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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ layout: single
permalink: /government/europe/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/government/europe/'
categories: ["Government"]
tags: ["Blockchain","Ethereum","uPort","Europe"]
tags: ["Blockchain","Ethereum","uPort","Europe","Zug","Switzerland","eSSIF","eDIAS","EBSI"]
image: /images/european_union-header.webp
caption: "[image source](https://www.fidh.org/en/international-advocacy/european-union/eu-budget-joint-call-by-civil-society-to-reverse-cuts-to-the-ndici)"
@ -13,36 +13,26 @@ header:
last_modified_at: 2019-01-11
[Government services and digital identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/research-paper/20180801_government_services_and_digital_identity.pdf)
* [Government services and digital identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/research-paper/20180801_government_services_and_digital_identity.pdf) (EUBlockchainForum)
> The theme of this paper is the use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for government services, and digital identity in relation to those. The scope for the state-of-the-art is global, but conclusions and recommendations focus on the significance and barriers in the European context. We assume general familiarity with blockchain and smart contract technology. For the purposes of this document, the essential features are that a blockchain has no central data controller or storage, and that it is an append-only immutable record store with reliable timestamping. More specific details, such as consensus mechanism, which vary from one blockchain network to another, are omitted.

* [EU BLOCKCHAIN OBSERVATORY AND FORUM—Workshop Report e-Identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/reports/workshop_5_report_-_e-identity.pdf)
* [Keyp](https://keyp.io/) —"Welcome to Europe’s fastest growing open digital identity ecosystem."
* [EU Report Considers Blockchain-Based Digital Identities, Tokenized National Currencies](https://cointelegraph.com/news/eu-report-considers-blockchain-based-digital-identities-tokenized-national-currencies)
* EU Blockchain Forum - [BLOCKCHAIN FOR GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/reports/eu_observatory_blockchain_in_government_services_v1_2018-12-07.pdf)
[EU report signposts route to blockchain ID verification](https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/eu-report-signposts-route-to-blockchain-id-verification/)
* [EU report signposts route to blockchain ID verification](https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/eu-report-signposts-route-to-blockchain-id-verification/)
> “There are persistent – and increasingly serious – problems with the way digital identity works,” says the report, ‘Blockchain and Digital Identity’. “For individuals, but also for businesses and governments, the status quo is becoming less and less tenable.”
> But the report maps out a path to improving the current digital ID landscape, in which citizens typically use a huge range of systems to access public and private services. “It is now possible to build new identity frameworks based on the concept of decentralised identities,” its authors write, setting out six recommendations for public sector business owners and digital professionals.
[Evgeny Morozov (@evgenymorozov)](https://twitter.com/evgenymorozov/status/1141743293509840896) (h/t @JuanSC)
* [Evgeny Morozov (@evgenymorozov)](https://twitter.com/evgenymorozov/status/1141743293509840896) (h/t @JuanSC)
> A key component in Libra comes from an EU-funded academic startup recently acquired by Facebook. (It was apart of the Decode Project, on whose advisory board I sit). Ask yourself how Europe can compete with US/China when Facebook can simply snatch such R&D [https://t.co/cGZ](https://t.co/cGZ)...
[EU Report Considers Blockchain-Based Digital Identities, Tokenized...](https://cointelegraph.com/news/eu-report-considers-blockchain-based-digital-identities-tokenized-national-currencies)
* [EU Report Considers Blockchain-Based Digital Identities, Tokenized National Currencies](https://cointelegraph.com/news/eu-report-considers-blockchain-based-digital-identities-tokenized-national-currencies)
> The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum has made a case for a blockchain-powered “self-sovereign” digital identity system to secure and share personal information.
[Adrian Doerk (@doerkadrian)](https://twitter.com/doerkadrian/status/1144112912824356864?s=12)
* [Adrian Doerk (@doerkadrian)](https://twitter.com/doerkadrian/status/1144112912824356864?s=12)
> The German union of CDU/CSU @cducsubt has published a paper regarding the chances of #blockchain for Germany. This summary covers the digital identity section. Thread (0/14)
* [European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/EBSI)
> The internet and digital technologies are transforming our world. At the same time the digital landscape is becoming more diverse, putting challenges on cross-border interoperability and intercommunication. As a result, Europeans still face barriers when using (cross-border) online tools and services. This means that citizens miss out on goods and services and businesses miss out on market potential, while also governments cannot fully benefit from digital technologies. The EU’s Digital Single Market aims to overcome these challenges by creating the right environment for digital networks and services to flourish. This is not only achieved by setting the right regulatory conditions, but also by providing cross-border digital infrastructures and services.
## Netherlands
### Netherlands

@ -51,7 +41,7 @@ last_modified_at: 2019-01-11
* [TrustChain: A Sybil-resistant scalable blockchain - Presentation](http://msn.iecs.fcu.edu.tw/report/download.php?)
* [Dutch Blockchain Coalition](https://www.dutchdigitaldelta.nl/en/blockchain) [[**ϟ**](https://dutchdigitaldelta.nl/uploads/pdf/Dutch-Blockchain-Coalition-action-agenda-ENG.pdf)]
## Spain
### Spain

* [Alastria](https://alastria.io/) - [alastria/alastria-identity](https://github.com/alastria/alastria-identity)
@ -60,11 +50,10 @@ last_modified_at: 2019-01-11
> The newly announced Catalan digital ID initiative will use blockchain technology to empower citizen service in the northeastern corner of Spain. The regional government of Catalan [reportedly](https://tokenpost.com/Catalan-government-to-develop-DLT-based-self-sovereign-digital-ID-platform-3347) has “launched a new project to create decentralized and self-sovereign digital identity based on distributed ledger technology.”
* [Catalonia Announces Decentralized ID System the Govt Won’t Control](https://cointelegraph.com/news/catalonia-announces-a-decentralized-id-system-the-govt-wont-control)
## Switzerland
### Switzerland

* [Zug ID: Exploring the First Publicly Verified Blockchain Identity](https://medium.com/uport/zug-id-exploring-the-first-publicly-verified-blockchain-identity-38bd0ee3702) (uport\ethereum)
> We recently announced our cooperation with the Swiss City of Zug and local development partner ti&m to introduce the world’s first live implementation of a self-sovereign government issued identity on Ethereum. Thus far, more than 50 citizens in Zug have successfully verified their uPort identity in person with the City, enabling them to access a new suite of e-government services in a trusted and self-reliant manner. With all the excitement around this launch, we wanted to outline for all of you the underlying mechanics of the Zug identity verification system, the benefits this provides for various stakeholders, as well as future use cases and its evolution.
* [Zug Digital ID: Blockchain Case Study for Government Issued Identity](https://consensys.net/blockchain-use-cases/government-and-the-public-sector/zug/) - A pilot project testing self-sovereign identities on the Ethereum blockchain
> Zug leveraged uPort, a decentralized identity platform to create the world’s first live implementation of a self-sovereign government-issued identity project on the Ethereum blockchain, along with the city of Zug, the Institute for Financial Services Zug (IFZ) of the Lucerne University, along with integrator TI&M for the platform and Luxoft to implement voting. In the summer of 2017, they launched a pilot program to register resident IDs on the public Ethereum blockchain. After the pilot program, Zug officially launched the program in November 2017.
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redirect_from: government/europe/switzerland/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/government/europe/switzerland/zug/'
categories: ["Government"]
tags: ["Zug","Swizerland","DID","Blockchain","Aries","uPort","Crypto Valley Association","ProCivis"]
tags: ["Zug","Switzerland","DID","Blockchain","Aries","uPort","Crypto Valley Association","ProCivis","Europe"]
image: /images/zug-header.webp
teaser: /images/zug-teaser.webp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
date: 2019-11-20
title: ESSIF - European Self Sovereign Identity Framework
layout: single
permalink: /government/europe/eSSIF/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/government/europe/eSSIF/'
categories: ["Government"]
tags: ["Blockchain","Europe","eSSIF","eDIAS"]
image: /images/essif.webp
caption: "[image source](https://ssimeetup.org/understanding-european-self-sovereign-identity-framework-essif-daniel-du-seuil-carlos-pastor-webinar-32/)"
teaser: /images/european-commission.webp
last_modified_at: 2020-11-20
* [European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF)](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=262505734)
> This section contains the documents generated as technical specification for the ESSIF Use Case. These documents act as the base for the architecture definition for ESSIF V1.
> The content of this documents should be taken as high-level technical documents, and conceptual technical documents. The content of these documents will be updated as long as the use case implementation evolves.
* [ESSIF: The European self-sovereign identity framework](https://medium.com/@SSI_Ambassador/essif-the-european-self-sovereign-identity-framework-4572f6875e12)
> The European self-sovereign identity framework (ESSIF) is part of the European blockchain service infrastructure (EBSI). The EBSI is a joint initiative from the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) to deliver EU-wide cross-border public services using blockchain technology.
> The EBSI aims to become a “gold standard” digital infrastructure to support the launch and operation of EU-wide cross-border public services. It is a multi-blockchain network with multiple use-cases such as notarization of documents, ESSIF, certification of diplomas and trusted data sharing. While there is an EBSI wallet, it’s for test purposes only and not for the public. The consensus of the permissioned network will be achieved via proof of authority (POA) with one note per member state.
> In European Blockchain Partnership NL-GER-BE started a initiative on
> European Self Sovereign Identity framework (eSSIF).
> ○ How to facilitate cross-border interaction with SSI.
> ○ How to make/keep national SSI projects interoperable.
> ○ How to integrate/align existing building blocks such as eIDAS, e-delivery, once-only with SSI.
> ○ How to conceptualize and build an identity layer in the new European Blockchain Services Infrastructure.
> ○ How to preserve European/democratic values in the implementation of Self Sovereign identity.
{% include video id="ATXCzY-GM_U" provider="youtube" %}
[Self-Sovereign Identity Framework and Blockchain](https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en110/special/self-sovereign-identity-framework-and-blockchain)
> The Techruption Blockchain Project is a public-private partnership project in the Netherlands, within which large corporates, small companies, startups and scientific institutions collectively create disruptive technological innovations around distributed ledger (blockchain) technologies (DLT). DLTs are particularly useful in business and governance situations that involve multiple parties that do not necessarily trust one another to negotiate and execute electronic business transactions. In many cases such transactions require the ability to establish and validate identities and identity attributes, or to check whether or not they have been revoked.
> Seven participants of the project (Accenture, APG, Brightlands, Chamber of Commerce, De Volksbank, Rabobank, and TNO) are developing a self-sovereign identity framework (SSIF) for the creation, validation and revocation of such identities that can be used in conjunction with blockchain technologies and the (disruptive) applications that are enabled by such technologies. The goal is to specify, validate and ultimately build a trustworthy, open digital infrastructure for self-sovereign identities that is secure, decentralized, open source, supports privacy (e.g., GDPR compliance) in multiple roles, and lacks a single point of failure or large information honey-pot. We aim to follow well-established requirements for user-centric identity systems
[EU PROJECT ESSIF-LAB, AIMED AT FASTER AND SAFER ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS VIA THE INTERNET AS WELL AS IN REAL LIFE, OPEN FOR START-UPS AND SMES](https://www.tno.nl/en/about-tno/news/2019/12/eu-project-essif-lab-open-for-start-ups-and-smes/)
> **_The project will award 62 subgrants_** in two types of open call: one infrastructure-oriented open call targeting technical enhancements and extensions of the SSI framework and two business-oriented open calls targeting SSI business and social innovations and applications. The infrastructure-oriented open call (open to any type of innovator) and the first business-oriented open call (limited to start-ups and SMEs) are expected to open in March 2020. The exact opening date as well as the terms of reference will be available around February 2020 at essif-lab.eu.
**SSI-Meetup**: [Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) – Daniël Du Seuil and Carlos Pastor – Webinar 32](https://ssimeetup.org/understanding-european-self-sovereign-identity-framework-essif-daniel-du-seuil-carlos-pastor-webinar-32/)
> Daniël Du Seuil, Programm manager and blockchain architect with the Flemish public service, and Carlos Pastor, from BME in Spain, give an overview of the vision, objectives, and approach of the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF).
{% include video id="P5xjnWL3Pg0" provider="youtube" %}
<iframe src="//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/jDIYAND2ID53XQ" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/understanding-the-european-selfsovereign-identity-framework-essif" title="Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF)" target="_blank">Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF)</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup" target="_blank">SSIMeetup</a></strong> </div>
* [ESSIF-Lab Consortium](https://www.tno.nl/en/about-tno/news/2019/12/eu-project-essif-lab-open-for-start-ups-and-smes/)
* [The eSSIF-Lab Project](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/project)
> The European Self-Sovereign Identity Lab (eSSIF-Lab) views itself as an ecosystem of parties that work together to make existing (and new) Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology into a scalable and interoperable infrastructure that businesses can use very easily for conducting (business) transactions with other businesses and individuals alike.

* [NGI ESSIF-LAB](https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/essif-lab/) EUROPEAN SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY FRAMEWORK LAB
> eSSIF-Lab is a project funded by the European Commission and aims to advance the broad uptake of SSI as a next generation, open and trusted digital identity solution for faster and safer electronic transactions via the Internet, as well as in real life.
> In this project, 5,6M€ EU funds will be made available to European innovators including academic research groups, SME’s and start-ups that want to build or improve SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) components. The aim of the eSSIF-Lab is to create a range of interoperable, open-source SSI components that will be used within Europe and possibly world-wide
@ -16,10 +16,8 @@ redirect_from:
last_modified_at: 2020-01-06
## eID
[eid.as/home/](https://www.eid.as/home/) - Regulation with linked TOC
[Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2014.257.01.0073.01.ENG) and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC
* [EIDAS](https://www.eid.as/) - Regulation with linked TOC
* [Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2014.257.01.0073.01.ENG) and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC
> (2) This Regulation seeks to enhance trust in electronic transactions in the internal market by providing a common foundation for secure electronic interaction between citizens, businesses and public authorities, thereby increasing the effectiveness of public and private online services, electronic business and electronic commerce in the Union.
> (3) Directive 1999/93/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (3), dealt with electronic signatures without delivering a comprehensive cross-border and cross-sector framework for secure, trustworthy and easy-to-use electronic transactions. This Regulation enhances and expands the acquis of that Directive.
@ -30,32 +28,26 @@ last_modified_at: 2020-01-06
> (12) One of the objectives of this Regulation is to remove existing barriers to the cross-border use of electronic identification means used in the Member States to authenticate, for at least public services. This Regulation does not aim to intervene with regard to electronic identity management systems and related infrastructures established in Member States. The aim of this Regulation is to ensure that for access to cross-border online services offered by Member States, secure electronic identification and authentication is possible.
> (14) Some conditions need to be set out in this Regulation with regard to which electronic identification means have to be recognised and how the electronic identification schemes should be notified. Those conditions should help Member States to build the necessary trust in each other’s electronic identification schemes and to mutually recognise electronic identification means falling under their notified schemes. The principle of mutual recognition should apply if the notifying Member State’s electronic identification scheme meets the conditions of notification and the notification was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. However, the principle of mutual recognition should only relate to authentication for an online service. The access to those online services and their final delivery to the applicant should be closely linked to the right to receive such services under the conditions set out in national legislation.
[Trust Services and Electronic identification (eID)](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/trust-services-and-eid)
* [Trust Services and Electronic identification (eID)](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/trust-services-and-eid)
> - ensures that people and businesses can use their own national electronic identification schemes (eIDs) to access public services in other EU eID are available.
> - creates an European internal market for eTS - namely electronic signatures, electronic seals, time stamp, electronic delivery service and website authentication - by ensuring that they will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes. Only by providing certainty on the legal validity of all these services, businesses and citizens will use the digital interactions as their natural way of interaction.
[EU BLOCKCHAIN OBSERVATORY AND FORUM](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/reports/workshop_5_report_-_e-identity.pdf) - e-Identity, Brussels, November 7, 2018
• eIDAS: Key Principles for Identity
- Cooperation between Member States
- Reciprocity relying on defined levels of assurance
- Mandatory cross-border mutual recognition of identifiers
- Sovereignty of Member states to use or introduce means for eID at their national level
- Full autonomy to the private sector
- Interoperability framework
- Member States can use different means of identification, but with the same functionality
- The problem is not the technology, but the legal framework, the distribution of liability, and the
question to know whether what is enforceable in country A is also enforceable in country B (for
instance in the court).
[eIDAS as guideline for the development of a pan European eID framework in FutureID](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/34614563.pdf)
* [EU BLOCKCHAIN OBSERVATORY AND FORUM](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/reports/workshop_5_report_-_e-identity.pdf) - e-Identity, Brussels, November 7, 2018
> **eIDAS: Key Principles for Identity**
> - Cooperation between Member States
> - Reciprocity relying on defined levels of assurance
> - Mandatory cross-border mutual recognition of identifiers
> - Sovereignty of Member states to use or introduce means for eID at their national level
> - Full autonomy to the private sector
> - Interoperability framework
> - Member States can use different means of identification, but with the same functionality
> - The problem is not the technology, but the legal framework, the distribution of liability, and the question to know whether what is enforceable in country A is also enforceable in country B (for instance in the court).
* [eIDAS as guideline for the development of a pan European eID framework in FutureID](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/34614563.pdf)
> Abstract: This paper addresses the Regulation on Electronic transactions in the internal market: electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) and analyses this regulatory framework in relation to the pan European eID infrastructure being developed in the FutureID project. The aim of this paper is to identify if eIDAS sets forward any legal requirements that need to be implemented in the FutureID infrastructure. Even though the focus of this paper is on the development of the FutureID infrastructure, the description of eIDAS and the analysis of its main requirements for technical developers are in general relevant to the development of online identification and authentication schemes.
EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum Report [Blockchain and Identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/report_identity_v0.9.4.pdf)
**Section 19: Decentralised identity and the European regulatory landscape**
> Perhaps the most important regulation dealing with identity in the EU is eIDAS, an EU regulation and a set of standards for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market. This regulation will have a deep impact on the decentralised identity framework, above all as it pertains to government-issued/recognised identity credentials, and so is worth a closer look.
* [EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum Report - Blockchain and Identity](https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/sites/default/files/report_identity_v0.9.4.pdf)
> **Section 19: Decentralised identity and the European regulatory landscape**
> Perhaps the most important regulation dealing with identity in the EU is eIDAS, an EU regulation and a set of standards for electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Single Market. This regulation will have a deep impact on the decentralised identity framework, above all as it pertains to government-issued/recognised identity credentials, and so is worth a closer look.
## eDIAS and Self Sovereign Identity
@ -66,57 +58,19 @@ EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum Report [Blockchain and Identity](https://www
4. Linking the DID with the identity provided by eIDAS
5. Applying eIDAS to the Verifiable Claims lifecycle
> The purpose of this document is to stimulate the discussion on how identity management solutions
based on the Decentralised Identity / Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) paradigms can benefit from the
trust framework created by the eIDAS Regulation.
[eIDAS and Self-Sovereign Identity - MyData 2018](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHa175AEVVs)
> The purpose of this document is to stimulate the discussion on how identity management solutions based on the Decentralised Identity / Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) paradigms can benefit from the trust framework created by the eIDAS Regulation.
{% include video id="AHa175AEVVs" provider="youtube" %}
[Aligning SSI with European Union identity legislation (aka eIDAS Regulation)](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/Aligning-SSI-with-European-Union-Identity-legislation-eIDAS.md)
* [FutureTrust Welcomes Kantara Initiative as an Associate Project Partner](https://kantarainitiative.org/futuretrust-welcomes-kantara-initiative-as-an-associate-project-partner/)
> BRUSSELS, 29th APRIL 2019 – FutureTrust, a project supporting the practical implementation of eIDAS, today announced the Kantara Initiative as an Associate Project Partner. The Kantara Initiative is the only industry organisation focused on third party assessed digital identity and privacy assurance frameworks. It complements the talent of the existing FutureTrust partners, bringing a wealth of experience in operating trust frameworks.
* [go.eIDAS-Initiative launched across Europe and beyond](https://kantarainitiative.org/eidas-initiative-launched-across-europe-and-beyond/)
> WAKEFIELD, Mass., USA – 2018/09/27. Europe is awaiting a major milestone for trustworthy electronic identification: The cross-border recognition of notified electronic identification systems (eID) will start on 29th of September 2018 across Europe. Against this background, leading European associations, projects and expert organisations in the sector of eID and trust joined forces to launch the non-profit go.eIDAS-Initiative today, which aims at supporting the widespread adoption of eID and trust services according to the eIDAS-Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.
{% include video id="ATXCzY-GM_U" provider="youtube" %}
* [Aligning SSI with European Union identity legislation (aka eIDAS Regulation)](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/Aligning-SSI-with-European-Union-Identity-legislation-eIDAS.md)
> Although electronic identification under eIDAS Regulation is today clearly aligned with SAML-based infraestructures (see Opinion No. 2/2016 of the Cooperation Network on version 1.1 of the eIDAS Technical specifications, available at https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=37750723 and eIDAS eID Profile, available https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/eIDAS+Profile), nothing in the eIDAS or its implementing acts should prevent the usage of a SSI system as an electronic identification means.
> Thus, the second use case considers a DID as an eIDAS compliant electronic identification means, enabling - at least - transactions with Public Sector authorities and Public Administrations and, if so decided by the DID creator, also with private sector entities.
[FutureTrust Welcomes Kantara Initiative as an Associate Project Partner](https://kantarainitiative.org/futuretrust-welcomes-kantara-initiative-as-an-associate-project-partner/)
> BRUSSELS, 29th APRIL 2019 – FutureTrust, a project supporting the practical implementation of eIDAS, today announced the Kantara Initiative as an Associate Project Partner. The Kantara Initiative is the only industry organisation focused on third party assessed digital identity and privacy assurance frameworks. It complements the talent of the existing FutureTrust partners, bringing a wealth of experience in operating trust frameworks.
[go.eIDAS-Initiative launched across Europe and beyond](https://kantarainitiative.org/eidas-initiative-launched-across-europe-and-beyond/)
### ESSIF - European Self Sovereign Identity Framework
[European Self Sovereign identity framework](https://www.eesc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/files/1._panel_-_daniel_du_seuil.pdf)

> In European Blockchain Partnership NL-GER-BE started a initiative on
> European Self Sovereign Identity framework (eSSIF).
> ○ How to facilitate cross-border interaction with SSI.
> ○ How to make/keep national SSI projects interoperable.
> ○ How to integrate/align existing building blocks such as eIDAS, e-delivery, once-only with SSI.
> ○ How to conceptualize and build an identity layer in the new European Blockchain Services Infrastructure.
> ○ How to preserve European/democratic values in the implementation of Self Sovereign identity.
[Self-Sovereign Identity Framework and Blockchain](https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en110/special/self-sovereign-identity-framework-and-blockchain)
> The Techruption Blockchain Project is a public-private partnership project in the Netherlands, within which large corporates, small companies, startups and scientific institutions collectively create disruptive technological innovations around distributed ledger (blockchain) technologies (DLT). DLTs are particularly useful in business and governance situations that involve multiple parties that do not necessarily trust one another to negotiate and execute electronic business transactions. In many cases such transactions require the ability to establish and validate identities and identity attributes, or to check whether or not they have been revoked.
> Seven participants of the project (Accenture, APG, Brightlands, Chamber of Commerce, De Volksbank, Rabobank, and TNO) are developing a self-sovereign identity framework (SSIF) for the creation, validation and revocation of such identities that can be used in conjunction with blockchain technologies and the (disruptive) applications that are enabled by such technologies. The goal is to specify, validate and ultimately build a trustworthy, open digital infrastructure for self-sovereign identities that is secure, decentralized, open source, supports privacy (e.g., GDPR compliance) in multiple roles, and lacks a single point of failure or large information honey-pot. We aim to follow well-established requirements for user-centric identity systems
[EU PROJECT ESSIF-LAB, AIMED AT FASTER AND SAFER ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS VIA THE INTERNET AS WELL AS IN REAL LIFE, OPEN FOR START-UPS AND SMES](https://www.tno.nl/en/about-tno/news/2019/12/eu-project-essif-lab-open-for-start-ups-and-smes/)
> **_The project will award 62 subgrants_** in two types of open call: one infrastructure-oriented open call targeting technical enhancements and extensions of the SSI framework and two business-oriented open calls targeting SSI business and social innovations and applications. The infrastructure-oriented open call (open to any type of innovator) and the first business-oriented open call (limited to start-ups and SMEs) are expected to open in March 2020. The exact opening date as well as the terms of reference will be available around February 2020 at essif-lab.eu.
#### [Undersatnding European Self Sovereign Identity framework](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5xjnWL3Pg0)
SSI-Meetup: [Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) – Daniël Du Seuil and Carlos Pastor – Webinar 32](https://ssimeetup.org/understanding-european-self-sovereign-identity-framework-essif-daniel-du-seuil-carlos-pastor-webinar-32/)
> Daniël Du Seuil, Programm manager and blockchain architect with the Flemish public service, and Carlos Pastor, from BME in Spain, give an overview of the vision, objectives, and approach of the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF).
{% include video id="P5xjnWL3Pg0" provider="youtube" %}
* [ESSIF-Lab Consortium](https://www.tno.nl/en/about-tno/news/2019/12/eu-project-essif-lab-open-for-start-ups-and-smes/)
<iframe src="//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/jDIYAND2ID53XQ" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/understanding-the-european-selfsovereign-identity-framework-essif" title="Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF)" target="_blank">Understanding the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF)</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup" target="_blank">SSIMeetup</a></strong> </div>
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