
This commit is contained in:
⧉ infominer 2023-06-05 07:21:09 +05:30
parent 11bcdc2a31
commit 86e5a720db
42 changed files with 217 additions and 273 deletions

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ published: false
- Cryptography - Cryptography
- BBS ✓ - BBS ✓
- Authorization Protocols - Authorization Protocols
- oCap/zCap ✓ - zCap ✓
- UCAN ✓ - UCAN ✓
- GNAP ✓ - GNAP ✓
- OAuth ✓ - OAuth ✓

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# List
W3C did-core Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) V1.0 core
W3C did-spec-registries DID Specification Registries core
W3C security-vocab The Security Vocabulary core
W3C Ed25519-signature-2018 Ed25519 Signature 2018 core
W3C EcdsaSecp256k1-signature-2019 Ecdsa Secp256k1 Signature 2019 core
W3C RSA-signaturesuite-2018 RSA Signature Suite 2018 core
W3C did-resolution Decentralized Identifier Resolution core
W3C did-method-key The did:key Method non-core
W3C DIF did-method-peer Peer DID Method Specification non-core
W3C Sovrin did-method-sovrin Sovrin DID Method Specification non-core
W3C did-method-web did:web Method Specification non-core
W3C JSON-LD A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data non-core
W3C XSD-Part2-Datatypes XML XSD<53> Part 2: Datatypes non-core
W3C vc-data-model Verifiable Credentials Data Model core
W3C vc-use-cases Verifiable Credentials Use Cases core
W3C vc-imp-guide Verifiable Credentials Implementation Guidelines 1.0 core
W3C vc-extension-registry Verifiable Credentials Extension Registry core
W3C vc-status-rl-2020 Revocation List 2020 core
W3C vc-json-schemas Verifiable CRedentials JSON Schema Spec core
W3C vp-request-spec Verifiable Presentation Request Specification core
W3C CHAPI Credential Handler API core
W3C credential-management Credential Management Level 1 non-core
W3C secure-contexts Secure Contexts non-core
W3C service-workers-1 Service Workers 1 non-core
W3C ldp-bbs2020 BBS+ Signatures 2020 core
W3C ld-proofs Linked Data Proofs core
W3C ld-cryptosuite-registry Linked Data Cryptographic Suite Registry core
Primer Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)
DIF well-known-did Well Known DID Configuration core
DIF presentation-exchange Presentation Exchange core
DIF didcomm-messaging DidComm Messaging core
DIF did-comm-messaging-guide DIDComm Messaging Implementer's Guide core
DIF EcdsaSecp256k1-recoverysignature-2020 EcdsaSecp256k1RecoverySignature2020 core
IETF multibase Multibase Data Format non-core
IETF JWK JSON Web Key non-core
IETF Timestamps Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps non-core
IETF JWT JSON Web Token non-core
IETF JWS JSON Web Signtaures non-core
IETF hashlinks Cryptograohic Hyperlinks non-core
IETF Token Binding Token Binding Protocol non-core
IETF ZLIB ZLIB Compressed Data Format Spec v3.3 non-core
IETF Base 64 Base16, Base32, Base 64 Data Encodings non-core
IETF JWM JSON Web Message non-core
IETF JWA JSON Web Algorithms non-core
IETF JWS-unencoded-payload JSON Web Signature (JWS) Unencoded Payload Option non-core
IETF jwk-thumbprint JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint non-core
Web Interface Definition Language This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe interfaces that are intended to be implemented in web browsers. This standard defines an interface definition language, Web IDL, that can be used to describe interfaces that are intended to be implemented in web browsers. Web IDL is an IDL variant with a number of features that allow the behavior of common script objects in the web platform to be specified more readily. How interfaces described with Web IDL correspond to constructs within ECMAScript execution environments is also detailed here.
Concretely, Web IDL provides a syntax for specifying the surface APIs of web platform objects, as well as ECMAScript bindings that detail how those APIs manifest as ECMAScript constructs. This ensures common tasks, such as installing global properties, processing numeric inputs, or exposing iteration behavior, remain uniform across web platform specifications: such specifications describe their interfaces using Web IDL, and then use prose to specify API-specific details. non-core
DIF BBS+ Signature Scheme BBS is a digital signature scheme categorized as a form of short group signature that supports several unique properties. Notably, the scheme supports signing multiple messages whilst producing a single output digital signature. Through this capability, the possessor of a signature is able to generate proofs that selectively disclose subsets of the originally signed set of messages, whilst preserving the verifiable authenticity and integrity of the messages. Furthermore, these proofs are said to be zero-knowledge in nature as they do not reveal the underlying signature; instead, what they reveal is a proof of knowledge of the undisclosed signature. core MATTR CFRG
CCG RDF Dataset Normalization RDF [RDF11-CONCEPTS] describes a graph-based data model for making claims about the world and provides the foundation for reasoning upon that graph of information. At times, it becomes necessary to compare the differences between sets of graphs, digitally sign them, or generate short identifiers for graphs via hashing algorithms. This document outlines an algorithm for normalizing RDF datasets such that these operations can be performed. non-core
ITU-T SG17 - Kantara initiative and ITU-T SG 17
TrustFramework DIACC
NIST TrustFramework 800-63-3
NGI TrustRegistry TRAIN
# Assorted
OMG ISSUES RFI FOR DISPOSABLE SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY STANDARD This RFI aims to gain a better understanding of the self-sovereign identity space. In particular, the Blockchain PSIG is exploring the potential for standards setting in the area of contextually constrained or disposable self-sovereign identity arrangements, building on top of existing W3C standards for self-sovereign identity [DID] and verifiable credentials [VC]. The aim of this RFI is to determine whether new standards for this specific aspect of self-sovereign identity are necessary, desirable and timely, and are not already being developed elsewhere. (The RFI) The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium, founded in 1989. OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries. OMG
DIF Agent Frameworks & Infrastructure (“Layer 2”) Agents
IDCommons Mobile Agent Development FAQ - Whats the best place to start creating your own mobile agent?<br>- How do you get updates once you ship your first version?<br>- Do I actually have to support a fork for every mobile agent I create?<br>- Do I need to use a Mediator? Horacio Nunez Agents is ten! was founded on the idea of making it easier and simpler for the ordinary, everyday sites that make up the web to use machine-readable data, and for that data to enable an ecosystem of applications used by millions of people. While it's hard to predict exactly what the next decade will bring, if we can all keep these founding concerns in mind as we improve, refine and curate our growing collection of schemas, we'll be doing our part to continue improving the web.
Phil Windley JSON is Robot Barf Windley JSON has its place. But I think we're overusing it in places where a good notation would serve us better. JSON
Blockcerts Blockcerts V3 release The main change is the alignment with the [W3C Verifiable Credentials specification 3]( Regarding the standard itself metadata and display are entering the default standard. metadata comes in replacement of metadataJson and remains a stringified JSON that will allow consumers to register specific data which are too unique for issuances to be defined in the context.<br> <br>display brings in [a little bit of novelty 2]( images or pdfs, in addition to the more classic HTML. Blockcerts
Julien Fraichot Blockcerts v3 release, a Verifiable Credentials implementation I am excited to share with you today the release of [Blockcerts]( V3. As you may already know the earlier versions of Blockcerts were architected by Kim H. Duffy through Learning Machine and leveraged the Open Badge standard.<br> <br>We have followed through with the initial [ideas established at RWOT 9 in Prague in December 2019, to align Blockcerts with the Verifiable Credential specification]( Julien Fraichot Blockcerts
XSL Labs: Your Data Belongs to You The SDI technology constitutes a very important example of decentralized counter-power to the web giants. The SDI maintains to keep the practicality of a unique identifier while guaranteeing the security of the data and the user's sovereignty over it XSL SDI
Better and more secure methods for API authentication Michael Lodder>resentation/d/1UO25DzVmq25ya2S4_tV5UKTSP6NtBggln9vP1TEXSzE/edit Goal of the Oberon protocol when building an API:<br><br>* Super effective: no separate session token to required for accessing the API; very fast to issue and verify tokens; 128 bytes required per message<br>* Privacy preserving<br>* No new crypto, uses BLS signature keys and Pointecheval saunders Construction Oberon protocol
Trusted Timestamping Part 3: Family of Standards Nunnaphat Songmanee Finema Timestamping
Trusted Timestamping Part 1: Scenarios Timestamping
Trusted Timestamping Part 2: Process and Safeguards Timestamping
Nat has a presentation GAIN
JSON Web Proofs BoF at IETF 114 in Philadelphia
Chair Slides Karen ODonoghue, John Bradley JWP
The need: Standards for selective disclosure and zero-knowledge proofs Mike Jones JWP
What Would JOSE Do? Why re-form the JOSE working group to meet the need? Mike Jones JWP
A Look Under the Covers: The JSON Web Proofs specifications Jeremie Miller JWP
ONDC: An Open Network for Ecommerce Phil Windley ONDC
Open Network for Digital Commerce is a non-profit established by the Indian government to develop open ecommerce. The goal is to end platform monopolies in ecommerce using an open protocol called [Beckn]( I'd never heard of Beckn before. From the reaction on the VRM mailing list, not many there had either. ONDC
C2PA Specifications native support for VCs for use in identification C2PA
# Authorization
FedId CG at W3C and GNAP I asked them whether they considered GNAP via slack.\n\n > They are chartered here: [](\n\nTo look at AuthN that breaks when browser primitives are removed.\n\nThey are currently focused on OIDC, SAML, WS-Fed.\n\nThe reason I asked them was in relation to the questions we have discussed regarding "What can GNAP replace".\n\nClearly GNAP can replace OAuth, but I think you both have now confirmed that GNAP does not replace OIDC, or federated identity... Orie Steele Authorization GNAP
Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (GNAP) Authorization GNAP
A GNAP Editors' Use of GitHub Issues The editors met yesterday to discuss the issues that were pulled out of the previous draft text and document a process for how to resolve these and future issues. We would like to explain how we plan on using labels on GitHub issues to keep track of discussions and keep things moving. Authorization GNAP
A Genesis of the GNAP working group with Dick Hardt of The decision was made to create a new group apart from OAuth, and Dick clarifies that the GNAP working group does not feel constrained by existing technology; GNAP does not need to be backward-compatible, but Dick still hopes that the transition to GNAP will be smooth for those who use it. Auth0 Podcast *Identity Unlocked* Vittorio Bertocci Authorization GNAP
Filling in the GNAP Justin Richer identity protocol writer and implementer extraordinaire has a very excellent post explaining the new GNAP and all the things that lead to it, including OAuth, OpenID, TxAuth, OAuth3, and OAuth.XYZ. This protocol is a big deal and will be important. Its just beginning the journey through IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) the main standards body of the internet. Authorization GNAP
Self-Sovereign Communities of Self-Sovereign Agents Minimal Demo: []( Use Card Number 4242 4242 4242 4242  04/22 123 (dont use a real email address because it will be stored in Stripe.) Adrian Gropper The first phase of the foundation demos GNAP control over a trivial health record consisting of just a biometric health card. * [Demo sequence diagram]( Authorization GNAP
OAuth2.0 and VCs I would like to share with you a paper we have written and it will be presented at [IEEE ICCCN 2021]( You can find the paper here []( We tried to couple OAuth 2.0 flows with JWT/JWS and VCs in order to implement capabilities-based access control. Our goal was to show gains with minimal changes. Some things that might be of interest:\n > \n > - We used Proof-of-Possession Key Semantics for JSON Web Tokens (RFC 7800) instead of credentialSubject `id`\n > - We used OAuth 2.0 Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP),([]( for proving VC ownership\n > - We discuss how Revocation list 2020 has better privacy properties compared to RFC 7662 (which can be used for examining the status of an access token) Nikos Fotiou Authorization OAuth
101 Session: OAuth2 Aaron Parecki Authorization OAuth
OAuth 2.0 Simplified In 2017, I published a longer version of this guide as a book, available on []( as well as [a print version]( The book guides you through building an OAuth server, and covers many details that are not part of the spec. I published this book in conjunction with [Okta]( is a guide to OAuth 2.0 focused on writing clients that gives a clear overview of the spec at an introductory level. Authorization OAuth Authorization OAuth
How OAuth Works Authorization OAuth
12 videos Authorization OAuth
TMI BFF: OAuth Token Mediating and session Information Backend For Frontend OAuth, Javascript, Backend Infrastructure\n >\n >When there is an alternative, it is more secure to keep tokens out of the browser.\n >\n >Specifically talking about clients which are divided between a front end or javascript app, and backend supporting systems specifically for that/those apps\n >\n >Questions on whether this would also apply equivalently to native apps, which may have different capabilities and infrastructure requirements. It likely does work, but\n >\n >OAuth in the browser can be complicated and ASs dont necessarily provide sufficient security features, support web interaction\n >\n >Bespoke workarounds acquiring tokens on the backend and passing to the frontend. Implementers may have security issues and not understand how to map best current practices\n >\n >TMI BFF\n >\n >1. Backend gets and stores tokens, javascript frontend gets a cookie\n >2. Request to backend for access (scopes, potentially resource)\n >3. Backend returns the token, requests new token with appropriate scope, etc.\n >\n >* [...]\n >\n >What is the scope - acquiring a token for direct API access, not necessarily prescriptive for BFF architectures which put all API interactions through BFF. (DW) raised issue that simply converting OAuth calls in a remote party to local API calls protected by a cookie disables some security protections provided by OAuth tokens (XSRF), so some sort of BFF best practices may be needed to prevent footguns. Vittorio Bertocci & Brian Campbell (but mostly Vittorio) Authorization OAuth
Public Review Period for Two Proposed SSE Implementers Drafts openid oauth Authorization OAuth
Matt Flynn: Information Security | Identity & Access Mgmt. Authorization OAuth
Introducing: The OAuth 2 Game It features two dice, one for grants and another for application types. Throw the dice and consult the instructions to discover whether the combination of grant and application type you obtained happens to be a good one! Play a few times, and before you know it, youll be familiar with the most common combinations! Authorization OAuth
The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0 > 3.5 hours of video content, quizzes, as well as interactive exercises with a guided learning tool to get you quickly up to speed on OAuth, OpenID Connect, PKCE, best practices, and tips for protecting APIs with OAuth. Aaron Parecki Authorization OAuth
VC HTTP Authorization Conversation Authorization OAuth
Adrian Gropper The diversity of our community is a plus. To begin a conversation on VC access controls, I suggest this short intro to the differences between OAuth 2.0 and GNAP: OAuth My goal is to arrive at a shared understanding of what would be minimum needed to support both OAuth2 and GNAP for securing access to a VC. Authorization OAuth
Hygiene for a computing pandemic: separation of VCs and ocaps/zcaps - You *could* implement zcap-ld on top of VCs…\n - However, you're actually squishing together what should be a separation of concerns in a way that will become *unhygienic*. Like a lack of proper biological hygiene, the result is sickness in our computing systems.\n - The observation of "these things seem so similar though!" is true, but you can already make that claim even if you're just looking at the linked data proofs layer. VCs and zcap-ld diverge from there for two very separate purposes: what is said, and what is done. Authorization
CCG Call about ZCaps and OCaps This weeks CCG teleconference had a great discussion about object capabilities\n\n> Alan Karp:  I've been doing capabilities since I reinvented them in 1996 and I want to make sure we get it right, because when newbies start to use them there are plenty of mistakes that can be made\n> \n> [...]\n> A capability or an OCAP is an unforgeable, transferable, permission to use the thing it designates ... it combines designation with authorization Authorization
Building capability-based data security for Ceramic The 3Box Labs team recently published [a new standard for creating capability containers]( for accessing decentralized data to the [Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance]( Capability containers are an approach for managing advanced data security and permissions, commonly referred to as “Object Capabilities” or “OCAPs.” Authorization
The impact of self-sovereign identity on the cybersecurity world Authorization
The Challenging New World of Privacy & Security Atlanta Innovation Forum (Enterprise Authorization
featuring folks from MSFT, GSM, and Michael Becker. The video looks at the range of risks present in managing identity assets.  Its focus is coming from the enterprise-level perspective.
a few thoughts about zcaps I was reading zcaps draft, as well as related work, mostly macaroons ([](\n \n Something that I found confusing  about capability documents is that they do not make clear the actions they concern. For example from this[]( it is not clear that this is a capability for "driving a car". Nikos Fotiou Authorization We are still trying to figure out how to explain these things to people.Capabilities-based systems are not a new concept; they're decades old at this point. The challenge has always been in communicating why they're useful and have a place in modern security systems.\n\nThe Encrypted Data Vault work uses zcaps, and it's there that we're trying hard to explain to developers how to use it: Authorization Authorization
The "Verifiable" Economy [was RE: a few thoughts about zcaps] After ruminating on ZCAPs, VCs, DIDs, and DID Documents over Easter dinner, it occurred to me that we're on the verge of creating a model for a "verifiable" economy... Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web Authorization
Capability Authorization-enabled Decentralized Object Model [was RE: The "Verifiable" Economy [was RE: a few thoughts about zcaps]] I see all of this converging into a Capability Authorization-enabled Decentralized Object Model.  “More news at 11…” Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web Authorization
The ezcap library Now might be a good time to announce some open source tooling a few of us have been working on related to zcaps that is being created to simplify the developer experience when developing with zcaps. - Manu Sporny Authorization
ezcap (pronounced "Easy Cap") An easy to use, opinionated Authorization Capabilities (zcap) client library for the browser and Node.js. Authorization
ucan-wg Authorization
Lightweight Credentials for Offers with UCAN these are the types of use cases that we think can be created and enabled across the web as an open, interoperable standard. And some of it crosses into the work we're doing as [part of the Decentralized Identity Foundation](, too. Authorization
# Complementary
Zero-Knowledge Proofs Do Not Solve the Privacy-Trust Problem of Attribute-Based Credentials: What if Alice Is Evil? IEEE
User Controlled Authorization Network and how it contrasts with decentralized approaches\n - APAC/ASEAN Community Call now a colloaborative initative between DIF and ToIP, launched Thursday 26th May 2022, kicking off with an IIW34 recap. ([Recording](\n A couple weeks ago Amber Case came and spoke about “[Calm Technology](” at the TOIP Human Experience Working Group ([HXWG]( Authorization
Whats next for BBS+ LD-Proofs? Brent Zundel Complimentary BBS
BBS+ Signatures 2020 - Whats next for BBS+ LD-Proofs?\n > - Implementation in Aries ([](, Used in SVIP Plugfest\n > - Implementation of BBS+ in Ursa, Core of higher level implementations\n > - Features\n > - Selective Disclosure\n > - Signature blinding\n > - Blinded messages (private holder binding)\n > - BBS+ LD Proofs uses this BBS+ scheme, MATTR provided spec\n > - Combine privacy features with semantic world\n > - Draft spec: [](\n > - What needs to be refined?\n > - Private holder binding ([](\n > - Do not bind to link secret, bind to keypair. Make keypair per credential\n > - How to participate?\n > - Read the draft BBS+ LD-Proofs spec\n > - Hardware security binding?\n > - Not possible with BLS yet?\n > - Is post-quantum secure?\n > - No. Pairing-based signatures are not post-quantum secure\n > \n > Next steps:\n > \n > - PRs for Issues 10 and 37 plus editorial pass to wrap up ldp-bbs2020\n > - Brent will do PR for 37 [](,\n > - Timo will do PR for 10 [](\n > - Invite everyone to suggest editorial changes\n > - Create WG at DIF for Crypto - first work item BBS+\n > - Tobias will work with Rouven to get that started, [](\n > - Brent and Tobias will work together to draft a charter\n > \n > Future steps:\n > \n > - Possible working group, or addition to DIF C&C WG for work on ldp-bbs2021 Complimentary BBS
The Power of a Secret What had been discovered by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman (and also Jame Ellis), is changing the world as we know it. Its been only 43 years. Yes, that seems like an ice-age ago, but in the grand scheme of history, it is only a wink. Complimentary BBS
Beyond JWS: BBS as a new algorithm with advanced capabilities utilizing JWP Tobias Looker Complimentary BBS
SelfSovereignIdentity_memes Currently, everyone waiting for [#AIP2](, which enables [#BBS]( [#Signature]( in #SSI. Companies already implemented in their products, such as [@trinsic_id]( and [@mattrglobal]( But ZKP [#predicates]( are not supported by BBS+, so no ZKP age verification possible. Back to [#AnonCreds]( Complimentary BBS
Anonymous Credential Part 3: BBS+ Signature Compared to the CL signature, the BBS+ signature has much shorter keys and signatures for a comparable level of security. As a result, the BBS+ signature enables fast implementation for anonymous credentials. It can be used in combination with signature proof of knowledge to hide some of credential attributes/messages in a zero-knowledge fashion.\n\n > The BBS+ signature will also soon be available in [Finema]( Identity Wallet! We are excited to see how this technology will make an impact to the society in the coming years. Complimentary BBS
aries-rfcs/0646-bbs-credentials#drawbacks Complimentary BBS
What BBS+ Means For Verifiable Credentials In a recent Evernym blog post, [we discussed why BBS+ LD-Proofs]( are the privacy-preserving VC format that everyone should implement. In this webinar….\n > - A brief history of verifiable credential formats, and how a lack of convergence makes scale and interoperability an ongoing challenge\n > - How BBS+ Signatures are the breakthrough that combine the best of the JSON-LD and ZKP formats, while still allowing for selective disclosure and non-trackability\n > - The path forward: What remains to be done to fully converge on the BBS+ format Evernym Complimentary BBS
BBS+ Credential Exchange in Hyperledger Aries Complimentary BBS
Advanced DIDComm Messaging in order for DIDComm to provide a potential replacement for commonly used chat protocols like WhatsApp (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)), Telegram (MTProto), or Signal (Signal Protocol), it needs to support modern chat features we use everyday By: Karim Stekelenburg (Animo Solutions) -- Date: 18-07-2022 Version: 0.1 Complimentary BBS
BBS+ Signatures 2020 > - Whats next for BBS+ LD-Proofs?\n > - Implementation in Aries ([](, Used in SVIP Plugfest Complimentary BBS
Regarding CBOR-LD Web Transports I pushed up this small demo showing how to transport JSON-LD as CBOR-LD over QR Code and Web NFC. Orie Steele (Saturday, 10 April) Complimentary CBOR
transmute-industries/cbor-ld-web-transports Complimentary CBOR
CBOR-LD stabilization (was: Re: Regarding CBOR-LD Web Transports) Digital Bazaar has a few updates to share with the community.\n > \n > 1. With a huge thank you to Dave Longley, a new version of the CBOR-LD library, with generalized and stable algorithms, and that works in the browser and node.js, has been released:\n > \n > [](\n > \n > 2. We have split out the CBOR-LD command line interface into a separate project:\n > Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 21 April)\n > [](\n > \n > 1. DB has released a CBOR-LD to QR Code image library for encoding and decoding Verifiable Presentations:\n > \n > [](\n > \n > 1. After some consultation with Mattr and Transmute, we've settled on a base32 alphanumeric QR Code encoding that is 10% more  space efficient than base64url byte mode. This is important because this format is compatible with hundreds of QR Code readers on the market. Every QR Code reader that we've tested has worked with this new format. Complimentary CBOR
Mike Jones shares that CBOR is officially a specification at IETF The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), as specified in RFC 7049, is a data format whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation. woohoo! and it is a key part of [ISOs mDL standard]( (date fields must use it). Complimentary CBOR
DHS SVIP PlugFest 2021 Paper & Digital Vaccination Credentials Complimentary CBOR
Second demo video using a different potential flow: [](\n\nPaper VCs are hard to bring to parity with “digital VCs”. The biggest issue is binding subject to holder and verifying that. There were also callouts on how do you prevent replication.\n \n Traditionally, QR codes with the entire VC can be put onto a piece of paper. We proposed compression on those QR codes using CBOR-LD that reduces size of codes by 50%.\n \n Alternative ways include adding VCs into NFC chips and adding the NFC identifier as a claim to the VC preventing duplication. There is a cost overhead to this compared to paper but is a cost potentially worth occurring. Complimentary CBOR
Concise Binary Object Representation Complimentary CBOR
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 45.

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# Me2B # Me2B
* [Me2BA Claims Victory in Contest Over California Privacy Regulations](
> On March 15th, the AGs Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved additional CCPA regulations promulgated by the Department of Justice. Notably, the Department withdrew its original language mandating the “Privacy Options” icon. In its place is new language making commercial use of the icons optional only.  In other words, our stated concerns about the icons were well received, and ultimately adopted.
* [Shedding Light on Dark Patterns](
* [The Me2B Alliance announces: Digital Harms Dictionary 2.0](
* [What is the Me2B Respectful Tech Specification?](
The Me2B Respectful Tech Specification is a sorely needed ethical and safety standard for the internet. It consists of a series of tests that objectively measure the behavior of a connected product or service. The Specification helps people (“Me-s”) understand how technology is treating them, and helps businesses (“B-s”) build technology that is safe and respectful for the people that use it.
The [Internet Society Foundation recently granted the Me2B Alliance $100,000]( to complete its “U.S. EdTech Industry Benchmark: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Utility Apps.” The benchmark will build on previous findings about harmful data sharing practices by uncovering how sensitive student information is being treated by school utility apps in grades pre-k through 12 in schools across the nation.
* [A Responsible Reporting Nightmare: Right-clicking is Not a Crime]( Me2Ba * [A Responsible Reporting Nightmare: Right-clicking is Not a Crime]( Me2Ba
This is a story of a politician who cried “hacker” after a reporter informed a state agency that sensitive information was embedded in their websites HTML source code1. While we wish this was a joke or fictional story it, unfortunately, is not. If the state of Missouri does move forward with the prosecution this state action would sound the alarm for researchers and reporters resulting in a chilling effect on the practice of responsible reporting. This is a story of a politician who cried “hacker” after a reporter informed a state agency that sensitive information was embedded in their websites HTML source code1. While we wish this was a joke or fictional story it, unfortunately, is not. If the state of Missouri does move forward with the prosecution this state action would sound the alarm for researchers and reporters resulting in a chilling effect on the practice of responsible reporting.

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@ -40,11 +40,6 @@ Check out these [photos from IIW 1 in 2005](
* [Accountable Digital Identity]( * [Accountable Digital Identity](
> Informed by standards bodies including [the FIDO Alliance](, the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - [quote from this article]( > Informed by standards bodies including [the FIDO Alliance](, the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - [quote from this article](
### Sovrin
* [Sovrin Update: Supporting Commercial Development of SSI]( by Sumiran Garg, Chris Raczkowski
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)]( Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
* [WHiSSPr Risk for People]( by Sal DAgostino * [WHiSSPr Risk for People]( by Sal DAgostino

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# Data Governance # Data Governance
* [Radical Exchange Talk: Data Agency. Individual or Shared?](
* [Marissa Mayer wants to fix your address book]( CNBC * [Marissa Mayer wants to fix your address book]( CNBC
> At launch, Mayers start-up is rolling out Sunshine Contacts, an address book app that relies on artificial intelligence to find and merge duplicate contacts, fill out incomplete information and continually keep that data up to date. The app integrates with the iOS Contacts app as well as Gmail and will be free to all iOS users with an invitation. > At launch, Mayers start-up is rolling out Sunshine Contacts, an address book app that relies on artificial intelligence to find and merge duplicate contacts, fill out incomplete information and continually keep that data up to date. The app integrates with the iOS Contacts app as well as Gmail and will be free to all iOS users with an invitation.
* [You are not your Data but Your Data is still You]( * [You are not your Data but Your Data is still You](

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@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ published: false
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# Future of Digital Identity # Future of Digital Identity
* [The Future of Identity. A collection of interconnected research](
> A collection of interconnected research and thoughts, on the topics, technologies, and projects concerning the future of identification, DIDs, SSIs, biometrics, data, ai, reputation, credentials, medical history, blockchain, privacy, and ethics, on what it should mean to us as humans, and the implications for the future of this world and our relationship with it.
* [Bullish Case for Self-Sovereign Identity]( * [Bullish Case for Self-Sovereign Identity](
> How is SSI technology creating a trillion dollar market? > How is SSI technology creating a trillion dollar market?

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# Research Papers/Academic Literatures → resources/ → resources/
- Turing Institute

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# Trust over IP Foundation
* [Announcing the Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Technology Task Force](
Three new TOIP Task Forces
The ToIP Technology Stack Working group is starting an - [Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse (AIM) Task Force](
More details are available at [AI & Metaverse Technology Task Force Home Confluence (]( (next meeting [8/4](
The ToIP Governance Stack Working group is starting a - Governance Architecture Task Force
After the original development of the [ToIP Governance Architecture Specification]( and ToIP [Governance Metamodel Specification](, the plan had been to start creating layer-specific templates.  However the Governance Layer TF, led by Alex Tweeddale, Carly Huitema, and Kyle Robinson—with input from Stephen Curran— concluded that component-based templates made more sense. Thus the new Governance Architecture TF will launch based on the components in the ToIP Tech Architecture Stack
The ToIP Concepts and Terminology Working group is proposing starting a - Mental Models Task Force
- Mental models explain in detail how a set of concepts are related within a specific domain—a “mini-ontology”
- They are usually documented both in writing and in UML diagrams
- They add much greater depth and cross-conceptual understanding than glossaries alone
- The CTWG is proposing to start up a new Mental Models Task Force in September if there is sufficient interest
If you are interested Ping the ToIP Slack channel: #concepts-terminology-wg or email
* [View From The Field, Riley Hughes]( Trust Over IP Foundation
Perspectives on the business problems being addressed by ToIP-aligned solutions. Primary research performed by Trinsic to get to the core issues getting in the way of scaling adoption of trust solutions. Riley presents his results and offers perspectives on how to overcome the various challenges.
* [TrustOverIP Model](
* [ToIP Releases Additional Tools for Governance and Trust Assurance in Digital Trust Ecosystems](
Following the [September announcement of its first tools for managing risk in digital trust ecosystems](, today the ToIP Foundation announced three more pairs of tools to assist in the task of generating digital governance and trust assurance schemes
* [OPN-R (Open Public Notice - Rights) - starting Notice & Control Language - for people to use rights and govern identity (govinterop) with @ Kantara, ToiP and W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary using international vocab - from ISO/IEC 29100 Legal Framework Vocabulary]( by Mark Lizar
The language consists of
- International standard vocabulary for security and privacy frameworks provides roles and actors to govern the transfer of personal data.
- The active state notice and consent receipt - is a format for generating consent records from notice/policy - which provides people with information to use rights. .
- W3C Data Privacy Control Vocabulary and ISO/IEC 29100, Legal Framework Vocabulary
This language can be used to auto generate receipts to process rights and negotiate terms ..  At Kantara we are working to use the standards to auto read the notices/polices to provide a conformance / trust assessment for people so they can see risk independently of the service provider
We discussed these projects and have some links
For more info
Goto Kantara ANCR WG [](
W3C DPV CG - [](
ToiP -  ISWG - Notice & Consent Task force for a Privacy Controller Credential
* [](
ToiP Privacy Risk -
Data Privacy Impact Assessments
- Breaking down -
Kantara - ANCR -
Showing off the work and topics
- Privacy as Expected - a gateway to online consent
- 2 Factor Consent (2FC)
* [ToIP Primer](
A history of procedural trust, leading to an overview of the TOIP stack.
* [ToIP Stack Diagram Preview](
* [BCGov improves sustainability reporting with digital trust technology]( ToIP
Digital credentials can be checked in real time, expediting access to trustworthy information. These trusted, verifiable digital credentials are the core digital trust technologies being piloted and the trust ecosystem in which they operate are defined in ToIP architecture, governance, and related documents.
* [Trust Over IP 101 with John Jordan, André Kudra, Karl Kneis, Scott Perry & Paul Knowles]( Northern Block
> As were looking to move from the current internet era towards this new era of digital trust, I think it would be helpful if you were able to give an overview of how we got here. Perhaps we can take a step back, before the internet era, and discuss the paper credential era — I think that sets a good framework for where were going with these new digital trust models.
* [Trust over IP and Sovrin sign agreement to strengthen collaboration](
> The Sovrin Foundation (“Sovrin”) Board of Trustees and Trust over IP Foundation (“ToIP”) Steering Committee are pleased to announce that they have signed a Letter Agreement (dated March 18, 2021). This agreement signifies the commitment of both organizations to mutual cooperation and recognition for each others mandates. Sovrin and ToIP intend to work together toward advancing the infrastructure and governance required for digital trust and digital identity ecosystems.
> MEGA also joined the Good Elf Pass Initiative whose “interoperability blueprint” supports its crucial role as issuers of these credentials. The ground-breaking “Hypersleigh” blockchain standard will also support rapid delivery and high security for all Meaningful Gifts. #hypersleigh
* [The Trust Over IP Foundation Publishes New Introduction and Design Principles.](
1. [Introduction to ToIP V2.0](
This is the second-generation version of our original introductory white paper that would go more deeply into the origin and purpose of the ToIP stack and how it addresses the key challenges of decentralized digital trust infrastructure.
2. [Design Principles for the ToIP Stack V1.0](
This is an articulation of the key [design principles]( we must follow in the design and
3. development of all aspects of the ToIP stack.
* [The ToIP Foundation Releases its First Official Governance Specifications]( Trust Over IP
It will give government organizations, companies, and other legal entities worldwide the capacity to use non-repudiable identification data pertaining to their legal status, ownership structure and authorized representatives in a growing multitude of digital business activities
> The TSWG provides guidance and specifications that support the ToIP 4-layer model from a technical standpoint.
> Please mind the gap between the DID and the DID Document! Just like the London Underground, Layer 1 Utilities are a collection of connected rails and overlapping networks, on top of which SSI ecosystems are developed. The ToIP Utility Foundry Working Group (UFWG) are mapping out how they overlap, intersect and differentiate from each other.
* [Key ToIP Take Aways from EIC]( TOIP
* [Achieving Trusted Digital Transactions Across the Globe: OIX and ToIP Align to make it Happen]( Trust over IP
With a combined worldwide membership of over 400 organisations and individuals, including some of the worlds largest stakeholders in a digital ID future, this is a crucial development in the journey towards full digital ID adoption and a digital future that will work for everyone involved.
* [Trust over IP Foundation Introduces a New Tool for Interoperable Digital Trust](
* [Release of the Good Health Pass (GHP) Interoperability Blueprint]( TrustoverIP
> After a public review period during June with stakeholders in air travel, government, healthcare, hospitality, and other affected sectors, the Blueprint was finalized in mid-July for final approval and publication. “Publication of the V1.0.0 Blueprint is just the first step in seeing interoperable privacy preserving digital health passes adopted in order to support people being able to gather together again with lower personal and public health risk,” said Kaliya Young, chair of the Working Group and Ecosystems Director at CCI. “Our next task is collaborating with real world implementers to fill in any remaining gaps to get to an interoperable system and working with LFPH and other partners to deliver open source code that can be deployed.”
Exploring why human trust should be an essential design element in the next generation of digital solutions
* [Trust Over IP Foundation Issues its First Tools for Managing Risk in Digital Trust Ecosystems](
as we move into decentralized identity management, where individuals manage credentials in their own digital wallets, we need new risk management tools designed for this paradigm
* [The Trust Over IP Stack: Achieving Global Interoperability with SSI]( Scot
* [In this video](, Drummond Reed, Chief Trust Officer at Evernym Inc and co-author of the book [Self-Sovereign Identity]( provides a deep discussion of SSI and the The Trust over IP Stack.
- Survey was a collaborative efforts by [University of Jyväskylä](, []( and [Trust over IP foundation](
- More than 70 survey respondents
- SSI platform provider is ok but it should not be combined with network provider
- Risk: Slow technology adoption/ implementation / maturity
- Large VC issuance:
- Healthcare (COVID credentials)
- Revocation could be a challenge to be addressed
- Education sector
- Milestones to be achieved:
- Standardization
- Crypto payment
- Many solution would benefit from global payments but this will further add the challenge of large business adoption SSI + Crypto combination
- SDO:
- Not moving fast
- More academic and research in nature
* [On Forests, Emergence, and Expansive Trust: Why Trust Over IP is even more profound than we thought]( Daniel Hardman
I have been lucky enough to witness many of its milestones — the finalization of the VC and DID specifications, the launch of Sovrin and Hyperledger Indy, the advent of production deployments and serious interoperability, the invention of peer DIDs and KERI and BBS+ credentials, the implementation of the exciting communication technology now known as DIDComm…
> Efforts are underway around the globe to promote new trust models between governments and citizens that promotes privacy and improves how trust is established between entities sharing information. Now is the time for the US government to consider and adopt the ToIP Framework as a starting point to not only support ZTA but promote greater privacy in information sharing within its ecosystem.
> Tampa-based Schellman, a leading provider of attestation and compliance services, announced today that it is joining the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP) as a Steering Committee member. As the first IT audit firm to join the leadership of ToIP, this move represents Schellmans belief in the growing suite of digital governance specifications and tools being developed by ToIP Working Groups.
### TOIP Trust over IP
* [AMA: Sovrin + ToIP Core Purposes and Cooperation]( by John Jordan, Drummond Reed, Chris Raczkowski
> 1. Mutual recognition and support for the distinct, but interrelated, mandate of each organization.
> 2. Commitment to name a member from each organization as a liaison to act as a point of contact and maintain lines of open communication.
> 3. Proactively seek opportunities to collaborate in areas of shared interest, including communications products.
This Letter of Agreement has been approved and signed by Sovrin and Trust over IP.
It will be the basis for ongoing activity that aims to build on the strengths of both communities and advance their shared interest in the emergence of secure, privacy enhancing credential and identity ecosystems.
* [Sovrin and Trust over IP Signed Mutual Agreement to Strengthen Their SSI Collaboration](
“By signing this Letter Agreement, Sovrin and ToIP are excited to take a step further to support the need and importance of our separate but interrelated mandates to benefit people and organizations across all social and economic sectors through secure digital identity ecosystems based on verifiable credentials and SSI,” said Chris Raczkowski, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Sovrin Foundation.
* [KABN Network Joins the Trust Over IP Foundation](
> KABN aims to use proven bank-grade identity verification processes to allow Holders (who use a credential), Verifiers (who confirm the validity of a credential) and Issuers (who produce the credential) to complete transactions of many kinds including financial services, eCommerce transactions, organization, building and visitor access badges among others.
Witness orgs sit in layer 3 of the [Trust Over IP stack]( as authoritative issuers. Witness orgs are to VCs like Dunn and Bradstreet (D&B) is to the finance world: they issue claims as a recognized authority.
* [Avast Joins Trust over IP as a Steering Member]( TOIP
“It is finally time we had digital wallets with digital credentials that work exactly the same way our real-world wallets do,” said Mr. Reed. “We can take and use them anywhere to privately prove just what another party needs to know in the context of a particular transaction. We dont have to go through any third-party gatekeeper to do this. Thats the way it should work in the digital world too.”
* [Self-sovereign identity semantics: An economic extension to the Trust over IP stack](
Editorial: Kaliya thinks this is a terrible idea. It is based on the premise that identity providers (issuers of credentials) should get paid every time a person (the holder) presents the credential in their wallet, when shared with the relying party (verifier) I think this is toxic and we are just finally getting to aligned standards for the VC format and for exchange protocols - now some how we are going to rapidly add a payments layer?
NO this isnt going to work it is going to create lockin to particular wallets for particular credentials. All because some bad entrepreneurs who are no longer leading their companies sold SAFTS to greedy investors. There is a mess under here that should be exposed further now that they are trying to push this model again. Lets just say I cant wait for the investigative reporter to dig into the Sovrin meltdown from last year further to see what is really there. It could have all been left alone and I wouldnt be talking about it - but they decided to push the model again.
* [What Does Trust Over IP Mean for Governments and Their Citizens?](
> credentials can help reopen travel, reduce the costs and improve access to healthcare, streamline KYC and financial transactions, and help connect students with employers needing their skills—all while saving governments billions in the costs of connecting and protecting their digital infrastructure.
> *[...]*
> featured speakers from Evernym, Mastercard, LG CNS, Accenture, GLEIF, and other[s]
* [Human Experience Working Group]( TOIP
The purpose of the HXWG is to examine the design features of digital systems, their governance and the business processes that support them, which make interactions or actors trustable, in the contextual and subjective experience of those using them.

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# Centre - Verite
## Centre
* [Verite: A Technical Deep Dive with Kim Hamilton, Director of Identity & Standards]( Centre
Verite is a decentralized identity framework demonstrating end-to-end, ecosystem-scale crypto and DeFi prototypes. With Verite, our focus is iteratively building open protocols rather than a product or a platform.
Verite is based on open-source building blocks that are developed collaboratively at international standards organizations:
* [Welcome to Centre, Linda Jeng and Danielle Harold](
“I am thrilled to welcome executives of this caliber to our team,” said David Puth, CEO of Centre. “Both Linda and Danielle bring an abundance of experience that will guide our organization as we create standards for the burgeoning blockchain space.”
* [Centre Consortium](
Founded by Coinbase and Circle in 2018, the mission is to provide the governance and standards for the future digital financial ecosystem.
We began by launching US Dollar Coin (USDC), a fiat-backed stablecoin and now the second largest stablecoin on the market. The standards we laid out for USDC provide a layer of trust and transparency so that users can operate with security and confidence as we enter a new world of digital payments.
* [Ledger Joins Project Verite: a Decentralized Identity Coalition for Crypto Finance]( Ledger 2/22
We strongly believe that open standards are a key enabler for the development and scaling of new digital identity services around the globe. In this context, we are glad to be part of the Verite Distributed ID standards.” Mung Ki Woo, VP Trust Services, Ledger
* [centrehq/verite](
* [Introducing Verite]( Justin Hunter of Pinata
Currently available in TypeScript and [published through NPM](, the Verite library seeks to make it easier to implement VCs in a variety of forms. The library is early and an additional goal of the library is to collect community feedback.
* [Verite: Growing a Decentralized Identity Ecosystem]( Centre Consortium
Developed last year and launched in Q1 of 2022, the [Verite standard]( welcomes this flourishing of products and experiments with Verifiable Credentials and other privacy-preserving, data-minimizing patterns and principles.
* [Introducing Verite]( Justin Hunter, Pinata, Centre
But as the world shifts to an increasingly digital native format, and as people take more ownership over their identity, how can the issuance of, presentation of, and verification of credentials be managed?
* [Verification Patterns, Part 1]( Verite
Since verification is off-chain (and generally fast/inexpensive, depending on the provider), and since this avoids on-chain storage of potentially correlatable data, this is often the preferred solution.
* [Response to FinCEN RFI]( Centre
In this letter, we focus on two questions relevant to identifying Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) regulations and  guidance that may be outdated, redundant, or do not promote a risk-based AML/CFT regulatory regime
* [Centres Response to Australian Treasury]( Centre
In this letter, we focus on a couple of issues that would be beneficial in expanding the Australian regulatory frameworks to include crypto assets. Furthermore, our comments pertain specifically to fiat-backed stablecoins, which are backed on a 1:1 basis by reserve assets, such as bank deposits and short-term government bonds.
* [How To Create a Verifiable Credentials Registry Smart Contract in Solidity]( Centre
> When using the [smart contract pattern]( for verifications, you can use any blockchain you would like. For the sake of this guide, we will focus on [Solidity](, which is the programming language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
* [Circle and Industry Leaders Have Built the First Decentralized Identity Proof-of-Concept for Crypto Finance using Centre Verite Credentials]( Centre ([ANN-thread](
Together with Archblock, the team behind the TrueFi protocol, MetaMask Institutional and Parallel Markets, Circle Internet Financial has built the first proof-of-concept for “know your business” (KYB) verification using [Verite](, Centre's set of open source protocols for decentralized digital identity credentials
* [How To Use Verifiable Credentials And Verite To Build An Off-Chain NFT Allowlist]( Justin Hunter, Pinata, Centre
if the signature is verified, we allow the minting to happen. When that's complete, we update the PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE variable. This is, as with many things in this demo, a simplified replay attack prevention model. This can and probably should be extended to support your own use cases.
* [Circle and Industry Leaders Have Built the First Decentralized Identity Proof-of-Concept for Crypto Finance using Verite Credentials]( Circle
> Circle joined other crypto and blockchain companies in February 2022 to introduce Verite as a open-source framework for decentralized identity credential issuance, custody and verification. Verite is designed to help make it safer, easier and more efficient to do business across the transformative worlds of DeFi and Web3 commerce.

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- OpenId OIDC [Welcome to OpenID Connect]( (non-core)

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@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ The model of self-sovereign identity offers tempting benefits as educational sys
Beyond directly helping children learn in playful ways, this partnership was forged to assist in championing the importance of three learning primitives of tomorrows educational landscape: decentralized identifiers (DIDs), verifiable credentials (VCs), and digital wallets. Beyond directly helping children learn in playful ways, this partnership was forged to assist in championing the importance of three learning primitives of tomorrows educational landscape: decentralized identifiers (DIDs), verifiable credentials (VCs), and digital wallets.
* [LEGO & Learning Economy: Gearing up with Super Skills]( ID Foundation
> The Super Skills app combines a custodial wallet (Torus) and Ceramic VC/storage tooling to give children private, exportable, future-proof achievement records a self-sovereign educational credentialing system in miniature.
* [When Job Candidates Lie, New Tech From ZippedScript And LearnCard Will Help You Catch Them]( Forbes * [When Job Candidates Lie, New Tech From ZippedScript And LearnCard Will Help You Catch Them]( Forbes
“recently launched [LearnCard](, a digital wallet for education and employment programmable verifiable credentials” “recently launched [LearnCard](, a digital wallet for education and employment programmable verifiable credentials”

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@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ published: false
- Will this affect the way travel is distributed and paid for change? - Will this affect the way travel is distributed and paid for change?
- What can players in the established travel eco-system expect? - What can players in the established travel eco-system expect?
- When will we see this come about where will we be by 2030? - When will we see this come about where will we be by 2030?
* [Q&A: The Potential of Decentralized ID in Travel]( WebInTravel
> Since February he has also been the informal chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](, a subset within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, an organization creating technical specifications and reference implementations for decentralized identity and working with industries for commercial applications of such technologies.
When this comes to fruition and not if, but when it will be a transformative change, shifting power from travel suppliers to travelers themselves and giving travelers more choice, better personalization, lower friction and more security. When this comes to fruition and not if, but when it will be a transformative change, shifting power from travel suppliers to travelers themselves and giving travelers more choice, better personalization, lower friction and more security.

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## Find ``` replace with <code>
> ```
> <code>
### Replace quotes with <br> in quoted section
1: First Line
\n> <code>\n> (.*)
2: Second lines
\n(<code>.*)\n> (.*)
### Close </code>
## Find Quote and replace with linebreak
\n> (.*)\n>
\n\n(.*)\n > (.*)
## Nested Quotes
(\* .*)\n > (.*)\n >
## Format row with trailing author\other info
\* \[(.*)\]\((.*)\) (.*)\n\n(.*)
### Same with different space
\* \[(.*)\]\((.*)\) (.*)\n\n(.*)
### Same with leading note
\* (.*)\[(.*)\]\((.*)\) (.*)\n\n(.*)

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# W3C # W3C
* [The W3Cs Credentials Community is hosting a session on NFTs and Identity]( 4/12 [9am PST]( ### Organization
> There has been an explosion of interest in using NFT for identity, along with exploring how they could work with or support DIDs and VCs. Simone Ravaioli, Taylor Kendal and Heather Vescent have invited Evin Mcmullen of [](, Elina Cadouri of [Dock](, Stepan Gershuni of [Affinidi]( / [DeepSkills](, and Dominik Beron of []( to share their perspective on NFT identity and where it may overlap with DIDs and VCs * [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization]( W3C - [Public-Credentials](
> As W3C was created to address the needs of the early web, our evolution to a public-interest non-profit is not just to continue our community effort, but to mature and grow to meet the needs of the web of the future.
* [does the CCG have any thoughts about possible changes to W3C itself?](  Daniel Hardman (Saturday, 9 April) * [does the CCG have any thoughts about possible changes to W3C itself?](  Daniel Hardman (Saturday, 9 April)
> This major organizational overhaul to the W3C is also happening at a time of unprecedented activity and change for the internet. Will the web support crypto and Web3 industry proposals? How will the web support advertising? What should be the baseline web browser security standards?
This major organizational overhaul to the W3C is also happening at a time of unprecedented activity and change for the internet. Will the web support crypto and Web3 industry proposals? How will the web support advertising? What should be the baseline web browser security standards? ## Membership
* [Announcement: W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](  Kimberly Wilson Linson (Tuesday, 28 June)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](
As W3C was created to address the needs of the early web, our evolution to a public-interest non-profit is not just to continue our community effort, but to mature and grow to meet the needs of the web of the future.
This week, we hit 5k followers on [Twitter](, driven in no small part by attention garnered by our [ToIP & DIF Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification becoming a W3C Standard](
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](
> "We designed the W3C legal entity in a way that keeps our core unchanged," said Dr. Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. "Our values-driven work remains anchored in the royalty-free W3C Patent Policy, and the W3C Process Document where we enshrined dedication to security, privacy, internationalization and web accessibility. W3C and its Members will continue to play a fundamental role in making the web work for billions of people."
* [Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)]( * [Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)](
> We welcome Hedera as a contributing member to the W3C DID Working Group and congratulate their team for reaching this milestone of a published implementation of the latest W3C DID Identifiers v1.0 draft,” said Ivan Herman > We welcome Hedera as a contributing member to the W3C DID Working Group and congratulate their team for reaching this milestone of a published implementation of the latest W3C DID Identifiers v1.0 draft,” said Ivan Herman
* [Block Joins W3C]( [@brockm]( * [Block Joins W3C]( [@brockm](
@ -32,5 +26,4 @@ This week, we hit 5k followers on [Twitter](
## DID Working Group ## DID Working Group
* []( - Website * []( - Website
* []( - LIst Archives * []( - LIst Archives

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* [Why the SSI community should embrace million dollar apes]( * [Why the SSI community should embrace million dollar apes](
* [The W3Cs Credentials Community is hosting a session on NFTs and Identity]( 4/12 [9am PST](
> There has been an explosion of interest in using NFT for identity, along with exploring how they could work with or support DIDs and VCs. Simone Ravaioli, Taylor Kendal and Heather Vescent have invited Evin Mcmullen of [](, Elina Cadouri of [Dock](, Stepan Gershuni of [Affinidi]( / [DeepSkills](, and Dominik Beron of []( to share their perspective on NFT identity and where it may overlap with DIDs and VCs
* [NFTs, Verifiable Credentials, and Picos]( Phil Windley * [NFTs, Verifiable Credentials, and Picos]( Phil Windley