mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 09:37:24 -05:00
cleanup frontmatter classes wide default
This commit is contained in:
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ defaults:
type: pages
image: /images/digital_geralt-93001_thin.webp
image: /images/binary-2910663_geralt.webp
- title: "Identity Decentralized"
image: "/images/DID_ban.webp"
@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ defaults:
layout: single
author_profile: false
read_time: false
classes: wide
comments: # true
share: true
related: true
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ defaults:
layout: single
author_profile: false
image: /images/digital_geralt-93001_thin.webp
image: /images/binary-2910663_geralt.webp
read_time: true
comments: true
share: true
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
layout: single
classes: wide
title: Blockchain Identity Reources - TOML
description: The beginnings of a tagged database for blockchain identity related resources.
permalink: toml/id-toml/
@ -16,629 +16,3 @@ last_modified_at: 2020-01-05
redirect_to: https://web-work.tools/minimal-mistakes/contributors-guide/site-config/
canonical_url: https://web-work.tools/minimal-mistakes/contributors-guide/site-config/
This guide should make it easier for contributors to understand how this site works. It should also be useful as a way to learn the basics of using Jekyll with the Minimal Mistakes theme, to publish a website via GitHub pages.
Granted, you don't *need* to know all of this to simply add content to a page.
I'm just sharing this here, for anyone who is interested.
## Why Minimal Mistakes?
Generally speaking, I like to use and learn a variety of [static site generators](https://web-work.tools/static-site-generators/) and their themes.
However, I've used Minimal Mistakes to publish large websites and small web-sites. It really works. It works well. Even before you know how to use all of it's features, its a really reliable framework.
It supports an incredible variety of functions that simply work. So for building public-domain educational resources, it makes sense for me to stick with what's tried and true. I've tried to find other themes that offer a comprable feature set, and it's not easy.
Much respect to [Michael Rose](https://mademistakes.com/)!!
I've used a few of his themes; they are well put together, often ported to other SSGs besides Jekyll, and really a class of their own when it comes to Jekyll themes.
## Getting Started
* [Minimal-Mistakes Quick-Start Guide](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/quick-start-guide/)
* [GitHub Pages Starter Pack](https://web-work.tools/github-pages-starter-pack)
You shouldn't need the above for our imediate purposes, but will likely find them useful at some point.
* [mmistakes/minimal-mistakes](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
* [didecentral/decentralized-id.com](https://github.com/didecentral/decentralized-id.com)
* [didecentral/community-website](https://github.com/didecenral/didecentral.github.io)
### Pre-requisites
You must have installed [Git](https://web-work.tools/command-line-git-ssh/),` and the [Ruby Bundler](https://bundler.io/).
I'll also recommend using [VSCode](https://web-work.tools/content-creation/), because it's fully integrated with `git`, so that you don't have to worrying about learning git commands.
Also, I usually create a new repository on github, first. Then I clone it locally, again, avoiding the terminal. Meaning we can learn git in more depth, at our leisure.
### [Site Structure](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/structure/)
Before we get started, here is a high-level view of the site-structure.
* [minimal-mistakes](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
├── _data # data files for customizing the theme
| ├── navigation.yml # main navigation links
| └── ui-text.yml # text used throughout the theme's UI
├── _includes
| ├── analytics-providers # snippets for analytics (Google and custom)
| ├── comments-providers # snippets for comments
| ├── footer # custom snippets to add to site footer
| ├── head # custom snippets to add to site head
| ├── feature_row # feature row helper
| ├── gallery # image gallery helper
| ├── group-by-array # group by array helper for archives
| ├── nav_list # navigation list helper
| ├── toc # table of contents helper
| └── ...
├── _layouts
| ├── archive-taxonomy.html # tag/category archive for Jekyll Archives plugin
| ├── archive.html # archive base
| ├── categories.html # archive listing posts grouped by category
| ├── category.html # archive listing posts grouped by specific category
| ├── collection.html # archive listing documents in a specific collection
| ├── compress.html # compresses HTML in pure Liquid
| ├── default.html # base for all other layouts
| ├── home.html # home page
| ├── posts.html # archive listing posts grouped by year
| ├── search.html # search page
| ├── single.html # single document (post/page/etc)
| ├── tag.html # archive listing posts grouped by specific tag
| ├── tags.html # archive listing posts grouped by tags
| └── splash.html # splash page
├── _sass # SCSS partials
├── assets
| ├── css
| | └── main.scss # main stylesheet, loads SCSS partials from _sass
| ├── images # image assets for posts/pages/collections/etc.
| ├── js
| | ├── plugins # jQuery plugins
| | ├── vendor # vendor scripts
| | ├── _main.js # plugin settings and other scripts to load after jQuery
| | └── main.min.js # optimized and concatenated script file loaded before </body>
├── _config.yml # site configuration
├── Gemfile # gem file dependencies
├── index.html # paginated home page showing recent posts
└── package.json # NPM build scripts
### CSS - Stylesheets
At the moment, I'm quite CSS agnostic. One thing at a time.. However, if you wanted to add a little style to the page, the community might appreciate that.
* [mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/stylesheets/](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/stylesheets/)
The theme’s assets/css/main.css file is built from several SCSS partials located in _sass/ and is structured as follows:
├── _sass
| └── minimal-mistakes
| ├── vendor # vendor SCSS partials
| | ├── breakpoint # media query mixins
| | ├── magnific-popup # Magnific Popup lightbox
| | └── susy # Susy grid system
| ├── _animations.scss # animations
| ├── _archive.scss # archives (list, grid, feature views)
| ├── _base.scss # base HTML elements
| ├── _buttons.scss # buttons
| ├── _footer.scss # footer
| ├── _masthead.scss # masthead
| ├── _mixins.scss # mixins (em function, clearfix)
| ├── _navigation.scss # nav links (breadcrumb, priority+, toc, pagination, etc.)
| ├── _notices.scss # notices
| ├── _page.scss # pages
| ├── _print.scss # print styles
| ├── _reset.scss # reset
| ├── _sidebar.scss # sidebar
| ├── _syntax.scss # syntax highlighting
| ├── _tables.scss # tables
| ├── _utilities.scss # utility classes (text/image alignment)
| └── _variables.scss # theme defaults (fonts, colors, etc.)
├── assets
| ├── css
| | └── main.scss # main stylesheet, loads SCSS partials in _sass
>To make basic tweaks to theme’s style Sass variables can be overridden by adding to `<your_project>/assets/css/main.scss`. For instance, to change the link color used throughout the theme add:
$link-color: red;
### [_variables.scss](https://github.com/infominer33/infominer33.github.io/blob/master/_sass/minimal-mistakes/_variables.scss)
There are a number of other variables, you may find by following the link. These are the variables I have changed, so far. Before messing with CSS please check the variables, to be sure you aren't doing too much work!
### Changing the Font-Size
* [Upgrade-friendly way of adjusting font sizes globally](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/issues/1219)
>So what you can do is add any overriding/new CSS after the @import minimal-mistakes;, in your case:
{% raw %}
@import "minimal-mistakes";
html {
font-size: 16px; // change to whatever
@include breakpoint($medium) {
font-size: 18px; // change to whatever
@include breakpoint($large) {
font-size: 20px; // change to whatever
@include breakpoint($x-large) {
font-size: 22px; // change to whatever
{% endraw %}
Because this theme is entirely responsive, if you want to change the font-size, you should do it like so.
## Minimal Mistakes Initial Setup
I clone minimal-mistakes into the same directory as whatever website I'm working on, so they are right next to eachother.
git clone https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes.git
Then I copy over these files and directories to the folder that is linked to the github repository where I want to be able to publish it from.
According to the quickstart guide, when forking these can be safely deleted:
I've moved /docs and /test to /example-site, and added .git, since we're cloning the project, but not forking it, we won't be keeping them linked and can also remove the .git file, and then copied everything that's left over to my project directory, that has its own history and .git files.
I might delete some of the layouts and includes, later. test push I'm pretty sure all I need is a `gem-file` and `_config.yml`. The Gem Install means that GitHub will use a Ruby Gem Package that contains everything needed to run the website. You only need the files that you want to customize or configure somehow. For me, I usually need to change the head, and footer, as well as the social share, but I also change the home layout.. well you see it's easier to just have them all, if you want to customize, at all.
I'm just starting to get comfortable existing with CSS, I've even edited some _scss files, now and again, producing the desired effect. However, that's not my strength.
### Gemfile
The gem-file must be properly set up to build and test your changes locally. Not necessary for minor changes, but if you get very deep into working on a web-site, you'll not want to depend on live testing every change ;)
I'm following instructions from [Minimal-Mistakes Quick-Start Guide](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/quick-start-guide/), but also I've figured some of this out as I go.
Change the Gemfile so it looks like so:
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
# To upgrade, run `bundle update`.
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
# If you have any plugins, put them here!
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-paginate"
gem "jekyll-sitemap"
gem "jekyll-gist"
gem "jekyll-feed"
gem "jemoji"
gem "jekyll-include-cache"
gem "jekyll-redirect-from"
gem "jekyll-mentions"
gem "html-proofer"
Every plugin listed in your _config.yml should be also listed in your gem-file, if you want it to work locally, and if your features depend on some of these plugins, then its best to put them in the gemfile as well.
Then, once saved, run the bundle command in the root directory of your project.
`bundle install`
`bundle update`
`bundle exec jekyll serve`
if all went well you should be looking at a screen like this:
### _config.yml
We'll aim to keep this page updated with whatever is the most recent configuration, with notes of explanation when necessary.
minimal_mistakes_skin : "air" # "air", "aqua", "contrast", "dark", "dirt", "neon", "mint", "plum", "sunrise"
# Site Settings
locale : "en-US"
title : "Sovereign ID Curated"
title_separator : "| "
name : "Infominer"
description : "Creating a Vendor Agnostic, User-Controlled, Identity Layer for the Internet."
url : "https://decentralized-id.com"
baseurl : ""
repository : "Decentralized-ID/decentralized-id.github.io"
github : [metadata]
teaser : /images/didecentral-tw.png
logo : "/images/DID.webp"
masthead_title : "Identity Decentralized"
# breadcrumbs : false # true, false (default)
words_per_minute : 200
provider : # "staticman_v2"
allowedFields : ["name", "email", "url", "message"]
repository : Decentralized-ID/decentralized-id.github.io
branch : "master"
commitMessage : "New comment by {fields.name}"
filename : comment-{@timestamp}
format : "yml"
moderation : true
path : "_data/comments/{options.slug}"
requiredFields : ["name", "email", "message"]
I don't have comments on this site, I just tested them out on the 'community site'. I *will* set this up for Algolia Search, soon, and provide the deets on that.
# Social Sharing
username : "infominer33"
site: "didecentral"
# description : "Resources for Creating a Vendor Agnostic, User-Controlled, Identity Layer for the Internet."
# image : "/images/IDecentralized.webp"
username :
app_id :
publisher :
og_image : /images/didecentral-tw.webp
# For specifying social profiles
# - https://developers.google.com/structured-data/customize/social-profiles
type : # Person or Organization (defaults to Person)
name : # If the user or organization name differs from the site's name
links: # An array of links to social media profiles
# Analytics
provider : google # false (default), "google", "google-universal", "custom"
tracking_id : UA-132558656-3
anonymize_ip : true
# Site Author
name : "DIDecentral"
avatar : /images/did-square.png
bio : "Collaborative Curation, Community Research Initiative"
location : "Curating the Web"
- label: "Email"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square"
url: mailto:identitydecentralized@gmail.com
- label: "Website"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-link"
url: "https://decentralized-id.com"
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: "https://github.com/didecentral"
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: "https://github.com/Decentralized-ID/decentralized-id.github.io"
# Site Footer
- label: "Email"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square"
url: mailto:identitydecentralized@gmail.com
- label: "Website"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-link"
url: "https://decentralized-id.com"
- label: "Twitter"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square"
url: "https://twitter.com/didecentral"
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: "https://github.com/Decentralized-ID/decentralized-id.github.io"
I just went to [fontawesome.com](https://fontawesome.com) and it's pretty simple to try and match above formula without thinking too deeply on the matter.
### _config.yml - Permalink Defaults
The permalink default defines permalinks, in the case that they are not defined within a post.
# Outputting
permalink: /:categories/:slug/ # https://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/
paginate: 5 # amount of posts to show
paginate_path: /page:num/
timezone: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
type: liquid
path: /categories/
type: liquid
path: /tags/
You also need a page for both categories and tags in _pages, if you want a page to show at that URL.
### _config.yml - Frontmatter Defaults
You can over-ride these defaults on a page-by-page basis.
output: true
permalink: /how-to-contribute/:path/
# Defaults
# _pages
- scope:
path: "_pages"
type: pages
layout: single
author_profile: false
read_time: false
comments: # true
share: true
related: true
title: DIDecentral
nav: didnav
toc: true
toc_sticky : true
# _posts
- scope:
path: "_posts"
type: posts
layout: single
author_profile: false
read_time: true
comments: # true
share: true
classes: wide
related: true
title: DIDecentral
nav: didnav
toc: true
toc_label : "Contents"
toc_icon : "link"
toc_sticky : true
# _HowToContribute
- scope:
path: "_HowToContribute"
type: HowToContribute
layout: single
share: true
related: true
nav: "didnav"
classes: wide
## Navigation
Then if you look up there in the front-matter defaults, you'll see where the navigation is called as a part of the sidebar class.
# main links
- title: "Our Aim"
url: "/aim/"
- title: "Posts by Tag"
url: "/tags/"
- title: "Sitemap"
url: "/sitemap/"
- title: "identitywoman/identity-commons"
url: "https://github.com/identitywoman/identity-commons"
- title: "RebootingWebOfTrust - Archive"
url: "https://decentralized-id.com/rwot-dir/"
- title: "Decentralized Web - History"
url: "https://sourcecrypto.pub/decentralized-web/"
# DID Nav
- title: "History"
url: "/history/"
- title: "• Resources & Pre-History"
url: "/history/"
- title: "• 2000-2009"
url: "/history/2000-2009/"
- title: "• 2010-2014"
url: /history/2010-2014/
- title: "• 2015-2019"
url: /history/2015-2019/
- title: Feature
- title: "• Web Standards"
url: "/specs-standards/"
- title: " - JSON-LD"
url: "/specs-standards/JSON-LD/"
- title: "• GitHub Repositories"
url: "/code/github/"
- title: " - Identity Commons on Github"
url: "https://github.com/identitywoman/identity-commons"
- title: "• Literature"
url: "/literature/"
- title: " - RWoT - Papers Index"
url: "/literature/rebooting-web-of-trust/"
- title: " - Microledgers and Edgechains"
url: "/hyperledger/hgf-2018/Microledgers-Edgechains-Hardman-HGF/"
- title: "• #indieweb-dev on IIW RWoT and DID's"
url: " /chatlog/indieweb-dev-on-did/"
## Social Share
This is the code that makes social share and donation button on each page. The Bitcoin, Tippin.me, and DOGE addresses are specific for DIDecentral, and currently under @infominer33's control.
{% raw %}
<section class="page__share">
<h2><a href="https://github.com/didecentral/decentralized-id.com/blob/master/{{ page.path }}" class="edit">Edit this page <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a></h2>
<h3>Social Share</h3>
<a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?{% if site.twitter.username %}via={{ site.twitter.username | url_encode }}&{% endif %}text={{ page.title | url_encode }}%20{{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--twitter" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Twitter"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Twitter</span></a>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--facebook" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on Facebook"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Facebook</span></a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--linkedin" onclick="window.open(this.href, 'window', 'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" title="Share on LinkedIn"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> LinkedIn</span></a>
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/submit?url={{ page.url | absolute_url | url_encode }}&title={{ page.title | url_encode }}" class="btn btn--reddit" title="Share on Reddit"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-reddit" aria-hidden="true"></i><span> Reddit</span></a>
{% endraw %}
**Reddit Button**
If you copy that part to get the reddit button included with the others, you might find that you are missing the actual button.
just head over to buttons.css :rofl: (idk why that's so funny to me)
/* button colors */
(primary, $primary-color),
(inverse, #fff),
(light-outline, transparent),
(success, $success-color),
(warning, $warning-color),
(danger, $danger-color),
(info, $info-color),
(facebook, $facebook-color),
(twitter, $twitter-color),
(linkedin, $linkedin-color),
(reddit, $reddit-color);
Because the Reddit Color is already defined in [_variables.scss](https://github.com/didecentral/community-website/blob/master/_sass/minimal-mistakes/_variables.scss), all you need to do is reference it here.
## Author vs Authors
There are two variables that must always be considered.
Author, is for the initial or primary author.
Authors is for all the people who have contributed to that document.
So if you make a new post be sure to set both in your front-matter
title: "Your Awesome Post"
author: "AwesomeYou"
authors: ["AwesomeYou"]
Then if I came and touched up your post, I would add myself to the authors:
title: "Your Awesome Post"
author: "AwesomeYou"
authors: ["AwesomeYou","infominer33"]
Every post and page should have these, but I'm used to being the only author, so that will require some work, or maybe will leave old articles alone... not sure
### Authors Code
This was really crudely hacked together from the other lists in this section.
{% raw %}
<p class="page__taxonomy">
<strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> Authors:</strong>
{% assign authorCount = page.authors | size %}
{% if authorCount == 0 %}
No author
{% elsif authorCount == 1 %}
{{ page.authors | first }}
{% else %}
{% for author in page.authors %}
{% if forloop.first %}
<a href="{{ author.url }}" rel="author">{{ author }}</a>
{% elsif forloop.last %}
and <a href="{{ author.url }}" rel="author">{{ author }}</a>
{% else %}
, <a href="{{ author.url }}" rel="author">{{ author }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
Also, I added this line to the page taxonomy:
{% raw %}
{% if page.authors %}
{% include authors-list.html %}
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
## To be continued....
There are a number of tweaks that I make to minimal-mistakes sites. All will be explained :D
@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
date: 2019-04-11
title: Decentralized-ID Workshops
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: workshops/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/workshops/'
redirect_from: workshops
categories: ["Workshops"]
tags: ["IIW","Rebooting WoT"]
redirect_to: https://decentralized-id.com/#workshops
last_modified_at: 2019-06-12
@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
title: "Posts by Tag"
permalink: /tags/
layout: tags
classes: wide
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ redirect_from:
- values
- values/
toc: false
classes: wide
Decentralized-id.com is a collaborative, participatory learning community oriented that strives to support the elaboration and adoption of a self-sovereign identity layer for the internet. This is a labor of love and a work in progress. Certain values undergird those who share in this work. Our Aim:
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
date: 2019-04-10
title: DID Adoption
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: adoption/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/adoption/'
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ header:
caption: "[NIST Cybersecurity (DRAFT) Blockchain Identity Management Approaches](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.00929.pdf)"
teaser: /images/blockchain-Tumisu_3019121.webp
layout: single
classes: wide
permalink: /blockchain/
categories: ["Blockchain","Literature"]
tags: ["Blockchain"]
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ description: Blockstack is an open-source and developer-friendly network for bui
excerpt: >
Blockstack builds an alternate DNS and alternate public-key infrastructure. It's the first implementation of a decentralized DNS system on top of the Bitcoin blockchain It combines DNS functionality with public key infrastructure and is primarily meant to be used by new blockchain applications.
layout: single
classes: wide
image: /images/blockstack_header.webp
teaser: /images/blockstack_teaser.webp
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ description: Handshake is public blockchain that will serve as a global list of
excerpt: >
Handshake is a UTXO-based blockchain protocol which manages the registration, renewal and transfer of DNS top-level domains (TLDs). Our naming protocol differs from its predecessors in that it has no concept of namespacing or subdomains at the consensus layer. Its purpose is not to replace DNS, but to replace the root zone file and the root servers.
layout: single
classes: wide
image: /images/handshake-header.webp
teaser: /images/handshake_teaser.webp
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ header:
image: /images/veres-one-header.webp
teaser: /images/veres_one-teaser.webp
layout: single
classes: wide
permalink: /blockchain/veres-one/
categories: ["Blockchain"]
tags: ["Veres One","Verifiable Credentials","DID","Digital Bazaar","Veres One Community Group","Blockchain"]
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ title: Bitcoin Identity Standards and Applications
excerpt: >
The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field.
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
image: /images/btcr-header.webp
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ description: Cryptonomica.net is an identity verification service based on OpenP
excerpt: >
We make verification of key owner's identity and store data about this verification: who, when, using which document made verification. And unlike in 'Web of trust' there is an established procedure for key verification, i.e. known rules according to witch identity of the key owner have to be proven.
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
image: /images/cryptonomica-header.webp
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ title: uPort
description: A self-sovereign identity and user-centric data platform
layout: single
excerpt: "In your application, you must first configure your uPort object with an identifier and a private key (or signer function). There are several ways to instantiate a credentials object. The most common approach is to save a DID and private key on a server for your application and create a credentials instance from your application's unique private key. Signed JWTs for requests and verifications can then be passed to a client-side application, and presented to a user using a QR code or via another transport."
classes: wide
image: /images/uport.webp
caption: "[Releasing uPort Libraries 1.0](https://medium.com/uport/releasing-uport-developer-platform-1-0-97d6f70c5e4a)"
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ excerpt: >
There is a global Internet standard for naming resources called a uniform resource identifier or URI. When you type https://www.ibm.com into your browser, a URI ensures you always end up at IBM’s website. Similarly, we need one standard to identify an individual, as well.
layout: single
classes: wide
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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ layout: single
description: Leaders in the creation of decentralized digital identity for the Web.
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We pioneer payment, identity, and credential technologies that will power the next generation Web. We have been heavily involved in Web standards for over a decade, participate in cutting edge research and development, and contribute to the open source community.
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: companies/digital-bazaar/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/companies/digital-bazaar/'
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title: Spidchain
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permalink: id-initiatives/spid-chain/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/id-initiatives/spid-chain/'
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caption: "[@DecentralizeID](https://twitter.com/DecentralizeID)"
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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ redirect_from:
- hyperledger/hgf-2018/VerifiableOrganizationsNetwork-HGF/
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permalink: /government/canada/bcgov/von/hgf-2018-production-government-deployment-hyperledger-indy/
classes: wide
categories: ["Government","Organizations","Sovrin Foundation","Hyperledger Foundation","Literature"]
tags: ["Indy","Verifiable Organizations Network","Canada","Hyperledger Forum"]
last_modified_at: 2019-07-11
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ tags: ["IETF","DPKI","PGP"]
last_modified_at: 2020-01-05
nav: didnav
classes: wide
**Ultimately, the idea is to put this all into some data-structure, and funnel this information into the identity-commons historical repository:**
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ excerpt: >
It gets a lot right, but leaves a few requirements out, e.g., recoverability and zero cost, and conflates “identities” and claims in an ambiguous manner. Chris clearly intended the paper would start the conversation; it has done a good job at that.'
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: /literature/self-sovereign-identity/ssi-principles-vs-characteristics/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/literature/self-sovereign-identity/ssi-principles-vs-characteristics/'
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ excerpt: >
You then use this identification number, along with your identity claims, and get attestations from relevant authorities.
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: /literature/self-sovereign-identity/user-experience/
canonical_url: 'https://bitsonblocks.net/2017/05/17/gentle-introduction-self-sovereign-identity/'
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ description: A start at examining leading thought around SSI since 2016, and pre
excerpt: >
In order to stimulate the discussion, I've been going through a infominer33/self-sovereign-identity and organizing some thoughts on SSI since Christopher's 2016 post. There are a few different ways to approach and describe SSI. What I aim to do is come up with a list of different "SSI Cases" to modularize the treatment of the subject. This will allow each to contribute in the way that makes most sense for themselves, rather than trying to discuss SSI as a whole in a single whitepaper.
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
- /literature/self-sovereign-identity/evolution-of-ssi
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ author_profile: false
categories: ["Literature"]
tags: ["Indy","Transcripts","Hyperledger Forum","Evernym"]
published: true
classes: wide
last_modified_at: 2019-12-11
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
title: Humanitarian
layout: single
excerpt: Assorted Humanitarian Organizations
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: /organizations/humanitarian/
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ layout: single
title: MyData
excerpt: >
We are entrepreneurs, activists, academics, listed corporations, public agencies, and developers. For years, we’ve been using different words for what we do – MyData, Self Data, VRM (Vendor Relationship Management), Internet of Me, PIMS (Personal Information Management Services) etc, while sharing a common goal: to empower individuals with their personal data, thus helping them and their communities develop knowledge, make informed decisions, and interact more consciously and efficiently with each other as well as with organisations.
classes: wide
toc: false
categories: ["Organizations"]
tags: ["MyData","eIDAS","GDPR","Mecco"]
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ title: Adoption of Hyperledger Identity Initiatives
excerpt: >
"Founding members of the Accelerator include industry leading organizations ATB Financial, IAG, Irish Life, the International Federation of Red Cross, Spark New Zealand, Truu and three provincial and state governments. Collectively, these organizations represent the interests of 100's of millions of individuals worldwide."
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: blockchain/hyperledger/adoption/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/blockchain/hyperledger/indy/adoption/'
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ title: Hyperledger Global Forum-2018
excerpt: >
"SAN FRANCISCO AND BASEL, SWITZERLAND – (December 12, 2018) – Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies, today kicked off the first day of its Hyperledger Global Forum. The event has drawn more than 650 attendees from as far as Australia and Argentina for an extended conversation about the state of open source enterprise blockchain and vision for the Hyperledger community and technologies."
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: blockchain/hyperledger/hgf-2018/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/blockchain/hyperledger/hgf-2018/'
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ excerpt: >
These firms decided to pool their resources and create open-source blockchain technology that anyone could use. These far-sighted companies are helping blockchain to become a more popular and industry-standard technology.
layout: single
classes: wide
toc: false
permalink: blockchain/hyperledger/
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