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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
title: Humanitarian
layout: single
excerpt: Assorted Humanitarian Organizations
toc: false
permalink: /organizations/humanitarian/
- humanitarian
- humanitarian/
tags: ["Humanitarian","iRespond"]
categories: ["Organizations"]
last_modified_at: 2019-07-11
published: true
* [Blockchain Can Empower Stateless Refugees](https://www.law360.com/technology/articles/1095148/blockchain-can-empower-stateless-refugees)
* [iRespond](https://www.irespond.org/) -international non-profit organization dedicated to solving the identity problem using a unique digital biometric identity solution
* [The Humanized Internet](http://www.thehumanizedinternet.org/) — "to defend the rights of vulnerable people, and give every human being worldwide secure, sovereign control over their own digital identity."
* [CheapID](http://guptaoption.com/cheapid/) - identity standard designed for use in conflicted environment like those many refugees or disaster victims may find themselves in.
* uses [State In A Box - Identity Services Architecture](http://guptaoption.com/4.SIAB-ISA.php)
* [World Identity Netowork](https://win.systems/)
* Blockchain for Impact [(BFI)-UN](https://www.pvblic.org/blockchainforimpact)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Systems for Humanitarian Interventions—A Case Study on Protective Cash Transfer Programs](https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:6cdb5450-9a81-47a9-8ffa-f9bd77c72448/datastream/OBJ1/download)
* [The Nail Finds a Hammer: Self-Sovereign Identity, Design Principles, and Property Rights in the Developing World](https://www.newamerica.org/future-property-rights/reports/nail-finds-hammer/)
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
title: Humanitarian Aid
layout: single
description: Self-Sovereign Identity for Humanitarian Interventions
excerpt: >
When forced to flee your home from one moment to the next, grabbing birth certificates, school diplomas, and other papers that prove you are who you say you are might not be the first thing that comes to mind. And without those credentials, everything is more difficult when it comes to starting a new life or picking up the pieces of an old one
toc: true
toc_sticky: true
permalink: /application/humanitarian/
- /organizations/humanitarian/
- humanitarian
- humanitarian/
tags: ["Humanitarian","iRespond","Ukraine","Tu Delft","Gravity Earth","Human Rights","Inclusion","Trinsic","Affinidi","Aid:Tech","GlobalID","Onfido","Biometrics","Avast","Berkman Klein","World Bank"]
categories: ["Application"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-15
published: true
## Explainer
* [Can digital identity help with the world refugee crisis?](https://blog.avast.com/digital-identity-world-refugee-crisis) 2022-05-24 Avast
> At the moment, a lack of documents isn’t too much of a hindrance to Ukrainian refugees, who are largely being welcomed in neighboring states. Dr. Dzeneta Karabegovic, PhD, an expert in migration and human rights and a childhood refugee herself, tells Avast that Ukrainians currently don’t need a passport in order to get through most borders of the European Union (EU).
* [Fixing Aid | Can blockchain help fix the I.D. problem for a billion people?](https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/podcast/2022/03/31/Fixing-Aid-can-blockchain-help-fix-the-ID-problem-for-a-billion-people) 2022-03-31 The New Humanitarian
> When forced to flee your home from one moment to the next, grabbing birth certificates, school diplomas, and other papers that prove you are who you say you are might not be the first thing that comes to mind. And without those credentials, everything is more difficult when it comes to starting a new life or picking up the pieces of an old one: applying for asylum, applying for a job, or registering to receive aid and other kinds of support.
* [Ukraine: Why centralized Identity systems can cause a problem](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ukraine-why-centralized-identity-systems-can-cause-problem-freitag/) 2022-02-25 Andreas Freitag
> Let's imagine a country that has a modern digital identity infrastructure. Citizens can use it to identify themselves online and offline, communicate with authorities online, they can quickly log into private services and websites and any documents can be created and digitally signed.
* [Blockchain Can Empower Stateless Refugees](https://www.law360.com/technology/articles/1095148/blockchain-can-empower-stateless-refugees) 2018-12-02 Law360
> InternetBar.org Institute, or IBO, a global NGO, developed the idea for a project to pursue these goals, and presented it at the World Justice Forum V in July 2017, in a presentation titled "The Invisibles: Digital Identity for Stateless Refugees." Then, earlier this year, IBO recorded music with top musicians living in refugee camps in eight countries, in order to make these refugees owners of digital assets.
## Report
* [Digital Identity: Enabling dignified access to humanitarian services in migration - PrepareCenter](https://preparecenter.org/resource/digital-identity-enabling-dignified-access-to-humanitarian-services-in-migration/) 2021-06-07 PrepareCenter
> The primary objective of the report is to inform humanitarian organizations working with migrants of the opportunities and risks in the use of digital identities in providing services throughout the migrants’ journeys.
* [Gravity’s work with refugees in Turkey featured in latest report from Oxford Centre for Technology and Development, “Digital Identity: An Analysis for the Humanitarian Sector”](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/case-study-gravitys-work-with-refugees-in-turkey-featured-in-latest-oxford-centre-for-technology-ecb515a18464) 2021-05-25 Gravity Earth
> “Gravity’s work is selected as a case study here because their solution included close collaboration with four other organizations from the start. It thus offered a rife example of interoperability challenges associated with digital ID systems, as well as how the same systems may be used to overcome existing coordination challenges. Moreover, Gravity has made more documentation of this project publicly available.”
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Systems for Humanitarian Interventions—A Case Study on Protective Cash Transfer Programs](https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid:6cdb5450-9a81-47a9-8ffa-f9bd77c72448/datastream/OBJ1/download) 2018-08-01 L. Stevens Tu Delft
> This research creates a functional blockchain based system, that enables identities for the use-case of Cash Transfer Programs.\
> Results: We present a validated set of ten design decisions that represent the trade-offs that have been made and prescribe a blueprint for a technical design.\
> Next steps: Future research should be done on how such a system could be implemented and used. This would require a process design approach that has to be developed, Also, elaborate research into user experience and user interfaces should be conducted.
## Ethics
* [Pro-social behaviours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosocial_behavior) 2023-06-14 Wikipedia
> those intended to benefit others, or society as a whole — for example, helping, sharing, donating, co-operating, and volunteering. Within a community, they’re the behaviours that make it an attractive space to belong to, and which encourage its growth and/or development. It’s a central part of the value cycles that underpin the Communities of Practice model.
* [Radical generosity](https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/radical-generosity-8063d9edc3aa) 2022-08-31 Dark Matter
> Could we establish an alternative market economy, one that is structured around a distinct set of principles centred on care, trust, generosity, the importance of collective intelligence and deep sets of relationships; what would fall away and what would remain in place?
## Human Rights
* [Tech Tools for Human Rights Documentation](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/) 2022-04-06 The Engine Room
> Insights from research & practical guidance for civil society documenters of human rights violations
* [Human Rights Documentation](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-documentation/) The Engine Room
> For this research, The Engine Room and HURIDOCS conducted a combined total of 36 one-on-one interviews with civil society documenters of human rights abuses and direct support organisations. Our findings are supplemented by insights from interviews with eight tool developers working in the human rights documentation space.
* [Tool Development](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-tool-dev/) The Engine Room
> For this research, The Engine Room conducted eight interviews with tool developers, and carried out independent research into relevant tools.
* [Transitional Justice](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-transitional-justice/) Tech tools from a transitional justice perspective
> For this research, PILPG conducted interviews with 15 transitional justice experts and held three focus groups.
* [TAKEAWAYS FROM OUR COMMUNITY CALL ON INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN DATA & DIGITAL RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE](https://www.theengineroom.org/takeaways-from-our-community-call-on-intersections-between-data-digital-rights-and-social-justice/) 2022-03-21 The Engine Room
> On February 15, we held a community call to discuss our newly-published [research findings](https://www.theengineroom.org/new-research-community-call-intersectional-approaches-to-data-and-digital-rights-advocacy/) on intersectional collaboration between social justice communities and data and digital rights (DDR) communities. We were joined by speakers Temi Lasade-Anderson from Alaase Lab, Luã Cruz from IDEC, Patronella Nqaba from Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity and Paromita Shah from Just Futures Law.
## Inclusion
* [Disrupting the Gospel of Tech Solutionism to Build Tech Justice](https://ssir.org/articles/entry/disrupting_the_gospel_of_tech_solutionism_to_build_tech_justice#) 2022-06-16 SSIR
> What does it mean to include new voices unless we create a context in which those voices are welcome and heard? To create those conditions, leaders in civil society and the private and public sectors must challenge institutional power and center the discussion on core social justice issues such as racism and structural inequality.
* [Over 1 Billion People Worldwide Lack Legal ID](https://www.continuumloop.com/inclusion-in-digital-identity-products/) 2022-05-17 Continuum Loop
> Inclusion is important in all aspects of life, including digital identity products. By ensuring that everyone is included in the development process, we can create products that meet the needs of everyone [...]
> Input from many people from diverse backgrounds is essential to our work on the SSI Harm’s Task Force. I hope you’ll consider [joining us](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Human+Experience+Working+Group) – whether you want to contribute or just observe, everyone is welcome!
* [Decolonial Humanitarian Digital Governance](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/decolonial-humanitarian-digital-governance-48b35b05b110) 2021-04-16 Berkman Klein
> Can humanitarian digital policy be decolonized?
> As humanitarian organisations do not tend to traditionally have the requisite digital or technology expertise in-house, they partner externally to achieve their aims.
> The provocations:
> 1. What if shared well-being became the standard of success for our nations?
> 2. Are we ready to move from an era that rewards extraction to one that prioritizes regeneration?
> 3. How will we move from an era of destabilizing information into an age of trusted wisdom?
> 4. Can we dismantle industrial-age silos between work, home, education, play, and community?
* [World Bank Inclusion Challenge](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/world-bank-the-inclusion-challenge) 2020-10-15 State of Identity Vyjayanti Desai
> Vyjayanti Desai, Practice Manager for the ID4D and G2Px, two global, multi-sectoral initiatives of the World Bank Group joins State of Identity to discuss The Mission Billion Challenge. The solutions-focused challenge highlights the fundamental role that digital platforms can play in helping a country to effectively provide assistance to its people.
## Business
* [What are the limits of the private sector in serving the poor?](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/what-are-the-limits-of-the-private-sector-in-serving-the-poor-3ee9a9a468fc) 2021-08-17 Caribou Digital
> A large set of impact investor, international donor, and government anti-poverty policy is based on the notion that for-profit companies can be induced to serve the poor with life changing services like banking or schooling but the limits of the for profit model are not always taken into account
* [Layering Digital ID on Top of Traditional Data Management](https://hiplatform.org/blog/2020/5/20/layering-digital-id-on-top-of-traditional-data-management) 2020-05-20 HIP
> While Digital ID could offer benefit to humanitarian agencies and beneficiaries, alike, many questions remain to be answered. The cost effectiveness of ID solutions remains to be established. Given that many of these systems are only operating at pilot-scale, it is difficult to know what the primary drivers of cost are and how they can be mitigated. In addition, the digital ID space is fairly young and while initiatives like ID4D and ID2020 are working to drive meaningful interoperability among providers in the space, it remains to be seen what the most effective factors, in addition to open source software, open APIs, and common data formats, can be used to general meaningful interoperability.
## Projects
* [Can Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity Systems address the Refugee Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMZQoyGxCs) 2022-08-09 ETH Global, Lyonna Lyu
> Zora’s Metabolism hackathon is a virtual space for creative experimentation, bringing together some of the world’s best creators from a broad variety of categories and inviting them to design new digital spaces, on-chain tools, artistic experiments and more. Web3 is both one of the biggest paradigm shifts since the advent of the internet age and an ever-evolving inquiry into the societal possibilities of creative technology: no matter if you are a developer, an engineer, an architect, a musician, a theorist or seasoned NFT artist - we invite you to build hyperstructures with us with focus on NFTs, on-chain music ecosystems, a new generation of DAOs and Zora’s vast ecosystem of tools and smart contracts.
* [Opportunities for Integrating Functional Digital ID into Humanitarian Action](https://hiplatform.org/blog/2022/5/18/opportunities-for-integrating-functional-digital-id-into-humanitarian-action) HIP 2022-05-18
> The [Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID)](https://hiplatform.org/digid) project was initiated by a consortium of humanitarian organizations. In 2021, a pilot project was carried out in Kenya implemented by the [Kenya Red Cross Society](https://www.redcross.or.ke/) to enable people without any form of ID to receive cash assistance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by means of a digital ID.
* [Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance: Lessons Learnt from Kenya](https://cash-hub.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2022/02/DIGID-Lessons-Learnt-from-Kenya-Jan-2022.pdf) 2022-02
> Because of “know your customer” (KYC) requirements, the targeted community members who did not have a legally recognized ID could neither own a SIM card nor have an M-Pesa account, so a cash transfer via M-Pesa was not a viable option for this pilot project. Cash distribution was done via Flex, a money distributor contracted by KRCS.
* [Trinsic Launches Identity For Good in Response to Ukraine Crisis](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-launches-identity-for-good-in-response-to-ukraine-crisis/) 2022-03-09 Trinsic
> Trinsic is partnering with companies building ID products for underserved populations. Through Identity for Good (ID4G), participating partners will receive access to Trinsic’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, enabling them to build their ID products quickly, safely, and compliantly
* [Dignified Identities for Cash assistance project](https://hiplatform.org/digid) 2021
> The first phase was implemented by KRCS to meet the needs of the vulnerable populations without official IDs
* [Affinidi Partners with AID:Tech — Exploring New Horizons in Digital Identity and Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/affinidi-partners-with-aid-tech-exploring-new-horizons-in-digital-identity-and-verifiable-661c9e61f7e8) 2021-08-18 Affinidi
> The relationship continues to grow, as Affinidi and AID:Tech are now collaborating on a new initiative to build infrastructure to power a verifiable credential-based [digital wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-identity-wallet-c289ba2980cf) with multiple services geared for women in Southeast Asia to help them access government programs, banking, insurance, etc.
* [GlobalID and Onfido to offer Authenication services to Malaysias Mycash Money](https://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2020/09/166678-global-id-verification-provider-onfido-to-offer-authentication-services-to-malaysias-mycash-money/) 2020-09-14 CrowdfundInsider
> MyCash Money is a digital marketplace that’s focused on serving migrant workers based in Malaysia and Singapore. MyCash aims to support financial inclusion by providing convenient and secure online services to foreign workers in said countries who might not be able to access digital banking platforms or credit cards.
* [From stateless to self sovereign. A project that gives life long identity to the worlds invisibles, beginning at birth](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202007/from-stateless-to-self-sovereign-a-project-that-gives-life-long-identity-to-the-worlds-invisibles-beginning-at-birth) 2020-07 Biometrics Update
[[iRespond](https://www.irespond.org/)'s] solution is built around verifiable credentials. Only the holder, which in this case is the mother, can access and share the credential through biometrics, in the form of an iris scan. This digital credential provides redundancy for the paper-based credential, and allows individuals to recover their paper documents if they are ever lost or stolen. Conversely, digital credentials can be recovered using their physical document.
* [Rohingya turn to blockchain to solve identity crisis](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/21/rohingya-turn-to-blockchain-to-solve-identity-crisis) 2018-08-21 Guardian
> Dilek Genc, a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh who studies blockchain-type applications in humanitarian aid and development, saysif the aid community continues to push innovation using Silicon Valley’s creed of “fail fast and often,” and experiment on vulnerable peoples they will be fundamentally at odds with humanitarian principles and fail to address the political roots of issues facing refugees.
## Biometrics
* [Biometrics in the Humanitarian Sector](https://www.theengineroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Engine-Room-Oxfam-Biometrics-Review.pdf) 2018-03 The Engine Room Oxfam
> The seminal 2013 study by Alan Gelb and Julia Clark researched 160 cases of biometrics deployment in 73 developing countries (excluding biometrics systems primarily for border control or law enforcement means), and noted two primary categories of biometrics identification systems: foundational systems and functional systems
> - Foundational systems are those which supply general identification for many official uses, such as national civil registries and national IDs.
> - Functional systems are those which are introduced in response to a demand for a particular service or transaction, such as voter IDs, health records, or financial access.
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
title: Internet of Things (IOT)
layout: single
description: The current model for connected things puts manufacturers in between people and their things.
excerpt: >
Safety and security rests with all involved in authorizing updates, how and when they are applied as well as the right to repair when Things are no longer officially supported. Shared device lifecycle assurance is the basis for verifiable service histories of Things which give data provenance. When data can be proven to originate from reliable sources, its value increases while reducing the risk of using it. Enabling third parties to build value from data would unlock the true value of IoT which in turn could fund its upkeep. This talk will outline how identity and shared ledger technology have key roles to building Truth in Things for a sustainable IoT.
toc: true
toc_sticky: true
permalink: /application/IOT/
tags: ["IOT","Digital Twins","MOBI","ITN","European Commission","Peaq","Microsoft","LFPH","Sophie Project","Digital Twin Consortium","Venafi","Caution"]
categories: ["Application"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-17
## Explainer
* [ITN, European Commission] [Why is Trusted Identity Important in IoT Commerce?](https://dlt.mobi/why-is-trusted-identity-important-in-iot-commerce/) 2022-07-14 MOBI
> This technology has enormous implications for consumers and organizations alike. For consumers, it spells a more seamless way of interacting with the devices used in day-to-day life. Likewise, many industries across the globe are increasingly turning to IoT to automate business processes, support the development of interoperable value chains, and enhance asset management.
* [Why Machines Need Self-Sovereign Identities](https://www.peaq.network/blog/why-machines-need-self-sovereign-identities) 2021-10-18 Peaq
> As the world becomes even more connected and more machines are hooked up to the internet, the ability for machines to move, trade and interact securely and efficiently becomes increasingly important to life and business. Today’s centralized networks do not enable this. Machines today exist on closed, permission-based environments which massively limit which other machines can be interacted with, what machines can do and where they can go.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and IoT – insights from the Sovrin Foundation](https://insureblocks.com/?p=12699) 2021-09-21 Insureblocks
> Michael Shea is the Managing Director of the Dingle Group and the Chair of Sovrin Foundation’sSSI in IoT Working Group. In this podcast we discussed the white paper he authored on Self Sovereign Identity and IoT. To explain the opportunities SSI can provide to IoT, Michael introduces us to three profiles: Jamie (machine to person), Bob (machine to machine) and Bessie the cow (digital twin).
* [Smart Property](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/08/smart_property.shtml) 2021-08 Phil Windley
> Smart property is much more than the anemic connected things we have now. Smart property imagines a world where every thing participates in digital communities and ecosystems, working through programmable agents under the owners control.
* [Digital Twins and Self-Sovereign Identity: Build the next generation of Simulation with privacy preservation](https://iotpractitioner.com/digital-twins-and-self-sovereign-identity-build-the-next-generation-of-simulation-with-privacy-preservation/) 2021-07-30 IOT Practicioner
> Managing IoT devices and user identities as well as the relationships among various devices and their digital twins face significant challenges. First, a lack of Identity Credential and Access Management (ICAM) standards for IoT creates proprietary standards and a lack of interoperability. Second, the operational lifecycle of IoT devices complicates integration of traditional ICAM. Lastly, ICAM technology must adapt to the proliferation of connected devices. This evolution requires a digital trust framework and the decentralized architecture of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
* [Alternatives to the CompuServe of Things](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/07/alternatives_to_the_compuserve_of_things.shtml) 2021-07 Phil Windley
> The current model for connected things puts manufacturers in between people and their things. That model negatively affects personal freedom, privacy, and society. Alternate models can provide the same benefits of connected devices without the societal and personal costs.
* [Relationships in the Self-Sovereign Internet of Things](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/12/relationships_in_the_self-sovereign_internet_of_things.shtml) 2020-12 Phil Windley
> DIDComm-capable agents provide a flexible infrastructure for numerous internet of things use cases. This post looks at Alice and her digital relationship with her F-150 truck. She and the truck have relationships and interactions with the people and institutions she engages as she co-owns, lends and sells it. These and other complicated workflows are all supported by a standards-based, open-source, protocol-supporting system for secure, privacy-preserving messaging.
* [Distributed Ledger Technologies, IAM, and the Truth in Things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV2rLgH9TUE) 2019-06-27 Identiverse Robert Brown
> Safety and security rests with all involved in authorizing updates, how and when they are applied as well as the right to repair when Things are no longer officially supported. Shared device lifecycle assurance is the basis for verifiable service histories of Things which give data provenance. When data can be proven to originate from reliable sources, its value increases while reducing the risk of using it. Enabling third parties to build value from data would unlock the true value of IoT which in turn could fund its upkeep. This talk will outline how identity and shared ledger technology have key roles to building Truth in Things for a sustainable IoT.
## Deployment
* [Easier IoT Deployments with LoraWan and Helium](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/easier_iot_deployments_with_lorawan_and_helium.shtml) 2022-04 Phil Windley
> Unlike a Wifi network, you don't put the network credentials in the device, you put the devices credentials (keys) in the network. Once I'd done that, the sensor started connecting to hotspots near my house and transmitting data. Today I've been driving around with it in my truck and it's roaming onto other hotspots as needed, still reporting temperatures.
## Project
* [Decentralized Identity of Things](https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com/decentralized-identity-of-things/) 2022-02-11 Winner Microsoft Decentralized Identity Hackathon
> In a real world scenario we anticipate a software based wallet for Decentralized Identity of Things. That would allow automation of online stores to obtain verifiable credentials programmatically.
* [DIDoT - DID of Things. Decentralized Identity of Things](https://devpost.com/software/did-of-things-didot-allergen-management-in-food-shopping) 2022-01-31 Devpost
> Allergen management in food shopping. Based on the concept of ‘things’ having verifiable credentials. [...] Our proposed solution requires a virtual wallet that can be orchestrated programmatically. We discussed how other self sovereign solutions have this capability and confirmed with the AAD Verifiable Credentials hackathon support team that this capability is not available.
## Devices
* [Rugged Identity: resilience for Identity of Things to bad latency, signal, power, physical integrity. Mars, war zones, bad neighbors, Great Firewalls.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11C/_Rugged_Identity:_resilience_for_Identity_of_Things_to_bad_latency,_signal,_power,_physical_integrity.) 2021-05-06 Phil Wolff
> Problem: So, what happens when you can’t call home to conduct an identity conversation? You’re on Mars and the latency is long. You’re in Haiti and the bandwidth is very limited during a storm. You’re in a war zone and your signal is noisy due to interference.
> Rugged Identity is hoped-for resilience from very long latency, noisy signal, low bandwidth, interrupted connections, very low power computing and radio, power outages, and attacks on physical integrity like device tampering.
* [In 2021, #RuggedIoMD becomes an #IIoT category](https://wider.team/2020/12/23/2021ruggediomd/) 2020-12-23 Wider Team
> So there’s demand for a new category of IoT and #IoMD that survives and thrives despite these challenges. Very low power consumption. Lots of storage and caching to hold on through power outages. Ruggedized for use outside clinics. Easy and cheap to field-repair. Lots of smarts inside so they work without an internet tap. Many flavors of connectivity to exploit opportunities as they knock. Open sourced, the better to adapt to new and unplanned problems.
## Organization
* [Self-Sovereign Digital Twins](https://dlt.mobi/self-sovereign-digital-twins/) 2022-07-08 MOBI
> A Citopia Self-Sovereign Digital Twin™ (SSDT™) is a digital twin whose controller has the ability to participate as an autonomous economic agent in trusted Web3 transactions.
* [Battery Passport and the Battery Self-Sovereign Digital Twin](https://dlt.mobi/battery-passport-the-battery-ssdt/) 2022-09-28 MOBI
> Similarly, a [battery passport](https://dlt.mobi/battery-passport) is nothing but a presentation of data points about a particular battery – who manufactured it, its physical and chemical composition, its current state of health, whether it was refurbished or repurposed from another battery, and so on.
* [LFPH tackles the next frontier in Open Source Health Technology: The rise of Digital Twins](https://www.lfph.io/2022/08/29/lfph-tackles-the-next-frontier-in-open-source-health-technology-the-rise-of-digital-twins/) 2022-08-29 Linux Foundation Public Health
> To create a pairing between the digital world and the real world, a digital twin leverages real time data, such as smart sensor technology, coupled with analytics, and often artificial intelligence (AI) in order to detect and prevent system failures, improve system performance, and explore innovative uses or functional models.
* [SSI In IoT, The SOFIE Project](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2021/4/6/ssi-in-iot-the-sofie-project) 2021-04-06 The Dingle Group
> For the 22nd Vienna Digital Identity Meetup* we hosted three of the lead researchers from the [EU H2020](https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/) funded The [SOFIE Project](https://www.sofie-iot.eu/). The SOFIE Project wrapped up at the end of last year a key part of this research focused on the the use of SSI concepts in three IoT sectors (energy, supply chain, and mixed reality gaming) targeting integrating SSI in without requiring changes to the existing IoT systems.
* [Digital Twin Consortium](https://www.digitaltwinconsortium.org/)
> Digital Twin Consortium drives the awareness, adoption, interoperability, and development of digital twin technology. Through a collaborative partnership with industry, academia, and government expertise, the Consortium is dedicated to the overall development of digital twins. We accelerate the market by propelling innovation and guiding outcomes for technology end-users.
## Company Stories
* [More Security in the Internet of Things – Thanks to ETO](https://www.etogruppe.com/en/news/news-from-eto/more-security-in-the-internet-of-things-thanks-to-eto.html) 2022-09-16 ETO [github](https://gitlab.com/anchor-bundle/angular-webapp)
> The ETO GRUPPE has set itself the goal of automating communication in the Internet of Things (IoT) and, on top of that, making it more secure against access and manipulation. To achieve this, these "things" - machines, devices or vehicles - must first be given a unique identity. The solution of the innovative corporate group consists of a new type of network and authentication processes that have what it takes to revolutionize the way we use the Internet today. ETO uses a network of distributed digital identities (DIDs) and verifiable credentials (VCs). A side benefit from the perspective of human Internet users: they regain data sovereignty over their personal data. The ETO solution will enable secure logins on both the Internet and the Internet of Things (IoT)
* [Trust but Verify](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/trust-but-verify) 2022-04-28 Liminal Podcasts
> Peter Padd, Co-Founder & CEO at Fortifyedge shares how he's built Zero Trust authentication software that provides IoT device OEM's with password-free authentication utilizing Tiny Machine Learning at the edge.
* [Capitalizing on Self-Sovereign Identity for Machines](https://venafi.com/blog/capitalizing-self-sovereign-identity-machines-part-one) 2021-01-05 Venafi
> By providing a means to globally define an indisputable link between a machine and its machine identity across different sites, networks and businesses, we can secure IoT like never before.
> The filancore integration for Verifiable Credentials is available now. You can learn more from the [Venafi Marketplace](https://marketplace.venafi.com/details/verifiable-credentials-for-iot/).
## Infographic
* [Now Animals too can have their own #decentralizedidentity to help them send their status updates](https://twitter.com/debimr75/status/1347915348293533699) 2021-01-09 Debajani Mohanty
> to the rightful owner from their #IoT devices. #Decentralized #digitalidentity for #IoT devices would lead to #SmartFarming
## Concern
* [#ResistIoT: IoT as a medium for surveillance](https://wider.team/2021/04/21/resistiot/) Wider Team 2021-04-21
> - Clinical technology as workplace surveillance. Hospital providers talk about their frustration with connected technologies because it feels like their every motion is being monitored and tracked, used by bosses to evaluate their speed and cost efficiency.
> - Civic technologies as government surveillance. From [Oakland’s corner traffic cameras](https://www.aclunc.org/blog/how-fight-stop-oaklands-domain-awareness-center-laid-groundwork-oakland-privacy-commission) leading to mass rallies to [Boston Police](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/robots-police-dog-spot-boston-dynamics-a9218491.html) [tests](https://reason.com/2019/11/26/massachusetts-police-test-out-robot-dogs-is-dystopia-on-its-way/) and [NYPD robot dogs](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/24/22299140/nypd-boston-dynamics-spot-robot-dog), IoT is deep in the creepy depths of [the uncanny valley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley). 2019-11-26
> - Consumer technology as commercial surveillance. Alexa, Google, and Apple know too much about you and use it to sell adjacent services.
## Paper
* [Presentation] [IoT Swarms + SSI in constrained networks](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15ix2vzR_Dq9xcs-8OY0qBjapy9dpY-WdRKph9SiEY-0/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-07-21 [source](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12E/_IoT_Swarms_+_SSI_in_constrained_networks) - [paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10232) Geovane Fedrecheski, Laisa C. P. Costa, Samira Afzal, Jan M. Rabaey, Roseli D. Lopes, Marcelo K. Zuffo
> One of the challenges identified by this last paper is the overhead of using SSI, which poses a challenge for adoption on constrained IoT networks. For example, while the Long Range (LoRa) communication, often used in IoT systems, only allows payloads of up to 240 bytes, a single DID Document typically occupies 500 bytes or more. Similarly, messages using DIDComm tend to use at least 1 kilobyte, which prevents its use on constrained networks.<br>Figure 1. Binary versions of DIDComm and DID Documents are needed to allow transmission in LoRa networks. The payload, in blue, is a DID Document. The overhead, in orange, is the protocol overhead due to the message signature.
> A low-overhead approach for self-sovereign identity in IoT We present a low-overhead mechanism for self-sovereign identification and communication of IoT agents in constrained networks. Our main contribution is to enable native use of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and DID-based secure communication on constrained networks, whereas previous works either did not consider the issue or relied on proxy-based architectures. We propose a new extension to DIDs along with a more concise serialization method for DID metadata. Moreover, in order to reduce the security overhead over transmitted messages, we adopted a binary message envelope. We implemented these proposals within the context of Swarm Computing, an approach for decentralized IoT. Results showed that our proposal reduces the size of identity metadata in almost four times and security overhead up to five times. We observed that both techniques are required to enable operation on constrained networks.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for IoT Devices](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-24296-1_37) 2019-06-29 Nataliia Kulabukhova, Andrei Ivashchenko, Iurii Tipikin, and Igor Minin
> in our point of view, a lot of development groups are working in parallel on the similar topics, yet it is not clear what is going on inside. In this paper we will try to define the differences and discuss both pros and cons of using such commonly known technologies as Sovrin based upon the Hyperledger Indy technology, Civic, Jolocom, uPort and some others. Besides, we’ll tackle the idea of using the SSI for inanimate object and how it can be constructed in this way.
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
title: Education and Self Sovereign Identity
description: The electronic signature improves the experience in education for students, teachers, parents, guardians and other school staff.
excerpt: >
Since most of the educational institutes were facing security crises, new challenges are added to the security system to identify and manage the users’ access to these platforms.The most relevant challenges include but not limited to, legacy identity infrastructure, student lifecycle and users access complexity and new cyber threats.
layout: single
permalink: application/education/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/application/education/'
categories: ["Application"]
tags: ["Education","Real World","RMIT","Azure","Microsoft","DIF","ACE","Fluree","Evernym","Velocity Network","IDRamp","Digitary","Open Badges"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
## Explainer
* [Self-Sovereign Identity User Scenarios in the Educational Domain](https://er.educause.edu/articles/2022/4/self-sovereign-identity-user-scenarios-in-the-educational-domain) 2022-04-13 Gerd Kortemeyer Educause
> Due to the high level of international mobility in the academic sector, insular solutions relying on only one national type of government-issued digital ID card will be insufficient; instead, the officials at the federation need to decide which digital ID cards are valid to uniquely associate an individual with private cryptographic keys, similar to the way passports are acknowledged internationally
* [Digital Credentials – the new student experience](https://condatis.com/webinars/webinar/digital-credentials/) 2022-03-14 Condatis
> - The challenges universities are facing.
> - Digital transcripts and credentials.
> - How universities can support students beyond graduation.
> - The benefits for universities, students, and employers.
* [Lissi use cases: Education](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-use-cases-education-c39908690300) 2021-12-01 Lissi
> Upon successful graduation from a school or university, a certificate is issued as proof of the achievements. However, these are currently still only issued in paper form and therefore cannot be easily presented to third parties.
* [The digital transformation of the education sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/the-digital-transformation-of-the-education-sector) 2021-08-27 ValidatedID
> The electronic signature improves the experience in education for students, teachers, parents, guardians and other school staff.
* [Digital Identity in Education](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2020/10/4/digital-identity-in-education) 2020-10-04 Dingle Group
> Vienna Digital Identity Meetup hosted [a focused session](https://vimeo.com/464715275) on digital identifiers and verifiable credentials in education. We have two great updates from Kim Hamilton Duffy (Architect Digital Credentials Consortium, Chair of the W3C CCG and Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force) and Lluis Arińo (convenor of Diplomas Use Case at European Blockchain Service Infrastructure and CIO Rovira i Virgili University, Spain).
* [Blockchain and the future of education](https://wellthatsinteresting.tech/blockchain-and-the-future-of-education/) 2020-08-10 Well That’s Interesting
> The user has one wallet where all their important documents are kept safe and secure. Since this wallet is a trusted source, when they share anything from it, it is trusted to be true and accurate without having to get another party involved.
## Projects
* [RMIT future-proofs the university-to-student connection with verifiable credentials in Azure Active Directory](https://customers.microsoft.com/en-au/story/1481006006183422060-rmit-university-higher-education-azure-active-directory) 2022-03-16 Microsoft Azure AD, ION
> Many of the components we needed were readily available to us within the Microsoft suite. RMIT uses Azure AD today for student and staff login as an identity provider. ION is an open, permissionless Layer 2 network based on the purely deterministic Sidetree protocol based on open standards.
* [LEGO & Learning Economy: Gearing up with Super Skills](https://blog.identity.foundation/lego-super-skills/) 2021-12-21 DIF
> The Super Skills app combines a custodial wallet (Torus) and Ceramic VC/storage tooling to give children private, exportable, future-proof achievement records – a self-sovereign educational credentialing system in miniature.
* [Super Skills, a mobile application use case for DIDs and VCs](https://medium.com/@ntonani/super-skills-a-mobile-application-use-case-for-dids-and-vcs-d174467ccf46) 2021-12-01 Ntonani
> Super Skills falls into the category of informal learning, but with the use of DIDs, VCs, and digital wallets, we are able to issue provable credentials for children that persist outside of the game. They can be presented and verified without having to communicate with our systems or LEGO, capturing the learning and putting control into the learner’s hands.
* [Education Blockchain Initiative](https://www.acenet.edu/Research-Insights/Pages/Education-Blockchain-Initiative.aspx) ACENet
* [ACE Selects Four Blockchain Innovation Challenge Winners to Expand Economic Opportunity to Underserved Learners](https://www.acenet.edu/News-Room/Pages/Four-Blockchain-Innovation-Challenge-Economic-Opportunity-Underserved-Learners.aspx) 2021-02-11
> The [Lifelong Learner Project](https://www.lifelonglearnerproject.org/), Powered by Teachers, to develop a digital wallet in which teachers can store and access their credentials, certifications, and learning resources and securely share these verifiable credentials with entities such as state licensing systems, human resources departments, and learning management systems. The project is led by RANDA Solutions, in partnership with the Utah State Board of Education, ETS, Digital Promise, University Instructors, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Blockframe, Fluree, Evernym, Velocity Network Foundation, IDRamp, PhilosBDL, UPD Consulting, IATC, Credential Engine, and IMS Global.
## Product
* [When Job Candidates Lie, New Tech From ZippedScript And LearnCard Will Help You Catch Them](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zengernews/2022/09/16/when-job-candidates-lie-new-tech-from-zippedscript-and-learncard-will-help-you-catch-them/?sh=731b54b63ed4) 2022-09-16 Forbes
> “recently launched [LearnCard](http://www.learncard.com/), a digital wallet for education and employment programmable verifiable credentials”
* [Redefining the Student Journey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enqQ0FyLaBc) 2021-05-11 Condatis
> Digital innovation has been front and centre in Higher Education since the pandemic. The challenges remain for universities supporting students now and for the future. With the help of Microsoft Azure AD Verifiable Credentials, universities can support student needs effective and innovative digital approach.
* [Open Badges] [Blockchain and the future of Education](https://wellthatsinteresting.tech/blockchain-and-the-future-of-education/) 2020-08-10 WellThatsInteresting.tech
> It highlights the [recent announcement from Digitary](https://www.digitary.net/myequals-1-million/) about having issued over four million digitally verified documents from 100+ institutions for millions of learners in 135 countries.
## Pilot
* [Education pilot](https://www.krakenh2020.eu/pilots/education) 2020 Kraken
> This pilot allows university students to trade their academic records in a privacy-preserving way, and recruitment agencies to acquire this data and process it, keeping the student's privacy intact.
## Literature
* [Research] [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.616779/full) 2021-03-30 Alex Grech, Ira Sood and Lluís Ariño
> Although the blockchain has long been identified as an opportunity for driving much-needed change in the core processes of the education sector, use cases to date have been limited in scope and execution, with blockchain advocates and education policy makers seemingly disconnected on fundamental issues such as governance, self-sovereignty, interoperability, choice of blockchain platforms and overall trust in standards and the integrity of the infrastructure.
* [Whitepaper, Hyperledger] [Blockchain in the Education Sector](https://potech.global/web/images/Potech%20Labs%20White%20Paper_Blockchain%20in%20the%20Education%20Sector.pdf) 2021-03-23 Potech
> Since most of the educational institutes were facing security crises, new challenges are added to the security system to identify and manage the users’ access to these platforms.The most relevant challenges include but not limited to, legacy identity infrastructure, student lifecycle and users access complexity and new cyber threats.
* [Report] [CONNECTED IMPACT Unlocking Education and Workforce Opportunity Through Blockchain](https://www.acenet.edu/Documents/ACE-Education-Blockchain-Initiative-Connected-Impact-June2020.pdf?fbclid=IwAR22cl_g-DzoZOEBStwKhrsuQpqqA66ZyZhKdd_4NmER2GyDMXbatuUsUuw) 2020-06 ACE
> This report is the first phase of the Education Blockchain Initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and managed by the American Council on Education (ACE). It summarizes an intensive research project to better understand the application of blockchain, a form of distributed ledger technology, to education. Its content is intended to inform policymakers, technology developers, education practitioners, and workforce entities about the state of and potential of interoperable digital credentials anchored on blockchains. This report also provides guidance to these stakeholders on the effective implementation of blockchain-based digital credentials infrastructure.
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
title: Healthcare and Self Sovereign Identity
description: This workflow doesn’t involve any third-party to store your medical data
excerpt: >
Most healthcare organizations are and should be, focused on their core business pursuits, such as patient care or processing insurance claims. Information security and identity management is not their core business, yet is a critical factor in compliant, secure business operations.
layout: single
permalink: application/healthcare/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/application/healthcare/'
categories: ["Application"]
tags: ["Healthcare","Real World","Dock","Evernym","Affinidi","DIZME","Gravity Earth","SMART"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
## Explainer
* [Verifiable Credentials set to Revolutionize Health and Safety Compliance](https://blog.dock.io/verifiable-credentials-set-to-revolutionize-health-and-safety-compliance/) 2021-11-05 Dock
> By integrating with Dock and utilizing verifiable credentials, the process of verifying a workers qualifications goes from analysing paper-based certificates and calling each educational body to certify the legitimacy of it, to having the accreditations sitting in a tamper-proof digital wallet, with a digital signature signature from the issuing body certifying the legitimacy.
* [How decentralised identity & verifiable credentials will transform the world of healthcare](https://www.htworld.co.uk/insight/decentralized-identity-verifiable-credentials-healthcare/) 2021-08-20 HealthTech World
> When a medical accrediting agency provides a digitally signed certificate, the healthcare practitioner and owner of that certificate holds the credential in a digital wallet. The details of the credential such as the time stamp in which the certificate was given and how long it is valid for, can be optionally held within a blockchain network, digitally linked to the certificate, this process is called ‘anchoring’.
* [SSI For Healthcare: Lessons from the NHS](https://vimeo.com/543285754) 2021-04-29 Evernym
> - Lessons learned from working with self-sovereign identity (SSI) at the NHS, and the needs highlighted when leading the frontline response during COVID-19
> - What digital health passes mean for the adoption of SSI
> - Applying the four principles of healthcare ethics to verifiable credential technology
> - The top use cases for healthcare, including “staff passports” and portable health records
* [Accessing Medical Records Anywhere](https://academy.affinidi.com/accessing-medical-records-anywhere-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-81a248f9b746) 2021-04-02 Affinidi
> this workflow doesn’t involve any third-party to store your medical data and this also means no worry about medical data storage policies and the laws associated with it. The holder completely owns his or her medical data and stores it exclusively in his or her digital wallet, thereby making it secure and hassle-free.
## Project
* [A Digital Staff Passport for hospital facilities, DIZME voted best solution at SHACK22 hackathon](https://infocert.digital/a-digital-staff-passport-for-the-safe-mobility-of-staff-in-hospital-facilities-dizme-has-been-voted-as-the-best-solution-at-shack22-hackathon/) 2022-07-08 Infocert
> The hackathon held by INTEROPen, a leading organization to support & accelerate the delivery and adoption of Interoperability Standards in health & social, in partnership with NHS (National Health System) was aimed at developing innovative solutions for the management of access and safe mobility of staff in hospital facilities.
* [Case study: Gravity digital ID solution enables vulnerable migrants in Kenya to receive consistent healthcare services](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/case-study-gravity-digital-id-solution-enables-vulnerable-migrants-in-kenya-to-receive-consistent-713a78f9e0d8) 2022-04-27 Shiyao Zhang
> For patients who have a smartphone, they can directly view and manage their medical credentials on their wallet application; for patients who are equipped with feature phones, they can interact with their credentials via a dedicated USSD menu; for those who don’t have a phone, the medical credentials will be stored in a printed QR code.
* [Simplify medical supply orders with SSI: Techruption innovation project](https://www.brightlands.com/en/brightlands-smart-services-campus/brightlands-techruption-SSI-simplifies-medical-supply-orders) 2021-12-21 Brightlands
> Participants in this co-creation use case were TNO, CZ, Rabobank and Accenture. The developed solution can be applied in other industries as well. For example in public services, which are often offered by a network of organisations that are all required to comply with high administrative standards.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and Blockchain in the Healthcare Industry](https://knowledge.wealize.digital/en/blog/blog/ssi-at-healthcare-industry) 2021-12-14 Wealize Digital
> Healthcare is a key case-use of the SSI model employing blockchain given the significance and scalability of this sectoral. In this article, we give you details about a pilot project developed for the Andalusian Health Service in Spain to evidence the feasibility of a vaccination card according to the Alastria Self-Sovereign Identity system based on Blockchain technology.
* [Patient-Centric Identity Management for Healthcare with Jim St-Clair](https://northernblock.io/patient-centric-identity-management-for-healthcare/) 2021-04-13 Northern Block
> I began working with Lumedic in January of this year, specifically focused on digital identity standards, especially in self-sovereign identity, and also continuing to work in HL7. Lumedic is part of Providence Health Systems, and we play a very active role in several HL7 initiatives for health IT and data exchange. It’s very complementary to the work we’re doing with groups like Sovrin, the Trust over IP Foundation, and so on.
## Business
* [The Future of Healthcare Relies on Adaptation](https://auth0.com/blog/the-future-of-healthcare-relies-on-adaptation/) 2021-10-14 auth0
> Most healthcare organizations are and should be, focused on their core business pursuits, such as patient care or processing insurance claims. Information security and identity management is not their core business, yet is a critical factor in compliant, secure business operations.
## Policy
* ["Member as API" - The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule and Verifiable Credentials](https://www.pocketcred.com/post/member-as-api-the-interoperability-and-patient-access-final-rule-and-verifiable-credentials) 2021-07-26 PocketCred
> The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule (CMS-9115-F) delivers on the government's promise to put patients first, giving them access to their health information when they need it most and in a way they can best use it. As part of the MyHealthEData initiative, this final rule is focused on driving interoperability and patient access to health information by liberating patient data using CMS authority to regulate Medicare Advantage (MA), Medicaid, CHIP, and Qualified Health Plan (QHP) issuers on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFEs).
* [21st Century Cures Act](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/01/2020-07419/21st-century-cures-act-interoperability-information-blocking-and-the-onc-health-it-certification) 2020-05-01
> This final rule implements certain provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act, including Conditions and Maintenance of Certification requirements for health information technology (health IT) developers under the ONC Health IT Certification Program (Program), the voluntary certification of health IT for use by pediatric health care providers, and reasonable and necessary activities that do not constitute information blocking. The implementation of these provisions will advance interoperability and support the access, exchange, and use of electronic health information. The rule also finalizes certain modifications to the 2015 Edition health IT certification criteria and Program in additional ways to advance interoperability, enhance health IT certification, and reduce burden and costs.
## Standards
* [What SMART on FHIR Means for the Future of Healthcare](https://auth0.com/blog/what-smart-on-fhir-means-for-the-future-of-healthcare/) 2021-09-07 Auth0
> The Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies (SMART) platform promises to solve these data fragmentation challenges by standardizing how patient data is accessed and shared. And given SMART’s inclusion in the [21st Century Cures Act](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/01/2020-07419/21st-century-cures-act-interoperability-information-blocking-and-the-onc-health-it-certification), the platform will become the standard protocol for accessing electronic health records (EHRs) in the near future.
## Development
* [Solving Identity Challenges at the Intersection of Education and Healthcare](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21C/_Solving_Identity_Challenges_at_the_Intersection_of_Education_and_Healthcare) 2021-05-06 Kimberly Linson
> - We have to get to protocol/standards like we did with email
> - It will be messy and competitive with new players who emerge and offer more freedom
> - Those who can’t adapt will lose ground - need to be willing to let go
> - Messaging apps: Signal/What’s APp - PRESSURE...eventually someone will make it so that they work together and scoop up everyone’s business
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://www.blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196) 2022-04-22 Blockchain Healthcare
> Results: MediLinker allows users to store their personal data on digital wallets, which they control. It uses a decentralized trusted identity using Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. Patients use MediLinker to register and share their information securely and in a trusted system with healthcare and other service providers. Results: MediLinker allows users to store their personal data on digital wallets, which they control. It uses a decentralized trusted identity using Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. Patients use MediLinker to register and share their information securely and in a trusted system with healthcare and other service providers.
## Devices
* [Rugged Identity: resilience for Identity of Things to bad latency, signal, power, physical integrity. Mars, war zones, bad neighbors, Great Firewalls.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11C/_Rugged_Identity:_resilience_for_Identity_of_Things_to_bad_latency,_signal,_power,_physical_integrity.) 2021-05-06 Phil Wolff
> Problem: So, what happens when you can’t call home to conduct an identity conversation? You’re on Mars and the latency is long. You’re in Haiti and the bandwidth is very limited during a storm. You’re in a war zone and your signal is noisy due to interference.
> Rugged Identity is hoped-for resilience from very long latency, noisy signal, low bandwidth, interrupted connections, very low power computing and radio, power outages, and attacks on physical integrity like device tampering.
* [In 2021, #RuggedIoMD becomes an #IIoT category](https://wider.team/2020/12/23/2021ruggediomd/) 2020-12-23 Wider Team
> So there’s demand for a new category of IoT and #IoMD that survives and thrives despite these challenges. Very low power consumption. Lots of storage and caching to hold on through power outages. Ruggedized for use outside clinics. Easy and cheap to field-repair. Lots of smarts inside so they work without an internet tap. Many flavors of connectivity to exploit opportunities as they knock. Open sourced, the better to adapt to new and unplanned problems.
## ~~MyChart~~ ThierChart
* [TheirCharts](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/01/15/theircharts/) 2022-01-15 Doc Searls
> If you’re getting health care in the U.S., chances are your providers are now trying to give you a better [patient experience](https://www.epic.com/software#PatientEngagement) through a website called MyChart.
> This is supposed to be yours, as the first person singular pronoun My implies. Problem is, it’s TheirChart.
@ -1,62 +1,69 @@
published: false
title: Travel and Self Sovereign Identity
description: The potential for self-sovereign identity to transform the travel industry is almost limitless
excerpt: Over time the evolution of DID/SSI is likely to be a travel industry game-changer, enabling travelers to manage their own personal information to maximize personal economic effect and protect personal privacy.
layout: single
permalink: application/travel/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/application/travel/'
categories: ["Application"]
tags: ["Travel","IATA","TOIP","TSA","Apple"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
# Travel
## Explainer
* [IDnow joins Accelerate@IATA to shape the future of seamless air travel](https://www.idnow.io/pr/idnow-joins-accelerateiata/) IDnow
> The goal of IATA One ID is to set industry standards that further streamline the passenger journey with digitalization of admissibility and a contactless process through secure biometric enabled identification.
* [Is the biggest tech change for travel since the internet and mobile the shift to self-sovereign identity tech?](https://centreforaviation.com/analysis/video/is-the-biggest-tech-change-for-travel-since-the-internet-and-mobile-the-shift-to-self-sovereign-identity-tech-1594) CAPA TV
* [Making travelling more seamless and relaxed](https://www.idnow.io/blog/how-digital-identity-improves-passenger-journey/) 2022-09-29 IDNow
> Until now, we relied on physical id document such as ID cards [driving licenses to identify](https://www.idnow.io/mobility/driver-license-verification/) ourselves in the real world as well as online. Digital attributes and credentials were solely used online. Digital identity wallets, like the [IDnow Wallet](https://www.idnow.io/products/identity-wallet/), are about to change that, as they are simultaneously addressing our digital and real-world requirements by bringing physical and digital credentials together.
* [WHY THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY SHOULD CARE ABOUT SSI AND DID](https://www.phocuswire.com/why-travel-should-care-about-self-sovereign-decentralized-id) 2022-09-02 PhocusWire
> As chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://lists.identity.foundation/g/hospitalityandtravel) within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, Price is one of the leading voices on how DID and SSI will impact all sectors of travel.
> At [Phocuswright Europe](https://www.phocuswrighteurope.com/), [Nick] Price explains how this technology – and the trusted, permissioned, secure communication it enables - will change the way suppliers and travelers interact and eliminate impediments that exist today.
* [Op Ed: Sam Hilgendorf On The Role Of Self-Sovereign Identification In Travel](https://www.thecompanydime.com/sam-hilgendorf-self-sovereign-identification/) 2022-08-19 The Company Dime
> With all the uses that have emerged for the Internet, I have systematically lost control of my identity. I started to review the retail websites where I created accounts; I counted 50 when I gave up. As a frequent business traveler, I have identity data in the form of profiles stored with suppliers, booking tools, review sites and more. These companies know even more about me than the typical retailer, as they have copies of my passport number and driver’s license, and even know when I am away from home.
* [How DID and SSI will Transform the Travel Experience Market](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-did-ssi-will-transform-travel-experience-market) 2022-08-17 Phocuswire
> Over time the evolution of DID/SSI is likely to be a travel industry game-changer, enabling travelers to manage their own personal information to maximize personal economic effect and protect personal privacy.
> The DID/SSI effort is already gaining a foothold in the banking and medical industries. Like travel, these are sectors that need to engage with consumers of all types en masse while requiring proof of identity prior to the certified exchange of digital documents.
* [Drone Pilot Credentialing for Air Safety](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhudSVJOdrc) 2022-07-21 TOIP
> Discussed the approach and the implementation challenges of drone pilot credentialing for air safety using verifiable credentials at the July 21, 2022 Ecosystem Foundry Working Group of the Trust Over IP Foundation.
* [Businesses’ desire to store less digital identity data stokes travel’s SSI brushfire](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202201/businesses-desire-to-store-less-digital-identity-data-stokes-travels-ssi-brushfire) 2022-01 BiometricUpdate
> The potential use cases for self-sovereign identity to transform the travel industry are almost limitless, particularly with the impending arrival of [decentralized identifier communications](https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/decentralized-identity-foundation/wg/did-comm/), also known as DIDComm, attendees of a [PhocusWire](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-ssi-eliminates-friction-adds-control-for-travelers) roundtable discussion on the role of SSI in the future of identity and travel at the Phocuswright Conference 2021 heard from an panel of digital identity experts.
* [SOUNDING OFF: A MAJOR - AND OVERDUE - POWER SHIFT IS COMING TO TRAVEL](https://www.phocuswire.com/sounding-off-144-ssi-power-shift-in-travel) 2022-01-14 Phocuswire
> When this comes to fruition – and not if, but when – it will be a transformative change, shifting power from travel suppliers to travelers themselves and giving travelers more choice, better personalization, lower friction and more security.
* [Is the biggest tech change for travel since the internet and mobile the shift to self-sovereign identity tech?](https://centreforaviation.com/analysis/video/is-the-biggest-tech-change-for-travel-since-the-internet-and-mobile-the-shift-to-self-sovereign-identity-tech-1594) 2021-10-17 CAPA TV
> - What are some of the benefits of this new wave, such as reduced cybersecurity risk and enhanced travel experiences/personalisation?
> - Will this affect the way travel is distributed and paid for change?
> - What can players in the established travel eco-system expect?
> - When will we see this come about – where will we be by 2030?
* [Q&A: The Potential of Decentralized ID in Travel](https://www.webintravel.com/qa-the-potential-of-decentralized-digital-id-in-travel/) WebInTravel
> Since February he has also been the informal chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://www.notion.so/dif/HOSPITALITY-TRAVEL-SIG-242105321e1747f8bce776bf634a55b3), a subset within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, an organization creating technical specifications and reference implementations for decentralized identity and working with industries for commercial applications of such technologies.
* [SOUNDING OFF: A MAJOR - AND OVERDUE - POWER SHIFT IS COMING TO TRAVEL](https://www.phocuswire.com/sounding-off-144-ssi-power-shift-in-travel) Phocuswire
> When this comes to fruition – and not if, but when – it will be a transformative change, shifting power from travel suppliers to travelers themselves and giving travelers more choice, better personalization, lower friction and more security.
* [Businesses’ desire to store less digital identity data stokes travel’s SSI brushfire](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202201/businesses-desire-to-store-less-digital-identity-data-stokes-travels-ssi-brushfire) 2022-01 BiometricUpdate
> The potential use cases for self-sovereign identity to transform the travel industry are almost limitless, particularly with the impending arrival of [decentralized identifier communications](https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/decentralized-identity-foundation/wg/did-comm/), also known as DIDComm, attendees of a [PhocusWire](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-ssi-eliminates-friction-adds-control-for-travelers) roundtable discussion on the role of SSI in the future of identity and travel at the Phocuswright Conference 2021 heard from an panel of digital identity experts.
* [Airports continue to deploy biometrics as SSI ‘big wave’ approaches](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202110/airports-continue-to-deploy-biometrics-as-ssi-big-wave-approaches) 2021-10 Biometric Update
> The conflation of biometrics and SSI is somewhat disturbing.
> TravelScrum Co-founder and Chairman Gene Quinn described self-sovereign ID (SSI) as “a big wave of change that’s coming,” and advised that organizations can “ride this wave by swimming at it, greeting it, and rolling gently over it as it heads to shore, or you can be caught in the shore-break and have it consume you later.”
* [Q&A: The Potential of Decentralized ID in Travel](https://www.webintravel.com/qa-the-potential-of-decentralized-digital-id-in-travel/) 2021-08-09 WebInTravel
> Since February he has also been the informal chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://www.notion.so/dif/HOSPITALITY-TRAVEL-SIG-242105321e1747f8bce776bf634a55b3), a subset within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, an organization creating technical specifications and reference implementations for decentralized identity and working with industries for commercial applications of such technologies.
* [Making travelling more seamless and relaxed](https://www.idnow.io/blog/how-digital-identity-improves-passenger-journey/) IDNow
> Until now, we relied on physical id document such as ID cards [driving licenses to identify](https://www.idnow.io/mobility/driver-license-verification/) ourselves in the real world as well as online. Digital attributes and credentials were solely used online. Digital identity wallets, like the [IDnow Wallet](https://www.idnow.io/products/identity-wallet/), are about to change that, as they are simultaneously addressing our digital and real-world requirements by bringing physical and digital credentials together.
* [Op Ed: Sam Hilgendorf On The Role Of Self-Sovereign Identification In Travel](https://www.thecompanydime.com/sam-hilgendorf-self-sovereign-identification/) The Company Dime
* [How DID and SSI will Transform the Travel Experience Market](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-did-ssi-will-transform-travel-experience-market) Phocuswire
> Over time the evolution of DID/SSI is likely to be a travel industry game-changer, enabling travelers to manage their own personal information to maximize personal economic effect and protect personal privacy.
> The DID/SSI effort is already gaining a foothold in the banking and medical industries. Like travel, these are sectors that need to engage with consumers of all types en masse while requiring proof of identity prior to the certified exchange of digital documents.
* [WHY THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY SHOULD CARE ABOUT SSI AND DID](https://www.phocuswire.com/why-travel-should-care-about-self-sovereign-decentralized-id) PhocusWire
> As chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://lists.identity.foundation/g/hospitalityandtravel) within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, Price is one of the leading voices on how DID and SSI will impact all sectors of travel.
> At [Phocuswright Europe](https://www.phocuswrighteurope.com/), [Nick] Price explains how this technology – and the trusted, permissioned, secure communication it enables - will change the way suppliers and travelers interact and eliminate impediments that exist today.
* [Traveller ID Ecosystem | ProofSpace x RateTiger Integration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExHEUpl9lKo) ProofSpace
## Projects
* [Traveller ID Ecosystem | ProofSpace x RateTiger Integration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExHEUpl9lKo) 2022-08-31 ProofSpace
> Guests can reclaim, re-use and protect their personal data, the "Traveller ID", within the ecosystem of participating hotels.
> The Traveller ID and other credentials in this solution are Atala PRISM Verifiable Credentials on Cardano blockchain - a global first for hospitality.
* [TSA Seeks Contractor for Upgraded Passenger Identification System](https://findbiometrics.com/tsa-seeks-contractor-for-upgraded-passenger-identification-system-508302/) FindBiometrics
> Essentially, the TSA wants a CAT2 system that confirms and displays passenger information, including flight reservation information and pre-screening status, to TSA operators, and that uses facial recognition to match travelers to their photo ID.
* [You’ll soon be able to use your iPhone as ID at the airport: Apple Wallet is also getting support for hotel keys](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/7/22522864/apple-wallet-iphone-airport-ids-hotel-key-card-ios-15-wwdc) 2021-06-07 The Verge
> Apple has announced a forthcoming update to its Wallet app that will allow you to use your iPhone as digital identification in select US airports. The company showed how you’ll be able to scan your driver’s license or state ID in participating US states, which will then be encrypted and stored in the iPhone’s secure enclave. The company says it’s working with the TSA to enable the iPhone to be used as identification at airport security checkpoints.
* [World's Airports And Leading Airlines Join CommonTrust Network And Begin Roll-out Of CommonPass](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/worlds-airports-and-leading-airlines-join-commontrust-network-and-begin-roll-out-of-commonpass-in-december-in-support-of-safer-border-reopening-301179752.html) PRNewswire
* [World's Airports And Leading Airlines Join CommonTrust Network And Begin Roll-out Of CommonPass](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/worlds-airports-and-leading-airlines-join-commontrust-network-and-begin-roll-out-of-commonpass-in-december-in-support-of-safer-border-reopening-301179752.html) 2021-04-02 PRNewswire
> The CommonTrust Network is enabled by a global network of labs, vaccine distributors, and health care providers that agree to provide individuals with digital access to their own health information using open, globally-interoperable standards (e.g. HL7 FHIR, W3C verifiable credentials). The network includes hundreds of health systems covering thousands of locations in the United States and a growing network of labs and health care providers around the world.
* [IATA unveils key design elements of travel pass](https://japantoday.com/category/features/travel/iata-unveils-key-design-elements-of-travel-pass) Japan Today
### IATA
* [IDnow joins Accelerate@IATA to shape the future of seamless air travel](https://www.idnow.io/pr/idnow-joins-accelerateiata/) 2022-08-13 IDnow
> The goal of IATA One ID is to set industry standards that further streamline the passenger journey with digitalization of admissibility and a contactless process through secure biometric enabled identification.
* [IATA unveils key design elements of travel pass](https://japantoday.com/category/features/travel/iata-unveils-key-design-elements-of-travel-pass) 2021-01-05 Japan Today
> The IATA Travel Pass three critical design elements:
> - The IATA Travel Pass stores encrypted data including verified test or vaccination results on the mobile device of the traveler. The traveler controls what information is shared from their phone with airlines and authorities. No central database or data repository is storing the information. By keeping travelers 100% in control of their information, the highest standards for data privacy are ensured. IATA Travel Pass is also built on the highest standards of data protection laws, including General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).
> - Global standards recognized by governments to ensure verified identity and test/vaccine information.
> - Convenience and biosafety will be enhanced with integration into contactless travel processes. The ICAO CART recommendations for biosafety include the use of contactless travel processes to reduce the risk of virus transmission when documents need to be exchanged in the travel process.
* [Drone Pilot Credentialing for Air Safety](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqMsaI3P51o) TOIP
> Discussed the approach and the implementation challenges of drone pilot credentialing for air safety using verifiable credentials at the July 21, 2022 Ecosystem Foundry Working Group of the Trust Over IP Foundation.
## TSA
* [TSA Seeks Contractor for Upgraded Passenger Identification System](https://findbiometrics.com/tsa-seeks-contractor-for-upgraded-passenger-identification-system-508302/) 2022-08-30 FindBiometrics
> Essentially, the TSA wants a CAT2 system that confirms and displays passenger information, including flight reservation information and pre-screening status, to TSA operators, and that uses facial recognition to match travelers to their photo ID.
## Apple
* [You’ll soon be able to use your iPhone as ID at the airport: Apple Wallet is also getting support for hotel keys](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/7/22522864/apple-wallet-iphone-airport-ids-hotel-key-card-ios-15-wwdc) 2021-06-07 The Verge
> Apple has announced a forthcoming update to its Wallet app that will allow you to use your iPhone as digital identification in select US airports. The company showed how you’ll be able to scan your driver’s license or state ID in participating US states, which will then be encrypted and stored in the iPhone’s secure enclave. The company says it’s working with the TSA to enable the iPhone to be used as identification at airport security checkpoints.
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
title: KYC and Self Sovereign Identity
description: SSI solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate background data, faster
excerpt: >
traditional KYC/AML practices can give way to a more practical framework, where businesses can remain compliant with regulations and collect data without threatening privacy, data security, and breaching data laws.
layout: single
permalink: application/kyc/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/application/kyc/'
categories: ["Application"]
tags: ["KYC","Compliance","eKYC","Cryptocurrency","KYC-Chain"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
## Explainer
* [Importance of an Integrated KYC solution for your compliance program](https://kyc-chain.com/importance-of-an-integrated-kyc-solution-for-your-compliance-program/) 2022-04-12 KYC-Chain
> The way many businesses have traditionally implemented KYC is by taking a manual, fragmented approach – essentially implementing various different KYC processes using different tools, methods and resources, including human compliance teams.
* [How can self-sovereign identity solve the challenges of KYC in financial industry?](https://yourstory.com/2022/09/self-sovereign-identity-solve-challenges-kyc-finance/amp) 2022-09 Yourstory
> Since the same data is required and utilised by everyone, blockchain-based SSI can satisfy the demand for general service for data without creating competition while also adhering to legislation and consumer expectations around data protection.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Verification and Background Screening](https://www.corporatescreening.com/blog/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-verification-and-how-is-it-changing-background-screening) 2021 Corporate Screening
> self-sovereign identity verification, one of the game-changing [background screening trends of 2021](https://www.corporatescreening.com/2021-trends-interactive-infographic). When combined with screening activities, self-sovereign identity solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate candidate background data and deliver it to employers faster.
* [Enhanced Due Diligence How to do it Right](https://cognitohq.com/enhanced-due-diligence-is-non-negotiable/) 2021-03-04
> Both CDD and EDD are part of a complete KYC process. Identity verification (IDV) at the account-opening stage is one of the most critical moments in the process, but it doesn’t end there: read on to identify when your due diligence should kick up a notch.
## Literature
* [Designing a Framework for Digital KYC Processes Built on Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.01237.pdf) 2021-11-11 Vincent Schlatt, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Feulner, Nils Urbach
> We demonstrate how blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) can solve the challenges of KYC. We follow a rigorous design science research approach to create a framework that utilizes SSI in the KYC process, deriving nascent design principles that theorize on blockchain’s role for SSI.
* [zkKYC A solution concept for KYC without knowing your customer, leveraging self-sovereign identity and zero-knowledge proofs](https://bafybeie5ixj4dkim3lgivkw56us6aakh6bc3dhlsx5zzohrkzgo3ywqqha.ipfs.dweb.link/zkKYC-v1.0.pdf) 2021-06 Pieter Pauwels
> The proposed solution concept, zkKYC, removes the need for the customer to share any personal information with a regulated business for the purpose of KYC, and yet providesthe transparency to allow for a customer to be identified if and when that is ruled necessary by adesignated governing entity (e.g. regulator, law enforcement).
## Standards
* [eKYC & Identity Assurance WG](https://openid.net/wg/ekyc-ida/) OpenID
> Among the many dots Mark is connecting on behalf of the OpenID Foundation is work with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, the Open Identity Exchange Trust Framework Initiatives and the Open Banking Implementation Entity.
* [“eKYC with Mark Haine”](https://identityunlocked.auth0.com/public/49/Identity%2C-Unlocked.--bed7fada/ad784008) 2021-03-10 Auth0, Identity Unlocked
> In this episode of Identity. Unlocked, principal architect at Auth0 and podcast host, Vittorio Bertocci, invites guest Filip Skokan to have a conversation about a few three-letter extensions to OAuth (which, incidentally, would also fit well in a pirate incantation!): PAR, RAR, and JAR. Filip is a Senior Engineer II at Auth0, the author of a popular book on open source identification, and a contributor to both the IETF and the OpenID Foundation.
## Companies
* [DIDComm for KYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWrZxRbCG88) 2021-05-25 Trustbloc
> Demonstrates a financial "KYC" identity proofing using TrustBloc DIDComm capabilities. Stored credentials and real-time attestations can be authorized in a single flow.
## Crypto
* [Gaining trust during uncertain times – How KYC crypto solutions can lead the way](https://www.idnow.io/blog/crypto-kyc-uk-trends/) 2023-01-11 IDnow
> recently-released ‘[Crypto in KYC – Growth through trust’](https://www.idnow.io/portfolio/crypto-in-kyc-growth-through-trust/) ebook helps organizations to better understand the notoriously unstable market
* [KYC/AML: How crypto will change a TradFi standard forever](https://blog.pantherprotocol.io/kyc-aml-how-crypto-might-change-a-traditional-finance-standard-forever/) 2021-07-27 Panther Protocol
> traditional KYC/AML practices can give way to a more practical framework, where businesses can remain compliant with regulations and collect data without threatening privacy, data security, and breaching data laws.
* [iXRPL - A Smart Contract-Powered, Self-Sovereign KYC Solution for the XRP Ledger](https://lexautomagica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/iXRPL-Whitepaper.pdf) 2021-07 Scott Chamberlain, Richard Holland, and Ravin Perera
> the verification is “stamped” on the User’s XRP Ledger Account with a Non-Fungible-Token, called a Human UUID, that uniquely identifies the verified individual. The User can then present their verified credentials, cross-checked against the XRP Ledger Account, to financial institutions to satisfy KYC requirements. Effectively, iXRPL “tokenises” the one-off cost of verifying your identity into a reusable asset.
* [Ontology Partnership with Binance Smart Chain](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-the-only-decentralized-identity-partner-for-binance-smart-chain-d531efbc569) 2021-02-20
> Ontology and Binance have a long history of cooperation and partnership that has generated benefits for both sides, none possibly more important the integration of Ontology’s Decentralized Identity Solution into the Binance Smart Chain. The symbiotic relationship sees Ontology, and ONT ID, as the sole partner for BSC in terms of providing a truly decentralized identity option and KYC user verification.
### KYC-Chain
* [KYC-Chain Join Hands with enVoy](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-join-hands-with-envoy/) 2021-12-12 KYC Chain
> KYC-Chain will enter a partnership with enVoy. enVoy offers sustainable DeFi, tokenized letters of credit, realtime x border payments, and tokenized documentation for the supply chain removing risk and creating trust for third-party trade on an end to end ESG and sustainable supply chain journey.
* [KYC-Chain & CrypTalk Join Hands](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-cryptalk-join-hands/) 2021-08-21 KYC-Chain
> CrypTalk is a messaging service designed to bring together verified projects and potential investors by creating a safe and secure crypto space. Crypto projects undergo thorough verifications and a number of security measures before being verified by CrypTalk.
@ -1,89 +1,82 @@
published: false
title: The Covid Pandemic and Self Sovereign Identity
description: How a cryptographically secure digital credential can be used instead of paper documents
excerpt: >
In a lot of places around the world, a COVID passport is simply a paper document. This has led to a couple of expected problems, one to mention is forgery. Paper documents can easily be forfeited, and paper-based COVID passports are no exception.
layout: single
permalink: application/covid-19/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/application/covid-19/'
categories: ["History","Application"]
tags: ["Covid","LFPH","CCI","SITA","WHO","Good Health Pass","Excelsior Pass Pluss","Digi.me","EU Digital Green","Real World"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
## Scams
Scammers Selling Fake #COVID19 Vaccination Cards for Just $20 The security firm DomainTools claims to have seen authentic-looking CDC cards selling for as little as $20 each on domains like covid-19vaccinationcards[.]com, which features a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. “Though selling a printed card is not necessarily illegal, the pricing, logo and cardstock of these ‘vaccination records’ demonstrate a level of intent to pass as legitimate cards from the CDC,” explained DomainTools senior security researcher, Chad Anderson. https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scammers-sell-fake-covid19/ https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0077.html
COVID-19 vaccination cards are dangerously easy to fake — what you need to know Israeli security firm Check Point reports that fake American and Russian vaccination certificates are being sold online for between $100 and $200. Fake COVID-19 negative test results cost as little as $25, while (likely fake) COVID-19 vaccine sells for about $500 per vial. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/fake-covid-vaccination-cards
## Standards
* [Introducing the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.lfph.io/2021/06/08/gccn/) 2021-06-08 LFPH
> As more and more governments adopt [major COVID certificate standards](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/12/global-covid-certificate-landscape/) to reopen borders, the travel industry is working hard to catch up on their technology to meet the evolving travel requirements. However, there is still no shortage of complaints from travelers about their cumbersome international travel experiences
* [Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0069.html) 2021-02 Tobias Looker
> I'd like to propose a new work item that formally defines a vocabulary for issuing Vaccination Certificates in the form of Verifiable Credentials.
* [Vaccination Certificate Test Suite](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0081.html) 2021-04-08 Manu Sporny
> The WHO guidance covers 28 types of vaccines that we (as a global society) depend on, including Measles, Smallpox, Polio, Yellow Fever, COVID-19, and others. We (Digital Bazaar) thought it might be interesting to see if we could create an interoperability test suite for the WHO Smart Vaccination Card work using the tools listed above.
> https://w3id.org/vaccination/interop-reports
> [1]https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vaccination-vocab/
> [2]https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/interim-guidance-for-developing-a-smart-vaccination-certificate
> [3]https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api
* [Mapping FHIR JSON resource to W3C Vaccination vocabulary : A semantic data pipeline](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title=12H/_Mapping_FHIR_JSON_resource_to_W3C_Vaccination_vocabulary_:_A_semantic_data_pipeline&action=edit&redlink=1) John Walker
> The Digital Health Credential System Implementation Guide The Implementation Guide V1 provides a set of baseline recommendations to the CCI community of application and services developers, implementers with which to evaluate product designs. The requirements mentioned in this guide should be read along side (and not as a substitute to) the regulations applicable to the jurisdiction in which the applications and services will be made available https://cci-2020.medium.com/the-implementation-guide-v1-is-out-f958e1fd69b0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eSrFxFldD6TBkfmOFTXBkBu2TYf3qFv2/view) Covid Credentials Initiative
* [I Want COVID-19 Certificates but I don't want a DID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqSr0xKcG18) David Chadwick
* [Digital Identity in response to COVID-19: DGX Digital Identity Working Group](https://www.tech.gov.sg/files/media/corporate-publications/FY2021/dgx_2021_digital_identity_in_response_to_covid-19.pdf)
* [How COVID-19 is driving innovation in digital identity](https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/how-covid-19-driving-innovation-digital-identity)
* [Vaccine Credentials Focus Group - US Subgroup](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/vaccinecredentials-us#publichealth)
> This is the mailing list for the US subgroup of the Vaccine Credentials Focus Group. You can see the group charter [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10iXXW4c-lW9ZR-qey_92006muIBuLt3VN4GkZa214OA/edit?usp=sharing).
> Participating and contributing in this group requires a CCI membership, open and free to all (organizations and individuals). If you are not a CCI member yet, please request a membership agreement at [https://www.covidcreds.org/#Join](https://www.covidcreds.org/#Join).
## Explainer
* [A Goldilocks point for Digitised Vaccination Certificates](https://lockstep.com.au/a-goldilocks-point-for-digitised-vaccination-certificates/)
* [Digital identity is critical in the new world since covid](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/11/17/digital-identity-is-critical-in-the-new-world-since-covid/) 2021-11-17 DigitalID NZ
> In my recent podcast with [Brad Carr](https://www.iif.com/Staff-and-Authors/uid/46/BradCarr) of the [Institute of International Finance](https://www.iif.com/Publications/ID/4304/FRT-Episode-87-Digital-Identity-with-SecureKey-CEO-Greg-Wolfond), we discussed how digital identity and verified credentials can support a digital-first world, something that’s extremely relevant amid the current pandemic. https://verified.me/blog/the-value-of-verifiable-credentials-in-the-evolving-digital-identity-landscape/ Verified Me
* [Freedom, Privacy and the Covid Pandemic](https://blokbioscience.com/video/freedom-privacy-covid/) BLOK
* [COVID-19 as a Catalyst for the Advancement of Digital Identity](https://www.perkinscoie.com/images/content/2/4/247949/2021-Perkins-Coie-LLP-Health-Passport-White-Paper.pdf) 2021-11-05 Perkins Cole
> This article discusses areas of law that are developing rapidly [...] our goal is to address some of the legal considerations that health certificates raise with respect to, and in the context of, the development of a comprehensive system of digital identity management.
* [A Goldilocks point for Digitised Vaccination Certificates](https://lockstep.com.au/a-goldilocks-point-for-digitised-vaccination-certificates/) 2021-09-13 Steve Lockstep
> My poster looks at a sweet spot in digital vaccine certificates. Too little identity and proof of vaccination is insecure; too much identity and the proof threatens privacy.
> To set the scene, it worries me that COVID vaccination is seen by some as the killer application for exotic technology or digital ideology. We should not impose these sorts of changes onto health systems especially in developing countries. They disrupt established ways of managing patients and they’re not necessary for privacy.
* [Why health passes are NOT vaccine passports – and offer greater flexibility and choice](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/18/why-health-passes-are-not-vaccine-passports-and-offer-greater-flexibility-and-choice/) 2021-08-18 DigiMe
> Health passes, though, are much more flexible as they provide multiple options. They can still be used as proof of vaccination, if the user chooses to share their health information in this way.
> But, importantly and in a crucial difference from vaccine passports, they can also be used to securely display a test result, such as a negative PCR or rapid antigen test (also known as lateral flow tests) today. Additionally, they are also future-proofed for options such as rapid antibody test results when those come into play on a large scale.
* [Vaccine Passports Must Leverage Decentralized Identity Solutions](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/vaccine-passports-must-leverage-decentralized-identity-solutions-d454f9907fe9) 2021-08-16 Ontology
> Decentralized identity solutions offer an ideal solution to the data privacy and identity risks associated with COVID-19 passports and other verification methods.
* [Innovation in Digital Identity and Credentials in the Post-Covid World](https://academy.affinidi.com/innovation-in-digital-identity-and-credentials-in-the-post-covid-world-f182a5743ce8) 2021-07-01 Affinidi
> Though we often get lost in technologies, frameworks, legislation, and economic models, it’s ultimately the human aspect that will define the future of the digital identity industry. Bearing this in mind can determine the heights we scale and how quickly we can get there.
* [Blueprint for a Digital Health Pass](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/bailey/blueprint-for-a-digital-health-pass) 2021-06-14 Kuppinger Cole
> Binding an identity to a Verifiable Credential remains valid beyond the point of verification by being able to match a real-time biometric data point with one which was logged at the point of verification
* [Covid-19 Vaccination Passes Could Cataylze Self-Sovereign Identity Adoption](https://hackernoon.com/covid-19-vaccination-passes-could-cataylze-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-6x3m3563) 2021-06-10 Hackernoon
* [Our digital future and economic recovery rests on getting digital ID right](https://diacc.ca/2021/05/31/our-digital-future-and-economic-recovery-rests-on-getting-digital-id-right/) 2021-05-31 DIACC
> With digital identity done right, a vaccine proof (passport) would allow Canadians to securely prove who they are, verify that they were vaccinated, and have a digital credential to use in any instance that requires it — all in a safe and secure way that does not divulge any other private health record.
* [How festival organisers can maximise Covid safety and eradicate ticket touts](https://blokbioscience.com/articles/how-festival-organisers-can-maximise-covid-safety-and-eradicate-ticket-touts/#respond) 2021-05-31 Blok Bioscience
> Festival organisers will also need to do better at managing delays than other sectors. In recent weeks, we’ve seen [Heathrow airport reporting delays of up to six hours](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56743571). This would be catastrophic at a festival – to keep festival goers waiting, after they have already waited for months to have a great time, would only lead to frustration and likely cause a bad reputation for the festival itself.
* [SSI COVID Passports: Why, What and How](https://noha-abuaesh.medium.com/ssi-covid-passports-why-what-and-how-6f450fddfabf) 2021-05-21 Noha Abuaesh
> In a lot of places around the world, a COVID passport is simply a paper document. This has led to a couple of expected problems, one to mention is forgery. Paper documents can easily be forfeited, and paper-based COVID passports are no exception.
* [Not too much identity technology, and not too little](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/not-too-much-identity-technology-and-not-too-little) 2021-04-23 Constellationr
> We should digitize nothing more and nothing less than the fact that someone received their vaccine. A verifiable credential carrying this information would include the place, date and time, the type of vaccine, and the medico who administered or witnessed the shot. The underlying technology should be robust, mature and proven at scale ― as is PKI and public key certificates
* [Setting up digital ID regime could provide boost to post-pandemic recovery](https://diacc.ca/2021/04/22/setting-up-digital-id-regime-could-provide-boost-to-post-pandemic-recovery/) 2021-04-22 DIACC
> If the global pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that the need for reliable and secure data is paramount as businesses, governments, and Canadians from Vancouver to Quebec City to Charlottetown and everywhere in between move online.
* [The Politics of Vaccination Passports](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/04/the_politics_of_vaccination_passports.shtml) 2021-04 Phil Windley
> For example, I’d prefer a vaccination passport that is built according to principles of the Good Health Pass collaborative than, say, one built by Facebook, Google, Apple, or Amazon. Social convention, and regulation where necessary, can limit where such a passport is used. It’s an imperfect system, but social systems are.
* [Everything You Need to Know About “Vaccine Passports”](https://identitywoman.net/quoted-in-everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/) 2021-04 IdentityWoman \ [Mother Jones](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/)
> Andy Slavitt, a White House senior adviser for COVID response, specified at a [March 29](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/03/29/press-briefing-by-white-house-covid-19-response-team-and-public-health-officials-21/) briefing that “unlike other parts of the world, the government here is not viewing its role as the place to create a passport, nor a place to hold the data of citizens.”
* [Getting Privacy Right with Verifiable Health Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/health-credentials-webinar/) 2021-03-16 Evernym
> Verifiable health credentials have never been more important or more urgently needed. Yet, as an industry, we have a responsibility to ensure that the solutions we deploy today are held to the highest bar and set the right precedent for personal data privacy.
* [Freedom, Privacy and the Covid Pandemic](https://blokbioscience.com/video/freedom-privacy-covid/) 2021-03-09 BLOK
> It’s quite important to outline the difference between #selfsovereignidentity and centralised solutions in the development of #covid #vaccinepassports.
> The former requires zero trust on third parties, the latter is prone to hacking and abuse.
* [SSI COVID Passports: Why, What and How](https://noha-abuaesh.medium.com/ssi-covid-passports-why-what-and-how-6f450fddfabf) Noha Abuaesh
> What if people can prove their COVID status to different entities, prove that they are authentic and prove they were intended for them, without having to reveal any of their personal information; not even their names?
* [The inevitable vaccine passports Or, are they actually inevitable?](https://trustoverip.substack.com/p/the-inevitable-vaccine-passports)
> Until the time digital records for vaccination are as simple and do not require a second thought around wallet/app/credential format etc - we have a long way to go before they are inevitable.
* [Evernym: Privacy-Preserving Verifiable Credentials in the Time of COVID-19](https://www.hyperledger.org/event/hyperledger-in-depth-an-hour-with-evernym-building-post-covid-19-world-with-ssi) Hyperledger
> This session will focus on the analysis and discussion of two use cases where legacy identity solutions were unable to meet the needs, but ledger based solutions have been successful: covid credentials for travel, and employment credentials for staff movements.
* [Not too much identity technology, and not too little](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/not-too-much-identity-technology-and-not-too-little)
> We should digitize nothing more and nothing less than the fact that someone received their vaccine. A verifiable credential carrying this information would include the place, date and time, the type of vaccine, and the medico who administered or witnessed the shot. The underlying technology should be robust, mature and proven at scale ― as is PKI and public key certificates
* [A trusted internet. Easy and secure. For everyone.](https://esatus.com/solutions/self-self-sovereign-identity/?lang=en) Enabled by digital credentials and SSI technology.
> Already today, credentials are being used in a wide variety of applications, such as a digital identity card, a work permit or a test certificate. We would like to explain the functionality and potential use cases for credentials by following our protagonist called Sam, who has just completed a Covid-19 rapid test.
* [Our digital future and economic recovery rests on getting digital ID right](https://diacc.ca/2021/05/31/our-digital-future-and-economic-recovery-rests-on-getting-digital-id-right/) 2021-05-31 DIACC
> With digital identity done right, a vaccine proof (passport) would allow Canadians to securely prove who they are, verify that they were vaccinated, and have a digital credential to use in any instance that requires it — all in a safe and secure way that does not divulge any other private health record.
* [How festival organisers can maximise Covid safety and eradicate ticket touts](https://blokbioscience.com/articles/how-festival-organisers-can-maximise-covid-safety-and-eradicate-ticket-touts/#respond) Blok Bioscience
> Festival organisers will also need to do better at managing delays than other sectors. In recent weeks, we’ve seen [Heathrow airport reporting delays of up to six hours](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56743571). This would be catastrophic at a festival – to keep festival goers waiting, after they have already waited for months to have a great time, would only lead to frustration and likely cause a bad reputation for the festival itself.
* [My presentation at the @Hyperledger Healthcare SIG about #VerifiableCredentials for Covid-19](https://twitter.com/maheshbalan/status/1352049833419239428) @maheshbalan
> How a cryptographically secure digital credential can be used instead of paper documents. (Video)
* [Blueprint for a Digital Health Pass](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/bailey/blueprint-for-a-digital-health-pass) Kuppinger Cole
> Binding an identity to a Verifiable Credential remains valid beyond the point of verification by being able to match a real-time biometric data point with one which was logged at the point of verification
* [Setting up digital ID regime could provide boost to post-pandemic recovery](https://diacc.ca/2021/04/22/setting-up-digital-id-regime-could-provide-boost-to-post-pandemic-recovery/) 2021-04-22 DIACC
> If the global pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that the need for reliable and secure data is paramount as businesses, governments, and Canadians from Vancouver to Quebec City to Charlottetown and everywhere in between move online.
* [Working Together on What “Good” Looks Like](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/12/working-together-on-what-good-looks-like) 2021-02-12 Hyperledger
> This initiative is intended to define, in the context of test results and vaccination records for opening up borders for travel and commerce, a high bar for implementations of identity and credentialing systems to meet with regards to privacy, ethics and portability. They will also work with the implementers of such systems to converge towards common standards and governance.
* [Center for Global Development: A COVID Vaccine Certificate](https://www.cgdev.org/publication/covid-vaccine-certificate-building-lessons-digital-id-digital-yellow-card) 2021-02-11 CGDev
> Building on Lessons from Digital ID for the Digital Yellow Card
> Covid Vaccination Certificate will be a formidable challenge, not only to international cooperation, but because it will need to be implemented in the course of mass vaccination campaigns across countries with very different health management systems and ID systems and with a constantly evolving situation.
* [Identity Ownership and Security in the Wake of the Pandemic](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/identity-ownership-security.html) 2021-02-09 Ping Identity
> - Takeaway #1: We digitized much of our economy during the pandemic but neglected one important aspect: identity.
> - Takeaway #2: Third parties have much more control over digital identity than individuals.
> - Takeaway #3: We’re on the cusp of a tectonic shift in the notion of digital identity.
> - Takeaway #4: The pandemic has accelerated the changes needed to shape the future of digital identity security.
> - Takeaway #5: Moving control of digital identity to the individual will dramatically change our current identity and access management systems.
* [My presentation at the @Hyperledger Healthcare SIG about #VerifiableCredentials for Covid-19](https://twitter.com/maheshbalan/status/1352049833419239428) 2021-01-20 @maheshbalan Hyperledger
> How a cryptographically secure digital credential can be used instead of paper documents. ([Video](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/HCSIG/2021.01.20+General+Meeting+Presentation?preview=/41590388/41590779/zoom_0.mp4))
* [Digital vaccine certificate looms as HR's next problem](https://searchhrsoftware.techtarget.com/news/252494706/Digital-vaccine-certificate-looms-as-HRs-next-problem) 2021-01-12 Tech Target
> It's going to take a while for the efforts to sort themselves out, Beck said, but he believes it will happen by the fall or year-end. Government funding may be forthcoming.
> Based on what Biden has said generally about public health, Beck believes the new administration plans to make "a big commitment to health equity and improving public health systems broadly," he said.
* [how to re-open our economy while protecting privacy](https://diacc.ca/2021/01/05/protecting-privacy-while-reopening-economies/) 2021-01-05 Joni Brennan, IdentityWoman DIACC
> Without transparent operational guidance, people’s privacy and personal freedoms may be compromised. By having a set of operational rules, decision makers will have the capacity to make better decisions that will enable the public to trust that the tools being implemented have been designed to respect their best interests.
* [Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KsfPtESFkP4J:https://www.economist.com/international/2020/12/07/covid-19-spurs-national-plans-to-give-citizens-digital-identities) 2020-12-07 Economist
> The MOSIP project, which got going in March 2018, is nested in Bangalore’s International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-B) and endowed with funding of $16m from the Omidyar Network, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Tata Trusts.
* [Digital Health Passports for COVID-19 - Data Privacy and Human Rights Law](https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/media/universityofexeter/collegeofsocialsciencesandinternationalstudies/lawimages/research/Policy_brief_-_Digital_Health_Passports_COVID-19_-_Beduschi.pdf) 2020-11-06
> This is a study of Digital Health Passports relating the benefits in managing the pandemic, while also detailing concerns around data protection and the private information at risk of being over-exposed.
* [How COVID-19 is driving innovation in digital identity](https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/how-covid-19-driving-innovation-digital-identity) 2020-07-27 Turing Institute
> Contact tracing is inherently privacy-invasive to individuals as it is fundamentally a mechanism for sharing details of the interactions they have with others. In response, many researchers have turned their attention to developing secure and privacy-preserving solutions. Large inter-institutional projects such as DP-3T (Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing), PEPP-PT (Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing) and the Apple-Google partnership have developed protocols, systems and mobile apps that have already informed contact tracing deployments internationally.
* [Immunity passports' could speed up return to work after Covid-19](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/30/immunity-passports-could-speed-up-return-to-work-after-covid-19) 2020-03-30
> * What are, in your opinion, the riskiest assumptions when writing an Software Development Kit?
> * For you, what are the most promising SSI projects or repos?
@ -94,182 +87,118 @@ COVID-19 vaccination cards are dangerously easy to fake — what you need to kno
> * Specific roadblocks other people in this space should look out for?
> * What are the books you have recommended most to others?
* [Identity Ownership and Security in the Wake of the Pandemic](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/identity-ownership-security.html)
> - Takeaway #1: We digitized much of our economy during the pandemic but neglected one important aspect: identity.
> - Takeaway #2: Third parties have much more control over digital identity than individuals.
> - Takeaway #3: We’re on the cusp of a tectonic shift in the notion of digital identity.
> - Takeaway #4: The pandemic has accelerated the changes needed to shape the future of digital identity security.
> - Takeaway #5: Moving control of digital identity to the individual will dramatically change our current identity and access management systems.
### Travel
* [COVID & Travel Resources for Phocuswright](https://identitywoman.net/covid-travel-resources-for-phocuswright/) 2021-11-17 IdentityWoman.net
> As more and more governments adopt major COVID certificate standards to reopen borders, the travel industry is working hard to catch up on their technology to meet the evolving travel requirements. However, there is still no shortage of complaints from travelers about their cumbersome international travel experiences.
* [SITA Publishes 18-Month Plan for Digital Transformation in Air Travel](https://www.sita.aero/globalassets/docs/brochures/your-runway-to-success.pdf) 2021-06-30 SITA
> COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on the aviation industry both financially and operationally. It has required our industry to reprioritize technology spend, do more with less, and implement health and safety protocols
* [Panel: Paving the Way to a Safer Travel Experience - Heather Dahl, & Scott Harris & Adrien Sanglier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlgXNk4GRLc) 2021-06-21 Hyperledger Foundation
> Together SITA and Indicio.tech utilized Hyperledger Aries, Ursa, and Indy to create a secure travel credential that is accepted by airlines, hotels and hospitality partners without sharing private health information. In this panel discussion, SITA and Indicio.tech will share their journey of applying verifiable credentials in commercial aviation and travel/hospitality to make it easy for visitors entering a country to share a trusted traveler credential – based on their health status, yet revealing no personal information or health data – privately and securely on their mobile device.
* [Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/04/travel/coronavirus-vaccine-passports.html) 2021-02-04 NYTimes
> “The global passport system took 50 years to develop,” said Drummond Reed, chief trust officer for Evernym. “Even when they wanted to add biometrics to that to make it stronger, that took over a decade to agree on just how you’re going to add a fingerprint or a facial biometric to be verified on a passport. Now, in a very short period of time, we need to produce a digital credential that can be as universally recognized as a passport and it needs an even greater level of privacy because it’s going to be digital.”
* [From Closed Loop Systems to Open World COVID Credentials Exchange](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/CCI-Summit-Summary-Report-From-Closed-to-Open.pdf) 2021-04 CCI Report
> This summit, convened by CCI, was designed to beginarticulating a roadmap to get from closed loop systems to an open systemwhere it doesn’t matter if issuers, holders and verifiers are using the tool provided by the same solution provider as long as all solution providers are building on a certain common ground.The discussion focused on domestic reopening use cases using the US as the context.
## Tech
* [Unlocking the Value of Verifiable Credentials in the Health Sector](https://www.affinidi.com/post/unlocking-the-value-of-verifiable-credentials-in-the-health-sector) Affinidi
> - Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing (DIVOC) - This is an open-source platform that enables countries to digitally orchestrate country-wide health campaigns such as vaccinations and certifications.
> - EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU-DCC) - This specification allows EU citizens and residents to have their digital health certificates issued and verified across the EU.
> - Smart Health Card (SHC) - This initiative encourages the development of open standards and technologies to connect people with their health data. Led by Microsoft, Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), The Commons Project, and The MITRE Corporation, SHCs are seeing wide adoption across North America.
> - International Civil Aviation Organisation - Visible Digital Seal (ICAO-VDS) - This is a travel document verification to re-establish travel and trade through aviation.
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI - Part 1\3: Requirements](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-1-requirements-b6523a607fbe) 2021-10-01 Frank Kottler
> In many cases, the problem underpinning IoT network security resembles the classic blockchain business case: to create trust — in this case, trustful data and message exchange — in a trustless environment. While the self-sovereign identity (SSI) concept resolves this problem in a specifically distributed manner, we want to explore current solutions, and compare their properties to distributed architectures, including SSI. Many desirable network properties (throughput, simplicity, confidentiality, to name a few) are much easier implemented in conventional solutions — it will be exciting to understand how each approach can deliver value for IoT network security depending on the specific application.
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI — Part 2/3: Architecture](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-2-architecture-1b5e8e49605d) 2021-10-01 Frank Kottler
> Dylan has identified the requirements towards their IoT network and possible secure network architectures. Still, two challenges remain unsolved: the configuration effort required to setup device APIs and communication protocols, and the question of how to securely identify and authenticate the devices.
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI— Part 3/3](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-3-identity-management-87c480fb8007) 2021-10-01 Frank Kottler
> Dylan realizes that the identified design requirements correspond to properties that are typically solved by means of cryptography. To embed cryptographic methods securely in their network, VirGo needs to identify both a network architecture and an identity management paradigm that fulfill the design principles when they interact.
* [The evolution of Covid testing peaks with at-home rapid antigen test-and-show capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/20/the-evolution-of-covid-testing-peaks-with-at-home-rapid-antigen-test-and-show-capability/) 2021-08-20 DigiMe
> fixes the pain points of other testing processes – especially as infectious and asymptomatic people can test without travelling – is cheap, eminently scalable, and can be used as secure proof of Covid health status where needed.
## Official ID
## Report
* [Digital Identity in response to COVID-19: DGX Digital Identity Working Group](https://www.tech.gov.sg/files/media/corporate-publications/FY2021/dgx_2021_digital_identity_in_response_to_covid-19.pdf) 2022-01-24
> DIWG member countries each have relevant policies and/or legislation which cover their respective approaches towards digital identity, captured through policy, legislative and trust frameworks governing the digital identity systems. For most, trust frameworks and digital identity systems were implemented using existing government policies and legislation as a foundation, for example existing privacy legislation, and broadly align to ISO standards (as defined by the International Organisation for Standardisation), European Union (EU) standards (as defined through the eIDAS regulation) or industry best practice. A similar model was found for technical settings across digital identity systems
* [COVID-19 as a Catalyst for the Advancement of Digital Identity](https://www.perkinscoie.com/images/content/2/4/247949/2021-Perkins-Coie-LLP-Health-Passport-White-Paper.pdf) 2021 Perkins Cole
> This article discusses areas of law that are developing rapidly [...] our goal is to address some of the legal considerations that health certificates raise with respect to, and in the context of, the development of a comprehensive system of digital identity management.
* [SITA Publishes 18-Month Plan for Digital Transformation in Air Travel](https://www.sita.aero/globalassets/docs/brochures/your-runway-to-success.pdf)
> This paper explores the five key challenges facing the industry and the IT investment priorities that have the greatest potential to support governments, airports, and airlines over the next 18 months to rebuild a strong and agile business.
## User Experience
* [Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KsfPtESFkP4J:https://www.economist.com/international/2020/12/07/covid-19-spurs-national-plans-to-give-citizens-digital-identities) 2020-12-07 Economist
> The MOSIP project, which got going in March 2018, is nested in Bangalore’s International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-B) and endowed with funding of $16m from the Omidyar Network, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Tata Trusts.
* [Digital Health Passports for COVID-19](https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/media/universityofexeter/collegeofsocialsciencesandinternationalstudies/lawimages/research/Policy_brief_-_Digital_Health_Passports_COVID-19_-_Beduschi.pdf)
> This is a study of Digital Health Passports relating the benefits in managing the pandemic, while also detailing concerns around data protection and the private information at risk of being over-exposed. Recommendations include:
* [WHO goes there? Vaccination Certificates Technology and Identity](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/who-goes-vaccination-certificates-technology-identity-stephen-wilson/) Stephen Wilson
> Based on experience building a mobile credentials wallet for the Department of Homeland Security, I argue the proper goal of a digital vaccination certificate should be confined to representing nothing more and nothing less than the fact that someone received their jab. Such a Verifiable Credential would include the place, date and time, the type of vaccine, and the medico who administered or witnessed the jab.
* [We don’t need immunity passports, we need verifiable credentials](https://cointelegraph.com/news/we-don-t-need-immunity-passports-we-need-verifiable-credentials)
> Paper certificates, PDFs, wristbands and mobile apps have all been suggested — and the former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, and international human rights attorney Aaron Schwid [urged](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/12/21/tom-frieden-covid-immunity-passports/) the adoption of digital “immunity passports” as a way to reopen the world.
* [How to Prove You're Vaccinated for COVID-19](https://www.consumerreports.org/covid-19/how-to-prove-youre-vaccinated-for-covid-19-a5516357574/) 2021-11-23 Consumer Reports
> However, electronically answering what is basically a simple yes-or-no question has become surprisingly controversial, confusing, and time consuming. That’s because the rules vary by country and by state, with some states refusing to issue or even allow such a credential. Layered on top of that, different firms offer their own versions of COVID-19 vaccination passports.
* [The Vaccine Certificate Experience](https://www.webistemology.com/vaccine_certificate_experience/) 2021-10-18 WEBISTEMOLOGY
> Version 1 of the Ontario COVID Vaccine Certificate is a cumbersome experience that needs some work
> In theory, their idea is great. In practice, it’s terrible. Or, as the Daily Beast [put](https://www.thedailybeast.com/vaccine-passports-are-big-techs-latest-dystopian-nightmare) it: “Vaccine Passports Are Big Tech’s Latest Dystopian Nightmare.”
- [Response to Ada Lovelace Institute: Vaccine passports and COVID status apps: Call for Public Evidence](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykUUDak47lYkUJeZvxs7FxDyy8bQ48FkF47IxMclppE/edit?usp=sharing)
- [Response to WHO Interim Guidance for Development a Smart Vaccination Certificate](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwWUxMY2EynkWFrlNQqh8IF7rE_5aFn74ZreYq0IAYg/edit?usp=sharing)
- [Response to Call for Evidence: UK Parliament Covid 19 Vaccine Certification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y5vyLzsVUzhiFNcWHGHLVlQHnRad73q3F50a-8gr83Y/edit?usp=sharing) (Still open for contribution)
* [Covid-19 Vaccination Passes Could Cataylze Self-Sovereign Identity Adoption](https://hackernoon.com/covid-19-vaccination-passes-could-cataylze-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-6x3m3563)
* [Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Excelsior Pass Plus to Support the Safe, Secure Return of Tourism and Business Travel](https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-launch-excelsior-pass-plus-support-safe-secure-return-tourism-and) NYS Gov
> Excelsior Pass Plus, a result of the strategic partnership between New York State and VCI, will provide New Yorkers safe access to retrieve a secure, digital copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record using the [SMART Health Cards Framework](https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=c0acc09b-9f37f85c-c0ae39ae-000babd9f75c-7271080d81ab95a1&q=1&e=61cb6a92-1e48-44b8-96be-e1dd24b53960&u=https%3A//vci.org/about#smart-health) - making their interstate and international travel and commerce experiences safer, contact-less, and more seamless.
> What I observed is NOT a user-friendly experience for either the customer or the business. For the experience to be improved it needs to be a single presentation operation of either a paper or digital certificate that the business can verify in one step.
> The advantage of a paper and ID card presentation ritual is that it is difficult to hack. So if we are going to improve the presentation with a single credential as above, privacy and security MUST be protected.
* [Women and platform livelihoods in Kenya: The impact of COVID-19](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/women-and-platform-livelihoods-in-kenya-the-impact-of-covid-19-954d6b073997) 2021-06-24 Caribou Digital
> We are starting a new research project — and we’d like you to join us on the journey. Over the course of 2021, Qhala and Caribou Digital, with the support of the Mastercard Foundation, will work to understand the impact of COVID-19 on young women’s experiences working or selling through online platforms in Kenya.
* [How can we make platform livelihoods better for young women, especially during and after COVID-19?](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/how-can-we-make-platform-livelihoods-better-for-young-women-especially-during-and-after-covid-19-696b3974bf61) 2021-05-31 Caribou Digital
> But who is the “we”? The research asks exactly that — who is the “we” that needs to [make the platform work better for women](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/female-livelihoods-in-the-gig-economy-tensions-and-opportunities-f14982b6aaad)?
* [JWTs done right: Quebec's proof of vaccination](https://mikkel.ca/blog/digging-into-quebecs-proof-of-vaccination/) 2021-05-20 Mikkel
> Well, my proof of vaccination finally arrived, and the result is… actually pretty okay. Still, there's always some fun to be had in zero-knowledge hacks, so I thought I'd blog about my experiences anyway.
* [Covid has accelerated Canadians’ demand for digital ID](https://diacc.ca/2021/02/16/covid-has-accelerated-canadians-demand-for-digital-id/) 2021-02-16 DIACC
> three-quarters of the population feels it’s important to have a secure, trusted and privacy-enhancing digital ID to safely and securely make transactions online. The majority of Canadians believe it is important for federal and provincial governments to move quickly on enabling digital ID in a safe and secure manner, according to the survey.
* [LFPH Calls for Coordination of Digital Vaccination Records Using Open Standards](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/LFPH-Calls-for-Coordination-of-Digital-Vaccination-Records-Using-Open-Standards.pdf) 2021-02
## Standards
* [Trust Registries Working Group](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Registries+Drafting+Group) 2021-08-13 TOIP
> will specify how verifiers can confirm that a digital health pass has been issued by an authorized issuer.
* [Mapping FHIR JSON resource to W3C Vaccination vocabulary : A semantic data pipeline](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12H/_Mapping_FHIR_JSON_resource_to_W3C_Vaccination_vocabulary_:_A_semantic_data_pipeline) 2021-05-13 John Walker
> The Digital Health Credential System Implementation Guide The Implementation Guide V1 provides a set of baseline recommendations to the CCI community of application and services developers, implementers with which to evaluate product designs. The requirements mentioned in this guide should be read along side (and not as a substitute to) the regulations applicable to the jurisdiction in which the applications and services will be made available https://cci-2020.medium.com/the-implementation-guide-v1-is-out-f958e1fd69b0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eSrFxFldD6TBkfmOFTXBkBu2TYf3qFv2/view) Covid Credentials Initiative
* [WHO goes there? Vaccination Certificates Technology and Identity](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/who-goes-vaccination-certificates-technology-identity-stephen-wilson/) 2021-04-09 Stephen Wilson
> Firstly the Working Group has expressly endorsed PKI as the technology for a new WHO trust framework for global interoperability of digitized proof of vaccination. They drew on decades of ICAO e-passport experience and consider the issue of trust framework technology to be "closed" [Ref: line 218 of the consultation paper]. Nevertheless they appreciate that implementing PKI is a significant undertaking, reporting that several countries have called for “assistance related to the establishment of their [public health authority's] national public key infrastructure” [Ref: lines 208-214]. The role of the WHO here is a work in progress.
* [Vaccination Certificate Test Suite](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0081.html) 2021-04-08 Manu Sporny
> The WHO guidance covers 28 types of vaccines that we (as a global society) depend on, including Measles, Smallpox, Polio, Yellow Fever, COVID-19, and others. We (Digital Bazaar) thought it might be interesting to see if we could create an interoperability test suite for the WHO Smart Vaccination Card work using the tools listed above.
> https://w3id.org/vaccination/interop-reports
> [1]https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vaccination-vocab/
> [2]https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/interim-guidance-for-developing-a-smart-vaccination-certificate
> [3]https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api
* [Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0069.html) 2021-02 Tobias Looker
> I'd like to propose a new work item that formally defines a vocabulary for issuing Vaccination Certificates in the form of Verifiable Credentials.
## Development
* [Eight Simple Rules for Creating Decentralized Covid Credentials](https://indicio.tech/eight-simple-rules-for-creating-decentralized-covid-credentials/) 2021-12-13 Indicio
> 1. The thing just has to work — This may sound like a no-brainer, but from our experience, this can be often overlooked. Want broad adoption? Your application must be fast and functional. If it causes too much friction people either won’t use it or they’ll look for ways around it.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Health Passes and the Design of an Ecosystem of Ecosystems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_health_passes_and_the_design_of_an_ecosystem_of_ecosystems.shtml) 2021-06 Phil Windley
> Ever since the Covid pandemic started in 2020, various groups have seen verifiable credentials as a means for providing a secure, privacy-respecting system for health and travel data sharing. This post explores the ecosystem of ecosystems that is emerging as hundreds of organizations around the world rise to the challenge of implementing a globally interoperable system that also respects individual choice and privacy.
* [Biometric Health Card (Adrian Gropper)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1A/_Biometric_COVID_Verifiable_Credential) 2021-05-06 IIW [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o_773vzcbtSf59oU-iRUfAy5WSz3Wn9JUAvi0hKHE48/edit)
> COVID, Verifiable Credentials, Biometrics, Privacy
> Converting the COVID CDC Vaccination Card into a standardized digital credential is turning out to be harder than expected. The conversation has become prominent in the news and risks being politicized to the detriment of public health efforts around the world.
* [I Want COVID-19 Certificates but I don't want a DID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqSr0xKcG18) 2020-05-12 David Chadwick
> This is the talk that I gave at Kuppinger Cole's virtual event entitled "Identity Fabrics & the Future of Identity Management" on 12 May 2020 (see https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/...)
> It describes why DIDs and blockchains are not needed in order to build Self Sovereign Identity Systems.
* [Understanding the Global COVID Certificate Landscape](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/13/divoc/) 2021-10-13 DIVOC
> The DIVOC project is hosted and maintained by [India’s eGov Foundation](https://egov.org.in/) and is available as an MIT-licensed open source software package DIVOC is also supported by various multilateral funding institutions, as well as a community of software contributors and adopters in various geographies. DIVOC’s verifiable COVID credentials have also been tested for interoperability with several consumer-health and locker applications globally; and DIVOC’s certificates from the adopter countries can now be scanned/read/ingested by these domestic and international applications.
* [Linux Foundation Public Health creates the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/linux-foundation-public-health-creates-the-global-covid-certificate-network-gccn-301307874.html) 2021-06-08 PRNewsWire
> Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH) today announces the launch of the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN) to facilitate the safe and free movement of individuals globally during the COVID pandemic. GCCN will establish a global trust registry network that enables interoperable and trustworthy exchanges of COVID certificates among countries for safe reopening and provide related technology and guidance for implementation. The effort is initially supported by Affinidi, AOKPass, Blockchain Labs, Evernym, IBM, Indicio.Tech, LACChain, Lumedic, Proof Market and ThoughtWorks, who have implemented COVID certificate or pass systems for governments and industries. LFPH will work with them to define and implement GCCN.
* [Introducing the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.lfph.io/2021/06/08/gccn/) 2021-06-08 LFPH
> As more and more governments adopt [major COVID certificate standards](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/12/global-covid-certificate-landscape/) to reopen borders, the travel industry is working hard to catch up on their technology to meet the evolving travel requirements. However, there is still no shortage of complaints from travelers about their cumbersome international travel experiences
- [ProofMarket/Medcreds Submission to LFPH](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hlR_2yp7EJQqYvxm8mNY-KNgwScTsClKDp6W6yw33Ic/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-03-04
> MedCreds is a reference implementation of the Governance Framework and Use-Cases that have been developed in the CCI community.
> MedCreds is built on top of INDY and ARIES and is running on the SOVRIN Main Net. This is done through Trinsic (a third-party vendor)’s APIs. Trinsic agreed to document how to do this using the API’s on ARIES and devote an engineer to give instructions for how to use the open source code to run MedCreds.
> MedCreds can be extended to support new credential schemas.
- [Indicio Submission to LFPH](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vl9IKRg6ygHD1njc8GfnjsQglDOVglBKbuXHSuqQ7T4/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-03
> Indicio’s Cardea ecosystem easily integrates with existing applications, allowing people, businesses, healthcare systems, and governments to work together to safely reopen physical locations such as offices, restaurants, venues, schools, and travel, while complying with global health and data privacy laws. The ecosystem frees businesses, organizations, and governments from having to store and manage people’s private medical information. Instead, decentralized identity enables the individual to independently acquire and control their data and securely share or selectively disclose it at their discretion with full consent.
* [LFPH Calls for Coordination of Digital Vaccination Records Using Open Standards](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/LFPH-Calls-for-Coordination-of-Digital-Vaccination-Records-Using-Open-Standards.pdf) 2021-02 LFPH
> The CCI community collaborated with Linux Foundation Public Health to write a letter to the Biden Administration about how Verifiable Credentials could be used to support re-opening the economy.
> "Some states and other countries have started to pilot this approach, as have various industries like film and aviation. But, the inconsistent use of standards and varying implementations have already led to confusion and public concern. An effort coordinated at the federal level would lead most quickly to uniform adoption and true inter-state and cross-domain interoperability."
* [Digital vaccine certificate looms as HR's next problem](https://searchhrsoftware.techtarget.com/news/252494706/Digital-vaccine-certificate-looms-as-HRs-next-problem)
> It's going to take a while for the efforts to sort themselves out, Beck said, but he believes it will happen by the fall or year-end. Government funding may be forthcoming.
> Based on what Biden has said generally about public health, Beck believes the new administration plans to make "a big commitment to health equity and improving public health systems broadly," he said.
The EU previously announced fully vaccinated Americans could travel this summer and regional EU travellers could potentially use an [EU Digital COVID Certificate](https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en?ref=hackernoon.com#how-will-the-certificate-work) as early as July 1.
* [Covid Vaccinations ‘Data Donor’ Program](https://digitalscot.net/covid-vaccinations-data-donor-proposal/) – A Proposal for the Scottish Government
> “The Scottish Government must invest in data, digital and technology in health and social care to help Scotland recover from Covid-19. Closing the data gap in the sector could be worth £800m a year and deliver savings of £5.4bn to NHS Scotland. SCD said better data would help to build resilience against future public health challenges, which in turn will drive a healthy economy.” - Scottish Council for Development and Industry
> Our solution provides a platform for achieving exactly this, both in terms of equipping Scotland with a powerful integrated data environment and also through a framework where developers can further build on this with other apps for a myriad of other use cases. It could be tied in with the [vaccination scheduling system](https://www.ukauthority.com/articles/nhs-scotland-launches-digital-service-for-covid-19-vaccinations/) as an immediate step for example.
* [Understanding the Global COVID Certificate Landscape](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/13/divoc/) 2021-10-13 DIVOC
> The DIVOC project is hosted and maintained by [India’s eGov Foundation](https://egov.org.in/) and is available as an MIT-licensed open source software package DIVOC is also supported by various multilateral funding institutions, as well as a community of software contributors and adopters in various geographies. DIVOC’s verifiable COVID credentials have also been tested for interoperability with several consumer-health and locker applications globally; and DIVOC’s certificates from the adopter countries can now be scanned/read/ingested by these domestic and international applications.
### Digital Green (EU)
* [The EU Digital Green Certificate Program](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-green-certificate-program/) Evernym
> Although the EU’s approach to COVID-19 health certificates (the [Digital Green Certificate](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_21_1187) implements existing technology and supports both paper and digital credentials, offline usage, and speedy verification, it makes a number of security and privacy compromises. Our analysis found it to be inherently centralised and better suited for low assurance use cases.
* [The EU Digital Green Certificate Program: Analysis & Comparison](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-green-certificate-program/)
> The EU has announced a program called “Digital Green Certificate” intended to provide proof of COVID-19 test or vaccination status for EU citizens. The intention is to “facilitate safe and free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic within the EU”. It is voluntary and free for citizens.
> This is an analysis of the EU program and how it compares to a digital credential based approach. Important: this analysis is focused on the technical aspects of the EU program, not the medical or political aspects.
### Vaccine Passports
* [Platform Architecture for Covid-19 Digital Passports](https://digitalscot.net/architecture-for-covid-19-passports/) DigitalScot
> - Appii – Appii has developed their [Health Passport](https://appii.io/health-passport/), a service that verifies your identify through a selfie photo, is populated through recording your test result at one of their partner sites (eg. Lloyds Pharmacy) and provides a digital certification.
> - Digi.me – Digi.me is a specialist in general data sharing services and have developed a number of apps that build on this capability, including a [Covid-19 solution](https://digi.me/covid19/).
* [Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/04/travel/coronavirus-vaccine-passports.html) 2021-02-04 NYTimes
> “The global passport system took 50 years to develop,” said Drummond Reed, chief trust officer for Evernym. “Even when they wanted to add biometrics to that to make it stronger, that took over a decade to agree on just how you’re going to add a fingerprint or a facial biometric to be verified on a passport. Now, in a very short period of time, we need to produce a digital credential that can be as universally recognized as a passport and it needs an even greater level of privacy because it’s going to be digital.”
* [Everything You Need to Know About “Vaccine Passports”](https://identitywoman.net/quoted-in-everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/) 2021-04 IdentityWoman \ [Mother Jones](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/)
> Andy Slavitt, a White House senior adviser for COVID response, specified at a [March 29](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/03/29/press-briefing-by-white-house-covid-19-response-team-and-public-health-officials-21/) briefing that “unlike other parts of the world, the government here is not viewing its role as the place to create a passport, nor a place to hold the data of citizens.” 2021-03-29
* [Vaccine Passports Must Leverage Decentralized Identity Solutions](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/vaccine-passports-must-leverage-decentralized-identity-solutions-d454f9907fe9) Ontology
> Decentralized identity solutions offer an ideal solution to the data privacy and identity risks associated with COVID-19 passports and other verification methods.
### Health Pass
* [Why health passes are NOT vaccine passports – and offer greater flexibility and choice](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/18/why-health-passes-are-not-vaccine-passports-and-offer-greater-flexibility-and-choice/) 2021-08-18 DigiMe
> Health passes, though, are much more flexible as they provide multiple options. They can still be used as proof of vaccination, if the user chooses to share their health information in this way.
> But, importantly and in a crucial difference from vaccine passports, they can also be used to securely display a test result, such as a negative PCR or rapid antigen test (also known as lateral flow tests) today. Additionally, they are also future-proofed for options such as rapid antibody test results when those come into play on a large scale.
## App
* [We are now officially live in Myanmar!](https://zada.io/we-are-now-officially-live-in-myanmar/) Zada
> ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being issued by Pun Hlaing Hospitals to everyone who gets vaccinated.
* [VeriFLY Lets Users Upload Vaccine Credentials](https://findbiometrics.com/verifly-lets-users-upload-vaccine-credentials/) FindBiometrics
> “We envision a world where your VeriFLY digital wallet will provide access to the places you and your family want to visit. And the ability to accept a vaccine health credential will accelerate opportunities to resume activities we’ve all dearly missed.” – Tom Grissen, CEO, Daon
* [IATA’s digital health passport paves the way to a new biometric identity for travel](https://www.futuretravelexperience.com/2021/04/iatas-digital-health-passport-paves-the-way-to-a-new-biometric-identity-for-travel/) 2021-04
> As FTE has previously reported, a number of other solutions have entered the digital health passport space in the past few months from various suppliers, including AOKpass, CommonPass, Daon’s VeriFLY, CLEAR Health Pass and IBM Digital Health Pass, just to name a few. Despite the growing competition, IATA is clear that its aim is not to dominate the market, but to make sure that standards are established to create a secure and interoperable solution.
* [Explore Verifiable Health Records](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10089/) Apple
> Apple Announces Support for [VCI](https://vci.org/) credentials at WWDC (Almost proper [JSON-JWT](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/health-cards/issues/119) but not quite)
* [Ugh! There's an App for That!](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/10/ugh_theres_an_app_for_that.shtml) 2021-10 Phil Windley
> Interoperability is a fundamental property of tech systems that are generative and respect individual privacy and autonomy. And, as a bonus, it makes people's live easier!
* [Health data must be private and secure by design, always](https://blog.digi.me/2021/06/01/health-data-must-be-private-and-secure-by-design-always/) 2021-06-01 DigiMe
> But there is always time to reflect on privacy and security, and design from the ground up accordingly. At digi.me, we practice what we preach, with privacy and security always core considerations for our health data capability as well as our [Consentry health pass](https://consentry.com/) as they move forwards.
* [PocketCred Verifiable Credentials](https://www.pocketcred.com/) PocketCred
> Pravici PocketCred (formerly VeriCred) is built on Blockchain technology, specifically to address credential issuance and verification, such as one for COVID-19 vaccines. We at Pravici have been working to build a digital pass that citizens can carry in their mobile device or digital card to prove that they have taken a test or vaccine. Our software application features user-friendly creation of schemas* and proof templates, as well as QR code technology for credential issuance and verification.
* [Digi.me creates first working UK vaccine passport capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/03/29/digi-me-creates-first-working-uk-vaccine-passport-capability/) 2021-03-29 DigiMe
> Digi.me’s health pass is built on the same principles as our existing secure data exchange platform, and can be displayed on demand on a user’s phone. It is verified fully private, secure and tamper-proof due to multiple robust security measures including encryption.
> This health pass has been designed to be fully interoperable with other international standards, such as the UN Good Health Pass Collaborative, of which [digi.me is a member](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/25/digi-me-joins-good-health-pass-collaborative-to-help-build-a-safe-travelling-future/). 2021-02-25
* [Digi.me partners with Healthmark to enable Covid testing and verified result reporting](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/16/digi-me-partners-with-healthmark-to-enable-covid-testing-and-verified-result-reporting/) 2021-02-16 DigiMe
> Consentry healthpass capability is an end-to-end solution which enables users to take a self-administered PCR saliva test, send it in for processing, and then receive an in-app result. Crucially, Consentry also generates a certified and dated travel certificate, together with qualifying details of the test taken, which can be printed, shared securely or displayed as needed.
### MedCreds
- [Proofmarket](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hlR_2yp7EJQqYvxm8mNY-KNgwScTsClKDp6W6yw33Ic/edit?usp=sharing) (Medcreds)
### Cardea
- [Indicio](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vl9IKRg6ygHD1njc8GfnjsQglDOVglBKbuXHSuqQ7T4/edit?usp=sharing)
## Travel
* [The fine line between global COVID-19 protocols and privacy](https://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-fine-line-between-global-covid-19-protocols-and-privacy/) Tech Republic
> A panel of experts considers the best methods for safe domestic and international air travel including proof of testing, vaccination passports, and digital health passes.
* [COVID & Travel Resources for Phocuswright](https://identitywoman.net/covid-travel-resources-for-phocuswright/) IdentityWoman.net
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for COVID-19 Immunity Credentials](https://www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/self-sovereign-identity-implementation-travel-industry) TCS
> SSI still requires market validation, and support for its implementation is currently limited to a relatively small group of technologists and enthusiasts. However, the implementation of SSI in the travel industry at a future point in time, especially once the standards and protocols are production ready and existing user experience challenges have been resolved, is something that all travel industry stakeholders should be watching, waiting and ready for.
* [Jumpstart the Global Travel Industry Using Self-Sovereign Identity for COVID-19 Immunity Credentials](https://www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/self-sovereign-identity-implementation-travel-industry) TATA
> Reviving trust in safe travel is possible using digital identity and immunity credentials.
> - Travel bans, quarantines and lockdowns have negatively impacted the travel industry
> - Restoring trust and safety is paramount for travel, tourism and hospitality industries to recover
> - Self-sovereign identity (SSI) built on distributed ledger technology (like blockchain) and cryptography could be used to reinvigorate travel by allowing individuals to easily and securely demonstrate their immunity status
* [Panel: Paving the Way to a Safer Travel Experience - Heather Dahl, & Scott Harris & Adrien Sanglier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlgXNk4GRLc)
> Together SITA and Indicio.tech utilized Hyperledger Aries, Ursa, and Indy to create a secure travel credential that is accepted by airlines, hotels and hospitality partners without sharing private health information. In this panel discussion, SITA and Indicio.tech will share their journey of applying verifiable credentials in commercial aviation and travel/hospitality to make it easy for visitors entering a country to share a trusted traveler credential – based on their health status, yet revealing no personal information or health data – privately and securely on their mobile device.
## Guidance
* [how to re-open our economy while protecting privacy](https://diacc.ca/2021/01/05/protecting-privacy-while-reopening-economies/) 2021-01-05 Joni Brennan, IdentityWoman DIACC
> Without transparent operational guidance, people’s privacy and personal freedoms may be compromised. By having a set of operational rules, decision makers will have the capacity to make better decisions that will enable the public to trust that the tools being implemented have been designed to respect their best interests.
* [Getting Privacy Right with Verifiable Health Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/health-credentials-webinar/) Evernym
> Verifiable health credentials have never been more important or more urgently needed. Yet, as an industry, we have a responsibility to ensure that the solutions we deploy today are held to the highest bar and set the right precedent for personal data privacy.
## Demo - Trials
* [British Airways to trial Verifly digital health passport](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/29/british-airways-to-trial-verifly-digital-health-passport/) 2021-01-29 Business Traveller
> The trial begins on February 4 on all of the carrier’s transatlantic routes between London and the US (currently New York JFK, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Washington, Houston and Seattle).
> It will be run in conjunction with joint business and Oneworld partner American Airlines, [which is already using the technology on international routes to the US.](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/17/american-airlines-launches-verifly-health-passport-for-travel-to-the-us/)
### Good Health Pass
* [Implementing the Good Health Pass’s recommendations with Cardea](https://indicio.tech/blog/implementing-the-good-health-passs-recommendations-with-cardea/) Indicio
* [Implementing the Good Health Pass’s recommendations with Cardea](https://indicio.tech/blog/implementing-the-good-health-passs-recommendations-with-cardea/) 2021-10-14 Indicio
> Cardea, a full, open-source ecosystem for verifiable health credentials developed by Indicio and now a community-led project at LFPH, meets the major recommendations of the Good Health Pass and facilitates the goals of the Global COVID Certificate Network.
Good Health Pass Blueprint and the Global Covid Credentials Initiative by LFPH presented at the [DIF Interop Working Group](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/Si6s-_rvMU7FuHW6QnJVxW47CFiotXDMWutkWMgePKdSWVhTYyADaldJhvzqOl1JPP297-lvSYXCDuk2.rMFee21Ba1fU6y2R?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=dQ0WNpJPS2WF1QUlmxYwBQ.1624241159436.7617ddee4319249d32a108bb882dc0ec&_x_zm_rhtaid=623)
* [The Politics of Vaccination Passports](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/04/the_politics_of_vaccination_passports.shtml) 2021-04 Phil Windley
> For example, I’d prefer a vaccination passport that is built according to principles of the Good Health Pass collaborative than, say, one built by Facebook, Google, Apple, or Amazon. Social convention, and regulation where necessary, can limit where such a passport is used. It’s an imperfect system, but social systems are.
> Good Health Pass Blueprint and the Global Covid Credentials Initiative by LFPH presented at the [DIF Interop Working Group](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/Si6s-_rvMU7FuHW6QnJVxW47CFiotXDMWutkWMgePKdSWVhTYyADaldJhvzqOl1JPP297-lvSYXCDuk2.rMFee21Ba1fU6y2R?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=dQ0WNpJPS2WF1QUlmxYwBQ.1624241159436.7617ddee4319249d32a108bb882dc0ec&_x_zm_rhtaid=623)
* [Linux Foundation Public Health introduces the Global COVID Certificate Network to operationalize the Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/ujalo98s00b93gh7gqkuqd3lfj52xq-cn2ct) 2021-06-10 Human Colossus Foundation
> Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council at the Human Colossus Foundation, co-led the Standard Data Models and Elements drafting group, one of the nine interconnected GHPC drafting groups, to spearhead group recommendations on data elements, common models for data exchange, and semantic harmonization. The recommendations of that drafting group will help to enable data interoperability without putting any undue burden on existing health systems and workflows
* [Good Health Pass Collaborative Releases Draft Blueprint for Digital Health Passes in Advance of G7 Summit](https://id2020.medium.com/good-health-pass-collaborative-releases-draft-blueprint-for-digital-health-passes-in-advance-of-g7-68a48534f024) 2021-06-08 ID2020
> The Blueprint — released today in draft form for a three-week period of stakeholder consultations and public comment — is intended to stimulate discussion at the G7 Summit, which will open Friday in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, UK.
> For a high level view, check out the [terminology deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fM-EpIdLGdKniFjHR4ZhdgFA-HBSEmpMai8ljqti4Gw/edit) or the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AibzpUh70UDJVapC2wlICz2voBAMxZLQ_jQOxZwF57Y/edit) that was shared on webinars with the travel industry.
* [Dynamic Disambiguation and Deconfliction of Complex Access Controls from Multiple Verifiable Sources](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1F/_Dynamic_Disambiguation_and_Deconfliction_of_Complex_Access_Controls_from_Multiple_Verifiable_Sources) 2021-05-06 Chris Buchanan
> COVID-19, Good Health Pass Collaborative, Rules Engines, Verifiable Presentation Requests
> The transition from contemporary access controls to SSI will need a metalanguage for access control rules in order to allow verifiers and holders to trust the transaction. Not everyone will know how to write the complex branching and contextual rules logic that make up real life access controls.
* [ToIP Foundation Hosts the Interoperability Working Group for Good Health Pass](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/04/12/toip-foundation-hosts-the-interoperability-working-group-for-good-health-pass/) 2021-04-12 TOIP
> The nine drafting groups collaborating within the new Working Group are:
> 1. [Paper Based Credentials](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Paper+Based+Credentials+Drafting+Group) will define how a paper-based alternative can be created for any digital health pass so access will be available to all.
@ -282,67 +211,13 @@ Good Health Pass Blueprint and the Global Covid Credentials Initiative by LFPH p
> 8. [Identity Binding](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Identity+Binding+Drafting+Group) will specify the options for verifying that the holder of a digital health pass is the individual who received the test or vaccination credential.
> 9. [Governance Framework](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Governance+Framework+Drafting+Group) will define the overall set of policies that must be followed for an implementation to qualify as Good Health Pass compliant.
### CCI
* [Dynamic Disambiguation and Deconfliction of Complex Access Controls from Multiple Verifiable Sources](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1F/_Dynamic_Disambiguation_and_Deconfliction_of_Complex_Access_Controls_from_Multiple_Verifiable_Sources) Chris Buchanan
> COVID-19, Good Health Pass Collaborative, Rules Engines, Verifiable Presentation Requests
> The transition from contemporary access controls to SSI will need a metalanguage for access control rules in order to allow verifiers and holders to trust the transaction. Not everyone will know how to write the complex branching and contextual rules logic that make up real life access controls.
* [Good Health Pass Collaborative Releases Draft Blueprint for Digital Health Passes in Advance of G7 Summit](https://id2020.medium.com/good-health-pass-collaborative-releases-draft-blueprint-for-digital-health-passes-in-advance-of-g7-68a48534f024)
> The Blueprint — released today in draft form for a three-week period of stakeholder consultations and public comment — is intended to stimulate discussion at the G7 Summit, which will open Friday in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, UK.
> For a high level view, check out the [terminology deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fM-EpIdLGdKniFjHR4ZhdgFA-HBSEmpMai8ljqti4Gw/edit) or the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AibzpUh70UDJVapC2wlICz2voBAMxZLQ_jQOxZwF57Y/edit) that was shared on webinars with the travel industry.
* [Linux Foundation Public Health introduces the Global COVID Certificate Network to operationalize the Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/ujalo98s00b93gh7gqkuqd3lfj52xq-cn2ct)
> Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council at the Human Colossus Foundation, co-led the Standard Data Models and Elements drafting group, one of the nine interconnected GHPC drafting groups, to spearhead group recommendations on data elements, common models for data exchange, and semantic harmonization. The recommendations of that drafting group will help to enable data interoperability without putting any undue burden on existing health systems and workflows
## Trust Registries
* [Trust Registries - Good Health Pass - DIDs and X.509](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13G/_Trust_Registries_-_Good_Health_Pass_-_DIDs_and_X.509) Darrell O’Donnell
> Trust registries primarily answer the question of how a verifier can trust that an issuer is authoritative to issue a particular type of verifiable credential under the policies of a particular governance framework.
> [Dave Chadwick] The trust registry should not mandate that it contains a DID, The feedback is that it will be a URI.
we are proud to [launch the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/linux-foundation-public-health-creates-the-global-covid-certificate-network-gccn-301307874.html), an initiative to enable interoperable and trustworthy verification of COVID certificates between jurisdictions for safe border reopening. GCCN will include a global directory of trust registries to enable cross-border certificate verification, and be a home for toolkits and community-managed support for those building and managing COVID certificate systems.
6. [Trust Registries](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Registries+Drafting+Group) will specify how verifiers can confirm that a digital health pass has been issued by an authorized issuer.
## Development
* [Eight Simple Rules for Creating Decentralized Covid Credentials](https://indicio.tech/eight-simple-rules-for-creating-decentralized-covid-credentials/) Indicio
> 1. The thing just has to work — This may sound like a no-brainer, but from our experience, this can be often overlooked. Want broad adoption? Your application must be fast and functional. If it causes too much friction people either won’t use it or they’ll look for ways around it.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Health Passes and the Design of an Ecosystem of Ecosystems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_health_passes_and_the_design_of_an_ecosystem_of_ecosystems.shtml) 2021-06 Phil Windley
> Ever since the Covid pandemic started in 2020, various groups have seen verifiable credentials as a means for providing a secure, privacy-respecting system for health and travel data sharing. This post explores the ecosystem of ecosystems that is emerging as hundreds of organizations around the world rise to the challenge of implementing a globally interoperable system that also respects individual choice and privacy.
* [Biometric Health Card (Adrian Gropper)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1A/_Biometric_COVID_Verifiable_Credential) [doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o_773vzcbtSf59oU-iRUfAy5WSz3Wn9JUAvi0hKHE48/edit)
> COVID, Verifiable Credentials, Biometrics, Privacy
> Converting the COVID CDC Vaccination Card into a standardized digital credential is turning out to be harder than expected. The conversation has become prominent in the news and risks being politicized to the detriment of public health efforts around the world.
* [Trinsic Open Source - BBS+ VCs over DIDComm v2 - End-to-end vaccination credential example](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title=23C/_Trinsic_Open_Source_-_BBS+_VCs_over_DIDComm_v2_-_End-to-end_vaccination_credential_example&action=edit&redlink=1) Michael Boyd
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-1-requirements-b6523a607fbe) Frank Kottler — Part 1/3
[Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI — Part 2/3](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-2-architecture-1b5e8e49605d)
> Dylan realizes that the identified design requirements correspond to properties that are typically solved by means of cryptography. To embed cryptographic methods securely in their network, VirGo needs to identify both a network architecture and an identity management paradigm that fulfill the design principles when they interact.
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI— Part 3/3](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-3-identity-management-87c480fb8007)
> Dylan has identified the requirements towards their IoT network and possible secure network architectures. Still, two challenges remain unsolved: the configuration effort required to setup device APIs and communication protocols, and the question of how to securely identify and authenticate the devices.
## CCI
* [CCI Knowledge Base](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z0MaGrb-Py7V3ZO4AnmYMHsXNgTmLhVocyaX7ySQ5mI/edit#gid=1671625933)
> As our community continues to grow and the pandemic situation keeps evoloving, this CCI Knowledge Base serves as a repository of ongoing COVID-19-related news, topics, researches and resources which are deem relevant to our community and digital identity technology. It aims to provide an up-to-date database for our CCI members to access relevant information quickly in one place whenever they need it, e.g. doing market research, developing their projects or simply keeping themseleves updated on the news.
> If you'd like to submit relevant news or articles for the database, please go to [https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.](https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.)
* [COVID Credentials Initiative Update/Overview](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative_Update/Overview) [doc](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/) Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young, John Walker
* [COVID Credentials Initiative Update/Overview](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative_Update/Overview) 2021-05-06 [presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/) Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young, John Walker
> CCI is an open global community collaborating to enable the use of W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs) and other related privacy-preserving technologies for public health purposes.
> CCI is hosted by Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH), a project of the Linux Foundation that works with public health authorities and their key stakeholders to ensure that investments into public health technology meet common needs and have maximum impact.
* [COVID Credentials Initiative: Challenges & Learning](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative:_Challenges_%26_Learning) Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young, John Walker
* [CCI Introduction](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/edit?usp=sharing)
* [CCI: Challenges and Learning](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative:_Challenges_%26_Learning) 2021-05-06 [presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/edit?usp=sharing)
> Solution assumption with the Good Health Pass is revoking is not necessary as VCs are short lived (solution to invalid credential). Issuers will re-issue vs. revoke
> In many cases, labs are providing incorrect information in vaccination records, which need to be re-issued
@ -359,59 +234,74 @@ we are proud to [launch the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www
> - Paper credentials have been getting consensus on interim solutions.
> - W3C and WHO are great candidates.
> - Affinidi is making a universal verifier application (https://www.affinidi.com/)
* [From Closed Loop Systems to Open World COVID Credentials Exchange](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/CCI-Summit-Summary-Report-From-Closed-to-Open.pdf) 2021-04 CCI Report
> This summit, convened by CCI, was designed to beginarticulating a roadmap to get from closed loop systems to an open systemwhere it doesn’t matter if issuers, holders and verifiers are using the tool provided by the same solution provider as long as all solution providers are building on a certain common ground.The discussion focused on domestic reopening use cases using the US as the context.
* [CCI Knowledge Base](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z0MaGrb-Py7V3ZO4AnmYMHsXNgTmLhVocyaX7ySQ5mI/edit#gid=1671625933) 2021-03-01
> As our community continues to grow and the pandemic situation keeps evoloving, this CCI Knowledge Base serves as a repository of ongoing COVID-19-related news, topics, researches and resources which are deem relevant to our community and digital identity technology. It aims to provide an up-to-date database for our CCI members to access relevant information quickly in one place whenever they need it, e.g. doing market research, developing their projects or simply keeping themseleves updated on the news.
> If you'd like to submit relevant news or articles for the database, please go to [https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.](https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.)
- [Response to WHO Interim Guidance for Development a Smart Vaccination Certificate](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwWUxMY2EynkWFrlNQqh8IF7rE_5aFn74ZreYq0IAYg/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-03
- [Response to Call for Evidence: UK Parliament Covid 19 Vaccine Certification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y5vyLzsVUzhiFNcWHGHLVlQHnRad73q3F50a-8gr83Y/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-03
> The Government has announced a review into introducing a Covid vaccine certificate system or “vaccine passports. The Committee has launched an inquiry to consider potential ethical, legal and operational issues and the efficacy and appropriateness of a certificate system.
- [Response to Ada Lovelace Institute: Vaccine passports and COVID status apps: Call for Public Evidence](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykUUDak47lYkUJeZvxs7FxDyy8bQ48FkF47IxMclppE/edit?usp=sharing) 2021-02-27 CCI Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young
> Before responding to the questions, we want to point out that the use of the term “COVID-19 passports” is questionable as the word ‘passport’ is used for the identity and travel document issued by nation states to their citizens. Another reason to question the use of ‘passport’ is the fact that our passport data is stored or centralized by the nation state issuer. Centralized systems are notorious and can be a source of potential data breaches and abuses.
## Application
* [Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Excelsior Pass Plus to Support the Safe, Secure Return of Tourism and Business Travel](https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-launch-excelsior-pass-plus-support-safe-secure-return-tourism-and) 2021-08-05 NYS Gov
> Excelsior Pass Plus, a result of the strategic partnership between New York State and VCI, will provide New Yorkers safe access to retrieve a secure, digital copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record using the [SMART Health Cards Framework](https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=c0acc09b-9f37f85c-c0ae39ae-000babd9f75c-7271080d81ab95a1&q=1&e=61cb6a92-1e48-44b8-96be-e1dd24b53960&u=https%3A//vci.org/about#smart-health) - making their interstate and international travel and commerce experiences safer, contact-less, and more seamless.
> The EU previously announced fully vaccinated Americans could travel this summer and regional EU travellers could potentially use an [EU Digital COVID Certificate](https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en?ref=hackernoon.com#how-will-the-certificate-work) as early as July 1.
* [Unlocking the Value of Verifiable Credentials in the Health Sector](https://www.affinidi.com/post/unlocking-the-value-of-verifiable-credentials-in-the-health-sector) 2022-07-08 Affinidi
> - Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing (DIVOC) - This is an open-source platform that enables countries to digitally orchestrate country-wide health campaigns such as vaccinations and certifications.
> - EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU-DCC) - This specification allows EU citizens and residents to have their digital health certificates issued and verified across the EU.
> - Smart Health Card (SHC) - This initiative encourages the development of open standards and technologies to connect people with their health data. Led by Microsoft, Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), The Commons Project, and The MITRE Corporation, SHCs are seeing wide adoption across North America.
> - International Civil Aviation Organisation - Visible Digital Seal (ICAO-VDS) - This is a travel document verification to re-establish travel and trade through aviation.
* [Explore Verifiable Health Records](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10089/) 2021-06-07 Apple
> Apple Announces Support for [VCI](https://vci.org/) credentials at WWDC (Almost proper [JSON-JWT](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/health-cards/issues/119) but not quite)
* [Health data must be private and secure by design, always](https://blog.digi.me/2021/06/01/health-data-must-be-private-and-secure-by-design-always/) 2021-06-01 DigiMe
> But there is always time to reflect on privacy and security, and design from the ground up accordingly. At digi.me, we practice what we preach, with privacy and security always core considerations for our health data capability as well as our [Consentry health pass](https://consentry.com/) as they move forwards.
* [VeriFLY Lets Users Upload Vaccine Credentials](https://findbiometrics.com/verifly-lets-users-upload-vaccine-credentials/) 2021-05-21 FindBiometrics
> “We envision a world where your VeriFLY digital wallet will provide access to the places you and your family want to visit. And the ability to accept a vaccine health credential will accelerate opportunities to resume activities we’ve all dearly missed.” – Tom Grissen, CEO, Daon
* [IATA’s digital health passport paves the way to a new biometric identity for travel](https://www.futuretravelexperience.com/2021/04/iatas-digital-health-passport-paves-the-way-to-a-new-biometric-identity-for-travel/) 2021-04 Future Travel Experience
> As FTE has previously reported, a number of other solutions have entered the digital health passport space in the past few months from various suppliers, including AOKpass, CommonPass, Daon’s VeriFLY, CLEAR Health Pass and IBM Digital Health Pass, just to name a few. Despite the growing competition, IATA is clear that its aim is not to dominate the market, but to make sure that standards are established to create a secure and interoperable solution.
* [Digi.me creates first working UK vaccine passport capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/03/29/digi-me-creates-first-working-uk-vaccine-passport-capability/) 2021-03-29 DigiMe
> Digi.me’s health pass is built on the same principles as our existing secure data exchange platform, and can be displayed on demand on a user’s phone. It is verified fully private, secure and tamper-proof due to multiple robust security measures including encryption.
> This health pass has been designed to be fully interoperable with other international standards, such as the UN Good Health Pass Collaborative, of which [digi.me is a member](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/25/digi-me-joins-good-health-pass-collaborative-to-help-build-a-safe-travelling-future/).
* [The EU Digital Green Certificate Program: Analysis & Comparison](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-green-certificate-program/) 2021-03-19 Evernym
> The EU has announced a program called “Digital Green Certificate” intended to provide proof of COVID-19 test or vaccination status for EU citizens. The intention is to “facilitate safe and free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic within the EU”. It is voluntary and free for citizens.
> This is an analysis of the EU program and how it compares to a digital credential based approach. Important: this analysis is focused on the technical aspects of the EU program, not the medical or political aspects.
* [Digi.me partners with Healthmark to enable Covid testing and verified result reporting](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/16/digi-me-partners-with-healthmark-to-enable-covid-testing-and-verified-result-reporting/) 2021-02-16 DigiMe
> Consentry healthpass capability is an end-to-end solution which enables users to take a self-administered PCR saliva test, send it in for processing, and then receive an in-app result. Crucially, Consentry also generates a certified and dated travel certificate, together with qualifying details of the test taken, which can be printed, shared securely or displayed as needed.
* [We are now officially live in Myanmar!](https://zada.io/we-are-now-officially-live-in-myanmar/) 2021-01-29 Zada
> ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being issued by Pun Hlaing Hospitals to everyone who gets vaccinated.
* [British Airways to trial Verifly digital health passport](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/29/british-airways-to-trial-verifly-digital-health-passport/) 2021-01-29 Business Traveller
> The trial begins on February 4 on all of the carrier’s transatlantic routes between London and the US (currently New York JFK, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Washington, Houston and Seattle).
> It will be run in conjunction with joint business and Oneworld partner American Airlines, [which is already using the technology on international routes to the US.](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/17/american-airlines-launches-verifly-health-passport-for-travel-to-the-us/)
* [PocketCred Verifiable Credentials](https://www.pocketcred.com/) PocketCred
> Pravici PocketCred (formerly VeriCred) is built on Blockchain technology, specifically to address credential issuance and verification, such as one for COVID-19 vaccines. We at Pravici have been working to build a digital pass that citizens can carry in their mobile device or digital card to prove that they have taken a test or vaccine. Our software application features user-friendly creation of schemas* and proof templates, as well as QR code technology for credential issuance and verification.
## Caution
* [Digital Vaccination Certificates -- Here Be Dragons!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0128.html) 2021-02 Anil John
> Because I believe that this is an important conversation, I figure I would put together some high level slideware that synthesizes and shares the answers I have provided directly to those who have asked. I am not in the hearts and minds business, so consider this in the spirit of the quote from Bruce Lee - "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own."
> Happy to chat to share our mistakes, so that you don't need to repeat them, with those who have a public interest focus in this area.
* [Use Case Implementation Workstream](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/usecaseCCI) [usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io](mailto:usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io)
> This is the Use Case Implementation Workstream of the [COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI)](https://www.covidcreds.com/). This workstream identifies privacy-preserving verifiable credentials (VCs) that are most useful to the COVID-19 response and provides a forum and platform for those who are implementing COVID VCs to present their projects/solutions.
## User Experience
* [Covid has accelerated Canadians’ demand for digital ID](https://diacc.ca/2021/02/16/covid-has-accelerated-canadians-demand-for-digital-id/) 2021-02-16 DIACC
> three-quarters of the population feels it’s important to have a secure, trusted and privacy-enhancing digital ID to safely and securely make transactions online. The majority of Canadians believe it is important for federal and provincial governments to move quickly on enabling digital ID in a safe and secure manner, according to the survey.
* [Innovation in Digital Identity and Credentials in the Post-Covid World](https://academy.affinidi.com/innovation-in-digital-identity-and-credentials-in-the-post-covid-world-f182a5743ce8) Affinidi
> Though we often get lost in technologies, frameworks, legislation, and economic models, it’s ultimately the human aspect that will define the future of the digital identity industry. Bearing this in mind can determine the heights we scale and how quickly we can get there.
* [Their recent survey](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2019/05/Digital-Identity-Yabble-Benchmark-Research-Infographic-May-2019.pdf) 2019-05
> found 85 percent of respondents said there was a lack of transparency, as well as concern in having to share data with so many organisations.
* [How to Prove You're Vaccinated for COVID-19](https://www.consumerreports.org/covid-19/how-to-prove-youre-vaccinated-for-covid-19-a5516357574/) Consumer Reports
* [Women and platform livelihoods in Kenya: The impact of COVID-19](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/women-and-platform-livelihoods-in-kenya-the-impact-of-covid-19-954d6b073997) Caribou Digital
> We are starting a new research project — and we’d like you to join us on the journey. Over the course of 2021, Qhala and Caribou Digital, with the support of the Mastercard Foundation, will work to understand the impact of COVID-19 on young women’s experiences working or selling through online platforms in Kenya.
* [How can we make platform livelihoods better for young women, especially during and after COVID-19?](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/how-can-we-make-platform-livelihoods-better-for-young-women-especially-during-and-after-covid-19-696b3974bf61) Caribou Digital
> But who is the “we”? The research asks exactly that — who is the “we” that needs to [make the platform work better for women](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/female-livelihoods-in-the-gig-economy-tensions-and-opportunities-f14982b6aaad)?
* [The evolution of Covid testing peaks with at-home rapid antigen test-and-show capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/20/the-evolution-of-covid-testing-peaks-with-at-home-rapid-antigen-test-and-show-capability/) 2021-08-20 DigiMe
> fixes the pain points of other testing processes – especially as infectious and asymptomatic people can test without travelling – is cheap, eminently scalable, and can be used as secure proof of Covid health status where needed.
* [JWTs done right: Quebec's proof of vaccination](https://mikkel.ca/blog/digging-into-quebecs-proof-of-vaccination/) Mikkel
> Well, my proof of vaccination finally arrived, and the result is… actually pretty okay. Still, there's always some fun to be had in zero-knowledge hacks, so I thought I'd blog about my experiences anyway.
* [The Vaccine Certificate Experience](https://www.webistemology.com/vaccine_certificate_experience/) WEBISTEMOLOGY
> Version 1 of the Ontario COVID Vaccine Certificate is a cumbersome experience that needs some work
> What I observed is NOT a user-friendly experience for either the customer or the business. For the experience to be improved it needs to be a single presentation operation of either a paper or digital certificate that the business can verify in one step.
> The advantage of a paper and ID card presentation ritual is that it is difficult to hack. So if we are going to improve the presentation with a single credential as above, privacy and security MUST be protected.
* [Center for Global Development: A COVID Vaccine Certificate](https://www.cgdev.org/publication/covid-vaccine-certificate-building-lessons-digital-id-digital-yellow-card) CGDev
> Building on Lessons from Digital ID for the Digital Yellow Card
> Covid Vaccination Certificate will be a formidable challenge, not only to international cooperation, but because it will need to be implemented in the course of mass vaccination campaigns across countries with very different health management systems and ID systems and with a constantly evolving situation.
## Caution
* [‘Vaccination Passports’: State of Play](http://www.infiniteideasmachine.com/2021/02/vaccination-passports-state-of-play/) Infinite Ideas Machine
* [‘Vaccination Passports’: State of Play](http://www.infiniteideasmachine.com/2021/02/vaccination-passports-state-of-play/) 2021-02 Infinite Ideas Machine
> ‘vaccination passports’ are unwarranted, in practice near-pointless clinically, and potentially risky in a number of ways.
* [Vaccine passports prove an ethical minefield](https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252496853/Vaccine-passports-prove-an-ethical-minefield)
* [Vaccine passports prove an ethical minefield](https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252496853/Vaccine-passports-prove-an-ethical-minefield) 2021-02-24 Computer Weekly
> Any [Covid-19 vaccine passport scheme](https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252494730/Covid-19-immunity-passport-tests-to-begin-in-UK) set up in the UK could easily turn out to be discriminatory and invasive, and open the door to worse abuses of privacy in future, say security experts and campaigners.
* [Research] [Vaccine passports and COVID status apps](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/project/vaccine-passports-covid-status-apps/) Ada Lovelace Inst.
* [We don’t need immunity passports, we need verifiable credentials](https://cointelegraph.com/news/we-don-t-need-immunity-passports-we-need-verifiable-credentials) 2021-01-20 Cointelegraph
> Paper certificates, PDFs, wristbands and mobile apps have all been suggested — and the former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, and international human rights attorney Aaron Schwid [urged](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/12/21/tom-frieden-covid-immunity-passports/) the adoption of digital “immunity passports” as a way to reopen the world.
> In theory, their idea is great. In practice, it’s terrible. Or, as the Daily Beast [put](https://www.thedailybeast.com/vaccine-passports-are-big-techs-latest-dystopian-nightmare) it: “Vaccine Passports Are Big Tech’s Latest Dystopian Nightmare.”
* [Research] [Vaccine passports and COVID status apps](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/project/vaccine-passports-covid-status-apps/) Ada Lovelace Inst. 2021-01-12
> An evidence review and expert deliberation of the practical and ethical issues around digital vaccine passports and COVID status apps
## Scams
* [COVID-19 vaccination cards are dangerously easy to fake — what you need to know](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/fake-covid-vaccination-cards) 2021-03-23
> Israeli security firm Check Point reports that fake American and Russian vaccination certificates are being sold online for between $100 and $200. Fake COVID-19 negative test results cost as little as $25, while (likely fake) COVID-19 vaccine sells for about $500 per vial.
* [Scammers Selling Fake #COVID19 Vaccination Cards for Just $20](https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scammers-sell-fake-covid19/) [source](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0077.html) 2021-02-10 Infosecurity Magazine
> The security firm DomainTools claims to have seen authentic-looking CDC cards selling for as little as $20 each on domains like covid-19vaccinationcards[.]com, which features a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. “Though selling a printed card is not necessarily illegal, the pricing, logo and cardstock of these ‘vaccination records’ demonstrate a level of intent to pass as legitimate cards from the CDC,” explained DomainTools senior security researcher, Chad Anderson.
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-07
> In April 2022, DINZ launched a broad-scope members’ [Working Group](https://digitalidentity.nz/inclusive-and-ethical-uses-of-digital-identity/) in response to the increasing challenges for some groups in society to participate fully in [Aotearoa’s digital transformation](https://www.digital.govt.nz/digital-government/strategy/towards-a-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa/developing-a-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa/), with the aim of providing baseline supporting guidance to inform policy and service design.
* [DINZ’s annual Consumer Research](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2020/07/DINZ-Scrolling-Infographic-July-2020-FINAL.pdf) 2020-06 Digital Identity NZ
> ‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.’ These wise words from Maya Angelou encapsulate the key findings from our 2020 trust and identity research.
* [Survey Results] [Providing a Benchmark Understanding of Digital Identity Among New Zealanders](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2019/05/Digital-Identity-Yabble-Benchmark-Research-Infographic-May-2019.pdf) 2019-05 DigitalIDNZ
> found 85 percent of respondents said there was a lack of transparency, as well as concern in having to share data with so many organisations.
## Organization
* [2022 Executive Council nominations now open](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/10/06/executive-council-nominations-now-open/) Digital Identity NZ 2022-10-06
@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ excerpt: By using the European Digital Identity, the user only has to select the
permalink: /government/europe/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/government/europe/'
categories: ["Government"]
tags: ["Ethereum","uPort","Europe","EU","Zug","Switzerland","ESSIFlab","eIDAS","EBSI","Verifiable Credentials","W3C","IDUnion","Aries","Indy"]
tags: ["Ethereum","uPort","Europe","EU","Zug","Finland","Spain","Netherlands","Germany","Catalonia","ESSIFlab","eIDAS","EBSI","Verifiable Credentials","W3C","IDUnion","Aries","Indy"]
image: /images/european_union-header.webp
caption: "[image source](https://www.fidh.org/en/international-advocacy/european-union/eu-budget-joint-call-by-civil-society-to-reverse-cuts-to-the-ndici)"
teaser: /images/europe_teaser.webp
last_modified_at: 2023-06-08
last_modified_at: 2023-06-15
## General
@ -192,3 +192,26 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-08
* [EU BLOCKCHAIN OBSERVATORY AND FORUM—Workshop Report e-Identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/reports/workshop_5_report_-_e-identity.pdf) 2018-11-07
* [Government services and digital identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/research-paper/20180801_government_services_and_digital_identity.pdf) 2018-08-01 EUBlockchainForum
> The theme of this paper is the use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for government services, and digital identity in relation to those. The scope for the state-of-the-art is global, but conclusions and recommendations focus on the significance and barriers in the European context. We assume general familiarity with blockchain and smart contract technology. For the purposes of this document, the essential features are that a blockchain has no central data controller or storage, and that it is an append-only immutable record store with reliable timestamping. More specific details, such as consensus mechanism, which vary from one blockchain network to another, are omitted.
### Bundlesblok Position Paper
* [A position paper on blockchain enabled identity and the road ahead](https://www.bundesblock.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ssi-paper.pdf) 2018-10 Identity Working Group of the German Blockchain Association [[article](https://www.bundesblock.de/2018/10/23/position-paper-self-sovereign-identity/)]
> **_Appendix VII – Pilot Projects and Proof of Concepts_**
* **TrustNet (Finland)**
> TrustNet is a heavily industry-networked research project that focuses on developing a blockchain-based distributed environment for personal data management following the MyData principles.
* **Alastria (Spain)**
> The security and veracity of information will be ensured through the identification of natural and legal persons, while at the same time allowing citizens to have control over their personal information in a transparent way following the guidelines set by the European Union.
* **Blockchain on the Move (Antwerp, Belgium)**
> As a cooperation project between the city of Antwerp, the Flemish Information Agency, Digipolis and the Flemish ICT organization (V-ICT-OR), the project Blockchain on the Move is a pilot project on SSI and its application on the municipal level. It explores the potential of SSI for e-Government use cases and State-issued credentials for private sector B2B and B2C use cases.
* **City of Zug (UPort and ti&m)**
> With the SSI implemented in Zug, users can now pay their parking fees, register for elections or perform online sign on for e-government services33. The benefits range for the city of Zug are low infrastructure requirements, decreased security risks, cost effectiveness, GDPR compliance and scalability.
* **Danube Tech (Austria)**
> In a SSI proof-of-concept during the first half of 2018, 3 banks, an insurance company, the Austrian Post, and an institution representing notaries has cooperated to implement a range of use cases based on DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, Sovrin, and the XDI protocol. The use cases included:
> * digital ID onboarding for existing clients,
> * SSO for new clients,KYC
> * sharing of KYC data between organizations,
> * dynamic data verification (change-of-address),
> * secure communication (e-mail with ID confirmation),
> * change of identity service providers,
> * personal ID verification in a peer-to-peer marketplace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
title: Data Governance Act
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canonical_url: https://decentralized-id.com/government/europe/eu/data-governance-act/
categories: ["Government"]
tags: ["Europe","Data Governance Act","EU"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-10
published: false
* [EU DATA ACT – MAKING DATA PORTABILITY ACTIONABLE](https://mydata.org/2022/02/25/eu-data-act-making-data-portability-actionable/) 2022-02-25
* [A critical fork in the data road?](https://medium.com/mydex/a-critical-fork-in-the-data-road-1eb29c5a42a8) MyData
Is the EU discussion about data portability missing a key point?
In its discussion of data portability the EU rightly recognises the economic importance of this issue, stressing that “market imbalances arising from the concentration of data restricts competition, increases market entry barriers and diminishes wider data access and use.”
it is likely that many dApp developers now need an identity solution that preserves privacy but ensures compliance – which is exactly the solution that we are building at SelfKey.
EU [DATA GOVERNANCE ACT MEETS TOIP FRAMEWORK](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/01/13/data-governance-act-meets-toip-framework/) TOIP 2022-01-13
The DGA defines an “intermediary” that facilitates processing and sharing of data for individuals and organizations to “…increase trust in data intermediation services and foster data altruism across the EU”. In the [MyData](https://mydata.org/declaration/) framework for user-controlled data sharing, intermediaries are called [MyData Operators](https://mydata.org/mydata-operators/) and there is a certification program in place.
* [EU Data Governance Act officially released](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/data-governance-act)
>foster the availability of data for use by increasing trust in data intermediaries and by strengthening data-sharing mechanisms across the EU
One of MyDex CIC’s founders, [Alan Mitchell shares a feeling of Vindication](https://medium.com/mydex/vindicated-cb897fb4e94b) in a post celebrating the companies early articulation of key principles and how the EU’s proposed new Data Governance Act aligns with that.
> These providers will have to comply with a number of requirements, in particular the requirement to remain neutral as regards the data exchanged. They cannot use such data for other purposes. In the case of providers of data sharing services offering services for natural persons, the additional criterion of assuming fiduciary duties towards the individuals using them will also have to be met.
* [Data Exchange Board to Improve the EU Data Governance Act](https://mydata.org/2020/12/09/why-we-need-a-data-exchange-board-to-improve-the-eu-data-governance-act/) 2020-12-09
* [EU Data Governance Act](https://blog.meeco.me/eu-data-governance-act/) (Meeco)
> We welcome the regulation as a needed common ground for clarifying the role of data intermediaries, building trust in these intermediaries and setting the direction for data governance, including the emergence of digital human rights.
> In this context we offer the following suggestions:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions [...]
> 2. Clarify the scope of the data sharing services (Art. 9 (2)) and extend it to include services that empower the data subject beyond compliance.
> 3. Foster the growth of intermediaries, which offer new technologies and have the greatest likelihood of success in Europe if supported by the Data Governance Act.
> 4. Open silos and implement soft infrastructure such as standards & open APIs to accelerate uptake and interoperability between data sharing services.
> 5. Foster eco-systems and demonstrate the value through practical use-cases.
> 6. Create a level playing field for sustainable data sharing by providing funding to pioneers at the forefront of developing data eco-systems
The [EU Commission published the long-awaited Data Act](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1113) on February 23, 2022. This is a progressive legislative proposal to increase access to data for the users of connected products suchs as Iot devices and related services. It is a significant move towards realising the [MyData principle](https://mydata.org/declaration/) of portability, access, and re-use as well as the principle of interoperability. It will potentially also move the needle towards the shift from formal to actionable rights in terms of the right of data portability. With such a progressive agenda, the proposal will certainly also face significant opposition and counter-lobbying from those who stand to benefit from the status quo.
## Data Strategy
* [Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe](https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC127730) 2022-01-24 JRC Publications
> Europe’s digital transformation of the economy and society is framed by the European strategy for data through the establishment of a common European data space based on domain-specific data spaces in strategic sectors such as environment, agriculture, industry, health and transportation.
* [New Coalition Launches Campaign for Data Sovereignty Now](https://datasovereigntynow.org/2021/01/21/new-coalition-launches-campaign-for-data-sovereignty-now/) 2021-01-21 2021-01-21
> The Data Sovereignty Now coalition includes: aNewGovernance, FreedomLab, INNOPAY, International Data Spaces Association, iSHARE, Meeco, MyData Global, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, The Chain Never Stops, TNO and the University of Groningen.
> The group plans to target European policy makers, influencers and interest groups to achieve its goal of ensuring that the people and organisations that generate data can also maintain control over it. A robust awareness and activation campaign is planned, including webinars, round tables and other events, as well as a full range of educational materials, including a web site and blogs, research and thought leadership and discussions with media.
* [Whitepaper] [Meeco Review of the European Data Strategy](https://www.meeco.me/data) 2020-02-19
> Coincidently or with perfect timing, The European Union published “[A European Strategy for Data](https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/communication-european-strategy-data-19feb2020_en.pdf)” on February 19th, 2020 outlining its vision for a connected single digital market where the benefits of the digital economy could enhance the lives of its citizens, residents and trade partners.
> However, we now find ourselves at a very real crossroad. This is not a drill. A post-pandemic world will be a new type of normal. Amidst the tragic loss of lives there have been breakthroughs in science, new ways of working, new digital tools embraced and a chance for our planet to breath.
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ tags: ["eIDAS","GDPR","EBSI","EU","Europe","ESSIF","NGI","Interop"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-08
<strong>THE NGI ESSIF-LAB PROJECT ENDED ON <a href="https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/essif-lab/">31 DECEMBER 2022</a></strong>
* [SIMPLER AND SAFER DIGITAL LIVING WITH SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY](https://www.tno.nl/en/focus-areas/information-communication-technology/roadmaps/data-sharing/ssi/) 2022-07-28 TNO
@ -45,17 +46,53 @@ Next Generation Internet (NGI) The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative aim
> [Trust](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/terms/trust) is not something that is given, but something that [parties](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/terms/party) (un)consciously assess, and decide about, and changes over time. Since parties are autonomous, their trust is highly subjective. As a consequence, the idea of having 'trusted registries', 'trusted issuers' that do not take this subjectivity into account basically act as [(centralized) authorities](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/terms/authority), denying that parties are autonomous. While we acknowledge that such ideas (have a right to) exist, we do not follow them.
* [eSSIF-Lab Project](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/essifLab-project) 2022-09-16 eSSIF Lab
> The objectives of the eSSIF-Lab project itself include:
> - empower European and other citizens by providing them with new means that help them to electronically negotiate and conduct transactions. These new means will make electronic transactions fast and safe both in the Internet and in physical life, and eliminate logins.
> - empower European and other organizations and governments by providing new means to speed up, secure and automate transactions with citizens, customers, suppliers and partners, resulting in tens of billions of euros savings annually on administrative costs in Europe.
> - **ensure these new means support organizations and citizens to exercise their rights and fulfil their duties under the GDPR.**
> - stimulate these new means foster inclusiveness.
> - stimulate the pervasive use of new business ecosystem paradigms with thousands of new jobs, many new job categories and new business opportunities for existing and new European companies.
> - empower European and other citizens by providing them with new means that help them to electronically negotiate and conduct transactions. These new means will make electronic transactions fast and safe both in the Internet and in physical life, and eliminate logins.
> - empower European and other organizations and governments by providing new means to speed up, secure and automate transactions with citizens, customers, suppliers and partners, resulting in tens of billions of euros savings annually on administrative costs in Europe.
> - **ensure these new means support organizations and citizens to exercise their rights and fulfil their duties under the GDPR.**
> - stimulate these new means foster inclusiveness.
> - stimulate the pervasive use of new business ecosystem paradigms with thousands of new jobs, many new job categories and new business opportunities for existing and new European companies.
* [eSSIF-Lab Vision and Purpose](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/vision-and-purpose) 2022-03-29
> The context of the eSSIF-Lab vision can be found in articles 8-10 of the [European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)](https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=basictexts/convention), that state the rights of individuals regarding their privacy, and their freedoms to collect, process, store, and express information in a self-sovereign fashion, i.e. in a way that they can decide for themselves.
* [eSSIF-Lab Glossary](https://essif-lab.github.io/framework/docs/essifLab-glossary) 2021-11-09
## Ecosystem
* [Subgrantees SSI Infrastructure and Business Oriented Projects](http://web.archive.org/web/20221001142103/https://essif-lab.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/essif-booklet-22a.pdf)
> This booklet gives an overview of the 4 Open Calls subgrantee projects started within the infrastructure-oriented and the business-oriented track of eSSIF-Lab.
> [...]\
> Subgrantee Business-oriented projects
> - Verifiable Credentials: User-friendly Management Interface for Verifier Policies
> - unikk.me Aps: Trusted Digital Assistant - a data operator solution
> - Human Colossus Foundation: Dynamic Data Sharing Hub with Consent Flow
> - Resonate Beyond Streaming: IRIS - Discourse Community Credentials
> - Off-Blocks: Digital ID and Signatures for Businesses and Organisations
> - Nym Technologies: NYM Credentials for Self-Sovereign Identity
> - NYM: Gaya
> - Netis: SSI-as-a-Service
> - Jolocom: Universal Backup Service for SSI Agents
> - Joinyourbit: SSI4DTM: Self-Sovereign Identity for Digital Transaction Management
> - Gataca España: Gataca Connect
> - e-Origin: e-Origin Wallet
> - Domi Labs: SSI-enabled “Contractual Event” Passport
> - Danube Tech: Universal DID SaaS
> - Commerc.io: CommercioKYC
> - Filancore: Filancore Identity Gateway
> - Wellbeing cart: Data As Currency
> - MyData Global: MyData Commons
> - Spherity: KERI
> - HonorBox-SSI by LearningProof UG
> - Decentralized Open Innovation Platform (DOIP) by Stichting Alkemio
> - BCdiploma - Blockchain Certified Data
> - Genia - Patient-controlled info flow 4 learning health system
> - Amlet
> - Credenco - Digital Certificate of Good Conduct
> - Alkemio - Decentralized Open Innovation Platform
> - Truu - Healthcare Professionals Digital Staff Passport
> - FairBnB - Common cooperative membership using VC
> - Zenlife eConsent
> - Work Performance Intelligence
> - EuBic - European Bank Identity Credentials
> - Other SSI Components Available : TNO's SSI Gateway
* [EBSI European Blockchain Demo Day 31 May 2022](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/ebsi-european-blockchain-demo-day-31-may-2022) 2022-05-31
> The European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership are laying the foundations to implement it in the different EU member states, both in the public and private sectors, launching the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) network, with the aim of 'leveraging blockchain to accelerate the creation of cross-border services for public administrations and their ecosystems
* [The Multi University Pilot and Demos 1 - 2 - 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54WrOZ2IEZE)
@ -89,23 +126,23 @@ Next Generation Internet (NGI) The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative aim
> yes.com AG – [European Bank Identity Credentials](https://www.yes.com/) (Eubic)
* [eSSIF-Lab’s ecosystem: 2nd batch of winners: Infrastructure Development Instrument](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-labs-ecosystem-the-infrastructure-development-instrument-first-winners-2/) 2021-04-15
> another 7 proposals selected, out of 29 that were submitted before the second deadline of the Infrastructure-oriented Open Call
> - [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://www.gataca.io/)
> - [Automated data agreements to simplify SSI work flows by LCubed AB](https://igrant.io/)
> - [Presentation Exchange – Credential Query Infra by Sphereon B.V.](https://sphereon.com/)
> - [Letstrust.org by SSI Fabric GmbH](https://www.letstrust.org/)
> - [WordPreSSI Login by Associazione Blockchain Italia](https://associazioneblockchain.it/)
> - [SSI Java Libraries by Danube Tech GmbH](https://danubetech.com/)
> - [NFC DID VC Bridge by Gimly](https://www.gimly.io/)
> - [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://www.gataca.io/)
> - [Automated data agreements to simplify SSI work flows by LCubed AB](https://igrant.io/)
> - [Presentation Exchange – Credential Query Infra by Sphereon B.V.](https://sphereon.com/)
> - [Letstrust.org by SSI Fabric GmbH](https://www.letstrust.org/)
> - [WordPreSSI Login by Associazione Blockchain Italia](https://associazioneblockchain.it/)
> - [SSI Java Libraries by Danube Tech GmbH](https://danubetech.com/)
> - [NFC DID VC Bridge by Gimly](https://www.gimly.io/)
* [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://essif-lab.eu/verifier-universal-interface-by-gataca-espana-s-l/) 2021-04-09
> This draft version can be found at [https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/](https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/) and has been built using ReSpec.
> This draft version for VUI includes today 6 APIs:
> - Presentation Exchange
> - Consent Management
> - Schema resolution
> - Issuer resolution
> - ID resolution
> - Credential status resolution
> - Presentation Exchange
> - Consent Management
> - Schema resolution
> - Issuer resolution
> - ID resolution
> - Credential status resolution
* [Sphereon wins an EU eSSIF-Lab grant](https://sphereon.com/news-and-insights/sphereon-wins-an-eu-essif-lab-grant/) 2021-03-25 Sphereon
> We’re very pleased to announce that our proposal “Presentation Exchange – Credential Query Infra” has been selected as 1 of 7 out of 299 proposals to join the second Infrastructure-oriented program of the EU’s eSSIF-Lab.
@ -50,59 +50,7 @@ last_modified_at: 2019-07-11
* [WEF: Identity in a Digital World A new chapter in the social contract](http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_INSIGHT_REPORT_Digital%20Identity.pdf)
* [The Credential Highway](https://www.newamerica.org/future-property-rights/reports/ssi-credential-highway/) - How Self-Sovereign Identity Unlocks Property Rights for the Bottom Billion
> Why? Because the pieces of evidence that administrative agencies require to register property — things like a survey plan, a notarized will, or a state-issued identity card — may be inaccessible, or may not represent the reality of rights on the ground. As a result, land administration systems end up excluding billions of people.
## Bundlesblok Position Paper
* [A position paper on blockchain enabled identity and the road ahead](https://www.bundesblock.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ssi-paper.pdf)—Identity Working Group of the German Blockchain Association [[**ϟ**](https://www.bundesblock.de/2018/10/23/position-paper-self-sovereign-identity/)]
>**_Appendix VII – Pilot Projects and Proof of Concepts_**
>The provided list of pilot projects and proof of concepts is only preliminary, as the number of projects grows quickly.
>**TheOrgBook (British Columbia - Canada)**
>The Province of British Columbia is currently collaborating with the Province of Ontario and the Canadian Federal Government to provide verified digital claims about businesses.
>The Verified Organization Network is an initiative by the government of British Columbia to create a trusted network of organizational data. It allows organizations to claim credentials that are part of their own digital identity, using a component called TheOrgBook that lists entities with their associated public verifiable claims. In this project businesses and their representatives are given access to streamlined government services and digital transactions in the broader economy.
> **TrustNet (Finland)**
> TrustNet is a heavily industry-networked research project that focuses on developing a blockchain-based distributed environment for personal data management following the MyData principles. Such an environment is the cornerstone for functional personal data markets as it allows individuals to control the flow of their personal data across companies and industries and creates the foundational building blocks for creating new personal data-centric services.
> **Alastria (Spain)**
> Alastria is a non-profit consortium building a national blockchain ecosystem for Spain. The security and veracity of information will be ensured through the identification of natural and legal persons, while at the same time allowing citizens to have control over their personal information in a transparent way following the guidelines set by the European Union.
> **Illinois blockchain initiative (United States of America)**
> The Illinois Blockchain Initiative is partnering with Evernym to develop a birth registry pilot, where self-sovereign identities are created, and government agencies issue "verifiable claims" for birth registration attributes such as legal name, date of birth, sex or blood type.
> **Blockchain on the Move (Antwerp, Belgium)**
> As a cooperation project between the city of Antwerp, the Flemish Information Agency, Digipolis and the Flemish ICT organization (V-ICT-OR), the project Blockchain on the Move is a pilot project on SSI and its application on the municipal level. It explores the potential of SSI for e-Government use cases and State-issued credentials for private sector B2B and B2C use cases.
> **City of Zug (UPort and ti&m)**
> As a first pilot project in Switzerland, the city of Zug is currently piloting a SSI solution. The local administration is cooperating with the IT consulting company ti&m, as well as UPort to provide a basic infrastructure for their citizens to attest their identity. With the SSI implemented in Zug, users can now pay their parking fees, register for elections or perform online sign on for e-government services33. The benefits range for the city of Zug are low infrastructure requirements, decreased security risks, cost effectiveness, GDPR compliance and scalability.
> **Danube Tech (Austria)**
>In a SSI proof-of-concept during the first half of 2018, 3 banks, an insurance company, the Austrian Post, and an institution representing notaries has cooperated to implement a range of use cases based on DIDs, Verifiable Credentials, Sovrin, and the XDI protocol. The use cases included:
> * digital ID onboarding for existing clients,
> * SSO for new clients,
> * sharing of KYC data between organizations,
> * dynamic data verification (change-of-address),
> * secure communication (e-mail with ID confirmation),
> * change of identity service providers,
> * personal ID verification in a peer-to-peer marketplace
> 28 https://github.com/bcgov/von accessed 30 September 2018\
> 29 https://github.com/bcgov/theorgbook accessed 30 September 2018\
> 30 http://trustnet.fi/ accessed 30 September 2018\
> 31 https://alastria.io/#1 accessed 30 September 2018\
> 32 https://illinoisblockchain.tech/ accessed 30 September 2018\
> 33 https://medium.com/uport/zug-id-exploring-the-first-publicly-verified-blockchain-identity-38bd0ee3702
## Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure DPKI
* RWoT—[Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust/blob/master/final-documents/dpki.pdf)
* [SCPKI: A Smart Contract-based PKI and Identity System](http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/M.AlBassam/publications/scpki-bcc17.pdf)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ layout: single
toc: FALSE
permalink: organizations/covid-credentials-initiative/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/covid-credentials-initiative/'
categories: ["Organizations"]
categories: ["History","Organizations"]
tags: ["Linux Foundation","Linux Foundation Public Health","MedCreds","Evernym","ID2020","uPort","Dutch Research","TNO","Microsoft","Consensys Health","Luxoft"]
last_modified_at: 2021-04-17
@ -1045,13 +1045,6 @@ increasingly crucial role.
* [Stoic Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stoic-sovereign-identity-ssi-simone-ravaioli/) Simone Ravaioli
* [KYC/AML: How crypto will change a TradFi standard forever](https://blog.pantherprotocol.io/kyc-aml-how-crypto-might-change-a-traditional-finance-standard-forever/) Panther Protocol
traditional KYC/AML practices can give way to a more practical framework, where businesses can remain compliant with regulations and collect data without threatening privacy, data security, and breaching data laws.
* [Gaining trust during uncertain times – How KYC crypto solutions can lead the way](https://www.idnow.io/blog/crypto-kyc-uk-trends/) IDnow
recently-released ‘[Crypto in KYC – Growth through trust’](https://www.idnow.io/portfolio/crypto-in-kyc-growth-through-trust/) ebook helps organizations to better understand the notoriously unstable market
- [Online identity and the history of identifiers](https://medium.com/hypersign/ssi-101-online-identity-and-the-history-of-identifiers-963bff60c816) Hypersign
- [Drawbacks of Traditional Identifiers and An Introduction to WEB3](https://medium.com/hypersign/ssi-101-part-2-drawbacks-of-traditional-identifiers-and-an-introduction-to-web3-a1bf791819b0) Hypersign
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ published: false
# Podcasts
* [Identity Masters Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/0NmFDoGu9zq3r1nmgjwkhQ)
> At Authenteq, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about how to make the internet a safer space. It’s also what drives our product roadmap and why we got into identity verification and e-KYC in the first place. As we work to democratize the knowledge we have access to, we know that for it to be truly accessible, we have to work with different formats. This is why we’re very excited to introduce the brand spanking new Identity Masters podcast now available on Spotify!
* [My podcasts of choice](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/04/podcasts/) Doc Searls 2021-05-04
* [The Digital Identity Transformation – Podcast](https://idramp.com/the-digital-identity-transformation-podcast/)
@ -410,21 +410,6 @@ This presents a method to replace the usual signup/login design pattern with a m
* [jolocom/registry-contract](https://github.com/jolocom/registry-contract) - A basic smart contract on top of the Ethereum network that registers mappings between DID and IPFS DDO hashes.
* [jolocom/smartwallet-webid-proxy](https://github.com/jolocom/smartwallet-webid-proxy) - WebID proxy service
## Cryptonomica
* [Cryptonomica/cryptonomica](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/cryptonomica) - Cryptonomica keys server
* [Cryptonomica/cryptonomica.github.io](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/cryptonomica.github.io) - Cryptonomica frontend
* [Cryptonomica/arbitration-rules](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/arbitration-rules) - Cryptonomica Arbitration Rules
* [Cryptonomica/dappathon-tlv](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/dappathon-tlv)
* [Cryptonomica/Ethereum-IdentityVerification](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/Ethereum-IdentityVerification) - Indentity verification and KYC for Ethereum blockchain
* [Cryptonomica/ethnode.cryptonomica.net](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/ethnode.cryptonomica.net) - Ethereum node with API on nodejs and web3.js
* [Cryptonomica/Ethereum-IdentityProof](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/Ethereum-IdentityProof) - Smart contract for Ethereum's account owner verification using Cryptonomica.net
* [Cryptonomica/international-arbitration-law](https://github.com/Cryptonomica/international-arbitration-law) - Repository for collecting information about international arbitration law and practice
## Learning Machine
* [learningmachine/stage.blockcerts.github.io](https://github.com/learningmachine/stage.blockcerts.github.io) - Web site
@ -244,8 +244,6 @@ Block is a new name, but our purpose of economic empowerment remains the same.
### Authenteq
* [Identity Masters Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/0NmFDoGu9zq3r1nmgjwkhQ)
> At Authenteq, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about how to make the internet a safer space. It’s also what drives our product roadmap and why we got into identity verification and e-KYC in the first place. As we work to democratize the knowledge we have access to, we know that for it to be truly accessible, we have to work with different formats. This is why we’re very excited to introduce the brand spanking new Identity Masters podcast now available on Spotify!
* [The Benefits of Automating Your Employees’ Identity Verification](https://authenteq.com/the-benefits-of-automating-your-employees-identity-verification/)
### darkmatterlabs
@ -263,12 +261,6 @@ Self-sovereign objects are are self-executing and self-owning; capable of determ
* [Tru.net](https://www.tru.net/) is live and ready for communities/users
> If you are looking for an alternative to Facebook that uses DIDs as its foundation and other protocols that are free to use ([JLINC](https://www.jlinc.com/) Kaliya highly recommend Tru.net
### Trustbloc
* [DIDComm for KYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWrZxRbCG88) Trustbloc
Demonstrates a financial "KYC" identity proofing using TrustBloc DIDComm capabilities. Stored credentials and real-time attestations can be authorized in a single flow.
### IDPro
@ -53,18 +53,6 @@ That includes companies that are trying to prevent digital fraud, as well as com
* [We are now officially live in Myanmar!](https://zada.io/we-are-now-officially-live-in-myanmar/)
ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being issued by Pun Hlaing Hospitals to everyone who gets vaccinated.
### KYC Chain
* [KYC-Chain Join Hands with enVoy](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-join-hands-with-envoy/)
KYC-Chain will enter a partnership with enVoy. enVoy offers sustainable DeFi, tokenized letters of credit, realtime x border payments, and tokenized documentation for the supply chain removing risk and creating trust for third-party trade on an end to end ESG and sustainable supply chain journey.
* [KYC-Chain & CrypTalk Join Hands](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-cryptalk-join-hands/)
* [Importance of an Integrated KYC solution for your compliance program](https://kyc-chain.com/importance-of-an-integrated-kyc-solution-for-your-compliance-program/) kyc-chain
The way many businesses have traditionally implemented KYC is by taking a manual, fragmented approach – essentially implementing various different KYC processes using different tools, methods and resources, including human compliance teams.
## EU SSI Startups
- MyDex
@ -77,8 +65,11 @@ The way many businesses have traditionally implemented KYC is by taking a manual
+ Cheqd
## more
* [A trusted internet. Easy and secure. For everyone.](https://esatus.com/solutions/self-self-sovereign-identity/?lang=en) Enabled by digital credentials and SSI technology.
> Already today, credentials are being used in a wide variety of applications, such as a digital identity card, a work permit or a test certificate. We would like to explain the functionality and potential use cases for credentials by following our protagonist called Sam, who has just completed a Covid-19 rapid test.
## Tangle Labs
@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ using standards that are WWW Consortium-compatible and the Ethereum Blockchain,
The discussion covered a broad range of topics, from specific data availability to the challenges of applying and translating technical data into usable formats to the application of geospatial data for anticipatory humanitarian response
* [Designing a Framework for Digital KYC Processes Built on Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.01237.pdf) Vincent Schlatt, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Feulner, Nils Urbach
We demonstrate how blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) can solve the challenges of KYC. We follow a rigorous design science research approach to create a framework that utilizes SSI in the KYC process, deriving nascent design principles that theorize on blockchain’s role for SSI.
* [Implementing Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) for a digital staff passport at UK NHS](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/5/444/files/2018/01/BCoE2022SS1FINAL.pdf) Mary Lacity Walton, Erran Carmel
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
published: false
# Compliance, KYC
* [How can self-sovereign identity solve the challenges of KYC in financial industry?](https://yourstory.com/2022/09/self-sovereign-identity-solve-challenges-kyc-finance/amp) 2022-09 Yourstory
> Since the same data is required and utilised by everyone, blockchain-based SSI can satisfy the demand for general service for data without creating competition while also adhering to legislation and consumer expectations around data protection.
* [Enhanced Due Diligence How to do it Right](https://cognitohq.com/enhanced-due-diligence-is-non-negotiable/)
> Both CDD and EDD are part of a complete KYC process. Identity verification (IDV) at the account-opening stage is one of the most critical moments in the process, but it doesn’t end there: read on to identify when your due diligence should kick up a notch.
* [The Identity, Unlocked “eKYC with Mark Haine” Podcast Now Live](https://openid.net/2021/03/10/the-identity-unlocked-ekyc-with-mark-haine-podcast-now-live/) 2021-03-10 OpenID
* [eKYC with Mark Haine” features host Vittorio Bertocci and special guest Mark Haine](https://identityunlocked.auth0.com/public/49/Identity%2C-Unlocked.--bed7fada/ad784008)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Verification and Background Screening](https://www.corporatescreening.com/blog/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-verification-and-how-is-it-changing-background-screening) Corporate Screening
> self-sovereign identity verification, one of the game-changing [background screening trends of 2021](https://www.corporatescreening.com/2021-trends-interactive-infographic). When combined with screening activities, self-sovereign identity solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate candidate background data and deliver it to employers faster.
* [AML Risk Reports](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/crypto-aml-risk-reports/) Coinfirm
## Literature
* [zkKYC A solution concept for KYC without knowing your customer, leveraging self-sovereign identity and zero-knowledge proofs](https://bafybeie5ixj4dkim3lgivkw56us6aakh6bc3dhlsx5zzohrkzgo3ywqqha.ipfs.dweb.link/zkKYC-v1.0.pdf)
> The proposed solution concept, zkKYC, removes the need for the customer to share any personal information with a regulated business for the purpose of KYC, and yet providesthe transparency to allow for a customer to be identified if and when that is ruled necessary by adesignated governing entity (e.g. regulator, law enforcement).
## Working Group
* [eKYC & Identity Assurance WG](https://openid.net/wg/ekyc-ida/)
Among the many dots Mark is connecting on behalf of the OpenID Foundation is work with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, the Open Identity Exchange Trust Framework Initiatives and the Open Banking Implementation Entity.
* [What Is Self-Sovereign Identity Verification and How Is It Changing Background Screening?](https://www.corporatescreening.com/blog/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-verification-and-how-is-it-changing-background-screening)
> A prime example is self-sovereign identity verification, one of the game-changing [background screening trends of 2021](https://www.corporatescreening.com/2021-trends-interactive-infographic). When combined with screening activities, self-sovereign identity solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate candidate background data and deliver it to employers faster.
* [Coinfirm Adds Close To 1 Million Tokens To AML Platform, Offering Full Coverage](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/1-million-tokens-aml-crypto/) Coinfirm
> LONDON, United Kingdom – In the largest update of protocol coverage in Coinfirm’s history, the firm has added support for 840,361 new tokens to the AML Platform, offering total digital asset coverage of 17 blockchains. Now, the company’s industry-recognized blockchain agnostic AML Platform supports ~846 thousand cryptocurrencies and tokens.
@ -231,8 +231,6 @@ There are five essential mental models to understanding why Web3 matters, and th
Web3 has begun to impact all corners of digital culture, from media to finance, art and gaming, and even identity. Mental models allow for digestible thinking patterns to understand and predict the world, and Chris lays out how these new digital primitives are changing everything.
* [Ontology Partnership with Binance Smart Chain](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-the-only-decentralized-identity-partner-for-binance-smart-chain-d531efbc569)
> Ontology and Binance have a long history of cooperation and partnership that has generated benefits for both sides, none possibly more important the integration of Ontology’s Decentralized Identity Solution into the Binance Smart Chain. The symbiotic relationship sees Ontology, and ONT ID, as the sole partner for BSC in terms of providing a truly decentralized identity option and KYC user verification.
* [OAuth 2.0 meets VCs + ETH](https://media.voog.com/0000/0042/0957/files/2020-OSW-SOFIE.pdf) [slides] Sophie Project
* [Announcing Tezos Profiles - Own and Control Your Creator Identity](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/announcing-tezos-profiles-own-and-control-your-creator-identity-ec0eddf9706d) Spruce Systems
> Spruce is excited to announce the upcoming launch of Tezos Profiles (TZP) in early May. TZP is a web application that helps users regain control of their digital identity for use across platforms. It allows users to create portable verified profiles by demonstrating control over their public social media and by self-attesting information. These verified profiles are then linked to Tezos acco
@ -467,9 +465,6 @@ Users will now be able to control their digital identity with their Solana accou
A whole lot of ecosystem players at the event were pleasantly surprised to discover Web3Auth’s Key Management Infrastructure
* [iXRPL - A Smart Contract-Powered, Self-Sovereign KYC Solution for the XRP Ledger](https://lexautomagica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/iXRPL-Whitepaper.pdf) by Scott Chamberlain, Richard Holland, and Ravin Perera
the verification is “stamped” on the User’s XRP Ledger Account with a Non-Fungible-Token, called a Human UUID, that uniquely identifies the verified individual. The User can then present their verified credentials, cross-checked against the XRP Ledger Account, to financial institutions to satisfy KYC requirements. Effectively, iXRPL “tokenises” the one-off cost of verifying your identity into a reusable asset.
* [7 Essential Ingredients of a Metaverse](https://future.a16z.com/7-essential-ingredients-of-a-metaverse/) Liz Harkavy, Eddy Lazzarin, Arianna Simpson
Reference in New Issue
Block a user