add mydata from identosphere

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⧉ infominer 2023-06-05 03:47:06 +05:30
parent 4f9e4add77
commit ad735218d1
2 changed files with 120 additions and 777 deletions

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@ -10,596 +10,142 @@ tags: ["MyData","eIDAS","GDPR","Meeco","JLinc","Verifiable Credentials","OAuth",
redirect_from: organizations/mydata
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permalink: organizations/mydata/
last_modified_at: 2019-07-11
last_modified_at: 2023-06-05
* [Mydata]( • [@mydataorg](
## Main
* [Mydata]( - [Twitter]( - [Youtube]( - [Podcast]( - [Papers](
>When you join the MyData Global, you are helping to create a trustworthy human centered data economy. Read from the MyData Declaration what we mean by this.
* [](
* [MyData Declaration](
> We are entrepreneurs, activists, academics, listed corporations, public agencies, and developers. For years, weve been using different words for what we do MyData, Self Data, VRM (Vendor Relationship Management), Internet of Me, PIMS (Personal Information Management Services) etc, while sharing a common goal: to empower individuals with their personal data, thus helping them and their communities develop knowledge, make informed decisions, and interact more consciously and efficiently with each other as well as with organisations.
* [MyData Global Youtube](
* [MyData Podcast](
* [](
* [MyData Digital ethics]( Antti 'Jogi' Poikola, Board Chair, MyData Global
> For fair, sustainable, and prosperous digital society through a human-centric approach to personal data
* [MyData A Nordic Model for human-centered personal data management and processing](
## MyData model from Finland - Antti 'Jogi' Poikola
## SSI + Mydata
* [Self Sovereign Identity and MyData](
> “Infrastructure for digital identity is key in the technical realisation of the MyData -vision and there is lots of innovation happening in that area.”
* [Crossing the Chasm for Privacy respecting Identity, MyData 2020]( *Presenters: Nat Sakimura, Sheila Warren. Host: Kristina Yasuda.
> 1. Accountable Digital Being2. Expressive Digital Being3. Fair Handling of personal data4. Right NOT to be forgotten5. Human Friendly6. Open, Interoperable, Leveraging Existing Infrastructure, and Tested7. Everyone Benefits
* [Understanding the origins of identity]( Dr. Mawaki Chango
> #Identity management is not a new problem. Mawaki Chango, PhD explains briefly it's interesting history starting from the Roman Catholic Church keeping records of their believers, leading all the way from passports to the current situation we are in with digital identity credentials! At the #MyDataOnline2020 conference.
* [Self Sovereign Identity and MyData - Antti Jogi Poikola - Medium](
> “Infrastructure for digital identity is key in the technical realisation of the MyData -vision and there is lots of innovation happening…
<iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="" title="Self-Sovereign Identity and the MyData model from Finland - Antti &#x27;Jogi&#x27; Poikola" />Self-Sovereign Identity and the MyData model from Finland - Antti &#x27;Jogi&#x27; Poikola</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="">SSI Meetup</a></strong> </div>
“Infrastructure for digital identity is key in the technical realisation of the MyData -vision and there is lots of innovation happening…
## Organization
* [6 reasons why you should run for MyData Leadership](
> Personal data is fast becoming a defining force for the way the world works. Our efforts are paving the way towards a thriving digital ecosystem and fair data economy fit for humankind. All of our actions emerge from the core idea of MyData: individuals should be in control of data about themselves.
* [Applying for, and being, a MyData Operator](
> Ian Henderson talks about leading the application process for two MyData Operators []( and [DataYogi](
* [Cozy Cloud (MyData Operator) 2020 Highlights](
> - Two new applications have been integrated in your Cozy to offer you more uses and control: [Pass](, a French and open source password manager and [Notes](, a collaborative text editor
> - Nearly 70,000 data-conscious individuals have already adopted a personal cloud
> - A partnership that we are really proud of was created with CEMEA and the support of Secours Populaire Français, the Afnic Foundation, the Samu Social de Paris and Framasoft to fight against digital exclusion
> - A partnership with [Gandi]( allows their customers to create a Cozy space on their own domain. You will stay because you can leave.
> - Cozy Cloud has been rewarded by the [NGO MyData as MyDataOperator](
> - Cozy was chosen as the data platform for its energy savings service offered at the Data Challenge thanks to Métropole Grand Lyon
* [How and DTACTs partnership is opening up a bright future for user centricity](
> Sander Swinkels, DTACT CEO, explains that a common vision of securely enabling and safeguarding the sharing of personal data with consent is what drew the two companies together. And they have been working to build something unique, frictionless and fast with users firmly at the centre, based on an open framework which is easily scalable.
* [22 Companies and Organizations Receive the MyData Operator 2021 Award]( MyData
> As highlighted by the ongoing Facebook Files scandal, transparency and accountability in personal data are increasingly acknowledged as critical for safety online.  To show their commitment to ethical personal data management, participating organisations are required to disclose information about their operations. The MyData Operator Award shows that ethical alternatives exist and provide value for companies and users alike.
* [My Data Community Looks Outward and to the Future]( MyData Netherlands
> Highlights include the keynote from Amsterdams chief technology officer, Ger Baron and the awarding of the MyData Operator 2021 Awards to 22 companies and organisations.
* [Co-managing My Data]( JLinc
> This post sets out a vision for what could become a sustainable set of human-centric processes around the sourcing, management and use of personal data. Our context for doing so is that the current model for personal data management on The Internet is badly broken and has architectural limitations that are largely un-resolvable.
> personal data companies that have shown leadership by empowering individuals to control their personal data. As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future]( Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness]( is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives.
* [MyData Operator Status awarded to Mydex](
> As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future]( Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness]( is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives. Organisations awarded with the MyData Operator Award are vital enablers for such a vision, providing value for companies and individuals alike.
- [Avast demonstrates commitment to digital freedom with MyData membership](
<iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> [SSIMeetup]({{ site.baseurl }}//" title="Self-Sovereign Identity and the MyData model from Finland - Antti &#x27;Jogi&#x27; Poikola" />Self-Sovereign Identity and the MyData model from Finland - Antti &#x27;Jogi&#x27; Poikola</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="</strong> </div>
## Policy
* [MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act, Nov 5th 2020](
> pushing for needed changes to make it really work for a personal data ecosystem where people are empowered with their data.
* [Towards interconnected and human-centric data intermediaries](
> We believe that the Data Governance Act can influence global norms on sustainable data governance in the same way as the GDPR pushed the data protection norms beyond the EU.
> Our top picks for potential improvements are:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions
> 2. Clear and comprehensive scope
> 3. Moderate requirements
> 4. Interoperability between the data sharing services
* [MyData and the European Unions Latest Data Developments](
> The development of the Data Governance Act (DGA) is exciting for MyData because it shows a clear link to the [MyData Operators white paper](, which describes the operations and functions of what the EU terms as “data intermediaries”.
* [MyData Global Joins “Team Data Spaces” to Support the EUs Plan to Create “Data Spaces”](
> MyData Global announces to have joined forces with Team Data Spaces a coalition of leading European players with experience in standardising, creating and operationalising data sharing to facilitate the development of European data spaces which are at the heart of the EUs data strategy.
* [Childrens right for privacy also in the digital world is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child]( MyData
> Last week, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, stated that she will not give consent to the media to take and publish photos of her child. This led to wide discussion and international headlines even though the right to privacy is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
## Explainer
* [MyData Strategy of Global Enterprises](
> Visionaries from around the world will present success stories and explain why it is important to align MyDatas human-centric principles in the data economy.
* [Why all data governance needs to consider childrens rights]( Emmaday
> Last month, UNICEF published a [Manifesto on Good Data Governance for Children](, an initiative that was the result of a year of collaboration between a working group of 17 experts, many of them affiliated with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF.
* [Rulebook overcomes the lack of trust in data sharing]( MyData
> The data sharing market is taking off and there is enormous uncaptured value. Many organisations are looking for new trustworthy ways to create value from data collaboration. Individuals can also benefit tremendously if data can be more readily shared across service providers.
* [What to make of data sovereignty]( MyData
> Data sovereignty has gained much recent attention, whilst interpreted in varied ways. MyData Global describes in this blog post what to make of data sovereignty when taking a human-centric approach to personal data.
* [Does “data monetisation” lead towards more fairness, sustainability, and prosperity for all?]( MyData
> As this is a complex and often polarising issue, it must be discussed with patience, diligence, and determination. MyData Global has not yet reached a position on the topic. In this piece, we share our considerations and questions, and hope to inspire you to join this important deliberation.
> With COP26 taking place this week, governments, companies, and individuals are discussing how we can all reduce our carbon emissions. The task is monumental, and technology has an important role to play both in reducing its own carbon footprint and in helping the wider world track and reduce their emissions.
* [Connecting Citizens and Government for Better Designed Services]( MyData
Our vision for [Inclued]( is for it to become the de facto choice for two-way, secure citizen engagement that empowers citizens to not only access services but influence what is delivered to them, while giving governments and citizens insight and evidence into the value and impact of working with, not for citizens.
### Smart Cities
## [Podcast](
**Enjoy the diverse cast of characters on the MyData podcast series!**
>MyData is a vision, a series of principles, a movement, and a conference. Our objective is to develop awareness of how we, as individuals, can have more control over the data that describes us, and of the data trails we leave behind us in our everyday life. Find the episodes on this page, or use services below. Buzzsprout and Buzzsprout RSS Spotify iTunes YouTube Contact us at or @mydataorg on Twitter.
* AUG 27, 2018 - [S18E14 - Petteri Kivimäki]( is the CTO of the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS).
* AUG 26, 2018 - [S18E13 - Dr. Ing. Konstantinos Karachalios]( is managing director of the IEEE Standards Association and a member of the IEEE Management Council.
* AUG 21, 2018 - [S18E12 - Noora Lähde]( is responsible for the coordination of Traffic Lab Finland, which is a forum for mobility and transport services, trials and smart mobility development in Finland.
* AUG 14, 2018 - [S18E11 - Xavier Lefevre]( is the CEO and founder of fair&smart, a startup that designs and develops solutions which encourage a fair and smart use of personal data in all sectors
* AUG 7, 2018 - [S18E10 - Benjamin Goering]( - As an Invited Expert in the W3C, Benjamin helped refine the ActivityStreams social data vocabulary and ActivityPub federated social networking protocol. In 2018 he founded Permanent.Company to build a cloud platform and community that everyday people can use to replace proprietary SaaS apps with sustainable open source alternatives.
* JUL 31, 2018 - [S18E09 - Ignasi Alcalde]( is a training manager at and a data visualisation teacher at the Open University of Catalonia.
* JUL 24, 2018 - [S18E08 - Elizabeth Renier]( is is an entrepreneurial attorney, thought-leader and strategic consultant who] is passionate about emerging technologies and their impact on privacy, identity, society, and collective consciousness.
* JUL 17, 2018 - [S18E07 - Mikko Hypponen]( is a global security expert.
* JUL 10, 2018 - [S18E06 - Olivier Dion]( is a French entrepreneur. He created Onecub in 2011 in order to give personal data back to people.
* JUL 3, 2018 - [S01E05 - Adrian Gropper]( is trained as an engineer and a physician and his career has been as a medical device entrepreneur. All of his startup products were aimed at the physician-patient relationship. Adrian currently works as an advocate and volunteer CTO of the pati.
* JUN 26, 2018 - [S01E04 - Esko Reinikainen]( is the Co Founder of The Satori Lab, a Cardiff based startup that helps organisations navigate change.
* JUN 17, 2018 - [S18E03 - Oguzhan (Ouz) Gencoglu]( is the Co-Founder and Head of Data Science of Helsinki-based AI start-up, Top Data Science.
* JUN 16, 2018 - [S18E02 - Jaana Sinipuro]( leads Sitras two focus areas: IHAN® Human-driven data economy and] isaacus the Digital Health HUB.
* JUN 15, 2018 - [S18E01 - Gianfranco Cecconi]( is an independent data scientist and consultant in London, UK. When he's not at work, he volunteers for both DataKind and MyData.
* [Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty](
> This article illustrates an open debate in data governance and the data justice field related to current trends and challenges in smart cities, resulting in a new approach advocated for and recently coined by the UN-Habitat programme People-Centred Smart Cities.
* [Catalysing transformative change: new project to produce innovative services in smart cities]( MyData
> “Cities around the world are racing ahead to be smarter by taking ethical approaches to personal data”, explains Teemu Ropponen, General Manager of MyData Global “MyData Global is a centre of excellence for personal data management expertise, with the H3C project we are bringing together city administrations, companies and individuals to find solutions that put people in control of their personal data”
* [Training: Building smart cities services 2.0]( MyData
> You will learn about business models, compliance with complex regulatory regimes, standards, and governance mechanisms. You will be connected with EU funding opportunities, and you will learn how to build successful partnerships with companies and cities
## [My Data 2018 Presentations](
### [Opening plenary](
Antti Jogi Poikola (Main stage) [[slides](]
We have to embrace diversity to make MyData happen in large scale and to make it right. Businesses, legal experts, technologists and the societal thinkers are needed. MyData programme lead Antti Jogi Poikola will help you to find your way to contribute in better digital future.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Viivi Lähteenoja [[slides](]
### [Legal landscape (video)](
>Technology develops so fast, that GDPR may already be outdated. Willem Debeuckelaere and Elizabeth Renieris explain what kind of regulation we need for the era of decentralised blockchain technologies and personal data ecosystems.
* [Opening plenary]( Jogi Poikola (Main stage) [slides](
> We have to embrace diversity to make MyData happen in large scale and to make it right. Businesses, legal experts, technologists and the societal thinkers are needed. MyData programme lead Antti Jogi Poikola will help you to find your way to contribute in better digital future.
* [Legal landscape (video)](
> We know about the content of EU General Data Protection Regulation, and other personal data related new regulations and policies. How the legal text turns into societal impact and what is the future with fast technological development? President of the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy Willem Debeuckelaere shares his insights on the citizen empowerment and law enforcement. Elizabeth Renieris, Global Policy Counsel from Evernym will reflect the future connections of regulation in the era of decentralised blockchain technologies.
Elizabeth Renieris [[slides](] [[podcast](]
In this presentation, I will argue that the “new” Regulation isnt so new from at least three perspectives historical, technological, or structural.
Willem Debeuckelaere [[slides](]
Empowering the citizen or explicit state law enforcement?
### [Make it happen (video)](
>In this session we will hear from the conference partners how they are making the new human centric personal data reality. The slogan for MyData conferences and the global community is “Make it happen, make it right”. The future practices around personal data management should become sustainable from business perspective as well as distinctively different and better from the “data economy as usual” (make it happen) and at the same time they should be sustainable from societal and individual perspectives (make it right). The part of making it happen is like pushing the gas pedal while making it right is like using the steering wheel and breaking when needed.
Kirsi Pulkamo [[slides](] [(video)](
Presenting in short what Finnish Transport Safety Agency has done as a public authority in the field of mydata.
Pekka Sivonen Business Finland [(video)](
Taneli Tikka Vake [(video)](
Jaana Sinipuro [[podcast]]( [(video)](
### [Personal Data for Common Good](
Strong data protection and personal data for common good? These should not be contradicting goals. Jeni Tennison from Open Data Institute and Hetan Shah from the Royal Statistical Society will share experiences and outline some of the potential mechanisms available to ensure that data can be used for public good, in order to maintain trustworthiness, and public support for innovation.
>How to build a fairer data ecosystem -Jeni Tennison, Open Data Institute - [(video)](
>In this talk, Jeni will share a vision a future where people, organisations and communities use data to make better decisions and are protected from any of its harmful impacts. The talk will include lessons learned from building this vision so far, and ways that everyone can get involved in building the future.
>A Data Manifesto for the Common Good -Hetan Shah, Royal Statistical Society [[slides](] [(video)](
>Hetan will outline the thinking of the Royal Statistical Societys Data Manifesto on how data can be used for the common good. He will talk about recent initiatives in the UK to promote data ethics, including the new Ada Lovelace Institute and the government Centre for Data Ethics. He will consider the options that exist to ensure that personal data can be used for public good and in particular on how to deal with the emergence of private sector data monopolie
### [The Domains of Identity (video)](
>At the moment we are not in control of our digital identities as we have given them to giant companies like Facebook and Google or governments. Kaliya Young, better known as Identity woman, explains how we, the people, could gain back our sovereignty and Tony Fish & Lubna Dajani describe what kind of tools we could have to do that.
* [The Domains of Identity (video)]( Kaliya Young [video](
> Discussions of personal data and identity management are often confusing because they mix issues from multiple domains, or because they try unsuccessfully to apply solutions from one domain to problems in another. Kaliya Young will outline the key domains of identity to bring clarity for the discussions in the MyData conference.
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Kaliya Young The Domains of Identity [(video)](
### [Future of Web](
>Roughly 30 years of history of web has shown that many things did not turn out quite as imagined in the early days. What are the key questions for the next thirty years? Security & Privacy Expert Mikko Hyppönen from F-Secure will reflect the history of web, what kind of expectations there has been and why the development was not always as expected and how should we tune our expectations and actions towards the future.
Mikko Hypponen [[slides](] [(video)]( [[podcast](]
### [Collective and Personal](
>Much of personal data is fundamentally social in nature it is not tied to one individual, but rather to many people. Data is also communication and signaling, it is shared between many. The collective production and use of data create technical and social challenges what may be missed in the discussions if we speak about human centric personal data purely in individualistic terms. Dawn Nafus from Intel Labs and Mad Price Ball from Open Humans Foundation dive deep in to the challenges and solutions of collective personal data.
Mad Ball [[slides](] [(video)](
Can we empower ourselves collectively from individuals to communities? Vignettes from Open Humans and reflections on the power of peer production.
Dawn Nafus [(video)](
How can we empower ourselves around our personal data and potentially contribute to a greater good?
### [My AI in the Peace Machine](
>Lets allow computers listen and read all of our words, and use machine learning to lessen hate and fear. Peace Machine is a creation and legacy of professor Timo Honkela, a powerful concept of using AI in peace building.
Timo Honkela My AI in the Peace Machine [[slides](] [(video)](
### [Rebuilding the Digital Era](
>In this session Konstantinos Karachalios from IEEE and member of the European Parliament Marju Lauristin share insights on rebuilding the digital era trough standards and government policies. Providing a form of “soft regulation,” standards work because they provide best in class thinking through an open and democratic process and a collective consensus building effort. On the other hand also hard regulations is needed even if it takes longer time to make happen.
Konstantinos Karachalios [[slides](] [[podcast](]
>IEEE is the worlds largest technology association with over 420,000 members in more than 160 countries. The new standards projects are putting people at the center of their data. In the past year IEEE has launched several open Standards Working Groups focused on empowering individuals to access and control their personal data and identity. Depending on the degree of complexity, standards project may take a period of two to three years, at the end of which a document is produced and made available for engineers, companies or policy makers to utilize in their efforts.
Marju Lauristin [[slides]( [(video)](
### [MyData the disruptor (video)](
>We are going through incredibly exciting and rapid societal, economic and technological change. Luukas Ilves will offer some strategies to carry the MyData agenda forward in discussions on economic policy and AI ethics.
Jaana Sinipuro (Main Stage) [podcast](
### [Closing Plenary](
>Linnet Taylor will summarise the most important findings of the conference in relation to the central themes of MyData, and to the overall aim of creating usable, fair and just systems for a datafied society.
Linnet Taylor (Closing Plenary) [[slides]( [(video)](
### [Our Data Rights](
* [Our Data Rights](
> Bring together three communities that are not talking to each other enough to chart a joint way forward: AI ethics, open data, privacy/surveillance. The outcome is a coming together, a silo busting, of these 3 groups around a joint data rights framework for individuals, companies and governments, which will then be translated into (1) campaigns, (2) regulations, (3) policy change.
Jeni Tennison (Main Stage) [[slides](]
Strong data protection and personal data for common good? These should not be contradicting goals. Jeni Tennison from the ODI will outline some of the potential mechanisms available to ensure that data can be used for public good, to maintain trustworthiness and public support for innovation.
### [Practical AI ethics](
* [Practical AI ethics](
> Recognizing that every Artificial Intelligence (AI) system has humans in the loop, we propose Human-in-the-loop Artificial Intelligence (HitAI) as a fairer paradigm for building AI systems. In fact, HitAI will reward the legitimate owners of the knowledge used in these systems. Any decisions of AI systems generating revenues will repay the legitimate owners of the knowledge used for taking those decisions. This is a call for AI reserchers! As modern Merry Men, HitAIresearchers should fight for a fairer Robin Hood Artificial Intelligence that gives back what it steals.
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto [slides]( [(video)](
>Privacy is reborn in the digital age with the demand of data subjects on their rights. In AI research and development more attention is directed to building interpretable, anonymous, secure and fair AI systems. We will discuss the challenges and best practices of model interpretability, building anonymous models, data minimisation and anonymisation based on Erlins experience at Silo.AI on privacy by design principle and fair usage of AI.
Erlin Gulbenkoglu [(video)](]
>CHAOS architects is an AI SaaS company that brings a sustainable and holistic solution to smart city and urban planning challenges. Through data analysis and crowd insights, CHAOS architects creates favourable conditions for businesses and citizen initiatives. CHAOS AI Dashboard and CHAOS user interface Happycity allow citizens to share ideas about their cities and co-create together with the community. The platform contains engagement-driven applications and third-party APIs that processes AI algorithms for better interaction, forecasting and decision making.
Natalia Rincón Open Data Plus AI: The Recipe for A Smart City [(video)](
### [Disruption](
>**Life after the Death of GAFA** - Stuart Lacey, Trunomi
>GAFA have appealed to our most basic core instincts of our god (Google) our love (Facebook) our consumption (Amazon) and our vanity (Apple) and have all lied to us: breaching privacy, intentionally breaking the law, avoiding taxes, eradicating jobs, destroying value.
>Although they pay fines for, apologise for and blatantly claim otherwise they do so to solely gain shareholder value acting more like lords over serfs and destroying the middle class.
>At the root of all of this power play is OurData where we are the product. This session exposes the lies and corruption and explains the how, why and when of their imminent decline.
### [MyData kansallinen keruualusta (Finnish Language Session)](
>We have collected population based Surveys for decades in Finland. Mostly by Statistics Finland and National Institute for Health and Welfare. Moreover, other public sector institutes need interaction platforms to get the data from citizens. In Finland the most of the data collection concerns the patients health records after the contact in social / healthcare. The possibilities to use new IoT gadgets on this platform is also possible.
>In the more recent projects like, KanTa services and mostly in ODA-project Finland has created a platform that contacts population. In this project there is possible to enlarge the scope cross sectional. This is the basic idea to put under discussion. Is there a general need that could be fulfilled with this “National platform to collect citizens data”? Moreover could we give more personal view and ownership to us as a citizen. This also gathers the basic idea of Sitras new launch of IHAN.
### [Panel Session: Data Portability](
>This session will start with a use case from Jim Groom, showing how data portability has been made possible across universities. Domain of Ones Own could provide also a powerful example in how higher education could harness application programming interfaces (APIs) to build a more user-empowered data ecosystem at universities. This introduction talk will be followed by a panel discussion looking at issues affecting the adoption of data portability in other sectors, such as health and finance, with a particular focus on the motivations of businesses and individuals.
Jim Groom A Domain of Ones Own [(video)](
### [Showcases](
* [Showcases](
> This session will present latest advancements of MyData services from around the globe, with examples ranging from incubation of the data market to proof-of-concepts to revenue generating businesses. The presenters share key learnings and best practices for each phase, focusing on real scenarios, concrete data and key metrics derived from implemented business models.
Geoff Revill (Case studies) [[slides](] [(video)](
The Internet has changed so should our social platforms removing data surveillence & delivering trustworthy engagement value needs a new biz model
Alastair Johnson [(video)](
Personal information should be owned and controlled by the person.
Masahiro Hanatani [(video)](
Michele Nati (Business) [[slides](] [(video)](
### [How can we increase access to data while retaining trust?](
>In this session, the Open Data Institute team will share insights into their work on how to increase access to data, while retaining trust.
>As well as the opportunities presented by increasing access to data such as through effective data portability initiatives it will also explore the challenges we will collectively need to tackle.
Jack Hardinges [[slides](] [(video)](
### [Technical aspects of Data Portability](
Dataccess: portability by data-responsible organizations
Guillaume Jacquart, FING
During this talk we will highlight the results of Dataccess project, led by Fing and Orange, which goal was to provide a common framework for enabling personal data portability. It describes user experience of acting upon the portability right, and gives advice on technical and project lead.
Guillaume Jacquart [slides](
### [Tools for data portability](
>The session will showcase four open-source projects that focus on data portability. We will start investigating how new business models can leverage data portability and what tools and technologies can support that. Following this overview we will then conclude the session with lessons learned from real cases on how to build user friendly data portability tools and experiences. In particular we will learn about: 1) Ocean Protocol, which combines economic incentives with embedded privacy and security features to revolutionise the concept of data portability under individuals control; 2) “Personium”, a Personal Data Store (PDS) solution that aims to facilitate data portability; 3) Data Transfer Project, an open source project making it easy for individuals to copy data from one online service provider to another and 4) fair&smart, a platform which connects individuals to organisations and provide them with tools to share and manage personal data,
Xavier LEFEVRE [[slides](]
Akio Shimono [[slides](]
Imagine.. A ball or something floating above your head. Invisible concierge that knows all about you, helps you all the time, and never betrays you.
### [Wrestle the GDPR and WIN!](
>GDPR has presented challenges for many organisations typically, knowing where to start in getting the data in their custody under control. There is not a one size fits all approach to complying. This session will explore the challenges that organisations face in understanding their data landscape and how they are attempting to meet the wider transparency needs of GDPR. Includes respect for the privacy of individuals personal data and their extended rights.
### [Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part I](
>We give an overview of existing interoperability-focused standards and protocols useful to the MyData audience, covering their history, the classic centralized and federated approaches, and the new set of decentralized and self-sovereign ones. Well talk about where each approach is appropriate, how the various standards can interact, and what possible upgrade paths could be.
* [Tools for data portability](
> In particular we will learn about: 1) Ocean Protocol, which combines economic incentives with embedded privacy and security features to revolutionise the concept of data portability under individuals control; 2) “Personium”, a Personal Data Store (PDS) solution that aims to facilitate data portability; 3) Data Transfer Project, an open source project making it easy for individuals to copy data from one online service provider to another and 4) fair&smart, a platform which connects individuals to organisations and provide them with tools to share and manage personal data,
* [Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part I](
> Categories of technologies include: Identity (e.g. DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials, Authentication (e.g. DID-Auth), Access Control, Aggregation and Federation (e.g. the new W3C ActivityPub and ActivityStreams2 specs), and Personal Data Store APIs (e.g. Solid).
Kim Hamilton Duffy [[slides](] [(video)](
Benjamin Goering [[slides](] [[podcast](] [(video)](
ActivityPub enables social conversations to spread out across the web and not stay locked in just one social network. But how does it work?
### [Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part II](
> - Kim Hamilton Duffy [[slides](] [(video)](
> - Benjamin Goering [[slides](] [[podcast](] [(video)](
* [Interoperability and Decentralisation: Part II](
> There are lots of new and exciting developments going on in the decentralized & self-sovereign world of MyData. After offering a general overview to standards and protocols in the morning Part I session, this Part II will focus on concrete projects that are already underway. We will explore examples where decentralized technologies are being used, how they help interoperability, and how they integrate with existing infrastructure.
Adrian Gropper [[slides](] [(video)](
Agency is ones ability to exert power. The thing that is to be my online agent must work only for me (self-sovereign) and should be standards-based.
Rouven Heck uPort: Self-Sovereign Identity Meets Portable Data [[slides](] [(video)](
Fabrizio Leoni eIDAS and Self-Sovereign Identity [[slides](] [(video)](
Self Sovereign Identity models can be interoperable with eIdas regulated Trust Services. We will explore Interoperability scenarios and actual POCs .
### [Individual Awareness](
The end-to-end encrypted social network
Robert Guinness, Pondenome
>Pondenome was founded in March 2018, but the idea has been a long time in the making. Our goal is to launch an end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) social network by the end of 2018. Pondenome is aligned with MyData values and goals. We believe communication should be controlled by the people communicating, not the company sending around the messages.
Rob Guinness [[slides](]
### [Handpicked Live Use Cases: MyData in Action](
>This session will showcase 4 use cases that demonstrate the MyData model and all of its parties: data holders, data services and individuals. This is not a pitching session! Selected use cases will share learnings, challenges and opportunities, success stories and failures, and you, as participants, will be able to question and explore these cases with the presenters.
StJohn Deakins [[slides](] [(video)](
120,000 Citizens have already transacted their my data 3.5m times for fair value.
Rory Donnelly [(video)](
### [Semantic Interoperability and Transparency](
- Adrian Gropper my online agent must work only for me (self-sovereign) and should be standards-based. [[slides](] [(video)](
- Rouven Heck uPort: Self-Sovereign Identity Meets Portable Data [[slides](] [(video)](
- Fabrizio Leoni eIDAS and Self-Sovereign Identity [[slides](] [(video)](
* [Semantic Interoperability and Transparency](
> Harmonised semantics and standardised vocabularies for personal data are essential for portability, informed consent, notice and transparency of personal data processing. In this session will we will focus on how we can integrate semantic schemes in both subject-centric approaches and at the enterprise level. We will show how academia, industry and standards bodies are working together for regulatory compliance and the wider benefits of interoperability.
Axel Polleres [[slides](] [(video)](
Lets talk about the core components that make privacy controls interoperable: which standards already exist and how can we make them interplay?
Christoph Fabianek [[slides](] [(video)](
Semantic Containers enable technical, semantic, and legal interoperability and create trust.
### [Hands-on Personal Data](
>During the course of this workshop, we will learn the personal data processing principles for individuals and companies. The participants will bring their devices (mobile phone, computer) and we will help them find practical ways to better protect, but also better manage their personal data.
### [Designing within the Personal Data Economy](
>With the growing ubiquity of data there is an increasing interest from the design research community to understand how product and interaction designers can engage with sensor data and how sensor data can be incorporated in design processes, i.e. how data can be used as creative design material.
Mikael Seppälä [[slides](]
“Data is like Moomin mugs, everyones collecting but no ones using”. Organizations are collecting data but how can we turn it into customer value?
### [Rights or Ownership?](
Michael Becker Consumer Attitudes Towards Personal Information Management [(video)](
### [Standards for Delivering on the MyData Principles](
* [Standards for Delivering on the MyData Principles](
> This presentation takes each of the MyData 6 Principles and gives examples of Kantaras work supporting those from the specifications that the Kantara community curates through member implementations of those specifications to Trust Mark evidenced conformity via Kantaras Trust Framework and Assurance programme
Colin Wallis [[slides](] [(video)](
- Colin Wallis [[slides](] [(video)](
- Drummond Reed [[slides](] [(video)](
> Drummond will give an update on how we are making rapid progress on four emerging open standards for self-sovereign identity (SSI): DID (Decentralized Identifiers), DKMS (Decentralized Key Management System), DID Auth (how you authenticate using DIDs), and Verifiable Credentials (interoperable digital credentials), and how together these open standards are laying an SSI foundation for MyData.
Drummond Reed [[slides](] [(video)](
### [The Blue Ocean of Ethical Personal Data](
* [The Blue Ocean of Ethical Personal Data](
> The dominant, so far widely successful, business models in the field of personal data are based on mass data collection, analysis and targeting advertisements. We have seen evidence that the public opinion is turning more negative towards such practices and the models are also being challenged by regulators. On this mature market also the competition is fierce. This session gathers investors to discuss and debate on the potential of creating blue ocean markets where the strict data protection is not a hindrance, but the key driver for businesses. This session looks at why and how personal data could be opened for wider ecosystems and what is the disruptive power of such networked innovation, and looks at this question from a corporate perspective.
J Cromack (Business) [[slides](] [(video)](
Looking at the challenges organisations face in understanding their data and how they are attempting to meet the wider transparency needs of GDPR
Arikia Millikan [[slides](] [(video)](
If we dont explore business models for online media outside of surveillance capitalism, journalism may cease to exist.
Bianca Wylie [(video)](
### [Truly Global](
>Do you know in how many countries in the world there is no existing data protection regulation? Access to personal data yes, but how about access to internet what the net neutrality has to do with MyData? Even if we live in globally connected world the cultural differences are real and they do affect on the way how personal data technologies and policies are spreading.
- J Cromack (Business) [[slides](] [(video)]( "challenges organisations face to meet the wider transparency needs of GDPR"
- Arikia Millikan [[slides](] [(video)]( "If we dont explore business models for online media outside of surveillance capitalism, journalism may cease to exist."
- Bianca Wylie [(video)](
* [Truly Global](
> In this session we explore the MyData topics from the global perspective with experts from three international organisations IEEE Standards Association, World Bank and Open Knowledge International.
Aki Enkenberg [(video)](
Data has become key for global development, helping to deliver faster, better and smarter. This requires we also manage data-related risks better.
Karin Christiansen OKI [(video)](
### [Out from the silos personal data for innovation](
>Human-centric control of personal data underpins the seamless flow of data between different services and domains. Breaking data out of the silos enables new innovations that can emerge also outside of the domain of the original data provider, but still serve the common customer. As an example: the customer might be willing to use her loyalty card data in a health app, health is not the business of a retail chain, but by opening up for external innovators, the retail chain may be able to create more value for its customer who uses the loyalty card. This session looks at why and how personal data could be opened for wider ecosystems and what is the disruptive power of such networked innovation, and looks at this question from a corporate perspective.
Peter Eikelboom Volksbank [(video)](
Titus Sips APG [(video)](
Marlies Rikken InnoValor [(video)](
### [Data and digital identity in the cities](
>The amount of data generated by human activity in cities is tremendous and is expected to grow every day. If for a long time cities (as authorities) were spectators rather than actors in terms of data use and management, this is no longer the case. Aware of the democratic, economic and ecological challenges related to this issue, many cities are embarking on projects for a more innovative usage and management of data generated by citizens. If these projects are at their starting stages, they are already projecting cities in a new era where they can aspire to a leading role on the (personal) data issue. During this session, we will discover some of these inspiring projects.
Sarah Medjek [[slides](]
Ivonne Jansen-Dings Dutch Policy Lab on Digital Identity
Geoffrey Delcroix [[slides](] [(video)](
Presentation of the “The platform of a city” , written by the innovation and foresight lab of the french data protection authority
Keith Dickerson [[slides](] [(video)](
A lot of personal data is used to fulfil the requirements of use cases in smart cities. Is this adequately protected and how is this done?
### [Cities driving for a European MyData roadmap](
>For centuries cities and more widely public actors have been tech-followers. Indeed, in most cases the technology innovations have been emerging from the private sector, and the cities doubted first of their relevance before embarking on a late and timid adoption. But the time has changed!
Hervé Groleas [[slides](] [(video)](
For centuries cities and more widely public actors have been tech-followers. But the time has changed!
Jarmo Eskelinen [[slides](] [(video)](
Quick sweep across the state of affairs in the UK cities and the love-hate relationship between them and the ventral government.
### [Energy Data Sharing](
>With hundreds of millions smart meters installed worldwide, the energy sector carries on its digital transformation. They enable citizens to know their personal consumption, get a better understanding and be offered new services. The potential is great, but only if the citizen is in the center of their personal data and have enough trust about how it is handled. The panel will show a overview of real and tangible benefits from a customer-centric use of energy personal data.
André Bryde Alnor [[slides](] [(video)](
How a cross border data delegation system could help customers and the energy sector. An architecture based on Sovrin and OAuth2
Lukas Keller [(video)]( [[podcast](]
[Please refer to the google doc with the session description]
Xavier Furst [[slides](] [(video)]( [[podcast](]
In an ever moving environment, economically, legally, etc, a national grid operator faces several challenges related to data access and provision
Bart Janssen Alliander in Netherlands : multi-DSO privacy by design platform
Natalie Samovich [[slides](] [(video)](
P2P models in R&I projects and spin-offs: VICINITY2020 and SHAR-Q H2020 projects
### [Decentralised economy](
>Personal data is the most important “raw material” in the information society. Companies and other organizations collect personal data today in incredible extents. I will present how can the new data protection regulation (GDPR) in combination with the appropriate use of decentralized technology radically change the relationship of power between individuals and organizations and how trustful companies can take advantage of this change in a mutual benefit.
Mihael Modic [[slides](,] [(video)](
A high-level overview of some interesting decentralized technologies for personal data management for non-technical people.
Charlotte Depin A non-blockchain approach to distributed identities
Freyr Ketilsson [[slides](] [(video)](
### [Health Data Accessibility](
>Connected Health is an overarching theme for accessibility to change the landscape for future healthcare industry. In this model, data is intrinsic to shape a holistic proactive approach to healthcare. This session will compare and contrast accessibility findings in their research for both industry and public sector, with the purpose of illustrating a human-centric design perspective with an emphasis on service design to bring value to stakeholders. We will also discuss the impact of digitalization on health data and shed some light on the challenges and opportunities going forward.
Casandra Grundstrom [[slides](]
Why do insurance companies and healthy persons access health data? What barriers do these stakeholders face when providing or using digital services?
Mette Kjer Kaltoft Health e-decisions for all [(video)](
### [Dimensions of interoperability](
>During this first session we will introduce the interoperability track and give the big picture of different dimensions of interoperability. We will define what interoperability means for MyData and how this is supported by the interoperability sessions in the conference.
* [Dimensions of interoperability](
> We will start off the interoperability track with some of the most important topics of MyData interoperability. We will begin with how machines handling MyData understand interoperability. Then we will dive into the legal issues to be understood in interoperability, and finish with how interoperability can work at a national level in the X-Road architecture.
Joss Langford (Interoperability) [[slides](] [(video)](
An overview of some models of interoperability and what this means for the MyData ecosystem.
Geoff Revill [[slides](] [(video)](
For at scale internet level personal data interoperability we need to move from ambiguous syntactic data exchange, to rigorous formalised semantics
Cagla Salmensuu [(video)](
How will the interoperability by design fare alongside the privacy by design? Join my in exploring how the legal interoperability is tackled in the EU
Petteri Kivimäki [[slides](] [(video)]( [[podcast](]
### [Identity Management in the IHAN® World](
Sitras IHAN® project will create the missing building blocks for fair and functioning data economy. By creating an international protocol between end users, data providers and service providers we can enable a data ecosystem where everybody wins: service providers can start to create and capture value by providing relevant services to end users by using data from one or more data sources with the consent of the individual giving people control over how and what their data is being used for.
Jyrki Suokas (Interoperability) [[slides](] [(video)](
### [Consent in Action](
>Interoperability in the management of consent will allow safe, seamless sharing of personal data for individuals. In this session we will explore the role of consent in the GDPR, the practical implications of compliance and see standards-based approaches to consent management in action.
Martin Sandren [[slides](] [(video)](
We start by figuring out what an informed consent is and the story behind it, to the points why it is so centric and why it should be planned with car
Andrew Hughes [[slides](] [(video)](
Kantara Consent receipts allow data subjects to catalog & act on where they agreed to data processing. We demo 5 companies exchanging receipts.
John Wunderlich [[slides](] [(video)](
The JLINC protocol replaces “Terms and Conditions” with “Permissioned Data”. This solves the problem of scale with “Notice & Consent”
### [Major Use Cases from Finland](
>Finland has been hosting MyData conferences ever since 2016. Learn why! Major Finnish players have actually implemented concrete MyData models. Discover how from three use cases to share insights for other countries and regions to develop their personal-data ecosystems..
Noora Lähde [[slides](] [[podcast](] [(video)](
Mika Huhtamäki Trafi-Tilaajavastuu MyData trial [(video)](
Antti Kettunen (Cases) [(video)](
Samuli Mustonen [[slides](] [(video)](
KOSKI is a register that collects real-time data of everyones studies in Finland. A citizen can share information based on his/her consent.
### [Mechanics of fairness](
>This session explores issues around accountability, transparency and fairness around our data. By looking at both trends and norms in respecting rights, we will explore the questions around our data and the potentials for it, with respect to redefining how accountability functions and how algorithms are used.
Jussi Leppälä [[slides](]
Are algorithms more biased than human decision makers? How to make sure that algorithms are fair?
Afef Abrougui [[slides](]
Users remain largely in the dark about how internet and telecommunication companies handle their information according to @rankingrights research.
Walter Palmetshofer [[slides](]
### [Governance alternatives](
>This session discusses overarching dynamics of data governance, in order to address power asymmetries through structural approaches to our data. By bringing together both conceptual and practical approaches, we will explore models and potential sources of leverage for empowerment. You hear talks from Sean McDonald, Bruno Carballa Smichowski and Markus Niessen.
Markus Niessen [[slides](] [(video)](
MIDATA cooperatives empower citizens as actors in the digital society and contribute to the democratization of the personal data economy.
### [Debating Rights & Responsibilities](
>The aim of this session is to think how the move beyond the individual aids in the pooling of data resources for the public good. The issues discussed range from a need to build a collective history, to using technologies in a responsible manner and to data redefined as general intellect. You hear talks from Laura James, Christopher Olk, and Heidi Laine.
Laura James [[slides](]
Responsible Technology considers the social impact it creates and the unintended consequences it might cause. Its more than just data ethics! Find out about our work to define responsible technology, and to embed it in practice with tech industry product teams.
Christopher Olk [[slides](] [(video)](
Personal data may be regarded as an unjustly appropriated raw material, as the product of users labour, or as an embodiment of social knowledge.
Heidi Laine [[slides](] [(video)](
Right to be remembered is overlooked in discussions about personal data and privacy. It affects especially societys underprivileged groups.
### [Participatory exercise around data portability](
>We will start with a lightning talk presenting how GDPRs Right for Data Portability has been implemented by service providers in the newspapers and journal industry. After setting the scene, the remaining part of the session will be hands-on and interactive, involving participants into evaluating current tools usability, provide feedback and recommendation for the next generation of them in order to better fulfill end-users and not only service providers needs.
Tuula Pääkkönen [[slides](]
Crowdsourcing features of support also data portability. An export enables users to do research on materials also offline.
### [The imaginarium of MyData futures](
>We will tap into visions ranging from emerging technology projections to speculative fiction in our quest to explore wild, even provocative, future scenarios: paradoxical, fun, desirable, messy, failed, complicated, incoherent, and ordinary data futures. The goal is to somehow feel and get a grip of the MyData futures, and in the process, identify some of the challenges ahead.
>This strack will take the form of a single discussion on the possible futures of a MyData world, divided in two sessions: One focussed on emerging technologies, their future trajectories, and the impact on MyData futures; including the potential and challenges; And another that looks at life, society, and the economy in a MyData future.
Daniel Kaplan [[slides](] [(video)](
Linnet Taylor (futures) How many utopias? [(video)](
Neelima Sailaja Lianne Kerlin Ian Forrester [(video)](
Addressing the turn towards personal data in future media, by unveiling the socio-technical responses that make this shift empowering for audiences.
Gregor Žavcer [[slides](] [(video)](
As developers, we need ethics by design. As individuals, we need to own our data.
Ren Watson [[slides](]
In a future world where AI runs my life, is it for good? Do I understand how Im being controlled? Or is it just a bit creepy? Ren & Ruaridh discuss a possible future lifestyle.
Oguzhan Gencoglu [[slides](] [[podcast](] [(video)](
Geoffrey Delcroix (Futures) [[slides](] [(video)](
Molly Schwartz (futures) [[slides](] [(video)](

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# MyData
* [Crossing the Chasm for Privacy respecting Identity, MyData 2020]( *Presenters: Nat Sakimura, Sheila Warren. Host: Kristina Yasuda.
> 1. Accountable Digital Being2. Expressive Digital Being3. Fair Handling of personal data4. Right NOT to be forgotten5. Human Friendly6. Open, Interoperable, Leveraging Existing Infrastructure, and Tested7. Everyone Benefits
* [MyData Online Demo "Keep a Lifelog with Personium"](
- Before: Your personal data stored separately in the silos of various domain services…
- After: Keep in one place and share easily. Then utilized by other apps and selectively disclosed to 3rd parties
* [6 reasons why you should run for MyData Leadership](
* [MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act, Nov 5th 2020](
> pushing for needed changes to make it really work for a personal data ecosystem where people are empowered with their data.
* [Why 2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Regtech and data exchange](
> Joanne stated the companys aim is to extol the benefits of giving app developers rapid ability to create hyper-personalised services built on ethical data with ingrained consent controls and privacy-by-design principles. Crucially, a lot of ADXs efforts are going into making it clear to fintechs and innovators that fundamental backend system services already exist, and are ready to be utilised to fast track new products and services into the market today, not in some mythical future.
* [MyData Weekly Digest for January 22nd, 2021](
> Welcome to the MyData Weekly Digest, a news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the human centred approach in personal data management. It provides information retrieved mainly from the MyData Global Slack Channel since June 2019.
* [Me2BA Claims Victory in Contest Over California Privacy Regulations](
> On March 15th, the AGs Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved additional CCPA regulations promulgated by the Department of Justice. Notably, the Department withdrew its original language mandating the “Privacy Options” icon. In its place is new language making commercial use of the icons optional only.  In other words, our stated concerns about the icons were well received, and ultimately adopted.
* [Here are five key takeaways described in detail in the State of MyData 2021](
1. MyData is highly relevant to the “big conversations” of our time.
2. Cities are becoming pioneers of MyData.
3. Design is fundamental to the success of the MyData paradigm.
4. The journey of interoperability is all about the dialogue between governance and standards.
5. Whats missing is as important as whats there.
* [MyData Digital ethics]( Antti 'Jogi' Poikola, Board Chair, MyData Global
* [Why storytelling is key to advancing the ethical use of personal data](
Johannes Ernst, CEO of Indie Computing and co-founder of MyData Silicon Valley, explains why in order to increase consumer trust in technology, we need more transparency on key issues such as privacy, and why a common narrative for the innovators in the space is crucial to advancing individual control over personal data.
* [Getting rewarded for your data becomes reality with new and Yorz collaboration](
Yorz has partnerships with leading European payment processors and uses patented technology to automatically capture and make available till receipt data for users to share and monetise. They can also gather other valuable data from across their lives, including finance, health and social media, using digi.mes personal data exchange platform. The Yorz marketplace enables consumers to choose to receive cash, discounts or tailored offers based on the data access they offer brands, leaving them firmly in control.
* [Shedding Light on Dark Patterns](
* [The Me2B Alliance announces: Digital Harms Dictionary 2.0](
## MyData 2020 Online good sessions continued…
* [MyData4Children-OpenSpace2020](
> Three questions, to try to understand how MyData may lead a way to create a safe, enjoyable and empowering digital world for children.
1. What is the main challenge(s) we face today regarding childrens rights in a digital world?
2. What would be the ideal digital experience (safe, enjoyable, feasible and viable) for children, parents & educators?
3. What needs to be done to enable that ideal experience?
* [#THEGLASSROOM - Misinformation Edition](
The website above is a cool interactive webpage that was shared during the conference. A neat infographic called [How your phone is designed to grab your attention]( is part of the interactive webpage. [Theres also a video](
> In this edition we explore how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it. We include our animations:
> - Trackography: You Never Read Alone
> - Serious Profiling: Have you been profiled yet?
> - Personal Data: Political Persuasion, Inside the Influence Industry, Whats for sale?
> - Living with Algorithms: Why should you care about algorithms?
### Clips from the conference
* [@mydataorg]( shared some video clips from the conference in a few tweet threads:
- "20% of average family budget goes to mobility services. With better understanding through #MobilityData the costs and the CO2 impacts could be managed much easier,”[@Paultheyskens]( #PersonalData is an important enabler of sustainable mobility in the future!
- Better use of #mobilitydata could empower also citizens with special needs to move easier. “When data starts to flow, we can build tailored mobility applications,” [says @Rafke from @info_vlaanderen](
- [@BeyerMalte explains]( how to go from strategy to practice with the @EU_Commission's new #EUDataStrategy & #DataGovernanceAct and what is the role of trusted data intermediaries like #MyDataOperators.
- To share or not to share your personal data. Benefits include free service, better service or moral satisfaction. But the risk is manipulation, [Professor @MaxGrafenstein](
- There should be a way for our #data to gain value, be it in example monetary or ethical. So how valuable is “my data”? [@nlaout answers]( the million(or billion)-dollar question
- A traditional implementation of creating trust concerning data use is cookies. However, its a “hell of a user experience”. Now we have the opportunity to build something completely different that really inspires and keeps trust! [@arionair89](
* [Understanding the origins of identity]( Dr. Mawaki Chango
> #Identity management is not a new problem. Mawaki Chango, PhD explains briefly it's interesting history starting from the Roman Catholic Church keeping records of their believers, leading all the way from passports to the current situation we are in with digital identity credentials! At the #MyDataOnline2020 conference. Read more of his work from
* [MyData Strategy of Global Enterprises](
> Visionaries from around the world will present success stories and explain why it is important to align MyDatas human-centric principles in the data economy.
- [Jyrki Suokas Opening and Closing]([Alex David Exploring MyData concept from a Korean Perspective](
- [Ilona Ylinampa Why Technology Is A Method and Not An Intrinsic Value? Examples of Finnish Human-Centric Data Cases](
- [Junseok Kang Korea gaining momentum and what we are doing](
- [Pascal Huijbers How Trust in Digital Data can make our world a better place](
- [Vincent Jansen Consumer Data Rights in Australia](
* [Applying for, and being, a MyData Operator](
Ian Henderson talks about leading the application process for two MyData Operators []( and [DataYogi]( .
> The core of the awards process is an online questionnaire that each photo-operator completes which provides background on the applying organisation, and then allows them to describe their business in terms of the shared MyData Operator Reference model shown below. This reference model, described in detail in the MyData Operators white paper, is not prescriptive; it is more a useful way to ensure each applying operator frames their responses so that they become easier to understand and assess.
* [Cozy Cloud (MyData Operator) 2020 Highlights](
- Two new applications have been integrated in your Cozy to offer you more uses and control: [Pass](, a French and open source password manager and [Notes](, a collaborative text editor
- Nearly 70,000 data-conscious individuals have already adopted a personal cloud
- A partnership that we are really proud of was created with CEMEA and the support of Secours Populaire Français, the Afnic Foundation, the Samu Social de Paris and Framasoft to fight against digital exclusion
- A partnership with [Gandi]( allows their customers to create a Cozy space on their own domain. You will stay because you can leave.
- Cozy Cloud has been rewarded by the [NGO MyData as MyDataOperator](
- Cozy was chosen as the data platform for its energy savings service offered at the Data Challenge thanks to Métropole Grand Lyon
* [Radical Exchange Talk: Data Agency. Individual or Shared?](
* [Towards interconnected and human-centric data intermediaries](
> We believe that the Data Governance Act can influence global norms on sustainable data governance in the same way as the GDPR pushed the data protection norms beyond the EU.
> Our top picks for potential improvements are:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions
> 2. Clear and comprehensive scope
> 3. Moderate requirements
> 4. Interoperability between the data sharing services
* [How and DTACTs partnership is opening up a bright future for user centricity](
Sander Swinkels, DTACT CEO, explains that a common vision of securely enabling and safeguarding the sharing of personal data with consent is what drew the two companies together. And they have been working to build something unique, frictionless and fast with users firmly at the centre, based on an open framework which is easily scalable.
* [What is the Me2B Respectful Tech Specification?](
The Me2B Respectful Tech Specification is a sorely needed ethical and safety standard for the internet. It consists of a series of tests that objectively measure the behavior of a connected product or service. The Specification helps people (“Me-s”) understand how technology is treating them, and helps businesses (“B-s”) build technology that is safe and respectful for the people that use it.
MyLog/LogBoard pulls together health information on temperature, sleep, heart rate and more into a single place that can be shared with doctors and medical staff. Users can log their Covid symptoms, thereby allowing them and medical staff to get a holistic picture of their health while strengthening the national response to Covid-19. Data is held on mobile devices and not in the cloud and can be shared with a one-off URL that wipes all data after 72 hours.
* [MyData Weekly Digest for October 15th, 2021](
* [Hub Spotlight: MyData Japan - Promoting Ethical Approaches to Personal Data](
Several committees promote the MyData movement in Japan in specific thematic areas. One of the most active committees is the Public Policy Committee, which has submitted expert opinions from the MyData Japan community to the Japanese governments Public Comments.
* [MyData and the European Unions Latest Data Developments](
The development of the Data Governance Act (DGA) is exciting for MyData because it shows a clear link to the [MyData Operators white paper](, which describes the operations and functions of what the EU terms as “data intermediaries”.
* [22 Companies and Organizations Receive the MyData Operator 2021 Award]( MyData
As highlighted by the ongoing Facebook Files scandal, transparency and accountability in personal data are increasingly acknowledged as critical for safety online.  To show their commitment to ethical personal data management, participating organisations are required to disclose information about their operations. The MyData Operator Award shows that ethical alternatives exist and provide value for companies and users alike.
The [Internet Society Foundation recently granted the Me2B Alliance $100,000]( to complete its “U.S. EdTech Industry Benchmark: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Utility Apps.” The benchmark will build on previous findings about harmful data sharing practices by uncovering how sensitive student information is being treated by school utility apps in grades pre-k through 12 in schools across the nation.
* [My Data Community Looks Outward and to the Future]( MyData Netherlands
Highlights include the keynote from Amsterdams chief technology officer, Ger Baron and the awarding of the MyData Operator 2021 Awards to 22 companies and organisations.
* [Co-managing My Data]( JLinc
This post sets out a vision for what could become a sustainable set of human-centric processes around the sourcing, management and use of personal data. Our context for doing so is that the current model for personal data management on The Internet is badly broken and has architectural limitations that are largely un-resolvable.
* [Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty](
Against the widespread assumption that data are the oil of the 21st century, [this article offers an alternative conceptual framework](, interpretation, and pathway around data and smart city nexus to subvert surveillance capitalism in light of emerging and further promising practical cases. This article illustrates an open debate in data governance and the data justice field related to current trends and challenges in smart cities, resulting in a new approach advocated for and recently coined by the UN-Habitat programme People-Centred Smart Cities.
* [Why all data governance needs to consider childrens rights]( Emmaday
Last month, UNICEF published a [Manifesto on Good Data Governance for Children](, an initiative that was the result of a year of collaboration between a working group of 17 experts, many of them affiliated with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF.
* [MyData Global Joins “Team Data Spaces” to Support the EUs Plan to Create “Data Spaces”](
MyData Global announces to have joined forces with Team Data Spaces a coalition of leading European players with experience in standardising, creating and operationalising data sharing to facilitate the development of European data spaces which are at the heart of the EUs data strategy.
> As MyData Global saw in our [reflection on 2021](, the transformation towards a human-centric personal data economy is underway. This transformation is driven by two forces: first, the dominant unethical approaches to personal data are starting to show how unsustainable they really are.
* [2021 in review: The events and activities shaping the personal data Landscape]( MyData
2021 has been a productive year for MyData Global, and a significant one for the wider personal data world. The [Facebook Files]( helped raise the issue of personal data and ethics to the general public, and the EUs Data Governance Act has helped put into practice many of the changes [MyData Global has been advocating for](
* [Rulebook overcomes the lack of trust in data sharing]( MyData
The data sharing market is taking off and there is enormous uncaptured value. Many organisations are looking for new trustworthy ways to create value from data collaboration. Individuals can also benefit tremendously if data can be more readily shared across service providers.
* [Training: Building smart cities services 2.0]( MyData
You will learn about business models, compliance with complex regulatory regimes, standards, and governance mechanisms. You will be connected with EU funding opportunities, and you will learn how to build successful partnerships with companies and cities
* [What Metas Profit Drop Might Say About Consumer Sentiment on Data Privacy]( Anyonyome
* [Skills for creative futures? MyData starts the Cyanotypes project.]( MyData
* [What to make of data sovereignty]( MyData
Data sovereignty has gained much recent attention, whilst interpreted in varied ways. MyData Global describes in this blog post what to make of data sovereignty when taking a human-centric approach to personal data.
* [Does “data monetisation” lead towards more fairness, sustainability, and prosperity for all?]( MyData
> As this is a complex and often polarising issue, it must be discussed with patience, diligence, and determination. MyData Global has not yet reached a position on the topic. In this piece, we share our considerations and questions, and hope to inspire you to join this important deliberation.
* [Catalysing transformative change: new project to produce innovative services in smart cities]( MyData
> “Cities around the world are racing ahead to be smarter by taking ethical approaches to personal data”, explains Teemu Ropponen, General Manager of MyData Global “MyData Global is a centre of excellence for personal data management expertise, with the H3C project we are bringing together city administrations, companies and individuals to find solutions that put people in control of their personal data”
* [MyData Global adopts an updated logo and visual identity](
> Previous Chair,  Antti “Jogi” Poikola commented: I am delighted to be succeeded by Viivi Lähteenoja as MyData Globals Chair. […] Viivis experience both in and out of the MyData community make her excellently qualified to open up new dialogues on how personal data can empower people and communities.
> Collective sensemaking and channels for impact, Strengthening the MyData brand, Renovating the infrastructure of MyData Global, and Changes in the staff and leadership team.
> personal data companies that have shown leadership by empowering individuals to control their personal data. As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future]( Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness]( is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives.
* [MyData Operator Status awarded to Mydex](
> As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future]( Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness]( is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives. Organisations awarded with the MyData Operator Award are vital enablers for such a vision, providing value for companies and individuals alike.
- [Avast demonstrates commitment to digital freedom with MyData membership](
* [The Future of Work & Skills a human-centric skills data space]( MyData
* [Whitepaper](
> In order to improve the competitiveness of EUs workforce, the strategy identifies a need for high-quality data for qualifications, learning opportunities, jobs and skill sets of people.
* [The Future of Identity. A collection of interconnected research](
* [Scaling the personal data economy, MyData 2020](
> using Futures Thinking to envision how different business strategies, policies and actions implemented in the personal data ecosystem can pave the path towards the Desirable Future.
> With COP26 taking place this week, governments, companies, and individuals are discussing how we can all reduce our carbon emissions. The task is monumental, and technology has an important role to play both in reducing its own carbon footprint and in helping the wider world track and reduce their emissions.
* [Childrens right for privacy also in the digital world is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child]( MyData
Last week, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, stated that she will not give consent to the media to take and publish photos of her child. This led to wide discussion and international headlines even though the right to privacy is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
* [Connecting Citizens and Government for Better Designed Services]( MyData
Our vision for [Inclued]( is for it to become the de facto choice for two-way, secure citizen engagement that empowers citizens to not only access services but influence what is delivered to them, while giving governments and citizens insight and evidence into the value and impact of working with, not for citizens.