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synced 2025-02-04 09:35:29 -05:00
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This commit is contained in:
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a E
> In 2021 the European Commission [announced the European digital identity wallet](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_2663). This article explains the basic concepts, highlights the significance of this development and provides an overview of the status quo.
> In 2021 the European Commission [announced the European digital identity wallet](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_2663). This article explains the basic concepts, highlights the significance of this development and provides an overview of the status quo.
* [EU digital wallet: the race is on for pilot funding, tech supremacy, hearts and minds](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/eu-digital-wallet-the-race-is-on-for-pilot-funding-tech-supremacy-hearts-and-minds)2022-04 Biometric Update
* [EU digital wallet: the race is on for pilot funding, tech supremacy, hearts and minds](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/eu-digital-wallet-the-race-is-on-for-pilot-funding-tech-supremacy-hearts-and-minds)2022-04 Biometric Update
> [eIDAS](https://www.biometricupdate.com/tag/eidas) 2.0 is fast approaching. By September 2023, European Union citizens will have the right to download and populate a digital identity wallet on a smart device. In less than 18 months, Europeans may no longer need physical credentials to travel, work and live anywhere else in the bloc. But are they ready?
> [eIDAS](https://www.biometricupdate.com/tag/eidas) 2.0 is fast approaching. By September 2023, European Union citizens will have the right to download and populate a digital identity wallet on a smart device. In less than 18 months, Europeans may no longer need physical credentials to travel, work and live anywhere else in the bloc. But are they ready?
* [Working together to create an eIDAS wallet](https://jolocom.io/blog/once-eidas/) 2021-08-23 Jolocom
* [Working together to create an eIDAS wallet](http://web.archive.org/web/20230209032014/https://jolocom.io/blog/once-eidas/) 2021-08-23 Jolocom
> Jolocom is currently working on the project “ONCE – Online einfach anmelden” (simply register online – ONCE) alongside a number of prestigious partners, with the aim to bring the digital identity of any citizen onto their smartphone.
> Jolocom is currently working on the project “ONCE – Online einfach anmelden” (simply register online – ONCE) alongside a number of prestigious partners, with the aim to bring the digital identity of any citizen onto their smartphone.
> The project is part of the competitive innovation programme “Showcase Secure Digital Identities” (SSDI) funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and one of four projects that qualified for the implementation phase.
> The project is part of the competitive innovation programme “Showcase Secure Digital Identities” (SSDI) funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and one of four projects that qualified for the implementation phase.
@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-15
> The ID wallet for the digital driving license had a digital accident: A week before the federal elections, it was presented to the public by Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU), just under a week later it had disappeared from the Apple and Google app stores .
> The ID wallet for the digital driving license had a digital accident: A week before the federal elections, it was presented to the public by Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU), just under a week later it had disappeared from the Apple and Google app stores .
* [ID Wallet: The German government had long known about IT security vulnerabilities](https://marketresearchtelecast.com/id-wallet-the-german-government-had-long-known-about-it-security-vulnerabilities/190919/) 2021-10-30 Market Research Telecast
* [ID Wallet: The German government had long known about IT security vulnerabilities](https://marketresearchtelecast.com/id-wallet-the-german-government-had-long-known-about-it-security-vulnerabilities/190919/) 2021-10-30 Market Research Telecast
> The BSI expresses the problem as follows: “The authentication of the user required to carry out a hotel check-in on the basis of the factors possession (” link secret “) and knowledge (” PIN “) takes place exclusively on the basis of key material that is stored in the Wallet app is saved. ” No specially secured electronic storage and processing medium such as a “secure element” integrated in smartphones is used.
> The BSI expresses the problem as follows: “The authentication of the user required to carry out a hotel check-in on the basis of the factors possession (” link secret “) and knowledge (” PIN “) takes place exclusively on the basis of key material that is stored in the Wallet app is saved. ” No specially secured electronic storage and processing medium such as a “secure element” integrated in smartphones is used.
* [IDnow AutoIdent will soon be usable according to German TKG](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-autoident-usable-german-tkg/) 2021-10-14 IDNow
> Automated identification procedures ensure seamless processes without media disruption and increase cost efficiency. By modernizing laws that allow these procedures, many cases can be simplified and modernized in the future.
* [Digital identities: German-Finnish cooperation agreed](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/suche/digitale-identitaeten-deutsch-finnische-zusammenarbeit-vereinbart-1962298) 2021-09-22 Bundesregierung
* [Digital identities: German-Finnish cooperation agreed](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/suche/digitale-identitaeten-deutsch-finnische-zusammenarbeit-vereinbart-1962298) 2021-09-22 Bundesregierung
> The content of the joint declaration is close bilateral cooperation in the development of a cross-border ecosystem of digital identities based on the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
> The content of the joint declaration is close bilateral cooperation in the development of a cross-border ecosystem of digital identities based on the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
* [Decentralization is the Future of Digitization](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralization-is-the-future-of-digitization/) Jolocom
> Digital identity data is introduced as having a positive impact on Germany’s future as well as Europe’s. Following, benefits of a decentralized identity based on a fully open infrastructure are given.
#### Secure Digital Identities
#### Secure Digital Identities
* [ID-Ideal as an integrated solution](https://jolocom.io/blog/id-ideal-as-an-integrated-solution/) 2021-11-17 Jolocom
* [ID-Ideal as an integrated solution](http://web.archive.org/web/20230616101616/https://jolocom.io/blog/id-ideal-as-an-integrated-solution/) 2021-11-17 Jolocom
The idea behind [ID-Ideal](https://1-id--ideal-de.translate.goog/?_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) is to create a basis for existing and future identity services. To achieve this, interoperability between the individual ecosystems is necessary. For this reason, the project mainly focuses on key aspects:
The idea behind [ID-Ideal](https://1-id--ideal-de.translate.goog/?_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp) is to create a basis for existing and future identity services. To achieve this, interoperability between the individual ecosystems is necessary. For this reason, the project mainly focuses on key aspects:
> A) Trust Framework: harmonize various ID services and create standards for secure digital identities
> A) Trust Framework: harmonize various ID services and create standards for secure digital identities
@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-15
> B) High relevance to everyday life and very good usability to increase the incentive
> B) High relevance to everyday life and very good usability to increase the incentive
> C) Establishing a TrustNest initiative: an open community that promotes certification, exchange, and further development
> C) Establishing a TrustNest initiative: an open community that promotes certification, exchange, and further development
* [The latest in the DWeb: Jolocom’s breakthrough](http://web.archive.org/web/20230616055225/https://jolocom.io/blog/sdi-breakthrough/) 2021-05-06 Jolocom
> At the last DWeb Meetup, we were invited to share our role in the German Government’s 60M Euro SDI (Secure Digital Identities) innovation project to bring “Self-Sovereign Identity” to German and EU citizens.
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (there will be another one tomorrow!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(there_will_be_another_one_tomorrow!)) 2021-05-06 Andre Kudra, IDunion
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (there will be another one tomorrow!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(there_will_be_another_one_tomorrow!)) 2021-05-06 Andre Kudra, IDunion
> [IDunion](https://idunion.org/?lang=en) enables self-determined identities based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technologies Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. The aim of the IDunion organisation is to create an open ecosystem for decentralised identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations.
> [IDunion](https://idunion.org/?lang=en) enables self-determined identities based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technologies Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. The aim of the IDunion organisation is to create an open ecosystem for decentralised identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations.
@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-28
> I know almost everyone can probably find something that they wished were different in the bill [ADPPA]. On the other hand, I do think we have a band-aid for the American people who are just fed up with the lack of privacy online
> I know almost everyone can probably find something that they wished were different in the bill [ADPPA]. On the other hand, I do think we have a band-aid for the American people who are just fed up with the lack of privacy online
* [What is the American Data Privacy and Protection Act?](https://identityreview.com/what-adppa-american-data-privacy-protection-act/) 2022-06-20 IdentityReview
* [What is the American Data Privacy and Protection Act?](https://identityreview.com/what-adppa-american-data-privacy-protection-act/) 2022-06-20 IdentityReview
> If a business has had an annual revenue less than “$41 million, did not collect or process the data of more than 100,000 individuals, and did not derive more than 50% of revenue from transferring personal information” in the last three years, they are not considered a covered entity in this bill.
> If a business has had an annual revenue less than “$41 million, did not collect or process the data of more than 100,000 individuals, and did not derive more than 50% of revenue from transferring personal information” in the last three years, they are not considered a covered entity in this bill.
* [Kids PRIVCY ACT](https://me2ba.org/we-backed-the-kids-privcy-act-but-we-urge-members-in-congress-to-address-non-profit-carve-outs-in-data-privacy-laws/) 2022-01-10 Me2BA
> We’re proud to support a bill that will:
> - Strengthen the legal protections afforded to children under COPPA, and extend COPPA protections to adolescents ages 13 to 17, who have long gone without privacy protections online, while creating new rights for families.
> - Prohibit surveillance advertising and other harmful uses of data on all digital services likely to be accessed by children, rather than limiting protection to ineffectual notice and consent on “child-directed sites.”
* [75% of Americans Want National Data Privacy Standards](https://anonyome.com/2021/11/75-of-americans-want-national-data-privacy-standards/) 2021-11-03 Anonyme
* [75% of Americans Want National Data Privacy Standards](https://anonyome.com/2021/11/75-of-americans-want-national-data-privacy-standards/) 2021-11-03 Anonyme
> The clear majority of adults surveyed want national standards around how companies collect, process and share [personal data](https://anonyome.com/2020/05/what-constitutes-personally-identifiable-information-or-pii/) to help protect users’ [privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/02/what-is-privacy/) and security online. Seven in 10 people agree with the federal government treating personal data security as a [national security](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/china-us-recognize-national-security-risks-of-surveillance-capitalism/) issue and investing in cybersecurity.
> The clear majority of adults surveyed want national standards around how companies collect, process and share [personal data](https://anonyome.com/2020/05/what-constitutes-personally-identifiable-information-or-pii/) to help protect users’ [privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/02/what-is-privacy/) and security online. Seven in 10 people agree with the federal government treating personal data security as a [national security](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/china-us-recognize-national-security-risks-of-surveillance-capitalism/) issue and investing in cybersecurity.
* [The US Data Privacy Law “Floor”: What Deserves Basic Protections?](https://anonyome.com/2021/10/the-us-data-privacy-law-floor-what-deserves-basic-protections/) 2021-10 Anonyome
* [The US Data Privacy Law “Floor”: What Deserves Basic Protections?](https://anonyome.com/2021/10/the-us-data-privacy-law-floor-what-deserves-basic-protections/) 2021-10 Anonyome
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ redirect_from:
- identity-foundation.html
- identity-foundation.html
- organizations/identity-foundation/
- organizations/identity-foundation/
categories: ["Organizations"]
categories: ["Organizations"]
tags: ["DIF","DIDComm WG","Claims and Credentials WG","Storage and Compute WG","Identifiers and Discovery WG","DIDAuth WG","Interop WG","Affinidi","Anonyome Labs","ArcBlock","Auth0","Beijing Teleinfo Technology","Blockchain Foundry","Blockchains","Blockpass","Blockstack","Hiro","Bloom Protocol","BOTLabs","BCGov","Burrata","Centre","ceramic","civic","CollaboGate","Condatis","Consensys Mesh","Credivera","CU Ledger","Cybavo","Cyber Securiteam","Danube Tech","Diwala","dock","Earth ID","Enterprise Ethereum Alliance","extrimian","Fennel Labs","Finema","Gen Digital","Genoo","GS1","Hedera","IBCT","ID Ramp","iDAKTO","iden3","Identity.com","Infra Blockchain","Input Output","Interac","Iuncta","Jolocom","Keyless","Litentry","Magic Labs","Mattr","Meeco","Metadium","Microsoft","Monokee","myDid","Nayuta","Neosfer","Nest(R)","nuggets","NuID","Nymlab","OneSpan","PassiveBolt","Ping Identity","Polygon Labs","Portabl","Proxy","Qikfox","Resiliant","Sezoo","Silence Laboratories","Sphereon","SpruceID","Superlunar","Switchchord","Taqanu","The Humanized Internet","Torus Labs","Transmute","Trinsic","Trudenty","UNIFY Solutions","UniWorld","Validated ID","VelocityCareer Labs","Web3 Labs","WeBank","Workday",YellowDotPink,"Aries","Universal Resolver"]
tags: ["DIF","DIDComm WG","Claims and Credentials WG","Storage and Compute WG","Identifiers and Discovery WG","DIDAuth WG","Interop WG","Affinidi","Anonyome Labs","ArcBlock","Auth0","Beijing Teleinfo Technology","Blockchain Foundry","Blockchains","Blockpass","Blockstack","Hiro","Bloom Protocol","BOTLabs","BCGov","Burrata","Centre","ceramic","civic","CollaboGate","Condatis","Consensys Mesh","Credivera","CU Ledger","Cybavo","Cyber Securiteam","Danube Tech","Diwala","dock","Earth ID","Enterprise Ethereum Alliance","extrimian","Fennel Labs","Finema","Gen Digital","Genoo","GS1","Hedera","IBCT","ID Ramp","iDAKTO","iden3","Identity.com","Infra Blockchain","Input Output","Interac","Iuncta","Keyless","Litentry","Magic Labs","Mattr","Meeco","Metadium","Microsoft","Monokee","myDid","Nayuta","Neosfer","Nest(R)","nuggets","NuID","Nymlab","OneSpan","PassiveBolt","Ping Identity","Polygon Labs","Portabl","Proxy","Qikfox","Resiliant","Sezoo","Silence Laboratories","Sphereon","SpruceID","Superlunar","Switchchord","Taqanu","The Humanized Internet","Torus Labs","Transmute","Trinsic","Trudenty","UNIFY Solutions","UniWorld","Validated ID","VelocityCareer Labs","Web3 Labs","WeBank","Workday",YellowDotPink,"Aries","Universal Resolver"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
• [Input Output](https://iohk.io)
• [Input Output](https://iohk.io)
• [Interac](https://interac.com)
• [Interac](https://interac.com)
• [Iuncta](https://iuncta.io)
• [Iuncta](https://iuncta.io)
• [Jolocom](https://jolocom.io)
• [Keyless](https://keyless.io)
• [Keyless](https://keyless.io)
• [Litentry](https://litentry.com)
• [Litentry](https://litentry.com)
• [Magic Labs Inc.](https://magic.link)
• [Magic Labs Inc.](https://magic.link)
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-27
> The Torus Wallet is the second layer to the system and allows one-click login and authentication on partners including Gmail, Facebook, or passwordless logins on Web3 applications. It is however reinforced behind the scenes by a clever distributed architecture. Notably, clever cryptography makes it possible for users to send crypto to social accounts that don’t yet have crypto wallet. For example, one could send crypto to a Twitter username, which could be claimed once the recipient creates an account.
> The Torus Wallet is the second layer to the system and allows one-click login and authentication on partners including Gmail, Facebook, or passwordless logins on Web3 applications. It is however reinforced behind the scenes by a clever distributed architecture. Notably, clever cryptography makes it possible for users to send crypto to social accounts that don’t yet have crypto wallet. For example, one could send crypto to a Twitter username, which could be claimed once the recipient creates an account.
> The team also recently released a custom version of two-factor authentication (2FA), tKey.
> The team also recently released a custom version of two-factor authentication (2FA), tKey.
* [BrightID](https://www.brightid.org/) (a singular address that is linked to your friends’ ID in a “web of trust”) and [UBDI](https://app.ubdi.com/) lets you pull in data from a whole variety of sources and then make deals to get $ for your data.
### Web3ID Landscape
### Web3ID Landscape
* [The Decentralized Identity Revolution](https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/the-decentralized-identity-revolution) 2022-08-31 Bankless
* [The Decentralized Identity Revolution](https://newsletter.banklesshq.com/p/the-decentralized-identity-revolution) 2022-08-31 Bankless
@ -13,3 +13,6 @@ SDTT is a tool from Google which began life as the [Rich Snippets Testing Tool](
* [...] ([Source](https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2021/05/new-safety-section-in-google-play-will.html)
* [...] ([Source](https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2021/05/new-safety-section-in-google-play-will.html)
> The announcement signals a serious intention to not only catch up to Apple’s privacy label, but surpass it, by introducing independent validation of the Android app privacy information.
> The announcement signals a serious intention to not only catch up to Apple’s privacy label, but surpass it, by introducing independent validation of the Android app privacy information.
* [Apple vs (or plus) Adtech, Part II](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/30/apple-vs-or-plus-adtech-part-ii/) 2021-05-30 Doc Searls
> To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.
@ -12,14 +12,6 @@ published: false
* [A brief history of SSI: Where does it come from? A timeline.](https://jolocom.io/blog/a-brief-history-of-ssi-where-does-it-come-from-a-timeline/)
A short timeline highlights just how quickly SSI has developed. It underlines the path and development of the evolution of Internet Identity.
* [An Outlook on 2022](https://jolocom.io/blog/an-outlook-on-2022/) JoloCom
For us, interoperability will remain a very present topic for the next year ([https://jolocom.io/blog/can-we-avoid-a-ssi-babel/](https://jolocom.io/blog/can-we-avoid-a-ssi-babel/).
* Christopher Allen: [Not Moxie Marlinspike](https://www.moxytongue.com/2021/09/not-moxie-marlinspike.html), Oft confused, no more.
* Christopher Allen: [Not Moxie Marlinspike](https://www.moxytongue.com/2021/09/not-moxie-marlinspike.html), Oft confused, no more.
* [Link to a corrected attribution Devon Lofretto is not Moxie Marlinspike](https://github.com/lifewithalacrity/lifewithalacrity.github.io/commit/52c30ec1d649494066c3e9c9fa1bbaf95cd6386f)
* [Link to a corrected attribution Devon Lofretto is not Moxie Marlinspike](https://github.com/lifewithalacrity/lifewithalacrity.github.io/commit/52c30ec1d649494066c3e9c9fa1bbaf95cd6386f)
> Self-Sovereign Identity has deep roots. It did not just emerge in 2016 after a blog post was written. It did not fail to exist when wikipedia editors denied it subject integrity with the stated message: "good luck with that".
> Self-Sovereign Identity has deep roots. It did not just emerge in 2016 after a blog post was written. It did not fail to exist when wikipedia editors denied it subject integrity with the stated message: "good luck with that".
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ published: false
## Myth
## Myth
* [Myths about SSI](https://jolocom.io/blog/myths-about-ssi/) Jolocom
* [Myths about SSI](http://web.archive.org/web/20230209024203/https://jolocom.io/blog/myths-about-ssi/) 2022-05-25 Jolocom
> The idea that as a user of SSI I have complete sovereignty over my digital identity is often misunderstood. At its core, SSI is about my digital identity being under my own control, so I can decide to whom I show my data, when, and for what.
> The idea that as a user of SSI I have complete sovereignty over my digital identity is often misunderstood. At its core, SSI is about my digital identity being under my own control, so I can decide to whom I show my data, when, and for what.
* [myths and facts. Is Self-Sovereign Identity Dangerous?](https://jolocom.io/blog/mythen-und-fakten-ist-self-sovereign-identity-gefahrlich/) Jolocom (in german)
* [myths and facts. Is Self-Sovereign Identity Dangerous?](http://web.archive.org/web/20230209034007/https://jolocom.io/blog/mythen-und-fakten-ist-self-sovereign-identity-gefahrlich/) 2022-05-05 Jolocom (in german)
> we examine more closely whether self-sovereign identity can increase or reduce risks for data misuse in certain cases.
> we examine more closely whether self-sovereign identity can increase or reduce risks for data misuse in certain cases.
* [For traditional identity models, the biggest misconception is “strong passwords”](https://idramp.com/for-traditional-identity-models-the-biggest-misconception-is-strong-passwords/) 2022-07-20 IDRamp
* [For traditional identity models, the biggest misconception is “strong passwords”](https://idramp.com/for-traditional-identity-models-the-biggest-misconception-is-strong-passwords/) 2022-07-20 IDRamp
> One way to avoid password-related problems is to use decentralized identity management. This method is relatively new, so the best way to gain knowledge about it – contact the experts. For this reason, we are speaking with Mike Vesey, CEO of [IdRamp](https://idramp.com/).
> One way to avoid password-related problems is to use decentralized identity management. This method is relatively new, so the best way to gain knowledge about it – contact the experts. For this reason, we are speaking with Mike Vesey, CEO of [IdRamp](https://idramp.com/).
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ published: false
> In today’s episode, we talk about his new book “Currency Cold War” and relationship, and lack thereof, between digital currency and identity.
> In today’s episode, we talk about his new book “Currency Cold War” and relationship, and lack thereof, between digital currency and identity.
* [IPR - what is it? why does it matter?](https://identitywoman.net/ipr%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8awhat-is-it-why-does-it-matter/)
* [IPR - what is it? why does it matter?](https://identitywoman.net/ipr%e2%80%8a-%e2%80%8awhat-is-it-why-does-it-matter/)
> At the time they kept worrying about how they could collaborate and they sensed that they needed to have IPR dealt with, but I couldn’t understand what they were going on about. This small thing delayed them working together for a long time. They literally had to spin up a new organization, get new bylaws developed and get everyone to join and sign off on the IPR regime before they could formally talk together about how to get all work to align and come up with one protocol.
> At the time they kept worrying about how they could collaborate and they sensed that they needed to have IPR dealt with, but I couldn’t understand what they were going on about. This small thing delayed them working together for a long time. They literally had to spin up a new organization, get new bylaws developed and get everyone to join and sign off on the IPR regime before they could formally talk together about how to get all work to align and come up with one protocol.
* [Decentralized identity discussed: An INATBA roundtable round-up](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralized-identity-inatba-roundtable/)
* [Decentralized identity discussed: An INATBA roundtable round-up](http://web.archive.org/web/20230616033253/https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralized-identity-inatba-roundtable/) 2021-02-08 Jolocom
> The paper, written over the course of a year by six key authors, was produced by INATBA with the aim of defining the expectations for an open and innovative market in decentralized identity. It analyzes the current state of SSI developments and opens up discussion of the next steps, taking a clear stance on how INATBA would like to see development continue, making demands of the key stakeholder groups and setting goals for the future of SSI.
> The paper, written over the course of a year by six key authors, was produced by INATBA with the aim of defining the expectations for an open and innovative market in decentralized identity. It analyzes the current state of SSI developments and opens up discussion of the next steps, taking a clear stance on how INATBA would like to see development continue, making demands of the key stakeholder groups and setting goals for the future of SSI.
* [Why do you care about identity?](https://wider.team/2022/01/18/phil-cares-about-identity/) Phil Wolff 2022-01-18
* [Why do you care about identity?](https://wider.team/2022/01/18/phil-cares-about-identity/) 2022-01-18 Phil Wolff
> I love that it’s more than a technical discussion. It’s laws. Sociology. Politics and civics. Commerce. Psychology. Ethics. History. Economy. All the humanities.
> I love that it’s more than a technical discussion. It’s laws. Sociology. Politics and civics. Commerce. Psychology. Ethics. History. Economy. All the humanities.
> Identity touches everything. It always will. Computation and communication continue their pervasion, and identity spreads with them.
> Identity touches everything. It always will. Computation and communication continue their pervasion, and identity spreads with them.
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
published: false
# Privacy
* [Apple vs (or plus) Adtech, Part II](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/30/apple-vs-or-plus-adtech-part-ii/) 2021-05-30 Doc Searls
> To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.
* [Reciprocal Negotiated Accountability](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/reciprocal_negotiated_accountability.shtml) 2021-06-21 Phil Windley
> The self-sovereign internet underscores a tension between those who desire perfect oversight of society and those who desire perfect privacy. In this post, I explore a method for conditional legibility of private communications.
* [Did You Know School Apps Often Share Student Data with Third Parties?](https://me2ba.org/did-you-know-which-is-leakier/) 2021-05-12 Me2Ba
> Me2B Alliance (Me2BA) [research](https://internetsafetylabs.org/blog/research/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/) recently found that 60% of the school apps we reviewed were sending student data to potentially high-risk third parties without knowledge or consent.
* [Decentralized Digital Identity: Shaping the Future of Privacy](https://v3.opennodes.com/2021-06-24-08-33-27-decentralized-digital-identity-shaping-the-future-of-privacy) 2021-04-24 Open Nodes
> In May, [Tribe](http://www.tribex.co/) held a Clubhouse session with the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC), in partnership with the Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Together with representatives from Affinidi, SITA, and Sphereon, the industry players shared their insights on how blockchain is being used to shape the future of privacy, and some practical applications of decentralized digital identity.
* [Literature] [Privacy Risks With Opioid Recovery Apps](https://www.expressvpn.com/digital-security-lab/opioid-telehealth-research) 2021-07-07 ExpressVPN
> Perhaps the most alarming revelation from our study of ten opioid addiction treatment and recovery apps is the consistent access of unique identifiers, given the sensitivity of privacy around health and substance use issues.
* [Links Between Privacy and Disinformation: Julia Angwin](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/the-links-between-privacy-and-disinformation-julia-angwin/) 2021-07
> Privacy, as we know, is a complex topic. When it converges with technology, it becomes more complicated. One aspect of this complexity is where privacy fits in with disinformation—false or misleading information spread intentionally to confuse or manipulate people.
* [Why Privacy by (Re)Design Better Defines Responsibility for Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/why-privacy-by-redesign-better-defines-responsibility-for-privacy/) 2021-09 Anonyome
> Where privacy by design puts the onus on app developers to be proactive about data privacy, privacy by (re)design redesigns the “app ecosystem to address data sharing”, spreading the burden.
* [IDnow AutoIdent will soon be usable according to German TKG](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-autoident-usable-german-tkg/) 2021-10-14 IDNow
> Automated identification procedures ensure seamless processes without media disruption and increase cost efficiency. By modernizing laws that allow these procedures, many cases can be simplified and modernized in the future.
* [Kids PRIVCY ACT](https://me2ba.org/we-backed-the-kids-privcy-act-but-we-urge-members-in-congress-to-address-non-profit-carve-outs-in-data-privacy-laws/) 2022-01-10 Me2BA
> We’re proud to support a bill that will:
> - Strengthen the legal protections afforded to children under COPPA, and extend COPPA protections to adolescents ages 13 to 17, who have long gone without privacy protections online, while creating new rights for families.
> - Prohibit surveillance advertising and other harmful uses of data on all digital services likely to be accessed by children, rather than limiting protection to ineffectual notice and consent on “child-directed sites.”
* [Exposed documents reveal how the powerful clean up their digital past using a reputation laundering firm](https://restofworld.org/2022/documents-reputation-laundering-firm-eliminalia/) 2022-02 Rest of World
> Reputation firms like Eliminalia use legal threats and copyright notices to have material taken down around the world.
> From the we can’t talk about ourselves without ®’s camp
* [What is Privacy?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/what_is_privacy.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) [defines four classes of privacy](https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/):
> - Bodily Privacy—The protection of a person's physical being and any invasion thereof. This includes practices like genetic testing, drug testing, or body cavity searches.
> - Communications Privacy—The protection of the means of correspondence, including postal mail, telephone conversations, electronic mail, and other forms of communication.
> - Information Privacy—The claim of individuals, groups, or organizations to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
> - Territorial Privacy—Placing limitations on the ability of others to intrude into an individual's environment. Environment can be more than just the home, including workplaces, vehicles, and public spaces. Intrusions of territorial privacy can include video surveillance or ID checks.
* [The business of Privacy is Booming](https://www.axios.com/2021/11/09/privacy-business-booming-protonmail-you-search) 2021-11-09
> Investors and consumers show growing enthusiasm for privacy-focused alternatives to Google and Facebook amid renewed scrutiny over the real cost of their "free" services.
* [The Rising Consumer Demand for Data Privacy and Autonomy](https://medium.com/sequoia-capital/the-rising-consumer-demand-for-data-privacy-and-autonomy-b8254bf3368e) 2021-11-19 Sequoia
> Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy have converged, creating a moment of unprecedented opportunity for founders with a vision for privacy-first online experiences.
* [Agency By Design (Privacy is not Enough)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20B/_Agency_By_Design_(Privacy_is_not_Enough)) 2021-05-06 Adrian Gropper
> I’m not a fan of Privacy by Design.\
> In the industry are only concerned about compliance, very rarely talk about Human Agency\
> Privacy by Default is the opposite in some sense to privacy by design\
> The problem is that It conflict with community in many cases. (e.g. social credit score)\
> Cultural differences (EU accepts better centralization than US)\
> Delegation and agency are one the same thing\
> Agency is a much bigger thing and delegation is a mechanism that supports it\
> I want my fiduciaries to know as much as possible of me (e.g. my doctor, my lawyer) \
> Model Agency as hierarchy and delegation is the mean to have it.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity - The Nash Equilibrium Point of the Personal Identity Information Game](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/self-sovereign-identity-nash-equilibrium-point-personal-identity-information-game) 2021-05-07 ThoughtWorks
> "A silent war is ongoing between users and companies over the control of data."
> 1. Privacy or convenience is a question
> 2. SSI is the answer to this question
* [Privacy, Authenticity, and Confidentiality](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/privacy_authenticity_and_confidentiality.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> Authenticity allows parties to a conversation to know to whom they are talking. Confidentiality ensures that the content of the conversation is protected from others. These three create a tradespace because you can't achieve all three at the same time.
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/) 2021-07-26 Helpnet
> they offer a few advantages that we don’t get with paper records. Whereas a physical document (let’s say, a [vaccine card](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/06/15/vaccine-passports/)) can be forged and [passed off as authentic](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004264531/fake-covid-vaccine-cards-keep-getting-sold-online-using-one-is-a-crime?t=1626423870877), the [security mechanisms](https://www.evernym.com/blog/the-three-pillars-of-self-sovereign-identity/) behind a verifiable credential means that it can never be tampered with and that anyone shown the credential will be able to immediately verify who issued it and to whom it was issued. 2021-06-08
* [Self Sovereign e-ID Schemes & Privacy Challenges](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vgNzSDn554) 2021-12-13 Crypto Valley Conference 2021
> Kurt Nielsen & Nagib Aouini from Partisia Blockchain
* [Data Privacy: does anyone care?](https://blog.meeco.me/data-privacy-does-anyone-care/) 2021-09-15 Meeco
> The compelling data and research suggest that my original question now needs to be reframed. People most certainly do care about their data privacy. The question now is: how are organisations going to bridge this data privacy chasm?
> A second Private Sector Engagement Roundtable was held on February 10, 2022 building on the first roundtable held in May 2021. The forum drew 74 virtual participants. Hosted by the UN Legal Identity Agenda (LIA) Task Force1, the roundtable with members of UN entities and the private technology sector addressed, core questions about data protection and privacy, as well as policy issues concerning legal identity systems.
* [Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/03/google-sued-for-misleading-users-over-location-data-privacy/) 2022-03 Anonyme
> “Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access. The truth is that contrary to Google’s representations it continues to systematically surveil customers and profit from customer data.”
* [Revoke](https://revoke.com/personal/how-it-works/)
> Revoke allows you to send requests to retrieve and/or delete your data.
> - Each company has 30 days to respond under the GDPR.
> - Revoke gives you full visibility and control of what to do with that information.
> - Easy to use app helps you discover who hold yours personal information.
* [Someone could be tracking you through your headphones](https://nrkbeta.no/2021/09/02/someone-could-be-tracking-you-through-your-headphones/) 2021-09-02 NRK Beta
> - At least 9149 products with Bluetooth transmitters were uniquely recognized at least 24 hours apart.
> - At least 129 headphones could be tracked in the dataset for longer than 24 hours.
> - Popular headphones models from Bose, Bang & Olufsen, Jabra, Sennheiser and JBL can be tracked over longer periods of time.
* [Can Consent Ever Play a Valuable Role in Consumer Privacy?](https://anonyome.com/2021/08/can-consent-ever-play-a-valuable-role-in-consumer-privacy/) 2021-08 Anonyme
> Can we rely on ‘informed consent’ if the informed part is largely missing?\
> Consent doesn’t scale well from the consumer’s perspective.
* [the personalization privacy paradox](https://marketoonist.com/2021/07/zeropartydata.html) 2021-05-25
> ![](https://marketoonist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/210726.thirdpartydata.jpg)
> “Zero party data is that which a customer intentionally and proactively shares with a brand. It can include preference center data, purchase intentions, personal context, and how the individual wants the brand to recognize her.”
* [How the cookie poisoned the Web](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/14/poison/) 2021-05-14 Doc Searls
> Have you wondered why you have no more privacy on the Web than what other parties grant you ([which is none at all](https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/if-your-privacy-hands-others-alone-you-dont-have-any)), and that you can only opt in or out of choices that others provide—while the only controls you have over your privacy are to skulk around like a criminal (thank you, [Edward Snowden and Russell Brand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jxdwIkFdj8), for that analogy) or to stay offline completely?
* [Me2BA Product Testing Spotlight Report Published: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/) 2021-05-04 Me2Ba
> 60% of School Apps are Sending Student Data to Potentially High-risk Third Parties Without Knowledge or Consent According to New Research from Me2B Alliance
* [The new age of privacy](https://werd.io/2021/the-new-age-of-privacy) 2021-01-06 Ben Werdmuller
> Privacy is a human right. Surveillance has a chilling effect on free speech and freedom of association, which we consider to be fundamental tenets of democracy. Sure, you can make a bunch of money by learning everything you can about an individual and selling access to their attention. But not everything that is profitable should be permissible.
* [Letter to Attorney General Becerra Re: FinCen Proposed Rule Privacy concerns](https://blockadvocacy.medium.com/letter-to-attorney-general-becerra-re-fincen-proposed-rule-privacy-concerns-d6706694b8a9) 2021-02-23 Ally Medina BlockAdvocacy
> Our concerns with the consumer privacy implications of this proposed rule are twofold:
> First, the proposed rule’s requirement that MSB’s collect identifying information associated with wallet addresses will create reporting that extends well beyond the intent of the rule or the transaction.
* [Privacy Harms](https://teachprivacy.com/privacy-harms/) • [Daniel Solove](https://teachprivacy.com/our-expertise) Teach Privacy
> This article makes two central contributions. The first is the construction of a road map for courts to understand harm so that privacy violations can be tackled and remedied in a meaningful way.
* [Provisional Authenticity and Functional Privacy](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/provisional_authenticity_and_functional_privacy.shtml) 2022-03 Phil Windley
> Provisional authenticity and confidentiality can help us manage the trade offs between privacy and authenticity to support online accountability along with functional privacy.
* [Use Sudo Platform’ Decentralized Identity Capabilities to Rapidly Deliver Customer Privacy Solutions](https://anonyome.com/2022/04/how-your-business-can-rapidly-deliver-customer-privacy-solutions-with-the-sudo-platform-a-5-part-series%ef%bf%bc/) 2022-04 Anonyme
> In this 5-part series, we’ll look at how enterprises can rapidly deliver customer privacy solutions with the Sudo Platform digital identities and decentralized identity capabilities.
* [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy) 2022-03-10 Avast
> But with challenges in the offing and platforms preparing to do battle, we must all support initiatives that support privacy and security, as well as the services that will bolster it. We must expect better and support the solutions that help us do better. That’s the only way to create a future where privacy and security are at the core of our collective digital experiences.
* [Top 5 Must Read Articles on Data Privacy](https://academy.affinidi.com/top-5-must-read-articles-on-data-privacy-342e95c9dcfc) 2022-04-18 Affinidi
> To help you get a good grasp of the data privacy concepts and what it means for you, we have put together some relevant articles that make for an interesting read. These articles are sure to give you a whole new perspective of data privacy.
* [John Oliver on Surveillance Capitalism](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/john_oliver_on_surveillance_capitalism.shtml) 2022-04 Phil Windley
> In researching this story, we realized that there is any number of perfectly legal bits of f—kery that we could engage in. We could, for example, use data brokers to go phishing for members of congress, by creating a demographic group consisting of men, age 45 and up, in a 5-mile radius of the U.S. Capitol, who had previously visited sites regarding or searched for terms including divorce, massage, hair loss and mid-life crisis.
* [Understand the ORGANS Framework Before Building Privacy-Preserving Apps](https://academy.affinidi.com/understand-the-organs-framework-before-building-privacy-preserving-apps-cfc00e00a90c) 2022-08-23 Affinidi
> - O -> Open Standards
> - R -> Revocable by individuals
> - G -> Granular
> - A -> Auditable
> - N -> Notice to all parties involved
> - S -> Secure
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ An overview of SSI wallets
- [Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-wallet/) by [Trinsic](https://github.com/trinsic-id)
- [Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-wallet/) by [Trinsic](https://github.com/trinsic-id)
- [Esatus Wallet](https://esatus.com/esatus-ssi-wallet-app-ab-sofort-fuer-ios-und-android-verfuegbar/?lang=en) by Esatus
- [Esatus Wallet](https://esatus.com/esatus-ssi-wallet-app-ab-sofort-fuer-ios-und-android-verfuegbar/?lang=en) by Esatus
- [Lissi ID Wallet](https://lissi.id/mobile) by [Lissi](https://github.com/lissi)
- [Lissi ID Wallet](https://lissi.id/mobile) by [Lissi](https://github.com/lissi)
- [Jolocom Smart Wallet](https://jolocom.io/solution/) by [Jolocom](https://github.com/jolocom)
- [Jolocom Smart Wallet](https://github.com/jolocom)
- [SelfKey Wallet](https://selfkey.org/self-sovereign-identity/) by [SelfKey Foundation](https://github.com/SelfKeyFoundation)
- [SelfKey Wallet](https://selfkey.org/self-sovereign-identity/) by [SelfKey Foundation](https://github.com/SelfKeyFoundation)
- [Connect.Me Wallet](https://try.connect.me/) by [Evernym](https://github.com/evernym)
- [Connect.Me Wallet](https://try.connect.me/) by [Evernym](https://github.com/evernym)
- [Data Wallet](https://igrant.io/datawallet.html) by [iGrant.io](https://github.com/L3-iGrant)
- [Data Wallet](https://igrant.io/datawallet.html) by [iGrant.io](https://github.com/L3-iGrant)
@ -116,10 +116,6 @@ It can be integrated into new or existing ecosystems and provide fundamental dec
(1/9) The #Lissi #Wallet is now available as a release candidate. This thread will provide you with an overview of the development of the [#identity wallet.
(1/9) The #Lissi #Wallet is now available as a release candidate. This thread will provide you with an overview of the development of the [#identity wallet.
* [Introducing the user-ready, production-ready Jolocom SmartWallet](https://jolocom.io/blog/production-ready-smartwallet/)
And, much like a physical wallet, you will be able to use the contents of your SmartWallet to prove your identity, by showing the cards and information you carry to whoever has requested it. However, using self-sovereign identity (SSI) technology the SmartWallet goes further. It gives you complete control over who sees what, as you curate the sources of your identity.
* [Open-Source Sovrin SSI Wallet - Functionality Design Session](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title=22M/_Open-Source_Sovrin_SSI_Wallet_-_Functionality_Design_Session&action=edit&redlink=1) by Chris Raczkowski
* [Open-Source Sovrin SSI Wallet - Functionality Design Session](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title=22M/_Open-Source_Sovrin_SSI_Wallet_-_Functionality_Design_Session&action=edit&redlink=1) by Chris Raczkowski
* [Dissertation Study on Adoption of SSI Digital Wallet](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24K/_Dissertation_Study_on_Adoption_of_SSI_Digital_Wallet) by Kerri Lemoie
* [Dissertation Study on Adoption of SSI Digital Wallet](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24K/_Dissertation_Study_on_Adoption_of_SSI_Digital_Wallet) by Kerri Lemoie
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