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# Hyland Creds
* [Hyland, Dataswift and Case Western Reserve University partner to advance web-based verifiable credential storage](https://news.hyland.com/hyland-dataswift-and-case-western-reserve-university--partner-to-advance-web-based-verifiable-credential-storage/) Hyland Credentials
The initial phase of the partnership involved building a web-based interface that enables users to easily store and manage their verifiable credentials by uploading them to a user-owned, encrypted personal data account (PDA), an innovative privacy-preserving solution developed by Dataswift, another strategic partner of xLab. That account is the storage system of a personal data server legally owned by users themselves and comes with a Data Passporting function that can be called upon by any application, allowing users to license their data on demand, quickly and securely, with any relevant party.
* [Blockcerts v3 release, a Verifiable Credentials implementation](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0051.html) Julien Fraichot (Monday, 13 December)
I am excited to share with you today the release of [Blockcerts](https://www.blockcerts.org/) V3. As you may already know the earlier versions of Blockcerts were architected by Kim H. Duffy through Learning Machine and leveraged the Open Badge standard.
We have followed through with the initial [ideas established at RWOT 9 in Prague in December 2019, to align Blockcerts with the Verifiable Credential specification](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/final-documents/BlockcertsV3.md).
The main change is the alignment with the [W3C Verifiable Credentials specification 3](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/).
Regarding the standard itself metadata and display are entering the default standard. metadata comes in replacement of metadataJson and remains a stringified JSON that will allow consumers to register specific data which are too unique for issuances to be defined in the context.
display brings in [a little bit of novelty 2](https://github.com/blockchain-certificates/cert-schema/blob/master/cert_schema/3.0/displaySchema.json%23L6) images or pdfs, in addition to the more classic HTML.
@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ The finalists have effectively used digital infrastructure across on-prem, edge
* [IDRamp partners with Indicio.Tech](https://idramp.com/idramp-offers-market-ready-decentralized-identity-platform-on-the-indicio-network/)
This is an interesting announcement with two companies partnering together to create new SSI services for the companies the work with.
* [The Perfect Signature Style is the Enemy of the One that Works Today](https://indicio.tech/the-perfect-signature-style-is-the-enemy-of-the-one-that-works-today/) Indicio
> BBS+ signature styles are not going to be ready for deployment anytime soon. This is precisely why you should build today and in a way that allows you to add them later.
### Indicio Network
@ -1,42 +1,24 @@
# Transmute Industries
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/xmss](https://github.com/transmute-industries/xmss)
- [Transmute Releases Technical Workbenches](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/transmute-releases-technical-workbenches-892f8140ac6e)
- [Element Ropsten Workbench](http://staging.element.transmute.industries/)
- [Encrypted Data Vault Workbench](https://staging.data-vault.transmute.industries/)
- [DID Key Workbench](http://did.key.transmute.industries/)
{% include video id="EKiqQnKQ-nM" provider="youtube" %}
- [GitHub DID](https://github-did.com/)
- [source](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@transmute/github-did)
`npm i -g @github-did/cli`\
`ghdid init "my-password" https://github.com/USERNAME/ghdid`\
`# if you need to revoke all / reset your DID`\
`ghdid init "my-password" https://github.com/USERNAME/ghdid --force`
* [Transmute releases technical workbenches](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/transmute-releases-technical-workbenches-892f8140ac6e) by Orie Steele, Transmute
> This new suite of tools is available for developers to experiment with today and includes:
> - [Element Ropsten Workbench](http://staging.element.transmute.industries/)
> - [Encrypted Data Vault Workbench](https://staging.data-vault.transmute.industries/)
> - [DID Key Workbench](http://did.key.transmute.industries/)
> Transmute leverages these workbenches as part of our global trade solutions, where our customers benefit from verifiable data workflows and integrated capabilities.
This new suite of tools is available for developers to experiment with today and includes:
- [Element Ropsten Workbench](http://staging.element.transmute.industries/)
- [Encrypted Data Vault Workbench](https://staging.data-vault.transmute.industries/)
- [DID Key Workbench](http://did.key.transmute.industries/)
* [Verifiable Presentation Personas: Certifiers, Consolidators, & Submitters](https://medium.com/@Transmute/verifiable-presentation-personas-certifiers-consolidators-submitters-b38a281eb92f) Transmute
Transmute leverages these workbenches as part of our global trade solutions, where our customers benefit from verifiable data workflows and integrated capabilities.
The arrow for “Issue Credentials” is exactly the same as “Send Presentation,” leading us to believe these activities are similar, but how are they similar? We can’t adequately answer these questions by looking at the above picture and the specification doesn’t provide a ton of help either…
* [Verifiable Actions for signing and verifying VCs with DIDs](https://medium.com/@Transmute/verifiable-actions-for-signing-and-verifying-vcs-with-dids-a4176fb5ba3f) Transmute
This weekend I worked on making a [github action](https://github.com/features/actions) that can sign and verify verifiable credentials with decentralized identifiers.
* [Transmute Closes $2M Seed Round](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/transmute-closes-2m-seed-round-a0a2e6c90467) this week. This is fantastic news for them and the whole ecosystem. Transmute is a great company developing products for supply chain use-cases and is collaborating with GS1. They also are part of the SVIP (Silicon Valley Innovation program) lead by Anil John. *Full disclosure Kaliya has a formal advising relationship with Transmute.*
* [Identity Terms Provide Value along the Supply Chain: How We Know When to Buy the Farm](https://medium.com/@Transmute/identity-terms-provide-value-along-the-supply-chain-how-we-know-when-to-buy-the-farm-738701967e3d) Jessica Tacka, Transmute
> Supply chain credentialing in the form of bills of lading, certificates of origin, or letters of credit is used to protect honest parties and their merchandise from being confused with dishonest parties or entities that are engaged in unethical practices, such as environmental destruction, or forced labor.
* [Visibility 2.0: Creating Digital Consistency in an International Supply Chain](https://nextlevelsupplychainpodwithgs1us.libsyn.com/visibility-20-creating-digital-consistency-in-an-international-supply-chain) Next Level Supply
> how can something as complicated as the international supply chain take fundamental trade practices and marry them with innovation so we can move at the speed of digitization? Join us for a mind-blowing discussion with Karyl Fowler, CEO at Transmute
* [Identity in the Supply Chain](https://vimeo.com/669713750) Vienna Digital Identity #30
> GS1 is the global association for supply chain identifiers with members across all industry sectors and interacting (unbeknownst) with general consumer on a daily basis. Transmute a foundational member of the DID/VC community and a participant in the US DHS Silicon Valley Innovation Program’s cross-border shipping use case.
> - Transmute Deck: [thedinglegroup.com/s/Transmute_Vienna-Digital-ID-Forum-Jan-2022.pdf](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/s/Transmute_Vienna-Digital-ID-Forum-Jan-2022.pdf)
> - GS1 Deck: [thedinglegroup.com/s/2022-01-24_ViennaDigitalIdentityPhilA.pdf](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/s/2022-01-24_ViennaDigitalIdentityPhilA.pdf)
* [eDATA Verifiable Credentials for Cross Border Trade](https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2022-07/WhitePaper_VerifiableCredentials-CBT.pdf) UNECE UN/CEFACT White Paper
* [Transmute @TransmuteNews](https://twitter.com/TransmuteNews/status/1572692362148847619) via Twitter
> The "[[Fake] 30TB hard drive](https://www.vice.com/en/article/akek8e/walmart-30tb-ssd-hard-drive-scam-sd-cards)" investigation shows the real impact verification could have on #eCommerce. #verifiablecredentials
* [Transmute U.S. CBP Steel Tech Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D03L_J7FVMHQ%26t%3D2s) [video]
The story focuses on critical trade verifiable credentials being issued, presented, and verified by trade, CBP, and PGAs.
* [transmute-industries/cbor-ld-web-transports](https://github.com/transmute-industries/cbor-ld-web-transports) github
* [Takaways from the Suez Canal Crisis](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/takeaways-from-the-suez-canal-crisis-971f7404b058) Karyl Fowler
> Appeal for Supply Chain Agility — Powered by Verifiable Credentials
The Suez Canal debacle had a massive impact on global supply chains — estimated at >$9B in financial hits each day the Ever Given was stuck, totaling at nearly $54B in losses in stalled cargo shipments alone.
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# trinsic
* [Build an SSI proof of concept in <30 minutes](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21G/_Build_an_SSI_proof_of_concept_in_30_minutes) by Riley Hughes
The session began with a short introduction to SSI, an introduction to Trinsic, and an overview of how to get started. Then, everybody present starting building an SSI proof of concept, creating issuers, verifiers, and schemas to learn first-hand how it all works. A step-by-step guide on how to replicate this session can be found at the following link:
* [https://www.notion.so/trinsic/Build-an-SSI-Proof-of-Concept-dae9d6e565eb4770be41b61d55e090cb](https://www.notion.so/trinsic/Build-an-SSI-Proof-of-Concept-dae9d6e565eb4770be41b61d55e090cb)
* [New Tools to Support Production Deployments](https://trinsic.id/new-tools-to-support-production-deployments/)
* [Introduction to Trinsic’s APIs](https://trinsic.id/an-introduction-to-trinsics-apis/)
* [Provider](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#assets) • [Credentials](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#connections) • [Wallet](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#connection)
* [Status.trinsic.id](http://status.trinsic.id/)
> View historical uptime: Using the status page, you can see the last 90 days of uptime of all our externally-facing services. You can also inspect individual incidents and view incident reports.Be notified of incidents: By clicking the “subscribe” button in the upper-left of the screen, you can have any downtime or incidents trigger a notification to your email or Slack workspace.
* [How Yoma Uses Trinsic to Help African Youth Build Digital CVs](https://trinsic.id/customer-story-yoma/)
Verifiable credentials is a beautiful set of technology that allows people and organizations to get the data in a verifiable form that still respects agency.”
Lohan Spies, Technical Lead, Yoma
* [Trinsic Builds Open Source Trust Registry Sponsored by eSSIF-Lab](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-builds-open-source-trust-registry-sponsored-by-essif-lab/) Trinsic
Driven by our motivation to make SSI more adoptable, we built the world’s first turn-key, open source trust registry solution. This work was sponsored by the [European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab](https://essif-lab.eu/), which is an EU consortium that provides funding for projects that build SSI open source tools. Any ecosystem provider can use the trust registry implementation to enable governance in their verifiable data ecosystem.
* [Introducing Trinsic Ecosystems](https://trinsic.id/introducing-trinsic-ecosystems/)
> Once an ecosystem is configured, providers need to onboard participants like issuers and verifiers. Trinsic Ecosystems comes with an API that’s extremely easy for any issuer or verifier to integrate and can be white-labeled with the name of the provider. In addition to the API, ecosystem participants can use the Trinsic Studio, a white-labeled web dashboard.
* [Trinsic Year in Review 2020](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-in-2020-a-year-in-review/)
Lots of good things happened!
- Helped start the [COVID-19 Credentials Initiative](https://www.covidcreds.com/) and has since worked with dozens of developers and organizations COVID-19 related SSI solutions:
- [MedCreds: Reducing the Risk of Returning to Work](https://trinsic.id/medcreds/)
- [Decreased Unemployment Among African Youth Using Verifiable Credentials](https://trinsic.id/decreasing-unemployment-verifiable-credentials/)
- [Verifiable Credentials and Smart Contracts for COVID-19 Data Management](https://trinsic.id/verifiable-credentials-and-smart-contracts-for-covid19-data-management/)
- [Raised pre-seed funding](https://trinsic.id/streetcred-id-rebrands-to-trinsic-raises-pre-seed-funding/) and [rebranded](https://trinsic.id/introducing-trinsic/) from Streetcred ID to Trinsic, becoming the first investment of [Kickstart Seed Fund $110 million fund](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/04/29/2024148/0/en/Kickstart-Seed-Fund-Announces-the-Close-of-110-Million-Fund-V.html).
- [Partnered with Zapier to Bring SSI to 2000+ Applications](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-and-zapier-partner/)
- [Joined Trust over IP Foundation as Founding Member](https://trinsic.id/streetcred-id-joins-trust-over-ip-foundation-as-founding-member/)
* [Announcing Trinsic’s Largest Platform Update Ever](https://trinsic.id/announcing-trinsics-largest-platform-update-ever/) Trinsic
> The next version of the Trinsic platform is 10x as accessible, 100x more performant, and 1,000x more scalable. And it is available now.
* [Trinsic Releases Studio 2.0](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-releases-trinsic-studio-2-0/)
2.0 comes with a simplified pricing model based on credential exchange, that is credentials issued, and credentials verified. Subscription plans starting at Free: 50 Credential exchanges a month, Developer $18/month: 100 credential exchanges, and Production $112/month: 500 credential exchanges.
* [Trinsic Community Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/trinsiccommunity/shared_invite/zt-liwrvejk-dXC3uwYL6CCP~~RNIzc7sg)
> As Trinsic has grown in popularity among the SSI developer community, several Trinsic User Groups have started organically. While we encourage this, we also want to give these communities an official home. That’s why we’ve created a Slack workspace just for the Trinsic community.
* [Company Culture & Trinsineers](https://trinsic.id/on-company-culture-trinsineers/)
> Trinsineers are people who’ve agreed to take the journey to make the world more accessible to people everywhere. We’re a team of people who happen to be working together inside a legal entity called Trinsic. This journey is not a casual stroll, but an expedition. As Trinsineers, we’re developing a culture that is not only helping us accomplish our goals but bringing fulfillment and enjoyment along the way.
* [How to Create Connections in Trinsic Studio](https://trinsic.id/how-to-create-connections-in-trinsic-studio/)
> In this blog post, we will explain how to create connections in Trinsic Studio. Throughout the steps below, we will be referring to a fictitious person, Alice Smith, who is a recent graduate of Faber College and is applying for a job. Alice has already received her digital diploma in the form of a verifiable credential and is wanting to apply to work for a company called ACME Corp. In order to start the online job application, Alice must first make a connection with ACME Corp.
* [Trinsic partners with Zapier to bring SSI to 2000+ applications](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-and-zapier-partner/). Including MedCreds which is part of the Covid Credentials Initiative.
Trinsic has released some [tools to issue verifiable credentials](https://trinsic.id/how-to-issue-credentials-in-trinsic-studio/).
> All verifiable credentials come from credential templates. These templates specify what information should be included in a credential. Faber College would most likely want the credential template of its digital diplomas to include a graduate’s first and last name, what they got their degree in, what year they graduated, and thier GPA. Let’s begin!
* [Demo: Verifiable Credential Exchange with Trinsic v2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DUanvvjW9i0c)
* [Trinsic just raised $8.5M 🎉 and we want to celebrate with you!](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-raises-8-5m-for-decentralized-identity-platform/)
developers face a dizzying number of standards to be compatible with—“[SoulBound Tokens](https://nftnow.com/guides/soulbound-tokens-sbts-meet-the-tokens-that-may-change-your-life/)” and [“Web5](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1535314738078486533)” being the latest additions to the litany of W3C, ISO, DIF, ToIP, and other existing specs. Trinsic offers teams a single API that acts as an abstraction layer that bridges ecosystems, strips complexity away from the development process, and ensures products are future-proof.
* [3 years ago today, we started Trinsic to make decentralized identity real](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-raises-8-5m-for-decentralized-identity-platform/) Tweet Thread by Riley
> Despite sending people to space, editing genes, and getting dangerously close to AGI, humanity hasn’t built a way for me to prove my legal name is Riley Hughes online.
* [Creating Verifiable credentials in ASP.NET Core for decentralized identities using Trinsic](https://damienbod.com/2021/04/05/creating-verifiable-credentials-in-asp-net-core-for-decentralized-identities-using-trinsic/)
> This article shows how verifiable credentials can be created in ASP.NET Core for decentralized identities using the Trinsic platform which is a Self-sovereign identity implementation with APIs to integrate.
* [SSI Has an Identity Problem](https://trinsic.id/ssi-has-an-identity-problem/) Reilly, Trinsic
* [Building Digital Trust Ecosystems with Riley Hughes from Trinsic [Podcast]](https://northernblock.io/building-digital-trust-ecosystems/)
> The reason I love that quote is that digital credentials and verifiable data can not only impact the use cases that everybody tends to think about when they think about SSI, but they could permeate our whole lives and streamline everything we do.
@ -88,3 +88,6 @@ They came up with impressive submissions, ranging from job portals showcasing ve
* [Can SSI Disrupt Surveillance Capitalism?](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-ssi-disrupt-surveillance-capitalism-5c8cd6b50278) Affinidi
Are these advantages enough to disrupt surveillance capitalism? Do you think SSI is the antidote for today’s Internet identity problems and surveillance capitalism? Please share your thoughts with us.
* [Deciphering BBS+ Signatures](https://academy.affinidi.com/deciphering-bbs-signatures-e853bbf437bf) Affinidi
This digital signature was created by Dan Boneh, Xavier Boyen, and Hovav Shacham using the strong Diffie-Hellman encryption technique, and hence the name BBS (after their respective surnames). The original signature was modified later to include proof of knowledge, and hence the name BBS+
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# Jolocom
* [Jolocom goes Consulting](https://jolocom.io/blog/consulting-ssi/)
Our consultant focus is of course on decentralized digital identity (aka Self Sovereign Identity). Our advantage is that Jolocom has been able to build up enormous know-how through projects over the past 7 years. Not only was knowledge in the technology area built up, but also an extensive network through active work in committees (e.g. W3C, DIF, INATBA, ESIF / EBSI), associations (e.g. federal bloc) and consortia (e.g. shop window projects digital identities).
* [ID-Ideal as an integrated solution](https://jolocom.io/blog/id-ideal-as-an-integrated-solution/) Jolocom
The starting point is the fact that every user has 70 digital identities online. Why not introduce one single secure digital ID solution to merge all of those identities? ID-Ideal is one way of many, offering an integrated solution or a middle way so that many identities can be supplemented by a single, secure digital ID solution.
* [Eight Years of Jolocom](https://jolocom.io/blog/eight-years-of-jolocom/)
* [Jolocom's lightning talk at DWeb meetup - Self-sovereign Identity In Germany](https://archive.org/details/jolocom-at-dweb-march-self-sovereign-identity-in-germany)
> A brief video introduction to use cases, strategies and challenges of the four German SDI projects.
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# Meeco
* [Meeco expands UX and Design team along with a new office in Adelaide](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-expands-ux-and-design-team-along-with-a-new-office-in-adelaide/)
> Meeco now has illustrious neighbours such as the Australian Space Agency, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, the Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre and coming soon, Amazon and MIT.
* [Meeco announced as Finnies 2021 finalist](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-announced-as-finnies-2021-finalist/)
Meeco’s submission results from our work in collaboration with with [eftpos](https://www.eftposaustralia.com.au) and [Hedera Hashgraph](https://hedera.com/). The Australian payments giant eftpos recently announced joining the Hedera Governing Council after successfully conducting tests to determine the [feasibility of a digital Australian dollar stablecoin for micropayments](https://www.finextra.com/newsarticle/37360/australias-eftpos-to-set-up-hedera-hashgraph-node-for-micropayments). Meeco plays an important part in this world-leading initiative as the wallet provider for the proof-of-technology.
* [Support Centre for Data Sharing interview with Meeco](https://blog.meeco.me/support-centre-for-data-sharing-interview-with-meeco/)
Meeco’s inception, its work so far and recent growth. Some of the the exciting projects discussed include [mIKs-it, the safe multimedia app for children](https://miks-it.com/), developing a decentralised identity and verifiable credentials wallet and how innovators like [VELA Solutions](https://vela.solutions/) are transforming workforce management and [My Life Capsule](https://mylifecapsule.com/) are helping their customers be prepared for a family emergency.
* [Meeco Terms & Conditions Update - Feedback Welcome](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-terms-conditions-update-feedback-welcome/).
> Over the next fourteen days, we would love your feedback or questions on any of the changes.
* ['When you invent the ship, you invent the shipwreck'](https://datasovereigntynow.org/2021/01/18/when-you-invent-the-ship-you-invent-the-shipwreck/) Katryna Dow, founder and CEO of Meeco [VIDEO]
> Katryna believes that it is vital for the future of the internet that people and organisations obtain control of their data. This concept is called ‘data sovereignty’, but achieving that means rethinking the digital infrastructure the current internet is built upon. She calls for a soft infrastructure that consists of agreements between public and private-sector parties about the access to data.
* [Data Privacy: does anyone care?](https://blog.meeco.me/data-privacy-does-anyone-care/) Meeco
The compelling data and research suggest that my original question now needs to be reframed. People most certainly do care about their data privacy. The question now is: how are organisations going to bridge this data privacy chasm?
* [Meeco announces VELA Solutions partnership](https://www.meeco.me/blog/meeco-announces-vela-solutions-partnership)
> Together, Meeco and VELA have created a secure digital credentialing platform to help individuals and businesses adapt to the changing work environment and modernise their HR practices.
* [EU Data Governance Act](https://blog.meeco.me/eu-data-governance-act/) (Meeco)
> We welcome the regulation as a needed common ground for clarifying the role of data intermediaries, building trust in these intermediaries and setting the direction for data governance, including the emergence of digital human rights.
> In this context we offer the following suggestions:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions [...]
> 2. Clarify the scope of the data sharing services (Art. 9 (2)) and extend it to include services that empower the data subject beyond compliance.
> 3. Foster the growth of intermediaries, which offer new technologies and have the greatest likelihood of success in Europe if supported by the Data Governance Act.
> 4. Open silos and implement soft infrastructure such as standards & open APIs to accelerate uptake and interoperability between data sharing services.
> 5. Foster eco-systems and demonstrate the value through practical use-cases.
> 6. Create a level playing field for sustainable data sharing by providing funding to pioneers at the forefront of developing data eco-systems
* [Meeco Review of the European Data Strategy](https://www.meeco.me/data) - Whitepaper
* [Katryna Dow - Data minimisation: value, trust and obligation](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/data-minimisation-meeco-katryna-dow/)
> Katryna talks to Oscar about her career (including inspiration from Minority Report), Meeco’s personal data & distributed ledger platform, the importance of data minimisation to inspire trust in organisations, and cultural differences in attitudes towards digital identity.
* [Hello, User: Episode 13 with Katryna Dow](https://hellouser.libsyn.com/episode-13-with-katryna-dow)
Welcome to lucky episode number 13! Your new host Aubrey Turner, Executive Advisor at Ping, is thrilled to welcome Katryna Dow, CEO & Founder of the award-winning data platform Meeco. Katryna discusses Meeco’s mission to enable everyone on the planet access to equity and value in exchange for the data and information they share. She talks about why she saw a need for Meeco’s services, what we need to know as we approach a more “physigital”world, and how her vision all started with a Tom Cruise film.
* [Opening the domestic card rails to innovation](https://blog.meeco.me/opening-the-domestic-card-rails-to-innovation/) Meeco
Enabling Australian FinTechs a direct avenue to discuss how they partner and collaborate to access the eftpos payments network through the Committee resulted in recommendations that covered a number of central themes, including consultation and engagement, regulation, and technology and solutionsBen Tabell, eftpos Chief Information Officer and Committee Chair
* [Hello, User: Episode 13 with Katryna Dow](https://hellouser.libsyn.com/episode-13-with-katryna-dow)
Welcome to lucky episode number 13! Your new host Aubrey Turner, Executive Advisor at Ping, is thrilled to welcome Katryna Dow, CEO & Founder of the award-winning data platform Meeco. Katryna discusses Meeco’s mission to enable everyone on the planet access to equity and value in exchange for the data and information they share. She talks about why she saw a need for Meeco’s services, what we need to know as we approach a more “physigital”world, and how her vision all started with a Tom Cruise film.
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# Spherity
* [#SSI101: An Introductory Course on Self-Sovereign Identity](https://medium.com/spherity/ssi101-an-introductory-course-on-self-sovereign-identity-the-spherity-way-19e0d1de3603) Spherity
> Outside of a few philosophers, social scientists, and a tiny minority of specialized technologists, however, most people feel uncomfortable making any definitive or authoritative statements about identity.
* [New Product to Support Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Compliance](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-launches-new-product-to-support-pharmaceutical-supply-chain-compliance-28e5592b2dee) Spherity
> The product establishes trust in digital interactions between trading partners in pharmaceutical supply chains and ensures compliance with the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).
* [Dr. Carsten Stöcker - Decentralizing Provenance in an Industry 4.0 World](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/frontier-talk-podcast-3-decentralized-provenance) Frontier Talk
> In this episode, Raj Hegde sits down with Dr. Carsten Stöcker, Founder & CEO of Spherity to understand how #decentralized identity is transforming the end-to-end supply chain lifecycle.
* [Spherity is Partnering with Legisym Offering Joint Compliance Product for the U.S. Life Sciences Marke](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-is-partnering-with-legisym-offering-joint-compliance-product-for-the-u-s-cbf9fd5a217) Spherity
> “Legisym is thrilled to be working alongside Spherity to bring the first production-level ATP Credentialing solution to the industry,” said Legisym President & Co-Owner David Kessler. “With the successful completion of the ATP Credentialing Pilot in 2020 and the joint founding of the Open Credentialing Initiative in early 2021, the Spherity-Legisym partnership is already proving successful in collaboration and forward thinking.”
* [Spherity partners IDunion Trusted Identity Ecosystem](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-joins-idunion-trusted-identity-ecosystem-e89d093be35a)
> Spherity announces that it has become a partner of the [IDunion](https://idunion.org/) project. The project is funded within the innovation framework “Showcase secure digital identities” of the German government (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy). Spherity is entrusted on the application of cloud identity technology in the healthcare industry.
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
@ tykn
* [NFTs and Verifiable Credentials: What are they, their differences and do they mix?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DqEjgI2nVLb0) TYKN
* [Towards Self-Sovereign Identity with Tykn Co-Founders, Khalid Maliki and Jimmy J.P. Snoek](https://open.spotify.com/episode/37WCJ39VocsCKrgBEK3doO) Ubisecure LTADI
> The conversation details the 'three pillars of SSI' (verifiable credentials, decentralised identifiers and blockchain), how SSI fits with existing processes, what it should appear as to end users (and what level of education they need around the technology), the importance of accessibility for inclusivity, and what's next for Tykn. "In 5 years, people should take [SSI] for granted" Khalid Maliki
* [Blockchain Identity Management: The Definitive Guide (2021 Update)](https://tykn.tech/identity-management-blockchain/) TYKN
> In this blog our team of experts examine what blockchain is, what benefits it brings to identity management, the role of cryptography and zero-knowledge proofs, why it’s a terrible idea to put personal data on the blockchain and much more.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: The Ultimate Beginners Guide!](https://tykn.tech/self-sovereign-identity/) TYKN
> A secure and digital peer-to-peer channel is established between ID Issuer, ID Owner and ID Verifier. When credentials are exchanged not even the Self-Sovereign Identity system provider knows what is being exchanged. Credential issuing becomes simpler and faster.
* [On the Horizon: Tykn and Social Impact Through Digital Identity](https://identityreview.com/on-the-horizon-tykn-and-social-impact-through-digital-identity/) IdentityReview
> The Turkish Government has recently announced that it will be using Ana to accelerate work permit distribution for its 3 million refugees. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs—alongside the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the INGEV Foundation, the World Food Programme (WFP), TÜBİTAK and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce—developed this application with the intent of making refugees financially independent.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for Social Impact & Importance of UX](https://northernblock.io/self-sovereign-identity-for-social-impact-with-jimmy-snoek/) Jimmy J.P. Snoek, Tykn
> We saw pretty early that the puristic view of SSI, in terms of having everything stored on edge wallets — when you go to somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, that’s going to be pretty difficult, when there’s maybe one phone in a village and it’s not even necessarily a smartphone. It’s very easy to say, “Oh yeah, but within SSI, everything has to be stored on the edge wallet.” What we saw was that if you make that this hard requirement, and keep working from that, then all these population groups are just going to be left behind more and more.
* [Decentralized Identifiers Market May See a Big Move: Major Giants- Consensys, Blockstack, Danube Tech](https://xaralite.com/1746487/news/decentralized-identifiers-market-may-see-a-big-move-major-giants-consensys-blockstack-danube-tech/) Xaralite ([Executive Summary](https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/197045-global-decentralized-identifiers-market)
provides valuable market size data for historical (Volume & Value) from 2016 to 2020 which is estimated and forecasted till 2026*. Some are the key & emerging players that are part of coverage and have being profiled are Transmute (United States), Consensys (United States), uPort (United States), IBM (United States), Tykn Tech (Netherlands), Blockstack (United States), Danube Tech (Austria), Trinsic (United States), Spherity (Germany), Microsoft (United States).
* [Odyssey Momentum 2020 Winners Announced](https://solutions.odyssey.org/hackathon-2020-dutch-blockchain-coalition-ministry-of-the-interior-challenge-self-sovereign-identity-in-action/)
> Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. If you want to know more about Rabobank ID [check out this interview of Rabobank’s David Lamars, from Tykn](https://tykn.tech/rabobank-ssi/).
* [Gravity, Tykn advance interoperability of two decentralized ID solutions for the humanitarian sector](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/gravity-tykn-advance-interoperability-of-two-decentralized-id-solutions-for-the-humanitarian-sector-899847099d0e)
Gravity and Tykn are pleased to announce our continued collaboration to advance the interoperability of our two distinct decentralized identity solutions for improved identity management in the humanitarian sector.
* [How to create an effective Decentralized ID Model](https://tykn.tech/decentralized-id-model/) Tykn
> The Decentralized ID Model is a strategic template used by Tykn to effectively develop and document an organization’s Decentralized ID ecosystem.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Open category
- 3rd prize: David Bensadon, used VCs helping [migrant domestic workers to build up their CV](https://devpost.com/software/yhgt), so they can have a thriving career, better salaries, and quick access to third-party services.
* [Odyssey Momentum 2020 Winners Announced](https://solutions.odyssey.org/hackathon-2020-dutch-blockchain-coalition-ministry-of-the-interior-challenge-self-sovereign-identity-in-action/)
> Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. If you want to know more about Rabobank ID [check out this interview of Rabobank’s David Lamars, from Tykn](https://tykn.tech/rabobank-ssi/).
odyssey TNO; Rabobank Odyssey Momentum 2020 Winners Announced Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. https://solutions.odyssey.org/hackathon-2020-dutch-blockchain-coalition-ministry-of-the-interior-challenge-self-sovereign-identity-in-action/
Another winner was [Lunarpunk Labs](https://lunarpunklabs.hackalong.io/) with Hermitage, a GDPR compliant data store, putting users in control of their data and derisking organizational need for safekeeping that data.
ODYSSI was also chosen, offering a simple API for verifying and issuance of credentials, that interoperates with IRMA, Jolocom, and eSatus. They also shared what they’re calling *the yellow pages of SSI*, which is a place to publish and find credentials, schema, pricing, and liability. (*if you can find a link for ODYSSI please pass it on!*)
@ -738,22 +738,6 @@ It all feels like data envy to me. Aristotle described envy as the pain at the s
“Self-Sovereign Identity not only presents an opportunity for businesses to build smarter, more secure, and more scalable relationships with customers; but it will enable them to completely rethink how they build trusted digital relationships from the ground up.”
We expect Digital Transformation to be a more prevalent talking point around digital identity. FOMO can go a long way, to sell SII, for Goverments and Corporations striving to not be left behind in the digital age.
### Mattr
* [Web of Trust 101](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-web-of-trust-101-77120941ea6c)
> The emerging “Web of Trust” is an idea that has been around since the dawn of the internet. To explain what motivated its creation, let’s take a look at how trust on the internet functions today.
* [Digital Wallets](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-digital-wallets-c88318055e42)
> The reframing of the user as a first-class citizen and their empowerment as ‘holder’ represents a shift towards a new paradigm. Such a paradigm offers users greater sovereignty of their own information and empowerment to manage their digital identity. Users are able to exercise their new role in this ecosystem by utilizing a new class of software known as digital wallets.
* [Verifiable Data](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-verifiable-data-4515a62c8e40)
> refers to the authenticity and integrity of the actual data elements being shared.
*Also covers Verifiable Relationships, Verifiable Processes, Verifiable Credentials, along with Semantics and Schemas.*
* [Semantic Web](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-semantic-web-250784d6a49f)
> The semantic web is a set of technologies whose goal is to make all data on the web machine-readable. Its usage allows for a shared understanding around data that enables a variety of real-world applications and use cases.
* [Selective Disclosure](https://medium.com/mattr-global/learn-concepts-selective-disclosure-4b9bf4e5c887)
> An important principle that we want to achieve when designing any system that involves handling Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is to minimize the data disclosed in a given interaction. When users share information, they should be able to choose what and how much they share on a case-by-case basis, while the relying parties receiving the information must be able to maintain assurances about the presented information’s origin and integrity.
This is excellent work, with lots of references, by Dr. Nuttawut Kongsuwan ([Finema](http://finema.co/) & [QTFT](http://qtft.org/)), and Rachata Tosirisuk ([Thailand Internet Exchange](https://th-ix.net/en/), [Finema](https://finema.co/) & [QTFT](https://qtft.org/)).
@ -37,41 +37,20 @@ Next steps:
Future steps:
- Possible working group, or addition to DIF C&C WG for work on ldp-bbs2021
* [Tobias Looker on BBS+ use cases, DIF Interop WG 25Nov2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slkbFW6imUk) Tobias Looker, MATTR, Interoperability Working group at DIF:
- Replay attack protection
- Domain-specific identifiers and proofs
- New partial-disclosure topographies
* [Deciphering BBS+ Signatures](https://academy.affinidi.com/deciphering-bbs-signatures-e853bbf437bf) Affinidi
This digital signature was created by Dan Boneh, Xavier Boyen, and Hovav Shacham using the strong Diffie-Hellman encryption technique, and hence the name BBS (after their respective surnames). The original signature was modified later to include proof of knowledge, and hence the name BBS+
* [IIW32: BBS+ and Beyond](https://medium.com/mattr-global/iiw32-bbs-and-beyond-1a41634c15b0) Nader Helmy, Mattr
One common theme this year was the continued development and adoption of BBS+ signatures, a type of multi-message cryptographic digital signature that enables selective disclosure of verifiable credentials.
This development is possible due to the fact that BBS+ signatures is a ledger-independent approach to selective disclosure, effectively no custom logic or bespoke infrastructure is needed for these digital signatures to be created, used and understood.
* [The Power of a Secret](https://trbouma.medium.com/the-power-of-a-secret-c9fa6a404ea3)
> What had been discovered by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman (and also Jame Ellis), is changing the world as we know it. It’s been only 43 years. Yes, that seems like an ice-age ago, but in the grand scheme of history, it is only a wink.
* [credential definitions, credential manifests, BBS+, etc](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0010.html) Daniel Hardman
> When Tobias first described Mattr's approach to BBS+ signatures, one of my takeaways was that this changed the Indy mechanism of cred defs in two wonderful ways:
> 1. It eliminated the need for lots of keys (only one key, Y, needs to be declared as a credential signing key, instead of a set of keys, Y[0]..Y[n])
> 2. It made it possible to store a cred def somewhere other than a ledger
> I was very happy about this.
> However, I have since heard several smart people summarize the breakthrough as: "We don't need credential definitions at all. You just use the assertionMethod key in your DID doc to sign credentials, and that's all you need." I believe this is oversimplifying in a way that loses something important, so I wanted to open a conversation
- [Anonymous Credential Part 3: BBS+ Signature](https://medium.com/finema/anonymous-credential-part-3-bbs-signature-26797721ca74)
> Compared to the CL signature, the BBS+ signature has much shorter keys and signatures for a comparable level of security. As a result, the BBS+ signature enables fast implementation for anonymous credentials. It can be used in combination with signature proof of knowledge to hide some of credential attributes/messages in a zero-knowledge fashion.
The BBS+ signature will also soon be available in [Finema](https://finema.co/)’s Identity Wallet! We are excited to see how this technology will make an impact to the society in the coming years.
* [Implement Compound Proof BBS+ Verifiable Credentials Using ASP.NET Core and MATTR](https://damienbod.com/2021/12/13/implement-compound-proof-bbs-verifiable-credentials-using-asp-net-core-and-mattr/) Damien Bod
> The ZKP BBS+ verifiable credentials are issued and stored on a digital wallet using a Self-Issued Identity Provider (SIOP) and OpenID Connect. A compound proof presentation template is created to verify the user data in a single verify.
> Code: [https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrAspNetCoreCompoundProofBBS](https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrAspNetCoreCompoundProofBBS)
* [The Perfect Signature Style is the Enemy of the One that Works Today](https://indicio.tech/the-perfect-signature-style-is-the-enemy-of-the-one-that-works-today/) Indicio
> BBS+ signature styles are not going to be ready for deployment anytime soon. This is precisely why you should build today and in a way that allows you to add them later.
- [Beyond JWS: BBS as a new algorithm with advanced capabilities utilizing JWP](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-beyond-jws-bbs-00) – [Tobias Looker](https://twitter.com/tplooker)
* [SelfSovereignIdentity_memes](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1578045600833994755)
Currently, everyone waiting for [#AIP2](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIP2), which enables [#BBS](https://twitter.com/hashtag/BBS)+ [#Signature](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Signature) in #SSI. Companies already implemented in their products, such as [@trinsic_id](https://twitter.com/trinsic_id) and [@mattrglobal](https://twitter.com/mattrglobal). But ZKP [#predicates](https://twitter.com/hashtag/predicates) are not supported by BBS+, so no ZKP age verification possible. Back to [#AnonCreds](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AnonCreds)?
- [Anonymous Credential Part 3: BBS+ Signature](https://medium.com/finema/anonymous-credential-part-3-bbs-signature-26797721ca74)
> Compared to the CL signature, the BBS+ signature has much shorter keys and signatures for a comparable level of security. As a result, the BBS+ signature enables fast implementation for anonymous credentials. It can be used in combination with signature proof of knowledge to hide some of credential attributes/messages in a zero-knowledge fashion.
The BBS+ signature will also soon be available in [Finema](https://finema.co/)’s Identity Wallet! We are excited to see how this technology will make an impact to the society in the coming years.
- [aries-rfcs/0646-bbs-credentials#drawbacks](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/main/features/0646-bbs-credentials%23drawbacks)
* [What BBS+ Means For Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DdXlRIrrb9f4) Evernym
> In a recent Evernym blog post, [we discussed why BBS+ LD-Proofs](https://www.evernym.com/blog/bbs-verifiable-credentials/) are the privacy-preserving VC format that everyone should implement. In this webinar….
@ -6,5 +6,3 @@
> NOTE: The playground uses [jsonld.js](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js) which [conforms](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js%23conformance) to JSON-LD 1.1 [syntax](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/errata/)), [API](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-api/errata/)), and [framing](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-framing/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-framing/errata/)). Also see the classic [JSON-LD 1.0 playground](https://json-ld.org/playground/1.0/) and the [RDF Distiller](http://rdf.greggkellogg.net/distiller).
* [Mental Models of JSON-LD and what a "Document Loader" really does](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUbMDft5O0) Orie Steel
> and terms like "dereferencing" that trip up even highly experienced senior developers that show up late to the Linked-Data party and its open-world model (complete with its own security model based on different availability assumptions).
* [Mattr Releases JSON-LD Lint](https://mattr.global/new-to-json-ld-introducing-json-ld-lint/) By Emily Fry and Tobias Looker, Mattr Global
> JSON-LD, based on the ubiquitous JSON technology, is rapidly gaining [adoption](https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/da-jsonld) on the web. [JSON-LD](https://json-ld.org/) is an innovation relevant to both [business minds](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/02/25/why-is-json-ld-important-to-businesses/#565e8546e1bf) and developers alike.
@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
Unless issues are identified during the review that the working group believes must be addressed by revising the drafts, this review period will be followed by a seven-day voting period during which OpenID Foundation members will vote on whether to approve these drafts as OpenID Final Specifications.
Self-Issued OpenID Connect Provider or OIDC-SOIP was created to take advantage of the fact that there are several 100,000 implementations of OpenID Connect on todays web. This method of exchange verifiable credentials leverages that infrastructure with a few small changes to support OpenID enabled sites to be able to accept verifiable credentials. Holders have wallets or agents that they use to interact with a system. The protocols to do this are being worked on jointly by the OpenID Foundation and Decentralized Identity Foundation.
* [OIDC Credential Provider](https://medium.com/mattr-global/introducing-oidc-credential-provider-7845391a9881) Mattr Global. Dec 15, 2000
* [State of identity on the web](https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea) Mattr Global. March 14, 2021
Current MATTR spec for OpenID Credential Exchange: [OpenID Connect Credential Provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/)
* [More Killer Whale Jello Salad…figuring out how credential exchange can harmonize.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24B/_More_Killer_Whale_Jello_Salad...figuring_out_how_credential_exchange_can_harmonize.) by Kaliya Young et al.
> - Because what we need is interoperable - issuance - issue-> holder || holder -> verifier some conversation about SIOP - has not been the focus of the discussion.
@ -30,10 +22,6 @@ Current MATTR spec for OpenID Credential Exchange: [OpenID Connect Credential Pr
- [Working Group Mailing List](https://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-ab)
- [OpenID Certification Program](https://openid.net/certification/)
- [Certified OpenID Connect Implementations Featured for Developers](https://openid.net/developers/certified/)
* [OpenID Connect Credential Provider](https://medium.com/mattr-global/introducing-oidc-credential-provider-7845391a9881) Mattr
* [OIDC Credential Provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/) is “an extension to OpenID Connect which enables the end-user to request credentials from an OpenID Provider and manage their own credentials in a digital wallet.”
* [CREATE AN OIDC CREDENTIAL ISSUER WITH MATTR AND ASP.NET CORE](https://damienbod.com/2021/05/03/create-an-oidc-credential-issuer-with-mattr-and-asp-net-core/)
> This article shows how to create and issue verifiable credentials using [MATTR](https://mattr.global/) and an [ASP.NET Core](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/introduction-to-aspnet-core). The ASP.NET Core application allows an admin user to create an OIDC credential issuer using the MATTR service. The credentials are displayed in an ASP.NET Core Razor Page web UI as a QR code for the users of the application.
* [Use CodeB SSI as OpenID Connect Identity Provider for WordPress](https://blog.codeb.io/use-codeb-ssi-as-oidc-identity-provider-for-wordpress/) CodeB
The Self-Sovereign Identity System of CodeB does not only support W3C DID’s but comes also with an inbuilt OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider. [OpenID Connect meets distributed Self-Sovereign Identities.](https://www.codeb.io/openid-connect-meets-distributed-self-sovereign-identities/)
@ -87,11 +75,6 @@ How does logout in OIDC happen?
- Prototype is being built
- AOB? At IIW?
- Understand what third party cookies actually mean - no cookies at all? Partition cookies going away. The way firefox is doing it?
* [The State of Identity on the Web](https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea) Mattr
> This article discusses how the success of Open ID Connect shaped the state of identity on the web, how new web standards enable a new model, and describes a bridge between those worlds: [OIDC Credential provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/).
> This cycle perpetuates the dominance of a few major IdPs and likewise forces users to keep choosing from the same set of options or risk losing access to all of their online accounts. In addition, many of these IdPs have leveraged their role as central intermediaries to increase surveillance and user behavior tracking, not just across their proprietary services, but across a user’s entire web experience.
> [...]
> [OIDC Credential Provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/) allows you to extend OIDC to allow IdPs to issue reusable VCs about the end-user instead of simple identity tokens with limited functionality. It allows end-users to request credentials from an OpenID Provider and manage their own credentials in a [digital wallet](https://learn.mattr.global/concepts/digital-wallets) under their control.
* [@kimdhamilton](https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton) · [May 25](https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton/status/1397241823190523904)
I've read every decentralized identity protocol so you don't have to. They all just read like "nothing to see here, just f- right off" Oh, except for OIDC Credential Provider. Well done to them!
@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ The six elected candidates are Sam Curren (Indicio Tech), Daniel Buchner (Block)
> An example of the KERI DID registrar/resolver integrated in our library can be found here. This is also included in the Jolocom SmartWallet via the SDK integration. (KERI is currently being worked on in the Decentralized Identity Foundation’s Identifiers and Discovery Working Group,)
* [Dock Joins the Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://blog.dock.io/decentralized-identity-foundation/) Dock
> As a decentralized identity management platform that complies with internationally-recognized technology standards, we are continuously keeping up to date with key discussions and updates in the industry which is why we joined the Decentralized Identity Foundation
* [Tobias Looker on BBS+ use cases, DIF Interop WG 25Nov2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slkbFW6imUk) Tobias Looker, MATTR, Interoperability Working group at DIF:
- Replay attack protection
- Domain-specific identifiers and proofs
- New partial-disclosure topographies
* [What Does Affinidi Do as a Member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)?](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-does-affinidi-do-as-a-member-of-the-decentralized-identity-foundation-dif-d9d5146af14) Affinidi
@ -405,6 +405,16 @@ What if people can prove their COVID status to different entities, prove that th
> This initiative is intended to define, in the context of test results and vaccination records for opening up borders for travel and commerce, a high bar for implementations of identity and credentialing systems to meet with regards to privacy, ethics and portability. They will also work with the implementers of such systems to converge towards common standards and governance.
Immunity passports' could speed up return to work after Covid-19 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/30/immunity-passports-could-speed-up-return-to-work-after-covid-19
* What are, in your opinion, the riskiest assumptions when writing an Software Development Kit?
* For you, what are the most promising SSI projects or repos?
* What do you believe are the bottlenecks for the cross-ledger SSI? How soon can we see cross-ledger credentials exchanges?
* What are the upsides of using Zero MQ over a common HTTP Rest connection?
* How hard would it be to replace the current Transport Layer Security architecture with SSI?
* Why was Rust chosen to write Indy-SDK?
* Specific roadblocks other people in this space should look out for?
* What are the books you have recommended most to others?
* [Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0069.html) Tobias Looker
> I'd like to propose a new work item that formally defines a vocabulary for issuing Vaccination Certificates in the form of Verifiable Credentials.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user