diff --git a/github/README.md b/github/README.md
index 17a64266..03bd26cb 100644
--- a/github/README.md
+++ b/github/README.md
@@ -17,6 +17,16 @@ description: ... and you can too!
* [Linked Data](#ccg----linked-data-)
* [Digital Verification Community Group](#digital-verification-community-group-)
* [OpenCreds](#opencreds-)
+* [Learning Machine](#learning-machine-)
+ * [Blockcerts](#blockcerts-)
+ * [Blockcerts Json](#blockcerts-json-)
+ * [Blockcerts Web](#blockcerts-web-)
+ * [Blockcerts Mobile](#blockcerts-mobile-)
+* [Digital Bazaar](#digital-bazaar-)
+ * [DB - Identity](#db---identity-)
+ * [DB - Credentials](#db---credentials-)
+ * [DB - DID](#db---did-)
+ * [DB - Linked Data](#db---linked-data-)
* [Decentralized Identity Foundation](#decentralized-identity---dif-)
* [DIF - DID](#dif---did-)
* [DIF - DID-Auth](#dif---did-auth-)
@@ -30,6 +40,7 @@ description: ... and you can too!
* [VON - Agents](#von-agents-)
* [BCGov - DID-Auth](#bcgov---did-auth-)
* [PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell](#pspc-spac-buyandsell-) - Public Services and Procurement Canada
+* [Veres One](#veres-one-)
* [Ethereum](#ethereum-)
* [uPort](#uport-)
* [uPort DID](#uport-did-)
@@ -142,6 +153,129 @@ Linked Data Proofs Specification
* /opencreds/minutes -
Text and audio meeting minutes for W3C Credentials Community Group
+## Learning Machine [**^**](#contents)
+* /learningmachine/stage.blockcerts.github.io - Web site
+ - Forked from blockchain-certificates/blockchain-certificates.github.io
+* /learningmachine/polymer-redux - An example use-case to showcase the state/view abstraction in Polymer 3, LitElement and Redux context
+* /learningmachine/ajv -The fastest JSON-Schema Validator. Supports draft-06
+ - Forked from epoberezkin/ajv
+* /learningmachine/Foundatio - Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
+ - Forked from FoundatioFx/Foundatio
+### Blockcerts [**^**](#contents)
+* /blockchain-certificates/blockcerts-verifier - A Blockcerts verifier and viewer
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-issuer - Issues Blockcerts using either the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchain
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier - Python library for verifying Blockcerts
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-schema - The schema for Blockcerts
+ - Forked from IMSGlobal/cert-schema
+* /blockchain-certificates/assets
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-verifier-js - Javascript library for verifying Blockcerts Certificates
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-tools -Command line tools for designing certificate templates and instantiating a certificate batch
+* /blockchain-certificates/obi-baking - Example of baking a blockcert into an Open Badge
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-core
+* /blockchain-certificates/wallet-test-resources - These are resources used to test implementations of the evolving blockcerts certificate standard and issuer conventions.
+* /blockchain-certificates/pyld - JSON-LD processor written in Python
+ - Forked from digitalbazaar/pyld
+* /blockchain-certificates/archived-cert-store - Storage library and service for Blockchain Certificates
+* /blockchain-certificates/openbadges-validator-core - Open Badges validation in python
+ - Forked from IMSGlobal/openbadges-validator-core
+* /blockchain-certificates/PodSpecs - A listing of CocoaPod .podspec files for all pods created in the Blockchain Certificates project.
+* /blockchain-certificates/openbadges-bakery - An OpenBadges image baking library that works with PNGs and SVGs
+ - Forked from mozilla/openbadges-bakery
+#### Blockcerts Json [**^**](#contents)
+* /blockchain-certificates/JSONLD - An iOS framework for processing JSON-LD files.
+* /blockchain-certificates/JSONLDProcessor - An iOS framework for processing JSON-LD files.
+#### Blockcerts Web [**^**](#contents)
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-viewer - A web app for viewing and validating Blockchain Certificates
+* /blockchain-certificates/blockcerts-playground.github.io - In-browser tool to experiment with Blockcerts
+* /blockchain-certificates/blockchain-certificates.github.io
+ - Forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
+* /blockchain-certificates/cert-web-component - A web component for displaying blockchain certificates.
+#### Blockcerts Mobile [**^**](#contents)
+* /blockchain-certificates/wallet-android - An Android app for Blockcerts
+* /blockchain-certificates/BlockcertsFramework-iOS - An iOS wallet for viewing, validating, and sharing certs
+* /blockchain-certificates/wallet-iOS - An iOS wallet for Blockcerts
+## Digital Bazaar [**^**](#contents)
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock - Bedrock: A core foundation for rich Web applications.
+* /digitalbazaar/forge - A native implementation of TLS in Javascript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps
+* /digitalbazaar/veres-delta-docs
+* /digitalbazaar/uuid-random
+### DB - Identity [**^**](#contents)
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-identity-composer - An bedrock-based AngularJS directive for composing an Identity from a set of credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-identity-http
+* /digitalbazaar/opencred-idp - Open Credentials Identity Provider and demo websites
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-identity - Bedrock AngularJS Identity Modules
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-identity - Bedrock identity
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-idp - Bedrock Identity Provider
+### DB - Credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/vc-data-model - Verifiable Claims Data Model and Representations specification
+ - Forked from w3c/vc-data-model
+* /digitalbazaar/vc-test-suite - Verifiable Claims WG Test Suite
+ - Forked from w3c/vc-test-suite
+* /digitalbazaar/vc-js - Verifiable Claims JavaScript library
+* /digitalbazaar/credentials-io - Library for reading/writing credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credentials-rest - A RESTful API for credential storage
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credential-vocabs - Semantic web vocabularies for processing credentials.
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-address-credential-issuer - A module for issuing address credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/opencred-verifier - Open Credentials Verifier JavaScript API
+* /digitalbazaar/opencred-idp - Open Credentials Identity Provider and demo websites
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credential-notifications - Notification issuing for credentials.
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credentials-mongodb - Credential storage in mongodb
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credentials-context
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-card-displayer - Bedrock displayer for card-based credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credential-handler - Credential Handler for DID-based credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-web-vc-store - A Javascript library for storing Verifiable Credentials for Bedrock web apps
+* /digitalbazaar/web-vc-query-creator - A Javascript library providing a simplified API for creating Verifiable Credentials queries for web apps.
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-identity-composer - An bedrock-based AngularJS directive for composing an Identity from a set of credentials
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-web-profile-composer - A Javascript library for fulfilling Verifiable Credentials queries for Bedrock web apps
+### DB - DID
+* /digitalbazaar/did-whisper - DID whisper
+* /digitalbazaar/did-whisper-server - A simple DID Whisper server
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-web-did-store - Enables storage and management of DIDs in a Web App
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-authn-did
+* /digitalbazaar/did-ssh
+* /digitalbazaar/did-cli - A client for managing Decentralized Identifiers
+* /digitalbazaar/did-io - Decentralized identifier management library for browser and node.js
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-authn-did-jwt
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-did-client
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-authn-did-jwt
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-credential-handler - Credential Handler for DID-based credentials
+### DB - Linked Data
+* /digitalbazaar/php-json-ld - PHP implementation of a JSON-LD Processor and API
+* /digitalbazaar/pyld - JSON-LD processor written in Python
+* /digitalbazaar/jsonld.js - A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript
+* /digitalbazaar/jsonld-signatures - An implementation of the Linked Data Signatures specification for JSON-LD. Works in the browser and node.js.
+* /digitalbazaar/json-ld - A Context-based JSON Serialization for Linked Data
+* /digitalbazaar/ocapld.js - Linked Data Capabilities reference implementation
+* /digitalbazaar/cuckoo-ldp - Cuckoo Cycle Based Linked Data Proofs
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-ldn-receiver - Bedrock module for Linked Data Notification Receiver
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-ldn-inbox - Bedrock module for Linked Data Notification Inboxes
+* /digitalbazaar/bedrock-angular-ldn - Bedrock AngularJS module for Linked Data Notification Sender+Consumer
+* /digitalbazaar/json-ld.org - Forked from json-ld/json-ld.org
+JSON for Linked Data
+* /digitalbazaar/flex-ledger - Forked from web-payments/flex-ledger
+A decentralized Linked Data Ledger for the Web
## /decentralized-identity - DIF [**^**](#contents)
* /decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity.github.io - Site for the open source, community-driven group of dev and organizations working toward an interoperable, decentralized identity ecosystem
@@ -241,7 +375,6 @@ Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements
* /bcgov/did-auth-extension - DID Auth browser extension.
* /bcgov/http-did-auth-proxy - DID Auth HTTP proxy.
* /bcgov/did-auth-relying-party - DID Auth relying party.
### /PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell [**^**](#contents)
**Public Services and Procurement Canada: buyandsell.gc.ca --- Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada : Achatsetventes.gc.ca**
@@ -258,7 +391,20 @@ Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements
* /PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell/von_conx - Reference implementation (sample) for a VON Connector using tools of VON_X
* /PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell/demo-agent - agent and api wrapper code base
-## Ethereum [**^**](#ethereum)
+## Veres One [**^**](#contents)
+* /veres-one/veres-one - A ledger for acquiring and managing decentralized identifiers
+* /veres-one/did-veres-one - A Decentralized Identifier utility library for Veres One
+* /veres-one/veres-one-validator - A ledger validator that accepts either signatures or proof of work
+* /veres-one/veres-one-context
+* /veres-one/veres-one-consensus-continuity-elector-selection
+* /veres-one/did-client-veres-one - DID client APIs for Veres One
+* /veres-one/docs.veres.one - Documentation for the Veres One Project
+* /veres-one/status.testnet.veres.one - Testnet status dashboard website
+* /veres-one/veres-one-project
+## Ethereum [**^**](#contents)
* [ERC: Lightweight Identity #1056](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1056) —This ERC describes a standard for creating and updating identities with a limited use of blockchain resources. An identity can have an unlimited number of delegates and attributes associated with it. Identity creation is as simple as creating a regular key pair ethereum account, which means that it's fee (no gas costs) and all ethereum accounts are valid identities. Furthermore this ERC is fully DID compliant.
* [ERC-1484: Digital Identity Aggregator #1495](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1495) —A protocol for aggregating digital identity information that's broadly interoperable with existing, proposed, and hypothetical future digital identity standards.
* [ERC725](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/725)