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synced 2025-01-12 15:49:33 -05:00
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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Talao SSI wallet now available on Apple AppStore and Google Play https://medium
> Your [OScore](https://www.ocredit.io/) is based on data authorized by you and is updated to reflect changes in behavior and lending practices.
> OScore is not associated with your off-chain identities. In other words, it respects user privacy and supports full anonymity.
* [Ontology Partners With 4EVERLAND to Accelerate Web 3.0 Adoption](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-partners-with-4everland-to-accelerate-web-3-0-adoption-dfc658e8ea21)
> Ontology is partnering with [4EVERLAND](https://www.4everland.org/), a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform enabling global acceleration, privacy protection, distributed storage and other technical features to accelerate the move towards Web 3.0.
## Tezos Profiles - Spruce
* [Announcing the Tezos Profiles Alpha Launch](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/announcing-the-tezos-profiles-alpha-launch-7e889de2f6c3) 2021-05-28 Spruce Systems
@ -138,3 +140,4 @@ By producing an accessible, open-source wrapper library, Tangle Labs provides an
- [Introducing: Element](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/introducing-element-328b4260e757) - The Sidetree Protocol Implemented on Ethereum
- [Encrypted Data Vaults](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encrypted-data-vaults-c794055b170e)
- [Verifiable Credentials with Transmute and Otaka](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/verifiable-credentials-with-transmute-and-okta-574edaec887b)
@ -101,3 +101,32 @@ In keeping with the DWeb Camp theme, we also demonstrated how decentralized iden
Ubikom is free, open-source email framework based on the concept of [Self-Sovereign Identity.](https://sovrin.org/faq/what-is-self-sovereign-identity/) You own your identity (which, in this case, means your private key), and all the outgoing and incoming messages are encrypted and signed by default.
* [The Decentralized Web: An Introduction](https://blog.archive.org/2022/02/15/the-decentralized-web-an-introduction/) Archive.org 2022-02-15
> Providing that baseline of knowledge is the goal of a series of six workshops called [“Imagining a Better Online World: Exploring the Decentralized Web](https://metro.org/decentralizedweb).”
* [The Battle for the Soul of the Web](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/10/internet-archive-decentralized-web-web3-brewster-kahle/671647/) The Atlantic
> Musings from, amongst other places, Unfinished Live and DWeb Camp all written up in the Atlantic.
> Long before the NFT boom or the Web3 backlash, an unglamorous movement was under way. Where does it stand now?
* [Prepping for DWeb Camp](https://blog.holochain.org/preparing-for-dweb-camp/) HoloChain
> On this theme, I’m particularly interested in one event, an attempt to [map the projects that make up the DWeb](https://gitlab.com/getdweb/dweb-camp-2022/-/issues/77) and look for opportunities for interoperability. This was a [vision](https://dwebcamp2019.sched.com/event/S4vH/building-bridges-connecting-tech-stacks-for-humane-ux) I carried with me to the last DWeb Camp, and I’m hoping to see more conversations about building bridges between networks.
## Solid - Inrupt
* [TBL: Out to Remake the Digital World](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/technology/tim-berners-lee-privacy-internet.html). 2021-01-10
> A story appeared in the NY Times about Tim Berners-Lee’s vision for the web and Solid-Inrupt that are working towards fulfilling it. The article included a quote from Kaliya, and has stirred up an active thread on the CCG mailing list.
> Others say the Solid-Inrupt technology is only part of the answer. “There is lots of work outside Tim Berners-Lee’s project that will be vital to the vision,” said Kaliya Young, co-chair of the Internet Identity Workshop, whose members focus on digital identity.
> Mr. Berners-Lee said that his team was not inventing its own identity system, and that anything that worked could plug into its technology.
* [Byline: Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data.](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/subject.html): Michael Herman
> He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?
> - Has anyone else looked at this article?
> - Anyone familiar with TBL’s view of Decentralized Identity?
> - Is there anyone from the Solid project or Inrupt a member of CCG?
- A *[solid](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/thread.html)* [discussion is underway](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/thread.html), including this [from Kayode Ezike](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/0039.html)
> when I developed solid-vc, I was operating mostly under the threat model of compromised cryptographic keys used to sign credentials via jsonld-signatures and a compromised Solid password.*
> I don't want to bombard you all with too much information about this project in this thread, but for now I will share the [solid-vc repo](https://github.com/kezike/solid-vc) again as well as [my RWoT9 submission](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/solid-vc.md).
@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
* [Bridging the Open Web and APIs: Alternative Social Media Alongside the Corporate Web](https://jackjamieson.net/259929-2/) 2022-03-02 Jamie Jackson
> We analyzed GitHub issues to find breakdowns when syndicating between brid.gy and Facebook. Results explore how alternative social media can coexist w/ the corporate web
* [There’s A Facebook Alternative, It’s Called Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.coindesk.com/theres-alternative-facebook-called-self-sovereign-identity) —coindesk
* [Social Media Architectures and Their Consequences](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20211115-social-media-architectures-consequences/) reb00ted
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ published: false
# Open Source
* [Open-Source Ideas Reports](https://gbbcouncil.org/initiatives/open-source-ideas-series/) Global Blockchain Business Council
* [Drilling Down on what Open Source is](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/drilling-down-open-source-f50d1a4f2a76) DIF
> The ostensibly binary distinction between “open” and “closed” software gets bandied about in many contexts, often in a dangerously simplified form, as though there were only two, mutually-exclusive options.
* [Three Scenarios for Rolling Back Surveillance Capitalism](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20201009-three-scenarios-rolling-back-surveillance-captialism/) by Johannes Ernst
@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ published: false
* [New to the topic of self-sovereign identity?](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1405788127265005571.html) 2021-06-18 SSIAmbassador
> No problem, there are several beginner #guides, which you can use to get familiar with the new standard for digital #identity.
* [HIPE 0014-ssi-notation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/tree/master/text/0014-ssi-notation)
* [LAYER 1 UTILITIES: AN UNDERGROUND NETWORK CONNECTING ALL SSI ECOSYSTEMS](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/03/04/layer-1-utilities-an-underground-network-connecting-all-ssi-ecosystems/) Trust Over IP 2022-03-04
- Understand: [A general framework for choosing which Layer 1 Utility and did method to utilise](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10NGAtlov49dbaDX96C0F4MdRrr20eHiE4RSZfJu0oXU/edit#heading=h.3e0mwiwnhg9n)
- Compare: [A comparison chart of all Layer 1 Utilities and identity overlay networks](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18MpvpFPLjL2I7RSFI44heWrrvf3l9pAArzhznAPFVAQ/edit#gid=0)
- Comply: [A guidance document for data protection and GDPR compliance](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11KkdraiY9oASjU-H91MGxJ7-mNyhnCsfNSG4MFq8Qec/edit)
- Innovate: DeFi compliance on top of Layer 1 Utilities ([Shyft](https://www.shyft.network/), [Notabene](https://notabene.id/), [Centre](https://www.centre.io/)), payments for Verifiable Credentials ([cheqd](https://www.cheqd.io/), [Kilt](https://www.kilt.io/), [Velocity](https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/self-sovereign-identity-ssi-and-the-velocity-network/)), overlay networks ([did:ion](https://identity.foundation/ion/), [did:tz](https://did-tezos-draft.spruceid.com/), [did:orb](https://securekey.com/securekeys-new-ledger-agnostic-solution-orb-helps-solve-decentralized-identifier-challenges/)), [KERI](https://keri.one/) and self-certifying identifiers, self-executable governance (to name a few!) are all Layer 1 Utility innovations on the horizon. Let us know what you’d like to see going forward and how we can build guidance and documentation around it!
* [Self Sovereign Identity Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-sovereign_identity) that has been started, but can clearly still use a lot of attention. (h/t [@Drabiv](https://twitter.com/Drabiv/status/1102166656019849216))
* [Self-Sovereign Identity : Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials](https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity) Manning
@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
published: false
* [Katryna Dow - Data minimisation: value, trust and obligation](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/data-minimisation-meeco-katryna-dow/) 2020-10-14 UbiSecure
> Katryna talks to Oscar about her career (including inspiration from Minority Report), Meeco’s personal data & distributed ledger platform, the importance of data minimisation to inspire trust in organisations, and cultural differences in attitudes towards digital identity.
* [Why Location Data Brokers Put All Communities At Risk](https://me2ba.org/why-location-data-brokers-put-all-communities-at-risk/) 2022-06-06 Zach Edwards M2BA
> New work that may leverage decentralized ID from the supply chain side of things…but not sure (lots of links inside on data brokers harm)
* [INNOPAY paper on data sharing published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings](https://www.innopay.com/en/publications/innopay-paper-data-sharing-published-ceur-workshop-proceedings) 2022-09-15 Innopay
> This week, CEUR-WS.org has published the paper titled ‘[Harmonization Profiles for Trusted Data Sharing Between Data Spaces: Striking the Balance between Functionality and Complexity](http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3214/WS6Paper2.pdf)’ in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
* [What’s in Your Data Ecosystem?](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/whats-in-your-data-ecosystem) 2021-12-09 State of Identity
> Indicio's CEO, Heather Dahl, and CTO, Ken Ebert, identity wallets, verified credentials, the role of the Sovrin Foundation, and new momentum around interoperability across decentralized identity.
* [Part 4: Getting on the Right Data Diet with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/blog/right-data-diet-verifiable-credentials/) 2021-03-08 Evernym
> But there’s a difficult truth here. Much of the data is just plain wrong, wasteful, or at worst not compliant. We know this because businesses are spending boatloads of cash on fixing poor quality data and data compliance. And what’s the remedy? More data! More data sources, more attributes and profiles, more money. All fed by a new and increasingly sophisticated set of data APIs that are driving that growth.
* [Design Principles for the Personal Data Economy](https://medium.com/mydex/design-principles-for-the-personal-data-economy-f63ffa93e382) 2022-06-22 MyDex ([whitepaper](https://mydex.org/resources/papers/)
> A key part of this is continuity and longevity: a personal data store is for life, so the institutions providing personal data stores should be designed for decades (centuries, even). Whatever particular corporate form they take, legal safeguards relating to continuity and longevity of purpose need to be built into how they operate.
* [6: Breaking Down Silos with Open Ecosystems and True Data Portability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/open-ecosystems-data-portability/) 2021-03-11 Evernym
> Every company providing a new digital identity solution believes that all the other digital identity options are not good enough, not secure enough, not fast enough. They believe they can do better.
> Yet collaboration will be critical to making digital identity work properly at scale.
* [Part 7: Envy Counting The Cost of Data Collection, And A New Paradigm Of ‘Identity Holder Present’](https://www.evernym.com/blog/identity-holder-present/) 2021-03-12
> It all feels like data envy to me. Aristotle described envy as the pain at the sight of another’s good fortune, stirred by “those who have what we ought to have.” Precisely.
> A second Private Sector Engagement Roundtable was held on February 10, 2022 building on the first roundtable held in May 2021. The forum drew 74 virtual participants. Hosted by the UN Legal Identity Agenda (LIA) Task Force1, the roundtable with members of UN entities and the private technology sector addressed, core questions about data protection and privacy, as well as policy issues concerning legal identity systems.
* [Marissa Mayer wants to fix your address book](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/18/marissa-mayer-is-back-and-she-wants-to-fix-your-address-book.html) CNBC 2020-11-18
> At launch, Mayer’s start-up is rolling out Sunshine Contacts, an address book app that relies on artificial intelligence to find and merge duplicate contacts, fill out incomplete information and continually keep that data up to date. The app integrates with the iOS Contacts app as well as Gmail and will be free to all iOS users with an invitation.
* [You are not your Data but Your Data is still You](https://deepdives.in/you-are-not-your-data-but-your-data-is-still-you-b41d2478ece2).
> In the digital age, individual privacy in the broadest sense is about control over protecting one’s personally identifiable information (PII), such as information about health, credit, shopping, or communication. But the types of information deemed ‘personally identifiable’ and the amount of control one has over them varies around the world.
* [Ada Lovelace Institute](https://twitter.com/AdaLovelaceInst) (ALI) Shares Highlights and References
> discussing different approaches to data stewardship and potential principles individuals and organisations can follow
- [Exploring principles for data stewardship](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/project/exploring-principles-for-data-stewardship/) - case studies exploring principles for data stewardship - ALI
- [Data Trusts Initiative](https://datatrusts.uk/) - interdisciplinary programme that pursues research at the interface of technology, policy and the law to better understand the role data trusts can play
- [Data Futures](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/initiatives/data-futures/) - Research to shift power through data governance - Mozilla Foundation
- [The Data Economy Lab](https://thedataeconomylab.com/) - unlock the societal value of data while safeguarding the rights of individuals and communities.
- [Doing good with data: what does good look like when it comes to data stewardship?](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/blog/what-does-good-look-like-data-stewardship/) ALI
- [@CjColclough](https://twitter.com/CjColclough) shares: [Towards Workers' Data Collectives](https://www.thewhynotlab.com/post/towards-worker-data-collectives) (The Why Not Lab)Written for [Just Net Coalition](https://justnetcoalition.org/) and [IT for Change](https://itforchange.net/) Digital New Deal [essay series](https://itforchange.net/digital-new-deal/)
* [Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud](https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first.html)
a set of principles for software that enables both collaboration and ownership for users. Local-first ideals include the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data.
* [Personal Data Warehouses](https://simonwillison.net/2020/Nov/14/personal-data-warehouses/) Simon Willison
> If you’re like me, and you love building side-projects but you don’t like paying $5/month for them for the rest of your life, this is perfect.
* [Why framing “data” as an asset or liability is dangerous](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/03/why-framing-data-as-asset-or-liability.html) MyDigital Footprint
> If there is one thing that can change finance’s power and dominance as a decision-making tool, it is the rest of the [data](https://opengovernance.net/data-is-data-90ba0b803178). According to Google (2020), 3% of company data is finance data when considered part of an entire company’s data lake. McKinsey [reports](https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/how-companies-make-good-decisions-mckinsey-global-survey-results) that 90% of company decisions are based on finance data alone, the same 3% of data.
If you are in accounting, audit or finance shoes, how would you play the game to retain control when something more powerful comes on the scene?
* [PSA Today with Julian Ranger, founder of Digi.me](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-37-Kaliya-and-Seth-talk-with-Julian-Ranger--Chairman--Founder-of-Digi-me-about-personal-data-governance-in-a-world-of-surveillance-capitalism-etpk24)
> Personal data governance (in a world of surveillance capitalism)
* [Personal data servers will help take back digital ID from big tech](https://www.wired.co.uk/article/personal-data-servers) (Wired OpEd)
> In 2021, individuals will gain the ability to own servers where their data is stored – and with it control their online identities.
> [...] because data from their healthcare provider acquired into the server can be used to authenticate and assert that fact without the need to give any identity information. By using PDAs, apps that rely on sensitive data will be able to access this and stay “identity blind”.
> One effect of the Covid-19 pandemic will be the increased use of PDAs.
* [Digi.me enables rapid citizen-centric data exchange solutions for flexibile Gov COVID-19 uses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LbWqBTCa00) (youtube)
* [Hidden in Plain Sight — the Transformational Potential of Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/hidden-in-plain-sight-the-transformational-potential-of-personal-data-da47f666713e) MyDex
> Personal data stores apply the same economic logic to transform the costs of producing data driven services. [Verified attributes](https://medium.com/mydex/unleashing-the-potential-of-verified-attributes-fe001e01b091) are the digital equivalents of Henry Ford’s standardised parts. By enabling one organisation to instantly re-use data verified by another organisation they eliminate the need for vast amounts of duplicated effort and rework (re-creating each data point from scratch or checking its details, provenance etc).
* [If your strategic plan is based on data, have you considered the consequences?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/04/if-your-strategic-plan-is-based-on-data.html) MyDigitalFootprint
> How do you know your data set has the views of everyone who is critical to your business today and in the future? How do you know the tools you use provide equal weight to everyone to make our business thrive? How do you know if the recommendation was written before the analysis? How do your incentives create a new bias?
* [Data for good: powering our way to a better world](https://blog.digi.me/2021/04/29/data-for-good-powering-our-way-to-a-better-world/) 2021-04-29
> We should absolutely all be taking care of the data that belongs to us, our data that we create, that we have a right to be able to control and share exactly as we choose. But we should also bear in mind the power of that data to help each of us, every day, benefit from the good that can come when it is shared and used to create a better world for us all.
* [Everybody has our data ... except us](https://reb00ted.org/personaldata/20210620-who-has-my-personal-data/) reb00ted
Google has all my e-mail. (And I don’t. They merely let me access it with a browser.)
Facebook has the list of all of my friends and what I said to them. (And I don’t.)
LinkedIn has all of my business contacts. (Repeat after me: and I don’t.)
Instagram has all my photos. Well, the Instagram department of Facebook does. (Chorus now: and I don’t.)
Amazon has the list of all my purchases, and knows what products I was interested in but didn’t buy after all. (AND I DON’T.)
* [What the Heck is a Data Mesh?!](https://cnr.sh/essays/what-the-heck-data-mesh)
I re-read [Zhamak Dehghani](https://twitter.com/zhamakd) ’s [original](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-monolith-to-mesh.html) and [follow-on](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-mesh-principles.html) posts. Zhamak is the creator of the data mesh. In her second post she identifies [four data mesh principles](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-mesh-principles.html#CorePrinciplesAndLogicalArchitectureOfDataMesh):
1. Domain-oriented decentralized data ownership and architecture
2. Data as a product
3. Self-serve data infrastructure as a platform
4. Federated computational governance
* [Attitudes To Personal Data Management](https://mylifedigital.co.uk/attitudes-to-personal-data-management/)
> In recent years, personal data has been an increasingly popular topic of conversation for marketers, data analysts, regulators, and privacy warriors. Individuals have learnt that recent regulatory updates have given them more rights over how that data is used. Are these two forces aligned?
> We distributed a survey and received over 400 responses from both individuals and organisations answering questions about the management of personal data. How aligned are the two points of view? This infographic shows a summary of key questions and responses.
* [What Does It Actually Mean When a Company Says, “We Do Not Sell Your Data?”](https://john.philpin.com/2021/09/03/what-does-it.html) John Philipin 2021-09-03
Probably because the alternatives produce even more income.
* [Japan-based Dixon Siu to join the Board of aNewGovernance AISBL](https://www.anewgovernance.org/2021/09/15/japan-based-dixon-siu-to-join-the-board-of-anewgovernance-aisbl/) 2021-09-15
Given his breadth of experience and alignment with a number of strategic sectors where aNewGovernance is currently developing ecosystems, I am sure, he will bring incredible contribution.
* [Data Privacy: does anyone care?](https://blog.meeco.me/data-privacy-does-anyone-care/) Meeco
The compelling data and research suggest that my original question now needs to be reframed. People most certainly do care about their data privacy. The question now is: how are organisations going to bridge this data privacy chasm?
* [Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021(English)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q2DL0ojauA)
* [FTC’s Shot Across the Bow: Purpose and Use Restrictions Could Frame The Future of Personal Data Management](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/11/03/ftcs-shot-across-the-bow-purpose-and-use-restrictions-could-frame-the-future-of-personal-data-management/) Identity Praxis 2021-11-03
So that there is no uncertainty or doubt, however, Duball[4](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/11/03/ftcs-shot-across-the-bow-purpose-and-use-restrictions-could-frame-the-future-of-personal-data-management/#fn4) reports that, while consumer privacy is a chief concern for the commission, it is not the primary concern to the exclusion of other concerns. The commission is also worried about algorithmic bias and “dark patterns” practices. 2021-11-03
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model: Whitepaper](https://hyperonomy.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/hyperonomy-ssi-personal-data-usage-licensing-model-ssi-pdul-model-2021-0.27rd.pdf) Hyperonomy
The scope of the Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model is personal digital identifiers and any associated identity data presented by Alice to the App. It does not include the permissioning of data internal to the App (although the natural extension of the solution to internal data is an obvious one)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/01/27/self-sovereign-identity-personal-data-usage-licensing-ssi-pdul-model-solution-concept/) Michael Herman 2021-01-27
How Alice User, an App User and Identity Owner, and Bob Developer, an App Developer and App Controller, might negotiate the use of Alice’s personal digital identifiers and any associated personal identity data by Bob’s app, based on Self-Sovereign Identity Model Usage Principles
* [75% of Americans Want National Data Privacy Standards](https://anonyome.com/2021/11/75-of-americans-want-national-data-privacy-standards/) Anonyme
> The clear majority of adults surveyed want national standards around how companies collect, process and share [personal data](https://anonyome.com/2020/05/what-constitutes-personally-identifiable-information-or-pii/) to help protect users’ [privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/02/what-is-privacy/) and security online. Seven in 10 people agree with the federal government treating personal data security as a [national security](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/china-us-recognize-national-security-risks-of-surveillance-capitalism/) issue and investing in cybersecurity.
* [Trusted Data Ecosystems: The Indicio Way](https://indicio.tech/trusted-data-ecosystems-the-indicio-way)
This multidimensional value—authenticity, compliance, integrity, and resilience—coupled with being easy to integrate is what separates the Indicio approach from the rest. Our growth in 16 months—with global enterprise customers and a global decentralized blockchain network supported by 23 companies on five continents is a sign that fundamental change is coming in the way we share information.
* [Helping Data Trusts Manage Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/helping-data-trusts-manage-personal-data-4215faaee5f2) Mydex
Mydex CIC has just published a blog for Cambridge University’s Data Trust Initiative on ‘Helping Data Trusts Manage Personal Data’. In it, we address the challenges that arise as the Data Trust movement begins to scale.
- [MEF CONNECTS Personal Data & Identity](https://mobileecosystemforum.com/events_/mef-connects-personal-data-identity/) 5/11 Mobile Ecoystem Forum
* [The need for new Data Institutions](https://medium.com/mydex/the-need-for-new-data-institutions-e6b06cd0cbb8) Alan Mitchell
we were presenting at the Open Data Institute’s event on Data Sharing and the [Rise of Data Institutions](https://theodi.org/article/what-are-data-institutions-and-why-are-they-important/) — a crucially important subject for the years ahead. (You can see the slides of our presentation [here](https://www.slideshare.net/davidejalexander/mydex-cic-odi-radical-data-institutions-20220330-alan-mitchellpdf).)
* [Dangerous Data: the role of data collection in genocides](https://www.theengineroom.org/dangerous-data-the-role-of-data-collection-in-genocides/) The Engine Room
* [Ontology Partners With 4EVERLAND to Accelerate Web 3.0 Adoption](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-partners-with-4everland-to-accelerate-web-3-0-adoption-dfc658e8ea21)
Ontology is partnering with [4EVERLAND](https://www.4everland.org/), a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform enabling global acceleration, privacy protection, distributed storage and other technical features to accelerate the move towards Web 3.0.
* [Data Mob Rule](https://www.moxytongue.com/2021/08/data-mob-rule.html) MoxyTongue
Individual Rights are hard to come by historically. Strong people make them possible. First requirement of their existence is thus, strong people.
* [How to unleash the full potential of data?](https://medium.com/mydex/how-to-unleash-the-full-potential-of-data-3676db8d7c03) Alan Mitchell
The main reason why vital information is not getting where it needs to be is that our data economy has evolved to be an organisation-centric ‘One User One Use’ (OUOU) system — whereas, thanks to the inner logic of data itself, it needs to operate as a ‘Many Users, Many Uses’ (MUMU) data ecosystem.
* [Data as competitive advantage & control mechanism in platform economy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlf5juCc6CA)
> Presenters: Sangeet Paul Choudary, Molly Schwartz Session host: Riikka Kämppi Molly Schwartz chats with Sangeet Paul Choudary - best-selling author of Platform Revolution and Platform Scale and founder of Platformation Labs - unpacks the ethics and economics of data.
### Dynamic Data Economy: Digital Identity, Authentic Data Flows, Data Mesh and other dragons by Robert Mitwicki
DDE, HCF, Data Mesh, KERI, OCA
Session was held by Human Colossus Foundation folks who described the vision for DDE which is developed within the Colossi network around the foundations.
Dynamic Data Economy is a roadmap towards fair, decentralized and authentic data economy. Many times people are referring to blockchain technology as a revolution within digital space. But often they actually mean something more profound: the promise of Decentralisation brought by blockchain. A Dynamic Data Economy brings decentralization outside the technology realm into digital solutions for any economic actors. It does so by decentralizing all layers of the ecosystem:
- Decentralized Governance - no administrative entity fully controls and sets the rules, Individuals, organization and government are sovereign on their data Governance.
- Decentralized Architecture - physically decentralization of resources running that network. Economic actors keep control of their data storage solution according to the level of security required.
- Decentralized Logic (Data) - if you cut the system in half it can continue working and data is not damaged in any way, e.g. no need for total ordering.
No blockchain fulfills all those requirements and some none at all. And this is a problem for sensitive areas (e.g. identity or data portability) Then the agreements on sets of principles, protocols and rules to fulfill those requirements are “add-ons”.They are not in the system by design and thus weakens the overall solution Thus the Human Colossus Foundation (HCF) is seeking for opening up discussion and lead towards standardization efforts to ensure that the decentralized technologies already existing brings to life a Dynamic Data Economy for all with and without blockchain.
* [An introduction to The Authentic Data Economy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4E/_An_introduction_to_The_Authentic_Data_Economy) by David Huseby
This was a session to discuss the topics I brought up in my article on the authentic data economy:
* [The Authentic Data Economy. Universal Digital Trust at Global Scale | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 - Medium](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/the-authentic-data-economy-9802da67e1fa)
With each successive wave of computerization the new innovations built on the last. Each one taking more of human-scale processes and shrinking them down and putting them into computers and eventually online. The authentic data economy isn’t any different. It leverages data collection and networking and personal computing advances. It makes our data ours and authentic. It builds on all of the previous work done by countless engineers and inventors and dreamers. However, by being the last big problem it represents the final piece that brings together everything that came before it. The scope of the authentic data economy is literally everything in the human sphere. There is nothing that this won’t change. Trust will go everywhere and into everything. But most importantly, so will privacy.
I talked about how the break from the W3C DID specs and other key innovations in cryptography have enabled me and Mike Lodder to design a solution for identity and all data provenance that is 1. privacy preserving, 2. scalable to global scale and how that creates an opportunity for authentic data to become the primary way data is used in the world.
* [Credential Marketplaces](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12K/_Credential_Marketplaces) by Martin Riedel, Stepan Gershuni
Presentation: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WOXgHhgAwG0Im45pZkTAhsadpd8xbck0xjlnsuVGGhI/edit?ts=60803bc8](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WOXgHhgAwG0Im45pZkTAhsadpd8xbck0xjlnsuVGGhI/edit?ts=60803bc8#slide=id.gd369c9df06_0_17)
The goal of this session is to present the idea and get community feedback regarding this.
Credential Marketplace is quite high up the SSI stack but we want to start this discussion.
1. What is Credential Marketplace?
2. We have a Trust Triangle of Issuer-Holder-Verifier. This does not need any centralized entity except schema hosting.
3. However, we want to solve the problem of discovery of Issuers and Verifiers.
4. Example: I’m traveling to a new country. I need to get what healthcare VCs are needed to go there, in an automated way.
5. How can we solve this without relaying on a centralized registry of Verifier requirements and Issuer capabilities?
6. How it works
7. In order to discover issuers / vc types, there should be a registration step where issuers/verifiers actively OR passively provide metadata about their capabilities.
8. Credential Data — can contain some filters or constraints on the data from within the VC. E.g. As a Verifier, I only accept passport VC from only certain governments: only German nationals.
9. VC Metadata
10. Issuer Metadata
11. Reputation mechanism for credential issuers
12. Marketplace can also implement value transfer: paying for issuance by the verifier, for example. Even if they are part of different SSI ecosystems. This is optional but can help incentivize different participants.
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VaxwE9d4kEvmsJGUMWcvLf5WOQRcv5o_wTGTsecfseA/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VaxwE9d4kEvmsJGUMWcvLf5WOQRcv5o_wTGTsecfseA/edit?usp=sharing)
* [International Semantic Infrastructure: Requirements for a distributed data economy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21L/_International_Semantic_Infrastructure:_Requirements_for_a_distributed_data_economy) by Paul Knowles
Brent Shambaugh. Integrate computing, processing, storage. Virtual machine to integrate databases. Query language, like Linked Data, over a lot of different systems. SeeQL(?) - translate. Categorical databases (Ryan and David’s work): to not really rely on a single source ofo truth, but more rely on transformations between things. Use category theory to have an exact/provable way of doing that. Cat theory has to follow certain rules. Cat theory kind of abstract but provides a framework for unrelated disparate things. Ryan could say how to algebraicly describe things, which would branch off into… Josh at Uber: come up with schemas, get down to the data/logical layer. Different places to go. Way to translate in from out. Might have multiple different ones, want to map from each one, but if you have a vague interpediary in centralized model, loosely defined that both map to, then have a mapping between the two things. Linked Data problem
* [...]
Linking data together is about machine readability. Involved humans… need to understand. Do it through language. Humans like OCA because can understand data in different languages, makes sense for people. Human element. In that capture space. Want to refine OCA, take out some of the rules parts, masking overlay, conditional overlays, and get it away from OCA as architecture - it convolutes things. OCA only meant for making theings human-readable.
* [BIS Annual Report](https://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2022e3.pdf) section III. The future monetary system on page 41 in the chart
> Point 5. User control over data—data governance arrangements should ensure users’ privacy and control over data:
> - Today: Users trust intermediaries to keep data safe, but they do not have sufficient control over their data
> - Crypto: Transactions are public on the blockchain—which will not work with “real names”
> - Tomorrow: New data architectures can give users privacy and control over their data
### Customer Commons \ Intention Economy
* [Making The Intention Economy happen](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3E/_Making_The_Intention_Economy_happen) by Doc Searls (& Customer Commons)
* [The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge - Berkman Klein Center](https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/2012/05/searls)
* [https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Intention_Economy](https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Intention_Economy)
* [Making The Intention Economy Happen](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10B/_Making_The_Intention_Economy_Happen,_Part_2), Part 2 by Doc Searls
This was a small meeting primarily meant to tee up Hadrian Zbarcea’s demo of Customer Commons’ new Intention Byway model for better signaling between demand and supply in markets of all kinds
* [https://www.slideshare.net/dsearls/iiw-xxxiiintentionsession](https://www.slideshare.net/dsearls/iiw-xxxiiintentionsession)
### Data Portability
* [Europe’s top Data Portability Projects](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/meet-europes-top-data-portability-projects/) 2021-03-30 NGI
- [ALIAS](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/alias/) – automating GDPR portability for applications developers.
- [Checkpipe Charlie](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/checkpipe-charlie/) – tool for describing and validating data.
- [DIP](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/dip/) – Vaccination & Immunization Management using Verifiable Credentials.
- [Domi](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/domi/) – SSI-based digital passport to facilitate data portability in the housing rental sector.
- [DPella](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/dpella/) – Data analyses with privacy in mind.
- [IDADEV-P2P](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/idadev-p2p/) – Blockchain Based Data Portability System
- [OpenPKG](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/openpkg/) – decentralised data provenance system for improved governance and portability of personal data.
- [OpenXPort](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/openxport/) – Open export of data across different systems and providers.
- [ORATORIO](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/oratorio/) – Energy data exchange platform.
- [Prov4ITData](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/prov4itdata/) – Provenance-aware querying and generation for interoperable and transparent data transfer.
- [UI-Transfer](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/ui-transfer/) – complete solution for “user initiated inter-controller and continuous data transfer”
## User Control
* [The Anatomy Of Personal Data Sovereignty](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/05/04/the-anatomy-of-personal-data-sovereignty/?sh=69dbea5761e1) 2021-05-04 Forbes
> The data privacy/control issue isn’t new, but the attitude shift is. People care more, demand more, and the scale of change that has occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic is major. As we live through times exposing such injustice and inequality, it's becoming evident that this personal data ecosystem needs to undergo a major revamp.
* [Video] [Radical Exchange Talk: Data Agency. Individual or Shared?](https://identitywoman.net/radical-exchange-talk-data-agency-individual-or-shared/) 2021-03-05 IdentityWoman
> Digital networks have centralized power over identities and information, creating problems for both markets and democracy. Does the solution require more shared agency over data? What might that look like? This panel discussion is structured around thought experiments to find solutions to this issue.
* [Self Sovereign Identity Systems](https://yathartharora.substack.com/p/self-sovereign-identity-systems) 2021-04-09 The Passion Pad
> We should have the right to manage our identity, free of any country or the place where we live. By giving this right to the government or any central authority, we give them much more power. Separating data rights from the actual data is important. User should have the right to decide who should have the access to his/her data.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity – A Possibility for More Data Control for Users](https://dataethics.eu/self-sovereign-identity-a-possibility-for-more-data-control-for-users/) 2020-06-18 DataEthics.eu
> But also, the general populations’ computer skills must be taken into account when designing the solution, along with legal considerations of whether individuals should be allowed to sell sensitive data, such as health data to third parties. If it is legal to monetize personal data, users can be tempted to share personal data in a way that might harm them later e.g. sharing health data and later being denied an insurance. Monetization might also create a gap in the society and the world, having rich people prioritize protecting their privacy while less fortunate citizens might feel like they have no other option than selling their data. Thoughts about the monetization of data need to be considered in a legal context as it has been done with the donation of blood, when creating a self-sovereign identity solution. Furthermore, safeguard measures must be made against discrimination like only providing identity for a selected few, and to ensure that everyone have equal access to creating a trustworthy digital identity.
@ -3,80 +3,41 @@ published: false
# Privacy
* [Apple vs (or plus) Adtech, Part II](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/30/apple-vs-or-plus-adtech-part-ii/) 2021-05-30
To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.
* [Reciprocal Negotiated Accountability](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/reciprocal_negotiated_accountability.shtml) Phil Windley
The self-sovereign internet underscores a tension between those who desire perfect oversight of society and those who desire perfect privacy. In this post, I explore a method for conditional legibility of private communications.
* [Did You Know School Apps Often Share Student Data with Third Parties?](https://me2ba.org/did-you-know-which-is-leakier/)
* [Decentralized Digital Identity: Shaping the Future of Privacy](https://v3.opennodes.com/2021-06-24-08-33-27-decentralized-digital-identity-shaping-the-future-of-privacy) Open Nodes
In May, [Tribe](http://www.tribex.co/) held a Clubhouse session with the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC), in partnership with the Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Together with representatives from Affinidi, SITA, and Sphereon, the industry players shared their insights on how blockchain is being used to shape the future of privacy, and some practical applications of decentralized digital identity.
* [Privacy Risks With Opioid Recovery Apps](https://www.expressvpn.com/digital-security-lab/opioid-telehealth-research) ExpressVPN
Perhaps the most alarming revelation from our study of ten opioid addiction treatment and recovery apps is the consistent access of unique identifiers, given the sensitivity of privacy around health and substance use issues.
* [Links Between Privacy and Disinformation: Julia Angwin](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/the-links-between-privacy-and-disinformation-julia-angwin/)
Privacy, as we know, is a complex topic. When it converges with technology, it becomes more complicated. One aspect of this complexity is where privacy fits in with disinformation—false or misleading information spread intentionally to confuse or manipulate people.
* [Why Privacy by (Re)Design Better Defines Responsibility for Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/why-privacy-by-redesign-better-defines-responsibility-for-privacy/) Anonyme
Where privacy by design puts the onus on app developers to be proactive about data privacy, privacy by (re)design redesigns the “app ecosystem to address data sharing”, spreading the burden.
* [EEMA Training Launches with Focus on eIDAS, Self-Sovereign and National Identity, Blockchain, EU Legal Frameworks and Cyber Security](https://nationalcybersecuritynews.today/eema-training-launches-with-focus-on-eidas-self-sovereign-and-national-identity-blockchain-eu-legal-frameworks-and-cyber-security-cybersecurity-conferences/)
FE News publish exclusive peer to peer thought leadership articles from our feature writers, as well as user generated content across our network of over 3000 Newsrooms, offering multiple sources of the latest education news across the Education and Employability sectors.
* [The US Data Privacy Law “Floor”: What Deserves Basic Protections?](https://anonyome.com/2021/10/the-us-data-privacy-law-floor-what-deserves-basic-protections/) Anonym
The New York Times recently did a deep dive into the United States’ lack of a national data privacy law
1. Data collection and sharing rights
2. Opt-in consent
3. Data minimization
4. Non-discrimination and no data use discrimination
* [IDnow AutoIdent will soon be usable according to German TKG](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-autoident-usable-german-tkg/)
Automated identification procedures ensure seamless processes without media disruption and increase cost efficiency. By modernizing laws that allow these procedures, many cases can be simplified and modernized in the future.
* [DIDAS provides extensive commentary to the target vision for e-ID in Switzerland](https://www.didas.swiss/2021/10/13/didas-provides-extensive-commentary-to-the-target-vision-for-e-id-in-switzerland/) 2021-10-13
It was a great opportunity for DIDAS to provide in-depth commentary to the proposed vision and contribute our collective ideas and expertise to help make a well informed decision. Our submission (in German) is available [here](https://www.didas.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Stellungnahme-DIDAS-FINAL-V1.0-website.pdf)
* [Kids PRIVCY ACT](https://me2ba.org/we-backed-the-kids-privcy-act-but-we-urge-members-in-congress-to-address-non-profit-carve-outs-in-data-privacy-laws/) Me2BA
We’re proud to support a bill that will:
- Strengthen the legal protections afforded to children under COPPA, and extend COPPA protections to adolescents ages 13 to 17, who have long gone without privacy protections online, while creating new rights for families.
- Prohibit surveillance advertising and other harmful uses of data on all digital services likely to be accessed by children, rather than limiting protection to ineffectual notice and consent on “child-directed sites.”
* [Exposed documents reveal how the powerful clean up their digital past using a reputation laundering firm](https://restofworld.org/2022/documents-reputation-laundering-firm-eliminalia/) Rest of World
Reputation firms like Eliminalia use legal threats and copyright notices to have material taken down around the world.
From the we can’t talk about ourselves without ®’s camp
* [What is Privacy?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/what_is_privacy.shtml) Windley
The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) [defines four classes of privacy](https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/):
Bodily Privacy—The protection of a person's physical being and any invasion thereof. This includes practices like genetic testing, drug testing, or body cavity searches.
Communications Privacy—The protection of the means of correspondence, including postal mail, telephone conversations, electronic mail, and other forms of communication.
Information Privacy—The claim of individuals, groups, or organizations to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
Territorial Privacy—Placing limitations on the ability of others to intrude into an individual's environment. Environment can be more than just the home, including workplaces, vehicles, and public spaces. Intrusions of territorial privacy can include video surveillance or ID checks.
* [The business of Privacy is Booming](https://www.axios.com/privacy-business-booming-protonmail-you-search-28d00ea6-6818-4d9f-9b7a-b0ca4680b8a8.html)
Investors and consumers show growing enthusiasm for privacy-focused alternatives to Google and Facebook amid renewed scrutiny over the real cost of their "free" services.
* [The Rising Consumer Demand for Data Privacy and Autonomy](https://medium.com/sequoia-capital/the-rising-consumer-demand-for-data-privacy-and-autonomy-b8254bf3368e) Sequoia
Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy have converged, creating a moment of unprecedented opportunity for founders with a vision for privacy-first online experiences.
* [Agency By Design (Privacy is not Enough)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20B/_Agency_By_Design_(Privacy_is_not_Enough)) by Adrian Gropper
* [Apple vs (or plus) Adtech, Part II](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/30/apple-vs-or-plus-adtech-part-ii/) 2021-05-30 Doc Searls
> To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.
* [Reciprocal Negotiated Accountability](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/reciprocal_negotiated_accountability.shtml) 2021-06-21 Phil Windley
> The self-sovereign internet underscores a tension between those who desire perfect oversight of society and those who desire perfect privacy. In this post, I explore a method for conditional legibility of private communications.
* [Did You Know School Apps Often Share Student Data with Third Parties?](https://me2ba.org/did-you-know-which-is-leakier/) 2021-05-12 Me2Ba
> Me2B Alliance (Me2BA) [research](https://internetsafetylabs.org/blog/research/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/) recently found that 60% of the school apps we reviewed were sending student data to potentially high-risk third parties without knowledge or consent.
* [Decentralized Digital Identity: Shaping the Future of Privacy](https://v3.opennodes.com/2021-06-24-08-33-27-decentralized-digital-identity-shaping-the-future-of-privacy) 2021-04-24 Open Nodes
> In May, [Tribe](http://www.tribex.co/) held a Clubhouse session with the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC), in partnership with the Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Together with representatives from Affinidi, SITA, and Sphereon, the industry players shared their insights on how blockchain is being used to shape the future of privacy, and some practical applications of decentralized digital identity.
* [Literature] [Privacy Risks With Opioid Recovery Apps](https://www.expressvpn.com/digital-security-lab/opioid-telehealth-research) 2021-07-07 ExpressVPN
> Perhaps the most alarming revelation from our study of ten opioid addiction treatment and recovery apps is the consistent access of unique identifiers, given the sensitivity of privacy around health and substance use issues.
* [Links Between Privacy and Disinformation: Julia Angwin](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/the-links-between-privacy-and-disinformation-julia-angwin/) 2021-07
> Privacy, as we know, is a complex topic. When it converges with technology, it becomes more complicated. One aspect of this complexity is where privacy fits in with disinformation—false or misleading information spread intentionally to confuse or manipulate people.
* [Why Privacy by (Re)Design Better Defines Responsibility for Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/why-privacy-by-redesign-better-defines-responsibility-for-privacy/) 2021-09 Anonyome
> Where privacy by design puts the onus on app developers to be proactive about data privacy, privacy by (re)design redesigns the “app ecosystem to address data sharing”, spreading the burden.
* [IDnow AutoIdent will soon be usable according to German TKG](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-autoident-usable-german-tkg/) 2021-10-14 IDNow
> Automated identification procedures ensure seamless processes without media disruption and increase cost efficiency. By modernizing laws that allow these procedures, many cases can be simplified and modernized in the future.
* [Kids PRIVCY ACT](https://me2ba.org/we-backed-the-kids-privcy-act-but-we-urge-members-in-congress-to-address-non-profit-carve-outs-in-data-privacy-laws/) 2022-01-10 Me2BA
> We’re proud to support a bill that will:
> - Strengthen the legal protections afforded to children under COPPA, and extend COPPA protections to adolescents ages 13 to 17, who have long gone without privacy protections online, while creating new rights for families.
> - Prohibit surveillance advertising and other harmful uses of data on all digital services likely to be accessed by children, rather than limiting protection to ineffectual notice and consent on “child-directed sites.”
* [Exposed documents reveal how the powerful clean up their digital past using a reputation laundering firm](https://restofworld.org/2022/documents-reputation-laundering-firm-eliminalia/) 2022-02 Rest of World
> Reputation firms like Eliminalia use legal threats and copyright notices to have material taken down around the world.
> From the we can’t talk about ourselves without ®’s camp
* [What is Privacy?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/what_is_privacy.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) [defines four classes of privacy](https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/):
> - Bodily Privacy—The protection of a person's physical being and any invasion thereof. This includes practices like genetic testing, drug testing, or body cavity searches.
> - Communications Privacy—The protection of the means of correspondence, including postal mail, telephone conversations, electronic mail, and other forms of communication.
> - Information Privacy—The claim of individuals, groups, or organizations to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
> - Territorial Privacy—Placing limitations on the ability of others to intrude into an individual's environment. Environment can be more than just the home, including workplaces, vehicles, and public spaces. Intrusions of territorial privacy can include video surveillance or ID checks.
* [The business of Privacy is Booming](https://www.axios.com/2021/11/09/privacy-business-booming-protonmail-you-search) 2021-11-09
> Investors and consumers show growing enthusiasm for privacy-focused alternatives to Google and Facebook amid renewed scrutiny over the real cost of their "free" services.
* [The Rising Consumer Demand for Data Privacy and Autonomy](https://medium.com/sequoia-capital/the-rising-consumer-demand-for-data-privacy-and-autonomy-b8254bf3368e) 2021-11-19 Sequoia
> Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy have converged, creating a moment of unprecedented opportunity for founders with a vision for privacy-first online experiences.
* [Agency By Design (Privacy is not Enough)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20B/_Agency_By_Design_(Privacy_is_not_Enough)) 2021-05-06 Adrian Gropper
> I’m not a fan of Privacy by Design.\
> In the industry are only concerned about compliance, very rarely talk about Human Agency\
> Privacy by Default is the opposite in some sense to privacy by design\
@ -86,79 +47,63 @@ Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy
> Agency is a much bigger thing and delegation is a mechanism that supports it\
> I want my fiduciaries to know as much as possible of me (e.g. my doctor, my lawyer) \
> Model Agency as hierarchy and delegation is the mean to have it.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity - The Nash Equilibrium Point of the Personal Identity Information Game](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/self-sovereign-identity-nash-equilibrium-point-personal-identity-information-game)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity - The Nash Equilibrium Point of the Personal Identity Information Game](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/self-sovereign-identity-nash-equilibrium-point-personal-identity-information-game) 2021-05-07 ThoughtWorks
> "A silent war is ongoing between users and companies over the control of data."
> 1. Privacy or convenience is a question
> 2. SSI is the answer to this question
* [Privacy, Authenticity, and Confidentiality](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/privacy_authenticity_and_confidentiality.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> Authenticity allows parties to a conversation to know to whom they are talking. Confidentiality ensures that the content of the conversation is protected from others. These three create a tradespace because you can't achieve all three at the same time.
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/) Helpnet 2021-07-26
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/) 2021-07-26 Helpnet
> they offer a few advantages that we don’t get with paper records. Whereas a physical document (let’s say, a [vaccine card](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/06/15/vaccine-passports/)) can be forged and [passed off as authentic](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004264531/fake-covid-vaccine-cards-keep-getting-sold-online-using-one-is-a-crime?t=1626423870877), the [security mechanisms](https://www.evernym.com/blog/the-three-pillars-of-self-sovereign-identity/) behind a verifiable credential means that it can never be tampered with and that anyone shown the credential will be able to immediately verify who issued it and to whom it was issued. 2021-06-08
* [Self Sovereign e-ID Schemes & Privacy Challenges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vgNzSDn554) Crypto Valley Conference 2021
* [Self Sovereign e-ID Schemes & Privacy Challenges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vgNzSDn554) 2021-12-13 Crypto Valley Conference 2021
> Kurt Nielsen & Nagib Aouini from Partisia Blockchain
* [Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/03/google-sued-for-misleading-users-over-location-data-privacy/) Anonyme
“Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access. The truth is that contrary to Google’s representations it continues to systematically surveil customers and profit from customer data.”
* [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy) Avast
we at Avast believe that a digital smart agent, in the form of a service/app for people, is the way to achieve user centric digital interactions, and that this digital smart agent that is interoperable across the globe, with strong public-private sector collaboration/partnership.
New app in the Erase my Data space: [Revoke](https://revoke.com/personal/how-it-works/)
Revoke allows you to send requests to retrieve and/or delete your data.
- Each company has 30 days to respond under the GDPR.
- Revoke gives you full visibility and control of what to do with that information.
- Easy to use app helps you discover who hold yours personal information.
* [Someone could be tracking you through your headphones](https://nrkbeta.no/2021/09/02/someone-could-be-tracking-you-through-your-headphones/) NRK Beta 2021-09-02
- At least 9149 products with Bluetooth transmitters were uniquely recognized at least 24 hours apart.
- At least 129 headphones could be tracked in the dataset for longer than 24 hours.
- Popular headphones models from Bose, Bang & Olufsen, Jabra, Sennheiser and JBL can be tracked over longer periods of time.
* [Can Consent Ever Play a Valuable Role in Consumer Privacy?](https://anonyome.com/2021/08/can-consent-ever-play-a-valuable-role-in-consumer-privacy/) Anonyme
Can we rely on ‘informed consent’ if the informed part is largely missing?
Consent doesn’t scale well from the consumer’s perspective.
* [@tomfishburne](https://twitter.com/tomfishburne)
“The Personalization Privacy Paradox” - new cartoon and post on zero party data versus third party data [https://marketoonist.com/2021/07/zeropartydata.html](https://t.co/6OQq7fAAaP?amp=1)
* [How the cookie poisoned the Web](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/14/poison/) 2021-05-14
Have you wondered why you have no more privacy on the Web than what other parties grant you ([which is none at all](https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/if-your-privacy-hands-others-alone-you-dont-have-any)), and that you can only opt in or out of choices that others provide—while the only controls you have over your privacy are to skulk around like a criminal (thank you, [Edward Snowden and Russell Brand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jxdwIkFdj8), for that analogy) or to stay offline completely?
* [Me2BA Product Testing Spotlight Report Published: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/)
60% of School Apps are Sending Student Data to Potentially High-risk Third Parties Without Knowledge or Consent According to New Research from Me2B Alliance
* [The new age of privacy](https://werd.io/2021/the-new-age-of-privacy)
* [Data Privacy: does anyone care?](https://blog.meeco.me/data-privacy-does-anyone-care/) 2021-09-15 Meeco
> The compelling data and research suggest that my original question now needs to be reframed. People most certainly do care about their data privacy. The question now is: how are organisations going to bridge this data privacy chasm?
> A second Private Sector Engagement Roundtable was held on February 10, 2022 building on the first roundtable held in May 2021. The forum drew 74 virtual participants. Hosted by the UN Legal Identity Agenda (LIA) Task Force1, the roundtable with members of UN entities and the private technology sector addressed, core questions about data protection and privacy, as well as policy issues concerning legal identity systems.
* [Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/03/google-sued-for-misleading-users-over-location-data-privacy/) 2022-03 Anonyme
> “Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access. The truth is that contrary to Google’s representations it continues to systematically surveil customers and profit from customer data.”
* [Revoke](https://revoke.com/personal/how-it-works/)
> Revoke allows you to send requests to retrieve and/or delete your data.
> - Each company has 30 days to respond under the GDPR.
> - Revoke gives you full visibility and control of what to do with that information.
> - Easy to use app helps you discover who hold yours personal information.
* [Someone could be tracking you through your headphones](https://nrkbeta.no/2021/09/02/someone-could-be-tracking-you-through-your-headphones/) 2021-09-02 NRK Beta
> - At least 9149 products with Bluetooth transmitters were uniquely recognized at least 24 hours apart.
> - At least 129 headphones could be tracked in the dataset for longer than 24 hours.
> - Popular headphones models from Bose, Bang & Olufsen, Jabra, Sennheiser and JBL can be tracked over longer periods of time.
* [Can Consent Ever Play a Valuable Role in Consumer Privacy?](https://anonyome.com/2021/08/can-consent-ever-play-a-valuable-role-in-consumer-privacy/) 2021-08 Anonyme
> Can we rely on ‘informed consent’ if the informed part is largely missing?\
> Consent doesn’t scale well from the consumer’s perspective.
* [the personalization privacy paradox](https://marketoonist.com/2021/07/zeropartydata.html) 2021-05-25
> ![](https://marketoonist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/210726.thirdpartydata.jpg)
> “Zero party data is that which a customer intentionally and proactively shares with a brand. It can include preference center data, purchase intentions, personal context, and how the individual wants the brand to recognize her.”
* [How the cookie poisoned the Web](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/14/poison/) 2021-05-14 Doc Searls
> Have you wondered why you have no more privacy on the Web than what other parties grant you ([which is none at all](https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/if-your-privacy-hands-others-alone-you-dont-have-any)), and that you can only opt in or out of choices that others provide—while the only controls you have over your privacy are to skulk around like a criminal (thank you, [Edward Snowden and Russell Brand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jxdwIkFdj8), for that analogy) or to stay offline completely?
* [Me2BA Product Testing Spotlight Report Published: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/) 2021-05-04 Me2Ba
> 60% of School Apps are Sending Student Data to Potentially High-risk Third Parties Without Knowledge or Consent According to New Research from Me2B Alliance
* [The new age of privacy](https://werd.io/2021/the-new-age-of-privacy) 2021-01-06 Ben Werdmuller
> Privacy is a human right. Surveillance has a chilling effect on free speech and freedom of association, which we consider to be fundamental tenets of democracy. Sure, you can make a bunch of money by learning everything you can about an individual and selling access to their attention. But not everything that is profitable should be permissible.
* [Letter to Attorney General Becerra Re: FinCen Proposed Rule Privacy concerns](https://blockadvocacy.medium.com/letter-to-attorney-general-becerra-re-fincen-proposed-rule-privacy-concerns-d6706694b8a9)
* [Letter to Attorney General Becerra Re: FinCen Proposed Rule Privacy concerns](https://blockadvocacy.medium.com/letter-to-attorney-general-becerra-re-fincen-proposed-rule-privacy-concerns-d6706694b8a9) 2021-02-23 Ally Medina BlockAdvocacy
> Our concerns with the consumer privacy implications of this proposed rule are twofold:
> First, the proposed rule’s requirement that MSB’s collect identifying information associated with wallet addresses will create reporting that extends well beyond the intent of the rule or the transaction.
* [Privacy Harms](https://teachprivacy.com/privacy-harms/) • [Daniel Solove](https://teachprivacy.com/our-expertise)
> Courts struggle with privacy harms because they often involve future uses of personal data that vary widely. When privacy violations do result in negative consequences, the effects are often small – frustration, aggravation, and inconvenience – and dispersed among a large number of people. When these minor harms are done at a vast scale by a large number of actors, they aggregate into more significant harms to people and society. But these harms do not fit well with existing judicial understandings of harm.
This article makes two central contributions. The first is the construction of a road map for courts to understand harm so that privacy violations can be tackled and remedied in a meaningful way.
* [Provisional Authenticity and Functional Privacy](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/provisional_authenticity_and_functional_privacy.shtml) Phil Windley
Provisional authenticity and confidentiality can help us manage the trade offs between privacy and authenticity to support online accountability along with functional privacy.
* [Use Sudo Platform’ Decentralized Identity Capabilities to Rapidly Deliver Customer Privacy Solutions](https://anonyome.com/2022/04/how-your-business-can-rapidly-deliver-customer-privacy-solutions-with-the-sudo-platform-a-5-part-series%ef%bf%bc/) Anonyme
In this 5-part series, we’ll look at how enterprises can rapidly deliver customer privacy solutions with the Sudo Platform digital identities and decentralized identity capabilities.
- [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy)
* [Top 5 Must Read Articles on Data Privacy](https://academy.affinidi.com/top-5-must-read-articles-on-data-privacy-342e95c9dcfc) by Affinidi
To help you get a good grasp of the data privacy concepts and what it means for you, we have put together some relevant articles that make for an interesting read. These articles are sure to give you a whole new perspective of data privacy.
* [John Oliver on Surveillance Capitalism](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/john_oliver_on_surveillance_capitalism.shtml) Phil Windley
he didn't just explain it. He took some steps to do something about it.
* [Understand the ORGANS Framework Before Building Privacy-Preserving Apps](https://academy.affinidi.com/understand-the-organs-framework-before-building-privacy-preserving-apps-cfc00e00a90c)
* [Privacy Harms](https://teachprivacy.com/privacy-harms/) • [Daniel Solove](https://teachprivacy.com/our-expertise) Teach Privacy
> This article makes two central contributions. The first is the construction of a road map for courts to understand harm so that privacy violations can be tackled and remedied in a meaningful way.
* [Provisional Authenticity and Functional Privacy](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/provisional_authenticity_and_functional_privacy.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> Provisional authenticity and confidentiality can help us manage the trade offs between privacy and authenticity to support online accountability along with functional privacy.
* [Use Sudo Platform’ Decentralized Identity Capabilities to Rapidly Deliver Customer Privacy Solutions](https://anonyome.com/2022/04/how-your-business-can-rapidly-deliver-customer-privacy-solutions-with-the-sudo-platform-a-5-part-series%ef%bf%bc/) 2022-04 Anonyme
> In this 5-part series, we’ll look at how enterprises can rapidly deliver customer privacy solutions with the Sudo Platform digital identities and decentralized identity capabilities.
* [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy) 2022-03-10 Avast
> But with challenges in the offing and platforms preparing to do battle, we must all support initiatives that support privacy and security, as well as the services that will bolster it. We must expect better and support the solutions that help us do better. That’s the only way to create a future where privacy and security are at the core of our collective digital experiences.
* [Top 5 Must Read Articles on Data Privacy](https://academy.affinidi.com/top-5-must-read-articles-on-data-privacy-342e95c9dcfc) 2022-04-18 Affinidi
> To help you get a good grasp of the data privacy concepts and what it means for you, we have put together some relevant articles that make for an interesting read. These articles are sure to give you a whole new perspective of data privacy.
* [John Oliver on Surveillance Capitalism](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/john_oliver_on_surveillance_capitalism.shtml) 2022-04 Phil Windley
> In researching this story, we realized that there is any number of perfectly legal bits of f—kery that we could engage in. We could, for example, use data brokers to go phishing for members of congress, by creating a demographic group consisting of men, age 45 and up, in a 5-mile radius of the U.S. Capitol, who had previously visited sites regarding or searched for terms including divorce, massage, hair loss and mid-life crisis.
* [Understand the ORGANS Framework Before Building Privacy-Preserving Apps](https://academy.affinidi.com/understand-the-organs-framework-before-building-privacy-preserving-apps-cfc00e00a90c) 2022-08-23 Affinidi
> - O -> Open Standards
> - R -> Revocable by individuals
> - G -> Granular
> - A -> Auditable
> - N -> Notice to all parties involved
> - S -> Secure
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published: false
# Web3 and Decentralized Identity
- DAO - decentralized-web/DAO
- Decentralization
- Web3
- Metaverse
- Ethereum
- Crypto
- Trust
- Web5
- DWeb
- Holo
- Secure Suttlebutt
- Bluesky
- DeFi
## EU
* [European Union starts developing Web3 technology](https://www.techzine.eu/news/devops/72520/european-union-starts-developing-web3-technology/)
## NewSocial
* [Social Media Architectures and Their Consequences](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20211115-social-media-architectures-consequences/) reb00ted
## Solid - Inrupt
* [TBL: Out to Remake the Digital World](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/10/technology/tim-berners-lee-privacy-internet.html). 2021-01-10
> A story appeared in the NY Times about Tim Berners-Lee’s vision for the web and Solid-Inrupt that are working towards fulfilling it. The article included a quote from Kaliya, and has stirred up an active thread on the CCG mailing list.
> Others say the Solid-Inrupt technology is only part of the answer. “There is lots of work outside Tim Berners-Lee’s project that will be vital to the vision,” said Kaliya Young, co-chair of the Internet Identity Workshop, whose members focus on digital identity.
> Mr. Berners-Lee said that his team was not inventing its own identity system, and that anything that worked could plug into its technology.
* [Byline: Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data.](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/subject.html): Michael Herman
> He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?
> - Has anyone else looked at this article?
> - Anyone familiar with TBL’s view of Decentralized Identity?
> - Is there anyone from the Solid project or Inrupt a member of CCG?
- A *[solid](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/thread.html)* [discussion is underway](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/thread.html), including this [from Kayode Ezike](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jan/0039.html)
> when I developed solid-vc, I was operating mostly under the threat model of compromised cryptographic keys used to sign credentials via jsonld-signatures and a compromised Solid password.*
> I don't want to bombard you all with too much information about this project in this thread, but for now I will share the [solid-vc repo](https://github.com/kezike/solid-vc) again as well as [my RWoT9 submission](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/solid-vc.md).
## Blockchain
* [Anchors and Rails of a Digital Nation](https://digitalcanada.io/forging-blockchain-ssi/) – Forging Self Sovereign Identity in the Age of the Blockchain
* [12 Ways Crypto and Blockchain Tech Will Change the World (and Boost Your Bottom Line)](https://moneymorning.com/2022/04/08/12-ways-crypto-and-blockchain-tech-will-change-the-world-and-boost-your-bottom-line/) 2022-04-08
> No. 7: Protecting Our Personal Data
Called a "self-sovereign identity," it would keep the data with the individual. People would use the Secure ID for online interactions; any data sent would be encrypted. But the key is that those online entities would not store the data themselves. So, there would be no more huge, centralized places where personal data could be stolen.
## Open Source
* [Open-Source Ideas Reports](https://gbbcouncil.org/initiatives/open-source-ideas-series/) Global Blockchain Business Council
## Decentralized Web
* [The Decentralized Web: An Introduction](https://blog.archive.org/2022/02/15/the-decentralized-web-an-introduction/) Archive.org 2022-02-15
> Providing that baseline of knowledge is the goal of a series of six workshops called [“Imagining a Better Online World: Exploring the Decentralized Web](https://metro.org/decentralizedweb).”
* [The Battle for the Soul of the Web](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/10/internet-archive-decentralized-web-web3-brewster-kahle/671647/) The Atlantic
> Musings from, amongst other places, Unfinished Live and DWeb Camp all written up in the Atlantic.
> Long before the NFT boom or the Web3 backlash, an unglamorous movement was under way. Where does it stand now?
* [Prepping for DWeb Camp](https://blog.holochain.org/preparing-for-dweb-camp/) HoloChain
> On this theme, I’m particularly interested in one event, an attempt to [map the projects that make up the DWeb](https://gitlab.com/getdweb/dweb-camp-2022/-/issues/77) and look for opportunities for interoperability. This was a [vision](https://dwebcamp2019.sched.com/event/S4vH/building-bridges-connecting-tech-stacks-for-humane-ux) I carried with me to the last DWeb Camp, and I’m hoping to see more conversations about building bridges between networks.
## Blockchains
* [Ethereum Competitors: Advantages and Disadvantages](https://blog.pantherprotocol.io/ethereum-competitors-advantages-and-disadvantages/) Panther Protocol
> Ethereum competitors that aim for scalability (Solana, Polkadot, Near)
> * […]Aiming for interoperability (Cosmos, Cardano)
> * […]Aiming for security (MEV Mitigation) (Solana & Osmosis)
> * […]Aiming for privacy (Secret Network, Oasis, Panther)
### BrightID
* [BrightID](https://www.brightid.org/) (a singular address that is linked to your friends’ ID in a “web of trust”) and [UBDI](https://app.ubdi.com/) lets you pull in data from a whole variety of sources and then make deals to get $ for your data.
## Bitcoin
* [Research Summary: Studying Bitcoin privacy attacks and their Impact on Bitcoin-based Identity Methods](https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/t/research-summary-studying-bitcoin-privacy-attacks-and-their-impact-on-bitcoin-based-identity-methods/1790) 2022-07 SmartContractResearch
> We investigate the privacy of the method [did:btcr](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr/) based on the criteria adopted from [RFC 6973](https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6973).
> - Surveillance
> - Correlation
> - Identification
> - Secondary Use
> - Disclosure
> - Misattribution
Reference in New Issue
Block a user