' %}
{% capture listModifier %}{% if orderedList %}1.{% else %}-{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign firstHeader = true %}
{% assign currLevel = 0 %}
{% assign lastLevel = 0 %}
{% capture listModifier %}{% if orderedList %}ol{% else %}ul{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% for node in nodes %}
{% if node == "" %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% assign headerLevel = node | replace: '"', '' | slice: 0, 1 | times: 1 %}
{% assign currLevel = node | replace: '"', '' | slice: 0, 1 | times: 1 %}
{% if headerLevel < minHeader or headerLevel > maxHeader %}
{% if currLevel < minHeader or currLevel > maxHeader %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
@ -79,92 +96,87 @@
{% assign _idWorkspace = _workspace[0] | split: 'id="' %}
{% assign _idWorkspace = _idWorkspace[1] | split: '"' %}
{% assign html_id = _idWorkspace[0] %}
{% assign htmlID = _idWorkspace[0] %}
{% assign _classWorkspace = _workspace[0] | split: 'class="' %}
{% assign _classWorkspace = _classWorkspace[1] | split: '"' %}
{% assign html_class = _classWorkspace[0] %}
{% assign htmlClass = _classWorkspace[0] %}
{% if html_class contains "no_toc" %}
{% if htmlClass contains "no_toc" %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% if firstHeader %}
{% assign firstHeader = false %}
{% assign minHeader = headerLevel %}
{% assign minHeader = currLevel %}
{% endif %}
{% capture _hAttrToStrip %}{{ _workspace[0] | split: '>' | first }}>{% endcapture %}
{% assign header = _workspace[0] | replace: _hAttrToStrip, '' %}
{% assign indentAmount = headerLevel | minus: minHeader %}
{% assign space = '' %}
{% for i in (1..indentAmount) %}
{% assign space = space | prepend: ' ' %}
{% endfor %}
{% if include.item_class and include.item_class != blank %}
{% capture listItemClass %}{:.{{ include.item_class | replace: '%level%', headerLevel }}}{% endcapture %}
{% capture listItemClass %} class="{{ include.item_class | replace: '%level%', currLevel | split: '.' | join: ' ' }}"{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture anchor_body %}{% if include.sanitize %}{{ header | strip_html }}{% else %}{{ header }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture anchor_body %}{{ anchor_body | replace: "|", "\|" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if include.submenu_class and include.submenu_class != blank %}
{% assign subMenuLevel = currLevel | minus: 1 %}
{% capture subMenuClass %} class="{{ include.submenu_class | replace: '%level%', subMenuLevel | split: '.' | join: ' ' }}"{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if html_id %}
{% capture list_item %}[{{ anchor_body }}]({% if include.baseurl %}{{ include.baseurl }}{% endif %}#{{ html_id }}){% endcapture %}
{% capture anchorBody %}{% if include.sanitize %}{{ header | strip_html }}{% else %}{{ header }}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% if htmlID %}
{% capture anchorAttributes %} href="{% if baseURL %}{{ baseURL }}{% endif %}#{{ htmlID }}"{% endcapture %}
{% if include.anchor_class %}
{% capture anchorAttributes %}{{ anchorAttributes }} class="{{ include.anchor_class | split: '.' | join: ' ' }}"{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture listItem %}<a{{ anchorAttributes }}>{{ anchorBody }}</a>{% endcapture %}
{% elsif skipNoIDs == true %}
{% continue %}
{% else %}
{% capture list_item %}{{ anchor_body }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture listItem %}{{ anchorBody }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
If we have a submenu class and we're unindenting, then we need to add a "closing" class to this group of bullet
{% if include.submenu_class and previousLevel > indentAmount %}
`space` is the current indentation, so we if want to close off the previous grouping, we need to add one
more level of indentation
{% assign submenuIndentation = space | prepend: ' ' %}
{% if currLevel > lastLevel %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}<{{ listModifier }}{{ subMenuClass }}>{% endcapture %}
{% elsif currLevel < lastLevel %}
{% assign repeatCount = lastLevel | minus: currLevel %}
{% capture my_toc %}{{ my_toc }}
{{ submenuIndentation }}{:.{{ include.submenu_class | replace: '%level%', previousLevel }}}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture my_toc %}{{ my_toc }}
{{ space }}{{ listModifier }} {{ listItemClass }} {{ list_item }}{% if include.anchor_class %}{:.{{ include.anchor_class }}}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign previousLevel = indentAmount %}
{% endfor %}
{% if include.class and include.class != blank %}
{% capture my_toc %}{:.{{ include.class }}}
{{ my_toc | lstrip }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.id %}
{% capture my_toc %}{: #{{ include.id }}}
{{ my_toc | lstrip }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
If we have a submenu class, we need to close off all the remaining list item groups so that submenu classes are
applied correctly to them
{% if include.submenu_class != blank %}
<!-- The last level of indentation that we were at, we need to work backwards from there closing each group -->
{% for i in (1..previousLevel) %}
{% assign lvl = previousLevel | plus: 1 | minus: i %} <!-- Invert the indent level based on `i` -->
{% assign closingSpace = '' %}
{% for i in (1..lvl) %}
{% assign closingSpace = closingSpace | prepend: ' ' %}
{% for i in (1..repeatCount) %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}</li></{{ listModifier }}>{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture my_toc %}{{ my_toc }}
{{ closingSpace }}{:.{{ include.submenu_class | replace: '%level%', lvl }}}{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}</li>{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}</li>{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}<li{{ listItemClass }}>{{ listItem }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign lastLevel = currLevel %}
{% assign firstHeader = false %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign repeatCount = minHeader | minus: 1 %}
{% assign repeatCount = lastLevel | minus: repeatCount %}
{% for i in (1..repeatCount) %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}{{ jekyll_toc }}</li></{{ listModifier }}>{% endcapture %}
{% endfor %}
{% if jekyll_toc != '' %}
{% assign rootAttributes = '' %}
{% if include.class and include.class != blank %}
{% capture rootAttributes %} class="{{ include.class | split: '.' | join: ' ' }}"{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if include.id and include.id != blank %}
{% capture rootAttributes %}{{ rootAttributes }} id="{{ include.id }}"{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% if rootAttributes %}
{% assign nodes = jekyll_toc | split: '>' %}
{% capture jekyll_toc %}<{{ listModifier }}{{ rootAttributes }}>{{ nodes | shift | join: '>' }}>{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}{% assign tocWorkspace = '' %}{{ my_toc | markdownify | strip }}
{% endcapture %}{% assign tocWorkspace = '' %}{{ deprecation_warnings }}{{ jekyll_toc }}
@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
{% capture video_id %}{{ include.id }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture video_provider %}{{ include.provider }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture video_danmaku %}{{ include.danmaku | default: 0 }}{% endcapture %}
<!-- Courtesy of embedresponsively.com //-->
<div class="responsive-video-container">
{% if video_provider == "vimeo" %}
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/{{ video_id }}?dnt=true" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
{% elsif video_provider == "youtube" %}
<iframe src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{{ video_id }}" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% elsif video_provider == "google-drive" %}
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/{{ video_id }}/preview" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% endif %}
{% capture video_src %}
{% case video_provider %}
{% when "vimeo" %}
https://player.vimeo.com/video/{{ video_id }}?dnt=true
{% when "youtube" %}
https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{{ video_id }}
{% when "google-drive" %}
https://drive.google.com/file/d/{{ video_id }}/preview
{% when "bilibili" %}
https://player.bilibili.com/player.html?bvid={{ video_id }}&page=1&as_wide=1&high_quality=1&danmaku={{ video_danmaku }}
{% endcase %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign video_src = video_src | strip %}
<!-- Courtesy of embedresponsively.com -->
{% unless video_src == "" %}
<div class="responsive-video-container">
<iframe src="{{ video_src }}" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% endunless %}
@ -3,13 +3,27 @@ layout: default
author_profile: false
{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image or page.header.image %}
{% include page__hero.html %}
{% elsif page.header.video.id and page.header.video.provider %}
{% include page__hero_video.html %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.url != "/" and site.breadcrumbs %}
{% unless paginator %}
{% include breadcrumbs.html %}
{% endunless %}
{% endif %}
<div id="main" role="main">
{% include sidebar.html %}
<div class="archive">
<h1 class="page__title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% unless page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image %}
<h1 id="page-title" class="page__title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{% endunless %}
{% for post in page.posts %}
{% include archive-single.html %}
{% endfor %}
@ -15,39 +15,30 @@ layout: archive
{% for i in (1..categories_max) reversed %}
{% for category in site.categories %}
{% if category[1].size == i %}
{% if category[0] == "Twitter" %}
<!--// we do nothing-->
{% else if %}
<a href="#{{ category[0] | slugify }}">
<strong>{{ category[0] }}</strong> <span class="taxonomy__count">{{ i }}</span>
{% endif %}
<a href="#{{ category[0] | slugify }}">
<strong>{{ category[0] }}</strong> <span class="taxonomy__count">{{ i }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
{% for i in (1..categories_max) reversed %}
{% for category in site.categories %}
{% if category[1].size == i %}
{% if category[0] == "Twitter" %}
<!--// we do nothing-->
{% else if %}
<section id="{{ category[0] | slugify | downcase }}" class="taxonomy__section">
<h3 class="archive__subtitle">{{ category[0] }}</h3>
{% assign sorted_posts = category[1] | sort: 'last_modified_at' | reverse %}
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout | default: 'list' }}">
<section id="{{ category[0] | slugify | downcase }}" class="taxonomy__section">
<h3 class="archive__subtitle">{{ category[0] }}</h3>
{% assign sorted_posts = category[1] | sort: 'last_modified_at' | reverse %}
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% for post in sorted_posts %}
{% include archive-single.html type=page.entries_layout %}
{% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} ↑</a>
{% endif %}
<a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} ↑</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% include social-share.html %}
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout }}">
{% include posts-category.html taxonomy=page.taxonomy type=page.entries_layout %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% include posts-category.html taxonomy=page.taxonomy type=entries_layout %}
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout }}">
{% include documents-collection.html collection=page.collection sort_by=page.sort_by sort_order=page.sort_order type=page.entries_layout %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% include documents-collection.html collection=page.collection sort_by=page.sort_by sort_order=page.sort_order type=entries_layout %}
@ -3,20 +3,19 @@
<!doctype html>
Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme 4.16.4 by Michael Rose
Copyright 2013-2019 Michael Rose - mademistakes.com | @mmistakes
Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme 4.24.0 by Michael Rose
Copyright 2013-2020 Michael Rose - mademistakes.com | @mmistakes
Free for personal and commercial use under the MIT license
<html lang="{{ site.locale | slice: 0,2 | default: "en" }}" class="no-js">
{% include head.html %}
{% include head/custom.html %}
{% include head/custom.html %}
<body class="layout--{{ page.layout | default: layout.layout }}{% if page.classes or layout.classes %}{{ page.classes | default: layout.classes | join: ' ' | prepend: ' ' }}{% endif %}">
{% include_cached skip-links.html %}
{% include_cached browser-upgrade.html %}
{% include_cached masthead.html %}
<div class="initial-content">
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
<h2 class="archive__subtitle">Categories</h2>
{% assign categories_max = 0 %}
@ -62,3 +63,21 @@ layout: archive
{% include social-share.html %}
<!-- <h3 class="archive__subtitle">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].recent_posts | default: "Recent Posts" }}</h3>
{% if paginator %}
{% assign posts = paginator.posts %}
{% else %}
{% assign posts = site.posts %}
{% endif %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% for post in posts %}
{% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
{% endfor %}
{% include paginator.html %} -->
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
<ul class="taxonomy__index">
{% assign postsInYear = site.posts | group_by_exp: 'post', 'post.date | date: "%Y"' %}
{% assign postsInYear = site.posts | where_exp: "item", "item.hidden != true" | group_by_exp: 'post', 'post.date | date: "%Y"' %}
{% for year in postsInYear %}
<a href="#{{ year.name }}">
@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ layout: archive
{% endfor %}
{% assign postsByYear = site.posts | group_by_exp: 'post', 'post.date | date: "%Y"' %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
{% assign postsByYear = site.posts | where_exp: "item", "item.hidden != true" | group_by_exp: 'post', 'post.date | date: "%Y"' %}
{% for year in postsByYear %}
<section id="{{ year.name }}" class="taxonomy__section">
<h2 class="archive__subtitle">{{ year.name }}</h2>
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout | default: 'list' }}">
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% for post in year.items %}
{% include archive-single.html type=page.entries_layout %}
{% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} ↑</a>
@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ layout: default
{%- assign search_provider = site.search_provider | default: "lunr" -%}
{%- case search_provider -%}
{%- when "lunr" -%}
<input type="text" id="search" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<input type="text" id="search" class="search-input" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results"></div>
{%- when "google" -%}
<form onsubmit="return googleCustomSearchExecute();" id="cse-search-box-form-id">
<input type="text" id="cse-search-input-box-id" class="search-input" tabindex="-1" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<input type="text" id="cse-search-input-box-id" class="search-input" placeholder="{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].search_placeholder_text | default: 'Enter your search term...' }}" />
<div id="results" class="results">
@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ layout: default
{% include page__hero_video.html %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.url != "/" and site.breadcrumbs %}
'[]{% assign breadcrumbs_enabled = site.breadcrumbs %}
{% if page.breadcrumbs != null %}
{% assign breadcrumbs_enabled = page.breadcrumbs %}
{% endif %}
{% if page.url != "/" and breadcrumbs_enabled %}
{% unless paginator %}
{% include breadcrumbs.html %}
{% endunless %}
@ -17,79 +21,75 @@ layout: default
<div id="main" role="main">
{% include sidebar.html %}
<article class="page" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
<article class="page h-entry" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
{% if page.title %}<meta itemprop="headline" content="{{ page.title | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.excerpt %}<meta itemprop="description" content="{{ page.excerpt | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.date %}<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{{ page.date | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="{{ page.last_modified_at | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.date %}<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{{ page.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="{{ page.last_modified_at | date_to_xmlschema }}">{% endif %}
<div class="page__inner-wrap">
{% unless page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image %}
{% if page.title %}<h1 id="page-title" class="page__title" itemprop="headline">{{ page.title | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</h1>{% endif %}
{% if page.read_time %}
<p class="page__meta"><i class="far fa-clock" aria-hidden="true"></i> {% include read-time.html %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if page.title %}<h1 id="page-title" class="page__title p-name" itemprop="headline">
<a href="{{ page.url | absolute_url }}" class="u-url" itemprop="url">{{ page.title | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</a>
</h1>{% endif %}
{% include page__meta.html %}
{% endunless %}
<section class="page__content" itemprop="text">
<section class="page__content e-content" itemprop="text">
{% if page.toc %}
<aside class="sidebar__right {% if page.toc_sticky %}sticky{% endif %}">
<nav class="toc">
<header><h4 class="nav__title"><i class="fas fa-{{ page.toc_icon | default: 'file-alt' }}"></i> {{ page.toc_label | default: site.data.ui-text[site.locale].toc_label | default: "On this page" }}</h4></header>
{% include toc.html sanitize=true html=content h_min=1 h_max=6 class="toc__menu" %}
{% include toc.html sanitize=true html=content h_min=1 h_max=6 class="toc__menu" skip_no_ids=true %}
{% endif %}
{{ content }}
{% if page.link %}<div><a href="{{ page.link }}" class="btn btn--primary">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].ext_link_label | default: "Direct Link" }}</a></div>{% endif %}
<footer class="page__meta">
{% if site.data.ui-text[site.locale].meta_label %}
<h3>{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].meta_label }}</h3>
<h4 class="page__meta-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].meta_label }}</h4>
{% endif %}
{% include page__taxonomy.html %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}
<p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label | default: "Updated:" }}</strong> <time datetime="{{ page.last_modified_at | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}">{{ page.last_modified_at | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</time></p>
{% elsif page.date %}
<p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].date_label | default: "Updated:" }}</strong> <time datetime="{{ page.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ page.date | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</time></p>
{% endif %}
<h3><a href="https://github.com/Decentralized-ID/decentralized-id.github.io/blob/master/{{ page.path }}" class="edit">Edit this page <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a></h3>
{% if page.share %}{% include social-share.html %}{% endif %}
{% include page__date.html %}
{% if page.share %}{% include social-share.html %}{% endif %}
{% include post_pagination.html %}
{% if site.comments.provider and page.comments %}
{% if jekyll.environment == 'production' and site.comments.provider and page.comments %}
{% include comments.html %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}<!-- show posts by related tags when `related: true` -->{% endcomment %}
{% if page.related %}
{% assign n_posts = 0 %}
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if post.id == page.id %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% for this_category in page.categories %}
{% if post.categories contains this_category %}
{% if n_posts == 0 %}
<div class="page__related">
{% if site.data.ui-text[site.locale].related_label %}
<h4 class="page__related-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].related_label | default: "You May Also Enjoy" }}</h4>
{% endif %}
<div class="grid__wrapper">
{% endif %}
{% include archive-single.html type="grid" %}
{% assign n_posts = n_posts | plus: 1 %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if n_posts > 3 %}{% break %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if n_posts > 0 %}
{% comment %}<!-- only show related on a post page when `related: true` -->{% endcomment %}
{% if page.id and page.related and site.related_posts.size > 0 %}
<div class="page__related">
<h2 class="page__related-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].related_label | default: "You May Also Enjoy" }}</h2>
<div class="grid__wrapper">
{% for post in site.related_posts limit:4 %}
{% include archive-single.html type="grid" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}<!-- otherwise show recent posts if no related when `related: true` -->{% endcomment %}
{% elsif page.id and page.related %}
<div class="page__related">
<h2 class="page__related-title">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].related_label | default: "You May Also Enjoy" }}</h2>
<div class="grid__wrapper">
{% for post in site.posts limit:4 %}
{% if post.id == page.id %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% include archive-single.html type="grid" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ layout: default
<article class="splash" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
{% if page.title %}<meta itemprop="headline" content="{{ page.title | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.excerpt %}<meta itemprop="description" content="{{ page.excerpt | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.date %}<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{{ page.date | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="{{ page.last_modified_at | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.date %}<meta itemprop="datePublished" content="{{ page.date | date_to_xmlschema }}">{% endif %}
{% if page.last_modified_at %}<meta itemprop="dateModified" content="{{ page.last_modified_at | date_to_xmlschema }}">{% endif %}
<section class="page__content" itemprop="text">
{{ content }}
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout | default: 'list' }}">
{% include posts-tag.html taxonomy=page.taxonomy type=page.entries_layout %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% include posts-tag.html taxonomy=page.taxonomy type=entries_layout %}
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ layout: archive
{{ content }}
{% assign tags_max = 0 %}
{% assign sortedtags = site.tags | sort %}
{% for tag in sortedtags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{% if tag[1].size > tags_max %}
{% assign tags_max = tag[1].size %}
{% endif %}
@ -14,34 +13,31 @@ layout: archive
<ul class="taxonomy__index">
{% for i in (1..tags_max) reversed %}
{% for tag in sortedtags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{% if tag[1].size == i %}
{% unless tag[1].size == 1 %}
<a href="#{{ tag[0] | slugify }}">
<strong>{{ tag[0] }}</strong> <span class="taxonomy__count">{{ i }}</span>
{% endunless %}
<a href="#{{ tag[0] | slugify }}">
<strong>{{ tag[0] }}</strong> <span class="taxonomy__count">{{ i }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign entries_layout = page.entries_layout | default: 'list' %}
{% for i in (1..tags_max) reversed %}
{% for tag in sortedtags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{% if tag[1].size == i %}
{% unless tag[1].size == 1 %}
<section id="{{ tag[0] | slugify | downcase }}" class="taxonomy__section">
<h2 class="archive__subtitle">{{ tag[0] }}</h2>
<div class="entries-{{ page.entries_layout | default: 'list' }}">
{% for post in tag.last %}
{% include archive-single.html type=page.entries_layout %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} ↑</a>
{% endunless %}
<section id="{{ tag[0] | slugify | downcase }}" class="taxonomy__section">
<h2 class="archive__subtitle">{{ tag[0] }}</h2>
<div class="entries-{{ entries_layout }}">
{% for post in tag.last %}
{% include archive-single.html type=entries_layout %}
{% endfor %}
<a href="#page-title" class="back-to-top">{{ site.data.ui-text[site.locale].back_to_top | default: 'Back to Top' }} ↑</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme 4.16.4 by Michael Rose
* Copyright 2013-2019 Michael Rose - mademistakes.com | @mmistakes
* Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme 4.24.0 by Michael Rose
* Copyright 2013-2020 Michael Rose - mademistakes.com | @mmistakes
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/blob/master/LICENSE)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# coding: utf-8
Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
spec.name = "minimal-mistakes-jekyll"
spec.version = "4.24.0"
spec.authors = ["Michael Rose"]
spec.summary = %q{A flexible two-column Jekyll theme.}
spec.homepage = "https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes"
spec.license = "MIT"
spec.metadata["plugin_type"] = "theme"
spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select do |f|
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll", ">= 3.7", "< 5.0"
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll-paginate", "~> 1.1"
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll-sitemap", "~> 1.3"
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll-gist", "~> 1.5"
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.1"
spec.add_runtime_dependency "jekyll-include-cache", "~> 0.1"
spec.add_development_dependency "bundler"
spec.add_development_dependency "rake", ">= 12.3.3"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user