diff --git a/_pages/redirects/website-config-minimal-mistakes.md b/_pages/redirects/website-config-minimal-mistakes.md
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+++ b/_pages/redirects/website-config-minimal-mistakes.md
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+title: "Minimal-Mistakes-Jekyll - Setup and Configuration"
+description: "Contributing to the websites of DIDecentral via GitHub, Jekyll and Minimal Mistakes."
+excerpt: >
+ This is to help anyone to understand how we're using Minimal Mistakes to publish this and other web-sites. For contributors, or your own use, outside of this organization.
+ caption: "Minimal Mistakes Setup and [Quick-Start](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/quick-start-guide/)."
+date: 2019-07-04
+ - "Infominer"
+ - "JuanSC"
+published: true
+last_modified_at: 2020-01-05
+redirect_to: https://web-work.tools/minimal-mistakes/contributors-guide/site-config/
+canonical_url: https://web-work.tools/minimal-mistakes/contributors-guide/site-config/
+This guide should make it easier for contributors to understand how this site works. It should also be useful as a way to learn the basics of using Jekyll with the Minimal Mistakes theme, to publish a website via GitHub pages.
+Granted, you don't *need* to know all of this to simply add content to a page.
+I'm just sharing this here, for anyone who is interested.
+## Why Minimal Mistakes?
+Generally speaking, I like to use and learn a variety of [static site generators](https://web-work.tools/static-site-generators/) and their themes.
+However, I've used Minimal Mistakes to publish large websites and small web-sites. It really works. It works well. Even before you know how to use all of it's features, its a really reliable framework.
+It supports an incredible variety of functions that simply work. So for building public-domain educational resources, it makes sense for me to stick with what's tried and true. I've tried to find other themes that offer a comprable feature set, and it's not easy.
+Much respect to [Michael Rose](https://mademistakes.com/)!!
+I've used a few of his themes; they are well put together, often ported to other SSGs besides Jekyll, and really a class of their own when it comes to Jekyll themes.
+## Getting Started
+* [Minimal-Mistakes Quick-Start Guide](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/quick-start-guide/)
+* [GitHub Pages Starter Pack](https://web-work.tools/github-pages-starter-pack)
+You shouldn't need the above for our imediate purposes, but will likely find them useful at some point.
+* [mmistakes/minimal-mistakes](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
+* [didecentral/decentralized-id.com](https://github.com/didecentral/decentralized-id.com)
+* [didecentral/community-website](https://github.com/didecenral/didecentral.github.io)
+### Pre-requisites
+You must have installed [Git](https://web-work.tools/command-line-git-ssh/),` and the [Ruby Bundler](https://bundler.io/).
+I'll also recommend using [VSCode](https://web-work.tools/content-creation/), because it's fully integrated with `git`, so that you don't have to worrying about learning git commands.
+Also, I usually create a new repository on github, first. Then I clone it locally, again, avoiding the terminal. Meaning we can learn git in more depth, at our leisure.
+### [Site Structure](https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/structure/)
+Before we get started, here is a high-level view of the site-structure.
+* [minimal-mistakes](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes/)
+├── _data # data files for customizing the theme
+| ├── navigation.yml # main navigation links
+| └── ui-text.yml # text used throughout the theme's UI
+├── _includes
+| ├── analytics-providers # snippets for analytics (Google and custom)
+| ├── comments-providers # snippets for comments
+| ├── footer # custom snippets to add to site footer
+| ├── head # custom snippets to add to site head
+| ├── feature_row # feature row helper
+| ├── gallery # image gallery helper
+| ├── group-by-array # group by array helper for archives
+| ├── nav_list # navigation list helper
+| ├── toc # table of contents helper
+| └── ...
+├── _layouts
+| ├── archive-taxonomy.html # tag/category archive for Jekyll Archives plugin
+| ├── archive.html # archive base
+| ├── categories.html # archive listing posts grouped by category
+| ├── category.html # archive listing posts grouped by specific category
+| ├── collection.html # archive listing documents in a specific collection
+| ├── compress.html # compresses HTML in pure Liquid
+| ├── default.html # base for all other layouts
+| ├── home.html # home page
+| ├── posts.html # archive listing posts grouped by year
+| ├── search.html # search page
+| ├── single.html # single document (post/page/etc)
+| ├── tag.html # archive listing posts grouped by specific tag
+| ├── tags.html # archive listing posts grouped by tags
+| └── splash.html # splash page
+├── _sass # SCSS partials
+├── assets
+| ├── css
+| | └── main.scss # main stylesheet, loads SCSS partials from _sass
+| ├── images # image assets for posts/pages/collections/etc.
+| ├── js
+| | ├── plugins # jQuery plugins
+| | ├── vendor # vendor scripts
+| | ├── _main.js # plugin settings and other scripts to load after jQuery
+| | └── main.min.js # optimized and concatenated script file loaded before