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synced 2025-02-01 17:05:00 -05:00
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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
layout: single
title: Twitter Query - IIW 31
description: "Curated feed from #iiw #iiw31"
excerpt: "List of posts from IIW #31"
permalink: iiw/
toc: false
image: /images/DecentralizeID_Twitter.png
caption: "[@DecentralizeID](https://twitter.com/DecentralizeID)"
classes: wide
{% for row in site.data.iiw103120 %}
<h3><a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}">@{{ row.User }}</a> wrote at: <a href="{{ row.Link }}">{{ row.Time }}</a></h3>
<p><sup>Likes: <a href="{{ row.Link }}/likes">{{ row.Favorites }}</a> Following: <a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}/following/">{{ row.Following }}</a> Followed: <a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}/followers/">{{ row.Followers }}</a> {% if row.Retweets != "0" %}Retweets: <a href="{{ row.Link }}/retweets">{{ row.Retweets }}</a>{% endif %} {% if row.ReplyURL != "[]" and row.ReplyURL != blank %} - <a href="{{ row.ReplyURL }}">Reply to</a>{% endif %}</sup></p>
<blockquote>{{ row.Text }}</blockquote>
{% if row.Urls != "[]" %}
{% assign lnks = row.Urls | split: "," %}
{% assign urlt = row.UrlTitle | split: "," %}
{% assign urld = row.UrlDesc | split: "," %}
{% assign urli = row.UrlImg | split: "," %}
{% assign foo = 0 %}
{% for lnk in lnks %}{% assign ln = lnk | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' %}{% assign urt = urlt[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}{% assign urd = urld[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}{% assign uri = urli[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}
<a href="{{ ln }}">{% if urt != blank %}{{ urt }}{% else %}{{ ln }}{% endif %}</a>
{% if urd != blank and urd != "Weve detected that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Would you like to proceed to legacy Twitter?" %}<blockquote>{{ urd | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' }}</blockquote>{% endif%}
{% if uri != blank %}<img src="{{ uri }}"/>{% endif%}{% assign foo = foo | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% assign htags = row.Hashtags | split: "', '" %}
{% for h in htags %}<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/{{ h | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}">#{{ h | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}</a> {% endfor %}
{% if row.ImageUrls != "[]" %}
{% assign imgs = row.ImageUrls | split: "', '" %}
{% for img in imgs %}<img src="{{ img | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}">{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
layout: single
title: Twitter Query - Decentralized ID
description: "Curated feed from twitter hashtags #decentralizedid #iiw #selfsovereignid"
excerpt: "Stay up to date on decentralizing digital identity topics on Twitter"
permalink: /twitter/
toc: false
image: /images/DecentralizeID_Twitter.png
caption: "[@DecentralizeID](https://twitter.com/DecentralizeID)"
classes: wide
{% for row in site.data.ssitw103120 %}
<h3><a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}">@{{ row.User }}</a> wrote at: <a href="{{ row.Link }}">{{ row.Time }}</a></h3>
<p><sup>Likes: <a href="{{ row.Link }}/likes">{{ row.Favorites }}</a> Following: <a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}/following/">{{ row.Following }}</a> Followed: <a href="https://twitter.com/{{ row.User }}/followers/">{{ row.Followers }}</a> {% if row.Retweets != "0" %}Retweets: <a href="{{ row.Link }}/retweets">{{ row.Retweets }}</a>{% endif %} {% if row.ReplyURL != "[]" and row.ReplyURL != blank %} - <a href="{{ row.ReplyURL }}">Reply to</a>{% endif %}</sup></p>
<blockquote>{{ row.Text }}</blockquote>
{% if row.Urls != "[]" %}
{% assign lnks = row.Urls | split: "," %}
{% assign urlt = row.UrlTitle | split: "," %}
{% assign urld = row.UrlDesc | split: "," %}
{% assign urli = row.UrlImg | split: "," %}
{% assign foo = 0 %}
{% for lnk in lnks %}{% assign ln = lnk | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' %}{% assign urt = urlt[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}{% assign urd = urld[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}{% assign uri = urli[foo] | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' | remove: 'None' %}
<a href="{{ ln }}">{% if urt != blank %}{{ urt }}{% else %}{{ ln }}{% endif %}</a>
{% if urd != blank and urd != "Weve detected that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Would you like to proceed to legacy Twitter?" %}<blockquote>{{ urd | remove: "[" | remove: "]" | remove: "'" | remove: '"' }}</blockquote>{% endif%}
{% if uri != blank %}<img src="{{ uri }}"/>{% endif%}{% assign foo = foo | plus: 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% assign htags = row.Hashtags | split: "', '" %}
{% for h in htags %}<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/{{ h | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}">#{{ h | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}</a> {% endfor %}
{% if row.ImageUrls != "[]" %}
{% assign imgs = row.ImageUrls | split: "', '" %}
{% for img in imgs %}<img src="{{ img | remove: "['" | remove: "']" }}">{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/companies/digital-bazaar/'
published: false
published: false
categories: ["Companies","Blockchain"]
categories: ["Companies","Blockchain"]
tags: ["Digital Bazaar","DHS","Veres One","JSON-LD"]
tags: ["Digital Bazaar","DHS","Veres One","JSON-LD"]
last_modified_at: 2020-11-04
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
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[0] https://www.factom.com/company-updates/factom-inc-wins-contract-award-from-the-department-of-homeland-security-preventing-forgery-counterfeiting/
[0] https://www.tokencommons.org/Windhover-Principles-for-Digital-Identity-Trust-Data.html
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[404] https://coinjournal.net/origin-protocol-partners-on-new-erc-725-alliance-to-promote-the-adoption-of-blockchain-based-identity-standard
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[404] https://diacc.ca/pan-canadian-trust-framework/
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[404] https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1UxLLugRQKuV8Mdvv_X9Y6ty4szSi5ZNU?ogsrc=32
[404] https://ebpi.nl/en/home/
[404] https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-core/blob/master/docs/blockstack-did-spec.md
[404] https://github.com/canada-ca/PCTF-CCP/blob/master/public-sector-profile/recommendation-draft/Readme.md
[404] https://github.com/gautamdhameja/substrate-verifiable-credentials
[404] https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent
[404] https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/relationship-diagram.png
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[404] https://github.com/projectdanube/withsqlite
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[404] https://idpro.org/member-present
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