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# CCGWGDigest
## Credentials Community Group - Digest july 2021 - july 2022
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/)
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/)
## Decentralization
* [New Badged Open Course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Oct/0044.html)
The course is available on the Open University’s OpenLearn Create platform and is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Upon completion of the course, learners earn a free statement of participation.
* [You can view the course here](https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/course/view.php?id%3D7981). Your feedback is very welcome.
* [New article about decentralized protocols to rule the world...](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0105.html)
* [Great Protocol Politics](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/12/11/bitcoin-ethereum-cryptocurrency-web3-great-protocol-politics/) - The 21st century doesn’t belong to China, the United States, or Silicon Valley. It belongs to the internet.
## Funding
* [FYI on National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding Opportunity: Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems program](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0142.html)
NSF is introducing a new program called "Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems" (POSE). The purpose of the program is to harness the power of open-source development for the creation of new technology solutions to problems of national and societal importance. Many NSF-funded research projects result in publicly accessible, modifiable, and distributable open-sourced software, hardware or data platforms that catalyze further innovation.
* [https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/pathways-enable-open-source-ecosystems-pose](https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/pathways-enable-open-source-ecosystems-pose)
## Human Rights
* [What Companies Can Do Now to Protect Digital Rights In A Post-Roe World](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0046.html)
Good topic for CCG discussion and reading on the implications of a lot of
the tech we are working on:
* [What Companies Can Do Now to Protect Digital Rights In A Post-Roe World | Electronic Frontier Foundation](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/what-companies-can-do-now-protect-digital-rights-post-roe-world)
* [Human rights perspective on W3C and IETF protocol interaction](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0014.html) Adrian Gropper (Wednesday, 5 January)
The Ford Foundation paper attached provides the references. However, this thread should not be about governance philosophy but rather a focus on human rights as a design principle as we all work on protocols that will drive adoption of W3C VCs and DIDs at Internet scale.
* [https://redecentralize.org/redigest/2021/08/](https://redecentralize.org/redigest/2021/08/) says: *Human rights are not a bug*
## NFT
* [New twist on Verifiable Capability Authorizations: Data NFTs in the Ocean Protocol V4](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0069.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Saturday, 9 April)
A data NFT represents the copyright (or exclusive license against copyright) for a data asset on the blockchain — we call this the “base IP”. When a user publishes a dataset in OceanOnda V4, they create a new NFT as part of the process. This data NFT is proof of your claim of base IP. Assuming a valid claim, you are entitled to the revenue from that asset, just like a title deed gives you the right to receive rent.
* [China is using #blockchain technology to manage #prisoners as if each #prisoner was an #NFT](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0147.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Sunday, 26 December)
China is using #blockchain technology to manage #prisoners as if each #prisoner was an #NFT/token on the blockchain...
* [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4384071](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4384071)
## Legal Identification
* [Principal Authority – new article on Wyoming law defining Digital Identity](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0083.html) Christopher Allen (Thursday, 16 September)
What we've found as a good framework is the concept of "Principal Authority" which comes from the Laws of Agency, which allows us to leverage fiduciary style Laws of Custom to define requirements for practices when digital identity is delegated to others (whether for authorization or for use of data).
I've written up a layman's article (as I am not a lawyer) introducing this topic at:
* [https://www.blockchaincommons.com/articles/Principal-Authority/](https://www.blockchaincommons.com/articles/Principal-Authority/)
* [Verifiable Driver's Licenses and ISO-18013-5 (mDL)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0105.html) Manu Sporny (Monday, 29 November)
Spruce, MATTR, and Digital Bazaar have collaborated on creating an interoperability test suite for something we're calling the "Verifiable Driver's License" (temporary name):
* [The test suite](http://w3id.org/vdl/interop-reports) demonstrates that a few things are possible in addition to what mDL provides:
1. The mDL data model can be expressed cleanly using W3C Verifiable Credentials
* ["Apple launches the first driver’s license and state ID in Wallet with Arizona”](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0231.html) Liam McCarty (Wednesday, 23 March)
It’s sad and frustrating that this isn’t based on verifiable credentials… it appears vendor lock in is going to be hard to prevent.
For anyone who missed the November coverage about this, here’s a pretty outrageous CNBC article: "[Apple is sticking taxpayers with part of the bill for rollout of tech giant's digital ID card](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/14/apple-sticking-taxpayers-with-part-of-the-bill-for-digital-id-rollout.html)”
* [On why revocation is important...](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0052.html) Mike Prorock (Tuesday, 24 May)
For those that didn't read the article, the TL;DR is:
Tough to forge digital driver’s license is… easy to forge... 4 million mobile driver's licenses in NSW Australia compromised in an unrecoverable way.
## Code
* [re: RAR resources?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0083.html) Justin Richer (Monday, 12 July)
* [RAR has been implemented and is available in Authlete (and supporting libraries):](https://www.authlete.com/developers/relnotes/2.2.8/)
* [And in Connect2ID (and supporting libraries)](https://connect2id.com/blog/connect2id-server-12):
I know there are others out there, too, but these I’ve worked with.
* [New Swift Library for Optimized QR-Code Generation](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0381.html) Christopher Allen (Monday, 30 August)
interoperable specifications for QR-based air-gap cryptographic use cases that we call Universal Resources (aka "UR").
Our UR specifications are designed for the interoperable transmission and storage of a variety of kinds of information, but in particular cryptographic data, and we have an advanced QR and CBOR-based architecture. (For more information on this see [URs: An Overview](https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/crypto-commons/blob/master/Docs/ur-1-overview.md)
For make it easier to implement our specs we also make available open source reference libraries and demo apps in [our repos on Github](https://github.com/BlockchainCommons)
* [DIF Grant #1: JWS Test Suite .. with specific references to the JSON-JSON-LD Divide](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0356.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Monday, 23 August)
* [[link](https://link.medium.com/a0416tjJXib)]The kinds of signature suite definitions that define Linked Data Proofs made strange bedfellows with the in-built mechanisms of JWT, which were hardened and commoditized earlier. This results in a slightly “balkanized” landscape of VC-JWTs that make different concessions to the expectations of JSON-LD-native parsers and systems.
* [#didlang Language 0.2, a new language for working with DID Identifiers, DID Documents, DID Agents, and DID Objects](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0021.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Wednesday, 5 January)
...with new capabilities for coercing the Agent serviceEndpoint selector and Agent interface method selector ([13 minutes](https://youtu.be/bJBzrPnpJVo).
* [DIDs and Vanilla JWS with GitHub Actions](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0099.html) Orie Steele (Monday, 18 April)
I wanted to share another DID Web + JOSE + GitHub demo:
- [https://github.com/OR13/signor](https://github.com/OR13/signor)
- [https://github.com/OR13/jose-actions](https://github.com/OR13/jose-actions)
TLDR - JWS linked to DIDs from a Github Action [...] this will also work for VCs.
* [GitHub DIDs & VCs for Supply Chain Traceability](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0027.html) Orie Steele (Monday, 7 March)
I wanted to share some very recent (experimental and unstable) work we've done to enable Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials to assist with the software supply chain.
- [](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-actions)[https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-actions](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-actions)
- [https://github.com/transmute-industries/public-credential-registry-template](https://github.com/transmute-industries/public-credential-registry-template)
The key idea is to enable github actions to sign and verify credentials that conform to the W3C Verifiable Credentials standard (which in turn supports various envelope formats including JOSE, COSE and PGP).
* [GitHub Integrations for securing Container Registries with Decentralized Identifiers & Verifiable Credentials](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0157.html)
I wanted to share some updates I made to the github action we created for working with DIDs and VCs in GitHub Workflows.
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/public-credential-registry-template/blob/main/docs/public-container-registry.md](https://github.com/transmute-industries/public-credential-registry-template/blob/main/docs/public-container-registry.md)
* [...] TLDR:
- Creating Container Revision VCs with DID Web in a GitHub Action
- Uploading the VC-JWT for the signed revision as a label to GitHub Container Registry
- Pulling the latest container registry tag and checking the vc for the revision.
## Standardization
* [FYI: What makes a standard ‘world class’?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0213.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Saturday, 14 August)
* A world class standard should have well-defined objectives that respond to real needs in a timely manner.
* Its technical content should be complete and accurate.
* It should be easy to understand (or as easy as the subject matter allows!) and easy to implement.
* Its requirements should be expressed clearly and unambiguously.
* It should be validated.
* It should be well-maintained.
Reference: [A Guide To Writing World Class Standards](https://www.etsi.org/images/files/Brochures/AGuideToWritingWorldClassStandards.pdf)
* [Re: historical background regarding success of responses to formal objections](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0076.html) Liam R. E. Quin (Monday, 13 September)
In the 17 years i worked at W3C, the formal objections were
(1) "we [the objector] wanted to be on record as saying this but go ahead and publish" (the most common);
(2) we [the objector] have a product, or are about to ship a product, and the feature(s) in this spec would cause problems in the short-term for our product, and that's more important to us than the Web (no-one will ever admit to this but it's not uncommon)
(3) we object to this spec, we prefer another approach, so here's a bunch of fake objections to slow things down because we can't share our actual business strategy
(4) we believe there's a technical problem with this spec, but we didn't notice it over the past four years despite a last call review (this one is actually rare but does happen)
* [We're not the only community with problems (Fwd: Open Letter to Debian election candidates about Debian vendettas)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0127.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 19 March)
Just a reminder that these "politics" and "other-ing" isn't some weird by product of the "identity community", or DIF, or CCG, or OpenID... it's endemic in any long-lived community composed of human beings.
It's not something you're ever rid of... it's something you manage over time;
## Procedure \ CCG
* [IRC mailing list bridge](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0117.html) Charles E. Lehner (Saturday, 23 April)
Notifications of messages to this mailing list (public-credentials) are now sent to our IRC channel (#ccg).
* [re: How to contribute to new standards work? (was:Re: RDF Dataset Canonicalization - Formal Proof)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0172.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 10 August)
* [The CCG Work Item process is outlined here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/):
* [Here's how you get started:](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vj811aUbs8GwZUNo-LIFBHafsz4rZTSnRtPv7RQaqNc/edit%23heading%3Dh.f28tyzjvad8g)
This process is open to anyone -- no W3C Membership dues, fees, etc. required to participate.
* [Reminder: You can present to the CCG](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0151.html)
This is a friendly reminder that anyone in the community that is doing something interesting that you think the community should know about whether that work is done here in the CCG or elsewhere, can email the chairs with what you want to share and we can get you on the calendar. It's best if you email all 3 chairs.
* [Clarity about the group charter](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0044.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 22 June)
there are statements like: "Buy our products! We're the best!" (with nothing else that we can learn from) that is frowned upon... but, in general, even if it is a feature in one of your products, chances are that we want to hear about it if it has relevance to how we might interoperate on that feature (or use it to meet a goal of the community).
* [2022-2026 Verifiable Data Standards Roadmap [DRAFT]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0068.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 12 March)

## W3C
* [does the CCG have any thoughts about possible changes to W3C itself?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0067.html) Daniel Hardman (Saturday, 9 April)
This major organizational overhaul to the W3C is also happening at a time of unprecedented activity and change for the internet. Will the web support crypto and Web3 industry proposals? How will the web support advertising? What should be the baseline web browser security standards?
* [Announcement: W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0063.html) Kimberly Wilson Linson (Tuesday, 28 June)
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en)
"We designed the W3C legal entity in a way that keeps our core unchanged," said Dr. Jeff Jaffe, W3C CEO. "Our values-driven work remains anchored in the royalty-free W3C Patent Policy, and the W3C Process Document where we enshrined dedication to security, privacy, internationalization and web accessibility. W3C and its Members will continue to play a fundamental role in making the web work for billions of people."
## Decentralized Identifiers (DID)
* [re: Defining load balanced, failover clusters for DID Document serviceEndpoints?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0056.html) (Monday, 10 January)
#didlang 0.3 includes support for round-robin, load-balanced DID Agent serviceEndpoint clusters. [Here's a demo](https://youtu.be/mf0aKLvJoCw)
* [W3C Decentralized Identifiers v1.0 is a W3C Proposed Recommendation](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0030.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 3 August)
* [W3C Decentralized Identifiers v1.0 is a W3C Proposed Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9179):
* [The published version that will be voted on by W3C Members can be found here](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-did-core-20210803/):
This is the final step of the W3C global standardization process.
If you are a W3C Member, you can now vote to approve it as a global standard here:
* [DID 1.0 Comments / Meeting Minutes (was RE: Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0135.html) John, Anil (Monday, 27 September)
* [https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html](https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html) is fascinating reading!
* [...] I can speak to the work of the DHS SVIP Program and our approach and perspective across our two work-streams that touch upon the two points.
1. Governments “lobbying” for single DID method and Non-Interoperability
* “tantek: concerned to hear that there are governments looking to adopt, with only single implementation methods and non interop, sounds like lobbying may have occurred, … advocating for single-implementation solutions that are centralized wolves in decentralized clothing”
* “<cwilso> +1 to tantek's concern that governments are responding to lobbying attempts on non-interoperable methods”
* [Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0010.html) Drummond Reed (Thursday, 1 September)
Now, here's the REAL irony. Mozilla and others are pointing to the URI spec and existing URI schemes as the precedent without recognizing that in [in section 9.11 of the DID spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23dids-as-enhanced-urns), we specifically compare the DID spec to the *URN spec*, [RFC 8141](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8141). In fact we deliberately patterned the [ABNF for DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23did-syntax) after the ABNF for URNs—and patterned DID method names after URN namespaces. And we set up a registry for the exactly the same way RFC 8141 establishes a [registry of URN namespaces](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml).
Now: guess how many URN namespaces have been registered with IANA?
- [SEVENTY*. Count em.](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml)
I don't see anyone complaining about interoperability of URN namespaces. Amd RFC 8141 was published over four years ago.
* [Some questions regarding DID verification relationships](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0009.html) Dmitri Zagidulin (Thursday, 2 December)
The motivation for verification relationships in the DID spec stems from the general security recommendation of "use separate keys for separate purposes".
You can see this at work in other specifications, such as JWKS (JSON Wek Key Set), specifically in the 'use' (Public Key Use) parameters, from [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517#section-4.2](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7517%23section-4.2)
* [DID press release and UNECE white paper](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0087.html) steve capell (Wednesday, 20 July)
great to see that press release at [https://www.w3.org/2022/07/pressrelease-did-rec.html.en](https://www.w3.org/2022/07/pressrelease-did-rec.html.en)
There's a testimonial from UNECE near the bottom. I thought the community might be interested in the white paper from UNECE on VCs and DIDs for cross border trade - [https://unece.org/trade/uncefact/guidance-material](https://unece.org/trade/uncefact/guidance-material)
* [DID Press Release Testimonials](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0022.html) Zundel, Brent (Friday, 8 July)
This message is to inform the DID WG and CCG that the W3C intends to write a press release.
To that end, we are seeking testimonials about Decentralized Identifiers.
For an example of the sort of thing we're looking for, please see: [https://www.w3.org/2019/03/pressrelease-webauthn-rec.html](https://www.w3.org/2019/03/pressrelease-webauthn-rec.html)
The testimonials may be submitted as a reply to this email.
DID Methods
* [Announcement: New DID Method Specification: did:object](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0067.html) (Tuesday, 14 December)
The publication of [this DID Method specification](https://github.com/mwherman2000/TrustedDigitalWeb/blob/master/specifications/did-methods/did-object.md) realizes, in large part, a 4-year quest (or should I say personal mission) to create a platform to Tokenize Every Little Thing (ELT).
* [Re: CCG Community opinions needed to define CCG scope (specifically re: did methods as work items)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0376.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 26 August)
On 8/26/21 12:37 PM, Heather Vescent wrote:
> 1. What are the *pros* of including did methods as work items in the CCG?
Community vetting and approval of particular DID Methods.
Basically, broader and deeper review of DID Methods that we expect to be of
great use to the world. I expect there will be DID Methods that the community
wants to eventually propose as DID Methods for standardization (did:key and
did:web feel like two ones where we could get consensus on doing so).
* [DID methods as W3C standards - a happy compromise?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0117.html) steve capell (Tuesday, 22 February)
can't we pick just a small number of un-controversial methods to standardise? even if it's just did:key and did:web to start with.
* [Cross border identity use case - which did methods?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0016.html) steve capell (Sunday, 6 March)
The broader generalisation of this question is : "for trust anchors like governments that issue VCs to their constituents, what rules should govern which did:methods they should accept as the *subject* identifier for the VCs they issue?" Are those rules context specific?
I'm not sure of the answer - but it's why did:ion was on my list - as an allowed *subject* of a government issued vc - and as the issuer of trade documents. should I take it off my list pending a bit more maturity (eg that azure service goes out of beta into full production)? or is it safe enough for this use case? if so what others would also be "safe enough"?

DID:TAG[re: Using Email as an Identifier](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0065.html) Bob Wyman (Friday, 12 November)
My [did:tag](https://github.com/bobwyman/did_method_tag) proposal is, I believe, the only proposed DID Method that addresses the use of email addresses and email as a resolution method
There are quite a number of issues with using email addresses as identifiers, or parts of identifiers, and I'm hoping that discussion and development of the did:tag method will illuminate those issues and potentially find solutions for them.
* [re: some thought after using did:web](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0031.html) Orie Steele (Wednesday, 5 January)
We have had the same issue... per the did core spec, there are really 2 main key types, in our crypto libraries for the key pair classes themselves, we do our best to support both and handle translation for you:
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/Ed25519KeyPair.ts#L78](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/Ed25519KeyPair.ts%23L78)
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/Ed25519VerificationKey2018.ts](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/Ed25519VerificationKey2018.ts)
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/Ed25519VerificationKey2020.ts](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/Ed25519VerificationKey2020.ts)
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/JsonWebKey2020.ts](https://github.com/transmute-industries/verifiable-data/blob/main/packages/ed25519-key-pair/src/types/JsonWebKey2020.ts)
* [DID Web, OpenSSL and Certificate Authorities](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0078.html) Orie Steele (Thursday, 17 February)
We then generate a DID Web DID Document from the public keys for the 3 children, and encode the ca chain from them back to the root using `x5c`.
We then issue a JWT from the private key for 1 of them.
We then verify the JWT signature using the public key.
We then check the x5c using open seel to confirm the certificate chain.
My questions are:
1. Is it possible to use JOSE to automate this further?
2. Is there a better way of accomplishing this?
3. Should the CA chain be pushed into the JWT?
* [did:jwk is reborn!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0066.html) Orie Steele (Friday, 8 April)
* [https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/432](https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/432)
* [did-key-creator published](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0061.html) Brent Shambaugh (Tuesday, 28 June)
I published a did:key creator at
* [https://www.npmjs.com/package/did-key-creator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/did-key-creator)
This has been tested to create did:keys from the P-256,P-384, and P-521 curves specified in [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key) and [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-key/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-key/) .
* [did:key DID Document generation algorithm feedback](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0016.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 14 June)
The DID Document generation algorithm for did:key is being refined to the
point that we can finish off a first pass of a did:key test suite.
* [...] [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key/pull/51](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-key/pull/51)
## Verifiable Credentials
* [Binding credentials to publicly accessible repositories](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0297.html) Leonard Rosenthol (Friday, 30 July)
These VC’s (etc.) will be embedded into the assets (e.g., video, images, documents, etc.) in a tamper-evident manner, so that in addition to the individual VC’s “proof”, any attempt to change the CreativeWork relationships, etc. can also be detected. [..] we have no protection against a malicious actor simply copying the VC from one asset and dropping it into another (and then signing the new setup), because there is nothing that binds the credential to the asset in our case.
* [Re: Binding credentials to publicly accessible repositories](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0301.html) Joe Andrieu
This seems more of a feature of the architecture than a threat, as long as you understand that the signing of the anti-tamper mechanism is, by its nature, an attestation about the affinity of that VC to the rest of the PDF, made by that signing authority (and by neither the VC issuer nor the Holder, unless the tamper signature can be independently demonstrated to be either the issuer or holder).
* [Add Your VC-EDU Use Cases](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0296.html) Kerri Lemoie (Friday, 30 July)
For Github users, submit your use cases as issues here: [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-ed-use-cases/issues](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-ed-use-cases/issues)
This template can help guide you: [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-ed-use-cases/blob/main/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/use-case-template.md](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-ed-use-cases/blob/main/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/use-case-template.md)
* [Question About Signatures & Contexts](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0290.html) Kerri Lemoie (Friday, 30 July)
Is a VC still considered to be valid if it contains fields that are not described in its context file(s)? Does it depend on the signature type?
* [Re: Question About Signatures & Contexts](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0291.html) Manu Sporny
The short answers are "maybe" and "yes".
* [What are VCs similar to?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0338.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Monday, 23 August)
The chip in your e-passport is the analogy I’ve been most successful with
An issuer gives it to you.
You carry it around and show to whom you choose
The verifier can check its integrity without contacting the issuer
“A VC is like the chip in your passport - bit for any document type”
So far the best analogy I’ve found. Policy makers say “ah, I see”…
Video [Using Paper-based Structured Credentials to Humanize Verifiable Credentials [Rough Cut]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DkM30pd3w8qE%26list%3DPLU-rWqHm5p45dzXF2LJZjuNVJrOUR6DaD%26index%3D2) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Friday, 19 November)
User Scenario: ABC Grocery wants to use the Trusted Digital Web to issue a Purchase Order for 10 cabbages from David's Cabbages.
* [Any Good use case of PAM (Privileged account Management) using Vcs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0028.html) Bob Wyman (Sunday, 7 November)
A common example of this is when someone uses a "Power of Attorney," to sign a contract. When they do, they typically sign documents with their own names and an annotation "on behalf of," "for," or "by power of attorney," they don't forge the signature of the one who granted the power of attorney.
One should delegate rights, not credentials.
* [Proposal: Anchored Resources and Hashlinks for VCs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0009.html) Dmitri Zagidulin (Wednesday, 3 November)
Note that this is different than binding multiple credentials together in a Verifiable Presentation (and having the presenter sign the VP). In the VP case, the binding just means "this presenter is authenticating the handing over of these unrelated credentials". Whereas in the linked VC case, the credentials are aware of each other, and the peer or hierarchical relationship is built into the VC itself.
* [re: Wrapping a VC envelope around the results of a GraphQL query?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0093.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Friday, 17 December)
Apparently so… [Evaluating the Current State of Application Programming Interfaces for Verifiable Credentials](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356195214_Evaluating_the_Current_State_of_Application_Programming_Interfaces_for_Verifiable_Credentials)
* [Blockcerts v3 release, a Verifiable Credentials implementation](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0051.html) Julien Fraichot (Monday, 13 December)
I am excited to share with you today the release of [Blockcerts](https://www.blockcerts.org/) V3. As you may already know the earlier versions of Blockcerts were architected by Kim H. Duffy through Learning Machine and leveraged the Open Badge standard.
We have followed through with the initial [ideas established at RWOT 9 in Prague in December 2019, to align Blockcerts with the Verifiable Credential specification](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/final-documents/BlockcertsV3.md).
* [Proposal Work Item | Credential Chaining](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0235.html) Robin Klemens (Thursday, 27 January)
* to provide an overview of all existing flavors of credential chaining (What current and new techniques exist or are being researched?)
* to gather the reasons and requirements for credential chaining
* to come up with best practices and create a sort of decision tree that helps map the requirements of the use case with the implementation of credential chaining
* to provide working code with concrete implementations on different chaining variants
* to integrate credential chaining into future versions of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model
* [DIF VC-JWTs look like Linked Data Proof Verifiable Credentials](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0138.html) Orie Steele (Thursday, 24 February)
As far as I know, no other VC-JWT implementation supports this format, aka "JwtProof2020".
* [Here is a link to an issue with an example](https://github.com/centrehq/verite/issues/373%23issuecomment-1049888568)
If you have a few minutes, I would love some review of what the DIF implementation is doing, and how we can either push it all the way into the LD Proof camp, or all the way into the VC-JWT camp.
* [re: Recommendations for Storing VC-JWT](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0076.html) David Chadwick (Thursday, 17 February)
as you know we spent quite some time on the text in the VC Data Model v1.1 to differentiate between a credential and a verifiable credential, and to highlight that regardless of the proof format (JWT, LD-Proof etc) the credential is always the same once the proof has been removed.
Therefore the obvious way to me to store any type of VC in a wallet is to store the credential as JSON, along with the proofed VC, then the same wallet will be able to receive any type of proofed VC and store the embedded credential in the same way. I have also been highlighting this model in the DIF PE group, so that the same Presentation Definition can be used by any wallet to select any type of credential, regardless of the proof type.
* [re: cloud-based wallet](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0285.html) Orie Steele (Saturday, 26 March)
If the VCs in the cloud are a commitment to a DID instead of a hardware bound key... then their presentation from hardware bound keys achieves the same effect, but if the device is lost, the holder just registers new device bound keys, and no need to re-issue the VCs (but a DID Update operation is required).
* [usage of credentialSubject WITHOUT id?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0017.html) Niels Klomp (Sunday, 6 March)
Indeed the use case is for so called [bearer credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/%23bearer-credentials). The example of a concert ticket mentioned in there is a good one, although the actual bachelor degree example nr 33 is questionable since a degree is not subject independent. That seems to come more from the fact that the degree is used throughout the spec as an example.
* [Verifiable Web Form](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0115.html) Shigeya Suzuki (Saturday, 23 April)
This document proposes Verifiable Web Forms -- a new way to provide Verifiable Credentials [VC-DATA-MODEL] to Web Browser via Clipboard. By using Verifiable Web Forms, users can provide third-party verified data with standard user interfaces without typing. The data is also verifiable on the server-side too.
* [Your Insights, Assumptions, & Questions About VC Governance & Registries Needed](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0107.html) Kerri Lemoie (Wednesday, 20 April)
I’ve created a Miro board as a place to start gathering questions and assumptions:
* [https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO8bG_9s=/](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO8bG_9s%3D/)
* [VC Extensions Registry updates](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0096.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 16 April)
I've made a pass at updating the registry to be more helpful to people and organizations that are not involved in the week-to-week with VCWG or CCG. The update, which adds proof methods, links to specs, implementations, and test suites can be found here:
* [https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c-ccg/vc-extension-registry/pull/12.html#proof-methods](https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c-ccg/vc-extension-registry/pull/12.html%23proof-methods)
The pull request[4] involves a few things that are worth noting
* [VC Issuance based on OAuth 2.0](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0084.html) Nikos Fotiou (Thursday, 14 April)
We design, implement, and evaluate a solution for achieving continuous authorization of HTTP requests exploiting Verifiable Credentials (VCs) and OAuth 2.0. Specifically, we develop a VC issuer that acts as an OAuth 2.0 authorization server, a VC verifier that transparently protects HTTP-based resources, and a VC wallet implemented as a browser extension capable of injecting the necessary authentication data in HTTP requests without needing user intervention.
* [Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 is an official W3C standard!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0005.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 3 March)
Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 [https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/REC-vc-data-model-20220303/](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/REC-vc-data-model-20220303/)
This was largely a maintenance release of the specification. The list of (minor) revisions since the v1.0 release can be found here:
* [VC Evidence Discussion](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0050.html) Kerri Lemoie (Thursday, 7 April)
This evidence could be a test score, a link to an image, video, and/or web page, etc. that demonstrates competency or participation. These specs are working towards aligning with VCs and it was originally thought that this type of evidence would be included as part of the credentialSubject if it existed.
This would look [something like this](https://json.link/21SpTf0rC4):
But since VCs already have an evidence property that allows for an array of evidence, it seems to make sense to use that property instead of using a separate property like the one demonstrated above.
* [Rendering Verifiable Credentials @ RWoT11](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0054.html) Manu Sporny (Sunday, 17 July)
This draft Rebooting the Web of Trust 11 paper explores ways in which the Verifiable Credentials data model could be extended to support visual, audio, and physical renderings for Verifiable Credentials.
* [https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/advance-readings/rendering-verifiable-credentials.md](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/advance-readings/rendering-verifiable-credentials.md)
* [Supporting VC-JWT and BBS+ Presentation Exchange in the VC-HTTP-API](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0313.html) Orie Steele (Saturday, 31 July)
* [https://github.com/OR13/GNARLY](https://github.com/OR13/GNARLY) (while we wait for a better name...)
This demo API and Spec has a number of improvements over the current
VC-HTTP-API, including tested support for VC-JWT, JsonWebSignature2020 and
BBS+ Selective Disclosure Presentation Exchange.
* [Updated VC-API diagram for Supply Chain flow](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0141.html) Joe Andrieu (Tuesday, 28 September)

* [re: VC API: handling large documents client to server](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0035.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 10 February)
Typical solutions to this problem require that you put the binary data outside of the VC, if at all possible. This works well for common static images such as logos. It is also possible to split the VC into two VCs... one with the machine-readable data from the issuer (with a digital signature) and one with the image data from any source (without a digital signature, since, if hashlinked, the signature will verify the validity of the image data). That latter approach can be more privacy preserving AND more complex than many might feel is necessary.
* [VC-API interoperability test suites ready for experimental integration](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0126.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 26 April)
* [The VC API test suite for basic issuer interop is here](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-issuer-test-suite/)
* [The VC API test suite for basic verifier interop is here](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-verifier-test-suite/)
* [The Data Integrity test suite for Ed25519Signature2020 interop is here](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-ed25519-test-suite/)
* [Cross-industry VC API test suite achieves first multi-vendor interop for issue/verify](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0041.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 18 May)
We are happy to announce today that we have our first demonstration of cross-vendor interoperability between Danube Tech and Digital Bazaar for the VC Issuer API and VC Verifier API. The test suites test the OAS definition files (which are used to generate the specification):
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-verifier-test-suite/#Verify%20Credential%20-%20Data%20Integrity](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-verifier-test-suite/%23Verify%2520Credential%2520-%2520Data%2520Integrity)
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-issuer-test-suite/#Issue%20Credential%20-%20Data%20Integrity](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-api-issuer-test-suite/%23Issue%2520Credential%2520-%2520Data%2520Integrity)
* [Diagrams for VC HTTP API work [was Re: [AGENDA] VC HTTP API Work Item - August 17th 2021]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0231.html) Joe Andrieu (Monday, 16 August)
1. There are sequence and communications diagrams for both issuance and verification, plus a class diagram.

* [VC-HTTP-API new sequence diagram](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0109.html) Joe Andrieu (Tuesday, 21 September)

* [Issuer API Cross Trust Boundary Scoping - VC-HAPI (f.k.a. VC-HTTP-API)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0263.html) Brian Richter (Saturday, 24 July)
I think I'm starting to understand how RAR fits into this picture. This decision can be made for us by punting the question to the authorization process entirely. With RAR we can force the user to authorize for the actual subject they are issuing the credential about. Is Alice authorized to issue VCs with claims about did:example:12345? To answer that question Alice asks for a token with the following RAR request
* [RAR Structures for VC HTTP API](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0208.html) Justin Richer (Wednesday, 21 July)
It seemed like a good idea when I first invented it a decade ago: [](https://blue-button.github.io/blue-button-plus-pull/%23scopes)[https://blue-button.github.io/blue-button-plus-pull/#scopes](https://blue-button.github.io/blue-button-plus-pull/%23scopes) or when it got pulled into other efforts like [](https://openid.net/specs/openid-heart-fhir-oauth2-1_0-2017-05-31.html)[https://openid.net/specs/openid-heart-fhir-oauth2-1_0-2017-05-31.html](https://openid.net/specs/openid-heart-fhir-oauth2-1_0-2017-05-31.html)… and Orie even suggested the following set of parameterized scopes for this API:
'create:credentials': Grants permission to create credentials
'derive:credentials': Grants permission to derive credentials
'create:presentations': Grants permission to create presentations
'verify:presentations': Grants permission to verify presentations
'exchange:presentations': Grants permission to exchange presentations
So what’s the problem? I can say with full confidence after years of experience building and deploying systems to support parameterized scopes like this that they are fragile, awkward, and lead to insecure corner cases.
* [Proposals addressing discoverability issues with vc-http-api](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0192.html) Orie Steele (Tuesday, 20 July)
See: [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api/issues/218](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api/issues/218)
Proposal 1: The APIs that use OAS3.0 MUST define securitySchemes per the OAS 3.0 spec. (@OR13 proposal addresses 4)
Proposal 2: The APIs that use OAS3.0 MUST define the use of the Link Header for suite and issuer id discovery (@TallTed 's proposal addressing 1/2/3)
Proposal 3: The APIs that use OAS3.0 MUST define the use of a .well-known JSON resource for conveying supported issuer ids and suites. (@OR13 's. proposal addressing 1/2/3)
* [Bikeshed: Renaming the VC HTTP API](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0131.html) Manu Sporny (Saturday, 17 July)
the fundamental issue is that stringing a bunch of consonants together ("HTTP") rarely leads to something easy to say in conversation.
* [VC-API Diagram for today. Focus on CHAPI](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0007.html) Joe Andrieu (Tuesday, 2 November)

* [chapi.io launches, includes VC playground](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0055.html) Manu Sporny (Monday, 27 June)
TL;DR: chapi.io is a site that helps developers integrate Verifiable Credential issuance, holding, and presentation into their applications. It includes a playground that can issue arbitrary VCs to digital wallets (web and native). It also includes tutorials on how Web Developers can add CHAPI integration to their websites. All you need to try it out is a web browser.
* [chapi.io playground upgrades - credential selector, resident card](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0111.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 27 July)
The credential selector is an icon-based selector for all the credentials that the chapi.io playground currently supports issuing. You can now click on an image of the credential you'd like to issue.
* [...]
We have added a permanent resident card from the fictitious Government of Utopia to the list of credentials that can be issued. This credential uses the Citizenship Vocabulary[...]
* [You can try both of these new features out in the playground](https://playground.chapi.io/issuer)
* [Jobs For The Future VC added to chapi.io playground](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0031.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 13 July)
TL;DR: In an attempt to support the current Jobs for the Future Plugfest, an Open Badge v3.0 example for an Academic Achievement has been added to the chapi.io playground. You can now see what a JFF badge issuance and transfer to a Holder wallet looks like in CHAPI (on mobile and web, on any device that can run a web browser). Images of the flow are attached.
## Crypto
* [FYI: Cryptography Review and Recommendations for W3C VC and W3C DID Implementations by SRI International](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0209.html) John, Anil (Wednesday, 26 January)
This type of independent review is critically important for U.S. Government entities who are deploying capabilities based on these standards to ensure that the technologies conform to relevant U.S. Federal government standards and requirements, including the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and National Institute of Technology (NIST) standards for use of cryptography.
Please find attached (and online at the link below) the results of this independent review and the associated cryptography implementation recommendations.
* [SRI-Cryptography Review and Recommendations for W3C VCDM and W3C DID Standards.docx](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EdCBSACtlBv2DxNZM67qi9F15Iv5uWOW/)
* [Blog on SSI and Cryptographically Enforceable Policies](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0032.html) (Tuesday, 8 February)
I've posted a new SSI blog entitled: "[Protecting Sensitive Parts of Credentials with Cryptographically Enforceable Policies](https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/protecting-sensitive-parts-of-credentials-with-cryptographically-enforceable-policies/)".
It has a proposal that enables credential issuers to encrypt sensitive parts of credentials in such a way that can only be decrypted by parties tha satisfy the issuer's policy (that was used to encrypt these parts). The blog motivates the need, introduces a high-level architecture, explains how it would work, and discusses some issues that need to be looked into.
* [Use of cryptography with W3C VCs and DIDs released](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0109.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 21 April)
Cryptography Review of W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model (VCDM) and Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) Standards and Cryptography Implementation Recommendations by David Balenson & Nick Genise
* [http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/vcdm-did-crypto-recs/](http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/vcdm-did-crypto-recs/)
It's largely a view from the US NIST cybersecurity standards, which are used through most of the world, but not everywhere. In any case, it's a valuable perspective that I hope the VC2WG and DIDWG takes into the next stage of the work.
* [Universal signature verifier](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0005.html) Marcus Sabadello (Wednesday, 4 May)
We (Danube Tech) have a "Universal Verifier" here: [https://univerifier.io/](https://univerifier.io/)
But I don't claim that it actually supports all the credential formats and signature suites in existence...
Especially considering that at the last Internet Identity Workshop a lot of different formats were identified:
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aNHvPhFv85HHlG8Ry2etrw15KdY830oAL804rMFY9bY](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aNHvPhFv85HHlG8Ry2etrw15KdY830oAL804rMFY9bY/)
* [Updating SafeCurves for 2022...](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0048.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 24 May)
* [Guidance for Choosing an Elliptic Curve Signature Algorithm in 2022](https://soatok.blog/2022/05/19/guidance-for-choosing-an-elliptic-curve-signature-algorithm-in-2022/)
It suggests updates to the [SafeCurves website](https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/)
* [Cross-vendor interop for Data Integrity and Ed25519Signature2020 achieved](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0034.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 17 May)
We are happy to announce today that we have our first demonstration of cross-vendor interoperability between Danube Tech and Digital Bazaar for verification regarding the Data Integrity and Ed25519Signature2020 work items:
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-ed25519-test-suite/#Data%20Integrity%20(verifier](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-ed25519-test-suite/%23Data%2520Integrity%2520(verifier)
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-ed25519-test-suite/#Ed25519Signature2020%20(verifier](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/di-ed25519-test-suite/%23Ed25519Signature2020%2520(verifier)
* [Streamlining Data Integrity Cryptosuites](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0115.html) Manu Sporny (Sunday, 31 July)
* [2022-VCWG-Data-Integrity-Streamlining.pdf](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/att-0115/2022-VCWG-Data-Integrity-Streamlining.pdf)

* [Publication request for Data Integrity CGFRs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0107.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 26 July)
This is a publication request for four Data Integrity Community Group
Final Reports. Namely:
* [Data Integrity](https://w3c.github.io/cg-reports/credentials/CG-FINAL-data-integrity-20220722/)
* [Data Integrity JSON Web Signature Cryptosuite 2020](https://w3c.github.io/cg-reports/credentials/CG-FINAL-lds-jws2020-20220721/)
* [Data Integrity ECDSA Cryptosuite 2019](https://w3c.github.io/cg-reports/credentials/CG-FINAL-di-ecdsa-2019-20220724/)
* [Data Integrity EdDSA Cryptosuite 2020](https://w3c.github.io/cg-reports/credentials/CG-FINAL-di-eddsa-2020-20220724/)
## DIDComm
* [announcement: DIDComm user group](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0168.html) Hardman, Daniel (Thursday, 20 January)
Now that the [DIDComm v2 spec](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/) is nearing completion, and there are [robust libraries in multiple programming languages](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging%23implementations), we are starting a user group to share learnings as we put DIDComm into production. We will organize community resources, produce a handbook, foster application-level protocol creation, maintain the [didcomm.org website](https://didcomm.org) and [repo](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm.org), and recommend best practices.
* [slides for DIDComm discussion on Tuesday's CCG call](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0032.html) Daniel Hardman (Tuesday, 5 April)
application/pdf attachment: [DIDComm_v2_Primer.pdf](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/att-0032/DIDComm_v2_Primer.pdf)
## Wallets
* [IETF: Secure Credential Transfer](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0025.html) Orie Steele (Monday, 4 April)
* [https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-secure-credential-transfer-03.html](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-secure-credential-transfer-03.html)
This document describes a mechanism to transfer digital credentials securely between two devices. Secure credentials may represent a digital key to a hotel room, a digital key to a door lock in a house or a digital key to a car. Devices that share credentials may belong to the same or two different platforms (e.g. iOS and Android). Secure transfer may include one or more write and read operations. Credential transfer needs to be performed securely due to the sensitive nature of the information.
* [OKTA Cloud Identity Integration with SSI wallet](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Nov/0100.html) sethi shivam (Tuesday, 23 November)
I am successfully able to integrate Okta cloud identity with SSI agent .
* [OKTA Identity Cloud Integration with SSI agent](https://medium.com/@sethisaab/okta-identity-cloud-integration-with-ssi-agent-ea1694a833cb)
Looking for your feedback on how we can improve this more[DIF Wallet Security WG - Wallet Implementers Survey](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0063.html) Bastian, Paul (Friday, 7 January)
I summarized our [goals and visions in this presentation](https://nextcloud.idunion.org/s/D2cbMi6w8t3nPYj), for more information check out [the Github page](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/wallet-security)
Also we ended up to initiating 2 new work items at the end of last year:
* [Device Binding](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/wallet-security/blob/main/work_items/device_binding.md) ([kickoff doodle](https://doodle.com/poll/bttcdxcqdn9cpziu)
* [Differential Credential Security](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/wallet-security/blob/differential-credential-security-wg/work_items/differential_credential_security.md)
* [W3C CCG Wallet Protocol Analysis (WIP)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Mar/0241.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 24 March)
As most of us know, that eventually led to the realization of the many dimensions of decentralization and creation of the excellent "DID Method Rubric" by JoeA, RyanG, and DanielH (with support from a very large cast of characters in this community).
It feels like we're in the early throes of a "Wallet Rubric".
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/139dTcWp28LePAQjrA1uXVy4d154B22Y2d-vn5GvIaec/edit#](https://docs.google.com/document/d/139dTcWp28LePAQjrA1uXVy4d154B22Y2d-vn5GvIaec/edit%23) [updated link]
## RDF
* [Importing Verifiable Data as Labeled Property Graphs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0022.html) Orie Steele (Wednesday, 15 June)
I think what happens is that a first blank node is created for the proof, and since that node has `@container` `@graph`, instead of being able to trace the relationships directly from credential to proof to verification method...
Each proof is being treated as a disjoint subgraph, and the relationship is not being preserved during import… [...]
I suspect this is solvable with a more complicated graph config: [https://neo4j.com/labs/neosemantics/4.0/config/](https://neo4j.com/labs/neosemantics/4.0/config/)
But I wonder if we might correct this behavior in VC Data Model 2.0, such that RDF representations don't have this odd behavior when imported as labeled property graphs. [...]
answer on the github issue for the standard, I raised it here: [](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/881)[https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/881](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/881)
* [Proposed W3C Charter: RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022May/0033.html) Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 17 May)
The goal of this group is to standardize the way many of us digitally sign Verifiable Credentials. This working group has been about decade in the making (some would say two decades) and is important for achieving things like BBS+ selective disclosure as well as standardizing the way we format Verifiable Credentials before they are digitally signed.
The [announcement](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2022May/0005.html) is here
The [proposed charter](https://www.w3.org/2022/05/04-proposed-rch-wg-charter/) is here
* [URDNA2015 Implementation Question](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0017.html) Daniel Petranek (Thursday, 7 July)
I've instrumented the rdf-canonicalize library so I can inspect the order of execution, and it appears that what differs between my implementation and the Javascript one is the order of the permutations. The spec doesn't say how the permutations should be ordered, and my intuition is that the order does indeed matter - though I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
So, here is my question(s):
- Does the order of the permutations matter?
- If so, what order should they be in?
## Quantum
* [Future-proofing VCs via multiple signatures](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0043.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 6 January)
What this means is that it is now possible to not have to depend on one signature format, and instead use multiple to meet different needs. The VC above supports NIST-approved cryptography today, while enabling the advanced use of BBS+ (if an organization would like to use it /before/ it is standardized at IETF), and also enabling protection if a quantum computer were to break both Ed25519 and BBS+... all on the same VC in a fairly compact format.
* [re: New Work Item Incubating for IETF: JSON Encoding for Post Quantum Signatures](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0008.html) Orie Steele (Tuesday, 1 February)
I look forward to continuing to work on JSON encoding for post quantum signature schemes.
In particular, support for JWS and JWK as building blocks for higher order cryptographic systems, such as DIDs and VCs.
If you are interested in contributing, please feel free to open issues here: [](https://github.com/mesur-io/post-quantum-signatures)[https://github.com/mesur-io/post-quantum-signatures](https://github.com/mesur-io/post-quantum-signatures)
* [Post Quantum and Related](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jul/0010.html) Mike Prorock (Wednesday, 6 July)
* [NIST Announcement here](https://csrc.nist.gov/News/2022/pqc-candidates-to-be-standardized-and-round-4)
* [And a pretty good game plan from CISA with some timing implications here](https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity/2022/07/05/prepare-new-cryptographic-standard-protect-against-future-quantum)
The TLDR is to assume that we need hard answers as a community, and at the standards level, on crypto agility by 2024, as well as support for the key algorithms as listed above.
## Assorted
* [Bootstrapping a VDR-based decentralized object (credential) platform?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0274.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Monday, 26 July)
Here's an [illustration of the relationships between the initial DOMAIN and POOL txns](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/07/26/bootstrapping-a-vdr-based-decentralized-credential-object-platform-von-example/) used to bootstrap an example Aries VDR...
* [the link between biometrics and PII needs careful management](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0000.html) Daniel Hardman (Wednesday, 1 September)
* [This is the real story of the Afghan biometric databases abandoned to the Taliban | MIT Technology Review](https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/08/30/1033941/afghanistan-biometric-databases-us-military-40-data-points/)
* [FYI: C2PA Releases Specification of World’s First Industry Standard for Content Provenance](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0207.html) Leonard Rosenthol (Wednesday, 26 January)
Just wanted to update folks here that the C2PA has released version 1.0 of their specification at [https://c2pa.org/specifications/specifications/1.0/index.html](https://c2pa.org/specifications/specifications/1.0/index.html). As previously mentioned, it includes native support for VC’s for use in identification of actors (be they human, organizations, etc.). Thanks to everyone here for their input on our work and helping us to deliver.
* [FedId CG at W3C and GNAP](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jan/0065.html) Orie Steele (Friday, 7 January)
I asked them whether they considered GNAP via slack.
* [https://w3ccommunity.slack.com/archives/C02355QUL73/p1641585415001900](https://w3ccommunity.slack.com/archives/C02355QUL73/p1641585415001900)
They are chartered here: [](https://fedidcg.github.io/)[https://fedidcg.github.io/](https://fedidcg.github.io/)
To look at AuthN that breaks when browser primitives are removed.
They are currently focused on OIDC, SAML, WS-Fed.
The reason I asked them was in relation to the questions we have discussed regarding "What can GNAP replace".
Clearly GNAP can replace OAuth, but I think you both have now confirmed that GNAP does not replace OIDC, or federated identity...
* [XMSS: Generating usable test vectors for JOSE and COSE](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0007.html) Orie Steele (Sunday, 3 April)
We've been working on generating test vectors for: [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8391](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8391) $1$2
That we could use to register the `kty` and `alg` for XMSS such that it could be used by JOSE and COSE.
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/xmss](https://github.com/transmute-industries/xmss)
I've reached the limits of my ability to move this ball forward, and am here to ask for help
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# Identosphere Special | European Identity and Cloud Conference 2022 5/10-13
Go to Kuppinger Cole for [ON-DEMAND ACCESS](https://www.kuppingercole.com/book/eic2022)

## Blog Posts
* [Impressions from the EIC Conference 2022](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic2022-impressions) Kuppinger Cole (EIC Trailer)
* [@EIC2022 Centralized & Decentralized Identity converging](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eic2022-centralized-decentralized-identity-converging-kuppinger/) Martin Kuppinger
For me, the most relevant new topic and trend was to finally see the convergence of decentralized identities (DID) and traditional approaches on IAM starting. DID, also referred to as SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) or verifiable credentials, is a concept where the user has a wallet that holds proofs of identities and attributes.
* [OIDF Workshop at EIC 2022 — Tuesday, May 10, 2022](https://openid.net/workshops/workshop-at-eic-2022/)
The OpenID Foundation hosted a workshop at [EIC 2022 in Berlin](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022/) that was part of the pre-conference workshops on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
The Foundation was thrilled to welcome and introduce two of the 2022 Kim Cameron Award winners, Rachelle Sellung and Alen Horvat at the workshop. The Foundation will soon publish blogs from Rachelle and Alen describing their experiences at EIC 2022.
* [Download workshop presentations](http://openid.net/wordpress-content/uploads/2022/05/OIDF_Workshop-at-EIC_FINAL_2022-05-11.pptx)
* [What the EIC Decentralized Identity Award Means For Indicio](https://indicio.tech/what-the-eic-decentralized-identity-award-means-for-indicio/) Indico
it could provide definitive proof of a person’s Covid test status without airlines having to integrate with centralized databases of health data, a path mired in complexity and legal liability. It could allow passengers to use this proof in a way that protected their privacy.
* [EIC Keynote 2022 — The Value Paradox: The 3 Inflections of IGA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DejA_YoyhrBg) Jackson Shaw
Explore the inflection points of identity governance and administration (IGA) through modern history with Jackson Shaw at the 2022 European Identity & Cloud Conference (EIC) hosted by KuppingerCole.
* [ABB Honored with an EIC Award for Excellence in Enterprise IAM](https://blog.clearskye.com/abb-honored-with-an-eic-award-for-excellence-in-enterprise-iam) Clearskye
ABB is being honored for its Global IAM initiative, established to improve security, compliance, and operations, and ensure access management is properly overseen. But with operations in over 100 countries,180,000 employees,13,000 servers, 6,500 applications, hundreds of HR systems, and a complex Active Directory implementation, this is not an easy undertaking.
* [Announcing the 2022 OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award](https://openid.net/2022/04/08/announcing-the-2022-openid-foundation-kim-cameron-scholarship/) OpenID
Award recipients will be studying, researching, interning or working in a field relevant to one or more [OpenID Foundation working groups](https://openid.net/wg/) and consistent with Foundation’s Mission. The recipients will also be invited to participate in Foundation breakout meetings at the European Identity Conference and Identiverse which will provide exposure to both the Foundation’s business as well as leading technologists.
GAIN was a big topic of discussion
* [Nat Sakimura @_nat_en · May 12](https://twitter.com/_nat_en/status/1524654753917153280)
GAIN: The Global Assured Identity Network [@OIX_Nick](https://twitter.com/OIX_Nick) and [@gailhodges](https://twitter.com/gailhodges) on the main stage.

* [Protocols, Standards, Alliances: How to Re-GAIN the Future Internet from the Big Platforms](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic2022-panel-gain-future-internet) Kuppinger Cole
just like trade unions helped the working class during the industrial revolution to fight for their rights. In this panel session, we will discuss about the enablers of such a different approach and the requirements to actually be successfull.
## Tweeters
Tweet from EIC By [Tatsuo Kudo](https://twitter.com/tkudos/status/1525039878911713282)

* [Vittorio @vibronet](https://twitter.com/vibronet/status/1523948063697551362)
* [@kuppingercole](https://twitter.com/kuppingercole)
* [#EiC2022](https://twitter.com/hashtag/EiC2022?src%3Dhashtag_click)
keynote room - in “David, I can’t let you do that” style visualization

* [Atul Tulshibagwale](https://twitter.com/zirotrust/status/1523944752516845573)
Answering the #privacy question asked in [@timcappalli](https://twitter.com/timcappalli)'s #sse token revocation talk at the #EiC2022 - read this [#OpenID](https://twitter.com/hashtag/OpenID?src%3Dhashtag_click) blog post to know how privacy can be protected in SSE
* [Shared Signals: An Open Standard for Webhooks](https://openid.net/2021/08/24/shared-signals-an-open-standard-for-webhooks/)
defines stream-based communication mechanisms between Transmitters that generate events and Receivers that consume them. It defines an Event Stream Management API for obtaining the Transmitter configuration: Which events it supports, how they can be verified, and where it sends them to the receiver.
* [@styrainc 12:02 PM · May 11, 2022](https://twitter.com/styrainc/status/1524419573096800257)
“[@OpenPolicyAgent](https://twitter.com/OpenPolicyAgent) has become the standard for policy-based access and externalized [#Authorization](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Authorization)”. A great takeaway from the intro to [#OPA](https://twitter.com/hashtag/OPA) for multi-cloud policy and process portability session at [#EIC2022](https://twitter.com/hashtag/EIC2022).
## 🎉Thanks for Supporting Identosphere’s Weekly🎉
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# WorkingGroupNewsletterDigest
## DID Working Group
* [https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/](https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/) - Website
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/) - LIst Archives
Hot Threads
* [Current status of DID Core implementations (June 2021)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jun/0012.html)
Our latest implementation report for DID Core is available here:
* [https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/#spec-statement-summary](https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/%23spec-statement-summary)
Here are the remaining items that the WG needs to discuss on the upcoming call:
#1: Are the hl, relativeRef, and service implementations independent enough?
* [...]
#2: Are we letting the JSON serialization keep unimplemented features?
* [...]
#3: What are we going to do with deactivated, nextUpdate, and nextVersionId?
* [Negative press related to DIDs and VCs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jun/0032.html) Manu Sporny (29 June)
Just drawing your attention towards this:
* [https://twitter.com/harryhalpin/status/1409615372538548227](https://twitter.com/harryhalpin/status/1409615372538548227)

* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2021May/0177.html](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2021May/0177.html)
These are things that I would expect we would normally just ignore, but I've received a number of private emails over the tweet above from various decision making parties inside the EU requesting that we respond publicly to theses sorts of accusations.
The accusations are being taken seriously by some because Harry Halpin is ex-W3C staff. Also note that he his company is developing "competing technology" to DIDs and VCs.
Just raising awareness here as Harry's campaign is having a negative effect on adoption of VCs and DIDs.
Ted Thibodeau Jr Shares
it was not the only nor the first related tweet emanating from Harry --
* [https://twitter.com/search?q=W3C%20(DID%20OR%20%22Verifiable%20Credentials%22%20OR%20VCs)%20(from%3Aharryhalpin)&src=typed_query&f=live](https://twitter.com/search?q%3DW3C%2520(DID%2520OR%2520%2522Verifiable%2520Credentials%2522%2520OR%2520VCs)%2520(from%253Aharryhalpin)%26src%3Dtyped_query%26f%3Dlive)
Nor has he limited his commentary to Twitter --
* [https://www.google.com/search?q=W3C+(DID+OR+%22Verifiable+Credentials%22+OR+VCs)+%22harry+halpin%22](https://www.google.com/search?q%3DW3C%2B(DID%2BOR%2B%2522Verifiable%2BCredentials%2522%2BOR%2BVCs)%2B%2522harry%2Bhalpin%2522)
* [Subject Identifiers (IETF SECEVENT)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Apr/0017.html) Justin Richer (9 April)
The Security Events working group in the IETF (SECEVENT) has a standards-track draft for describing “subject identifiers” in various contexts.
* [https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html](https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-secevent-subject-identifiers-07.html)
In short, it’s a way to say “this item is an email and here’s its value”, or “this item is an issuer/subject pair, here are those values”. This is useful in a variety of contexts where you want to identify someone but might have a variety of ways to do so.
I spoke with the editor of the draft to propose that we add a “did” format into this document, now that DID core is reasonably stable and the CR is published. She agreed that it would make sense but would rather have the experts in the DID community propose the actual text for the added section.
## Credentials Community Group
* [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/meetings) - GitHub
* [https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/) - W3C Community Page
* [https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/) - Mailing List Arcives
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/) - GItHub Pages Site
Hot Threads
* [2 special topics IIWs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0293.html) Kaliya IDwoman
we are pulling together these as an experiment based on feedback from the community in the closing circle of the last IIW.
1) User-Experience and SSI on July 22nd. 8am - 2pm pacific time.
* [www.eventbrite.com/e/159946001797/?discount=CCG_25](http://www.eventbrite.com/e/159946001797/?discount%3DCCG_25)
2) The Business of SSI on August 4th 8am-2pm pacific time.
* [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-business-of-ssi-an-iiw-special-topic-12-day-virtual-event-tickets-161249943923](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-business-of-ssi-an-iiw-special-topic-12-day-virtual-event-tickets-161249943923)
We also have [IIW33 set now as a virtual event October 12-14](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/internet-identity-workshop-iiwxxxiii-33-2021b-tickets-160257990965) - we had too much uncertainty around travel for folks outside the US who are now 50% of attendees, delta+ variants, fires in California at that time of year and wanting to provide hybrid participation options and not having time.
* [a few thoughts about zcaps](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0036.html) Nikos Fotiou
I was reading zcaps draft, as well as related work, mostly macaroons ([https://research.google/pubs/pub41892/](https://research.google/pubs/pub41892/).
Something that I found confusing about capability documents is that they do not make clear the actions they concern. For example from this [](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/zcap-ld/%23example-1)[https://w3c-ccg.github.io/zcap-ld/#example-1](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/zcap-ld/%23example-1) it is not clear that this is a capability for "driving a car".
* [Manu Responds:](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0037.html)
We are still trying to figure out how to explain these things to people.
Capabilities-based systems are not a new concept; they're decades old at this
point. The challenge has always been in communicating why they're useful and
have a place in modern security systems.
The Encrypted Data Vault work uses zcaps, and it's there that we're trying
hard to explain to developers how to use it:
* [https://identity.foundation/confidential-storage/#introduction](https://identity.foundation/confidential-storage/%23introduction)
* [The "Verifiable" Economy [was RE: a few thoughts about zcaps]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0047.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Monday, 5 April)
After ruminating on ZCAPs, VCs, DIDs, and DID Documents over Easter dinner, it occurred to me that we're on the verge of creating a model for a "verifiable" economy...

* [Capability Authorization-enabled Decentralized Object Model [was RE: The "Verifiable" Economy [was RE: a few thoughts about zcaps]]](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0062.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Wednesday, 7 April)
I see all of this converging into a Capability Authorization-enabled Decentralized Object Model. “More news at 11…”

* [Fake CDC vax cards now being sold to anti-vaxxers](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0077.html) Moses Ma (Thursday, 8 April)
Just wanted to share this with those working on C19 vax certs:
From: [https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scammers-sell-fake-covid19/](https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/scammers-sell-fake-covid19/)
The security firm DomainTools claims to have seen authentic-looking CDC cards selling for as little as $20 each on domains like covid-19vaccinationcards[.]com, which features a Let’s Encrypt TLS certificate. “Though selling a printed card is not necessarily illegal, the pricing, logo and cardstock of these ‘vaccination records’ demonstrate a level of intent to pass as legitimate cards from the CDC,” explained DomainTools senior security researcher, Chad Anderson.
From: [https://www.tomsguide.com/news/fake-covid-vaccination-cards](https://www.tomsguide.com/news/fake-covid-vaccination-cards)
Israeli security firm Check Point reports that fake American and Russian vaccination certificates are being sold online for between $100 and $200. Fake COVID-19 negative test results cost as little as $25, while (likely fake) COVID-19 vaccine sells for about $500 per vial.
* [Vaccination Certificate Test Suite](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0081.html) Manu Sporny (Thursday, 8 April)
As some of you know, a few of the members in the W3C Credentials Community Group have been working on a Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary[1]. The World Health Organization has recently published a Release Candidate data model dictionary for Smart Vaccination Cards[2]. The CCG has also been working on a Verifiable Credentials HTTP API[3].
The WHO guidance covers 28 types of vaccines that we (as a global society)
depend on, including Measles, Smallpox, Polio, Yellow Fever, COVID-19, and
others. We (Digital Bazaar) thought it might be interesting to see if we could
create an interoperability test suite for the WHO Smart Vaccination Card work using the tools listed above.
- A test suite containing 1,624 tests covering the
28 vaccine types in the WHO vocabulary.
- 7 independent vendor implementations issuing and
verifying each others WHO Smart Vaccination Cards.
- 1,623 passing tests demonstrating true
You can view the latest Vaccination Certificate test suite report here:
* [https://w3id.org/vaccination/interop-reports](https://w3id.org/vaccination/interop-reports)
* [Regarding CBOR-LD Web Transports](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0100.html) Orie Steele (Saturday, 10 April)
I pushed up this small demo showing how to transport JSON-LD as CBOR-LD over QR Code and Web NFC.
* [https://github.com/transmute-industries/cbor-ld-web-transports](https://github.com/transmute-industries/cbor-ld-web-transports)
* [CBOR-LD stabilization (was: Re: Regarding CBOR-LD Web Transports)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0127.html) Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 21 April)
Digital Bazaar has a few updates to share with the community.
1. With a huge thank you to Dave Longley, a new version of the CBOR-LD library, with generalized and stable algorithms, and that works in the browser and node.js, has been released:
2. We have split out the CBOR-LD command line interface into a separate project:
1. DB has released a CBOR-LD to QR Code image library for encoding and decoding Verifiable Presentations:
1. After some consultation with Mattr and Transmute, we've settled on a base32 alphanumeric QR Code encoding that is 10% more space efficient than base64url byte mode. This is important because this format is compatible with hundreds of QR Code readers on the market. Every QR Code reader that we've tested has worked with this new format.
* [OAuth2.0 and VCs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0152.html) Nikos Fotiou
I would like to share with you a paper we have written and it will be presented at [IEEE ICCCN 2021](http://www.icccn.org/). You can find the paper here [https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.11515](https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.11515) We tried to couple OAuth 2.0 flows with JWT/JWS and VCs in order to implement capabilities-based access control. Our goal was to show gains with minimal changes. Some things that might be of interest:
- We used Proof-of-Possession Key Semantics for JSON Web Tokens (RFC 7800) instead of credentialSubject `id`
- We used OAuth 2.0 Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP),([https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop/](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop/)) for proving VC ownership
- We discuss how Revocation list 2020 has better privacy properties compared to RFC 7662 (which can be used for examining the status of an access token)
* [Zero Trust Architecture in the White House Executive Order on Cybersecurity](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0062.html) Adrian Gropper (Friday, 14 May)
Please read Section 3 in the EO
* […]
It may be time for us to explain Zero-Trust Architecture relationship to
VCs and DIDs. My not-so-hidden agenda includes priority for considering
authorization and delegation in our protocol work but our diverse community of security experts will surely make this a much broader discussion.
* [Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity](https://comms.wiley.law/e/knewjcfglctwt7w/a7406307-5755-44fa-a5c5-22dd04d9e9a7)
Sec. 3. Modernizing Federal Government Cybersecurity.
(a) To keep pace with today’s dynamic and increasingly sophisticated cyber threat environment, the Federal Government must take decisive steps to modernize its approach to cybersecurity, including by increasing the Federal Government’s visibility into threats, while protecting privacy and civil liberties. The Federal Government must adopt security best practices; advance toward Zero Trust Architecture; accelerate movement to secure cloud services, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS); centralize and streamline access to cybersecurity data to drive analytics for identifying and managing cybersecurity risks; and invest in both technology and personnel to match these modernization goals.
* [One subject, 2 VCs, 2 duplicate properties](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0075.html) Michael Herman (Trusted Digital Web) (Tuesday, 18 May)
* Erin is the Subject of 2 Verifiable Credentials: VC1 and VC2
* VC1 has 2 properties: "age" and "hairColor"
* VC2 has the same 2 properties (by name): "age" and "hairColor"
1. Assuming VC1 and VC2 apply/are valid at the same instant in time, can the value of the "age" property (or the "hairColor" property) be different in V1 compared to V2?
2. What makes sense? ...what is realistic? ...how should VCs behave in this regard?
* [RE: Cryptographically Enforceable Issuer Policies (forked](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0108.html) Joosten, H.J.M. (Rieks) (Friday, 21 May)
Before answering your question, let me tell you this is still stuff we are coming to grips with - it is the subject of a masters thesis that Naveena Anaigoundanpudur Karthikeyan is working on with TNO. So what I write below are ideas that I still need to see verified.
* [...]
parties that issue credentials under such a policy must (be able to) determine
* That he attributes that a KeySmith uses to generate decryption keys are sufficient for expressing its policy
* That the process that the KeySmith uses to validate the attributes that parties provide as they request a decryption key, provides sufficient assurance that the (cryptograhpic) evaluation of the policy is also valid. And I think this is the trickiest part.
From: Steve Magennis
Subject: RE: One subject, 2 VCs, 2 duplicate properties
... forking the conversation r.e. Cryptographically Enforceable Issuer Policies @Joosten, H.J.M. (Rieks), how would it be determined if a Verifier satisfies policy conditions? Really interesting idea.
* [CCG 101 - Help us know what is needed!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0150.html) Victor Syntez (Tuesday, 25 May)
I've invited you to fill out the following form:
CCG 101 - Help us know what’s needed!
To fill it out, visit:
* [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3OakcEg8IfWXYALg10eiii2hiLKq2vXC-yazpPk0QVzIMzQ/viewform?vc%3D0%26amp;c%3D0%26amp;w%3D1%26amp;flr%3D0%26amp;usp%3Dmail_form_link)
* [CCG updates to cgbot and scribe-tool](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0169.html) Manu Sporny (Sunday, 30 May)
New CCG infrastructure features:
- Auto-presence - No one is required to present+ themselves any more. The cgbot does it for us now, saving our feeble sausage fingers from being over exerted.
- The Ryan Grant, Who We All Know And Love, Would Like To Know Where The Raw Transcripts Are Feature - When the cgbot closes out the meeting, it will let everyone in IRC know where the raw transcripts, audio, and video files are so anyone can download them and/or remix them to spread CCG propaganda. This will hopefully also save Heather from having to document yet another piece of tribal CCG knowledge.
- The You Exist Even Though You're Not in people.json Feature - When someone is present+'d, which is anyone that joins the call now thanks to auto-presence, that person will show up in the attendees list. This achieves two things 1) the poor minutes publisher can update the people.json at their leisure instead of being blocked by it whenever a new person shows up to a call, and 2) we get a more accurate record of attendees.
- The Fellow Jitser Invisibility Decloaker Feature - If you join the meeting with a new browser, or in Incognito mode, and you change your name from "Fellow Jister" to your preferred name, you never show up in the attendee list. People that change their names now show up in the attendee list. If you want to stay pseudonymous just give yourself an unrecognizable name... like "Robot Overlord".
* [...]
These are baby steps towards an attempt at auto-transcription and auto-publication of minutes. There are a few things that aren't automated yet (like auto-detecting the meeting name)... ETA on those upgrades is unknown since all these upgrades are on a best effort basis.
* [[CEIP] Draft paper on Cryptographically Enforceable Issuer Policies](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021May/0170.html) Joosten, H.J.M. (Rieks) May 30
my colleague Sterre and I drafted [a paper that we provisionally called Cryptographically Enforceable Issuer Policies](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c8kIUqB2BBzM3usfD0_s5wu_z6K2KndzJ4uK_oZcPOs/edit?usp%3Dsharing), which describes our current thinking on this topic.
The paper isn’t finished. We need more text in the ‘discussions’ section, and hope that by making the draft available we’ll get the discussions that we (or you?) can describe in there. Also, we might have missed stuff that you as a reader need for a proper understanding of what this is all about, and to start pondering for what (other) purposes all this might be used. Or why this proposal is a very bad idea that we should not spend any more time on.
* [VC HTTP Authorization Conversation](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0009.html) Adrian Gropper June 2
The diversity of our community is a plus. To begin a conversation on VC access controls, I suggest this short intro to the differences between OAuth 2.0 and GNAP:
* [https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-05.html#name-compared-to-oauth-20](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-05.html%23name-compared-to-oauth-20)
My goal is to arrive at a shared understanding of what would be minimum needed to support both OAuth2 and GNAP for securing access to a VC.
* [Identifiers in Verifiable Credentials](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0023.html) Kerri Lemoie June 6
"When expressing statements about a specific thing, such as a person, product, or organization, it is often useful to use some kind of identifier so that others can express statements about the same thing. This specification defines the optional id property for such identifiers. The id property is intended to unambiguously refer to an object, such as a person, product, or organization. Using the id property allows for the expression of statements about specific things in the verifiable credential."
In the credentialSubject property it seems clear that the id can represent the subject that the claim is about but I’m not clear on the uses for the optional id in the vc assertion. It would be helpful to learn about some examples or suggested uses.
For some context: in VC-EDU, we’re discussing Open Badges as VCs. Open Badges have historically mostly been verified via issuer hosted URLs. One of the reasons to move away from hosted URLs is to remove the dependence on the issuer for verification. However, there may continue to be use cases for when an Open Badge should still be verified through its hosted url.
* [Selective Disclosure of lists](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0048.html) David Chadwick June 8
The user's VC has a property with a list of values (e.g. names of role holders). The user only wants to disclose n of m of this list to the verifier.
How can the verifier determine the difference between
i) a list with only n entries
ii) a list that has more than n entries but the user has withheld some of them.
Then we have the case where
iii) the list is genuinely empty because e.g. the role, has not been assigned to anyone yet, and
iv) the user does not want to tell the verifier any of the list values.
Re: Understanding @contexts and credentialSchemas Jun 10
This won't be a complete answer, but at the time of publication I believe that field was used in 2 ways.
1. with json schema, see this for example -
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-json-schemas/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-json-schemas/)
2. with hyperledger indy zkp-cl signature vc's
In both cases, "credentialSchemas" was more about the VC data shape and type, whereas contexts and JSON-LD are best used only for semantics.
There are other tools like SHACL that can help do linked data shape constraints, perhaps someone might use them with credentialSchemas in the future.
but AFAIK, "credentialSchemas" is focused on the credential data shape. And "@context" is focused on the semantics and term definitions used in the credential.
On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 5:15 PM Kerri Lemoie <klemoie@concentricsky.com>
> Hello all,
> I’m reviewing this: [https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#data-schemas](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/%23data-schemas)
> Could folks please explain to me the uses of credentialSchemas in
> comparison to @context files in JSON-LD? Is it that @context files name the
> attributes and credentialSchemas provide the information about how to
> validate the data/semantics?
* [California Digital Vaccine Record based on VCs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0191.html) Heather Vescent June 18
May be of interest: [https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-18/california-unveils-system-to-provide-digital-covid-19-vaccine-records](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-18/california-unveils-system-to-provide-digital-covid-19-vaccine-records)
SMART Health Card Framework: [https://vci.org/about#smart-health](https://vci.org/about%23smart-health)
To achieve this purpose, the founding members of VCI™ have collaborated to develop (1) the SMART Health Cards Framework Implementation Guide based on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Verifiable Credential and Health Level 7 (HL7) SMART on FHIR standards, and (2) the SMART Health Cards: Vaccination & Testing Implementation Guide.
If you are in California, you can get your vaccine record here: [https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/](https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/)
* [Re: The dangers of using VCs as permission tokens (was: PROPOSALs for VC HTTP API call on 2021-06-22)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jun/0244.html) Manu Sporny
On 6/24/21 12:35 PM, Kyle Den Hartog wrote:
> Agreed, when it comes to the number of checks that occur it's much greater
> because of the delegation. With that in mind, looking at the semantics only
> of the system VCs in my opinion weren't optimally designed for permission
> tokens. This difference between the two requires that an implementation
> that wants to support both claims tokens and permissions tokens has to
> grapple with the different mental model that arise when trying to stuff
> these things together. This introduces additional complexity. Additionally
> it leads to weird statements that are being made where it's difficult to
> tell if the VC is behaving like a claims token or a permissions token.
Yes, exactly this. Exactly what Kyle states above is the reason why it's so complicated (and thus dangerous) to use VCs as permissions tokens.
This is one of the primary reasons that we separated out the Authorization Capabilities work from the Verifiable Credentials work. Things get really complicated when you start mixing authz/authn/claims/permissions into a Verifiable Credential. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.
Much of the complexity that gets created in such a system that mixes all those concepts together goes away when you clearly separate claims tokens from permissions tokens.
I suggest that folks take a look at Kyle's post to see how intractable the problem becomes when you don't do proper separation of concerns and depend on attributes to convey permissions:
* [https://kyledenhartog.com/example-authz-with-VCs/](https://kyledenhartog.com/example-authz-with-VCs/)
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# Highlights
## Identosphere
We created an [Identosphere Group on Tru.net](https://tru.net/Identosphere)
## Projects
RIF Identity
* [@ilanolkies](https://twitter.com/ilanolkies) shares: *Okey, so, today I mapped the work done in the last 3 month by [@rif_os](https://twitter.com/rif_os) about Self-Sovereign Identity protocols in a single link [https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity](https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity). All compatible with existent protocols and fully integrated into [@RSKsmart](https://twitter.com/RSKsmart) blockchain. The future is one step closer.*
## Acct Recovery
* [Hyperledger Identity Screencast: Social Recovery for Passwords and Secrets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D1c05mFuEQ5s)
A demonstration of using social recovery for things like recovery passwords of self-sovereign identity digital wallets. The website [http://passguardian.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event%3Dvideo_description%26redir_token%3DQUFFLUhqbnFXWC1vZEVSZS11Ynl1ZGpBRk1uMUN6VnhnUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRjRPbmFSOEVqU1FNSEJDMml0WXYzUjlmRUdyZk5lVWJSc2p1QnFHV0pMZzNfVlBpNVJ0UGZvY2pEVUlzTFA1LWJlQUU0Q190akpyQndJWmU3bDZranNJVUZxZi1JX2pJb2I1SEtpRXB0cjhCQWNNdw%26q%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fpassguardian.com) is used to show how a secret can be encoded and distributed as shards, and then later some of the shards combined to restore the secret. This video is part of a [Linux Foundation course on Hyperledger Identity](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-hyperledger-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solutions-indy-aries-and-ursa/), published on edX.
## History
* [A brief history of SSI: Where does it come from? A timeline.](https://jolocom.io/blog/a-brief-history-of-ssi-where-does-it-come-from-a-timeline/)
A short timeline highlights just how quickly SSI has developed. It underlines the path and development of the evolution of Internet Identity.
* [2022: LOOKING AT THE YEAR AHEAD](https://mydata.org/2022/01/11/2022-looking-at-the-year-ahead/) MyData
As MyData Global saw in our [reflection on 2021](https://mydata.org/2021/12/17/2021-in-review-the-events-and-activities-shaping-the-personal-data-landscape/), the transformation towards a human-centric personal data economy is underway. This transformation is driven by two forces: first, the dominant unethical approaches to personal data are starting to show how unsustainable they really are.
* [WAO wraps up for the holidays](https://blog.weareopen.coop/wao-wraps-up-for-the-holidays-c85bff4c910c) We Are Open Co-op
Great Work on Badges!
In May, we did some [workshopping with the crypto platform NEAR](https://weareopen.coop/near/), which was the first time we accepted cryptocurrency as part of our fee. In May, We Are Open Cooperative also [turned 5 years old](https://blog.weareopen.coop/wao-turns-five-30747f4df0f9). We celebrated this momentous occasion by launching our [new website](https://weareopen.coop/) and adding more stuff to our [free learning resource hub](https://learnwith.weareopen.coop/).
* [2021 in review: The events and activities shaping the personal data Landscape](https://mydata.org/2021/12/17/2021-in-review-the-events-and-activities-shaping-the-personal-data-landscape/) MyData
2021 has been a productive year for MyData Global, and a significant one for the wider personal data world. The [Facebook Files](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1446435772857524224?s%3D20) helped raise the issue of personal data and ethics to the general public, and the EU’s Data Governance Act has helped put into practice many of the changes [MyData Global has been advocating for](https://mydata.org/2021/10/28/mydata-and-the-european-unions-latest-data-developments/).
* [An Outlook on 2022](https://jolocom.io/blog/an-outlook-on-2022/) JoloCom
For us, interoperability will remain a very present topic for the next year ([https://jolocom.io/blog/can-we-avoid-a-ssi-babel/](https://jolocom.io/blog/can-we-avoid-a-ssi-babel/).
* Christopher Allen: [Not Moxie Marlinspike](https://www.moxytongue.com/2021/09/not-moxie-marlinspike.html), Oft confused, no more.
* [Link to a corrected attribution Devon Lofretto is not Moxie Marlinspike](https://github.com/lifewithalacrity/lifewithalacrity.github.io/commit/52c30ec1d649494066c3e9c9fa1bbaf95cd6386f)
> Self-Sovereign Identity has deep roots. It did not just emerge in 2016 after a blog post was written. It did not fail to exist when wikipedia editors denied it subject integrity with the stated message: "good luck with that".
* [An Identity Through Time](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23D/_An_Identity_Through_Time) by David Schmudde
The history of identity online. Finger, CompuServe, DNS/WWW, Facebook
The slides are based on this blog post: [https://schmud.de/posts/2021-04-22-id-through-time.html](https://schmud.de/posts/2021-04-22-id-through-time.html)
Nothing to prevent players to take advantage of SSI. They may add something small and useful aspects to the protocols.
The hope is that our stuff is super interoperable. So you can actually really leave.
Facebook is interesting because it was based on the .edu domain. Small network. Solving for the endstate that we see now is different than starting back then.
Zero-knowledge proofs and trustless networks may require high-trust environments for adoptions.
* [Distributed Open Identity: Self-Sovereign OpenID: A Status Report](https://identiverse.gallery.video/detail/videos/standards/video/6184823227001/distributed-open-identity:-self-sovereign-openid:-a-status-report?autoStart=true)
> follow up of the Identiverse 2019 session “SSO: Self-sovereign OpenID Connect – a ToDo list”. (Decentralized Identity, Mobile, Verified Claims & Credentials, Standards, Preeti Rastogi, Nat Sakimura)
* [State of Identity with IDRamp](https://oneworldidentity.com/podcast/idramp-2/) (Enterprise SSI company)
> As someone who has uniquely spent their full career immersed in identity, Mike Vesey (CEO of IdRamp) shares an insider perspective of how the industry has evolved during his tenure. This episode dives into the impacts of rapid digitalization worldwide, where identity is heading due to digital transformation, and the benefits that come with it.
SSI vs Santa
* [Phil Wolff shares](https://twitter.com/evanwolf/status/1339128612650291203):
> In 2021 Santa decentralizes his list, no longer relying on children’s Real Names in compliance with kid privacy laws. Self-sovereign identity lets kids ask Santa, confident their identities are authenticated (right toys to the right kid) & that he uses verified naughty/nice data.
Digital Caribou shares their thoughts on [Digital Transformation and inclusion](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/transformation-in-a-digital-age-9068338fd778) - very good thinking for all of us working on digital identity.
> We believe that the emphasis on transformation as both process and effects is particularly important, especially as although digitization and digitalization are well underway, accelerated by the response to COVID-19 (remote working, payments, etc.), these are not inevitable processes. They are the results of human decisions. Similarly, the effects of these are not inevitable, either.
## Interviews
* [Building Digital Trust Ecosystems with Riley Hughes from Trinsic [Podcast]](https://northernblock.io/building-digital-trust-ecosystems/)
> The reason I love that quote is that digital credentials and verifiable data can not only impact the use cases that everybody tends to think about when they think about SSI, but they could permeate our whole lives and streamline everything we do.
* [Michael Becker Interviewed Kaliya re:SSI](https://identitypraxis.com/2020/11/16/an-interview-on-self-sovereign-identity-with-kaliya-young-the-identity-women/)
> Kaliya’s purpose is to answer this profound question: “How do we own, control, manage, and represent ourselves in the digital world, independently of the BigTech companies (Facebook, Google, etc.)?”
* [Tim Bouma is interviewed](https://medium.com/@trbouma/self-sovereign-identity-interview-with-tim-bouma-ca193f66f2bb) by SSI Ambassador - Adrian Doerk
> Every technology is a two-edged sword, gunpowder, guns, you know anything? There’s an upside and there’s the downside. I think that’s something that we have to be very cognizant of.
* [The Domains of Identity and SSI with “Identity Woman”](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/domains-of-identity-ssi-identity-woman-kaliya-young/), Kaliya Young
> Kaliya and Oscar discuss the long-running Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) that she co-founded, the effects of moving to virtual identity conferences in 2020, insights from Kaliya’s books – ‘The Domains of Identity’, newly published in 2020, and ‘A Comprehensive Guide to Self Sovereign Identity’ – plus some great tips for all business leaders on how to view the role of identity in their organisation.
* [One woman’s open-source journey to decentralized identity](https://indicio.tech/blog/one-womans-open-source-journey-to-decentralized-identity-with-the-help-of-indicio-tech/) Indicio
> Noha Abuaesh, a Bahrain-based computer scientist, has been exploring decentralized identity for the last year, often with assistance from Indicio.tech’s open-source tools and free communications channels.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Authors Alex Preukschat & Shannon Appelcline](https://securetalkpodcast.com/podcast/self-sovereign-identity-alex-preukschat-shannon-appelcline/) Discussing
> Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials explain what Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is, why it’s important, and provide examples of practical applications for individuals and organizations.
An academic nerdy podcast, out of [RMIT](https://www.rmit.edu.au/), Australia
* [Episode 6: 'Digital Identity & Blockchain' with Kaliya Young, Prof. Jason Potts, & Prof. Ellie Rennie](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4kO6VVT9PmRPrie6e5plPj)
## Remembering Kim Cameron
I (Kaliya) will be working on a blog post for next week. For those of you who didn’t know Kim I’m very sad you will not get to meet him. He contributed greatly to our field. He was a good friend to many and a mentor and ally for women working in the field. His [Laws of Identity](https://www.identityblog.com/stories/2005/05/13/TheLawsOfIdentity.pdf) shape and continue to shape our industry - in invite you to read people’s reflections to get a small sense of who he was.
* [Remembering an Identity Leader](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/lp/remembering-kim-cameron.html) Ping Identity
Kim stood for all that is right in the intersection of technology and humanity.
* [Remembering Kim Cameron](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/12/03/remembering-kim-cameron/) Doc Searls
Kim pushed constantly toward openness, inclusivity, compatibility, cooperation, and the need for individual agency and scale.
* [Remembering Kim Cameron](https://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2022/01/11/remembering-kim-cameron/) Vittorio Bertocci
Kim might no longer update his blog, nudge identity products toward his vision or give inspiring, generous talks to audiences large and small, but his influence looms large in the identity industry – an industry Kim changed forever.
* [Memories of Kim Cameron](https://www.tuesdaynight.org/2022/01/12/memories-of-kim-cameron/) Ian Glazer
Reification. I learned that word from Kim. In the immediate next breath he said from the stage that he was told not everyone knew what reify meant and that he would use a more approachable word: “thingify.” And therein I learned another lesson from Kim about how to present to an audience.
* [Personal Digital Transformation and Holistic Digital Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D9DExNTY3QAk) OpenID Japan ← His last public talk
from the OpenID Summit Tokyo 2020 Keynote […] about Claims, Identity, Self-ness, Who-ness, and OpenID Connect and Decentralized Identity.
* [My heart is heavy over the loss of @Kim_Cameron](https://twitter.com/pamelarosiedee/status/1466776672443666432) Pamela Dingle
He always made sure that everyone was welcome, he brought people in and inspired them and suggested ways for them to be stars. He was kind, in a way that few people ever are.
* [Kim Cameron: A leader in the digital identity space](https://www.identitynorth.ca/2021/12/02/kim-cameron-a-leader-in-the-digital-identity-space/) Aran Hamilton, Identity North
He spoke to us twice in 2016, first as the Keynote for our Annual Summit “[Beyond the Laws of Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DuqUXYl90XHM)” referring to his ground-breaking work and taking us through what he felt he missed when he published his Laws. Kim spoke later on the importance of the community when he received recognition as a [Founder of Canada’s Digital Economy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DxdlBg0Ai9aQ%26feature%3Dyoutu.be).
Kim joined us again in 2020, after he retired from Microsoft and gave a different sort of talk. His [keynote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DnLSYCxw6I8c) at the IdentityNORTH Annual Summit was a sort of career retrospective
* [Rest in Peace, Kim Cameron](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/resch/rest-in-peace-kim-cameron) Joerg Resch, Kuppinger Cole
Kim attended nearly all the European Identity Conferences (EIC), from the very first one back in 2007, to 2019 and inspired us with his visionary, content-rich yet entertaining keynote talks and panel sessions. Have a look at his 2019 talk about privacy in the platform economy (“[Turning the Web Right Side Up](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic2019_14_09_cameron)”, his visionary “[Identity Services 2020](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic15_keynote_cameron)” talk at EIC 2015, where he also reflected on 15 years
* [In Praise of Kim Cameron](https://openid.net/2021/12/04/in-praise-of-kim-cameron/) OpenID Foundation
Not only did Kim “inject his 7 laws of identity into Microsoft’s DNA”, but did so throughout today’s growing global digital identity ecosystem.
Kim was crafty. He not only injected his thinking into Microsoft; as a champion of the Identity Standards Community, Kim embedded his thinking into the standards that inform many of the identity systems operating at scale today.
* [There are no words, really, but I will try](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6872285572124221440/) Jamie Lewis
If there was ever a person one could describe as being “full of life,” it was [Kim Cameron](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAAAiG7UBqRTVbfo5tvZGPKQY9pWuFZkqneY). It was impossible to be around him without laughing and learning—usually at the same time.
* [Kim Cameron: Identity's god](https://www.networkworld.com/article/2316750/kim-cameron--identity-s-god.html) Network World
Kim Cameron isn't on a mission from God, but he once played guitar with some guys who were.
## Kim Cameron Memorials
* [Stories of Kim Cameron](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2218)
I once asked Kim why there were so many Canadians working in digital identity. He replied: “Every day as a Canadian, you think ‘What is it that makes me uniquely Canadian, as opposed to being American? Whereas Americans never give it a thought. Canadians are always thinking about identity.'”
* [In Memory of Kim Cameron](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/12/in_memory_of_kim_cameron.shtml) Phil Windley
Kim's technical excellence got him a seat at the table. His position at Microsoft gave him a big voice. But what made Kim effective was his gentle approach to technical discussions, especially those he thought might be contentious.
* [The gentle lawgiver](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/12/06/the-gentle-lawgiver/) Doc Searls
What I want to celebrate, however, isn’t just Kim’s thoughts and works, but his example: of how an open and generous person in a giant company can use its power for good, and not play the heavy doing it. That’s what Kim did for the two decades he was the top architect of Microsoft’s approach to digital identity and meta systems
## Enterprise
* [OKTA Identity Cloud Integration with SSI agent](https://medium.com/@sethisaab/okta-identity-cloud-integration-with-ssi-agent-ea1694a833cb) @sethisaab
You will be able to learn how we can integrate existing centralized IDM solutions like Oracle Identity Cloud Service, OKTA identity Management, Sailpoint or Saviynt with SSI solutions like Hyperledger Aries, Spherity, or Trinsic to issue Verifiable credentials at the enterprise level as per business requirement.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for the Enterprise with Switchboard](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/unlocking-the-potential-of-self-sovereign-identity-for-enterprise-with-energy-web-switchboard-ab41499003a0) Energy Web
This release includes major updates to the front-end Switchboard web application as well as the back-end libraries and components, giving companies access to the full suite features offered by legacy identity access management solutions in a decentralized architecture.
* [https://northernblock.io/products/ssi-enterprise-cloud/](https://northernblock.io/products/ssi-enterprise-cloud/). In this video, we will demonstrate how to create new Verifiable Credentials with custom schemas using the NB Orbit enterprise app. Once the credential schema is created and the attribute fields specified, the enterprise user can then publish a credential definition to whatever root of trust they are using, in our case a Hyperledger Indy network.
* [LEIs to enable corporate digital ID with verifiable credentials](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/lei-corporate-digital-identity-verifiable-credentials-did/)
> The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) is the umbrella body that delegates responsibility for issuing LEIs to local organizations.
> It’s such a pressing issue that it was raised by the OECD and B20 (G20 business) just three months ago when they suggested a [Global Value Chain (GVC) Passport](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/oecd-saudi-blockchain-business-passport-financial-compliance/).
* [GLEIF Press Release](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/press-releases/gleif-advances-digital-trust-and-identity-for-legal-entities-globally)
* [Layering Digital ID on Top of Traditional Data Management](https://hiplatform.org/blog/2020/5/20/layering-digital-id-on-top-of-traditional-data-management) HIP
> While Digital ID could offer benefit to humanitarian agencies and beneficiaries, alike, many questions remain to be answered. The cost effectiveness of ID solutions remains to be established. Given that many of these systems are only operating at pilot-scale, it is difficult to know what the primary drivers of cost are and how they can be mitigated. In addition, the digital ID space is fairly young and while initiatives like ID4D and ID2020 are working to drive meaningful interoperability among providers in the space, it remains to be seen what the most effective factors, in addition to open source software, open APIs, and common data formats, can be used to general meaningful interoperability.
## Trends
* [Digital Caribou looks at the future trends impacting Digital Identity](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/diagnostic-trends-shaping-the-future-of-digital-identification-181724c40068)
> 1. The state of the art in digital identification are trust frameworks that accommodate diverse technologies, systems and stakeholders
> 2. Risks remain even within the most rigorous trust framework:
> 3. Achieving inclusion requires addressing both technical and political dimensions
> 4. Trust frameworks are complicated so getting governance right requires an ecosystems approach
> 5. Building the future of digital identification means reckoning with an analogue past
## Name of SSI
* [SSI Has an Identity Problem](https://trinsic.id/ssi-has-an-identity-problem/) Reilly, Trinsic
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# Business
* [Choice, decision making and judgment; is your relationship constructive or destructive?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/07/choice-decision-making-and-judgment-is.html) MyDigitalFootprint
> My proposal to help support better governance is that we request companies publish the questions asked in a board meeting. Not the answers, but definitely the questions.
* [The Document Culture of Amazon](https://www.justingarrison.com/blog/2021-03-15-the-document-culture-of-amazon/) Justin Garrison
> The interesting part to me isn’t in the format of the document, but how it is used. Meetings start with reading. Depending on the length of the document, we’ll read anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour. If the meeting has a long document (six-pagers are the longest) and many attendees, the meeting will be scheduled for enough time to read and discuss.
* [Decentralized Business Model](https://sgershuni.medium.com/decentralized-business-model-4c540ea5b769) Stepan Gershuni
> How reduction in transaction costs influence evolution in digital business models
* [Businesses need to ‘mind the trust gap’ so users don’t need to sacrifice privacy, MEF Global Consumer Trust Survey finds](https://blog.digi.me/2021/05/20/businesses-need-to-mind-the-trust-gap-so-users-dont-need-to-sacrifice-privacy-mef-global-consumer-trust-survey-finds/) DigiMe
Key findings from the report are:
- Users sacrifice privacy and security for access to valued services
- Smartphone users begin to sense improvement in the mobile environment
- More and more users take protective steps, but remain exposed to harm
- Protective actions do not necessarily drive confidence
- Cost, knowledge and perceived complexity are key barriers
- Transparency and control are key values for users
* [Decentralized ID Management Business Value of SSI](https://www.inforisktoday.com/self-sovereign-identity-more-use-cases-a-16448) Heather Dahl and Ken Ebert of Indicio
The decentralized workforce is also fueling demand for self-sovereign identity, Dahl says. "When you physically decentralize your workforce in society, the need for identity becomes more important." She says increasing concerns about protecting privacy are "pushing organizations to consider identity solutions that don't involve correlation and don't involve third-party tracking but also provide the security.”
* [Making Money with SSI](https://trinsic.id/webinar-recap-making-money-with-ssi/).Trinsic hosted a webinar where four different folks articulated how you make money with SSI. You can see each of the presentations separately if you like.
* [SSI Business Models and Go-to-Market](https://sgershuni.medium.com/ssi-business-models-and-go-to-market-663813eea3b4)
In the second part I’m focusing on the business model and go-to-market aspects.
What are some limitations and opportunities for making profitable business in self-sovereign identity?
- [Economics of Self-Sovereign Identity and the Future of Cryptoeconomics with Stepan Gershuni](https://anchor.fm/ssi-orbit-podcast/episodes/9---Economics-of-Self-Sovereign-Identity-and-the-Future-of-Cryptoeconomics-with-Stepan-Gershuni-euvf32/a-a58m81q) Podcast • SSIOrbit
- Biz models of web1, web2, web3
- SSI Adoption Strategy
- Verifiability = Economic Efficiencies
- Cryptoeconomics x SSI (h/t [@mathieu_glaude](https://twitter.com/mathieu_glaude)
* [On Self-Sovereign Identity: What's the Business Value of SSI?](https://hackernoon.com/self-sovereign-identity-what-is-the-business-value-uq6l36wh) Hackernoon
> To businesses, immediate value comes from removal of the costly and challenging GDPR compliance. [Forbes reports](https://www.forbes.com/sites/oliversmith/2018/05/02/the-gdpr-racket-whos-making-money-from-this-9bn-business-shakedown/?ref%3Dhackernoon.com%235dd0efa234a2) that in 2018 in the UK alone $1,1 billion was spent by companies on GDPR preparation, while US companies allocated over $7.8 billion on protecting customers’ personal information.
* [Career Advice for New Professionals in Identity](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22D/_Career_Advice_for_New_Professionals_in_Identity) by Megan Olsen
Simon: worked with Megan Olsen for 6(?) months as intern. Do not have job offer yet. Think this is the future. Hard to get from corporations taking advantage, bring freedom back as it was back in the day. Advise: do some research on your own, educate yourself, do development as much as you can.
Join some communities on the Internet. Be part of an open source and contribute.I will be contributing to open source Indivcio while whiling for job offer.
Simon (Slava) Nazarenko, 1:50:12 PM
please, connect if you want
* [https://www.linkedin.com/in/slavanaz/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/slavanaz/)
Patrick Kenyon. Indicio. Mobile development layer. 2 months. Mobile development itself. Wanted to learn a bit more about identity aspect that I’ve been working on. To learn better.
Ian Kulp. Not currently working yet. Finished bachelors degree same time last year. After 2 year SDE intensive. 2nd years ML. passionate about all things decentralized. See as evolution of internet. Heavily invested in cryptos pace. Mining. 24 GPU miners going. First IIW. Soaking in as much knowledge as I can. By time … graduate from this software engineering intensive. Hope to enter the workforce ideally with a company or org triny got move the decentralized revolution for
Patrick Kenyon To Everyone
1:51:27 PM
Megan: biggest advice: go in chat and ask for everyone’s LinkedIn. I applied for a lot of jobs and … heard back. Got job through networking. Then got Patrick hired. I don’t remember if I filled out application or not.
Megan: learning different things, even though don’t sound important to what you are doing, can be helpful.
Phil: looking through this advice, notes. Is any of it Identity-specific? Or just, this is our community? The rest is just IT and cybersecurity-oriented guidance?
Megan: still extremely new. Only 6 months next week. Think the advise is about the same. #1 thing to remember about identity: there is always going to be news stuff coming up that surprises you. Never would have thought of it that way because it’s always been the same way for a long time.
PhilWolff: I’m a researcher for digital identity in the Internet of Things.
I’ve been coming to IIW for about 10(?) years. Everything Megan tells you, do that. But there is a huge leap between world of identity access management - world of well-known well-understood problems, pretty proven toolkit for managing them; and folks like at IIW trying to imagine what’s trh proven ne stuff for 5 years down the road, start designing it now. Bleeding edge of digital identity in some respects. Other pockets of the internet where you can find where the innovators are doing stuff. Most 95% of companies in Identity trying to get some enterprise(s) properly connected, wired up. Industry, IAM. Consider as two separate fields. Identity research, science - vs. Identity Operations. Most work in Identity is Identity Operations and Business practice.
* [What Your Customers Really Want From Your Login Box](https://auth0.com/blog/what-your-customers-really-want-from-your-login-box/) Auth0
customers want convenience and control: they want to choose which authentication method to use – whether it’s MFA or SSO or biometrics. They want a brand experience that resembles a concierge desk: a 24/7 service where no demand is too big. To top it off, they don’t want to see any technical glitches
* [How SSI Can Make Any Platform a 'Super App'](https://bloom.co/blog/how-ssi-can-make-any-platform-a-super-app/)
> Companies that support a Verifiable Credential Issuance standard can provide audited and truthful information to any third party on behalf of and with specific permission from their customers. For example, a bank could provide proof-of-funds in the form of a digitally verified credential document, that can then be used as a source of truth to instantly initiate a mortgage application, or a real estate purchase offer.
* [When it Comes to Decentralized Identity, Sell Solutions Not Rules](https://indicio.tech/when-it-comes-to-decentralized-identity-sell-solutions-not-rules/)
we advocate “machine-readable governance” as an architectural solution.
- First, machine-readable governance simplifies how decentralized identity works: The user software handles the rules for information flows and authentication, which are established and published by the entities with authority for governing the use case.
- Second, this architecture makes these rules transparent.
- Third, and critically, it enables these rules to function offline through caching, which, when you think about it, is an essential feature in any digital identity verification system; trust can’t be dependent on a Wi-Fi signal.
* [Building a Relationship Economy](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/02/11/building-a-relationship-economy/) Doc Searls
Is there something new that open source development methods and values can bring to the economy? How about something old?
* [4 Keys to Self-sovereign Identity Adoption](https://medium.com/trinsic/4-keys-to-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-ad269b208569), Riley Hughes
> I decided to interview close to 50 business leaders who are seeking to deploy SSI in production to glean their learnings. The interviewees included our “competitors” (at this stage we’re more collaborative than competitive), a few of Trinsic’s customers, and industry leaders. I have summarized and consolidated their insights and my own thoughts into 4 keys for SSI adoption.
* [The Identity Imperative: Risk Management, Value Creation, and Balance of Power Shifts](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/12/10/the-identity-imperative-risk-management-value-creation-and-balance-of-power-shifts/) IdentityPraxis Michael Becker
Brands need to prepare for fundamental shifts in people’s attitudes and expectations. The implications of these shifts will be profound, as they will force a change in competition, business models, product offerings, and business practices.
* [A Tour Through the OWASP Top 10](https://auth0.com/blog/a-tour-through-the-owasp-top-10/) Auth0
*Market issues that we should make sure SSI addresses*
> A quick look at the refreshed OWASP Top 10 to celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month
> - Broken access control
> - Cryptographic Failure
> - Injection
> - Insecure Design
> - Security Misconfiguration
> - Outdated Components
> - ID-Auth Failure
> - Software\Data Integrity Failure
> - Logging\Monitoring Failure
> - Server Side Request Forgery
* [Where the Intention Economy Beats the Attention Economy](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/10/04/where-intention/)
There’s an economic theory here: Free customers are more valuable than captive ones—to themselves, to the companies they deal with, and to the marketplace. If that’s true, [the intention economy](https://www.amazon.com/Intention-Economy-When-Customers-Charge/dp/1422158527) will prove it. If not, we’ll stay stuck in the attention economy, where the belief that captive customers are more valuable than free ones prevails.
* [Just ask](https://werd.io/2021/just-ask) Werd
We’d get the startup founders to figure out the biggest assumptions they were making across user risk (do people want this?), business risk (can this be the center of a viable business?), and feasibility risk (can we build this in a scalable way with the time, team, and resources potentially at our disposal?). And then we’d ask them to go out and figure out how to de-risk those assumptions in the real world, usually by talking to experts and asking smart questions.
* [View From The Field, Riley Hughes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dz3H40QAEJnw%26t%3D2s) Trust Over IP Foundation
Perspectives on the business problems being addressed by ToIP-aligned solutions. Primary research performed by Trinsic to get to the core issues getting in the way of scaling adoption of trust solutions. Riley presents his results and offers perspectives on how to overcome the various challenges.
* [Working Spaces Are Ecosystems Too!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DMfBoUDNcyW4) Autumn Watkinson - Trust over IP Foundation
An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment. When you hear that definition, you might priture a pristine nature landscape, but that definition can also apply to how businesses, individual or organization interact with one and other. This talk is about natural ecosystem and how we can adapt nature's lessons to our industry ecosystems.
* [How my team won FinCEN/FDIC’s Digital Identity Tech Sprint](https://medium.com/global-id/how-my-team-won-fincen-fdics-digital-identity-tech-sprint-3af744b818a5) Vadim Slavin GlobalID
“What is a scalable, cost-efficient, risk-based solution to measure the effectiveness of digital identity proofing to ensure that individuals who remotely (i.e., not in person) present themselves for financial activities are who they claim to be?”
* [Inclusive identity: are we doing enough? With Tricerion, Women in Identity and FinClusive](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/inclusive-identity-tricerion-women-in-identity-finclusive/) Ubisecure
One of the clearest areas of digital identity where we see the impact of not doing enough to include vulnerable people is authentication – the point where a user must verify their identity in order to gain access to a service.
* [Catalyzing your Digital Transformation Journey](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022/blog/catalyzing-your-digital-transformation-journey-in-providing-a-seamless-access-experience-to-your-customers-partners-and-employees) Kuppinger Cole
The KuppingerCole Identity Fabric, an indispensable component in modeling future-proof IAM concepts has just been extended and updated in some details. As a framework and guideline describing a modern, future proof and adaptable IAM, it demands and promotes seamless and secure access for every actor to all required resources.
* [Can Self-Sovereign Identity Deliver Business Value?](https://walton.uark.edu/insights/posts/can-self-sovereign-identity-deliver-business-value-lessons-learned-from-the-nhs.php) Walton College
As [Mary Lacity](https://walton.uark.edu/departments/information-systems/directory/uid/mclacity/name/Mary%2BLacity/) and [Erran Carmel](https://www.american.edu/kogod/faculty/carmel.cfm) explore in their whitepaper, [“Implementing Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) for a digital staff passport at UK NHS,”](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/5/444/files/2018/01/BCoE2022SS1FINAL.pdf) the lessons learned by the NHS may point towards ways of unlocking new business value.
* [Identity Proofing – Definition, Importance, and Solutions](https://imageware.io/identity-proofing/) Imageware
The global market for identity and access management was $9.53 billion USD in 2018 and is expected to reach $24.76 billion USD by the end of 2026, showing a CAGR of 13.2% during the forecast year.
* [Global Identity Market Signals](https://indicio.tech/global-identity-market-signals/) by Indicio
Decentralized Identity has gone international! In this week’s GIMS, we’ll talk about some of the most exciting projects and some of the lessons learned from around the globe.
* [Decentralized Identity Market See Huge Growth for New Normal | Microsoft, Accenture, Persistent](https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/decentralized-identity-market-see-huge-growth-for-new-normal-microsoft-accenture-persistent) Digital Journal
Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry
Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region
Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions
Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application
Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis
Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders
## Funding
* [NGI OPEN CALLS](https://www.ngi.eu/opencalls)
NGI Assure: Closing 8/22
design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyber-physical systems, service components and processes.
ONTOCHAIN: Closing 7/25
a new software ecosystem for trusted, traceable and transparent ontological knowledge management. The specific objective of the ONTOCHAIN Open Call 3 is to complete the missing blocks of the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure, as well as to exploit the ONTOCHAIN infrastructure
* [What will we learn from the Market Failure of Digital Identity?](https://lockstep.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Steve-Wilson-Identiverse-2022-Market-Failure-0.6-HANDOUTS.pdf) Stephen Wilson
Identiverse follow-up
The common law system countries (AU, CA, NZ, UK & US) left the market to work out identity, and the market “decided” that there’s no need for IdPs. Let us respect that decision. The market has been trying to tell us for over a decade: IDENTITY IS NOT FOR SALE!
* [Does “data monetisation” lead towards more fairness, sustainability, and prosperity for all?](https://www.mydata.org/2022/07/13/data-monetisation/) MyData
As this is a complex and often polarising issue, it must be discussed with patience, diligence, and determination. MyData Global has not yet reached a position on the topic. In this piece, we share our considerations and questions, and hope to inspire you to join this important deliberation.
* [Subscriptification](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/07/15/subscriptification/) Doc Searls
Let’s start with what happened to TV.
For decades, all TV signals were “over the air,” and free to be watched by anyone with a TV and an antenna.
* [Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Leadership with Andre Durand](https://www.nonconformistinnovation.com/andre-durand/) Nonconformist Innovation
Andre talks about what motivated him to start a company, how his best ideas came about, his thoughts about building teams, questions he asks of new hires, the legacy he hopes will endure, and how he fights entropy. Steve also asks Andre about his favorite music and the next concert he is planning to attend.
* [How to create an effective Decentralized ID Model](https://tykn.tech/decentralized-id-model/) Tykn
The Decentralized ID Model is a strategic template used by Tykn to effectively develop and document an organization’s Decentralized ID ecosystem.
* [Multi-Cloud orchestration makes identity work](https://idramp.com/multi-cloud-orchestration-makes-identity-work/) IDRamp
It’s called decentralized identity orchestration and brings with it uniform security controls and functionality to your applications, services, and clouds. And built using open source and open standards, it establishes vendor neutrality, provides superior agility for continuous digital transformation, and propels digital business forward.
* [Top 8 Identity Challenges After an Merger and Acquisition](https://www.radiantlogic.com/blog/top-8-identity-challenges-after-an-ma/) RadiantLogic
* [Think the martech landscape is big? Here’s the size of the software industry overall](https://customerthink.com/think-the-martech-landscape-is-big-heres-the-size-of-the-software-industry-overall/)
* [Digital Identity Market Signals](https://indicio.tech/digital-identity-market-signals/)
- [Digital ID bill sees action in the House and Senate](https://fcw.com/congress/2022/07/digital-id-bill-sees-action-house-and-senate/374552/%25C2%25A0)
- [Will EU digital identity drop the unique identifier?](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202207/will-eu-digital-identity-drop-the-unique-identifier%25C2%25A0)
- [Why digital identity will make or break the Metaverse](https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2022/07/why-digital-identity-will-make-or-break-the-metaverse/%25C2%25A0)
- [Young people at greater risk of falling victim to identity fraud](https://www.digit.fyi/young-people-at-greater-risk-of-falling-victim-to-identity-fraud/%25C2%25A0)
* [Why plastic cards are a model for verifiable credentials as a service](https://lockstep.com.au/magnetic-stripe-cards-and-verifiable-credentials/) Lockstep
The plastic card paradigm has some powerful features which are instructive for the emerging VCs-as-a-service industry.
- A competitive market of card personalisation bureaus, providing custom production, magnetic stripe encoding, and card distribution and activation, all in commercial bundles which can be purchased by government agencies, banks, professional associations, universities, driver licence bureaus, and so on. On the rear of many plastic cards, the card manufacturer is indicated in fine print. It may well be that the same manufacturer produced your credit cards and government cards.
* [How to rewrite a press release: a step-by-step guide](https://blog.jonudell.net/2022/08/13/how-to-rewrite-a-press-release-a-step-by-step-guide/) Jonudell
Lead with key benefits. The release features two: support for diplex-matched antennas and faster workflow. The original headline mentions only the first, I added the second.
Clarify modifiers. A phrase like “diplex matched antennas” is ambiguous. Does “matched” modify “diplex” or “antennas”? The domain is unfamiliar to me, but I suspected it should be “diplex-matched” and a web search confirmed that hunch.
Omit needless words. The idea of faster workflow appears in the original first paragraph as “new efficiencies aimed at streamlining antenna design workflows and shortening design cycles.” That’s a long, complicated, yet vague way of saying “enables designers to work faster.”
* [McK Insights: Why digital trust truly matters, and what it means for your bottom line](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-carsten-st%25C3%25B6cker-1145871_mck-why-digital-trust-truly-matters-activity-6976042326783619072-uSIz/) Dr. Carsten Stöcker
The results of our survey of more than 1,300 business leaders and 3,000 consumers globally suggest that establishing trust in products and experiences that leverage AI, digital technologies, and data not only meets consumer expectations but also could promote growth.
* [Instagram “slide show” about SSI Market Potential](https://www.instagram.com/p/CikfpR3PmbO/?igshid%3DNmNmNjAwNzg%253D) mehdicherifm
- New revenue growth
- New revenue streams
- Turn regulation in to revenues
- More customer reach
- More efficient operations
* [Writing for Verifiable Credentials Marketing Workshop](https://indicio.tech/product/writing-for-verifiable-credentials-marketing-workshop/) Indicio
An Interactive workshop designed to uncover the winning strategies, and pitfalls to avoid, when communicating decentralized identity to customers, internal stakeholders, and the world.
## Enterprise
* [Decentralized identity: The key to the digital era?](https://venturebeat.com/2020/10/28/decentralized-identity-the-key-to-the-digital-era/)
> They quote [Forrester](https://www.forrester.com/report/New+Tech+Decentralized+Digital+Identity+DDID+Q1+2020/-/E-RES147115) “*Today’s digital identity frameworks are centralized, suffer from a lack of trust, aren’t portable, and don’t give consumers control.*”
> They touch on a new acronym saying : enterprise-level thinking around next-generation authentication is focused on initiatives such as [SPIFFE](https://spiffe.io/), the Secure Production Identity Framework For Everyone
* Ontology Officially a [Technical Provider for Enterprise Solutions](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-is-now-officially-a-technical-provider-for-enterprise-solutions-through-cointelegraph-80db38c45489) through Cointelegraph Consulting
> Cointelegraph has quietly established itself as a legitimate mediator between established enterprises and blockchain technology providers.
* [Forbes “Blockchain 50” Shows Enterprise Blockchain’s Footprint and Impact, with Hyperledger Tech Leading The Pack](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/02/once-again-forbes-blockchain-50-shows-enterprise-blockchains-footprint-and-impact-with-hyperledger-technologies-leading-the-pack)
> Declaring that blockchain has “gone mainstream,” Forbes today released its 2021 “Blockchain 50,” featuring companies that have at least $1 billion in revenues or are valued at $1 billion or more and “lead in employing distributed ledger technology.” And, once again, half of the companies on the list are using Hyperledger technology.
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# Governance
* [Data Unions, Banks, Coops, Fiduciaries etc – has their time come?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3D/_Data_Unions,_Banks,_Coops,_Fiduciaries_etc_--_has_their_time_come%253F) by Johannes Ernst
Historical analogies: rural electrification, telecommunications, insurance
Examples for where such data coops would be useful:
- Sharing of environmental monitoring data among farmers, e.g. in the California central valley
- Shared backup infrastructure for individuals / families
- Collective bargaining with data brokers etc
Different data unions may focus on different things, just like different credit unions might have different investment priorities
Links from chat
* [https://www.storj.io/whitepaper](https://www.storj.io/whitepaper)
I signed up this week for social.coop!
* [https://mastodon.social/](https://mastodon.social/)
* [social.coop](https://social.coop)
My use case is I want to operate [https://twitter.com/permanentcpu](https://twitter.com/permanentcpu) as a coop :)
* [https://disco.coop/](https://disco.coop/)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_Principles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_Principles)
“The earliest mutual organization established in the British North American colonies was created in 1735 in Charleston, SC” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cooperatives_in_the_United_States#18th_century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cooperatives_in_the_United_States%2318th_century)
“The Philadelphia Contributionship mutual insurance company, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1752, is the oldest continuing mutual insurance company in the continental United States. “
Coop says more about the governance (democracy + open membership) than the business model, IMO
* [https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2020/08/31/exit-community-community-primer](https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/2020/08/31/exit-community-community-primer)
* [https://platform.coop](https://platform.coop)
A cooperative is defined as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
Good book of case studies on “Platform Cooperatives” [https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/ours-to-hack-and-to-own/](https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/ours-to-hack-and-to-own/)
Working through this now: more of a playbook [https://elements.disco.coop/](https://elements.disco.coop/)
This is the ‘exit to community’ co starting up in SF. [https://www.understory.coop/](https://www.understory.coop/)
* [https://understory.garden/u/tani.myunderstory.com/default/pFcGoTnHLbR6vXHZdEVW89bZYgmJesMkyK](https://understory.garden/u/tani.myunderstory.com/default/pFcGoTnHLbR6vXHZdEVW89bZYgmJesMkyK)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture)
In 5 years, will the cloud service your’e renting be the same price or functionality or still exist?
* [https://community.webmonetization.org/valueflows/valueflows-software-for-distributed-cooperative-economic-activity-on-the-open-web-grant-report-1-3mjk](https://community.webmonetization.org/valueflows/valueflows-software-for-distributed-cooperative-economic-activity-on-the-open-web-grant-report-1-3mjk)
* [https://mothership.disco.coop/NextCloud](https://mothership.disco.coop/NextCloud)
Run [https://github.com/colab-coop/coopernetes](https://github.com/colab-coop/coopernetes)
Then run [https://github.com/solid/community-server](https://github.com/solid/community-server)
(Or next cloud + [https://github.com/pdsinterop/solid-nextcloud](https://github.com/pdsinterop/solid-nextcloud)
* [https://www.tru.net](https://www.tru.net)
* [https://www.sitra.fi/en/topics/fair-data-economy/](https://www.sitra.fi/en/topics/fair-data-economy/)
* [https://d1muf25xaso8hp.cloudfront.net/https%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Fappforest_uf%2Ff1587410240363x746891124614691500%2Fmartech_2020_final-1600x900-web.jpg?w=1024&h=576&auto=compress&dpr=2&fit=max](https://d1muf25xaso8hp.cloudfront.net/https%253A%252F%252Fs3.amazonaws.com%252Fappforest_uf%252Ff1587410240363x746891124614691500%252Fmartech_2020_final-1600x900-web.jpg?w%3D1024%26h%3D576%26auto%3Dcompress%26dpr%3D2%26fit%3Dmax)
* [SSI for Organizations: Who’s behind this DID?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14G/_SSI_for_Organizations:_Who%2527s_behind_this_DID%253F) by Dominic Wörner, Christian Bormann, Michael Schäfer ([video](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/hh2Uribpcy71pc7u0D_-7XCVoBmmC6feq22r4rgbnYBwnBnCd3Zib8l6WvhpOT0Esu5eFdhk00F38vaX.Z23dGksHI22vsdde?continueMode%3Dtrue)
* [Public profile - Machine-readable, cryptographially-verifiable imprint linked to a DID](https://hackmd.io/4oZOgwFOQDSFUuu3ruN-_g)
a simple mechanism to provide public information concerning an entity by advertising a public profile service in the DID document of a public DID. A good analogy for this public identity information would be a machine-readable and cryptographically-verifiable imprint.
* [Wrapping Indy Credentials (AnonCreds) in W3C VCs](https://hackmd.io/S6e2MeSWTICnV9lD9OukKg)
* [https://www.gaia-x.eu/pdf/Gaia-X_Architecture_Document_2103.pdf](https://www.gaia-x.eu/pdf/Gaia-X_Architecture_Document_2103.pdf)
* [xkcd: PGP](https://xkcd.com/1181/)
* [hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent: The Business Partner Agent allows to manage and exchange master data between organizations](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent)
Join the discussion: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
There was some discussion about the way to present such a profile, especially the way it is currently implemented as an endpoint in the did document pointing to a https ressource (json-ld document served using normal https).
One alternative, to create a DIDcomm-based protocol for public profile was discussed and would be a good alternative at the cost of every client having to be able to speak DIDcomm.
* [Trust Registry or Machine-Readable Governance?](https://indicio.tech/trust-registry-or-machine-readable-governance/) Indicio
> Machine-readable governance is composed of elements that help to establish trust and enable interoperability: trusted participants, schemas (templates for structuring information in a credential), and rules and flows for presenting credentials and verifying them. Machine-readable governance can be hierarchical. Once a governance system is published, other organizations can adopt and then amend or extend the provided system.
* [Battle of the Trust Frameworks with Tim Bouma & Darrell O’Donnell](https://northernblock.io/battle-of-the-trust-frameworks-with-tim-bouma-darrell-odonnell) Northern Block
1. Levels of Assurance (LOA): an introduction to LOAs as they relate to Digital Identity and why they’re an important part of the recipe in achieving digital trust. Tim and Darrell give us some practical examples of LOAs.
2. The Concept of Trust: how do we define trust at a high-level and how do we differentiate between technical and human trust? How can we build trust with credential issuers but also with credential holders?
3. The World of Trust Frameworks: what are trust frameworks and what are different types of frameworks being deployed in both the public and private sectors? How are organizations trying to monetize trust frameworks? What’s going right, and what’s going wrong with the way trust frameworks are being implemented?
4. The Importance of Open Source for Trust Creation: why is open source important for achieving digital sovereignty? Is open source the only way to improve transparency, flexibility and accountability?
* [ToIP Releases Additional Tools for Governance and Trust Assurance in Digital Trust Ecosystems](https://trustoverip.org/news/2021/11/12/toip-releases-additional-tools-for-governance-and-trust-assurance-in-digital-trust-ecosystems/)
Following the [September announcement of its first tools for managing risk in digital trust ecosystems](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/09/23/trust-over-ip-foundation-issues-its-first-tools-for-managing-risk-in-digital-trust-ecosystems/), today the ToIP Foundation announced three more pairs of tools to assist in the task of generating digital governance and trust assurance schemes
* [3 Stages of a Pan-African Identity Framework for Establishing Self-Sovereign Identity With Blockchain](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.631640/full) Solomon Darnell, Joseph Sevilla
Three stages have been identified as necessities to accomplish the development of this system before opening it further beyond the pan-African worldwide community. The three stages are defined by systems that allow for biometric/demographic registration (stage 1), interoperability and security hardening (stage 2), and biometric modality data analysis/organization/association (stage 3).
* [Governance: Clarifying or confusing the marketplace?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/19A/_Governance:_Clarifying_or_confusing_the_marketplace%253F)
Governance in decentralized identity is more akin to “technical rules and instructions.” This is highly disfluent in part because it is so extensive and in part because it relies on a new vocab that uses familiar words in unfamiliar ways. All of this creates disfluency to such a degree that it is unpleasant to contemplate and that unpleasantness is transferred onto the product.
This wouldn’t be a problem if we properly regarded technical governance as being in the realm of an instruction manual, which we know from UX research that most people don’t read. However, standards bodies and organizations like ToIP are driving governance as the key to implementing decentralized identity. Except… adoption of an early stage technology drives governance, not the other way around. Putting the cart before the horse is blocking adoption.
When we talk about governance, we should be using the language of values and the key value proposition: that it is putting the individual in control of their identity. That is the essence of decentralized identity governance; everything else goes in the instruction manual (which won’t be read, except by lawyers and engineers)
* [Internet Governance - UDDI - Universal Declaration of Digital Identity](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10I/_Internet_Governance_-_UDDI_-_Universal_Declaration_of_Digital_Identity) by Jeff Aresty, Kristina Yasuda
Internet governance, human rights, digital identity, Identity for All, Guardianship
* [Universal Declaration of Digital Identity](https://www.techforjustice.org/2020/08/20/universal-declaration-of-digital-identity/)
The UDDI is a call to action to IIW, which we've said before, to adopt a set of universal principles which can be used now to bring Identity for All projects to fruition.
I want to frame the UDDI discussion in terms of what we did with Jean at the last IIW - our work on the UDDI is step toward the larger humanitarian vision of a Universal Declaration of Digital Rights, which is what he is working on.
We should present the Universal Declaration of Digital Identity as a way to say what the users of tomorrow's technology expect from the technology created by industry and from their governments when it comes to a new digital world, where SSI is at the root of trust.
As we have presented these affirmations at prior IIW and since then to others - we can post a document in the session to get agreement on the affirmations in the UDDI.
This is a Call to Action for IIW to support our role as a convenor in this important area of human rights in cyberspace.
* [UDDI & UDDR - Common language once and for all?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20D/_UDDI_%2526_UDDR_-_Common_language_once_and_for_all%253F)
Query of nature of governance and role of programmers.
Who “makes” the law?
Declaration of human rights is helpful baseline on structure. Useful to get to point with universal framework.
Notion of universal rules: Notion of universality
What is nature of lawmaking.
Why should lawyers, politicians have a monopoly on lawmaking in area that don’t understand. People are making laws in action. From norms.
GO to where the justice fields are green – stateless areas. There is paradigm of need. Aiming at public international framework.
Where develop these new approaches to governance.
Universal declaration of human rights: Challenge is not what do online, but how take existing rights and move them online. Problem is 2 million years experience on physical experience, 10k years of legal experience, but only 10 years of digital personhood.
What is nature of harm and protection.
Consider legal algorithm: Harm, rights, duty, breach, causation, damages, liability, insurance
What is personhood onlie that can be equivalent of protection offline.
What is centricity of perspective: digital, human, propostional transparency and data controls. Semantic notice and control for people. Reduce scope of wormhole of law.
Reverse the transparency requirements. Organizations
Need protocol at time of interaciton
Interesting notion of putting onius on organizations to be transparent
What is governance?
What is legislation?
What is rulemaking?
Notice and consent is inversaion of power relationship by using existing rights
Notice and consent is pathway to inversation of power AND an artifact of power. The choreography is fixed..
Parts of universal document to cover human rights:
1. Legal document centered toward data
2. Technical translation of document – compliance with regulation – but difficult without standard implementatiokn.
3. Digital rights SDK – incorporate to softarre architecture
Can test compliance and standardize – data linked to representational entity.
Modules of Trust Frameworks
Disconnect of responsibility of programmers
Can link impact of action with responeiilituy.
Incorporat to educational pipeline.
Problem is not the data, it is the decision making process.
Need to start with harms that data can cause. Data processing is transformation of data. That is till point of decision of index harm.
Need to correlate tech with rights under taxonomy. Apply algorighms or indexes of harm.
When does a person become a person digitally? When data is exposed online or when they are first online? What is nature of that status?
Personhood – Certain amount of data points infers a person.
California law – is there opportunity to have trust framework law establish threshold for personhood.
In US reverse of EU, privacy is not default setting. Organizations tell you of risks before you engage. Consent by design. If backtrack. Trust framework is the culture itself. Want it extended digitally.
Technical versus non-technical issue: What is human readable and machine readable?
Semantic stack – ISO 2100 – has name for each person. Can map people to roles. Generic roles and stakeholders. What is missing is technical understanding of these. Purpose is not consistent across the stack. NO shared meaning across the stack.
Digital legal ontology extension to words. Might include in text to aid word search.
Revisit question on when do you become digital personhood.
We umnderstand physical person.
Legal person
What is digital personhood. Data online – is it a body. Is it physically me? What if not property, what is digial body – then look at rights framework. IF data is body, then rights frameworks If data is property then another set of rules.
Digital personhood as digital personhood.
Mary Rundle paper -on personhood.
Issue of nature of personhood. What is it, how defend it?
Need to know what it is before know how to defend it.
Data needs context to be valuable
Constitution protecting me, why not protect the data.
Query of nation states.
Nation states more human interst than corporations.
What is minimial set of data for a schema to be useful? Is this established in context.
Object identity and utility determine number of dat appoints.
Perhaps need digital eqjuialent of equity.
Query of what are standards of care?
Some say
I am my data
End remedy – control within bounded space
Rights by design
Reliance on systems.
Expectation of derisking. Technical standards. Unversality.
Working on enotary system.
Links from chat: [http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/privacy-legis/ISTPA-FrameworkWhitePaper013101.pdf](http://emoglen.law.columbia.edu/LIS/archive/privacy-legis/ISTPA-FrameworkWhitePaper013101.pdf)
* [2011-10-25 Marc Davis on Digital Rights presented to "The Elders"](https://vimeo.com/505044316)
* [https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0430-machine-readable-governance-frameworks/README.md](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0430-machine-readable-governance-frameworks/README.md)
* [dpvcg/dpv: Data Privacy Vocabulary](https://github.com/dpvcg/dpv)
* [https://institutionalgrammar.org/wp-content/uploads/Instructional_materials/IG-2.0-Cheat-Sheet-v1.pdf](https://institutionalgrammar.org/wp-content/uploads/Instructional_materials/IG-2.0-Cheat-Sheet-v1.pdf)
* [ISO/IEC 29100:2011 - Information technology — Security techniques — Privacy framework](https://www.iso.org/standard/45123.html)
* [At a Crossroads: Personhood and Digital Identity in the Information Society](https://www.oecd.org/sti/ieconomy/40204773.doc)
* [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy+as+Expected%3A+UI+Signalling+a+Consent+Gateway+For+Human+Consent](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy%2Bas%2BExpected%253A%2BUI%2BSignalling%2Ba%2BConsent%2BGateway%2BFor%2BHuman%2BConsent)
* [https://github.com/Open-Notice/OPN-Workshop-05-04-21](https://github.com/Open-Notice/OPN-Workshop-05-04-21)
* [Practical Perspectives on the collapse of zero-sum civilizations and the emergence of computational sovereigns and a pattern approach to digital equity governance: The source of the problems is the source of the solutions](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D22I/_Practical_Perspectives_on_the_collapse_of_zero-sum_civilizations_and_the_emergence_of_computational_sovereigns_and_a_pattern_approach_to_digital_equity_governance:_The_source_of_the_problems_is_the_source_of_the_solutions.%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1).
* [Good Health Pass Ecosystem Trust Architecture: DIDs and X.509 Trust Registries with Ecosystem Governance Frameworks](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23F/_Good_Health_Pass_Ecosystem_Trust_Architecture:_DIDs_and_X.509_Trust_Registries_with_Ecosystem_Governance_Frameworks) by Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Darrell O’Donnell
Governance, Trust Registry, Ecosystem, Transitive Trust, Architecture
Presentation Deck: [GHP Ecosystem Trust Architecture PDF](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hgh5JvrM7aUCmg5q6KIXzvpVIcgfhTjr/view?usp%3Dsharing)
- Proposed Trust Interoperability (Global) for the Good Health Pass (GHP) Ecosystem
- Kaliya Young & Rebecca Distler - Working Group Co-Leads
- Trust in the system - focus for today’s discussion.
- Principles - [https://www.goodhealthpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Good-Health-Pass-Collaborative-Principles-Paper.pdf](https://www.goodhealthpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Good-Health-Pass-Collaborative-Principles-Paper.pdf)
- Blueprint Outline - [https://www.goodhealthpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/GHPC-Interoperability-Blueprint-Outline-v2.pdf](https://www.goodhealthpass.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/GHPC-Interoperability-Blueprint-Outline-v2.pdf)
- Global Problems inhibiting world travel. Many emerging instances of GHP related ecosystems. GHP establishing an umbrella for all GHP-compliant ecosystems.
- Relying on the ToIP Trust stack as an architectural blueprint
- Ecosystem Governance Framework is at the top of a governance and technical stack.
- Some specific Ecosystems need to accommodate x.509 certificate and VC constructs.
- ToIP Stack diagram is undergoing new changes - some new terminology being discussed at IIW.
- Governance and Trust Framework terms are being used as synonyms but we conveyed that Governance Frameworks are over arching of subject Trust Frameworks.
- GHP wll be a General Ecosystem Governance Framework. Overseeing Specific EGFs..
- It is likely to have a GHP compliance but only on the lightweight tenets of interoperability.
- We are introducing a trust registry infrastructure that works with all GHP-compliant ecosystems.
- Issuers within an ecosystem will be included in a trust registry.
- Each Ecosystem must publish its governance framework and make its trust registry available
- All issuers need to be recognized by a governance framework and included in a trust registry
- The second principle is that each specific EGF will identify its trust registry with a DID and specify its trust registry service endpoint(s) in its associated DID document
- The third principle is that each VC issued under a specific EGF will identify its issuer with either:
- a DID
- a URI (for X.509 certificates)
- The final principle is that each VC issued under a specific EGF will identify its type with a type URI. That field will be using common semantics.
- With this architecture, all we need is a simple trust registry protocol to answer the question:
- Is this issuer
- authorized to issue this VC type
- under this specific EGF?
- GOOD - is a pass
- BETTER - may be purpose-limited (“trivial” example -
Links from chat:
- Bart Suichies to Everyone : the eidas demo is here: [https://essif.adaptivespace.io/](https://essif.adaptivespace.io/)
* [https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/deliverables](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/deliverables) not sure if this an open repo
* [https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/deliverables/-/blob/master/api_documentation/train-atv-1.0.0-swagger.yaml](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/deliverables/-/blob/master/api_documentation/train-atv-1.0.0-swagger.yaml)
* [https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/train_project_summary](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/train_project_summary)
- Drummond Reed to Everyone : See the anti-coercion section of the original ToIP RFC: [https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack/README.md](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack/README.md)
- Sterre den Breeijen to Everyone : [https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/verify-the-verifier-anti-coercion-by-design/](https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/verify-the-verifier-anti-coercion-by-design/) Blog on anti-coercion by my colleague Oskar van Deventer
- Bart Suichies to Everyone : @judith: [https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/train_project_summary](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/fraunhofer/train_project_summary)
- Darrell O'Donnell to Everyone : TRAIN - [https://essif-lab.eu/essif-train-by-fraunhofer-gesellschaft/](https://essif-lab.eu/essif-train-by-fraunhofer-gesellschaft/)
- Drummond Reed to Everyone : Bart, I am totally on board with the human-readable element for GHP. Happy to chat more with you about that. There is a lot of focus on that in the [Consistent User Experience drafting group](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Consistent%2BUser%2BExperience%2BDrafting%2BGroup)
* [Self-sovereign identity: Legal compliance and the involvement of governments](https://ssi-ambassador.medium.com/self-sovereign-identity-legal-compliance-and-the-involvement-of-governments-467acdd32e88) SSI Ambassador
When it comes to identity management the involvement of the government can be a tricky topic. It needs to be involved to enable access to public services, adapt legislature and guarantee equal access for its citizens. However, it should not be able to control or monitor all aspects and activities of its citizens.
* [Self-sovereign identity: the future of personal data ownership?](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/08/self-sovereign-identity-future-personal-data-ownership) WEForum
Self-sovereign identity is a promising technology to allow you to control your own data. However, to provide the true value of the technology, it is essential to establish governance framework for its operation.
* [Trust Registries Webinar](https://www.continuumloop.com/trust-registries-webinar/) Continuum Loop
Questions started at about [46:30] – though some questions came earlier. We covered:
- “I don’t trust organizations and corporations” – where we point out the “decentralize the world” approach goes to far.
- Phoning home – (hint: no it doesn’t need to phone home)
- Where are Holders Authorized? (hint: [Knowing if you can trust Bubba’s Wallet](https://www.continuumloop.com/bubbas-wallet/) may be more important…)
- Canadian Digitial Identities are emerging – can startups leverage this?
- Explain the Role of Government in ecosystems.
- “Can a third party discover who I trust from a trust registry?”
- How will interoperability work between trust registries?
* [LAYER 1 UTILITIES: AN UNDERGROUND NETWORK CONNECTING ALL SSI ECOSYSTEMS](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/03/04/layer-1-utilities-an-underground-network-connecting-all-ssi-ecosystems/) Trust Over IP
- Understand: [A general framework for choosing which Layer 1 Utility and did method to utilise](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10NGAtlov49dbaDX96C0F4MdRrr20eHiE4RSZfJu0oXU/edit%23heading%3Dh.3e0mwiwnhg9n)
- Compare: [A comparison chart of all Layer 1 Utilities and identity overlay networks](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18MpvpFPLjL2I7RSFI44heWrrvf3l9pAArzhznAPFVAQ/edit%23gid%3D0)
- Comply: [A guidance document for data protection and GDPR compliance](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11KkdraiY9oASjU-H91MGxJ7-mNyhnCsfNSG4MFq8Qec/edit)
- Innovate: DeFi compliance on top of Layer 1 Utilities ([Shyft](https://www.shyft.network/), [Notabene](https://notabene.id/), [Centre](https://www.centre.io/)), payments for Verifiable Credentials ([cheqd](https://www.cheqd.io/), [Kilt](https://www.kilt.io/), [Velocity](https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/self-sovereign-identity-ssi-and-the-velocity-network/)), overlay networks ([did:ion](https://identity.foundation/ion/), [did:tz](https://did-tezos-draft.spruceid.com/), [did:orb](https://securekey.com/securekeys-new-ledger-agnostic-solution-orb-helps-solve-decentralized-identifier-challenges/)), [KERI](https://keri.one/) and self-certifying identifiers, self-executable governance (to name a few!) are all Layer 1 Utility innovations on the horizon. Let us know what you’d like to see going forward and how we can build guidance and documentation around it!
* [The Age of Optionality—and its costs](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/04/02/age-of-optionality/) Doc Searls
We plan to relieve some of that oblivity by [having Shoshana lead the final salon](https://events.iu.edu/ostromworkshop/event/291452-beyond-the-web-salon-series-shoshana-zuboff) in our [Beyond the Web series](https://ostromworkshop.indiana.edu/events/salon-series/index.html) at Indiana University’s [Ostrom Workshop](https://ostromworkshop.indiana.edu/). To prepare for that, Joyce and I spoke with Shoshana for more than an hour and a half last night, and are excited about her optimism toward restoring the public commons and invigorating democracy in our still-new digital age.
- [Beyond the Web Salon Series - Shoshana Zuboff](https://events.iu.edu/ostromworkshop/event/291452-beyond-the-web-salon-series-shoshana-zuboff) 4/11
* [What can we do with a DAO that cannot be done with other organizational forms?](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20220401-what-can-a-dao-do-that-is-new/) Reb00ted
I conclude: there is no consensus whatsoever :-) That may be because there such a large range of setups under that term today.
* [Web2's pervasive blind spot: governance](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20220411-web2-blind-spot-goverance/)
Have you noticed that pretty much all senior technologists that dismiss Web3 — usually in highly emotional terms – completely ignore that pretty much all the genuinely interesting innovations in the Web3 world are governance innovations?
* [Game Governance Domains: a NFT Support Nightmare](http://habitatchronicles.com/2022/04/online-game-governance-domains-avoiding-an-nft-support-nightmare/) Habitat Chronicles
“I was working on an online trading-card game in the early days that had player-to-player card trades enabled through our servers. The vast majority of our customer support emails dealt with requests to reverse a trade because of some kind of trade scams. When I saw [Hearthstone’s dust system](https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/news/10245930), I realized it was genius; they probably cut their support costs by around 90% with that move alone.”
* [FaceDAO: Self-sovereign Identity and the Blockchain](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/signals/26487) CoinMarketCap
By having SSI in place for users, FaceDAO promises users total security of their data. For FaceDAO, self-sovereign identity on the blockchain implies an identity user’s own. It’s theirs. Only they can hold it on their accounts and only they can decide who gets to see it and what they get to see.
* [Crossfunctionality](https://docs.centre.io/blog/crossfunctionationality) Juan Caballero, Centre
Real progress is made by rich, cross-disciplinary teams and heterogeneous coalitions coming together to attack hard problems from every angle at once.
* [Self-Administered Governance In America](https://www.moxytongue.com/2022/06/self-administered-governance-in-america.html)
Self-Administration of human authority, possessed equally by all living Individuals who choose civil participation as a method of Governance derived "of, by, for" people, begins and ends with the structural accuracy of words, and their functional practices.
* [Decentralized Ecosystem Governance: Better, More Effective, and More Robust than Trust Registries](https://indicio.tech/decentralized-ecosystem-governance-better-more-effective-and-more-robust-than-trust-registries/) Indicio
Decentralized Ecosystem Governance makes verifying data an easy-to-play game of red light/green light. And, importantly, it decentralizes governance to the appropriate authorities.
* [Trust Registries Tweetstorm](https://www.continuumloop.com/trust-registries-tweetstorm/) Continuum Loop
We want to start a conversation on Trust Registries and get people thinking about how Trust Registries will help answer the hard questions an ecosystem needs to create a whole experience [[tweetstorm](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1569093372920614914.html)]
* [DAOs are not corporations: where decentralization in autonomous organizations matters](https://vitalik.ca/general/2022/09/20/daos.html) Vitalik Buterin
Because DAOs do not have a sovereign above them, and are often explicitly in the business of providing services (like currency and arbitration) that are typically reserved for sovereigns, it is precisely the design of sovereigns (political science), and not the design of corporate governance, that DAOs have more to learn from.
* [Podcast] [Are Trust Registries Vital to the Success of Decentralized Identity?](https://northernblock.io/are-trust-registries-vital-to-the-success-of-decentralized-identity-with-darrell-odonnell/) Northern Block, with Darrell O’Donnell
- What are the differences between Verifiable Data Registries and Trust Registries?
- How can Trust Registries help establish the Authenticity of Data?
- Does placing too much Governance at the Verifiable Data Registry layer cause scaling issues?
- Why DNS can become an elegant Root of Trust solution to validate the authenticity of Credential Issuers.
- Who in the Trust Triangle benefits the most from Trust Registries
* [Solving Governance in SSI Ecosystems with Trust Registries.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D5zZKIwesSl8) Trust over IP Foundation
Learn the what and the why behind trust registries. In addition to discussing how trust registries solve governance in verifiable credential ecosystems, Tomislav demos the very first implementation of ToIP’s trust registry specification.
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* [DAOhaus adds functionality for rich member profiles for DAOs](https://blog.ceramic.network/daohaus-adds-rich-dao-member-profiles/)
* [State of the DAO: Decentralized Governance](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13I/_State_of_the_DAO:_Decentralized_Governance) by Grace Rachmany
- DAO migration from voting to more collaborative tools but look more like an elance platform than a government
- Not very bizarre, Oligarchy
- Bizarre phenomenon of producers of money not having money
- Predictable phenomenon of tech platforms that have no market because we threw so much money at it.
- Value-backed protocols and ambitiousness of Holo, in particular the interesting model of having an open source project owning a for-profit company
- Moved into the idea of flows rather than objects which
- Reputation as a form of communication
Crypto projects that use DAO:
- MakerDAO / DAI
- Cardano
- Uniswap
* [A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for Public Health - Why, What, How? Let’s discuss.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D24N/_A_Decentralized_Autonomous_Organization_(DAO)_for_Public_Health_(Why/What/How)%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Karn Verma
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# Decentralization
* [We need to talk about Self Sovereign Identity](https://medium.com/coinmonks/we-need-to-talk-about-self-sovereign-identity-2f741eda2591) Olaf van Wijk
When we talk about SSI in relationship to the decentralization movement where bitcoin was the frontrunner, we talk about it in a similar manner as the original promise of nuclear energy. In this case not an abundance of cheap energy but the notion of self-control at the level the bitcoin ledger operates. But how would that look like?
* [Does the W3C Still Believe in Tim Berners-Lee’s Vision of Decentralization?](https://www.evernym.com/blog/w3c-vision-of-decentralization/) Evernym
- The W3C is facing a critical decision about the future of the Web.
- Last month, Google, Apple, and Mozilla lodged formal objections to W3C approval of the W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) 1.0 specification.
- Upon close inspection, their four objections all reflect deep misunderstandings of DID architecture.
- So why did these particular three vendors object—when over 10 times that number of W3C members voted in favor of approval?
- In the end, this may come to a full democratic vote of all 431 W3C member companies—a referendum on how much decentralization really matters to the Web.
- To learn more about what’s at stake, [register for our November 3rd webinar](https://www.evernym.com/blog/w3c-vision-of-decentralization/%23webinar).
* [Decentralization may be key to protecting our digital identities](https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/06/decentralization-may-be-key-to-protecting-our-digital-identities/) VentureBeat
By introducing decentralization, there is an opportunity for dApp developers to uphold strong, secure data privacy protections for users across the board. By offering strong privacy defaults and more user-centric options, decentralized data solutions will enable individuals to make informed decisions about their data.
* [Why decentralization matters](https://cdixon.org/2018/02/18/why-decentralization-matters) CDixon
Decentralization is a commonly misunderstood concept. For example, it is sometimes said that the reason cryptonetwork advocates favor decentralization is to resist government censorship, or because of libertarian political views. These are not the main reasons decentralization is important.
* [A Unified Theory of Decentralization | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 | The Startup](https://medium.com/swlh/a-unified-theory-of-decentralization-151d6f39e38?sk%3Db2a71917dcb5ce948196887c7ff48fde)
It is common to [hear people say that “decentralized” describes what a distributed system is](https://medium.com/@jaygraber/decentralized-social-networks-e5a7a2603f53) [not](https://medium.com/@jaygraber/decentralized-social-networks-e5a7a2603f53) [instead of what it is](https://medium.com/@jaygraber/decentralized-social-networks-e5a7a2603f53). However, when using the word “decentralized” they typically mean something more than just the organization of the network. To them it implies a partitioning of the services, governance, and overall power structure to prevent any one entity, or user, from controlling others in the system. It then follows that a fully decentralized system — among many other things — atomizes the power structure to the smallest possible unit and distributes it out to the edges where it is under direct user control.
Before setting out on solving the authentic data solution for global scale I wanted to best understand the problem of decentralization and then declare the principles that I bound myself while solving it. There was very little discussion other than some clarifications on what I mean by "absolute" privacy by default and how that may make users reluctant to use any software like that.
* [The Principles of User Sovereignty and A Unified Theory of Decentralization](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2A/_The_Principles_of_User_Sovereignty_and_A_Unified_Theory_of_Decentralization) by David Huseby
his was a reprise of my sessions from April, 2020 to set the table for follow on sessions about the authentic data economy. I wrote two articles about these topics a year ago:
* [A Unified Theory of Decentralization](https://medium.com/swlh/a-unified-theory-of-decentralization-151d6f39e38?sk%3Db2a71917dcb5ce948196887c7ff48fde) by David Huseby
> Before setting out on solving the authentic data solution for global scale I wanted to best understand the problem of decentralization and then declare the principles that I bound myself while solving it. There was very little discussion other than some clarifications on what I mean by "absolute" privacy by default and how that may make users reluctant to use any software like that.
* [Decentralization is the Future of Digitization](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralization-is-the-future-of-digitization/) Jolocom
In Germany, for example, the federal government initially decided to store data from the nation’s Corona-Warn app on centralized servers, [as reported by Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-europe-tech/germany-flips-on-smartphone-contact-tracing-backs-apple-and-google-idUSKCN22807J) in April 2020. In response, multiple stakeholders like the [Chaos Computer Club (CCC)](https://netzpolitik.org/2020/ccc-warnt-bundesregierung-vor-zentralistischer-corona-app-covid19-contact-tracing-pepppt-dp3t/) loudly criticized the plans and the resulting public outcry forced the government to reconsider. The fact that the government heard the criticisms, re-evaluated its proposals and opted for a decentralized version of its Corona app instead – one where data will only be stored on users’ phones instead of centralized government servers – was [news](https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/corona-app-launch-100.html) well received by large parts of society.
* [How to Prevent SSI from Becoming Yet Another Platform?](https://northernblock.io/how-to-prevent-ssi-from-becoming-yet-another-platform-with-joachim-lohkamp/) with Joachim Lohkamp of Jolocom
One of the desired outcomes of using standards-driven open source code projects is to avoid vendor lock-in. If your digital identity is a public good, then you shouldn’t be locked in to one specific company. If a company goes out of business, I may lose my identity data. If I find a better alternative, I’m unable to port my identity. Therefore, interoperability is a vital aspect of being able to provide sovereignty to individuals but also to governments.
* [Decentralization Is Like the Analog World](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022/blog/decentralization-is-like-the-analog-world) Kuppinger Cole
Decentralized identity is an incredibly flexible technology that solves fundamental problems in the way we manage digital communication. But this capacity to do more than one thing at once can be a source of confusion.
* [Juicy Telemetry](https://wider.team/2022/04/04/juicy-telemetry/) Wilder Team
I was in a [Sovrin IoT](https://sovrin.org/) call when I heard the phrase “juicy telemetry.” A digital twins product leader was bemoaning all the really good data held back by the manufacturers of equipment. Data they needed to properly model their twins, to keep them current, to validate their assumptions. For good and bad reasons, the makers of wind turbines and cars and ship engines and weather sensors choose to hide data.
* [Decentralized Systems Don't Care](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/07/decentralized_systems_dont_care.shtml) Phil Windley
I like to remind my students that decentralized systems don't care what they (or anyone else thinks). The paradox is that they care very much what everyone thinks. We call that coherence and it's what makes decentralized systems maddeningly frustrating to understand, architect, and maintain.
* [The Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralised Organising](https://hackmd.io/@yHk1snI9T9SNpiFu2o17oA/Skh_dXNbE?type%3Dview)
a mega list of handbooks and toolkits for groups working without top-down management from social movements to workplaces open source for anyone to read, update, share
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# Decentralized Finance
* [Decentralized identifiers for DeFi? Definitively.](https://hackernoon.com/decentralized-identifiers-for-defi-definitively-25j33qa) Hackernoon
> DIDs from a DeFi user VCs can be placed, anchored, indexed, and associated on the LTO chain. LTO Network solution is GDPR compliant and goes hand in hand with [ISO/TC307 - BLOCKCHAIN AND DISTRIBUTED LEDGER TECHNOLOGIES](https://www.iso.org/committee/6266604.html?ref%3Dhackernoon.com) . LTO Network approach uses Chainlink oracles for reaching the cross-chain operability and the Dutch company Sphereon for wallet integration.
* [Decentralized Finance & Self-sovereign Identity: A tale of decentralization, a new paradigm of trust](https://gataca.io/insights/decentralized-finance-self-sovereign-identity-a-tale-of-decentralization-a-new-paradigm-of-trust)
> We are aware that DeFi’s growth is explosive and inevitable yet its growth needs to be sustainable and responsible. This can be done with SSI.
* [KeyFi: AI-Powered DeFi Aggregator](https://selfkey.org/keyfi-ai-powered-defi-aggregator-platform-backed-by-selfkey-credentials-%F0%9F%93%A2/))
* [Torus](https://tor.us/): DKMS and Login for Web3
> leveraging OAuth2 and WebAuthN to bring improved log-in and recovery for blockchain\DeFi applications.
* [Torus on Epicenter Podcast](https://epicenter.tv/episodes/b003)
* [Ditto Music developing Opulous on Algorand](https://community.algorand.org/blog/opulous-built-on-algorand-bringing-defi-to-the-music-industry/)
*More on the company who wants to bring SSI (and DeFi) to independent artists.*
> we’ve helped more than 250,000 artists get their music out to the world independently.
> Our business has expanded from distribution to providing record label, publishing and management services. Every move we’ve made has been based on our mission to help artists take control of their own music careers.
> That’s why I’m so excited about our latest product Opulous, which we’re developing with Algorand. It’s our first step into the world of DeFi.
* [Bridging the Gap Between DeFi and Decentralized Identity](https://bloom.co/blog/ethdenver-2021-decentralized-identity-defi-2/) Bloom
Decentralized Identity & DeFi are Disconnected ← trueDecentralized Identity is Chain-Adjacent ← true Decentralized Identity & DeFi are Complimentary ← true How Decentralized Identity is Being Used
- Health Data Passes
- Employment Information
- Credit, Income, KYC
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# Decentralized Web
* [Signing HTTP Messages](https://justinsecurity.medium.com/signing-http-messages-962510d65895) Justin Richer
It’s time to start implementing it and testing it out with applications of all stripes, and I invite all of you to join me in doing just that.
* [Simon Wilson writes about using IndieAuth with Datasette](https://simonwillison.net/2020/Nov/18/indieauth/)
> IndieAuth is a spiritual successor to OpenID, developed and maintained by the IndieWeb community and based on OAuth 2. This weekend I attended IndieWebCamp East Coast and was inspired to try my hand at an imPplementation. datasette-indieauth is the result, a new plugin which enables IndieAuth logins to a Datasette instance.
* [Social.Network, a decentralized alternative to traditional social media that gives its users ownership of their identity and digital assets, to launch first phase of its protocol on April 22nd](https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/social-technologies-announces-launch-of-the-social-network-a-decentralized-platform-designed-to-transform-the-future-of-social-media-social-network-a-decentralized-alternative-to-traditional-social)
> interested users will be able to create a self-sovereign identity on the platform by following the steps on the [social.network](https://t.co/xRbWzSrZQf) landing page (h/t [@SelfSovID](https://twitter.com/SelfSovID)
* [How to Sign Users In with IndieAuth](https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth) Aaron Parecki
> IndieAuth is an extension of OAuth 2.0 that enables an individual website like someone's WordPress, Gitea or OwnCast instance to become its own identity provider. This means you can use your own website to sign in to other websites that support IndieAuth.
* [The latest in the DWeb: Jolocom’s breakthrough](https://jolocom.io/blog/sdi-breakthrough/)
At the last DWeb Meetup, we were invited to share our role in the German Government’s 60M Euro SDI (Secure Digital Identities) innovation project to bring “Self-Sovereign Identity” to German and EU citizens.
* [Credentials and HTTP-Sig authentication for Solid](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0029.html) Henry Story
> Here is an extended version of the HTTP-Signature document I put together today, bringing in ideas that have emerged thinking about this over the past 3 months
* [IndieAuth Spec Updates 2020 by Aaron Parecki](https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/indieauth-2020)
> This year, the IndieWeb community has been making progress on iterating and evolving the IndieAuth protocol. IndieAuth is an extension of OAuth 2.0 that enables it to work with personal websites and in a decentralized environment.
* [Secure Scuttlebutt Intro](https://iiw.idcommons.net/9A/_Secure_Scuttlebutt_Intro) by Charles E. Lehner
directed participants to website [https://scuttlebutt.nz/](https://scuttlebutt.nz/) and to the download page [https://scuttlebutt.nz/get-started/](https://scuttlebutt.nz/get-started/)
Participants downloaded an SSB app: Patchwork and/or Manyverse.
Convener introduced the concepts of SSB Rooms and Pubs, and proposed using Rooms for onboarding, referring to a public list of SSB rooms:
* [https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/%23ssbrooms](https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/%2523ssbrooms)
* [https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/](https://ssbc.github.io/scuttlebutt-protocol-guide/)
* [Kepler: Permissioned Replicated Storage for Decentralized Applications](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12J/_Kepler:_Permissioned_Replicated_Storage_for_Decentralized_Applications) by Charles Cunningham, Wayne Chang
Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_oaVcx2IEbUEr9I-23Fd1e9ZMkIYtxpJe76zYq1oVZE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_oaVcx2IEbUEr9I-23Fd1e9ZMkIYtxpJe76zYq1oVZE/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
* [Decentralized publication, micro-publication and moderation-- what the real pitfalls would be.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24L/_Decentralized_publication,_micro-publication_and_moderation--_what_the_real_pitfalls_would_be.) by Kim Duffy, Juan Caballero
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RMozl86wihBw8_rJvC97tUUjYVpTHk6aF8QOs_ng6l0/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RMozl86wihBw8_rJvC97tUUjYVpTHk6aF8QOs_ng6l0/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Set-up Presentation:
- Silos and echo chambers?
- Countermeasures?
- Pink Checkmark system? Verify all accounts or continue 2-class system
- Can we still make money?
- Moderation
- Clients and API openness - on what axes will they compete? Can they compete on algos? Community curation?
- How important is authenticity? Each tweet signed?
- Editable cheeps?
- Delete cheeps?
- Mike Jones: Listening to Daniel’s ION presentation, I asked from the POV of a naïve person, what are these ION DIDs good for in the first place; his answer was
- Daniel wants identities that Twitter can’t take away from Donald Trump
- Child pornographers would also then be sovereign over their identifiers
- Kim: People select their own echo chambers
- Juan: Echo chamber / child porn dynamics have a lot in common (HBO Documentary “into the storm”)
- Erica: Social media as a way to advertise, finding markets. Want to market to people who are interested
- Small business, organic marketing, micro-commerce
- Bullying, social problems, child protection
* [...]
* [Secure Scuttlebutt Outro](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24P/_Secure_Scuttlebutt_Outro)
Secure Scuttlebutt, Decentralized Identifiers, Key Management
Dmitri expressed interest in SSB and reported using but then having lost their key (when switching/resetting devices?). Expressed Frustration (with the key recovery process). Have question, how could SSB use DIDs?
Charles responded that there is a draft PR on [DID Spec Registries](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-spec-registries/) adding a SSB DID method a few days ago.
* [https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/291](https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/291)
Dmitri Z. asked about other ways other than as a DID method.
Charles said SSB could be extended to support DIDs, but this would be a breaking change, which the community doesn’t seem to want, considering SSB’s message signing format as “set in stone”.
There could be other ways, such as making a new system that uses DIDs but inherits some of SSB’s design.
* [Kizuna, a private messenger app: for one-on-one or group conversations.](https://blog.holochain.org/mini-spotlight-kizuna-a-private-messenger-app/) Holochain
empowers people to message each other completely privately, without the involvement of a central server. The app is open-source and is being developed by a non-profit group called the [Holochain Institute of Japan](https://www.hcij.org/en/).
* [The DWeb Is An Ensemble Piece - Holochain Blog](https://blog.holochain.org/the-dweb-is-an-ensemble-piece/) Holochain
I witness demos of [Social Sensemaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DOaaK6oXL6Ls) and [We](https://github.com/lightningrodlabs/we), working examples of Holochain apps that help groups create healthy online social spaces to work and play in
* [How Ethereal Engine is Unleashing the Power of the Immersive Web](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-ethereal-engine-unleashing-power-immersive-web-etherealengine/) Ethereal Engine
In keeping with the DWeb Camp theme, we also demonstrated how decentralized identifiers, identity web wallets, and verified credentials can be powerfully leveraged in Ethereal Engine to enable an entirely new paradigm of [frictionless portable identity](https://www.etherealengine.com/blog-posts/metaverse-for-humans) that champions user privacy and dignity.
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# Web5 (new marketing)
Real World Party! making DIDs and VCs cool & useful
* [DISCO](http://www.disco.xyz/) had a real life [Disconaut](https://twitter.com/provenauthority/status/1533469483263610885) party in Los Angeles! Kaliya attended with her Data BackPack where she verified the credentials created the day before proving i owned my twitter account and my discord account. ([photos from party](https://twitter.com/humptycalderon/status/1533607866577215488)
* [JACK DORSEY’S TBD PRESENTS BITCOIN-BASED DECENTRALIZED WEB5](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/jack-dorseys-tbd-presents-bitcoin-based-decentralized-web5) Bitcoin Magazine
Fairly decentralized developments in the internet over the past couple of decades such as [BitTorrent](https://www.howtogeek.com/141257/htg-explains-how-does-bittorrent-work/) and [Tor](https://www.techradar.com/vpn/what-is-tor-and-how-does-it-work) have shown that blockchain technology is not a necessary component for decentralization.
* [Namcios · Jun 10](https://twitter.com/namcios/status/1535302090360250368)
1/ Jack Dorsey’s [@TBD54566975](https://twitter.com/TBD54566975) unit has just announced it is building “Web5”. [...] Here’s a thread with all you need to know
* [...]
6/ Self-Sovereign Identity Service (SSIS). The SSIS interacts with Verifiable Credentials by creating, signing, issuing, curating, requesting, revoking, exchanging, validating and verifying them. It wraps the next component on the list, the self-sovereign identity SDK…
* […]
7/ The ssi-sdk encapsulates self-sovereign identity standards.
* [What Even Is Web5?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/traceyfollows/2022/06/11/what-even-is-web5/?sh%3D10900ec05ad2) Forbes
The actual definition given in the TBD [presentation pack](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SaHGyY9TjPg4a0VNLCsfchoVG1yU3ffTDsPRcU99H1E/edit%23slide%3Did.g11b904107df_0_1) is as follows: “Web5 is a Decentralized Web Platform that enables developers to leverage Decentralized Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, and Decentralized Web Nodes to write Decentralized Web Apps, returning ownership and control over identity and data to individuals”
* [introducing tbDEX](https://tbd54566975.ghost.io/introducing-tbdex/) TBD (featured in Identosphere #61)
We propose a solution that does not rely on a federation to control permission or access to the network; nor does it dictate the level of trust required between counterparties.
* [Web5 — The Niche Tech Solves The Niche Problem](https://medium.com/umbalametaverse/web5-the-niche-tech-solves-the-niche-problem-f9135d98f0c1) Umbala Wolves
Web 5 is based on four primary technological pillars in order to realize the goal of building a genuinely decentralized web platform, including:
- Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
- Verifiable credentials (VCs)
- Decentralized Web Nodes (DWNs)
- Self-Sovereign Identity Service (SSIS)
* [What is Web5? | TBD](https://developer.tbd.website/blog/what-is-web5/)
* [How to get started learning web5](https://www.nathangould.com/posts/how-to-get-started-learning-web5/) Nathan Gould
Web3 has already shown us one potential solution to web2's data portability problem. By using the public blockchain as a sort of global storage layer, web3 applications allow users to bring their data with them from one application to the next. No more onboarding forms -- just "Connect with Metamask" and you're done.
* [Web5 Roadmap](https://developer.tbd.website/blog/web5-roadmap) TBD
Our major deliverables include:
- Decentralized Identifier network node on production and publicly available
- Decentralized Web Node on production and publicly available
- Verifiable Credential service on production and available to partners
- Decentralized Web Platform client/server SDK with all components bundled in a single package
- Wallet in publicly usable state across Web, desktop and mobile
- Decentralized Web Application runtime ready for developer reliance
* [Web3, Web5 & SSI](https://rufftimo.medium.com/web3-web5-ssi-3870c298c7b4) Timothy Ruff
Why the SSI community should escape Web3 and follow Jack Dorsey and Block into a Web5 big tent, with a common singular goal: the autonomous control of authentic data and relationships.
- [What is Web5?](https://rufftimo.medium.com/what-is-web5-fb34f48d0b1b) Timothy Ruff
* [Zero Trust, Web5, and GLEIF’s vLEI](https://rufftimo.medium.com/zero-trust-web5-and-gleifs-vlei-63ffcb800028) Timothy Ruff
In an email exchange during the last 72 hours, Sam opined about the [McKinsey Technology Trends Report for 2022](https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech) (the full report), which strongly touts both self-sovereign identity (SSI) — which I now believe should be considered as part of [Web5](https://rufftimo.medium.com/what-is-web5-fb34f48d0b1b) — and [zero trust architecture](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-207.pdf) (ZTA). As happens often, I found Sam’s private comments insightful, but this time so much so that I’m making them immediately public, with his permission.
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# Companies
* [Ping vs. Okta: Top 3 Indicators That You’ll Get the Customer Satisfaction You Deserve](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/okta-vs-ping-cs.html)
> Some companies, like Ping, focus on being a long-term partner and are interested in understanding your identity and access management (IAM) challenges and implementing solutions to help improve your IAM journey. Others, like Okta, are interested in the short-term sale and may not always be there for you after the deal.
* [Indicio expands workshops and introduces a new certification program](https://indicio.tech/blog/indicio-expands-decentralized-identity-workshops-and-introduces-new-certification-program/)
Looking to get up to speed in decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials? Our custom trainings and workshops are designed to provide key insights into fundamental use cases, dive deep into the impact of the technology, and offer both technical and nontechnical audiences the opportunity to ask the questions they need to continue their education in decentralized identity. Because nothing beats learning by doing.
* [Why we’re launching MATTR VII](https://medium.com/mattr-global/launching-mattr-vii-4e11bcb9aaef)
> Inspired by the [seven states of matter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_matter), our platform gives builders and developers all the tools they need at their fingertips to create a whole new universe of decentralized products and applications. We provide all the raw technical building blocks to allow you to create exactly what you have in mind. MATTR VII is composable and configurable to fit your needs, whether you’re a well-established business with legacy systems or a start-up looking to build the next best thing in digital privacy. Best of all, MATTR VII is use-case-agnostic, meaning we’ve baked minimal dependencies into our products so you can use them the way that makes the most sense for you.
* [Meeco expands UX and Design team along with a new office in Adelaide](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-expands-ux-and-design-team-along-with-a-new-office-in-adelaide/)
> Meeco now has illustrious neighbours such as the Australian Space Agency, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning, the Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre and coming soon, Amazon and MIT.
* [Elastos DID: What’s Ahead for 2021](https://news.elastos.org/elastos-did-whats-ahead-for-2021/)
> Tuum Tech is working on an Elastos DID-based application called Profile, a rising competitor to LinkedIn – in large part by leveraging Elastos DIDs. Unlike in conventional applications where data and identities are managed and controlled by centralized systems, users will retain full ownership of their data when using Profile.
* [Creating Verifiable credentials in ASP.NET Core for decentralized identities using Trinsic](https://damienbod.com/2021/04/05/creating-verifiable-credentials-in-asp-net-core-for-decentralized-identities-using-trinsic/)
> This article shows how verifiable credentials can be created in ASP.NET Core for decentralized identities using the Trinsic platform which is a Self-sovereign identity implementation with APIs to integrate.
* [Jolocom's lightning talk at DWeb meetup - Self-sovereign Identity In Germany](https://archive.org/details/jolocom-at-dweb-march-self-sovereign-identity-in-germany)
> A brief video introduction to use cases, strategies and challenges of the four German SDI projects.
* [ARUCC is pleased to announce a partnership between Digitary, its service partner, and MATTR, a friend of MyCreds™](https://mycreds.ca/2021/04/14/bridging-today-and-tomorrow-ensuring-self-sovereignty-for-learners-through-aruccs-mycreds/).
These two international organizations are combining their talents to deliver SSI (self-sovereign identity) and Verifiable Credentials for the ARUCC [MyCreds™](https://mycreds.ca/) virtual wallet. This groundbreaking work means the Canadian [MyCreds™](https://mycreds.ca/) credential wallet along with other international members of the Digitary global network will be able to reach an even higher bar of service delivery for mobile learners, creating a triangle of trust that includes them and the Canadian colleges and universities.
* [Spruce Developer Update #8](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/spruce-developer-update-8-70f04e95a5d4)
> - “We are currently working on a project that will enable creator authenticity for digital assets including NFTs.”
> - “focused on advancing did-tezos as the first formally verified DID Method.”
> - DIDKit Updates
> - Credible Updates
* [Introduction to the future of identity - DIDs & VCs](https://www.xtseminars.co.uk/post/introduction-to-the-future-of-identity-dids-vcs)
> In this blog, I want to start by thinking about identity in general and then explaining Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). I will show you how you can issue your own DIDs and VCs using the new Microsoft service in future blogs. This series' final blog will look at how DIDs can be anchoPred in decentralized transaction ledgers using ION and the Bitcoin blockchain.
* [Introducing Trinsic Ecosystems](https://trinsic.id/introducing-trinsic-ecosystems/)
> Once an ecosystem is configured, providers need to onboard participants like issuers and verifiers. Trinsic Ecosystems comes with an API that’s extremely easy for any issuer or verifier to integrate and can be white-labeled with the name of the provider. In addition to the API, ecosystem participants can use the Trinsic Studio, a white-labeled web dashboard.* [Dock To Release Verifiable Credentials API](https://blog.dock.io/dock-to-release-verifiable-credentials-api/)
> In Dock’s case, partners are looking to access blockchain solutions for the creation of decentralized identities and the issuance and management of verifiable credentials.
> These development teams can of course spend time learning new concepts, but learning curves can be a barrier to adoption whereas fast and less complex integrations are certainly preferred by organizations. For these reasons, Dock is going to be making some of the network’s features available via an API, which is in effect a HTTP wrapper of our [SDK](https://github.com/docknetwork/sdk).
* [Dr Paul Ashley Presents on How to Solve the Privacy Problem](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/dr-paul-ashley-presents-on-how-to-solve-the-privacy-problem/) Anonyome
For Engineers Australia, Paul covered three big questions:
1. WHY we created [Anonyome Labs](https://anonyome.com/about/)
2. HOW we can solve the [global data privacy crisis](https://mysudo.com/2020/12/how-bad-is-the-global-data-privacy-crisis/)
3. WHAT we’ve built.
* [Trinsic Year in Review 2020](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-in-2020-a-year-in-review/)
Lots of good things happened!
- Helped start the [COVID-19 Credentials Initiative](https://www.covidcreds.com/) and has since worked with dozens of developers and organizations COVID-19 related SSI solutions:
- [MedCreds: Reducing the Risk of Returning to Work](https://trinsic.id/medcreds/)
- [Decreased Unemployment Among African Youth Using Verifiable Credentials](https://trinsic.id/decreasing-unemployment-verifiable-credentials/)
- [Verifiable Credentials and Smart Contracts for COVID-19 Data Management](https://trinsic.id/verifiable-credentials-and-smart-contracts-for-covid19-data-management/)
- [Raised pre-seed funding](https://trinsic.id/streetcred-id-rebrands-to-trinsic-raises-pre-seed-funding/) and [rebranded](https://trinsic.id/introducing-trinsic/) from Streetcred ID to Trinsic, becoming the first investment of [Kickstart Seed Fund $110 million fund](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/04/29/2024148/0/en/Kickstart-Seed-Fund-Announces-the-Close-of-110-Million-Fund-V.html).
- [Partnered with Zapier to Bring SSI to 2000+ Applications](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-and-zapier-partner/)
- [Joined Trust over IP Foundation as Founding Member](https://trinsic.id/streetcred-id-joins-trust-over-ip-foundation-as-founding-member/)
* [Digital identity in the UK in 2021 with TrueProfile.io’s René Seifert](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/digital-identity-uk-2021-ssi-trueprofile-rene-seifert/)
“I think it’s interesting if we overlay this utopia of a self-sovereign identity that sounds maybe like science fiction today, and where these UK digital initiatives are geared, and my best guess is we can and will land somewhere in the middle.”
* [SITA, Indicio pave way to safer travel experience with launch of Aruba Health App](https://www.sita.aero/pressroom/news-releases/sita-indicio-pave-way-to-safer-travel-experience-with-launch-of-aruba-health-app/)
SITA, together with [Indicio.tech](https://indicio.tech/) and the Aruba Health Department, are trialing the Aruba Health App, a pilot that makes it easy for visitors to share a trusted traveler credential – based on their health status – privately and securely on their mobile device. This credential will provide access to participating hospitality sites on the island.
* [Adding support for Secure DID Messaging](https://medium.com/mattr-global/adding-support-for-secure-did-messaging-befb75a72feb) Mattr
> We are excited to announce a new addition to our MATTR VII platform capabilities. As we continue to build out an extensive suite of features to support the exchange of data such as [Verifiable Credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/), we have now added secure [Decentralized Identifier](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) messaging capabilities to enable entirely new ways to communicate using our platform.
* [Introducing the Identity Maturity Framework](https://auth0.com/blog/introducing-the-identity-maturity-framework/) Auth0
> we’ve consolidated our expertise and our customers’ knowledge and experiences into a solution we call the [Auth0 Identity Maturity Framework (IMF)](https://auth0.com/imf-form): a collection of tools, tactics, and expert input that will help you understand what’s working about your identity solution and what needs to change.
* [Dock Partners with Digital Credentialing Platform Xertify](https://blog.dock.io/dock-partners-with-digital-credentialing-platform-xertify/)
By partnering with Dock, Xertify ensures that credentials they issue are W3C-compliant, universally verifiable, and cryptographically secured.Xertify has significant traction with clients in various industries including education, health, automotive, veterinary, and agriculture.
In addition, Xertify is working on a solution for Covid vaccine credentials to be deployed in Colombia and Mexico.
* [Secure Key](https://www.youtube.com/user/SecureKeyTech) - Trust Block
* [Credential Master](https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId%3Da0N3A00000FMngSUAT) in the sales force app store
- A W3C Verifiable Credential is a trusted data container, that can be issued to an individual, and stored in their digital wallet. It can then be shared across trust domains.
- Credential Master enables your business to issue, verify and manage millions of W3C Verifiable Credentials.
* [@open_measure](https://twitter.com/open_measure) · [44m](https://twitter.com/open_measure/status/1398540528090759170)
Our [#IAM](https://twitter.com/hashtag/IAM) [#VendorManagement](https://twitter.com/hashtag/VendorManagement) database just exceeded the 100 entries threshold! There's still a lot of work but it shows already how the IAM [#market](https://twitter.com/hashtag/market) is a vibrant, diverse, and innovative industry - find out more and contribute at [https://open-measure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VEN/pages/195133452/Vendor+Database](https://open-measure.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VEN/pages/195133452/Vendor%2BDatabase)
* [Meeco announced as Finnies 2021 finalist](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-announced-as-finnies-2021-finalist/)
Meeco’s submission results from our work in collaboration with with [eftpos](https://www.eftposaustralia.com.au) and [Hedera Hashgraph](https://hedera.com/). The Australian payments giant eftpos recently announced joining the Hedera Governing Council after successfully conducting tests to determine the [feasibility of a digital Australian dollar stablecoin for micropayments](https://www.finextra.com/newsarticle/37360/australias-eftpos-to-set-up-hedera-hashgraph-node-for-micropayments). Meeco plays an important part in this world-leading initiative as the wallet provider for the proof-of-technology.
* [Introducing the Evernym Mobile SDK](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-mobile-sdk/)
Today’s release was made possible with the help of many of our incredible customers who have participated in the product’s beta. It’s through your feedback that we’ve been able to iterate, refine, and ultimately launch a product that will help make self-sovereign identity more accessible to all.
* [Anonyome Labs Listed in IAPP Privacy Tech Vendor Report 2021](https://anonyome.com/2021/06/anonyome-labs-listed-in-iapp-privacy-tech-vendor-report-2021/)
> Anonyome Labs joins 355 other qualified organizations in the 2021 compendium of privacy tech vendors. This is a significant increase from the 44 vendors listed in the inaugural report in 2017. The number of priv tech categories is also higher in 2021: now 11 categories split across two groups — Privacy program management and Enterprise privacy management.
* [Wider’s High Assurance Digital Identity Maturity Model](https://wider.team/2021/06/20/widers-high-assurance-digital-identity-maturity-model/) Wider Team
It starts with IdentityOps embracing high assurance for connected devices. You’re bringing together internal stakeholders from your network management, security, procurement, legal, and device care teams. You’re bringing in clinical outcome quality professionals concerned with data provenance, from clinicians who touch your devices and authenticate through them and authorize them to provide services.
* [Support Centre for Data Sharing interview with Meeco](https://blog.meeco.me/support-centre-for-data-sharing-interview-with-meeco/)
Meeco’s inception, its work so far and recent growth. Some of the the exciting projects discussed include [mIKs-it, the safe multimedia app for children](https://miks-it.com/), developing a decentralised identity and verifiable credentials wallet and how innovators like [VELA Solutions](https://vela.solutions/) are transforming workforce management and [My Life Capsule](https://mylifecapsule.com/) are helping their customers be prepared for a family emergency.
* [Understanding GlobaliD’s identity platform](https://medium.com/global-id/episode-09-understanding-globalids-identity-platform-b241a63ff5e0)
> within the context of a self-sovereign identity that means that i as the holder of that Credential i'm the only one that gets to decide who gets to see it which is a pretty wild concept
* [Announcing the Affinidi Prize Winners of Hack the Mountain 2.0](https://academy.affinidi.com/announcing-the-affinidi-prize-winners-of-hack-the-mountain-2-0-48df8aead49d)
> The winning teams are JCoders and Team Straw hat coders. Congratulations to both teams. They will be receiving 10,000 INR worth ETH.
* [CIDPRO™ – Certified Identity Professional – program](https://idpro.org/cidpro/)
> - Basic elements of an identity solution
> - Identifiers, identity lifecycle, and identity proofing
> - Security for identity
> - Rules and standards
> - Operational considerations
* [Announcing Trinsic’s Largest Platform Update Ever](https://trinsic.id/announcing-trinsics-largest-platform-update-ever/) Trinsic
> The next version of the Trinsic platform is 10x as accessible, 100x more performant, and 1,000x more scalable. And it is available now.
* [Tru.net](https://www.tru.net/) is live and ready for communities/users
> If you are looking for an alternative to Facebook that uses DIDs as its foundation and other protocols that are free to use ([JLINC](https://www.jlinc.com/) Kaliya highly recommend Tru.net
* [cheqd is launching a self-sovereign identity network on Cosmos this year](https://blog.cheqd.io/verim-is-launching-a-self-sovereign-identity-network-on-cosmos-in-2021-8949e68b2ef8)
It's Verim in New clothes. Kaliya still doesn’t like this model. Requiring verifiers to pay issuers is really really privacy problematic.
We want to provide a common and public infrastructure easily accessible to anyone and any organisation that provides B2B and B2B2C payment rails between issuers, holders, and receivers of trusted data. [...] cheqd is not and does not plan on dictating a single payment model. Rather, our product vision is to enable each ecosystem to decide this on their own through [Layer 1 vs Layer 2 mechanisms](https://blog.verim.id/self-sovereign-identity-semantics-an-economic-extension-to-the-trust-over-ip-stack-4a4197d8f6d3) and customisable tokenomics.
* [Validated ID raises € 2M in financing round](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/validated-id-raises-eu-2m-in-financing-round-from-randstad-innovation-fund-caixa-capital-risc-and-cuatrecasas-ventures)
The new financing is led by Randstad Innovation Fund, Caixa Capital Risc, and Cuatrecasas Ventures
* [Microsoft further strengthens Identity and Security offerings by CloudKnox Security acquisition](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/kuppinger/microsoft-further-strengthens-identity-and-security-offerings-by-cloudknox-security-acquisition)
Microsoft last week announced another acquisition, a few days after announcing the acquisition of RiskIQ. This next acquisition is CloudKnox Security, a vendor offering unified privileged access and cloud entitlement management. These technologies, sometimes also referred to as CIEM (Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management), are essential for getting a grip on entitlements
* [Gravity, Tykn advance interoperability of two decentralized ID solutions for the humanitarian sector](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/gravity-tykn-advance-interoperability-of-two-decentralized-id-solutions-for-the-humanitarian-sector-899847099d0e)
Gravity and Tykn are pleased to announce our continued collaboration to advance the interoperability of our two distinct decentralized identity solutions for improved identity management in the humanitarian sector.
* [Building an Identity Solution — Quantity Doesn’t Equal Quality](https://auth0.com/blog/building-an-identity-solution-quantity-doesnt-equal-quality/) Auth0
Why adding more developers to an identity project doesn’t always work out as intended
* [Magic at HackOn2.0](https://medium.com/magiclabs/magic-at-hackon2-0-9187d0e24d86)
At Magic, we love to be where developers hang out. As a Developer Advocate, it’s especially fun to connect with devs dreaming up big ideas and hacking them into reality. Back in April, the HackOn2.0 team reached out to me to talk about getting Magic involved in their next hackathon. We jumped at the opportunity and were so glad to support the HackOn2.0’s vibrant community.
* [Selective Disclosure: Share What You Want](https://academy.affinidi.com/selective-disclosure-share-what-you-want-288f49e65680) Affinidi
* [@docknetwork](https://twitter.com/docknetwork)
Check out this video demo that shows how claim deduction, facial recognition, and [#verifiablecredentials](https://twitter.com/hashtag/verifiablecredentials) can be used together to verify a person's age and eliminates the need for manual checks:
* [We are now officially live in Myanmar!](https://zada.io/we-are-now-officially-live-in-myanmar/)
ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being issued by Pun Hlaing Hospitals to everyone who gets vaccinated.
* [Ethiopia: Innovation - Here's What Cardano (ADA) Has Been Up to With the Ethiopia Project](https://allafrica.com/stories/202108190100.html)
"The vision of the company is to improve the systems of the world for everyone everywhere, and the places that need better systems aren't necessarily Berlin or New York City. So you have to go to places that are a little more difficult, and you have to be very careful as you do it."
* [PUBLISH to launch ‘PUBLISHiD’, blockchain-based authentication application, in September](https://medium.com/publishprotocol/publish-to-launch-publishid-blockchain-based-authentication-application-in-september-6b0394852fb3)
PUBLISHiD users will further be able to assemble collections of verifiable credentials from one or more issuers into a single [verifiable presentation](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/%23dfn-verifiable-presentations). Other features include DAuth-based authentication, single-sign on (SSO), and an agent ID service capable of handling the management of and security between credential issuers and verifiers.
* [Veridium Advocates for Use of NIST-approved Contactless Fingerprint Technologies](https://findbiometrics.com/veridium-advocates-use-nist-approved-contactless-fingerprint-technologies-090305/)
Veridium is encouraging more organizations to embrace contactless fingerprint technologies, especially now that the NIST has laid out comprehensive guidelines for those interested in doing so.
* [Verity Flow: Evernym's no-code solution for issuing and verifying digital credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DNafQcqiyCJY) Evernym
* [Verifying credentials using Verity Flow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D9d2QMzw4bxY)
* [Creating a new verification flow in Verity Flow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DVYuoi_LMxiA)
* [The future of COVID credentials on GlobaliD](https://medium.com/global-id/the-future-of-covid-credentials-on-globalid-7a19a882cf90)
With our new platform, we’ll also be releasing a brand new COVID credential. Users will be able to validate the authenticity of their digital vaccine record from around the world and store the proof of the validation as a credential in their GlobaliD app.
* [Digitizing the 1st Mile with Blockchain, AI, and Self Sovereign Identity Connecting Coffee Farmers from Field to 1st Sip in Sustainable Supply Chains with Farmer Connect](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/supply-chain-revolution/id1496899179?i%3D1000507363757) Supply Chain Revolution
Think about the journey of a coffee bean from East Africa to the consumer. Thousands of miles away in the 1 sip to field wrapped in a complex, and often unsustainable, inequitable supply chain. There are 25 million people living in the coffee ecosystem, and 2.5 billion coffee drinkers worldwide, and that number is expected to 2-3X in coming years.
* [The Role of SSI in MOBIX’ Deep Parking](https://mobix.ai/2021/09/02/ssi-for-mobix-deep-parking/)
* [A Conversation with Joseph Thompson of AID:Tech](https://academy.affinidi.com/a-conversation-with-joseph-thompson-of-aid-tech-4e7d8d73b3d2)
we can expect more awareness and adoption in five years because of the enormous upsides for both individuals and organizations.
* [Jolocom goes Consulting](https://jolocom.io/blog/consulting-ssi/)
Our consultant focus is of course on decentralized digital identity (aka Self Sovereign Identity). Our advantage is that Jolocom has been able to build up enormous know-how through projects over the past 7 years. Not only was knowledge in the technology area built up, but also an extensive network through active work in committees (e.g. W3C, DIF, INATBA, ESIF / EBSI), associations (e.g. federal bloc) and consortia (e.g. shop window projects digital identities).
* [An Overview of Affinidi’s Terms of Use for Developers](https://academy.affinidi.com/an-overview-of-affinidis-terms-of-use-for-developers-fa7a04bcf635) Affinidi
This article provides an overview of our [Terms of Use](https://www.affinidi.com/developer-terms-of-use) for any developer who wants to use our APIs and SDKs.
* [Node Operator Spotlight: IdRamp](https://indicio.tech/node-operator-spotlight-idramp/) Indicio
Recently we caught up with Karl Kneis, COO of IdRamp, and Eric Vinton, Chief Business Officer of IdRamp, one of the first companies to become an Indicio Node Operator, to discuss their current projects, some goals for the future, and where they think decentralized identity is heading.
* Evernym: [September 2021 Release Notes](https://www.evernym.com/blog/september-2021-release-notes/)
The most important changes are:
- A fee will be charged on a regular basis to remain an endorser on either MainNet or StagingNet.
- In addition to the endorser fee, write fees will now be charged for transactions on Sovrin StagingNet in a similar fashion to the existing fees on Sovrin MainNet.
- The current [Sovrin Self Serve website](https://selfserve.sovrin.org/) will stop being used to become an endorser on StagingNet, and instead endorsers will be charged a fee after registering.
* [Talking tech and discussing data on the ‘Tech-Entrepreneur-on-a-Mission’ Podcast](https://blog.digi.me/2021/10/06/talking-tech-and-discussing-data-on-the-tech-entrepreneur-on-a-mission-podcast/) Digi.Me
Julian describes digi.me’s mission of empowering people with their personal data, as individuals know where all their data is, while they also have “a right for that data”. By having that knowledge and ownership, only individuals have “unlimited usage rights” to unlock the potential data has to be a force for good.
* [Corporations, Capital Markets, & the Common Good — How We’re Working to Reorient the Rules and Rebalance Power in Our Economy](https://omidyarnetwork.medium.com/corporations-capital-markets-the-common-good-how-were-working-to-reorient-the-rules-and-f54feeb9617d) Omidiyar
as part of our commitment to [Reimagining Capitalism](https://omidyar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Guide-Design_V12_JTB05_interactive-1.pdf), Omidyar Network is committing $10 million to a new focus area: Corporations, Capital Markets, and the Common Good. The vision for this work is to reshape the rules that govern markets to incentivize corporations and their investors to contribute to the common good, curb the pressures that drive businesses to contribute to negative outcomes on people and the planet, and empower stakeholders to hold companies accountable for their impacts on society.
* [Imageware to add Biometrics to Blockchain Powered Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://imageware.io/imageware-to-add-biometrics-to-blockchainpowered-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/)
“As individual safety and privacy concerns become more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s vital that we have better, more decentralized methods of giving individuals autonomy over their identities. By joining the Decentralized Identity Foundation and Trust Over IP groups, we’ll be able to leverage their network and resources in our efforts to further develop a portfolio of SSI integrated biometric solutions.”
* [XSL Labs: Your Data Belongs to You](https://www.xsl-labs.io/whitepaper/white_paper_en.pdf)
The SDI technology constitutes a very important example of decentralized counter-power to the web giants. The SDI maintains to keep the practicality of a unique identifier while guaranteeing the security of the data and the user's sovereignty over it.
* [Building towards a decentralized European Data Economy: A Minimal Viable Gaia-X (MVG)](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/building-towards-a-decentralized-european-data-economy-a-minimal-viable-gaia-x-mvg-powered-by-43a853101d) Ocean Protocol
Gaia-X is the cradle of an open, transparent, decentralized digital ecosystem, where data and services can be made available, collated, shared, and monetized in an environment of trust. [More than 300 organizations](https://www.gaia-x.eu/members) and over 2500 contributors are already supporting Gaia-X.
* [Bloom OnRamp Has Arrived](https://bloom.co/blog/bloom-onramp-has-arrived/)
Beyond OnRamp’s direct data integrations, the platform also supports the ability for third party credentials to enter the OnRamp platform via the WACI specification
* [Shyft Network- Solving The Internet’s Identity Problem](https://shyftnetwork.medium.com/shyft-network-solving-the-internets-identity-problem-dc8e2fe9f58)
Identity has been a contentious point for humanity ever since we evolved societies. How are we sure that someone is who they say they are?
* [Node Operator Spotlight: Anonyome](https://indicio.tech/node-operator-spotlight-anonyome/) Indicio
Each of the capabilities of the Sudo Platform is attached to a persona. This includes masked email and masked credit cards, private telephony, private and compartmentalized browsing (with ad/tracker blocker and site reputation), VPN, password management, decentralized identity and more.
* [Okta + Auth0 Showcase 2021: Identity for All](https://auth0.com/blog/okta-auth0-showcase-2021-identity-for-all/)
Together, Okta and Auth0 are reimagining identity’s role in every organization’s technology strategy. Cloud, mobile, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) have transformed the dynamics of the digital world over the past decade. At the same time, IT is struggling to keep up with all of these changes, and developers are more burdened than ever to build more applications quickly and without sacrificing security and user experience.
* [Auth0 Identity Platform Now Available on Microsoft Azure](https://auth0.com/blog/auth0-identity-platform-now-available-on-microsoft-azure/)
The addition of Azure as an Auth0 private cloud platform option unlocks a secure cloud deployment option for organizations seeking strategic fit with their technology stack, supporting regional data residency capabilities and higher control over customer data.
* [Introducing: Civic Pass Integration Guide](https://www.civic.com/blog/civic-pass-integration-guide/)
Now, we’re making [Civic Pass available to developers everywhere](https://docs.civic.com/). The idea is that developers can plug Civic Pass into their platform and create an identity layer that allows for a permissioned dApp platform, be it a DEX, an NFT marketplace or mint, a metaverse, or who knows what else you’ll come up with.
* [Equifax Launches Digital Identity as a Service](https://bonifii.com/2021/10/equifax-launches-digital-identity-as-a-service/) CU Ledger
Equifax Digital Identity as a Service gives credit union members more control over their information and will help to facilitate faster and easier user experiences for previously onboarded users. Functionality from Equifax’s suite of identity protection products including [Digital Identity Trust](https://www.equifax.com/business/digital-authentication/), Document Verification and the recently acquired [Kount Identity Trust Global Network](https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a%3Dhttps%253a%252f%252fkount.com%252f%26c%3DE,1,P0Lh3syJAhSnb3ckebQ1p8C29xvkkJ94klUQn8bpJ0Dl1XUoFwXkyPWAlTmWqD3i3bv6IWqRyqfz7_JzzpwIpG4zrWtxyIfflytpAkuFg7nn_Q,,%26typo%3D1) are incorporated into the new holistic solution.
* [There’s No Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in X-Road](https://www.niis.org/blog/2021/10/3/theres-no-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt-in-x-road)
X-Road and distributed ledgers are both based on decentralized architecture. Distributed ledgers don't typically have central administration, which means that they're entirely decentralized. Instead, X-Road is technically decentralized, but an X-Road ecosystem is always built around a centralized governance model managed by the X-Road operator.
* [PUBLISH pitches world’s first decentralized identity solution for journalists to International Federation of Journalists](https://medium.com/publishprotocol/publish-pitches-worlds-first-decentralized-identity-solution-for-journalists-to-international-abaaad0362a5)
PUBLISH CEO Sonny Kwon gave an overview of a press ID app PUBLISH is building in collaboration with the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK). He explained that the mobile application, which leverages decentralized identity (DID) technology to manage press credentials, would help the JAK combat misinformation and reduce administrative costs associated with its current press credentialing process.
* [Evernym: October 2021 Release Notes](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/)
- [A new document verification feature in Connect.Me and our Mobile SDK](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/%23IDV)
- [A new demo site to learn about self-sovereign identity and verifiable credentials](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/%23tryconnectme)
- [Custom credential types in Verity Flow](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/%23vflow)
- [Updated recommendation for securing Verity Webhooks](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/%23webhooks)
- [A roundup of other updates, including the cheqd network and VDR Tools](https://www.evernym.com/blog/october-2021-release-notes/%23misc)
* [Singapore Fintech Festival…Here We [Affinidi] Come!](https://academy.affinidi.com/singapore-fintech-festival-here-we-come-d8ffb59bc1cf)
In this virtual booth, you can explore about [Self-Sovereign Identity](https://academy.affinidi.com/self-sovereign-identity-what-you-can-cant-do-with-ssi-1284f7227b4e), [Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9) and their [implementation](https://academy.affinidi.com/how-to-implement-driving-license-use-case-using-verifiable-credentials-cef928222c92), [selective disclosure](https://academy.affinidi.com/a-detailed-guide-on-selective-disclosure-87b89cea1602), [identity wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-identity-wallet-c289ba2980cf), and anything else related to [decentralized identity](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-links-identity-and-vcs-together-across-applications-9523af3884a9) and [web 3.0](https://academy.affinidi.com/web-2-0-vs-web-3-0-a-bridge-between-the-past-and-the-future-c99668c1e2f0).
* [The SSI Kit](https://walt.id/blog/p/ssi-kit) Walt ID
The SSI Kit bundles three components, one for each functionality profile:
- Signatory ™ for Issuers enables organisations to transform any identity-related information into digital credentials in order to replace paper documents and automate data provision to stakeholders.
- Custodian ™ for Holders enables individuals and organisations to securely store, manage and share keys and identity data via data hubs (“wallets”). (Web-Based wallet)
- Auditor ™ for Verifiers enables organisations to verify identity data in order to authenticate or identify stakeholders and offer frictionless access to services or products.
* [Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI) – user-focused concept for data-efficient identity management](https://assets.bosch.com/media/global/research/eot/bosch-eot-ssi-principle_en.pdf) Bosch
“Since offering users control and sovereignty over their own data is a highly desirable goal, we are working with innovation partners to establish an identity system that works without any central data collector and is operated equally by many participants,” says Dr. Nik Scharmann, Project Director of the “Economy of Things” (EoT) strategic advance engineering project at Bosch Research.
* [Spruce sets the bar for sovereign identity storage options, secures $7.5M](https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/02/spruce-sets-the-bar-for-sovereign-identity-and-storage-options-secures-7-5m/)
Spruce, a service that allows users to control their data across the web, has raised $7.5 million. The company builds open source, open standard developer tools helping users collect and control their data across the web. It helps prevent NFT frauds and defines access rules for [decentralized](https://venturebeat.com/2020/10/28/decentralized-identity-the-key-to-the-digital-era/).
* [Hyland, Dataswift and Case Western Reserve University partner to advance web-based verifiable credential storage](https://news.hyland.com/hyland-dataswift-and-case-western-reserve-university--partner-to-advance-web-based-verifiable-credential-storage/) Hyland Credentials
The initial phase of the partnership involved building a web-based interface that enables users to easily store and manage their verifiable credentials by uploading them to a user-owned, encrypted personal data account (PDA), an innovative privacy-preserving solution developed by Dataswift, another strategic partner of xLab. That account is the storage system of a personal data server legally owned by users themselves and comes with a Data Passporting function that can be called upon by any application, allowing users to license their data on demand, quickly and securely, with any relevant party.
* [Square, Inc. Changes Name to Block](https://squareup.com/us/en/press/square-changes-name-to-block)
Block is a new name, but our purpose of economic empowerment remains the same.
* [Daniel Ƀrrr @csuwildcat](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat/status/1457766409233059841)
5 years after establishing Decentralized Identity at Microsoft, where I had the opportunity to work with great folks developing open source DID infrastructure (e.g. ION), standards, and products, I am joining Square to lead Decentralized Identity.
* [Bloom Integrates with Plaid to Enable Verifiable Credentials](https://bloom.co/blog/bloom-integrates-with-plaid-to-enable-verifiable-credentials/)
Bloom is excited to announce an integration with [Plaid](https://plaid.com/), a data network that powers the digital financial ecosystem. The Plaid integration gives Bloom the ability to offer consumer-permissioned, traditional financial data for better risk assessment through [OnRamp](https://onramp.co/).
* [Passwordless Credential Orchestration Manager is Now Available in the Oracle Cloud Marketplace](https://idramp.com/idramp-passwordless-credential-orchestration-manager-is-now-available-in-the-oracle-cloud-marketplace/) idRamp
This new service offers password elimination, identity proofing, and orchestration capabilities for any Oracle ecosystem.
* [Liquid Avatar Technologies and Bonifii Make VCs Accessible for People and Financial Institutions in the Metaverse](https://bonifii.com/2021/11/liquid-avatar-technologies-and-bonifii-make-verifiable-credentials-accessible-for-people-and-financial-institutions-in-the-metaverse/) Bonifii
“The metaverse and Web 3.0 are here, and we are building the infrastructure to manage how we’re going to live, work, and play in the intersection of the real and the digital,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indico. “Bonifii and Liquid Avatar get it, they’re on it and we’re excited to help them realize their vision.“
## Evernym joins Avast
* [Joining Forces with Avast](https://www.evernym.com/blog/joining-forces-with-avast/) Evernym
Joining forces with Avast represents the next step of our journey and an opportunity to bring the privacy, security, and trust benefits of decentralized identity to the entire world.
* [Avast to acquire Evernym](https://newsnreleases.com/2021/12/09/avast-to-acquire-evernym/) NewsNReleases \ Avast
Adding Evernym’s groundbreaking self-sovereign identity technology to our offering enables us to address this area and is a huge step forward in the realization of a digital world where decentralized, portable identities are available universally and globally.
* [Avast to Acquire Evernym: Consumer Cybersecurity Meets Decentralized Identity](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/bailey/avast-to-acquire-evernym-consumer-cybersecurity-meets-decentralized-identity) KuppingerCole
Avast’s product suite ranges from VPNs, antivirus, anti-tracking, monitoring of personal information potentially affected by data breaches, and so on. Evernym enables user-centric identity, where the individual user holds, controls, and shares their identity data in a privacy-preserving way.
* [Czech firm Avast acquiring self-sovereign identity pioneer Evernym](https://english.radio.cz/czech-firm-avast-acquiring-self-sovereign-identity-pioneer-evernym-8736279) Radio Pague International
Our vision for digital freedom is to enable people to manage and retain control over their personal data so that they can interact and transact safely, privately and with confidence. Decentralized digital identities are a key component of that vision
* [The Future of Digital Identity in Canada: Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Verified.Me](https://securekey.com/the-future-of-digital-identity-in-canada-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-and-verified-me/)
We are thrilled that the academic journal [Frontiers in Blockchain](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/blockchain) accepted our community case study, “[Decentralized, Self-Sovereign, Consortium: The Future of Digital Identity in Canada](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.624258/full).” This peer-reviewed article focuses on the benefits of self-sovereign identity (SSI) with blockchain and Verified.Me as an example of these concepts being effectively implemented to create a cohesive, secure service and digital identity network.
* [The First No Code Solution for Trusted Decentralized Digital Identity SSI on Redundant Blockchains](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/entrustient-launches-the-first-no-code-solution-for-trusted-decentralized-digital-identity-using-self-sovereign-identity-on-redundant-blockchains-301436112.html) Entrustient
"When building product-market-fit for our platform, we listened constantly to frustrated customers who embraced the concept of SSI, Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains, but who gave up on piecemealing a solution. And the reasons were mostly due to the lack of specialized SSI developers, implementing complex SDK's and code builds, and trying to provision onto blockchain networks,"
* [Talao, the brand new Self-Sovereign Identity Wallet](https://www.mcryptoz.com/blockchain-news/talao-the-new-self-sovereign-identity-wallet-gives-consumers-control-over-their-personal-digital-data-blockchain-news-opinion-tv-and-jobs.html) MCryptoZ
Blockchain-based Digital Identity specialist Talao, a Paris-based startup which focuses on Self-Sovereign Identity options and blockchain-based options is the developer of the primary French smartphone pockets for Self-Sovereign Identity. The firm simply introduced the provision of its new id pockets for all cellular customers in Europe.
* [Avast To Acquire U.S.-based Self-sovereign Identity Pioneer Evernym](http://nasdaq.com/articles/avast-to-acquire-u.s.-based-self-sovereign-identity-pioneer-evernym) Nasdaq
* [Talao SSI wallet now available on Apple AppStore and Google Play](https://medium.com/@talao_io/talao-ssi-wallet-now-available-on-apple-appstore-and-google-play-1435b4a01b1c)
- Work on Android and iOS
- Wallet DID: did: tz, did: key (curve Ed25519)
- Issuer DID supported: did: tz, did: web, did: key; did: ethr, did: pkh.
- Revocation of VCs: RevocationList2020
- SDK development environment: PHP, Python, NodeJS, java, C, Flutter,…
- Wallet templates: employer certificate, experience certificate, skills certificate, company pass , proof of email, proof of telephone, certificate of residence, loyalty card, diplomas, student card
* [Magic Product Updates: December Edition](https://medium.com/magiclabs/magic-product-updates-december-edition-7a24a3dcd4e4) MagicLabs
Since our last product update, we’ve launched a multifaceted set of capabilities that enable you to do more with Magic.
* [Lessons From the School of Cyber Hard Knocks Podcast](https://idramp.com/school-of-cyber-hard-knocks-podcast-mike-vesey-pink-locker-rooms/) IDRamp
Passwords and zero-trust and pink locker rooms, oh my! In this episode, Mike discusses IdRamp, what self-sovereign identity is, why we still have passwords today, zero-trust, what the near future holds, pink locker rooms!, his path to IdRamp, and as always, his toughest lesson learned.
* [Swisscom partners with Orell Füssli for identity](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/swisscom-identity/) Ledger Insights
This isn’t Swisscom Blockchain’s first identity partnership. It also has a relationship with [Adresta](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/swiss-watch-identity-startup-adresta-partners-with-swisscom-blockchain/), which developed a digital identity solution for watches.
* [Merit grabs $50M Series B to expand digital credentials platform](https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/12/merit-grabs-50m-series-b-to-expand-digital-credentials-platform/) TechCrunch
The company spent the last five years working with various governments to build connectors to these licensing databases to allow third parties to access the data and have it update automatically. So if you are a plumbing company, you can display your employees’ plumbing credentials on the company website and have them update automatically when the license is renewed (or show that it wasn’t).
* [https://demo.animo.id/](https://demo.animo.id/)
It allows people to experience SSI first-hand by choosing a character and 'playing' through their unique use cases. The student can enrol in college, visit a club or join a gym, while the business woman can attend a conference and check into a hotel for example. It was built with Aries Framework JavaScript's REST API and supports the Lissi and the Trinsic wallet
* [Lissi Connect Demo](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-connect-demo-d6db29db7755) <- in German
The login is only the start of the mutual customer relationship users do not want to monitor and maintain dozens of communication interfaces, but prefer a solution that brings these aspects together. This includes not only login services, but also newsletters, information letters from the bank, digital proof of any kind and other relevant personal information. The media break and the fragmentation of the current systems poses a major challenge for users and organizations. However, once stored in the user's wallet, this information can be easily managed, sorted and presented as needed.
* [Liquid Avatar and Ontario Convenience Stores Association (OSCA) Successful Pilot of Digital Age-Verification Solutions to Reach over 8,000 Retail Locations](https://www.accesswire.com/684666/Liquid-Avatar-Technologies-and-Ontario-Convenience-Stores-Association-OSCA-Deliver-Successful-Pilot-of-Digital-Age-Verification-Solutions-to-Reach-over-8000-Retail-Locations%23new_tab)
The Smart Age program provides digital age verification, supported with biometric authentication for restricted product sales like lottery tickets, tobacco, alcohol and other goods and services through a mobile device using verifiable digital credentials and biometrics without a user divulging any personally identifiable information to the store clerk.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity – a game changer regarding privacy](https://www.adnovum.ch/en/company/blog/self_sovereign_identity_a_game_changer_regarding_privacy.html) Adnovum
Another Swiss company is promoting SSI
After rejection of the e-ID Act in March 2021, the Swiss Federal government is working at full speed on a new proposal. The first results were published in a [discussion paper](https://www.bj.admin.ch/dam/bj/en/data/staat/gesetzgebung/staatliche-e-id/diskussionspapier-zielbild-e-id.pdf.download.pdf/diskussionspapier-zielbild-e-id.pdf) is one of three possible solutions proposed for the implementation of the future e-ID.
* [The Wallet](https://walt.id/blog/p/wallet) Walt
This post introduces our new open source product: the Wallet, which enables developers and organisations to put Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) into the hands and pockets of the people via easy-to-use applications.
* [Indicio named by New York VC Network in their list of the most exciting early-stage teams](https://indicio.tech/indicio-named-by-new-york-vc-network-in-their-list-of-the-most-exciting-early-stage-teams/)
Indicio is proud to have been named by [New York VC Network](https://www.vcnet.nyc/) in their recently compiled list of the most exciting early-stage teams that they’ll be following closely this year!
* [The open source companies Vereign and DAASI International will lay the cornerstone for the use of state-of-the-art SSI technology in the Gaia-X sub-project GXFS.](https://daasi.de/en/2022/02/04/ssi_gaia-x/)
For the realisation of the three projects, Self-Sovereign Identity will be a quintessential technology. A decentralised identity is supposed to allow users more self-determination in regards to identity data by putting the user in charge of the storage and transfer of their data. The data is only stored in a so-called wallet which belongs to the user. The wallet also contains digital keys for the authentication with services – making individual profiles for each service obsolete. State-of-the-art Blockchain technology ensures the reliability of the used data. Vereign AG, the head of the consortium, has been working with and on this technology for quite a while already. DAASI International will lend their expertise in the development of innovative open source software, as well as in classic identity management authentication technologies, and help with the development and overall realisation of the project.
* [What Can You Do With Affinidi’s Tech Stack?](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-can-you-do-with-affinidis-sdk-1966f4fef042) Affinidi
Affinidi’s SDK enables you to issue Verifiable Credentials (VCs), register accounts, collect and validate information, verify VCs, and more.
* [Expand SkillSet with Affinidi](https://certification.affinidi.com/)
* [IOTA and TradeMark East Africa partner to improve infrastructure & trade through technology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DbnAfclXTaeI)
The Trade Logistics Information Pipeline (TLIP) aims to create an interconnectivity technology highway for Eastern African businesses and governments’ agencies systems to communicate in a transparent and secure manner amongst themselves and with international counterparts.
BCG Report on Walt.id
* [Me, myself and (SS)I Why everybody must have a Self-Sovereign Identity in 5 years](https://web-assets.bcg.com/6b/6d/84e00cad4c939c870d833b96321c/white-paper-me-myself-ssi.pdf)
* [IdRamp CEO Mike Vesey: Pink Locker Rooms](https://idramp.com/school-of-cyber-hard-knocks-podcast-mike-vesey-pink-locker-rooms/) School of Cyber Hard Knocks
Passwords and zero-trust and pink locker rooms, oh my! In this episode, Mike discusses IdRamp, what self-sovereign identity is, why we still have passwords today, zero-trust, what the near future holds, pink locker rooms!, his path to IdRamp, and as always, his toughest lesson learned.
We don’t know what this is… is it DIDComm? if not what is it?
The project SSIComms adds SSI to internet communications by adding SSI wallets to the renowned SYLK Suite, an award winning ensemble of communications solutions with the SIP protocol at its core. This enables users to respond to presentation requests for credentials entirely voluntarily and according to SSI principles during communications sessions.
* [Interview with IAMX -Self-Sovereign Identity SSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D9-5WL6FuOlA) Spicy Dumpling Show
insights on what IAMX does, how can users and telcos can benefit from it, and why would users be interested in and trust IAMX. Later we talked about the recording and securing of biometric information. IAMX is having an ISPO
* [ID-Ideal as an integrated solution](https://jolocom.io/blog/id-ideal-as-an-integrated-solution/) Jolocom
The starting point is the fact that every user has 70 digital identities online. Why not introduce one single secure digital ID solution to merge all of those identities? ID-Ideal is one way of many, offering an integrated solution or a middle way so that many identities can be supplemented by a single, secure digital ID solution.
* [DM Note #6 — Building the Spatial Justice Mission](https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/dm-note-6-building-the-spatial-justice-mission-3b3fc6b11db5) DarkMatter Labs
Self-sovereign objects are are self-executing and self-owning; capable of determining their own lifecycle to maximise material utility and performance whilst minimizing negative environmental impacts. Augmented by sensing capabilities and the ability to autonomously execute smart contracts, material objects could continuously monitor their own performance and contract for their maintenance, repair or recycling.
* [Bringing Truth to Market with Trust Communities & Product Information Markets](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/bringing-truth-to-market-with-trust-communities-product-information-markets-d09fb4a6e780) Mattereum
With product information markets enabled by Trust Communities, we can incentivize truth in markets by allowing experts to make money on their expertise and face consequences for erroneous claims. Simple concept, powerful implications.
* [Indicio Named Finalist in IDC’s Inaugural Best in Future of Digital Infrastructure North America Awards](https://indicio.tech/indicio-named-finalist-in-idcs-inaugural-best-in-future-of-digital-infrastructure-north-america-awards/)
The finalists have effectively used digital infrastructure across on-prem, edge and public cloud platforms to transform their most important business processes and to launch new digital business innovations. They are to be congratulated for their vision and industry leadership!
* [Ubikom Project](https://www.ubikom.cc)
Ubikom is free, open-source email framework based on the concept of [Self-Sovereign Identity.](https://sovrin.org/faq/what-is-self-sovereign-identity/) You own your identity (which, in this case, means your private key), and all the outgoing and incoming messages are encrypted and signed by default.
* [KYC-Chain & CrypTalk Join Hands](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-cryptalk-join-hands/)
* [CrypTalk](https://www.cryptalk.app/) is a messaging service designed to bring together verified projects and potential investors by creating a safe and secure crypto space. Crypto projects undergo thorough verifications and a number of security measures before being verified by CrypTalk.
* [Dock claim deduction demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D8bZwkqqQju4%26t%3D6s)
Andrew Dirksen, one of Dock’s core developers, walks you through a demo that shows how claim deduction, facial recognition, and verifiable credentials can be used together to cryptographically verify a person's age, eliminating the need for manual checks
* [Certs: Now Available as a Self-Guided Demo](https://blog.dock.io/certs-now-available-as-a-self-guided-demo/) Dock
Curious about what you can build on Dock? Try for yourself!
### Indicio Tech
* [Indicio.Tech Incorporates as a Public Benefit Corporation](https://indicio.tech/blog/indicio-becomes-a-public-benefit-corporation/)
> Indicio joins companies such as Patagonia and Kickstarter in embracing a corporate model that aligns shareholders and stakeholders around a shared mission to deliver a material benefit to society, not only through products and services and how they are made and delivered, but through prioritizing the welfare of employees, diversity and inclusion, and environmental impact.
* [IDRamp partners with Indicio.Tech](https://idramp.com/idramp-offers-market-ready-decentralized-identity-platform-on-the-indicio-network/)
This is an interesting announcement with two companies partnering together to create new SSI services for the companies the work with.
### Indicio Network
* [The Lissi wallet supports the Indicio Network](https://lissi-id.medium.com/the-lissi-wallet-supports-the-indicio-network-e2247f895d39)
> we are committed to not only provide individuals with the choice of their favourite wallet, but also organisations with the choice of their network. We are delighted to announce that the latest version of the Lissi wallet also supports the Indicio Network.
> Indicio.tech created the Indicio Network to meet the needs of companies and organizations that want a reliable and robust network to build, test, demo, and launch their identity solutions
* [GlobaliD connects to the Indicio Network](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-connects-to-the-indicio-network-2ad5688d72fd)
> The Indicio Network will enable the issuance and verification of credentials on the GlobaliD platform and in the app, allowing individuals to port their credentials for authentication and authorization into any participating use case scenario — including vaccine passports.
* [GlobalID Introduces Trustees for Key Recovery](https://medium.com/global-id/introducing-globalid-trustees-account-recovery-without-a-private-key-66142a21cba6)
> Trustees can be friends or family members from your contact list. Once selected, each Trustee is granted a shard of your private key. Restoring your lost Identity requires approval from the majority of your Trustees.
* [Trinsic Releases Studio 2.0](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-releases-trinsic-studio-2-0/)
2.0 comes with a simplified pricing model based on credential exchange, that is credentials issued, and credentials verified. Subscription plans starting at Free: 50 Credential exchanges a month, Developer $18/month: 100 credential exchanges, and Production $112/month: 500 credential exchanges.
* [Trinsic Community Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/trinsiccommunity/shared_invite/zt-liwrvejk-dXC3uwYL6CCP~~RNIzc7sg)
> As Trinsic has grown in popularity among the SSI developer community, several Trinsic User Groups have started organically. While we encourage this, we also want to give these communities an official home. That’s why we’ve created a Slack workspace just for the Trinsic community.
* [Meeco Terms & Conditions Update - Feedback Welcome](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-terms-conditions-update-feedback-welcome/).
> Over the next fourteen days, we would love your feedback or questions on any of the changes.
* [IdRamp partners with the Lifelong Learner Project to win the ACE Blockchain Innovation Challenge](https://idramp.com/idramp-partners-with-the-lifelong-learner-project-to-win-the-ace-blockchain-innovation-challenge/)
> Lifelong Learner Project is proud to announce its selection as a recipient of the first phase of the Blockchain Innovation Challenge, a competition funded by the U.S. Department of Education to identify ways in which blockchain technology can provide social mobility and equitable access to economic opportunity.
> Companies involved include, RANDA Solutions, ETS, Digital Promise, University Instructors, The Utah State BOE, BlockFrame Inc. IdRamp, Evernym, Velocity Career Network, Fluree, Crocus, IMS Global Learning Consortium, Credential Engine.
* [Identity Masters Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/0NmFDoGu9zq3r1nmgjwkhQ)
> At Authenteq, we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about how to make the internet a safer space. It’s also what drives our product roadmap and why we got into identity verification and e-KYC in the first place. As we work to democratize the knowledge we have access to, we know that for it to be truly accessible, we have to work with different formats. This is why we’re very excited to introduce the brand spanking new Identity Masters podcast now available on Spotify!
* [IDWorks turned to Tarmac to help accelerate their mobile app and backend development](https://www.tarmac.io/case-study/idworks.html)
> Having decided to build their "Envoy" solution on the R3 Corda platform, finding affordable development resources with the right technical skills was proving difficult. Corda certified developers are extremely thin-on-the-ground and if you find a qualified engineer, they can be difficult and costly to recruit
* [Company Culture & Trinsineers](https://trinsic.id/on-company-culture-trinsineers/)
> Trinsineers are people who’ve agreed to take the journey to make the world more accessible to people everywhere. We’re a team of people who happen to be working together inside a legal entity called Trinsic. This journey is not a casual stroll, but an expedition. As Trinsineers, we’re developing a culture that is not only helping us accomplish our goals but bringing fulfillment and enjoyment along the way.
* [How to Create Connections in Trinsic Studio](https://trinsic.id/how-to-create-connections-in-trinsic-studio/)
> In this blog post, we will explain how to create connections in Trinsic Studio. Throughout the steps below, we will be referring to a fictitious person, Alice Smith, who is a recent graduate of Faber College and is applying for a job. Alice has already received her digital diploma in the form of a verifiable credential and is wanting to apply to work for a company called ACME Corp. In order to start the online job application, Alice must first make a connection with ACME Corp.
* [Meeco announces VELA Solutions partnership](https://www.meeco.me/blog/meeco-announces-vela-solutions-partnership)
> Together, Meeco and VELA have created a secure digital credentialing platform to help individuals and businesses adapt to the changing work environment and modernise their HR practices.
### Trinsic
* [Trinsic partners with Zapier to bring SSI to 2000+ applications](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-and-zapier-partner/). Including MedCreds which is part of the Covid Credentials Initiative.
### Microsoft
* [Building digital resilience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvZ7_TxFxj0) Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella
> touches on a pilot around Verifiable Credentials for Veterans and letting them post them to their LinkedIn profiles.
### Transmute
* [Transmute Closes $2M Seed Round](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/transmute-closes-2m-seed-round-a0a2e6c90467) this week. This is fantastic news for them and the whole ecosystem. Transmute is a great company developing products for supply chain use-cases and is collaborating with GS1. They also are part of the SVIP (Silicon Valley Innovation program) lead by Anil John. *Full disclosure Kaliya has a formal advising relationship with Transmute.*
* [Innovative Startups join forces to create a trusted training record and build a secure and safe waste data tracking system](https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/news-and-insights/press/digital-catapult-and-sellafield-ltd-join-forces-with-two-innovative-startups)
* [Digital Catapult](https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/) and [Sellafield Ltd](https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/sellafield-ltd) have selected two innovative startups, [Condatis](https://condatis.com/), and [Jitsuin](https://jitsuin.com/), to implement advanced digital technology solutions to support the nuclear industry to continue to monitor skills within the sector, and to provide a trusted and secure record for tracking hazardous waste and materials.
## Company Posts
* [Adding support for revocation of Verifiable Credentials](https://mattr.global/adding-support-for-revocation-of-verifiable-credentials/) leveraging the [Revocation List 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-status-rl-2020/) draft from the CCG.
> These innovations include our recent work related to using [BBS+ signatures](https://mattr.global/using-privacy-preserving-zkp-credentials-on-the-mattr-platform/) for privacy-preserving selective disclosure and our earlier work on the [OIDC Credential Provider spec](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/). We’ve also been busy sharing new tools for [checking the syntax of a JSON-LD credential](https://mattr.global/new-to-json-ld-introducing-json-ld-lint/) during development.
### Civic
* [Civic Secure Identity Users: Say Hello to Civic Wallet](https://www.civic.com/blog/civic-secure-identity-is-now-civic-wallet/) just this week they released a new wallet.
### Evernym
* [Evernym Commits to Open Source](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-commits-to-open-source/) “we’re doubling down on our commitment to open source by making the source code available for our commercial products with a binding commitment that they will be open source in three years”. They are using a [Business Source License](https://perens.com/2017/02/14/bsl-1-1/), which has some commercial restrictions, that eventually give way to open use. [Evernym Joins with Other Solution Providers to Achieve Interoperability Milestone](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-joins-with-other-solution-providers-to-achieve-interoperability-milestone/) “including connecting between decentralized identifiers (DIDs), issuing credentials, and fulfilling proofs.”
- Evernym’s [Verity](https://www.evernym.com/products/?#verity) is issuing to: [Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-wallet/), [IBM Verify App](http://doc.ibmsecurity.verify-creds.com/whats_new/), [Lissi](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.lissi.mobile) by Main Incubator, and [esatus Wallet](https://self-ssi.com/en/?#walletc).
- Evernym’s [Connect.Me](https://www.evernym.com/products/?#connectme) holding credentials issued from or proving to: [Aries Cloud Agent Python](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python), [Trinsic](https://trinsic.id/powerful-apis/), [IBM Security Verify](http://doc.ibmsecurity.verify-creds.com/whats_new/), [idRamp Passport](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.idramp.passport&hl=en_US), [esatus SeLF](https://self-ssi.com/en).
### Gluu
* [Gluu vs. Keycloak](https://www.gluu.org/blog/gluu-vs-keycloak/) Mike Swartz talks about the difference between his product Gluu and Keycloak, which he describes as a less stable project that shouldn’t be used in production environments.
## Old School Identity
Otaka: [How to Authenticate with SAML in ASP.NET Core and C#](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2020/10/23/how-to-authenticate-with-saml-in-aspnet-core-and-csharp)
Forgerock: [IAM 101 Series: What Are Directory Services?](https://www.forgerock.com/blog/iam-101-series-what-are-directory-services)
## How to Issue Credentials in Trinsic Studio
Trinsic has released some [tools to issue verifiable credentials](https://trinsic.id/how-to-issue-credentials-in-trinsic-studio/).
> All verifiable credentials come from credential templates. These templates specify what information should be included in a credential. Faber College would most likely want the credential template of its digital diplomas to include a graduate’s first and last name, what they got their degree in, what year they graduated, and thier GPA. Let’s begin!
* [The Lissi Wallet is now available in 12 languages!](https://lissi-id.medium.com/the-lissi-wallet-is-now-available-in-12-languages-f88e56b04e19)
Lanugauges supported: Arabic • English • French • German • Italian • Korean • Polish • Portuguese • Russian • Romanian • Spanish • Turkish
> the language is only a small part of the whole user experience. The task is to design a universal cockpit, which people can navigate regardless of their social background. Similar to a dashboard in a car, which doesn’t look too different wherever you go. In order to achieve this, we have to standardize the icons, colours and user-flows to a certain degree. However, on the other hand, they need to be adjusted to the target audience.
### ShareRing
* [Blockchain platform enables users to pay for Viator experiences with crypto](https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-now-pay-for-400-000-viator-tourism-experiences-with-crypto)
> The ShareRing platform, built on Tendermint, will allow users to book, register, and pay for Viator’s 395,000 global activities and experiences, using local fiat currencies or major crypto assets, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and its native SharePay token (SHRP).
> The platform uses the ShareRing ID system to ensure that sensitive personal and financial information is securely handled, and has contact tracing features to help with tourism safety during the pandemic.
* [ShareRing Unites with China’s International Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN)](https://blog.sharering.network/sharering-unites-with-chinas-international-blockchain-based-service-network-bsn/)
> BSN aggregates their technology partners’ services into their cloud-based ecosystem to make them all accessible to any company or developer that wishes to use them, with very low monthly access fees starting at just $20. Their “plug and play” approach eliminates the need for hiring or outsourcing highly specialized developers, who are in short supply due to high demand in this industry.
> One of the most exciting benefits of ShareRing’s integration with BSN’s global ecosystem is how effortless it will be for companies to incorporate our products and services without requiring ShareRing’s assistance with development and integration.
## Big News this week Outh0 was acquired by Okta!
* [Okta + Auth0: Powering Identity for the Internet](https://www.okta.com/blog/2021/03/okta-auth0-powering-identity-for-the-internet/)
Today, we're taking a significant step forward — I'd go so far to call it a "leap" — to enhance the Okta Identity Cloud. We announced our agreement to join forces with Auth0, a leading identity platform for developers.
* [Okta Signs Definitive Agreement to Acquire Auth0](https://auth0.com/blog/okta-auth0-announcement/)
Auth0 will operate as an independent unit inside of Okta, and both platforms will be supported and invested in. As a result, organizations will have a wider breadth of identity solutions to fit their unique needs. Okta and Auth0’s comprehensive, complementary identity platforms are robust enough to serve the world’s largest organizations and flexible enough to address every identity use case, regardless of the audience or user.
### Kuppinger Cole Comment: [Okta & Auth0](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/tolbert/okta-auth0)
Here are the strengths each has:

* [Why developer-first IAM ? And why Okta’s Auth0 acquisition matters?](https://medium.facilelogin.com/why-developer-first-iam-and-why-oktas-auth0-acquisition-matters-9fff3dde81) Prabath Siriwardena
Like Microsoft’s acquisition of GitHub for $7.5B in 2018, Okta’s acquisition of Auth0 for $6.5B is a win for developers!
### Auth0: [Our Commitment to You, Developers](https://auth0.com/blog/our-commitment-to-you-developers/)
Your Auth0 implementation will continue to receive the same support and services you have come to expect
* [Auth0 Names Jameeka Green Aaron as Chief Information Security Officer](https://auth0.com/blog/auth0-names-jameeka-green-aaron-as-chief-information-security-officer/)
Leadership change announced before acquisition
“In addition to the amazing roster of customers that puts their trust in Auth0 and fuels its growth, I was very much struck by the humanity of everyone I met with—a level of empathy that has been a rarity throughout my career,” said Aaron
* [Privatyze collaborates with Indicio to build a decentralized data marketplace](https://indicio.tech/privatyze-collaborates-with-indicio-to-build-a-decentralized-data-marketplace/) Indicio
“In a data-driven economy, we need a marketplace for data that’s inclusive and not exploitative,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indicio. “That means that participants can meaningfully consent to data transactions and do so in a way that enables zero-trust security. This just isn’t possible without decentralized solutions, and we are excited to work with Privatyze on building this solution.
* [ID.me and the future of biometric zero trust architecture](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/id-me-and-the-future-of-biometric-zero-trust-architecture) Mike Vesey of IDRamp
The sunk cost of centralized databases is not an obstacle to decentralization. Verifiable credentials can be easily layered onto existing systems for better security. They can be used as a tool for orchestrating complexities across multiple identity management systems and databases so that they become privacy preserving and fraud resistant.
Acquisition of the Week
* [Media Mention: MIT Technology Review](https://identitywoman.net/media-mention-mit-technology-review/) Kaliya Young
I was quoted in the article in MIT Technology Review on April 6, 2022, “Deception, exploited workers, and cash handouts: How Worldcoin recruited its first half a million test users.”
* [Demo: Verifiable Credential Exchange with Trinsic v2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DUanvvjW9i0c)
* [Introducing PRIVATE](https://medium.com/global-id/introducing-private-65fce62c6a8e) Calvin Burrows GlobalID
PRIVATE is a new technical framework developed in collaboration with AnChain.AI that carves out a path toward regulatory compliance for non-custodial wallets while preserving user privacy. (PRIVATE stands for Privacy Preservation through Resolution of Identity via Verification and Attestation for Travel Rule CompliancE)
* [SecureKey looks to the future by joining Avast](https://securekey.com/securekey-looks-to-the-future-by-joining-avast/)
* [Avast, a global leader in digital security and privacy, announced the acquisition of SecureKey](https://securekey.com/?securekey_pr%3Davast-to-acquire-securekey-technologies). Our expertise combined with the maturity and scalability of our services will allow our Canadian success story to expand globally and provide people around the world with safe and accessible means of authenticating their identities online while cementing SecureKey as a key provider of digital identity solutions.
* [Indicio’s Associateships: A starting point for the next generation of professionals](https://indicio.tech/indicios-associateships-a-starting-point-for-the-next-generation-of-professionals/)
Learning new skills in a new industry and technology is always good for growth, both personally and professionally. It’s particularly important for those in college to be able dip their toes into different worlds off campus and get a sense of the kind of work they want—or don’t want—to pursue in life.
* [Validated ID turns 10 years old! The best is yet to come](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/validated-id-turns-10-years-old-the-best-is-yet-to-come) ValidatedID
Today, we want to celebrate our ten years, reflecting on what we have accomplished and anticipating the future, because we are sure that there will be many more to come. As a result, we want to reaffirm our commitment to our objectives and mission. Moreover, we strive to improve our operations to ensure a prosperous future for our customers and partners.
* [Fujitsu declares success in trial of self-sovereign ID for students with university](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/fujitsu-declares-success-in-trial-of-self-sovereign-id-for-students-with-university) Biometric Updates
To resolve the complications, Fujitsu says it collaborated with the Keio Research Institute at SFC on a digital identity technology in September 2021, which resulted in an identity conversion gateway that enables multiple identity infrastructures to be interconnected without using a unified protocol.
* [Issue Hundreds of Credentials in Minutes with Dock Certs](https://blog.dock.io/bulk-issuance-issue-hundreds-of-verifiable-credentials-in-minutes/) Dock
Bulk Issuance supports high customer volumes by bulk issuing verifiable credentials in batches of 100+. Simply import a CSV file and issue verifiable credentials within minutes, averaging 1 credential being issued every second.
* [KILT Launches New Application for Digital Identities](https://cryptopotato.com/kilt-launches-new-application-for-digital-identities/) CryptoPotatoe
KILT, a blockchain identity protocol based on the Polkadot network, issues a new form of digital credentials, Web3name(w3n), for users to represent their own digital identities. The credentials recorded on the distributed ledgers will be permanent addresses users can access anytime on the Polkadot ecosystem, as [stated](https://medium.com/kilt-protocol/introducing-web3name-your-unique-digital-name-for-web3-the-internet-of-the-future-c301a18f75e8) in the announcement.
* [Energy Web Quarterly Update](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/energy-web-quarterly-update-855feb5878b6)
Switchboards, our enterprise-grade self sovereign identity and access management solution built on the W3C administered decentralized identifier standard. Examples include [Stedin’s identity and access management solution](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/stedin-the-dutch-distribution-system-operator-announces-partnership-with-energy-web-to-explore-cd278623809b), [CAISO flex alert](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/california-grid-operator-launches-new-demand-flexibility-platform-enhancements-to-flex-alert-system-e01ae8030da0), [and our work with Vodafone](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/energy-web-announces-development-of-renewable-energy-ev-charging-with-vodafone-and-mastercard-94e1ac4c4aa1), [Kigen, and KORE wireless](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/kore-collaborates-with-kigen-and-energy-web-to-provide-integrated-esim-based-trusted-identity-b22854958851).
SpruceID’s $34M Raise
* [Spruce Raises $34M to Unbundle the Login for a User-Controlled Web](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-raises-34m-to-unbundle-the-login-for-a-user-controlled-web/)
With the new funding, Spruce will spearhead research in cutting-edge privacy and usability technology for identity, grow its product teams, and continue to execute on partnerships across the ecosystem.
* [Founders in Focus: Wayne Chang of Spruce](https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/OKTA-INC-34515216/news/Founders-in-Focus-Wayne-Chang-of-Spruce-40101309/) Market Screener
Each month we highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures' portfolio companies. You'll get to know more about them and learn how they work with Okta.
* [Decentralized Identity Startup Spruce Wants to Help Users Control their Sign-In Data](https://techcrunch.com/2022/04/20/decentralized-identity-startup-spruce-wants-to-help-users-control-their-sign-in-data/) TechCrunch
The company [won an RFP](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2021/10/08/sign-in-with-ethereum-is-coming/) from the Ethereum Foundation and Ethereum Name Service (ENS) to develop a standardized “sign-in with Ethereum” feature that could be interoperable with web2 identity systems [...] to let [users] control what information a platform receives about them when they sign in rather than automatically surrendering the data to the platform.
* [How the convergence of SSI and AI can give people back control over their identity](https://corporate-blog.global.fujitsu.com/fgb/2022-04-20/02/) FUJITSU BLOG
As for the near future, Fujitsu envisions enhancing the distributed identity, data privacy, and consent management platform, which would open up all of the benefits described in this article on an as-a-Service basis to any player.
* [Beta Test of the First W3C Compliant Credentials Management App](https://blog.dock.io/beta-test-of-the-credentials-management-app/) Dock
The benefits of owning and storing your own credentials are unmatched by today’s standards. Dock’s Wallet App will allow users to store and manage their verifiable credentials from their mobile devices.
* [A Self-Authenticating Social Protocol](https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/3-6-2022-a-self-authenticating-social-protocol) Bluesky
In law, a [“self-authenticating” document](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/fre/rule_902) requires no extrinsic evidence of authenticity. In computer science, an [“authenticated data structure”](https://www.cs.umd.edu/~mwh/papers/gpads.pdf) can have its operations independently verifiable. When resources in a network can attest to their own authenticity, then that data is inherently live – that is, canonical and transactable – no matter where it is located.
* [5 Reasons Why Our NFMe ID is a Game Changer](https://itheum.medium.com/5-reasons-why-our-nfme-id-is-a-game-changer-6e07d704ebae) • [Itheum](https://www.itheum.io/)
When “leased out”, the other party can access your personal data — in this manner, the NFMe ID acts as an “authorization key” that allows third parties to use your data in a fair way to generate a shared value between the third party and the owner of the data.
* [Bonifii and Entersekt Announce New Context-Aware Authentication Solution for Credit Unions](https://bonifii.com/2022/04/bonifii-and-entersekt-announce-new-context-aware-authentication-solution-for-credit-unions/)
Bonifii and Entersekt today announced a new partnership bringing context-aware authentication technology to credit unions through MemberPass Express, powered by Entersekt. MemberPass is the first KYC-compliant member-controlled digital identity issued by credit union cooperatives.
* [How to Create a Trusted Digital World](https://indicio.tech/how-to-create-a-trusted-digital-world/) Indicio Tech
We’ve completed what we set out to do two years ago: finish the technology’s foundation and create a full, open source ecosystem around it. You can issue, share, and verify data through verifiable digital credentials today. You can layer this on top of your existing identity and access management systems now.
* [KILT: Self-Sovereign Identity for a Web3 World](https://pedroporky.medium.com/kilt-self-sovereign-identity-for-a-web3-world-929be0ac2afe) AMG-PORKY
the protocol uses a tiered approach with three roles — Claimer, Attester and Verifier
* [Remittances Specialist Leverages Biometric Onboarding Via Onfido](https://findbiometrics.com/remittances-specialist-leverages-biometric-onboarding-via-onfido-050604/) Find Biometrics
Chipper Cash has become the latest financial institution to adopt Onfido’s identity verification technology. The company currently operates one of the largest money transfer platforms in Africa, and is hoping
* [Spruce Developer Update #19](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-19/)
- Sign-In with Ethereum offers a new self-custodial option for users who wish to assume more control
- Kepler is a decentralized storage network organized around data overlays called Orbits. Kepler allows users to Securely share their digital credentials, private files, and sensitive media to blockchain accounts, all using a Web3 wallet
* [What Indicio’s Seed Funding Means for Decentralized Identity Technology](https://indicio.tech/what-indicios-seed-funding-means-for-decentralized-identity-technology/) Indicio
Our [new funding](https://apnews.com/press-release/accesswire/technology-business-4dbf651613d76693bc479321f7b041f5) will be used to refine the open-source, decentralized-identity technology stack. We have the basic technology for a functional ecosystem, now we improve that functionality by adding all the features, user interfaces, and management tools that make it easier to deploy, use, and monitor.
* [Raising the Bar on Identity: One Year of Okta + Auth0](https://auth0.com/blog/raising-the-bar-on-identity-one-year-of-okta-auth0/)
Today marks one year since Okta and Auth0 officially teamed up to lead together in the customer identity and access management (CIAM) market.
* [Exposing Bad Actors Who Hide Behind Anonymity With Traceable Credentials](https://blog.dock.io/exposing-bad-actors-behind-anonymity-with-traceable-credentials/) Dock
Traceable credentials are a way of instilling that layer of privacy but allow the relevant authorities to ‘unwind’ that layer of privacy and identify those bad actors. We do this through verifiable encryption.
* [final phase eSSIF-Lab and maximum funding by the European Commission](https://medium.com/@WorkX/announcing-selection-final-phase-essif-lab-and-maximum-funding-by-the-european-commission-80e4ef8912db) Work X
our team has been selected to enter the third and final phase of the European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab. [...] to let employees regain control over their career-related data. Therefore receiving the maximum development grant of €106.000
* [Expanding the public preview of verifiable credentials](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-active-directory-identity/expanding-the-public-preview-of-verifiable-credentials/ba-p/3295508) Ankur Patel Microsoft Identity
more than 1,000 enterprises with premium subscriptions have issued and verified tens of thousands of verifiable credentials […] from [remote onboarding at work,](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID%3D2184957%26clcid%3D0x409%26culture%3Den-us%26country%3DUS) [collaboration across business boundaries](https://customers.microsoft.com/en-us/story/1478082375112165122-avanade-partner-professional-services-verifiable-credentials) as well as [enabling education beyond the campus](https://customers.microsoft.com/en-us/story/1481006006183422060-rmit-university-higher-education-azure-active-directory?culture%3Den-us%26country%3DUS) [...] we are extending the public preview […] for all Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Free and Premium users.
Video: [#MARK Studio - Create tamper-proof, secure and globally verifiable digital credentials instantly](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZAbiQci1x9w) Dhiway Networks
* [Trust Stamp and IdRamp Team Up for New Identity Platform](https://findbiometrics.com/trust-stamp-idramp-team-up-new-identity-platform-051901/) FindBiometrics
a new multi-factor authentication platform that combines Trust Stamp’s [selfie-based Biometric MFA solution](https://mobileidworld.com/trust-stamp-replaces-otps-with-new-biometric-mfa-solution-042906/) with IdRamp’s no-code authentication infrastructure.
The joint offering will make it easier for organizations to provide a more consistent authentication experience across all of their systems.
* [Vittorio @vibronet](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1521047438370299905.html) Auth0 via Twitter\Threaderapp (18 tweets, worth reading)
Yesterday I celebrated 4 years at [@auth0](https://twitter.com/auth0)... what an amazing ride!
Working here is an absolute dream, and joining forces with [@okta](https://twitter.com/okta) is a force multiplier 💪
Here's a🧵with a compilation of my favorite projects - the ones I can talk about in public anyway 😜
* [Orchestrate your identity management strategy](https://idramp.com/orchestrate-your-identity-management-strategy/) IDRamp
It’s time to stop buying expensive bridges to Failureland. It’s time to shift our perspective on identity management away from what clearly doesn’t work and won’t work and instead, employ technologies that make the systems we have work better. It is time to focus on the technologies that simplify identity management, can be easily integrated, and provide a path to evolution at a pace and cost that meet business and government needs.
* [FlexID gets Algorand funding to offer self-sovereign IDs to Africa’s unbanked](https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/26/zimbabwe-flexid-algorand-funding-decentralized-identity/) TechCrunch
FlexID is giving users a blockchain wallet that stores their verificable credentials. Verification is done on-chain through Algorand, which bills itself as a solution to the [blockchain trilemma](https://www.google.com/search?q%3Dalgorand%2Btrilemma%26oq%3Dalgorand%2Btrilem%26aqs%3Dchrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i390.2391j0j9%26sourceid%3Dchrome%26ie%3DUTF-8) of security, scalability and decentralization. FlexID will also be integrating with other Algorand decentralized apps (dApps).
* [Local digital identity startup FlexID receives funding from Algorand Foundation](https://www.techzim.co.zw/2022/05/local-digital-identity-startup-flexid-receives-funding-from-algorand-foundation/) TechZim
Zimbabwean founded blockchain start-up, [FlexID Technologies](https://www.flexfintx.com/) (formerly FlexFinTx), has signed a Simple Agreement For Equity (SAFE) with the [Algorand Foundation](https://www.algorand.com/), to further develop and scale their Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) platform
* [Part 5: How Anonyome Labs is Actively Contributing to Decentralized Identity Development](https://anonyome.com/2022/05/part-5-how-anonyome-labs-is-actively-contributing-to-decentralized-identity-development/)
If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you’ll know that Anonyome Labs supports the ongoing development of decentralized identity through:
- Products – building decentralized identity capabilities in the [Sudo Platform](https://sudoplatform.com/), which enterprises can leverage
- Utilities – helping to run three decentralized identity-focused blockchains
- Standards – being an active contributor to the decentralized identity standards area
- Open Source – contributing source code back to the decentralized identity open source community.
* [Eight Years of Jolocom](https://jolocom.io/blog/eight-years-of-jolocom/)
* [Avast’s Charlie Walton wants you to Bring Your Own Identity](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202205/avasts-charlie-walton-wants-you-to-bring-your-own-identity) Biometric Update
What was a European security company doing buying a U.S.-based decentralized digital identity technology company? Could Avast bring the dream of decentralized identity to the masses? I sat down with Avast’s Senior Vice President and General Manager of Identity Charlie Walton to find out.
* [Zero Trust & Decentralized Identity Podcast](https://idramp.com/zero-trust-decentralized-identity-podcast/) IDRamp
They explore low-code/no-code orchestration services, what to consider when making long-term complex identity decisions, and what the US is doing to protect Americans from sophisticated cyber threats after the White House issued Executive Order 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.
New Companies we aren’t sure about:
- [Proof ID and Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/proof-id-and-self-sovereign-identity) by [5ire](https://5ire.org/) we can’t find out much about them
- [Daon Provides Biometric Authentication for African Blockchain Identity Platform](https://findbiometrics.com/daon-provides-biometric-authentication-african-blockchain-identity-platform-06100/)
- [BTE and myNFT Announce AssetDIDs for NFTs, Built on KILT](https://medium.com/kilt-protocol/bte-and-mynft-announce-assetdids-for-nfts-built-on-kilt-6c06a2f9d8dd)
- [We’ve Introduced the Sudo Platform Decentralized Identity Relay](https://anonyome.com/2022/06/weve-introduced-the-sudo-platform-decentralized-identity-relay/)
* [Jose San Juan, GATACA: “blockchain technology has become the protagonist of the world we live in”](https://cybernews.com/security/jose-san-juan-gataca-blockchain-technology-has-become-the-protagonist-of-the-world-we-live-in/) Cybernews
For the past 4 years, GATACA has focused the majority of its efforts on building an interoperable, secure, and user-friendly product for the European region. We not only plan to continue to focus on the needs of our clients and regulatory, as well as standardization demands from the market but to take our SSI tech to the next level.
* [Lissi demonstrates authentication for Gaia-X Federation Services](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-demonstrates-authentication-for-gaia-x-federation-services-819e9bbe70ad) Lissi ID
Gaia-X creates an open, federated digital ecosystem for data infrastructure for decentralized cloud and edge workloads and data sharing capabilities. As part of the core services, the so-called Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) are targeting the areas of Identity & Trust, Federated Catalogue, Sovereign Data Exchange and Compliance as open-source reference implementations.
* [Spruce At Graph Hack 2022](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-at-graph-hack/) SpruceID
Earlier this month, The Graph hosted Graph Hack at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Graph Hack was a three-day hackathon, bringing together developers to kickstart the latest dapps and ideas featuring a mix of on and off-chain data via a variety of impactful use-cases.
Centre - Verite
* [Verite: Growing a Decentralized Identity Ecosystem](https://www.centre.io/blog/verite-growing-a-decentralized-identity-ecosystem) Centre Consortium
Developed last year and launched in Q1 of 2022, the [Verite standard](https://verite.id/verite) welcomes this flourishing of products and experiments with Verifiable Credentials and other privacy-preserving, data-minimizing patterns and principles.
* [Introducing Verite](https://docs.centre.io/blog/introducing-verite) Justin Hunter, Pinata, Centre
But as the world shifts to an increasingly digital native format, and as people take more ownership over their identity, how can the issuance of, presentation of, and verification of credentials be managed?
Short promo User Journey videos
* [SICPA Digital Identity for Travel - Sharing and Validating Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DG_6d39R_Thk)
* [SICPA Digital Identity for Refugees - Creating, Using and Validating Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DOoDZFEyRN8k)
* [Ping to Target IAM Startups With New $50 Million Venture Fund](https://findbiometrics.com/ping-target-iam-startups-with-new-50-million-venture-fund-062205/)
That includes companies that are trying to prevent digital fraud, as well as companies that are engaged in identity verification and decentralized identity projects. However, the list is not exhaustive [...] [Allthenticate](https://www.allthenticate.com/) will be the recipient of its first investment.
* [Digital Education – Transforming Scottish Education for the 21st Century](https://digitalscot.net/transforming-scottish-education-21/)
As the [Herald reports](https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/20078582.scottish-government-unveils-45m-plan-build-tech-nation/) Kate Forbes has announced £45m in funding to “transform Scotland into one of Europe’s leading economies to start or grow a technology business.”
* [Filecoin Explorer Awards](https://explorerawards.org/) first round of applications is due July 15th and the second round is due August 15th
* [Upgrade to the Latest Affinidi SDK Version for Improved Performance](https://academy.affinidi.com/upgrade-to-the-latest-affinidi-sdk-version-for-improved-performance-81e7d0cc7334) Affinidi
- Migrating from Bloom Vault to Affinidi Vault for improved performance
- Server-side search by credential Id
- Server-side search by credential types
* [Finalist for CRN Social Impact Award](https://indicio.tech/the-crn-tech-impact-awards/) Indicio
Indicio worked with SITA and the Aruban government to develop a decentralized identity solution for managing Covid testing and vaccination for travelers to the tourism-dependent island.
* [Trinsic just raised $8.5M 🎉 and we want to celebrate with you!](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-raises-8-5m-for-decentralized-identity-platform/)
developers face a dizzying number of standards to be compatible with—“[SoulBound Tokens](https://nftnow.com/guides/soulbound-tokens-sbts-meet-the-tokens-that-may-change-your-life/)” and [“Web5](https://twitter.com/jack/status/1535314738078486533)” being the latest additions to the litany of W3C, ISO, DIF, ToIP, and other existing specs. Trinsic offers teams a single API that acts as an abstraction layer that bridges ecosystems, strips complexity away from the development process, and ensures products are future-proof.
* [JPMorgan Wants to Bring Trillions of Dollars of Tokenized Assets to DeFi](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/06/11/jpmorgan-wants-to-bring-trillions-of-dollars-of-tokenized-assets-to-defi/) Coindesk
“We want to use verifiable credentials as a way of identifying and proving identity, which is different from the current Aave model, for instance,” Lobban said. “Verifiable credentials are interesting because they can introduce the scale that you need to provide access to these pools without necessarily having to maintain a white list of addresses. Since verifiable credentials are not held on-chain, you don’t have the same overhead involved with writing this kind of information to blockchain, paying for [gas fees](https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-are-ethereum-gas-fees/), etc.”
* [Evernym June Release notes](https://www.evernym.com/blog/june-2022-release-notes/)
we’ll be able to share more about our new work at Avast over the coming months. In the meantime, there are several great posts on the Avast blog that show the combined thinking of the Avast, Evernym, and SecureKey teams:
* [Building a more inclusive and equitable future](https://medium.com/global-id/building-a-more-inclusive-and-equitable-future-745f897a2c2b) GlobalID
When we [first launched the GlobaliD Wallet](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-app-introducing-the-wallet-87870843dc1b) powered by Uphold back in June of 2020, the goal was clear. Our vision has always been that anyone, anywhere should be able to create and own their [self-sovereign digital identity](https://medium.com/global-id/why-self-sovereign-identity-matters-8fd2c982ca2e). And along with that identity, they should get a wallet, providing them access to basic financial services.
* [3 years ago today, we started Trinsic to make decentralized identity real](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-raises-8-5m-for-decentralized-identity-platform/) Tweet Thread by Riley
Despite sending people to space, editing genes, and getting dangerously close to AGI, humanity hasn’t built a way for me to prove my legal name is Riley Hughes online.
* [Spruce Developer Update #21](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-21/)
We're currently working on a new, ergonomic way to use Sign-In with Ethereum and session management for applications, and are currently in the process of setting up beta testing. If you're interested in trying this out, please get in touch.
these are not posts but pages from companies we are tracking
* [Open Policy Agent: Credential validation powered by the Open Policy Agent](https://docs.walt.id/v/ssikit/ssi-kit/open-policy-agent) Walt ID
The Open Policy Agent ([https://www.openpolicyagent.org](https://www.openpolicyagent.org)) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement. OPA provides a high-level declarative language called [Rego](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/%23rego) that lets you specify policy as code in order to offload policy decision-making from your business logic.
* [MATTR has a series of Videos about their work with IATA](https://mattr.global/solutions/iata/)
This is a significant undertaking for both IATA and the other parties involved. As part of MATTR’s role in supporting this initiative, we developed a series of educational videos in partnership with IATA to explain the value and mechanics of a decentralised identity ecosystem.
* [Indicio Launches Proven, A Complete Trusted Digital Ecosystem For Sharing Actionable, Trustworthy Data](https://www.accesswire.com/viewarticle.aspx?id%3D708970)
"Indicio Proven is how you get actionable data without sacrificing privacy or security," said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indicio. "What makes data actionable is that it can be trusted. You can prove its source. You can prove it hasn't been faked or tampered with. Decentralized identity has long been seen as the solution to the interconnected problems of verification, privacy, and security. With Indicio Proven, the marketplace now has a range of ready-to-use products to implement that solution and create Trusted Digital Ecosystems for sharing and verifying data at any scale."
* [Prove it all with Indicio Proven](https://indicio.tech/prove-it-all-with-indicio-proven/) Indicio
Sometimes called “self-sovereign identity,” or “user-centric identity,” or “reusable identity,” the open source technology behind Proven provides an authoritative way to authenticate any data without having to check in with the source of that data — or go through a third party.
* [Press Release](https://idramp.com/trust-stamp-partners-with-idramp-to-transform-multi-factor-biometric-authentication/) IDRamp & IDRamp
Trust Stamp (Nasdaq: IDAI, Euronext Growth: AIID ID), the Privacy-First Identity CompanyTM providing AI-powered trust and identity services used globally across multiple sectors, announces a partnership with IdRamp, a leader in decentralized identity orchestration products and services. Together, they will launch an innovative biometric multi-factor authentication (“MFA”) offering that can be augmented with a range of leading access management, social sign-on, and bring-your-own identity services, all through IdRamp’s no-code platform.
* [Condatis revolutionizes staff management with Microsoft Entra Verified ID](https://customers.microsoft.com/en-us/story/1508854534910834689-condatis-partner-professional-services-entra-verified-id) Microsoft
At Edinburgh-based Condatis, as more employees transition from a hybrid work model to a full return to the office, they’re being greeted by a new, intuitive sign-in experience built on virtual, verifiable credentials that provide value-added access to office spaces and services. Whether someone is being onboarded, coming in as a temporary hire, or visiting a staff member, each person will see that some doors in the office will be open for them, and others won’t.
* [NortonLifeLock and Avast Merger Provisionally Approved](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nortonlifelock-and-avast-merger-provisionally-approved-301600277.html) PNNewswire
* [UK provisionally approves $8.1B NortonLifeLock-Avast merger, citing competition from Microsoft](https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/03/u-k-provisionally-approves-8-1b-nortonlifelock-avast-merger-citing-competition-from-microsoft/) TechCrunch
* [Thoma Bravo to acquire Ping Identity for $2.8B](https://www.techtarget.com/searchsecurity/news/252523468/Thoma-Bravo-to-acquire-Ping-Identity-for-28B) TechTarget
* [Ping Identity to be Acquired by Thoma Bravo for $2.8 Billion](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/ping-newsroom/press-releases/2022/ping-identity-to-be-acquired-by-thoma-bravo-for-2-billion.html) Ping Identity
* [The Future of Digital Identity: Separating the digital from the individual](https://www.finextra.com/the-long-read/421/the-future-of-digital-identity-separating-the-digital-from-the-individual) ([Report](https://www.finextra.com/finextra-downloads/research/documents/245/the-future-of-digital-identity-2022.pdf)
While biometrics are now part and parcel of life in 2022 – with the prevalence of mobile payments with Face ID and Touch ID – the concept of real-time and frictionless processes is what is driving the future of digital identity forward.
* [Gitcoin Passport To Make Fundraising, Governance More Fair](https://blockworks.co/gitcoin-passport-to-make-fundraising-governance-more-fair/) Blockworks
Gitcoin isn’t the only project trying to solve decentralized identification (DID), but it does have a leg-up on the so-called “cold start” problem, Owocki said.
“What everyone else is missing is usage.” Today there are few if any dApps using DID, thus few users care about having an effective DID system, and decentralized apps have no incentive to prioritize it.
New Podcast: [The Week in Identity](https://anchor.fm/the-cyber-hut/)
"The Week in Identity" is focused on providing a weekly analyst briefing on the latest identity and access management news events, funding rounds, conference updates and more. Identity is now foundational for all employee, consumer and device based security and usability projects and is changing rapidly. Hosts Simon Moffatt (Founder at The Cyber Hut) and David Mahdi (ex-Gartner Analyst and CISO Advisor) provide impartial analyst comment and opinion on some of the most exciting trends within the IAM landscape.
* [Age-Verification Solution TruAge to be Deployed by CDE Services, Inc., Expanding Access to Convenience Stores Nationwide](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/age-verification-solution-truage-to-be-deployed-by-cde-services-inc-expanding-access-to-convenience-stores-nationwide-301597284.html) PRNewswire
"The convenience retailing industry conducts 165 million transactions a day and 50 million of them involve an age-restricted product. It is exciting to announce that TruAge will be implemented into thousands of stores that conduct age-restricted transactions," said TruAge CEO Kyle McKeen.
* [Zetrix Paving the Way with Recent W3C Recommendation of Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) as the New Identity Standard](https://www.techtimes.com/articles/278724/20220802/zetrix-paving-the-way-with-recent-w3c-recommendation-of-decentralised-identifiers-dids-as-the-new-identity-standard.htm) TechTimes
> Zetrix recently announced their [partnership with Xinghuo BIF](https://beincrypto.com/xinghuo-bif-and-zetrix-jointly-introduce-web3-services/), the national blockchain of China that is supported by all levels of the Chinese government. Xinghuo BIF is already running at a scale that allows it to process 94 million identifiers daily, and ZID will act as the international extension of Xinghuo's on-chain signing service known as Spark.
* [Microsoft Entra Verified ID now generally available](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/microsoft-entra-verified-id-now-generally-available/ba-p/3295506) Microsoft
Learn more about verifiable credentials and decentralized identity:
- Get customer stories and verifiable credentials resources at [http://aka.ms/verifyonce](http://aka.ms/verifyonce)
- Understand the basics of decentralized identity via our [five-part blog series](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/identity-standards-blog/decentralized-identity-the-basics-of-decentralized-identity/ba-p/3071980)
- Quick overview: [http://aka.ms/didexplained](http://aka.ms/didexplained)
- Documentation for developers: [http://aka.ms/didfordevs](http://aka.ms/didfordevs)
* [Web3 ID - Privacy-preserving user verification for Web3](https://www.dock.io/web3id) Dock
Web3 ID is a blockchain-based Authentication and Authorization system that puts user privacy first. Developers can grant access and verify end-user eligibility by requesting private data from users' non-custodial identity wallet apps. Always with the users’ consent.
* [New Mobile Dock Wallet Release: Users Can Create and Manage Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://blog.dock.io/dock-wallet-did-management/) Dock
With the Dock Wallet, users can securely create, export, import, edit, delete, and copy/share their DIDs. The wallet enables users to fully own, control, and manage their credentials that are issued as Verifiable Credentials such as a university degree or government ID.
* [Demonstration of FuixLabs Self Sovereign Identity product Dominon to TownHall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DZqMInFHg-KA)
* [Whitepaper – Innovating Identity and Access Management with Decentralized Identity](https://anonyome.com/2022/08/whitepaper-innovating-identity-and-access-management-with-decentralized-identity/)
* [Indicio Insights with Bullet ID and Verio ID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DYApp77o0qH4)
Literally doing ID management for bullets! Wow.
we sit down with Cristian Talle of Bullet ID to discuss the interesting technology they have created to improve the current systems for tracking bullets.
Learn more about Bullet ID [https://www.bulletid.net](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event%3Dvideo_description%26redir_token%3DQUFFLUhqbVRHa2gwMW55TmRlWnE5a0lEd0Z3RFdTR1hld3xBQ3Jtc0trME5odDk1Tm83a2dOc3UyWHdCVGg2ZkIxenZOV1BlZHlNSkpsRWxXaFdkTW1GcVR0SWlsRTVIOUhsWkZTa3lrZW9kYm40SGVEV3BUTDNFRWl5cTJCcGI4T1Z0YkpRc2VKa0ZWLTZ3bFZYd25sTjlkZw%26q%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.bulletid.net%252F%26v%3DYApp77o0qH4)
Learn more about Verio ID [https://verio.id](https://verio.id)
* [Telling our story with the new GlobaliD website](https://medium.com/global-id/episode-20-telling-our-story-with-the-new-globalid-website-c38278b3e14c) GlobalID
about the brand new GlobaliD website and how it contextualizes our role in the world of digital identity while allowing us to tell our story more effectively.
* [Making decentralized identity mainstream w Heather Dahl and Ken Ebert (Indicio)](https://medium.com/global-id/episode-19-making-decentralized-identity-mainstream-1d9d8734a14f) GlobalID
how new identity-based technology can help people, governments and companies develop greater digital trust in a modern society.
* [Everyone will have an ID wallet](https://medium.com/global-id/episode-18-everyone-will-have-an-id-wallet-da5ac358ad60) GlobalID
how ID wallets work within the digital identity ecosystem, briefly explains the trust triangle, and previews the GlobaliD Wallet which will be released later this year
* [Cerebrum Launches Identity Pittsburgh Initiative in Partnership with Carnegie Mellon University's ETIM Program](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cerebrum-launches-identity-pittsburgh-initiative-in-partnership-with-carnegie-mellon-universitys-etim-program-301616404.html) PRNewswire
One example use case is medical records, which are often stored in central repositories and are hard for patients to access or share. Verifiable credentials offer an alternative — have patients store their medical records in digital wallets they control — which solves issues with interoperability, data ownership, and data access.
* [Spruce Developer Update #23](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-23/)
Updates on Sign in with Ethereum, Kepler, DIDKit, Rebase
* [IDENTOS puts developers first in its latest product release](https://www.identos.com/2022/09/07/identos-puts-developers-first-in-its-latest-product-release/)
FPX Junction is a cloud-based set of software products which provide fine-grained API authorization and user centric identity management capabilities.
Verifiable Credentials Support – Evolving to support Verifiable Credentials, FPX Junction includes an updated digital wallet API which enables the holding, receiving and presentation of [W3C Verifiable Credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/) using W3C Decentralized Identifiers. FPX Junction meets requirements for [Aries Interop Profile 2.0](https://aries-interop.info/aries-interop-intro.html) and [DIDComm](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/) based credential exchanges.
* [Sign-in with Decentralized Identifiers with Dock Labs](https://auth0.com/blog/sign-in-with-decentralized-identifiers-with-dock-labs/) Auth0
The DID and VC W3C standards are core building blocks to enable Decentralized Identity scenarios. [The Auth0 Lab team](https://twitter.com/Auth0Lab) has been following the space closely, and we're excited to support Dock with this important work.
* [Microsoft Entra Verified ID now generally available](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/microsoft-entra-verified-id-now-generally-available/ba-p/3295506)
MSFT ENTRA now Generally Available!!! Congratulations to [Ankur](https://twitter.com/_AnkurPatel), [Pam](https://twitter.com/pamelarosiedee) and [Daniel](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat) (not there anymore but got MSFT to start working on it)
We believe an open standards-based Decentralized Identity system can unlock a new set of experiences that give users and organizations greater control over their data—and deliver a higher degree of trust and security for apps, devices, and service providers.
* [Lessons in Good Leadership for Good ID](https://medium.com/omidyar-network/lessons-in-good-leadership-for-good-id-52a79dd69cf2) Omidyar Network
Insights from a year-long evaluation of our Digital Identity program
* [Breaking Digital Borders: Scaling User-Owned Data from Zero to One Million — Key Takeaways](https://academy.affinidi.com/breaking-digital-borders-scaling-user-owned-data-from-zero-to-one-million-key-takeaways-ff9da04b5d24) Affinidi, Berlin Blockchain Week
Zain Yousaf, our Product Principal, and Marco took over to showcase Console to the audience. They did a walkthrough of the Console to help everyone understand how they can build privacy-preserving apps through this no-code dev tool.
* [@ProtoResearch](https://twitter.com/ProtoResearch) [Protocol Labs Research](https://twitter.com/ProtoResearch)
Looking to improve the DWeb? Take a look at our RFP-013: "Cryptonet Network Grants" and how you can be awarded up to $35,000 USD for solving research problems regarding cryptography: [https://grants.protocol.ai/prog/rfp-013_cryptonet_network_grants/](https://grants.protocol.ai/prog/rfp-013_cryptonet_network_grants/)
* [KILT Protocol first Parachain to Successfully Migrate from Kusama to Polkadot](https://polkadot.network/blog/first-parachain-successfully-migrates-from-kusama-to-polkadot/)
Besides marking an important technical milestone, the migration also represents the first instance of a parachain taking the upgrade path from Kusama to Polkadot. This demonstrates an important use case for the ‘canary network’ model pioneered by Polkadot
* [What’s new in sideos 2.0](https://www.sideos.io/media-hub/simple-data-management-suite-trustless-interactions) SideOS
sideos is a simple data ecosystem backed by a new web standard: self-sovereign identity, or SSI.
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# Hyperledger umbrella
### DIDs Fabric and Decentralized Networking
* [DEON](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/11/05/deon-a-hyperledger-based-decentralized-off-grid-network) is a new Hyperledger project focused in off-line communication networks, independent of internet infrastructure. This could be used to enable networks of devices to communicate peer-to-peer (without the need to ‘phone home’ over the internet), inter-enterprise consortia networks, and enabling user-centric data sharing in a more secure and private fashion.
### Aries
* [GlobaliD releases new open source applications](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-shares-ssi-code-at-the-internet-identity-workshop-446debec43e7)
They open source their open-sourced iOS and Android native Aries frameworks and donated them to the Hyperledger Aries project.
They also shared their Dynamic Governance API using GlobaliD Groups.
* [Add support for "did:indy" to Hyperledger Indy Node and Indy VDR](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/marketplace/opportunities/code-with-us/e3dd1605-cc1d-4c30-a9ee-245940bccd0d) </>Code With Us
Accpting Applications until 1/10 4:00 PM PST
The total funding for the challenge is $70,000CDN and is divided into 4 phases. The first 3 phases require the use of Python working on the [Indy Node](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node).
* [Blockchain Trilemma for Decentralized Identity: Learning from Hyperledger Indy](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05784.pdf) Paul Dunphy, OneSpan, Cambridge, UK
The current credential verification process relies on transaction processing by a ledger with transaction processing bottlenecks, which may constrain the ideal of non-repudiation.
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# Existing ID Standards Based Tech
## Explainer
### Identity not SSI
* [FIDO: Everything You Need to Know About Fast Identity Online](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/fast-identity-online-fido.html)
* [Directory of Products That Assess Identification Documents and Verify Identity Version 2.0](https://diacc.ca/2021/05/03/directory-of-products-that-assess-identification-documents-and-verify-identity-version-2-0/)
This [Directory](https://diacc.ca/2020/05/21/directory-products-assess-identification-documents-verify-identity/) is designed to provide an overview of providers’ solutions which use government issued photo identification cards, combined with biometric facial scans, to establish Digital Identity.
* [101 Session: OpenID Connect](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1B/_101_Session:_OpenID_Connect) by Mike Jones
Described at: [https://openid.net/connect/](https://openid.net/connect/)
Built on standards: OAuth 2.0 and JWT
See the presentation at [https://self-issued.info/?p=2167](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2167).
* [101 Session: OAuth2](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2B/_101_Session:_OAuth2) by Aaron Parecki
* [https://aaronparecki.com/tag/iiw](https://aaronparecki.com/tag/iiw)
* [https://aaronparecki.com/tag/oauth2](https://aaronparecki.com/tag/oauth2)
* [OAuth 2.0 Simplified](https://aaronparecki.com/oauth-2-simplified/) is a guide to OAuth 2.0 focused on writing clients that gives a clear overview of the spec at an introductory level.
In 2017, I published a longer version of this guide as a book, available on [oauth.com](https://oauth.com/) as well as [a print version](https://oauth2simplified.com). The book guides you through building an OAuth server, and covers many details that are not part of the spec. I published this book in conjunction with [Okta](https://developer.okta.com/).
* [https://speakerdeck.com/aaronpk/oauth-101-internet-identity-workshop-xxxi](https://speakerdeck.com/aaronpk/oauth-101-internet-identity-workshop-xxxi)
* [How OAuth Works](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dg_aVPdwBTfw%26list%3DPLRyLn6THA5wN05b3qJ6N0OpL3YbritKI-) 12 videos
* [101 Session: UMA - User Manged Access](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3B/_101_Session:_UMA_-_User_Managed_Access) by Eve Maler and George Fletcher
* [User-Managed Access (UMA) 101 George Fletcher, Kantara Initiative UMA Work Group](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/17760302/2020-10-20%2520IIW%2520UMA%2520101.pdf)
The UMA extension grant adds… [docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/rec-oauth-uma-grant-2.0.html](https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/wg/rec-oauth-uma-grant-2.0.html)
- Party-to-party: Resource owner authorizes protected-resource access to clients used by requesting parties
- Asynchronous: Resource owner interactions are asynchronous with respect to the authorization grant
- Policies: Resource owner can configure an AS with rules (policy conditions) for the grant of access, vs. just authorize/deny
- Such configurations are outside UMA’s scope
* [OpenID Connect Claims Aggregation](https://iiw.idcommons.net/5B/_OpenID_Connect_Claims_Aggregation) by Nat Sakimura, Edmund Jay, Kristina Yasuda
[2021-04-21_OpenID Connect Claims Aggregation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w-rmwZoLiFWczJ4chXuxhY0OsgHQmlIimS2TNlce4UU/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
* [OpenID Connect 4 Identity Assurance](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10J/_OpenID_Connect_4_Identity_Assurance) by Torsten Lodderstedt
> [https://www.slideshare.net/TorstenLodderstedt/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-at-iiw-32](https://www.slideshare.net/TorstenLodderstedt/openid-connect-4-identity-assurance-at-iiw-32)
> Jacob Dilles proposed to allow RPs to use handles for pre-configured eKYC requests. I filled an issue for discussion by the WG ([https://bitbucket.org/openid/ekyc-ida/issues/1245/pre-configured-claims-ekyc-requests](https://bitbucket.org/openid/ekyc-ida/issues/1245/pre-configured-claims-ekyc-requests).
* [OpenID Connect: Session Management vs Privacy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11M/_OpenID_Connect:_Session_Management_vs_Privacy) by David Waite
To recap:
- Front-channel logout is simple
- …but brittle and doesn’t give good security guarantees
- Back-channel logout is robust
- …but difficult to implement/support, can still miss signals
- Session Management is useful for some apps
- …but is broken in many browsers
On their own independent schedules, all browsers have either broken or have plans to break state sharing via cross-site iframes to limit user tracking - arguably making the Session Management approach unusable.
* [Browser APIs to enable OpenID Session Management and Privacy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13L/_Browser_APIs_to_enable_OpenID_Session_Management_and_Privacy) by Sam Goto
How does logout in OIDC happen?
- Classification problem - browsers do not know it is a logout now
- Easiest way
- Browser asks for a user consent
- Hard from a permission implementation perspective
- Tim: No issues with this idea
- If user logged into several OPs, user will not look to all the ones they log out from
- Option2
- Browser classifies signing-in event
- On log out does not prompt the user and IdP has no incentives to lie
- RPs get to determine if they want to log the user out or not
- Whether you can swap generic frame with fenced frame, frame can see it’s own cookies
- May not be able to pass any parameters that you need to pass; no link decoration for framed frame
- Subdomains also considered, but not well thought out
- Logout URL - other option to add, but more work for RP: Resource metadata. Specification - not much adoption. It just feels like a place where RP metadata could be declared which could be useful in this context of the RP defining its metadata (e.g. what IDP it uses
- [draft-jones-oauth-resource-metadata-01 - OAuth 2.0 Protected Resource Metadata (ietf.org)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-oauth-resource-metadata-01)
- On digression: [https://cloudidentity.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/3252.image_5F00_04277494.png](https://cloudidentity.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/3252.image_5F00_04277494.png)
- Messy real-life situation - sign in to AAD with OIDC and WS-fed; register something at sign-in. From a user, same account, does not matter which protocol is used
- What needs more to be discussed what log out means to the user
- User does not understand when they log out from office, they also log out from Azure
- Also a developer choice
- Relevant one, but not much browsers can do about
- If a bigger picture is browser wants to be in the middle, browser can do something in this area too.
- Ugly part of logout - mechanisms to allow the range of services
- IdP does not need to send back list of all RPs user is logging out from
- Idea not entirely off for IdP to tell a browser from there it wants to log user out from
- Browser have confident of the user intent
- Prompt the user for the intent - never a good idea
- Logout API that community can control a behaviour of
- You call it, browser logs it, and tell where the user left of
- Browser observes the login - passively. Heuristics - what if the browser has not seen it..
- some of this is already starting to show up in chrome canarie
- [https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2837551](https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/%2B/2837551)
- If domain name ETLD of the issuer is the same as IdP, automatically logs out
* […]
- Looks like we can preserve session management if we figure out logout
- Next would be good to see pseudo code with concrete scenario and sequence diagrams
- Pseudo text: [https://github.com/WICG/WebID/blob/main/cookies.md#logout](https://github.com/WICG/WebID/blob/main/cookies.md%23logout)
- Prototype is being built
- AOB? At IIW?
- Understand what third party cookies actually mean - no cookies at all? Partition cookies going away. The way firefox is doing it?
* [TMI BFF: OAuth Token Mediating and session Information Backend For Frontend](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23B/_TMI_BFF:_OAuth_Token_Mediating_and_session_Information_Backend_For_Frontend) by Vittorio Bertocci & Brian Campbell (but mostly Vittorio)
OAuth, Javascript, Backend Infrastructure
When there is an alternative, it is more secure to keep tokens out of the browser.
Specifically talking about clients which are divided between a front end or javascript app, and backend supporting systems specifically for that/those apps
Questions on whether this would also apply equivalently to native apps, which may have different capabilities and infrastructure requirements. It likely does work, but
OAuth in the browser can be complicated and ASs don’t necessarily provide sufficient security features, support web interaction
Bespoke workarounds acquiring tokens on the backend and passing to the frontend. Implementers may have security issues and not understand how to map best current practices
1. Backend gets and stores tokens, javascript frontend gets a cookie
2. Request to backend for access (scopes, potentially resource)
3. Backend returns the token, requests new token with appropriate scope, etc.
* [...]
What is the scope - acquiring a token for direct API access, not necessarily prescriptive for BFF architectures which put all API interactions through BFF. (DW) raised issue that simply converting OAuth calls in a remote party to local API calls protected by a cookie disables some security protections provided by OAuth tokens (XSRF), so some sort of BFF best practices may be needed to prevent footguns.
* [The State of Identity on the Web](https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea) Mattr
> This article discusses how the success of Open ID Connect shaped the state of identity on the web, how new web standards enable a new model, and describes a bridge between those worlds: [OIDC Credential provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/).
> This cycle perpetuates the dominance of a few major IdPs and likewise forces users to keep choosing from the same set of options or risk losing access to all of their online accounts. In addition, many of these IdPs have leveraged their role as central intermediaries to increase surveillance and user behavior tracking, not just across their proprietary services, but across a user’s entire web experience.
> [...]
> [OIDC Credential Provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/) allows you to extend OIDC to allow IdPs to issue reusable VCs about the end-user instead of simple identity tokens with limited functionality. It allows end-users to request credentials from an OpenID Provider and manage their own credentials in a [digital wallet](https://learn.mattr.global/concepts/digital-wallets) under their control.
* OpenID: [Public Review Period for Proposed Final OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Core Specification](https://openid.net/2021/06/07/public-review-period-for-proposed-final-openid-connect-client-initiated-backchannel-authentication-ciba-core-specification/)
* OpenID: [Public Review Period for Two Proposed SSE Implementer’s Drafts](https://openid.net/2021/06/07/public-review-period-for-two-proposed-sse-implementers-drafts/)
* [Matt Flynn: Information Security | Identity & Access Mgmt.](http://360tek.blogspot.com/2021/06/bell-labs-colonial-pipeline-and-multi.html)
* [Introducing: The OAuth 2 Game](https://auth0.com/blog/introducing-the-oauth-2-game/)
It features two dice, one for grants and another for application types. Throw the dice and consult the instructions to discover whether the combination of grant and application type you obtained happens to be a good one! Play a few times, and before you know it, you’ll be familiar with the most common combinations!
* [Police in Latin America are turning activists’ phones against them](https://restofworld.org/2021/latin-america-phone-security/)
Experts say that seized devices have become a trove of information for authorities cracking down on social movements and opposition leaders.
* [Calls for New FTC Rules to Limit Businesses’ Data Collection and Stop Data Abuse](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/calls-for-new-ftc-rules-to-limit-businesses-data-collection-and-stop-data-abuse/)
“I want to sound a note of caution around approaches that are centered around user control. I think transparency and control are important. I think it is really problematic to put the burden on consumers to work through the markets and the use of data, figure out who has their data, how it’s being used, make decisions … I think you end up with notice fatigue; I think you end up with decision fatigue; you get very abusive manipulation of dark patterns to push people into decisions.
* [Huge data leak shatters the lie that the innocent need not fear surveillance](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/18/huge-data-leak-shatters-lie-innocent-need-not-fear-surveillance)
Few pause to think that their phones can be transformed into surveillance devices, with someone thousands of miles away silently extracting their messages, photos and location, activating their microphone to record them in real time.
Such are the capabilities of Pegasus, the spyware manufactured by NSO Group, the Israeli purveyor of weapons of mass surveillance.
* [NSO rejects](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/jul/18/response-from-nso-and-governments) this label. It insists only carefully vetted government intelligence and law enforcement agencies can use Pegasus, and only to penetrate the phones of “legitimate criminal or terror group targets”
* [10 assertions about the future of social](https://werd.io/2021/10-assertions-about-the-future-of-social)
We can’t solve identity. There will never be a single identity that we use across the web. Instead, there may be open protocols that allow us to auth with different providers.
* [Apple announces first states signed up to adopt driver’s licenses and state IDs in Apple Wallet](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2021/09/apple-announces-first-states-to-adopt-drivers-licenses-and-state-ids-in-wallet/)
Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah are among the first states to bring state IDs and driver’s licenses in Wallet to their residents
* [Decentralized Finance & Self-sovereign Identity: A tale of decentralization, a new paradigm of trust](https://gataca.io/insights/decentralized-finance-self-sovereign-identity-a-tale-of-decentralization-a-new-paradigm-of-trust)
* [How Social Engineering Has (And Hasn’t) Evolved Over Time](https://auth0.com/blog/how-social-engineering-has-and-hasnt-evolved-over-time/) auth0
In short: you can deploy all the technological measures you want, but unless you address the human element, an attacker can defeat your defenses with a simple phone call or email.
* [My Take on the Misframing of the Authentication Problem](https://kyledenhartog.com/misframing-authn/) Kyle Den Hartog
If you haven’t [read this paper](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/papers/2012-BonneauHerOorSta-password--oakland.pdf) before you design an authentication system you’re probably just reinventing something already created or missing a piece of the puzzle
* [...]
can anyone point me to an academic research paper or even some user research that tells me the probability that a user’s password will be discovered by an attacker in the next year? What about the probability that the user shares their password with a trusted person because the system wasn’t deployed with a delegation system? Or how about how the probability will drop as the user reuses their password across many websites? Simply put I think we’ve been asking the wrong question
* [Developers: SMS Authentication is Challenging](https://medium.com/magiclabs/building-sms-authentication-c2cabccbd5f8) Magic Labs
SMS (Short Message Service) messaging¹, despite a number of material challenges, has broad adoption, international regulations, and support across platforms.
* [The Things to Keep in Mind about Auth](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2021/10/29/things-to-keep-in-mind-about-auth) Okta
* [The OpenID Foundation Welcomes Visa to the Board of Directors](https://openid.net/2021/12/07/the-openid-foundation-welcomes-visa-to-the-board-of-directors/) OpenID
Visa’s leadership in global payments and identity services as well as their longstanding commitment to standards will be of great value as we tailor our strategy to this moment.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Working Group](https://europeanblockchainassociation.org/eba-working-group-self-sovereign-identity-eussi/) European Blockchain Association in collaboration with the European Commission
Right now, many enterprises and organisations are building their own SSI solutions by implementing the existing standards and protocols. Since all these parties do similar work and have to face similar problems, it is critical for the community to share these learnings and experiences openly.
* [Participate in Alberta's First Verifiable Digital Credentials Pilot](https://pilot.atbventures.com/) ATB Ventures and Govt Alberta
As a part of the pilot, you will add your MyAlberta Digital ID as a verifiable credential to your mobile digital wallet (on your smartphone) and use this digital credential to open an ATB Pay As You Go Account - Digital Credential account with ATB Financial.
* [Okta Joins the OpenID Foundation Board to Further Advance Open Identity Standards](https://openid.net/2021/12/10/okta-joins-the-openid-foundation-board-to-further-advance-open-identity-standards/) OpenID
“OpenID Connect is one of the most adopted identity standards, providing essential functionality to core solutions across the industry,” said Vittorio Bertocci, Principal Architect, Auth0.
* [Building a low-code, opinionated approach to plug & play login](https://medium.com/magiclabs/building-a-low-code-opinionated-approach-to-plug-and-play-login-21bb30dca9a4) Magic Labs
Magic Login Form represents a new onboarding experience for end-users, so we wanted to revamp our own onboarding experience for developers to match. Learning about auth can quickly derail any developer’s good day. Striking the balance between good UX and good security can just boggle the mind.
* [Use Fido2 Passwords Authentication with Azure AD](https://damienbod.com/2022/01/17/use-fido2-passwordless-authentication-with-azure-ad/) Damion Bod
This article shows how to implement FIDO2 passwordless authentication with Azure AD for users in an Azure tenant.
* [What is Knowledge-based Authentication (KBA)?](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2022/what-is-knowledge-based-authentication-kba.html) Ping Identity
When you set up a new account, you are often asked to create a password and choose a security question and answer (e.g., What is your mother's maiden name?). Answering security questions based on personal information when you log in to an app or system is called knowledge-based authentication (KBA).
* [A Responsible Reporting Nightmare: Right-clicking is Not a Crime](https://me2ba.org/a-responsible-reporting-nightmare-right-clicking-is-not-a-crime/) Me2Ba
This is a story of a politician who cried “hacker” after a reporter informed a state agency that sensitive information was embedded in their website’s HTML source code1. While we wish this was a joke or fictional story it, unfortunately, is not. If the state of Missouri does move forward with the prosecution this state action would sound the alarm for researchers and reporters resulting in a chilling effect on the practice of responsible reporting.
* [OpenID Foundation Publishes Whitepaper on Open Banking](https://openid.net/2022/03/18/openid-foundation-publishes-whitepaper-on-open-banking/) OpenID
The paper documents the international movement towards Open Banking, Open Finance, and secure, consent driven access to all user data. It describes the OpenID Foundation and in particular the Financial-Grade API (FAPI) Working Group’s experience with Open Banking ecosystems internationally.
* [Charting an Accelerated Path Forward for Passwordless Authentication Adoption](https://fidoalliance.org/charting-an-accelerated-path-forward-for-passwordless-authentication-adoption/) FIDO
* [The paper introduces](https://media.fidoalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/How-FIDO-Addresses-a-Full-Range-of-Use-CasesFINAL.pdf) multi-device FIDO credentials, also informally referred to by the industry as “passkeys,” which enable users to have their FIDO login credentials readily available across all of the user’s devices.
* [Open Badges is now on the plateau of productivity](https://dougbelshaw.com/blog/2022/03/18/open-badges-fers/) Doug Belshaw
We’re no longer in the stage of “imagine a world…” but rather “here’s what’s happening, let’s talk about how this could be useful to you”.
* [Cloudflare’s investigation of the January 2022 Okta compromise](https://blog.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-investigation-of-the-january-2022-okta-compromise/)
Our [understanding](https://twitter.com/toddmckinnon/status/1506184721922859010) is that during January 2022, hackers outside Okta had access to an Okta support employee’s account and were able to take actions as if they were that employee. In a screenshot shared on social media, a Cloudflare employee’s email address was visible, along with a popup indicating the hacker was posing as an Okta employee and could have initiated a password reset.
* [OpenID Foundation Publishes Whitepaper on Open Banking](https://openid.net/2022/03/18/openid-foundation-publishes-whitepaper-on-open-banking/)
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to share its new whitepaper, “[Open Banking, Open Data and Financial-Grade APIs](https://openid.net/wordpress-content/uploads/2022/03/OIDF-Whitepaper_Open-Banking-Open-Data-and-Financial-Grade-APIs_2022-03-16.pdf)”. The paper documents the international movement towards Open Banking, Open Finance, and secure, consent driven access to all user data. It describes the OpenID Foundation and in particular the Financial-Grade API (FAPI) Working Group’s experience with Open Banking ecosystems internationally.
* [FIDO passkeys are an existential threat to fintech startups](https://werd.io/2022/fido-passkeys-are-an-existential-threat-to-fintech-startups)
by definition, screen scraping requires storing a user’s financial system passwords in clear text. Nonetheless, you can bet that every system that integrates with payroll systems, and almost every system that integrates with banks (at a minimum), uses the technique. The US has badly needed [open banking style standards](https://standards.openbanking.org.uk/api-specifications/) for years.
Disasters in the World of Data
* [Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites](https://themarkup.org/pixel-hunt/2022/06/16/facebook-is-receiving-sensitive-medical-information-from-hospital-websites)
* [Facebook and Anti-Abortion Clinics Are Collecting Highly Sensitive Info on Would-Be Patients](https://themarkup.org/pixel-hunt/2022/06/15/facebook-and-anti-abortion-clinics-are-collecting-highly-sensitive-info-on-would-be-patients)
* [Tech on Juneteenth: Some tech firms perpetuate modern-day slavery by using prison labor](https://benwerd.medium.com/tech-on-juneteenth-c45822aa53f7)
* [What Is Account Creation Fraud?](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/what-is-account-creation-fraud.html)
* [Balancing User Experience and Security](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/balancing-user-experience-ux-and-security.html)
* [Digital Identity Wallets auf Basis eIDAS 2.0 Ecosystem](https://www.comuny.de/digital-identity-wallets-auf-basis-eidas-2-0-ecosystem/)
Women’s Rights and Technology Intersection feel very poinient this week
* [Section 230 Is a Last Line of Defense for Abortion Speech Online](https://www.wired.com/story/section-230-is-a-last-line-of-defense-for-abortion-speech-online/) Wired
Democrats who have been misguidedly attacking Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act need to wake up now. If they don’t [start listening](https://www.thedailybeast.com/want-to-fix-big-tech-stop-ignoring-sex-workers) to the warnings of human rights experts, [sex workers](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id%3D4095115), LGBTQ+ folks, and [reproductive rights](https://freedomnetworkusa.org/app/uploads/2020/09/FNUSA-Joins-EARN-IT-Act-Coalition-letter-9.09.2020.pdf) groups, Democrats could help right-wing zealots achieve their goal: mass censorship of online content about abortion.
* [On Abortion and Data](https://www.mydata.org/2022/06/30/on-abortion-and-data/) MyData
A basic insight of MyData is that the current systems of data are asymmetrical, imbalanced, and unfair. A basic motivation of MyData is to fix this by addressing business, legal, technical, and societal aspects of those systems.
## Identity not SSI
* [Fixing Web Login](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/06/fixing_web_login.shtml) Phil Windley
Like the "close" buttons for elevator doors, "keep me logged in" options on web-site authentication screens feel more like a placebo than something that actually works. Getting rid of passwords will mean we need to authenticate less often, or maybe just don't mind as much when we do.
* [Getting Started with Ceramic](https://blog.ceramic.network/getting-started-with-ceramic/)
In this beginner-friendly guide, I'll give you all the tools and knowledge needed to integrate the [Ceramic Network](https://developers.ceramic.network/) into your Web 3 [dapps](https://ethereum.org/en/dapps/).
The Ceramic Network is a decentralized data network that aims to bring composable data to Web 3 dapps. There are many types of data that Ceramic can work with, but for this guide we can treat Ceramic like a decentralized NOSQL document database.
* [ADOPTING NEW TECH: HOW TO GIVE YOUR TEAM THE BEST CHANCES OF SUCCESS](https://www.theengineroom.org/adopting-new-tech-how-to-give-your-team-the-best-chances-of-success/) The Engine Room
From our past work in this area, we have seen that slow and steady wins the race: for new policies, practices, and technologies to become part of workflows, staff need to be able to learn how to use new tools and incorporate them into their daily work practices — and be supported in doing so.
* [WHAT WE’VE LEARNED THROUGH OUR SUPPORT FOR ORGANISATIONS WORKING ON BUILDING DIGITAL COMMUNITIES](https://www.theengineroom.org/what-weve-learned-through-our-support-for-organisations-working-on-building-digital-communities/) The Engine Room
Maintaining an online community is a lot of work, in both the short term and the long term. It requires setting aside time, human resources and tech infrastructure to keep things running smoothly. Here are some questions and ideas that can help you assess what it may take to maintain the online community you’re trying to build:
* [What is FIDO? Infographic](https://www.scmagazine.com/resource/identity-and-access/what-is-fido)
- [How passkeys pave the way for passwordless authentication](https://www.scmagazine.com/resource/identity-and-access/how-passkeys-pave-the-way-for-passwordless-authentication)
- [InfoCert has been recognized Representative Vendor in Gartner’s Market Guide for Electronic Signature 2022](https://infocert.digital/infocert-has-been-recognized-representative-vendor-in-gartners-market-guide-for-electronic-signature-2022/)
- [GBG: The State of Digital Identity 2022](https://www.gbgplc.com/media/heqgqhur/gbg-state-of-digital-identity-2022.pdf)
- Security and satisfaction: Gaining from The Great Switch
- Digital identity’s next step: Mobile and alternative data
- Identity fraud: It’s a matter of when, not if
- Young adults: The biggest victims of identity fraud?
- Fraud and financial services
- Time to build trust in a digital world
* [Daon-Neustar Partnership Combines Voice Authentication With Phone Number Verification](https://findbiometrics.com/daon-neustar-partnership-voice-authentication-phone-number-verification-508261/)
Bad News
* [Widespread Okta phishing campaign impacts over 130 organizations](https://www.scmagazine.com/brief/identity-and-access/widespread-okta-phishing-campaign-impacts-over-130-organizations)
* [LastPass Reports a Breach: Identity News Digest](https://findbiometrics.com/lastpass-reports-a-breach-identity-news-digest-508262/)
* [Fido Passkey](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/how-fido-passkeys-accelerate-passwordless-future.html)
* [Security pros say the cloud has increased the number of identities at their organizations](https://www.scmagazine.com/analysis/cloud-security/security-pros-say-the-cloud-has-increased-the-number-of-identities-at-their-organizations)
* [Experian Joins iProov and Deloitte in UK’s Digital ID Program](https://mobileidworld.com/experian-joins-iproov-and-deloitte-in-uks-digital-id-program/)
* [Rohingya seek reparations from Facebook for role in massacre](https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-bangladesh-myanmar-c5af9acec46a3042beed7f5e1bc71b8a) APNews
The platform, Amnesty says, wasn’t merely a passive site with insufficient content moderation. Instead, Meta’s algorithms “proactively amplified and promoted content” on Facebook, which incited violent hatred against the Rohingya beginning as early as 2012.
* [The OpenID Connect Logout specifications are now Final Specifications](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2298)
The OpenID Connect Logout specifications are now Final Specifications
Thanks to all who helped us reach this important milestone! This was originally [announced on the OpenID blog](https://openid.net/2022/09/12/the-openid-connect-logout-specifications-are-now-final-specifications/).
* [Call it data liberation day: Patients can now access all their health records digitally](https://www.statnews.com/2022/10/06/health-data-information-blocking-records/) Statnews
Under [federal rules](https://www.healthit.gov/buzz-blog/information-blocking/information-blocking-eight-regulatory-reminders-for-october-6th) taking effect Thursday, health care organizations must give patients unfettered access to their full health records in digital format. No more long delays. No more fax machines. No more exorbitant charges for printed pages.
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# MyData
* [Crossing the Chasm for Privacy respecting Identity, MyData 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ol_XO2ZIc) *Presenters: Nat Sakimura, Sheila Warren. Host: Kristina Yasuda.
> 1. Accountable Digital Being2. Expressive Digital Being3. Fair Handling of personal data4. Right NOT to be forgotten5. Human Friendly6. Open, Interoperable, Leveraging Existing Infrastructure, and Tested7. Everyone Benefits
* [Why we need new, nationwide personal data infrastructure](https://medium.com/mydex/why-we-need-new-nationwide-personal-data-infrastructure-56513fb6daf4)
The central plank of Mydex CIC’s consultation response is that the UK needs to build a new layer of data logistics infrastructure that:
- Includes citizens in the workings of the data economy, empowering them with the ability to collect, store, use and share data about themselves independently of any data controllers they may have data relationships with.
- To achieve this, the Government needs to ensure that every citizen is provided with their own personal data store, which enables citizens to collect, store, share and use their own data, under their own control, for their own purposes, independently of any organisation that may have collected data about them.
- These personal data stores should be designed to act as neutral, enabling nodes in a vibrant data sharing network, whereby citizens can obtain copies of their data held by organisations and can forward relevant elements of this data (such as Verified Attributes) to other data users under their control, as and when beneficial and necessary.
* [MyData Online Demo "Keep a Lifelog with Personium"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWm2j7AF6aU)
- Before: Your personal data stored separately in the silos of various domain services…
- After: Keep in one place and share easily. Then utilized by other apps and selectively disclosed to 3rd parties
* [6 reasons why you should run for MyData Leadership](https://mydata.org/2020/10/06/6-reasons-why-you-should-run-for-mydata-global-leadership-positions-in-the-elections-for-2021/).
* [MyData view on the leaked EU Data Governance Act, Nov 5th 2020](https://mydata.org/2020/11/06/towards-interconnected-and-human-centric-data-intermediaries/)
> pushing for needed changes to make it really work for a personal data ecosystem where people are empowered with their data.
* [Why 2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year for Regtech and data exchange](https://blog.digi.me/2021/03/16/why-2021-is-shaping-up-to-be-an-exciting-year-for-regtech-and-data-exchange/)
> Joanne stated the company’s aim is to extol the benefits of giving app developers rapid ability to create hyper-personalised services built on ethical data with ingrained consent controls and privacy-by-design principles. Crucially, a lot of ADX’s efforts are going into making it clear to fintechs and innovators that fundamental backend system services already exist, and are ready to be utilised to fast track new products and services into the market today, not in some mythical future.
* [Achieving Change At Scale](https://medium.com/mydex/transforming-the-system-a-roadmap-for-practical-implementation-411e8821ed19)
> This is the third in a series of blogs providing edited extracts from Mydex CIC’s response to the UK Government [consultation around a new National Data Strategy](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/uk-national-data-strategy-nds-consultation).
The first focused on [how to unleash the full potential of personal data](https://medium.com/mydex/how-to-unleash-the-full-potential-of-data-3676db8d7c03), the second on why [every citizen should be provided with their own personal data store](https://medium.com/mydex/how-to-unleash-the-full-potential-of-data-3676db8d7c03). This blog explains why this strategy can be quick and easy to implement.
To catch up on progress on our Macmillan My Data Store Pilot [click here](https://medium.com/macmillan-my-data-store-pilot).
* [Misconceptions that Kill Progress in Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/misconceptions-that-kill-progress-in-personal-data-4736b1d883c6)
> It is not possible to make good policy decisions about priorities for investments, grants, innovation and research projects or rules and regulations if the grounds for these decisions are faulty. Currently, effective policy making is hampered by widespread misunderstandings about where the biggest economic opportunities lie, the nature of issues such as control, and the role of citizens in the workings of the data economy.
* [MyData Weekly Digest for January 22nd, 2021](https://weekly-digest.ownyourdata.eu/en/weekly/2021-01-22)
> Welcome to the MyData Weekly Digest, a news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the human centred approach in personal data management. It provides information retrieved mainly from the MyData Global Slack Channel since June 2019.
* [Me2BA Claims Victory in Contest Over California Privacy Regulations](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-claims-victory-in-contest-over-california-privacy-regulations/)
> On March 15th, the AG’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) approved additional CCPA regulations promulgated by the Department of Justice. Notably, the Department withdrew its original language mandating the “Privacy Options” icon. In its place is new language making commercial use of the icons optional only. In other words, our stated concerns about the icons were well received, and ultimately adopted.
* [Not Just Personal Data Stores](https://medium.com/mydex/not-just-personal-data-stores-f2070eada6be) Alan Mitchell
> This is the fifth in a series of blogs which provide edited extracts of key points made by Mydex CIC in its response to the UK Government [consultation around a new National Data Strategy](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/uk-national-data-strategy-nds-consultation).
This blog focuses on the main ingredients needed to unleash the full potential of personal data — in addition to personal data stores.
* [Here are five key takeaways – described in detail in the State of MyData 2021](https://mydata.org/2021/05/10/the-state-of-mydata-2021/)
1. MyData is highly relevant to the “big conversations” of our time.
2. Cities are becoming pioneers of MyData.
3. Design is fundamental to the success of the MyData paradigm.
4. The journey of interoperability is all about the dialogue between governance and standards.
5. What’s missing is as important as what’s there.
* [MyData Digital ethics](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CWxzYLbE5kupgQLKySMGmLhs86LBgd3qfL_eBkfGkGc/edit%23slide%3Did.g7a4a7ea3ab_1_837) Antti 'Jogi' Poikola, Board Chair, MyData Global
* [Why storytelling is key to advancing the ethical use of personal data](https://blog.digi.me/2021/05/13/why-storytelling-is-key-to-advancing-the-ethical-use-of-personal-data/)
Johannes Ernst, CEO of Indie Computing and co-founder of MyData Silicon Valley, explains why in order to increase consumer trust in technology, we need more transparency on key issues such as privacy, and why a common narrative for the innovators in the space is crucial to advancing individual control over personal data.
* [Getting rewarded for your data becomes reality with new digi.me and Yorz collaboration](https://blog.digi.me/2021/05/11/monetising-data-becomes-reality-with-new-digi-me-and-yorz-collaboration/)
Yorz has partnerships with leading European payment processors and uses patented technology to automatically capture and make available till receipt data for users to share and monetise. They can also gather other valuable data from across their lives, including finance, health and social media, using digi.me’s personal data exchange platform. The Yorz marketplace enables consumers to choose to receive cash, discounts or tailored offers based on the data access they offer brands, leaving them firmly in control.
* [Shedding Light on Dark Patterns](https://me2ba.org/shedding-light-on-dark-patterns/)
* [The Me2B Alliance announces: Digital Harms Dictionary 2.0](https://me2ba.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/Marketing/EeYWAV1wqqNNj77iE86ijZUBBPtlpg2uHQwQ22vzDfXSgA?rtime%3DRewrj0Qu2Ug)
* [Can I trust you?](https://medium.com/mydex/can-i-trust-you-6771a6ca0e35) MyDex
> This is the second of two blogs on our new White Paper: [Achieving Transform At Scale](https://mydex.org/resources/papers/AchievingTransformationatScaleMydexCIC-2021-04-14.pdf). The [first blog](https://medium.com/mydex/our-new-white-paper-achieving-transformation-at-scale-f97320f8447e) focused on the infrastructure challenge. This blog focuses on the parallel need for institutional innovation.
* [Our New White Paper: Achieving Transformation At Scale](https://medium.com/mydex/our-new-white-paper-achieving-transformation-at-scale-f97320f8447e)
Link to [White paper](https://mydex.org/resources/papers/AchievingTransformationatScaleMydexCIC-2021-04-14.pdf) “It’s not enough to identify what’s wrong with how things work today.“
## MyData 2020 Online good sessions continued…
* [MyData4Children-OpenSpace2020](https://bit.ly/MyData4Children-OpenSpace2020-Memo)
> Three questions, to try to understand how MyData may lead a way to create a safe, enjoyable and empowering digital world for children.
1. What is the main challenge(s) we face today regarding children’s rights in a digital world?
2. What would be the ideal digital experience (safe, enjoyable, feasible and viable) for children, parents & educators?
3. What needs to be done to enable that ideal experience?
* [#THEGLASSROOM - Misinformation Edition](https://theglassroom.org/misinformation/exhibition/)
The website above is a cool interactive webpage that was shared during the conference. A neat infographic called [How your phone is designed to grab your attention](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EpDNVg4W4AE5PSX?format=jpg) is part of the interactive webpage. [There’s also a video](https://vimeo.com/425137575).
> In this edition we explore how social media and the web have changed the way we read information and react to it. We include our animations:
> - Trackography: You Never Read Alone
> - Serious Profiling: Have you been profiled yet?
> - Personal Data: Political Persuasion, Inside the Influence Industry, Whats for sale?
> - Living with Algorithms: Why should you care about algorithms?
### Clips from the conference
* [@mydataorg](https://twitter.com/mydataorg) shared some video clips from the conference in a few tweet threads:
- "20% of average family budget goes to mobility services. With better understanding through #MobilityData the costs and the CO2 impacts could be managed much easier,”[@Paultheyskens](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337448519771287552) #PersonalData is an important enabler of sustainable mobility in the future!
- Better use of #mobilitydata could empower also citizens with special needs to move easier. “When data starts to flow, we can build tailored mobility applications,” [says @Rafke from @info_vlaanderen](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337696101181353984)
- [@BeyerMalte explains](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337444748215406592) how to go from strategy to practice with the @EU_Commission's new #EUDataStrategy & #DataGovernanceAct and what is the role of trusted data intermediaries like #MyDataOperators.
- To share or not to share your personal data. Benefits include free service, better service or moral satisfaction. But the risk is manipulation, [Professor @MaxGrafenstein](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337448519771287552)
- There should be a way for our #data to gain value, be it in example monetary or ethical. So how valuable is “my data”? [@nlaout answers](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337453998748610560) the million(or billion)-dollar question
- A traditional implementation of creating trust concerning data use is cookies. However, it’s a “hell of a user experience”. Now we have the opportunity to build something completely different that really inspires and keeps trust! [@arionair89](https://twitter.com/mydataorg/status/1337451582800224257).
* [Understanding the origins of identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsTTEwdiNwM) Dr. Mawaki Chango
> #Identity management is not a new problem. Mawaki Chango, PhD explains briefly it's interesting history starting from the Roman Catholic Church keeping records of their believers, leading all the way from passports to the current situation we are in with digital identity credentials! At the #MyDataOnline2020 conference. Read more of his work fromhttps://digilexis.com
* [MyData Strategy of Global Enterprises](https://online2020.mydata.org/programme-page/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/)
> Visionaries from around the world will present success stories and explain why it is important to align MyData’s human-centric principles in the data economy.
- [Jyrki Suokas – Opening and Closing](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Opening-Closing.pdf)[Alex David – Exploring MyData concept from a Korean Perspective](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Exploring-MyData-concept.pdf)
- [Ilona Ylinampa – Why Technology Is A Method and Not An Intrinsic Value? Examples of Finnish Human-Centric Data Cases](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Technology-Is-A-Method.pdf)
- [Junseok Kang – Korea gaining momentum and what we are doing](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Korea-gaining-momentum.pdf)
- [Pascal Huijbers – How Trust in Digital Data can make our world a better place](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Trust-in-Digital-Data.pdf)
- [Vincent Jansen – Consumer Data Rights in Australia](https://mydata-online-2020.pds.mydataasia.org/mydata-strategy-of-global-enterprises/Consumer-Data-Rights-in-Australia.pdf)
* [Applying for, and being, a MyData Operator](https://www.informationanswers.com/2021/02/03/applying-for-and-being-a-mydata-operator/)
Ian Henderson talks about leading the application process for two MyData Operators [Tru.net](https://www.tru.net/) and [DataYogi](https://datayogi.me/) .
> The core of the awards process is an online questionnaire that each photo-operator completes which provides background on the applying organisation, and then allows them to describe their business in terms of the shared MyData Operator Reference model shown below. This reference model, described in detail in the MyData Operators white paper, is not prescriptive; it is more a useful way to ensure each applying operator frames their responses so that they become easier to understand and assess.
* [Cozy Cloud (MyData Operator) 2020 Highlights](https://blog.cozy.io/en/2021-and-now/)
- Two new applications have been integrated in your Cozy to offer you more uses and control: [Pass](https://cozy.io/en/features/#pass), a French and open source password manager and [Notes](https://cozy.io/en/), a collaborative text editor
- Nearly 70,000 data-conscious individuals have already adopted a personal cloud
- A partnership that we are really proud of was created with CEMEA and the support of Secours Populaire Français, the Afnic Foundation, the Samu Social de Paris and Framasoft to fight against digital exclusion
- A partnership with [Gandi](https://blog.cozy.io/en/gandi-a-new-hosting-provider-for-your-cozy/) allows their customers to create a Cozy space on their own domain. You will stay because you can leave.
- Cozy Cloud has been rewarded by the [NGO MyData as MyDataOperator](https://blog.cozy.io/en/award-cozy-cloud-as-a-mydata-operator/)
- Cozy was chosen as the data platform for its energy savings service offered at the Data Challenge thanks to Métropole Grand Lyon
* [Radical Exchange Talk: Data Agency. Individual or Shared?](https://identitywoman.net/radical-exchange-talk-data-agency-individual-or-shared/)
* [Towards interconnected and human-centric data intermediaries](https://mydata.org/2021/02/09/towards-interconnected-and-human-centric-data-intermediaries/)
> We believe that the Data Governance Act can influence global norms on sustainable data governance in the same way as the GDPR pushed the data protection norms beyond the EU.
> Our top picks for potential improvements are:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions
> 2. Clear and comprehensive scope
> 3. Moderate requirements
> 4. Interoperability between the data sharing services
* [Revolutionising healthy ageing](https://medium.com/mydex/revolutionising-healthy-ageing-200a7edd1016)
Mydex’s role will be to provide the data sharing infrastructure to enable individuals and service providers to safely and efficiently share the right data at the right times, in ways that protects individuals’ privacy and puts them in control of their data at all times and enable two way engagement and feedback throughout the project.
* [How digi.me and DTACT’s partnership is opening up a bright future for user centricity](https://blog.digi.me/2021/07/06/how-digi-me-and-dtacts-partnership-is-opening-up-a-bright-future-for-user-centricity/) Digi.me
Sander Swinkels, DTACT CEO, explains that a common vision of securely enabling – and safeguarding – the sharing of personal data with consent is what drew the two companies together. And they have been working to build something unique, frictionless and fast with users firmly at the centre, based on an open framework which is easily scalable.
* [What is the Me2B Respectful Tech Specification?](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-2-what-is-the-me2b-respectful-tech-specification/)
The Me2B Respectful Tech Specification is a sorely needed ethical and safety standard for the internet. It consists of a series of tests that objectively measure the behavior of a connected product or service. The Specification helps people (“Me-s”) understand how technology is treating them, and helps businesses (“B-s”) build technology that is safe and respectful for the people that use it.
* [MYDATA TAIWAN – FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE WITH AWARD-WINNING PERSONAL HEALTH APP](https://mydata.org/2021/10/05/mydata-taiwan-moving-from-theory-to-practice-with-award-winning-personal-health-app/)
MyLog/LogBoard pulls together health information on temperature, sleep, heart rate and more into a single place that can be shared with doctors and medical staff. Users can log their Covid symptoms, thereby allowing them and medical staff to get a holistic picture of their health while strengthening the national response to Covid-19. Data is held on mobile devices and not in the cloud and can be shared with a one-off URL that wipes all data after 72 hours.
* [MyData Weekly Digest for October 15th, 2021](https://weekly-digest.ownyourdata.eu/en/weekly/2021-10-15)
* [Hub Spotlight: MyData Japan - Promoting Ethical Approaches to Personal Data](https://mydata.org/2021/10/21/hub-spotlight-mydata-japan-promoting-ethical-approaches-to-personal-data/)
Several committees promote the MyData movement in Japan in specific thematic areas. One of the most active committees is the Public Policy Committee, which has submitted expert opinions from the MyData Japan community to the Japanese government’s Public Comments.
* [Designed for Integrity](https://medium.com/mydex/designed-for-integrity-13a69bcda0b2) MyDEX
Below are some of the design principles that underpin our infrastructure and services — principles designed to ensure that what we do truly does serve citizens, today and into the future.
* [MyData and the European Union’s Latest Data Developments](https://mydata.org/2021/10/28/mydata-and-the-european-unions-latest-data-developments/)
The development of the Data Governance Act (DGA) is exciting for MyData because it shows a clear link to the [MyData Operators white paper](https://mydata.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2020/04/Understanding-Mydata-Operators-pages.pdf), which describes the operations and functions of what the EU terms as “data intermediaries”.
* [22 Companies and Organizations Receive the MyData Operator 2021 Award](https://mydata.org/2021/11/17/22-companies-and-organisations-receive-the-mydata-operator-2021-award/) MyData
As highlighted by the ongoing Facebook Files scandal, transparency and accountability in personal data are increasingly acknowledged as critical for safety online. To show their commitment to ethical personal data management, participating organisations are required to disclose information about their operations. The MyData Operator Award shows that ethical alternatives exist and provide value for companies and users alike.
The [Internet Society Foundation recently granted the Me2B Alliance $100,000](https://me2ba.org/me2b-alliance-awarded-100k-grant-for-us-pre-k-12-benchmark-to-research-school-utility-apps-data-sharing/) to complete its “U.S. EdTech Industry Benchmark: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Utility Apps.” The benchmark will build on previous findings about harmful data sharing practices by uncovering how sensitive student information is being treated by school utility apps in grades pre-k through 12 in schools across the nation.
* [AI: The Emperor’s New Clothes?](https://medium.com/mydex/ai-the-emperors-new-clothes-91de9eed3650) Mydex
One reason the UK Government wants to abolish citizens’ rights to data protection is to create conditions for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to blossom. This, it says, will “bring incredible benefits to our lives”.
* [My Data Community Looks Outward and to the Future](https://mydata.org/2021/11/26/mydata-netherlands-meeting-mydata-community-looks-outward-and-to-the-future/) MyData Netherlands
Highlights include the keynote from Amsterdam’s chief technology officer, Ger Baron and the awarding of the MyData Operator 2021 Awards to 22 companies and organisations.
* [Co-managing My Data](https://www.jlinc.com/post/co-managing-my-data) JLinc
This post sets out a vision for what could become a sustainable set of human-centric processes around the sourcing, management and use of personal data. Our context for doing so is that the current model for personal data management on The Internet is badly broken and has architectural limitations that are largely un-resolvable.
* [Deploying Personal Data Stores at Scale](https://medium.com/mydex/deploying-personal-data-stores-at-scale-ad35fb205e73)
The big question now is how to enable this to happen at scale, safely, securely and efficiently. One key element of this is useful, easy-to-use interfaces, the taps and switches that mean people can use the infrastructure without having to think much about it. .
* [Flicking the Switch of Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/flicking-the-switch-of-personal-data-4c5d0d368a31) MyDex
Over the last 14 years we have built the infrastructure needed to make citizen data empowerment possible — infrastructure capable of providing every individual with their own personal data store, where they can safely and securely collect their own data, use it and share it under their own control. This infrastructure is now live and operational, officially recognised as a supplier to public services on procurement platforms in both England and Scotland and independently accredited for data management security under ISO 27001.
* [Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty](https://www.mdpi.com/2624-6511/4/3/62)
Against the widespread assumption that data are the oil of the 21st century, [this article offers an alternative conceptual framework](https://www.mdpi.com/2624-6511/4/3/62), interpretation, and pathway around data and smart city nexus to subvert surveillance capitalism in light of emerging and further promising practical cases. This article illustrates an open debate in data governance and the data justice field related to current trends and challenges in smart cities, resulting in a new approach advocated for and recently coined by the UN-Habitat programme ‘People-Centred Smart Cities’.
* [Why all data governance needs to consider children’s rights](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/why-all-data-governance-needs-to-consider-childrens-rights-8b218a825a08) Emmaday
Last month, UNICEF published a [Manifesto on Good Data Governance for Children](https://www.unicef.org/globalinsight/media/1741/file/UNICEF%2520Global%2520Insight%2520Data%2520Governance%2520Manifesto.pdf), an initiative that was the result of a year of collaboration between a working group of 17 experts, many of them affiliated with the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and UNICEF.
* [MyData Global Joins “Team Data Spaces” to Support the EU’s Plan to Create “Data Spaces”](https://mydata.org/2021/06/23/mydata-global-joins-team-data-spaces-to-support-the-eus-plan-to-create-data-spaces/)
MyData Global announces to have joined forces with ‘Team Data Spaces’ – a coalition of leading European players with experience in standardising, creating and operationalising data sharing – to facilitate the development of European data spaces which are at the heart of the EU’s data strategy.
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# Organization
* [LoginWithFIDO.com](https://loginwithfido.com/)
* [Consumer Research](https://fidoalliance.org/consumerresearch/)
* [Vienna Digital Identity Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Digital-Identity-Meetup/)
* [Jolocom’s latest contributions to DIF](https://jolocom.io/blog/jolocoms-contributions-to-dif/)
> Over the course of 2020, Jolocom added support for an off-chain element based on KERI. This is in addition to the Jolocom DID method (did:jolo and did:keri), which supports the Jolocom-Lib, our own SDK and the Jolocom SmartWallet.
* [IWD2021: Shining the spotlight on women in technology and digital identity](https://securekey.com/iwd2021-shining-the-spotlight-on-women-in-technology-and-digital-identity/)
This International Women’s Day, we celebrate these role models and promote inclusivity to better recognize achievements in technology and digital identity from leading women. We are so lucky to have allies and strong relationships with various organizations led by strong female experts. It is a true honour to work alongside female leaders who heavily impact the industry with their thought leadership and innovative sights.
* [Digital ID Lab Announces Successful Closure of Several Public and Private Grants](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200714005237/en/Digital-ID-Lab-Announces-Successful-Closure-of-Several-Public-and-Private-Grants)
The Lab is Canada’s first independent and neutral organization to promote the compliance of and interoperability between digital ID solutions across public and private sectors, bridging a crucial gap in the advancement of Canada’s digital ecosystem.
* [GLEIF Launches New Stakeholder Group to Accelerate the Integration of LEIs in Digital Certificates](https://infocert.digital/gleif-launches-new-stakeholder-group-to-accelerate-the-integration-of-leis-in-digital-certificates/)
GLEIF has launched a CA Stakeholder Group to facilitate communication between GLEIF, CAs and TSPs from across the world, as they collectively aim to coordinate and encourage a global approach to LEI usage across digital identity products. Participation has already been confirmed by China Financial Certification Authority (CFCA), DigiCert Inc, InfoCert, Entrust Datacard, ICAI India, and SwissSign.
* [Indicio launches blockchain-enabled network for identity](https://indicio.tech/blog/indicio-launches-blockchain-enabled-network-for-identity/)
> “Our clients asked for a stable, fully-staffed network based on Hyperledger Indy— one that could provide the Service Level Agreements their customers need for mission-critical workloads,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indicio. “Today, we are excited to announce that this MainNet is open for business.”
> “This is the network we need to accelerate adoption of passwordless zero trust ecosystems for enterprise customers” said Mike Vesey, President of [IdRamp](https://idramp.com), a leader in decentralized identity and a Genesis Node Operator on the Network.
* [DIF Steering Committee election coming up](https://blog.identity.foundation/nominations-for-the-steering-committee-election-now-open/)
> Among the conclusions of this analysis was that a larger steering committee would garner more trust and visibility into DIF's internal governance as an organization. An operating addendum was adopted last month which formalizes procedures for periodic elections and distribution requirements.
* [Introducing DIF Grants](https://blog.identity.foundation/introducing-dif-grants/) Decentralized Identity Foundation
> DIF is kicking off a program to administer narrowly-scoped financial support for community initiatives, ranging in format from grants to more competitive implementation bounties, hackathon-style open collaborations, and security reviews.
* [Setting Interoperability Targets](https://blog.identity.foundation/setting-interoperability-targets/) DIF
> Our short-term roadmaps need testable, provable alignment goals that we can all agree on for our little communities and networks of technological thinking to converge gradually. Simply put, we need a few checkpoints and short-term goals, towards which we can all work together.
* [The DEI rollback](https://werd.io/2021/the-dei-rollback) Ben Werdmüller
> The solution, for now, is to call it out, and for those of us with privilege to pledge never to work for (or start) an organization with these policies. Diversity and inclusion is more important than ever. And leaders who care about the culture of their companies should once again take note of the Basecamp team: this time as a lesson in what not to do.
* [Passing the Torch at the OpenID Foundation](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2170) Mike Jones
> Today marks an important milestone in the life of the OpenID Foundation and the worldwide digital identity community. Following [Don Thibeau’s decade of exemplary service to the OpenID Foundation as its Executive Director](https://openid.net/2021/02/19/resolution-thanking-don-thibeau-for-his-service/), today we [welcomed Gail Hodges as our new Executive Director](https://openid.net/2021/04/28/welcoming-gail-hodges-as-our-new-executive-director/).
* [BedRock Consortium has a home page](https://bedrockconsortium.org/)
> The Bedrock Consortium is a Linux Foundation project that supports the operation of the Bedrock Business Utility, an independent self-governed and self-sustainable public identity utility.
* [Reflections in my rear view mirror](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reflections-my-rear-view-mirror-dan-gisolfi/?trackingId%3DEkY%252BnAILQayoP80%252BReHY3g%253D%253D) Dan Gisolfi
> as the founder/convener of the [Bedrock Project](https://bedrockconsortium.org) I must now hand over the baton. Bedrock is positioned to be an important public identity utility for the maturation of a digital trust marketplace. I will always be here to help when/where I can. Hint: Maybe my new road ahead will help bring additional members to the table.
* [The Seven Step Process to Becoming a Validation Agent](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-seven-step-process-to-becoming-a-validation-agent): a closer look at the trial process with GLEIF’s latest eBook
> By becoming Validation Agents financial institutions can also streamline, accelerate and diversify their use of the LEI, and ensure their autonomy as they look to digitize their business processes.
* [Q1 2021 in review](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/q1-2021-in-review-the-lei-in-numbers): The LEI in Numbers: Data from the latest Global LEI System Business Report reveals LEI adoption from January to March 2021.
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (there will be another one tomorrow!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(there_will_be_another_one_tomorrow!)) by Andre Kudra + available IDunion crew!
* [IDunion](https://idunion.org/?lang%3Den) enables self-determined identities based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technologies Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. The aim of the IDunion organisation is to create an open ecosystem for decentralised identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations. IDunion is also a [project](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Redaktion/DE/Standardartikel/SchaufensterSichereDigIdentProjekte/Schaufensterprojekte/sdi-projekt_idunion.html) co-funded by the [German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWi)](https://www.bmwi.de/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html) as part of the [Showcases Secure Digital Identities program](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Navigation/DE/ProgrammeProjekte/AktuelleTechnologieprogramme/Sichere_Digitale_Identitaeten/sichere_digitale_ident.html). We gave an introduction covering
- The IDunion consortium consists of 37 partners - other major partners have already signaled interest in participating
- Our solution is enabled by the distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the concept of self-sovereign identities (SSI)
- Instead of a central authority, trust is organized via a DLT network, which works as a decentralized PKI system
- In recent months, in addition to intensive research, we have developed a DLT test network including governance structure, 35+ use cases and numerous software components for the allocation, verification and management of digital identity data developed
- In the future, the identity network will be managed by a European cooperative in which every institution in the EU can participate
- In total, we are working on 35 use cases in the areas of eGovernment, education, finance, industry/IOT, eCommerce/mobility, IAM, and eHealth
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (same as on day 2!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(same_as_on_day_2!)) by Andre Kudra + available IDunion crew!
IDunion | SSI | Identity | Consortium | Cooperative | Germany | Europe | BWMi
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
* [Directories in Distributed Identity](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10D/_Directories_in_Distributed_Identity) by Sam Curren, Ken Ebert, Suresh Batchu, Kiran Addepalli
ADIA site: [https://adiassociation.org](https://adiassociation.org)
* [Self-Sovereign Communities of Self-Sovereign Agents](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10H/_Self-Sovereign_Communities_of_Self-Sovereign_Agents) by Adrian Gropper
Minimal Demo: [https://adriang.xyz/](https://adriang.xyz/) Use Card Number 4242 4242 4242 4242 04/22 123 (don’t use a real email address because it will be stored in Stripe.)
* [Demo sequence diagram](https://github.com/HIEofOne/Trustee-Community/wiki)
* [Sovrin Update: Supporting Commercial Development of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D12M/_Sovrin_Update:_Supporting_Commercial_Development_of_SSI%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sumiran Garg, Chris Raczkowski
* [Global Survey Findings: Current state of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12O/_Global_Survey_Findings:_Current_state_of_SSI) by Gabriella Laatikainen, Ravikant Agrawal
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYb9bUyIPEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DlYb9bUyIPEw)
- Survey was a collaborative efforts by [University of Jyväskylä](http://jyu.fi), [Blockster.global](http://blockster.global) and [Trust over IP foundation](https://trustoverip.org/)
- More than 70 survey respondents
- SSI platform provider is ok but it should not be combined with network provider
- Risk: Slow technology adoption/ implementation / maturity
- Large VC issuance:
- Healthcare (COVID credentials)
- Revocation could be a challenge to be addressed
- Education sector
- Milestones to be achieved:
- Standardization
- Crypto payment
- Many solution would benefit from global payments but this will further add the challenge of large business adoption SSI + Crypto combination
- SDO:
- Not moving fast
- More academic and research in nature
* [John Jordan AMA - ToIP, BC Gov, Spinal Cord Injuries](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13C/_John_Jordan_AMA_-_ToIP,_BC_Gov,_Spinal_Cord_Injuries) by John Jordan
John shared about his journey and ongoing rehab, and then moved on to what’s up with BCGov these days and looking ahead with the same.
* [https://github.com/bcgov/von](https://github.com/bcgov/von)
* [John Jordan (BC Gov) about VON, OrgBook BC and our vision](https://bc-von.s3.amazonaws.com/2018-06-VON-Webinar-for-Sovrin-Indy-Community.mp4)
* [Building a Hyperledger Indy Network](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1H/_Building_a_Hyperledger_Indy_Network_-_Questions,_discussion,_etc.) - Questions, discussion, etc. by Lynn Bendixsen
Slides link: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit%23slide%3Did.p1)
Links to guides for creating your own Indy network:
High level:
* [https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg](https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg)
Technical details (implementation):
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit)
* [NHS Staffpassport; Based on Evernym Verity built by Sitekit/Condatis; A 12 month experience](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22C/_NHS_Staffpassport;_Based_on_Evernym_Verity_built_by_Sitekit/Condatis;_A_12_month_experience) by Chris Eckl, Richard Astley
Staff passporting, Evernym Verity, Condatis Staff passport, Truu
The NHS Staff passport system was created to allow NHS employees to be redeployed between different organisations to meet urgent demand and remove the onboarding challenges when staff onboard with new organisations.
Collaboration between Sitekit/Condatis, Evernym, Truu and the NHS.
NHS Staff passport system is currently the largest production deployment of Self-Sovereign Identity with 81 different agents within a trusted ecosystem within the World.
* [Condatis IIW32 NHS Digital Staffpassport Learnings (slideshare.net)](https://www.slideshare.net/secret/JGSugec83U6ouP)
* [AMA: Sovrin + ToIP Core Purposes and Cooperation](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23M/_AMA:_Sovrin_%252B_ToIP_Core_Purposes_and_Cooperation) by John Jordan, Drummond Reed, Chris Raczkowski
* [Chris Raczkowski](mailto:chris@sovrin.org) introduced this topic with the aim of familiarizing participants with the Letter of Agreement signed between the Sovrin Foundation and the Trust over IP Foundation.
* [...]
The Letter of Agreement puts forward three main items:
1. Mutual recognition and support for the distinct, but interrelated, mandate of each organization.
2. Commitment to name a member from each organization as a liaison to act as a point of contact and maintain lines of open communication.
3. Proactively seek opportunities to collaborate in areas of shared interest, including communications products.
This Letter of Agreement has been approved and signed by Sovrin and Trust over IP.
It will be the basis for ongoing activity that aims to build on the strengths of both communities and advance their shared interest in the emergence of secure, privacy enhancing credential and identity ecosystems.
David Luchuk, Program Manager for Trust over IP, addressed the importance of ensuring that Sovrin and Trust over IP’s mutual support for one another is clearly presented to the market to the broader community represented here at IIW.
* [Chris Raczkowski](mailto:chris@sovrin.org)indicated that a joint announcement would be developed in the very near term.
* [BC Gov Collaboration on the Business Partner Agent, sharing our Roadmap (Create Creds, Issue them, Verify them, Hold them, publish them, ZKPs, Selective Disclosure)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24A/_BC_Gov_Collaboration_on_the_Business_Partner_Agent,_sharing_our_Roadmap-Create_Creds,_Issue_them,_Verify_them,_Hold_them,_publish_them,_ZKPs,_Selective_Disclosure-) by Matthew Hall + Available Collaborators
Business partner agent, credential management, issuers, verifiers, holders, digital wallet
Practical session, what we are actually building today using the hyper ledger Aries tools
Some interesting points
- Viewing organizations as Issuers, Verifiers and Holders
- Talked about the complexity of defining a verifiable credential, I.e. what are you attesting to?
- Went over the need to make it easier for users to be able to create credential schemas and credential definitions without having to gain understanding about the tech.
- Question was asked about where do we start, do we have to bootstrap the first credential? And we went over being able to start with existing governance structures, and the trust that is already accepted there to issue the first credentials.
- I gave a demo of our prototype that shows three actors (Mine, Bank, Verifier) doing a credential exchange flow between them
DEMO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D09-LOHPTHWs)
Connect with Us: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
Repo: [https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1)
* [WHiSSPr Risk for People](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D20E/_WHiSSPRr_Risk_for_People%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Sal D’Agostino
* [GS1 2021 VC/DID Prototype Review: The Hero’s Journey](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D13H/_GS1_2021_VC/DID_Prototype_Review:_The_Hero%25E2%2580%2599s_Journey%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1)
* [Sovrin and Trust over IP Signed Mutual Agreement to Strengthen Their SSI Collaboration](https://blog.sovrin.org/sovrin-and-trust-over-ip-signed-mutual-agreement-to-strengthen-their-ssi-collaboration-55d7775efdc2)
“By signing this Letter Agreement, Sovrin and ToIP are excited to take a step further to support the need and importance of our separate but interrelated mandates to benefit people and organizations across all social and economic sectors through secure digital identity ecosystems based on verifiable credentials and SSI,” said Chris Raczkowski, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Sovrin Foundation.
* [Trust Over IP 101 with John Jordan, André Kudra, Karl Kneis, Scott Perry & Paul Knowles](https://northernblock.io/toip-101/) Northern Block
As we’re looking to move from the current internet era towards this new era of digital trust, I think it would be helpful if you were able to give an overview of how we got here. Perhaps we can take a step back, before the internet era, and discuss the paper credential era — I think that sets a good framework for where we’re going with these new digital trust models.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Digital Staff Passports at the NHS](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/05/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_digital_staff_passports_at_the_nhs.shtml) Windley
How does a functioning credential ecosystem get started? This post goes deep on Manny Nijjar’s work to create a program for using digital staff passports in the sprawling UK NHS bureaucracy.
* [IdRamp Joins Linux Foundation Public Health Cardea Project Steering Committee](https://idramp.com/idramp-joins-linux-foundation-public-health-cardea-project-steering-committee/)
The Cardea and GCCN projects are both excellent examples of breakthrough innovations that can take shape when companies and projects come together to solve real-world problems, using open source tools available to everyone
* [Hedera Hashgraph Joins World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)](https://hedera.com/blog/hedera-hashgraph-joins-world-wide-web-consortium-w3c-new-did-method-published-by-w3c-credentials-community-group)
We welcome Hedera as a contributing member to the W3C DID Working Group and congratulate their team for reaching this milestone of a published implementation of the latest W3C DID Identifiers v1.0 draft,” said Ivan Herman
* [Hyperledger Forum Recap – Identity Proofing, and Passwordless User-friendly Digital Identity](https://idramp.com/hyperledger-forum-recap-identity-proofing-and-passwordless-user-friendly-digital-identity/)
IdRamp presented with Oracle at [Hyperledger Global Forum](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/hyperledger-global-forum/) June 2021. The event focused on enterprise use of blockchain technologies using the 15 projects that fall under the Hyperledger “greenhouse”. Keynotes and speakers shared their insights on the current state of enterprise blockchain adoption across several hot topics including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), non fungible tokens (NFTs), and most importantly– identity.
* [AfroLeadership NGO to join the Board of aNewGovernance AISBL](https://www.anewgovernance.org/2021/07/02/2391/) NewGovernance
As the Data Strategy and the Data Spaces are being put in place in Europe, as the
new US Administration is questioning the operating practices of global platforms, it
is critical our approach over Personal Data Sharing is Global.
* OASIS has a [Foundation as a Service offering](https://www.oasis-open.org/foundation-as-a-service/)
Foundations receive the financial and legal services they need to operate successfully. We’ll set up your bank accounts, file your taxes, collect your dues and pay your bills.
* [Reimagining digital public infrastructure is no longer just a development agenda](https://medium.com/omidyar-network/reimagining-digital-public-infrastructure-is-no-longer-just-a-development-agenda-6c3915d20598) Omidyar Network
conversations about digital identity innovation were mostly treated as a developing country issue, with ardent advocates in the West unwilling to acknowledge that digital identity could add value to developed economies. Now, as the world [emerges from the pandemic](https://omidyar.com/a-decade-of-digital-public-goods-holding-up-the-digital-economy-preventing-monopolies-and-safeguarding-freedoms-for-all/), attitudes seem to have taken a 180-degree turn.
* [21 Industry leaders from five continents join Indicio Network consortium to drive global adoption of decentralized identity](https://indicio.tech/blog/21-industry-leaders-from-five-continents-join-indicio-network-consortium-to-drive-global-adoption-of-decentralized-identity/)
* [GlobaliD](https://global.id/), USA; [Uphold](https://uphold.com/), Portugal; [ID Ramp](https://idramp.com/), USA; [Cynjatech](https://www.cynja.com/), USA; [Finclusive](https://finclusive.com/), USA; [Xertify](https://xertify.co/), Colombia; [Snowbridge Inc.](https://www.snowbridge.se/), Taiwan; Entrustient, USA; [Bot Ventures, Inc](https://botventures.io/)., Canada; [BlockSpaces](https://blockspaces.io/), USA; [Blockster Labs](https://blockster.global/), [Anonyome Labs](https://anonyome.com/), Australia; [Selfd.id](https://selfd.id/), Romania; [Liquid Avatar Technologies](https://liquidavatar.com/), Canada; [Snapper Future Tech](https://snapperfuturetech.com/), India; [Lorica Identity](https://loricaidentity.com/), USA; [BizSecure](https://bizsecure.com/), USA; [Networks Synergy](https://www.synergy.kz/), Kazakhstan; Absolutely Zero Cyber, USA; [Cysecure](https://cysecure.us/), USA; [VERSES Labs](https://www.verses.io/), USA
* [DHS SVIP - Program Overview + AMA](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D21O/_DHS_SVIP_-_Program_Overview_%252B_AMA%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Anil John
* [Request for Comment and IPR Review: PCTF Assurance Maturity Model Draft Recommendation V1.0](https://diacc.ca/2021/06/27/comment-ipr-review-assurance-maturity-model-draft-recommendation-v1-0/) DIACC
It is essential that Participants in a digital ecosystem have a way to evaluate the robustness and trustworthiness of transactions within that ecosystem. In order to do so, Participants must share a common vocabulary that describes the level of confidence they can associate with an Entity or transaction, as well as a common way in which to determine that level of confidence.
* [GlobaliD joins the Linux Foundation’s Cardea Project](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-joins-the-linux-foundations-cardea-project-22f298032240)
* [Self-sovereign identity semantics: An economic extension to the Trust over IP stack](https://blog.verim.id/self-sovereign-identity-semantics-an-economic-extension-to-the-trust-over-ip-stack-4a4197d8f6d3)
Editorial: Kaliya thinks this is a terrible idea. It is based on the premise that identity providers (issuers of credentials) should get paid every time a person (the holder) presents the credential in their wallet, when shared with the relying party (verifier) I think this is toxic and we are just finally getting to aligned standards for the VC format and for exchange protocols - now some how we are going to rapidly add a payments layer?
NO this isn’t going to work it is going to create lockin to particular wallets for particular credentials. All because some bad entrepreneurs who are no longer leading their companies sold SAFTS to greedy investors. There is a mess under here that should be exposed further now that they are trying to push this model again. Lets just say I can’t wait for the investigative reporter to dig into the Sovrin meltdown from last year further to see what is really there. It could have all been left alone and I wouldn’t be talking about it - but they decided to push the model again.
* [Anonyome Labs Joins the Indicio MainNet](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/anonyome-labs-joins-the-indicio-mainnet/)
Here, we go through how we went about standing up our Indico node. In brief:
- The Indicio MainNet is an enterprise-grade ledger for use by decentralized identity applications.
- We brought up the node using AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) instances within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
- We pulled the validator algorithms from the open-source project, [Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-indy).
- A supporting machine operates the command line interface used to perform steward operations onthe ledger.
- We used security groups at the network interface level to create a firewall.
- We set up monitoring in AWS CloudWatch using a variety of bash scripting in conjunction with Ubuntu and AWS provided utilities.
- We created a regular maintenance schedule.
* [Me2BA Executive Director Lisa LeVasseur featured on Masters of Privacy podcast](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-executive-director-lisa-levasseur-featured-on-masters-of-privacy-podcast/) Me2b
describes Me2BA’s approach to respectful technology behavior and discusses the Alliance’s work in standards development and independent testing. The conversation touches on the broader issues of our evolving and personal relationships with technology products and services, and the potential for respectful behavior to provide a deeper and better level of engagement, to the benefit of individuals and businesses alike.
* [Trust over IP and Sovrin sign agreement to strengthen collaboration](https://trustoverip.org/news/2021/05/10/trust-over-ip-and-sovrin-sign-agreement-to-strengthen-collaboration/)
> The Sovrin Foundation (“Sovrin”) Board of Trustees and Trust over IP Foundation (“ToIP”) Steering Committee are pleased to announce that they have signed a Letter Agreement (dated March 18, 2021). This agreement signifies the commitment of both organizations to mutual cooperation and recognition for each other’s mandates. Sovrin and ToIP intend to work together toward advancing the infrastructure and governance required for digital trust and digital identity ecosystems.
* [Spherity partners IDunion Trusted Identity Ecosystem](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-joins-idunion-trusted-identity-ecosystem-e89d093be35a)
Spherity announces that it has become a partner of the
project. The project is funded within the innovation framework “Showcase secure digital identities” of the German government (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy). Spherity is entrusted on the application of cloud identity technology in the healthcare industry.
* [A YEAR IN REVIEW: NEW BEGINNINGS AND SUCCESSES](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/10/07/a-year-in-review-new-beginnings-and-successes/)
The TSWG provides guidance and specifications that support the ToIP 4-layer model from a technical standpoint.
* [Launching the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) with Elizabeth Garber](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/global-assured-identity-network-gain-elizabeth-garber/) UbiSecure
fills us in on what the GAIN project is, explaining how it’s different from other trust networks and why GAIN is good for financial institutions. She also discusses the role of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) in the project, and what’s next for GAIN.
* [#2 in the Financial Inclusion Interview Series – What bridging the $81bn trade finance gap could mean for Africa with Barry Cooper from Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion (Cenfri)](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/number-2-in-the-financial-inclusion-interview-series-what-bridging-the-81bn-trade-finance-gap-could-mean-for-africa-with-barry-cooper-from-centre-for-financial-regulation-and-inclusion-cenfri)
Following the launch of GLEIF’s digital business identity initiative designed to bridge the trade finance gap in Africa, we’re catching up with our key partners to hear their thoughts on how the project will bring about greater financial inclusion for SMEs on the continent and beyond.
* [MYDATA, MY CLIMATE, AND MY CARBON](https://mydata.org/2021/11/03/mydata-my-climate-and-my-carbon/)
With COP26 taking place this week, governments, companies, and individuals are discussing how we can all reduce our carbon emissions. The task is monumental, and technology has an important role to play – both in reducing its own carbon footprint and in helping the wider world track and reduce their emissions.
* [Non-binary Thinking will Accelerate Digital Sovereignty (with Rouven Heck)](https://northernblock.io/non-binary-thinking-will-accelerate-digital-sovereignty-with-rouven-heck/) NorthernBlock
Now, if we take two communities within the SSI space – the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP). I will sometimes hear people talking positively about one and negatively about the other. But why is this happening? Don’t we all have the same underlying values? Aren’t we all looking to better our lives through digital sovereignty?
I think the answer to this is clear and we need to get away from thinking in a binary manner about anything in our space. And if you really look at the overlap between both these communities: they are quite large.
* [Gratitude: Internet Society Foundation Grant Award](https://me2ba.org/gratitude-internet-society-foundation-grant-award/) ([Press Release](https://me2ba.org/me2b-alliance-awarded-100k-grant-for-us-pre-k-12-benchmark-to-research-school-utility-apps-data-sharing/) Me2Ba
* [ISSE 2021 - EEMA opening Plenary](https://vimeo.com/648039700) Is it all change for identity?
* [Communication Milestone Achievements!](https://blog.identity.foundation/milestones/) DIF
This week, we hit 5k followers on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID), driven in no small part by attention garnered by our [ToIP & DIF Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 specification becoming a W3C Standard](https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec/)
* [Good things happen slowly, bad things happen fast](https://blog.weareopen.coop/good-things-happen-slowly-bad-things-happen-fast-2fd894cbd4df) We Are Open Co-op
- Important Talk
Some organisations were experimenting with digital badges before 2011, but these were siloed and easy to right-click and copy. The ‘technology trigger’, the innovation with Open Badges, was to invent and make available an open metadata standard.
* [You can now make an online donation to the Me2B Alliance](https://me2ba.org/you-can-now-make-an-online-donation-to-the-me2b-alliance-we-appeciate-your-support-donate-here/)
* [We appeciate your support! Donate here >](https://me2ba.org/donate/)
* [Internet Identity Workshop #33](https://blog.identity.foundation/internet-identity-workshop-33/) DIF
Hundreds of attendees, including a number of DIF members, put together a huge programme of content for the 33rd IIW, covering topics ranging from the technical minutiae of IAM and SSI to big-picture discussions about ethics and strategy, and participated in over 110 virtual sessions across the three days.
* [Me2BA supports ending all surveillance advertising on children](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-supports-ending-all-surveillance-advertising-on-children/)
We think that focusing on Facebook’s surveillance advertising is a good step in the right direction. However, there are several other significant threats to kids out there. In particular, Google’s YouTube [is used by 69% of kids in the United States today, who reportedly spend approximately 1.5 hours a day on the app](https://techcrunch.com/2020/06/04/kids-now-spend-nearly-as-much-time-watching-tiktok-as-youtube-in-u-s-u-k-and-spain/)
* [New steward for #GoodID: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University](https://omidyarnetwork.medium.com/new-steward-for-goodid-berkman-klein-center-for-internet-and-society-at-harvard-university-a221cdb12949) Omidyar Network
The Center recently launched the [Institute for Rebooting Social Media](https://cyber.harvard.edu/programs/institute-rebooting-social-media) [...] In connection with this Institute and the [Berkman Klein Research Sprints](https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2020-10/research-sprint-participants-explore-digital-transformation-time-crisis-focus), and through the Center’s ongoing work with the over 100 international [Network of Internet and Society Research Centers](http://networkofcenters.net/), the Center will support conversations about digital identity issues that will reach diverse and interdisciplinary communities of research and practice.
* [OpenID Presentations at December 2021 OpenID Virtual Workshop](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2214)
- OpenID Connect Working Group [(PowerPoint)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Working_Group_9-Dec-21.pptx) [(PDF)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Working_Group_9-Dec-21.pdf)
- OpenID Enhanced Authentication Profile (EAP) Working Group [(PowerPoint)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_EAP_Working_Group_9-Dec-21.pptx) [(PDF)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_EAP_Working_Group_9-Dec-21.pdf)
use of IETF Token Binding specifications with OpenID Connect and integration with FIDO relying parties and/or other strong authentication technologies.”
* [TOIP HELPS SANTA WITH HIS TOUGHEST CHOICES](https://trustoverip.org/news/2021/12/15/toip-helps-santa-with-his-toughest-choices/) Trust over IP
MEGA also joined the Good Elf Pass Initiative whose “interoperability blueprint” supports its crucial role as issuers of these credentials. The ground-breaking “Hypersleigh” blockchain standard will also support rapid delivery and high security for all Meaningful Gifts. #hypersleigh
* [Hyperledger Mentorship Spotlight: Hyperledger Aries Integration to Support Fabric as Blockchain Ledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/12/06/hyperledger-mentorship-spotlight-hyperledger-aries-integration-to-support-fabric-as-blockchain-ledger)
The Hyperledger Mentorship Program is a structured hands-on learning opportunity for new developers who may otherwise lack the opportunity to gain exposure to Hyperledger open source development and entry to the technical community.
* [@IDWorkshop (IIW) tweeting from the Flickr Archives](https://twitter.com/idworkshop/status/1471905005556822017?s%3D20)
Check out these [photos from IIW 1 in 2005](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/iiw2005/page1/)
* [src](https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisheuer/57584208/in/photolist-5YzQy-613Xi-5YztD-613UK-5YBEi-669qJ-6153X-63sGm-65uyW-63sKa-63sHi-63sJv-6682a-669uE-5YzVT-68VoW-6685y-668ju-68VjB-669om-65uHm-65UDr-668pr-6689z-68Vd9-65Urf-68V8M-6693d-68V51-668vo-68Vhj-6696s-669jG-669eG-668z5-65Uvh-668ZD-668K2-668Vm-668rU-669ah-668Mb-668QJ-65uDA-668FE-65uFG-65UGT-65Uza-65uC8-65uAq/)
* [The Trust Over IP Stack: Achieving Global Interoperability with SSI](https://techzone.scot/trust-over-ip-stack/) Digital Scotland
* [In this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DYzKfb-udavY), Drummond Reed, Chief Trust Officer at Evernym Inc and co-author of the book ‘[Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.evernym.com/ssi-book/)’ provides a deep discussion of SSI and the ‘The Trust over IP Stack’.
* [On Forests, Emergence, and Expansive Trust: Why Trust Over IP is even more profound than we thought](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/11/21/on-forests-emergence-and-expansive-trust/) Daniel Hardman
I have been lucky enough to witness many of its milestones — the finalization of the VC and DID specifications, the launch of Sovrin and Hyperledger Indy, the advent of production deployments and serious interoperability, the invention of peer DIDs and KERI and BBS+ credentials, the implementation of the exciting communication technology now known as DIDComm…
* [The Digital Identity Card](https://blog.ti8m.com/en/SSI.html) TI8M
Currently, over 40 applications have been implemented in the IDunion project. These are used in a wide variety of sectors, such as public administration, the financial sector, IoT and industry, the healthcare sector, mobility sector and e-commerce. The technology has now exited the research phase and will appear in the first productive applications in 2021.
* [These competitors joined forces to allow readers to use a single login across their news sites](https://www.niemanlab.org/2021/10/these-competitors-joined-forces-to-allow-readers-to-use-a-single-login-across-their-news-sites/) Nieman Lab
The founding media partners all agreed, however, that having more first-party data and increasing the share of registered visitors would allow them to build better relationships with readers and more relevant news products. Their collective first step has been OneLog, a single sign-on system being used across a variety of news sites owned by Swiss Digital Alliance members TX Group and Ringier.
* [Kantara’s Kay Chopard Talks Digital Security, Diversity, and Business Advice](https://kantarainitiative.org/kantaras-kay-chopard-talks-digital-security-diversity-and-business-advice-on-lets-talk-about-digital-identity/) Kantara - DigitalID NZ
In August, Kantara Executive Director Kay Chopard spoke with Oscar Santolalla on Let’s Talk About Digital Identity, a Ubisecure-produced podcast. Chopard and Santolalla discussed a wide range of topics, including Chopard’s vision for Kantara and the digital security world, her role in supporting diversity and inclusion, and other topics.
* [Hyperledger KochiOrgBook Meetup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU0zXKiFYD0) (modeled after [VONx.io](https://vonx.io/)), in collaboration with Wipro, CUSAT, and KBA.
> “KochiOrgBook is a Verifiable Organization Network for the city of Kochi [India]. It is a technology demonstrator to launch a DID based utility compliant with the ToIP standards to enable trusted digital verification for various associations within the city of Kochi.”
* [LEGO & Learning Economy: Gearing up with Super Skills](https://blog.identity.foundation/lego-super-skills/) ID Foundation
The Super Skills app combines a custodial wallet (Torus) and Ceramic VC/storage tooling to give children private, exportable, future-proof achievement records – a self-sovereign educational credentialing system in miniature.
* [Announcing the 2022 OpenID Foundation Individual Community Board Member Election](https://openid.net/2021/12/30/announcing-the-2022-openid-foundation-individual-community-board-member-election/)
Board participation requires a substantial investment of time and energy. It is a volunteer effort that should not be undertaken lightly. Should you be elected, expect to be called upon to serve both on the board and on its committees. You should have your employer’s agreement to attend two or more in-person board meetings a year, which are typically collocated with important identity conferences around the world.
* [WTF are ‘Stealth Badges’?: The case of the O.G. Badger](https://blog.weareopen.coop/wtf-are-stealth-badges-41130a75a1a9) We are Open Coop
This information means that this particular badge, which is manually issued, can be given out in fair and equitable ways. It also means that someone else who engaged with the Open Badges community before 2017 could lay claim to it.
Stealth badges at scale require an automated system that issues badges depending on particular criteria. This is why they are very common in games-based environments. For example, I unlock some most weeks playing new and existing games on my PlayStation and Google Stadia.
* [The Trust Over IP Foundation Publishes New Introduction and Design Principles.](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/01/24/the-trust-over-ip-foundation-publishes-new-introduction-and-design-principles/)
1. [Introduction to ToIP V2.0](https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Introduction-to-ToIP-V2.0-2021-11-17.pdf)
This is the second-generation version of our original introductory white paper that would go more deeply into the origin and purpose of the ToIP stack and how it addresses the key challenges of decentralized digital trust infrastructure.
2. [Design Principles for the ToIP Stack V1.0](https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Design-Principles-for-the-ToIP-Stack-V1.0-2022-11-17.pdf)
This is an articulation of the key [design principles](https://principles.design/) we must follow in the design and
3. development of all aspects of the ToIP stack.
* [VIIVI LÄHTEENOJA APPOINTED AS MYDATA GLOBAL CHAIR](https://mydata.org/2022/01/07/viivi-lahteenoja-appointed-as-mydata-global-chair/)
Previous Chair, Antti “Jogi” Poikola commented: I am delighted to be succeeded by Viivi Lähteenoja as MyData Global’s Chair. […] Viivi’s experience both in and out of the MyData community make her excellently qualified to open up new dialogues on how personal data can empower people and communities.
* [The ToIP Foundation Releases its First Official Governance Specifications](https://trustoverip.org/news/2022/02/01/the-toip-foundation-releases-its-first-official-governance-specifications/) Trust Over IP
* [THE VERIFIABLE LEI: DELIVERING ON THE PROMISE OF THE TOIP STACK](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/02/07/the-verifiable-lei-delivering-on-the-promise-of-the-toip-stack/) TOIP
It will give government organizations, companies, and other legal entities worldwide the capacity to use non-repudiable identification data pertaining to their legal status, ownership structure and authorized representatives in a growing multitude of digital business activities
* [The Birth of the vLEI: A New Dawn in Digital ID for Legal Entities Everywhere](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-birth-of-the-vlei-a-new-dawn-in-digital-id-for-legal-entities-everywhere) GLIEF
Using KERI, vLEIs can be created and utilized independently of any specific organization, with the highest levels of security, privacy, and ease of use. KERI also enables GLEIF and the vLEI trust ecosystem to operate under GLEIF’s governance framework, unencumbered by the governance of external systems, including those of blockchains and distributed ledger consortia.
* [Emergent community building](https://blog.weareopen.coop/emergent-community-building-a35f9431d8a) WeAreOpenCoop
Last week, we ran the first Keep Badges Weird community call
* [](http://validatedid.com/post-en/the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge)There’s an outstanding question, for us, around how this community explores and thinks about the theoretical underpinnings of a Community of Practice (CoP), but one thing is for sure, Keep Badges Weird is a CoP.
* [Introducing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) Proof of Concept Community Group](https://openid.net/2022/03/02/introducing-the-global-assured-identity-network-gain-proof-of-concept-community-group/)
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) Proof of Concept Community Group, which aims to test the technical hypotheses underlying the [“GAIN Digital Trust”](https://gainforum.org/GAINWhitePaper.pdf) white paper.
* [LAYER 1 UTILITIES: AN UNDERGROUND NETWORK CONNECTING ALL SSI ECOSYSTEMS](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/03/04/layer-1-utilities-an-underground-network-connecting-all-ssi-ecosystems/) Trust over IP
Please mind the gap between the DID and the DID Document! Just like the London Underground, Layer 1 Utilities are a collection of connected rails and overlapping networks, on top of which SSI ecosystems are developed. The ToIP Utility Foundry Working Group (UFWG) are mapping out how they overlap, intersect and differentiate from each other.
* [MYDATA GLOBAL IN MOTION – KEY DEVELOPMENTS IN 2022](https://mydata.org/2022/03/09/mydata-developments-in-2022/)
Collective sensemaking and channels for impact, Strengthening the MyData brand, Renovating the infrastructure of MyData Global, and Changes in the staff and leadership team.
* [Audience Ikigai](https://blog.weareopen.coop/audience-ikigai-be0cebe4cea) [reason for being] We are Open CoOp
could be useful for thinking about credential adoption profiles
The complexity surrounding any global audience can’t be understated, really. I mean, we’re talking about millions of people. GPI communications have to take into account that many are coming to Greenpeace for the first time, while others know the organization well. The audience is diverse. From young to old, every color and creed, a massive spectrum of people who are interested in the mission to “ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.”
Yet more Identity Associations: [Accountable Digital Identity](https://adiassociation.org/)
Informed by standards bodies including [the FIDO Alliance](https://findbiometrics.com/year-review-fido-alliance-gains-more-ground-2021-122205/), the World Wide Web Consortium, and the Decentralized Identity Foundation, the ADI Specification was designed to help companies detect fraud using verified identity solutions while ensuring that informed consent is collected and user privacy is protected. - [quote from this article](https://findbiometrics.com/idemia-joins-accountable-digital-identity-association-board-503101/)
* [Machine Readable Governance is the Key to Scaling Decentralized Trust](https://indicio.tech/where-do-you-put-a-trust-registry-in-a-decentralized-digital-ecosystem-not-where-it-turns-into-a-wrench/) Indicio
We’re not convinced that “constraint” is the right theoretical approach for an emerging technology, especially one that is being deployed in different sectors for different use cases. To underscore this, we want to address a particular constraint implied by ToIP’s design concepts that is likely to be fatal to any deployment.
* [Getting Internet Identity Right 30 Years On](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2NvaW5kZXNrLXJlcG9ydHM/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1B2ZTZ1WThCazZjM24zckdUVVdaQ2YyWGJwQnNuWTBra3N0WWlFOFhBNUk?ep=14) Money ReImagined with Brian Behlendorf.
> Michael Casey and Sheila Warren talk to Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf about self-sovereign identity, the topic of this week's column. A developer whose three-decade career has seen him deeply involved in efforts to foster a more open internet, Brian grasps, like few others, the nuances of how human beings should live within a rapidly changing digital economy.
- [DIFS updated code of conduct](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/difs-updated-code-of-conduct-a0c2d9dce1ad) - Setting a tone for inclusive collaboration.
* [DIF and OIDF cooperation](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/dif-oidf-9753b9bd0093)
> to work together on areas of mutual interest, allowing working groups to align and coordinate through dual-members. The first major collaboration, which has already been underway for weeks, is a process for revising the Self-Issued OpenID Connect (SIOP) chapter of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) specification.
* [Why we support EFF](https://www.evernym.com/blog/why-we-support-the-electronic-frontier-foundation/) Evernym
> Privacy gets too little emphasis from some participants in the decentralized identity movement. They claim to value confidential interactions, yet advocate that individuals create public decentralized identifiers (DIDs) on the blockchain (ignoring legal warnings about DIDs being PII). They are okay with “phone home” verifications of credentials and revocation and capabilities.
* [7 Essential building blocks of decentralized digital ecosystems](https://medium.com/nevermined-io/what-decentralized-building-blocks-exist-to-build-your-digital-ecosystem-a2173550cc57) Nevermined
> The original goal of Nevermined was to allow data sharing and privacy-preserving computation. During the development journey, the above building blocks emerged as design principles, but after speaking with various organizations, we realized these components are actually the foundations that allow us to solve more complex problems, not only based on classical data center problems.
* [Indicio Tech: Why we converted to a public benefit corporation](https://indicio.tech/blog/because-decentralized-identity-can-make-life-better-why-we-converted-to-a-public-benefit-corporation/)
> The idea of a benefit corporation begins with long-simmering dissatisfaction in the argument that the only responsibility or duty a company had was to increase its profits, a claim that had been forcefully made by University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman in the New York Times magazine in 1970.
* [Jolocom’s latest contributions to DIF](https://jolocom.io/blog/jolocoms-contributions-to-dif/)
- Jolocom added support for an [off-chain element based on KERI](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keri/blob/master/kids/KERI_WP.pdf). This is in addition to the Jolocom DID method (did:jolo and did:keri), which supports the Jolocom-Lib, our own SDK and the Jolocom SmartWallet.
- [Jolocom focused on the Rust KERI implementation](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keriox/), which we donated to DIF last fall
> An example of the KERI DID registrar/resolver integrated in our library can be found here. This is also included in the Jolocom SmartWallet via the SDK integration. (KERI is currently being worked on in the Decentralized Identity Foundation’s Identifiers and Discovery Working Group,)
- We at Jolocom strongly believe that DIDComm is a crucial infrastructure element for the broader and future-proof SSI stack, and [current work on DIDComm v2 includes Jolocom’s implementation of the specification](http://github.com/jolocom/didcomm-rs) with authcrypt (authenticated encrypted) and most of the low level of the protocol.
* [DIF F2FJan21 - DIDComm Demo Session with Ivan Temchenko, Tobias Looker, and Oliver Terbu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaNvIorKQ9I&feature=youtu.be)
During the live demo he showed the message lifecycle in various setups using the new, [open source didcomm-rs library](http://github.com/jolocom/didcomm-rs) on GitHub
* [2021 OpenID Foundation Board Update](https://openid.net/2021/02/09/2021-openid-foundation-board-update/)
> Nat Sakimura and John Bradley were re-elected to new two-year terms as community member representatives. Nat and John’s well-known technical expertise and global thought leadership ensures continuity across working groups and as the Foundation transitions to new leadership in 2021.
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/promoting-banking-for-all-announcing-the-compliance-inclusive-finance-working-group-cifwg-340633ef3e6c) Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
* [Lisa LeVasseur on the ethical behaviour of technology and the Me2B Alliance LTADI](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/lisa-levasseur-me2b-alliance/)
> the Me2B Alliance and how it aims to make technology better for humans, plus the businesses (B-s) which are shining a light on privacy issues and giving the Me-s more control.
> “We used to call ourselves something like the ‘organic food label’. But that’s actually not right. We’re more like independent automobile crash testing.”
* [ID2020 Welcomes BLOK Solutions to the Alliance](https://medium.com/id2020/id2020-welcomes-blok-solutions-to-the-alliance-1c53e952930c)
> Their most recent solution, BLOK Pass, offers individuals a self-sovereign record of their COVID-19 test results and other risk factors. The technology was developed under the company’s biotech arm, BLOK BioScience.
* [KABN Network Joins the Trust Over IP Foundation](https://www.accesswire.com/616265/KABN-Network-Joins-the-Trust-Over-IP-Foundation)
> KABN aims to use proven bank-grade identity verification processes to allow Holders (who use a credential), Verifiers (who confirm the validity of a credential) and Issuers (who produce the credential) to complete transactions of many kinds including financial services, eCommerce transactions, organization, building and visitor access badges among others.
* [Member interview with Jacoba Sieders](https://womeninidentity.org/2020/10/20/www-womeninidentity-org-interview-jacoba-sieders/) Women in Identity
> Jacoba Sieders is an independent, digital identity expert [and advisory board member of the EU ESSIF Lab]. She has held executive positions leading IAM and KYC functions for more than 20 years at major banks in the Netherlands and then in Luxembourg at the European Investment Bank. She also lived and worked in New Delhi, India for ING Group.
## GlEIF
* [InfoCert adheres to the GLEIF International Foundation's program for promoting vLEI](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.datamanager.it/2020/12/infocert-aderisce-al-programma-della-fondazione-internazionale-gleif-per-la-promozione-del-vlei/)
> The vLEI is a cryptographically verifiable credential according to W3C standards and containing the LEI ( Legal Entity Identifiers ), the identification code of legal entities made mandatory by Mifid II in order to operate on the financial markets: InfoCert, formerly LOU ( Local Operating Unit ) authorized by GLEIF will adopt vLEI as an identification standard within its DIZME ecosystem , the blockchain-based decentralized digital identity platform.
* [PSA Today: Kaliya & Seth talk LEIs](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-34-Kaliya--Seth-talk-LEIs-Legal-Entity-Identifiers-with-Simon-Wood--CEO-of-Ubisecure-eqia74)
with Simon Wood, CEO of Ubisecure (#1 issuer of Legal Entity Identifiers)
> the evolution of LEIs since the financial crisis of 2008, the difference between high assurance and low assurance, and the relationship between rights and ownership as it relates to identity management of entities.
* [Decentralized Identity and DIACC PCTF Authentication](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Decentralized-Identity-and-DIACC-PCTF-Authentication.pdf)
The [Authentication](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/PCTF-Authentication-Component-Overview-Final-Recommendation_V1.0.pdf) component of the [DIACC Pan-Canadian Trust Framework](https://diacc.ca/trust-framework/)™ specifies processes and conformance criteria for service providers. Authentication and credential management services may be assessed against these criteria.
* [Self-sovereign digital identity, vLEI as identification standard for InfoCert DIZME network](https://www.digitalfuturemagazine.com/2021/01/27/self-sovereign-digital-identity-vlei-as-identification-standard-for-infocert-dizme-network/)
VLEIs are cryptographically verifiable credentials compliant with W3C standards, containing LEIs. The program launched by GLEIF to promote vLEIs aims to create an ecosystem, a credential governance framework, and a technical support infrastructure.
Through vLEIs, companies, government organizations, and other legal entities around the world will have the ability to identify themselves unambiguously, even outside of the financial markets, to conduct a growing number of activities digitally, such as:
- the approval of transactions and contracts,
- the acquisition of new customers,
- transactions within logistics chain and import/export networks,
- the submission of reports and prospectuses to regulatory bodies.
Also, vLEIs will allow for the extension of identity verification of legal entities to include individuals who fill roles of interest within those entities.
### Turing Institute Report on Trustworthy Digital Identity
* [Turing harnesses global expertise with International Advisory Board for Trustworthy Digital Identity](https://www.turing.ac.uk/news/turing-harnesses-global-expertise-international-advisory-board-trustworthy-digital-identity)
> The ambition is to produce a definitive set of tested and accessible tools, best practice guidance, and design references based on six key criteria for assessing the impact on trust in national identity programmes: security, privacy, ethics, resilience, robustness, and reliability.
- [Alan Turing Institute: Trustworthy Digital Infrastructure for Identity Systems](https://www.turing.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2020-12/alan_turing_digital_identities_2020.pdf) (Report)
- [Digital Identity: Ensuring that systems are trustworthy](https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/digital-identity-ensuring-systems-are-trustworthy)
- [Trustworthy digital identity](https://www.turing.ac.uk/research/interest-groups/trustworthy-digital-identity)
* [OpenID Foundation is Hiring a new Executive Director](https://openid.net/2020/11/17/openid-foundation-executive-director-job-description/)
> The OpenID Foundation is seeking an Executive Director with the experience, skills, strategic vision, and commitment to advancing the Foundation’s open standards initiatives. This is a unique opportunity to lead a well-respected, member-driven, vendor-neutral, international standardization organization.
- [Finding the Bell Curve of Meaning](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/finding-the-bell-curve-of-meaning-61a1d22b7bdd) - A process for supporting the emergence of shared language in broad collaborative communities
* [Linux Foundation Announces DizmeID Foundation to Develop and Enable a Self-Sovereign Identity Credential Network](https://linuxfoundation.org/en/press-release/linux-foundation-announces-dizmeid-foundation-to-develop-and-enable-a-self-sovereign-identity-credential-network/)
Blindsided by this news!!
The [DizmeID Foundation](https://www.dizme.io/) and technical project will define and allow for implementation of Dizme features on top of Sovrin public identity utility. The Dizme ecosystem is expected to include various [technological components leveraging Hyperledger stack](https://www.dizme.io/developers) and adding a monetization layer based on [Algorand blockchain protocol](https://www.algorand.com/resources/news/linux-foundation-announces-dizmeid-foundation-to-enable-self-soverieign-identity-network), which will enable the exchange of verifiable credentials and the development of new vertical applications.
* [Identity, Unlocked... Explained: Season 2, Ep. 2](https://auth0.com/blog/identity-unlocked-explained-season-2-ep-2/) Vittorio Bertocci with Filip Skokan
> a conversation about a few three-letter extensions to OAuth (which, incidentally, would also fit well in a pirate incantation!): PAR, RAR, and JAR. Filip is a Senior Engineer II at Auth0, the author of a popular book on open source identification, and a contributor to both the
[IETF](https://www.ietf.org/) and the
[OpenID Foundation](https://openid.net/foundation/).
Witness orgs sit in layer 3 of the [Trust Over IP stack](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/master/concepts/0289-toip-stack/README.md) as authoritative issuers. Witness orgs are to VCs like Dunn and Bradstreet (D&B) is to the finance world: they issue claims as a recognized authority.
* [2022 Pre-Budget Submission](https://diacc.ca/2021/08/03/2022-pre-budget-submission/) DIACC
1. That the government secure adoption of the [Pan-Canadian Trust Framework](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PCTF-Overview-FINAL.pdf) by businesses and governments.
2. That the government act on the [Finance Committee’s 2021 Pre-Budget Consultation](https://www.ourcommons.ca/Committees/en/FINA/StudyActivity?studyActivityId%3D11021772) Recommendations 128, Implement a digital identity system that empowers Canadians to control their data that is held by the federal government, and 129, Create a national data strategy.
3. That the government work with provincial and territorial partners and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to ensure that all Canadians have access to an ISO-compliant government-issued digital ID credential with economy-wide utility by December 2022.
4. That the government make digital identity-enabled services available to all Canadians by December 2022.
5. That the government prioritizes funding and integration of digital ID as part of the [Digital Technology Supercluster](https://www.digitalsupercluster.ca/) Initiative.
* [Panel | Bringing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) to Reality](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/eic2021-panel-gain-to-reality)
These may seem off-topic but Bill Wendell has been engaged with the VRM and IIW community for well over a decade - He has some great ideas on how to reform/transform the real-estate industry with ideas/models our community has been discussing. If you are looking for an opportunity to collaborate and build something transformative I would reach out to him.
* [GAIN – Global Assured Identity Network](https://translate.google.com/translate?hl%3D%26sl%3Dauto%26tl%3Den%26u%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.sakimura.org%252F2021%252F09%252F4853%252F)
Individuals can access with the peace of mind that all relying parties within the ecosystem are present and accountable. Sure, there will still be malicious vendors, but the scope will be more limited. The ecosystem will be much more secure than the current Internet. It will be enough for the participants to take action. Trust is reestablished.
* [Testing the fitness of your organisation's preparedness for data](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/08/testing-fitness-of-your-organisations.html) MyDigitalFootprint
How do you determine if your new company is addressing the underlying issues that hold back data from being what they imagine it can be?
## IIW
* [IIW32 - A wave of DIF donations and debuts](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-18-may-2021/%23iiw32a-wave-of-dif-donations-and-debuts) DIF Newsletter
* [EXEMPLARY PERSONAL DATA BUSINESSES: 33 ORGANISATIONS RECEIVE THE MYDATA OPERATOR 2022 AWARD](https://mydata.org/2022/03/16/mydata-operator-2022-awards/)
personal data companies that have shown leadership by empowering individuals to control their personal data. As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_6428). Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_6428) is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives.
* [MyData Operator Status awarded to Mydex](https://medium.com/mydex/mydata-operator-status-awarded-to-mydex-2916d1c48c3d)
As promoted by the European Commission, [putting people in the centre of digital transformations is needed for a safe and sustainable digital future](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_6428). Further, [boosting data sharing and ensuring its trustworthiness](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_6428) is critical to reaping the benefits of our digitised lives. Organisations awarded with the MyData Operator Award are vital enablers for such a vision, providing value for companies and individuals alike.
Centre Consortium presents Verite with Kim Hamilton
* [Verite: A Technical Deep Dive with Kim Hamilton, Director of Identity & Standards](https://www.centre.io/blog/verite-a-technical-deep-dive-with-kim-hamilton-director-of-identity-standards) Centre
Verite is a decentralized identity framework demonstrating end-to-end, ecosystem-scale crypto and DeFi prototypes. With Verite, our focus is iteratively building open protocols rather than a product or a platform.
Verite is based on open-source building blocks that are developed collaboratively at international standards organizations:
* [Welcome to Centre, Linda Jeng and Danielle Harold](https://www.centre.io/blog/welcome-to-centre-linda-jeng-and-danielle-harold)
“I am thrilled to welcome executives of this caliber to our team,” said David Puth, CEO of Centre. “Both Linda and Danielle bring an abundance of experience that will guide our organization as we create standards for the burgeoning blockchain space.”
Standards Development
* [DIF has a Discord](https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID/status/1517083722729738241)
Join here [https://discord.com/invite/F4Qw7h6Sr9](https://discord.com/invite/F4Qw7h6Sr9)
* [Centre Consortium](https://www.centre.io/)
Founded by Coinbase and Circle in 2018, the mission is to provide the governance and standards for the future digital financial ecosystem.
We began by launching US Dollar Coin (USDC), a fiat-backed stablecoin and now the second largest stablecoin on the market. The standards we laid out for USDC provide a layer of trust and transparency so that users can operate with security and confidence as we enter a new world of digital payments.
* [2022 OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Award Recipients Announced](https://openid.net/2022/04/29/2022-openid-foundation-kim-cameron-award-recipients-announced/)
This was the first IIW without Kim Cameron. This was a very fitting announcement.
The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the first cohort of awardees for inaugural launch of the Kim Cameron Award Program. We first must thank the many well-qualified applicants who presented compelling interest in user-centric identity.
* [Digital Technologies Forum now includes the Lissi demo](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-demonstration-im-forum-digitale-technologien-82d5f0c07a5d) <- in german
Digital Technologies Forum is a networking platform and exhibition space for selected research projects and innovations in the field of digital technologies from Germany. The forum offers outstanding research projects a platform for more visibility and promotes exchange and knowledge transfer at national and international level.
* [OpSci Identity Registry](https://verse.opsci.io/) Open Science DAO
Link your web accounts, verify your academic credentials and interact with DeSci dApps using the Holonym Protocol
* [Women in Identity](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog//women-in-identity) Dr. Angelika Steinacker
Silvia is a WID member since 2018 and started her career as an Identity engineer. Her topic will be the misbehavior of your digital twin and what you can do if your digital twin misbehaves.
Originating from a virtual model reflecting a physical object, the term “digital twin” also has its application in the cyber security industry. Social media giants and the advertisement industry have a huge interest in modeling your behavior, feelings, and thoughts to tailor advertising to you.
* [Me2B Safe Specification v1.0](https://me2ba.org/safetechspec/) Me2B
The current version focuses on mobile apps and websites and encompasses only a portion of the harms outlined in the complete [Me2B Digital Harms Dictionary](https://ooqc943yvdw4abzes1q1ezta-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/me2ba-digital-harms-dictionary-v2.0-iii.pdf). As the safe specification evolves subsequent versions will grow to include more of the harms identified in the Me2B Digital Harms Dictionary.
* [Building a Safety Spec for the Digital World](https://me2ba.org/three-turns-of-the-wheel-building-a-safety-spec-for-the-digital-world-2/) Me2ba
It was three years in the making, and this is how we got here.
* [A WebAuthn Apache module?](https://hanszandbelt.wordpress.com/2022/05/05/a-webauthn-apache-module/) Hans Zandbelt
any sensible WebAuthn/FIDO2 Apache module would rely on an externally running “Provider” software component to offload the heavy-lifting of onboarding and managing users and credentials.
* [ONT ID Upgrade: Verifiable Credentials SDKs Now Open Source](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ont-id-framework-upgraded-ontologys-verifiable-credentials-sdks-now-open-source-for-all-go-and-7f89f7585528) Ontology
In making the code widely accessible, Ontology is accelerating the adoption of decentralized identity (DID) in the blockchain sphere As the project that has focused on the Decentralized Identity (DID) field for over 4 years…
* [Agri-Food Product Identity Verification & Governance](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/26/agri-food-product-identity-verification-governance-diacc-special-interest-group-insights/) DIACC Special Interest Group Insights
This report discusses what the identity verification related requirements for the creation and management of agri-food products (or items) unique identifiers to enable provenance tracking, ensure traceability, facilitate agri-food data integration, enhance governance, protect privacy and confidentiality, inform policies, and improve communications.
* [ISO/IEC 18013-5 vs Self-Sovereign Identity: A proposal for an mDL Verifiable Credential](https://www.procivis.ch/post/iso-iec-18013-5-vs-self-sovereign-identity-a-proposal-for-an-mdl-verifiable-credential) Procivis
in the context of government identity programs we see it as useful to compare them on the following parameters – background, credential data model & trust anchor and transmission protocols.
* [Hyperledger completes development of DID:Indy Method and advances toward a network of networks](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/05/02/hyperledger-identity-community-completes-development-of-didindy-method-and-advances-toward-a-network-of-networks) Howland & Bluhm - Linux Foundation
With the groundwork complete, networks and agent frameworks now need to incorporate the Indy:DID Method. This community adoption will increase the viability of the Indy and Aries project stack and position it to be the globally dominant way to issue and share verifiable credentials in a multi-ledger world.
* [MyData Global adopts an updated logo and visual identity](https://www.mydata.org/2022/05/17/new-logo/)
* [Aotearoa’s digital identity journey that leaves no-one behind](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/05/18/aotearoas-digital-identity-journey-that-leaves-no-one-behind/) DigitalID NZ
IEUDI, together with DINZ’s Te Kāhui Te Tiriti O DINZ and Digital Identity Services Trust Framework (DISTF) [work groups](https://digitalidentity.nz/working-groups/), detail the scope of DINZ’s mahi this year and into 2023 in pursuit of its mission – to create a digital identity ecosystem that enhances privacy, trust and improves access for all people in New Zealand. [...]
The DISTF WG met last week also, to discuss the [Select Committee’s report](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2021/0078/latest/whole.html) following the [submissions](https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_116015/tab/submissionsandadvice), containing its recommended changes to [the Bill](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2021/0078/latest/whole.html) prior to its Second Reading.
* [Block Joins W3C](https://twitter.com/brockm/status/1526723285102120960) [@brockm](https://twitter.com/brockm)
Today, we became a member of the [@W3C](https://twitter.com/w3c), as part of our commitment to building open standards for an open web. We are committed to advancing and adopting decentralized and privacy-preserving standards for self-sovereign digital identity that benefits all. Not centralized platforms.
* [Ledger Joins Project Verite: a Decentralized Identity Coalition for Crypto Finance](https://www.ledger.com/ledger-joins-project-verite-a-decentralized-identity-coalition-for-crypto-finance) Ledger 2/22
We strongly believe that open standards are a key enabler for the development and scaling of new digital identity services around the globe. In this context, we are glad to be part of the Verite Distributed ID standards.” – Mung Ki Woo, VP Trust Services, Ledger
* [centrehq/verite](https://github.com/centrehq/verite)
* [Introducing Verite](https://verite.id/blog/introducing-verite) Justin Hunter of Pinata
Currently available in TypeScript and [published through NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/verite), the Verite library seeks to make it easier to implement VCs in a variety of forms. The library is early and an additional goal of the library is to collect community feedback.
* [The Me2B Alliance is now Internet Safety Labs](https://me2ba.org/introducing-internet-safety-labs/) Internet Safety Labs
We are excited to announce the Me2B Alliance is now Internet Safety Labs. We’ve changed our name but not our core mission.
* [How GAIN Happens, Slowly Then All at Once](https://openid.net/2022/06/03/how-gain-happens-slowly-then-all-at-once/) OpenID
GAIN is marked by a cross sector, crowd sourced, open, global due diligence. GAIN’s self organized participants are actively seeking evidence that disconfirms the GAIN hypothesis.
* [Key ToIP Take Aways from EIC](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/06/03/key-toip-takeaways-from-the-european-identity-conference/) TOIP
* [OpenID for Verifiable Credentials](http://openid.net/wordpress-content/uploads/2022/05/OIDF-Whitepaper_OpenID-for-Verifiable-Credentials_FINAL_2022-05-12.pdf) [...]
The goal of this whitepaper is to inform and educate the readers about the work on the OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OpenID4VC) specifications family. It addresses use-cases referred to as Self-Sovereign Identity, Decentralized Identity, or User-Centric Identity.
* [DIACC 2022 Industry Survey Report](https://diacc.ca/2022/06/02/diacc-2022-industry-survey-report/) DIACC
The intent of the [DIACC Industry Survey](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/DIACC-Industry-Survey_Final.pdf) was to identify any pain points Canadian industries have that prevent the use of trusted Digital Identity.
* [Achieving Trusted Digital Transactions Across the Globe: OIX and ToIP Align to make it Happen](https://trustoverip.org/news/2022/06/15/achieving-trusted-digital-transactions-across-the-globe-oix-and-toip-align-to-make-it-happen/) Trust over IP
With a combined worldwide membership of over 400 organisations and individuals, including some of the world’s largest stakeholders in a digital ID future, this is a crucial development in the journey towards full digital ID adoption and a digital future that will work for everyone involved.
* [Digital Scotland: Blueprint for a 21st Century Scottish Digital Nation](https://digitalscot.net/library/digital-nation/)
From the Blockchain through AI and the ‘Metaverse’, Scotland is presented with a wide spectrum of technology innovations to harness. And from Education through Economy, there is an equally wide spectrum of opportunity areas where it can be applied, for great national benefit.
* [The Digital Health Credential System Implementation Guide](https://cci-2020.medium.com/the-implementation-guide-v1-is-out-f958e1fd69b0) Covid Credentials Initiative ([PDF](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eSrFxFldD6TBkfmOFTXBkBu2TYf3qFv2/view)
The Implementation Guide V1 provides a set of baseline recommendations to the CCI community of application and services developers, implementers with which to evaluate product designs. The requirements mentioned in this guide should be read along side (and not as a substitute to) the regulations applicable to the jurisdiction in which the applications and services will be made available
* [Getting Identity Right. At Last.](https://medium.com/mydex/getting-identity-right-at-last-8512abadcfbc) MyDex
By recognising the pivotal importance of verified attributes and the potential role of personal data stores in enabling the sharing of these attributes, it is opening the door to actually solving the problem of identity. At last.
* [W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/pressrelease-w3c-le.html.en) W3.org
As W3C was created to address the needs of the early web, our evolution to a public-interest non-profit is not just to continue our community effort, but to mature and grow to meet the needs of the web of the future.
Thanks for your Votes!
Kaliya was elected to the [DIF steering committee](https://blog.identity.foundation/sc-election-2022-results/) Decentralized Identity Foundation
The six elected candidates are Sam Curren (Indicio Tech), Daniel Buchner (Block), Karyl Fowler (Transmute), Rouven Heck (Consensys Mesh, Executive Director at DIF), Markus Sabadello (DanubeTech) & Kaliya Young (Identity Woman). Sam, Karyl, Markus and Rouven have been re-elected for another two year term as SC members. You can read more about the SC candidates' background and vision for DIF here.
- [Avast demonstrates commitment to digital freedom with MyData membership](https://press.avast.com/avast-demonstrates-commitment-to-digital-freedom-with-mydata-membership)
* [RootsID SSI Report - E1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DspbZp8X1eH0)
covers our work with DIF, Trust over IP, and attending Consensus 2022.
* [Kim Cameron Award Winner Reflects on EIC](https://openid.net/2022/07/05/rachelle-sellung-2022-kim-cameron-award/) Rachelle Sellung
In a matter of a few days, I heard many inspiring presentations, had many interesting conversations, and met many wonderful people in this field at the Conference. It has already led to multiple conversations of working together regarding future stakeholder research that will hopefully be useful and support the identity community.
* [Quick wins to improve your Open Source community’s Architecture of Participation](https://blog.weareopen.coop/quick-wins-to-improve-your-open-source-communitys-architecture-of-participation-9d0e6c8d60fe) WeAreOpenCoop
Sociocracy is a system of governance that seeks to create psychologically safe environments and productive organizations. It draws on the use of consent, rather than majority voting, in discussion and decision-making by people who have a shared goal or work process.
* [Trinsic Basics: What Is a Trust Registry?](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-basics-what-is-a-trust-registry/) Trinsic
Trust registries also need to be interoperable. The [Trust Over IP Foundation](https://www.trustoverip.org/) has a [specification](https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-trust-registry-tf) for an interoperable trust registry, and ours is the first implementation of this spec. Because of this, Trinsic’s Trust Registry Service is architected so that one ecosystem could reference or incorporate a trust registry from a separate ecosystem if needed.
* [Harrison new Co-Chair of the CCG and CEO of Spokeo explaining SSI](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1545907309435428864) Harrison Tang @TheCEODad
Self-sovereign identity, or SSI, is basically an identity owned by you - the user. In self-sovereign identity, you control and manage the access to your information
* [Public-private partnerships in health: The journey ahead for open source](https://www.lfph.io/2022/07/29/public-private-partnerships-in-health-the-journey-ahead-for-open-source/) Linux Foundation Public Health
* [Celebrating two years of experimentation](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/eu-project-completed) Human Colossus Foundation
we are bringing our contribution toward more robust cybersecurity and seamless interoperability through our Dynamic Data Economy vision.
* [HCF announces Dynamic Data Economy v1.0](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/dde-launch) Human Colossus Foundation
a trust infrastructure that preserves the structural, definitional, and contextual integrity (DDE Principle 1) of any object and their relationships in the Semantic domain, the factual authenticity (DDE Principle 2) of any recorded event in the Inputs domain, and the consensual veracity (DDE Principle 3) of any purpose-driven policy or notice in the Governance domain.
* [Credivera Joins Microsoft Partner Network as Verifiable Credentials Provider](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/credivera-joins-microsoft-partner-network-as-verifiable-credentials-provider-857742185.html)
* [Keep Badges Weird: helping people understand the badges landscape](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-helping-people-understand-the-badges-landscape-79cc8cf7281) Doug Belshaw, We Are Open Co-op
Open Recognition is the awareness and appreciation of talents, skills and aspirations in ways that go beyond credentialing. This includes recognising the rights of individuals, communities, and territories to apply their own labels and definitions. Their frameworks may be emergent and/or implicit.” ([What is Open Recognition, anyway?](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629)
* [OpenID Foundation Publishes “Open Banking and Open Data: Ready to Cross Borders?”](https://openid.net/2022/07/29/whitepaper-open-banking-and-open-data/) OpenID
* [OpenID Foundation Publishes “The Global Open Health Movement: Empowering People and Saving Lives by Unlocking Data” Whitepaper](https://openid.net/2022/07/22/the-global-open-health-movement-empowering-people-and-saving-lives-by-unlocking-data-whitepaper/) OpenID
* [Ceramic Launches Community Forum](https://blog.ceramic.network/ceramic-launches-community-forum/)
We’re excited to share that we launched the [Ceramic Community Forum](https://forum.ceramic.network/)! The forum is the place to ask technical questions and receive support from your fellow community members and Ceramic’s core team
* [Dock Joins the Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://blog.dock.io/decentralized-identity-foundation/) Dock
As a decentralized identity management platform that complies with internationally-recognized technology standards, we are continuously keeping up to date with key discussions and updates in the industry which is why we joined the Decentralized Identity Foundation
* [Finnish tech co-op receives government grant to develop a self-sovereign identity network](https://www.thenews.coop/164789/topic/technology/finnish-tech-co-op-receives-government-grant-to-develop-a-self-sovereign-identity-network/) TheNews
The Finnish Government has awarded a €3m (£2.6m) grant to [Findynet Cooperative](https://findy.fi/en/) for a pilot project aiming to build a self-sovereign identity network.
* [The Findynet Cooperative receives a government grant to develop a trusted way to share information in electronic interactions](https://findy.fi/en/findy-a-visionary-initiative-by-the-public-and-private-sectors-is-developing-a-new-type-of-verifiable-data-network-that-strengthens-finlands-position-as-a-driving-force-in-building-digital/) Findy.fi
The aim of this public-private cooperation is to strengthen Finland’s leading position in digitalization and support the emergence of investments in new digital services.
* [Avast Joins Trust over IP as a Steering Member](https://trustoverip.org/news/2022/08/30/avast-joins-the-toip-foundation-as-a-steering-member/) TOIP
“It is finally time we had digital wallets with digital credentials that work exactly the same way our real-world wallets do,” said Mr. Reed. “We can take and use them anywhere to privately prove just what another party needs to know in the context of a particular transaction. We don’t have to go through any third-party gatekeeper to do this. That’s the way it should work in the digital world too.”
* [Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/09/21/towards-a-better-digital-identity-trust-framework-in-aotearoa/) Digital Identity NZ
It’s a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZ’s Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months.
* [The Birth of the vLEI: A New Dawn in Digital ID for Legal Entities Everywhere](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-birth-of-the-vlei-a-new-dawn-in-digital-id-for-legal-entities-everywhere) GLEIF
For businesses the world over, confidence in digital authenticity is in short supply. Can you be sure that your bank’s website is not an elaborate phishing recreation? Did that e-invoice really come from your business partner? How can you tell? [...]
* [eBook: ‘The vLEI: Introducing Digital I.D. for Legal Entities Everywhere](https://www.gleif.org/en/lei-solutions/gleifs-digital-strategy-for-the-lei/introducing-the-verifiable-lei-vlei/gleif-ebook-the-vlei-introducing-digital-i-d-for-legal-entities-everywhere)
* [RFC and IPR Review: PCTF Infrastructure (Technology & Operations) Final Recommendation V1.1](https://diacc.ca/2022/09/26/request-for-comment-and-ipr-review-pctf-infrastructure-technology-operations-final-recommendation-v1-1/) DIACC (RFC Closes 10/27)
The intent of the Infrastructure (Technology & Operations) component is to identify the operational policies, plans, technology and technology operations requirements to support implementation of the principles of the PCTF Profiles in the context of a Digital Identity Ecosystem.
* [BC Digital Trust](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/) BCGov
Nice resources page from BCGov
- [OrgBook BC](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/orgbook-bc/) A live service providing organization-related Verifiable Credentials in BC, Canada
- [BC Wallet - Technology Overview](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/bc-wallet-technology-overview/)
- [Verifiable Credentials for People](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/credentials-for-people/) Tools and services for issuing and verifying Verifiable Credentials
- [Safe Entry BC Demo](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/safe-entry-bc-demo/) A prototype of a contactless way to manage access to a facility, using Verifiable Credentials
- [Conference Book Demo](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/conference-book-demo/) A demo showing the use of Verifiable Credentials for attending a conference
- [Chat Server Demo](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/digital-trust/projects-and-initiatives/chat-server-demo/) A demo giving access to a chat service using Verifiable Credentials
* [How to Unf*ck Your Organisation: Organisational strategy and architecture for n00bs](https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-to-unf-ck-your-organisation-b73851dbeba5) WeAreOpenCoop
We’ve put together an [email-based course](https://learnwith.weareopen.coop/courses/org-strategy/) to help forward-thinking people in senior roles who might need a bit of help and orientation. We’ve broken things down into actionable steps based on the resources found at our Learn with WAO site, giving you enough direction and inspiration to get started transforming your organisation for the better!
* [Steps to Success when building a Community of Practice: Convening systems for maturity and development](https://blog.weareopen.coop/steps-to-success-when-building-a-community-of-practice-15bd7ed9ac5c) Doug Belshaw, WeAreOpenCoop
This post outlines different types of work that needs to take place when planning, sustaining, and developing a Community of Practice. It is informed by work that [WAO](https://weareopen.coop/) have carried out with [Participate](https://participate.com/) around the [Keep Badges Weird](https://badges.community/) community over the last 10 months.
* [2022 Executive Council nominations now open](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/10/06/executive-council-nominations-now-open/) Digital Identity NZ
In December 2019, members elected the first Digital Identity NZ Executive Council. The Council is the governing group for the association; providing guidance and direction as we navigate the developing world of digital identity in Aotearoa. Each Council member is elected for a two-year term, with elections held annually and results notified at the Annual Meeting in December. So, as we approach the end of the year it is time for us to call for nominations for the Council seats coming up for re-election.
* [How to get a vLEI Credential](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/how-to-get-a-vlei-credential/) Simon Wood, UbiSecure
The first step in issuance is for a representative to enter a contractual agreement with a QVI to provide the issuance service. The individual from the legal entity that undertakes this contractual signup is known as the Designated Authorised Representative (DAR) [...]
As per the LE-vLEI description the above is simplified. The full OOR-vLEIs issuance process is detailed in the [Ecosystem Governance Framework vLEI Credential Governance Framework Legal Entity Official Organizational Role](https://www.gleif.org/vlei/introducing-the-vlei-ecosystem-governance-framework/2022-02-07_legal-entity-vlei-credential-gf-draft-publication_v0.9-draft.pdf)
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# SSI Trending
* [Self Sovereign Identity - A glossary of distributed technologies](https://policyreview.info/open-abstracts/self-sovereign-identity)
Released by the Internet Policy Review Journal on Internet Regulations received an entry on Self-Sovereign Identity By Alexandra Giannopoulou & Fennie Wang
* [Why 2021 is the year for decentralized identity](https://indicio.tech/blog/why-2021-is-the-year-for-decentralized-identity/)
Decentralized identity will make our increasingly decentralized lives easier. Or maybe our decentralized lives will make decentralized identity easier. Or both. Either way, this big idea is happening now.
* [Darrell O'Donnell tweets](https://twitter.com/darrello)
> Some early thinking about where #SSI is under [@swardley](https://twitter.com/swardley) model of Genesis -> Custom -> Product -> Utility. We've come a long way, but we are still in the earliest of stages.
* [Institutions digitising credentials, but blockchain use remains low](https://thepienews.com/news/digitising-credentials-blockchain-use/)
> [Research](https://www.aacrao.org/research-publications/aacrao-research/meeting-the-moment-transforming-the-digital-credentials-space) from the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers has revealed that 89% of US and Canadian institutions report using at least one type of digital credential – including digitally signed PDFs – with one third planning to devote more resources to the digitisation of credentials.
* [@UbikomProject tweets](https://twitter.com/UbikomProject/status/1405945396208209932): “Nice overview, somewhat questionable assumptions”
* [To Succeed In Decentralizing Digital Identity, Focus On Relationships First](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/06/16/to-succeed-in-decentralizing-digital-identity-focus-on-relationships-first/?sh=6f133ef11824)
> 2020 forced the world of identity to step up, and it has. There's much more innovation on the horizon to look forward to.
* [We Told You So: Apple’s New Privacy Changes Validate What We’ve Done For Years](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/we-told-you-so-apples-new-privacy-changes-validate-what-weve-done-for-years/) Anonyme
Privacy changes from big tech are coming thick and fast right now.
* [Is Self-Sovereign Identity Going Exponential?](https://corporate.sybrin.com/webinar-SSI) Sybrin
Watch the [first episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DxWy0rP8uTiU) of #GameChangers, hosted by [Colin Iles](https://www.linkedin.com/in/coliniles/), sponsored by Sybrin. He asks the question: "Is self-sovereign identity going exponential?" Together with [Andrew Baker](https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-baker-b1357939/), Head of EC2 Engineering at AWS, and [Lohan Spies](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lohanspies/), Chair of the [Sovrin Steward Council](https://sovrin.org/join-the-new-sovrin-steward-council/), they explore the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) in detail, discussing what profound implications SSI will have and whether it is indeed the next game changer?
* [Top 5 digital identity trends injecting trust back into governance](https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/digital-identity-trends/125013/)
* [Webinar Recording – 2021 Redux/2022 Trends To Watch](https://www.continuumloop.com/webinar-recording-2021-redux-2022-trends-to-watch/) Continuum Loop
For the attendees, and those folks that couldn’t make it, we’ve put together a breakdown and some key items for you.
[Link to the recording](https://youtu.be/L-sdGA8h5-g)
[Link to PDF of the presentation](http://www.continuumloop.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/webinar-13JAN2021-2021Review-2022Trends.png)
Darrell started off the webinar talking about his top 5 stories from 2021.
* [Digital identity market revenues to reach US$53bn in 2026](https://www.nfcw.com/2022/01/31/375825/digital-identity-market-revenues-to-reach-us53bn-in-2026/)
Juniper’s Digital Identity: Key Opportunities, Regulatory Landscape & Market Forecasts 2022-2026 report also identifies multimodal biometric authentication, digital onboarding — including single sign-on solutions and self-sovereign identity — as “growing trends” across the digital identity market.
* [Digital Identity Trends and Predictions for 2022](https://www.signicat.com/blog/2022-trends-and-predictions) Signicat
What will be the buzzwords of 2022?
- Identity wallet
- Decentralized identity
- Web 3.0
- Passwordless
* [Robert Zapfel,](https://iov42.com/about/%23team) [iov42](https://iov42.com/) Founder, outlines the top 5 digital identity trends that are injecting trust back into governance and enterprise [...]
From health records to product authenticity, a monumental shift in the way that individuals, governments and businesses interact with each other is underway, and shows no sign of slowing down.
* [IIW33 Session: Crossing the chasm ➔ Mass market adoption of SSI and VC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DAhXB9Kzzklg)
* [Verifiable Credentials are Coming to Card Payment Rails](https://indicio.tech/verifiable-credentials-are-coming-to-card-payment-rails/) Indicio
* [One Size Doesn’t Fit All – Authentication Journeys to Digital Transformation](https://www.veridiumid.com/one-size-doesnt-fit-all-authentication-journeys-to-digital-transformation/) Veridium
The IAM (Identity & Access Management) landscape may seem to be getting more complex, but only because we’re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Old methods tied strictly to AD and LDAP registries with groups and their associated roles are only a narrow keyhole from the past into which we can view a broader IAM future. These systems will continue to be used in many enterprises but form only part of the many journeys available to users within the new IAM landscape.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Digital Staff Passports at the NHS](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/05/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_digital_staff_passports_at_the_nhs.shtml)
> How does a functioning credential ecosystem get started? This post goes deep on Manny Nijjar’s work to create a program for using digital staff passports in the sprawling UK NHS bureaucracy.
* [Decentralized Identity](https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar/techniques?blipid=202005083) Thoughtworks Technology Radar
> Adopting and implementing decentralized identity is gaining momentum and becoming attainable. We see its adoption in privacy-respecting customer health applications, government healthcare infrastructure and corporate legal identity.
* [Thoughtworks has put Verifiable Credentials into the “Assess” category of their technology radar map](https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar/techniques?blipid=202010098)
* [Verifiable Credentials featured on Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/12/18/how-verifiable-credentials-can-rebuild-trust-on-the-internet/)
> Berners-Lee recently suggested that the web needs a midcourse correction. Part of that change involves making systems accountable and making it easy for users to find where information comes from. Verifiable credentials promise major strides in that direction.
* [2020 - How SSI went mainstream](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/2020-how-ssi-went-mainstream-30449003142a) Sovrin Foundation
The Sovrin Foundation (Chris Raczkowski and Drummond Reed) explains some recent history in SSI, how the foundation layed in 2020 prepared us for a global crisis, and how we got to this point where mass adoption seems immanent.
> implementations that were launched in 2020 or are pending launch in early 2021 include:
> - [IATA Travel Pass](https://www.iata.org/en/publications/travel-pass/) will be the first verifiable credential capable of providing proof of COVID-19 test and vaccination status at airports around the world,
> - [NHS Staff Passport](https://www.digitalhealth.net/2020/03/covid-19-nhs-to-trial-digital-passports-to-free-up-staff-movement/) is the first portable digital identity credential for doctors and nurses in one of the largest public healthcare networks in the world,
> - [GLEIF](https://www.gleif.org/en/about/this-is-gleif) (the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation), based in Switzerland and the only global online source that provides open, standardized and high quality legal entity reference data, is [committed to following the SSI model](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/lei-corporate-digital-identity-verifiable-credentials-did/) for digital identity credentials for companies.
> - [SSI4DE](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Redaktion/DE/Standardartikel/SchaufensterSichereDigIdentProjekte/sdi-projekt_ssi.html), co-funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, supports showcases for secure digital identities in Germany, and [Chancellor Angela Merkel declared digital identity as a priority](https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/e-personalausweis-alternative-zu-google-und-facebook-merkel-macht-digitale-identitaet-zur-chefsache/26684942.html?ticket=ST-22324660-c75hUhsrgC4moLTe3uGj-ap3) matter during December 2020.
> - [MemberPass](https://www.memberpass.com/) brings SSI to financial services with Credit Union customer identity verification,
> - [Farmer Connect](https://www.farmerconnect.com/) is realizing is vision to “Humanize consumption through technology” by enabling and empowering individual coffee farmers to more easily work with global enterprises, and reducing costs and inefficiencies for large companies to work directly with small and often remote farmers.
> - [Lumedic Exchange](https://www.lumedic.io/perspectives/introducing-lumedic-connect) is the first network designed exclusively for patient-centric exchange of healthcare data using SSI-based verifiable credentials.
* [Microsoft's Dream of Decentralized IDs Enters the Real World](https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-decentralized-id-blockchain/)
At its Ignite conference today, Microsoft announced that it will launch a public preview of its “Azure Active Directory verifiable credentials” this spring.
* [IATA app (by Evernym) makes CNN Travel](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/iata-travel-pass/index.html)
"Governments decide the requirements to travel; airlines and passengers need to comply," says the IATA on its website, emphasizing that the airline body is not itself mandating that passengers must have a Covid-19 vaccine in order to travel.
* [The Shape of your Identity](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/the-shape-of-your-identity) State of Identity Podcast
How are personal data and digital identity reshaping society? [...] Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Michael Becker, CEO of Identity Praxis, to discuss the evolution of the identity industry, the latest trends to follow (or flee), and predictions for the future of both consumer and enterprise digital identity.
* [The Market Opportunity for Reusable Identity and How to Get There](https://liminal.co/reports/market-opportunity-for-reusable-identity/)
New term for SSI: Reusable Identity
The Total Addressable Market is $32.8B in 2022, to reach $266.5B by 2027, with a CAGR of 68.9%. Today, the market is still nascent but is posed for strong growth.
* [Decentralized Identity Market Signals](https://indicio.tech/decentralized-identity-market-signals/) Tim Spring Indicio
In this rapid fire review we will take a look at, and break down, the biggest recent stories in digital identity and what they could mean for business and the average person using the internet.
* [EIC2022 Centralized & Decentralized Identity converging](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/eic2022-centralized-decentralized-identity-converging-kuppinger/)
* [Educate + Engage = Activate!](https://blog.weareopen.coop/educate-engage-activate-6c6325e962d2) Laura Hilliger
* [Decentralized Identity: Keys to Mainstream Adoption](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/05/27/decentralized-identity-keys-to-mainstream-adoption/) Trust Over IP
When it comes to decentralized identity solutions, many business sponsors do not yet understand how DCI can provide practical answers to immediate frontline business problems. This climate creates the impression that decentralized identity is interesting but not ready for prime time adoption.
* [IAM and SSI: A Combined Approach to Digital Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dtzzg4cbj3mI)
Gabe Albert, Managing Director - Security/Digital Identity, Accenture
and Lexi Ashpole, Manager - Tech Innovation/Digital Identity, Accenture
speak at the June 15, 2022 All Members meeting at the Trust Over IP Foundation.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity](https://explodingtopics.com/topic/self-sovereign-identity) is up 114% on Exploding Topics over 5 years.
* [Why Should You Care about Digital Identity?](https://indicio.tech/market-signals-why-should-you-care-about-digital-identity/) Indicio
We take a look at a few of the best articles on why strong digital identity will be critical as we continue to build on the internet.
* [A Solution Looking for a Problem? Digital ID Solves a Million of Them](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbirch/2022/08/09/solution-looking-for-a-problem-digital-id-solves-a-million-of-them/?sh%3D4d1d6bb4fd7f%25C2%25A0)
* [Goodbye, physical identities: How organizations can prepare for digital identity challenges](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202208/goodbye-physical-identities-how-organizations-can-prepare-for-digital-identity-challenges%25C2%25A0)
* [Digital Identities Will Change The Nature Of Online Reputation](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alastairjohnson/2022/08/30/digital-identities-will-change-the-nature-of-online-reputation/?sh%3Dbd1f30b584a3)
* [Decentralized Identifiers](https://explodingtopics.com/) ExplodingTopics
* [Digital Notarization Can Kickstart Digital ID Ecosystems (with Dan Gisolfi)](https://northernblock.io/digital-notarization-can-kickstart-digital-id-ecosystems-with-dan-gisolfi/) Northern Block
After leaving IBM he is talking publicly in his new role at Discover for the first time
What is transitive trust? And how does it differ from how trust gets established otherwise (e.g., through backend API calls)?
The missing role in the trust triangle: The Examiner.
using attestations from multiple issuers helps to create more trust.
How Issuance can become a business model for many trusted service providers.
Some challenges with the mDL (ISO/IEC 18013) standard.
The benefits of using a Microcredentials approach.
* [New McKinsey Digital Trend](https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/the-top-trends-in-tech)
We went through the paywall so you don’t have to - SSI only mentioned once. From page 99>>
* [Decentralized Identifiers Market May See a Big Move: Major Giants- Consensys, Blockstack, Danube Tech](https://xaralite.com/1746487/news/decentralized-identifiers-market-may-see-a-big-move-major-giants-consensys-blockstack-danube-tech/) Xaralite ([Executive Summary](https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/197045-global-decentralized-identifiers-market)
provides valuable market size data for historical (Volume & Value) from 2016 to 2020 which is estimated and forecasted till 2026*. Some are the key & emerging players that are part of coverage and have being profiled are Transmute (United States), Consensys (United States), uPort (United States), IBM (United States), Tykn Tech (Netherlands), Blockstack (United States), Danube Tech (Austria), Trinsic (United States), Spherity (Germany), Microsoft (United States).
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# Winners
* [NGIatlantic.eu third Open Call: applications and winning proposals!](https://ngiatlantic.eu/news/ngiatlanticeu-third-open-call-applications-and-winning-proposals)
* [Digi.me is a Health Tech Challengers finalist!](https://blog.digi.me/2021/10/05/digi-me-is-a-health-tech-challengers-finalist/)
Digi.me has been specifically designed to solve the current complexities and challenges around data mobility, which include difficulty of sourcing, variable quality, multiple incompatible formats and the need to apply complex and extensive data analytics to gain insights.
It does this through digi.me Private Sharing (TM), which enables and accelerates access to rich, high quality personal data, transforming and normalising data which also reduces analytics complexity.
### Indicio
* [Indicio-SITA Pilot Named 2021 Enterprise Blockchain Award Finalist](https://indicio.tech/indicio-sita-pilot-named-2021-enterprise-blockchain-award-finalist/)
* [Indicio](https://indicio.tech/), the world’s leading provider of decentralized identity development and hosting solutions and [SITA](https://www.sita.aero/), the leading provider of IT to the air transport industry, today announced they were finalists in the Blockchain Services Award: Tools & Middleware category in the [Blockchain Research Institute](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/enterprise-blockchain-awards/)’s [Enterprise Blockchain Awards](https://blockchainrevolutionglobal.com/the-eb-awards/) (EBAs). The partnership was recognized for their work on the [Aruba Secure Health Card](https://www.sita.aero/resources/videos/happy-traveler-card/), a successful pilot for sharing health information in a privacy-preserving way using distributed ledger technology that debuted earlier in the year with the assistance of the Aruba Health Department.
* [Indicio CTO Named 2021 Enterprise Blockchain Award Finalist](https://indicio.tech/indicio-cto-named-2021-enterprise-blockchain-award-finalist/)
Ken Ebert nominated in Blockchain Leadership Award category for vision and leadership in developing interoperable blockchain-based Trusted Data Ecosystems
The Blockchain Leadership awards honor people who have shown exceptional leadership in a blockchain collaboration or implementation within an enterprise, an industry, a government, or a multi stakeholder organization. The nominees are those that have gone above and beyond
* [Affinidi PoCathon 2021 — Announcing the Winners](https://academy.affinidi.com/affinidi-pocathon-2021-announcing-the-winners-40b2a5a79fa4)
- 1st Prize: [AED Access](https://devpost.com/software/aed-access), Dave McKay, enables authorized access the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) devices.
- 2nd prize goes to [YouNo](https://devpost.com/software/you-no), Alan Wang, uses VCs to give sex workers protection to prevent the spread of sexually transmittable diseases.
- 1st prize: [Daver Proxy](https://devpost.com/software/daver-proxy), simulates a corporate proxy creation. This proxy can be used to designate a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the company.
- 2nd prize: [RippleFund](https://devpost.com/software/ripplefund) by Callista and Carey. This project used Affinidi’s API to make crowdfunding accessible to and trusted by the public
Open category
- 1st prize: [TransportHub](https://devpost.com/software/transportation-hub-lorry-receipt-issuer), Priyanka Pol, Nita Hinge, Madhusudan J, Tanvi Lokhande, and Mandar Tawde who came together to revolutionize the future of trucking and logistics with verifiable credentials. The team wins USD 2,500 worth ETH.P
- 2nd prize: [The Hospitality Manager](https://devpost.com/software/the-hospitality-manager), Arnav Ladkat and Aamir Miyajiwala, protects travelers’ privacy and help them travel light when visiting hotels for vacation or business.
- 3rd prize: David Bensadon, used VCs helping [migrant domestic workers to build up their CV](https://devpost.com/software/yhgt), so they can have a thriving career, better salaries, and quick access to third-party services.
* [Odyssey Momentum 2020 Winners Announced](https://solutions.odyssey.org/hackathon-2020-dutch-blockchain-coalition-ministry-of-the-interior-challenge-self-sovereign-identity-in-action/)
> Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. If you want to know more about Rabobank ID [check out this interview of Rabobank’s David Lamars, from Tykn](https://tykn.tech/rabobank-ssi/).
Another winner was [Lunarpunk Labs](https://lunarpunklabs.hackalong.io/) with Hermitage, a GDPR compliant data store, putting users in control of their data and derisking organizational need for safekeeping that data.
ODYSSI was also chosen, offering a simple API for verifying and issuance of credentials, that interoperates with IRMA, Jolocom, and eSatus. They also shared what they’re calling *the yellow pages of SSI*, which is a place to publish and find credentials, schema, pricing, and liability. (*if you can find a link for ODYSSI please pass it on!*)
Last but not least [WORK PI](https://twitter.com/WorkPi_official) shares an alternative to LinkedIn, holding your diplomas, certificates, assessments, peer reviews, or references in your WorkPi Data Profile.
* [Watch the finale of the SSI track at Odyssey here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHhzJpDTEMs)
* [See the winners across all 21 challenges](https://solutions.odyssey.org/#winningsolutions).
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# Credential Exchange
* [BBS+ Credential Exchange in Hyperledger Aries](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11E/_BBS%252B_Credential_Exchange_in_Hyperledger_Aries)
* [https://iiw.animo.id](https://iiw.animo.id)
* [Credentials Exchange - figuring it out - (Jello Bowl Death Match?)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12F/_Credentials_Exchange_-_figuring_it_out_-_(Jello_Bowl_Death_Match%253F)_%25E2%2580%2593)
DIDComm, Verifiable Credential Exchange, Aries Protocol, Bloom Protocol, Presentation Exchange ([Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t4o6AXclqR7SqhGCbIJKVtYxh4fm_5mGT11MBx9K95c/edit%23slide%3Did.p)
The ultimate goal is to get to a clear exchange protocols.
Also to have a paper similar to this one that outlines the choice landscape that is and points to a convergence point - [https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Verifiable-Credentials-Flavors-Explained.pdf](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Verifiable-Credentials-Flavors-Explained.pdf)
Good Health Pass is literally right now trying to figure this out and will “pick” solutions it needs to get implementations working in the next 30-90 days and point the whole industry in one direction.
We started out with this framework of understanding
Contextualizing VC Exchange in Layers
Verifiable Credentials (VC or VCs) is one of the key standardized components of decentralized identity. [The VCs Data Model](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/), defined at the W3C, is a universal data format that lets any entity express anything about another entity. It provides a common mechanism for the interoperable implementation of digital credentials that are cryptographically secure, tamper-evident, privacy-respecting, and machine-verifiable.
There clarity emerging on standards that are interoperable with one another for the VC format.
There is less clarity on the Exchange mechanisms.
One way that has been proposed to look at the exchange options available is to see them in different layers.
* [...]
* [Aries RFC 0453 - credential issuance protocol using DIDComm V1 data formats](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/features/0453-issue-credential-v2)
* [Aries RFC 0454 - Present Proof protocol V2 using DIDCommV1 data formats](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/master/features/0454-present-proof-v2)
DIDComm v2
Work Item within DIF right now - envelope format with some other opinions we may or may want. Daniel Hardman gave vision - of parts that are done - leaving behind parts not done.
- DIDCom V2 Envelops JWEs (a standard that exists)
- Aries RFCs for payloads that go in JWE envelopes.
- Send envelopes over HTTP as a starting point
* [...]
The Credential Handler API or CHAPI is currently a draft community group report developed by/under the Credentials Community Group at the W3C. At the heart of this model is a credential repository which is a Web application that can handle credential requests and credential storage on behalf of the user/holder. The API Is designed to support the transmission of credentials between a web based issuer and a holder with a cloud wallet (credential repository) that is visible in the same browser but in a different tab. It creates a “dumb pipe” between the two tabs in the holder’s browser and permits the transmition of the credential effectively from one tab to another.
* [...]
The VC HTTP is a RESTful API specification (conforming with the [OpenAPI](https://swagger.io/specification/) [3.0 Specification](https://swagger.io/specification/) for constructing and verifying objects which conform to the Verifiable Credential Data Model specification.
A bit more about the OpenAPI 3.0 specification itself:
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic.
This API is versioned in conformance with the [Semantic Versioning 2.0 specification](https://semver.org/) to prevent breaking changes between minor versions, and to allow for reliable testing and integration of implementations of this API within enterprise environments. This API provides a standard set of interfaces by which interoperability may be tested and verified by various parties who leverage Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
This slide, from a slide deck presentation by Manu Sporny to the W3C Credentials Community Group on 20 April 2021, explains the relationship of the VC-HTTP-API to CHAPI:
* [...]
There are interactions between a wallet and relying party that require passing information between the two. WACI provides a standard for these interactions.
* [https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/versions/v0.1.0/#status-of-this-document](https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/versions/v0.1.0/%23status-of-this-document)
WACI bound to JWT - signed. Could be JWE technically (would have to know the other parties DID and Keys - only optionally required here).
Fully supports credential manifest and presentation exchange.
Could be bound to DIDComm
Message Format
Presentation Exchange defined in DIF
Presentation Exchange is a protocol to support the interaction between holders and verifiers. It supports them being able to express what combination of credential the verifier wants or needs.
Credential Manifest as defined in DIF
Asking for a presentation
And asking proof to enable issuing a credential.
Indy Proof Request
Aries Exchange Protocol
Define the messages that go back and forth between
Issuer and holder (4 messages)
Holder and Verifier (3 messages)
Different formats (types of credentials) are different attachments in those messages.
DIDComm v1, there is AIP v1 and AIP v2 :)
Where does it go?
Self-Issued OpenID Connect Provider or OIDC-SOIP was created to take advantage of the fact that there are several 100,000 implementations of OpenID Connect on todays web. This method of exchange verifiable credentials leverages that infrastructure with a few small changes to support OpenID enabled sites to be able to accept verifiable credentials. Holders have wallets or agents that they use to interact with a system. The protocols to do this are being worked on jointly by the OpenID Foundation and Decentralized Identity Foundation.
Recommended Medium articles about OpenID, VCs, DIDs, and decentralized identity by Nader Helmy at MATTR:
1. Dec 15, 2000: [https://medium.com/mattr-global/introducing-oidc-credential-provider-7845391a9881](https://medium.com/mattr-global/introducing-oidc-credential-provider-7845391a9881)
2. March 14, 2021: [https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea](https://medium.com/mattr-global/the-state-of-identity-on-the-web-cffc392bc7ea)
Current MATTR spec for OpenID Credential Exchange: [https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/)
Raise up to the connect working group
More on the presentation side of things.
RP wallet holder.
Self-Issued OpenID Connect Provider
EXTENSION for OPs to Issue Verifiable Credentials.
Stand up your own openID Connect provider to stand up a wallet.
If you are doing a custodial system.
Google can be your OP and your wallet.
Progressive web application - where it is the OP itself. That web-app is able to be your wallet.
Original version of SIOP getting ID Token for a DID.
Future - heading…
Allow OIDC to support issuance of
Allow OIDC to support presentation of VCs.
Aggregated Claim Usage - determine how VC flow to hold from OP to RP.
OpenID Foundation has been pulling things apart.
Separate spec called portable identifiers - could apply to SSI. (JWK thumbprints).
Chat about Aries. During issuance there is an implied assumption already authenticated - some sort of authentication
Way DHS Demo works - DID Auth request - VC presentation exchange.
DIDSIOP is a dead term - multiple extensions in openiD foundation - some will be relevent.
Issuance and authentication are two steps in some places and in other places they are one step.
Looking for a solution for I am a holder A - holder B - present credentials to drummond. Go to his website - start a flow from QR code - to initiate presentation flow. Not helpful to bring in concept of credential issuers.
Presentations of Credentials.
I don’t have an authenticated session - want to get to a presentation of a VC.
There really are entirely different protocols - how do you get it into your wallet. How do you authenticate to the issuer to assure rightful subject/holder - multiple ways to do that.
Entirely different protocols for issuance and presentation - can be different.
Are they trying to reach the same place.
Yes they are trying to do both.
Mutual Authentication - breaks with many of the protocols. It is a key feature of SSI.
Drummond - need separate issuance and verification.
Having a way to bind protocols into a single session - single Aires connection.
Daniel - learned something in ories comment - verifier work flow. Credential exchange is used - always issuance - never means proving.
We could collapse complexity out of Aires - aries of messages instead of API calls - should be described as message exchanges (thumbs up from Orie).
Brent - good conversation.
We are on a whale watching expedition - largest great white shark - try and complete with largest killer whale. Trying to capture the presentation exchange
OpenIDConnect - is all of the largest IdP
Gravity Well - connected largest industry players - regardless of openID
Hunting helpless little seals.
Outside of OpenID Connect the next biggest “animal” is Aries protocols.
What if we had one or two things that are eating all of the seals. Is there another one?
Kyle - deployment architectures is what has made this so hard.
Presentation in offline - DIDComm only.
Reasonable assumption one online one not - DIDComm with OIDC.
Server to server - look in completely different scenario.
Quite like the idea of combining different things.
DIDComm as authentication mechanism - pre-issuance - from an OIDC issuer.
How do we combine things together to decide when they fit in different deployment.
W3C Data Model - do they care?
Competing things:
mDL ISO 18013-5
Bloom Spec + Aries RFC - tried to describe without any baggage.
Simplified - message based - description of steps challenging getting proofs back.
Minor upgrade from Aries.
Implemented with
Other key thoughts: OpenID only usable by institutions.
Individuals asking individuals for proof - no implementations individuals have software in their control proof over
Combining things.
Things that limit aries
* [More Killer Whale Jello Salad…figuring out how credential exchange can harmonize.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24B/_More_Killer_Whale_Jello_Salad...figuring_out_how_credential_exchange_can_harmonize.) by Kaliya Young et al.
ReCap & Summary
- Because what we need is interoperable - issuance - issue-> holder || holder -> verifier some conversation about SIOP - has not been the focus of the discussion.
- Goal to create a bridge between
- the W3C CCG / DHS SVIP - VCI-HTTP-API (VHA) in combination with CHAPI protocol and the (VC Request) for issuing credentials.
- Aries protocols run on top of DIDComm
- If we agree on a credential format we can exchange across those universes - JSON-LD ZKP BBS+ then we need a protocol to do it - can go between.
- Orie proposed - that we rather then extend VHA - that the we take a streamlined path with DIDComm as envelop layer - present proof - presentation exchange as a payload including the DIF work presentation, Aries and hopefully alternative to expanding VHA - for holder interactions - since it doesn’t have a holder interactions leverage existing
- So can be tested with next SVIP - testing.
- Presentation Exchange and use of DIDComm and for sake of interop testing pave a narrow path - and expand in future interoperability efforts.
- Summary: DIDComm, Presentation request, presentation exchange, present proof format using JSON-LD ZKP with BBS+
- Potentially quickly spinning up a working group at DIF - Decision was to nest within the Credentials and Claims group at DIF
Agenda Creation
Things on the Path:
- Scope/Goals:
- Specification good and complete
- BBS+ enabled attestation that transit across issuer, holder, verifier using the rails (paved path) that are envisioned here.
- Maximal adoption as soon as possible,
- Proceed forward in a way - that doesn’t require us to abandon some aspect of what we are doing - start with simpler form to get to bigger. Path can be made wider in future.
- System architecture diagram that articulates how it all fits together - next step.
- Do not re-invent things that already exist.
- Test Suite - Test conformance vs. a Specification <- end goal interoperable implementation
- A matrix Testing N-N testing - plugfest.
- Be nice pick fast resolving DID methods for testing
- Implementation Guide - maybe by: Documentation Corps in DIF
- Test are about SHOWING the protocols work - not that the DID resolution works
- Define the Rails:
- Government issues the credential using software of their choice - did anchored in some did utility - citizen able to use a wallet of their choice - that they hold it in - business using a different software (and different ledger for their public did) all able to do this making their own choices. The reason they can is because of those rails - claim we can do this to a great extent - what we can not do right now across the linked-data signature Aries Ecosystem. Show how we can do what you just described across ecosystems. (Mediation is important - how do we do mediation on these rails).
- System creating presentation is - web wallet, backend system or mobile app.
- We need to handle working with registered web wallets - and also be able to formulate a payload for mobile (QR code) both of these paths need to be speced out to cover both communities.
- We need as many Verifiers as possible (to devalue information on the dark web - with
- Only HTTP Transports
- Verifier - Holder - Issuer
Verifier - is a web accessible verifier.
Holder - app/mobile wallet, Browser wallet , backend service wallet (supply chain)
Issuer - is a web accessible verifier.
Things to Paint out of Interoperability Picture / Path Narrowing:
- Non-HTTP Transports (however, let's leave room for non-HTTP transports for future iterations)
- Don’t do negotiation in presentation exchange
- Request -> Presentation -> Fail -> Error
- Lots of way to specify requirements inside presentation exchange - features we decide we are not going to use.
- Credential formats will comply with the W3C VC Data Model
- Support for VC-JWT and LD Proof with example of BBS+ (BLS12381 G2) and ES256
- No revocation (not ready enough yet) [revocation list 2020 does exist]
- Holder refresh is out of scope [there is some work going on on this]
- Issuer/verifier mobile app
Targets for path widening later
- Revocation
- Holder Refresh
- Credential Issuance
What work will go where?
- Work within DIF
- [Credentials and Claims](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/org/blob/master/Org%2520documents/WG%2520documents/DIF_CC_WG_charter_v1.pdf) working group (explicitly mentions something like "unifying existing formats and protocols" in its charter) <- fast time
- Or new WG, draft charter by Balazs: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/18L2-t4_2yrO_xZkwPjMCRcKIDiRGCziNs2X4k093pvo/](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18L2-t4_2yrO_xZkwPjMCRcKIDiRGCziNs2X4k093pvo/)
- DIF - presentation exchange?
- When is the next Claims and Credentials Group? (who are the chairs? - Martin, Wayne, Daniel McGrogan ) Bi-Weekly -
- Work Items within DIF WG can have their own dedicated Calls.
- Join DIF: [https://identity.foundation/join/](https://identity.foundation/join/)
- Stewardship - , Orie, Brent, Snorre, Stephen? Troy
- DIDComm Expert - Sam, Stephen
- Presentation Exchange Expert -
- Register for the first meeting:(26th April, Monday 1pm ET) [https://forms.gle/SqkymupnYc9tDARm9](https://forms.gle/SqkymupnYc9tDARm9)
When do we want it done?
Good Health Pass has tremendous pressure!
When do we need what by?
Feedback into this group from Good Health Pass.
May 1: GHP Drafting Groups First Drafts Due -
June 1 GHP Interoperability Blueprint Recommendations Spec complete
- 30 day vision
- 90 day vision <- would be ideal to have something that can be tested against for this timeframe.
- 180 day vision
July 1 Test Complete
August 1 - 10+ Implementations / Vendors passing VP Exchange Interop Tests.
October 1 - Cross Wallet Interop Exchange Tests.
Share with DIF Interoperability Working Group
Success Criteria:
- Interop Testing Outcome
- Artifacts Produced
- Test Artifacts to TEST <- effort time and energy
Daniel Hardman wrote this before IIW in the DIF slack and many people +1 it.
this was ideated by Daniel before the last meeting, Balazs just copied it here for safekeeping.
* [Daniel Hardman](https://app.slack.com/team/U01UWQTJMCZ) [18 hours ago](https://difdn.slack.com/archives/CRMKSUE8M/p1619112488145600?thread_ts%3D1619048996.142500%26cid%3DCRMKSUE8M)
I see this as being a layered spec:
Layer 1 = plaintext JSON payloads, presented in sequence, with possible error conditions. Understanding the spec at this level requires nothing except knowledge of JSON and the general problem domain of VCs. No DIDComm, no HL anything, no dependencies anywhere.
Layer 2 = Security. How to wrap layer 1 such that two parties can exchange the payloads and achieve the trust they need in the process. Here, I see a forked path: use TLS (in which case security is really simple, but is transport dependent), or use DIDComm (in which case you use the JWE wrapper that DIDComm is standardizing, based on keys in a DID doc -- more complex but more flexible). The key thing about Layer 2 is that once it's stripped away (e.g., by an adapter), the payloads exchanged at layer 1 are identical and interoperable.
Layer 3: routing. This is for delivering payloads via intermediaries. It is not needed by HTTP that's direct point-to-point. If you add this layer, you introduce more DIDComm-isms but gain extra flexibility as well.
If you like this framing, then I see a spec where layer 1 is presented very quickly and easily; it should be ultra simple and easy to understand by anyone who knows JSON. No mention of any dependencies anywhere.
This would be followed by an explanation of why additional layers could be added, and then a presentation of a 2-forked road, where one is pure HTTP (TLS for security, no routing), and one is DIDComm (DID docs for security, transport-independent routing). Both use the same layer 1.
Having presented the two forks at a high level, I would then imagine a page of text describing how the HTTP fork would work (HTTP status codes, adaptation for web sockets vs. web hooks, etc).
Then I would imagine a page describing how the DIDComm fork would work -- but instead of hyperlinking to DIDComm auxiliary material, it would be a page or two of copy-pasted material that would allow DIDComm compatibility without consuming any other docs.
The upshot would be a single doc that:
A) describes a simple exchange of messages that lets credential-based proof be requested and presented
B) Structures the messages in a way that's compatible with DIDComm, without requiring anybody outside the DIDComm circle to know that.
C) Explains how the protocol could run over a web service.
D) Explains how the protocol could run over DIDComm -- but in a simplified, self-contained doc rather than with dependencies.
E) Explains the tradeoffs of the pure HTTP vs. DIDComm approaches.
* [VC-HTTP-API discussion (FAQ, vs other APIs, etc)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13E/_VC-HTTP-API_discussion_-FAQ,_vs_other_APIs,_etc-) by Dmitri Zagidulin
* [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-04-22-vchttpapi/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-04-22-vchttpapi/)
* [W3C CCG weekly call about VC HTTP APIs](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1P/_9am_PT:_W3C_CCG_weekly_call_about_VC_HTTP_APIs) – W3C CCG
We discussed[https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-http-api)[Address concerns with VC-HTTP-API #190](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/190)
* [[PROPOSED WORK ITEM] Traceability API #191](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/191)
See also [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/)
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# Crypto
* [Lightweight Credentials for Offers with UCAN](https://blog.fission.codes/lightweight-credentials-ucan/)
these are the types of use cases that we think can be created and enabled across the web as an open, interoperable standard. And some of it crosses into the work we're doing as [part of the Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://blog.fission.codes/fission-demo-day-may-2021/), too.
* [ZK for Authentication With Nolan and Locke from NuID](https://www.zeroknowledge.fm/154) - ZeroKnowledge Podcast.
> Universally Composable Direct Anonymous Attestation by Jan Camenisch , Manu Drijvers , and Anja LehmannPractical UC-Secure Delegatable Credentials with Attributes and Their Application to Blockchain by Jan Camenisch , Manu Drijvers , and Anja LehmannPrivacy-Preserving User-Auditable Pseudonym Systems by Jan Camenisch & Anja Lehmann IBM Research – Zurich
* [What’s next for BBS+ LD-Proofs?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13B/_What%2527s_next_for_BBS%252B_LD-Proofs%253F) by Brent Zundel
* [BBS+ Signatures 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ldp-bbs2020/)
- What’s next for BBS+ LD-Proofs?
- Implementation in Aries ([https://iiw.animo.id/](https://iiw.animo.id/), Used in SVIP Plugfest
- Implementation of BBS+ in Ursa, Core of higher level implementations
- Features
- Selective Disclosure
- Signature blinding
- Blinded messages (private holder binding)
- BBS+ LD Proofs uses this BBS+ scheme, MATTR provided spec
- Combine privacy features with semantic world
- Draft spec: [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/)
- What needs to be refined?
- Private holder binding ([https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/37](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/37)
- Do not bind to link secret, bind to keypair. Make keypair per credential
- How to participate?
- Read the draft BBS+ LD-Proofs spec
- Hardware security binding?
- Not possible with BLS yet?
- Is post-quantum secure?
- No. Pairing-based signatures are not post-quantum secure
Next steps:
- PRs for Issues 10 and 37 plus editorial pass to wrap up ldp-bbs2020
- Brent will do PR for 37 [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/37](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/37),
- Timo will do PR for 10 [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/10](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/ldp-bbs2020/issues/10).
- Invite everyone to suggest editorial changes
- Create WG at DIF for Crypto - first work item BBS+
- Tobias will work with Rouven to get that started, [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/org/blob/master/working-group-lifecycle.md](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/org/blob/master/working-group-lifecycle.md)
- Brent and Tobias will work together to draft a charter
Future steps:
- Possible working group, or addition to DIF C&C WG for work on ldp-bbs2021
* [Tobias Looker on BBS+ use cases, DIF Interop WG 25Nov2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slkbFW6imUk) Tobias Looker, MATTR, Interoperability Working group at DIF:
- Replay attack protection
- Domain-specific identifiers and proofs
- New partial-disclosure topographies
* [Deciphering BBS+ Signatures](https://academy.affinidi.com/deciphering-bbs-signatures-e853bbf437bf) Affinidi
This digital signature was created by Dan Boneh, Xavier Boyen, and Hovav Shacham using the strong Diffie-Hellman encryption technique, and hence the name BBS (after their respective surnames). The original signature was modified later to include proof of knowledge, and hence the name BBS+
* [IIW32: BBS+ and Beyond](https://medium.com/mattr-global/iiw32-bbs-and-beyond-1a41634c15b0) Nader Helmy, Mattr
One common theme this year was the continued development and adoption of BBS+ signatures, a type of multi-message cryptographic digital signature that enables selective disclosure of verifiable credentials.
This development is possible due to the fact that BBS+ signatures is a ledger-independent approach to selective disclosure, effectively no custom logic or bespoke infrastructure is needed for these digital signatures to be created, used and understood.
* [The Power of a Secret](https://trbouma.medium.com/the-power-of-a-secret-c9fa6a404ea3)
> What had been discovered by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman (and also Jame Ellis), is changing the world as we know it. It’s been only 43 years. Yes, that seems like an ice-age ago, but in the grand scheme of history, it is only a wink.
* [credential definitions, credential manifests, BBS+, etc](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0010.html) Daniel Hardman
> When Tobias first described Mattr's approach to BBS+ signatures, one of my takeaways was that this changed the Indy mechanism of cred defs in two wonderful ways:
> 1. It eliminated the need for lots of keys (only one key, Y, needs to be declared as a credential signing key, instead of a set of keys, Y[0]..Y[n])
> 2. It made it possible to store a cred def somewhere other than a ledger
> I was very happy about this.
> However, I have since heard several smart people summarize the breakthrough as: "We don't need credential definitions at all. You just use the assertionMethod key in your DID doc to sign credentials, and that's all you need." I believe this is oversimplifying in a way that loses something important, so I wanted to open a conversation
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# DIDComm
* [DID Comm has its own site](https://didcomm.org/)
> DIDComm lets people and software use [DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) to communicate securely and privately over many channels: the web, email, mobile push notifications, QR codes, Bluetooth, message queues, sneakernet, and more.
* [Why the Internet Needs DIDComm](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2D/_Why_the_Internet_Needs_DIDComm) by Sam Curren
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16HTPyZV_-BtM6EifQpxjivRHKYUeVtOAReUD1eGUA9M/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16HTPyZV_-BtM6EifQpxjivRHKYUeVtOAReUD1eGUA9M/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
- Enables Verifiable Communication
- Intelligence at the edge (like email)
- Protocol Based (like email)
- Supports HTTP(s) (like APIs) and others as a transport
- Bluetooth enables Edge to Edge transport
- Mobile / Offline Friendly (like email)
- Supports rotating from one DID to another
- Security independent of transport
- Protocol development becomes easier and more robust (unlike email)
- [https://identity.foundation/](https://identity.foundation/)
- [#wg-didcomm on DIF Slack](https://difdn.slack.com)
- [https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/docs/spec/](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/docs/spec/)
- [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging)
- WG Calls Mondays at noon US/Pacific ([Agenda](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm)
* [Decentralized Semantics 101](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2E/_Decentralized_Semantics_101) by Paul Knowles
The form of the session was a presentation (intended for those new to the subject), followed by Q/A and discussion
Presentation: [Decentralized Semantics 101](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Og1LVND8RrHbZ8mBobBehRzN46YI4SXt/view?usp%3Dsharing)
A digital network must contain authenticable data entry and immutable data
capture elements in order to maintain balance and integrity.
Within the context of a decentralized network, these fundamentals enable a self-regulating system where ...
(1) data inputs can be trusted as having come from an assured source under the control of a governing entity; and
(2) semantic items ensure that the meaning and use of inputted data remains unaltered for all interacting actors.
- Form - taken from paper forms used filled in by subjects and service provider reps (e.g., clinician). A Form is a composite/aggregate packaging of claims/attributes from one or more Verifiable Credentials (VCs) for presentation (e.g., to a verifier) or for data exchange.
* [DIDComm v2: Implementation and integration](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11D/_DIDComm_V2:_Implementation_and_integration_%2527technical%2527_-_did:key_and_did:keri_resolvers,_seamless_and_partial_integrations-)
* [Didcomm-rs.pdf](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dn5f2SqnCeQocOy5quJD9gpMPipKRmdC/view?usp%3Dsharing)
- DIDComm v2 spec: [https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec)
- didcomm-rs: [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-rs](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-rs)
• ddoresolver-rs: [https://github.com/jolocom/ddoresolver-rs](https://github.com/jolocom/ddoresolver-rs)
• keriox: [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keriox](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keriox) creds to Charles Cunningham, Edyta Pawlak and other contributors.
- did-key: [https://crates.io/crates/did-key](https://crates.io/crates/did-key) creds to Tomislav Markovski.
- DIF F2F demo session: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaNvIorKQ9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DSaNvIorKQ9I)
* [DIDComm and the Self-Sovereign Internet](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21A/_DIDComm_and_the_Self-Sovereign_Internet) by Phil Windley
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h0qi2qyGwM30DHpRAXW_Y0bBneo9xMEFZh1rIAeRa-E/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h0qi2qyGwM30DHpRAXW_Y0bBneo9xMEFZh1rIAeRa-E/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Summary: DIDComm is the messaging protocol that provides utility for DID-based relationships. DIDComm is more than just a way to exchange credentials, it's a protocol layer capable of supporting specialized application protocols for specific workflows. Because of its general nature and inherent support for self-sovereign relationships, DIDComm provides a basis for a self-sovereign internet much more private, enabling, and flexible than the one we've built using Web 2.0 technologies.
DID-based relationships are the foundation of self-sovereign identity (SSI). The exchange of DIDs to form a connection with another party gives both parties a relationship that is self-certifying and mutually authenticated. Further, the connection forms a secure messaging channel called DID Communication or DIDComm. DIDComm messaging is more important than most understand, providing a secure, interoperable, and flexible general messaging overlay for the entire internet.
* [DIDComm and the Self-Sovereign Internet - Phillip J. Windley, Ph.D., Brigham Young University](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/11/didcomm_and_the_self-sovereign_internet.shtml)
DIDComm is a protocol layer capable of supporting specialized application protocols for specific workflows. Because of its general nature and inherent support for self-sovereign relationships, DIDComm provides a basis for a self-sovereign internet much more private, enabling, and flexible than the one we've built using Web 2.0 technologies. This talk introduces DIDComm, discusses its protocological nature, and presents use cases in the Internet of Things. Demonstrations of DIDComm protocol interactions will be shown on the Pico platform, which implements the Aries Cloud Agent (ACA) specification.
* [Why we need DIDComm](https://identitywoman.net/why-we-need-didcomm/) IdentityWoman
This is the text of an email I got today from a company that I had a contract with last year [...] I was reminded quite strongly why we need DIDComm as a protocol to enable the secure transport of all sorts of things not just signed VCs but intermediate uses
* [Two new COSE- and JOSE-related Internet Drafts with Tobias Looker](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2260) Mike Jones
This week, [Tobias Looker](https://twitter.com/tplooker) and I submitted two individual Internet Drafts for consideration by the [COSE working group](https://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/cose/about/).
* [The Missing Network Layer Model](https://findy-network.github.io/blog/2022/03/05/the-missing-network-layer-model/) Findy
Epic Post
You might think that I have lost my mind. We have just reported that our Indy SDK based DID agency is [AIP 1.0](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/main/concepts/0302-aries-interop-profile/README.md) compatible, and everything is wonderful. What’s going on?
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# Hubs
* [Dynamic Data Sharing Hub: A target component for criteria searches on distributed structured data](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10L/_Dynamic_Data_Economy:_Digital_Identity,_Authentic_Data_Flows,_Data_Mesh_and_other_dragons) by Paul Knowles
* [Dynamic Data Sharing Hub - DDSH - Patient Recruitment Use Case](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TSfpysHy-UN9GnAiNPB81ZgGQaFCFcjo/view?usp%3Dsharing)
* [Identity Hub data storage and relay: unlocking the 99.99% of decentralized identity use cases](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D14A/_Identity_Hub_data_storage_and_relay:_unlocking_the_99.99%2525_of_decentralized_identity_use_cases%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Daniel Buchner
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* [KERI Q&A basic introduction](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3K/_KERI_Q%2526A_basic_introduction) by Henk van Cann
This the link to the 20 minute introductory presentation in pdf:
* [https://blockchainbird.org/downloads/KERI-QA-introduction.pdf](https://blockchainbird.org/downloads/KERI-QA-introduction.pdf)
It has lots of relevant links in it to start your journey in KERI.
What is KERI?
- Key Event Receipt Infrastructure
- Intends to repair the Internet
- KERI = CT with decentralized CA
- NOT a coin, token…
Why KERI? (and not something else)
- Strong autonomous identifiers
- Abiding to privacy (laws and good habits)
- Portability, delegation, rotatable keys
- Direct & Indirect method
- <there’s more>
With my notes:
* [https://blockchainbird.org/downloads/KERI-QA-introduction_notes.pdf](https://blockchainbird.org/downloads/KERI-QA-introduction_notes.pdf)
* [GLEIF and KERI (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1K/_GLEIF_and_KERI_(Global_Legal_Entity_Identifier_Foundation)) by Karla McKenna ([notes](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oX7FonXfw8vofgLCHEghJwbxb4Xbf9dCkhHg50W___I/edit?usp%3Dsharing)) ([recording](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/xHLkyi5GSKHsU2frR8JX9oXXS5X_rxwTi9TcFpKtveYI3UZjOaVszW5X-Ie8_n6kJkrsAa7S0SW9zhBx.LM3S0YgffGYhm7uc?continueMode%3Dtrue)
* [LEI Digital Strategy](https://www.gleif.org/content/3-lei-solutions/6-gleifs-digital-strategy-for-the-lei/2021-02-09_lei-digital-strategy_v1.0-final.pdf)
* [Security Considerations of KERI. Why and how KERI provides secure portability](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2K/_Security_Considerations_of_KERI._Why_and_how_KERI_provides_secure_portability) by Samuel Smith
The Three KERI Security Sessions have the same set of Slides it just 3 hours to get through them.
* [https://github.com/SmithSamuelM/Papers/blob/master/presentations/KERI_Overview.web.pdf](https://github.com/SmithSamuelM/Papers/blob/master/presentations/KERI_Overview.web.pdf)
* [https://identity.foundation/keri/docs/Q-and-A-Security.html#part-two-security](https://identity.foundation/keri/docs/Q-and-A-Security.html%23part-two-security)
### *Q: What are the security risks of KERI with regard to the identity protocol?
Harm that can be done to the a controller: Unavailability, loss of control authority, externally forced duplicity
Harm that can be done to a validator: Inadvertent acceptance of verifiable - but forged or duplicitous events
Breaking the promise of global consistemcy by a controller is a provable liability. However, global consistency may only matter after members of that community need to interact, not before.
### Q: How secure is the KERI infrastructure?
KERI changes the discussion about security. From a discussion about the security of infrastructure to a discussion about the security of your key management infrastructure. Most people when they think security, the think “oh, blockchain!”: permissioned or permissionless, how hard is it to get 51% attack, etc.Non of that matters for KERI. KERI is all about “are your private keys private?!” And if yes, that drastically slims down the security discussion to brute force attacks to public keys. And because the next public keys are in fact protected by a hash, you have to brute force the hash algorithm, that is post-quantum secure. So that is a very high level of infrastructural security.
So private key management and protection is the root of your security in KERI.
### *Q: You are arguing KERI affords greater security than a decentralized linear event system like Bitcoin?
…you would be fundamentally arguing that you can record a singular, immutable linear event history more securely than Bitcoin, and I see nothing in KERI that would indicate that.
Read the answer to [this](https://identity.foundation/keri/docs/Q-and-A-Security.html%23keri-is-basically-a-series-of-pay2publickeyhash-transactions) first.
If you read Szabo’s paper on threshold structures, you get security of the same type when ever you use a threshold structure, be it MFA, Multi-Sig, or Distributed consensus. They all are using a combination of multiple relatively weak attack surfaces that must be simulatenously compromised for a successful attack. So multiplying simulatneous weak surfaces = functional equivalent of a stronger attack surface. So when you look at KERI you see that the security is primarily due to cryptographic strength and the witnesses are not the primary source of security but merely secure one thing, that is the availability of the KEL for an identifier. Not the KEL itself. The KEL iteself is secured by signatures.
From a Validator perspective their security is due to duplicity detection. Successful attack against duplicity detection requires an eclipse attack. Ledgers such as bitcoin are also susceptible to eclipse attacks. So in an apples to apples (resistance to eclipse attack) a KERI watcher network of comparable reach (1000’s of watchers) would have comparable resistance to an eclipse attack.
### Q: Differences between blockchain-based security and KERI security
- Where KERI doesn’t need total ordering in its logs, blockchain do need that. What KERI needs is watchers that construct string of event in the relative order of reception of the KEL {TBW please explain or improve this: what is this, why is it important?}
- Another characteristic is that KERI identifiers are transferable and blockchain-based identifiers are not, they are bound to their ledger.
* [KERI and ADS Key State Provenance Logs Kumbaya (KEL and ADPL)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24H/_KERI_and_ADS_Key_State_Provenance_Logs_Kumbaya_(KEL_and_ADPL)) by Samuel Smith, Dave Huseby
This was a meeting of the minds between myself and Sam Smith and Adrian Gropper that was hugely successful. We all decided to use the term "endorser" for what we all called "registrar"/"witness"/"notary". We also realized that the KERI proposal for encoding is good enough for authentic data provenance logs and we will be using the KERI encoding. Sam has modified the spec for KERI key event logs to include scripting capabilities needed in the authentic data economy for doing things like cross-chain atomic swaps for selling non-fungible authentic data (NFADs).
The result is that there is grand convergence on the encoding and file format for key event provenance logs that will be supported by both KERI networks and the broader authentic data economy.
* [KERI: Centralized registry with decentralized control (KEL & TEL ) + DEMO](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11K/_KERI:_Centralized_registry_with_decentralized_control_(KEL_%2526_TEL_)_%252B_DEMO) by Robert Mitwicki, Charles Cunningham, Phil Feairheller , Michał Pietrus
* [GLEIF vLEI with KERI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20K/_GLEIF_vLEI_with_KERI)
The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) proposes that the Legal Enitity Identifier (LEI) can be used to establish a chain of trust for organizational identity.
In this session, GLEIF shares plans and progress regarding its development program to create an ecosystem and credential governance framework, together with a technical supporting infrastructure, for a verifiable LEI (vLEI), a digitally verifiable credential containing the LEI.
Link to presentation available until April 2022:
* [https://td2ec2in3mv1euwest.teamdrive.net/bgvkygms/public/I39DS3Tn?k=MMiiLXItHvmxOtB0kFROQGXMTDFgjCngWTiQFed43Ak](https://td2ec2in3mv1euwest.teamdrive.net/bgvkygms/public/I39DS3Tn?k%3DMMiiLXItHvmxOtB0kFROQGXMTDFgjCngWTiQFed43Ak)
Agnostic to any network
- Development of the capabilities needed for GLEIF to issue and verify vLEIsfor vLEI Issuers does not need to operate on blockchain or distributed ledger technology.
- GLEIF can implement KERI (Key Event Receipt Infrastructure) to support fully decentralized portable secure key management operations on self-certifying identifiers.
- GLEIF is undertaking development of the capabilities based on KERI during 1Q to 3Q of 2021 and aim for initial live beta implementation with an SSI Network starting in 4Q.
- This would allow GLEIF to connect to any blockchain or distributed ledger technology SSI network without the need for custom implementation, cost and overhead of operation.
- KERI is Quantum Safe. It is resistant to attacks by both classical and quantum computers.
* [Supply chain – ACDC and KERI + DEMO](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14K/_Supply_chain_%25E2%2580%2593_ACDC_and_KERI_%252B_DEMO) by Robert Mitwicki ([video](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/GKGhv1QJ0BSoQZ9Dg-IKeyXKb0Nw0GZUry8qgvM58NS6YcZIz-u8xYMaeKn6-HpP6SMxNJvHebrvdw.NNWuKPuVGekv7zyU?continueMode%3Dtrue)
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tF_OFGAKUz9RKCLTdwDYDu7hJuEbFz-LQ6PAih7HBK8/edit#slide=id.p](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tF_OFGAKUz9RKCLTdwDYDu7hJuEbFz-LQ6PAih7HBK8/edit%23slide%3Did.p)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spime)
* [https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/ACDC+%28Authentic+Chained+Data+Container%29+Task+Force](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/ACDC%2B%2528Authentic%2BChained%2BData%2BContainer%2529%2BTask%2BForce)
* [https://hackmd.io/RX8ZAycxQhSpGZgBfRzqbg?view](https://hackmd.io/RX8ZAycxQhSpGZgBfRzqbg?view)
Datum is, from its Latin origin, a singular form of “data”, and may refer to a single item of data.
* [git@github.com](mailto:git@github.com):THCLab/keri-python-ffi.git
* [https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/](https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/)
* [https://www.microcontrollertips.com/what-is-dice-architecture-faq/](https://www.microcontrollertips.com/what-is-dice-architecture-faq/)
* [KERI Composable Event Streaming Representation](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23K/_KERI_Composable_Event_Streaming_Representation) by Samuel Smith
* [KERI: For every DID, a microledger](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/keri-for-every-did-a-microledger-f9457fa80d2d) Decentralized Identity Foundation
* [On KERI: a way not to reveal more personal info than you need to](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2020/10/22/keri/) Doc Searls
* [How KERI tackles the problem of trust](https://jolocom.io/blog/how-keri-tackles-the-problem-of-trust/) by Jolocom
* [Tim talks with Sam Smith, creator of KERI](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/definitely-identity-episode-14-with-sam-smith/id1496565155?i=1000494102345)
> In this episode, we explore the Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI)and how it relates to decentralized identity. We also touch topics in the white paper: trust domains, self-certifying identifiers, architectural implications, and more.
* [Thinking of DID? KERI On](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/thinking-of-did-keri-on)
> The current generation of DIDs has introduced an innovative approach to digital identifiers, which has triggered the SSI movement. However, the inclusion of the method space in the DID syntax has led to fragmentation and weak security properties of the identifier type. These known method-space issues give the community impetus to redress them. In light of these innovative developments, now is the time to embrace KERI as an improved interoperable and secure solution for digital identity.
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# Protocols
* [Hyperledger Aries Graduates To Active Status; Joins Indy As “Production Ready”](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/26/hyperledger-aries-graduates-to-active-status-joins-indy-as-production-ready-hyperledger-projects-for-decentralized-identity)
“This approval is further evidence that Hyperledger Aries is a breakout success for the Hyperledger community,” said Brian Behlendorf, General Manager for Blockchain, Healthcare and Identity at the Linux Foundation. “Convergence on common libraries for the exchange of credentials will help speed the development of urgently-needed solutions and systems, ranging from education to finance to the fight against the pandemic. Aries is key to that convergence.”
* [Torgap architecture & products](https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/torgap)
> Torgap is the Blockchain Commons security and privacy architecture model for creating gaps between connected apps and microservices. It supports privacy, service anonymity, identity psuedonymity, non-correlation, censorship-resistance, and seperation-of-interests and reduces single-points-of-failure. This emerging architecture is supported by QuickConnect and Blockchain Commons' Gordian system, while our Airgapped Wallet community and our research papers are charting its future.
* [Selected Parts of the DIF SDS/CS Hub and EDV Discussion featuring Daniel Buchner’s Description of a Hub](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/03/24/transcription-of-selected-parts-of-the-dif-sds-cs-march-11-2021-zoom-call-hub-and-edv-discussion-featuring-daniel-buchners-description-of-a-hub/) Michael Herman
> This is a [transcription of selected parts of the EDV-Hub conversation](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/03/24/transcription-of-selected-parts-of-the-dif-sds-cs-march-11-2021-zoom-call-hub-and-edv-discussion-featuring-daniel-buchners-description-of-a-hub/) during the DIF SDS/CS Thursday weekly Zoom call on March 11, 2021. This is the call where Daniel Buchner described (verbally) several aspects about what is and what is not a Hub.
## OpenID Connect
* [OpenID Connect Presentation at IIW XXXII](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2167)
- [OpenID Connect](https://openid.net/connect/)
- [Frequently Asked Questions](https://openid.net/connect/faq/)
- [Working Group Mailing List](https://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-ab)
- [OpenID Certification Program](https://openid.net/certification/)
- [Certified OpenID Connect Implementations Featured for Developers](https://openid.net/developers/certified/)
- [Mike Jones’ Blog](https://self-issued.info/)
- [Nat Sakimura’s Blog](https://nat.sakimura.org/)
- [John Bradley’s Blog](https://www.thread-safe.com/)
* [Decoding the Sidetree Protocol](https://academy.affinidi.com/decoding-the-sidetree-protocol-18d8bfa39257) Affinidi
> Sidetree protocols are layer 2 protocols that anchor to the underlying decentralized ledger system. That said, it is ledger agnostic and its primary role is to anchor batches of signed JSON operations to the network.
* [Universal Resolver Driver Policy Discussion](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21P/_Universal_Resolver_Driver_Policy_Discussion) by Bernhard Fuchs, Markus Sabadello
Currently, instances of the Universal Resolver is hosted by DIF, IBM, and other companies. Danube Tech has been maintaining the project.
The project has some guidelines for contributing new DID method drivers:[https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver/blob/master/docs/driver-development.md](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver/blob/master/docs/driver-development.md)
We have some ongoing questions on policies for Universal Resolver drivers.
Proposal: We should require contact data for maintainers of drivers (could be email address or any other type of contact data).
Another challenge is that there may be multiple projects claiming the same DID method name. How to decide which DID method driver to include in the Universal Resolver?
Proposal: Driver implementers must get their DID method registered first in the W3C DID method registry, then they can contribute a Universal Resolver driver (this avoids ambiguities)
DID test suite: [https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite](https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite)
DID test suite is not for runtime, but the Universal Resolver could do a few simple checks on a driver's responses. But there's also a philosophical question: Should the Universal Resolver be "allowed" to check and potentially transform driver responses, or should it just "pass through" everything that comes from a driver?
* [WHiSSPR- Human transparency over identity and surveillance risk](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23E/_WHiSSPR-_Human_transparency_over_identity_and_surveillance_risk) by Sal D’Agostino
* [Building ActivityPub into Known](https://werd.io/2021/building-activitypub-into-known) Ben Werdmüller
* [Known](https://withknown.com/) has supported [Indieweb](https://indieweb.org/) standards since the beginning, but Fediverse has been notably missing. I think that’s a big omission, but also not something I’ve had bandwidth to fix.
* [ActivityPub support · Issue #2615 · idno/known · GitHub](https://github.com/idno/known/issues/2615%23issuecomment-991335313)
This issue now has a funding of 3004.5068 USD (3000.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to it.
- If you would like to work on this issue you can 'start work' [on the Gitcoin Issue Details page](https://gitcoin.co/issue/idno/known/2615/100027300).
- Want to chip in? Add your own contribution [here](https://gitcoin.co/issue/idno/known/2615/100027300).
- Questions? Checkout [Gitcoin Help](https://gitcoin.co/help) or the [Gitcoin's Discord](https://discord.gg/gitcoin/)
- $5,664,407.63 more funded OSS Work available on the [Gitcoin Issue Explorer](https://gitcoin.co/explorer)
* [Ten Reasons to Use Picos for Your Next Decentralized Programming Project](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/07/ten_reasons_to_use_picos_for_your_next_decentralized_programming_project.shtml)
Summary: Picos are a programming model for building decentralized applications that provide significant benefits in the form of abstractions that reduce programmer effort. Here are ten eleven reasons you should use picos for your next decentralized application. Temperature Sensor Network Built from Picos I didn't start out to write a programming language that naturally supports
* [Implement Client Credentials with Kong Konnect and Okta](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2021/05/25/client-credentials-kong-konnect)
> The OIDC plugin enables Kong, as the API gateway, to communicate with Okta via the OAuth/OIDC flows.
* [ION – We Have Liftoff!](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/identity-standards-blog/ion-we-have-liftoff/ba-p/1441555)
> We are excited to share that v1 of [ION](https://identity.foundation/ion/) is complete and has been launched on Bitcoin mainnet. We have deployed an ION node to our production infrastructure and are working together with other companies and organizations to do so as well. ION does not rely on centralized entities, trusted validators, or special protocol tokens – ION answers to no one but you, the community. Because ION is an open, permissionless system, anyone can run an ION node, in fact the more nodes in operation, the stronger the network becomes. Development of ION, and the Sidetree standard ION is based on, takes place in the [Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://identity.foundation/) (DIF). Read on to learn how you can integrate ION, DIDs, and Verifiable Credentials in your applications and services.
* [Identity, Unlocked... SIOP with Kristina Yasuda](https://auth0.com/blog/identity-unlocked-explained-season-2-ep-5/)
> As a discovery mechanism to invoke a Self-Issued OP, the discussion on the podcast covered the usage of a custom schema 'openid://'. Alternative mechanisms to address the limitations of custom schemas are being actively explored in the WG.
The conversation meanders through deeper details, from how the current [SIOP specification draft](https://bitbucket.org/openid/connect/src/master/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0.md) under the OpenID Foundation picks up the mission from a [former attempt under DIF](https://identity.foundation/did-siop/) to encoding approaches for verifiable presentations (embedding in JWTs, [LD proofs](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-proofs/), how to represent attributes
* [Sidetree Protocol reaches V1](https://blog.identity.foundation/sidetree-protocol-reaches-v1/) DIF
> This week, the DIF Steering Committee officially approved the first major release of the Sidetree Protocol specification, "v1" so to speak. This protocol has already been implemented, and four of its implementers have been collaborating intensively for over a year on expanding and extending this specification together.
* [PROPOSAL: Confidential Storage Specification Refactoring 0.2 – March 24, 2021](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Mar/0245.html)
> Based on the March 11 Zoom discussion where we worked hard to discern the differences between Agents, Hubs, and EDVs (and I believe were largely successful IMO), I’ve like to propose to the SDS/CS WG that we refactor the current Confidential Storage specification into 3 separable parts/specifications.
## Identity Not SSI
* [The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0](https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/22/14/oauth)
Aaron Parecki - Mr. OAuth has a new course out on Udemy
> 3.5 hours of video content, quizzes, as well as interactive exercises with a guided learning tool to get you quickly up to speed on OAuth, OpenID Connect, PKCE, best practices, and tips for protecting APIs with OAuth.
### Universal Resolver supports ION DID Method
* [@dialtone4web](https://twitter.com/dialtone4web) shares: *"ION based[@DecentralizedID](https://twitter.com/DecentralizedID) identifiers can now be resolved by the UniversalResolver. #v0.8.1 [#ownyouridentity](https://twitter.com/hashtag/ownyouridentity?src=hashtag_click)"*
* [Adds support for resolving ION DIDs #154](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver/pull/154)
### Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol (GNAP)
* [GNAP Editors' Use of GitHub Issues](https://aaronparecki.com/2020/11/25/4/gnap-github-issues)
> The editors met yesterday to discuss the issues that were pulled out of the previous draft text and document a process for how to resolve these and future issues. We would like to explain how we plan on using labels on GitHub issues to keep track of discussions and keep things moving.
* [Genesis of the GNAP working group with Dick Hardt of SignIn.org](https://auth0.com/blog/identity-unlocked-explained-episode-6/). Auth0 Podcast *Identity Unlocked* Vittorio Bertocci
> The decision was made to create a new group apart from OAuth, and Dick clarifies that the GNAP working group does not feel constrained by existing technology; GNAP does not need to be backward-compatible, but Dick still hopes that the transition to GNAP will be smooth for those who use it.
* [Filling in the GNAP](https://medium.com/@justinsecurity/filling-in-the-gnap-a032453eaf8c)
> Justin Richer identity protocol writer and implementer extraordinaire has a very excellent post explaining the new GNAP and all the things that lead to it, including OAuth, OpenID, TxAuth, OAuth3, and OAuth.XYZ. This protocol is a big deal and will be important. It’s just beginning the journey through IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) the main standards body of the internet.
* [ION reaches 1.0](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ion)
> ION makes it possible to anchor tens of thousands of DID/DPKI operations on a target chain (in ION's case, Bitcoin) using a single on-chain transaction. The transactions are encoded with a hash that ION nodes use to fetch, store, and replicate the hash-associated DID operation batches via IPFS.
* [A Universal Resolver for self-sovereign identifiers](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/a-universal-resolver-for-self-sovereign-identifiers-48e6b4a5cc3c)
* [On any blockchain or other decentralized system](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/a-universal-resolver-for-self-sovereign-identifiers-48e6b4a5cc3c) (Markus Sabadello)
> This is a first step in fulfilling DIF’s mission to help individuals and organizations to control their digital identity, without being dependent on any intermediary party.
> This tool fulfills a similar purpose as Bind does in the DNS system: resolution of identifiers. However, instead of working with domain names, we work with self-sovereign identifiers that can be created and registered directly by the entities they refer to.
* [Persistence, Programming, and Picos](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/02/persistence_programming_and_picos.shtml) -
> Picos show that image-based development can be done in a manner consistent with the best practices we use today without losing the important benefits it brings.
> The project name, PICOS, is an abbreviation of “Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services”. The objective of the project is to advance the state of the art in technologies that provide privacy-enhanced identity and trust management features within complex community-supporting services that are built on Next Generation Networks and delivered by multiple communication service providers. The approach taken by the project is to research, develop, build trial and evaluate an open, privacy-respecting, trust-enabling identity management platform that supports the provision of community services by mobile communication service providers.
> Learn more about the [motivation](http://www.picos-project.eu/Motivation.181.0.html), the [objectives](http://www.picos-project.eu/Objectives.182.0.html), [tasks](http://www.picos-project.eu/Tasks.183.0.html) and [achievements](http://www.picos-project.eu/Achievements.190.0.html) of PICOS, and get to know the PICOS exemplary [communities](http://www.picos-project.eu/Communities.184.0.html).
* [Announcing Pico Engine 1.0](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/02/announcing_pico_engine_10.shtml) Windley
I'm excited to announce a new, stable, production-ready pico engine. The latest release of the Pico Engine (1.X) provides a more modular design that better supports future enhancements and allows picos to be less dependent on a specific engine for operation.
* [Building Decentralized Applications with Pico Networks](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/02/building_decentralized_applications_with_pico_networks.shtml)
## Established Tech
### OpenID
* [Intro to OpenID Connect at IIW XXXI](https://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Introduction_20-Oct-20.pdf).
It is a great overview of the key design principles of OpenID and how we got to now with the protocol
* [New Badged Open Course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology](https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/course/view.php?id%3D7981) Alexander.Mikroyannidis ([from CCG](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Oct/0044.html)
Available on the Open University’s OpenLearn Create platform and is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Upon completion of the course, learners earn a free statement of participation.
* [Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.edx.org/course/getting-started-with-self-sovereign-identity) Kaliya & Lucy via Linux Foundation and EdX
Gain a solid foundation on self-sovereign identity (SSI) with a 360 degree overview of its evolutionary journey, key concepts, standards, technological building blocks, use cases, real-world examples and implementation considerations.
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# Canadian Identity
* [Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) – Overview](https://northernblock.io/pan-canadian-trust-framework/)
Right now, we are alpha testing the framework with different kinds of actors, both public and private, and with assessors. Through this process, we’re going to learn what may need to change, and what may not need to change. We’re going to get real knowledge there. I will say that what we’re seeing already, is that DIACC and our priorities are really driven by members.
* [Canadian Government: User-Centric Verifiable Digital Credentials Challenge](https://github.com/canada-ca/ucvdcc)
> This challenge is seeking a portable secure digital credentials (self-sovereign identity) solution held by individuals that can be independently, cryptographically and rapidly verified using emerging distributed ledger standards and an approach that may give rise to a global digital verification platform.
- [Recorded Video of Public Demo Day April 21, 2020](https://youtu.be/644kUC9Uw-g)
- [Final Presentations Folder](https://github.com/canada-ca/ucvdcc/blob/master/final)
* [DIACC welcomes Budget 2021 investments for digital transformation and innovation](https://diacc.ca/2021/04/19/diacc-welcomes-budget-2021-investments-for-digital-transformation-and-innovation/)
> The DIACC, Canada’s digital ID leader, is pleased to see the federal government’s recognition that our economic future depends on digital investments. Initiatives like the investment in the Known Traveller Digital Identity pilot project and the Canada Digital Adoption Program will help Canadians, businesses and governments on this path.
* [The Public Sector Profile of the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework Working Group Close-Out Report](https://trbouma.medium.com/public-sector-profile-of-the-pan-canadian-trust-framework-version-1-2-and-next-steps-86ae7a96d6c7) Tim Bouma
> the PSP PCTF WG was an important vehicle for ensuring public sector communication and discussion across Canada
* [DIACC marks year end with a slideshow detailing their accomplishments](https://diacc.ca/2020/12/09/diacc-year-end-achievements-and-milestones-2020/)
A few highlights from the report:
- [Digital Identity Laboratory](https://digidlab.ca/) - first lab of its kind for digital ID testing and certification
- launched the COVID-19 Actions Directory highlighting member initiatives.
- DIACC has joined the collaborative led by Standards Council of Canada
* [DIACC also invites input on the future of Levels of Assurance](https://diacc.ca/2020/12/09/help-define-and-design-the-future-of-canadas-levels-of-assurance-with-diacc/).
> Making sure we have a common way to evaluate and measure the integrity of that data is central to a
To realize a world-class Digital Government Canada has [set itself an ambition](https://digital.canada.ca/roadmap-2025/) of:
“Digitize all public-facing government services so they are accessible by web and mobile phone and available behind a unified login system by 2025.”
* [Ontario’s Digital ID: Technology and standards](https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontarios-digital-id-technology-and-standards)
Ontario’s Digital ID will use self-sovereign identity because it gives the holder control over the credentials in their wallet. In addition, we are layering on these extra privacy-preserving features:
- Consent – The verifier must ask you to approve their request to confirm your credentials.
- Data minimization – The verifier can only access what they need to confirm you are eligible for their service. For example, if you need to prove that you are old enough to buy a lottery ticket, the store clerk would only know that you are 18 or older – not your actual age, birth date or anything else about you.
- Anonymity – Your credentials are not tracked or traced.
* [Ontario will launch digital ID program later this year and here's how it works](https://www.cp24.com/ontario-will-launch-digital-id-program-later-this-year-and-here-s-how-it-works-1.5578066)
* [British Columbia OrgBook – ‘Tell Us Once’ via Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity](https://digitalcanada.io/bc-orgbook-tell-us-once/)
Canada is beginning to develop their own version of a “[Tell Us Once](https://digitalcanada.io/tell-us-once-legislation/)” Digital Identity policy, an approach pioneered in Europe by the likes of Estonia.
This is a policy where having provided your data to one government agency, you’ll never be asked for it again from another, defined explicitly through legislation.
* [DIACC Industry Survey](https://diacc.ca/2021/10/25/diacc-industry-survey/)
The intent of this DIACC Industry Survey is to identify any pain points Canadian industries have that prevent the use of trusted Digital Identity frameworks. This survey will be open indefinitely with responses monitored regularly.
Access the survey [here](https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QLRV885).
* [Canada’s Community of Digital Identity Leaders Grows to Over 100 Members](https://diacc.ca/2021/05/31/canadas-community-of-digital-identity-leaders-grows-to-over-100-members/)
Today, more than ever before, our communities, our businesses, and our citizens are looking to the leaders within the DIACC to help deliver a robust, secure, trusted digital ID ecosystem that works for all Canadians. Our economy depends on it,” stated David Nikolejsin, Chair of the DIACC Board.
* [BC Government’s Verifiable Credential Issuer Kit Proof of Concept Report](https://diacc.ca/2021/10/20/bc-governments-verifiable-credential-issuer-kit-proof-of-concept-report/) DIACC
* [bcgov/issuer-kit](https://github.com/bcgov/issuer-kit)
- Open Collaboration
- Interoperability
- Responsive to Market Dynamics
- Responsive to Industry Needs
- Regulatory Compliance
- Invovlement with Governance of Networks and Registries
* [Be a Digital ID Champion](https://diacc.ca/champion/)
- Promote digital ID to accelerate economic recovery and secure equitable social inclusion.
- Work with DIACC and others to establish privacy-protecting digital ID that empowers individuals, businesses, the public sector and civil society.
* [Digital Identity Challenge Canada - Video + Post](https://digitalcanada.io/canada-ssi-for-digital-government/) User-Centric Verifiable Digital Credentials Challenge
Canada boasts world-leading exemplar case studies for the role of Self Sovereign Identity for Digital Government scenarios, including the [ACE](https://digitalcanada.io/ace-ssi/) and [BC Orgbook](https://digitalcanada.io/bc-orgbook-tell-us-once/) projects.
* [User-Centric Verifiable Digital Credentials](https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/101.nsf/eng/00068.html)
> “The Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada (TBS) and Shared Services Canada (SSC) are seeking a standardized method to issue and rapidly verify portable digital credentials across many different contexts, thereby reducing human judgement error, increasing efficiency and ensuring digital credential veracity using cryptography.”
* [/canada-ca/ucvdcc/](https://github.com/canada-ca/ucvdcc/)
* [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rC4Lhh0ixaig4OP3cbv2q7SkL_rFrLe489PUEUIDjDQ/edit#slide=id.p).
* [DIACC White Paper: Consumer Digital Identity Leveraging Blockchain](https://diacc.ca/2021/03/18/diacc-white-paper-consumer-digital-identity-leveraging-blockchain/)
> SecureKey Technologies entered into a multiphase program with DIACC and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) to evaluate, develop, and deliver a solution for enabling distributed privacy enhanced identity ecosystems. [This paper summarizes the work done as part of Phase 3](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DIACC-White-Paper_Consumer-Digital-Identity-Leveraging-Blockchain_Final.pdf) of the program, concentrating on the “Commercialization of the Verified.Me project”
Phase 1 White Paper: [Architectural and Privacy Principles](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Consumer-Digital-Identity-Companion-Paper.pdf)
Phase 2 White Paper: [The Implementation](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DIACC_SecureKey_Phase2_White-Paper.pdf)
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# European Identity
* [Building interoperable self-sovereign identity for Europe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN6N_aIeHlU)
Oskar van Deventer, a rockstar from TNO, presents:
> ways to build an SSI ecosystem and architecture together that is interoperable and technologically mature fit for society and funding opportunities for SSI projects through grants.
* [EU Data Governance Act](https://blog.meeco.me/eu-data-governance-act/) (Meeco)
> We welcome the regulation as a needed common ground for clarifying the role of data intermediaries, building trust in these intermediaries and setting the direction for data governance, including the emergence of digital human rights.
> In this context we offer the following suggestions:
> 1. Explicitly include individuals as active participants in the definitions [...]
> 2. Clarify the scope of the data sharing services (Art. 9 (2)) and extend it to include services that empower the data subject beyond compliance.
> 3. Foster the growth of intermediaries, which offer new technologies and have the greatest likelihood of success in Europe if supported by the Data Governance Act.
> 4. Open silos and implement soft infrastructure such as standards & open APIs to accelerate uptake and interoperability between data sharing services.
> 5. Foster eco-systems and demonstrate the value through practical use-cases.
> 6. Create a level playing field for sustainable data sharing by providing funding to pioneers at the forefront of developing data eco-systems
* [Meeco Review of the European Data Strategy](https://www.meeco.me/data) - Whitepaper
* [IDunion enters the second project phase initiated by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany](https://idunion.org/2021/04/06/idunion-startet-in-die-zweite-vom-bmwi-gefoerderte-projektphase/?lang%3Den)
> - The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has selected IDunion for the second phase of the innovation competition “Showcase Secure Digital Identities”.
> - The three-year implementation phase began on April 1, 2021.
> - The goals of this new project phase includes the establishment of a European cooperative, the launch of a production network and the implementation of 40+ different pilot applications from several areas.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and Government – Data Exchange](https://cyber.ee/resources/case-studies/self-sovereign-identity-and-government-identity/) Cybernetica
> The [previous post](https://cyber.ee/blog/2021/03-23/) focused on identity as a single topic, pulling it away from the data exchange component where it has recently become muddled up. In terms of identity, self-sovereign identity (SSI) and traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) based offerings are, for the most part, on the same page.
* [The European Single Identity System “Back to the Future”](https://vimeo.com/481408424)
What are the Pros and Cons? - ISSE 2020 Webinar 3 ([Tim Bouma says to watch this](https://twitter.com/trbouma/status/1337373169993256962))
* [NGI Forward SALON ON DIGITAL SOVERIGNTY IN eID-Solutions2: Self-sovereign, Centralised or Privatised?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D1RxB7KK2x8Y)
Without a clear vision on identity, society will have no agency since the capability to produce future value (data) is not under regional, nor national, nor international regulated control.
Therefore it is important to have a good overview of what is happening in different parts of the world to see if we can not combine innovative solutions.
* [Germany’s digital identity landscape with Verimi’s Roland Adrian](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/verimi-roland-adrian-identity-germany/)
In episode 40, Roland fills us in on how Verimi works and its privacy-by-design cornerstones, including data minimisation. Oscar and Roland also discuss the digital identity landscape in Germany
* [The EU Digital Green Certificate Program](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-green-certificate-program/) Evernym
> Although the EU’s approach to COVID-19 health certificates (the [Digital Green Certificate](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_21_1187) implements existing technology and supports both paper and digital credentials, offline usage, and speedy verification, it makes a number of security and privacy compromises. Our analysis found it to be inherently centralised and better suited for low assurance use cases.
- [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://www.gataca.io/)
- [Automated data agreements to simplify SSI work flows by LCubed AB](https://igrant.io/)
- [Presentation Exchange – Credential Query Infra by Sphereon B.V.](https://sphereon.com/)
- [Letstrust.org by SSI Fabric GmbH](https://www.letstrust.org/)
- [WordPreSSI Login by Associazione Blockchain Italia](https://associazioneblockchain.it/)
- [SSI Java Libraries by Danube Tech GmbH](https://danubetech.com/)
- [NFC DID VC Bridge by Gimly](https://www.gimly.io/)
* [MyDex is working with the Scotish Government](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/05/13/digital-identity-scotland-prototype-draws-to-a-close/)
> MyDex is a community interest corporation that has been working on building *real products in the real world*. They [wrote about the ongoing work](https://medium.com/mydex/proving-verified-attributes-work-3f9ca813d43f) enabling public sector organizations to give citizens verifiable attributes they keep in their own data stores and can prove to other parties without the issuing organization in the middle.
* [State of SSI in Europe and Necessity for Network-of-Networks (convened by Sovrin)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11F/_State_of_SSI_in_Europe_and_Necessity_for_Network-of-Networks_(convened_by_Sovrin)) by Andre Kudra
1. [Andre] Introduction and the role of Sovrin Foundation around the topic of SSI
2. Focus of this session is around SSI in Europe (from business and related perspective)
3. Hyperledger Indy and Aries technology stack
4. ‘Network of networks’ which has been a key concept at the Sovrin Foundation
5. The topic is meant to be a conversation as an outline based on material information which can be shared publicly
6. EBSI is one of the funded projects from the EU
7. ESSIF is one of the projects in this portfolio - have issued a request for proposal for consulting (not in the network of networks topic but other areas)
8. Findy (Finland) - yet to go live. Has public and private partners.
9. Projects underway at [Spain](https://alastria.io/en/id-alastria/) and other member nations in EU
10. Substantial funding behind Indy based technology stack deployments are being seen
11. Germany has 3 major streams active in the identity space
12. Gov digital (for public sector)
13. ID Union - 2 fold - a project and a L1 Utility (as per the Trust over IP definition) project and Governance Framework; has started in 2020. Will be building a lot of use cases on Indy/Aries over a period of 3 years Includes EU member states and the 3 non EU nations. ID Union activity will have contributions to open source projects
14. Germany is running an SSI pilot based on the Aries framework. First use case — hotel check in for business travelers (two data types: ID; corporate billing address). German eID card will be used to generate a VC by issuing on behalf of the issuer of the eID card.
15. Mixed bag of projects and technologies which underline the topic/concept around ‘network of networks’. Organizations will come up with their networks and interoperability would be something that is inbuilt.
16. EU Commission has identified the necessity of making this happen. So no ‘one blockchain to rule them all’. A cooperative approach would be needed to get into NoN - tokenisation, IoT etc have been part of the requirements
17. 3 Sovrin member organizations have jointly created a position paper to address the necessity of this approach of NoN. This approach is endorsed by the Sovrin Foundation.
18. Universal resolver, multi-ledger wallet etc are key components. A side-project to make a tangible NoN experiment is on the cards.
19. [Andreas] [https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/ssi-eidas-bridge/about](https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/ssi-eidas-bridge/about)
20. [Alex Blom] [https://vimeo.com/522501200](https://vimeo.com/522501200)
21. [https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/validated-id/seb_project_summary](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/validated-id/seb_project_summary)
22. [https://github.com/validatedid/eidas-bridge](https://github.com/validatedid/eidas-bridge)
* EU Announcement: [European Digital Identity](https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en)
* [The EU Announcement is the Biggest Ever in SSI](https://credentialmaster.com/the-eu-announcement-is-the-biggest-ever-in-ssi/) Credential Master
> Timothy Ruff’s analysis and commentary on the EU Announcement this week about its new digital identity strategy.
* [EU plans digital ID wallet for bloc’s post-pandemic life](https://apnews.com/article/europe-health-coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-travel-73f90d18909c595da463994e16e17348)
> The European Digital Identity Wallet proposed by the EU’s executive commission is a smartphone app that would let users store electronic forms of identification and other official documents, such as driver’s licenses, prescriptions and school diplomas.
* [EU decision on Identity Wallet: Starting signal for a seamless digital future](https://www.idnow.io/blog/eu-decision-on-identity-wallet-starting-signal-for-a-seamless-digital-future/)
> Last week, the EU Commission published a draft for the so-called digital identity wallet “EUid”. According to it, within 12 months of the law coming into force, every EU state must provide its citizens with a digital wallet.
* [Where Stands the Sovereign Self?](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/hegde/eic-speaker-spotlight-doc-searls-on-decentralized-identity?ref%3Dsmspotlightdoc) Kuppinger Cole
Doc Searls, Co-founder and board member of Customer Commons, and Director of ProjectVRM, is to deliver a keynote entitled [Where Stands the Sovereign Self?](https://www.kuppingercole.com/sessions/4918) at the [European Identity and Cloud Conference 2021](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2021). [...] we asked Doc some questions about his planned presentation.
* [European Digital Identity: Talao Announces Professional Credential Solution](https://medium.com/@talao_io/european-digital-identity-talao-announces-professional-credential-solution-1d322e32be2c) Talao
Talao’s team is excited to announce the development of the first Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solution built on the Tezos blockchain for the Human Resources industry. The digital wallet created by Talao will enable companies to issue verifiable professional credentials and for employees to store work history and other personal data.
* [Experience the future with the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dm2uj7fgb2JI)
Discover Eva’s journey using the blockchain solution developed by the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership members: the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) - [http://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/ebsi](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event%3Dvideo_description%26redir_token%3DQUFFLUhqa2JrRVM0dGRJMDd1WkUxX284enZ3YjN3bUV2UXxBQ3Jtc0ttbE9Fd0NWMm1iNVYyRlpKRmttSTJlZE85VXNOQkozSkR1VkdaUm52bWM5eFIyUUtnUGF6b2FNTExVbXB3d0RoYzk2b0ZOYVR6VjR6VU5nTGdlalhqQ2RXU095MmJUR1RadTVBT082NXRYWE5OSElTMA%26q%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fec.europa.eu%252Fcefdigital%252Febsi)
* [DIGITAL SERVICES ACT: A GAME CHANGER FOR OUR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS? [+ LIVE STREAM]](https://www.patrick-breyer.de/event/digital-services-act-a-game-changer-for-our-fundamental-rights/)
With the [Digital Services Act (DSA)](https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/posts/dsa/), the European Union is to adopt landmark legislation that will create a framework to regulate online platforms around the world. The DSA will have an impact on the free expression of opinions online, our choices as consumers, the right to privacy and the basic mechanisms of the global Internet.
### Gov.UK
* [Data: A new direction](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1016395/Data_Reform_Consultation_Document__Accessible_.pdf)
● secure the UK's status as a global hub for the free and responsible flow of personal data - complementing our ambitious agenda for new trade deals and data partnerships with some of the world’s fastest growing economies
● reinforce the responsibility of businesses to keep personal information safe, while empowering them to grow and innovate
● ensure that the ICO remains a world-leading regulator, enabling people to use data responsibly to achieve economic and social goals
* [Lord Holmes discusses state of digital identity in the UK](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202107/lord-holmes-discusses-state-of-digital-identity-in-the-uk)
* [“](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202103/uk-government-runs-new-digital-id-system-pilot-for-public-services)[The next iteration of the framework](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202103/uk-government-runs-new-digital-id-system-pilot-for-public-services) mentioned earlier is due to be published this summer and I look forward to that. It will be essential for that work to not only be underpinned by the twelve guiding principles but also to swiftly ‘sandbox’, stand up parallel proofs in specific sectors and proceed with pace.”
* [Blockchain-enabled Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.e-zigurat.com/innovation-school/blog/self-sovereign-identity/)
> Martin Schäffner, the initiator of the [EuSSI Working Group](https://europeanblockchainassociation.org/eba-working-group-self-sovereign-identity-eussi/) of the [European Blockchain Association](https://europeanblockchainassociation.org/) and expert in Self-Sovereign Identity, explains the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity and how it differentiates from conventional digital identities.
* [The “Secure Platform” Concept for Europe - a Trusted and Secure Foundation for a Human-Centric Digital World.](https://mydata.org/2021/06/04/guest-post-the-secure-platform-concept-for-europe/) MyData
The following article discusses the technical requirements needed to protect our personal data and to ensure a safer digital world. It presents solutions for creating an open and secure IT infrastructure where data privacy can always be guaranteed. The article has been written by esatus, founding member and lead of the “Secure Platform” working group, a thematic group within [the IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT)](https://www.teletrust.de/en/startseite/).
* [Commission proposes a trusted and secure Digital Identity for all Europeans](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_2663)
> However, there is no requirement for Member States to develop a national digital ID and to make it interoperable with the ones of other Member States, which leads to high discrepancies between countries. The current proposal will address these shortcomings by improving the effectiveness of the framework and extending its benefits to the private sector and to mobile use.
* [Digital Identity for all Europeans](https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/european-digital-identity_en)
> - Available to any EU citizen, resident, or business in the EU who wants to use it
> - Widely useable as a way of identification or to confirm certain personal attributes for the purpose of access to public and private digital services across the EU
> - Giving full control to users to choose which aspects of their identity, data and certificates they share with third parties, and keep track of such sharing
* [TechCrunch Europe wants to go its own way on digital identity](https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/03/europe-wants-to-go-its-own-way-on-digital-identity/)
> Alongside today’s regulatory proposal they’ve put out a recommendation, inviting member states to “establish a common toolbox by September 2022 and to start the necessary preparatory work immediately” — with a goal of publishing the agreed toolbox in October 2022 and starting pilot projects (based on the agreed technical framework) sometime thereafter.
> “This toolbox should include the technical architecture, standards and guidelines for best practices,” the commission adds, eliding the large cans of worms being firmly cracked open.
* [A trusted and secure European e-ID - Regulation](https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/trusted-and-secure-european-e-id-regulation)
The legal instrument aims to provide, for cross-border use:
– access to highly secure and trustworthy electronic identity solutions,
– that public and private services can rely on trusted and secure digital identity solutions,
– that natural and legal persons are empowered to use digital identity solutions,
– that these solutions are linked to a variety of attributes and allow for the targeted sharing of identity data limited to the needs of the specific service requested,
– acceptance of qualified trust services in the EU and equal conditions for their provision.
## eIDAS
* [SSI eIDAS Legal Report – Ignacio Alamillo – Webinar 55](https://ssimeetup.org/introducing-ssi-eidas-legal-report-ignacio-alamillo-webinar-55/)
> The European Commission developed the [SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) eIDAS bridge](https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/ssi-eidas-bridge), an ISA2 funded initiative, to promote eIDAS as a trust framework for the SSI ecosystem. It assists a VC (Verifiable Credential) issuer in the signing process, and helps the verifier to automate the identification of the organization behind the issuer’s DID (Decentralized Identifier). Simply by “crossing” the eIDAS Bridge, a Verifiable Credential can be proven trustworthy in the EU.
* [eIDAS and Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2021/3/11/eidas-and-self-sovereign-identity) ([Video](https://vimeo.com/522501200) Dingle Group
> Why then is eIDAS v1 not seen as a success? There are many reasons; from parts of the regulation that focused or constrained its use into the public sphere only, to the lack of total coverage across all of the EU. Likely the key missing piece was that the cultural climate was not yet ripe and the state of digital identity was really not ready. Too many technical problems were yet to be solved. Without these elements the realized state of eIDAS should not be unexpected. All this said, eIDAS v1 laid very important groundwork and created an environment to gather important learnings to allow eIDAS v2 to realize the hoped for levels of success and adoption.
* [Legal compliance and the involvement of governments](https://ssi-ambassador.medium.com/self-sovereign-identity-legal-compliance-and-the-involvement-of-governments-467acdd32e88) SSI Ambassador
> It’s currently possible to be eIDAS compliant with SSI, leveraging one out of five scenarios described in the SSI eIDAS legal report by Dr. Ignacio Alamillo Domingo. Especially interesting is the SSI eIDAS bridge, which adds legal value to verified credentials with the use of electronic certificates and electronic seals. However, it’s also possible to derive national eIDs notified in eIDAS, which are eIDAS linked by issuing a verifiable credential with a qualified certificate according to the technical specification.
## eSSIF Lab
* [Meet the eSSIF-Lab ecosystem: the 2nd Business-oriented Programme participants](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-the-2nd-business-oriented-programme-participants/)
Blockchain Certified Data Academic Verifiable Credentials (Academic VCs) – [https://www.bcdiploma.com/](https://www.bcdiploma.com/)
Upstream Dream AB Patient-controlled information flows for learning health systems (The LHS project) – [https://www.genia.se](https://www.genia.se/)
Mopso Srl Amlet (A.W.) – [https://www.mopso.eu/](https://www.mopso.eu/)
Credenco B.V. Digital Certificate of Good Conduct (CoCG) – [https://www.credenco.com](https://www.credenco.com/)
Stichting CherrytwistDecentralized Open Innovation Platform (DOIP) – [https://alkem.io](https://alkem.io/)
Truu LtdHealthcare Professionals Digital Staff Passport (Health DSP) – [https://www.truu.id](https://www.truu.id/)
Fair BnB Network Società Cooperativa Stay Fair, Play Fair – a co-operative habitat for music – [https://fairbnb.coop/](https://fairbnb.coop/)
ZENLIFE SARL-S Zenlife eConsent – [https://zenlife.lu/](https://zenlife.lu/) – under construction
LearningProof UG HonorBox-SSI – [https://learningproof.xyz](https://learningproof.xyz/)
WorkPi B.V. Work Performance Intelligence (WorkPi) – [https://workpi.com/](https://workpi.com/)
yes.com AG European Bank Identity Credentials (Eubic) – [https://www.yes.com](https://www.yes.com/)
* [Gimly in eSSIf-lab: self-sovereign identity and NFC smartcards](https://www.gimly.io/blog/gimly-in-essif-ssi-and-nfc-smartcards)
> Gimly is participating in the European SSI infrastructure programme (eSSIf-lab), building a bridge for the implementation of NFC smartcards with secure elements as physical SSI identifiers. Our aim is to enable self-sovereign identity for both online and offline identification, authorization and access management, with a decreased dependency on the use of personal smartphones.
* [Alex Norta | NGI Explorers Third Expedition: meet the Explorers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D_HCEwQLpr10)
Meet [Alex Norta](http://alexnortaphd.yolasite.com/), associate professor at TalTech who talks about his project “Self-sovereign multi-factor identity authentication using smart-contract blockchain technology”, that will be carried out in collaboration with the University of Central Florida
* [Adding SSI to internet communications using Sylk Suite by Bloqzone B.V.](https://essif-lab.eu/adding-ssi-to-internet-communications-using-sylk-suite-by-bloqzone-b-v/) ESSIF LAB
The project SSIComms adds SSI to internet communications by adding SSI wallets to the renowned SYLK Suite, an award winning ensemble of communications solutions with the SIP protocol at its core.
* [SSI Mandate Service by Visma Connect B.V.](https://essif-lab.eu/ssi-mandate-service-by-visma-connect-b-v/) ESSIF LAB
The SSI mandate service is a generic and holistic approach to provide and request mandates. Mandates are SSI credentials signed by the dependent that can be requested by either the dependent or authorized representative. These credentials can be used to prove to a verifier that the authorized representative is authorized to act for specific actions on behalf of the dependent.
* [Support to the implementation of the European Digital Identity Framework and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation](https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/digital-2022-deploy-02-electronic-id;callCode=DIGITAL-2022-DEPLOY-02) Until May 17
The objective of the topic is to develop, implement and scale up the European Digital Identity framework, based on the revised eIDAS regulatory framework as well as the exchange of evidence as set out in article 14 the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. The broader objective of European Digital Identity is to improve citizen’s access to highly trusted and secure electronic identity means and trust services such as digital signatures, improve citizens’ possibilities to use them and improve their ability to control over sharing their personal identity data.
* [EU digital sovereignty project Gaia-X hands out ID tech contracts](https://www.theregister.com/2022/02/04/gaia_x_ssi/)
* [OnboardSSI by Quadible](https://essif-lab.eu/onboardssi-by-quadible/) ESSIF-LAB
The concept of SSI was designed with the citizen and privacy in mind. However, existing implementations lack user-friendliness (e.g. showing hash codes to users), creating potential barriers in users’ adoption. OnboardSSI focuses on providing a secure and user-friendly wallet solution creating an easier way for citizens to manage their identity.
* [EU Grant to Help Building Blockchain Infrastructure](https://sphereon.com/news-and-insights/sphereon-wins-an-eu-essif-lab-grant/). Sphereon
> We’ll be providing a Presentation Exchange that creates interoperability between W3C DIF-compliant Verifiable Credentials and Hyperledger Aries-based Verifiable Credentials for the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI).
* [eSSIF-Lab’s ecosystem: 2nd batch of winners: Infrastructure Development Instrument](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-labs-ecosystem-the-infrastructure-development-instrument-first-winners-2/)
> another 7 proposals selected, out of 29 that were submitted before the second deadline of the Infrastructure-oriented Open Call
* [eSSIF-Lab Vision and Purpose](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/vision-and-purpose)
The context of the eSSIF-Lab vision can be found in articles 8-10 of the [European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)](https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p%3Dbasictexts/convention), that state the rights of individuals regarding their privacy, and their freedoms to collect, process, store, and express information in a self-sovereign fashion, i.e. in a way that they can decide for themselves.
* [eSSIF-Lab Principles](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/essifLab-principles)
> [Trust](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/terms/trust) is not something that is given, but something that [parties](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/terms/party) (un)consciously assess, and decide about, and changes over time. Since parties are autonomous, their trust is highly subjective. As a consequence, the idea of having 'trusted registries', 'trusted issuers' that do not take this subjectivity into account basically act as [(centralized) authorities](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/terms/authority), denying that parties are autonomous. While we acknowledge that such ideas (have a right to) exist, we do not follow them.
* [eSSIF-Lab Glossary](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/essifLab-glossary)
* [NGI Forward SALON ON DIGITAL SOVEREIGNTY IN eID-Solutions2:Self-sovereign, Centralised or Privatised](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D1RxB7KK2x8Y)
> We are in a very interesting historical moment where forces (and solid arguments) for centralization and forces (and solid arguments) for decentralization seem to hold each other in check. Without a clear vision on identity, society will have no agency since the capability to produce future value (data) is not under regional, nor national, nor international regulated control
* [Meet the eSSIF-Lab’s ecosystem: The Infrastructure Development Instrument second tranche winners](https://spaces.fundingbox.com/spaces/ngi-next-generation-internet-ngi-news-events/6059f89a9bbc1905d0abf0a9) NGI Community
2nd tranche winners are the following:
1. Verifier Universal Interface by [Gataca España S.L.](https://www.gataca.io/) – Building Standard APIs for Verifier components to enable SSI interoperability
2. Automated data agreements to simplify SSI work flows by [LCubed AB (operated under the brand iGrant.io)](https://igrant.io/) – Adopt SSI and make it consumable for both organisations and end-users
3. Presentation Exchange - Credential Query Infra by [Sphereon B.V.](https://sphereon.com/) – Presentation Exchange Interop and Integration
4. Letstrust.org by [SSI Fabric GmbH](https://www.letstrust.org/) – Self-Sovereign Identity for everyone: Enterprise & Consumer Cloud Wallet (OIDC-based), Credentials & SDKs as a basis for applications - free
5. SSI Java Libraries by [Danube Tech GmbH](https://danubetech.com/) – Improving and completing a set of generic, open-source Java libraries for working with DIDs and VCs
6. WordPreSSI Login by [Associazione Blockchain Italia](https://associazioneblockchain.it/) – SSI Login for every WordPress site
7. NFC DID VC Bridge by [Gimly](https://www.gimly.io/) – Enabling the use of NFC secure elements as DID and VC transport for off-line and online identity, authorizations and access management
* The eSSIF-Lab (European Self Sovereign Identity Framework) has announced the winners of two of its different calls for funding
- [Infrastructure Development Winners](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-labs-ecosystem-the-infrastructure-development-instrument-first-winners/) including SICPA, Jolocom, Evernym, ValidatedID
- [Business-Oriented Programme](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-labs-ecosystem-the-1st-business-oriented-programme-participants/) including Danube Tech, Domi, Jolocom
* [Verifiable Credentials Lifecycle - EBSI Documentation - CEF Digital](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSIDOC/Verifiable%2BCredentials%2BLifecycle) European Commission
* [Why and how to make your digital wallet conformant with EBSI?](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/Become%2Bconformant) European Commission
Creating EBSI's Verifiable Credentials Profile containing all the EBSI specifications.
* [On-boarding legal entities flows clarifications - EBSI Documentation - CEF Digital](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/pages/viewpage.action?pageId%3D489652740) European Commission
In this document, you can learn how to onboard and accredit the following legal entities
- EBSI Onboarding Service (EOS)
- Trusted Accreditation Organisation (TAO)
- Trusted Issuer (TI)
* [The time for the eIDAS Bridge](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge) ValidatedID
if you wonder how many of us, users, can really take advantage of PKI for identifying ourselves on the internet, the answer is quite deceiving. This mature technology has been available for decades but has never become mainstream among the society for identifying end users.
* [EUDI Wallet: Illustration of the eIDAS roles and functions](https://lissi-id.medium.com/eu-id-wallet-illustration-of-the-eidas-roles-and-functions-6cb7bb6bca39) Lissi ID
In the graphic below we reorganised and regrouped the stakeholders to map the requirements for the eIDAS toolbox architecture onto a SSI framework (Self-Sovereign Identity framework).
* [Our Analysis of the EU Digital Identity Architecture and Reference Framework](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-identity/) Evernym
Broadly, we at Evernym/Avast are impressed with the content and the underlying principles in the Framework. There’s a lot that we like, but there are also some areas of significant concern that need careful attention.
* [Global Identity Networks: How to Leverage Them for Business Benefit](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022/blog/global-identity-networks-to-leverage-business-benefit) Kuppinger Cole
The uptake of eIDAS (facilitating cross-border acceptance of eIDs) is low relative to the technical capacity of states; [only 15 of the 27 Member States](https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/35274ac3-cd1b-11ea-adf7-01aa75ed71a1) able to fulfil the regulation’s requirements of accepting the eIDs of other Member States for public services.
The EU Commission did reflect on the effectiveness of the regulation in its [Impact Assessment](https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/35274ac3-cd1b-11ea-adf7-01aa75ed71a1), and is developing a revision of it. There are multiple revision options being discussed, but thus far, the preferred option would establish a framework that provides citizens with optional use of a personal digital wallet
* [EBSI Documentation](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSIDOC/EBSI%2BDocumentation%2BHome)
Governmental entities act as important intermediaries for many transactions occurring in today´s society.
In the era of misinformation, digital fraud has become a challenge that is essential to address.
Governments and the societies they serve need technology capable of verifying the authenticity of the information they handle.
As we build the European regulatory framework, in the transfer from paper to digital, a key question arises: how to share official documents, called ‘evidences’ or ‘credentials’ in a way that can be trusted?
* [VIDchain is the first ID wallet to become EBSI compliant](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/vidchain-is-the-first-id-wallet-to-become-ebsi-compliant)
* [Validated ID](https://bit.ly/3ipgSzB) participates in a project to build the [European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/EBSI) for the support of cross-border public services, an initiative created by the European Commission. EBSI is developing a strong and mature ecosystem that Validated ID is proud to be part of.
* [Announcing selection final phase eSSIF-Lab and maximum funding by the European Commission](https://medium.com/@WorkX/announcing-selection-final-phase-essif-lab-and-maximum-funding-by-the-european-commission-80e4ef8912db) Work X
we have done extensive research & development into a use-case to let employees regain control over their career-related data. Therefore receiving the maximum development grant of €106.000 (funded by the European Commission) to bring our MVP into production.
* [Meet the eSSIF-Lab ecosystem: “Completing the Framework” Programme participants](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-completing-the-framework-programme-participants-amme-participants-2/)
- [PCDS-DP](https://compell.io) - Product Circularity Data Sheets Digital Passport
- [ESSIF 4 Logistics](https://sis.lt) - SSI based authorization for cross- border government and business representatives in logistics
- [Symfoni AS](https://www.symfoni.dev/) - Infrastructure to facilitate payments for verifiable credentials
- [Datarella GmbH](https://datarella.com) - Go Aries – Enabling CL-Support on Aries Framework Go
* [@lissi_id The European Digital Identity #Wallet #EUDI will have a modular framework](https://mobile.twitter.com/lissi_id/status/1536645378451333127)
for the user interface, data storage, cryptographic protocols, sensitive cryptographic material and eID mean modules. "[Requirements and Solution CNECT/LUX/2022/OP/0011](http://etendering.ted.europa.eu/cft/cft-documents.html?cftId%3D10237)"
* [Congrats to the 11 wallet providers for being conformant to @EU_EBSI](https://mobile.twitter.com/IgrantIo/status/1532036324882104321/photo/1) @IgrantIo
We are glad to be among the first few along with [@ValidatedID](https://mobile.twitter.com/ValidatedID) [@danube](https://mobile.twitter.com/danube) [@GATACA_ID](https://mobile.twitter.com/GATACA_ID) [@walt_id](https://mobile.twitter.com/walt_id) [@DXCTechnology](https://mobile.twitter.com/DXCTechnology) [@CIMEA_Naric](https://mobile.twitter.com/CIMEA_Naric) [@identyum](https://mobile.twitter.com/identyum) [@ThalesDigiSec](https://mobile.twitter.com/ThalesDigiSec) [@posteitaliane](https://mobile.twitter.com/posteitaliane)
- [An analysis of EU digital identity architecture and reference framework](https://blog.avast.com/analysis-of-eu-digital-identity-architecture-and-reference-framework-avast)
- [eIDAS 2.0: How Europe can define the digital identity blueprint for the world](https://blog.avast.com/eidas-2.0-avast)
* [EIDAS 2.0 Turns To Self-Sovereign Identification To Bring Users Ownership And Control](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alastairjohnson/2022/07/05/eidas-20-turns-to-self-sovereign-identification-to-bring-users-ownership-and-control/?sh%3Da9eefcc7f07e) Forbes
The new proposal will pivot on some of the more key issues that held back the original framework. For example, instead of enforcing a single, rigid ID that openly reveals everything about an individual indefinitely, the eIDAS 2.0 structure can now potentially employ a flexible, self-sovereign identity (SSI) that puts control of all identifying information entirely into the hands of the end-users they pertain to, in both public and private partnership frameworks.
* [Self-Sovereign Digital Identity Wallets for Citizens](https://tages.biz/self-sovereign-digital-identity-wallets-for-citizens/) Tages
The information on Horizon Europe, EU Health, Digital Europe, Creative Europe, Digital Single Market, Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values Programme were shared by the experts and also the representatives of the organizations that have project experience within the scope of these EU programs shared the achievements, outputs, challenges, lessons learned and cooperation processes with EU member states in the projects they implemented.
* [...]
Watch all the presentations from the event: [11 May 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DGKlgfRSCeXI), [12 May 2022](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DDQIgwVJvFuE%26t%3D28020s)
* [5 reasons why professionals and enthusiasts of Self-Sovereign Information Sharing should look into EBSI this summer](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/5%2Breasons%2Bwhy%2Bprofessionals%2Band%2Benthusiasts%2Bof%2BSelf-Sovereign%2BInformation%2BSharing%2Bshould%2Blook%2Binto%2BEBSI%2Bthis%2Bsummer)
#1 EBSI combines W3C standards, Verifiable Credentials and DIDs, with blockchain technology for the purpose of information sharing between Citizens and Governments (C2G) or Businesses (C2B)
#2 Self-Sovereign Information Sharing should help verification, not control
#3 EBSI uses blockchain where it makes sense: to support the verification of Verifiable Crede
#4 EBSI contributes to an open market of SSI digital technologies and services
#5 EBSI successfully piloted Self-Sovereign Information Sharing in the education domain
* [EBSI Explained](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/What%2Bis%2Bebsi/) European Commission
EBSI is a blockchain network of distributed nodes across Europe to support important applications. [...] Below you will find a series of publications that will walk you through the technologies that make it possible for Public Administrations and Businesses to easily verify and trust information received directly from Citizens (or Businesses). There are PDFs of each one:
- Verifiable Credentials Explained
- Verifiable Credentials in Action
- Decentralized Identifiers (DID) Methods
- Digital Identity
- Issuers Trust Model
- OpenID Connect for VCs
- Digital Wallet
* [IDunion announces successful establishment of European cooperative](https://idunion.org/2022/08/16/idunion-announces-successful-establishment-of-european-cooperative/?lang%3Den)
EBSI: [Innovation that respects our privacy is a joint effort](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/Innovation%2Bthat%2Brespects%2Bour%2Bprivacy%2Bis%2Ba%2Bjoint%2Beffort)
O’Neill’s [Weapons of Math destruction](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28186015-weapons-of-math-destruction), Zuboff’s [Surveillance Capitalism](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26195941-the-age-of-surveillance-capitalism), and Véliz’ recent [Privacy is Power](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/51781479-privacy-is-power): these may have made it onto your summer reading list. And for good reason: wherever there is new technology, there is also concern for the respect of our European values.
Explainer: [eIDAS 2.0 - Introduction to The European Digital Identity Wallet & The Evolution of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://utimaco.com/current-topics/blog/eidas-2-the-european-digital-identity-wallet)
Until now, the [eIDAS regulation](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/eur/2014/910/contents) has only focused on online identification. However, the new proposal – eIDAS 2.0 – aims to extend identity to the world of physical services which can be accessed from anywhere around the globe.
* [SSI subgrantee’s solutions booklet: download now!](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-completing-the-framework-programme-participants/) ESSIF-LAB ←report on all the NGI awardees ([report](https://essif-lab.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/essif-booklet-22a.pdf)
After a tough competition among overall excellent proposals, eSSIF-LAB selected the 4 most promising proposals out of 42 submitted applications. 161 applications were started altogether, from 22 different countries. This booklet gives an overview of the 4 Open Calls subgrantee projects started within the infrastructure-oriented and the business-oriented track of eSSIF-Lab.
* [5 reasons why professionals and enthusiasts of Self-Sovereign Information Sharing should look into EBSI](https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/cef/newsletter-archives/40411)
The web is increasingly more distributed, and with it, a new pattern of information sharing is emerging: Self Sovereign Information sharing, where citizens stay in control of their information by choosing what and when to disclose it, and to whom EBSI enables self-sovereign Citizen-to-Government (C2G) and C2B (Citizen-to-Business) privacy-preserving information sharing.
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# Policy
* [GDPR: Everything you need to know](https://authenteq.com/general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr-and-all-thats-behind-it/) - is a great post by authentic explaining it at a high level that we thought would be helpful to those trying to orient.
This is a [round-up from Ally Medina](https://blockadvocacy.medium.com/cas-2020-blockchain-legislative-roundup-89cdd3bad25c) (who was at IIW). She worked on getting AB 2004 passed in California that permitted Verifiable Credentials to be used for Covid-19 test results. It covers other California developments too.
Hearings in Wyoming this week. [Go to this page](https://www.wyoleg.gov/Committees/2020/S19) and click on the *11/2/2020 meeting details*. The section of interest is the *9:30 am* (Wyoming time) discussion on Disclosure of private cryptographic keys.
* [IPR - what is it? why does it matter?](https://identitywoman.net/ipr%25e2%2580%258a-%25e2%2580%258awhat-is-it-why-does-it-matter/)
> There is a lot of diversity in the category of future patent problems. Someone who was contributing without declaring that they hold a patent related to the work can claim they had a patent later (years after the specification is finished) and seek payment from everyone using/implementing the standard, claiming licensing rights or even lost revenue on ideas they legally own.
* [What Are the Six Key Areas of the FATF Consultation?](https://www.elliptic.co/blog/six-key-areas-of-the-fatf-consultation) Elliptic
> On March 19th, Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global standard-setting body for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism finance (AML/CFT), released its [Draft Updated Guidance for a Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers](https://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/recommendations/March%25202021%2520-%2520VA%2520Guidance%2520update%2520-%2520Sixth%2520draft%2520-%2520Public%2520consultation.pdf). Or, in compliance acronym speak the FATF's draft guidance for its RBA to VAs and VASPs.
* [Privacy in Ontario?](https://www.webistemology.com/a-mydata-ontario-privacy-submission/) Webistemology John Wunderlich
> MyData Canada recently submitted a report to the Government of Ontario in response to its consultation for strengthening privacy protections in Ontario.
* [A US National Privacy Law Looks More Likely Than Ever](https://anonyome.com/2021/04/a-us-national-privacy-law-looks-more-likely-than-ever/)
> from the plethora of federal privacy bills put forward, there are three standouts:
- [Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act](https://www.cantwell.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/COPRA%2520Bill%2520Text.pdf) (COPRA) (Democrats) – Sponsored in November 2019 by Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington, this bill is [considered by some](https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/what-a-federal-data-privacy-law-would-mean-for-consumers/a/d-id/1340433) to be “GDPR-esque” and more consumer than business friendly.
- Setting an American Framework to Ensure Data Access, Transparency and Accountable Ability Act ([SAFE DATA Act](https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/BD190421-F67C-4E37-A25E-5D522B1053C7)) (GOP) – Combining three previous bills, the SAFE DATA Act is [considered by some](https://www.darkreading.com/endpoint/what-a-federal-data-privacy-law-would-mean-for-consumers/a/d-id/1340433) as more “business friendly”.
- [Information Transparency and Personal Data Control Act](https://delbene.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID%3D2740) – Re-introduced by Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) for the fourth time (the latest on March 10, 2021), [this bill](https://delbene.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID%3D2740) “… protects personal information including data relating to financial, health, genetic, biometric, geolocation, sexual orientation, citizenship and immigration status, Social Security Numbers, and religious beliefs. It also keeps information about children under 13 years of age safe. ”Beyond this it requires businesses to write their privacy policies in simple language.“
* [Self-sovereign identity in the context of data protection and privacy](https://yourstory.com/2020/11/self-sovereign-identity-context-data-protection-privacy/amp) YourStory
this article deconstructs the self-sovereign identity model and examines how it stacks up against The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019.
* [Digital Identity Around the World: Why Some Countries are Embracing Self Sovereign Identity Quicker](https://hackernoon.com/digital-identity-around-the-world-why-some-countries-are-embracing-self-sovereign-identity-quicker) Hackernoon
Each government moves at its own pace for as many reasons as there are countries, and digital identity/SSI will only become a reality once governments voice their support, regulations, and standards are adopted, infrastructure is created or upgraded, and interoperability, inclusion, and education are all addressed.
* [ICO’s Child Protection Rules Take Effect Sept. 2, 2021. Are You Ready?](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/09/01/icos-child-protection-rules-take-effect-sept-2-2021-are-you-ready/) Identity Praxis
The UK [Information Commission’s (ICO) Children’s Code](https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/ico-codes-of-practice/age-appropriate-design-a-code-of-practice-for-online-services/), officially known as the“Age Appropriate Design Code: a code of practice for online services,” after a year grace period, goes into effect Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021.
* [The Infrastructure Bill and What it Holds for Crypto](https://selfkey.org/the-infrastructure-bill-and-what-it-holds-for-crypto/) SelfKey Foundation
In this article, we’ll try to summarize the key points surrounding the infrastructure bill and the effect it has on crypto.
* [...]
it is likely that many dApp developers now need an identity solution that preserves privacy but ensures compliance – which is exactly the solution that we are building at SelfKey.
EU [DATA GOVERNANCE ACT MEETS TOIP FRAMEWORK](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/01/13/data-governance-act-meets-toip-framework/) TOIP
The DGA defines an “intermediary” that facilitates processing and sharing of data for individuals and organizations to “…increase trust in data intermediation services and foster data altruism across the EU”. In the [MyData](https://mydata.org/declaration/) framework for user-controlled data sharing, intermediaries are called [MyData Operators](https://mydata.org/mydata-operators/) and there is a certification program in place.
* [Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/) White House - President Biden
We must promote access to safe and affordable financial services. Many Americans are underbanked and the costs of cross-border money transfers and payments are high. The United States has a strong interest in promoting responsible innovation that expands equitable access to financial services, particularly for those Americans underserved by the traditional banking system, including by making investments and domestic and cross-border funds transfers and payments cheaper, faster, and safer, and by promoting greater and more cost-efficient access to financial products and services. The United States also has an interest in ensuring that the benefits of financial innovation are enjoyed equitably by all Americans and that any disparate impacts of financial innovation are mitigated.
* [How the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will shape the future of digital identity in Europe](https://www.idnow.io/blog/digital-markets-act-dma-future-digital-identity/) IDNow
On March 24th, 2022, [the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on the final version of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/de/TXT/?qid%3D1608116887159%26uri%3DCOM%253A2020%253A842%253AFIN). According to the European Commission, the DMA regulation is expected to be reviewed and enacted by October 2022.
* [Request for Comment & IPR Review: PCTF Digital Wallet Draft Recommendation V1.0](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/10/digital-wallet-draft-recommendation-v1-0/)
a framework that Digital Identity Ecosystem Participants can use to assess the degree to which the digital wallets that are part of their respective ecosystems accomplish the following:
1. Provide Citizens and Consumers with a Digital Identity Wallet that complies with the human rights principles of preserving people’s privacy and control over their information.
2. Introduces a consistent identity metaphor and consent-driven automated experience across all Ecosystem Participants to reduce impact on users caused by Digital Transformation.
3. Contribute to a stable infrastructure with longevity and world-wide interoperability by adopting and supporting relevant standards as appropriate (e.g., W3C Standards for Verifiable Credentials and DIDs).
4. Counter cyber vulnerability and extortion by enabling Service Providers to incrementally replace existing login mechanisms, some of which may be exploitable, without suffering negative impact to business.
5. Establish an environment of trust within which the wallet’s owner can interact with other Ecosystem Participants such as Issuers, Verifiers, and other Relying Parties.
* [Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/digital-identity-and-attributes-trust-framework) State of Identity
Do you trust technology and government to protect your data? On this week's State of Identity podcast, host, Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at HooYu to discuss the bridge between payments and identity wallets, the UK's next big push in adopting shared identity standards, and the foundation of decentralized identity verification across Web3 applications and the metaverse.
* [UK Draft Digital Identity Framework Published](https://www.research-live.com/article/news/uk-draft-digital-identity-framework-published/id/5087382) Research Live
Updates to the framework include new guidance on creating a consistent approach on user experience, rules on how to manage digital identity accounts, clearer definitions for the framework’s role and details on how organisations will be certified.
* [Can a Verifiable Credential-based SSI Implementation meet GDPR Compliance?](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-a-verifiable-credential-based-ssi-implementation-meet-gdpr-compliance-5039d0149ea4)
Let’s examine how SSI meets each of the articles from #13 to #22.
* [SSI](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-a-verifiable-credential-based-ssi-implementation-meet-gdpr-compliance-5039d0149ea4) is a digital movement that aims to enable individuals or organizations to have sole ownership of their identity, and to have control over how their data is shared and used.
* [The Policymaker’s Guide to Respectful Technology in Legislation](https://me2ba.org/the-policymakers-guide-to-respectful-technology-in-legislation/)
What most people want but don’t have the terms to describe is respectful digital relationships. In the same way there is an unspoken code for respectful behavior in physical-realm relationships, this same type of behavior is just as essential when engaging with an online service or website.
* [Overview of Member States' eID strategies](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/EIDCOMMUNITY/National%2BStrategies)
> The report focusses on the approaches towards eID outlined in national strategy documents, together with other supporting documentation and web resources, with the aim of offering a thorough understanding of the eID state of play across Europe.
* [Understanding the MiCA and Pilot Regime crypto regulation](https://medium.com/adaneu/relax-take-it-easy-understanding-the-mica-and-pilot-regime-crypto-regulation-db21e537ec58)
> The European Commission’s proposal for the regulation of crypto-assets markets is based on two draft texts :
> - MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation) whose scope covers cryptocurrencies, utility tokens and stablecoins ;
> - the Pilot Regime Regulation for DLT Market Infrastructures (PRR) project.
> With these two texts, the Commission’s goal is to regulate crypto-asset players and not the assets as such.
* [EU Data Governance Act officially released](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/data-governance-act)
>foster the availability of data for use by increasing trust in data intermediaries and by strengthening data-sharing mechanisms across the EU
One of MyDex CIC’s founders, [Alan Mitchell shares a feeling of Vindication](https://medium.com/mydex/vindicated-cb897fb4e94b) in a post celebrating the companies early articulation of key principles and how the EU’s proposed new Data Governance Act aligns with that.
> These providers will have to comply with a number of requirements, in particular the requirement to remain neutral as regards the data exchanged. They cannot use such data for other purposes. In the case of providers of data sharing services offering services for natural persons, the additional criterion of assuming fiduciary duties towards the individuals using them will also have to be met.
* [In a digital age, how can we reconnect values, principles and rules?](https://identitywoman.net/in-a-digital-age-how-can-we-reconnect-values-principles-and-rules/) Kaliya Young and Tony Fish
> “what do we think is the north star for data and identity and on what principle they are built?” How do these principles help us agree on risks, and will our existing rules help or hinder us?
* [Data Broker Registry](https://oag.ca.gov/data-brokers) State of California Department of Justice
[California law requires a data broker](http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB1202), as defined in California Civil Code § 1798.99.80, to register with the Attorney General on its internet website that is accessible to the public, on or before January 31 following each year in which a business meets the [definition of a data broker](https://iapp.org/news/a/california-data-broker-registrations-who-made-the-list-on-jan-31/).
* [Foster Introduces Bipartisan Digital Identity Legislation](https://foster.house.gov/media/press-releases/foster-introduces-bipartisan-digital-identity-legislation) that would:
- Establish a task force made up of key federal agencies and state representatives.
- Direct NIST to create a new framework of standards to guide agencies in implementing identity systems.
- Establish a grant program within the DHS to support states in upgrading.
* [Data Exchange Board to Improve the EU Data Governance Act](https://mydata.org/2020/12/09/why-we-need-a-data-exchange-board-to-improve-the-eu-data-governance-act/)
* [Utah State Legislature Passes Facial Recognition Bill](https://findbiometrics.com/utah-state-legislature-passes-facial-recognition-bill-030504/)
The Utah bill, on the other hand, allows public agencies to use facial recognition as long as certain guidelines are followed. Most notably, law enforcement officers must submit a written request before performing a facial recognition search, and must be able to provide a valid reason for doing so.
* [FATF and Global Crytpto Regulatory News](https://www.elliptic.co/blog/fatf-concludes-its-annual-plenary-session)
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) [held](https://www.fatf-gafi.org/publications/fatfgeneral/documents/outcomes-fatf-plenary-february-2021.html) its winter Plenary session on 22nd, 24th, and 25th February and welcomed over 205 delegates to its third virtual conference since the start of the pandemic.
### Indian Data Legislation
* [Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework](https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/data-development-revisiting-non-personal-data-governance-framework/)
> In July 2020, an expert committee established by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) released a report on the Non-Personal Data (NPD) governance framework for India. The document is well-intentioned in that it recognises the public value of data, and the need to democratise its use.
* [Potential Impacts of Draft India Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB)](https://www2.deloitte.com/in/en/pages/risk/articles/privacy-data.html) (Deloitte)
* [USPTO: CIO Jamie Holcombe](https://www.federalblockchainnews.com/podcast/episode/78ad1b6f/uspto-cio-jamie-holcombe)
> CIO Jamie Holcombe says identity verification with blockchain might be in the future for USPTO and talks about navigating changes in policy & law when considering a distributed ledger to store patents & trademarks. Among the interesting questions: do we start with patent #1 (applicant: George Washington)?
* [Katryna Dow - Data minimisation: value, trust and obligation](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/data-minimisation-meeco-katryna-dow/)
> Katryna talks to Oscar about her career (including inspiration from Minority Report), Meeco’s personal data & distributed ledger platform, the importance of data minimisation to inspire trust in organisations, and cultural differences in attitudes towards digital identity.
* [Data: Governance and Geopolitics](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/01/data-governance-and-geopolitics.html) Tony Fish
> How data is governed can be thought of along several lines of activity: legislating privacy and data use, regulating content, using antitrust laws to dilute data monopolies, self-regulating by the tech giants, regulating digital trade, addressing intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement, assuring cybersecurity, and practicing cyber diplomacy. Of these, antitrust, regulation, and privacy are most immediately in the spotlight, and are the focus of this commentary, but it will also touch briefly on the connections with other issues.
* [Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and OpenID Foundation in Liaison Agreement on eKYC & IDA for Legal Entities](https://openid.net/2021/02/06/ministry-of-economy-trade-and-industry-and-openid-foundation-in-liaison-agreement-on-ekyc-ida-for-legal-entities/)
> The OpenID Foundation (OIDF), the international standards development organization which maintains the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance (OIDC4IDA) standard, and the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) have signed a liaison agreement to work together.
> Under the agreement, METI will lead policy efforts to implement identity assurance frameworks for legal entities in Japanese Government and private sector while the [OIDF’s eKYC & Identity Assurance (eKYC & IDA) Working Group](https://openid.net/wg/ekyc-ida/) continues to advance the technical standards that enable many digital identity solutions. The agreement:
> - Provides a mechanism to collaborate “about Authentication and Identity Assurance for Legal Entity”, mutually approved white papers, workshops, podcasts and other outreach activities;
> - Allows participation of each party’s staff and members in the other party’s meetings, as mutually agreed;
> - Provides for direct communications to communicate (without obligation and only to the extent each party chooses) about new work and upcoming meetings;
> - Supports common goals, including where appropriate and mutually agreed, to Specifications of Authentication and Identity Assurance for Legal Entity.
* [End-To-End Encryption is Too Important to Be Proprietary](https://doctorow.medium.com/end-to-end-encryption-is-too-important-to-be-proprietary-afdf5e97822) Cory Doctorow
End-to-end messaging encryption is a domain where mistakes matter. The current draft of the DMA imposes a tight deadline for interoperability to begin (on the reasonable assumption that Big Tech monopolists will drag their feet otherwise) and this is not a job you want to rush.
* [Crypto Regulatory Affairs: Governor of California Signs Blockchain Executive Order](https://www.elliptic.co/blog/crypto-regulatory-affairs-governor-of-california-signs-blockchain-executive-order) Elliptic
On May 4th, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into effect a [“Blockchain Executive Order”](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/05/04/governor-newsom-signs-blockchain-executive-order-to-spur-responsible-web3-innovation-grow-jobs-and-protect-consumers/)
“[to] assess how to deploy blockchain technology for state and public institutions, and build research and workforce development pathways to prepare Californians for success in this industry”.
* [We Applaud the Confirmation of New FTC Commissioner, Alvaro Bedoya](https://me2ba.org/we-applaud-the-confirmation-of-new-ftc-commissioner-alvaro-bedoya/) Me2Ba
Bedoya’s research has shined a light on digital surveillance and its impact on people of color, immigrants, and the working class. He founded the [Center on Privacy & Technology](https://www.law.georgetown.edu/privacy-technology-center/) at Georgetown Law to focus on the importance of consumer privacy rights.
* [Response to FinCEN RFI](https://www.centre.io/blog/centres-response-to-fincen-rfi) Centre
In this letter, we focus on two questions relevant to identifying Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) regulations and guidance that may be outdated, redundant, or do not promote a risk-based AML/CFT regulatory regime for financial institutions.
* [Trust in the digital space](https://lissi-id.medium.com/trust-in-the-digital-space-7762471351cf) Lissi ID
Would we rather have a high level of security or self-sovereignty? Unfortunately, the two aspects are at different ends of the spectrum. If we only allow pre-verified and approved parties to retrieve identity data, as currently envisaged by the [eIDAS regulation](https://lissi-id.medium.com/eidas-and-the-european-digital-identity-wallet-context-status-quo-and-why-it-will-change-the-2a7527f863b3), this severely restricts usage
* [Canada: Enabling Self-Sovereign Identity](https://trbouma.medium.com/canada-enabling-self-sovereign-identity-efcfda2aa044) Tim Bouma
Older article not covered here, yet
The adoption of the [self-sovereign identity model](http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2016/04/the-path-to-self-soverereign-identity.html) within the Canadian public sector is still being realized in 2020. It is too early to tell how it will change the technological infrastructure or the institutional infrastructure of Canadian public services.
* [Old Policy, New Tech: Reconciling Permissioned Blockchain Systems with Transatlantic Privacy Frameworks](https://events.asucollegeoflaw.com/gets/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2022/05/Remy-Hellstern-REVIEWED.pdf) By Remy Hellstern and Victoria Lemieux
This paper will explore the global conversation and consensus around data privacy regulation, with specific attention to the European Union and Canada. It will work to understand how blockchain-based firms situate themselves amid this regulation in relation to the storage of personally identifiable information by looking at relevant policy decisions, legal cases, and commentary from regulatory bodies and commissions.
* [Our Input to the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Pre-Rulemaking Stakeholder Sessions](https://me2ba.org/our-input-to-the-california-privacy-protection-agency-cppa-pre-rulemaking-stakeholder-sessions/) Me2BA
California is a major center of new privacy law and regulation, creating opportunities for internet safety advocates to help design policies that will ripple out well beyond the state’s borders. Their Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), passed by ballot proposition in 2020, created the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA), which seems to be getting closer to initiating its first formal rulemaking process.
* [How Can Europe Lead Innovation And Win Web3? Ledger’s 4 Recommendations For EU Policymakers](https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri%3Durn:aaid:scds:US:fa00c64a-5f6d-38c6-baf7-0bcfa06e6a28%23pageNum%3D25)
4. Invest in a public/private partnership to co-develop a self-sovereign identity solution for Europe.
* [FTC announces Ed Tech prohibited from common data collection and monetization](https://me2ba.org/ftc-prohibits-data-collection-and-monetization-edtech/) Me2BA
Specifically, the FTC will be more closely monitoring all companies covered by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), with particular attention to ed tech, to ensure that children have access to educational tools without being subject to surveillance capitalism.
* [Centre’s Response to Australian Treasury](https://www.centre.io/blog/centres-response-to-australian-treasury) Centre
In this letter, we focus on a couple of issues that would be beneficial in expanding the Australian regulatory frameworks to include crypto assets. Furthermore, our comments pertain specifically to fiat-backed stablecoins, which are backed on a 1:1 basis by reserve assets, such as bank deposits and short-term government bonds.
* [Our Input to the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) Pre-Rulemaking Stakeholder Sessions](https://me2ba.org/our-input-to-the-california-privacy-protection-agency-cppa-pre-rulemaking-stakeholder-sessions/) Me2Ba
We have monitored and involved ourselves in this new agency since its inception, and Lisa LeVasseur (our Executive Director) and Noreen Whysel (Director of Validation Research) shared their expertise on product audits and dark patterns, respectively, in a recent pre-rulemaking CPPA Stakeholder Session (May 5-6).
* [Children’s right for privacy also in the digital world is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child](https://www.mydata.org/2022/06/20/press-release-childrens-right-for-privacy-also-in-the-digital-world-is-guaranteed-under-the-convention-on-the-rights-of-the-child-and-this-includes-photos/) MyData
Last week, the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin, stated that she will not give consent to the media to take and publish photos of her child. This led to wide discussion and international headlines – even though the right to privacy is guaranteed under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
* [Postcard from the UK](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/06/20/postcard-from-the-uk/) DIGITAL IDENTITY NEW ZEALAND
It is on this last point that I do see a slight gap between the UK and Aotearoa. In the UK and in Europe more generally there seems to be more awareness of, and a sense of urgency around, the vulnerability of mobile smartphones, given the expectation that they will be the device of choice for most people to download digital identity related wallet apps.
American Data Privacy and Protection Act
* [New Bipartisan Federal Data Privacy Bill in the US, But Will It Pass?](https://anonyome.com/2022/06/new-bipartisan-federal-data-privacy-bill-in-the-us-but-will-it-pass/) Anonyme
- The Federal Trade Commission would have to maintain a public registry of data brokers and present a way for users to opt out of targeted advertisements and other data sharing practices.
- Consumers could access, correct and delete their own data and companies would have to tell third parties to change user data where users request it.
* [What is the American Data Privacy and Protection Act?](https://identityreview.com/what-adppa-american-data-privacy-protection-act/) IdentityReview
If a business has had an annual revenue less than “$41 million, did not collect or process the data of more than 100,000 individuals, and did not derive more than 50% of revenue from transferring personal information” in the last three years, they are not considered a covered entity in this bill.
- [Avast’s views on the proposed amendments to the eIDAS 2.0 regulation](https://blog.avast.com/eidas-2.0-amendments-analysis)
* [Agency to hear public comment at hearing on August 24 and 25 as part of rulemaking process](https://cppa.ca.gov/regulations/) CPPA CA
A hearing on the [proposed regulations](https://cppa.ca.gov/regulations/consumer_privacy_act.html) will occur on August 24 and 25, 2022 at 9:00 am Pacific Time. Media and members of the public are encouraged to RSVP via the link above.
Persons who wish to submit written comments on the proposed regulations must submit them by August 23, 2022
* [Soulbound Tokens, Trust Networks, and California's Big Test](https://wrenchinthegears.com/2022/05/28/soulbound-tokens-trust-networks-and-californias-big-test/) Wrenchinthegears
California [SB1190](https://sd18.senate.ca.gov/news/342022-hertzberg-announces-new-blockchain-legislation-creating-%25E2%2580%259Ccalifornia-trust-framework%25E2%2580%259D) that would establish a “Trust Framework” at the state level. This bill was introduced to the state senate in early March by Robert Hertzberg, close friend of Los Angeles billionaire investor Nicholas Berggruen
* [2022 GDF Report CRYPTOASSETS AND SANCTIONS COMPLIANCE A PRIMER](https://www.gdf.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Cryptoassets-and-Sanctions-Compliance-Report-Final-1.pdf?mc_cid%3D5d688e0647%26mc_eid%3Dbebf526fc7) GDF
There is a common misconception that cryptoassets provide a ready-made avenue for sanctions evasion because they sit outside the regulatory and legal perimeter. In fact, sanctions authorities in many jurisdictions have ensured that relevant legal and regulatory requirements apply comprehensively to activity conducted in cryptoassets.
* [FTC weighs new rules to protect Americans’ personal data](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/11/ftc-new-rules-personal-data-secuirty) Guardian
The FTC is issuing an advanced notice of proposed rule-making to address commercial surveillance, the “business of collecting, analyzing, and profiting from information about people”. [...] The public can offer input on the FTC notice and the commission will hold a virtual public forum on 8 September.
* [Is the EU Digital Identity Wallet an implementation of Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://www.innopay.com/en/publications/eu-digital-identity-wallet-implementation-self-sovereign-identity) Innopay
The intention of the European Commission is to allow – or even force – acceptance in a wide range of sectors in the public and private domain and thereby ensure that identities are as wisely usable as possible (interoperability). The principle of consent will also be met, as it is already fulfilled with current eID solutions notified under eIDAS and other EU regulations, such as GDPR and PSD2. One of the explicit requirements of the proposal is selective disclosure, in line with GDPR’s rules on data minimalisation.
* [Beijing will regulate ‘digital humans’ in the metaverse and beyond](https://restofworld.org/2022/beijing-digital-humans-metaverse/) Rest of World
The plan also signals that Beijing will take a more active role in handling the personal data generated by these platforms. Some of the directives outlined in the plan require any user-facing aspect of the digital human industry to be subject to rules that protect information about and generated by platform users, while also treating user data as a resource to be traded on the country’s new data exchanges.
## Community Project on mDL and VCs
Last week we shared about the [Community Project on mDL and VCs](https://newsletter.identosphere.net/i/73037307/where-the-wc-verifiable-credentials-meets-the-iso-mobile-driving-license)
Next week we are hosting two community calls to collect input for the project On Sept 27th in [Asia morning time](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/where-the-w3c-vcs-meets-the-iso-180135-mdl-apac-time-tickets-425211377677) and on Sept 27th in [US morning time](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/where-the-w3c-vcs-meets-the-iso-180135-mdl-eu-africa-americas-time-tickets-425242470677).
## Hiring
* [Vinícius Niche @viniciusniche of Truvity shares](https://twitter.com/viniciusniche/status/1570790061217845248)
Hey Tech Twitter, [@TruvityHQ](https://twitter.com/TruvityHQ) (where I work) is hiring engineers for the Infrastructure Developer (Go/Kubernetes) role, details are on the thread
Kaliya met the CEO this week at the Open Source Summit Dublin and was impressed.
The Verifiable Credential’s Policy Committee, (that Kaliya Chairs) in California had a big win this week
* [California Moves Forward to Allow Vital Records to be Issued on Blockchain](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/09/29/california-moves-forward-to-allow-vital-records-to-be-issued-on-blockchain/) Coindesk
* [approved another on Wednesday](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2022/09/28/governor-newsom-issues-legislative-update-9-28-22/) that instructs county records offices to [allow for the use of blockchain technology](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id%3D202120220SB786) and verifiable credentials. The technology would be established in the distribution of birth, death and marriage records, allowing PDFs to be sent immediately rather than using a typical 10-day postal delivery.
## Policy
* [6 months of KI Identity Assurance in the UK](https://kantarainitiative.org/2022/09/29/6-months-of-ki-identity-assurance-in-the-uk/) Kantara Initiative
We believe it is vital that certification bodies work with DCMS and UKAS in a spirit of partnership – bringing together the cumulative value of dozens of great minds! To this end, we have been encouraged by the proactive approach of DCMS in creating forums where the 5 certification bodies can discuss ideas and feedback on the program in action.
* [2 Signs the US is Getting Tougher on Data Privacy Regulation](https://anonyome.com/2022/09/2-signs-the-us-is-getting-tougher-on-data-privacy-regulation/) Anonyme
I know almost everyone can probably find something that they wished were different in the bill. On the other hand, I do think we have a band-aid for the American people who are just fed up with the lack of privacy online
* [Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights - MAKING AUTOMATED SYSTEMS WORK FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE](https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/ai-bill-of-rights/) Whitehouse.Gov
Responding to the experiences of the American public, and informed by insights from researchers, technologists, advocates, journalists, and policymakers, this framework is accompanied by From Principles to Practice—a handbook for anyone seeking to incorporate these protections into policy and practice
* [California Legalizes Blockchain-based Vital Records](https://mobileidworld.com/california-legalizes-blockchain-based-vital-records-410031/) MobileDataWorld
As [an abstract of the bill](https://trackbill.com/bill/california-senate-bill-786-county-birth-death-and-marriage-records-blockchain/2043852/) explains, while existing law requires such records “to contain certain information and to be printed on chemically sensitized security paper, as specified,” the new legislation enables a county recorder to, upon request, issue a birth, death, or marriage record “by means of verifiable credential, as defined, using blockchain technology, defined as a decentralized data system, in which the data stored is mathematically verifiable, that uses distributed ledgers or databases to store specialized data in the permanent order of transactions recorded.”
* [A critical fork in the data road?](https://medium.com/mydex/a-critical-fork-in-the-data-road-1eb29c5a42a8) MyData
Is the EU discussion about data portability missing a key point?
In its discussion of data portability the EU rightly recognises the economic importance of this issue, stressing that “market imbalances arising from the concentration of data restricts competition, increases market entry barriers and diminishes wider data access and use.”
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# Public Sector
* [MyDex CCI on working with the Scottish Government](https://medium.com/mydex/a-way-forward-for-personal-data-6251d1503bdd)
> Over the past months Mydex CIC has been [working for the Scottish Government](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/10/01/digital-identity-scotland-a-beta-industry-event/) on a strategy for implementing and scaling a system of ‘smart entitlements’ for the citizens of Scotland.
* [Digital Identity Scotland – A beta industry event](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/10/01/digital-identity-scotland-a-beta-industry-event/).
> The [Smart Entitlements](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2020/10/Smart-Entitlements-Research-Recommendations-and-Report-for-the-Scottish-Government-FINAL.pdf) concept is very simple. Its goal is to create a common, easy approach for citizens to access public services that is consistent across multiple service providers. To achieve this, it provides citizens with the ability to store their personal information in an Attribute (or personal data) Store which they own and control.
* [Swiss doing SSI](http://didas.swiss)
> Underpinned by our country’s values, DIDAS is the Swiss ecosystem with the goal to enable an inclusive, privacy-first & frictionless future for our society’s Digital & Data needs. We are advocating for global standards with local governance for digital identities and data sovereignty.
### Policy
* [OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum](https://oecd-events.org/blockchainforum/)
> The Global Blockchain Policy Forum is the leading international event focused on the policy implications of this technology and its applications, led by the OECD’s Blockchain Policy Centre. Following the second edition of the Forum in 2019, which was attended by more than 1 600 people
* [New Zealand](https://digitalidentity.nz/2020/11/18/get-involved-with-dinz-this-november/) is working with Maori leaders on Identity
> Next week we’re celebrating our first Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata. We’re particularly excited to be bringing you a Kapa Kōrero session with Kaye-Maree Dunne, Jane-Renee Retimana, Belinda Allen and Ben Tairea. The quartet will be exploring perspectives from Te Ao Māori, and the relevance of Te Tiriti in our collective work on digital identity.
Digital Identity New Zealand is having it’s [Annual Meeting](https://digitalidentity.nz/event/digital-identity-nz-annual-meeting/) Dec 10th
common bar of acceptance
### Digital Identity New Zealand
* [DINZ held the first Aotearoa Digital Identity Hui Taumata](https://digitalidentity.nz/2020/12/07/aotearoa-digital-identity-hui-taumata-2/)
> Bianca Lopes and David Birch shared with us their International perspectives and insights, including a whirlwind Identity world tour hosted by Bianca and her team at Talle.
* [Institutions and Governance in the digital realm of Africa](https://omidyarnetwork.medium.com/institutions-matter-60c819d32e2a)
Omidyar Network:
- seeking to better understand the existing laws and institutions
- exploring ways to strengthen the capacity of institutions that uphold these laws
- supporting digital rights organizations throughout Africa to act as checks on technological excesses of both governments and corporations
* [Legal Entity Identifier News from Q1](https://managedlei.com/blog/legal-entity-identifier-news-from-q1/)
The GLEIF introduce the vLEI
Taking the LEI one step further from entity identification to individuals is a huge development for the digital identity industry and one that has been supported [by our partners at RapidLEI](https://rapidlei.com/vlei/). We wrote a full blog on the story to [explain why vLEIs are important](https://managedlei.com/blog/what-is-vlei-and-what-problems-does-it-solve/) and how we expect they can add value to the industry with some solid examples such as mobile driving licenses and healthcare service delivery.
* [FIDO Alliance Supports Biden Administration EO on Cybersecurity](https://fidoalliance.org/fido-alliance-supports-biden-administration-eo-on-cybersecurity/)
There have been a number of high profile attacks against critical American infrastructure in recent months, including the Solarwinds supply chain attack that exposed much of the government to potential risk. Top of mind in recent days is the ransomware attack against Colonial Pipeline, which significantly impacted the flow of refined oil across America. These attacks expose the vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the United States, and the Biden Administration is issuing federal directives that will minimize or eliminate risk.
* [Connecting Citizens and Government for Better Designed Services](https://medium.com/mydex/connecting-citizens-and-government-for-better-designed-services-9b58205185ce) MyData
Our vision for [Inclued](https://mydex.org/platform-services/) is for it to become the de facto choice for two-way, secure citizen engagement that empowers citizens to not only access services but influence what is delivered to them, while giving governments and citizens insight and evidence into the value and impact of working with, not for citizens.
* [Catalonia launches a project for Self-Sovereign Identity to empower citizens in the digital world](https://politiquesdigitals.gencat.cat/en/detalls/Noticia/El-Govern-presenta-el-projecte-IdentiCAT-un-nou-model-didentitat-digital-autosobirana-que-converteix-el-ciutada-en-propietari-gestor-i-custodi-exclusiu-de-la-seva-identitat-i-dades) Politiques Digitales
The Government will only act as a validator, giving the tools and a secure legal framework, but it will not in any case have the custody of the data.
The Government of Catalonia has presented IdentiCAT, the new decentralized and self-sovereign digital identity model, which aims to become the first public digital identity at a European level and it will be self-managed by the citizen with the absolute legal guarantee and validity to operate with the public administration and the private sector.
* [Me2BA provides human-centered recommendations to the California Privacy Protection Agency](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-provides-human-centered-recommendations-to-the-california-privacy-protection-agency/)
The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) established the California Privacy Protection Agency (“CPPA”). The CPPA has full administrative power and authority to implement the CCPA and CPRA, which basically means that the CPPA will be in charge of updating regulations and adopting new regulations, while enforcement of these regulations will be done by both the CPPA and the Attorney General
* [Hello World. It’s Walt.id](https://walt.id/resources/blog/categories/company/hello-world-its-walt-id)
It is our goal to make SSI simple and accessible: to enable every developer and organisation to build identity and trust into the web and their applications. Ultimately, this will transform every digital interaction into an effortless and worry-free experience.
* [Bonfii announces partnership with Finclusive](https://bonifii.com/2021/11/credit-union-digital-identity-provider-bonifii-announces-new-partnership-with-finclusive/) CU Ledger
FinClusive’s AML/KYC capabilities create verified identity credentials that will be incorporated into MemberPass – Bonifii’s digital identity solution for Credit Unions Through this partnership, U.S. Credit Union members can now establish and maintain verifiable digital identities that enable safe, secure, and touchless experiences for many credit union service
* [The Lissi Wallet now supports additional cards and convenience features](https://lissi-id.medium.com/the-lissi-wallet-now-supports-additional-cards-and-convenience-features-465aeedf5f5c)
The Lissi Wallet now supports additional cards and convenience features. Import of additional cards The Lissi Wallet does supports verified credentials, custom cards and pk.pass files The Lissi Wallet now supports .pkpass files, as well as other custom cards, in addition to verifiable credentials (first screen). Any card in the wallet that has a bar code or QR code can now be easi
* [Adopting eID in Europe and Beyond](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/adopting-eid-in-europe-and-beyond) State of Identity
Digital identity is now recognized as a key building block in digitizing public administration; however, it requires interoperability with private sector use cases to drive value for its citizens.
* [Reinventing Government with Technology - Sebastian Manhart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D1fTJA0r_XFg) KuppingerCole
Raj Hegde is joined by Sebastian Manhart - Technical Advisor on Digital Identity for the German Chancellery to explore governmental reform and understand stakeholder expectations behind the rollout of digital identity projects in the post-COVID era.
* [Participate in Alberta's First Verifiable Digital Credentials Pilot](https://pilot.atbventures.com/)
You’re invited to participate in an exciting pilot program being launched by ATB Ventures and the Government of Alberta.
* [ID Wallet: The German government had long known about IT security vulnerabilities](https://marketresearchtelecast.com/id-wallet-the-german-government-had-long-known-about-it-security-vulnerabilities/190919/) Market Research Telecast
The BSI expresses the problem as follows: “The authentication of the user required to carry out a hotel check-in on the basis of the factors possession (” link secret “) and knowledge (” PIN “) takes place exclusively on the basis of key material that is stored in the Wallet app is saved. ” No specially secured electronic storage and processing medium such as a “secure element” integrated in smartphones is used.
* [Introducing the SSI eIDAS Legal Report](https://ssimeetup.org/introducing-ssi-eidas-legal-report-ignacio-alamillo-webinar-55/) – Ignacio Alamillo – Webinar 55
The European Commission developed the [SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) eIDAS bridge](https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/ssi-eidas-bridge), an ISA2 funded initiative, to promote eIDAS as a trust framework for the SSI ecosystem. It assists a VC (Verifiable Credential) issuer in the signing process, and helps the verifier to automate the identification of the organization behind the issuer’s DID (Decentralized Identifier)
* [Verifiable Credentials for Digital Identity Projects](https://knowledge.wealize.digital/en/blog/verifiable-credentials-for-digital-identity-projects)
The Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE) has recently published the [UNE 71307-1](https://www.une.org/encuentra-tu-norma/busca-tu-norma/norma?c%3DN0064986) Digital Enabling Technologies Standard. This is the first global standard on decentralized identity management, based on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).
* [Data: A New Direction — But Which Direction?](https://medium.com/mydex/data-a-new-direction-but-which-direction-da547b886ac0) Alan Mitchell
This is the fifth and final blog in our series about the UK Government’s proposals for data protection reform — “Data: A New Direction”. Previous blogs focused on the thinking behind the proposals. This blog summarises what the main proposals are.
* [Joining forces towards European digital credentials](https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey%3D%2521ADoEGcIwiKDydcg%26cid%3DF7FF746DED29F767%26id%3DF7FF746DED29F767%252183805%26parId%3DF7FF746DED29F767%252183804%26o%3DOneUp) European Commission
* [MetaMUI and Sovereign Yidindji Government launched 1st self-sovereign identity-based National ID system](https://cointelegraph.com/press-releases/metamui-and-sovereign-yidindji-government-launched-1st-self-sovereign-identity-based-national-id-system) Cointelegraph
We are delighted to announce that our first E-Government pilot program with the Sovereign Yidindji Government has been successfully completed on Jan 7, 2022.
* [Decentralized Identity & Government](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dl8pHUdjKfes) Evernym
The key differences between federated and decentralized identity systems - An analysis of a few notable government-led projects, such as Aadhaar (India), Verify (UK), eIDAS (EU), and the Ontario Digital Identity Program (Canada) - What decentralization means for portability, scalability, flexibility, and privacy - How governments and commercial organizations can enhance existing federated identity systems with verifiable credentials
* [SURF: Technical exploration Ledger-based Self Sovereign Identity](https://identity--economy-de.translate.goog/surf-technical-exploration-ledger-based-self-sovereign-identity) Identity Economy DE
As a general concept, the privacy-friendly nature of SSI, end-user control over disclosure of personal information, and the SSI trust model aligned well with the public values typically found in R&D. The platform we used (based Hyperledger Indy) allowed us to successfully run all use cases. The platform delivers on SSI's promises of privacy, scalability, and security.
* [SSI initiative open to new players](https://www.adnovum.ch/en/company/blog/exploring_the_potential_of_self-sovereign_identity_with_representative_use_cases.html) adnovum
* [One step closer to self-sovereign identity - Procivis launches SSI+](https://www.procivis.ch/post/one-step-closer-to-self-sovereign-identity-procivis-launches-ssi)
Composed of the desk, wallet and gateway, SSI+ offers a complete solution for issuers, holders and verifiers of verifiable credentials (VCs) to get started with self-sovereign identity projects today. After evaluation of the emerging SSI frameworks, we determined that Hyperledger Indy delivers today the strongest privacy guarantees, interoperability and maturity.
* [Hello, User: Episode 13 with Katryna Dow](https://hellouser.libsyn.com/episode-13-with-katryna-dow)
Welcome to lucky episode number 13! Your new host Aubrey Turner, Executive Advisor at Ping, is thrilled to welcome Katryna Dow, CEO & Founder of the award-winning data platform Meeco. Katryna discusses Meeco’s mission to enable everyone on the planet access to equity and value in exchange for the data and information they share. She talks about why she saw a need for Meeco’s services, what we need to know as we approach a more “physigital”world, and how her vision all started with a Tom Cruise film.
* [ID-Ideal as an integrated solution](https://jolocom.io/blog/id-ideal-as-an-integrated-solution/) Jolocom
Emphasis ours
The idea behind [ID-Ideal](https://1-id--ideal-de.translate.goog/?_x_tr_enc%3D1%26_x_tr_sl%3Dauto%26_x_tr_tl%3Den%26_x_tr_hl%3Den-US%26_x_tr_pto%3Dwapp) is to create a basis for existing and future identity services. To achieve this, interoperability between the individual ecosystems is necessary. For this reason, the project mainly focuses on key aspects:
A) Trust Framework: harmonize various ID services and create standards for secure digital identities
B) High relevance to everyday life and very good usability to increase the incentive
C) Establishing a TrustNest initiative: an open community that promotes certification, exchange, and further development
* [IRS Using Facial Scanning](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/01/irs_using_facial_scanning.shtml) Phil Windley
The IRS will use ID.me's authentication and identity proofing service exclusively starting sometime this summer. The identity proofing portion employs facial scanning by a third party, causing some concern.
* [Rough Seas Ahead People](https://www.moxytongue.com/2022/01/rough-seas-ahead-people.html) MoxyTongue
Commentary from the man who invented the term Self-Sovereign Idenitty on the ID.me situation with the IRS.
Humanity does not come into existence inside a database. The American Government does not come into authority "of, by, for" database entries.
People prove birth certificates, birth certificates do not prove people.
* [IRS Will Soon Require Selfies for Online Access](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/01/irs-will-soon-require-selfies-for-online-access/) Krebs on Security
If you created an online account to manage your tax records with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), those login credentials will cease to work later this year. The agency says that by the summer of 2022, the only way to log in to irs.gov will be through ID.me
* [Implementing the Swiss SSI Ecosystem – Two Streams Approach](https://www.didas.swiss/2022/02/18/implementing-the-swiss-ssi-ecosystem-two-streams-approach/) DIDAS Swiss
critical questions of user experience and acceptance can be validated in real life. The findings and results will feedback into further development of the systems and hardening of security and privacy. This is also a great practical way to identify legal aspects that need clarification or even potential changes in the relevant laws
* [THE IRS AND ID.ME: PRIVACY OPTIONAL](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/02/15/the-irs-and-id-me-privacy-optional/) Trust Over IP
While it is not clear why the IRS would relinquish this extremely sensitive capability in its entirety to a single, private-sector entity using a proprietary solution, there are clues
* [The time for the eIDAS Bridge](http://validatedid.com/post-en/the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge) ValidatedID
The main goal of this new program was to provide an implementation of eIDAS bridge and to proof the interoperability between different provider implementations. Validated ID was selected to participate in part of the Call 1 of infrastructure. The results of this project are available as open source. If you are interested in digging into the code, you can find it all in the following repositories: [our open source version implementation](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/validated-id/seb) and the [SSI eIDAS Bridge interoperability](https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/interoperability/ssi-eidas-bridge) performed with SICPA.
* [Why is Self-Sovereign Identity compliant with the [GDPR]?](https://en.archipels.io/post/pourquoi-le-self-sovereign-identity-est-compatible-avec-le-rgpd) Archpelis
With the transition to the web 3.0 ecosystem, the development of distributed registries (blockchain technology) and the regulatory environment that is forcing digital players to favour privacy by design, the ISS approach will become the new standard, whether for entering into customer relations, managing digital identities or ensuring compliance of administrative processes in companies and institutions.
* [European Digital Identity Architecture and Reference Framework](https://forum.eid.as/t/european-digital-identity-architecture-and-reference-framework/216) ([pdf](https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/core/api/front/document/73759/download)
The document in particular outlines the EUDI Wallet:
* [EU DATA ACT – MAKING DATA PORTABILITY ACTIONABLE](https://mydata.org/2022/02/25/eu-data-act-making-data-portability-actionable/)
The [EU Commission published the long-awaited Data Act](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_1113) on February 23, 2022. This is a progressive legislative proposal to increase access to data for the users of connected products suchs as Iot devices and related services. It is a significant move towards realising the [MyData principle](https://mydata.org/declaration/) of portability, access, and re-use as well as the principle of interoperability. It will potentially also move the needle towards the shift from formal to actionable rights in terms of the right of data portability. With such a progressive agenda, the proposal will certainly also face significant opposition and counter-lobbying from those who stand to benefit from the status quo.
* [“NO, I DON’T TRUST YOU” – IMPLEMENTING ZERO-TRUST ARCHITECTURE IN THE WORLD OF SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY (SSI)](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/02/22/no-i-dont-trust-you-implementing-zero-trust-architecture-in-the-world-of-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/)
Efforts are underway around the globe to promote new trust models between governments and citizens that promotes privacy and improves how trust is established between entities sharing information. Now is the time for the US government to consider and adopt the ToIP Framework as a starting point to not only support ZTA but promote greater privacy in information sharing within its ecosystem.
* [eIDAS 2.0: How Europe Can Define the Digital Identity Blueprint for the World](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eidas/) Evernym
Problem 1: Unique wallet IDs
Problem 2: Remote Wallet Kill Switches
Problem 3: Wallet Content Restrictions
Problem 4: Private Sector Restrictions
Exciting New Opportunities for eIDAS 2.0
Opportunity 1: Basic or Enhanced Wallets
Opportunity 2: Turning Regulations Into Revenue
Opportunity 3: Person-to-Person Verification
Opportunity 4: Secure messaging.
* [ATB Ventures works with Canadian government on digital ID proof of concept](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202202/atb-ventures-works-with-canadian-government-on-digital-id-proof-of-concept) Biometric Update
The proof of concept stage is where the Canadian government tests digital credentials use cases in cooperation with regulators and organizations to advance the adoption and maturity of digital credentials technology. The National Digital Trust Service aims to enable Canadians and businesses to issue, use and verify digital credentials during transactions.
* [Face Recognition Isn’t Just Face Identification and Verification: It’s Also Photo Clustering, Race Analysis, Real-time Tracking, and More](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/10/face-recognition-isnt-just-face-identification-and-verification) EFF
All forms of face recognition are a menace to privacy, free speech, and racial justice. This post explores many of the various kinds of face recognition, and explains why all must be addressed by laws.
* [International Thank You Day](https://jolocom.io/blog/international-gratitude-day-2/) Jolocom
Today, January 11, is the International Day of Gratitude. What better time then, to tell partners that you cherish their work and thank them for the inspiration they have given you? We at Jolocom reflect on amazing projects that became possible by joining forces with partners such as T-Labs, Bundesdruckerei, Stacks, and TIB – the Technical Information Library Hanover.
* [the potential of Self-Sovereign Identity with representative use cases](https://www.adnovum.ch/en/company/blog/exploring_the_potential_of_self-sovereign_identity_with_representative_use_cases.html)
Our Self-Sovereign Identity initiative with SwissSign, the canton of Aargau and cardossier clearly shows: Even if there are still uncertainties regarding technical maturity and governance – SSI is happening and brings major advantages in data protection and cross-organizational digitization.
* [Who Do You Trust With Your Wallet?](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/who-do-you-trust-with-your-wallet) State of Identity (not ssi)
Sweden's Freja eID is a pinnacle example of government-approved digital identity, all from the convenience of your mobile wallet. Join host Cameron D'Ambrosi as he kicks off 2022 with Kristofer von Beetzen, Chief Product Officer of Freja eID. They dive into the burning questions for eID including who should control identity, why and when you shouldn't host identity data yourself
* [Why is data valuable?](https://medium.com/mydex/why-is-data-valuable-59bd63e1a09f)
prompted by the UK Government’s proposed reforms of data protection law contained in its consultation paper Data: A New Direction.
* […]
Under the banner of tackling ‘consent fatigue’, abolish citizens’ right to consent to the collection and use of their data: achieved by expanding the definition of organisations’ ‘legitimate interests’ (where they don’t have to seek consent) to cover almost every activity
* [Your digital identity and credentials](https://www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/digital-identity) New South Wales
Help us make it easier for you to do things like open a bank account, buy a phone, start a new job, prove your age or enrol to study.
* [KYC-Chain Join Hands with enVoy](https://kyc-chain.com/kyc-chain-join-hands-with-envoy/)
KYC-Chain will enter a partnership with enVoy. enVoy offers sustainable DeFi, tokenized letters of credit, realtime x border payments, and tokenized documentation for the supply chain removing risk and creating trust for third-party trade on an end to end ESG and sustainable supply chain journey.
* [Automating workplace vaccination verification — a path out of the pandemic](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/11/automating-workplace-vaccination-verification-a-path-out-of-the-pandemic/) IBM
The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently released a rule on requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work.
This rule impacts ~80 million workers — every company in the S&P 500
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) schemes and the public sector](https://www.impulse-h2020.eu/2021/11/05/self-sovereign-identity-ssi-schemes-and-the-public-sector/) Impulse H20
While the structural difference between SSI approaches and conventional centralised or federated eID schemes is, on one level, profound (full control over data and identity with the user; no third-party intermediary between the user and the service provider), on another level, these differences may also appear highly abstract to ordinary users. What societal and economic consequences they may unfold remains, so far, little understood, also because research on the real social and economic effects of SSI solutions is only beginning.
* [The LEI: A Swiss Army Knife for the World’s Digital Economy](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-lei-a-swiss-army-knife-for-the-worlds-digital-economy)
The LEI’s legacy is proudly rooted in financial services and regulation. Its future, however, undeniably points beyond to broader, digitized adoption and utilization across public and private sectors around the world. The Global LEI System is the only open, commercially neutral, and regulatory endorsed system capable of establishing digitized trust between all legal entities everywhere. It was established as a public good, and GLEIF remains committed to ensuring that every last drop of value is wrung from the system, and used to the benefit of all.
* [Recognizing Digital Identity as a National Issue](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/digital-identity-national-issue.html)
> we dove into creating a centralized and holistic approach to protecting and regulating identity in the United States and the specifics of why digital identity and cybersecurity are national issues that the private sectors simply cannot tackle on their own. Here are some of the key takeaways.
* [The Trust Economy in a Future New Zealand](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/06/16/the-trust-economy-in-a-future-new-zealand/)
My interest was first piqued when I came across three videos on YouTube from [Rachel Botsman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D-vbPXbm8eTw), [Jordan Perterson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DpFXdsD-8SKk) and [Philipp Kristian Diekhöner.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DXNog-xrc_YA)
Trust has always been at the centre of society overall and commerce in particular. There’s a reason why during the first industrial revolution banks always built the most impressive, secure looking buildings in town – so you trusted them to deposit you money there!
* [A Collaborative Approach to Meeting the Challenges in President Biden’s Executive Order on Improving US Cybersecurity](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/06/14/a-collaborative-approach-to-meeting-the-challenges-in-president-bidens-executive-order-on-improving-us-cybersecurity/)
One key aspect outlined in Section 4 of the Executive Order (EO) is securing the software supply chain. At issue here is the reality that the U.S. federal government—like nearly any other organization on the planet that uses computer technology in any form—relies on not just one but numerous types of software to process data and run operational equipment.
* [The keystone foundation companion to the Blockchain is Digital Identity](https://scottishblockchain.net/transforming-education-blockchain-ssi/) DigitalScot
> The building block of digital identity ecosystems are ‘[verifiable credentials](https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/verifiable-credentials-101-for-ssi-and-decentralized-digital-identity-tyler-ruff)‘, the core mechanics for forming these ecosystems through sharing Identity data between collaborating partners, exemplified by initiatives such as the [EU’s recent announcement](https://apnews.com/article/europe-health-coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-travel-73f90d18909c595da463994e16e17348) and explained here by the OIX Identity forum.
* [RaonSecure builds a blockchain-based digital wallet service with a public institution](https://medium.com/raonsecure/raonsecure-builds-a-blockchain-based-digital-wallet-service-with-a-public-institution-9fe2c8028f6c)
Selection of RaonSecure as the final operator of the ‘blockchain-based digital wallet project’ that is part of the ‘2021 Blockchain Pilot Project’ program promoted by the Korean government
* [The Trust Economy in a Future New Zealand](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/06/16/the-trust-economy-in-a-future-new-zealand/)
> Now with the 4th industrial (digital) revolution the old vertical, siloed trust models are breaking down and we are moving to a more horizontal, distributed environment.
* [A Collaborative Approach to Meeting the Challenges in President Biden’s Executive Order on Improving US Cybersecurity](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/06/14/a-collaborative-approach-to-meeting-the-challenges-in-president-bidens-executive-order-on-improving-us-cybersecurity/)
> One key aspect outlined in Section 4 of the Executive Order (EO) is securing the software supply chain. At issue here is the reality that the U.S. federal government—like nearly any other organization on the planet that uses computer technology in any form—relies on not just one but numerous types of software to process data and run operational equipment.
* [South Korea’s brilliant decentralized approach to citizen identity management](https://techwireasia.com/2021/06/koreas-decentralized-identity-approach-to-identity-management/) TechWire Asia
> Adopting blockchain technology is seen as a necessity by the Korean government and multiple institutions are backing its continuous research and development, including the Ministry of Science and Technology (ICT), The Korea Internet Security Agency (KISA), Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), and Korea Post among others.
* [Apple iPhones Can Soon Hold Your ID. Privacy Experts Are On Edge](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/12/1005624457/apple-iphones-can-soon-hold-your-id-privacy-experts-are-on-edge?mc_cid%3De63363caf1%26mc_eid%3D12e697f479)
> Elizabeth Renieris, a fellow at Stanford University who studies digital identification systems, said the feature may be easy-to-use and save time. Those conveniences, however, come at a cost: Turning every instance in which we show our ID into a business opportunity.-
* [The Future of Digital Identity in Canada: Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Verified.Me](https://securekey.com/the-future-of-digital-identity-in-canada-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-and-verified-me/) SecureKey
> Verified.Me ensures that only authorized attributes are shared with explicit user consent. The service bridges together multiple participants within a common ecosystem to verify the identities of users securely and privately across the participating organizations with others within the group.
* [Three Key Takeaways from the FATF’s Latest 12-Month Review on Virtual assets](https://www.elliptic.co/blog/3-key-takeaways-from-the-fatfs-latest-12-month-review-on-virtual-assets) Elliptic
Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global standard-setter for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), released its second 12-month review on virtual assets (You can read our summary of its first report from July 2020 report here).
* [Towards a universal, self-sovereign and privacy preserving digital identity for the public sector](https://www.impulse-h2020.eu/2021/07/08/blog-self-sovereign/) Impulse
The EU-funded IMPULSE focuses on building a decentralised Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) model by combining two of the most promising technologies available today, such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain networks, with the aim of facing the limitation of the existing electronic identification systems in the public sector..
* [What does the EU Wallet mean for self-sovereign identity?](https://www.fintechtalents.com/what-does-the-eu-wallet-mean-for-self-sovereign-identity/) Fintechtalents.com
While the EU wallet may not align entirely with every principle of self-sovereign identity, it is certainly a massive leap in that direction.
* [IDnow supports European digital identity ecosystem](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-supports-european-digital-identity-ecosystem/)
IDnow joins IDunion, the network initiative for digital identities funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
* [New Directions for Government in the Second Era of the Digital Age](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/new-directions-for-government-in-the-second-era-of-the-digital-age/) Kuppinger Cole
The [Blockchain Research Institute™](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/), in collaboration with the Washington DC based [Chamber of Digital Commerce](https://digitalchamber.org/) and other experts have produced a 120-page report on how the Biden-Harris administration could reimagine US technology strategy and policy—and take action to implement it.
* [Digital identity and attributes consultation](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/digital-identity-and-attributes-consultation/digital-identity-and-attributes-consultation) Gov UK
Digital access to the attributes these documents contain can solve these issues. It can also have benefits such as improving inclusion. If you do not have a passport, perhaps another government service can validate your age. There are also opportunities for data minimisation by disclosing only that information which is required (for example, that you’re over 18), rather than full disclosure of your data, including your date of birth, name, or address.
* [Plans for governing body to make digital identities as trusted as passports](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/plans-for-governing-body-to-make-digital-identities-as-trusted-as-passports) Gov.UK
The consultation sets out how the government can build confidence in digital IDs so they have a similar status in law as physical proofs of identity that businesses and individuals already trust.
* [State Identity Solutions: Build? Buy? Or Both?](https://auth0.com/blog/state-identity-solutions-build-buy-or-both/)
With a buyable solution like Auth0, state administrations are able to roll out digital services in days versus years for a custom-built in-house solution. The back-end of Auth0’s solutions are pre-built, allowing teams to customize quickly with low to no-code inputs from a development team to get a new release deployed faster.
* [Do we really need (or want) the State to provide us with digital identification?](https://www.libertarianism.org/articles/self-sovereign-identity-blockchain-age) LIberatarianism.org
With identity being the missing link, the advent of self‐sovereign identity could finally bring ambitious projects like [Bitnation](https://tse.bitnation.co/) to fruition. This virtual blockchain jurisdiction wants to establish a blockchain‐based self‐administration or, as the project itself advertises, “a toolbox for do‐it‐yourself governance.” With the concept of self‐sovereign identity being implemented properly, new digital nations such as Bitnation could compete against old territorial tax states.
* [Germany and Spain and join forces on the development of a cross-border, decentralised digital identity ecosystem](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/germany-and-spain-and-join-forces-on-the-development-of-a-cross-border-decentralised-digital-identity-ecosystem-1947302)
The cooperation agreement envisages the design and conceptualisation of a cross-border pilot to be implemented in the near future, with a view to contributing to the development of the European Union’s Digital Identity Framework, recently announced as part of the eIDAS Commission proposal.
* [Governor Cuomo Announces Launch of Excelsior Pass Plus to Support the Safe, Secure Return of Tourism and Business Travel](https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-launch-excelsior-pass-plus-support-safe-secure-return-tourism-and) NYS Gov
Excelsior Pass Plus, a result of the strategic partnership between New York State and VCI, will provide New Yorkers safe access to retrieve a secure, digital copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record using the [SMART Health Cards Framework](https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k%3Dc0acc09b-9f37f85c-c0ae39ae-000babd9f75c-7271080d81ab95a1%26q%3D1%26e%3D61cb6a92-1e48-44b8-96be-e1dd24b53960%26u%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fvci.org%252Fabout%2523smart-health) - making their interstate and international travel and commerce experiences safer, contact-less, and more seamless.
* [When will we get our own digital identity? Self-Sovereign Identity is coming!](https://jan-scheele.medium.com/when-will-we-get-our-own-digital-identity-self-sovereign-identity-is-coming-645972c035d7) Jan Scheele
From the moment the parents register a child with the Municipality, the official identity is recorded in the Personal Records Database and you will receive a Citizen Service Number. Will it soon be replaced by a digital identity, or a Self-Sovereign Identity? In this article I will tell you all the ins and outs about this new form of identity.
* [SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY: LEGAL COMPLIANCE AND THE INVOLVEMENT OF GOVERNMENTS](https://www.theinternetofthings.eu/ssi-ambassador-self-sovereign-identity-legal-compliance-and-involvement-governments) SSI AMBASSADOR
When it comes to identity management the involvement of the government can be a tricky topic. It needs to be involved to enable access to public services, adapt legislature and guarantee equal access for its citizens. However, it should not be able to control or monitor all aspects and activities of its citizens. Self-sovereign identity (SSI) might for some imply, that a citizen is suddenly able to issue his own ID-card, which isn’t the case. Governments are still the primary source of foundational identities."
* [Can the Korean Mobile Driver’s License Unlock Blockchain’s Potential?](https://medium.com/raonsecure/can-the-korean-mobile-drivers-license-unlock-blockchain-s-potential-461d3295a452) Raon
The Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOIS) is working on the implementation of a national mobile driver’s license in the form of a blockchain-based Decentralized Identifier-based (DID) System. LG CNS and RaonSecure are in charge of the project and are currently building it.
* [The Roles of Government & The Private Sector in a Digital ID Program with Sebastian Manhart](https://northernblock.io/roles-of-government-and-private-sector-in-digital-id/) Northern Block
we dive into what’s happening within the Digital ID landscape within Europe. Sebastian Manhart is very well positioned between policy and technology in the European Union. In this episode of SSI Orbit, he shares his experiences and future projections.
* [Working together to create an eIDAS wallet](https://jolocom.io/blog/once-eidas/) Jolocom
Jolocom is currently working on the project “ONCE – Online einfach anmelden” (simply register online – ONCE) alongside a number of prestigious partners, with the aim to bring the digital identity of any citizen onto their smartphone.
The project is part of the competitive innovation programme “Showcase Secure Digital Identities” (SSDI) funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and one of four projects that qualified for the implementation phase.
* [Kantara lays out trust-building recommendations for mDLs](https://kantarainitiative.org/kantara-lays-out-trust-building-recommendations-for-mdls/)
A global digital ID association has published steps vendors and others need to take in order to build effective mobile driving license services that also put ID holders in control of their identity. The Kantara Initiative’s report starts from the premise that trust in mobile driving licenses grows with the degree of control that license holders have over the documents, their privacy and
* [\#4 in the LEI Lightbulb Blog Series - Soaring Regulatory Confidence puts LEI at Center of Trust in Payments Ecosystem](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/in-the-lei-lightbulb-blog-series-soaring-regulatory-confidence-puts-lei-at-center-of-trust-in-payments-ecosystem) GLEIF
We do not have to look back further than the global economic collapse of 2008 to fully understand the worst-case scenario of unverified legal entities engaging in financial transactions. The LEI was created at the request of the G20 and Financial Stability Board (FSB) in response to this global catastrophe.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity – a game changer regarding privacy: The next level of identity management](https://adnovum.ch/en/company/blog/self_sovereign_identity_a_game_changer_regarding_privacy.html)
After rejection of the e-ID Act in March 2021, the Swiss Federal government is working at full speed on a new proposal. The first results were published in a [discussion paper](https://www.bj.admin.ch/dam/bj/en/data/staat/gesetzgebung/staatliche-e-id/diskussionspapier-zielbild-e-id.pdf.download.pdf/diskussionspapier-zielbild-e-id.pdf) on September 2. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is one of three possible solutions proposed for the implementation of the future e-ID. What is SSI is and why does it bring significant added value in terms of data privacy?
* [Digital identities: German-Finnish cooperation agreed](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/suche/digitale-identitaeten-deutsch-finnische-zusammenarbeit-vereinbart-1962298) Bundesregierung
The content of the joint declaration is close bilateral cooperation in the development of a cross-border ecosystem of digital identities based on the principles of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
* [Yann Desclercs from Cornerstone Advisory Plus speaks about countering the de-risking trend in African economies with the LEI](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/number-1-in-the-financial-inclusion-interview-series-yann-desclercs-from-cornerstone-advisory-plus-speaks-about-countering-the-de-risking-trend-in-african-economies-with-the-lei)
Following the launch of GLEIF’s digital business identity initiative designed to bridge the trade finance gap in Africa, we’re catching up with our key partners to hear their thoughts on how the project will bring about greater financial inclusion for SMEs on the continent and beyond.
* [Early Adopters Programme | Imagining what EBSI can do for European citizens](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Early%2520Adopters%2520Programme%23become-ebsi-compliant)
In 2021, 22 projects were selected to become part of our incubator programme to help tap into the potential of the EBSI infrastructure. Each project's private and public sector partners was given early access to the pre-production environment of EBSI, and was invited to develop their own pilot project to address a specific business or government use case involving the exchange of verifiable credentials.
With the help with the EBSI team, Early Adopters can identify how to connect their systems, be part of a community and collaborate with other Early Adopters. This will help us improve EBSI's services and ensure it meets the needs of Europe's businesses and public administrations, within and across borders.
* [Engaging with the Ontario Digital Identity Program.](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/10/25/engaging-with-the-ontario-digital-identity-program/) TrustOverIP
- A summary of findings from government-led public consultations on digital identity
- An overview of Ontario’s Digital ID technology roadmap, and discussions about the technology stacks and infrastructure
- Ontario’s proposed conceptual model for digital identity, and the principles that inform it
* [Control over data still a long way off according to research into Self-Sovereign Identity](https://ibestuur-nl.translate.goog/podium/controle-over-data-nog-ver-weg-volgens-onderzoek-naar-self-sovereign-identity?_x_tr_sl%3Dauto%26_x_tr_tl%3Den%26_x_tr_hl%3Dnl%26_x_tr_pto%3Dnui) iBestuur
In their final recommendations, the researchers from INNOPAY and TNO argue that in view of the social value of digital data exchange, the government would do well to play a driving role in the further consolidation of the SSI playing field. That starts with creating clarity about the relationship between the Digital Government Act and the EU Digital Identity Wallet.
* [More hurdles to clear as Digital Identity Bill enters [Australian] Parliament](https://fst.net.au/government-news/more-hurdles-to-clear-as-digital-identity-bill-enters-parliament-2/) FST
Government should adopt a simple, existing standard for its digital ID system, such as the public-key infrastructure (PKI)-based system in use within many [European countries](https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/csirts-in-europe/glossary/public-key-infrastructure-pki). PKI offers a number of security and privacy benefits that the TDIF aims to have; however, as no central authority is involved in authentication, no entity can meaningfully track user activity.
* ["Irresponsible and Dangerous"](https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/apps/id-wallet-was-nach-dem-fehlstart-mit-dem-digitalen-fuehrerschein-passiert-a-f4bc10bc-08ab-42b4-9325-5de5cdc66e05) Spigel
The ID wallet for the digital driver's license is not only technically immature. Government data show: the allocation was not transparent, security checks were incomplete - and the possible direction is questionable.
* [Three Governments enabling digital identity interoperability](https://medium.com/in-present-tense/three-governments-enabling-digital-identity-interoperability-bbcfc60c3a80) Heather Vescent
On September 15, 2021, I moderated a panel with representatives from the United States Government, the Canadian Government, and the European Commission. Below is an edited excerpt from the panel
* [IDunion: Germany’s Bold SSI Strategy with Hakan Yildiz](https://northernblock.io/idunion-germany-bold-ssi-strategy/)
What use cases should a National Digital Identity program prioritize in collaboration with the private sector? As use cases become verticals of their own, what are then some of the horizontal considerations that need to be applied to enable all of the use cases to function within their relative ecosystems?
* [Ontario Releases Technology and Standards for Digital Identity](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1000787/ontario-releases-technology-and-standards-for-digital-identity) Ontario Newsroom
“Our [Ontario Onwards: Action Plan](https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-onwards) first announced our government’s goal to make Ontario the most advanced digital jurisdiction in the world – all in the service of the people of this province,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “The release of Ontario’s Digital ID later this year will be an exciting step towards transforming and modernizing government services in an increasingly digital world.”
* [Early Adopters Programme | Imagining what EBSI can do for European citizens](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Early%2520Adopters%2520Programme%23become-ebsi-compliant)
An incubator to help Early Adopters and their partners imagine, build and launch their EBSI pilot project(s)
* [A key place for Identity in the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/10/05/a-key-place-for-identity-in-the-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa/) < - Colin Wallis will now head Digital Identity.nz
Our government is embarking on a journey to create [A Digital Strategy for Aotearoa](https://www.cio.com/article/3628718/national-strategy-digital-twin-and-skills-shortages-on-nz-tech-minister-s-mind.html) that seeks to respond to the social, economic, education and cultural opportunities from digital technology, along with the risks that these technologies can bring.
* [Excelsior Pass Plus to be recognized out of state, internationally](https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/local/excelsior-pass-plus-to-be-recognized-out-of-state-internationally/71-434f8c6f-cbac-4d61-a732-ac0e0769efa3) WGRZ
Excelsior Pass Plus will be compatible with the globally recognized SMART Health Cards Framework developed by VCI. VCI is a coalition of 570 public and private organizations including major health networks and Microsoft.
* [Declaration for Cooperation and Exchange of Best Practices in the Field of Self-Sovereign Identity Between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Finland](https://www.theinternetofthings.eu/declaration-cooperation-and-exchange-best-practices-field-self-sovereign-identity-between-federal) theinternetofthings.eu
* [PIPL: A game changer for companies in China](https://www.dataprotectionreport.com/2021/08/pipl-a-game-changer-for-companies-in-china/) DataProtection
China passed its Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) on 20 August 2021. This is China’s first omnibus data protection law, and will take effect from 1 November 2021 allowing companies just over two months to prepare themselves.
* [Apple Confirms Biometric Onboarding for Mobile ID](https://findbiometrics.com/apple-confirms-biometric-onboarding-mobile-id-79032021/)
Apple has revealed a handful of states that it is working with to develop virtual, mobile driver’s licenses, and confirmed that the Transportation Security Administration will accept is mobile IDs
* [Opening New York State for business with the power of blockchain](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/08/opening-new-york-state-for-business-with-the-power-of-blockchain/) IBM
Excelsior Pass Plus expands travel and commerce opportunities for New Yorkers by enabling compatibility with New York State’s Excelsior Pass platform which has generated three million passes since its launch in March that provide digital proof of vaccination or a negative test result.
* [Data Sovereignty and Trusted Online Identity](https://beyondstandards.ieee.org/data-sovereignty-and-trusted-online-identity/) IEEE Beyond Standards
IEEE SA co-organized a discussion panel at the Pan-European dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) conference, an event known for its frank and interactive discussions of public policy issues surrounding internet governance. Messages coming out of the discussions will be presented at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) later this year.
* [Navigating Digital Identity in Political Economies RxC Panel](https://identitywoman.net/navigating-digital-identity-in-political-economies-rxc-talk/) IdentityWoman.net
> the world is fundamentally social and intersectional — we are all part of networks. So how might we formalize digital identity in a way that better reflects this complex reality?
* [New Digital Identity Advisory Council established](https://www.nsw.gov.au/media-releases/new-digital-identity-advisory-council-established)
The NSW Government has established a Digital Identity Ministerial Advisory Council (DIMAC), that will advise on a strategic direction and roadmap for digital identity in the State.
* [The consultation](https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/digital-identity-and-attributes-consultation) is open to any member of the public and closes on 13 September.
* [LG CNS wins Korean government contract for decentralized identity for driver’s licenses](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/lg-cns-korean-decentralized-identity-did-for-drivers-licenses/) Ledger Insights
Adopting DID technology provides numerous benefits but two stand out. Firstly, it should make it far harder to forge a license because credentials can be verified. Additionally, OmniOne includes FIDO biometric security. The second key benefit is that an individual can choose how much data to share.
## Competition \ Public sector
* [Apple’s Move beyond passwords](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10106/)
Explore the next frontier in account security with secure-by-design, public-key-based credentials that use the Web Authentication standard. Discover in this technology preview how Apple is approaching this standard in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey.
* [What Apple’s WWDC PassKeys Annoucement Means for Enterprise IAM](https://www.hypr.com/what-apples-wwdc-passkeys-announcement-means-for-enterprise-iam/)
Apple’s approach to passwordless is not particularly unique since it adheres to the FIDO standard, however their implementation and approach to the credential recovery problem is unique and relevant to enterprises. One refreshing aspect of their messaging and stance on authentication is their dedication to eliminating shared secrets.
* [Apple continues to move into the identity space.](https://medium.com/global-id/gid-report-164-what-apples-missing-about-digital-identity-1d587693e285)
Apple’s story is more about individual convenience in service of Apple. When it comes to the Big in Big Tech, Apple’s as Big as they come — all while being renowned control freaks. Their top-down approach to digital identity isn’t about portability or interoperability, it’s about strengthening their platform moat, where Apple takes a 30 percent cut on all sales.
* [What US states will support Apple Wallet digital identity cards?](https://www.cnet.com/news/what-us-states-will-support-apple-wallet-digital-identity-cards/) CNet
* [Now Apple wants to store your driver’s license on Apple Wallet](https://mashable.com/article/apple-wallet-digital-ids-privacy-wwdc-2021/) Mashable
* [Why CBDCs will likely be ID-based](https://www.ft.com/content/88f47c48-97fe-4df3-854e-0d404a3a5f9a)
Central banks are realising CBDCs will have to be intimately linked to identity to deal with illicit finance and bank disintermediation risk
* [What Does Trust Over IP Mean for Governments and Their Citizens?](https://zoom.us/rec/play/mDKBrRGUj438P08UFt48x9aQJJbzEnmx9syvFDX4wqE-CfInHCtlTGHVYZsQbqDvFEHz1384UmDhujnN.gy3Vc_uWCCYptA-C?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=1wnxNXi8Tt2RA2GEkoKd2w.1608587036943.898bee9a8db5ed8d3cf416dfad4da5bb&_x_zm_rhtaid=942)
> credentials can help reopen travel, reduce the costs and improve access to healthcare, streamline KYC and financial transactions, and help connect students with employers needing their skills—all while saving governments billions in the costs of connecting and protecting their digital infrastructure.
> *[...]*
> featured speakers from Evernym, Mastercard, LG CNS, Accenture, GLEIF, and other[s]
* [Data: Governance and Geopolitics](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/01/data-governance-and-geopolitics.html)
> How data is governed can be thought of along several lines of activity: legislating privacy and data use, regulating content, using antitrust laws to dilute data monopolies, self-regulating by the tech giants, regulating digital trade, addressing intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement, assuring cybersecurity, and practicing cyber diplomacy. Of these, antitrust, regulation, and privacy are most immediately in the spotlight, and are the focus of this commentary, but it will also touch briefly on the connections with other issues.
* [Kiva Protocol, Built on Hyperledger Indy, Ursa and Aries, Powers Africa’s First Decentralized National ID system](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/01/20/kiva-protocol-built-on-hyperledger-indy-ursa-and-aries-powers-africas-first-decentralized-national-id-system) ([CASE STUDY](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Hyperledger_CaseStudy_Kiva_Printable.pdf))
> Since the launch of Kiva Protocol, Davie says global regulators have made significant progress in terms of how they are considering digital identity and eKYC verifications. He sees a global movement towards user-owned and -controlled data, better privacy, and more universal access.
> *[...]*
> As of today, Kiva is focusing on building additional ecosystem applications and services to make it easier for all stakeholders to access and use Kiva Protocol. Much of this is being contributed upstream into the Hyperledger Indy and Aires projects, with the remaining components hosted in Kiva’s repository.
* [Digital identity in the UK in 2021 with TrueProfile.io’s René Seifert](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/digital-identity-uk-2021-ssi-trueprofile-rene-seifert/) (podcast)
> In episode 37, René Seifert talks about the current status of identity in the UK; the government’s recent call for evidence and DIU (digital identity unit); the resultant six guiding principles – including privacy and inclusivity; the potential of self-sovereign identity to solve some of these issues; TrueProfile.io and the importance of verified credentials in an HR context; plus the ethical, political and technical challenges of ‘immunity passports’.
* [Catalan government announces self-sovereign identity project](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/catalan-government-self-sovereign-identity/)
> The government of Catalonia announced its plans for self-sovereign identities (SSIs) for citizens based on blockchain technology. The project, named IdentiCAT, was revealed by the President of Catalonia Quim Torra and will allow citizens to be the “owner, manager and exclusive custod[ian] of his identity and data”.
* [IDunion: An open ecosystem for trusted identities](https://idunion.org/2021/02/16/idunion-an-open-ecosystem-for-trusted-identities/?lang=en)
- [IDunion](https://idunion.org/) (formerly SSI for Germany) has completed the competition phase of the innovation competition “Schaufenster Sichere Digitale Identitäten” and is applying to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) for the next phase of the innovation competition.
- The use of decentralised, self-sovereign identities for natural persons, companies and things is to be tested in over 35 use cases from a wide range of sectors.
- The project involves 26 well-known public and private partners.
* [City of Austin dabbling in SSI](https://github.com/cityofaustin/mypass-project/wiki/blockchain-report)
Many folks within the identity space see VC infrastructure as the future of identification. If much of our online identity is reputation based, then VCs represent a formal method for linking reputations and vouching for others to form a web of trust within which individuals are able to conduct identity transactions in a less centralized way.
* [It’s time for governments to get serious about digital identities](https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/risk/articles/solving-the-public-sector-identity-crisis.html?id%3Dglobal:2sm:3tw:4dcom_share:5awa:6dcom:risk) by Deloitte
While the tools may already exist to solve the government’s identity crisis, real progress will only be made if governments significantly evolve their legacy approaches to digital identity.
* [Showcase programme “Secure Digital Identities”](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Redaktion/EN/Standardartikel/sdi_programm.html) Digitale Technoligen DE
With this innovation competition, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) is directly contributing to Germany’s digital sovereignty and data security on the Internet. The measure aims to strengthen the confidence of citizens and companies in digital transformation. The envisaged proposals should also be aligned with the needs and opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises and enable them to implement and use Secure Digital Identities.
* [Where do we stand on Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DL156YjEyOdo) EBSI
On December 14th, Joao Rodrigues, Head of sector (Digital) Building Blocks at @European Commission participated in an [#ebcTALKS](https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ebctalks) of the European Blockchain Convention about "Where do we stand on Self-Sovereign Identity"?
* [eIDAS and the European Digital Identity Wallet](https://lissi-id.medium.com/eidas-and-the-european-digital-identity-wallet-context-status-quo-and-why-it-will-change-the-2a7527f863b3) Lissi
In 2021 the European Commission [announced the European digital identity wallet](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_2663). This article explains the basic concepts, highlights the significance of this development and provides an overview of the status quo.
* [Ontarians are getting digital ID this fall: All you need to know](https://www.itworldcanada.com/article/ontarians-are-getting-digital-id-this-fall-all-you-need-to-know/458633) itWorldCanada
tech standards that the provincial government says it is currently considering include the [Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/) for data modeling, [Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) for key management, [JSON-LD 1.1](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/) for data formatting, [OpenID Connect](https://openid.net/connect/) as identity standard, [BBS+ Signatures 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ldp-bbs2020/) and [Ed25519 Signature 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/lds-ed25519-2020/) for signature format, [Self-Issued OpenID Provider v2](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0.html) and more for interoperability.
## Organization
* [European Union Digital Identity Wallet Consortium](https://eudiwalletconsortium.org/) EUDI
The funding call is within the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) topic which requests support to implement the European Digital Identity Framework and the implementation of the Once Only System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. Up to €37m funding is available.
* [Public Spending: One Way to Solve Many Problems](https://medium.com/mydex/public-spending-one-way-to-solve-many-problems-3ac394e46a9e) Digital Scot
“We will identify where there may be shared interest, duplication or overlap in intended policy outcomes over multiple portfolios. Where there is, we will look to develop a more effective and efficient cross-government solution.”
European Union
* [Welcoming the Wallet - What the new European Digtal Identity Framework means for citizens, governments and businesses](https://www.sc.pages05.net/lp/22466/795951/gov-wp-welcoming-the-wallet.pdf) Thales
The concept of digital identification is already well established, and using a smartphone to board a plane or prove vaccination status is second nature to many millions of people. In the EU however, while many states have made electronic identification available and domestic use is growing, the development of internationally accepted electronic identity (eID) systems has been piecemeal and inconsistent.
* [EU digital wallet: the race is on for pilot funding, tech supremacy, hearts and minds](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/eu-digital-wallet-the-race-is-on-for-pilot-funding-tech-supremacy-hearts-and-minds) Biometric Update
* [eIDAS](https://www.biometricupdate.com/tag/eidas) 2.0 is fast approaching. By September 2023, European Union citizens will have the right to download and populate a digital identity wallet on a smart device. In less than 18 months, Europeans may no longer need physical credentials to travel, work and live anywhere else in the bloc. But are they ready?
* [Validated ID's journey to becoming EBSI compliant](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/validated-ids-journey-to-becoming-ebsi-compliant)
We at Validated ID have been betting on EBSI since the beginning. We started working to become conformant wallet providers since the very first version of [Wallet Conformance Tests (WCT)](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/EBSI%2Bwallets) was published. The process of preparing our solution to become conformant has allowed us to appreciate how remarkable EBSI's work has been.
Canadian Digital Identity
* [Budget 2022 investments for](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/07/2022-budget-statement/) [digital transformation](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/07/2022-budget-statement/) [and Canadian innovation](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/07/2022-budget-statement/) DIACC
Today’s budget announcement keeps the importance of secure and privacy protecting digital ID in our windows and more work needs to be done to develop this path based on citizen consent, control, and trust. We look forward to collaborating with the government on consultations to support these imperative next steps while finding ways to combat misinformation that surrounds it.
* [Report on the Adequacy of Identity Governance Transparency – DIACC Special Group Insights](https://diacc.ca/2022/03/31/adequacy-of-identity-governance-transparency/)
* [This report](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Report-on-the-Adequacy-of-Identity-Goverance-Transparency.pdf) looks at Transborder use of digital identity in the context of international transfer, control, and access to private/personal data between Canada and the European Union. In particular, it looks at such data transfer considering the obligation to inform individuals during data processing and investigate into the adequacy of transparency and notice for international data transfer.
* [Canadians Want user-centric Digital ID aligned with their values](https://diacc.ca/2022/04/04/privacy-security-and-choice-drive-canadians-desire-for-digital-id/) DIACC Research
* [2021 Research Report](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/DIACC-2021-Research-Report-ENG.pdf) • [Multi-page Synopsis](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/DIACC-2021-Research-Reppor-Multi-ENG.pdf) • [One-page Synopsis](https://diacc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/DIACC-2021-Research-Report-One-Page-ENG.pdf)
Establishing a trusted digital ID will allow people and organizations the choice to verify themselves online securely, while protecting personal information with no user traceability. It offers a decentralized, privacy-enhancing solution for both the private and public sectors.
* [Canadian Provincial Party Pushes Back Against Biometric Digital ID Plan](https://findbiometrics.com/canadian-provincial-party-pushes-back-against-biometric-digital-id-plan-040705/)
Sloan invoked the specter of China while discussing the petition, suggesting that any digital identity program would be akin to a [social credit program](https://findbiometrics.com/china-jaywalkers-biometric-surveillance-503275/) that gives the government too much control over the personal lives of its citizens.
New Zealand
* [INCLUSIVE AND ETHICAL USES OF DIGITAL IDENTITY](https://digitalidentity.nz/inclusive-and-ethical-uses-of-digital-identity/) DINZ
In April 2022, DINZ launched a broad-scope members’ [Working Group](https://digitalidentity.nz/inclusive-and-ethical-uses-of-digital-identity/) in response to the increasing challenges for some groups in society to participate fully in [Aotearoa’s digital transformation](https://www.digital.govt.nz/digital-government/strategy/towards-a-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa/developing-a-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa/), with the aim of providing baseline supporting guidance to inform policy and service design.
* [DINZ’s annual Consumer Research](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2020/07/DINZ-Scrolling-Infographic-July-2020-FINAL.pdf) Digital Identity NZ
Scrolling Infographic! It looks fun and has some good info in it.
‘Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.’ These wise words from Maya Angelou encapsulate the key findings from our 2020 trust and identity research.
* [Summary of Public Engagement of the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa discussion document](https://www.digital.govt.nz/dmsdocument/229~towards-a-digital-strategy-for-aotearoa-summary-of-public-engagement/html) New Zealand Govt.
The discussion document stated that a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa (the Strategy) would need to respond to the social, economic, education and cultural opportunities from digital technology, along with the risks that these technologies could bring.
* [Sask. Government Stops Pursuit of Potential Digital ID](https://www.egovreview.com/article/news/618/sask-government-stops-pursuit-potential-digital-id) Ego Review
In a search that started in October 2021, the province was considering vendors to potentially initiate digital ID, meant to replace the need for physical ID cards. According to RFP documents, the selected vendor would have worked with SGI for facial verification, but final details on accessing the photo database weren’t finalized.
* [SCHELLMAN JOINS TRUST OVER IP FOUNDATION AS STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBER](https://trustoverip.org/news/2022/03/25/schellman-joins-trust-over-ip-foundation-as-steering-committee-member/)
Tampa-based Schellman, a leading provider of attestation and compliance services, announced today that it is joining the Trust over IP Foundation (ToIP) as a Steering Committee member. As the first IT audit firm to join the leadership of ToIP, this move represents Schellman’s belief in the growing suite of digital governance specifications and tools being developed by ToIP Working Groups.
* [New Video: MetaMUI SSID](https://sovereignwallet.medium.com/new-video-metamui-ssid-8bcef6281cf3) Sovereign Wallet
MetaMUI SSID is the world’s first true Self-Sovereign Identity Application that enables running Blockchain-Based E-Government System, and CBDC payments on top of MetaMUI Blockchain.
* [Building a Swiss Digital Trust Ecosystem – Perspectives around an e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland](https://digitalswitzerland.com/building-a-swiss-digital-trust-ecosystem/) DigitalSwitzerland
An initial contribution to the ongoing meta-level debate about the development of the e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland.
* [Perspectives around building an e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland](https://digitalswitzerland.com/building-a-swiss-digital-trust-ecosystem/) DigitalSwitzerland
The transition to an ecosystem of digital credentials, initiated by the [federal government’s directional decision](https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/medienmitteilungen.msg-id-86465.html), is a generational project that requires input from – and collaboration between – government, the private sector, academia, and civil society. This document is intended to serve as an initial contribution to the ongoing meta-level debate about the development of the e-ID ecosystem in Switzerland
* [The White House’s Future of the Internet is Available Today](https://indicio.tech/the-white-houses-future-of-the-internet-is-available-today/) Indicio Tech
The Biden administration, in coordination with 60 other countries, on Thursday unveiled a “[Declaration for the Future of the Internet](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/04/28/fact-sheet-united-states-and-60-global-partners-launch-declaration-for-the-future-of-the-internet/)” that “reclaims the promise of the Internet in the face of the global opportunities and challenges presented by the 21st century.”
* [Senate Asks FTC to Investigate ID.me for Deceptive Business Practices](https://findbiometrics.com/senate-asks-ftc-investigate-id-me-deceptive-business-practices-052004/) FindBiometrics
* [Drafting of the eIDAS 2.0 report with amendment tracking](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/ITRE-PR-732707_EN.pdf) Europa.eu
Kaliya is working on a commentary about it
Vedran L. Head of Office at European Parliament [has released a draft report with tracking of amendments](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/ITRE-PR-732707_EN.pdf) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity
* [European Commission adopts decision to license European Blockchain Services Infrastructure software as open-source](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/European%2BCommission%2Badopts%2Bdecision%2Bto%2Blicense%2BEuropean%2BBlockchain%2BServices%2BInfrastructure%2Bsoftware%2Bas%2Bopen%2Bsource)
The Decision to make EBSI software available for licencing under the [European Union Public Licence](https://secure-web.cisco.com/1HQ5AQijOEcsuKHH5VY-lAjONv1Pa-wUY7mpfsymIkIy1G_g9CZh6vK5g0lpjxgIm0oaik042EN-5tL8xLpeesMtxZ0ENcH239uYTSSmPTbu1YtBJ5xHMWZMksOeS6X71soiQSQpoQF8fyzOr1I4atICut-sSt9Wqyou4vpS5myXfHf3S6AMMuyvAxla1etuiJbNKx4gfAlzozwPMe7yC7GNXIsZeCiNuAYA5io7f3CIwdvldsHFBtuGNYI4Z86EMXdfyQXEsR7zidw-7WNQeJpBVDCUVFJymXSb-SXsqJH8jfAf6-U9vC1ilrqATHFaZXXLWlOCOCmlS3nS9kev41tys8SvSKYuGX1FLyFgPgufe__oJ7pmihT7ABqB4AzLy7VMeHBSQfOgbkj11ZEltw4e-kd3XI7KmlREgqfYQ45T7r_VGJo3uCTUG1FlIcAkq8MON0W9AZCAMQyT5UAReSZ7LslcOaF38g6bgAGO0N_C39g6T63pWI-caAZ2h-1_m/https%253A%252F%252Fec.europa.eu%252Finfo%252Feuropean-union-public-licence_en) is an example of how the European Commission is not only using, but also contributing to the open-source community and thereby growing the ecosystem around EBSI.
* [Meet the eSSIF-Lab ecosystem: “Completing the Framework” Programme participants](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-meet-the-essif-lab-ecosystem-completing-the-framework-programme-participants-amme-participants-2/)
* [PCDS-DP](https://compell.io/) - Product Circularity Data Sheets Digital Passport
* [ESSIF](https://sis.lt/) - 4 Logistics SSI based authorization for cross- border government and business representatives in logistics
* [Symfoni AS](https://www.symfoni.dev/) - Infrastructure to facilitate payments for verifiable credentials
* [Datarella GmbH](https://datarella.com/) - Go Aries – Enabling CL-Support on Aries Framework Go
* [ID.me](https://www.id.me/)’s legal woes are continuing to escalate. The company is now staring down the prospect of its second federal investigation in as many months, after the House of Representatives’ Oversight and Reform Committee [initiated its review in April](https://findbiometrics.com/congress-opens-formal-investigation-into-id-mes-irs-project-041801/).
* [Mobile Driver’s Licence (mDL) VS. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://inatba.org/identity/mobile-drivers-licence-mdl-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-comparison/) INATBA
The ISO mDL specification (ISO-compliant Driving License or IDL) is purpose driven, as its name implies, but is said to be specifically intended to:
- enable verifiers not affiliated with or associated with the issuing authority to gain access to and authenticate the information
- allow the holder of the driving license to decide what information to release to a verifier
- include the ability to update information frequently, and to authenticate information at a high level of confidence.
* [“Decentralised Identity: What’s at Stake?”](https://inatba.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-11-INATBA-Decentralised-Identity-001.pdf). ← earlier paper
Looking at the above comparison, It is clear that both approaches strive to maintain user control of their personal data, selective disclosure/data minimization, and cryptographic methods to prove the integrity of identity claims. The differences are: first in their reliance (mDL) or independence (SSI) from issuer involvement in verification interactions, and second in their cryptographic approach, where the mDL relies on externally provided cryptographic tools while SSI builds on holder controlled private keys
* [Enhancing the Privacy of Mobile Credentials, with John Wunderlich](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/mobile-credentials-john-wunderlich/) Ubisecure
what are the challenges and solutions surrounding mobile credentials, what is IAM’s role in this and how systems need to be developed around trust.
* [New Report on Limits of “Consent” in New Zealand's Data Protection Law - Future of Privacy Forum](https://fpf.org/blog/new-report-on-limits-of-consent-in-new-zealands-data-protection-law/) FPF ([report](https://fpf.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ABLI-FPF-Consent-Project-New-Zealand-Jurisdiction-Report-1.pdf)
- notice and consent requirements for processing personal data in New Zealand’s data protection law;
- the status of alternative legal bases for processing personal data which permit processing of personal data without consent if the data controller undertakes a risk impact assessment (e.g., legitimate interests); and
- statutory bases for processing personal data without consent and exceptions or derogations from consent requirements in-laws and regulations.
* [Two in three Europeans intend to use the EU's Digital Identity Wallet](https://www.nfcw.com/2022/06/08/377379/two-in-three-europeans-intend-to-use-the-eus-digital-identity-wallet/) NFCW
“The results of the survey certainly underline the need for this pioneering European initiative aiming at offering the most convenient user experience (UX) at the highest level of security,” the company adds
* [The New Draft Law on eID Switzerland](https://www.procivis.ch/post/the-new-draft-law-on-eid-switzerland-en) Procivis
Yesterday's [media conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DepW4xEqr3mw) and published [media release](https://www.bj.admin.ch/bj/de/home/aktuell/mm.msg-id-89515.html) opened the consultation process for the new E-ID law, which will last until October 20, 2022.
The preliminary [draft of the federal law](https://www.bj.admin.ch/dam/bj/de/data/staat/gesetzgebung/staatliche-e-id/vorentw.pdf) declared the purpose of the E-ID to be to ensure "secure identification by means of E-ID among private individuals and with authorities". The protection of the personality and fundamental rights of individuals is to be provided by the following principles defined in the law:
- Data protection through technology
- Data security
- Data economy
- Decentralized data storage
* [Leading the digital trust conversation](https://digitalidentity.nz/2022/07/15/leading-the-digital-trust-conversation/) DI NewZealand
the Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Act has the potential to provide a game-changing regulatory foundation for the identification and authentication components of services delivered through the digital channel. Those services that choose to be independently audited for compliance against the Framework’s security and privacy oriented rules and standards to become accredited, would then be able to differentiate those digital service brands through displaying an accreditation mark.
* [Lacchain ID Framework](https://publications.iadb.org/publications/english/document/LACChain-ID-Framework-A-Set-of-Recommendations-for-Blockchain-Based-Interoperable-Privacy-Preserving-Regulatory-Compliant-Secure-and-Standardized-Digital-Identifiers-Credentials-and-Wallets.pdf)
A Set of Recommendations for Blockchain-Based Interoperable, Privacy-Preserving, Regulatory Compliant, Secure and Standardized Digital Identifiers, Credentials, and Wallets.
* [Is the EU Digital Identity Wallet an Implementation of Self-Sovereign Identity?](https://thepaypers.com/expert-opinion/is-the-eu-digital-identity-wallet-an-implementation-of-self-sovereign-identity--1257448) The Paypers
As the details and technical architecture of the EU Digital Identity Wallet at the time of writing are still unknown, this analysis is based on what is currently known or can be assumed.
The SSI principles of existence, access, interoperability, consent, minimalization, and protection will likely be fulfilled by the EU Digital Identity Wallet. It will allow citizens to have an independent existence.
* [Collected submissions on AU Digital Identity system](https://lockstep.com.au/collected-submissions-on-au-digital-identity-system/) Lockstep
- The international digital identity industry has moved comprehensively towards decentralised verifiable credentials and strong client-side authentication tools (especially through the [FIDO Alliance](https://fidoalliance.org/); Australia needs to catch up with these standards.
- The Australian states are implementing digitised credentials at a rapid rate, refocusing from Who a citizen is, to What attributes and claims they need to prove online; DTA risks being left behind by these developments.
* [Lockstep TDIF DTA Submission 171020](https://lockstep.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Lockstep-TDIF-DTA-Submission-171020.pdf)
* [Lockstep Submission – AU Digital Identity Legislation (1.0)](https://lockstep.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Lockstep-Submission-AU-Digital-Identity-Legislation-1.0.pdf)
* [Lockstep Submission – AU Digital Identity Legislation Phase 2 210714](https://lockstep.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Lockstep-Submission-AU-Digital-Identity-Legislation-Phase-2-210714.pdf)
* [Lockstep Submission – Trusted Digital Identity Legislation Phase 3 211027](https://lockstep.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Lockstep-Submission-Trusted-Digital-Identity-Legislation-Phase-3-211027.pdf)
* [Analyst Chat #134: How Self-Sovereign Identities Will Influence Public Services](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/self-sovereign-identities-public-services) KuppingerCole
* [What is EBSI? EBSI making information easy to verify and almost impossible to fake](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/What%2Bis%2Bebsi/)
Below you will find a series of publications that will walk you through the technologies that make it possible for Public Administrations and Businesses to easily verify and trust information received directly from Citizens (or Businesses).
* [Self-Sovereign Digital Identity Wallets for Citizens](https://tages.biz/self-sovereign-digital-identity-wallets-for-citizens/) TAGES
TR Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs organized an EU Programs and Project Opportunities Hybrid Workshop on May 11-12, 2022 [...]
You can click to watch all the presentations from the event:
11 May 2022: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKlgfRSCeXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DGKlgfRSCeXI)
12 May 2022: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQIgwVJvFuE&t=28020s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DDQIgwVJvFuE%26t%3D28020s)
* [EIDAS 2.0 Turns To Self-Sovereign Identification To Bring Users Ownership And Control](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alastairjohnson/2022/07/05/eidas-20-turns-to-self-sovereign-identification-to-bring-users-ownership-and-control/?sh%3D853aa7f7f07e) Forbes
* [What Is GovTech?](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/resources/blog/post/what-Is-govtech.html)
Based on technology, the GovTech agenda is driven by the GovTech Solutions Group (GSG) and GovTech Global Partnership (GTBP) under Governance Global Practice (GGP). But what does GovTech do? What are its objectives and challenges, and how can it best fulfill them
* [Rematic talking to January Walker running for the House in Utah](https://twitter.com/RematicEGC/status/1559993471259344897) twitter
Self-Sovereign Identity and each individual's responsibility to safeguard their identity are crucial for the protection of personal data.
* [Google is bringing Electronic IDs to Android](https://venturebeat.com/security/google-is-bringing-electronic-ids-to-android/) VentureBeat
very soon, we will launch another [Jetpack compatibility library](https://venturebeat.com/2019/05/07/google-adds-10-libraries-to-android-jetpack-unveils-kotlin-toolkit-for-ui-development/) that app developers can use immediately to write such apps for various DMVs or whatever cards — in the future, maybe even travel documents, although that kind of standardization for international travel is even further out.
* [Jeremy Grant @jgrantindc](https://twitter.com/jgrantindc/status/1567531428707024899)
USCIS make public announcement about their plants to use Verifiable Credentials for Immigration credentials
Very interesting #FedID presentation on @USCIS plans for digital immigration credentials. Looking to use the @w3c Verifiable Credentials standard - this may be the first use of VCs at scale in the US government.
* [January Walker (UT04) on the Future of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://web3domains.com/january-walker-ut04-on-the-future-of-self-sovereign-identity/) Web3 Domains
January Walker is running for office in Utah’s 4th district
* [FTC on Commercial Surveillance and Data Security Rulemaking](https://identitywoman.net/ftc-on-commercial-surveillance-and-data-security-rulemaking/) IdentityWoman
FTC begins a process around regulating Commercial Surveillance and ensuring Data Security
The comments on its 95 questions are due October 21.
See the comments Kaliya made in her 2 min along with links to the questions and more information about the process.
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# jobsspecialedition
* [DIACC Project Coordinator (Bilingual)](https://diacc.ca/2021/09/16/diacc-project-coordinator-bilingual/)
DIACC is seeking a highly motivated English and French bilingual Project Coordinator to support projects, meetings, events, community engagement, project plans, and action tracking.
* [DIF Job Opportunities](https://identity.foundation/jobs/)
…available for the following positions:
- Backend Engineer
- Director of Engineering
- Frontend Engineer
- Lead Solutions Architect SSI
- Full-stack Engineer
- Hands-on Architect
- Head of Mobile Development
### Meeco is Hiring
> Graduate or Junior UX/UI Designer for our Australian team, where you can help shape the API-of-Me.
> Technical Team Lead for our Australian team, where you can help shape the API-of-Me.
## Other
* [Curity](https://curity.io/company/careers/)
- [Front-end Web Developer](https://curity.io/company/careers/job/front-end-developer/)
- [Quality Assurance Engineer](https://curity.io/company/careers/job/quality-assurance-engineer-apply/)
- [Java Software Engineer](https://curity.io/company/careers/job/java-core-developer/)
- [Product Marketing Engineer](https://curity.io/company/careers/job/product-marketing-engineer/)
* [BeyondTrust](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers)
- [DevOps Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4209460)
- [Front End Developer / Front End UI Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4054110)
- [Graduate Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4170261)
- [Lead Software Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/3908172)
- [Product Owner - Cloud Platform/Microservices Architecture](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4175847)
- [Product Owner - UI/UX](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4175830)
- [QA Automation Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4215544)
- [Quality Assurance Analyst](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4099159)
- [Quality Assurance Analyst II](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4243409)
- [Quality Assurance Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/3469872)
- [Senior Software Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4006516)
- [Senior Software Engineer in Test SDET](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/2524378)
- [Software Architect](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/3948317)
- [Software Development Manager](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4204563)
- [Software Engineer](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4061714)
- [Software Engineer - C++ - macOS](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4083071)
- [Software Engineer – Escalations .NET](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4149312)
- [Software Engineer - Java/Angular](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4204661)
- [SVP, Engineering](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/4109461)
- [Technical Project Manager](https://www.beyondtrust.com/company/careers/3945515)
* [Capital One](https://www.capitalonecareers.com/search-jobs/identity/1732/1)
* [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/careers/positions)
* [Delivery Hero](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en)
- [(Senior) Software Engineer (Identity IQ/SailPoint) (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0015166/-Senior-Software-Engineer-Identity-IQ-SailPoint-f-m-d)
- [(Senior) Java Engineer (Identity Management Team) (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0024647/-Senior-Java-Engineer-Identity-Management-Team-f-m-d)
- [Group Product Manager - Customer Identity and Security (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0018230/Group-Product-Manager-Customer-Identity-and-Security-f-m-d)
- [Identity and Access Management Specialist (EIGA Product & Operation) (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0025441/Identity-and-Access-Management-Specialist-EIGA-Product-Operation-f-m-d)
- [(Senior) IAM Ops Specialist (IT Services) (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0018379/-Senior-IAM-Ops-Specialist-IT-Services-f-m-d)
- [Product Manager - User Authentication Experience - Consumer (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0026848/Product-Manager-User-Authentication-Experience-Consumer-f-m-d)
- [Senior Brand Manager, Europe (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0025140/Senior-Brand-Manager-Europe-f-m-d)
- [Software Engineering Manager (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0020153/Software-Engineering-Manager-f-m-d)
- [Engineering Manager (Python) - Supply Chain (w/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0022356/Engineering-Manager-Python-Supply-Chain-w-m-d)
- [(Senior) Software Engineer (Golang), Fraud - Global Data (f/m/d)](https://careers.deliveryhero.com/global/en/job/JR0026864/-Senior-Software-Engineer-Golang-Fraud-Global-Data-f-m-d)
* [Daon](https://www.daon.com/job-openings/)
- [Customer Support Services Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D206)
- [Remote - Database Engineer/Administrator](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D204)
- [Frontend Developer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D201)
- [Product Marketing Manager](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D200)
- [Application Support Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D196)
- [C/C++ Developer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D195)
- [IOS Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D194)
- [Android Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D193)
- [Developer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D192)
- [Senior DevOps Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D188)
- [Sales Development Representative](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D183)
- [Customer Support Services Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D179)
- [Senior Technical Consultant](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D173)
- [Pre–Sales Solution Consultant](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D172)
- [Customer Support Services Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D170)
- [Database Engineer/Administrator](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D158)
- [Automation Test Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D151)
- [DevOps Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D144)
- [Senior Java Engineer- VeriFLY](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D140)
- [Data Collection Associate](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D133)
- [Java Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D21)
- [Senior Java Engineer](https://daoninc.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id%3D19)
* [Deloitte](https://apply.deloitte.com/careers/SearchJobs/identity)
* [ForgeRock](https://www.forgerock.com/about-us/careers)
- [Principal Identity Engineer](https://boards.greenhouse.io/forgerock/jobs/6131407002)
- [Senior Sales Specialist, Autonomous Identity](https://boards.greenhouse.io/forgerock/jobs/5756065002)
* [IDEMIA](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/search?ss%3D1%26searchKeyword%3Didentity%26searchCategory%3D8730)
- [Cloud Engineer II](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4912/cloud-engineer-ii/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Participate cloud adoption efforts that span multiple disciplines
- [Help Desk Technician II](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4897/help-desk-technician-ii/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Record, troubleshoot, escalate and follow-up with end-users regarding IT support matters
- [Senior Cloud Security Engineer](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4890/senior-cloud-security-engineer/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Implementing the systems aiding in real-time monitoring and analysis of security events from multiple sources including, but not limited to: Antivirus, EDR, SIEM, HIDS, IDS, WAF, firewall logs, system logs (Windows & Linux), applications, databases etc
- [Senior Software Engineer](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4860/senior-software-engineer/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Work on a team of developers and QA engineers - Provide analysis, design, software changes/enhancements and bug fixes as needed
- [HSM Key Administrator Level 1](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4853/hsm-key-administrator-level-1/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Configure, maintain and ensure that all HSM (Hardware Security Module) servers are operational and will meet the capacity demand
- [Software Engineer III](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4844/software-engineer-iii/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Analyze and document user requirements - Design, test and develop software solutions to meet requirements
- [Programmer I](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4573/programmer-i/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Demonstrates expert knowledge of the company’s technical capabilities and processes appropriate to customer’s needs
- [Digitalization Project Engineer I - VIE](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4529/digitalization-project-engineer-i---vie/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Gather technical and functional requirements for the Go-Live through workshops with the supplier (MPDV). - Analyze MES data needs for the plant to align development, implementation and configuration of the application
- [Technical Project Leader](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4437/technical-project-leader/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Drive the delivery and adoption of Mobile ID by citizens in every state and province
- [Technical Consultant II](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4372/technical-consultant-ii/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Provide technical support related to banking project such as card personalization, card development cycle, and key management.
- [Manager Project / Program](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4346/manager-project---program/job?in_iframe%3D1) - As part of the US ERP implementation team you will be leading the manufacturing part of the project, ensuring the Business needs are fulfilled in line with the Core Model already defined and the adopt (and not adapt) project philosophy
- [Network Engineer (Open to Reston OR Billerica OR Brentwood)](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4340/network-engineer-%2528open-to-reston-or-billerica-or-brentwood%2529/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Configure, install and troubleshoot network technologies, such as routers, switches, and firewalls, including: configuring and troubleshooting routing (BGP), MPLS and QOS
- [Technical Consultant I (Smart Card)](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/4183/technical-consultant-i-%2528smart-card%2529/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Provide technical support related to banking project such as card personalization, card development cycle, and key management.
- [Network Administrator](https://uscareers-idemia.icims.com/jobs/3997/network-administrator/job?in_iframe%3D1) - Work on-site as part of Local IT team to support production.
### iProov
- [Product Manager](https://jobs.gohire.io/iproov-fzoa1liw/product-manager-authentication-83988)
- [Head of Product Innovation](https://jobs.gohire.io/iproov-fzoa1liw/head-of-product-innovation-86015/)
- [VP of Artificial Intelligence](https://jobs.gohire.io/iproov-fzoa1liw/vp-of-ai-artificial-intelligence-52039)
* [Microsoft](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/search-results?keywords%3Didentity) (10913 jobs in Identity)
- [Senior Program Manager](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/login?qpage%3D%252Fus%252Fen%252Fjob%252F1180440%252F)
- [Senior Program Manager](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/login?qpage%3D%252Fus%252Fen%252Fjob%252F1180437)
- [Program Manager 2](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/login?qpage%3D%252Fus%252Fen%252Fjob%252F1160056%252FProgram-Manager-2)
- SDE for OAuth SDK, Javascript - janutter@microsoft
- Decentralized ID Standards - Dublin
- Identity Standards Architect - Dublin
* [Mastercard](https://mastercard.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/CorporateCareers?q%3Didentity) (lots more inside)
- [Manager, Product Experience Design](https://mastercard.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CorporateCareers/job/Dublin-Ireland/Manager--Product-Experience-Design_R-161479) Dublin, Ireland
- [Manager, Identity Solutions Strategy](https://mastercard.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CorporateCareers/job/Vancouver-Canada/Manager--Identity-Solutions-IoT-Strategy_R-133754) Vancouver, Canada
- [Manager, Identity Verification](https://mastercard.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/CorporateCareers/job/Frankfurt-Germany/Manager--Identity-Verification--Identity-Solutions-Europe_R-155192) Frankfurt, Germany
* [Motability Operations, Ltd](https://www.motabilityoperationsrecruitment.co.uk/vacancies/vacancy-search-results.aspx)
* [Ping Identity](https://www.pingidentity.com/de/company/careers/careers-listings.html) (lots more inside)
- [Strategic Account Executive](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w0-S5knJ3V3Zsc37CgZDLW9hMFYp89RvL_W4LrGGj4TjN26W1yQWZn8mQ463W55vn6S6b5zrMW6hd0yc76qj94W5bZ4Xn4GjZcWN1ScDbtHZ0ddN25cCXKtnHnXW55w80s5nG-jWW9fbQpb7YfF3wW5bDK782gl0B9VzXqpZ3yWM5QW3mqcF034pWDzVGn9xK4PT--XN9k1p0grxvPGW1MWQxx2rQBnRW4XFhqK61MKPPW5_J5HN4vb8tnW2DyKnp2h-C7rW5Rl06q4bTNyKN8yCD_wXTcFmW7HrDJW6-3syxW5LvlDx3KcCVmW3RzyvQ9lqmjYW1WnXmJ1lsbQZW3sDCVr49512sW7vHwpZ7DDfbhW5ncS0w8H8hRpW5KqQqH9k6lB4W789WKk45f01GW9jX44v4BH3k0Vk2VT-1n28lq3j_q1)
- [FP&A Team Lead](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w0-S5knJ3V3Zsc37CgZq5N9lC2RzhD7qkW74VZ2v3MKKKVW7qlPyD4wHHvtW78FzXQ7h3DS9W1mTJbp1YMJMCW5Kb96j7pQ8Z_W7RBPZj88JqV1W24Lg-S6z-qXwW7sFsHZ5xJx6QW7qTF_c9dfNxlW90HXS84R4Jj3VlmQXh3BY8FXW9jpbpc6mrvsvW6QbD586smPFlW53PsMD4CMXLZW7ckfLH68TsbfN2thwqjf0YFHW38JXb88yGKCtW7wTJw479_4FmW289N6r3Cc1jQW3_JWDq1KF9XHW3-T-f85zPvp7W7_jNmx3kCKV2W6cV79X7gWC4MW484xKf2G6sG6VdZnTY2Vj7MGW1f7X5w6Pdl-RW8XlSyt3rTb6PW8D813F7gcVf1VZ2Ndh7XW2nVW8hJsxD7x9MQCW4h7NS8392fCc3fjy1)
- [Cloud Operations Engineer](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w0-S5knJ3V3Zsc37CgGs-W4MPRp45kg85XN1SQvD53W-mwW638nLP93FNlCW305zFc2BGDLpW6qvN8j94rghtW4Hgl7S1q_2vZW6GJMDm1WKy9xW3Zbm3k2lrnJQW35tY7b7YlFV0W8yvM-x80Km9fW4FBStl7nB9t4F7JR_b3KYy7W4Bsbkt45hH1qW5-3rlh3-8Pv6V58jK-4TCxknW44TDmp4gQ7s7W2GKTCt1jPKH7W8MkTKw4pg7RpW5GJQRf16HrklW7nfH1m4ndY76W5PpFK13njGz2W2btBjC7KVZX_W6jCSsX3X6mT3W8sBWN-5sNqC3VGCKV04BKtq_W74vbFQ5r1ZKhW8Cccc21G0HzlN2LYQmJK79dcN1_Z9S5LdxplN5BqC0vDJhXxW57sxhm7mS5dTW64DyzP5BbB1v3g431)
- [Site Reliability Engineer](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w0-S5knJ3V3Zsc37CgQMnW8QTZCB2lXgSGW1cvKgC2WDsC3W8Vy9DH8BZlS8W44Jpgs5prYBsW4dsvCr5mH82ZN3cd5wjY61xTN6Dvt-VLFZtkW7wcTrs2zpkdMW120nyx1dM4KtVKkZTh3DbGP1W9822TT28PDrTW2w-PTc3kXQN7W3K20Nd8xgvKwW22z7d46Kfd66W3h399t38KFMdN592Td8sk2dSW4Rr9SK7813DqW4_5hc29kldbkW22kQ0b1FxS21W2vc3Jq5xFCwDW4XNpFT1rYXwsN7XKRrZdvLLsW3M58TT2X-qKXW8zjcK05SnH2gW4RxcSJ3KZ50gW8SckVT7nfNn9W5v4CVh7Sj-9TW9kscWx4pZBXmW3GHksf7HyC8YW48xNQw8GN56XW4HBMny5RnRhlW99PvWz3CSCwq3bp71)
* [Royal Bank of Canada](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/) (lots more inside)
- [Access Manager - Senior Information Security Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000003438/Senior-Information-Security-Analyst-GCS)
- [Privileged Access Management - Information Security Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000002037/Senior-Information-Security-Analyst-GCS)
- [Director, Lead IAM Architect](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000000933/Director-Lead-IAM-Architect)
- [Global Directory Services - Senior Technical Systems Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000001837/Senior-Technical-Systems-Analyst)
- [Senior Technical Systems Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000008534/Senior-Technical-Systems-Analyst-GCS)
- [Onboarding Secrets Management - Senior Business Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000007980/Senior-Information-Security-Analyst-GCS)
- [Senior Manager, Access Request Support](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000007406/Senior-Manager-IAM-Access-Request-Support-GCS)
- [Lead Performance Engineer](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000007995/Lead-Performance-Engineer-GCS)
- [Access Manager - Senior Information Security Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000008019/Senior-Information-Security-Analyst-GCS)
- [Senior Data Analyst (IAM)](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000006421/Senior-Data-Analyst-IAM-GCS)
- [Sr. IAM Systems Engineer](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000005462/Senior-IAM-System-Engineer-GCS)
- [IAM Systems Engineer](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000002179/IAM-Systems-Engineer)
- [CIAM - Senior Business Analyst](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000008009/Senior-Business-Systems-Analyst-Customer-Identity-and-Access-Management-GCS)
- [CIAM Product Manager](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000006988/CIAM-Product-Manager-GCS)
- [Senior Manager, EIAM Strategy](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000002751/Senior-Manager-EIAM-Strategy)
- [Senior IAM Solution Architect](https://jobs.rbc.com/ca/en/job/R-0000002113/Senior-Solution-Architect-IAM-GCS)
* [Simeio](https://hdip.fa.ap4.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/requisitions?keyword%3Didentity)
- [VP of Identity and Access Management Delivery](https://hdip.fa.ap4.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/requisitions/preview/23/?keyword%3Didentity)
- [Sr. IAM Systems Engineer](https://hdip.fa.ap4.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1/requisitions/preview/33/?keyword%3Didentity)
* [Sphere](https://www.sphereco.com/company-overview/careers)
- [Hadoop/Data Architect](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/hadoop-data-architect/)
- [Senior Developer (.NET, C#, SQL Server)](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/senior-developer-net-c-sql-server/)
- [Implementation Engineer](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/implementation-engineer/)
- [HR Generalist](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/hr-generalist/)
- [Office Manager](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/office-manager/)
- [Account Executive](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/account-executive/)
- [Product Manager](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/product-manager/)
- [Security Analyst](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/security-analyst/)
- [Technical Customer Success Manager](https://www.sphereco.com/jobs/technical-customer-success-manager/)
* [Trulioo](https://www.trulioo.com/company/careers)
- [Data Engineer](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4337667004)
- [Front End Engineer](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4442248004)
- [Front End Engineer](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4442195004)
- [Manager, Data Analytics](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4457646004)
- [Senior Software Engineer](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4332833004)
- [Senior Software Engineer- Remote](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4327675004)
- [Senior Software Engineer- Remote](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4358360004)
- [Software Engineer](https://www.trulioo.com/apply?gh_jid%3D4489240004)
* [Ubisecure](https://www.ubisecure.com/about/careers/)
- [Lead Architect](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w1013lSc3V1-WJV7CgLcxW5Kbjr94xJZn7VMzmtY6rGV8JW7MQQT24qSWXRW7W3_CX5RsMQxW4dwBzF5r_L-kW7Cdn3y1mCz_QW5NHQ_X7cJNj9W7bcC4Q7FFQ6jW7CqR_39bynyFW6smRdT2TmVtvM3qFb43dgQzW31J0_V1tb1RfW5yck2F6bzcNHW5XlH3y1fMvBJW8NXQMW2w7ZXNN5s5YDrFvYzbW67VjRK57-_BWVHRtjK7ZswrDW7WX4JB3Cyb87W6RDl-K66lyGzW7n_P2W4Y90LTVHqPW67nC3fCW7dRJrB18t_ctW2_v74v2K8Rb43cdj1)
- [Partner Marketing Manager](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w10k3lScmV1-WJV7CgGwkVNx4HH8v7G3cW8Nnk7n6vBs1MW23wQMs5DL57DW9j6NDY8NF37HW8wpH3Z7BJmdNW3Y2j5q8pKYMqW4Hk_Vz6gqsrZW9hyHPp4jCNC7W4McHgh3KSkV-W3N2m5g3NNZhQW1ht7sM6Rxvm9W6cLFDC7QH0gSW58vqBD9dsPT3W310YrH1v1F4HW8BWJQR8ZKbqTW5q1NyD2WVZkCW66Zxq82Sl29vW9cgM4F2nbkqrW4Qz3bM1Lljs2W1Rts_F2dGY61W7-RqXm3Bt_hQW8WZ6_j3sf0HCW4YlH6w2xX4nTW7xvBdz4lZskjF2-Xsyr_2HGW7QHqsr3wWf3S3jp11)
- [Sales Development Representative](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w10D3lScGV1-WJV7CgJVZW73tMvD8gBjYbW1Jqt807xLTQkW2yBqRl1y_3jvVmfyFy5z2XY7W11XZq95dZ9hLW8kSTF_78S8qnW8H2gDK1pl1qYW21zkC22MWmpvN510NGB7j_csW8glkJL590LyzW3g0QyR8fht2kN2RfmSz22jfYW2hc61v1qDKSsW1vzl0-28J_DdW901C_-58HKLgW2t6lz11B4cvlW8fKqL_6Fvm2FVbZKDP5yzr6LVxWyBh2zcfQ2W33pnyF4My4fpW2XhVz38bXcs9MNpL8tFf_byW6SlZPb5lbwx_W5MGv3D50bLJHW74jBwQ7sPwVnW3rTCFx3gY3HTW4-wm6t34jtcPW3P47ZM4h6h-X3nY41)
- [Customer Success Manager](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w10k3lScmV1-WJV7CgCrPW7LF4PS2_d19qMBdfD0vPkkTN2VrTNB1D06TW7PDCKS5PrjvHW3P-2Mg7Gg8Y7W6F8wL_6yt6mCW64Kzzf566TFSW2byQG38D9cHHW5Vs14w76JzJRW6b3vCM28vMK_N5qPzYmPZZjTW4hCxwJ3cysxJW4HPQpX7BHzQgW8Q5n861GX2S6W8BsG_99cLbP-W93j8_c2yh3dPW11Ypyj2vMWg9W4ZRNgc7hJ_k4W3GM1f55dSGmwW5JdvrV3yQgCGW2Sjz1d7Fdc4PN5H6kH76xJdTVlcqWD367lxMW967s2p2DN-L8V2ByW45M9JBpW2Yxrh31fWh6g3fVK1)
- [Sales Executive](https://cmzd204.na1.hubspotlinksstarter.com/Ctc/W1%2B113/cMzd204/VVw-Pb7W3L0MW4VDsrX96v12SW3S9mTt4JsxJPN22w1013lSc3V1-WJV7CgNsvW4HDsXz56fLSyW7qHCLs6rQT4qW3CtyKc3nxlfjN28wmnW3_fT2W46dG_B5GGp_GW2mvlPs8jVn2mW51Wmb783k6m0W4dq55v7L0w7nW1kHSdP20BxmTW6TjC_71fWvKqW1657Nj33Zd7KW8R2Ky56LPK-gW54mz133rcMf_W5hFrR_1P077WW60q5X82cdVsBW900Mnm4Klz8gW8mSLKH6k0GmRW7rb8R_5Vv7VXW2gNMZ98W4VjvW8Xm1vY5bJlwHVT40lb6GQbLrW3yHzlz2ybxR5W1ScpqQ3srywsW7rwdM_8ysyNK38Yh1)
* [Software Developer in Decentralised Identity](https://jobs.surrey.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?id%3D9454%26forced%3D1) Surrey AC UK
The project is to apply a Self-Sovereign Identity framework to the development of technology for privacy-preserving management of authorship of digital assets. This is an exciting opportunity to work with emerging technologies and develop novel solutions.
### Worldcoin
- Solidity, Fullstack, Mobile, Rust, Product - [tiago@worldcoin.org](mailto:tiago@worldcoin.org)
* [Bloom Protocol jobs](https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/bloom-protocol-jobs-worldwide?f_C%3D18241636%26trk%3Dtop-card_top-card-primary-button-top-card-primary-cta%26position%3D1%26pageNum%3D0)
Bloom Protocol has immediate opportunities for experienced frontend engineers who have a desire to work for an innovative company in the self-sovereign identity space. Bloom offers a collaborative, respectful environment with a flat management structure.
[Senior React Native Mobile Software Engineer](https://indicio.tech/senior-react-native-mobile-software-engineer/) Indicio
The ideal candidate is a self-motivated, multi-tasker, and demonstrated team-player. You will be a lead developer responsible for the development of new React Native mobile (iOS and Android) apps in the Decentralized Identity industry. You should excel in working with large-scale applications and frameworks autonomously. As you’ll work remotely you must have outstanding communication and leadership skills.
* [Evernym is Hiring](https://avast.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/Global)
The [@Avast](https://twitter.com/Avast) Identity team has several openings in Product Management, Program Management, Engineering, and DevOps.
* [Women In Identity – new role of Executive Director](https://womeninidentity.org/2021/06/29/job-description-for-role-of-executive-director/)
Reporting to the Board Chair, the Executive Director will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for Women in Identity’s staff, programs, expansion, infrastructure, budget as well as the execution of its mission.
* [Building a more diverse and inclusive team](https://blog.ceramic.network/building-a-more-diverse-team-and-pipeline/) Ceramic
* [Build amazing frontend experiences](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-is-hiring-software-engineers-to-build-amazing-front-end-experiences/) • Meeco
- [GIMLY IS HIRING](https://www.gimly.io/hiring)
You will work closely with the UX lead and product owner in planning the development work and assigning development tasks to internal and external developers.
- Indicio Hiring Interns
* [Test Engineer](https://indicio.tech/blog/test-engineer-intern/) • [Mobile Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/mobile-developer-intern/) • [Python Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/python-developer-intern/) • [Project Manager](https://indicio.tech/blog/project-manager-intern/) • [Business Development](https://indicio.tech/blog/business-development-intern/) • [Assistant to the CEO](https://indicio.tech/blog/assistant-to-the-ceo-intern/)
- Indicio Hiring Sr Devs
* [Sr Python Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/sr-python-developer/) • [Sr Mobile Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/sr-mobile-developer/)
- [Managing Director](https://www.provenance.org/news/people/were-hiring-a-managing-director) Provenance
We believe that every great product should come with Provenance: accessible, trustworthy information about origin, journey and impact.
### Indicio Hiring Interns
* [Test Engineer](https://indicio.tech/blog/test-engineer-intern/) • [Mobile Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/mobile-developer-intern/) • [Python Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/python-developer-intern/) • [Project Manager](https://indicio.tech/blog/project-manager-intern/) • [Business Development](https://indicio.tech/blog/business-development-intern/) • [Assistant to the CEO](https://indicio.tech/blog/assistant-to-the-ceo-intern/)
### Indicio Hiring Sr Devs
* [Sr Python Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/sr-python-developer/) • [Sr Mobile Developer](https://indicio.tech/blog/sr-mobile-developer/)
* [Managing Director](https://www.provenance.org/news/people/were-hiring-a-managing-director) Provenance
Provenance is using tech to power the transparency movement – helping brands bring their supply chain and the social and environmental impact behind products to shoppers. We believe that every great product should come with Provenance: accessible, trustworthy information about origin, journey and impact.
* [Work at Trinsic](https://work.trinsic.id/)
We're building a trust layer into the internet. That's an ambitious goal with plenty of unsolved problems left to tackle. We need brilliant, passionate people to help us achieve this.
- [Founding Engineer](https://work.trinsic.id/Founding-Engineer-720c06090e654036b31a8bc7409028d3)
- [Developer Advocate Intern](https://work.trinsic.id/Developer-Advocate-Intern-e76b6abcdc7f4c33803bd0fcd815b630)
- [Strategic Customer Success](https://work.trinsic.id/Strategic-Customer-Success-024758e03e2148c495a57ebf885e8a42)
* [Gimly Blockchain Projects](https://twitter.com/gimly_io/status/1372461531938578432)
We are hiring: a product development manager and a full-stack developer!
Build the next evolution of internet as part of [@NGI4eu](https://twitter.com/NGI4eu)
Become an expert in Self-sovereign identity [#SSI](https://twitter.com/hashtag/SSI) and [#blockchain](https://twitter.com/hashtag/blockchain)
* [Meeco is looking for a Technical Team Lead](https://blog.meeco.me/meeco-is-looking-for-a-technical-team-lead/) Meeco
for our Australian team, where you can contribute to the success of our product team developing our globally awarded personal data platform.
* [Developers, Come Explore the New World of Okta/Auth0 with Us!](https://auth0.com/blog/developers-explore-okta-auth0/)
- Who makes up the Developer Experience and Devrel teams at Okta? Let’s get to know the team. There are definitely many all stars over at Okta, let’s meet them!
- How do Okta and Auth0 developer tools differ? Let’s take a look under the hood and learn what each other’s strengths are.
- What are some of the open-source projects that we should collaborate on? How can we make our docs and content better? Etc, etc.
IOHK for Atala PRIMS
Our ideal candidates are experienced professionals with a passion for decentralized identity. We are on a mission to create societal changes and reshape the existing systems of the world that put control over our daily life back into our hands. We believe Atala PRISM is the identity platform powered by Cardano to make these changes happen. If this vision and technical challenge describe you, we would like to hear from you.
Product: [Technical Director](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/46B41939DA/)
Product: [Technical Business Analyst](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/78A2FB86D3/)
Engineering: [Software Engineering Lead - Atala backend (Scala)](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/CB3ACC9326/)
Engineering: [Software Engineering Lead (Atala Applications)](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/9D343ED497/)
Engineering: [Software Engineer - Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) Project Lead](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/9EC8573D94/)
Engineering: [Technical Architect - Atala backend](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/00F9CFB4CC/)
Engineering: [Technical Architect](https://apply.workable.com/io-global/j/DBD8AE9169/)
* [(Internship) Self-Sovereign Identity: A decentralized identity management](https://www.stellen-anzeiger.ch/jobs/internship-self-sovereign-identity-a-decentralized-identity-management/62186) Stellen Anzel
- Study the existing/emerging standards for SSI.
- Offer a brief overview of the existing technologies to implement SSI.
- Select the adequate technologies and development frameworks.
- Study how existing established authentication standard (SAML and OIDC) are compatible with SSI
- Implement a proof of concept of MFA with SSI.
* [Full Stack JavaScript Developer](https://indicio.tech/associate-full-stack-javascript-developer/) Indicio
Come and make the world a better place by writing software for creating, managing, and using privacy-focused verifiable credentials! The ideal candidate will design and code software and user interfaces for decentralized identity applications using Node.js, Express.js, and React.js.
* [Principal Program Manager Redmond, Washington, United States](https://careers.microsoft.com/us/en/job/1252080/Principal-Program-) Microsoft
In this role, you will work with our engineering teams and with external engineers from companies all over the world to create and adopt decentralized identity specifications that meet our guiding principles for decentralized technology and that forward secure and innovative identity practices.
- [Senior Backend Engineer, Blockchain](https://boards.greenhouse.io/kivaorg/jobs/3714927?gh_jid%3D3714927) Kiva
- [Principal Backend Engineer, Blockchain](https://boards.greenhouse.io/kivaorg/jobs/3871955?gh_jid%3D3871955) Kiva
* [Senior Backend Engineer, Blockchain Technologies](https://boards.greenhouse.io/kivaorg/jobs/3714927?gh_jid%3D3714927) Kiva
* [Principal Backend Engineer, Blockchain Technologies](https://boards.greenhouse.io/kivaorg/jobs/3871955?gh_jid%3D3871955) Kiva
- Disco - [Technical Product Manager](https://www.disco.xyz/job?gh_jid%3D4032492005)
- Spokeo - [https://www.spokeo.com/careers](https://www.spokeo.com/careers) - Their CEO just became the co-chair of the CCG group.
- [Full Stack Integration Developer (Remote)](https://indicio.tech/full-stack-integration-developer-remote/)
- [Senior Full Stack Integration Developer (Remote)](https://indicio.tech/senior-full-stack-integration-developer-remote/)
- [Senior Technical Support Engineer (Remote)](https://indicio.tech/senior-technical-support-engineer-remote/)
* [KERI OOBI: Out-Of-Band-Introductions for discovery and validation of IP resources for KERI autonomic identifiers. The HTTPS protocol (X.509) is going to play second fiddle](https://medium.com/happy-blockchains/keri-oobi-510467856035)
there’s no middleman involved. Without a middleman, communication is one-on-one (also called peer-to-peer). With peer-to-peer communication that is cryptographical verifiable, you can be absolutely sure about who said what. And to do that, you need KERI’s globally available, self-certifiying, self-addressing identifiers to repair the internet.
* [Join us – Consult Hyperion](https://chyp.com/about-us/careers-join-our-team/)
For over 30 years, Consult Hyperion have been dedicated to providing advisory and technical consulting services and have grown to be globally recognised as thought leaders and experts in the areas of Digital Identity, Payments and Smart Ticketing.
* [Blockchain Developer (f/d/m)](https://litentry.com/careers/blockchain-developer-(f-d-m)-%25E2%2580%2593-remote/7909) Litentry
Implement the pallets based on Substrate
- Contribute to the WASM smart contract development
- Write the technical documentation
- Fix the bugs in our testnet and mainnet
- Research the latest secure computing technologies, such as SGX
* [We’re helping people take back their identity](https://qui.xyz/careers/) QUI
* [Technical Writer | Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada](https://diacc.ca/2022/08/08/diacc-technical-writer/) DIACC
The Digital Identification & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) is seeking a Technical Writer to support the DIACC [Pan-Canadian Trust Framework](https://diacc.ca/trust-framework/) (PCTF). This is a 20-30 hours per week remote position with the potential to grow into a full-time role and can be performed from anywhere. This position is intended to be ongoing (long-term) in support of the development and maintenance life cycle of the PCTF.
* [Vinícius Niche @viniciusniche of Truvity shares](https://twitter.com/viniciusniche/status/1570790061217845248)
Hey Tech Twitter, [@TruvityHQ](https://twitter.com/TruvityHQ) (where I work) is hiring engineers for the Infrastructure Developer (Go/Kubernetes) role, details are on the thread
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# Literature
* [Universal Declaration of Digital Rights](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y9C-5TPYmRruRQqJq39-HePk3ypWLDpSAEVzuonOH2Q/edit) Johannes Ernst
> all states should recognise and promote universal respect for and observance of both fundamental human and digital rights in physical domain and the digital spaces environment and ensure that these rights are upheld as core elements of a free, open and representative society
* [Dave Birch](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-21-Kaliya-and-Seth-welcome-Dave-Birch-on-Digital-Financial-Services-and-Smart-Money-el2hp7/a-a57pl5)
> In today’s episode, we talk about his new book “Currency Cold War” and relationship, and lack thereof, between digital currency and identity.
* [On the Trust and Trust Modelling for the Future Fully-Connected Digital World: A Comprehensive Study](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.07528.pdf)
Under our analysis of trust and the digital world, we define differenttypes of trust relationships and find out the factors that are needed to ensure a fully representative model.Next, to meet the challenges of digital trust modelling, comprehensive trust model evaluation criteria areproposed, and potential securities and privacy issues of trust modelling are analyzed. Finally, we provide awide-ranging analysis of different methodologies, mathematical theories, and how they can be applied totrust modelling
* [Self-Sovereignty for Refugees? The Contested Horizons of Digital Identity](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14650045.2020.1823836)
> I identify a series of competing logics in the debates around SSI’s emancipatory potential, which relate to four issues: (i) the neutrality of the technology, (ii) the capacities of refugees, (iii) global governance and the nation state, and (iv) new economic models for digital identity. SSI is simultaneously the potential enabler of new modes of empowerment, autonomy and data security for refugees and a means of maintaining and extending bureaucratic and commercial power. I situate SSI in a genealogy of systems of identity control and argue that, in practice, it is likely to feed into the powers of corporations and states over refugee populations.
* [Beware of Digital ID attacks: your face can be spoofed!](https://www.enisa.europa.eu/news/enisa-news/beware-of-digital-id-attacks-your-face-can-be-spoofed) ENISA
Digital identification is the focus of two new reports by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA): [an analysis of self-sovereign identity](https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/digital-identity-leveraging-the-ssi-concept-to-build-trust/@@download/fullReport) (SSI) and a study of major [face presentation attacks](https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/remote-identity-proofing-attacks-countermeasures).
* [Digital Identity: Leveraging the SSI Concept to Build Trust](https://www.enisa.europa.eu/publications/digital-identity-leveraging-the-ssi-concept-to-build-trust)
This report explores the potential of self-sovereign identity (SSI) technologies to ensure secure electronic identification and authentication to access cross-border online services offered by Member States under the eIDAS Regulation. It critically assesses the current literature and reports on the current technological landscape of SSI and existing eID solutions, as well as the standards, communities, and pilot projects that are presently developing in support of these solutions.
## Research Papers
### Disposable Yet Official Identities
* [Disposable Yet Official Identities (DYOI)](https://zenodo.org/record/4016977#.X4NIjy2ZMWq) for Privacy-Preserving System Design - The case of COVID-19 digital document verification and credential-based access control in ad hoc outdoor and indoor settings (and beyond)
> In this paper we report on the design of a service system to endow next-generation COVID-19 mobile applications with the capacity: a) to instantly manage and verify a wide range of possible COVID-19 digital documents (circulation attestations, work or travel permits based on approved COVID-19 tests, vaccination certificates, etc.) and, b) to provide credential-based access control, especially in cases where the Verifier is not a web entity but a human agent with a smartphone, or an IoT device -- mainly in ad hoc outdoor and indoor settings. The system has been designed as a response to the specific needs of a health emergency situation, but it may have a broader application in different cased and areas of control (such as airport and train stations checking points and board controls), where the verification process must exclude the possibility of a physical interaction between the controller and the subject of control, by maintaining a “safe distance” between them and while preserving a certain privacy for the subject of control. Our approach levers the potential of Disposable Identities, Self-Sovereign Identities technologies and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) to enable digital document verification and credential-based access control in ad hoc outdoor and indoor settings (and beyond). Towards this, we specifically introduce the concept of “Derivative” (i.e., transcoded/contextual) Verifiable Credentials. A Derivative VC is a derived bond contract guaranteeing the validity and ownership over the underlying contracts (VCs) whose: a) usability is restricted in a very specific context (that of the “local” and time-limited interaction between a Subject and a Service Provider) and, b) linking table points only to a specific “Pairwise DID”.
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# Podcasts
* [My podcasts of choice](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/04/podcasts/) Doc Searls
* [The Digital Identity Transformation – Podcast](https://idramp.com/the-digital-identity-transformation-podcast/)
> Mike Vesey, CEO of IdRamp. As someone who has uniquely spent their full career immersed in enterprise identity, Vesey shares an insider perspective of how the industry has evolved during his tenure.
* [Listening to identity podcasts is our 2021 new year’s resolution](https://www.ubisecure.com/education/why-listen-to-identity-podcasts/)
A gem we must have missed last month from Ubisecure, lists the identity podcasts that should be on our list.
- [Let’s Talk About Digital Identity (LTADI)](https://www.ubisecure.com/lets-talk-about-digital-identity-podcast/) – Ubisecure
- [Definitely Identity](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/definitely-identity/id1496565155) – Tim Bouma
- [PSA Today](https://open.spotify.com/show/0lkmZrdHMIJrkIEqT13SJQ) – Privacy, Surveillance and Anonymity by Kaliya Identity Woman and Seth Goldstein
- [ID Talk](https://findbiometrics.com/topics/id-talk-podcast/) – FindBiometrics and, as you’d expect, focused on the biometrics space
- [State of Identity](https://oneworldidentity.com/podcast-main/) – OWI
Podcasts that didn’t make their list.
- [Identity, Unlocked](http://identityunlocked.auth0.com/) – [Auth0](https://auth0.com/) (really great!)
- [Identity North Podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/identity-north-podcast/id1450122415) – [Identity North](https://www.identitynorth.ca/)
Founded by Glen Weyl, [RadicalxChange (RxC) is a global movement for next-generation political economies.](https://www.radicalxchange.org/about/)
> Digital networks have centralized power over identities and information, creating problems for both markets and democracy. Does the solution require more shared agency over data? What might that look like? This panel discussion is structured around thought experiments to find solutions to this issue.
Featuring: *Matt Prewitt*, president of RadicalxChange Foundation; *Nick Vincent*, Ph.D. student in Northwestern University's Technology and Social Behavior program and is part of the People, Space, and Algorithms Research Group, our very own, *Kaliya Young*; moderated by *Jennifer Morone* is the CEO of RadicalxChange Foundation.
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# Infographic
* [Interesting diagram.](https://twitter.com/i3market_eu/status/1397474556839874563)
* [@erwin tweets](https://twitter.com/Erwin_Schroedy/status/1405887429983223809):
Self Sovereign Identity is an integral part of WEB3.0 Be free, own your identity! [#KILT](https://twitter.com/hashtag/KILT) [#YourWildestMemes](https://twitter.com/hashtag/YourWildestMemes) [#WEB3](https://twitter.com/hashtag/WEB3)
* [SSI Meme of the week](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1483519684465016833) SSI By Memes
* [SSI Memes](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1486979269754601472)
* [We need more awerness, that the acceptance of users is crucial for SSI @SSI_by_memes](https://mobile.twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1538819851950628865)
* [SSI Architectural Stack and Community Efforts Overview](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity.github.io/blob/master/assets/ssi-architectural-stack--and--community-efforts-overview.pdf) Rouven Heck
* [TDW Decentralized Glossary Management and Collaboration Platform (TDW Glossary): Digital Identity Neighborhood](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/03/15/tdw-glossary-management-and-collaboration-platform-tdw-gmcp-digital-identity-neighborhood/)
* [Human Authority](https://www.moxytongue.com/2022/01/human-authority.html) Moxy Marlinspike
* [SelfSovereignIdentity_memes @SSI_by_memes](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes)
Is anonymity good? - lets ask this wife
* [Steph oceans404.eth @0ceans404](https://twitter.com/0ceans404/status/1557149888646746113) twitter
Self-Sovereign Identity
* [Fun fact](https://twitter.com/rileyphughes/status/1563195173055897602) Riley Hughes
The 'indy' name was originally short for "independent identity" which was a naming candidate before "self-sovereign" was settled on
Harrison Tang on a roll with these short videos.
- [#selfsovereignidentity, or #SSI, is the ultimate form of #decentralizedidentity because the power and control lie in tens of billions of person entities like you and me, not just hundreds of thousands of computer network nodes](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1562157365327118336) TheCEODad
- [In my earlier Identity in Web3 talk, I also shared that verifiablecredentials is my favorite identity tech](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1562986842357526528) TheCEODad
## Infographics
* [Cross Community Architecture Survey](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cx7px2z9YslvQV1oUuumiHlpnWcsVhIl/view) implemented DID Methods and list cryptographic key types that they support
This next graphic comes from [Verifiable Credentials Use Cases](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-use-cases/)
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# Meta
* [Let’s find a more accurate term than ‘Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.identityblog.com/?p%3D1693) Kim Cameron
Someone said this - this week. “we need a better name” Infominer says just call it like it is, Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure.
The principle is self-evident. But I’ll be posting at length about the ways we can combine user-control, self-issued claims and verified claims to create the next big mainstream identity technology.
* [Why do you care about identity?](https://wider.team/2022/01/18/phil-cares-about-identity/) Phil Wolff
I love that it’s more than a technical discussion. It’s laws. Sociology. Politics and civics. Commerce. Psychology. Ethics. History. Economy. All the humanities.
Identity touches everything. It always will. Computation and communication continue their pervasion, and identity spreads with them.
oldie but goodie
* [Batman & Identity: Crash Course Philosophy #18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D-TFCMK4i2lo%26t%3D10s)
Hank explores different ways of understanding identity – including the Indiscernibility of Identicals, and essential and accidental properties. In what ways does affect identity? In what ways does it not? What does it mean for a thing to persist over time?
* [What occurs when physical beings transition to information beings?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/05/what-occurs-when-physical-beings.html)
* [Our Language Reflects Our Values](https://auth0.com/blog/our-language-reflects-our-values/) Auth0
> At Auth0, we believe that consistent, iterative improvement leads to incredible results. We recognize that addressing our use of biased language is an ongoing process rather than a one-and-done effort. With our guidelines and principles in place, all employees are empowered to address biased language as they find it. We all have an obligation to be intentional with our language and consider how all words we use have the potential to reflect our values and beliefs.
* [Removing Anonymity Online Would Risk The Most Vulnerable Users](https://anonyome.com/2021/04/removing-anonymity-online-would-risk-the-most-vulnerable-users/) Anonym
> We all know online abuse can be incredibly damaging and [Pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2017/07/11/online-harassment-2017/) puts it like this: “In its milder forms, [online abuse] creates a layer of negativity that people must sift through as they navigate their daily routines online. At its most severe, it can compromise users’ privacy, force them to choose when and where to participate online, or even pose a threat to their physical safety.”
* [OWI Digital Identity Landscape: 2021](https://oneworldidentity.com/2021-digital-identity-landscape/)
> is a tool and framework we’ve developed to help provide an in-depth look at how Digital Identity applications are evolving and how intersections across solution segments are shaping next-generation strategies. Below is an example of one of the many framework overlays we use to assess the Landscape – click through the honeycombs to learn more about each segment.
### Never gets coverage
- Selfkey
- Shyft
- Kilt
- Safle
- Ontology
- Verus
Mostly Iffy
- Cheqd
- Dizme
- Civic
- Digital Trust Ventures - Timothy Ruff’s new company
- Micheal Herman
- WorldCoin
- Dock
Kaliya Loves
- Affinidi
- Transmute
- Doc
- Phil
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# Recap
* [DID Conference Korea 2022 Recap – Identity Proofing, Passwordless Sign-in and User-friendly Digital Identity](https://idramp.com/did-conference-korea-2022-recap-identity-proofing-passwordless-sign-in-and-user-friendly-digital-identity/) idRamp
The presentation focused on the keys to mainstream DID adoption:
- Focus on practical business value
- Better data protection vs debates on the value of decentralized/centralized systems
- Stronger Zero Trust security vs details on blockchain, DIDs, and, ZKPs and ledgers
- Easy password elimination and superior privacy vs sociological discussion on SSI and data economy
- Trust as strategic brand advantage vs a long walk into new governance operation
- Verifiable Credentials to accelerate service delivery and reduce cost of IAM
- Optimize existing systems incrementally
* [Takeaways from Identiverse 2021: Covid thoughts, FIDO and more](https://fusionauth.io/blog/2021/06/29/identiverse-conference-report/)
First, I want to address the elephant in the room. Identiverse was an in-person conference, the first major technology conference that I’ve heard of since the pandemic started. I was a bit spooked when I thought about attending. I reviewed their [Covid-19 FAQ page](https://identiverse.com/faq/) carefully and was impressed by how they were planning to make sure attendees were safe.
* [Identiverse Recap: Strategizing for the Future of Identity](https://www.securid.com/en-us/blog/2021-07/identiverse-recap-strategizing-for-the-future-of-identity) SecureID
* [Dark Matter Labs and IOTA foundation launch Persistent Selv](https://medium.com/futures-in-long-termism/persistent-selv-d125252b20c)
> an exploratory demo app that leverages the possibilities opened up by self-sovereign digital identities (SSIDs) and data wallets, to help individuals plan their environmental legacy. Persistent Selv attempts to investigate possibilities for fostering individual long-term thinking, to make us aware of our interdependencies with the past and the future, understanding how our actions today might contribute to the legacies we are leaving behind to future generations.
* [My.D](https://europechain.io/identity/myd-missing-piece-puzzle-ssi/) EuropeChain
> What makes My.D unique is it holds the capability to act as a digital wallet, manage multiple identities, and share credentials. A tool designed and scaled for user transparency and authentication. Furthermore, it can be tailored according to the business needs, and individual customer needs too. It is designed on open standards, which affirms its interoperability. Anyone can access it from anywhere and is not dependent on the existing single authority. It could be verified across multiple channels.
* [Summing up Badge Summit](https://blog.weareopen.coop/summing-up-badge-summit-fb9d974c647d) WeAreOpenCoop
1) Make sure people in the Keep Badges Weird community felt respected and recognised
2) Help potential community members join and be able to interact with the community
3) Raise awareness of Open Recognition (i.e. non-credential use of badges)
* [Gartner Identity & Access Management Las Vegas 2022 Review](https://anchor.fm/the-cyber-hut/episodes/E8---Gartner-Identity--Access-Management-Las-Vegas-2022-Review--Cloud--CIEM--ITDR--Identity-Security--Trust--Hype-Cycle-e1na3s5) This Week in Identity
* [Takeaways from the Gartner IAM Summit 2022](https://www.radiantlogic.com/blog/takeaways_from_the_gartner_iam_summit_2022/) RadiantLogic
It was mentioned in nearly every analyst session, and I couldn’t help but notice the number of vendors who have incorporated this concept into their marketing and their booth displays.
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# Research
* [Decentralized SSI Governance, the missing link in automating business decisions](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RSpIo36ddUJfeY1xDpyRfFvXuBJQuDMG/view?mc_cid=69511944d8&mc_eid=c7e5a7f7b4) TNO
> This paper introduces SSI Assurance Communities (SSI-ACs) and identifies three specific governance topics: credential-types, accreditation and decision tree support.
> Tools and services are suggested that help with these topics. Furthermore, a distinction is made between what the business primarily cares about (business and business applications), and the technology and other things that are just expected to work (which we call "SSI-infrastructure").
* [Development of a Mobile, Self-Sovereign Identity Approach for Facility Birth Registration in Kenya](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.631341/full)
> The process of birth registration and the barriers experienced by stakeholders are highly contextual. There is currently a gap in the literature with regard to modeling birth registration using SSI technology. This paper describes the development of a smartphone-based prototype system that allows interaction between families and health workers to carry out the initial steps of birth registration and linkage of mothers-baby pairs in an urban Kenyan setting using verifiable credentials, decentralized identifiers, and the emerging standards for their implementation in identity systems.
* [Digital identities – steps on the path to an ID ecosystem](https://en.bankenverband.de/newsroom/comments/digital-identities-steps-path-id-ecosystem/) BankenVerband Position Paper
> To be a success, an ecosystem of verified digital identities must
- be usable by different companies and across different sectors,
- enable interoperability with existing schemes,
- be based on consistent and, ideally, globally recognised standards,
- be usable by any individual in society, irrespective of nationality,
- be secure and help to protect consumers against identity fraud,
- be consumer-centric, meaning that it enables data sovereignty,
- be usable in legal contexts and be recognised by all public authorities,
- and be able to accommodate natural persons and legal entities and, in future, objects too.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.616779/full)
This article is primarily interested in the affordances of the technology as a public good for the education sector. It levers on the lead author’s perspective as a mediator between the blockchain and education sectors in Europe on high-profile blockchain in education projects to provide a snapshot of the challenges and workable solutions in the blockchain-enabled, European digital credentials sector.
* [Decentralized, Self-Sovereign, Consortium: The Future of Digital Identity in Canada](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.624258/)
> This article introduces how SecureKey Technologies Inc. (SecureKey) worked with various network participants and innovation partners alongside government, corporate, and consumer-focused collaborators, in a consortium approach to create a mutually beneficial network of self-sovereign identity (SSI) principles with blockchain in Canada.
* [Providing Assurance and Scrutability on Shared Data and Machine Learning Models with Verifiable Credentials](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351575047_Providing_Assurance_and_Scrutability_on_Shared_Data_and_Machine_Learning_Models_with_Verifiable_Credentials)
This paper introduces a software architecture and implementation of a system based on design patterns from the field of self-sovereign identity. Scientists can issue signed credentials attesting to qualities of their data resources. Data contributions to ML models are recorded in a bill of materials (BOM), which is stored with the model as a verifiable credential. The BOM provides a traceable record of the supply chain for an AI system, which facilitates on-going scrutiny of the qualities of the contributing components. The verified BOM, and its linkage to certified data qualities, is used in the AI Scrutineer, a web-based tool designed to offer practitioners insight into ML model constituents and highlight any problems with adopted datasets, should they be found to have biased data or be otherwise discredited.
* [Exploring Potential Impacts of Self-Sovereign Identity on Smart Service Systems](https://www.tib-op.org/ojs/index.php/bis/article/view/68)
> Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a new paradigm, which puts users back in control of their own digital identity. This does not only strengthen the position of the users but implies new interaction schemes that may improve interoperability and usability. Smart services systems enable the integration of resources and activities and use smart products as boundary objects. As such systems typically involve digital interactions between multiple actors, it can be assumed that utilising SSI has a positive impact on them. To investigate how these potential improvements manifest themselves, we investigate electric vehicle charging as example of a smart service system. At the core of our conceptual analysis is the service process, which we extract from a reference model. Based on a SWOT analysis, we identify areas for transformation and derive an SSI-enabled interaction model for an electric vehicle charging service. The evaluation of the new process shows that SSI can reduce complexity of integration with partners and can provide a better customer experience through simplified registration and authentication. Moreover, SSI might even lead to the disintermediation of actors in the service system. Although SSI is still emerging, our findings underline its relevance as a mechanism to establish trust in smart service systems through the seamless and standardised integration of digital identities for humans, organisations, and things.
* [Encoding Trust that Travels with Data — A New Product Introduction Case Study Powered by Solutions Design with Transmute](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encoding-trust-that-travels-with-data-a-new-product-introduction-case-study-powered-by-solutions-a4be7e80bfdf)
underpinned by GS1 as a root of trust in the network — continuing a rich history for GS1 in this role. GS1 licenses and identifiers are and will continue to be at the foundation of trusting products and companies. Combining current practices with verifiable credential, decentralized identifier, and [GS1 Digital Link](https://www.gs1us.org/industries/emerging-topics/gs1-digital-link) standards disambiguating products builds business reputation for just-in-time engagement while keeping information up to date.
* [Ethical Design of Digital Identity Environmental Implications from the Self-Sovereign Identity Movement](https://api.animo.id/uploads/277de8a143034906af8705ed7d5b9793.pdf)
In a world that is becoming more digital, it is relevant to find some guidelines for organizations to design digital identity more ethically. A universal identity system on the internet is still missing and there are no clear standards for organizations to design digital identity. With this research, knowledge and insights have been obtained to advance organizations to design digital identity more ethically. A contribution has been made by proposing the conditions to enable improvements for a more ethical design.
* [Sovereignty, privacy, and ethics in blockchain‑based identity management systems](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10676-020-09563-x.pdf)
Self-sovereign identity (SSI) solutions implemented on the basis of blockchain technology are seen as alternatives to existing digital identification systems, or even as a foundation of standards for the new global infrastructures for identity management systems. It is argued that ‘self-sovereignty’ in this context can be understood as the concept of individual control over identity relevant private data, capacity to choose where such data is stored, and the ability to provide it to those who need to validate it.
* [zkKYC: A solution concept for KYC without knowing your customer, leveraging self-sovereign identity and zero-knowledge proofs](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/907)
The proposed solution concept, zkKYC, removes the need for the customer to share any personal information with a regulated business for the purpose of KYC, and yet provides the transparency to allow for a customer to be identified if and when that is ruled necessary by a designated governing entity (e.g. regulator, law enforcement). This approach breaks the traditional privacy vs. transparency trade-off and provides structured transparency, resulting in a net positive outcome for all parties involved.
* [Blockchain, Interoperability, and Self-Sovereign Identity: Trust Me, It’s My Data](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/122/144)
The current interoperability processes for data exchange result in fragmentation and lack of aggregation, impacting patient identity, consent management, and access management across stakeholders. Patients lack the ability to administer and transfer consent in managing their own data. Payers risk sharing data with partners without consent. And, providers have identified “pain points” in data sharing in consent management and care coordination.
* [Industry-Grade Self-Sovereign Identity: On the Realisation of a Fully Distributed Self-Sovereign Identity Architecture](https://www.theinternetofthings.eu/chotkan-rowdy-industry-grade-self-sovereign-identity) Chotkan, Rowdy (TU Delft Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science)
revocation acceptance is at the discretion of individual clients, making our mechanism fully adhere to the principles of Self-Sovereignty. This revocation and verification structure is part of our Industry-Grade Self-Sovereign Identity (IG-SSI) architecture. IG-SSI is a purely academic fully distributed SSI scheme with intrinsic equality across the network. Furthermore, communication is facilitated peer-to-peer, requiring no specialised infrastructure.
* [A Truly Self-Sovereign Identity System](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.00415)
we argue that without addressing privacy at the network level, SSI systems cannot deliver on this promise. In this paper we present the design and analysis of our solution TCID, created in collaboration with the Dutch government. TCID is a system consisting of a set of components that together satisfy seven functional requirements to guarantee the desirable system properties.
* [Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12599-021-00722-y)
- [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12599-021-00722-y.pdf](https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12599-021-00722-y.pdf)
we discuss the challenges of today’s centralized identity management and investigate current developments regarding verifiable credentials and digital wallets. Finally, we offer suggestions about promising areas of research into decentralized digital identities.
* [Blockchain and SSI Support Quality in Food Supply Chain](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356608292_Blockchain_and_Self_Sovereign_Identity_to_Support_Quality_in_the_Food_Supply_Chain) Luisanna Cocco, Roberto Tonelli, Michele Marchesi - Università degli studi di Cagliari
using standards that are WWW Consortium-compatible and the Ethereum Blockchain, ensures eligibility, transparency, and traceability of the certifications along a food supply chain, and could be an innovation model/idea that the companies that adopt the Open Innovation paradigm might want to pursue.
* [Satellite and geospatial tech for humanitarian crises](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/satellite-and-geospatial-tech-for-humanitarian-crises-b90b670aba46) Caribou Digital
The discussion covered a broad range of topics, from specific data availability to the challenges of applying and translating technical data into usable formats to the application of geospatial data for anticipatory humanitarian response
* [Designing a Framework for Digital KYC Processes Built on Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.01237.pdf) Vincent Schlatt, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Feulner, Nils Urbach
We demonstrate how blockchain-based self-sovereign identity (SSI) can solve the challenges of KYC. We follow a rigorous design science research approach to create a framework that utilizes SSI in the KYC process, deriving nascent design principles that theorize on blockchain’s role for SSI.
* [Implementing Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) for a digital staff passport at UK NHS](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wordpressua.uark.edu/dist/5/444/files/2018/01/BCoE2022SS1FINAL.pdf) Mary Lacity Walton, Erran Carmel
Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is an idea, a movement, and a decentralized approach for establishing trust online. Many standards-making bodies, open-source working groups, and organizations have been working on SSI and verifiable credentials for years. Although production-ready solutions remain in the developmental stage, business executives, professionals, and students need to start learning about what’s ahead. Business practitioners want to know what is unique about SSI. Is there anything idiosyncratic about managing an SSI project compared to other digital projects? How can we apply SSI to deliver business value? We help to answer those questions by explaining SSI through a case study at UK National Health Service (NHS). NHS developed a digital staff passport to verify health professionals’ qualifications and credentials so that healthcare staff could be moved around quickly during COVID-19. While SSI provides some unique capabilities, it does not require unique project management practices. Like all digital projects, the aim was to build capabilities and design for interoperability to avoid vendor lock-in. Building on its early success, NHS intends to expand the application to enable its strategic people plan.
* [Building a Credential Exchange Infrastructure for Digital Identity: A Sociohistorical Perspective and Policy Guidelines](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.629790/full) Mawaki Chango
Credential Exchange Infrastructures based on open standards are emerging with work ongoing across many different jurisdictions, in several global standards bodies and industry associations, as well as at a national level. This article addresses the technology advances on this topic, particularly around identification mechanisms, through the Self-sovereign identity model.
* [A Consortium Blockchain-Based Secure and Trusted Electronic Portfolio Management Scheme](https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/3/1271) Mpyana Mwamba Merlec, Mainul Islam,Youn Kyu Lee, Hoh Peter
This system guarantees the authenticity and integrity of user credentials and e-portfolio data. Decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials are used for user profile identification, authentication, and authorization, whereas verifiable claims are used for e-portfolio credential proof authentication and verification. We have designed and implemented a prototype of the proposed scheme using a Quorum consortium blockchain network. Based on the evaluations, our solution is feasible, secure, and privacy-preserving. It offers excellent performance.
* [How to protect privacy in a datafied society? A presentation of multiple legal and conceptual approaches](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%252Fs13347-022-00497-4) Oskar J. Gstrein & Anne Beaulieu
serves as a key resource to analyse the usefulness of the approaches in the context of the increasing datafication of both private and public spheres.
* [Self Sovereign Identity- Internet’s Missing Identity Layer](https://identrixprotocol.medium.com/self-sovereign-identity-internets-missing-identity-layer-90e06efbef4e)
* [Introducing Peaq ID | Self-Sovereign Identity For Machines](https://www.peaq.network/blog/introducing-peaq-id-self-sovereign-identity-for-machines)
* [Non-human Personas: Including Nature in the Participatory Design of Smart Cities](http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/doc/50_7.pdf) Martin Tomitsch, Joel Fredericks, Dan Vo, Jessica Frawley, Marcus Foth
this article assesses how the personas method can be adapted to include morethan-human perspectives in the design process. Based on a case study, which involved designing smart urban furniture for human and non-human use, we introduce a framework for developing and employing non-human personas. As a key element of the framework, we describe a middle-out approach for forming a coalition that can speak on behalf of the non-human species that are impacted by design decisions.
* [Towards the classification of Self-Sovereign Identity properties](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.04155.pdf)
The paper provides an overview of the SSI properties, focusing on an in-depth analysis, furthermore presenting a comprehensive collection of SSI properties that are important for the implementation of the SSI system. In addition, it explores the SSI process flow and highlights the steps in which individual properties are important.
* [Designing Framework for Digital KYC Processe on Blockchain-Based SSI](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.01237.pdf) Vincent Schlatt, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Feulner, Nils Urbach
We follow a rigorous design science research approach to create a framework that utilizes SSI in the KYC process, deriving nascent design principles that theorize on blockchain’s role for SSI.
* [Decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity: Systematic Mapping Study](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9558805?cmid%3D296e8b0d-a3de-4224-a628-b90d777ae944) Špela Čučko Muhamed Turkanović
The results suggest that validation research and solution proposals prevail, addressing decentralized identity in a general matter. Papers mainly propose systems/solutions, architectures, and frameworks, focusing on authentication, security, privacy, and trust, while there are hardly any studies researching usability, user experience, patterns, and good practices.
### Research from the Real World
* [Online livelihoods and young women’s economic empowerment in Nigeria](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/online-livelihoods-and-young-womens-economic-empowerment-in-nigeria-ccbbea4020e2)
1) In what ways might platform work empower women?
2) How can we make platforms work better for women?
* [Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Use a Self-Sovereign Identity Digital Wallet: Extending the UTAUT with Trustworthiness](https://www.proquest.com/openview/31100c6b38df3ef649156d35d0296db4/1) ProQuest
The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology was extended to examine the potential influence of the self sovereign identity principles and trustworthyness, along with other factors such as percieved usefulness and perceived ease of use, on the adoption of this new approach to online identity
* [Industry-Grade Self-Sovereign Identity](https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%253A32711378-2f6f-452e-b65c-1866c471e934) Pouwelse, De Kok, Kuipers, F.A.
This research has been performed in pursuit of the MSc Computer Science at Delft University of Technology in collaboration with the Dutch National Office for Identity Data (RvIG), part of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a relatively new concept part of a movement aspiring to create a universal identity layer for the Internet. SSI aims to put the citizen at the centre of their data, making them the sovereign over their digital presence.
* [Beyond Consent: A Right-to-Use License for Mutual Agency](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9031549) Lisa LeVasseur; Eve Maler
What's needed is a method to enable true mutual agency between any two parties in an Internet-enabled relationship. We propose a right-to-use license for access permissions as a practical alternative to consent and contract as used today, and a taxonomy that classifies important types of permissions. We also examine new data sharing scenarios, including decentralized identity, that may support their use.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: A Systematic Map and Review](https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.08338)
This study presents a rigorous systematic mapping and systematic literature review covering theoretical and practical advances in Self-Sovereign Identity. We identified and aggregated evidence from publications to answer four research questions, resulting in a classification scheme used to categorize and review publications. Open challenges are also discussed, providing recommendations for future work.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.616779/full)
This article is primarily interested in the affordances of the technology as a public good for the education sector. It levers on the lead author’s perspective as a mediator between the blockchain and education sectors in Europe on high-profile blockchain in education projects to provide a snapshot of the challenges and workable solutions in the blockchain-enabled, European digital credentials sector.
* [Case Study: Gravity digital ID solution propels Dignified Identities in Cash Programing (DIGID) Project in Kenya](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/case-study-gravity-digital-id-solution-propels-dignified-identities-in-cash-programing-digid-e527bc55ae43)
The Gravity Platform was developed through direct inputs from all types of end-users through [user consultations](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b75620445776e4b290c0d96/t/603d14c5775eed6fbde2883b/1614615753940/%255BFinal%255D%2BDIGID%2BKenya%2BUser%2BConsultation%2BReport.pdf) with local communities and NGO staff.
* [Sovrin: An Identity Metasystem for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.626726/full) Phillip J. Windley
presents the architecture of an identity metasystem called the Sovrin Network that aims to improve the user experience, increase flexibility, and reduce overall costs while supporting better privacy and security. We discuss the problems of online identity on the modern internet, discuss the nature of digital relationships, explore the architectures of identity systems, and detail the combination of these concepts into a comprehensive metasystem for solving the problems of online identity.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.616779/full)
> This article is primarily interested in the affordances of the technology as a public good for the education sector. It levers on the lead author’s perspective as a mediator between the blockchain and education sectors in Europe on high-profile blockchain in education projects to provide a snapshot of the challenges and workable solutions in the blockchain-enabled, European digital credentials sector.
* [Towards a Modelling Framework for Self-Sovereign Identity Systems](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.04327.pdf)
> Modelling self-sovereign identity systems seeks to provide stakeholders and software architects with tools to enable them to communicate effectively, and lead to effective and well-regarded system designs and implementations. This paper draws upon research from Actor-based Modelling to guide a way forward in modelling self-sovereign systems, and reports early success in utilising the iStar 2.0 framework to provide a representation of a birth registration case study.
* [Self Sovereign Digital Identity on the Blockchain: A Discourse Analysis](https://www.slideshare.net/eraser/self-sovereign-digital-identity-on-the-blockchain-a-discourse-analysis)
if you want understand the history of self-sovereign intellectual ideas its a good read.
> A key aim of this paper then, is to bring a discussion that must be (but currently is not) taking place in an academic context, due to its inherent multidisciplinary nature and complexities, into that particular realm of debate. This ‘history of self-sovereignty’, thus can be read as an experimental discourse analysis that discerns the contemporary usage of the concept
* [Digital identity for development: The quest for justice and a research agenda](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02681102.2021.1859669)
> we first propose a framework to map the theoretical link between digital identity and human development, articulated in three dimensions linking digital identity to expected development outcomes. Secondly, we present the seven papers in this collection in terms of how they problematise such a link, observing how each of them uses empirical data to increase existing knowledge on this connection and question it.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for IoT environments: A Perspective](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9119664)
(On [ARXIV](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.05106.pdf)) PGP, X.509, and SSI standards
> We contrast existing approaches for identity on the Internet, such as cloud-based accounts and digital certificates, with SSI standards such as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first thorough comparison of these approaches. The benefits and challenges of using DIDs and VCs to identify and authenticate IoT devices and their respective users are discussed.
## Establishing Self Sovereign Identity - Frontiers Research Topic
* [Establishing Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11806/establishing-self-sovereign-identity-with-blockchain#articles)
> • How will society transition from today’s vast, vulnerable identity data silos to SSI?
> - Will social media giants and governments embrace or resist SSI?
> - Will SSI play a role in activism by civil society organisations?
> - What are the incentives and commercial models that will encourage SSI adoption?
> - What kinds of governance structures need to be established for SSI?
> The purpose of this Research Topic is to generate a rich resource for identity practitioners, researchers, technologists, potential adopters and many more to explore, understand, advance and enrich this subject.
* [Distributed Ledger Technologies, Value Accounting, and the Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2020.00029)
> Review Technological activists are designing blockchains and other distributed ledger technologies to challenge extractive value-accounting and identity management in global capitalism.
* [An Accessible Interface Layer for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2020.609101)
> Original Research The mechanisms and evolving standards collectively known as Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) offer the prospect of a decentralised Internet by providing a central pillar for a Human-Centred Data Ecosystem (HCDE).
* [Exploring Value Propositions to Drive Self-Sovereign Identity Adoption](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.611945)
> Original Research This paper presents research exploring the balancing of interactive friction and value proposition in the context of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology adoption. This work extends a related investigation of a full agency engagement with a
* [Development of a mobile, self-sovereign identity approach for facility birth registration in Kenya](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.631341)
> Community Case Study Birth registration is a critical element of newborn care. Increasing the coverage of birth registration is an essential part of the strategy to improve newborn survival globally, and is central to achieving greater health, social, and economic equity
* [The Contested Horizons of Digital Identity](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14650045.2020.1823836) by Margie Cheesman Oct 2020 (*tandfonline.com*)
> I identify a series of competing logics in the debates around SSI’s emancipatory potential, which relate to four issues: (i) the neutrality of the technology, (ii) the capacities of refugees, (iii) global governance and the nation state, and (iv) new economic models for digital identity. SSI is simultaneously the potential enabler of new modes of empowerment, autonomy and data security for refugees and a means of maintaining and extending bureaucratic and commercial power.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity as the Basis for Universally Applicable Digital Identities](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s40702-021-00711-5)
This paper addresses the role of digital identities for a functioning digital economy and outlines requirements for their management. [...] The concept of Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI) and the associated standards “Verifiable Credentials” and “Decentralized Identifiers” is a promising approach to improve the situation. They allow the flexible exchange of tamper-proof digital proofs between users and systems. Therefore, they form the foundation for building trust relationships in the digital space. This paper introduces the SSI paradigm and discusses the barriers that prevent the wide-scale adoption of this concept.
* [The growth factors of self-sovereign identity solutions in Europe](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349899411_The_growth_factors_of_self-sovereign_identity_solutions_in_Europe)
This thesis introduces the concept of self-sovereign identity and analysis the factors required to achieve adoption of the concept. It describes the basic components of a self-sovereign identity system and provides the reader with an overview of important conceptual theories to understand the differences to traditional identity systems and the unique approach taken instead. It then dives into the status quo of the discussions around business, technology, legal and governance aspects. It further examines the central factors for the user and describes a know your costumer use-case as well as the current efforts and challenges for higher education certificates for learners. Furthermore, it depicts the diffusion factors of the innovation. While the legal aspects are mainly concerned with regulations from the European Union, the findings in this thesis can be applied globally.
* [Bridging the Open Web and APIs: Alternative Social Media Alongside the Corporate Web](https://jackjamieson.net/259929-2/) Jamie Jackson
* [New article](https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221077032) w/ [Naomi Yamashita](http://naomi-yamashita.net/) & [@rhondamcewen](https://twitter.com/rhondamcewen) in [@socialmedia_soc](https://twitter.com/socialmedia_soc)!
We analyzed GitHub issues to find breakdowns when syndicating between [brid.gy](https://brid.gy/) and Facebook. Results explore how alternative social media can coexist w/ the corporate web
Bridging the Open Web and APIs: Alternative Social Media Alongside the Corporate Web.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity using Decentralized Identifiers](https://www.researchgate.net/project/Self-Sovereign-Identity-using-Decentralized-Identifiers) Rishabh Garg
Goal: In a country where 60% of the vulnerable citizens, not having an identity or bank account, but own a smart phone, echoes the possibility of a mobile based digital identity solution.
The present project is aimed to deliberate upon the feasibility, benefits and privacy concerns associated with different identity models. All possible decentralized identity models shall be audited in light of data protection, immutability, revocation, accountability, auditability, speed and users control over the personally identifiable information...... and the one that promises self-sovereign identity, shall be worked out with associated bare-bone framework.
* [Self-sovereign Identity: A Conceptual Framework & Ecosystem Design](http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid%3Ddiva2%253A1668615%26dswid%3D816) Tripi, Gabriele, Department of Science and Technology. Linköping University.
the findings are presented as two parts of a whole, the first being the conceptual framework that describes a set of essential factors that an ecosystem requires in order to fulfill the goals of self-sovereign identity and interoperability. The second is a set of visualizations of how the framework can be used to design systems and interactions, inside and between the systems, to create an ecosystem.
* [NSSIA: A New Self-Sovereign Identity Scheme with Accountability](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2206.04911.pdf)
* [Self-sovereign identity](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351078806_Self-sovereign_identity/link/608391b6907dcf667bbd9fb9/download) Internet Policy Review V10I2 Alexandra Giannopoulou
Alexandra Giannopoulou
The concept of self-sovereign identity (SSI) describes an identity management system created to operate independently of third-party public or private actors, based on decentralised technological architectures, and designed to prioritise user security, privacy, individual autonomy and self-empowerment.
* [Seeing Self-Sovereign Identity in Historical Context](https://identitywoman.net/seeing-self-sovereign-identity-in-historical-context/) Kaliya Identity Woman
New [paper by Kaliya](https://identitywoman.net/wp-content/uploads/Seeing-Self-Sovereign-Identity-in-Historical-Context.pdf) presented at Identiverse for the first time - in first public review.
Feedback welcome :)
The first follows the ways in which identities were designed and managed in computer systems. [...] The second history examines the evolution of paper-based identity systems that emerged in Europe. [...] The last section of the paper brings these two histories together and explains why the underlying technological design of SSI aligns with Western liberal democratic values in a way that the earlier digital identity systems designs do not.
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Health Care using Blockchain Technology](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196/363) Blockchain Healthcare Today
we leveraged the Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework to store patient’s decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and the schemas or format for each credential type. In contrast, the credentials containing patient data are stored ‘off-ledger’ in each person’s wallet and accessible via a computer or smartphone. We used Hyperledger Aries as a middleware layer (API: Application Programming Interface) to connect Hyperledger Indy with the front-end,
* [A Decentralised Real Estate Transfer Verification Based on Self-Sovereign Identity and Smart Contracts](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.04459.pdf)
SSI technology enable methods for acquiring verified credential (VC) that are verifiable on a decentralised blockchain registry to identify both real estate owner(s) and real estate property. Second, the smart contracts are used to negotiate the secure transfer of real estate property deeds on the marketplace. To assess the viability of our proposal we define an application scenario and compare our work with other approaches.
* [A novel approach to establish trust in verifiable credential issuers in Self-sovereign identity ecosystems using TRAIN](https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/38702) Open Identity Summit 2022, July 7th and 8th, 2022, by DTU Compute in Lyngby, Denmark.
This paper illustrates how TRAIN (Trust mAnagement INfrastructure), an approach based on established components like ETSI trust lists and the Domain Name System (DNS), can be used as a trust registry component to provide a holistic approach for trust management in SSI ecosystems. TRAIN facilitates individual trust decisions through the discovery of trust lists in SSI ecosystems, along with published credential schemas, so that verifiers can perform informed trust decisions about issued credentials.
* [A Survey on Essential Components of a Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.06346)
We further distinguish two major approaches, namely the Identifier Registry Model and its extension the Claim Registry Model. [...] We will provide a more coherent view of verifiable claims in regards to blockchain based SSI and clarify differences in the used terminology. Storage solutions for the verifiable claims, both on- and off-chain, are presented with their advantages and disadvantages.
* [Research Summary: Studying Bitcoin privacy attacks and their Impact on Bitcoin-based Identity Methods](https://www.smartcontractresearch.org/t/research-summary-studying-bitcoin-privacy-attacks-and-their-impact-on-bitcoin-based-identity-methods/1790) SmartContractResearch
We investigate the privacy of the method [did:btcr](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr/) based on the criteria adopted from [RFC 6973](https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6973).
- Surveillance
- Correlation
- Identification
- Secondary Use
- Disclosure
- Misattribution
* [Exploring the use of self-sovereign identity for event ticketing systems](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12525-022-00573-9)
Our findings demonstrate that SSI-based event ticketing can enable efficient secondary market control by facilitating a practical implementation of the centralized exchange model. To generalize our results, we derive design principles for the efficient, reliable, and privacy-oriented ticket and identity verification and the use of revocation registries.
* [Bottom-up Trust Registry in Self Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04624v1) Kai Jun Eer, Jesus Diaz, Markulf Kohlweiss Arxiv
we propose a trust registry design that handles the aspect of human trust in self sovereign identity. We also introduce an incentivisation mechanism for the trust registry in order to motivate each stakeholder to participate actively and honestly.
* [Distributed Attestation Revocation in Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.05339)
Self-sovereign identity and blockchain technology in public management: current results of pilot programs in missions
* [Editorial: Establishing Self Sovereign Identity with Blockchain](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2022.955868/full) Frontiers
This topic is a resource for those seeking to understand the building blocks and challenges of creating and growing SSI identity networks. Developing an SSI system is not straightforward; it takes a journey of collaboration and compromise.
* [Self-sovereign identity as future privacy by design solution in digital identity?](https://iapp.org/resources/article/white-paper-self-sovereign-identity/) International Association of Privacy Professionals (White Paper)
With ongoing research in the field and growing awareness of the potential for privacy protection of SSI solutions, the concepts of privacy by default and privacy by design are increasingly adopted for new architectures using distributed ledger technology. It will, however, need the private sector to follow a SSI market roadmap, and to implement and use the opportunities of SSI to complete this (r)evolution of digital identity
* [Digital Credentials and Self Sovereign Identity Workstream](https://inatba.org/reports/inatba-report-digital-credentials-and-self-sovereign-identity-workstream/) INTABA ([report](https://inatba.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/INATBA_Report_Digital_Credentials_and_Self-Sovereign_Identity_Workstream.pdf)
The objective of this workstream was to examine the technology and policy landscapes for digital credentials of INATBA-Governmental Advisory Body (GAB) members, identify the commonalities and gaps, and then develop recommendations for enabling interoperability and mutual support for digital credentials across borders.
* [Distributed Attestation Revocation in Self-Sovereign Identity](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.05339) Rowdy Chotkan, Jérémie Decouchant, Johan Pouwelse
the first fully distributed SSI revocation mechanism that does not rely on specialised trusted nodes. Our novel gossip-based propagation algorithm disseminates revocations throughout the network and provides nodes with a proof of revocation that enables offline verification of revocations. We demonstrate through simulations that our protocol adequately scales to national levels.
* [NSSIA: A New Self-Sovereign Identity Scheme with Accountability](https://www.hindawi.com/journals/scn/2022/1607996/)
a few SSI schemes introduce accountability mechanisms, but they sacrifice users’ privacy. In addition, the digital identities (static strings or updatable chains) in the existing SSI schemes are as inputs to a third-party executable program (mobile app, smart contract, etc.) to achieve identity reading, storing and proving, and users’ self-sovereignty are weakened. To solve the above problems, we present a new self-sovereign identity scheme to strike a balance between privacy and accountability
* [Cryptography Review of W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model and DIDs Standards and Cryptography Implementation Recommendations](http://www.csl.sri.com/papers/vcdm-did-crypto-recs/crypto-review-and-recs-for-VCDM-and-DIDs-implems-FINAL-20211015.pdf) SRI International
SRI focused primarily on the cryptographic algorithms being used in the W3C standards and not on blockchain and DLT technologies or their use in operational systems. An algorithmic review is an important starting point to a full, system-level review for compliance to the federal standards and other requirements
* [Unmasking Power: Alternative Futures for Empowering Our Digital Identities](https://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/3937/).Chopra, Shreya (2022)
The project is directed primarily toward design and innovation teams, and associated knowledge workers, whose efforts have significant influence on future technologies, platforms, and their impacts. This work explores how we might deconstruct power dynamics prevalent in digital service design today. Through multiple analyses, maps and models of these systems, the paper reveals multiple opportunities for change.
* [INNOPAY paper on data sharing published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings](https://www.innopay.com/en/news/innopay-paper-data-sharing-published-ceur-workshop-proceedings) Innopay
This week, CEUR-WS.org has published the paper titled ‘[Harmonization Profiles for Trusted Data Sharing Between Data Spaces: Striking the Balance between Functionality and Complexity](http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3214/WS6Paper2.pdf)’ in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
* [Sellafield DLT Field Lab Harnessing the power of distributed ledger technology: how Digital Catapult’s Field Lab methodology can transform your business](https://condatis.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Digital_Catapult_Sellafield_DLT_Field_Labs_Report_Final-July-22-ver-2.pdf) Condatis
The nuclear sector presents an exciting opportunity to implement advanced digital technologies for driving operational improvements and cultural transformation. Our DLT Field Labs showed how some of the challenges that seemed perplexing at the start of our journey have been deciphered through innovation and collaboration.
* [Legal identity of a person in a digital world](https://medium.com/@vvsm_50580/legal-identity-of-a-person-in-a-digital-world-38f444dc8996) Vikas Malhotra
Today, Sep 16th is the International Identity Day, a commemoration of the [UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9](https://unstats.un.org/legal-identity-agenda/documents/UN-Strategy-for-LIA.pdf) which calls for the provision of legal identity for all by 2030.
* [SSI meets Metaverse for Industry 4.0 and Beyond](https://www.techrxiv.org/articles/preprint/SSI_meets_Metaverse_for_Industry_4_0_and_Beyond/21130375) Techrxiv
The proposed holistic framework aims to ignite new ideas and discussions related to the combined deployment of DLT, SSI, and metaverse to inspire new implementation areas within the Industry 4.0 environment. The paper also discusses various opportunities, enablers, technical \& privacy aspects, legislation requirements, and other barriers related to SSI implementation.
* [Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity Approach for Inter-Organizational Business Processes](https://annals-csis.org/proceedings/2022/pliks/194.pdf) Annals
To address trust and privacy issues in IOBP, this paper presents a Blockchain-based Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) approach. The SSI concept is combined with a registry proof smart contract to provide an efficient privacy-preserving solution. The proposed approach is applied to the pharmaceutical supply chain case study and implemented on the Ethereum Blockchain
* [Towards the Classification of Self-Sovereign Identity Properties](https://zenodo.org/record/7034818%23.Yy5ndOzMJ_R) Zenodo
focusing on an in-depth analysis, furthermore, presenting a comprehensive collection of SSI properties that are important for the implementation of the SSI system. In addition, it explores the general SSI process flow, and highlights the steps in which individual properties are important. After the initial purification and classification phase, we then validated properties among experts in the field of Decentralized and Self-Sovereign Identity Management using an online questionnaire, which resulted in a final set of classified and verified SSI properties.
* [Inventories, Not Identities: Why multisigs are the future of online accounts](https://blog.gnosis.pm/inventories-not-identities-7da9a4ec5a3e) (first in series)
* [SSI4Web: A Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) Framework for the Web](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363698387_SSI4Web_A_Self-sovereign_Identity_SSI_Framework_for_the_Web) Md. Sadek Ferdous, Andrei Ionita of FIT & BRAC University
a framework for integrating Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) for providing web services in a secure passwordless manner with much more user control and greater flexibility. We provide its architecture, discuss its implementation details, sketch out its use-case with an analysis of its advantages and limitations.
* [Toward a Post-Quantum Zero-Knowledge Verifiable Credential System for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1297) Simone Dutto, Davide Margaria, Carlo Sanna, Andrea Vesco of LNKS Foundation & Politecnico di Torino
We describe the two main ZKP VCs schemes based on classical cryptographic assumptions, that is, the signature scheme with efficient protocols of Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, which is based on the strong RSA assumption, and the BBS+ scheme of Boneh, Boyen and Shacham, which is based on the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption. Since these schemes are not quantum-resistant, we select as one of the possible post-quantum alternatives a lattice-based scheme proposed by Jeudy, Roux-Langlois, and Sander, and we try to identify the open problems for achieving VCs suitable for selective disclosure, non-interactive renewal mechanisms, and efficient revocation.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity in a World of Authentication: Architecture and Domain Usecases](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.11647.pdf) Morgan Reece & Sudip Mittal Mississippi State University
In this paper, we describe the SSI framework architecture as well as possible use cases across domains like healthcare, finance, retail, and government. The paper also contrasts SSI and its decentralized architecture with the current widely adopted model of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
* [Legal Identity, Development and Democracy in Northern Europe](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id%3D4110873) Jaap van der Straaten :: SSRN
In circles of identity management scholars and practitioners, the general consensus is that the region of northern Europe provides a good practice example [...] Out of the eighteen countries included in northern Europe in this paper, one has no national ID; another denies it has, and seven countries only have a voluntary ID. The extent of national ID coverage is hardly known. Also in the European Union, only six in ten countries have a mandatory ID. It does not matter.
According to World Bank gospel northern Europe’s frivolity about national IDs must mean big trouble.
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# Resources
* [Self Sovereign Identity Wikipedia Article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-sovereign_identity) that has been started, but can clearly still use a lot of attention. (h/t [@Drabiv](https://twitter.com/Drabiv/status/1102166656019849216))
* [Self-Sovereign Identity : Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials](https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity) Manning
It combines a clear, jargon-free introduction to this blockchain-inspired paradigm shift with interesting essays written by its leading practitioners. Whether for property transfer, ebanking, frictionless travel, or personalized services, the SSI model for digital trust will reshape our collective future.
* [DIF "Frequently Asked Questions" Knowledgebase](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-22/)
DIF has launched a massive Decentralized Identity [Knowledgebase](https://identity.foundation/faq/), structured as a long series of frequently-asked questions and answers. This synthesizes a year of educational efforts in the interop WG, blog posts, newsletters, and many other DIF inputs in a format we hope will be helpful as a reference and onboarding document throughout the decentralized identity space.
* [Trust Over IP Foundation Issues its First Tools for Managing Risk in Digital Trust Ecosystems](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/09/23/trust-over-ip-foundation-issues-its-first-tools-for-managing-risk-in-digital-trust-ecosystems/)
as we move into decentralized identity management, where individuals manage credentials in their own digital wallets, we need new risk management tools designed for this paradigm
* [Global Verifiable Credential Adoption](https://trinsic.notion.site/trinsic/Global-Verifiable-Credential-Adoption-78c7e4c5f2a34a228a55d03db54ab399) Trinsic (Notion)
🔥 This is a community resource for tracking the adoption of verifiable credentials around the world. Please have a look around and join 10+ others who have contributed!
## Course
* [Becoming a Hyperledger Aries Developer](https://www.edx.org/course/becoming-a-hyperledger-aries-developer)
* [Becoming a Hyperledger Aries Developer](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/becoming-a-hyperledger-aries-developer-lfs173/) Linux Foundation
> Learn how to develop blockchain-based production-ready identity applications with Hyperledger Aries in this free course.
* [Introduction to Hyperledger Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions: Indy, Aries & Ursa](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-hyperledger-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solutions-indy-aries-and-ursa/) (LFS172)
* [Larissa.health @larissa_health](https://twitter.com/larissa_health/status/1572401622034124801) via Twitter
an open directory for everyone who is interested in SSI. It should be blockchain agnostic, so anybody can help. You can add your project if it is related.
* [The open SSI / DID Directory](https://ssi-did-directory.gitbook.io/open-directory-for-all/)
* [Getting Started with Self-Sovereign Identity](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/getting-started-with-self-sovereign-identity-lfs178x/)
The new wave of digitization has put digital identity, what used to be mostly behind-the-scenes work, and the flaws of current identity systems, under the spotlight. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) has emerged as a concept and guiding principles of how we should build the next generation of the Internet by putting users at the center of their identities and data. It is also a movement led by technologists to build open Internet protocols and compliant technology aligned with SSI principles. On its way to becoming a key piece of the Internet infrastructure, SSI will soon reach most people’s lives and businesses, making it important for everyone to learn what it is and how it is going to influence us. This course will provide the knowledge and understanding you need to figure out what you want to do with self-sovereign identity next.
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# Bridging the Gap
* [OpenID Connect for W3C Verifiable Credential Objects](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2F/_OpenID_Connect_for_W3C_Verifiable_Credential_Objects) by Oliver Terbu, Torsten Lodderstedt, Kristina Yasuda, Adam Lemmon, Tobias Looker
Slides: [https://www.slideshare.net/TorstenLodderstedt/openid-connect-for-w3c-verifiable-credential-objects](https://www.slideshare.net/TorstenLodderstedt/openid-connect-for-w3c-verifiable-credential-objects)
- Have been incubated in OpenID Foundation and DIF’s joint Self-Issued OpenID Provider WG - contact Kristina ([kristina.yasuda@microsoft.com](mailto:kristina.yasuda@microsoft.com) for participation details)
* [Integrating FIDO with Verifiable Credentials (8.30 am start)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10E/_Integrating_FIDO_with_Verifiable_Credentials_(8.30_am_start)) by David Chadwick
* [The Use of FIDO2 and Verifiable Credentials (David Chadwick)](https://youtube.com/watch?v%3Dl3taGxBdrRU)
W3C Web Authentication (FIDO2) provides a mechanism for strong authentication whilst W3C Verifiable Credentials provide a mechanism for strong identification and authorisation. Together they make an unbeatable pair for identity management.
Prof. David Chadwick presented work on sharing W3C Verifiable Crendentials via FIDO2 key setup with issuers of credentials. In a nutshell, the holder and issuer use the WebAuthN protocol to strongly authenticate before the issuer protects the credentials with its signature. Upon providing credentials to a relying party, the issuer (acting in an IDP capacity, so they must be online) will verify the identity of the holder via FIDO2 WebAuthN so that the credentials (or selected claims in the credentials for selective disclosure) can be shared with the relying party. Ephemeral keys are created to bind the holder with such credentials shared to the relying party/verifier. The relying party/verifier can use X.509 certs to confirm that the issuer is valid by checking the signature on the derived credential from the holder.
* [Use-cases: OIDC for Verifiable Credentials - How do you want to use Identity Provider you control?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12G/_Use-cases:_OIDC_for_Verifiable_Credentials_-_How_do_you_want_to_use_Identity_Provider_you_control%253F) by Oliver Terbu, Torsten Lodderstedt, Kristina Yasuda, Adam Lemmon, Tobias Looker
* [SIOP Use-cases - IIW Spring 2021](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1a0C4HvVYwwwDqSw3tgPNhy9Iqyufy9oZdnMgl7rQ9Vc/edit%23slide%3Did.p)
- Continuity of a service
- Offline Authentication
- Speed, reduced latency
- Choice, Portability
- Privacy
* [Mapping FHIR JSON resource to W3C Vaccination vocabulary : A semantic data pipeline](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D12H/_Mapping_FHIR_JSON_resource_to_W3C_Vaccination_vocabulary_:_A_semantic_data_pipeline%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by John Walker
* [DID chooser for SIOP](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20A/_DID_chooser_for_SIOP) by tom jones & friends
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OaMecHecTUexv1skJZoYzJoHKYH8H03REFpFstLRjPg/edit?ts=607b7e5d#slide=id.gd2c45a9dcd_7_21](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1OaMecHecTUexv1skJZoYzJoHKYH8H03REFpFstLRjPg/edit?ts%3D607b7e5d%23slide%3Did.gd2c45a9dcd_7_21)
Goal is to allow folks to pick their DID they want to use for a website.
“Subject choosing which DID to present”.
Use case:
A user goes to an RP, and decides to register for return visits.
RP can’t offer folks the Nascar Problem (too many IDP logos on the login screen).
Select a Wallet vs Select a Wallet and Identifier.
What happens when SIOP arrives?
We will need a DID chooser.
Some wallets will hold credentials for multiple identifiers, some will hold only 1.
An RP offers users multiple options for registration (Google, Facebook, Yahoo…. And coming soon… Personal)
RP should disclose their ID and why they are asking the user for what data.
Options we consider:
- [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/)
- [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vp-request-spec/#format](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vp-request-spec/%23format)
- [https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/](https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/)
- [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/universal-wallet-interop-spec/issues/84](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/universal-wallet-interop-spec/issues/84)
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# DIDs
* [The did:indy DID Method - Future Indy Ledgers](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4I/_The_did:indy_DID_Method_-_Future_Indy_Ledgers) by Stephen Curran
* [Presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1c5K7E5CRx9ANuwmVBIyFVG5hJ4lH0EyW-wkmraLivBI/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Goals of the did:indy DID Method Specification
- Namespaced DIDs useful across all Indy instances
- Indy network discovery
- Full DIDDoc support
- Namespaced identifiers for other Indy objects (schemas, etc.)
- Support for important resolution parameters
- E.g. version-id, version-time, resource
- Nice to have (but not likely to be there):
- Cross-ledger registration of networks for discovery
- Support for KERI identifiers on Indy networks
Getting involved with this work:
- [HackMD Document](https://hackmd.io/@icZC4epNSnqBbYE0hJYseA/S1eUS2BQw) with current spec
- Home of future spec: [indy-did-method](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-did-method)
- [Meeting Wiki](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/indy/Indy%2BDID%2BMethod%2BSpecification) and schedule
- Hyperledger [indy-did-method](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/indy-did-method) chat channel
- Currently seeking developers to implement the required updates
- Python for indy-node, Rust for indy-sdk and indy-vdr
* [DID Method Onion Specification](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlockchainCommons/did-method-onion/main/index.html)
> 🧅 part of the torgap technology family
> DIDs that target a distributed ledger face significant practical challenges in bootstrapping enough meaningful trusted data around identities to incentivize mass adoption. We propose using a new DID method that allows them to bootstrap trust using a Tor Hidden Service's existing reputation.
> we'd like to review more with our community how close we want to keep did:onion to did:web, and if we want to incorporate some elements of did:peer or KERI or to leverage services like Open Time Stamps.
* [Sidetree Spec V1.0.0](https://identity.foundation/sidetree/spec/) Working Group approved status
* [Elastos DID: What’s Ahead for 2021](https://news.elastos.org/elastos-did-whats-ahead-for-2021/)
> DID 2.0’s primary objectives are to provide a superior developer and user experience, and to support more complex business models and use case scenarios enabling the expansion of DID’s implementation and adoption potential.
* [Discussion of NFT and music projects, NFT:DID for turning NFT's into identities, and critical updates en route to mainnet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DJfvRLhz6OpY) Ceramic Community Call
> you can go to [ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver](https://github.com/ceramicnetwork/nft-did-resolver) on github to see the prototype
> so this is the minimal implementation that allows you to verify signatures of the most recent owner of the nft did as like being valid
* [did:did - DID Identity DID (DID) DID method](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0026.html)
> Spruce announces did:did, a DID method based on Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). We hope the community will find this useful to help increase adoption and interoperability of Decentralized Identity technology.
Specification: [https://did-did.spruceid.com/](https://did-did.spruceid.com/)
Source: [https://github.com/spruceid/did-did/](https://github.com/spruceid/did-did/)
Registration request: [https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/280](https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries/pull/280)
* [The EOSIO DID method specification](https://www.gimly.io/blog/the-eosio-did-method-specification)
> We have been working with the [Decentralised Identity Foundation](https://identity.foundation) to shape this specification, and also want to thank the [W3C Credentials Community Group](https://www.w3.org/community/credentials/) for their support in the creation of the [Verifiable Condition](https://github.com/Gimly-Blockchain/verifiable-conditions) type, a necessary component to create the EOSIO DID document to represent EOSIO account permissions.
* [DID Identity UN-DID Method Specification](https://did-undid.github.io/did-undid/)
> Clarification, a few week ago we shared about the [DID:DID](https://did-did.spruceid.com/) method. [April Fools Joke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Fools%2527_Day_RFC)!!! Here’s yet another DID method in the series.
did:un-did is a DID method that enables using any valid Decentralized Identifier (DID) as a did:un-did DID, but more importantly it un-does the did that did:did did method performs.
* [Don’t use DIDs, DIDs, nor DIDs: Change My Mind (a.k.a. Oh no he DIDn’t)](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c) by Dave Huseby ([video](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/4_ZLV8uot0hFQgRZsoILvdnn879oGEmrXsPXsCcvf4GsDPjWLQAxKjrZFiF0AxQe_MYb1_oeQa9HsRY.8KTaTYyrhu2Q-kJ_?continueMode%3Dtrue))
Joe came and fervently disagreed with my assertions. Lots of people had reasonable counter arguments. My main arguments are 1. DID Documents don't have history when old keys are always relevant and 2. having 94 different DID methods that aren't compatible nor replaceable and don't function the same way is a HUGE problem.
* [WACI (Wallet And Credential Interaction)](https://identity.foundation/wallet-and-credential-interactions/)
### DID Methods
* [DID:Customer](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/did-customer-4ca8b7957112)
> While we are committed to providing optionality to our customers, it’s equally important to communicate the selection criteria behind these options so that customers can consider the tradeoffs of underlying DID-methods alongside the problem set they’re solving for.
* [BrightID](https://www.brightid.org/) (a singular address that is linked to your friends’ ID in a “web of trust”) and [UBDI](https://app.ubdi.com/) lets you pull in data from a whole variety of sources and then make deals to get $ for your data.
* [3IDConnect](https://blog.ceramic.network/what-is-3id-connect/) Ceramic
- along with the slightly problematic frame that users have “a DID” ([GitHub](https://github.com/3box/3id-connect))
* [Trinsic Basics: What Are SSI Standards?](https://trinsic.id/what-are-ssi-standards/)
> There are two kinds of standards that Trinsic implements to enable interoperability and avoid vendor lock-in: data model standards and protocol standards.
* [Trusted P2P Messaging with DIDs, DIDComm and VCs](https://medium.com/uport/trusted-p2p-messaging-with-dids-didcomm-and-vcs-398f4c3f3cda) uPort
> about their path towards trusted P2P messaging and announces the [DIDAgent Framework (DAF)](https://github.com/uport-project/daf)
> when we speak about a DID, then we need to be more precise and also speak about the particular DID method of that DID which defines the CRUD operations on a target system such as Ethereum.
* [DogeCoin DID Method by Spruce Systems](https://github.com/spruceid/did-doge)
> - Such Decentralization: Dogecoin is a public, permissionless blockchain favored by Shiba Inus worldwide, making it suitable for this purpose.
> - Much Identity: Since shibes are unique in different and special ways, this specification provides the means to assign each one their very own ShibeID.
> - Wow Blockchains: Dogecoin has proven again and again its resiliency in the face of adversity, proving that it is the ultimate host to such a primitive.
* [Decentralized Identity with the Tezos DID Method](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/decentralized-identity-with-the-tezos-did-method-d9cf6676dd64)
* [Spruce](https://www.spruceid.com/) and [TQ Tezos](https://tqtezos.com/) are jointly releasing the [draft specification](https://did-tezos.spruceid.com/) and [initial implementation](https://github.com/spruceid/did-tezos) of [Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) based on the Tezos blockchain.
* [godiddy.com - Universal DID Services](https://iiw.idcommons.net/2C/_godiddy.com_-_Universal_DID_Services) by Markus Sabadello
godiddy.com is a hosted platform that makes it easy for SSI developers and solution providers to work with DIDs.
Basic functions are creating, resolving, updating, and deactivating DIDs across multiple DID methods and networks. Advanced functions include key management, search, transfer of DIDs, lookup of historical DID document versions, notification of DID-related events, and more.
This platform can be accessed either via a web frontend, or an API.
Check out the [Documentation](https://docs.godiddy.com/) and the [API Reference](https://api.godiddy.com/).
SaaS, Wallet, DID
- Centralized service that shouldn’t be used to host security sensitive DIDs, it contradicts the principle of self-sovereignty. The service is meant for developers to try out the technology.
- Godiddy is a service that hosts the community components universal resolver and registrar + additional proprietary components so that it offers a comprehensive DID service for creating and managing DIDs across multiple methods.
- How robust is the service on bad network connections? Markus: There are github issues concerning TTL in the DID spec WG. Self-hosting is likely to be a better option than using the centralized service.
- Feature Grid with future ideas: [https://docs.godiddy.com/en/feature-grid](https://docs.godiddy.com/en/feature-grid)
- Key Management: When keys are created they are stored in the wallet and are returned to the client. This is not ideal from a security point of view. An improved API is planned that would allow clients to keep the private key on the client and use the service to create for example the DID Document -> this is also part of the next session.
* [Don’t use DIDs, DIDs, nor DIDs: Change My Mind (a.k.a. Oh no he DIDn’t)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10A/_Don%2527t_use_DIDs,_DIDs,_nor_DIDs:_Change_My_Mind_(a.k.a._Oh_no_he_DIDn%2527t)) by Dave Huseby
This session was to talk about the topics I put in a recent article that created a huge fire in our community where I lay out the case for completely abandoning the W3C DID standards.
* [https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c)
Joe came and fervently disagreed with my assertions. Lots of people had reasonable counter arguments. My main arguments are 1. DID Documents don't have history when old keys are always relevant and 2. having 94 different DID methods that aren't compatible nor replaceable and don't function the same way is a HUGE problem.
There was no conclusion other than Sam Smith and I came to the conclusion that we have more in common than we thought.
* [Standard Interfaces for DID Create/Update/Deactivate](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3C/_Standard_Interfaces_for_DID_Create/Update/Deactivate) by Markus Sabadello
- There is an attempt to specify abstract interfaces if you want to Create/Update/Deactivate a did that could be implemented for all did methods.
- The idea of this specification is to provide a standard with the same assumptions as with resolution. It should be in an abstract level, meaning it should specify the inputs and outputs of creating/updating/deactivating a did but not how it should be implemented.
- There are many differences on how the operations of different did methods work, so it is still a question whether this standard will work for all did methods at the current state.
- Two greatest architectural questions that have come in the way:
- How should key management be handled: where are keys created, how are they handled etc?
- The concept of internal state or longer running jobs
- Regarding key management, in the current early draft there is a section which describes 3 possible way to handle key management:
- Internal secret mode: The service itself generates keys and either stores them or returns them to the client. The disadvantage is that the service has to be highly trusted. This mode could make sense if you run the service yourself.
- External secret mode: Key management is handled by some kind of externally hosted wallet that the service can call (e.g hardware wallet).
- Client-managed secret mode: The client that makes use of the registrar service would first create the keys and then call the different functions of the service. This would mean back and forth communication between server and client (e.g server sends sign request, client signs etc.).
* [...]
- [https://peacekeeper.github.io/did-registration/](https://peacekeeper.github.io/did-registration/)
- [https://dev.uniresolver.io/](https://dev.uniresolver.io/)
- [https://uniregistrar.io/](https://uniregistrar.io/)
- [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/)
- [https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/](https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/)
- [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-registrar](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-registrar)
- [https://godiddy.com](https://godiddy.com/)
* [We evaluated 7 DID methods with the W3C DID Rubric! did:btcr, did:sov, did:ion, did:web, did:v1, did:peer, did:ethr](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr) by Walid Fdhila, Markus Sabadello ([video](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/5wIkMptZK28kj6LFF5NlILMApA-2CwRMw1L7s4aO8wsgFDODJ-pGlbKPh6YA7BEADftL_Uw7sHx6YY2r.KWeBYTIH4BFQmLIv?continueMode%3Dtrue)
Join research project between SBA Research and Danube Tech, partially funded by FFG (Austria) and DHS (US).
did:btcr [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/didm-btcr)
did:v1 [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-v1/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-v1/)
did:ethr [https://github.com/ethr-did-resolver/](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ethr-did-resolver/blob/master/doc/did-method-spec.md)
did:sov(did:indy) [Sovrin DID Method Specification](https://sovrin-foundation.github.io/sovrin/spec/did-method-spec-template.html)
did:web [https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-web](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-method-web)
did:ion [https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ion-did-method](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ion-did-method)
did:peer [https://identity.foundation/peer-did-method-spec/index.html](https://identity.foundation/peer-did-method-spec/index.html)
Selected criteria were rule making, operation, enforcement, security, controllability, portability, keying material, privacy.
Challenges and insights:
- For some DID method, evaluation requires more effort than just the specification. Each DID method uses different infrastructure. E.g. evaluating governance of Bitcoin blockchain is complex.
- Most DID methods focus on CRUD operations but don't think much about governance, privacy, security.
- Some DID methods are not very well documented.
- Discrepancies between specifications and actual implementations.
- It was difficult to compare methods since they are based on different technologies.
- Specifications change after or during the evaluation.
- DID Rubric has also changed/improved over time.
- Each DID method has pros and cons; there is no "winner"
- We had 6 evaluators, and in some cases we had different opinions.
Criteria for did Method Evaluation:
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vAKtMrsrjO_tLQhah8tRoLaIS7HpOIE6xM38ZoBpgWU/](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vAKtMrsrjO_tLQhah8tRoLaIS7HpOIE6xM38ZoBpgWU/)
DID Methods Evaluation Report - Draft
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jP-76ul0FZ3H8dChqT2hMtlzvL6B3famQbseZQ0AGS8/](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jP-76ul0FZ3H8dChqT2hMtlzvL6B3famQbseZQ0AGS8/)
* [Demystifying Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://academy.affinidi.com/demystifying-decentralized-identifiers-dids-2dc6fc3148fd) Affinidi
- Does not require a centralized registration authority
- Many DIDs use the distributed ledger technology or any other decentralized network, though it is not mandatory
- It is a permanent identifier because it does not depend on a single third-party or centralized registry for its existence.
- Can be cryptographically verified
- They connect a DID subject (the entity identified by the DID) with a DID document (a set of data that describes the DID subject) to enable the subject to have trustable interactions.
- They are interoperable and portable, provided they conform to the existing standards laid down by W3C
* [Peer DIDs — An Off-Ledger DID Implementation](https://academy.affinidi.com/peer-dids-an-off-ledger-did-implementation-5cb6ee6eb168) Affinidi
Peer DIDs offer many benefits such as,
- No transaction costs involved
- Easy to create and maintain
- Since these DIDs are independent of a central system such as a GDPR controller, they can be scaled as needed
- Offers the highest levels of privacy as only the parties involved can access the DIDs
- No uncertainties or external problems since these DIDs are not associated with any particular network
- No degradation of trust throughout the entire lifecycle.
- In tune with local-first software philosophies
- Reduces unnecessary correlation between a verifier and an issuer of a [verifiable credential](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9).
* [UNISOT DID approved by W3C](https://unisot.com/unisot-did-approved-by-w3c/)
We are proud to have UNISOT ID (did:unisot) listed at the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF). As part of our commitment to open technologies and global interoperability we have presented our DID schema (did:unisot) to the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) and supplied a driver for their Universal DID Resolver which can be accessed at: [https://resolver.identity.foundation/](https://resolver.identity.foundation/). With this anyone can resolve a UNISOT DID Document in a trusted and easy way.
* [Don’t Use DIDs: Political Solutions Never Solve Technological Problems](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c) DW Husebey
A large set of impact investor, international donor, and government anti-poverty policy is based on the notion that for-profit companies can be induced to serve the poor with life changing services like banking or schooling but the limits of the for profit model are not always taken into account
* [SecureKey’s New Ledger-Agnostic did:orb](https://securekey.com/securekeys-new-ledger-agnostic-solution-orb-helps-solve-decentralized-identifier-challenges/)
did:orb that decouples DIDs from ledgers while maintaining trust and security. SecureKey is leveraging standard and open-source peer-to-peer protocols like ActivityPub, data structures like verifiable credentials content-addressed storage like IPFS, and distributed trust services like the Google Trillian project to build a peer-to-peer trust network.
* [Git as Authentic Data Creation Tool (a.k.a. what happened to did:git? a.k.a. independently verifiable, secure, developer sovereign, open source software supply chain)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12A/_Git_as_Authentic_Data_Creation_Tool_(a.k.a._what_happened_to_did:git%253F_a.k.a._independently_verifiable,_secure,_developer_sovereign,_open_source_software_supply_chain)) by Dave Huseby
This session covered the evolution of thinking from the initiation of did:git at IIW April 2019 up until now. I recently chose to deprecate the did:git proposal in lieu of a new project to update Git to use provenance logs for identifier management in Git repos. I recently wrote an article describing the proposal:
* [https://dwhuseby.medium.com/universal-cryptographic-signing-protocol-for-git-42e7741b8773](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/universal-cryptographic-signing-protocol-for-git-42e7741b8773)
and the current proposal is here:
* [https://github.com/TrustFrame/git-cryptography-protocol](https://github.com/TrustFrame/git-cryptography-protocol)
This is an exciting project that will bring decentralized identifiers to software creation to give us end-to-end secure and verifiable software delivery.
* [Veres One (did:v1) Rubric Evaluation](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12B/_Veres_One_(did:v1)_Rubric_Evaluation) by Joe Andrieu
Veres One, DID Rubric Evaluation, DID methods, DIDs,
* [http://legreq.com/pres/v1.rubric.iiw.2021.04.21.pdf](http://legreq.com/pres/v1.rubric.iiw.2021.04.21.pdf)
What we learned #1
- Rubric still in infancy
- Some questions were just too academic
- Need structure-variable questions
- 1.3 Separation of Power
- 4.6 Consensus layers
- Enforcement (initial draft of real questions)
What we learned #2
- Design is itself a separable concern
- Distinct from governance
- May need separate evaluations for Implementations, esp wallets
- Adversaries: how does the method handle particular adversaries
What we learned #3
- Still a long learning curve
- Learning the Rubric
- Learning each Method
- Need better tools for community engagement
- Criteria discussion
- Custom rubric development
- Shared rubric evaluations
* [http://legreq.com/media/rubric.v1.2021.04.20.pdf](http://legreq.com/media/rubric.v1.2021.04.20.pdf)
- Questions/Comments:
- Looks like NIST (Common Criteria)
- Evaluating security of systems
- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Criteria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Criteria)
- [https://www.nist.gov/publications/common-criteria-launching-international-standards](https://www.nist.gov/publications/common-criteria-launching-international-standards)
* [...]
Notes from Chat:
* [http://legreq.com/pres/v1.rubric.iiw.2021.04.21.pdf](http://legreq.com/pres/v1.rubric.iiw.2021.04.21.pdf)
* [http://legreq.com/media/rubric.v1.2021.04.20.pdf](http://legreq.com/media/rubric.v1.2021.04.20.pdf)
* [DID Method Rubric v1.0](https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/)
* [rwot9-prague/decentralized-did-rubric.md at master · WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/draft-documents/decentralized-did-rubric.md)
* [Common Criteria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Criteria)
* [Introduction to Portable Contexts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DDVK5G9DIKf8)
* [The world between public and private DIDs - Or how to make use of SSI without the subjects](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21D/_The_world_between_public_and_private_DIDs_-_Or_how_to_make_use_of_SSI_without_the_subjects) by This Loepfe, cardossier CH
Slides: [iiw-between-public-and-private.pdf](https://cardossier.ch/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/iiw-between-public-and-private.pdf)
- It was very hard for me to explain the problem I’m searching a solution for and equally for the proposed solution ideas.
- We discussed a lot of more philosophical questions and if peer-dids are a good thing or not and if it is worth trying to minimize correlation when any involved party anyway stores the personal data of the related persons. I think we should make it as hard as possible to correlate data, even if we can not completely prevent it.
- We also discussed the potential complexity of such a solution and if it is worth it. The conclusion was to minimize the number of personas one should (be forced) to hold, such that it is still easy to maintain.
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# Standards Bodies
* [Manifesto: Rules for standards-makers](http://scripting.com/2017/05/09/rulesForStandardsmakers.html)
> I've used all kinds of formats and protocols in a long career as a software developer, even created a few. My new manifesto summarizes what I've learned about what works and what doesn't.
* [Decentralized Profiles group Nov 25th call](https://blog.ceramic.network/dprofiles-call-3/)
Every 6 weeks the at Ceramic meets
* [Ethereum OASIS Receives $100K for Baseline Protocol Projects](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/03/10/ethereum-oasis-receives-100k-incentive-funding-for-baseline-protocol-projects/)
Today, the
[Baseline Protocol](https://www.baseline-protocol.org/), part of the Ethereum OASIS Open Project and in partnership with
[Open Source Collective](http://opencollective.com/opensource), announced that it has received a grant of $100,000 from the
[Ethereum Foundation](https://ethereum.foundation/) to be used for the purpose of encouraging and accelerating baseline protocol R&D and enablement efforts. This comes on the first anniversary of the community’s formation.
* [DIF SDS/CS WG: CS Refactoring Proposal 0.2](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/03/28/cs-refactoring-proposal/) Hyperonomy
1. Latest Version of the Proposal (0.2 – March 24, 2021)
2. Agent-Hub-EDV Architecture Reference Model (AHE-ARM) 0.1
3. Transcription of Selected Parts of the DIF SDS/CS March 11, 2021 Zoom Call
4. OSI Stack Proposal for Confidential Storage Specification
Based on the March 11 Zoom discussion where we worked hard to discern the differences between Agents, Hubs, and EDVs (and I believe were largely successful IMO), I’ve like to propose to the SDS/CS WG that we refactor the current Confidential Storage specification into 3 separable parts/specifications. I also present a high-level roadmap (simple ordering) for how the WG might proceed if this refactoring is accepted (or at least, if the first part/first new specification is accepted).
* [Working Group for Privacy Enhancing Mobile Credentials](https://kantarainitiative.org/introducing-kantaras-working-group-for-privacy-enhancing-mobile-credentials/) Kantara Initiative
Clearly the use of a driver’s license goes well beyond proving eligibility to drive a vehicle. It has become the de-facto standard for proving that you are who you say you are – and are entitled to the product or service requested. An increasing number of states are adopting mobile ID systems to recognise and verify mobile credentials including driver’s licenses (mDL).
* [Digital Identity in response to COVID-19: DGX Digital Identity Working Group](https://www.tech.gov.sg/files/media/corporate-publications/FY2021/dgx_2021_digital_identity_in_response_to_covid-19.pdf)
* [Digital Identity Attestation Roundup - Open Source Security Foundation](https://openssf.org/blog/2021/01/27/digital-identity-attestation-roundup/%23)
We kicked off the first Digital Identity Attestation Working Group meeting under the OpenSSF in August, 2020. The objective of this working group is to enable open source maintainers, contributors and end-users to understand and make decisions on the provenance or origin of the code they maintain, produce and use.
* [Digital Identity WG (September 30, 2020)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t%3D648%26v%3D6Ym5bXRuzZ8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be)
* [UPCOMING COMMUNITY CALL & NEW RESEARCH: BIOMETRICS IN THE HUMANITARIAN SECTOR](https://www.theengineroom.org/upcoming-community-call-new-research-biometrics-in-the-humanitarian-sector/) the Engine Room
In 2018 we worked with Oxfam to publish a [landmark report](https://www.theengineroom.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Engine-Room-Oxfam-Biometrics-Review.pdf) on the use of biometric data – fingerprints, iris scans, voiceprints and so on – in the humanitarian sector. Our report looked at how these types of data were being collected and used, and raised critical questions around potential risks and harms.
* [...]
If you’re a humanitarian practitioner or just interested in biometrics and responsible data, please join our upcoming Community Call, where we’ll be introducing the project and hearing from practitioners on the theme. [Register for the call](https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtf-mhrT4iH9JtwHCe-5UG25QeQZnhRigd)
* [Announcing the 2022 OpenID Foundation Kim Cameron Scholarship](https://openid.net/2022/04/08/announcing-the-2022-openid-foundation-kim-cameron-scholarship/) OpenID
Scholarship recipients will be studying, researching, interning or working in a field relevant to one or more [OpenID Foundation working groups](https://openid.net/wg/) and consistent with Foundation’s Mission. The scholarship recipients will also be invited to participate in Foundation breakout meetings at the European Identity Conference and Identiverse which will provide exposure to both the Foundation’s business as well as leading technologists.
New IETF protocol
* [Secure Credential Transfer](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-secure-credential-transfer-03.html) Vinokurov, Byington, Lerch, Pelletier, Sha
This document describes a mechanism to transfer digital credentials securely between two devices. Secure credentials may represent a digital key to a hotel room, a digital key to a door lock in a house or a digital key to a car. Devices that share credentials may belong to the same or two different platforms (e.g. iOS and Android). Secure transfer may include one or more write and read operations. Credential transfer needs to be performed securely due to the sensitive nature of the information.
Upcoming Work Group Calls
A lot of activity in this community happens every week in work groups. We are going to make more of an effort to highlight calls that may be of interest to folks and to do more coverage and linking to calls from the previous week that are interesting to a wider audience.
* [The W3C’s Credentials Community is hosting a session on NFTs and Identity](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Apr/0049.html). 4/12 [9am PST](https://meet.w3c-ccg.org/weekly)
There has been an explosion of interest in using NFT for identity, along with exploring how they could work with or support DIDs and VCs. Simone Ravaioli, Taylor Kendal and Heather Vescent have invited Evin Mcmullen of [Disco.xyz](https://www.disco.xyz/), Elina Cadouri of [Dock](https://www.dock.io/), Stepan Gershuni of [Affinidi](https://www.affinidi.com/) / [DeepSkills](https://www.deepskills.io/), and Dominik Beron of [Walt.id](https://walt.id/) to share their perspective on NFT identity and where it may overlap with DIDs and VCs
((Evin seems really cool -kaliya))
Past Working Group Calls of Interest
A couple weeks ago Amber Case came and spoke about “[Calm Technology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DNgyfa4_NuPI)” at the TOIP Human Experience Working Group ([HXWG](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Human%2BExperience%2BWorking%2BGroup)
Michale Herman [is excited](https://twitter.com/mwherman2000/status/1511550968617263114) about the new [#VCA](https://twitter.com/hashtag/VCA) (Verifiable Credential Authorization) using the new [#VCTPS](https://twitter.com/hashtag/VCTPS) (Secure Verifiable Credential Transport Protocol) over [#DIDCOMM](https://twitter.com/hashtag/DIDCOMM)
* [What Does Affinidi Do as a Member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF)?](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-does-affinidi-do-as-a-member-of-the-decentralized-identity-foundation-dif-d9d5146af14) Affinidi
In particular, Affinidi has been at the forefront in building many components such as the [Affinidi Wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-is-affinidis-digital-wallet-1c2a52b4d13f), Schema Manager, [Consent Manager](https://build.affinidi.com/), and more that have enhanced the adoption of decentralised identity among communities and individuals.
* [Security Event Tokens, Subject Identifiers, and SSE/CAEP/RISC Java implementation](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13A/_Security_Event_Tokens,_Subject_Identifiers,_and_SSE/CAEP/RISC_Java_implementation) by Matt Domsch
Matt presented an overview of the OpenID Foundation Shared Signals and Events Working Group, and his implementation of the object model in an open source Java library at [https://github.com/sailpoint-oss/openid-sse-model/](https://github.com/sailpoint-oss/openid-sse-model/)
* [Drilling down: Co-development](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/drilling-down-co-development-in-the-open-765a86ab153f) DIF
> - What “standardization” means to DIF and what DIF means to standardization.
- A newbie-friendly survey of how DIF relates to nearby organizations with overlapping or related foci.
- What “co-development” and “coöpetition” really mean, concretely
* [OASIS Open Establishes European Foundation to Advance Open Collaboration Opportunities](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/01/20/oasis-open-establishes-european-foundation-to-advance-open-collaboration-opportunities/)
> “The OASIS Open Europe Foundation gives us a unique opportunity to work with the European Union and EU Member States to advance open source and standards projects,”
* [Shared Signal and Events (SSE) working group](https://openid.net/wg/sse/) in the OpenID Foundation.
## Interop
They are actually coming to the [Interoperability Working Group](https://www.notion.so/Interoperability-WG-a42995c37e2a4511a10aea96cdbccc38) this coming week to share results. Here is what they had to say about SSI:
A Self- Sovereign Identity can unlock the full potential of the digital global economy. The identity of people, organizations and things is relevant to any transaction, while protecting Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is of increasing importance.
* [Open call to kickoff the upcoming Wallet Security WG at DIF](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0114.html) March 1st
> Bastian, Paul writes:
> I will present motivation, goals and a first roadmap.
> Very short summary:
> - standardized wallet security is necessary for sensitive credentials like id-cards, payment credentials or more
> - create a specification and interface to communicate about wallet capabilities, security, regulation-conformance and other points of security-relevant interoperability
> - define mechanism to enable wallet security assertions, certification and ways to prove them
> - define specifications about wallet user authentication, ways how to ensure them and how to communicate them to issuers/verifiers
* [Calander Invite](https://forms.gle/t6wDnipR2md3WWKj7) • [Wallet Security WG Charter](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18H2hVjHZEBjbnzod8tLogJIEzySdecbk9d-QBJaqHP0/edit) • [Wallet Security Mailing list](https://lists.identity.foundation/g/wallet-security)
* [VC-Educational Task Force](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2022-04-18-vc-education/) VCEdu Mailing List
Dmitri Zagidulin: “with invisi edu here we've got two pressing problems [...] verifiable credentials that are going to be displayed in wallets but we also would like to bind them to more traditional display artifacts such as PDFs and that's what James is going to be talking about and the second one is [..] we want issuers to [...] at least advise to wallets, verifiers, and other software how to display the credential”
* [Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CASA)
The Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance (CASA) is a collection of working groups dedicated blockchain protocol-agnostic standards. CASA also publishes [Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs) which describe standards created by the different working groups.
* [Secure Data Storage](https://identity.foundation/working-groups/secure-data-storage.html)
- [User Controlled Authorization Network](https://github.com/ucan-wg/spec/) model and how it contrasts with decentralized approaches
- APAC/ASEAN Community Call now a colloaborative initative between DIF and ToIP, launched Thursday 26th May 2022, kicking off with an IIW34 recap. ([Recording](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/5FW6hVoZc1kVJiFL4NNCRZg7625h-1UsC1xCY8Mb7cLXQpO2yDW566woLoA5IZA.MUVPrrNr_k3PXxDl)
* [DIF Steering Committee Election Results 2022](https://blog.identity.foundation/sc-election-2022-results/)
SC Election results: DIF welcomes new SC members Sam Curren, Daniel Buchner, Karyl Fowler, Rouven Heck, Markus Sabadello & Kaliya Young!
* [Announcing the Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse Technology Task Force](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/07/20/announcing-artificial-intelligence-metaverse-technology-task-force/)
Three new TOIP Task Forces
The ToIP Technology Stack Working group is starting an - [Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse (AIM) Task Force](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/07/20/announcing-artificial-intelligence-metaverse-technology-task-force/)
More details are available at [AI & Metaverse Technology Task Force – Home – Confluence (trustoverip.org)](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId%3D19657312) (next meeting [8/4](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Calendar%2Bof%2BToIP%2BMeetings))
The ToIP Governance Stack Working group is starting a - Governance Architecture Task Force
After the original development of the [ToIP Governance Architecture Specification](https://trustoverip.org/permalink/ToIP-Governance-Architecture-Specification-V1.0-2021-12-21.pdf) and ToIP [Governance Metamodel Specification](https://trustoverip.org/permalink/ToIP-Governance-Metamodel-Specification-V1.0-2021-12-21.pdf), the plan had been to start creating layer-specific templates. However the Governance Layer TF, led by Alex Tweeddale, Carly Huitema, and Kyle Robinson—with input from Stephen Curran— concluded that component-based templates made more sense. Thus the new Governance Architecture TF will launch based on the components in the ToIP Tech Architecture Stack
The ToIP Concepts and Terminology Working group is proposing starting a - Mental Models Task Force
- Mental models explain in detail how a set of concepts are related within a specific domain—a “mini-ontology”
- They are usually documented both in writing and in UML diagrams
- They add much greater depth and cross-conceptual understanding than glossaries alone
- The CTWG is proposing to start up a new Mental Models Task Force in September if there is sufficient interest
If you are interested Ping the ToIP Slack channel: #concepts-terminology-wg or email Judith@trustoverip.org
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# Standards
* [Decentralised Identity: What’s at Stake?](https://inatba.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-11-INATBA-Decentralised-Identity-001.pdf) A Position Paper by the INATBA Identity Working Group
> INATBA has a specific Standards Committee to liaison with relevant standardisation committees and bodies. Some relevant standardisation committee and bodies include:
- [ISO/TC 307 “Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies”](https://www.iso.org/committee/6266604.html)
- [CEN/CENELEC JTC 19 “Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies”](https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/tc/cen/d96ab6b7-aac8-49e9-9ac5-b391bbd2abdc/cen-clc-jtc-19)
- [Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs)](https://w3c.github.io/did-core/)
- [DID Resolution](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/)
- [Verifiable Credentials (VCs)](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)
- “[Issuer](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-issuer-http-api)” and “[Verifier](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/vc-verifier-http-api)” API, [Linked Data Vocabulary](https://digitalbazaar.github.io/citizenship-vocab/)
- [Credential Handler API](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/)
- [DID SIOP](https://identity.foundation/did-siop/)
- [DID Comm](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm-messaging)
- [Trust over IP Foundation](https://trustoverip.org/)
- [Hygiene for a computing pandemic: separation of VCs and ocaps/zcaps](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Dec/0028.html)
- You *could* implement zcap-ld on top of VCs…
- However, you're actually squishing together what should be a separation of concerns in a way that will become *unhygienic*. Like a lack of proper biological hygiene, the result is sickness in our computing systems.
- The observation of "these things seem so similar though!" is true, but you can already make that claim even if you're just looking at the linked data proofs layer. VCs and zcap-ld diverge from there for two very separate purposes: what is said, and what is done.
* [distributed ID learning path](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://kristinayasuda.com/posts/decentralized-identity-catch-up-path/) Christina Yasuda based on [VC-Spec](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/vc-spec-map) Map by Michael Ruminer
first describes pre-requisite knowledge, including JSON, JSON-LD, JWT, JWS, JWK, JWA, and sometimes CBOR. She then goes on to break down knowledge areas beginning with the basics: DID-Core, DID-Resolution, DID-Spec, DID Use-Cases. Next, she covers Verifiable Credentials with VC-Data Model, VC Use-Cases, and VC-Implementors Guide, and also Transport, Credential Presentation, and Other Data Formats.
[CCG Highlights](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/)
* [Linked Data Security](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0134.html) (
[slide deck](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/att-0134/2021-Linked-Data-Security.pdf)
The attached slide deck provides a basic overview (with examples) of Linked Data Security as well as the specifications in that orbit. The W3C CCG is actively developing a number of these specifications.
* [Roadmap: Verifiable Trust Standards](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Mar/0014.html)
Green - General data format standards
Yellow - Vocabulary standards (I the mislabeled VC work)
Magenta - Protocol standards (I mislabeled DID Resolution)
Red - Low-level cryptographic primitives
Purple - General crypto packaging/protocol standards
Orange - Application layer standards
* [did:orb slides Troy Ronda (SecureKey)](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Mar/0017.html)
The slides for today’s did:orb presentation can be found here
Motivation – Enable monitorable ledgers
- Decouple witness ledgers from the critical path.
- Allow for Trust but Verify model.
- Leverage the Certificate Transparency model
- Witnesses observe VDR objects and promise to include in their ledgers.
- Provide a signed timestamp and a maximum merge delay.
- Enable monitoring to ensure witnesses follow their promises.
- Use trusted Witness (and origin) timings to resolve late publishing.
- Use origin to enable observers to know if they have the latest operations.
* [Technical Report on the Universal RDF Dataset Normalization Algorithm](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/att-0032/Mirabolic_Graph_Iso_Report_2020_10_19.pdf) - [Bill Bradley](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0032.html)
> The goal of this technical report is to review the Universal RDF Dataset Normalization Algorithm (URDNA2015) for correctness and to provide satisfactory evidence that possible issues with URDNA2015 have been considered and dismissed. We do not lay out the algorithm in its considerable technical detail here, but refer the reader to the proposed technical specification 1 [Longley], a set of proofs by Rachel Arnold and Dave Longely [Arnold], and a reference implementation in Python [DigitalBazaar].
* [The 7 Laws of Identity Standards](https://openid.net/2021/04/10/the-7-laws-of-identity-standards/) OpenID
1. A identity standard’s adoption is driven by its value of the reliability, repeatability and security of its implementations.
2. A standard’s value can be measured by the number of instances of certified technical conformance extant in the market.
3. Certified technical conformance is necessary but insufficient for global adoption.
4. Adoption at scale requires widespread awareness, ongoing technical improvement and a open and authoritative reference source.
5. When Libraries/Directories/ Registries act as authoritative sources they amplify awareness, extend adoption and promote certification.
6. Certified technical conformance importantly complements legal compliance and together optimize interoperability.
7. Interoperability enhances security, contains costs and drives profitability.
* [Verifier Universal Interface by Gataca España S.L.](https://essif-lab.eu/verifier-universal-interface-by-gataca-espana-s-l/)
> This draft version can be found at [https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/](https://gataca-io.github.io/verifier-apis/) and has been built using ReSpec.
> This draft version for VUI includes today 6 APIs:
> - Presentation Exchange
> - Consent Management
> - Schema resolution
> - Issuer resolution
> - ID resolution
> - Credential status resolution
* [Trust Frameworks? Standards Matter](https://medium.com/@trbouma/trust-frameworks-standards-matter-47c946992f44) Tim Bouma
> He points at the NIST documents about it [Developing Trust Frameworks to Support Identity Federations](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2018/NIST.IR.8149.pdf) published in 2018. He also points at the Canadian government’s definition of standards.
> “a document that provides a set of agreed-upon rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. Standards establish accepted practices, technical requirements, and terminologies for diverse fields.” He goes on to highlight a lot of the work being done in Canada and where it all sits relative to being a standard - “In closing, there are lots of trust frameworks being developed today. But to be truly trusted, a trust framework needs to either apply existing standards or become a standard itself.”
* [Mike Jones shares](https://self-issued.info/?p=2136) that CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) is officially a [specification at IETF](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8943) - woohoo! and it is a key part of [ISO’s mDL standard](https://www.iso.org/committee/45144.html) (date fields must use it).
> The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), as specified in RFC 7049, is a data format whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation.
* [W3C WebAuthn V2 Now a Standard](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2160) Mike Jones
> While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format. ([Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/REC-webauthn-2-20210408/)) ([CTAP also approaching standardization](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2155).
* [Federated Identity, InCommon, and Enabling Federated Access to Research Services](https://njedge.net/blog/federated-identity-incommon-and-enabling-federated-access-to-research-services/)
> The panel will review the concepts of federated identities, authentication, and the role attributes play in managing access to services. They’ll further describe how the InCommon Federation and eduGAIN enable academic collaboration across local, regional, national, and international scales, discuss technical alternatives for participation in InCommon, and delve a bit into how research communities and research cyberinfrastructures manage federated access to their services.
* [An overview of blockchain technical standards](https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/global-standards-mapping-initiative-an-overview-of-blockchain-technical-standards)
This October report is the most comprehensive review of global standards around blockchain tech that we’ve seen. Here’s a list of standards bodies included in a chart towards the end:
- [IEEE](https://standards.ieee.org/) (IoT; Cryptocurrency exchange & payment; tokens; energy; digital assets)
- [ISO](https://www.iso.org/standards.html) (Security; identity)
- [W3C](https://www.w3.org/standards/) (Identity)
- [IRTF](https://irtf.org/) (Identity; digital assets)
- [IEC](https://www.iec.ch/) (IoT)
- [IETF](https://www.ietf.org/standards/) (Cryptocurrency payment)
- [ITU-T](https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/publications/Pages/default.aspx) (Security; IoT; identity; DLT requirements)
- [BSI](https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/standards/) (DLT requirements)
- [CEN](https://www.cen.eu/Pages/default.aspx); [CENELEC](https://www.cenelec.eu/) (Security)
- [Standards Australia](https://www.standards.org.au/) (Security; DLT taxonomy)
- [WIPO](http://www.wipo.int/) (Blockchain for intellectual property)
- [ETSI](https://www.etsi.org/standards) (Permissioned ledgers)
- [SAC](http://www.sac.gov.cn/sacen/) (DLT requirements)
- [BRIBA](https://www.beltandroadblockchain.org/) (DLT requirements)
- [CESI](http://www.cc.cesi.cn/english.aspx) (Tokens; security)
- [DCSA](https://dcsa.org/) (Interoperability)
- [International Chamber of Commerce](https://iccwbo.org/) (Interoperability)
- [EEA](https://entethalliance.org/) (Interoperability; tokens)
- [Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/) (Interoperability; tokens)
- [IWA](https://interwork.org/) (Tokens; analytics)
- [JWG](https://intervasp.org/) (Tokens)
- [National Blockchain and Distributed Accounting Technology Standardization Technical Committee](https://tech.sina.com.cn/it/2018-05-10/doc-ihaichqz3607998.shtml) (DLT requirements\terminology)
- [CDC](https://digitalchamber.org/initiatives/) (Digital assets)
- [MOBI](https://dlt.mobi/) (Vehicle identity; usage-based insurance; electric vehicle grid integration; connected mobility and data marketplace; supply chain and finance; securitization and smart contracts)
- [GDF](https://www.gdfi.io/) (DLT requirements)
- [BIG](https://blockchainindustrygroup.org/) (DLT requirements)
- [BIA](https://bialliance.io/) (Interoperability)
- [BiTA](https://www.bita.studio/) (Interoperability; DLT requirements)
* [OpenID Connect Credential Provider](https://medium.com/mattr-global/introducing-oidc-credential-provider-7845391a9881) Mattr
* [OIDC Credential Provider](https://mattrglobal.github.io/oidc-client-bound-assertions-spec/) is “an extension to OpenID Connect which enables the end-user to request credentials from an OpenID Provider and manage their own credentials in a digital wallet.”
* [OASIS releases KMIP 2.1](https://www.oasis-open.org/2020/12/18/key-management-interoperability-protocol-specification-and-key-management-interoperability-protocol-profiles-oasis-standards-published/)
> The Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is a single, comprehensive protocol for communication between clients that request any of a wide range of encryption keys and servers that store and manage those keys. By replacing redundant, incompatible key management protocols, KMIP provides better data security while at the same time reducing expenditures on multiple products.
* [OMG ISSUES RFI FOR DISPOSABLE SELF-SOVEREIGN IDENTITY STANDARD](https://www.omg.org/news/releases/pr2021/01-21-21.htm)
> This RFI aims to gain a better understanding of the self-sovereign identity space. In particular, the Blockchain PSIG is exploring the potential for standards setting in the area of contextually constrained or ‘disposable’ self-sovereign identity arrangements, building on top of existing W3C standards for self-sovereign identity [DID] and verifiable credentials [VC]. The aim of this RFI is to determine whether new standards for this specific aspect of self-sovereign identity are necessary, desirable and timely, and are not already being developed elsewhere. (The RFI)
A [public presentation on the Disposable Self-sovereign Identity RFI](https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/12231/461001) will be held on February 3, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET.
> The Object Management Group® (OMG®) is an international, open membership, not-for-profit technology standards consortium, founded in 1989. OMG standards are driven by vendors, end-users, academic institutions and government agencies. OMG Task Forces develop enterprise integration standards for a wide range of technologies and an even wider range of industries.
* [Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials Level 2](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/). This specification defines an API enabling the creation and use of strong, attested, scoped, public key-based credentials by web applications, for the purpose of strongly authenticating users.
* [Second Version of W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) advances to Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2149)
> The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has published this [Proposed Recommendation (PR)](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/PR-webauthn-2-20210225/) Level 2 specification, bringing the second version of WebAuthn one step closer to becoming a completed standard. While remaining compatible with the original standard, this second version adds additional features, among them for user verification enhancements, manageability, enterprise features, and an Apple attestation format.
## Identity not SSI
* [Near-Final Second W3C WebAuthn and FIDO2 CTAP Specifications](https://self-issued.info/?p=2143)
The [W3C WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/blog/webauthn/) and [FIDO2](https://fidoalliance.org/fido2/) working groups have been busy this year preparing to finish second versions of the W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn) and FIDO2 Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP) specifications
* [Announcing Schema Markup Validator: validator.schema.org (beta)](http://blog.schema.org/2021/05/announcing-schema-markup-validator.html)
SDTT is a tool from Google which began life as the [Rich Snippets Testing Tool](https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2010/09/rich-snippets-testing-tool-improvements) back in 2010. Last year Google [announced plans](https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2020/07/rich-results-test-out-of-beta) to migrate from SDTT to successor tooling, the [Rich Results Test](https://search.google.com/test/rich-results), alongside plans to "deprecate the Structured Data Testing Tool". The newer Google tooling is focused on helping publishers who are targeting specific schema.org-powered [searc](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/search-gallery)[h features](https://www.blogger.com/) offered by Google, and for these purposes is a huge improvement as it contextualizes many warnings and errors to a specific target application.
* [JSON-LD Playground](https://json-ld.org/playground/)
Play around with JSON-LD markup by typing out some JSON below and seeing what gets generated from it at the bottom of the page. Pick any of the examples below to get started.
NOTE: The playground uses [jsonld.js](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js) which [conforms](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/jsonld.js%23conformance) to JSON-LD 1.1 [syntax](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-syntax/errata/)), [API](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-api/errata/)), and [framing](https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-framing/) ([errata](https://w3c.github.io/json-ld-framing/errata/)). Also see the classic [JSON-LD 1.0 playground](https://json-ld.org/playground/1.0/) and the [RDF Distiller](http://rdf.greggkellogg.net/distiller).
## Standards
* [Do I Need a Verifiable Credential?](https://community.rsa.com/t5/rsa-labs-blog/do-i-need-a-verifiable-credential/ba-p/610241)
* [What is a DID? Part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DOYYtxVEra1c) XSL Labs
* [Qu’est-ce qu’un DID? Partie 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DVNLKufTDM4o) XSL Labs
* [Verifiable Claim Protocol](https://github.com/ontio/ontology-DID/blob/master/docs/en/claim_spec.md) Ontology
This isn’t new, but it’s new to us, and thought our readers might appreciate it, in case you have also wondered about the nuts and bolts behind OntID
* [Open Badges as Verifiable Credentials](https://kayaelle.medium.com/in-the-w3c-vc-edu-call-on-june7-2021-we-discussed-open-badges-asserted-as-w3c-verifiable-90391cb9a7b7)
In the [W3C VC-EDU](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/) call on June 7, 2021 we discussed [Open Badges](https://openbadges.org/) asserted as [W3C Verifiable Credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/) (VCs). This call began the public discussion of Open Badges as Native VCs (potentially as Open Badges 3.0) to inform the IMS Open Badges Working Group. Why are we discussing this? Why does it matter? How will it work?
* [ToIP Primer](https://trustoverip.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/98/2020/05/toip_050520_primer.pdf)
A history of procedural trust, leading to an overview of the TOIP stack.
* [ToIP Stack Diagram Preview](http://elanica.com/sandbox/)
* [Decentralized Identity FAQ](https://identity.foundation/faq/%23agent-frameworks-infrastructure-layer-2)
* [Bloom donates WACI](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/bloom-donates-waci-790f902ac9bd)
At its core, WACI can be thought of as a handshake using classic, industry-standard [JWT](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519)s: the “Relying Party” signs a token given to the end-user’s wallet, and the wallet signs over a “challenge” contained within it, proving ownership of a DID.
* [The Verifiable Economy: Fully Decentralized Object (FDO) Example: Bob’s UDID Document](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/06/15/the-verifiable-economy-fully-decentralized-object-fdo-example-bobs-udid-document/)
Strongly-typed Code to Generate Bob’s UDID Document
* [Security Event Tokens, Subject Identifiers, and SSE/CAEP/RISC Java implementation](https://domsch.com/IIW32/IIW32-openid-sse-model.pdf) Matt Domsch, VP & Engineering Fellow
> • Security Event Tokens – RFC 8417
> • Subject Identifiers – Internet Draft RFC
> • Shared Signals & Events – OpenID Foundation WG
> • Includes RISC, CAEP, and Oauth event profiles
* [Schema.org is ten!](http://blog.schema.org/2021/06/schemaorg-is-ten.html)
Schema.org was founded on the idea of making it easier and simpler for the ordinary, everyday sites that make up the web to use machine-readable data, and for that data to enable an ecosystem of applications used by millions of people. While it's hard to predict exactly what the next decade will bring, if we can all keep these founding concerns in mind as we improve, refine and curate our growing collection of schemas, we'll be doing our part to continue improving the web.
* [DIF Grant #1: JWS Test Suite](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-grant-1-jws-test-suite/)
DIF announces its first community microgrant, sponsored by Microsoft and rewarding the timely creation of a comprehensive test suite for detached-JWS signatures on Verifiable Credentials
* [How a combination of Federated identity and Verifiable Credentials can help with Customer onboarding](https://pranavkirtani.medium.com/how-a-combination-of-federated-identity-and-verifiable-credentials-can-help-with-customer-7e6518feb018) Pranav Kirtani
Before we dive into how Federated systems like OIDC and SAML along with Verifiable Credentials (VC) can help improve customer onboarding to your application, let us first understand what are the current methods being used for onboarding.
* [Reflections from Identiverse: Identity Security Threats & Trends](https://www.secureauth.com/blog/reflections-from-identiverse-identity-security-threats-and-trends/) SecureAuth
talks like [“Simplify Your Least-Privilege Journey with Access Analysis”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESCI5F77RW8COIGZ/) and [“Managing and governing workload identities”](https://identiverse.com/idv2021/session/SESTZ5WNB1OMKD9EV/) definitively provide greater insight. [...] UberEther showed in [“User Behavior Analytics: Marrying Identity and the SOC Like Peanut Butter and Jelly”](https://pheedloop.com/identiverse2021/virtual/?page%3Dsessions%26section%3DSESKWZML7NBJX42P3) how UBA (User Behavior Analytics) and UEBA (User Events Behavior Analysis) deliver additional value to help avoid threats in real-time and provide visibility to analysts.
* [Meet Kantara’s new Executive Director, Kay Chopard](https://www.ubisecure.com/podcast/kay-chopard-kantara/) Lets Talk about Digital Identity
Kay explores why identity is so critical in so many applications; her hope for more promotion of Kantara’s great work and to advance opportunities for collaboration; Kantara’s new mobile drivers licenses (mDLs) work group; Women in Identity and the problem of lack of diversity in standards working groups; and why access and inclusion is one of the biggest challenges facing identity today.
* [Kaliya Young on Identikit with Michelle Dennedy](https://identitywoman.net/podcast-identikit-with-michelle-dennedy/)
our latest series examining the evolution of digital identity, and how self-sovereign identity, specifically, can advance a consent-based economy.
* [Kantara Releases Report on Identity and Privacy Protection For mobile Driver’s Licenses](https://kantarainitiative.org/kantara-releases-report-on-identity-and-privacy-protection-for-mobile-drivers-licenses/)
The report outlines how to implement mDL systems as Privacy Enhancing Technologies. It provides guidance on protecting people’s individual privacy and the digital identifiers of an individual who carries or uses an mDL.
* [DIF Grant #1: JWS Test Suite](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/dif-grant-1-jws-test-suite-a26cc4a95540)
The Claims and Credentials Working Group will be overseeing a new work item open to all DIF members that creates and harden a JWS test suite, with this grant funding a lead editor to drive the work and keep it to a pre-determined timeline, paid upon stable and complete release.
* [Shared Signals: An Open Standard for Webhooks](https://openid.net/2021/08/24/shared-signals-an-open-standard-for-webhooks/) OpenID
The OpenID Foundation formed the “[Shared Signals and Events](https://openid.net/wg/sse/)” (SSE) Working Group as a combination of the previous OpenID RISC working group and an informal industry group that was focused on standardizing [Google’s CAEP proposal](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/re-thinking-federated-identity-with-the-continuous-access-evaluation-protocol). These represented two distinct applications of the same underlying mechanism of managing asynchronous streams of events. Therefore the [SSE Framework](https://openid.net/specs/openid-sse-framework-1_0-01.html) is now proposed to be a standard for managing such streams of events for any application, not just CAEP and RISC. In effect, it is a standard for generalized Webhooks.
* [OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Core is now a Final Specification](https://openid.net/2021/09/01/openid-connect-client-initiated-backchannel-authentication-ciba-core-is-now-a-final-specification/)
The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following [MODRNA](https://openid.net/wg/mobile/) specification as an OpenID Final Specification:
* [Managed Open Projects: A New Way For Open Source and Open Standards To Collaborate](https://www.oasis-open.org/2021/09/08/managed-open-projects/)
I recently pointed out in a [TechCrunch contribution](https://techcrunch.com/2021/06/09/a-revival-at-the-intersection-of-open-source-and-open-standards/) that the open source and open standards communities need to find ways to team up if they are to continue driving innovation and development of transformative technologies to push our society forward.
* [OpenID Connect Presentation at 2021 European Identity and Cloud (EIC) Conference](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2187)
I gave the following presentation on the [OpenID Connect Working Group](https://openid.net/wg/connect/) during the [September 13, 2021 OpenID Workshop](https://openid.net/oidf-workshop-at-eic-2021-monday-september-13-2021/) at the [2021 European Identity and Cloud (EIC) conference](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2021/). As I noted during the talk, this is an exciting time for OpenID Connect; there’s more happening now than at any time since the original OpenID Connect specs were created!
- OpenID Connect Working Group [(PowerPoint)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Working_Group_13-Sep-21.pptx) [(PDF)](http://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Working_Group_13-Sep-21.pdf)
* [Hyperledger Aries Graduates To Active Status](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/26/hyperledger-aries-graduates-to-active-status-joins-indy-as-production-ready-hyperledger-projects-for-decentralized-identity)
The TSC commended the Aries project during the meeting for the project’s highly diverse contributors. Achieving a high number of organizations contributing to a project at Hyperledger is often a challenge. Congratulations are due to those participating in and supporting the Aries Project.
* [JSON is Robot Barf](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/09/json_is_robot_barf.shtml) Windley
JSON has its place. But I think we're overusing it in places where a good notation would serve us better.
* DIDComm: [ECDH-1PU Implementation](https://blog.identity.foundation/ecdh-1pu-implementation/) Identity Foundation
In short, ECDH-1PU is a key derivation process that allows for sender authenticity and enables a “[Perfect Forward Secrecy](https://www.wired.com/2016/11/what-is-perfect-forward-secrecy/%23:~:text%3DPerfect%2520forward%2520secrecy%2520means%2520that,of%2520the%2520user%27s%2520sensitive%2520data.)” mechanism, in addition to significant performance gains over JWS message nested in a JWE envelope, as used by existign ECDH-ES aproaches.
* [Q&A: The Potential of Decentralized ID in Travel](https://www.webintravel.com/qa-the-potential-of-decentralized-digital-id-in-travel/) WebInTravel
Since February he has also been the informal chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://www.notion.so/dif/HOSPITALITY-TRAVEL-SIG-242105321e1747f8bce776bf634a55b3), a subset within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, an organization creating technical specifications and reference implementations for decentralized identity and working with industries for commercial applications of such technologies.
### OpenID trying to make play in the “trusted identities” online space
* [Global Assured Identity Network White Paper](https://openid.net/2021/09/20/global-assured-identity-network-white-paper/)
* [OIDC with SIOPv2 and DIF Presentation Exchange](https://vimeo.com/630104529) Sphereon
* [Sign in with Ethereum](https://login.xyz/) is being developed by Spruce
Already used throughout web3, this is an effort to standardize the method with best practices and to make it easier for web2 services to adopt it.
* [Decentralized Identity: Why Are DIDs The Future of Digital Identity Management?](https://elastos.info/decentralized-identity-dids/)
Why would you have 75 logins when you could have 1?
* [WAYF certificeret efter ISO 27001](https://www.wayf.dk/en/node/317)
WAYF has now been certified according to the standard for information security ISO 27001. This is the result of the audit that DNV conducted at WAYF on 23 September 2021. Language Danish Read more about WAYF certified according to ISO 27001
* [TrustBloc - Duty Free Shop use case (CHAPI Save + WACI Share)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DaagFJBI1fBE)
This video demonstrates the TrustBloc platform to Issue a W3C Verifiable Credential through CHAPI and Share the Verifiable Credential/Presentation through WACI.
* [How Yoma Uses Trinsic to Help African Youth Build Digital CVs](https://trinsic.id/customer-story-yoma/)
Verifiable credentials is a beautiful set of technology that allows people and organizations to get the data in a verifiable form that still respects agency.”
Lohan Spies, Technical Lead, Yoma
* [Gimly ID: SSI with OpenID authentication](https://www.loom.com/share/d49e005bb32349d7950022e83d55b944)
About Dick Hardt’s new thing
Gimly ID is leading self-sovereign identity innovation, with the implementation of SSI with self-issued openID provider (SIOPv2) and full support for openID connect and DIF presentation exchange.
* [Explore Affinidi Schema Manager](https://ui.schema.affinidi.com/schemas/)
* [Proof-of-possession (pop) AMR method added to OpenID Enhanced Authentication Profile spec](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2198) Mike Jones
I’ve defined an Authentication Method Reference (AMR) value called “pop” to indicate that Proof-of-possession of a key was performed. Unlike the existing “hwk” (hardware key) and “swk” (software key) methods [...] Among other use cases, this AMR method is applicable whenever a [WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/REC-webauthn-2-20210408/) or [FIDO](https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.1-ps-20210615/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.1-ps-20210615.html) authenticator are used.
- [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-eap-acr-values-1_0-01.html](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-eap-acr-values-1_0-01.html)
- [https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-eap-acr-values-1_0.html](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-eap-acr-values-1_0.html)
* [OpenID Connect Presentation at IIW XXXIII](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2196) Mike Jones
- Introduction to OpenID Connect [(PowerPoint)](https://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Introduction_12-Oct-21.pptx) [(PDF)](https://self-issued.info/presentations/OpenID_Connect_Introduction_12-Oct-21.pdf)
The session was well attended. There was a good discussion about the use of passwordless authentication with OpenID Connect.
* [SSI with OpenID authentication](https://www.loom.com/share/d49e005bb32349d7950022e83d55b944) Gimly ID
* [DIDs are not enough - we need an Authoriziation standard too](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/api-access-security-for-dapps-cfcfa928623c) Energy Web
If you are a developer and want to write a DApp [...] you probably are using API-Keys in your front-end. If this is the case, then you should consider the security risk the publication of the API-Key in your front end represents and ask yourself if it would make sense to switch to a user authentication scheme.
* [A DIF & TOIP Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDS) V1.0 Specification Becoming A W3C Specification](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/10/29/a-dif-toip-joint-statement-of-support-for-the-decentralized-identifiers-dids-v1-0-specification-becoming-a-w3c-standard/).
DIDs are a critical part of a technical foundation for the products and activities of many of our members. Many of the implementations in the [DID Working Group’s implementation report](https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/%23report-by-methods) were developed by engineers and companies who collaborate openly at DIF on points of technical interoperability, and at ToIP on points of policy and governance.
* [Keep Badges Weird…](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-e26a1b055ff5) at the Badge Summit
We have a new suite of badges to encourage participation, create value for others, and reflect on that experience. Participants will be able to both earn AND award badges, so they’ll have a chance to prove that they’ve understood the theory surrounding CoPs and badges as well as put those theories into practice.
* [Mission Accomplished: Universal Resolver Calls coming to an end](https://blog.identity.foundation/universal-resolver-calls-wrapup/) Identity Foundation
Considering that the group has accomplished these goals, there is currently no more need for dedicated calls. Work on the Universal Resolver work item will continue on Github (under the [Universal Resolver](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver) and [Identifiers &Discovery](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/identifiers-discovery/) and on DIF Slack in the Identifiers & Discovery Working Group channel, #wg-id.
* [First Official Me2B Alliance Recommendation](https://me2ba.org/first-official-me2b-alliance-recommendation/)
In a sense, this recommendation is a kind of abbreviation of the key things that our specifications test for. And you’ll be able to see that soon as the Me2B Safe Website Specification for Respectful Technology is currently in the membership review stage of the approval process.
* [The Pathway to Becoming a Hyperledger Maintainer](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/11/03/the-pathway-to-becoming-a-hyperledger-maintainer)
In this blogpost I’m going to share what it’s like to be a maintainer for the Hyperledger Aries project. You’ll learn how you can start contributing and maybe even set yourself on a path to becoming a maintainer.
* [Indicio’s support for the W3C DID Specification and its path to standardization](https://indicio.tech/indicios-support-for-the-w3c-did-specification-and-its-path-to-standardization/)
The position of Indicio is that the DID Specification is of signal importance to creating a better digital world. We recognize that, as with any specification, improvements can and will be made in the future; but we back its recommendations and its approval.
* [Discover Open Badges 3.0!](https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/0bc15852-0f91-48c8-a7ca-478b246b553c) Keep Badges Weird
1. Check out the (accepted) [Open Badges 3.0 proposal](https://github.com/IMSGlobal/openbadges-specification/files/6977048/Proposal-Open-Badges-3.0-update-08-11-2021.pdf)
2. [Watch a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DQDGPwR1F3FY%26t%3D1357s) from the ePIC conference giving an overview of what Open Badges 3.0 will enable (or view the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NEJoQaI9b6KC1EFDDhR3MGybGVoa0R3bQh0xuKtUKkY)
3. Discuss what this means for you, your organisation, or your community in [this thread](https://app.participate.com/discussions/open-badges-3-0/68917656-db8f-4932-88fd-153fdb54e285)
* [Link your domain to your Decentralized Identifier (DID) (preview)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/how-to-dnsbind)
We make a link between a domain and a DID by implementing an open standard written by the Decentralized Identity Foundation called [Well-Known DID configuration](https://identity.foundation/.well-known/resources/did-configuration/). The verifiable credentials service in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) helps your organization make the link between the DID and domain by including the domain information that you provided in your DID, and generating the well-known config file:
* [Reflecting on the Evolving Badges and Credentials Ecosystem](https://blog.weareopen.coop/reflecting-on-the-evolving-badges-and-credentials-ecosystem-6efac4d673d3)
Recently, the WAO team took the opportunity to update the badge platforms page on Badge Wiki, a knowledgebase for the Open Badge community. As the ecosystem continues to evolve we’re seeing some early platforms fall by the wayside and new platforms emerge.
* [The Perfect Signature Style is the Enemy of the One that Works Today](https://indicio.tech/the-perfect-signature-style-is-the-enemy-of-the-one-that-works-today/) Indicio
BBS+ signature styles are not going to be ready for deployment anytime soon. This is precisely why you should build today and in a way that allows you to add them later.
* [DIDComm Mythconceptions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DrwvQdRyMeY4) Daniel Hardman
DIDComm is a peer-to-peer communication technology for SSI (self-sovereign identity) with security and privacy properties rooted in DIDs (decentralized identifiers). Its core value proposition is often misunderstood or oversimplified. This webinar provides a proper mental model.
* [First Public Review Period for OpenID Connect SIOPV2 and OIDC4VP Specifications Started](https://openid.net/2021/12/17/first-public-review-period-for-openid-connect-siopv2-and-oidc4vp-specifications-started/) OpenID
- Implementer’s Drafts public review period: Friday, December 17, 2021 to Monday, January 31, 2022 (45 days)
- Implementer’s Drafts vote announcement: Tuesday, January 18, 2022
- Implementer’s Drafts voting period: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 to Tuesday, February 8, 2022 *
* [Report from EBSI4Austria. In 2018, all European member states…](https://medium.com/@markus.sabadello/report-from-ebsi4austria-b79c0ed8ab8d) Markus Sabadello
EBSI4Austria is a CEF funded project with two main objectives. First, EBSI4Austria aims to set up, operate and maintain the Austrian’s EBSI node. Second, we pilot the diploma use case on the Austrian level supported by two Universities and data providers as well as verifiers.
* [Blockcerts V3 release](https://community.blockcerts.org/t/blockcerts-v3-release/3022)
The main change is the alignment with the [W3C Verifiable Credentials specification 3](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/).
Regarding the standard itself metadata and display are entering the default standard. metadata comes in replacement of metadataJson and remains a stringified JSON that will allow consumers to register specific data which are too unique for issuances to be defined in the context.
display brings in [a little bit of novelty 2](https://github.com/blockchain-certificates/cert-schema/blob/master/cert_schema/3.0/displaySchema.json%23L6) images or pdfs, in addition to the more classic HTML.
* [DIDComm Messaging through libp2p](https://medium.com/uport/didcomm-messaging-through-libp2p-cffe0f06a062) Oliver Terbu
We outlined the next generation decentralized messaging solution built on top of [DIDComm Messaging](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/), [DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) and [VCs](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/) and a [libp2p](https://libp2p.io/) overlay network. We presented how Alice and Bob establish a connection, exchange messages and demonstrated what connection types are supported.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Verifiable Credentials (VC) in Ocean Protocol](https://port.oceanprotocol.com/t/proposal-walt-id-bringing-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-and-verifiable-credentials-vc-to-ocean-protocol-proof-of-concept/976)
What already exists, more recently: [fine-grained permissions 1](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/fine-grained-permissions-now-supported-in-ocean-protocol-4fe434af24b9):
1. Marketplace-level fine-grained permissions for browsing, publishing, etc within a marketplace frontend
2. Asset-level fine-grained permissions on consuming the asset itself
* [ENS names are Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://medium.com/uport/ens-names-are-decentralized-identifiers-dids-724f0c317e4b) uPort
- did:ens:mainnet:vitalik.eth
This has two purposes:
1. to wrap existing ENS names as DIDs to facilitate interoperability of emerging technologies in the Decentralized Identity and Ethereum community,
2. to define a canonical way to augment ENS names with DID capabilities (e.g., encryption) as mentioned above.
* [Community Resources - DID Primer](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-primer/) Credentials Community Group
At a superficial level, a decentralized identifier (DID) is simply a new type of globally unique identifier. But at a deeper level, DIDs are the core component of an entirely new layer of decentralized digital identity and public key infrastructure (PKI) for the Internet. This [decentralized public key infrastructure](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust/blob/master/final-documents/dpki.pdf) (DPKI) could have as much impact on global cybersecurity and cyberprivacy as the development of the [SSL/TLS protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security) for encrypted Web traffic (now the largest PKI in the world).
* [First Implementer’s Drafts of OpenID Connect SIOPV2 and OIDC4VP Specifications Approved](https://openid.net/2022/02/08/first-implementers-drafts-of-openid-connect-siopv2-and-oidc4vp-specifications-approved/) OpenID
- [Self-Issued OpenID Provider v2](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0-07.html)
- [OpenID Connect for Verifiable Presentations](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-verifiable-presentations-1_0-08.html)
* [Indicio Wins British Columbia Code With Us Challenge to Upgrade Hyperledger Indy](https://indicio.tech/indicio-wins-british-columbia-code-with-us-challenge-to-upgrade-hyperledger-indy/)
Most of Hyperledger Indy’s development occurred prior to the completion of the standard DID Specification by the W3C and, as a result, identifiers written to one network are currently not resolvable on other networks. A new did:indy DID Method will fix that and make it easier for decentralized identity products and services to interoperate across different Indy networks.
* [Cryptography Review of W3C VC Data Model and DID Standards and Implementation Recommendations](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aniljohn_cryptography-review-of-w3c-vc-and-w3c-did-ugcPost-6892250585652162560-OQ3Y) SRI International
* [Vote for First Implementer’s Drafts of OIDConnect SIOPV2 and OIDC4VP Specifications](https://openid.net/2022/01/18/notice-of-vote-for-first-implementers-drafts-of-openid-connect-siopv2-and-oidc4vp-specifications/) OpenID
The official voting period will be between Tuesday, February 1, 2022 and Tuesday, February 8, 2022, following the [45-day review](https://openid.net/2021/12/17/first-public-review-period-for-openid-connect-siopv2-and-oidc4vp-specifications-started/) of the specifications.
* [NFTs, Verifiable Credentials, and Picos](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/10/nfts_verifiable_credentials_and_picos.shtml) Phil Windley
Summary: The hype over NFTs and collectibles is blinding us to their true usefulness as trustworthy persistent data objects. How do they sit in the landscape with verifiable credentials and picos? Listening to this Reality 2.0 podcast about NFTs with Doc Searls, Katherine Druckman, and their guest Greg Bledsoe got me thinking about NFTs.
* [Nat describes GAIN](https://nat.sakimura.org/2021/09/14/announcing-gain/) as an overlay network on top of the Internet with all its participants identity proofed. One key benefit of the approach proposed in the white paper is that the standards required to enable this network already exist: OpenID Connect and eKYC/IDA.
- [Nat has a presentation](https://nat.sakimura.org/2021/09/14/announcing-gain/)
- There is a [linked in Group](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12559000/)
* [Adding DID ION to MATTR VII](https://medium.com/mattr-global/adding-did-ion-to-mattr-vii-d56bdb7a2fde)
Different types of DIDs can be registered and anchored using unique rules specific to the set of infrastructure where they’re stored. Since DIDs provide provenance for keys which are controlled by DID owners, the rules and systems that govern each kind of DID method have a significant impact on the trust and maintenance model for these identifiers.
- [OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow – Core 1.0](https://openid.net/specs/openid-client-initiated-backchannel-authentication-core-1_0.html)
A Final Specification provides intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification and is not subject to further revision.
* [VC Spec Enhancement Proposal](https://github.com/SmithSamuelM/Papers/blob/master/whitepapers/VC_Enhancement_Strategy.md) Sam Smith
the VC standard appears to be an adoption vector for Linked Data, not the other way around. My overriding interest is that the concept of a VC as a securely attributable statement is a very powerful and attractive one and therefore should be widely adopted. We should therefore be picking the best technologies that best support broad VC adoption, not the other way around.
* [Hyperledger SSI Ecosystem](https://dev.to/jakubkoci/hyperledger-ssi-ecosystem-4j2p) Jakubkoci
There are three projects under the Hyperledger umbrella related to digital identity. Hyperledger Indy, Aries, and Ursa. [...] describe their purpose and how they’re related to each other.
* [Open standards should be developed openly](https://blog.weareopen.coop/open-standards-should-be-developed-openly-1f0cf552308d)
Open standards should be developed openly because not enough people work to ensure that equity is central to innovation and development. We believe that openness is an attitude, and one which bears fruit over time from which everyone can benefit.
* [Use Case Implementation Workstream](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/usecaseCCI) [usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io](mailto:usecaseCCI@covidcreds.groups.io)
This is the Use Case Implementation Workstream of the [COVID Credentials Initiative (CCI)](https://www.covidcreds.com/). This workstream identifies privacy-preserving verifiable credentials (VCs) that are most useful to the COVID-19 response and provides a forum and platform for those who are implementing COVID VCs to present their projects/solutions.
* [@kimdhamilton](https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton) · [May 25](https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton/status/1397241823190523904)
I've read every decentralized identity protocol so you don't have to. They all just read like "nothing to see here, just f- right off" Oh, except for OIDC Credential Provider. Well done to them!
* [Hygiene for a computing pandemic](https://fossandcrafts.org/episodes/20-hygiene-for-a-computing-pandemic.html)
This episode of FOSS and Crafts features Christopher Lemmer Webber discussing the object capability security approach. Its a generalization not specific to VCs, continuing from the conversation on the CCG mailinglist, [Hygiene for a computing pandemic: separation of VCs and ocaps/zcaps](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Dec/0028.html), we shared last month.
The podcast *show-notes include an epic list of references* supporting the discussion.
* [@csuwildcat](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat) shares
> As of Friday, we believe v1 of ION is functionally code complete, and the Sidetree Working Group at DIF (@DecentralizedID) should have a v1 spec candidate ready for the underlying protocol by Jan 21st. Public v1 launch of the ION network on Bitcoin mainnet is just weeks away.
* [CCG Call about ZCaps and OCaps](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-01-13/audio.ogg) ([minutes](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2021-01-13/))
This week’s CCG teleconference had a great discussion about object capabilities
> Alan Karp: I've been doing capabilities since I reinvented them in 1996 and I want to make sure we get it right, because when newbies start to use them there are plenty of mistakes that can be made
> [...]
> A capability or an OCAP is an unforgeable, transferable, permission to use the thing it designates ... it combines designation with authorization
* [What Is ISO 27018:2019? Everything Executives Need to Know](https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-iso-27018-2019-everything-executives-need-to-know/)
> ISO 27018 is part of the ISO 27000 family of standards, which define best practices for information security management. ISO 27018 adds new guidelines, enhancements, and security controls to the ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 standards, which help cloud service providers better manage the data security risks unique to PII in cloud computing.
* [Differences between SAML, OAuth & OIDC (OpenID Connect)](https://www.ubisecure.com/education/differences-between-saml-oauth-openid-connect/)
> SAML 2.0 - Security Assertion Markup Language
> OAuth 2.0 - Web Authorization Protocol
> OpenID Connect 1.0 (OIDC) - Simple identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0
* [What's New in Passwordless Standards, 2021 edition!](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/identity-standards-blog/what-s-new-in-passwordless-standards-2021-edition/ba-p/2124136) (Microsoft)
> The Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) Level 2 specification is currently a Candidate Recommendation at the W3C. "Level 2" essentially means major version number 2.
> The version 2.1 of the[Client to Authenticator Protocol (CTAP)](https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.1-rd-20201208/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.1-rd-20201208.html) specification is a Release Draft at the FIDO Alliance. This means the spec is in a public review period before final publication.
> We think you might want to hear about what we think is especially fun about WebAuthn L2 and CTAP 2.1.
* [What Is ISO 27001:2013? A Guide for Businesses](https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-iso-27001-2013-a-guide-for-businesses/)
> ISO 27001 is also the cornerstone of a growing international consensus about data security best practices. Australia based its federal Digital Security Policy on ISO 27001. Likewise, ISO 27001 can provide guidance on how to meet the standards of other data privacy laws, such as the GDPR, which often direct companies to it as an example of universal best practices. So if you abide by ISO 27001’s recommendations, you’re on the right track for legal compliance, not to mention improved data security.
### Data Privacy Vocab
* [OPN-R (Open Public Notice - Rights) - starting Notice & Control Language - for people to use rights and govern identity (govinterop) with @ Kantara, ToiP and W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary using international vocab - from ISO/IEC 29100 Legal Framework Vocabulary](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22F/_OPN-R_-_Open_Public_Notice_-_Rights_-_starting_Notice_and_Control_Language) by Mark Lizar
The language consists of
- International standard vocabulary for security and privacy frameworks provides roles and actors to govern the transfer of personal data.
- The active state notice and consent receipt - is a format for generating consent records from notice/policy - which provides people with information to use rights. .
- W3C Data Privacy Control Vocabulary and ISO/IEC 29100, Legal Framework Vocabulary
This language can be used to auto generate receipts to process rights and negotiate terms .. At Kantara we are working to use the standards to auto read the notices/polices to provide a conformance / trust assessment for people so they can see risk independently of the service provider
We discussed these projects and have some links
For more info
Goto Kantara ANCR WG [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=140804260](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId%3D140804260)
W3C DPV CG - [https://dpvcg.github.io/dpv/](https://dpvcg.github.io/dpv/)
ToiP - ISWG - Notice & Consent Task force for a Privacy Controller Credential
* [https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=72226&draftShareId=8b665919-3b23-4a4d-be90-26947c7ae82c&](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId%3D72226%26draftShareId%3D8b665919-3b23-4a4d-be90-26947c7ae82c%26)
ToiP Privacy Risk -
Data Privacy Impact Assessments
- Breaking down -
Kantara - ANCR -
Showing off the work and topics
- Privacy as Expected - a gateway to online consent
- 2 Factor Consent (2FC)
* [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/collector/pages.action?key=WA&src=sidebar-pages](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/collector/pages.action?key%3DWA%26src%3Dsidebar-pages)
W3C Data Privacy Vocabulary Control
* [https://dpvcg.github.io/dpv/#Representative](https://dpvcg.github.io/dpv/%23Representative)
* [Mobile Agent Development FAQ](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1L/_Mobile_Agent_Development_FAQ) by Horacio Nunez
This session had the objective to gather (and discuss) a set of recurrent questions people experience when trying to build their first mobile agents.
This was the end result of the session:
What’s the best place to start creating your own mobile agent?
How do you get updates once you ship your first version?
Do I actually have to support a fork for every mobile agent I create?
Do I need to use a Mediator?
* [Better and more secure methods for API authentication](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1D/_Better_and_more_secure_methods_for_API_authentication) by Michael Lodder
Presentation slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UO25DzVmq25ya2S4_tV5UKTSP6NtBggln9vP1TEXSzE/edit](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UO25DzVmq25ya2S4_tV5UKTSP6NtBggln9vP1TEXSzE/edit)
Goal of the Oberon protocol when building an API:
- Super effective: no separate session token to required for accessing the API; very fast to issue and verify tokens; 128 bytes required per message
- Privacy preserving
- No new crypto, uses BLS signature keys and Pointecheval saunders Construction
* [Trusted Timestamping Part 3: Family of Standards](https://medium.com/finema/trusted-timestamping-part-3-family-of-standards-f0c89a5e97ab) Nunnaphat Songmanee Finema
Read more about timestamping and its concepts at [Trusted Timestamping Part 1: Scenarios](https://medium.com/finema/trusted-timestamping-part-1-scenarios-9bf4a7cc2364) and [Trusted Timestamping Part 2: Process and Safeguards](https://medium.com/finema/trusted-timestamping-part-2-process-and-safeguards-f75286a0c370).
Family of standards related to timestamping
* [Global Standards Mapping Initiative](https://www.continuumloop.com/global-standards-mapping-initiative/) ContinuumLoop
This past November, the GBBC released [The Global Standards Mapping Initiative 2.0](https://gbbcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/GBBC-GSMI-2.0-Report-1.pdf), updating the [standards published in 2020](https://gbbcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GSMI-Legal-Regulatory-Report.pdf). The GBBC is a strong proponent of standardization and intends to serve as a baseline for establishing frameworks and standards that will allow for adoption and innovation.
* [Verifiable Presentation Personas: Certifiers, Consolidators, & Submitters](https://medium.com/@Transmute/verifiable-presentation-personas-certifiers-consolidators-submitters-b38a281eb92f) Transmute
The arrow for “Issue Credentials” is exactly the same as “Send Presentation,” leading us to believe these activities are similar, but how are they similar? We can’t adequately answer these questions by looking at the above picture and the specification doesn’t provide a ton of help either…
WG Meeting of the week
* [OpenID for Verifiable Credentials](https://openid.net/2022/05/12/openid-for-verifiable-credentials-whitepaper/) OpenID ([Whitepaper](https://openid.net/wordpress-content/uploads/2022/05/OIDF-Whitepaper_OpenID-for-Verifiable-Credentials_FINAL_2022-05-12.pdf)
to inform and educate the readers about the work on the OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OpenID4VC) specifications family. It addresses use-cases referred to as Self-Sovereign Identity, Decentralized Identity, or User-Centric Identity.
* [Indicio completes Hyperledger Indy DID Method—A Milestone in the Evolution of DID Interop](https://indicio.tech/indicio-completes-hyperledger-indy-did-method-a-milestone-in-the-evolution-of-decentralized-identity-network-interoperability/)
The Indy DID Method paves the way for Hyperledger Indy credentials to scale globally by allowing Indy networks to seamlessly interoperate and create a “network-of-networks” effect.
* [What is Open Recognition, anyway?](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) Going beyond credentialing and the formal/informal divide
Badges as credentials includes approaches that are well understood and largely replace or augment existing certification practices. Badges for recognition, however, include approaches that remain somewhat confusing to many people.
* [dSocialCommons Hosts Twitter Spaces | Interoperable Formats](https://twitter.com/dsocialcommons/status/1519724178256982017)
Bluesky Community Voices #6: Interoperable Formats [https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vAxRkVrMPzKl](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vAxRkVrMPzKl) Moderator [@kimdhamilton](https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton) Speakers [@kevinmarks](https://twitter.com/kevinmarks) [@mfosterio](https://twitter.com/mfosterio) [@JoeAndrieu](https://twitter.com/JoeAndrieu) [@harlantwood](https://twitter.com/harlantwood)
* [Working in Public](https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/5-4-2022-working-in-public) BlueSky
Today we’re releasing [ADX, the “Authenticated Data Experiment”](https://github.com/bluesky-social/adx). Our company's name, “bluesky,” describes the open-ended nature of this project, and the freedom we were given to start from first principles. As we get more concrete, we’ll give more specific names to what we’re building, starting with ADX.
* [FLOSS WEEKLY 685: DIDS AND DIDCOMM](https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly/episodes/685) Featuring Sam Curren
Sam Curren unpacks for Doc Searls and Dan Lynch why DIDs and DIDcomm are the best approach to identity—and to making people first-class citizens on the Internet. Curren also discusses the origin story of picos and the advantages of nomadic living and hacking.
## DID Core advances to recommendation
* [Objections overruled by W3C director approving the DIDCore specification as a W3C Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/2022/06/DIDRecommendationDecision.html) W3C
The DID core specification is approved to advance to W3C Recommendation.
In its next chartered period the Working Group should address and deliver proposed standard DID method(s) and demonstrate interoperable implementations. The community and Member review of such proposed methods is the natural place to evaluate the questions raised by the objectors and other Member reviewers regarding decentralization, fitness for purpose, and sustainable resource utilization. -Ralph Swick, for Tim Berners-Lee
* [Decentralized Identifiers (DID) 1.0 specification approved as W3C Recommendation](https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec-2/) Identity Foundatoin
Announcing the [Decentralized Identifiers (DID) v1.0 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) as an open web standard signals that it is technically sound, mature, and ready for widespread adoption. Having an established v1.0 specification allows work to continue with renewed energy and focus, not only at the many groups meeting at DIF, but across the digital identity community.
Harrison Tang, CEO of Spokeo, [is the new co-chair of the CCG](https://twitter.com/TheCEODad/status/1544884282316845057)
W3C CCG (World Wide Web Consortium’s Credentials Community Group) aims to explore the creation, storage, presentation, verification, and user control of credentials (i.e. a set of claims made about someone, or a person record).
* [Steering Committee approved the DIDComm Messaging Spec (DIDComm v2)](https://twitter.com/IndicioID/status/1545208982863691777) @IndicioID
* [DIDComm Messaging](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/)
DIDComm Messaging enables higher-order protocols that inherit its security, privacy, decentralization, and transport independence. Examples include exchanging verifiable credentials, creating and maintaining relationships, buying and selling, scheduling events, negotiating contracts, voting, presenting tickets for travel, applying to employers or schools or banks, arranging healthcare, and playing games.
* [Our Approach to Resources on-ledger](https://blog.cheqd.io/our-approach-to-resources-on-ledger-25bf5690c975): Using the capabilities of the DID Core specification for standards-compliant resource lookup
Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs): are often stored on ledgers (e.g., [cheqd](https://github.com/cheqd/node-docs/blob/adr-008-resources-updates/architecture/adr-list/adr-002-cheqd-did-method.md), [Hyperledger Indy](https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method/), distributed storage (e.g., [IPFS](https://ipfs.io/) in [Sidetree](https://identity.foundation/sidetree/spec/)), or non-ledger distributed systems (e.g., [KERI](https://keri.one/)). Yet, DIDs can be stored on traditional centralised-storage endpoints (e.g., [did:web](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-web/), [did:git](https://github-did.com/)).
Neighboring Standards
* [Secure QR Code Authentication v1.0 from ESAT TC approved as a Committee Specification](https://www.oasis-open.org/2022/07/12/secure-qr-code-authentication-v1-0-from-esat-tc-approved-as-a-committee-specification/)
An alternative to passwords that includes QR Codes is described, and typical use cases are described. This document also provides an overview and context for using QR Codes for security purposes.
* [The Most Inventive Thing I've Done](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/07/the_most_inventive_thing_ive_done.shtml) Phil Windley
every pico is serverless and cloud-native, presenting an API that can be fully customized by developers. Because they're persistent, picos support databaseless programming with intuitive data isolation. As an actor-model programming system, different picos can operate concurrently without the need for locks, making them a natural choice for easily building decentralized systems.
W3C Press Release - [Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation](https://www.w3.org/2022/07/pressrelease-did-rec) worth reading to see who contributed comments (and notice who didn’t)
For individuals in particular, DIDs can put them back in control of their personal data and consent, and also enable more respectful bi-directional trust relationships where forgery is prevented, privacy is honored, and usability is enhanced.
* [W3C launches Decentralized Identifiers as a web standard](https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/w3c-launches-decentralized-identifiers-as-a-web-standard) in the Daily Swig: Cybersecurity news and views.
“I would summarize the overall impact of DIDs on cybersecurity as making digital signing and [encryption](https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/encryption) much more widely available than today’s conventional X.509-based public key infrastructure (PKI),” Drummond Reed, director of trust services at Avast
* [W3C overrules objections by Google, Mozilla to decentralized identifier spec](https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/01/w3c_overrules_objections/) Oh no, he DIDn't in the Register
The [DID specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23introduction) describes a way to deploy a globally unique identifier without a centralized authority (eg, Apple [for Sign in with Apple](https://developer.apple.com/sign-in-with-apple/) as a verifying entity.
* [DIF Monthly #28](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/)
Table of contents: 1. [Foundation News](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23foundation); 2. [Group Updates](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23groups); 3. [Member Updates](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23members); 4. [Digital Identity Community](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23Community); .5. [Funding](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23funding); 6. [Events](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23community); 7. [Hackathons](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23hackathons); 8. [Jobs](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23jobs); 9. [Metrics](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23metrics); 10. [Get involved! Join DIF](https://blog.identity.foundation/dif-monthly-28/%23join)
* [Verification Patterns, Part 1](https://docs.centre.io/blog/verification-patterns-1) Verite
Since verification is off-chain (and generally fast/inexpensive, depending on the provider), and since this avoids on-chain storage of potentially correlatable data, this is often the preferred solution.
* [Verification Patterns, Part 2](https://docs.centre.io/blog/verification-patterns-2) Verite
Part 2 of this 2-part series explains the [did:pkh](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-pkh/blob/main/did-pkh-method-draft.md)/[CACAO](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/blob/master/CAIPs/caip-74.md%23simple-summary) variation for Verite data models and flows, which provides an entry path for wallets that may not support sufficient functionality for emerging decentralized identity patterns
* [DIDComm v2 reaches approved spec status!](https://blog.identity.foundation/didcomm-v2/) DIF Blog
DIDComm defines how messages are composed into application-level protocols and workflows.
* [Advanced DIDComm Messaging](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/advance-readings/advanced-didcomm-messaging.md) By: Karim Stekelenburg (Animo Solutions) -- karim@animo.id Date: 18-07-2022 Version: 0.1
in order for DIDComm to provide a potential replacement for commonly used chat protocols like WhatsApp (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)), Telegram (MTProto), or Signal (Signal Protocol), it needs to support modern chat features we use everyday
* [Decentralized Identifiers: Implications for Your Data, Payments and Communications](https://newsletter.impervious.ai/decentralized-identifiers-implications-for-your-data-payments-and-communications-2/) Impervious
Through the DID Specification, service endpoints and DIDComm, Impervious has interlaced DIDs with Bitcoin Lightning, IPFS, WebRTC and resilient relays to introduce a new peer-to-peer internet standard with practical applications for mitigating censorship and surveillance risk.
* [[SCITT] Endor: A SCITT PoC for W3C Verifiable Credentials](https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/scitt/WSyUQuYimFowl6plzi_TIJzjBpM/)
I made this today: [https://github.com/OR13/endor](https://github.com/OR13/endor) [...]
nice thing about endorsing W3C Verifiable Credentials is that they are
already an abstraction that applies to "non software supply chain" use
Cases [...] we model [cyber physical supply chain flows](https://w3id.org/traceability)
^^^ [inspired by](https://twitter.com/OR13b/status/1553488644224204800) : [IETF 114: Plenary](https://www.ietf.org/live/ietf114-plenary/) (video)
* [GLEIF vLEI Verifiable Credentials containing trusted organization identity and roles](https://rapidlei.com/vlei/)
vLEI will provide a cryptographically secure chain of trust that will replace manual processes needed to access and confirm an entity’s identity across all industries.
* [Verifiable Health Data: Demonstrating Verifiable Credentials using Cardea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DruhnyMTqNog)
members from across the community come together to test interoperability between systems, networks, agents and more.
* [JSON Web Proofs BoF at IETF 114 in Philadelphia](https://self-issued.info/?p%3D2286)
- [Chair Slides](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-json-web-proofs-chair-drafts-00) – [Karen O’Donoghue](https://twitter.com/kodonog) and [John Bradley](https://twitter.com/ve7jtb)
- [The need: Standards for selective disclosure and zero-knowledge proofs](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-the-need-standards-for-selective-disclosure-and-zero-knowledge-proofs-00) – [Mike Jones](https://twitter.com/selfissued)
- [What Would JOSE Do? Why re-form the JOSE working group to meet the need?](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-the-need-standards-for-selective-disclosure-and-zero-knowledge-proofs-00) – [Mike Jones](https://twitter.com/selfissued)
- [The selective disclosure industry landscape, including Verifiable Credentials and ISO Mobile Driver Licenses (mDL)](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-why-selective-disclosure-00) – [Kristina Yasuda](https://twitter.com/kristinayasuda)
- [A Look Under the Covers: The JSON Web Proofs specifications](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-json-web-proofs-initial-drafts-00) – Jeremie Miller
- [Beyond JWS: BBS as a new algorithm with advanced capabilities utilizing JWP](https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/114/materials/slides-114-jwp-beyond-jws-bbs-00) – [Tobias Looker](https://twitter.com/tplooker)
* [Aries Agent Test Harness Enhancement Project](https://www.idlab.org/en/aries-agent-test-harness-enhancement-project/) IDLab
At this stage of the AATH Enhancement Project, two factors helped define its broad content:
- The gap between AIP 2.0 constituent RFCs and the current implementation of the AATH tests
- Requirements from Interac with respect to AIP 2.0
* [Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-vc-data-model-2.0-20220811/)
- The components that constitute a [verifiable credential](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-vc-data-model-2.0-20220811/%23dfn-verifiable-credentials)
- The components that constitute a [verifiable presentation](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-vc-data-model-2.0-20220811/%23dfn-verifiable-presentations)
- An ecosystem where [verifiable credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-vc-data-model-2.0-20220811/%23dfn-verifiable-credentials) and [verifiable presentations](https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-vc-data-model-2.0-20220811/%23dfn-verifiable-presentations) are expected to be useful
- The use cases and requirements that informed this specification.
* [Volleyball, Identiverse, and Open Identity Standards](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/volleyball-identiverse-open-identity-standards-alex-simons/?trackingId%3DiAokBqe0Qdqrwj5LfAEf3w%253D%253D) Alex Simons
* [Crossword wins NGI Atlantic funds for Verifiable Credentials project](https://www.crosswordcybersecurity.com/post/next-generation-internet-grant-win) Crossword Cybersecurity
European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative to lead a project to test the OpenID Foundation’s protocols for transferring verifiable credentials. Crossword’s partners in this project are Spruce Inc from the USA and Fraunhofer from Germany
* [DIDComm & DIDComm Messaging](https://medium.com/datev-techblog/didcomm-didcomm-messaging-3e10fbf12bb8) Tim Vorgs, DATEV eG
* [Trinsic Builds Open Source Trust Registry Sponsored by eSSIF-Lab](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-builds-open-source-trust-registry-sponsored-by-essif-lab/) Trinsic
Driven by our motivation to make SSI more adoptable, we built the world’s first turn-key, open source trust registry solution. This work was sponsored by the [European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework Lab](https://essif-lab.eu/), which is an EU consortium that provides funding for projects that build SSI open source tools. Any ecosystem provider can use the trust registry implementation to enable governance in their verifiable data ecosystem.
* [Investing in Verifiable Credentials, Technical Interoperability and Open Source](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/08/23/investing-in-verifiable-credentials-technical-interoperability-and-open-source) Hyperledger
As our approach evolves, we also remain keen to support open source solutions that interoperate with other national and international efforts. There is no dominant design yet, no one network or technology, so we must remain nimble and flexible in our exploration. We also need to coexist with existing identity solutions that millions of British Columbians already rely upon.
* [Managing Trust and Reputation via Trust Registries](https://www.continuumloop.com/managing-trust-and-reputation-via-trust-registries/) Continuum Loop
The concept behind a Trust Registry is that a Wallet needs to know which decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to “trust” as a source of truth. At many levels, this “trust” translates to “authority” – knowing that somebody, centralized or decentralized, is responsible for maintaining a list of trusted DIDs.
* [Dock DIDs Now Support Multiple Key Pairs](https://blog.dock.io/dids-multikey-support/) Dock
- Keys can be given different capabilities using Verification Relationships
- We support 4 Verification Relationships: Authentication, Assertion, Key Agreement, and Capability Invocation.
- DIDs can now be controlled by other DIDs
- DIDs can now have service endpoints
- Dock now supports off-chain DID Documents
* [ONDC: An Open Network for Ecommerce](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/08/ondc_an_open_network_for_ecommerce.shtml) Phil Windley
* [Open Network for Digital Commerce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Network_for_Digital_Commerce) is a non-profit established by the Indian government to develop open ecommerce. The goal is to end platform monopolies in ecommerce using an open protocol called [Beckn](https://developers.becknprotocol.io/). I'd never heard of Beckn before. From the reaction on the VRM mailing list, not many there had either.
* [Cute Learning Thread](https://twitter.com/fennykyun/status/1564249472053514240) fennykyun
tldr :: DID is just an URI :: VC is a cryptographically verifiable credential using DID :: SSI is a self-sovereign and privacy-preserving identity :: Non-human (Machines, Bots, Goods, anything) also able to have DID, VC, and SSIs
* [Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity Empowered Cyber Threat Information Sharing Platform](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DlzS49R52PwA) Siddhi
looks interesting and different - uses DIDComm
Presented in 7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing(IEEE SmartComp 2021)
* [BCGov improves sustainability reporting with digital trust technology](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/08/29/toip-steering-committee-member-the-government-of-british-columbia-improves-sustainability-reporting-with-digital-trust-technology/) ToIP
Digital credentials can be checked in real time, expediting access to trustworthy information. These trusted, verifiable digital credentials are the core digital trust technologies being piloted and the trust ecosystem in which they operate are defined in ToIP architecture, governance, and related documents.
* [Universal Resolver - resolve practically any DID](https://blog.identity.foundation/uni-resolver/) Identity Foundation
The Universal Resolver can now resolve 45 DID methods, and more are being added regularly. Visit [https://dev.uniresolver.io/](https://dev.uniresolver.io/) to see the full list of supported methods, and visit [this github page](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/universal-resolver/blob/main/docs/driver-development.md) to contribute a driver for a DID method.
Mobile Document Request API
* [Apple, with support from Google, just announced the Mobile Document Request API](https://github.com/WICG/proposals/issues/67) Web Incubator CG
The API is concerning because it lists "Define the native communication between the User Agent and the application holding the mdoc." as out of scope. That is, digital wallet selection is out of scope. Also out of scope is "issuing" and "provisioning". The specification focuses on delivery from a digital wallet to a website.
## Aries \ Indy \ AnonCreds the dialogue continues
* [Learnings from Aries, Indy and Various Verifiable Credential Implementations](https://northernblock.io/learnings-from-aries-indy-and-various-verifiable-credential-implementations/) Northern Block
Standards such as OIDC and mDL are all now in dialogue with W3C, AnonCreds, Aries, etc. Mobile is a predominant technology, just like the way laptops were once upon a time. To reduce consumer friction and drive adoption, convergence of all these different technologies is required inside a mobile environment
* [Hyperledger Aries is the Present and the Future of Internet-Scale Trusted Verifiable Credential Ecosystems](https://indicio.tech/hyperledger-aries-is-the-present-and-the-future-of-internet-scale-trusted-verifiable-credential-ecosystems/) Indicio
While no technology runs perfectly on every device, a signal strength of Aries, AnonCreds, and Indy is that they work on the vast majority of current devices and systems, including $35 smart phones and low powered IOT/embedded devices. They represent the most inclusive way into this technology, which is an important factor in their popularity.
* [AnonCreds Indy-Pendence](https://blog.cheqd.io/anoncreds-indy-pendence-4946367469d4) Cheqd
Part 1: Decoupling the reliance on Hyperledger Indy and creating more extensible AnonCreds Objects with cheqd.
## Standards Work
* [Premature Standardization & Interoperability](https://www.continuumloop.com/premature-standardization-interoperability/) Continuum Loop
Here’s my premise – we don’t have standards nor interoperability – at least not as people really need. We have been through a process that is powerful and good – but what we have is what I call “premature standardization.” It’s a great start but nowhere near where things will be.
* [Notes from W3C TPAC on major deployments of Verifiable Credentials](https://twitter.com/philarcher1/status/1570082512122294273) Manu Sporny via Phil Archer
- Steel, Oil Agriculture Shipment into US Customs ($2.3T in good/year)
- European Digital Wallet (€163M funding, 450M people)
- Digital Education Credentials in Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya (323M people)
- Digital Age Verfication (152k retail stores, 200M people)
- Content Authenticity Initative (30M Adobe customers)
- Digital Permanent Resident Cards (14M people)
* [IDnow joins Accelerate@IATA to shape the future of seamless air travel](https://www.idnow.io/pr/idnow-joins-accelerateiata/) IDnow
The goal of IATA One ID is to set industry standards that further streamline the passenger journey with digitalization of admissibility and a contactless process through secure biometric enabled identification.
Cardano showing interest in our work
* [Advancing digital identity through DID core specification](https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/09/08/advancing-digital-identity-through-did-core-specification/) IOHK
Good news to see Cardano jumping on the bandwagon, looks like they will join the fray and bring DID\VC to Atla Prism.
The recent DID core specification approval at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provided clearer and stronger foundations for identity platforms building decentralized identifiers.
* [Timo Glastra @TimoGlastra](https://twitter.com/TimoGlastra/status/1572976791136137216) via Twitter
Just got my first DIDComm protocol published on the [https://didcomm.org](https://t.co/GvWIyysx1k) website.
* [Circle and Industry Leaders Have Built the First Decentralized Identity Proof-of-Concept for Crypto Finance using Verite Credentials](https://www.circle.com/en/pressroom/circle-and-industry-leaders-have-built-the-first-decentralized-identity-proof-of-concept-for-crypto-finance-using-verite-credentials) Circle
Circle joined other crypto and blockchain companies in February 2022 to introduce Verite as a open-source framework for decentralized identity credential issuance, custody and verification. Verite is designed to help make it safer, easier and more efficient to do business across the transformative worlds of DeFi and Web3 commerce.
* [TBD Partners with Circle!](https://developer.tbd.website/blog/tbd-circle-partnership/) TBD
TBD and [Circle](https://www.circle.com/en/?_gl%3D1*14yjcwp*_up*MQ..%26gclid%3DCjwKCAjwm8WZBhBUEiwA178UnPZbgZJJxhwK7ivE5Yx9FGW8PQ31-hc1O-njcLOmzcN2nzLz110FihoCgV4QAvD_BwE) are collaborating on a set of open standards and open source technologies aimed at enabling global-scale, mainstream adoption of digital currency in payments and financial applications. The first step of which will support cross-border remittances and self-custody wallets that can hold stablecoins.
* [Identos builds Verifiable Credentials into updated federated digital ID API](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202209/identos-builds-verifiable-credentials-into-updated-federated-digital-id-api) Biometric Update
The new FPX Junction cloud software suite is designed for fine-grained API authorization and user-centric digital identity management. The digital wallet and user-managed access 2.0 authorization server work together to enable single-sign on federation. An optional user interface SDK for the digital wallet provides native mobile and web support.
* [Open Workplace Recognition using Verifiable Credentials](https://blog.weareopen.coop/open-workplace-recognition-using-verifiable-credentials-fc0134fad7ec) WeAreOpenCoop
Yesterday, [the draft](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed-use-cases/) Verifiable Credentials for Education, Employment, and Achievement Use Cases report was published [...] The next version of the Open Badges specification (v3.0) will be compatible with Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
* [Identity Manager – Self Sovereign Identity made Simple](https://tanglelabs.io/identity-manager-self-sovereign-identity-made-simple/) TangleLabs
By producing an accessible, open-source wrapper library, Tangle Labs provides any business or development team the opportunity to easily explore SSI and to test and prototype solutions that can bring added value to your business.
* [Introduction to Decentralized Identity](https://wiki.iota.org/identity.rs/decentralized_identity) IOTA Wiki
* [Podcast] [Privacy-preserving measures and SD-JWT with Daniel Fett](https://identityunlocked.auth0.com/public/49/Identity%252C-Unlocked.--bed7fada/3bbcbab8) IdentityUnlocked Auth0
The discussion gets very concrete when Daniel describes selective disclosure JWT, or SD-JWT, a new IETF specification he is coauthoring that offers a simple and easy-to-adopt approach to produce JWTs capable of supporting selective disclosure. Here at Identity, Unlocked, we are huge fans of this new specification, and we hope this episode will help you get started!
* [SelfSovereignIdentity_memes](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1578045600833994755)
Currently, everyone waiting for [#AIP2](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AIP2), which enables [#BBS](https://twitter.com/hashtag/BBS)+ [#Signature](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Signature) in [#SSI](https://twitter.com/hashtag/SSI). Companies already implemented in their products, such as [@trinsic_id](https://twitter.com/trinsic_id) and [@mattrglobal](https://twitter.com/mattrglobal). But ZKP [#predicates](https://twitter.com/hashtag/predicates) are not supported by BBS+, so no ZKP age verification possible. Back to [#AnonCreds](https://twitter.com/hashtag/AnonCreds)?
* [](https://twitter.com/SSI_by_memes/status/1578045600833994755)
Related resources:
- [aries-rfcs/0646-bbs-credentials#drawbacks](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/tree/main/features/0646-bbs-credentials%23drawbacks)
- [Zero-Knowledge Proofs Do Not Solve the Privacy-Trust Problem of Attribute-Based Credentials: What if Alice Is Evil?](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9031545) IEEE
* [Primer] [Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV)](https://w3c.github.io/dpv/primer/%23core-taxonomy) w3c
Call for Comments/Feedbacks for DPV v1.0 release
Please provide your comments by 15-OCT-2022 via [GitHub](https://github.com/w3c/dpv/issues/50) or [public-dpvcg@w3.org](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/) (mailing list).
* [FYI >> DHS W3C VC/DID Implementation Profile: Credential Data Model Representation Syntax & Proof Format](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Sep/0253.html) Anil John
We are walking this path step-by-step by documenting the results and lessons from the DHS sponsored multi-platform, multi-vendor interoperability plug-fests and other rigorous plug-fests with similar goals to develop a “DHS Implementation Profile of W3C Verifiable Credentials and W3C Decentralized Identifiers” to ensure the use of Security, Privacy and Interoperability implementation choices that are acceptable to the USG such that these capabilities can be deployed on and connect to USG networks and infrastructure.
please [find attached the DHS Implementation Profile](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Sep/att-0253/DHS.W3C.VC-DID.Implemenation.Profile-20220929-SHARE.pdf) of W3C VCs and W3C DIDs normative guidance on:
· Credential Data Model Representation Syntax
· Credential Data Model Proof Format
* [Using OpenID4VC for Credential Exchange; Technometria - Issue #62](http://news.windley.com/issues/using-openid4vc-for-credential-exchange-technometria-issue-62-1374264?via%3Dtwitter-card%26client%3DDesktopWeb%26element%3Dissue-card)
Extending OAuth and OIDC to support the issuance and presentation of verifiable credentials provides for richer interactions than merely supporting authentication. All the use cases we’ve identified for verifiable credentials are available in OpenID4VC as well.
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# Verifiable Credentials
* [Compare and Contrast: OpenBadges vs Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/compare-and-contrast-openbadges-vs-verifiable-credentials-d504c054d5db) Affinidi
As we move towards a world of digital identity, many ways of sharing and verifying Personally Identifiable Information are emerging. Two such modes that we’ll talk about today are Open Badges and Verifiable Credentials.
* [Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) vs Verifiable Credentials (VCs)](https://academy.affinidi.com/non-fungible-tokens-nfts-vs-verifiable-credentials-vcs-cd0ebb13f1fb) Affinidi
A common thread that connects both NFTs and VCs is that they leverage the potential benefits of the digital world to give users more security, flexibility, and freedom to monetize.
* [Article three - An introductory dive into VCs (verifiable credentials)](https://hackernoon.com/understanding-the-verifiable-credentials-vcs-it1535e9) HackerNoon
Verifiable Credentials heavily utilize Decentralized Identifiers to identify people, organizations, and things and to achieve a number of security and privacy-protecting guarantees. They are issued and cryptographically signed documents, intended to be understood by computers rather than people.
- [Understanding the Decentralized identifiers](https://hackernoon.com/decentralized-identifiers-dids-a-deeper-dive-04383442?ref%3Dhackernoon.com)
- [[Optional] - DID for DeFi, definitivel](https://hackernoon.com/decentralized-identifiers-for-defi-definitively-25j33qa?ref%3Dhackernoon.com)y
* [How to Create New Verifiable Credentials with Customizable Schemas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D3JR6_tQYhgk)
* [OWI Digital Forum Recap: The Rise & Adoption of Verifiable Credentials](https://trinsic.id/owi-digital-forum-recap-the-rise-adoption-of-verifiable-credentials/)
Trinsic CEO Riley Hughes sat down with [One World Identity](https://oneworldidentity.com/) (OWI) CEO Travis Jarae to have a one-on-one conversation about [“The Rise & Adoption of Verifiable Credentials”](https://oneworldidentity.com/session/trinsic/). Below is a short summary
* [25+ Proof of Concepts (PoCs) for Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/25-proof-of-concept-poc-for-verifiable-credentials-edf684b592f2) Affinidi
Today, we proudly present another 25+ Proof of Concepts for VC implementation. These use cases are a compilation of the [submissions](https://affinidipocathon.devpost.com/) (in no particular order) made by the participants of the Affindi PoCathon 2021.
* [Biometrics come to verifiable credentials with Applied Recognition and Sovrin Foundation](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202105/philsys-surpasses-10m-biometric-enrollments-online-milestone)
* [Verifiable Credentials Aren’t Credentials. And They’re Not Verifiable In the Way You Might Think](https://credentialmaster.com/verifiable-credentials-arent-credentials-theyre-containers/) Timothy Ruff
When you hear the term “VC” or “Verifiable Credential”, think “authenticatable data container” and you’ll be closer to the truth, plus you’ll be more effective in explaining VCs to the next person. [...]
VCs can carry any sort of data payload, and that isn’t just a good thing, it’s a great one. [Part two](https://medium.com/@rufftimo/like-shipping-containers-verifiable-credentials-will-economically-transform-the-world-fece2b9da14a) of my container series covers how such fluid data portability could economically affect cyberspace to a degree comparable to how shipping containers affected global trade.
* [Verifiable credentials are key to the future of online privacy](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2021/07/26/verifiable-credentials/) HelpNetSecurity
- All the data is decentralized, meaning there’s no need for a database of student records that could be jeopardized. Alice’s data lives with her.
- The employer doesn’t need to keep a copy of Alice’s transcript to verify her education.
- The college doesn’t play intermediary and doesn’t have access to the list of organizations Alice shares her data with. Other parties have no way of correlating this data as each exchange is private and unique.
- If desired, Alice could pick and choose what she wants to share. She could prove her degree without sharing her date of graduation or GPA, for example.
* [Azure AD Verifiable Credentials architecture overview (preview)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/introduction-to-verifiable-credentials-architecture)
This architectural overview introduces the capabilities and components of the Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials service. For more detailed information on issuance and validation, see
- [Plan your issuance solution](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/plan-issuance-solution)
- [Plan your verification solution](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/plan-verification-solution)
* [@Steve_Lockstep](https://twitter.com/Steve_Lockstep)
The original [#VerifiableCredentials](https://twitter.com/hashtag/VerifiableCredentials) were PKI-based SIM cards and EMV cards. These bind key pairs to individuals, and to signed assertions (account numbers) to deliver provenance, fidelity and proof of possession. [https://constellationr.com/blog-news/not-too-much-identity-technology-and-not-too-little](https://constellationr.com/blog-news/not-too-much-identity-technology-and-not-too-little)
* [The value of verifiable credentials in the evolving digital identity landscape](https://verified.me/blog/the-value-of-verifiable-credentials-in-the-evolving-digital-identity-landscape/) Verified Me
In my recent podcast with [Brad Carr](https://www.iif.com/Staff-and-Authors/uid/46/BradCarr) of the [Institute of International Finance](https://www.iif.com/Publications/ID/4304/FRT-Episode-87-Digital-Identity-with-SecureKey-CEO-Greg-Wolfond), we discussed how digital identity and verified credentials can support a digital-first world, something that’s extremely relevant amid the current pandemic.
* [Better digital living with blockchain-backed verifiable credentials](https://thepaypers.com/expert-opinion/better-digital-living-with-blockchain-backed-verifiable-credentials--1250869) The Paypers
The NHS can now provide you with a digital verifiable credential to prove your vaccination status, securely stored in the NHS app and easily accessible, generating a QR code to prove to airlines and employers that you are fit to fly or work. But this is just the first step in the development of an enabling technology that can bring benefits to many areas of modern life.
* [On Climate Crisis and Self-Sovereign Verifiable Career Credentials](https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/on-climate-crisis-and-self-sovereign-verifiable-career-credentials/) Velocity Network
This rich verifiable self-sovereign career identity will be the ‘great transformer’ of the global labor market. It will change the way people navigate their careers and livelihoods, and how employers make talent decisions.
* [Transforming Scottish Education on the Blockchain](https://digitalscot.net/education-blockchain/) DigitalScot
A pertinent example of how this can be applied in the corporate world is this example of the [Scottish Social Services Council uses them](https://www.badges.sssc.uk.com/getting-started/what-you-need-to-know-about-open-badges/) to underpin workforce learning. The BCS describes this as the [future of professional development](https://www.bcs.org/content-hub/digital-badging-the-future-of-professional-development/), with many organizations like [Siemens](https://new.siemens.com/uk/en/company/education/teachers/siemens-digital-badges.html) using them this way.
* [Bloom Attestation Service migrating to Verifiable Credentials](https://bloom.co/blog/migration-from-attestation-service-to-verified-credentials/) Bloom
To transition fully to the W3C VC standard, Bloom decided to deprecate the proprietary attestation format and adopt the new open VC standard. The transition will fulfill the vision of giving Bloom users complete, secure control of their private data, while allowing interoperability with the rest of the VC ecosystem.
* [How Does a Verifier Know the Credential is Yours?](https://www.evernym.com/blog/how-does-a-verifier-know-the-credential-is-yours/) Evernym
A link secret is a large random number, wrapped in a way that allows the holder to prove that they know the secret.
* [Introduction to Verifiable Credentials](https://www.ubisecure.com/identity-management/verifiable-credentials/) Ubisecure
The Verifiable Credentials specification is quite new, and many pieces that are required to create interoperable solutions are still incomplete or missing at time of writing. However, there is significant momentum around verifiable credentials (VCs). This is partly attributed to VCs being part of the solution for blockchain-based decentralised identity.
* [8 Reasons to use Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/8-reasons-to-use-verifiable-credentials-300833276b52) Affinidi
VCs are interoperable across many systems and can be used in almost every possible scenario. Here is a list of [use-cases](https://academy.affinidi.com/25-proof-of-concept-poc-for-verifiable-credentials-edf684b592f2) where VCs can be used and PoCs developed based on them.
* [Verifiable Credentials Guide for Developer: Call for Participation](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/09/06/verifiable-credentials-guide-for-developer-call-for-participation/)
Want to contribute to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Developers Guide for Verifiable Credentials?
* [What are Verifiable Credentials in 3 Minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Ds5h7OgmnrxE) Affinidi (video)
* [EIC Speaker Spotlight: Kay Chopard on Driving Digital Trust](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/beskers/eic-speaker-spotlight-kay-chopard-driving-digital-trust)
We really hope that a diverse audience will be attracted to the Kantara workshop. The reason I say that is - we're very focused, obviously in the work we do around identity, around assurance programs, around really developing what we recommend the part of standards that are used internationally. And then also taking that the next step and making sure that those standards are implemented in the identity products that are available in the field.
* [Comparing VCs to ZCAP-LD](https://kyledenhartog.com/comparing-VCs-with-zcaps/) Kyle Den Hartog
^^ technically important and relevant.
Why make the investment then to put the time and effort into ZCAPs when we’ve already got VCs? Simply put because security is hard and trying to push square pegs into round holes often times leads to bugs which are elevated to mission critical authentication/authorization bypass vulnerabilities. By designing around a fit for purpose data model with a well defined problem being solved it allows for us to be much more precise about where we believe extensibility is important versus where normative statements should be made to simplify the processing of the data models. By extension this leads to a simpler security model and likely a much more robust design with fewer vulnerabilities.
* [Issue Azure AD Verifiable Credentials from an application](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/verifiable-credentials-configure-issuer) Microsoft
learn how to:
- Set up Azure Blob Storage for storing your Azure AD Verifiable Credentials configuration files.
- Create and upload your Verifiable Credentials configuration files.
- Create the verified credential expert card in Azure.
- Gather credentials and environment details to set up the sample application.
- Download the sample application code to your local computer.
- Update the sample application with your verified credential expert card and environment details.
- Run the sample application and issue your first verified credential expert card.
- Verify your verified credential expert card.
* [Issuing a verifiable credential in 7 easy steps](https://medium.com/@AnimoSolutions/issuing-a-verifiable-credential-in-7-easy-steps-a7fa18d41c6d) Amino
First we’re going to create a holder Agent, this will be the Agent that receives the membership credential. During their life, the holder will collect many different verifiable credentials. Memberships, ID-cards, even purchasing records.
* [W3C Verifiable Credentials Education Task Force 2022 Planning](https://kayaelle.medium.com/w3c-verifiable-credentials-education-task-force-2022-planning-efc9b07cc2a3) Kerri Lemoie
We’ve been hard at work writing use cases, helping education standards organizations understand and align with VCs, and we’ve been heading towards a model recommendation doc for the community.
* [The World of Anonymous Credentials](https://blog.dock.io/anonymous-credentials/) Dock
A credential is called a verifiable credential when its authenticity can be cryptographically checked by anyone because the credential contains a cryptographic signature by the issuer, and the issuer's public key is well known.
* [WHY THRIVACY?: Think about it. What did you leave behind when you bought the last round of drinks.](https://www.thrivacy.io/why-thrivacy)
Your Thrivacy wallet allows you to request all your important, personal information that can be used to identify who you are to be created into what we call verified credentials. Then those same verified credentials or VCs can be downloaded and stored in your own personal wallet that is kept inside your cell phone.
* [Why Are Governments Choosing Hyperledger?](https://northernblock.io/governments-are-choosing-aries-indy-ursa/) Northern Block
- Open Data Standards (W3C’s DID & VC Standards)
- Open Tech Standards (Hyperledger Aries, Indy, Ursa)
- Achieving W3C-Compliance on Aries and Indy
* [25 Use Cases for Verifiable Credentials](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BrFjh6-TVkJ4Rfllh5fUTjh6hkYtPbR_/view) LTO Network and Sphereon
* [Verifiable Credentials For Travel & Hospitality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DXxd56y2mhFQ) Evernym
In this webinar, Evernym's Jamie Smith and Andrew Tobin discuss how verifiable credentials and digital wallets can reduce fraud, automate workflows, and transform customer experiences across the travel and hospitality industries.
* [Issuing credentials directly to the MATTR mobile wallet](https://medium.com/mattr-global/issuing-credentials-directly-to-the-mattr-mobile-wallet-8e8cab931e2e) Mattr
If you’re already using a secure mechanism to authenticate your users, then setting up OIDC capability isn’t necessary. As we’ve explored, sending credentials using secure DID messaging directly or via a QR code or deep-link is safe, convenient and allows users to obtain their credentials directly.
* [Verifiable Credential Notarization and Third-Party Notary Services Providers: User Scenarios](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Jul/0109.html) Michael Herman 7/15
* [The VC Lifecycle](https://credentialmaster.com/the-vc-lifecycle/) Credential Master
In 1956 the switch to consistent shipping containers began, and it changed the physical world [profoundly](https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2013/05/18/the-humble-hero); the switch to consistent, authenticatable digital data containers [will do the same for cyberspace](https://rufftimo.medium.com/like-shipping-containers-verifiable-credentials-will-economically-transform-the-world-fece2b9da14a).
* [Example Design of an Authorization System with Verifiable Credentials and the Tradeoffs](https://kyledenhartog.com/example-authz-with-VCs/) Kyle Den Hartog
The primary focus of this blog post is to highlight the different problems that are likely to occur when going down the path of building an authorization system with verifiable credentials. I’ll be sure to keep things at a higher level so that anyone can understand these tradeoffs, but take you through the details that would be thought through by an architect designing the system.
* [The Power of Verifiable Credentials](https://credentialmaster.com/the-power-of-vcs/) Credential Master
For the first time ever, data from one ecosystem can be instantly authenticated in any other, online or off, without a direct connection to the source.
* [Compare and Contrast — IRMA vs Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/compare-and-contrast-irma-vs-verifiable-credentials-58e4b30d85f1)
## Azure AD
* [Issuing your own DIDs & VCs with Azure AD](https://www.xtseminars.co.uk/post/issuing-your-own-dids-vcs-with-azure-ad)
- [Re: VCs - zCaps / OCap a Discussion](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Dec/0027.html) Dave Longley 12/5
> TL; DR: My current view is that the main confusion here may be over the difference between VCs and LD Proofs, not VCs and ZCAPs. VCs are not a generalized container for attaching a cryptographic proof to a document. That's what LD proofs (or JOSE style proofs) are for. VCs *use* LD proofs (or JOSE style proofs) to attach an assertion proof to a document that specifically models statements made by an issuer about some subject, which is therefore inherently about the identity of that subject.
* [What are Verifiable Credentials?](https://medium.com/affinidi/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9)
> At the most basic level, verifiable credentials, or VC in short, are tamper-proof credentials that can be verified cryptographically.
* [Why the Verifiable Credentials Community Should Converge on BBS+](https://www.evernym.com/blog/bbs-verifiable-credentials/)
> BBS+ LD-Proofs use JSON-LD schemas, so credentials that use them can have a rich, hierarchical set of attributes. Instead of the heavy-handed mechanism for the encoding and canonicalization of attributes values that we’d imagined for Rich Schemas, they use RDF canonicalization and a hash function. Rather than expanding the credential definition, they discarded it, taking advantage of some properties of BBS+ keys which allow for deterministic expansion.
* [Verifiable Credentials: Mapping to a Generic Policy Terminology](https://trbouma.medium.com/verifiable-credentials-mapping-to-a-generic-policy-terminology-bce84a039bb)
> Why is this useful? When writing policy, you need a succinct model which is clear enough for subsequent interpretation. To do this, you need conceptual buckets to drop things into. Yes, this model is likely to change, but it’s my best and latest crack at it to synthesize the complex world of digital credentials with an abstraction that might be useful to help us align existing solutions while adopting exciting new capabilities.
* [What BBS+ Means For Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DdXlRIrrb9f4) Evernym
> In a recent Evernym blog post, [we discussed why BBS+ LD-Proofs](https://www.evernym.com/blog/bbs-verifiable-credentials/) are the privacy-preserving VC format that everyone should implement. In this webinar….
- A brief history of verifiable credential formats, and how a lack of convergence makes scale and interoperability an ongoing challenge
- How BBS+ Signatures are the breakthrough that combine the best of the JSON-LD and ZKP formats, while still allowing for selective disclosure and non-trackability
- The path forward: What remains to be done to fully converge on the BBS+ format
* [Is the verifiable credential trust triangle incomplete?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3M/_Is_the_verifiable_credential_trust_triangle_incomplete%253F) by Riley Hughes
Fundamental problem:
- Why should a verifier trust a credential?
VC marketplace project at DIF is talking about a reputation system for issuers, using VCs
We need to agree on:
- Machine-readable document (governance framework)
- URI for a governance framework that we need to agree on
Sterre’s organization (TNO) is developing a software implementation called a “credential catalogue” which is like the yellow pages for verifiable credentials
- With yellow pages, who publishes it, and will everyone trust it? That brings us full-circle to the first issue
Drummond shared work at the Good Health Pass is tackling this
- Trust registries
- Rules engines
- Governance frameworks
Original question is: how does the verifier know who to trust? Then how do they know which governance framework to trust? Then who governs that list? And how do you trust that? It always comes full-circle
* [Verifiable Credentials for Authentic Data in the Supply Chain](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10G/_Verifiable_Credentials_for_Authentic_Data_in_the_Supply_Chain) by Gena Morgan, Kevin Dean
Using DiDs and VCs for verifiable product data in supply chains, leveraging the largest supply chain standard system in the world,
2.5 million users companies, over 6 billion product scans per day
Product data and attestations from a number of various authoritative sources
Leverage DIDs/VCs for distributed data sharing, verification
* [Managing VCs at scale & the VC Stack](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D12L/_Managing_VCs_at_Scale_%2526_the_VC_Stack%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Timothy Ruff & Alan Davies
* [https://twitter.com/rufftimo/status/1301314001251438593](https://twitter.com/rufftimo/status/1301314001251438593)
How does VC Functional Stack compare to [#ToIP](https://) Stack?
1. ToIP Layers 2 & 3 compare to Functional Layer 2
2. ToIP Layer 4 compares to Functional Layers 3 & 4 (horizontal layer for VC Management, vertical layer for Applications)
3. Functional stack doesn't require [#blockchain](https://twitter.com/hashtag/blockchain)
4. Functional Stack doesn't detail steps for trust or verification; ToIP Stack doesn't separate management or storage
5. Functional Stack clarifies functions, roles, and potential business models; ToIP stack clarifies trust & security They are complementary, not contradictory.
* [Trust Assurance in SSI / Verifiable Credential Ecosystems](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14F/_Trust_Assurance_in_SSI_/_Verifiable_Credential_Ecosystems) by Scott Perry
The meeting started with a presentation of an updated representation of a trust assurance model being promoted by the Trust over IP Foundation’s Governance Stack Working Group.
Given the audience of 8-10 people, we polled the reasons for attending a topic on Trust Assurance and discussed a few gnarly challenges in the space:
1. An owner of a background check company conveyed challenges with complying with a myriad of governance authority frameworks audited by a myriad of qualified/unqualified auditors looking at a myriad of evidence to render a judgement
2. The addition of privacy controls (notice and consent) to augment existing marketplace controls due to the specific need in SSI networks: [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy+as+Expected%3A+UI+Signalling+a+Consent+Gateway+For+Human+Consent](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy%2Bas%2BExpected%253A%2BUI%2BSignalling%2Ba%2BConsent%2BGateway%2BFor%2BHuman%2BConsent)
3. A discussion of the China Civil Code: [https://www.dlapiper.com/en/uk/insights/publications/2020/06/new-chinese-civil-code-introduces-greater-protection-of-privacy-rights-and-personal-information/](https://www.dlapiper.com/en/uk/insights/publications/2020/06/new-chinese-civil-code-introduces-greater-protection-of-privacy-rights-and-personal-information/)
4. A need for a civilian clearance credential.
It was a lively conversation for those who attended.
* [Figuring out Verifiable Credentials Exchange - combining Bloom, Aires Protocols, Presentation Exchange into a unified - Killer Whale Jello Salad](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22H/_Figuring_out_Verifiable_Credentials_Exchange_-_combining_Bloom,_Aires_Protocols,_Presentation_Exchange_into_a_unified_-_Killer_Whale_Jello_Salad) by Kaliya Young, Orie Steele, Drummond , Kyle et al
Credentials Exchange - figuring it out
Killer Whale Jello Salad
* [DIF Hosted WG charter Draft](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18L2-t4_2yrO_xZkwPjMCRcKIDiRGCziNs2X4k093pvo/edit%23heading%3Dh.xgh5sqxr7f2y)
Slides to complement this document - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t4o6AXclqR7SqhGCbIJKVtYxh4fm_5mGT11MBx9K95c/edit#slide=id.p](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t4o6AXclqR7SqhGCbIJKVtYxh4fm_5mGT11MBx9K95c/edit%23slide%3Did.p)
Link to the document that the work and documentation is done in:
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_b5MxzUPWzYxXxWt7Tw6-MySqh77ZvYHBnUgEBCFH7Q/edit#heading=h.dmkfjagb2ier](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_b5MxzUPWzYxXxWt7Tw6-MySqh77ZvYHBnUgEBCFH7Q/edit%23heading%3Dh.dmkfjagb2ier)
ReCap & Summary
- Because what we need is interoperable - issuance - issue-> holder || holder -> verifier some conversation about SIOP - has not been the focus of the discussion.
- Goal to create a bridge between
- the W3C CCG / DHS SVIP - VCI-HTTP-API (VHA) in combination with CHAPI protocol and the (VC Request) for issuing credentials.
- Aries protocols run on top of DIDComm
- If we agree on a credential format we can exchange across those universes - JSON-LD ZKP BBS+ then we need a protocol to do it - can go between.
- Orie proposed - that we rather then extend VHA - that the we take a streamlined path with DIDComm as envelop layer - present proof - presentation exchange as a payload including the DIF work presentation, Aries and hopefully alternative to expanding VHA - for holder interactions - since it doesn’t have a holder interactions leverage existing
- So can be tested with next SVIP - testing.
- Presentation Exchange and use of DIDComm and for sake of interop testing pave a narrow path - and expand in future interoperability efforts.
- Summary: DIDComm, Presentation request, presentation exchange, present proof format using JSON-LD ZKP with BBS+
- Potentially quickly spinning up a working group at DIF - Decision was to nest within the Credentials and Claims group at DIF
* [https://identity.foundation/arewewaciyet/](https://identity.foundation/arewewaciyet/)
* [IIW verifiable credentials - Decentralized VC integration with Eventbrite and Qiqo chat. This session will review the implementation process, lessons learned, and community discussion on related use cases.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11A/_IIW_verifiable_credentials_-_Decentralized_VC_integration_with_Eventbrite_and_Qiqo_chat._This_session_will_review_the_implementation_process,_lessons_learned,_and_community_discussion_on_related_use_cases.) by Mike Vesey, Karl Kneis
* [Group Credentials/Multi-Issuer Credentials](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11B/_Group_Credentials/Multi-Issuer_Credentials) by Benji Kok
Current ssi solutions are geared to allow the issuance of a specific verifiable credential by a single issuer. There are use cases that would benefit from enabling the aggregation of multiple credentials into a single credential so that the holder can’t delete sub credentials of the aggregated credential. Is it possible to implement such an aggregation while allowing the holder to present only certain sub credentials of the aggregated credential as required?
An example use case is the issuance of credit history credentials. If each creditor issues separate credentials, the holder can delete the “bad” credentials and only present the “good” credentials. By enabling all creditors to contribute separately to a single credit history credential, the holder must either delete/present the whole credential.
* [GS1 2021 VC Prototype Journey](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20P/_GS1_2021_VC_Prototype_Journey) by Paul Dietrich
A overview of the GS1 Prototype effort for Q1-2 2021.
There was some feedback that BBS, PE, and DIDCommV2 are possible points of convergence.
Also comments that WACI Bloom may play a part in convergence
* [Verifiable Credentials for Assets <30 min](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21E/_Verifiable_Credentials_for_Assets_30_min) by Mahmoud Alkhraishi
General Framework on how to think of VCs for Assets including leveraging GS1 and other vocabularies in the traceability vocab.
Requirements and Opportunities that block adoption of VCs in Supply chains
Current Status of work and Steps Forward
* [https://pmandic-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/mahmoud_mavennet_com/EawHRlN0VqpPhiXxZfTnWdMBZxvZuIuA7_kAlEJDWEtthg?e=NVGUnK](https://pmandic-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/mahmoud_mavennet_com/EawHRlN0VqpPhiXxZfTnWdMBZxvZuIuA7_kAlEJDWEtthg?e%3DNVGUnK)
* [Traceability Vocabulary v0.0](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-vocab/)
* [VC HTTP API (0.0.2-unstable)](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-http-api)
* [Status List 2021](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-status-list-2021/)
* [Credential-based login to a Pico-based application](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11P/_Credential-based_login_to_a_Pico-based_application) by Bruce Conrad
Verifiable credentials, authentication, picos, pico-based application
The slides are at [https://bruceatbyu.com/s/HRDDSiiw32](https://bruceatbyu.com/s/HRDDSiiw32)
* [SNARK-based anonymous credentials](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14B/_SNARK-based_anonymous_credentials) by Johannes Sedlmeir, Matthias Babel
An implementation of anonymous credentials using generic ZKPs, in our case, SNARKs. This gives a lot of flexibility as it replaces developing new, optimized “island” cryptography through generic tools and an “engineering” approach; however, at the cost of significant performance challenges compared to CL/BBS+.
So far, there has not been a cryptographic review on the code.
The major limitation is performance; while prover time is currently ~1s on a Macbook with 12 cores, the CPU and memory requirements are likely too high for general purpose smartphones and IoT devices. STARKs could help, but the larger proof size may be inhibiting.
The implementation covers private holder binding (potentially even using secure hardware for the binding key), private delegation (from the perspective of the holder), revocation, and range proofs for expiration.
A new feature that we implemented and that is probably difficult to achieve without generic ZKPs comprise, e.g., the “Leather Trousers” proof that can be used to demonstrate that an x and y coordinate are inside or outside a polygon defined by the verifier. It is also very easy to add further features that output a computation on the attributes, such as multiplying or adding different attributes.
The presentation slides and also the code will be made public by the end of July at [https://github.com/MatthiasBabel/heimdall](https://github.com/MatthiasBabel/heimdall).
The implementation is based on SNARKs, using the libraries [https://github.com/iden3/circom](https://github.com/iden3/circom) and [https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs](https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs).
* [Could an NFT be a VC?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20I/_Could_an_NFT_be_a_VC%253F) by Grace Rachmany
Case discussed: A group of villages in Africa using a cryptocurrency platform for alternative currencies. Different organizations issue the coins under different circumstances. When you accept a currency, you want to know who is the issuer. The Red Cross might be more or less trusted than the local leader or agricultural cooperative as the issuer of a currency that is supposedly equivalent to a shilling.
What types of tech could be used for this?
- Multiple currencies on the blockchains
- Certifications in the form of some kind of NFT issued by the issuer.
- Limited supply tokens or NFTs that are “expired” when you use them
- Open Credential Publisher framework was suggested
- VCs are generally authorizations associated with a person, so maybe a person could have the VC and show their credit rating in some way while they are making a transaction
- Similarly maybe the VC belongs to the organization that is issuing the coin, proving its reputation over time.
* [Self Attested vs Chain of Custody - assurance levels in data provenance in VCs](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23G/_Self_Attested_vs_Chain_of_Custody_-_assurance_levels_in_data_provenance_in_VCs) by Stew Whitman & Alka Lachhwani
Identity Binding, Credential Binding, when they go high, we go low?
What levels of identity enrolment and binding of credential to identity are required for “good” SSI
Is (Using US centric NIST 800.63) IAL 1 sufficient, can self-attestation of identity and of a claim (e.g I am vaccinated) work.
There are two important factors in establishing “truth” or the trustworthiness of the information. Attributional and Reputational. You need to have both to have trust.
Digital needs higher level of attestation because it is easier to forge and easier to propagate that forgery.
If the risk level is low lower levels of reputation may be acceptable.
Definition of Trust - Sufficient information to leap into the unknown
A certificate must meet 4-criteria of definition
Who issued it/ Who was it issued to/Has it been changed / Has it been revoked
So long as these attributes are clear the verifier can interrogate and make a decision based on the Attribution and Reputation of the issuer.
Concept of what is preferred by the verifier.
For the verifier it is based on risk, it is never going to be based on perfect information.
But it is most important to make sure that you are binding the credential to the correct identity
So what is the requirement for onboarding or enrolling an identity?
* [VCs Policy Committeee (California) – Participate in passing legislation to create a California Trust Framework!](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21B/_(California)_Verifiable_Credentials_Policy_Committeee_-_Come_learn_about_how_participate_in_passing_legislation_to_crete_a_California_Trust_Framework!) by Kaliya Young, Ally Medina
Link Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VyxmWan3qbxynxhKvw1CHhWZINiPRF9gjeqSCSDh1MY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VyxmWan3qbxynxhKvw1CHhWZINiPRF9gjeqSCSDh1MY/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
We discussed how the Blockchain Advocacy Coalition’s sponsorship of [AB 2004](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id%3D201920200AB2004) pushed verifiable credentials into mainstream political discourse and how companies can help us shape public policy and government pilot programs of Verifiable Credential technology.
We are planning on working with legislators to introduce a bill that creates a California Trust Framework and lays the groundwork for use of the technology in the public and private sector.
Our coalition is funded by the companies who participate in it. If you are interested in being part of shaping legislation in California the will build the market for your tools and services please be in touch. Remember what happens in California shapes what happens nationally and has a global impact.
Ally Medina - head of the Blockchain Advocacy Coalition - ally@blockadvocacy.org
Kaliya Young Chair of the Verifiable Credentials Policy Committee - Kaliya@identitywoman.net
* [What are Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-are-verifiable-credentials-79f1846a7b9)
* Release the v1 of the [verifiable credentials specifications relationship diagram](https://github.com/manicprogrammer/vc-spec-rel/)
* [h/t @michaelruminer](https://twitter.com/michaelruminer/status/1328827452886540296) “Good for anyone but especially useful when trying to jump in on the deep end. If you walk even this limited tree of specs you know a lot.”
* [Paper based Verifiable Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DEXvWxFjHvdY) Mattr
Paper-based Verifiable Credentials allow us to have a low-tech solution for adopting VC's in situations where access to a phone cannot be guaranteed. This presentation looks at how this solution can be used to aid with the distribution of Vaccine Credentials.
* [How W3C Verifiable Credentials (VC) Work: Part 1 – VC Issuance](https://blockster.global/self-sovereign-identity/)
When an issuer creates a verifiable credential, it contains following information –
- Who has issued – DID of the Issuer
- To whom it is issued – User Identifier
- Attributes of the credential – Details of the credential being Issued
- When it is Issued – Date of issuance
- Credential proof with Issuer signature that makes it tamper evident
- Revocation details
* [The Role of Witness Organizations in Verifiable Credentials](https://medium.com/@m.ruminer/on-the-role-of-witness-organizations-in-self-sovereign-identity-or-vcs-aren-t-just-p2p-e2cbafce6928)
Verifiable credentials aren’t just P2P.
* [...] The basis is that not every source of a verifiable credential has an interest in issuing verifiable credentials and that it is not only logical but beneficial to the ecosystem of trust that witness organizations will issue on behalf of these sources.
* [ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard on Ethereum vs. VCs on Hyperledger Indy](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0059.html) Michael Herman
> When are Hyperledger Indy/Sovrin VCs better than Ethereum smart contracts for NFEs/NFTs (non-fungible entities/tokens)?
> It seems obvious but I don't have a detailed/worked out answer. One project I'm associated with wants to use the [ERC-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-721) on Ethereum but I believe VCs are a better route to take. Part of the desire to stay on Ethereum is there is quite a vibrant NFT community on Ethereum and lots of different EC-721 tokens.
* [The Flavors of Verifiable Credentials](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Verifiable-Credentials-Flavors-Explained.pdf)
is complete and published on the [Linux Foundation Public Health Blog](https://www.lfph.io/2021/02/11/cci-verifiable-credentials-flavors-and-interoperability-paper/).
> The differences between the different flavors of VCs for technically inclined readers. It elaborated on the differences between JSON and JSON-LD and articulated differences between the two different implementations of ZKP style credentials. The ‘Journey of a VC’ section articulated all steps where VCs are active and highlighted the differences in how different VC flavors ’behave’.
### Azure AD Verifiable Credentials
* [Announcing Azure AD Verifiable Credentials](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-active-directory-identity/announcing-azure-ad-verifiable-credentials/ba-p/1994711) MS ID Blog
> We started on a [journey with the open standards community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-active-directory-identity/decentralized-digital-identities-and-blockchain-the-future-as-we/ba-p/1994714) to empower everyone to own and control their own identity. I’m thrilled to share that we’ve achieved a major milestone in making this vision real. Today we’re announcing that the public preview for Azure AD verifiable credentials is now available: organizations can empower users to control credentials that manage access to their information.
* [Azure AD Verifiable Credentials Entering Public Preview](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/bailey/azure-ad-verifiable-credentials-entering-public-preview) Kuppinger Cole
> Microsoft announced on April 5, 2020 that its Azure AD Verifiable Credentials is now in public preview. This solution enables organizations to design and issue verifiable credentials to their users, be it enterprises issuing employment credentials to their employees, universities enrolling students or issuing diplomas, governments issuing passports, ID cards, and countless other uses.
* [Azure Active Directory VCs - preview introduction](https://daniel-krzyczkowski.github.io/Azure-AD-Verifiable-Credentials-Intro/) Daniel Krzyczkowski
> Once I discovered that documentation is available, I decided to create a small proof of concept. I have configured Verifiable Credentials accordingly to [details in the documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/verifiable-credentials/enable-your-tenant-verifiable-credentials) I have an existing Azure AD B2C tenant so it was much easier because users have to sign in first before they can be issued a verifiable credential.
* [Verifiable Credentials go mainstream at Identiverse 2022](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202206/verifiable-credentials-go-mainstream-at-identiverse-2022) Biometric Update
Verifiable Credentials was a breakthrough topic and it’s clearly on the path to mainstream adoption. Main sessions by Microsoft and Avast showcased their application of VCs in the IAM landscape, showing VCs aren’t the future anymore–they are the present.
VCs need Threat Modeling
* [Thread started by Pamela Dingle](https://twitter.com/pamelarosiedee/status/1537233243086327812?s%3D20%26t%3DWWt14_H4AXgtn09xb5-yew)
Another pre-read recommendation for @identiverse: the @openid for Verifiable Credentials Whitepaper. It is a great high level explanation of decentralized benefits and use cases, both @kristinayasuda & @tlodderstedt contributed! OpenID for Verifiable Credentials
* [Firstyear Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 4 others](https://twitter.com/Erstejahre/status/1537615778106658816)
It also seems to lack any sections about threat modelling and possible risks, making it hard to trust since risks are not directly and clearly addressed.
* [Torsten Lodderstedt Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 3 others](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics)
I agree. We thread model while we are designing the protocol, we also need to add it to the spec. Please note: we build on existing work. There is an extensive thread model for OAuth and countermeasures that we built on ([datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics). Feel free to contribute.
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# Biometrics
* [Biometric and digital identity](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3H/_Biometric_and_digital_identity) by Robert Mitwicki / Adrian Gropper
Background document from session 1A [http://bit.ly/biometricVC](http://bit.ly/biometricVC)
* [Exploring Facial Biometrics](https://diacc.ca/2020/12/16/exploring-facial-biometrics-what-is-it/)
> for the purposes of allowing a user to positively identify themselves from their own device, only face verification and face authentication are employed. Face verification creates trust, while face authentication maintains it. Both functions are covered in the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework™ that is intended to support a robust digital identity, trust ecosystem that will allow all Canadians to do more online, in a safer, more secure, and confident way.
* [China’s Supreme Court Bars Use of Facial Recognition Without Consent](https://findbiometrics.com/chinese-supreme-court-bars-use-facial-recognition-without-consent-073007/)
China’s highest court has issued a ruling that could significantly limit the scope of facial recognition programs in the country. To that end, the Supreme People’s Court has stated that […] The post China’s Supreme Court Bars Use of Facial Recognition Without Consent appeared first on FindBiometrics
* [iOS 15 Code Points to Biometric Onboarding for Apple’s Mobile ID](https://findbiometrics.com/ios-15-code-points-biometric-onboarding-apples-mobile-id-77202104/)
The iPhone’s incoming mobile ID feature will use selfie biometrics for identity verification, suggests code uncovered by 9to5Mac. The news indicates that Apple will be even more directly in competition […] The post iOS 15 Code Points to Biometric Onboarding for Apple’s Mobile ID appeared first on FindBiometrics.
* [Afghans scramble to delete digital history, evade biometrics](https://news.trust.org/item/20210817111442-4d73x/) Reuters
Thousands of Afghans struggling to ensure the physical safety of their families after the Taliban took control of the country have an additional worry: that biometric databases and their own digital history can be used to track and target them.
* [Biden Reverses Trump Order to Expand DHS’s Biometrics Collection](https://findbiometrics.com/biden-reverses-trump-order-expand-dhss-biometrics-collection-070802/)
In a move that is likely to please privacy advocates across the country, the Biden Administration has announced that it has officially rescinded a policy proposed by the Trump Administration that [would have considerably expanded](https://findbiometrics.com/proposed-policy-would-give-dhs-sweeping-powers-collect-biometric-data-092106/) the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) powers to collect biometric data from immigrants.
* [US Lawmakers Ask Government to Deliver Better Digital Identity Framework](https://findbiometrics.com/us-lawmakers-ask-government-deliver-better-digital-identity-framework-070706/)
witnesses should weigh any risks of voice and facial recognition software, which has historically exhibited bias against women and people of color, versus the potential benefits. This hearing will also discuss the future of digital identity frameworks, interoperability requirements and standards, and how the emerging technologies such as AI and distributed ledger technology could contribute to building a secure and effective digital ID.
* [Guidance on the Acceptable Use of Biometrics – DIACC Special Interest Group Insights](https://diacc.ca/2022/01/13/guidance-on-the-acceptable-use-of-biometrics/) DIACC
With input from public and private sector DIACC members and liaisons, the following guidance was created as a recommendation that the DIACC’s Trust Framework Expert Committee (TFEC) agreed to consider. Specified business, legal, and technical process requirements will be identified and considered by the TFEC for inclusion in future versions of the PCTF.
* [What is Web3 and Why It Matters](https://dionhinchcliffe.com/2022/01/11/what-is-web3-and-why-it-matters/) Dion Hinchcliffe
* [OpenSea, Web3, and Aggregation Theory](https://stratechery.com/2022/opensea-raises-money-bans-nfts-openseas-value-cryptos-aggregators/) Stratechery
what gives Aggregators their power is not their control of supply: they are not the only way to find websites, or to post your opinions online; rather, it is their control of demand. People are used to Google, or it is the default, so sites and advertisers don’t want to spend their time and money on alternatives; people want other people to see what they have to say, so they don’t want to risk writing a blog that no one reads, or spending time on a social network that because it lacks the network has no sense of social.
* [Web3 and Digital Embodiment](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/01/web3_and_digital_embodiment.shtml) Phil Windley
Web3 will make a difference for all of us if it enables people to become digitally embodied, able to recognize, remember, and react to other people and organizations online—without the need to be in someone else's database.
* [Video of elastos Demo of Web 3](https://twitter.com/DonaldBullers/status/1481282198061912067) @DonaldBullers
Easy identity wallet creation [@Web3Essentials](https://twitter.com/Web3Essentials)
Instant login to web3 social [@tryProfile](https://twitter.com/tryProfile)
Your ID, your data storage [@ElastosInfo](https://twitter.com/ElastosInfo)
Nice one [@everlastingOS](https://twitter.com/everlastingOS)
* [Web 3.0 - How to get started!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DJckzkPAXdhU)
What is Web3Auth???
* [Web3Auth partners with Polygon Studios to bring seamless logins to the Polygon ecosystem](https://medium.com/toruslabs/web3auth-partners-with-polygon-studios-to-bring-seamless-logins-to-the-polygon-ecosystem-fc0db139895d)
Web3Auth aggregates OAuth (Google, Twitter, Discord) logins, different wallets, and existing key management solutions, and provides dApps/wallets a familiar experience that fits every user. Mobile, web, and blockchain agnostic, Web3Auth fits right into your application or wallet.
* [A Digital Identity Fit For The Metaverse](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alastairjohnson/2022/01/07/a-digital-identity-fit-for-the-metaverse/?sh%3D70980509184b) Forbes
The SSI model has an individual’s value — be it crypto, in-game items, or other NFTs — directly tied to their identity. It will be accessible with a simple click for physical services, like an Uber, as well as digital ones, like using a digital asset exchange.
* [Avatars May Use SSI In Metaverse To Prove Identity](https://labs.hypersign.id/posts/metaverse-and-did/) Hypersign ID
Metaverse has been in the news for quite some time now. Seems like the next “buzzword” after “blockchain” in the tech space. The tech got a surge especially after [Facebook decided to change its name to Meta](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/28/facebook-changes-company-name-to-meta.html). In this blog, we will understand what is Metaverse (a very basic intro) and its relationship with digital identities. The focus will be on explaining why decentralized digital identities are an important tool for Metaverse to replicate the real world.
* [Self Sovereign Identity and Web3: From the metaverse to real life](https://medium.com/@talao_io/self-sovereign-identity-and-web3-from-the-metaverse-to-real-life-8f9ef4daae56) Talao
SSI makes it easier to rely on traditional economic actuators (Brands) online and off-line to develop traffic and business on decentralized platforms and the Metaverse
* [New PopID Partner Can Bring Face-based Payments and Ticketing to International Arenas](https://findbiometrics.com/new-popid-partner-can-bring-face-based-payments-ticketing-international-arenas-042106/)
The PopID platform will allow us to eliminate the dependence on cards and phones at our events and ensure that every guest interaction is secure, speedy, and seamless.
* [Amazon Expands Palm Payment Service to Whole Foods in Austin, Texas](https://findbiometrics.com/amazon-expands-palm-payment-service-whole-foods-austin-texas-042105/) Find Biometrics
Amazon customers will first need to register their palm(s) using a scanner at the store. They will then be able to link a debit or a credit card to that palm print, which will in turn allow them to pay for their purchases with only a palm recognition scan the next time they pass through checkout.
* [My Voice is my Password](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/my-voice-is-my-password)
* [ID.me and the future of biometric Zero Trust](https://idramp.com/id-me-and-the-future-of-biometric-zero-trust/) IDRamp
Although poorly executed and architected, ID.Me and the IRS were on the right path: biometrics is a great way to verify identity and provides a way to deter fraud. But the second part, the part they missed, is that biometrics only fights fraud if it is deployed in a way that preserves user privacy and doesn’t itself become a new data source to steal.
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# Data Governance
* [Marissa Mayer wants to fix your address book](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/18/marissa-mayer-is-back-and-she-wants-to-fix-your-address-book.html) CNBC
> At launch, Mayer’s start-up is rolling out Sunshine Contacts, an address book app that relies on artificial intelligence to find and merge duplicate contacts, fill out incomplete information and continually keep that data up to date. The app integrates with the iOS Contacts app as well as Gmail and will be free to all iOS users with an invitation.
* [You are not your Data but Your Data is still You](https://deepdives.in/you-are-not-your-data-but-your-data-is-still-you-b41d2478ece2).
> In the digital age, individual privacy in the broadest sense is about control over protecting one’s personally identifiable information (PII), such as information about health, credit, shopping, or communication. But the types of information deemed ‘personally identifiable’ and the amount of control one has over them varies around the world.
* [Ada Lovelace Institute](https://twitter.com/AdaLovelaceInst) (ALI) Shares Highlights and References
> discussing different approaches to data stewardship and potential principles individuals and organisations can follow
- [Exploring principles for data stewardship](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/project/exploring-principles-for-data-stewardship/) - case studies exploring principles for data stewardship - ALI
- [Data Trusts Initiative](https://datatrusts.uk/) - interdisciplinary programme that pursues research at the interface of technology, policy and the law to better understand the role data trusts can play
- [Data Futures](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/initiatives/data-futures/) - Research to shift power through data governance - Mozilla Foundation
- [The Data Economy Lab](https://thedataeconomylab.com/) - unlock the societal value of data while safeguarding the rights of individuals and communities.
- [Practising data stewardship in India, early questions](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/blog/practising-data-stewardship-in-india/) - could data stewardship help to rebalance power towards individuals and communities? ALI
- [Doing good with data: what does good look like when it comes to data stewardship?](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/blog/what-does-good-look-like-data-stewardship/) ALI
- [@CjColclough](https://twitter.com/CjColclough) shares: [Towards Workers' Data Collectives](https://www.thewhynotlab.com/post/towards-worker-data-collectives) (The Why Not Lab)Written for [Just Net Coalition](https://justnetcoalition.org/) and [IT for Change](https://itforchange.net/) Digital New Deal [essay series](https://itforchange.net/digital-new-deal/)
* [Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud](https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first.html)
a set of principles for software that enables both collaboration and ownership for users. Local-first ideals include the ability to work offline and collaborate across multiple devices, while also improving the security, privacy, long-term preservation, and user control of data.
* [Personal Data Warehouses](https://simonwillison.net/2020/Nov/14/personal-data-warehouses/) Simon Willison
> If you’re like me, and you love building side-projects but you don’t like paying $5/month for them for the rest of your life, this is perfect.
* [Why framing “data” as an asset or liability is dangerous](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/03/why-framing-data-as-asset-or-liability.html) MyDigital Footprint
> If there is one thing that can change finance’s power and dominance as a decision-making tool, it is the rest of the [data](https://opengovernance.net/data-is-data-90ba0b803178). According to Google (2020), 3% of company data is finance data when considered part of an entire company’s data lake. McKinsey [reports](https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/how-companies-make-good-decisions-mckinsey-global-survey-results) that 90% of company decisions are based on finance data alone, the same 3% of data.
If you are in accounting, audit or finance shoes, how would you play the game to retain control when something more powerful comes on the scene?
* [PSA Today with Julian Ranger, founder of Digi.me](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-37-Kaliya-and-Seth-talk-with-Julian-Ranger--Chairman--Founder-of-Digi-me-about-personal-data-governance-in-a-world-of-surveillance-capitalism-etpk24)
> Personal data governance (in a world of surveillance capitalism)
* [Personal data servers will help take back digital ID from big tech](https://www.wired.co.uk/article/personal-data-servers) (Wired OpEd)
> In 2021, individuals will gain the ability to own servers where their data is stored – and with it control their online identities.
> [...] because data from their healthcare provider acquired into the server can be used to authenticate and assert that fact without the need to give any identity information. By using PDAs, apps that rely on sensitive data will be able to access this and stay “identity blind”.
> One effect of the Covid-19 pandemic will be the increased use of PDAs.
* [‘Personal Data Ecosystem’ key foundation for Scotland’s Digital Economy](https://digitalscot.net/personal-data-ecosystem/)
> Patient records won’t be held centrally in a monolith EHR, but will instead be distributed to and owned/controlled by the users themselves.
> Apps like [Healthy Me](https://digi.me/healthy-me/) from digi.me are an example of this new paradigm and how the decentralized approach tackles issues common to IT, like data privacy, by distributing the workload and privacy control to the users themselves.
> Initiatives like [MyData](https://mydata.org/), of which digi.me plays a key role, are setting out to develop the global movement that will establish the framework for adoption of this approach, defining the methods and governance for regulating this model of data exchange.
* [Digi.me enables rapid citizen-centric data exchange solutions for flexibile Gov COVID-19 uses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LbWqBTCa00) (youtube)
* [New Coalition Launches Campaign for Data Sovereignty Now](https://datasovereigntynow.org/2021/01/21/new-coalition-launches-campaign-for-data-sovereignty-now/)
> a campaign that will press European policy makers at all levels to ensure that control of data remains in the hands of the people and organizations that generate it. The issue becomes ever more urgent as policies around Europe’s digital economy and data architecture start to solidify.
* [Hidden in Plain Sight — the Transformational Potential of Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/hidden-in-plain-sight-the-transformational-potential-of-personal-data-da47f666713e) MyDex
> Personal data stores apply the same economic logic to transform the costs of producing data driven services. [Verified attributes](https://medium.com/mydex/unleashing-the-potential-of-verified-attributes-fe001e01b091) are the digital equivalents of Henry Ford’s standardised parts. By enabling one organisation to instantly re-use data verified by another organisation they eliminate the need for vast amounts of duplicated effort and rework (re-creating each data point from scratch or checking its details, provenance etc).
* [If your strategic plan is based on data, have you considered the consequences?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/04/if-your-strategic-plan-is-based-on-data.html) MyDigitalFootprint
> How do you know your data set has the views of everyone who is critical to your business today and in the future? How do you know the tools you use provide equal weight to everyone to make our business thrive? How do you know if the recommendation was written before the analysis? How do your incentives create a new bias?
* [We Need Data Unions to Support the Data Economy](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/voices-of-the-data-economy-shiv-malik-data-unions-84243ab965ee) Pool Foundation via Ocean Protocol
> In the twelfth episode of Voices of the Data Economy, we had a conversation with [Shiv Malik](https://twitter.com/shivmalik?s%3D20), CEO at Pool Foundation and former Head of Growth for Streamr where he evangelized about a new decentralized data economy. During this discussion, he tells us how Data Unions work, its real-life use cases, and legislative regulations supporting the Data Union model. Here are edited excerpts from the podcast.
* [Data for good: powering our way to a better world](https://blog.digi.me/2021/04/29/data-for-good-powering-our-way-to-a-better-world/)
> We should absolutely all be taking care of the data that belongs to us, our data that we create, that we have a right to be able to control and share exactly as we choose. But we should also bear in mind the power of that data to help each of us, every day, benefit from the good that can come when it is shared and used to create a better world for us all.
* [Everybody has our data ... except us](https://reb00ted.org/personaldata/20210620-who-has-my-personal-data/) reb00ted
Google has all my e-mail. (And I don’t. They merely let me access it with a browser.)
Facebook has the list of all of my friends and what I said to them. (And I don’t.)
LinkedIn has all of my business contacts. (Repeat after me: and I don’t.)
Instagram has all my photos. Well, the Instagram department of Facebook does. (Chorus now: and I don’t.)
Amazon has the list of all my purchases, and knows what products I was interested in but didn’t buy after all. (AND I DON’T.)
* [What the Heck is a Data Mesh?!](https://cnr.sh/essays/what-the-heck-data-mesh)
I re-read [Zhamak Dehghani](https://twitter.com/zhamakd) ’s [original](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-monolith-to-mesh.html) and [follow-on](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-mesh-principles.html) posts. Zhamak is the creator of the data mesh. In her second post she identifies [four data mesh principles](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-mesh-principles.html%23CorePrinciplesAndLogicalArchitectureOfDataMesh):
1. Domain-oriented decentralized data ownership and architecture
2. Data as a product
3. Self-serve data infrastructure as a platform
4. Federated computational governance
* [Attitudes To Personal Data Management](https://mylifedigital.co.uk/attitudes-to-personal-data-management/)
> In recent years, personal data has been an increasingly popular topic of conversation for marketers, data analysts, regulators, and privacy warriors. Individuals have learnt that recent regulatory updates have given them more rights over how that data is used. Are these two forces aligned?
> We distributed a survey and received over 400 responses from both individuals and organisations answering questions about the management of personal data. How aligned are the two points of view? This infographic shows a summary of key questions and responses.
* [What Does It Actually Mean When a Company Says, “We Do Not Sell Your Data?”](https://john.philpin.com/2021/09/03/what-does-it.html) John Philipin
Probably because the alternatives produce even more income.
* [Catalysing transformative change: new project to produce innovative services in smart cities](https://mydata.org/2021/09/02/catalysing-transformative-change-new-project-to-produce-innovative-services-in-smart-cities/) MyData
“Cities around the world are racing ahead to be smarter by taking ethical approaches to personal data”, explains Teemu Ropponen, General Manager of MyData Global “MyData Global is a centre of excellence for personal data management expertise, with the H3C project we are bringing together city administrations, companies and individuals to find solutions that put people in control of their personal data”
* [Introducing the Me2B 101 Flash Guide Series](https://me2ba.org/introducing-the-me2b-101-flash-guide-series/) Me2B Alliance
When we started drafting the Respectful Tech Specification a couple of years ago, it was immediately obvious that we didn’t have an adequate vocabulary to describe personal experiences in the digital world—never mind measure them.
* [Flash Guide #5: Online Me2B Deals: Currencies in the Digital World and the Price of “Free”](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-5-online-me2b-deals-currencies-in-the-digital-world-and-the-price-of-free/)
The Me2B Deals or transactions that occur online typically involve three types of “currency”: money, attention or data. [...] What sets online data monetization apart from the other two currencies is that often, customers have no idea what they are paying with – or that they are paying at all.
* [Flash Guide #6: Online Me2B Relationships](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-6-online-me2b-relationships/)
our relationship with connected technology includes a set of “hidden affiliates” (third party integrations) that most of us are not aware of. This guide describes how these relationships – conscious or not – emerge as we interact with digital technologies.
* [Flash Guide #7: The Me2B Lifecycle: Overlaying Social Norms on the Digital World](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-7-the-me2b-lifecycle-overlaying-social-norms-on-the-digital-world/)
This real life social context is currently missing in both existing privacy regulation and in industry standards models for ethical technology [...] Our model helps course-correct connected technology by pinpointing how the digital Me2B experience deviates from important social behavioral norms.
* [Flash Guide #8: Digital Me2B Commitments & Deals](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-8-digital-me2b-commitments-deals/)
This guide provides examples of common Commitments and Deals, and shows how they map to the stages of a Me2B Lifecycle. It also reflects social norms for being anonymous, recognized, or known at each stage.
* [Flash Guide #9: The 10 Attributes of Respectful Me2B Commitments](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-9-the-10-attributes-of-respectful-me2b-commitments/)
The Me2B Respectful Tech Specification measures technology behavior against 10 attributes that respectful Me2B Commitments should possess. These attributes represent how technology should treat us and our data at every step along the Me2B Relationship Lifecycle.
* [Flash Guide #10: Data Flow & the Invisible Parallel Dataverse](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-10-data-flow-the-invisible-parallel-dataverse/)
Our personal data flows do not start light and increase with time and trust. Instead, a firehose of personal information is released – and shared with a host of unseen third parties – as soon as we open an app or website. Me2BA’s Respectful Tech Specification V.1 is largely focused on testing for these invisible parallel dataverse data flows.
* [12 ways a human-centric approach to data can improve the world](https://me2ba.org/world-economic-forum-12-ways-a-human-centric-approach-to-data-can-improve-the-world/) Me2B Alliance
Twenty-five quintillion bytes of data are generated every day. That’s 25,000,000,000,000,000,000. In this era of data abundance, it’s easy to think of these bytes as a panacea – informing policies and spurring activities to address the pandemic, climate change or gender inequality – but without the right systems in place, we cannot realize the full potential of data to advance a sustainable, equit
* [PERSONAL DATA HOLDS THE KEY FOR SUSTAINABLE CITY LIFE](https://mydata.org/2021/09/13/personal-data-holds-the-key-for-sustainable-city-life-but-rewards-must-be-balanced-with-risks-to-digital-rights/) MyData
* [Japan-based Dixon Siu to join the Board of aNewGovernance AISBL](https://www.anewgovernance.org/2021/09/15/japan-based-dixon-siu-to-join-the-board-of-anewgovernance-aisbl/)
Given his breadth of experience and alignment with a number of strategic sectors where aNewGovernance is currently developing ecosystems, I am sure, he will bring incredible contribution.
* [Data Privacy: does anyone care?](https://blog.meeco.me/data-privacy-does-anyone-care/) Meeco
The compelling data and research suggest that my original question now needs to be reframed. People most certainly do care about their data privacy. The question now is: how are organisations going to bridge this data privacy chasm?
* [Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021(English)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D2Q2DL0ojauA)
* [FTC’s Shot Across the Bow: Purpose and Use Restrictions Could Frame The Future of Personal Data Management](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/11/03/ftcs-shot-across-the-bow-purpose-and-use-restrictions-could-frame-the-future-of-personal-data-management/) Identity Praxis
So that there is no uncertainty or doubt, however, Duball[4](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/11/03/ftcs-shot-across-the-bow-purpose-and-use-restrictions-could-frame-the-future-of-personal-data-management/%23fn4) reports that, while consumer privacy is a chief concern for the commission, it is not the primary concern to the exclusion of other concerns. The commission is also worried about algorithmic bias and “dark patterns” practices.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model: Whitepaper](https://hyperonomy.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/hyperonomy-ssi-personal-data-usage-licensing-model-ssi-pdul-model-2021-0.27rd.pdf) Hyperonomy
The scope of the Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model is personal digital identifiers and any associated identity data presented by Alice to the App. It does not include the permissioning of data internal to the App (although the natural extension of the solution to internal data is an obvious one)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Personal Data Usage Licensing (SSI-PDUL) Model](https://hyperonomy.com/2021/01/27/self-sovereign-identity-personal-data-usage-licensing-ssi-pdul-model-solution-concept/) Michael Herman
How Alice User, an App User and Identity Owner, and Bob Developer, an App Developer and App Controller, might negotiate the use of Alice’s personal digital identifiers and any associated personal identity data by Bob’s app, based on Self-Sovereign Identity Model Usage Principles
* [75% of Americans Want National Data Privacy Standards](https://anonyome.com/2021/11/75-of-americans-want-national-data-privacy-standards/) Anonyme
> The clear majority of adults surveyed want national standards around how companies collect, process and share [personal data](https://anonyome.com/2020/05/what-constitutes-personally-identifiable-information-or-pii/) to help protect users’ [privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/02/what-is-privacy/) and security online. Seven in 10 people agree with the federal government treating personal data security as a [national security](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/china-us-recognize-national-security-risks-of-surveillance-capitalism/) issue and investing in cybersecurity.
* [Trusted Data Ecosystems: The Indicio Way](https://indicio.tech/trusted-data-ecosystems-the-indicio-way)
This multidimensional value—authenticity, compliance, integrity, and resilience—coupled with being easy to integrate is what separates the Indicio approach from the rest. Our growth in 16 months—with global enterprise customers and a global decentralized blockchain network supported by 23 companies on five continents is a sign that fundamental change is coming in the way we share information.
* [Helping Data Trusts Manage Personal Data](https://medium.com/mydex/helping-data-trusts-manage-personal-data-4215faaee5f2) Mydex
Mydex CIC has just published a blog for Cambridge University’s Data Trust Initiative on ‘Helping Data Trusts Manage Personal Data’. In it, we address the challenges that arise as the Data Trust movement begins to scale.
- [MEF CONNECTS Personal Data & Identity](https://mobileecosystemforum.com/events_/mef-connects-personal-data-identity/) 5/11 Mobile Ecoystem Forum
- [How to use the framework of a Trusted Data Ecosystem to simplify building decentralized identity solutions](https://www.kuppingercole.com/sessions/4999/3) on Wednesday, May 11, at the [European Identity and Cloud Conference 2022](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022).
* [The need for new Data Institutions](https://medium.com/mydex/the-need-for-new-data-institutions-e6b06cd0cbb8) Alan Mitchell
we were presenting at the Open Data Institute’s event on Data Sharing and the [Rise of Data Institutions](https://theodi.org/article/what-are-data-institutions-and-why-are-they-important/) — a crucially important subject for the years ahead. (You can see the slides of our presentation [here](https://www.slideshare.net/davidejalexander/mydex-cic-odi-radical-data-institutions-20220330-alan-mitchellpdf).)
* [Dangerous Data: the role of data collection in genocides](https://www.theengineroom.org/dangerous-data-the-role-of-data-collection-in-genocides/) The Engine Room
* [Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe](https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC127730) JRC Publications
Europe’s digital transformation of the economy and society is framed by the European strategy for data through the establishment of a common European data space based on domain-specific data spaces in strategic sectors such as environment, agriculture, industry, health and transportation.
* [Ontology Partners With 4EVERLAND to Accelerate Web 3.0 Adoption](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-partners-with-4everland-to-accelerate-web-3-0-adoption-dfc658e8ea21)
Ontology is partnering with [4EVERLAND](https://www.4everland.org/), a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform enabling global acceleration, privacy protection, distributed storage and other technical features to accelerate the move towards Web 3.0.
* [Data Mob Rule](https://www.moxytongue.com/2021/08/data-mob-rule.html) MoxyTongue
Individual Rights are hard to come by historically. Strong people make them possible. First requirement of their existence is thus, strong people.
* [How to unleash the full potential of data?](https://medium.com/mydex/how-to-unleash-the-full-potential-of-data-3676db8d7c03) Alan Mitchell
The main reason why vital information is not getting where it needs to be is that our data economy has evolved to be an organisation-centric ‘One User One Use’ (OUOU) system — whereas, thanks to the inner logic of data itself, it needs to operate as a ‘Many Users, Many Uses’ (MUMU) data ecosystem.
### Data Portability
* [Europe’s top Data Portability Projects](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/meet-europes-top-data-portability-projects/)
- [ALIAS](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/alias/) – automating GDPR portability for applications developers.
- [Checkpipe Charlie](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/checkpipe-charlie/) – tool for describing and validating data.
- [DIP](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/dip/) – Vaccination & Immunization Management using Verifiable Credentials.
- [Domi](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/domi/) – SSI-based digital passport to facilitate data portability in the housing rental sector.
- [DPella](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/dpella/) – Data analyses with privacy in mind.
- [IDADEV-P2P](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/idadev-p2p/) – Blockchain Based Data Portability System
- [OpenPKG](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/openpkg/) – decentralised data provenance system for improved governance and portability of personal data.
- [OpenXPort](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/openxport/) – Open export of data across different systems and providers.
- [ORATORIO](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/oratorio/) – Energy data exchange platform.
- [Prov4ITData](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/prov4itdata/) – Provenance-aware querying and generation for interoperable and transparent data transfer.
- [UI-Transfer](https://dapsi.ngi.eu/hall-of-fame/ui-transfer/) – complete solution for “user initiated inter-controller and continuous data transfer”
* [Exostar Receives Kantara Initiative’s Identity Assurance Trust Framework Certification](https://www.exostar.com/press/exostar-receives-kantara-initiatives-identity-assurance-trust-framework-certification-achieves-healthcare-and-life-science-community-milestones/) - Latest Recognition Further Demonstrates Company Protects Customers’ Identity and Personal Data by Complying with NIST 800-63 Standard
> “This is a significant achievement and market differentiator for Exostar. The Kantara assessment and review process is rigorous and approval demonstrates a company’s care and respect for its customers.”
* [Data as competitive advantage & control mechanism in platform economy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlf5juCc6CA)
> Presenters: Sangeet Paul Choudary, Molly Schwartz Session host: Riikka Kämppi Molly Schwartz chats with Sangeet Paul Choudary - best-selling author of Platform Revolution and Platform Scale and founder of Platformation Labs - unpacks the ethics and economics of data.
* [Decentralized machine learning to respond to the health crisis](https://blog.cozy.io/en/decentralized-machine-learning-to-respond-to-the-health-crisis/)
> The current health crisis has shown how essential it is to have data in order to make political decisions.[...]
> We present here one of these solutions that allows training an AI with the data of many individuals without ever disclosing it to third parties, thanks to a decentralized protocol.
* [Kaliya & Seth talk Synthetic Data with Harry Keen CEO of Hazy.com](https://anchor.fm/psatoday/episodes/PSA-Today-33-Kaliya--Seth-talk-Synthetic-Data-with-Harry-Keen--CEO-and-co-founder-of-Hazy-com-eqal35) PSA Today #33
> Originally a UCL AI spin out, London-based Hazy was initially incubated by Post Urban Ventures and CyLon cybersecurity accelerator. Our startup began trying to fix the flaws of traditional data redaction and then data anonymisation. We soon discovered anonymised data will always pose a risk to re-identification.
### Dynamic Data Economy: Digital Identity, Authentic Data Flows, Data Mesh and other dragons by Robert Mitwicki
DDE, HCF, Data Mesh, KERI, OCA
Session was held by Human Colossus Foundation folks who described the vision for DDE which is developed within the Colossi network around the foundations.
Dynamic Data Economy is a roadmap towards fair, decentralized and authentic data economy. Many times people are referring to blockchain technology as a revolution within digital space. But often they actually mean something more profound: the promise of Decentralisation brought by blockchain. A Dynamic Data Economy brings decentralization outside the technology realm into digital solutions for any economic actors. It does so by decentralizing all layers of the ecosystem:
- Decentralized Governance - no administrative entity fully controls and sets the rules, Individuals, organization and government are sovereign on their data Governance.
- Decentralized Architecture - physically decentralization of resources running that network. Economic actors keep control of their data storage solution according to the level of security required.
- Decentralized Logic (Data) - if you cut the system in half it can continue working and data is not damaged in any way, e.g. no need for total ordering.
No blockchain fulfills all those requirements and some none at all. And this is a problem for sensitive areas (e.g. identity or data portability) Then the agreements on sets of principles, protocols and rules to fulfill those requirements are “add-ons”.They are not in the system by design and thus weakens the overall solution Thus the Human Colossus Foundation (HCF) is seeking for opening up discussion and lead towards standardization efforts to ensure that the decentralized technologies already existing brings to life a Dynamic Data Economy for all with and without blockchain.
* [An introduction to The Authentic Data Economy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4E/_An_introduction_to_The_Authentic_Data_Economy) by David Huseby
This was a session to discuss the topics I brought up in my article on the authentic data economy:
* [The Authentic Data Economy. Universal Digital Trust at Global Scale | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 | Medium](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/the-authentic-data-economy-9802da67e1fa)
With each successive wave of computerization the new innovations built on the last. Each one taking more of human-scale processes and shrinking them down and putting them into computers and eventually online. The authentic data economy isn’t any different. It leverages data collection and networking and personal computing advances. It makes our data ours and authentic. It builds on all of the previous work done by countless engineers and inventors and dreamers. However, by being the last big problem it represents the final piece that brings together everything that came before it. The scope of the authentic data economy is literally everything in the human sphere. There is nothing that this won’t change. Trust will go everywhere and into everything. But most importantly, so will privacy.
I talked about how the break from the W3C DID specs and other key innovations in cryptography have enabled me and Mike Lodder to design a solution for identity and all data provenance that is 1. privacy preserving, 2. scalable to global scale and how that creates an opportunity for authentic data to become the primary way data is used in the world.
* [Credential Marketplaces](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12K/_Credential_Marketplaces) by Martin Riedel, Stepan Gershuni
Presentation: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WOXgHhgAwG0Im45pZkTAhsadpd8xbck0xjlnsuVGGhI/edit?ts=60803bc8](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WOXgHhgAwG0Im45pZkTAhsadpd8xbck0xjlnsuVGGhI/edit?ts%3D60803bc8%23slide%3Did.gd369c9df06_0_17)
The goal of this session is to present the idea and get community feedback regarding this.
Credential Marketplace is quite high up the SSI stack but we want to start this discussion.
1. What is Credential Marketplace?
2. We have a Trust Triangle of Issuer-Holder-Verifier. This does not need any centralized entity except schema hosting.
3. However, we want to solve the problem of discovery of Issuers and Verifiers.
4. Example: I’m traveling to a new country. I need to get what healthcare VCs are needed to go there, in an automated way.
5. How can we solve this without relaying on a centralized registry of Verifier requirements and Issuer capabilities?
6. How it works
7. In order to discover issuers / vc types, there should be a registration step where issuers/verifiers actively OR passively provide metadata about their capabilities.
8. Credential Data — can contain some filters or constraints on the data from within the VC. E.g. As a Verifier, I only accept passport VC from only certain governments: only German nationals.
9. VC Metadata
10. Issuer Metadata
11. Reputation mechanism for credential issuers
12. Marketplace can also implement value transfer: paying for issuance by the verifier, for example. Even if they are part of different SSI ecosystems. This is optional but can help incentivize different participants.
* [Universal NFTs as authentic data without tokens/blockchains. How to eliminate minting/mining fees and break the NFT silos.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21F/_Universal_NFTs_as_authentic_data_without_tokens/blockchains._How_to_eliminate_minting/mining_fees_and_break_the_NFT_silos.) by Dave Huseby
This session described how we can use the authentic data solution to track provenance and controllership of digital data and effectively create NFTs, now called NFADs, that are completely independent of blockchains and tokens. This eliminates minting and transfer costs common on the NFT silos. I have provided link to the slides.
* [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VaxwE9d4kEvmsJGUMWcvLf5WOQRcv5o_wTGTsecfseA/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VaxwE9d4kEvmsJGUMWcvLf5WOQRcv5o_wTGTsecfseA/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
* [International Semantic Infrastructure: Requirements for a distributed data economy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21L/_International_Semantic_Infrastructure:_Requirements_for_a_distributed_data_economy) by Paul Knowles
Brent Shambaugh. Integrate computing, processing, storage. Virtual machine to integrate databases. Query language, like Linked Data, over a lot of different systems. SeeQL(?) - translate. Categorical databases (Ryan and David’s work): to not really rely on a single source ofo truth, but more rely on transformations between things. Use category theory to have an exact/provable way of doing that. Cat theory has to follow certain rules. Cat theory kind of abstract but provides a framework for unrelated disparate things. Ryan could say how to algebraicly describe things, which would branch off into… Josh at Uber: come up with schemas, get down to the data/logical layer. Different places to go. Way to translate in from out. Might have multiple different ones, want to map from each one, but if you have a vague interpediary in centralized model, loosely defined that both map to, then have a mapping between the two things. Linked Data problem
* [...]
Linking data together is about machine readability. Involved humans… need to understand. Do it through language. Humans like OCA because can understand data in different languages, makes sense for people. Human element. In that capture space. Want to refine OCA, take out some of the rules parts, masking overlay, conditional overlays, and get it away from OCA as architecture - it convolutes things. OCA only meant for making theings human-readable.
* [Creating a positive vision for the future - decentralised web + SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21I/_Creating_a_positive_vision_for_the_future_-_decentralised_web_%252B_SSI) by Jemima Gibbons
Discussion moved to this Miro board:
* [https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lII_R8s=/](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lII_R8s%3D/)
* [IIW32_TH_21I_Creating a Positive Visition for Future - Decentralised Wed + SSI](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iELB7PlUp_5ZJa9LGxWXium_-pHcXS35MG4oGgDl98s/edit)
17:10:05 From Bruce Conrad to Everyone : Another dystopia prediction from 1909: "The Machine Stops" is a science fiction short story (12,300 words) by E. M. Forster. [quoted from wikipedia]
* [https://www.amazon.com/Monkeys-Typewriters-Myths-Realities-Social/dp/0956263143](https://www.amazon.com/Monkeys-Typewriters-Myths-Realities-Social/dp/0956263143)
17:18:50 From Jemima Gibbons to Everyone : [https://join.slack.com/t/oneteamgovernment/shared_invite/zt-2tsf24lc-zhqjU6GIjWiDem_APXc0BQ](https://join.slack.com/t/oneteamgovernment/shared_invite/zt-2tsf24lc-zhqjU6GIjWiDem_APXc0BQ)
17:22:31 From Jemima Gibbons to Everyone : [https://sfadigital.blog.gov.uk/2017/03/24/dont-bring-policy-and-delivery-closer-together-make-them-the-same-thing/](https://sfadigital.blog.gov.uk/2017/03/24/dont-bring-policy-and-delivery-closer-together-make-them-the-same-thing/)
* [https://www.oneteamgov.uk/](https://www.oneteamgov.uk/)
* [https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/DRQLs1YeZ9DqbWzmXoBVubmSZ2zgt93AelmqxuZVf9q5zqWLyZI7AFxGePI4biNq](https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/DRQLs1YeZ9DqbWzmXoBVubmSZ2zgt93AelmqxuZVf9q5zqWLyZI7AFxGePI4biNq)
17:52:46 From Orie Steele to Everyone : Shameless plug for our work with GS1 on VCs
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDkANArgdKI&t=15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DiDkANArgdKI%26t%3D15s)
* [The Anatomy Of Personal Data Sovereignty](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/05/04/the-anatomy-of-personal-data-sovereignty/?sh%3D69dbea5761e1) in Forbes
The data privacy/control issue isn’t new, but the attitude shift is. People care more, demand more, and the scale of change that has occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic is major. As we live through times exposing such injustice and inequality, it's becoming evident that this personal data ecosystem needs to undergo a major revamp.
* [BIS Annual Report](https://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2022e3.pdf) section III. The future monetary system on page 41 in the chart
Point 5. User control over data—data governance arrangements should ensure users’ privacy and control over data:
- Today: Users trust intermediaries to keep data safe, but they do not have sufficient control over their data
- Crypto: Transactions are public on the blockchain—which will not work with “real names”
- Tomorrow: New data architectures can give users privacy and control over their data
* [Introducing TreeLDR: A Canopy Across Your Data Schema Dreams](https://blog.spruceid.com/introducing-treeldr-a-canopy-across-your-data-schemas/) SpruceID
TreeLDR is an open-source developer tool with a DSL that makes managing data schemas as easy as defining data structures in your favorite (sane) statically-typed language.
Our open banking platform is guided by our [data responsibility principles](https://www.mastercard.com/news/perspectives/2022/data-responsibility-and-inclusion/). Mastercard
* [Rulebook overcomes the lack of trust in data sharing](https://www.mydata.org/2022/08/30/rulebook-overcomes-the-lack-of-trust-in-data-sharing/) MyData
The data sharing market is taking off and there is enormous uncaptured value. Many organisations are looking for new trustworthy ways to create value from data collaboration. Individuals can also benefit tremendously if data can be more readily shared across service providers.
* [Training: Building smart cities services 2.0](https://oldwww.mydata.org/h3c/) MyData
You will learn about business models, compliance with complex regulatory regimes, standards, and governance mechanisms. You will be connected with EU funding opportunities, and you will learn how to build successful partnerships with companies and cities
* [What Meta’s Profit Drop Might Say About Consumer Sentiment on Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/09/what-metas-profit-drop-might-say-about-consumer-sentiment-on-data-privacy/) Anyonyome
* [Skills for creative futures? MyData starts the Cyanotypes project.](https://www.mydata.org/2022/09/21/mydata-starts-cyanotypes-project/) MyData
* [What to make of data sovereignty](https://www.mydata.org/2022/09/26/data-sovereignty/) MyData
Data sovereignty has gained much recent attention, whilst interpreted in varied ways. MyData Global describes in this blog post what to make of data sovereignty when taking a human-centric approach to personal data.
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# Interop
* [Prioritizing Individual Sovereignty over Interoperability](https://jolocom.io/blog/decentralized-identifiers-design-challenges/) Jolocom and Danube tech
* [Trust over IP Foundation Introduces a New Tool for Interoperable Digital Trust](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2020/10/19/trust-over-ip-foundation-introduces-a-new-tool-for-interoperable-digital-trust/)
* [Different approaches to Interoperability](https://www.evernym.com/blog/getting-to-practical-interop-with-verifiable-credentials/) by Daniel Hardman of Evernym
> Several VC ecosystems have grown up around the VC spec. Each touts standards compliance and interoperability, yet they do not currently interoperate with one another. Let’s have a look at their differences and commonalities, and then explore a simple proposal that might make which language your VCs “speak” as transparent as which language you choose when you watch a movie.
* [DHS/SVIP Interoperability Plug-Fest 2 : Features Under Test ...](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Mar/0022.html) John, Anil
As you know, we had our first Interop plug-fest last year in May 2020, which was a heavy lift for our portfolio companies -- To be blunt, while there was a lot of hand-waving on interop, that was the first time anyone had demonstrated any manner of concrete cross-vendor / cross-platform interop in the VC/DID community.
This presentation on the DHS/SVIP Interop Plug-Fest is epic!
* [DHS/SVIP Interoperability Plug-Fest 2 // VC/DID/Blockchain Multi-Platform & Multi-Vendor Interoperability Showcase](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Mar/0101.html) Anil John
> ([slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MeeP7vDXb9CpSBfjTybYbo8qJfrrbrXCSJa0DklNe2k/edit%23slide%3Did.p1) Through the presentations and demos, we hope that you are able to gain an appreciation of the engineering depth, openness, inclusiveness and the multi-vendor, multi-platform interoperability that we demonstrated that is needed for these type of solutions to internet scale without locking anyone into a particular vendor or technology stack.
* [Interoperability is Not a Choice](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/interoperability-is-not-a-choice-387d57c6dc32) Transmute
> [Interoperability](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/the-business-case-for-interoperability-a1a2b884297d) moves from theory to reality when companies have meaningful ability to choose. It is predicated on open standards foundations that enable easy movement of data and vendors.
> Our team was proud to participate in the [US Department of Homeland Security Silicon Valley Innovation Program](https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/svip) Interoperability Plug-fest this month. DHS SVIP has been leading the charge on interoperability for years now, putting their funding and networks on the table to lead the charge.
* [Transmute: Interoperability & Selective Disclosure in an Audit Authorization Scenario](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DPodtjhO3vJo)
Proof of COVID Vaccination Credential
* [Transmute + DHS SVIP: Showing Interoperability in a Supply Chain Scenario](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DfngwogLRUGk)
* [DHS SVIP PlugFest 2021 – Interop Testing Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DmXLy2Rof_iA) Mattr
> As part of our deliverables for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Silicon Valley Innovation Program, we developed capabilities including a MATTR web wallet, CHAPI credential interactions, and direct interoperability with issuance and verification infrastructure built by other vendors. The results of this work are documented in our publicly available open-source test suite: [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-http-api/test-suite/mattr/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-http-api/test-suite/mattr/)
* [DHS SVIP PlugFest 2021 – USCIS Appointment Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DdgcKYam4MiQ) Mattr
> We showcase our Mobile Wallet and OIDC Bridge Platform Extension in action, demonstrating how BBS+ signatures and selective disclosure can allow users to manage which data they are sharing with relying parties in a privacy-preserving way. This work leverages a newly created [Appointment vocabulary for JSON-LD](https://mattrglobal.github.io/appointment-vocab/)
* [DHS SVIP PlugFest 2021 – Paper & Digital Vaccination Credentials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DfEBNGj377Vc) Mattr
> We showcase how both paper and digital credentials can be verified using the same infrastructure, allowing for easier relying-party integration. This work leverages CBOR-LD and a newly created [Vaccination Certificate vocabulary](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vaccination-vocab/)
* [Three-Vendor Interop - DHS SVIP Showcase Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DdreJIx0_esE) Danube Tech
* [Full Walkthrough DHS SVIP Showcase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D87B_OyqWzVE) Danube Tech
* [Virtual Credentials Journey 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DAtCoavCFN1o) Danube Tech
* [Virtual Credentials Journey 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DXYiqkMqCUnY) Danube Tech
* [Interoperability Fest – Oil & Gas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DKx49PklrHIY) Mavenet
* [Sphereon wins an EU eSSIF-Lab grant](https://sphereon.com/news-and-insights/sphereon-wins-an-eu-essif-lab-grant/)
We’re very pleased to announce that our proposal “Presentation Exchange – Credential Query Infra” has been selected as 1 of 7 out of 299 proposals to join the second Infrastructure-oriented program of the EU’s eSSIF-Lab.
We’ll be providing a Presentation Exchange that creates interoperability between W3C DIF-compliant Verifiable Credentials and Hyperledger Aries-based Verifiable Credentials for the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI).
- [Digital Bazaar Interop 1B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D-sr-7E7q79E)
- [Digital Bazaar Interop 1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Demu301gvMJE)
* [Setting Interoperability Targets Part 1 of 2](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/setting-interoperability-targets-part-1-of-2-c6cbeaf82e98) Decentralized Identity Foundation
These will probably always differ and make a universal abstraction impossible; and that’s not a bad thing! These requirements are always going to be specific to each regulatory context, and without them, innovation (and large-scale investment) are endangered by regulatory uncertainty.
* [Setting Interoperability Targets Part 1 of 2](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/setting-interoperability-targets-part-1-of-2-c6cbeaf82e98) DIF
The Interoperability working group will be tracking them and providing guidance and documentation where possible. Importantly, though, there is a new DIF Working Group coming soon, the Wallet Security WG, which will dive deeper into these profiles and requirements, benefiting from a narrow scope and IPR protection, allowing them to speak more bluntly about the above-mentioned details.
* [Setting Interoperability Targets Part 2 of 2](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/setting-interoperability-targets-part-2-of-2-671f8faa8ecb) DIF
Having shown in our last piece how interoperability “profiles” are designed, we now tackle some key technical problem areas ripe for this kind of profile-first interoperability work across stacks.
* [Release of the Good Health Pass (GHP) Interoperability Blueprint](https://trustoverip.org/news/2021/08/12/release-of-the-good-health-pass-ghp-interoperability-blueprint/) TrustoverIP
After a public review period during June with stakeholders in air travel, government, healthcare, hospitality, and other affected sectors, the Blueprint was finalized in mid-July for final approval and publication. “Publication of the V1.0.0 Blueprint is just the first step in seeing interoperable privacy preserving digital health passes adopted in order to support people being able to gather together again with lower personal and public health risk,” said Kaliya Young, chair of the Working Group and Ecosystems Director at CCI. “Our next task is collaborating with real world implementers to fill in any remaining gaps to get to an interoperable system and working with LFPH and other partners to deliver open source code that can be deployed.”
* [SSI Interoperability Demo – NB Orbit Mobile Wallet, PwC, Copper Mountain & BC Mines](https://northernblock.io/ssi-interoperability-demo-nb-orbit-mobile-wallet-pwc-copper-mountain-bc-mines/) NorthernBlock ([Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DWkPuEuf9K3Y)
In collaboration with the BC Mines Trust Ecosystem, we demonstrate interoperability between organizations using the BC Gov Business Partner Agent and the NB Orbit Mobile Wallet for managing sustainable mining practices.
* [DHS SVIP Demo Week Day 2 Blockchain & DLT September 15, 2021](https://vimeo.com/showcase/8833272)
* [Setting Interoperability Targets Part 2 of 2](https://blog.identity.foundation/setting-interoperability-targets-2/) Decentralized Identity Foundation
Having shown in our last piece how interoperability "profiles" are designed, we now tackle some key technical problem areas ripe for this kind of profile-first interoperability work across stacks.
* [Decentralzied Mapping Initiative](https://whimsical.com/decentralized-mapping-exercise-CUhk3dT4RUZvGa4Lt7rNvD) – DIF Interop WG
* [Transatlantic SSI Interop](https://medium.com/@markus.sabadello/transatlantic-ssi-interop-52bac6be8dfe) Markus Sabadello
The "Transatlantic SSI Interop" experiment was successfully conducted to demonstrate interoperability between the EU EBSI Diploma use case, and the US SVIP Permanent Resident Card use case. This was jointly planned and executed by EU partner Danube Tech and US partner Digital Bazaar.
* [Evernym Joins with Other Solution Providers to Achieve Interoperability Milestone](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-joins-with-other-solution-providers-to-achieve-interoperability-milestone/)
* [Evernym’s Verity](https://www.evernym.com/products/%23verity) issuing to:
- [Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-wallet/)
- [IBM Verify App](http://doc.ibmsecurity.verify-creds.com/whats_new/)
- [Lissi by Main Incubator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id%3Dio.lissi.mobile)
- [esatus Wallet](https://self-ssi.com/en/%23walletc)
Evernym’s [Connect.Me](https://www.evernym.com/products/%23connectme) holding credentials issued from or proving to:
- [Aries Cloud Agent Python](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python)
- [Trinsic](https://trinsic.id/powerful-apis/)
- [IBM Security Verify](http://doc.ibmsecurity.verify-creds.com/whats_new/)
- [idRamp Passport](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id%3Dcom.idramp.passport%26hl%3Den_US)
- [esatus SeLF](https://self-ssi.com/en)
* [SSI Interop Video](https://youtu.be/1t9m-U-3lMk) NGIatlantic.eu
Results from an interoperability project in the are of Decentralized Identity, conducted by EU company Danube Tech and US company Digital Bazaar.
* [Bob Blakely shared his reflections on SAML interop work](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/xnxk16ksNsA9CP4UgR9BqylnH6qT1WZlSpFc9LOweFI7HZNcn8KR3A-0OsUDbPuNM6o0tt1JrSMqGV4Z.dnAMXXLE5-62VAfX?continueMode%3Dtrue%26_x_zm_rtaid%3DQs7tORTgRhmEiSBbcDzQLg.1645215091973.9fac74d22719638c1d1b641c83b0f5c7%26_x_zm_rhtaid%3D448) DIF Interop WG
* [Trust, Verifiable Credentials, and Interoperability](https://indicio.tech/trust-verifiable-credentials-and-interoperability/) Helen Garneau, Indicio
Accurate labeling, interoperability profiles, and testing are urgently needed to drive interoperability and scale decentralized identity, says a new [white paper](https://indicio.tech/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Indicio_Report_TrustVerifiableCredentialsInteroperability_033022.pdf) from Indicio
Seven aspects of interoperability
1. DID methods
2. Content encryption key types
3. Communication protocols
4. Credential format and signature types
5. Credential access / storage (wallet)
6. Credential protocols and coordination formats
7. Compatible governance / trust
* [4 Keys to Self-sovereign Identity Adoption](https://medium.com/trinsic/4-keys-to-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-ad269b208569) Trinsic
Many implementers won’t realize the potential of SSI until it’s deployed at scale, but in order to get to scale, we need implementers to realize value. It’s the classic chicken & egg problem.
* [Interoperability Plugfest #1](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/plugfest-1-2022/) JFF & VC-EDU
- [Kick-off Meeting Deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YoS3est-YnWO1tI7JjJDjSPSnIXJNon_TFosKyneaJg/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
- [VC Implementation Guide](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-imp-guide/)
- [Plugfest Open Badges v3 context](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/plugfest-1-2022/jff-vc-edu-plugfest-1-context.json)
- [Open Badges 3.0](https://imsglobal.github.io/openbadges-specification/ob_v3p0.html)
- [Universal Wallet](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/)
- [DCC Learner Credential Wallet](https://github.com/digitalcredentials/learner-credential-wallet)
- [DCC Repository](https://github.com/digitalcredentials)
- [DCC Open Badges 3.0 Context NPM Module](https://github.com/digitalcredentials/open-badges-context)
- [DID Actor](https://api.did.actor/)
- [Hosted platform to resolve and manage DIDs](https://godiddy.com/)
- [DID DIF Universal Resolver](https://dev.uniresolver.io/)
* [The Cardea Interop-a-thon Returns—and Here’s Why You Should Participate!](https://indicio.tech/the-cardea-interop-a-thon-returns-and-heres-why-you-should-participate/) Indicio
The [Cardea Community](https://cardea.app/) at Linux Foundation Public Health is pleased to announce the third Interop-a-thon on June 16, between 8:00am and 12:00pm MST (UTC-7:00). Anyone building a Hyperledger Aries compatible product or system can sign up [here](https://forms.gle/CQLRFRr4NexLoCf36).
JFF PlugFest
* [Identiproof demonstrates early commitment to Open Badges V3](https://www.crosswordcybersecurity.com/post/identiproof-demonstrates-early-commitment-to-open-badges-v3) Crossworld Cybersecurity
It does this through selective disclosure, whereby the recipient requests the minimum of information in conformance with GDPR. Identiproof is one of the first systems built to the 2019 W3C recommendations: The Verifiable Credentials Data Model and Web Authentication (FIDO2) - two new global web security standards.
* [EBSI European Blockchain Demo Day 31 May 2022](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/ebsi-european-blockchain-demo-day-31-may-2022)
The European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership are laying the foundations to implement it in the different EU member states, both in the public and private sectors, launching the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) network, with the aim of 'leveraging blockchain to accelerate the creation of cross-border services for public administrations and their ecosystems
* [EBSI Demo Day May 31, 2022 - The Multi University Pilot and Demos 1 - 2 - 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D54WrOZ2IEZE)
* [00:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D54WrOZ2IEZE%26t%3D0s) The Early Adopters programmme and the Multi-University pilot
* [11:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D54WrOZ2IEZE%26t%3D661s) Demo 1: A student gets a diploma with a list of course units validated from Erasmus
* [42:22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D54WrOZ2IEZE%26t%3D2542s) Demo 2: A student applies for a PhD with a Bachelor/Master degree from a foreign country
* [01:04:16](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D54WrOZ2IEZE%26t%3D3856s) Demo 3: A student gets access to local discounts using municipality credential based on a European student card
* [Our Interoperability Work in the Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://developer.tbd.website/blog/our-interop-work-in-dif/) TBD
More details about the Conformance Test Suite that was developed by members of DIF and our interoperability test reports can be found here:
- [TBD’s test results of JWS Test Suite](https://identity.foundation/JWS-Test-Suite/%23tbd)
- [Spruce’s test results of JWS Test Suite](https://identity.foundation/JWS-Test-Suite/%23spruce)
At TBD, we support open standards wherever appropriate, and all of our projects are open source.
* [Spruce and TBD Demonstrate Decentralized Identity Interoperability](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-and-tbd-demonstrate-decentralized-identity-interoperability/) SpruceID
Spruce and TBD are the first two organizations to demonstrate support for all [five JWS algorithms](https://w3id.org/security/suites/jws-2020%23jose-conformance) for [JsonWebSignature2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/lds-jws2020/) (Data Integrity Proofs) and JWTs, for VCs and [W3C Verifiable Presentations](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/%23presentations-0), which is a major step toward vendor interoperability.
* [Dynamic Data Economy Presented to Technology Consortium in India](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/dde-amp-hasgeek) HumanCollosus Foundation
The "Data Governance and Semantics" project featured three webinars introducing DDE as a decentralised trust infrastructure acutely aligned with the current movement toward data exchange models in the Economic domain where actors regain transactional sovereignty to share accurate information bilaterally.
* [Spruce and TBD Demonstrate Decentralized Identity Interoperability](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-and-tbd-demonstrate-decentralized-identity-interoperability/)
Spruce and TBD are the first two organizations to demonstrate support for all [five JWS algorithms](https://w3id.org/security/suites/jws-2020%23jose-conformance) for [JsonWebSignature2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/lds-jws2020/) (Data Integrity Proofs) and JWTs, for VCs and [W3C Verifiable Presentations](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/%23presentations-0) (VPs), which is a major step toward vendor interoperability.
More details about the Conformance Test Suite which was developed by members of the [Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://identity.foundation/) and the interoperability test reports can be found here:
- [TBD’s test results of JWS Test Suite](https://identity.foundation/JWS-Test-Suite/%23tbd)
- [Spruce’s test results of JWS Test Suite](https://identity.foundation/JWS-Test-Suite/%23spruce)
* [SSI Report - Interoperability](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DezInITzb9p4) RootsID
Interoperability is the ultimate challenge of a Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity. Hyperledger Aries is hosting an Interopathon to showcase all the work their community has done to promote Interoperability. We have also started discussions about a standard import/export format that would further improve interop across identity agents.
* [Validated ID is set to complete the S4EDI20 interoperability tests](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/validated-id-is-set-to-complete-the-as4edi20-interoperability-tests)
This represents the last phase of the AS4EDI20 project to implement the CEF eDelivery AS4 profile in Europe. This project is co-financed by the European Commission through the CEF Telecom program and managed by HaDEA, with action number 2020-EU-IA-0024.
* [DIF Interoperability Survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbFh4DQeyI0msXsWvfpbrtYEfgQrGRD7tw4d2Rg0NEyhvcKQ/viewform)
We are keen to support more interoperability activity and hopefully testing this fall and winter. In order to do this we would like to gather feedback from the community as to where we are at so we can assess how to move forward.
Please Note: Information on this survey will be shared with the chairs of the DIF Interop Group
* [A pilot project for interoperable decentralised identity between Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank and Validated ID](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/open-innovation-project-for-the-collaboration-between-large-companies-and-emerging-companies) Validated ID
The lines of action of the laboratory are framed in six blocks: resilient water resources, the impact of global change; efficient infrastructure management; the environment and health; water and energy; and water demand management. The projects developed contribute to the achievement of one or more Sustainable Development Goals, putting the citizen at the center of digital transformation and advocating a perspective on technological humanism.
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# Open Source
* [Drilling Down on what Open Source is](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/drilling-down-open-source-f50d1a4f2a76) DIF
> The ostensibly binary distinction between “open” and “closed” software gets bandied about in many contexts, often in a dangerously simplified form, as though there were only two, mutually-exclusive options.
* [Three Scenarios for Rolling Back Surveillance Capitalism](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20201009-three-scenarios-rolling-back-surveillance-captialism/) by Johannes Ernst
> Scenario 1: Regulation Bites. Scenario 2: A Global Disinvestment Campaign Leads to a Vibrant Good Technology Market. Scenario 3: Frustrated Users and Open-Source Developers Start Cooperating for Mutual Benefit
- [Drilling down: Open Source](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/drilling-down-open-source-f50d1a4f2a76) - A crash-course in the complex world of variously-open software licensing
* [The Asymmetry of Open Source](https://matt.life/writing/the-asymmetry-of-open-source) Matt Holt
Many people view funding open source as a moral or ethical problem at its core: essentially, companies should pay for what they use (if a project accepts payment) because not doing so is exploitation. I sympathize with this perspective, but I believe a more helpful one is of economics and incentives, because we can reason about money more objectively and constructively this way.
* [Financing Open Source Software Development with DAO Governance Tokens](https://kyledenhartog.com/sustainable-OS-dev-daos/) Kyle Den Hartog
One of the biggest problems in open source software development today is that it’s that the majority of open source software is written by developers as side projects on their nights and weekends. Out of the mix of developers who do produce software in their nights and weekends only a small sliver of them receive any funding for their work.
- DIF Presentation Exchange Library
- As part of the EU eSSIF Lab and the result of many months of work, Sphereon released an implementation of the DIF Presentation Exchange, an interoperable exchange of VC/VPs between Wallets and Verifiers.
- [The library is Open Source and Sphereon is donating all code and rights to the DIF](https://github.com/Sphereon-Opensource/pex).
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# Tools
* [Beginners Guide to JWTs](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2020/12/21/beginners-guide-to-jwt)
> A JWT is a structured security token format used to encode JSON data. The main reason to use JWT is to exchange JSON data in a way that can be cryptographically verified. There are two types of JWTs:
> - JSON Web Signature (JWS)
> - JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
> The data in a JWS is public—meaning anyone with the token can read the data—whereas a JWE is encrypted and private. To read data contained within a JWE, you need both the token and a secret key.
* [The Importance of Data Inputs and Semantics for SSI with Paul Knowles [Podcast]](https://northernblock.io/semantics-for-ssi-with-paul-knowles/)
> The platform was an incredibly federated platform when I built it because I didn’t know that SSI existed. So as soon as I found that ecosystem, I tore up the rulebook and said, “This isn’t going to work; I have to rebuild it.”
* [Webinar Series: rlogin Developer Workshop from RIF Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Do35EgZ4VH2Q)
> rLogin allows web application developers to integrate blockchain technologies giving the user the power of data portability. After integrating rLogin you achieve:
- A back-end authenticating users by their wallet addressed - their Decentralized Identifiers.
- A registration model capable of requesting users for data stored in its user-centric cloud storage, the Data Vault.
- A front-end capable of interacting with any wallet that the user chooses, with a pre-designed user experience for registration and login.
- Compatibility with a unified platform where the user can control their identity and information, the RIF Identity Manager.
* [What is the VC-Generator App and How to Leverage it?](https://academy.affinidi.com/what-is-the-vc-generator-app-and-how-to-leverage-it-4fa5a54844f2)
> In simple terms, the VC-Generator allows you to choose a credential type that needs to be issued or verified from a drop-down list and displays the associated VC schema.
* [CREATE AN OIDC CREDENTIAL ISSUER WITH MATTR AND ASP.NET CORE](https://damienbod.com/2021/05/03/create-an-oidc-credential-issuer-with-mattr-and-asp-net-core/)
This article shows how to create and issue verifiable credentials using [MATTR](https://mattr.global/) and an [ASP.NET Core](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/introduction-to-aspnet-core). The ASP.NET Core application allows an admin user to create an OIDC credential issuer using the MATTR service. The credentials are displayed in an ASP.NET Core Razor Page web UI as a QR code for the users of the application.
Code: [https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrGlobalAspNetCore](https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrGlobalAspNetCore)
* [Present and and Verify Verifiable Credentials in ASP.NET Core Using Decentralized Identities and Mattr](https://damienbod.com/2021/05/10/present-and-verify-verifiable-credentials-in-asp-net-core-using-decentralized-identities-and-mattr/)
This article shows how use verifiable credentials stored on a digital wallet to verify a digital identity and use in an application. For this to work, a trust needs to exist between the verifiable credential issuer and the application which requires the verifiable credentials to verify. A blockchain decentralized database is used and MATTR is used as a access layer to this ledger and blockchain. The applications are implemented in ASP.NET Core.
* [Gordian QR Tool Supports Vaccine Records, 2FAs, Cryptoseeds, and More](https://www.blockchaincommons.com/projects/Releasing-QRTool/) Blockchain Commons
> Some possible architectural issues arise from using QR codes for confidential data, such as the fact that you’re actually transmitting the data (not a proof of the data), that the QRs tend to contain all of the data (not just a selection), and that there’s no way to rescind a QR or expire it. Those issues will have to be dealt with at a foundational level as we figure out what can safely be encoded as a QR — and more importantly how to offer restricted proofs rather than complete information.
* [Build an SSI proof of concept in <30 minutes](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21G/_Build_an_SSI_proof_of_concept_in_30_minutes) by Riley Hughes
The session began with a short introduction to SSI, an introduction to Trinsic, and an overview of how to get started. Then, everybody present starting building an SSI proof of concept, creating issuers, verifiers, and schemas to learn first-hand how it all works. A step-by-step guide on how to replicate this session can be found at the following link:
* [https://www.notion.so/trinsic/Build-an-SSI-Proof-of-Concept-dae9d6e565eb4770be41b61d55e090cb](https://www.notion.so/trinsic/Build-an-SSI-Proof-of-Concept-dae9d6e565eb4770be41b61d55e090cb)
* [App Framework for Mobile Agent Dev - “No more forking”](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22A/_App_Framework_for_Mobile_Agent_Dev_-_%2522No_more_forking%2522) by Horacio Nunez
This session had the objective to present a solution to the problem of forking when developing new mobile agents. With the current starting kits available in the community it is very easy to start a path where it is almost impossible to retrofit updates to the kit back into our custom agent.
The solution consists in using a framework-first approach and ensuring that custom code can reside exclusively outside of the framework, thus ensuring updates can be executed more easily.
The following link can be used as the public url for the project:
* [https://www.notion.so/App-Framework-for-Mobile-Agent-Development-No-more-forking-52ebe4e5635d400eb225b0ed537404d8](https://www.notion.so/App-Framework-for-Mobile-Agent-Development-No-more-forking-52ebe4e5635d400eb225b0ed537404d8)
## Code
* [Auto-Generating Language-Specific Wrappers for Rust Libraries](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22E/_Auto-Generating_Language-Specific_Wrappers_for_Rust_Libraries) by Steve McCown
Rust, FFI, Code generation, language bindings, UDL
- Implementation of FFI that makes it easy to call Rust code
- Define API contracts using UDL
- Generates language specific code that’s idiomatic to the language used
- Tutorial documentation and source code: [https://github.com/sudoplatform-labs/ffi-tutorials](https://github.com/sudoplatform-labs/ffi-tutorials)
- Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/183cn6NyrMUJLdid8-IoKmPZjVslmp4X0UvYIQvyeSBU/edit#slide=id.p1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/183cn6NyrMUJLdid8-IoKmPZjVslmp4X0UvYIQvyeSBU/edit%23slide%3Did.p1)
* [How We Test Our Android Code at Anonyome Labs](https://anonyome.com/2021/08/insight-how-we-test-our-android-code-at-anonyome-labs/)
At Anonyome Labs we value well-written code that has good tests. This is a guide on how we go about producing useful and meaningful tests for our Android code. Testing approach: SDK or app?
* [Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names - With Examples](https://shinesolutions.com/2018/01/08/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names-with-examples/) Shine Solutions Group
In this post I’m going to list all 40 of Patrick’s original falsehoods, but give you an example (or two) drawn from my experiences working in this space. Ready? Let’s go!
1. People have exactly one canonical full name.
2. People have exactly one full name which they go by.
* [Technical Debt](https://www.continuumloop.com/technical-debt/)
A short note to point folks at Seth Godin’s recent podcast about Project Debt. He covers some great topics:
- Technical Debt – Seth covers it well but missed a major cause of technical debt. That being the shortcuts that are taken to meet deadlines and requirements – with the hope/fantasy that we’ll go back and do them right later (hint: we never do).
- Project Debt
- Why saying NO to those simple things may be the best thing. For some hints on how to do that see [Say No With Grace](https://www.continuumloop.com/say-no-with-grace/).
Give it a listen on [Overcast](https://overcast.fm/%2BL0YUSAwxA) (my fave) or [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/project-debt/id1345042626?i%3D1000536252965).
* [Dangling Domain From SDK Installed in 150+ Apple Apps Putting Kids, Families and Crypto Traders at Risk](https://me2ba.org/dangling-domain-from-sdk-installed-in-150-apple-apps-putting-kids-families-and-crypto-traders-at-risk/)
TLDR: The Me2B Alliance believes apps including the AskingPoint SDK should be safe from malicious redirects or other exploits.
* [Welcome to Dock’s API - Testnet Sandbox](https://blog.dock.io/welcome-to-docks-api-testnet-sandbox/)
You can test our API in the sandbox testnet by simply switching the toggle to test mode. To get started; create a free account, log into your dashboard and acquire your API key.
* [The Journey of an SSI Developer](https://academy.affinidi.com/the-journey-of-an-ssi-developer-6ef4f642779c) Affinidi
## HowTo
* [Rendering credentials in a human-friendly way](https://medium.com/mattr-global/rendering-credentials-in-a-human-friendly-way-e47f4a32fd4b) Mattr
For example, this update formats address fields to make them more readable; formats names and proper nouns where possible; makes URLs, telephone numbers and email addresses clickable; highlights images and icons for better trust and brand signaling; and creates basic rules for language localization that adjust to a user’s device settings.
* [Using Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) Without a Digital Wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/using-decentralized-identifiers-dids-without-a-digital-wallet-34646074ba42) Affinidi
there are many known DID methods, but most of them require you to have a [digital identity wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-identity-wallet-c289ba2980cf) 🔒, where you will keep a seed ([private key](https://academy.affinidi.com/role-of-public-key-cryptography-in-self-sovereign-identity-8c2dc37a2bf3) 🔑.
While this may sound convenient for many of us, it comes with its shortcomings as well.
* [DIDComm Messaging through libp2p](https://medium.com/uport/didcomm-messaging-through-libp2p-cffe0f06a062) uPort
Peers would still use their peer ID for [libp2p](https://libp2p.io/) routing and authentication. Alice and Bob would exchange their [DID](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) out of band and will be able to find their counterparty’s peer ID via their [DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/).
* [Introducing New Tools for Creators to Build Trusted Communities](https://www.civic.com/blog/introducing-new-tools-for-creators-to-build-trusted-communities/) CIVIC
Our goal is to make the process of building trust easier and more effective for creators. With that in mind, we’re sharing an overview of our plan to address the pain points of creators and marketplaces in the NFT space using identity tools.
* [Use CodeB SSI as OpenID Connect Identity Provider for WordPress](https://blog.codeb.io/use-codeb-ssi-as-oidc-identity-provider-for-wordpress/) CodeB
The Self-Sovereign Identity System of CodeB does not only support W3C DID’s but comes also with an inbuilt OpenID Connect (OIDC) Identity Provider. [OpenID Connect meets distributed Self-Sovereign Identities.](https://www.codeb.io/openid-connect-meets-distributed-self-sovereign-identities/)
* [An authentication system built with Ceramic & self.id](https://github.com/dabit3/decentralized-identity-example) dabit3
This project implements a user authentication flow leveraging an Ethereum wallet for single sign on capabilities across all of Web3.
The technologies used are [DID (decentralized identifiers)](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/), [Ceramic](https://ceramic.network/), [3id-connect](https://github.com/ceramicstudio/3id-connect), and [Self.ID](https://developers.ceramic.network/tools/self-id/overview/)
* [Implement Compound Proof BBS+ Verifiable Credentials Using ASP.NET Core and MATTR](https://damienbod.com/2021/12/13/implement-compound-proof-bbs-verifiable-credentials-using-asp-net-core-and-mattr/) Damien Bod
The ZKP BBS+ verifiable credentials are issued and stored on a digital wallet using a Self-Issued Identity Provider (SIOP) and OpenID Connect. A compound proof presentation template is created to verify the user data in a single verify.
Code: [https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrAspNetCoreCompoundProofBBS](https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrAspNetCoreCompoundProofBBS)
* [DTDL models - Azure Digital Twins | Microsoft Docs](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/digital-twins/concepts-models)
MSFT does know how to do to JSON-LD they just pretend not to
DTDL is based on JSON-LD and is programming-language independent. DTDL isn't exclusive to Azure Digital Twins, but is also used to represent device data in other IoT services such as [IoT Plug and Play](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-develop/overview-iot-plug-and-play).
* [The Journey of an SSI Developer](https://academy.affinidi.com/the-journey-of-an-ssi-developer-6ef4f642779c) Affinidi
* [Building capability-based data security for Ceramic](https://blog.ceramic.network/capability-based-data-security-on-ceramic/)
The 3Box Labs team recently published a new standard for creating capability containers for accessing decentralized data to the Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance. Capability containers are an approach for managing advanced data security and permissions, commonly referred to as “Object Capabilities” or “OCAPs.”
This new standard is currently in development for use on Ceramic. Once deployed in a future version of the protocol, it will allow Ceramic to be fully compatible with the new Sign-in with Ethereum (SIWE) specification as well as provide advanced data flow control features for resources stored on the Ceramic network.
* [Create Verifiable Credentials Without Writing a Single Line of Code](https://blog.dock.io/verifiable-credentials-without-code/) Dock
* [Why the Indicio TestNet is the Best Way to Explore Decentralized Identity](https://indicio.tech/why-the-indicio-testnet-is-the-best-way-to-explore-decentralized-identity/)
Indicio Thought Leadership
* [The SSI Kit](https://walt.id/blog/p/ssi-kit) Walt ID
Introducing the SSI Kit, which offers developers and organisations an easy and fast way to use Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
* [The human impact of identity exclusion in financial service](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/the-human-impact-of-identity-exclusion-in-financial-services-ce1e0d769389) Caribou Digital
we spoke to a range of participants who are or who have felt excluded from financial systems for different reasons and we’ll be sharing these stories over the next few months. This research is the foundation for Women in Identity to build an Identity Code of Conduct — a set of guiding principles and a framework for inclusive ID-product development.
* [Auth0 Lab](https://twitter.com/Auth0Lab/status/1468974610058137604)
early experiment with Sign in With Ethereum + auth0
usernameless + passwordless auth
Support for [@MetaMask](https://twitter.com/MetaMask), walletlink
profile enriched with ENS + NFTs through [@graphprotocol](https://twitter.com/graphprotocol)
Interested? discuss [https://discord.gg/rkjYHWHJ](https://t.co/dVK1CTV2JC)
* [No Code Solution Using Self-Sovereign Identity on Redundant Blockchains](https://www.pressrelease.cc/2021/12/02/entrustient-launches-the-first-no-code-solution-for-trusted-decentralized-digital-identity-using-self-sovereign-identity-on-redundant-blockchains/) Entrustient
Our goal was to put the power back into the hands of users who do not have any coding knowledge or experience, to accelerate the time to configure and launch an entire Trusted Decentralized Digital Identity peer-to-peer ecosystem
* [tbDEX: A Liquidity Protocol v0.1](https://tbd54566975.ghost.io/introducing-tbdex/)
The tbDEX protocol facilitates decentralized networks of exchange between assets by providing a framework for establishing social trust, utilizing decentralized identity (DID) and verifiable credentials (VCs) to establish the provenance of identity in the real world.
* [How to Handle JWTs in Python](https://auth0.com/blog/how-to-handle-jwt-in-python/)
JSON Web Tokens, or JWTs for short, are all over the web. They can be used to track bits of information about a user in a very compact way and can be used in APIs for authorization purposes. This post will cover what JSON Web Tokens are and how to create JWTs in Python using the most popular JWT library: [PyJWT](http://pyjwt.readthedocs.io/). We are also going to see how you can sign and verify JWTs in Python using asymmetric algorithms.
* [2021 FIDO Developer Challenge: Outcomes and Winners](https://fidoalliance.org/2021-fido-developer-challenge-outcomes-and-winners/)
1. Gold Winner – [Lockdrop](https://lockdrop.com/)
2. Silver Winner – [Shaxware](https://www.shaxware.com/)
3. Bronze Winner – SoundAuth ([Trillbit](https://www.trillbit.com/)
This year’s FIDO Developer Challenge reached a successful conclusion, with a ceremonial event during [Authenticate 2021](https://authenticatecon.com/event/authenticate-2021-conference/) of the ceremony is available now, and we’re pleased to share more detailed stories of the three finalists as well as the rest of the teams that made it to the final stage.
* [Clear is better than clever](https://dave.cheney.net/2019/07/09/clear-is-better-than-clever) Cheney.net
“why would I read your code?” To be clear, when I say I, I don’t mean me, I mean you. And when I say your code I also mean you, but in the third person. So really what I’m asking is, “why would you read another person’s code?”
* [The next architecture for building Web3 data apps](https://blog.ceramic.network/the-next-architecture-for-building-web3-data-applications/) Ceramic
We're replacing the popular IDX runtime with a more powerful set of tools for building applications on Ceramic including DID DataStore, DataModels, and Self.ID.
* [Q&A with Gravity’s lead engineer: François Guérin](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/q-a-with-gravitys-lead-engineer-fran%25C3%25A7ois-gu%25C3%25A9rin-babb3659be86)
As the Lead Developer, a big part of my role is to build Gravity’s decentralized identity protocol and blockchain architecture on Tezos.
* [PRESENTATION EXCHANGE WITH SIOP V2](https://sphereon.com/solution/dif-presentation-exchange-with-siop-v2/)
Sphereon has developed a Typescript/Javascript Library that implements the functionality described in the [DIF Presentation Exchange](https://identity.foundation/presentation-exchange/) specification.
* [Digital Identity for Development — and protection](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/digital-identity-for-development-and-protection-d92716f24bb6) Caribou Digital
the deployment of digital identification systems needs to get smarter about understanding the political interests and risks that shape the contexts in which identification systems are used — our [ID Ecosystem Mapping tool](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/kenyas-identification-ecosystem-7cbc2ee27) supports risk assessment arising from the deployment of digital identification systems.
* [Setting up Mediator Agent in Ubuntu — (.Net Core service in Linux Box)](https://rangesh.medium.com/setting-up-mediator-agent-in-ubuntu-net-core-service-in-linux-box-b874bb409eed) Rangesh
In a Self Sovereign Environment supported by Hyperledger Indy / Aries agent framework, Mediator Agent is one of the essential components that acts as postman service between Issuer /Verifier Aries Agent and Mobile Agent.
* [Spruce Developer Update #11](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/spruce-developer-update-11-7766b44e1075)
* [Developers Guide to GPG and YubiKey](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2021/07/07/developers-guide-to-gpg) Okta
I’ll walk through configuring a YubiKey and highlight some of the things I’ve learned along the way.
* [What Is an API? How APIs Work (for Non-Developers)](https://auth0.com/blog/what-is-an-api-how-apis-work-for-non-developers/) Auth0
Learn how APIs can accelerate software development and delivery.
* [Introducing SSI SDK](https://bloom.co/blog/introducing-ssi-sdk/) Bloom
- @bloomprotocol/vc
- @bloomprotocol/ecdsa-secp256k1-signature-2019
- @bloomprotocol/ecdsa-secp256k1-verification-key-2019
- @bloomprotocol/elem-did-legacy-non-anchored
- @bloomprotocol/waci-core
- @bloomprotocol/waci-jose
- @bloomprocotol/waci-kit-react
- @bloomprotocol/presentation-exchange
- @bloomprotocol/credential-manifest
* [Introducing the Indicio DemoNet—a new decentralized network for product demonstration](https://indicio.tech/blog/introducing-the-indicio-demonet-a-new-decentralized-network-for-product-demonstration/) Indicio
The Indicio DemoNet joins the [Indicio TestNet](https://indicio.tech/indicio-testnet/), which is used for developing new technology releases, and the [Indicio MainNet](https://indicio.tech/indicio-mainnet/), which hosts mission-critical products and services. With the DemoNet, Indicio now provides a full suite of networks for decentralized identity development and deployment.
* [How to write verifiable credentials in golang](https://ringaile.medium.com/how-to-write-verifiable-credentials-in-golang-7447234d5c16)
Note: the code is written following the
[Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)
You can find full code here:
* [Indicio.Tech releases Aries Mediator Agent](https://indicio.tech/blog/indicio-tech-advances-decentralized-identity-with-release-of-critical-open-source-technology/)
> The Indicio Mediator Agent is the company’s latest contribution to Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) and the Aries Toolbox. Following RFC 0211: Mediator Coordination, Indicio built on the work of the open-source community to make mediation interoperable and vendor agnostic. This expands the opportunities for mobile wallet implementations.
> *[...]*
> Indicio.tech is committed to becoming a resource-hub for decentralized identity, providing enterprise-grade open source tools to its clients and to the community. This includes the [Private Networks](https://indicio.tech/private-networks/) build service, the [Indicio TestNet](https://indicio.tech/indicio-testnet/), and a variety of customizable [training programs](https://indicio.tech/training-packages/).
* [Spruce Developer Update #5](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/spruce-developer-update-5-86d6f517a220)
This is so exciting to see what Wayne and his team are building.
> At Spruce, we’re building a product suite to manage all aspects of the data supply chain.
- [Tezos DID Method](https://did-tezos-draft.spruceid.com/) - Specifies VC compatible DID creation and management
- [DIDKit](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/introducing-didkit-an-identity-toolkit-e0dfa292f53d) - cross-platform toolkit for working with DIDs and VCs.
- [Credible](https://medium.com/@sprucesystems/spruce-developer-update-2-484368f87ee9) - Spruce’s credential wallet.
- Intake - onboarding tool \ secure document collection and processing.
* [@BartHanssens shares](https://twitter.com/BartHanssens/status/1319604882068787200):
> proofs: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-proofs, cryptosuite: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-cryptosuite-registry, #GnuPG: signatures https://gpg.jsld.org/contexts
* [EPS for SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity)](https://kokumai.medium.com/eps-for-ssi-self-sovereign-identity-8c742e2b1d02)
> In my earlier post, I failed to refer specifically to the people working for Self-Sovereign Identity and the likes of blockchain that support the distributed/decentralised storage of secrets. [...] you might all be interested to hear that the key function of Expanded Password System is to convert images to high-entropy codes that work as very long passwords and also as the seeds of symmetric/asymmetric cryptographic keys.
* [Mental Models of JSON-LD and what a "Document Loader" really does](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yUbMDft5O0) Orie Steel
> and terms like "dereferencing" that trip up even highly experienced senior developers that show up late to the Linked-Data party and its open-world model (complete with its own security model based on different availability assumptions).
* [Trinsic donates did-key.rs to I&D WG](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/trinsic-donates-did-key-rs-to-i-d-wg-8a278f37bcd0)
> DID:Key, originally specified in the W3C Credentials Community Group (CCG), is a DID “pseudo-method” that allows static, pre-existing, and/or pre-published public keys to function like traditional DIDs — they can be queried, stored, issued against, and resolved to return valid DID documents.
* [DIDKit v0.1 is Live.](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/didkit-v0-1-is-live-d0ea6638dbc9)
> Most other options are subtly locked to a specific blockchain and its particularities, which a self-sovereign identity (SSI) novice is unlikely to notice until months into a project based on it. A few open-source libraries exist to sidestep this infrastructural lock-in, but these are more like primitives for assembling an SSI toolkit than ready-to-go, developer-friendly libraries. DIDKit, on the other hand, is ready to start processing real-world VCs with non-repudiable signatures right out the box.
* [Rust KERI implementation](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/keriox/) Jolocom
> We at Jolocom strongly believe that DIDComm is a crucial infrastructure element for the broader and future-proof SSI stack, and current work on [DIDComm v2](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/) includes Jolocom’s implementation of the specification with authcrypt (authenticated encrypted) and most of the low level of the protocol.
* [Aries Mobile Agent SDK for Google Flutter](https://ayanworks.medium.com/announcing-arnima-fl-open-source-aries-flutter-mobile-agent-sdk-d3483744ffc8)
> Exactly a year ago in Jan 2020, we announced ARNIMA — first ever Aries React Native Mobile Agent SDK that we made open source for the Self-Sovereign Identity ecosystem.
> [...] We are very excited to announce [one more small open-source contribution](https://github.com/ayanworks/ARNIMA-flutter-sdk) from AyanWorks to the Aries community.
* [trustbloc/hub-router](https://github.com/trustbloc/hub-router) DIDComm mediator and router with mailbox features.
> The TrustBloc hub-router is a working implementation of the Mediator Coordination and the Pickup protocols built using Hyperledger Aries Framework - Go.
* [Announcing Pico Engine 1.0](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/02/announcing_pico_engine_10.shtml)
> In addition to the work on the engine itself, one of the primary workstreams at present is to complete Bruce Conrad's excellent work to use DIDs and DIDComm as the basis for inter-pico communication, called ACA-Pico (Aries Cloud Agent - Pico). [...] This work is important because it will replace the current subscriptions method of connecting heterarchies of picos with DIDComm. [...] because DIDComm is protocological, this will support protocol-based interactions between picos, including credential exchange.
* [ACA-Pico working group](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12dWUFyL7u6OQkhnPObJOOlV-U2LDoHpF-ZQLj3hXbjA/edit)
* [Picolab/aries-cloudagent-pico](https://github.com/Picolab/aries-cloudagent-pico)
* [New Tools to Support Production Deployments](https://trinsic.id/new-tools-to-support-production-deployments/)
* [Introduction to Trinsic’s APIs](https://trinsic.id/an-introduction-to-trinsics-apis/)
* [Provider](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#assets) • [Credentials](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#connections) • [Wallet](https://docs.trinsic.id/reference#connection)
* [Building and Securing a Go and Gin Web Application](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2021/02/17/building-and-securing-a-go-and-gin-web-application) Okta
> Today, we are going to build a simple web application that implements a to-do list. The backend will be written in Go. It will use the Go Gin Web Framework which implements a high-performance HTTP server. The front end will use the Vue.js JavaScript framework to implement a single page application (SPA). We will secure it using Okta OAuth 2.0 authentication.
* [Become a Node Operator](https://indicio.tech/blog/be-a-part-of-the-most-dynamic-network-community-in-decentralized-identity/) Indicio
> we’ve seen a rapid rise in demand for robust, stable, and professionally maintained networks to support decentralized identity solutions. It’s not a surprise: decentralized identity’s moment has arrived. That’s why we’ve been hard at work creating Hyperledger Indy networks upon which developers all over the world are building, testing, and launching their solutions.
* [Dillo plugin for DID URLs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0038.html) Charles E. Lehner
> I would like to announce dillo-did, a plugin for the Dillo web browser implementing support for DIDs. This plugin enables navigating to DID URLs in Dillo and viewing the resolved/dereferenced DID documents and resources like web pages. The implementation of the DID functionality used is from ssi/DIDKit.
* [Status.trinsic.id](http://status.trinsic.id/)
> View historical uptime: Using the status page, you can see the last 90 days of uptime of all our externally-facing services. You can also inspect individual incidents and view incident reports.Be notified of incidents: By clicking the “subscribe” button in the upper-left of the screen, you can have any downtime or incidents trigger a notification to your email or Slack workspace.
* [RIF’s Self Sovereign Identity Developer Library and Repos](https://rsci.app.link/)
- [RSK ID Repos](https://developers.rsk.co/rif/identity/#repos)
- [RIF Identity Documentation](https://developers.rsk.co/rif/identity/)
* [Transmute releases technical workbenches](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/transmute-releases-technical-workbenches-892f8140ac6e) by Orie Steele, Transmute
> This new suite of tools is available for developers to experiment with today and includes:
> - [Element Ropsten Workbench](http://staging.element.transmute.industries/)
> - [Encrypted Data Vault Workbench](https://staging.data-vault.transmute.industries/)
> - [DID Key Workbench](http://did.key.transmute.industries/)
> Transmute leverages these workbenches as part of our global trade solutions, where our customers benefit from verifiable data workflows and integrated capabilities.
* [Mattr Releases JSON-LD Lint](https://mattr.global/new-to-json-ld-introducing-json-ld-lint/) By Emily Fry and Tobias Looker, Mattr Global
> JSON-LD, based on the ubiquitous JSON technology, is rapidly gaining [adoption](https://w3techs.com/technologies/details/da-jsonld) on the web. [JSON-LD](https://json-ld.org/) is an innovation relevant to both [business minds](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2019/02/25/why-is-json-ld-important-to-businesses/#565e8546e1bf) and developers alike.
### Code
* [IOTA DID - Alpha Release for Rust & Javascript](https://blog.iota.org/releasing-iota-identity-alpha-a-standard-framework-for-digital-identity-cebabd108b4f) of a standard framework for digital identity, based upon the W3C standards for DID decentralized identifiers and Verifiable Credentials, including the [full Rust implementation and Web Assembly bindings](https://github.com/iotaledger/identity.rs/).
* [Selv identity wallet](https://github.com/iotaledger/selv-mobile)
* [IOTA Identity Experience Team](https://github.com/iota-community/X-Team_IOTA_Identity)
* [Spruce Systems introduces DIDKit](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/introducing-didkit-an-identity-toolkit-e0dfa292f53d)
> DIDKit is a cross-platform toolkit for working with W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). It allows you to resolve and manage DID documents, and also manage the entire lifecycle of Verifiable Credentials including their issuance, presentation, and verification.
* [A repository of JSON Schemas for Verifiable Credentials](https://github.com/rsksmart/vc-json-schemas)
> The Credential Schema is a document that is used to guarantee the structure, and by * [OpenID Foundation is Hiring a new Executive Director](https://openid.net/2020/11/17/openid-foundation-executive-director-job-description/)
> The OpenID Foundation is seeking an Executive Director with the experience, skills, strategic vision, and commitment to advancing the Foundation’s open standards initiatives. This is a unique opportunity to lead a well-respected, member-driven, vendor-neutral, international standardization organization.
extension the semantics, of the set of claims comprising a Verifiable Credential. A shared Credential Schema allows all parties to reference data in a known way
* [Spruce Systems Developer Update #4](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/spruce-developer-update-4-cd6472c58fe1)
- The [Tezos DID Method](https://did-tezos-draft.spruceid.com/) specifies how Tezos can be used for DID creation and management, compatible with the issuance, storage, and verification of Verifiable Credentials.
- [DIDKit](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/introducing-didkit-an-identity-toolkit-e0dfa292f53d) is a cross-platform toolkit for working with W3C Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
- [Credible](https://medium.com/@sprucesystems/spruce-developer-update-2-484368f87ee9) is Spruce’s native credential wallet for the consumption, storage, and presentation of Verifiable Credentials on Android and iOS.
- Keylink is Spruce’s tool to link existing enterprise accounts to keypairs.
- Intake is a smarter onboarding tool for businesses via secure document collection and processing. These artifacts can then be used as evidence to generate and issue credentials to the counterparty that originally uploaded them.
* [Create Custom Verifiable Credentials with Affinidi’s Schema Manager](https://academy.affinidi.com/create-custom-verifiable-credentials-with-affinidis-schema-manager-86149b2d49d6) Affinidi
Overall, the creation of a new schema type via the SDK was not a straightforward process.
This is where Affinidi’s [Schema Manager](http://ui.schema.affinidi.com/) comes into play
* [Contributing to Complex Projects](https://mitchellh.com/writing/contributing-to-complex-projects) Mitchell H
Inspiration - for folks engaging with new code
As a frequent open source maintainer and contributor, I’m often asked: where do you start? How do you approach a new project with the goal of making meaningful changes? How can you possibly understand the internals of a complex project?
* [Will decision making improve if we understand the bias in the decision making unit?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2022/03/will-decision-making-improve-if-we.html) My Digital Footprint
At the most superficial level, we know that the expectations of board members drive decisions. The decisions we take link to incentives, rewards and motivations and our shared values.
* [Are Transactional Relationships Enough?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/are_transactional_relationships_enough.shtml) Phil WIndley
Our online relationships are almost all transactional. A purely transaction digital life can't feel as rich and satisfying as one based on interactional relationships. As more of our relationships are intermediated by technology, finding ways to support interactional relationships will allow us to live authentic digital lives.
* [Verifiable Actions for signing and verifying VCs with DIDs](https://medium.com/@Transmute/verifiable-actions-for-signing-and-verifying-vcs-with-dids-a4176fb5ba3f) Transmute
This weekend I worked on making a [github action](https://github.com/features/actions) that can sign and verify verifiable credentials with decentralized identifiers.
* [@AnastasiaU · Apr 25](https://twitter.com/AnastasiaU/status/1518568893970894848)
8/ Animo ([@AnimoSolutions](https://twitter.com/AnimoSolutions) is DID/VC provider working on systems and infrastructure for SSI. They built this Aries CLI so you can play around and create invitations, schemas, and credentials.
* [https://agent-cli.animo.id/](https://agent-cli.animo.id/)
* [@mfosterio · Apr 29](https://twitter.com/mfosterio/status/1520130657468440576) Twitter
I created a DID at [http://GoDiddy.com](https://t.co/QhwQhqUz0k) did:key:z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm#z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm DIDs are important in Self Sovereign Identity. You can learn about DIDs [@bluesky_commons](https://twitter.com/bluesky_commons)
* [What does it take to develop human-centric solutions for the built environment?](https://mydata.org/2022/05/13/built-for-people/) MyData ([Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DVCjW0_NAPmQ)
Building better, more human-centric solutions in smart cities starts by realising that citizens and their digital footprints are not merely aspects to monitor and evaluate. They are active participants in the cities we live and work together and need to be engaged in designing better cities and managing the data about themselves. This is not important only for respecting citizens’ rights, but it is crucial to building sustainable services and humane cities.
* [Scale Your Decentralized Identity Solution by Upgrading to the Indy DID Method](https://indicio.tech/scale-your-decentralized-identity-solution-by-upgrading-to-the-indy-did-method/) Indicio
Again, the Indy DID Method is not an optional upgrade. It’s a major development that delivers interoperability.
* [Semantic Overlay Architecture](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/en/semantic-overlay-architecture/) Own Your Data
We have documented the [functionality of SOyA](https://ownyourdata.github.io/soya/) in a W3C-conforming Specifiation and the full source code is available under the MIT License [on Github](https://github.com/OwnYourData/soya/). Examples and an introduction how to use SOyA is [available in a dedicated Tutorial](https://github.com/OwnYourData/soya/blob/main/tutorial/README.md)
* [An Introduction to Verifiable Credentials](https://verifiablecredential.io/learn) VerifiableCredential.io
Learn about verifiable credentials, then head to the playground to view examples, explore multiple use-cases and start using them.
* [Open Recognition is for every type of learning](https://blog.weareopen.coop/open-recognition-is-for-every-type-of-learning-ffd137a6fe17) From cold hard credentialing to warm fuzzy recognition
we want to explain what we talk about when we talk about Open Recognition. It builds on this [previous post](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629), and aims to move from the abstract to practicalities.
* [Hyperledger Ursa code review](https://www.hyperledger.org/hyperledger-ursa/2022/05/31/hyperledger-ursa-code-review) Hyperledger
Rooted in a “trust but verify” mindset, several Canadian public sector entities and [Interac](https://www.interac.ca/en/) (Canada’s interbank network) sponsored a project at the [Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada](https://idlab.org/) (IDLab) to perform a security and cryptography code review of Hyperledger Ursa (full report is available [here](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/URSA-IDLab-Code-Review.pdf)).
* [Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) at T-Systems MMS: Interview mit Mujtaba Idrees, T-Systems MMS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DA311QHASy5Y) 7min video on YouTube
► Dr. Ivan Gudymenko, Subject Matter Lead SSI and Confidential Computing, T-Systems MMS
►Mujtaba Idrees, Advanced Software Engineer, T-Systems MMS
► [Credentials as a Service Providing Self Sovereign Identity as a Cloud Service Using Trusted Execution Environments](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9610297)
* [Spruce Developer Update #20](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-20/)
We've set up a [release pipeline](https://github.com/spruceid/ens-oidc/) and had our first witnessed deployment for the ENS Community-Maintained OIDC IdP ([more info here](https://blog.spruceid.com/sign-in-with-ethereum-decentralizing-an-identity-provider-server/)
Updates on Kepler including implementing support for [CACAO-ZCAPs](https://github.com/spruceid/cacao-zcap), improved the `put` function to make it easier to store objects of different types, and added support for listing objects by prefix: [kepler-sdk#40](https://github.com/spruceid/kepler-sdk/pull/40) [kepler#115](https://github.com/spruceid/kepler/pull/115).
* [EBSI Demo Day](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/EBSI%2BDemo%2BDay) ([presentation](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/download/attachments/464979566/EBSI_Demo_Day.pdf)) ([video playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list%3DPLPMb0otsCuFLpE4UYiAZ_y3HhP2VX6q8O)
first time since the launch of [the Early Adopters Programme](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/x/DABXGw) in 2021, we are ready to showcase, in real-time and with real data, the outcomes of the EBSI multi-university pilot.
* [Engineer your world this summer: K-University student + teacher opportunities are live!](https://kidoyo.com/join) KidOYO
Whether a beginning learner, or interested in advanced concepts like Game Development, Hardware Prototyping, or Competitive Coding, you will find tools, lessons and mentors
* [Upgradeable Decentralized Identity - DID Method Traits](https://blog.spruceid.com/upgradeable-decentralized-identity/) SpruceID
DID method traits are testable properties about DID methods that can help implementers tame complexity and choose the right DID method(s) for their use case.
* [Indexing and Querying Revoked Verifiable Credentials](https://medium.com/51nodes/indexing-and-querying-revoked-verifiable-credentials-e229dc2781d4) 51 Nodes
this article describes a simple approach to revoke verifiable credentials and a decentralized and efficient way to index and query those revoked credentials using the [Graph protocol](https://thegraph.com/en/).
We consider the knowledge of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and rudimentary knowledge of the [Ethr DID method](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/ethr-did-resolver/blob/master/doc/did-method-spec.md) as a requirement for understanding this article.
* [Keep Badges Weird is about breaking boundaries: How the KBW community is convening systems](https://blog.weareopen.coop/keep-badges-weird-is-about-breaking-boundaries-42afb0415826) WeAreOpenCoop
KBW helps people understand the badge landscape. The community is there to provide solidarity for badge champions and newbies. We do not assume prior knowledge of Open Badges or Verifiable Credentials. We recognise and celebrate those who can share their experience. Anyone interested in badges or integrating [Open Recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629) are welcome to join.
* [chapi.io launches, includes VC playground](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Jun/0055.html) Manu Sporny CCG
TL;DR: chapi.io is a site that helps developers integrate Verifiable Credential issuance, holding, and presentation into their applications. It includes a playground that can issue arbitrary VCs to digital wallets (web and native). It also includes tutorials on how Web Developers can add CHAPI integration to their websites. All you need to try it out is a web browser.
* [JFF & VC-EDU Plugfest #1: Leaping Towards Interoperable Verifiable Learning & Employment Records](https://kayaelle.medium.com/jff-vc-edu-plugfest-1-892b6f2c9dfb) Kayaelle
With this badge, they qualify to participate in Plugfest #2 which will focus on issuing and displaying LER VCs. Plugfest #2 will take place in November 2022 with plans to meet in person the day before the [Internet Identity Workshop](https://internetidentityworkshop.com/) on November 14 in Mountainview, CA. If vendors are interested in Plugfest #2 and didn’t participate in Plugfest #1, there is still an opportunity to do so by fulfilling the same requirements listed above including the video and earning a Plugfest #1 badge.
* [Introducing Hyperledger Aries Framework JavaScript 0.2.0](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/07/06/introducing-hyperledger-aries-framework-javascript-0-2-0) Hyperledger
The new Hyperledger Aries Framework JavaScript release (0.2.0) contains some incredible steps forward. Especially in our goal to make the framework AIP 2.0 compliant. AIP 2.0 compliance will not only ensure the framework supports the latest standards and protocols, but it will also greatly increase interoperability and make it more useful outside of the Hyperledger Indy ecosystem.
OpenID Specs Up for Review
* [Public Review Period for Second Proposed RISC Profile Implementer’s Draft](https://openid.net/2022/07/05/public-review-period-for-second-proposed-risc-profile-implementers-draft/)
This specification defines event types and their contents based on the [SSE Framework](https://openid.net/specs/openid-risc-profile-specification-1_0-02.html%23SSE-FRAMEWORK) that are required to implement Risk Incident Sharing and Coordination.
* [Public Review Period for Proposed Final OpenID Connect Logout](https://openid.net/2022/07/05/public-review-period-for-proposed-final-openid-connect-logout-specifications/)
Unless issues are identified during the review that the working group believes must be addressed by revising the drafts, this review period will be followed by a seven-day voting period during which OpenID Foundation members will vote on whether to approve these drafts as OpenID Final Specifications.
* [Using a Theory of Justice to Build a Better Web3](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/05/using_a_theory_of_justice_to_build_a_better_web3.shtml) Phil Windley
Summary: Building a better internet won't happen by chance or simply maximizing freedom. We have to build systems that support justice. How can we do that? Philosophy discussions are the black hole of identity. Once you get in, you can't get out. Nevertheless, I find that I'm drawn to them
* [Common Digital Identification Project Anonymous authentication system using Absolute Identifier & Decentralized OTP](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-07-22/s70722-20117318-268533.pdf)
* [Introducing Noir: The Universal Language of Zero-Knowledge](https://medium.com/aztec-protocol/introducing-noir-the-universal-language-of-zero-knowledge-ff43f38d86d9) Aztec Network
Noir is a Rust-based domain specific language (DSL) for creating and verifying zero-knowledge proofs. It’s the easiest way to write zk applications that are compatible with any proving system.
* [Spruce Developer Update #24](https://blog.spruceid.com/spruce-developer-update-24/)
- We recently added support for EIP-1271 (smart contract wallets) on our Python library ([siwe-py #30](https://github.com/spruceid/siwe-py/pull/30).
- There is ongoing work on supporting EIP-1271 in our Rust library as well, along with an API refactor ([siwe-rs #43](https://github.com/spruceid/siwe-rs/pull/43).
- We're updating dependencies in our NextAuth library ([siwe-next-auth-example #9](https://github.com/spruceid/siwe-next-auth-example/pull/9), [#14](https://github.com/spruceid/siwe-next-auth-example/pull/14)).
- We're finalizing various improvements to our Sign-In with Ethereum TypeScript library toward a v2.1 release.
* [...]
- We're adding support for did:jwk into ssi ([ssi #466](https://github.com/spruceid/ssi/pull/466).
- We've updated DIDKit to reflect the recent ssi refactor ([DIDKit #312](https://github.com/spruceid/didkit/pull/312).
- We're making some additional changes and finalizing our Solana wallet flow ([rebase #32](https://github.com/spruceid/rebase/pull/32).
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# Concerning
* [#Identity. Are we (the industry) the problem?](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/08/identity-are-we-industry-problem.html) MyDigitalFootprint
It is evident that our ongoing discussions about identity, ethics, bias, privacy and consent revolve around a lot of noise (opinions) but little signal (alignment), but why? Recognising that in 30 years of digital identity, we still lack coherent and coordinated action to make it work for everyone is a reality.
* [Facebook & Instagram outages expose the pain points of Centralized identity systems](https://blockchainmagazine.net/facebook-instagram-outages-expose-the-pain-points-of-centralized-identity-systems/)
For example, projects such as PhotoChromic are developing a biometrically managed self-sovereign identity on the blockchain utilising the feature sets of NFTs (non fungible tokens). Self-sovereign identity ensures that a user retains complete control over their identity without anyone else having access to it.
* [Why Self-Sovereign Identity needs a token?](https://blog.cheqd.io/why-self-sovereign-identity-needs-a-token-46e43dada01d) Cheqed
Usually the question of “why does SSI need a token”, stems from people’s belief that there are existing, viable payment rails. As Sovrin outlined in their whitepaper back in 2018, traditional rails don’t work when issuers and receivers of credentials are unlikely to have a direct contractual relationship since the user is at the center with SSI.
* [“The power to surveil, control, and punish”: The dystopian danger of a mandatory biometric database in Mexico](https://restofworld.org/2021/the-dystopian-danger-of-a-mandatory-biometric-database-in-mexico/) RestofWorld.org
there is a push by corporations and international institutions such as the World Bank to create these kinds of databases to identify people and conflate two things: the right of every person to be recognized legally by a government and an identification system that intermediates people’s transactions with public and even private services.
* [India Will Once Again Require Biometric Attendance for Government Employees](https://findbiometrics.com/india-will-once-again-require-biometric-attendance-government-employees-110505/)
Public institutions in India will soon be resuming their use of contact-based biometric sensors. Biometric authentication had been mandatory for all government employees prior to the pandemic, but the Indian central government was [one of several institutions](https://findbiometrics.com/biometrics-news-hyderabad-punjab-join-governments-banning-fingerprint-based-biometrics-amid-fears-covid-19-030602/) that [suspended the practice](https://findbiometrics.com/authorities-in-pakistan-india-suspend-biometric-attendance-systems-over-covid-19-concerns-902281/) due to health concerns following the outbreak of COVID-19.
* [Why a Little-Known Blockchain-Based Identity Project in Ethiopia Should Concern Us All](https://www.cigionline.org/articles/why-a-little-known-blockchain-based-identity-project-in-ethiopia-should-concern-us-all/) Cigi Online
Hoskinson [says](https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/04/28/decentralized-identity-on-the-blockchain-is-the-key-to-iohks-vision-for-africa/) his mission is to give people in Africa control over their own lives. But in reality, his plans for Ethiopia appear crypto-colonial. As researcher Pete Howson [explains](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2021/07/14/the-headache-of-crypto-colonialism/), “Innovators are not drawn to fragile states because they want to fix these things. Poverty and corruption are the ideal conditions for entrepreneurs exploring opportunities to extract resources from vulnerable communities.”
* [Singapore’s tech-utopia dream is turning into a surveillance state nightmare](https://restofworld.org/2021/singapores-tech-utopia-dream-is-turning-into-a-surveillance-state-nightmare/) RestofWorld
“What [technology] will do for people is make our lives a hell of a lot easier, more convenient, more easily able to plug into the good life,” said Monamie Bhadra Haines, an assistant professor at the Technical University of Denmark, who studies the intersection between technology and society. “But … the surveillance is what is here, now.”
* [Portpass app may have exposed hundreds of thousands of users' personal data](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/portpass-app-may-exposed-hundreds-172257702.html)
The fderal privacy commissioner also said it has not yet received a report, and said it has contacted Portpass to seek further information in order to determine next steps, and that it is in communication with its provincial counterpart.
## "DIDAlliance"
* [FIDO & DIDs](https://fidoalliance.org/2020-fido-hackathon-in-korea-introducing-the-top-5-winners/)?
> This presentation from Day 1 of 2020 FIDO from Team Dr. Who (consisting of a project manager, 2 developers, and a public healthcare specialist from the World Health Organization 9 (WHO). Their Proof of Concept introduces smart health insurance card services that link Distributed IDentity technology and FIDO Authentication. The team aims to solve the problem of existing physical cards, which are an inferior way of identifying someone’s actual identity.
Here is a link to the [video presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj44RIwgidY&feature=youtu.be) (in Korean)
* [GADI presented](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2020/12/15/gadi-and-the-did-alliance) at the [Vienna Digital Identity Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Digital-Identity-Meetup/) (now virtual, very good, much recommend). The GADI architecture is a federated identity ecosystem where Digital Address Platforms (DAPs) issue unique individual identifiers controlled by the GADI ecosystem. This is the fundamental difference in identity philosophy between GADI and SSI based systems. The Digital Address is a lifetime connected identifier and under the control of the DAP. The [video is here](https://vimeo.com/491079655).
## Business
* [The business models of identity](https://blog.verim.id/the-business-models-of-identity-bb3336773727)
A post by Verim justifying their pay to play for Identity credentials. Adding another layer of complication
### Very Worrying Development [Internet Identity: The End of Usernames and Passwords](https://medium.com/dfinity/internet-identity-the-end-of-usernames-and-passwords-ff45e4861bf7) via centralized issuance of a number?
## Breaches
U.S. Treasury breached by hackers backed by a foreign government
* [@Cred_Master shares](https://news.trust.org/item/20201213175137-8vsfr/):
> “The hackers ... have been able to trick the Microsoft [Office 365] platform's authentication controls.”
> #SSI #VerifiableCredentials
* [The vaguely dystopian technology fueling China’s Olympic Games](https://restofworld.org/2022/the-technology-fueling-beijing-olympic-games/)
* [Bureaucratic Supremacy](https://www.moxytongue.com/2022/02/bureaucratic-supremacy.html)
* [A Defacto National ID from ID.me](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/02/a_defacto_national_id_from_idme.shtml)
* [The IRS is reportedly looking for ID.me alternatives amid privacy concerns](https://www.theverge.com/2022/1/29/22907853/irs-idme-facial-recognition-alternatives-privacy-concerns)
* [How LEIs Are Helping Individuals through Organisation Identity](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/helping-individuals-through-organisation-identity/)
1. LEIs Help Fight against “Musty” Businesses
2. LEIs Help Include the Real Job Creators
3. LEI and Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
* [Worried About Digital Identity?](https://www.continuumloop.com/worried-about-digital-identity/) The Security of Our Identities
We need to take back accountability for our data. It’s not up to Facebook or Google; they’re not security companies. These organizations do us a favour by offering backup and recovery options, but we pay the price. Furthermore, they are claiming your data as their asset and [making money](https://www.privacytrust.com/blog/how-facebook-makes-money-from-personal-data.html).
* [Microsoft wants everything to come with its verified check mark](https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/microsoft-verified-id-digital-privacy) Protocol
Microsoft’s Verified ID could create digital privacy issues
As part of the forthcoming Verified ID service, individuals would be able to get digital credentials issued by Microsoft that prove where they work, what school they graduated from, which bank account they have — and even whether they're in good health according to their doctor.
* [There’s a big problem with Apple and Google’s plans to nix passwords](https://www.fastcompany.com/90755838/theres-a-big-problem-with-apple-and-googles-plans-to-nix-passwords)
Eliminating the password means trusting that big tech companies won’t lock you into their platforms.
* [The Perils of Pre-Copernican Data Strategy](https://medium.com/mydex/the-perils-of-pre-copernican-data-strategy-974827845585) Alan Mitchell, MyDex
Today, ‘everyone’ including powerful actors and decision-makers like the UK Government ‘just know’ that organisations are the centre of the personal data universe, and that everyone else including citizens revolves around these organisations.
* [Bolt drivers in Nigeria are illicitly selling their accounts, putting passengers at risk](https://restofworld.org/2022/bolt-drivers-in-nigeria-are-illicitly-selling-their-accounts-putting-passengers-at-risk/) RestofWorld
“I asked the driver why the app showed me a different driver’s face, and he claimed Bolt blocked his account so he was using his brother’s.”
* [Is "acceptably non-dystopian" self-sovereign identity even possible?](https://blog.mollywhite.net/is-acceptably-non-dystopian-self-sovereign-identity-even-possible/) By Molly Wood ([Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id%3D31701601)
as more and more developers and companies and “blockchain visionaries” seek to eschew centralization and trust in the state and institutions, it seems that their definition of “acceptably” when they describe “acceptably non-dystopian” projects is very different from my own.
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# Critique
* [An Examination of the Biases within Commercialized Identity](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/biases-commercialized-identity.html) on [Hello User Podcast](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/podcast.html)
“There is no discipline for software engineers when it comes to identity and privacy due to the pace at which they are expected to build, but this will likely change because of liabilities and regulation.”
Takeaway #3: A potential side effect of the future of identity management could be a lack of anonymity.
“This exposes that gray area around allowing free speech while maintaining the right to privacy, and who should have access to authentication and verification.”
Takeaway #4: The technology exists to be able to create accountability models as it pertains to identity and to reduce misinformation.
“The challenge is having uncomfortable conversations to address the issues surrounding diversity.”
- [A rant about #trust following the terrific discussions at #IDPolicyForum](https://twitter.com/Steve_Lockstep/status/1357801068898308097) Steve Willson, Lockstep
> 9/9 "Trust over IP" #ToIP is such a misnomer. It just doesn’t do what it says on the box. @trustoverip
## Sheldrake Vs SSI
* [dystopia of self-sovereign identity](https://www.philipsheldrake.com/2020/11/the-dystopia-of-self-sovereign-identity-ssi/#more-31058) by Philip Sheldrake
> A community is forming under the banner of generative identity. By generative I mean ‘participating as nature’. It denotes a capacity to produce unprompted change, growing not shrinking the possible; a capacity for leverage across a range of tasks, adaptability to a range of different tasks, ease of mastery, and accessibility
* [Self Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique.](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereigh-identity-critique-critique/) IdentityWoman
> > if ever there’s a technological innovation for which ‘move fast and break things’ is not the best maxim, this is it.
> To think that some how this community who has been working very slowly and diligently for 15 years [...] is some how “moving fast” is preposterous.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique /2](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereign-identity-critique-critique-2/)
> It might be a surprise to you Philip but we have “an identity layer” that is used on the internet right now. It exists and billions use it every day (with standards we created out of the IIW community, Oauth and OpenIDConnect). The problem with it is [...] companies own the identifiers we anchor our digitial representations of ourselves
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique /3](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereign-identity-critique-critique-3/)
> > When the SSI community refers to an ‘identity layer’, its subject is actually a set of algorithms and services designed to ensure the frictionless transmission of incorruptible messages between multiple parties. This involves some clever mathematics and neat code that will undoubtedly prove of some value in the world with appropriate tight constraints, and it will certainly impact the operation of various conceptualisations of identity, but this is not human identity per se, or the digitalization of human identity. Far from it, as we shall see.
> So again. When I say you don’t understand the technology. I am reading things like this and asking myself what is he referring to?
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique /4](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereign-identity-critique-critique-4/)
> Philip’s essay has so many flaws that I have had to continue to pull it a part
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique /5](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereign-identity-critique-critique-5/)
> before you go pulling out and “waving around” the book Code: And other Laws of Cyberspace and saying “Code is Law” as if his work was a reason to NOT do anything in relationship to digital identity on the internet. He himself proposed an architecture for a certificate based digital identity system for the whole internet.
* [Self-Soverieng Identity Critique, Critique /6](https://identitywoman.net/self-soverieng-identity-critique-critique-6/)
> What is the point of doing this – to show you are “smart” you aren’t the first guy to show up and say – stop the presses – I have figured out all of identity. “Pay attention to ME”.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Critique, Critique /7](https://identitywoman.net/self-sovereign-identity-critique-critique-7/)
> We have now gotten to the Buckminster Fuller section of the document.
* [The Generative Self Sovereign Internet](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/12/the_generative_self-sovereign_internet.shtml) Phil Windley
> Generativity is a function of a technology’s capacity for leverage across a range of tasks, adaptability to a range of different tasks, ease of mastery, and accessibility.
* [Generative Identity](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/01/generative_identity.shtml) - Phil Windley
> The Generative Self-Sovereign Internet explored the generative properties of the self-sovereign internet, a secure overlay network created by DID connections. [...]
> In this article, I explore the generativity of self-sovereign identity—specifically the exchange of verifiable credentials. One of the key features of the self-sovereign internet is that it is protocological—the messaging layer supports the implementation of protocol-mediated interchanges on top of it. This extensibility underpins its generativity.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity, and Selling Off Humanity](https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/07/15/blockchain-self-sovereign-identity-and-selling-off-humanity/) Wrench in the Gears
I think this piece is full of inaccuracies - it is also put together by someone really trying to understand a whole bunch of different things that some how get merged into being “all that bad blockchain technology that deprives people of dignity and rights” (Kaliya)
It’s time activists began to develop a working knowledge of Blockchain and self-sovereign digital identity, because these are the mechanisms that will drive the transition to IoT monitoring for the purposes of Pay for Success deal evaluation
* [The European Declaration on Digital Rights puts people in the firing line of the digital transformation](https://blog.xot.nl/2022/03/06/the-european-declaration-on-digital-rights-puts-people-in-the-firing-line-of-the-digital-transformation/index.html) Jaap-Henk Hoepman
By focusing on the risk to individual citizens, the Declaration complete ignores the systemic risks introduced by the digital transformation (and in general the reliance on so called [programmable infrastructures](https://www.tudelft.nl/tbm/programmable-infrastructures), as expressed by Seda Gürses and Martha Poon among others).
* [Dividing the Movement w. Alison McDowell (Separating Signal from Noise)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DawCcnstfhLY) Doom&GloomHQ
* [SSI-on-Blockchain is Objectively a Bad Thing](https://weh.wtf/ssi.html) Niko
“Blockchain” in SSI exists for PR only, not for engineering reasons.
Note: I am only going to talk about the “blockchain” part of Self-sovereign Identity. Many things, good and bad, can be said about self-sovereign identity, but in order to keep the scope of this document manageable, I’ll leave the broader SSI-discussion to others.
* [Identity Cycle](https://iang.org/identity_cycle/) book by Iang
Identity Cycle is a book in four parts exploring the nature of identity and how it might or might not fit in a digital world
Oddly, unlike most other innovations, the efforts to build flexible large scale identity systems into the digital domain have more or less flopped. More, in that they did not seem to protect and serve people, and less in that they have done something, even as their original promises were discarded.
Philip Sheldrak’s new ANTI- SSI Paper
* [Human identity: the number one challenge in computer science](https://generative-identity.org/human-identity-the-number-one-challenge-in-computer-science/) Sheldrake
I find that many people working on digital identity today understand their undertaking solely in this bureaucratic context, even if they deny it, and they appear to operate therefore under the illusion that this somehow describes and supports our selves, culture, and nature, or at least has the qualities to do so.
## Response to Kailiya’s post on AnnonCreds
* [A response to Identity Woman's recent blog post about Anoncreds](https://kyledenhartog.com/response-to-anoncreds-criticism/) Kyle Den Hartog
It’s only when I started to take a step back that I realized that the architecture of Indy being a private, permissioned ledger leaves it heading in the same direction as many large corporations now extinct browser and intranet projects for many of the same reasons.
* [Moving Toward Identity Technology Ready for Mass Adoption](https://trinsic.id/moving-toward-identity-technology-ready-for-mass-adoption/)
when we realized our customers were facing critical limitations caused by the underlying tech stack, we began developing an updated version of our platform that would reduce our dependency on these technologies and enable a better platform for our customers.
* [Kai @Kai_dentity Replying to @IdentityWoman](https://twitter.com/Kai_dentity/status/1568559448876060675)
Great overview @IdentityWoman It matches with many conversations we had in the community in recent years, as well as observations we made ourselves at @GETJolocom. I hope it will help to make these issues more widely discussed and hopefully get them addressed.
* [Tim Bouma @trbouma Replying to @IdentityWoman](https://twitter.com/trbouma/status/1568583725092413444)
Excellent post. No matter how great a tech or framework is, I am always on the lookout for its Achilles’ heel.
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# Future of Digital Identity
* [Bullish Case for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sgershuni.medium.com/bullish-case-for-self-sovereign-identity-c2c26857f0ab)
> How is SSI technology creating a trillion dollar market?
There are more good pictures
* [The way towards self-sovereign identity](https://innovalor.nl/en/Blogs/self-sovereign-identity) Ines Duits
> This series of blogs focus on self-sovereign identity, SSI. This post explains where SSI originated from by giving a timeline of how digital identity has changed over the years. [In the second blog](https://innovalor.nl/en/Blogs/what-is-self-sovereign-identity), we focus on what SSI is exactly. In the third blog, give two examples of use cases (IRMA and Sovrin) where SSI plays an important role.
* [Inventories, Not Identities: Why multisigs are the future of online accounts](https://blog.gnosis.pm/inventories-not-identities-7da9a4ec5a3e)
> Embracing more than the normative individual as a fundamental unit of account, such a paradigm could better serve the creation of resilient, accountable, and mutualistic institutions leading into the twenty-first century.
* [Can the Digital Future Be Our Home?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/05/can_the_digital_future_be_our_home.shtml) Windley
> This post features three fantastic books from three great, but quite different, authors on the subject of Big Tech, surveillance capitalism, and what's to be done about it.
* [Authentic Digital Relationships](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/08/authentic_digital_relationships.shtml) Windley
> Self-sovereign identity, supported by a heterarchical identity metasystem, creates a firm foundation for rich digital relationships that allow people to be digitally embodied so they can act online as autonomous
* [The Future of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Dmx58bYHFrFk)
> We were joined by Drummond Reed and Alex Preukschat, co-authors of Manning Publication's new book 'Self-Sovereign Identity,' for a conversation on the book's development and recent release and what the future holds for SSI as a technology, architecture, and movement.
* [Personal Identity and the Future of Digital Interactions](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/personal-identity-future-digital-interactions.html) Ping Identity
> What if individuals could determine how to share data and with whom? What if that data was always up to date? And what if instead of merely having a unified customer profile in a single company, each person could have one identity experience for all the companies and people they interact with?
* [The Digital Supply Chain of the Future](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/the-digital-supply-chain-of-the-future-79e9431aaa0d) Nis Jespersen Transmute
There is no limit to what a DID can identify. The obvious examples are organizations and people, as explained above. They can also represent assets such as shipping containers, seals, boxes, vessels, or locations, and intangible concepts like bookings, agreements, transactions, or documents.
* [the most important questions](https://werd.io/2021/one-of-the-most-important-questions-turns) Ben Werdmuller
what is the future you want to build?
Is it one where everyone has equal access to knowledge and opportunities? Where everyone can have a good life regardless of background?
Or is it something else?
* [GiD Report#181 — The future will be self sovereign](https://medium.com/global-id/gid-report-181-the-future-will-be-self-sovereign-d0218fff9989)
Just as the World Wide Web empowered people to connect and share knowledge and information, the rise of Bitcoin taught us that we could have direct ownership over our valuable assets and payments — no middle man or central operator necessary.
* [The Future Now Problem](https://www.continuumloop.com/the-future-now-problem/) Continuum Loop
When the idea of what is available right NOW is blurred among the ideas of the FUTURE, you can’t differentiate between what is feasible TODAY from what is not ready for prime time.
* [The Future: Proving your Identity](https://gdprnow.fireside.fm/30) GDPR Now
> we talk about the future of credential management – Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) also known as decentralised identity. SSI is an efficient, secure and privacy enhancing solution for identity verification. It puts individuals at the centre of the verification process and is the future of identity management.
* [The Future of Authenticating Your Data](https://www.reality2cast.com/61) with Doc Searls, Katherine Druckman and Dave Huseby
> Across time and space immediately being tracked and, and falling victim to what I call sort of casual surveillance or corporate surveillance, right? Where is your data flows through systems; businesses are able to observe that movement of your data, your information aggregated, develop some kind of psychological model and then able to sell that to people who wish to manipulate you, sell you things, that kind of stuff
* [Panel at Radical Exchange on Future Digital Identity](https://identitywoman.net/panel-at-rxc-digital-identity-a-look-ahead/)
> Hosted by Kaliya Young this panel included Paula Burman form Democracy Earth and Supriyo Roy from Idena talking about the their different digital identity systems that are very future looking.
* [Future 2030: Self Sovereign Identity Explained](https://www.coindesk.com/self-sovereign-identity-reshape-internet)
A comprehensive Article on CoinDesk about the future and what SSI looks like in that future. Kaliya interviewed for it.
* [Three Scenarios for Rolling Back Surveillance Capitalism](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20201009-three-scenarios-rolling-back-surveillance-captialism/).
* [Next Stop: A Global Verification Network](https://trbouma.medium.com/next-stop-global-verification-network-69f14a6673ab) Tim Bouma
> The hardest part ahead is not the technology, it’s the wholesale re-conceptualization of what is required for a global verification network that puts the power of the network back into the endpoints that is you and me.
* [Four Future Scenarios about Identity & Access in 2040](https://esatus.com/wp-content/uploads/Broschuere_eng_final.html). We talk about Total Surveillance, Mega Corporations, Identity Chaos & Self-Sovereign Identity 2.0.
> After a look into the past and present, we now fast-forward to the year 2040, where we meet Julia and accompany her through her everyday life. In four different IAM future scenarios, which can be viewed separately, we will understand how life under total surveillance feels for Julia. In times where identity chaos prevails, we can see what it means when Julia can no longer be sure about her digital identity, with only her physical identity being certain. In a world dominated by mega corporations Julia‘s experiences with her employer show us the far-reaching significance and influence such corporations have gained in relation to IAM. Finally, we experience how Julia is able to regain her informational self-determination thanks to her identity wallet - Self-Sovereign Identity 2.0.
* [The Future of Work & Skills – a human-centric skills data space](https://mydata.org/skillsdata) MyData
* [Whitepaper](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QPbc1mwVUj7Tttb4MA9VMRT-bJgjqwqI/view)
> In order to improve the competitiveness of EU’s workforce, the strategy identifies a need for high-quality data for qualifications, learning opportunities, jobs and skill sets of people.
* [The Future of Identity. A collection of interconnected research](https://borgbraincrypto.medium.com/the-future-of-identity-eee42109efd2)
* [Scaling the personal data economy, MyData 2020](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNTuuOAZ1Uc)
> using Futures Thinking to envision how different business strategies, policies and actions implemented in the personal data ecosystem can pave the path towards the Desirable Future.
* [Towards Self-Sovereign Identity with Tykn Co-Founders, Khalid Maliki and Jimmy J.P. Snoek](https://open.spotify.com/episode/37WCJ39VocsCKrgBEK3doO) Ubisecure LTADI
> The conversation details the 'three pillars of SSI' (verifiable credentials, decentralised identifiers and blockchain), how SSI fits with existing processes, what it should appear as to end users (and what level of education they need around the technology), the importance of accessibility for inclusivity, and what's next for Tykn. "In 5 years, people should take [SSI] for granted" Khalid Maliki
* [5 identity priorities for 2021—strengthening security for the hybrid work era and beyond](https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2021/01/28/5-identity-priorities-for-2021-strengthening-security-for-the-hybrid-work-era-and-beyond/) Microsoft
> In this paradigm, individuals can verify a credential with an ID verification partner once, then add it to Microsoft Authenticator (and other compatible wallets) and use it everywhere in a trustworthy manner.
* ['When you invent the ship, you invent the shipwreck'](https://datasovereigntynow.org/2021/01/18/when-you-invent-the-ship-you-invent-the-shipwreck/) Katryna Dow, founder and CEO of Meeco [VIDEO]
> Katryna believes that it is vital for the future of the internet that people and organisations obtain control of their data. This concept is called ‘data sovereignty’, but achieving that means rethinking the digital infrastructure the current internet is built upon. She calls for a soft infrastructure that consists of agreements between public and private-sector parties about the access to data.
* [Okta CEO: Here’s where cloud identity management is headed](https://www.csoonline.com/article/3607350/okta-ceo-here-s-where-cloud-identity-management-is-headed.html) CSO
> CSO: Do you have an opinion on self-sovereign identity?McKinnon: I do. I think that it’s the future. We’ve got to get it done. The problem is: How does it get bootstrapped? How does it get useful in enough places so that enough people use it to make it useful? Where is it going to come from?
* [The Past, Present and Future of Identity](https://www.thinkdigitalpartners.com/guest-blog/2021/02/15/the-past-present-and-future-of-identity/)
> Susan Morrow, considers the ‘digital identity journey’ to date and the important opportunity for the government to make use of the lessons learned when creating tomorrows digital identity ecosystem.
* [The Future of Identity: Self-Sovereignity, Digital Wallets, and Blockchain](https://publications.iadb.org/publications/english/document/Self-Sovereign-Identity-The-Future-of-Identity-Self-Sovereignity-Digital-Wallets-and-Blockchain.html) InterAmerican Development Bank
> enables sovereignty for individuals over their digital assets and credentials -such as digital passports, digital diplomas, digital property titles, and tokenized currencies such as dollar, euro, pound, or pesos- using digital wallets that can take the form of a mobile app. Secondly, when the subject of these digital assets and credentials presents them to a third party to prove ownership, the third party does not need to reach out to the issuer to verify them, as they can go against a public, decentralized, and immutable registry, such as a blockchain network, where the cryptographic proofs of the asset or credential were registered and are maintained by the issuer in an standardized and trustable way.
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# Compliance, KYC, RegTech
- [DIDComm for KYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DPWrZxRbCG88)
* [Roadmap to Institutional Adoption of DeFi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DbkOQHcVVGoE) RSK - Coinfirm
The most recent FATF updated draft guidance from March 2021 introduces significant changes to the legal definition of DeFi platforms, expanding the types of entities that fall under FATF's umbrella. In this guidance, FATF defines most operators of decentralized finance platforms as “Virtual Asset Service Providers” that have AML/CFT obligations.
* [zkKYC A solution concept for KYC without knowing your customer, leveraging self-sovereign identity and zero-knowledge proofs](https://bafybeie5ixj4dkim3lgivkw56us6aakh6bc3dhlsx5zzohrkzgo3ywqqha.ipfs.dweb.link/zkKYC-v1.0.pdf)
The proposed solution concept, zkKYC, removes the need for the customer toshare any personal information with a regulated business for the purpose of KYC, and yet providesthe transparency to allow for a customer to be identified if and when that is ruled necessary by adesignated governing entity (e.g. regulator, law enforcement).
* [EIC Speaker Spotlight: Nat Sakimura](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DQG_gkZkpJwQ) Introducing Gain • OpenID Foundation
if you look at the the cost structure of the financial industry a lot of cost Is towards anti-money laundering and related activities and that actually is identity problem [...] we should try to solve the use case with a user centricity in mind
* [Importance of an Integrated KYC solution for your compliance program](https://kyc-chain.com/importance-of-an-integrated-kyc-solution-for-your-compliance-program/) kyc-chain
The way many businesses have traditionally implemented KYC is by taking a manual, fragmented approach – essentially implementing various different KYC processes using different tools, methods and resources, including human compliance teams.
* [DeFi regulation must not kill the values behind decentralization](https://cointelegraph.com/news/defi-regulation-must-not-kill-the-values-behind-decentralization) Cointelegraph
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recently [proposed](https://www.fatf-gafi.org/publications/fatfrecommendations/documents/public-consultation-guidance-vasp.html) guidelines making it clear that “The owner/operator(s) of the DApp likely fall under the definition of a VASP [virtual asset service provider] [...] even if other parties play a role in the service or portions of the process are automated.
* [Forensic Investigative Report: Sanctioned Blockchain Addresses](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/sanctioned-blockchain-addresses/) Coinfirm
* [Forensic Investigative Report: Terrorism Financing Blockchain Addresses](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/terrorism-financing-blockchain-addresses/) Coinfirm
* [AML Risk Reports](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/crypto-aml-risk-reports/) Coinfirm
* [Commerc.io srl has concluded the project with Essif on anti-money laundering eKYC](https://commercio.network/commerc-io-srl-concluded-project-self-sovereign-identity-essif-european-union-anti-money-laundering-ekyc/)
> [ComKYC] is a protocol on the Commercio Network blockchain that allows you to issue a KYC verifiable credential after performing a simple set of payments through a bank or any regulated money institution. We piggy back on banks kyc requirements [...] it's a verifiable credential that you can share with anyone who trusts the bank to which this VC is anchored. We have created the first portable derivative key kyc credential protocol that will eliminate the endless passport upload for users, reduce customer dropouts for companies, and reduce time and cost for onboarding new customers
* [OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance (eKYC & IDA) Enables More than 30 Million Bank Customers to Identify Themselves with Third Parties](https://openid.net/2021/03/03/openid-connect-for-identity-assurance-ekyc-ida-enables-more-than-30m-bank-customers-to-identify-themselves-with-3rd-parties/)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: More Use Cases](https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/self-sovereign-identity-more-use-cases-a-16448): Heather Dahl and Ken Ebert of Indicio Discuss Decentralized ID Management
> In a video interview with Information Security Media Group, Dahl and Ebert discuss:
> - The evolution of Indicio.tech from the Sovrin Foundation;
> - Key initiatives in implementing and testing decentralized identity;
> - How a decentralized workforce is accelerating the need for identity management.
* [Enhanced Due Diligence How to do it Right](https://cognitohq.com/enhanced-due-diligence-is-non-negotiable/)
Both CDD and EDD are part of a complete KYC process. Identity verification (IDV) at the account-opening stage is one of the most critical moments in the process, but it doesn’t end there: read on to identify when your due diligence should kick up a notch.
* [The Identity, Unlocked “eKYC with Mark Haine” Podcast Now Live](https://openid.net/2021/03/10/the-identity-unlocked-ekyc-with-mark-haine-podcast-now-live/)
* [eKYC with Mark Haine” features host Vittorio Bertocci and special guest Mark Haine](https://identityunlocked.auth0.com/public/49/Identity%252C-Unlocked.--bed7fada/ad784008)
* [SAP Completes Pharmaceutical Industry Pilot to Improve Supply Chain Authenticity](https://news.sap.com/2021/03/pharmaceutical-supply-chain-industry-pilot/)
> today announced the completion of an industry-wide pilot utilizing self-sovereign identity (SSI) credentials to establish trust in the pharmaceutical supply chain for indirect trade relationships.
* [Reimagining Customer Loyalty Programs With Verifiable Credentials: A Pravici Case Study](https://www.evernym.com/blog/customer-loyalty-verifiable-credentials/) Evernym
> [Pravici](https://pravici.com/), an Evernym customer and startup based out of Chandler, Arizona, is looking to flip the equation. Their solution, Tokenized Loyalty Points (TLP), uses verifiable credential technology to give individual consumers control over their data, while empowering them to direct how their favorite brands can use this data for loyalty and other campaigns.
* [26 Suggested Use Cases of Verifiable Credentials (With Some Real-World Examples)](https://academy.affinidi.com/25-real-world-use-cases-of-verifiable-credentials-4657c9cbc5e)
> we hope that business leaders, entrepreneurs, and developers will use this article as a guide to create some breakthrough solutions that will benefit the society at large.
- [Patient-Centric Identity Management for Healthcare with Jim St-Clair](https://northernblock.io/patient-centric-identity-management-for-healthcare/)
* [Takaways from the Suez Canal Crisis](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/takeaways-from-the-suez-canal-crisis-971f7404b058) Karyl Fowler
> Appeal for Supply Chain Agility — Powered by Verifiable Credentials
The Suez Canal debacle had a massive impact on global supply chains — estimated at >$9B in financial hits each day the Ever Given was stuck, totaling at nearly $54B in losses in stalled cargo shipments alone.
* [GATACA joins EU Commission’s Early Adopters Program as SSI provider in the Spanish group](https://gataca.io/insights/gataca-joins-the-european-commission-s-early-adopters-program-as-the-ssi-technology-provider-in-the-spanish-group)
> In Spain, three universities will pioneer the issuance of digital Academic Diplomas. The issuance will be performed 100% online, where students will authenticate themselves using a digital ID previously issued by FNMT (the Royal Mint of Spain) and stored in their mobile wallets.
* [SAP Pharma Solution Supports Supply Chain Compliance](https://insidesap.com.au/sap-pharma-solution-supports-supply-chain-compliance/)
> SAP has chosen an open, interoperable technology to validate all stakeholders in the pharma supply chain in order to provide customers with the best solution for compliance under the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) requirements. The DSCSA also limits stakeholders’ interactions to ATPs.
[eKYC & Identity Assurance WG](https://openid.net/wg/ekyc-ida/). Among the many dots Mark is connecting on behalf of the OpenID Foundation is work with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, the Open Identity Exchange Trust Framework Initiatives and the Open Banking Implementation Entity.
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# Covid
* [I Want COVID-19 Certificates but I don't want a DID](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqSr0xKcG18) David Chadwick
- [How COVID-19 is driving innovation in digital identity](https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/how-covid-19-driving-innovation-digital-identity)
* [Covid-19 spurs national plans to give citizens digital identities](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KsfPtESFkP4J:https://www.economist.com/international/2020/12/07/covid-19-spurs-national-plans-to-give-citizens-digital-identities)
> The MOSIP project, which got going in March 2018, is nested in Bangalore’s International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-B) and endowed with funding of $16m from the Omidyar Network, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Tata Trusts.
* [Digital Health Passports for COVID-19](https://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/media/universityofexeter/collegeofsocialsciencesandinternationalstudies/lawimages/research/Policy_brief_-_Digital_Health_Passports_COVID-19_-_Beduschi.pdf)
> This is a study of Digital Health Passports relating the benefits in managing the pandemic, while also detailing concerns around data protection and the private information at risk of being over-exposed. Recommendations include:
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for COVID-19 Immunity Credentials](https://www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/self-sovereign-identity-implementation-travel-industry)
Tata Consulting Services a vision for [how SSI can be used](https://www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/self-sovereign-identity-implementation-travel-industry) to re-open global travel with the reality of COVID-19.
> SSI still requires market validation, and support for its implementation is currently limited to a relatively small group of technologists and enthusiasts. However, the implementation of SSI in the travel industry at a future point in time, especially once the standards and protocols are production ready and existing user experience challenges have been resolved, is something that all travel industry stakeholders should be watching, waiting and ready for.
* [how to re-open our economy while protecting privacy](https://diacc.ca/2021/01/05/protecting-privacy-while-reopening-economies/) Joni Brennan of DIACC & IdentityWoman
> Without transparent operational guidance, people’s privacy and personal freedoms may be compromised. By having a set of operational rules, decision makers will have the capacity to make better decisions that will enable the public to trust that the tools being implemented have been designed to respect their best interests.
* [Freedom, Privacy and the Covid Pandemic](https://blokbioscience.com/video/freedom-privacy-covid/) BLOK
It’s quite important to outline the difference between #selfsovereignidentity and centralised solutions in the development of #covid #vaccinepassports.
The former requires zero trust on third parties, the latter is prone to hacking and abuse.
* [Architecture for Covid-19 Vaccine Passports](https://digitalscot.net/covid-19-vaccine-passports/)
> As they explain [here](https://nds.nhs.scot/blog/the-national-clinical-data-store/), their National Clinical Data Store (NCDS) is storing vaccinations data and being made accessible to healthcare staff, via their [VMT app](https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/42708/turas-vaccination-management-tool).
“Under the bonnet, the VMT sends copies of the records of immunisations to the NCDS. For those that may be interested, this is achieved using a “FHIR API” based on the [UK FHIR Core](https://digital.nhs.uk/services/fhir-uk-core) Immunisation Profile. A FHIR API is essentially an industry standard way of sharing digital health data. The NCDS can then securely share citizens’ immunisation history records to other services, again using a FHIR API.”
As we’ll explore in the upcoming and future webinars, Scotland’s opportunity is to build upon this core innovation through a collaborating community, a Digital Healthcare Ecosystem, to flesh it out in multiple directions including ways to expand user uptake and to enable new scenarios for how users interact with and update data.
* [The EU Digital Green Certificate Program: Analysis & Comparison](https://www.evernym.com/blog/eu-digital-green-certificate-program/)
> The EU approach does not support selective disclosure, i.e. allowing a subset of attributes from a credential to be used without revealing all the data in the credential.
* [Getting Privacy Right with Verifiable Health Credentials](https://www.evernym.com/health-credentials-webinar/)
> Verifiable health credentials have never been more important or more urgently needed. Yet, as an industry, we have a responsibility to ensure that the solutions we deploy today are held to the highest bar and set the right precedent for personal data privacy.
* [Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/04/travel/coronavirus-vaccine-passports.html)
> “The global passport system took 50 years to develop,” said Drummond Reed, chief trust officer for Evernym. “Even when they wanted to add biometrics to that to make it stronger, that took over a decade to agree on just how you’re going to add a fingerprint or a facial biometric to be verified on a passport. Now, in a very short period of time, we need to produce a digital credential that can be as universally recognized as a passport and it needs an even greater level of privacy because it’s going to be digital.”
* [Digi.me creates first working UK vaccine passport capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/03/29/digi-me-creates-first-working-uk-vaccine-passport-capability/)
> Digi.me’s health pass is built on the same principles as our existing secure data exchange platform, and can be displayed on demand on a user’s phone. It is verified fully private, secure and tamper-proof due to multiple robust security measures including encryption.
This health pass has been designed to be fully interoperable with other international standards, such as the UN Good Health Pass Collaborative, of which [digi.me is a member](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/25/digi-me-joins-good-health-pass-collaborative-to-help-build-a-safe-travelling-future/).
* [The ezcap library](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Apr/0038.html) - Manu Sporny
> Now might be a good time to announce some open source tooling a few of us have been working on related to zcaps that is being created to simplify the developer experience when developing with zcaps.
* [ezcap (pronounced "Easy Cap")](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/ezcap) - An easy to use, opinionated Authorization Capabilities (zcap) client library for the browser and Node.js.
* [Everything You Need to Know About “Vaccine Passports”](https://identitywoman.net/quoted-in-everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/) IdentityWoman \ [Mother Jones](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/04/everything-you-need-to-know-about-vaccine-passports/)
> Andy Slavitt, a White House senior adviser for COVID response, specified at a [March 29](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/03/29/press-briefing-by-white-house-covid-19-response-team-and-public-health-officials-21/) briefing that “unlike other parts of the world, the government here is not viewing its role as the place to create a passport, nor a place to hold the data of citizens.”
* [WHO goes there? Vaccination Certificates Technology and Identity](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/who-goes-vaccination-certificates-technology-identity-stephen-wilson/) Stephen Wilson
> Based on experience building a mobile credentials wallet for the Department of Homeland Security, I argue the proper goal of a digital vaccination certificate should be confined to representing nothing more and nothing less than the fact that someone received their jab. Such a Verifiable Credential would include the place, date and time, the type of vaccine, and the medico who administered or witnessed the jab.
* [We don’t need immunity passports, we need verifiable credentials](https://cointelegraph.com/news/we-don-t-need-immunity-passports-we-need-verifiable-credentials)
> Paper certificates, PDFs, wristbands and mobile apps have all been suggested — and the former director of the Centers for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, and international human rights attorney Aaron Schwid [urged](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/12/21/tom-frieden-covid-immunity-passports/) the adoption of digital “immunity passports” as a way to reopen the world.
In theory, their idea is great. In practice, it’s terrible. Or, as the Daily Beast [put](https://www.thedailybeast.com/vaccine-passports-are-big-techs-latest-dystopian-nightmare) it: “Vaccine Passports Are Big Tech’s Latest Dystopian Nightmare.”
* [British Airways to trial Verifly digital health passport](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/29/british-airways-to-trial-verifly-digital-health-passport/)
> The trial begins on February 4 on all of the carrier’s transatlantic routes between London and the US (currently New York JFK, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, Washington, Houston and Seattle).
> It will be run in conjunction with joint business and Oneworld partner American Airlines, [which is already using the technology on international routes to the US.](https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2021/01/17/american-airlines-launches-verifly-health-passport-for-travel-to-the-us/)
* [Evernym: Privacy-Preserving Verifiable Credentials in the Time of COVID-19](https://www.hyperledger.org/event/hyperledger-in-depth-an-hour-with-evernym-building-post-covid-19-world-with-ssi) Hyperledger
> This session will focus on the analysis and discussion of two use cases where legacy identity solutions were unable to meet the needs, but ledger based solutions have been successful: covid credentials for travel, and employment credentials for staff movements.
* [The Politics of Vaccination Passports](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/04/the_politics_of_vaccination_passports.shtml) Windley
> For example, I’d prefer a vaccination passport that is built according to principles of the Good Health Pass collaborative than, say, one built by Facebook, Google, Apple, or Amazon. Social convention, and regulation where necessary, can limit where such a passport is used. It’s an imperfect system, but social systems are.
* [ToIP Foundation Hosts the Interoperability Working Group for Good Health Pass](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/04/12/toip-foundation-hosts-the-interoperability-working-group-for-good-health-pass/)
> The nine drafting groups collaborating within the new Working Group are:
1. [Paper Based Credentials](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Paper%2BBased%2BCredentials%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will define how a paper-based alternative can be created for any digital health pass so access will be available to all.
2. [Consistent User Experience](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Consistent%2BUser%2BExperience%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will specify the common elements required so that individuals can easily, intuitively, and safely use digital health pass implementations.
3. [Standard Data Models and Elements](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Standard%2BData%2BModels%2Band%2BElements%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will determine the core data items needed across all digital health pass implementations for both COVID-19 testing and vaccinations.
4. [Credential Formats, Signatures, and Exchange Protocols](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Credential%2BFormats%252C%2BSignatures%252C%2Band%2BExchange%2BProtocols%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will specify the requirements for technical interoperability of Good Health Pass implementations.
5. [Security, Privacy, and Data Protection](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Security%252C%2BPrivacy%252C%2Band%2BData%2BProtection%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will define the safety requirements for Good Health Pass compliant implementations.
6. [Trust Registries](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust%2BRegistries%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will specify how verifiers can confirm that a digital health pass has been issued by an authorized issuer.
7. [Rules Engines](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Rules%2BEngines%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will define how digital health pass apps can access different sources of policy information to determine what test or vaccination status is needed for a specific usage scenario.
8. [Identity Binding](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Identity%2BBinding%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will specify the options for verifying that the holder of a digital health pass is the individual who received the test or vaccination credential.
9. [Governance Framework](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Governance%2BFramework%2BDrafting%2BGroup) will define the overall set of policies that must be followed for an implementation to qualify as Good Health Pass compliant.
* [Not too much identity technology, and not too little](https://www.constellationr.com/blog-news/not-too-much-identity-technology-and-not-too-little)
> We should digitize nothing more and nothing less than the fact that someone received their vaccine. A verifiable credential carrying this information would include the place, date and time, the type of vaccine, and the medico who administered or witnessed the shot. The underlying technology should be robust, mature and proven at scale ― as is PKI and public key certificates
* [3 key areas of enterprise blockchain adoption in 2021](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/04/3-key-areas-of-enterprise-blockchain-adoption-in-2021/) IBM
> Government policies vary on the topic, standards are only just starting to emerge, and citizens and enterprises are rightly focused on preserving privacy and equality with our national and international responses. IBM is supporting countries like Germany as well as the [State of New York](https://newsroom.ibm.com/New-York-State-and-IBM-Digital-Health-Pass-Pilot) to issue trusted, privacy-preserving [credentials](https://www.ibm.com/products/digital-health-pass).
It’s also important to note that “health passports” exist on a spectrum of sophistication and in most cases do not yet include tethering to a verifiable personal ID capability
* [Biometric COVID Verifiable Credential](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1A/_Biometric_COVID_Verifiable_Credential) by Adrian Gropper / Eric Welton
* [Biometric Health Card (Adrian Gropper)](http://bit.ly/biometricVC)
COVID, Verifiable Credentials, Biometrics, Privacy
Converting the COVID CDC Vaccination Card into a standardized digital credential is turning out to be harder than expected. The conversation has become prominent in the news and risks being politicized to the detriment of public health efforts around the world.
1. [Eric] Continuing updates from the Thoughtful Biometrics workshop ([Biometrics and DIDs - where next?](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/148-0AXaUpqF19iACQ3UFPMPxNb1D7mQjjUKhwGSF0i8/)
* [COVID Credentials Initiative Update/Overview](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative_Update/Overview) by Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young, John Walker
Session Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
- [Response to Ada Lovelace Institute: Vaccine passports and COVID status apps: Call for Public Evidence](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ykUUDak47lYkUJeZvxs7FxDyy8bQ48FkF47IxMclppE/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
- [Response to WHO Interim Guidance for Development a Smart Vaccination Certificate](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwWUxMY2EynkWFrlNQqh8IF7rE_5aFn74ZreYq0IAYg/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
- [Response to Call for Evidence: UK Parliament Covid 19 Vaccine Certification](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y5vyLzsVUzhiFNcWHGHLVlQHnRad73q3F50a-8gr83Y/edit?usp%3Dsharing) (Still open for contribution)
Current Open Proposals: We will host another session (Day 2 Session 14 2:30 pm PT) to talk about these proposals
- [Proofmarket](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hlR_2yp7EJQqYvxm8mNY-KNgwScTsClKDp6W6yw33Ic/edit?usp%3Dsharing) (Medcreds)
- [Indicio](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vl9IKRg6ygHD1njc8GfnjsQglDOVglBKbuXHSuqQ7T4/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
* [Dynamic Disambiguation and Deconfliction of Complex Access Controls from Multiple Verifiable Sources](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1F/_Dynamic_Disambiguation_and_Deconfliction_of_Complex_Access_Controls_from_Multiple_Verifiable_Sources) by Chris Buchanan
COVID-19, Good Health Pass Collaborative, Rules Engines, Verifiable Presentation Requests
The transition from contemporary access controls to SSI will need a metalanguage for access control rules in order to allow verifiers and holders to trust the transaction. Not everyone will know how to write the complex branching and contextual rules logic that make up real life access controls.
* [COVID Credentials Initiative: Challenges & Learning](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10C/_COVID_Credentials_Initiative:_Challenges_%2526_Learning) by Lucy Yang, Kaliya Young, John Walker
* [CCI Introduction](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11K027LlitWljJu_XNTztqc6BGvhsD8JBX5OkavLEEMA/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Solution assumption with the Good Health Pass is revoking is not necessary as VCs are short lived (solution to invalid credential). Issuers will re-issue vs. revoke
In many cases, labs are providing incorrect information in vaccination records, which need to be re-issued
· Still need to notify the holder that their (current VC) is invalid and they need to take action to resolve
· Issuers asking what if we make a mistake – (re-issue)
· Holders having problems findin there vaccination VC
· Many of the unresolved issues are governance/policy related (for which the “health authorities”) have not worked out the details
· Policy providers are applying the brakes through in-grained bureaucracy to produce a perfect standard for their jurisdiction vs. rapidly evolving a common standard and “usable solution” in the short term.
· Unclear on how to get VC and underlying data into the hands of holders, particularly as holders don’t have the technology and skills to manage their health data.
· Data privacy is an issue across each of the implementers and users of the Issuer, Holder and Verifier roles. Lack of common understanding and agreement on how and who owns and controls the data
· WHO standard will likely be adopted in the Global South (hemisphere)
· GHP looking to paint a forward looking common picture, including interim solutions (iterate standards)
· The number of players (and their levels of understanding/expertise and agreement with the current direction) alone makes consensus very difficult
· Paper credentials have been getting consensus on interim solutions.
· W3C and WHO are great candidates.
· Affinidi is making a universal verifier application (https://www.affinidi.com/)
* [Trust Registries - Good Health Pass - DIDs and X.509](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13G/_Trust_Registries_-_Good_Health_Pass_-_DIDs_and_X.509) by Darrell O’Donnell
Trust registries primarily answer the question of how a verifier can trust that an issuer is authoritative to issue a particular type of verifiable credential under the policies of a particular governance framework.
* [Dave Chadwick] The trust registry should not mandate that it contains a DID, The feedback is that it will be a URI.
* [Trinsic Open Source - BBS+ VCs over DIDComm v2 - End-to-end vaccination credential example](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D23C/_Trinsic_Open_Source_-_BBS%252B_VCs_over_DIDComm_v2_-_End-to-end_vaccination_credential_example%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Michael Boyd
* [Digital COVID Vaccine Passports- Is there really a need or are we creating a false certainty in uncertain times?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20C/_Digital_COVID_Vaccine_Passports-_Is_there_really_a_need_or_are_we_creating_a_false_certainty_in_uncertain_times%253F)
The importance and need for an Ethical framework/standards for the delivery technology development and implementations in healthcare. Apply the biomedical ethics that exist in healthcare to technology specifically SSI & user sovereignty.
"The physician must ... have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm.”
Hippocrates, Epidemics (book I, section. 11) c. 410 BC
Autonomy – respect for the patient’s right to self-determination
Beneficence – the duty to ‘do good’.
Non-Maleficence – the duty to do ‘no harm’.
Justice – to treat all people equally and equitably for the benefit of society.
4 principles of biomedical ethics
No more in my everyday life have these four pillars been so important to me as they have been over the past year.
I clutched on to these while delivering care to patients gasping for breath, clinging onto life and some sadly succumbing to COVID-19.
* [...]
Do we need a Covid vaccine passport whether this is paper based or digital?
If there is or are contexts where a vaccine passport would be more beneficial than not, what are the technical principles, implementations and considerations that need to be met to ensure that they are implemented to comply with medical ethics and law?
After all this is personal health information and therefore should be treated as such.
What problem are we really trying to solve with a Covid Vaccine Passport, Covid Passport, ‘Covid’ credential, digital green certificate, or any other named health pass solution?
To do this there needs to be a basic understanding of this infectious disease, what tools we have currently to deal with it and address assumptions that have been made, many of which may change or are yet unknown such is the dynamic nature of a pandemic.
* [From Closed Loop Systems to Open World COVID Credentials Exchange](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/CCI-Summit-Summary-Report-From-Closed-to-Open.pdf) CCI Report
This summit, convened by CCI, was designed to beginarticulating a roadmap to get from closed loop systems to an open systemwhere it doesn’t matter if issuers, holders and verifiers are using the tool provided by the same solution provider as long as all solution providers are building on a certain common ground.The discussion focused on domestic reopening use cases using the US as the context.
* [Why Digital Health Passes are the smart and responsible way forward - Blockchain Pulse](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/05/why-digital-health-passes-are-the-smart-and-responsible-way-forward/)
> Moving forward, as other states start to roll out their own [Health Pass solutions](https://www.ibm.com/products/digital-health-pass), it will be crucial to ensure interoperability between platforms. The emphasis on interoperability will allow other states Immunization Information Systems (ISS) to seamlessly connect with Excelsior Pass or any other digital health pass. We envision a future that will include multiple Health Pass solutions, giving organizations and consumers the ability to choose which to utilize.
* [Moving forward with Digital Health Passes](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/05/why-digital-health-passes-are-the-smart-and-responsible-way-forward/)
> We envision a future that will include multiple Health Pass solutions, giving organizations and consumers the ability to choose which to utilize. This is why my team and I have put an emphasis on the interoperability of our solution. In addition, easy communication between state and federal health systems will reduce necessary investment and increase access to Digital Health Passes. In the near future we envision a user from any state being able to use their Health Pass in New York or any other state of their choice.
* [Jumpstart the Global Travel Industry Using Self-Sovereign Identity for COVID-19 Immunity Credentials](https://www.tcs.com/perspectives/articles/self-sovereign-identity-implementation-travel-industry) TATA
Reviving trust in safe travel is possible using digital identity and immunity credentials.
- Travel bans, quarantines and lockdowns have negatively impacted the travel industry
- Restoring trust and safety is paramount for travel, tourism and hospitality industries to recover
- Self-sovereign identity (SSI) built on distributed ledger technology (like blockchain) and cryptography could be used to reinvigorate travel by allowing individuals to easily and securely demonstrate their immunity status
* [A trusted internet. Easy and secure. For everyone.](https://esatus.com/solutions/self-self-sovereign-identity/?lang%3Den) Enabled by digital credentials and SSI technology.
Already today, credentials are being used in a wide variety of applications, such as a digital identity card, a work permit or a test certificate. We would like to explain the functionality and potential use cases for credentials by following our protagonist called Sam, who has just completed a Covid-19 rapid test.
* [Platform Architecture for Covid-19 Digital Passports](https://digitalscot.net/architecture-for-covid-19-passports/)
> - Appii – Appii has developed their [Health Passport](https://appii.io/health-passport/), a service that verifies your identify through a selfie photo, is populated through recording your test result at one of their partner sites (eg. Lloyds Pharmacy) and provides a digital certification.
> - Digi.me – Digi.me is a specialist in general data sharing services and have developed a number of apps that build on this capability, including a [Covid-19 solution](https://digi.me/covid19/).
* [Our digital future and economic recovery rests on getting digital ID right](https://diacc.ca/2021/05/31/our-digital-future-and-economic-recovery-rests-on-getting-digital-id-right/)
> With digital identity done right, a vaccine proof (passport) would allow Canadians to securely prove who they are, verify that they were vaccinated, and have a digital credential to use in any instance that requires it — all in a safe and secure way that does not divulge any other private health record.
* [Health data must be private and secure by design, always](https://blog.digi.me/2021/06/01/health-data-must-be-private-and-secure-by-design-always/)
> But there is always time to reflect on privacy and security, and design from the ground up accordingly. At digi.me, we practice what we preach, with privacy and security always core considerations for our health data capability as well as our [Consentry health pass](https://consentry.com/) as they move forwards.
* [How can we make platform livelihoods better for young women, especially during and after COVID-19?](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/how-can-we-make-platform-livelihoods-better-for-young-women-especially-during-and-after-covid-19-696b3974bf61)
> But who is the “we”? The research asks exactly that — who is the “we” that needs to [make the platform work better for women](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/female-livelihoods-in-the-gig-economy-tensions-and-opportunities-f14982b6aaad)?
* [How festival organisers can maximise Covid safety and eradicate ticket touts](https://blokbioscience.com/articles/how-festival-organisers-can-maximise-covid-safety-and-eradicate-ticket-touts/%23respond)
> Festival organisers will also need to do better at managing delays than other sectors. In recent weeks, we’ve seen [Heathrow airport reporting delays of up to six hours](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56743571). This would be catastrophic at a festival – to keep festival goers waiting, after they have already waited for months to have a great time, would only lead to frustration and likely cause a bad reputation for the festival itself.
* [Verify Vaccination Data Using Zero Knowldege Proofs with ASP.Net Core and Mattr](https://damienbod.com/2021/05/31/verify-vaccination-data-using-zero-knowledge-proofs-with-asp-net-core-and-mattr/)
> This article shows how Zero Knowledge Proofs ZKP verifiable credentials can be used to verify a persons vaccination data implemented in [ASP.NET Core](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/introduction-to-aspnet-core) and [MATTR](https://mattr.global/). The ZKP BBS+ verifiable credentials are issued and stored on a digital wallet using a Self-Issued Identity Provider (SIOP) and Open ID Connect. The data can then be used to verify if the holder has the required credentials, but only the required data is used and returned to the verification application.
* [JWTs done right: Quebec's proof of vaccination](https://mikkel.ca/blog/digging-into-quebecs-proof-of-vaccination/)
> Well, my proof of vaccination finally arrived, and the result is… actually pretty okay. Still, there's always some fun to be had in zero-knowledge hacks, so I thought I'd blog about my experiences anyway.
* [PocketCred Verifiable Credentials](https://www.pocketcred.com/)
> Pravici PocketCred (formerly VeriCred) is built on Blockchain technology, specifically to address credential issuance and verification, such as one for COVID-19 vaccines. We at Pravici have been working to build a digital pass that citizens can carry in their mobile device or digital card to prove that they have taken a test or vaccine. Our software application features user-friendly creation of schemas* and proof templates, as well as QR code technology for credential issuance and verification.
* [Good Health Pass Collaborative Releases Draft Blueprint for Digital Health Passes in Advance of G7 Summit](https://id2020.medium.com/good-health-pass-collaborative-releases-draft-blueprint-for-digital-health-passes-in-advance-of-g7-68a48534f024)
> The Blueprint — released today in draft form for a three-week period of stakeholder consultations and public comment — is intended to stimulate discussion at the G7 Summit, which will open Friday in Carbis Bay, Cornwall, UK.
For a high level view, check out the [terminology deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fM-EpIdLGdKniFjHR4ZhdgFA-HBSEmpMai8ljqti4Gw/edit) or the [slide deck](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AibzpUh70UDJVapC2wlICz2voBAMxZLQ_jQOxZwF57Y/edit) that was shared on webinars with the travel industry.
* [Introducing the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.lfph.io/2021/06/08/gccn/)
we are proud to [launch the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN)](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/linux-foundation-public-health-creates-the-global-covid-certificate-network-gccn-301307874.html), an initiative to enable interoperable and trustworthy verification of COVID certificates between jurisdictions for safe border reopening. GCCN will include a global directory of trust registries to enable cross-border certificate verification, and be a home for toolkits and community-managed support for those building and managing COVID certificate systems.
* [Linux Foundation Public Health introduces the Global COVID Certificate Network to operationalize the Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/ujalo98s00b93gh7gqkuqd3lfj52xq-cn2ct)
Paul Knowles, Head of the Advisory Council at the Human Colossus Foundation, co-led the Standard Data Models and Elements drafting group, one of the nine interconnected GHPC drafting groups, to spearhead group recommendations on data elements, common models for data exchange, and semantic harmonization. The recommendations of that drafting group will help to enable data interoperability without putting any undue burden on existing health systems and workflows
* [Explore Verifiable Health Records](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10089/) Apple
Apple Announces Support for [VCI](https://vci.org/) credentials at WWDC (Almost proper [JSON-JWT](https://github.com/smart-on-fhir/health-cards/issues/119) but not quite)
* [Implementing the Good Health Pass’s recommendations with Cardea](https://indicio.tech/blog/implementing-the-good-health-passs-recommendations-with-cardea/)
Cardea, a full, open-source ecosystem for verifiable health credentials developed by Indicio and now a community-led project at LFPH, meets the major recommendations of the Good Health Pass and facilitates the goals of the Global COVID Certificate Network.
* [Covid-19 Vaccination Passes Could Cataylze Self-Sovereign Identity Adoption](https://hackernoon.com/covid-19-vaccination-passes-could-cataylze-self-sovereign-identity-adoption-6x3m3563)
The EU previously announced fully vaccinated Americans could travel this summer and regional EU travellers could potentially use an [EU Digital COVID Certificate](https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/safe-covid-19-vaccines-europeans/eu-digital-covid-certificate_en?ref%3Dhackernoon.com%23how-will-the-certificate-work) as early as July 1.
Good Health Pass Blueprint and the Global Covid Credentials Initiative by LFPH presented at the [DIF Interop Working Group](https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/Si6s-_rvMU7FuHW6QnJVxW47CFiotXDMWutkWMgePKdSWVhTYyADaldJhvzqOl1JPP297-lvSYXCDuk2.rMFee21Ba1fU6y2R?continueMode%3Dtrue%26_x_zm_rtaid%3DdQ0WNpJPS2WF1QUlmxYwBQ.1624241159436.7617ddee4319249d32a108bb882dc0ec%26_x_zm_rhtaid%3D623)
* [Women and platform livelihoods in Kenya: The impact of COVID-19](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/women-and-platform-livelihoods-in-kenya-the-impact-of-covid-19-954d6b073997)
We are starting a new research project — and we’d like you to join us on the journey. Over the course of 2021, Qhala and Caribou Digital, with the support of the Mastercard Foundation, will work to understand the impact of COVID-19 on young women’s experiences working or selling through online platforms in Kenya.
* [SITA Publishes 18-Month Plan for Digital Transformation in Air Travel](https://www.sita.aero/globalassets/docs/brochures/your-runway-to-success.pdf)
This paper explores the five key challenges facing the industry and the IT investment priorities that have the greatest potential to support governments, airports, and airlines over the next 18 months to rebuild a strong and agile business.
* [@maheshbalan shares](https://twitter.com/maheshbalan/status/1352049833419239428)
> My presentation at the @Hyperledger Healthcare SIG about #VerifiableCredentials for Covid-19 - How a cryptographically secure digital credential can be used instead of paper documents. (Video)
* [Vaccine Credentials Focus Group - US Subgroup](https://covidcreds.groups.io/g/vaccinecredentials-us%23publichealth)
This is the mailing list for the US subgroup of the Vaccine Credentials Focus Group. You can see the group charter [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10iXXW4c-lW9ZR-qey_92006muIBuLt3VN4GkZa214OA/edit?usp%3Dsharing).
Participating and contributing in this group requires a CCI membership, open and free to all (organizations and individuals). If you are not a CCI member yet, please request a membership agreement at [https://www.covidcreds.org/#Join](https://www.covidcreds.org/%23Join).
* [Vaccine Passports Must Leverage Decentralized Identity Solutions](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/vaccine-passports-must-leverage-decentralized-identity-solutions-d454f9907fe9) Ontology
Decentralized identity solutions offer an ideal solution to the data privacy and identity risks associated with COVID-19 passports and other verification methods.
* [Why health passes are NOT vaccine passports – and offer greater flexibility and choice](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/18/why-health-passes-are-not-vaccine-passports-and-offer-greater-flexibility-and-choice/) Digi Me
Health passes, though, are much more flexible as they provide multiple options. They can still be used as proof of vaccination, if the user chooses to share their health information in this way.
But, importantly and in a crucial difference from vaccine passports, they can also be used to securely display a test result, such as a negative PCR or rapid antigen test (also known as lateral flow tests) today. Additionally, they are also future-proofed for options such as rapid antibody test results when those come into play on a large scale.
* [A Goldilocks point for Digitised Vaccination Certificates](https://lockstep.com.au/a-goldilocks-point-for-digitised-vaccination-certificates/)
* [Safeguarding COVID-19 Vaccines with SSI](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-1-requirements-b6523a607fbe) Frank Kottler — Part 1/3
Defining the Future of IoT with Distributed Identity Management
* [— Part 2/3](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-2-architecture-1b5e8e49605d)
Dylan realizes that the identified design requirements correspond to properties that are typically solved by means of cryptography. To embed cryptographic methods securely in their network, VirGo needs to identify both a network architecture and an identity management paradigm that fulfill the design principles when they interact.
* [— Part 3/3](https://medium.com/@frank.k./iot-network-security-protecting-covid-19-vaccines-with-ssi-part-3-identity-management-87c480fb8007)
Dylan has identified the requirements towards their IoT network and possible secure network architectures. Still, two challenges remain unsolved: the configuration effort required to setup device APIs and communication protocols, and the question of how to securely identify and authenticate the devices.
* [Blockchain newsletter: Emerging coronavirus variants spur blockchain innovations in healthcare](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/09/blockchain-newsletter-emerging-coronavirus-variants-spur-blockchain-innovations-in-healthcare/)
Get a first look at the Gartner report for decentralized identity and verifiable claims. Access promising use cases, risks and considerations, and expert recommendations on creating value for a fully decentralized future.
Here’s your complimentary access to [Gartner’s Innovation Insights](https://www.ibm.com/account/reg/subscribe?formid%3Durx-51223).
* [Ugh! There's an App for That!](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/10/ugh_theres_an_app_for_that.shtml) <-Phil Windley on Vaccine certificates.
Interoperability is a fundamental property of tech systems that are generative and respect individual privacy and autonomy. And, as a bonus, it makes people's live easier!
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Health Passes and the Design of an Ecosystem of Ecosystems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_health_passes_and_the_design_of_an_ecosystem_of_ecosystems.shtml) Windley
Ever since the Covid pandemic started in 2020, various groups have seen verifiable credentials as a means for providing a secure, privacy-respecting system for health and travel data sharing. This post explores the ecosystem of ecosystems that is emerging as hundreds of organizations around the world rise to the challenge of implementing a globally interoperable system that also respects individual choice and privacy.
* [What is a vaccine passport?](https://www.ibm.com/topics/vaccine-passport) IBM
A vaccine passport is a physical or digital health credential to confirm a person has been vaccinated for a particular contagious disease to enable travel.
* [The Vaccine Certificate Experience](https://www.webistemology.com/vaccine_certificate_experience/) WEBISTEMOLOGY
### Version 1 of the Ontario COVID Vaccine Certificate is a cumbersome experience that needs some work
What I observed is NOT a user-friendly experience for either the customer or the business. For the experience to be improved it needs to be a single presentation operation of either a paper or digital certificate that the business can verify in one step.
The advantage of a paper and ID card presentation ritual is that it is difficult to hack. So if we are going to improve the presentation with a single credential as above, privacy and security MUST be protected.
* [Pramod Varma's message as India touches the 1 BN COVID Vaccination Certificates Milestone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DPFo7YlxUaJk) eGovernments Foundation
On the occasion of the [#100CroreVaccinationCertificates](https://twitter.com/hashtag/100CroreVaccinationCertificates) milestone, [@pramodkvarma](https://twitter.com/pramodkvarma) CTO, [@eksteporg](https://twitter.com/eksteporg) shares the journey of [#DigitalPublicGood](https://twitter.com/hashtag/DigitalPublicGood) - DIVOC (Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing) for vaccination credentialing
* [COVID & Travel Resources for Phocuswright](https://identitywoman.net/covid-travel-resources-for-phocuswright/) IdentityWoman.net
As more and more governments adopt [major COVID certificate standards](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/12/global-covid-certificate-landscape/) to reopen borders, the travel industry is working hard to catch up on their technology to meet the evolving travel requirements. However, there is still no shortage of complaints from travelers about their cumbersome international travel experiences.
* [Digital identity is critical in the new world since covid](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/11/17/digital-identity-is-critical-in-the-new-world-since-covid/) DigitalID NZ
* [Their recent survey](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2019/05/Digital-Identity-Yabble-Benchmark-Research-Infographic-May-2019.pdf) found 85 percent of respondents said there was a lack of transparency, as well as concern in having to share data with so many organisations.
* [How to Prove You're Vaccinated for COVID-19](https://www.consumerreports.org/covid-19/how-to-prove-youre-vaccinated-for-covid-19-a5516357574/) Consumer Reports
* [Eight Simple Rules for Creating Decentralized Covid Credentials](https://indicio.tech/eight-simple-rules-for-creating-decentralized-covid-credentials/) Indicio
1. The thing just has to work — This may sound like a no-brainer, but from our experience, this can be often overlooked. Want broad adoption? Your application must be fast and functional. If it causes too much friction people either won’t use it or they’ll look for ways around it.
* [COVID-19 as a Catalyst for the Advancement of Digital Identity](https://www.perkinscoie.com/images/content/2/4/247949/2021-Perkins-Coie-LLP-Health-Passport-White-Paper.pdf) Perkins Cole
This article discusses areas of law that are developing rapidly [...] our goal is to address some of the legal considerations that health certificates raise with respect to, and in the context of, the development of a comprehensive system of digital identity management.
* [Understanding the Global COVID Certificate Landscape](https://www.lfph.io/2021/10/13/divoc/) DIVOC
The DIVOC project is hosted and maintained by [India’s eGov Foundation](https://egov.org.in/) and is available as an MIT-licensed open source software package DIVOC is also supported by various multilateral funding institutions, as well as a community of software contributors and adopters in various geographies. DIVOC’s verifiable COVID credentials have also been tested for interoperability with several consumer-health and locker applications globally; and DIVOC’s certificates from the adopter countries can now be scanned/read/ingested by these domestic and international applications.
* [The evolution of Covid testing peaks with at-home rapid antigen test-and-show capability](https://blog.digi.me/2021/08/20/the-evolution-of-covid-testing-peaks-with-at-home-rapid-antigen-test-and-show-capability/) Digi Me
fixes the pain points of other testing processes – especially as infectious and asymptomatic people can test without travelling – is cheap, eminently scalable, and can be used as secure proof of Covid health status where needed.
* [Innovation in Digital Identity and Credentials in the Post-Covid World](https://academy.affinidi.com/innovation-in-digital-identity-and-credentials-in-the-post-covid-world-f182a5743ce8) Affinidy
Though we often get lost in technologies, frameworks, legislation, and economic models, it’s ultimately the human aspect that will define the future of the digital identity industry. Bearing this in mind can determine the heights we scale and how quickly we can get there.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: Health Passes and the Design of an Ecosystem of Ecosystems](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_health_passes_and_the_design_of_an_ecosystem_of_ecosystems.shtml) Windley
This post explores the ecosystem of ecosystems that is emerging as hundreds of organizations around the world rise to the challenge of implementing a globally interoperable system that also respects individual choice and privacy.
* [Panel: Paving the Way to a Safer Travel Experience - Heather Dahl, & Scott Harris & Adrien Sanglier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DYlgXNk4GRLc)
Together SITA and Indicio.tech utilized Hyperledger Aries, Ursa, and Indy to create a secure travel credential that is accepted by airlines, hotels and hospitality partners without sharing private health information. In this panel discussion, SITA and Indicio.tech will share their journey of applying verifiable credentials in commercial aviation and travel/hospitality to make it easy for visitors entering a country to share a trusted traveler credential – based on their health status, yet revealing no personal information or health data – privately and securely on their mobile device.
* [Blueprint for a Digital Health Pass](https://www.kuppingercole.com/blog/bailey/blueprint-for-a-digital-health-pass) Kuppinger Cole
Binding an identity to a Verifiable Credential remains valid beyond the point of verification by being able to match a real-time biometric data point with one which was logged at the point of verification
* [New York’s Vaccine Passport Could Cost Taxpayers $17 Million](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/09/nyregion/excelsior-pass-vaccine-passport.html?referringSource%3DarticleShare)
The state’s contract with IBM details a Phase 2 of the Excelsior Pass, which could include uses that some advocates say raise privacy concerns.
* [SSI COVID Passports: Why, What and How](https://noha-abuaesh.medium.com/ssi-covid-passports-why-what-and-how-6f450fddfabf) Noha Abuaesh
What if people can prove their COVID status to different entities, prove that they are authentic and prove they were intended for them, without having to reveal any of their personal information; not even their names?
* [VeriFLY Lets Users Upload Vaccine Credentials](https://findbiometrics.com/verifly-lets-users-upload-vaccine-credentials/) FindBiometrics
“We envision a world where your VeriFLY digital wallet will provide access to the places you and your family want to visit. And the ability to accept a vaccine health credential will accelerate opportunities to resume activities we’ve all dearly missed.” – Tom Grissen, CEO, Daon
* [IATA’s digital health passport paves the way to a new biometric identity for travel](https://www.futuretravelexperience.com/2021/04/iatas-digital-health-passport-paves-the-way-to-a-new-biometric-identity-for-travel/)
> As FTE has previously reported, a number of other solutions have entered the digital health passport space in the past few months from various suppliers, including AOKpass, CommonPass, Daon’s VeriFLY, CLEAR Health Pass and IBM Digital Health Pass, just to name a few. Despite the growing competition, IATA is clear that its aim is not to dominate the market, but to make sure that standards are established to create a secure and interoperable solution.
* [Setting up digital ID regime could provide boost to post-pandemic recovery](https://diacc.ca/2021/04/22/setting-up-digital-id-regime-could-provide-boost-to-post-pandemic-recovery/)
> If the global pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that the need for reliable and secure data is paramount as businesses, governments, and Canadians from Vancouver to Quebec City to Charlottetown and everywhere in between move online.
* [Digital vaccine certificate looms as HR's next problem](https://searchhrsoftware.techtarget.com/news/252494706/Digital-vaccine-certificate-looms-as-HRs-next-problem)
> It's going to take a while for the efforts to sort themselves out, Beck said, but he believes it will happen by the fall or year-end. Government funding may be forthcoming.
> Based on what Biden has said generally about public health, Beck believes the new administration plans to make "a big commitment to health equity and improving public health systems broadly," he said.
### LFPH Calls for Coordination of Digital Vaccination Records Using Open Standards
The CCI community collaborated with Linux Foundation Public Health to [write a letter to the Biden Administration](https://www.lfph.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/LFPH-Calls-for-Coordination-of-Digital-Vaccination-Records-Using-Open-Standards.pdf) about how Verifiable Credentials could be used to support re-opening the economy.
> Some states and other countries have started to pilot this approach, as have various industries like film and aviation. But, the inconsistent use of standards and varying implementations have already led to confusion and public concern. An effort coordinated at the federal level would lead most quickly to uniform adoption and true inter-state and cross-domain interoperability.
> LFPH and our partner organizations are ready to collaborate with you on this.
* [Covid Vaccinations ‘Data Donor’ Program](https://digitalscot.net/covid-vaccinations-data-donor-proposal/) – A Proposal for the Scottish Government
> “The Scottish Government must invest in data, digital and technology in health and social care to help Scotland recover from Covid-19. Closing the data gap in the sector could be worth £800m a year and deliver savings of £5.4bn to NHS Scotland. SCD said better data would help to build resilience against future public health challenges, which in turn will drive a healthy economy.” - Scottish Council for Development and Industry
> Our solution provides a platform for achieving exactly this, both in terms of equipping Scotland with a powerful integrated data environment and also through a framework where developers can further build on this with other apps for a myriad of other use cases. It could be tied in with the [vaccination scheduling system](https://www.ukauthority.com/articles/nhs-scotland-launches-digital-service-for-covid-19-vaccinations/) as an immediate step for example.
### On Tuesday, the [Good Health Pass Collaborative](https://www.goodhealthpass.org/) (GHPC) [launched](https://medium.com/id2020/good-health-pass-a-new-cross-sector-initiative-to-restore-global-travel-and-restart-the-global-8b59eb1050a0).
> ID2020 announced the launch of the Good Health Pass Collaborative along with more than 25 leading individual companies and organizations in the technology, health, and travel sectors — including the Airports Council International (ACI), Commons Project Foundation, Covid Credentials Initiative, Evernym, Hyperledger, IBM, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Linux Foundation Public Health, Lumedic, Mastercard, Trust Over IP Foundation, and others.
* [Working Together on What “Good” Looks Like](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/12/working-together-on-what-good-looks-like) - Hyperledger
> This initiative is intended to define, in the context of test results and vaccination records for opening up borders for travel and commerce, a high bar for implementations of identity and credentialing systems to meet with regards to privacy, ethics and portability. They will also work with the implementers of such systems to converge towards common standards and governance.
* [Digital Health Pass](https://www.ibm.com/products/digital-health-pass) IBM
> the digital wallet can allow individuals to maintain control of their personal health information and share it in a way that is secured, verifiable, and trusted. Individuals can share their health pass to return to the activities and things they love, without requiring exposure of the underlying personal data used to generate the credential.
* [Microsoft joins coalition to accelerate the release of COVID-19 Vaccine Passports](https://mspoweruser.com/microsoft-covid-19-vaccine-passports/)
> VCI coalition members are working to enable digital access to vaccination records using the open, interoperable SMART Health Cards specification, based on W3C Verifiable Credential and HL7 FHIR standards. The VIC will enable individuals to obtain an encrypted digital copy of their immunization credentials to store in a digital wallet of their choice. Those without smartphones could receive paper printed with QR codes containing W3C verifiable credentials.
* [Vaccination Certificate Vocabulary](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0069.html) Tobias Looker
> I'd like to propose a new work item that formally defines a vocabulary for issuing Vaccination Certificates in the form of Verifiable Credentials.
* [Covid has accelerated Canadians’ demand for digital ID](https://diacc.ca/2021/02/16/covid-has-accelerated-canadians-demand-for-digital-id/) DIACC
> three-quarters of the population feels it’s important to have a secure, trusted and privacy-enhancing digital ID to safely and securely make transactions online. The majority of Canadians believe it is important for federal and provincial governments to move quickly on enabling digital ID in a safe and secure manner, according to the survey.
* [Digi.me partners with Healthmark to enable Covid testing and verified result reporting](https://blog.digi.me/2021/02/16/digi-me-partners-with-healthmark-to-enable-covid-testing-and-verified-result-reporting/)
> Consentry healthpass capability is an end-to-end solution which enables users to take a self-administered PCR saliva test, send it in for processing, and then receive an in-app result. Crucially, Consentry also generates a certified and dated travel certificate, together with qualifying details of the test taken, which can be printed, shared securely or displayed as needed.
* [Center for Global Development: A COVID Vaccine Certificate](https://www.cgdev.org/publication/covid-vaccine-certificate-building-lessons-digital-id-digital-yellow-card)
### Building on Lessons from Digital ID for the Digital Yellow Card
> Covid Vaccination Certificate will be a formidable challenge, not only to international cooperation, but because it will need to be implemented in the course of mass vaccination campaigns across countries with very different health management systems and ID systems and with a constantly evolving situation.
* [The fine line between global COVID-19 protocols and privacy](https://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-fine-line-between-global-covid-19-protocols-and-privacy/) Tech Republic
> A panel of experts considers the best methods for safe domestic and international air travel including proof of testing, vaccination passports, and digital health passes.
* [‘Vaccination Passports’: State of Play](http://www.infiniteideasmachine.com/2021/02/vaccination-passports-state-of-play/) Infinite Ideas Machine
> ‘vaccination passports’ are unwarranted, in practice near-pointless clinically, and potentially risky in a number of ways.
* [Digital Vaccination Certificates -- Here Be Dragons!](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0128.html)
This is a thread to keep an eye on. >> Anil John writes:
Because I believe that this is an important conversation, I figure I would put together some high level slideware that synthesizes and shares the answers I have provided directly to those who have asked. I am not in the hearts and minds business, so consider this in the spirit of the quote from Bruce Lee - "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own."
Happy to chat to share our mistakes, so that you don't need to repeat them, with those who have a public interest focus in this area.
* [The inevitable vaccine passports Or, are they actually inevitable?](https://trustoverip.substack.com/p/the-inevitable-vaccine-passports)
Until the time digital records for vaccination are as simple and do not require a second thought around wallet/app/credential format etc - we have a long way to go before they are inevitable.
* [CCI Knowledge Base](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z0MaGrb-Py7V3ZO4AnmYMHsXNgTmLhVocyaX7ySQ5mI/edit%23gid%3D1671625933)
If you haven’t already you might want to check out this google sheet
As our community continues to grow and the pandemic situation keeps evoloving, this CCI Knowledge Base serves as a repository of ongoing COVID-19-related news, topics, researches and resources which are deem relevant to our community and digital identity technology. It aims to provide an up-to-date database for our CCI members to access relevant information quickly in one place whenever they need it, e.g. doing market research, developing their projects or simply keeping themseleves updated on the news.
If you'd like to submit relevant news or articles for the database, please go to [https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.](https://bit.ly/2JfKbpf.)
* [Vaccine passports prove an ethical minefield](https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252496853/Vaccine-passports-prove-an-ethical-minefield)
Any [Covid-19 vaccine passport scheme](https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252494730/Covid-19-immunity-passport-tests-to-begin-in-UK) set up in the UK could easily turn out to be discriminatory and invasive, and open the door to worse abuses of privacy in future, say security experts and campaigners.
[Research] [Vaccine passports and COVID status apps](https://www.adalovelaceinstitute.org/project/vaccine-passports-covid-status-apps/) Ada Lovelace Inst.
*Not to late to contribute to this Ada Lovelace Institute Project the due date is Feb 28th*
> An evidence review and expert deliberation of the practical and ethical issues around digital vaccine passports and COVID status apps
* [Identity Ownership and Security in the Wake of the Pandemic](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/blog/posts/2021/identity-ownership-security.html)
Highlights from Ping Identity’s Andre Durand, and Richard Bird on an episode of Ping’s new podast *[Hello User](https://www.pingidentity.com/en/company/podcast.html)*
> we explore how the pandemic has opened up an opportunity to shape the future of personal identity.
> - Takeaway #1: We digitized much of our economy during the pandemic but neglected one important aspect: identity.
> - Takeaway #2: Third parties have much more control over digital identity than individuals.
> - Takeaway #3: We’re on the cusp of a tectonic shift in the notion of digital identity.
> - Takeaway #4: The pandemic has accelerated the changes needed to shape the future of digital identity security.
> - Takeaway #5: Moving control of digital identity to the individual will dramatically change our current identity and access management systems.
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# Education
* [Understand the usage in Education](https://www.ssi.crubn.com/education) CRUBN
* [The digital transformation of the education sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/the-digital-transformation-of-the-education-sector) ValidatedID
For schools and universities, adopting the electronic signature as a tool not only implies an improvement in the experience for students and employees, but it also means a great improvement in administrative processes.
* [Blockchain and the future of Education](https://wellthatsinteresting.tech/blockchain-and-the-future-of-education/) WellThatsInteresting.tech
It highlights the [recent announcement from Digitary](https://www.digitary.net/myequals-1-million/) about having issued over four million digitally verified documents from 100+ institutions for millions of learners in 135 countries.
* [Blockchain in the Education Sector](https://potech.global/assets/pdfs/Potech-Labs-White%2520Paper_Blockchain-in-the-Education-Sector.pdf)
> Since most of the educational institutes were facing security crises, new challenges are added to the security system to identify and manage the users’ access to these platforms.The most relevant challenges include but not limited to, legacy identity infrastructure, student lifecycle and users access complexity and new cyber threats.
* [Digital Identity in Education](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2020/10/4/digital-identity-in-education) Dingle Group
> September 28 the 14th [2020] [Vienna Digital Identity Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/Vienna-Digital-Identity-Meetup/) hosted [a focused session](https://vimeo.com/464715275) on digital identifiers and verifiable credentials in education. We have two great updates from Kim Hamilton Duffy (Architect Digital Credentials Consortium, Chair of the W3C CCG and Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force) and Lluis Arińo (convenor of Diplomas Use Case at European Blockchain Service Infrastructure and CIO Rovira i Virgili University, Spain).
* [US Education Department promotes putting student records on blockchain](https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-education-department-promotes-putting-student-records-on-blockchain)
> The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed flaws across various sectors. As a result, a number of government departments are evaluating blockchain-based systems as possible solutions for challenges involving multiparty workflows, record-keeping, transparency and more.
> For example, the United States Department of Education recently provided funding for the launch of the “[Education Blockchain Initiative](https://www.acenet.edu/Research-Insights/Pages/Education-Blockchain-Initiative.aspx).” Referred to as the EBI, this project is led by the American Council on Education — an organization that helps the higher education community shape effective public policy — and is designed to identify ways that blockchain can improve data flow between academic institutions and potential employers.
* [Redefining the Student Journey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DenqQ0FyLaBc) Condatis
Digital innovation has been front and centre in Higher Education since the pandemic. The challenges remain for universities supporting students now and for the future. With the help of Microsoft Azure AD Verifiable Credentials, universities can support student needs effective and innovative digital approach.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2021.616779/full) Alex Grech, Ira Sood and Lluís Ariño
Although the blockchain has long been identified as an opportunity for driving much-needed change in the core processes of the education sector, use cases to date have been limited in scope and execution, with blockchain advocates and education policy makers seemingly disconnected on fundamental issues such as governance, self-sovereignty, interoperability, choice of blockchain platforms and overall trust in standards and the integrity of the infrastructure.
* [Transforming Scottish Education for the 21st Century](https://digitalscot.net/transforming-scottish-education/) Digital Scot
This of course is the backbone of the education system, how grades are assessed and rewarded, and it is here therefore where the biggest levers for change are possible, and in this article we’ll explain the role new technologies can play in underpinning and enabling such a transformation.
* [Blockchain and the future of education](https://wellthatsinteresting.tech/blockchain-and-the-future-of-education/) Well That’s Interesting
The user has one wallet where all their important documents are kept safe and secure. Since this wallet is a trusted source, when they share anything from it, it is trusted to be true and accurate without having to get another party involved.
* [The digital transformation of the education sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/the-digital-transformation-of-the-education-sector) ValidatedID
The electronic signature improves the experience in education for students, teachers, parents, guardians and other school staff.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity User Scenarios in the Educational Domain](https://er.educause.edu/articles/2022/4/self-sovereign-identity-user-scenarios-in-the-educational-domain) [Gerd Kortemeyer](https://members.educause.edu/gerd-kortemeyer) Educause
The model of self-sovereign identity offers tempting benefits as educational systems become increasingly global and as learning spans a lifetime.
* [Blockchains in HR: Prosoon and Talao go together on SSI and HR credentials](https://medium.com/@talao_io/blockchains-in-hr-prosoon-and-talao-go-together-on-ssi-and-hr-credentials-3b92968011fe) Talao
This partnership will enable the use of Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity technologies such as verifiable credentials to enable the support of diplomas and professional certifications in compliance with personal data in a decentralized environment (#web3).
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# Healthcare
* ["Member as API" - The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule and Verifiable Credentials](https://www.pocketcred.com/post/member-as-api-the-interoperability-and-patient-access-final-rule-and-verifiable-credentials)
The Interoperability and Patient Access final rule (CMS-9115-F) delivers on the government's promise to put patients first, giving them access to their health information when they need it most and in a way they can best use it. As part of the MyHealthEData initiative, this final rule is focused on driving interoperability and patient access to health information by liberating patient data using CMS authority to regulate Medicare Advantage (MA), Medicaid, CHIP, and Qualified Health Plan (QHP) issuers on the Federally-facilitated Exchanges (FFEs).
* [Advances in health "must ensure self-sovereign identity"](https://healthcareglobal.com/digital-healthcare/advances-health-must-ensure-self-sovereign-identity?page%3D1) Healthcare Global
Meanwhile a new report has found that the majority of the British public is willing to embrace digital healthcare tools such as apps and digital therapies prescribed by a trusted healthcare professional.
Shaw adds: “The vital point to make is this: innovations in health technology must ensure self-sovereign identity.
* [SSI For Healthcare: Lessons from the NHS](https://vimeo.com/543285754)
> - Lessons learned from working with self-sovereign identity (SSI) at the NHS, and the needs highlighted when leading the frontline response during COVID-19
> - What digital health passes mean for the adoption of SSI
> - Applying the four principles of healthcare ethics to verifiable credential technology
> - The top use cases for healthcare, including “staff passports” and portable health records
* [Cardea Project Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DocomqbTb5ZY%26list%3DPL3LvHy3eIPslC7YhQGXKPN4LvS3ekqfqE)
There are five agents main agents in the cardia ecosystem. The health enterprise agent, which is a cloud agent that allows for a health organization a hospital lab clinic pharmacy. Whoever is going to be issuing the credentials to participate in hie would be a a government health organization all of those would be represented by a health enterprise agent issuing credentials there's a government agent that's represented in the ecosystem right now that verifies credentials presented to it and then issues trusted travelers a mobile verifier agent
* [Solving Identity Challenges at the Intersection of Education and Healthcare](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21C/_Solving_Identity_Challenges_at_the_Intersection_of_Education_and_Healthcare) by Kimberly Linson
* [Advances in health "must ensure self-sovereign identity"](https://healthcareglobal.com/digital-healthcare/advances-health-must-ensure-self-sovereign-identity) HealthCareGlobal.com
“I wholeheartedly agree that individuals should not be required to share their own personal health information with unknown third parties or with anyone in authority who demands it" Shaw adds. "But I strongly disagree with the suggestion that ‘events and businesses are either safe to open for everyone, or no one’. It creates a false dichotomy that either everyone is safe, or nobody is safe
* [Indicio and Liquid Avatar Technologies Launch Canada’s First Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Technology for Sharing Health Data](https://indicio.tech/indicio-and-liquid-avatar-technologies-launch-canadas-first-privacy-preserving-decentralized-technology-for-sharing-health-data/) Indicio
“Liquid Avatar Technologies shares Indicio’s vision—the world needs technology that works for people by delivering real privacy and security,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indicio. “When we launched the Indicio Network, we saw the need for a space for innovative companies to collaborate on changing how we manage identity, enable verification, and create trust. Our partnership with Liquid Avatar Technologies, one of many, shows what can happen when innovators solve pressing problems with ground-breaking technology.”
* [What SMART on FHIR Means for the Future of Healthcare](https://auth0.com/blog/what-smart-on-fhir-means-for-the-future-of-healthcare/) Auth0
The Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies (SMART) platform promises to solve these data fragmentation challenges by standardizing how patient data is accessed and shared. And given SMART’s inclusion in the [21st Century Cures Act](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/05/01/2020-07419/21st-century-cures-act-interoperability-information-blocking-and-the-onc-health-it-certification), the platform will become the standard protocol for accessing electronic health records (EHRs) in the near future.
* [Unlocking Possibilities](https://magnacerta.com) MagnaCerta
As different certificate frameworks emerge, there is a need for simple tools that enable Health Service Providers to deliver interoperable certificates valid across different channels, or built according to different specifications.
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# Humanitarian
* [At the Crossroads of Digital Imperialism & Digital Development](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DB1Yr9hwMm8s) Berkman Klein
> This panel examines questions of unequal power in the global digital economy (through U.S corporations, China, and Brussels (i.e. dominance through legal rules), and the ways in which this manifests itself in developing countries in Africa.
* [SSI Interaction Patterns; Technometria - Issue #12](http://news.windley.com/issues/ssi-interaction-patterns-technometria-issue-12-620910?)
> While the DID Authn pattern is simple, it is not as flexible as we need in some situations. For more complicated scenarios, we can use verifiable credentials. The first scenario we’ll consider is where the same organization is issuing and verifying the credential.

* [Gravity’s work with refugees in Turkey featured in latest report from Oxford Centre for Technology and Development, “Digital Identity: An Analysis for the Humanitarian Sector”](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/case-study-gravitys-work-with-refugees-in-turkey-featured-in-latest-oxford-centre-for-technology-ecb515a18464)
“Gravity’s work is selected as a case study here because their solution included close collaboration with four other organizations from the start. It thus offered a rife example of interoperability challenges associated with digital ID systems, as well as how the same systems may be used to overcome existing coordination challenges. Moreover, Gravity has made more documentation of this project publicly available.”
* [IDB and DIDI seek Latino projects that integrate self-sovereign digital identity](https://www.explica.co/idb-and-didi-seek-latino-projects-that-integrate-self-sovereign-digital-identity.html)
With the digital transformation that gained momentum with social distancing, the need for Internet citizens to have a verified digital identity is growing. Aware of this, a call has been launched to identify technological projects that wish to integrate self-sovereign digital identity for the inclusion of vulnerable populations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective is to promote these projects with financing between USD 10,000 and 50,000.
* [World Bank Inclusion Challenge](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/world-bank-the-inclusion-challenge) State of Identity with Vyjayanti Desai leads
> Vyjayanti Desai, Practice Manager for the ID4D and G2Px, two global, multi-sectoral initiatives of the World Bank Group joins State of Identity to discuss The Mission Billion Challenge. The solutions-focused challenge highlights the fundamental role that digital platforms can play in helping a country to effectively provide assistance to its people.
* [On the Horizon: Tykn and Social Impact Through Digital Identity](https://identityreview.com/on-the-horizon-tykn-and-social-impact-through-digital-identity/) IdentityReview
> The Turkish Government has recently announced that it will be using Ana to accelerate work permit distribution for its 3 million refugees. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs—alongside the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the INGEV Foundation, the World Food Programme (WFP), TÜBİTAK and the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce—developed this application with the intent of making refugees financially independent.
* [Decolonial Humanitarian Digital Governance](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/decolonial-humanitarian-digital-governance-48b35b05b110) Berkman Klein
> Can humanitarian digital policy be decolonized?
As humanitarian organisations do not tend to traditionally have the requisite digital or technology expertise in-house, they partner externally to achieve their aims.
The provocations:
1. What if shared well-being became the standard of success for our nations?
2. Are we ready to move from an era that rewards extraction to one that prioritizes regeneration?
3. How will we move from an era of destabilizing information into an age of trusted wisdom?
4. Can we dismantle industrial-age silos between work, home, education, play, and community?
* [Humanizing PoSSI- Human-centric structure of the Principles of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21M/_Humanizing_PoSSI-_Human-centric_structure_of_the_Principles_of_SSI) by Line Kofoed
1. [Line] Welcome and introductions; background information around how this topic is important to discuss
2. Principles of SSI - [https://sovrin.org/principles-of-ssi/](https://sovrin.org/principles-of-ssi/)
3. Sovrin Foundation is working on Sovrin Utility GF and the Sovrin Ecosystem GF
4. Work on the SEGF led to reviewing how we define an ecosystem (see slide for definition) → identity ecosystem for identity services
5. The approach to grouping the 12 principles are intended to enable better understanding as digital trust ecosystems grow
6. Ecosystem of ecosystems will need a foundational set of values and principles and the PoSSI
7. [Sterre] It is good to have the order the principles to help better understanding
8. [Drummond] additional supplementary material to help laypersons understand the PoSSI better
9. [Alex] is the original sequence/numbering sufficient and complete?
10. [Chris] the grouping is more important for the SEGF
11. [please join Sovrin meetings]
* [What are the limits of the private sector in serving the poor?](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/what-are-the-limits-of-the-private-sector-in-serving-the-poor-3ee9a9a468fc) Caribou Digital
A large set of impact investor, international donor, and government anti-poverty policy is based on the notion that for-profit companies can be induced to serve the poor with life changing services like banking or schooling but the limits of the for profit model are not always taken into account
* [Affinidi Partners with AID:Tech — Exploring New Horizons in Digital Identity and Verifiable Credentials](https://academy.affinidi.com/affinidi-partners-with-aid-tech-exploring-new-horizons-in-digital-identity-and-verifiable-661c9e61f7e8)
The relationship continues to grow, as Affinidi and AID:Tech are now collaborating on a new initiative to build infrastructure to power a verifiable credential-based [digital wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-identity-wallet-c289ba2980cf) with multiple services geared for women in Southeast Asia to help them access government programs, banking, insurance, etc.
* [Rohingya turn to blockchain to solve identity crisis](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/21/rohingya-turn-to-blockchain-to-solve-identity-crisis) Guardian
Dilek Genc, a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh who studies blockchain-type applications in humanitarian aid and development, saysif the aid community continues to push innovation using Silicon Valley’s creed of “fail fast and often,” and experiment on vulnerable peoples they will be fundamentally at odds with humanitarian principles and fail to address the political roots of issues facing refugees.
* [Creating Social Inclusion Opportunities for African Youth with Lohan Spies](https://northernblock.io/yoma-social-inclusion-for-african-youth/)
* [Yoma](https://www.yoma.foundation/) is a youth marketplace that is incubated by UNICEF in Africa. It enables youth to Learn (through Yoma learning partners), Earn (through employers in the ecosystem) and Thrive by completing Impact challenges (e.g., plastic clean-up, reforestation) that benefit our environment and communities. All of this is enabled through a SSI-enabled digital CV and personalized learning environment.
* [Why Self-Sovereign Digital Identity Is A Game Changer For Financial Inclusion In Africa](https://www.africa.com/why-self-sovereign-digital-identity-is-a-game-changer-for-financial-inclusion-in-africa/)
This builds on four years of Absa’s work with BankServ, other banks and multiple local and global forums, to set up an industry-wide governance framework for self-sovereign identity, including collaboration with the South African International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) to develop documentation that covers the standards for SSDI management.
* [Honouring Te Tiriti in our work](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/11/18/honouring-te-tiriti-in-our-work/) DigitalNZ
We understand that our responsibility to guide conversations and decisions relating to digital identity means that we must acknowledge and understand Māori perspectives of identity. We also seek to engage with the Māori communities we serve to ensure that we are working in partnership and that mana whenua have the agency to inform our future. [Draft Statement of Intent; Te Tiriti o Waitangi at DINZ](https://www.dropbox.com/s/09tfy4m4e6jbq6l/DINZ%2520Te%2520Tiriti%2520o%2520Waitangi%2520SOI%2520%2526%2520Action%2520Plan%2520%2528V2%2529.pdf)
* [Commission puts forward declaration on digital rights and principles for everyone in the EU](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_452)
The draft declaration covers key rights and principles for the digital transformation, such as placing people and their rights at its centre, supporting solidarity and inclusion, ensuring the freedom of choice online, fostering participation in the digital public space, increasing safety, security and empowerment of individuals, and promoting the sustainability of the digital future.
These rights and principles should accompany people in the EU in their everyday life: affordable and high-speed digital connectivity everywhere and for everybody, well-equipped classrooms and digitally skilled teachers, seamless access to public services, a safe digital environment for children, disconnecting after working hours, obtaining easy-to-understand information on the environmental impact of our digital products, controlling how their personal data are used and with whom they are shared.
## Ukraine
* [Amateur open-source researchers went viral unpacking the war in Ukraine](https://restofworld.org/2022/osint-viral-ukraine/)
* [The frog of war](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/03/06/the-frog-of-war/) Doc Searls
People have changed, because more and more of them are digital now, connected to anybody and anything at any distance, and able to talk, produce “content” and do business—or at least to look and think past national and territorial boundaries. We make our tools and then our tools make us, McLuhan taught. Also, all media work us over completely. We have been remade into digital beings by our wires, waves, and phones. This raises our optionalities in too many ways to list.
* [Ukraine: Why centralized Identity systems can cause a problem](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ukraine-why-centralized-identity-systems-can-cause-problem-freitag/) Andreas Freitag
Let's imagine a country that has a modern digital identity infrastructure. Citizens can use it to identify themselves online and offline, communicate with authorities online, they can quickly log into private services and websites and any documents can be created and digitally signed.
* [Trinsic Launches Identity For Good in Response to Ukraine Crisis](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-launches-identity-for-good-in-response-to-ukraine-crisis/)
Trinsic is partnering with companies building ID products for underserved populations. Through Identity for Good (ID4G), participating partners will receive access to Trinsic’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, enabling them to build their ID products quickly, safely, and compliantly
* [Catalysing the KBW community](https://blog.weareopen.coop/catalysing-the-kbw-community-fa89db943418) WeAreOpenCoop
This post shows how being intentional about community building can help people feel welcome, safe, and able to contribute. It explores three ways in which [WAO](https://weareopen.coop/) has collaborated with [Participate](https://participate.com/) to do this
Working Group of the Week
* [Human Experience Working Group](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Human%2BExperience%2BWorking%2BGroup) TOIP
The purpose of the HXWG is to examine the design features of digital systems, their governance and the business processes that support them, which make interactions or actors trustable, in the contextual and subjective experience of those using them.
* [NO NEED FOR SUPERHUMANS!: A practical guide to ethics in socio-technical systems design](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2022/03/18/no-need-for-superhumans/) TOIP
* [read a summary and watch the video of Lisa’s talk here](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/1.%2BDear%2BHuman%252C%2BThe%2BFuture%2BNeeds%2BYou.%2B%2BPractical%2BEthics%2Bwith%2BDigital%2BSociologist%252C%2BLisa%2BTalia-Moretti) on our Wiki or on our [YouTube Channel here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DXmnnj82wpTM%26t%3D20s).
Links & Further Reading
- Lisa’s Ted Talk, [Technology is not a product, it’s system](https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_talia_moretti_technology_is_not_a_product_it_s_a_system), is available for viewing on [TED.com](http://ted.com/)
- [HXWG Expert Series Summary](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Expert%2BSeries) including video of Lisa’s talk
- [A SocioTechnical Process for Researchers, Designers and Creators](https://bit.ly/sociotechprocess)
- The [responsible tech guide](https://atih.responsibletechguide.com/introduction) is full of useful links and insights
- [Ethics for Designers also has practical tools](https://www.ethicsfordesigners.com/tools)
* [We Should Embrace the Ethical Implementation of Digital Identity](https://www.continuumloop.com/embrace-the-ethical-implementation-of-digital-identity/) Continuum Loop
Maybe it’s because of the nature of my job in decentralized identity consulting, but lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of conspiracy theories on social media about Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI). People criticize the way it’s being implemented and warn about the negative consequences it will have. It’s almost as if people don’t realize that organizations are already monitoring and influencing us and that Google and social media algorithms have been instrumental in this.
* [Update #REBillOfRights by integrating Self-sovereign Identity Bill of Rights](https://www.loomio.org/d/Wnwo2auX/update-rebillofrights-by-integrating-self-sovereign-identity-bill-of-rights) RE2020 Bill Wendal
#RE2020 applauds efforts to open silo’ed data across the emerging real estate ecosystem, but this blog post reflects the blind spot that happens when well-intended real estate elites discuss the future of open data without including the most important stakeholders: — “we the people.”
* [TAKEAWAYS FROM OUR COMMUNITY CALL ON INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN DATA & DIGITAL RIGHTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE](https://www.theengineroom.org/takeaways-from-our-community-call-on-intersections-between-data-digital-rights-and-social-justice/) The Engine Room
On February 15, we held a community call to discuss our newly-published [research findings](https://www.theengineroom.org/new-research-community-call-intersectional-approaches-to-data-and-digital-rights-advocacy/) on intersectional collaboration between social justice communities and data and digital rights (DDR) communities. We were joined by speakers Temi Lasade-Anderson from [Alaase Lab](https://www.instagram.com/alaase.lab/), Luã Cruz from [IDEC](https://idec.org.br/), Patronella Nqaba from [Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity](https://racialequity.atlanticfellows.org/) and Paromita Shah from [Just Futures Law](https://justfutureslaw.org/).
Cute words from Mozilla
* [The web is for everyone: Our vision for the evolution of the web](https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/mozilla-webvision-future-of-web/)
we’ve mapped out a detailed [vision](https://webvision.mozilla.org/) of the changes we want to see in the web in the years ahead, and the work we believe is necessary to achieve them. This includes efforts on a number of fronts — deploying ubiquitous encryption, ending tracking, simpler and faster technologies, next-generation internationalization support and much more.
## Question: Does SSI align with these?
* [FRIDA’S principles to guide data and technology](https://youngfeministfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/FRIDAS-TECH-AND-DATA-PRINCIPLES.pdf) Young Feminist Fund
The tech we use should be responsive to and responisble with the climate, environment crises of our time. Frida advocates for the use and creation of volence-free technologies putting first the care of our territories and bodies
They also published this - which is good for all in tech to think about
* [FRIDA Happiness Manifesto](https://youngfeministfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Happiness-Manifestx-web.pdf) Young Feminist Fund
* [Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance: Lessons Learnt from Kenya](https://cash-hub.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2022/02/DIGID-Lessons-Learnt-from-Kenya-Jan-2022.pdf)
Because of “know your customer” (KYC) requirements, the targeted community members who did not have a legally recognized ID could neither own a SIM card nor have an M-Pesa account, so a cash transfer via M-Pesa was not a viable option for this pilot project. Cash distribution was done via Flex, a money distributor contracted by KRCS.
* [Opportunities for Integrating Functional Digital ID into Humanitarian Action](https://hiplatform.org/blog/2022/5/18/opportunities-for-integrating-functional-digital-id-into-humanitarian-action) HIP
The [Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID)](https://hiplatform.org/digid) project was initiated by a consortium of humanitarian organizations. In 2021, a pilot project was carried out in Kenya implemented by the [Kenya Red Cross Society](https://www.redcross.or.ke/) to enable people without any form of ID to receive cash assistance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by means of a digital ID.
* [Over 1 Billion People Worldwide Lack Legal ID](https://www.continuumloop.com/inclusion-in-digital-identity-products/) Continuum Loop
Inclusion is important in all aspects of life, including digital identity products. By ensuring that everyone is included in the development process, we can create products that meet the needs of everyone [...]
Input from many people from diverse backgrounds is essential to our work on the SSI Harm’s Task Force. I hope you’ll consider [joining us](https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Human%2BExperience%2BWorking%2BGroup) – whether you want to contribute or just observe, everyone is welcome!
* [Fixing Aid | Can blockchain help fix the I.D. problem for a billion people?](https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/podcast/2022/03/31/Fixing-Aid-can-blockchain-help-fix-the-ID-problem-for-a-billion-people) The New Humanitarian
When forced to flee your home from one moment to the next, grabbing birth certificates, school diplomas, and other papers that prove you are who you say you are might not be the first thing that comes to mind. And without those credentials, everything is more difficult when it comes to starting a new life or picking up the pieces of an old one: applying for asylum, applying for a job, or registering to receive aid and other kinds of support.
* [Tech Tools for Human Rights Documentation is Launched](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/) The Engine Room
* [Human Rights Documentation](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-documentation/) Learnings from interviews with civil society documenters and others
* [Tool Development](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-tool-dev/) Insights from tool developers in the human rights documentation space
* [Transitional Justice](https://documentation-tools.theengineroom.org/findings-transitional-justice/) Tech tools from a transitional justice perspective
* [Radical generosity](https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/radical-generosity-8063d9edc3aa) Out of the Box from Dark Matter
Could we establish an alternative market economy, one that is structured around a distinct set of principles centred on care, trust, generosity, the importance of collective intelligence and deep sets of relationships; what would fall away and what would remain in place?
* [Creating a culture of recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/creating-a-culture-of-recognition-39ffdb6cf943)
* [Pro-social behaviours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosocial_behavior) are those intended to benefit others, or society as a whole — for example, helping, sharing, donating, co-operating, and volunteering. Within a community, they’re the behaviours that make it an attractive space to belong to, and which encourage its growth and/or development. It’s a central part of the value cycles that underpin the Communities of Practice model.
* [Disrupting the Gospel of Tech Solutionism to Build Tech Justice](https://ssir.org/articles/entry/disrupting_the_gospel_of_tech_solutionism_to_build_tech_justice%23)
What does it mean to include new voices unless we create a context in which those voices are welcome and heard? To create those conditions, leaders in civil society and the private and public sectors must challenge institutional power and center the discussion on core social justice issues such as racism and structural inequality.
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* [Ceramic, SkyNet, LoRa, IoT. low bandwidth & memory, distributed network. Managing schemas, DIDComm, and V.C. in context](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14M/_Ceramic,_SkyNet,_LoRa,_IoT._low_bandwidth_%2526_memory,_distributed_network._Managing_schemas,_DIDComm,_and_V.C._in_context) by Brent Shambaugh
From memory:
I recall that Joe suggested simplification. I may not need to use ceramic and I may not need to use LoRa. I may not even need a blockchain or ledger. I may want to exchange public keys with friends to start out and use did:web.
Kim commented about her experience with BTCR. It was a great discussion. Unfortunately, it was not recorded.
When Brent mentioned a hackerspace and IoT use case using verifiable credentials to access machines that one had been trained on, Kim liked the idea.
Brent admitted that this was an exploratory project and there currently were no customers. Kim and (Joe) thought that working on a project was a good way to meet people.
Brent found it to be a productive way to learn about the technology. He admitted that he had not implemented verifiable credentials or completed a did method over ceramic. He admitted that he had only recently learned about the size issues of verifiable credentials on embedded devices from Mrinal from Ockam. He also mentioned that there was an earlier IIW session that talked about the size limitations of Lora: 200 bytes for LoRa and 150 bytes for LoraWAN. The title was similar to “ IoT swarms, communication in bandwidth constrained environments”.
Joe questioned why LoRa was used. Brent said it was legacy and the project originally started out through a suggestion from a friend to investigate LoRa and drone tracking (to satisfy a potential FAA regulation). He claimed to be unsure about it. He knew that the hobbyists had complained.
Joe suggested that other protocols could be fine, and there was a way that he recalled that ESP32 devices could form mesh networks (out of the box).
Then came discussion of OpenWRT. Brent thought Joe meant (wireless access points? softtAP?) with ESP32.
Discussion of did:web came up. Did:key was thought of as a good way forward (IIRC). There were 3 things that joe mentioned to do, starting with authentication.
* [...]
* [UX for AR, ambient identity, IoT? Human disclosure, consent, auth with devices.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21J/_UX_for_AR,_ambient_identity,_IoT%253F_Human_disclosure,_consent,_auth_with_devices.) by Phil Wolff
Distrust of devices is rising. [https://wider.team/2021/04/21/resistiot/](https://wider.team/2021/04/21/resistiot/) IoT is being felt as the introduction of surveillance. “Devices are feared and distrusted as proxies for our distrust of the people and organizations behind them.” From the post:
- Clinical technology as workplace surveillance. Hospital providers talk about their frustration with connected technologies because it feels like their every motion is being monitored and tracked, used by bosses to evaluate their speed and cost efficiency.
- Civic technologies as government surveillance. From [Oakland’s corner traffic cameras](https://www.aclunc.org/blog/how-fight-stop-oaklands-domain-awareness-center-laid-groundwork-oakland-privacy-commission) leading to mass rallies to [Boston Police](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/robots-police-dog-spot-boston-dynamics-a9218491.html) [tests](https://reason.com/2019/11/26/massachusetts-police-test-out-robot-dogs-is-dystopia-on-its-way/) and [NYPD robot dogs](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/24/22299140/nypd-boston-dynamics-spot-robot-dog), IoT is deep in the creepy depths of [the uncanny valley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley).
- Consumer technology as commercial surveillance. Alexa, Google, and Apple know too much about you and use it to sell adjacent services.
Why these feelings?
- Devices project power into physical spaces where people live and work.
- Devices are opaque: they hide what happens downstream with device data and upstream with device control.
### Devices don’t put nearby-humans at the center of experience. “User experience” isn’t for them but designed by and for absent institutions. When exactly did Amazon Alexa last ask for your consent when you walked in a room? When did Google Nest ask for permission to send your picture to the cloud? What happened to the gigabytes of data produced during your colonoscopy? Who is looking and listening? What bots are judging your behavior or speech?
* [IoT Swarms + SSI in constrained networks](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12E/_IoT_Swarms_%252B_SSI_in_constrained_networks) by Geovane Fedrecheski
* [Presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15ix2vzR_Dq9xcs-8OY0qBjapy9dpY-WdRKph9SiEY-0/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Summary: This session was a discussion about three topics: IoT Swarms, the challenges of SSI in constrained networks, and preliminary results on how to overcome them. The results showed that, while a DIDComm message with a DID Document as payload used almost 1 kilobyte, a binary approach can be used to cut it to just about 200 bytes.
IoT Swarms enable resource sharing among autonomous IoT devices. The presenter mentioned some papers published in this regard [1][2], including one that analyses using SSI in IoT and Swarm systems [3].
One of the challenges identified by this last paper is the overhead of using SSI, which poses a challenge for adoption on constrained IoT networks. For example, while the Long Range (LoRa) communication, often used in IoT systems, only allows payloads of up to 240 bytes, a single DID Document typically occupies 500 bytes or more. Similarly, messages using DIDComm tend to use at least 1 kilobyte, which prevents its use on constrained networks.
Figure 1. Binary versions of DIDComm and DID Documents are needed to allow transmission in LoRa networks. The payload, in blue, is a DID Document. The overhead, in orange, is the protocol overhead due to the message signature.
* [Introduction to Picos](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4C/_Introduction_to_Picos) by Phil Windley
IoT, digital twins, device shadows, Conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT), CSP over DIDcomm
* [https://picolabs.io](https://picolabs.io) Pico Labs
* [https://github.com/Picolab/](https://github.com/Picolab/) repos
* [https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki](https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki) documentation
* [http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/krl](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/krl) programming Q&A
* [Announcing Pico Engine 1.0](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/02/announcing_pico_engine_10.shtml)
Pico is short for “Persistent Compute Objects.”
Why Picos
- Persistent, personal, computational nodes → More individual autonomy
- Computational node for anything: person, place, organization, smart thing, dumb thing, concept, even a pothole
- Better, more scalable model for IoT → trillion node networks
- Picos support social things and trustworthy spaces
- Better sharing, more natural relationship-based interactions (borrow my truck, Fuse with two owners)
- Scales
- Substitutable hosting model → freedom of choice
- pico mesh
* [...]
What are Picos?
- “Pico” is a neologism for persistent compute objects.
- Persistence is a core feature of how picos work.
- Picos exhibit persistence in three ways:
- Persistent identity—Picos exist, with a single identity, continuously from the moment of their creation until they are destroyed.
- Persistent state—Picos have state that programs running in the pico can see and alter.
- Persistent availability—Picos are always on and ready to process queries and events.
Pico Engine 1.0 released in January
* [Rugged Identity: resilience for Identity of Things to bad latency, signal, power, physical integrity. Mars, war zones, bad neighbors, Great Firewalls.](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11C/_Rugged_Identity:_resilience_for_Identity_of_Things_to_bad_latency,_signal,_power,_physical_integrity.) by Phil Wolff
Problem: So, what happens when you can’t call home to conduct an identity conversation? You’re on Mars and the latency is long. You’re in Haiti and the bandwidth is very limited during a storm. You’re in a war zone and your signal is noisy due to interference.
Rugged Identity is hoped-for resilience from very long latency, noisy signal, low bandwidth, interrupted connections, very low power computing and radio, power outages, and attacks on physical integrity like device tampering.
* [https://wider.team/2020/12/23/2021ruggediomd/](https://wider.team/2020/12/23/2021ruggediomd/) Concerns for connected medical devices that work in remote locations, in emergency/crisis conditions, atop undeveloped infrastructure.
Solving these problems should bring curb-cut effects to all digital identity protocols. So medical devices still work in hospitals that block signals or homes where the router is overloaded.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and IoT – insights from the Sovrin Foundation](https://insureblocks.com/ep-146-self-sovereign-identity-and-iot-insights-from-the-sovrin-foundation/)
> Michael Shea is the Managing Director of the Dingle Group and the Chair of Sovrin Foundation’sSSI in IoT Working Group. In this podcast we discussed the white paper he authored on Self Sovereign Identity and IoT. To explain the opportunities SSI can provide to IoT, Michael introduces us to three profiles: Jamie (machine to person), Bob (machine to machine) and Bessie the cow (digital twin).
Using SSI, they can not only provide their machines with a decentralized and secure identity but also cover authentication and authorization through verifiable credentials issued on top of these identities. With this solution we built with Venafi, we can communicate or authenticate, authorize these devices, and prevent them from vulnerability to attack or counterfeit.
* [SSI In IoT, The SOFIE Project](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/blog/2021/4/6/ssi-in-iot-the-sofie-project) The Dingle Group
> For the 22nd Vienna Digital Identity Meetup* we hosted three of the lead researchers from the [EU H2020](https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/) funded The [SOFIE Project](https://www.sofie-iot.eu/). The SOFIE Project wrapped up at the end of last year a key part of this research focused on the the use of SSI concepts in three IoT sectors (energy, supply chain, and mixed reality gaming) targeting integrating SSI in without requiring changes to the existing IoT systems.
* [Relationships in the Self-Sovereign Internet of Things](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/12/relationships_in_the_self-sovereign_internet_of_things.shtml) Phil WIndley
> This post looks at Alice and her digital relationship with her F-150 truck. She and the truck have relationships and interactions with the people and institutions she engages as she co-owns, lends and sells it.
* [Capitalizing on Self-Sovereign Identity for Machines](https://venafi.com/blog/capitalizing-self-sovereign-identity-machines-part-one) [Part One]
> By providing a means to globally define an indisputable link between a machine and its machine identity across different sites, networks and businesses, we can secure IoT like never before.
> The filancore integration for Verifiable Credentials is available now. You can learn more from the [Venafi Marketplace](https://marketplace.venafi.com/details/verifiable-credentials-for-iot/).
* [Relationships in the Self-Sovereign Internet of Things](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/12/relationships_in_the_self-sovereign_internet_of_things.shtml)
> DIDComm-capable agents provide a flexible infrastructure for numerous internet of things use cases. This post looks at Alice and her digital relationship with her F-150 truck. She and the truck have relationships and interactions with the people and institutions she engages as she co-owns, lends and sells it. These and other complicated workflows are all supported by a standards-based, open-source, protocol-supporting system for secure, privacy-preserving messaging.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and IoT](https://insureblocks.com/ep-146-self-sovereign-identity-and-iot-insights-from-the-sovrin-foundation/)
> Michael Shea is the Managing Director of the Dingle Group and the Chair of Sovrin Foundation’sSSI in IoT Working Group. In this podcast we discussed the white paper he authored on Self Sovereign Identity and IoT. To explain the opportunities SSI can provide to IoT, Michael introduces us to three profiles: Jamie (machine to person), Bob (machine to machine) and Bessie the cow (digital twin).
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for IoT Devices](https://dltc.spbu.ru/images/articles/Kulabukhova2019_Chapter_Self-SovereignIdentityForIoTDe_compressed.pdf) Nataliia Kulabukhova, Andrei Ivashchenko, Iurii Tipikin, and Igor Minin
in our point of view, a lot of development groups are working in parallel on the similar topics, yet it is not clear what is going on inside. In this paper we will try to define the differences and discuss both pros and cons of using such commonly known technologies as Sovrin based upon the Hyperledger Indy technology, Civic, Jolocom, uPort and some others. Besides, we’ll tackle the idea of using the SSI for inanimate object and how it can be constructed in this way.
* [Digital Twins and Self-Sovereign Identity: Build the next generation of Simulation with privacy preservation](https://iotpractitioner.com/digital-twins-and-self-sovereign-identity-build-the-next-generation-of-simulation-with-privacy-preservation/) IOT Practicioner
Managing IoT devices and user identities as well as the relationships among various devices and their digital twins face significant challenges. First, a lack of Identity Credential and Access Management (ICAM) standards for IoT creates proprietary standards and a lack of interoperability. Second, the operational lifecycle of IoT devices complicates integration of traditional ICAM. Lastly, ICAM technology must adapt to the proliferation of connected devices. This evolution requires a digital trust framework and the decentralized architecture of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI).
* [Smart Property](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/08/smart_property.shtml) Windley
Smart property is much more than the anemic connected things we have now. Smart property imagines a world where every thing participates in digital communities and ecosystems, working through programmable agents under the owners control.
* [APPLYING CONCEPTS FROM SELF SOVEREIGN IDENTITY TO IOT DEVICES](https://www.theinternetofthings.eu/tim-weingartner-oskar-camenzind-identity-things-applying-concepts-self-sovereign-identity-iot) IOT dot EU
Devices are equipped by the manufacturer with an identity stored in a trusted execution environment (TEE) and secured by a blockchain. This identity can be used to trace back the origin of the device. During the bootstrapping process on the customer side, the identity registration of the device is updated in the blockchain. This process is performed by a so-called registrar. Smart contracts prevent unsolicited transfer of ownership and track the history of the device. Besides proof of origin and device security our concept can be used for device inventory and firmware upgrade.
* [Picos at the Edge](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/11/picos_at_the_edge.shtml) Windley
You can play with this first hand at [NoFilter.org](https://nofilter.org/), which brands itself as a "the world's first unstoppable, uncensorable, undeplatformable, decentralized freedom of speech app." There's no server storing files, just a set of Javascript files that run in your browser. Identity is provided via [Metamask](https://metamask.io/) which uses an Ethereum address as your identifier. [I created some posts on NoFilter](https://nofilter.org/%23/0xdbca72ed00c24d50661641bf42ad4be003a30b84) to explore how it works.
* [Easier IoT Deployments with LoraWan and Helium](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/easier_iot_deployments_with_lorawan_and_helium.shtml) Phil Windley
Unlike a Wifi network, you don't put the network credentials in the device, you put the devices credentials (keys) in the network. Once I'd done that, the sensor started connecting to hotspots near my house and transmitting data. Today I've been driving around with it in my truck and it's roaming onto other hotspots as needed, still reporting temperatures.
* [LFPH tackles the next frontier in Open Source Health Technology: The rise of Digital Twins](https://www.lfph.io/2022/08/29/lfph-tackles-the-next-frontier-in-open-source-health-technology-the-rise-of-digital-twins/) Linux Foundation Public Health
To create a pairing between the digital world and the real world, a digital twin leverages real time data, such as smart sensor technology, coupled with analytics, and often artificial intelligence (AI) in order to detect and prevent system failures, improve system performance, and explore innovative uses or functional models.
* [Digital Twin Consortium](https://www.digitaltwinconsortium.org/)
Digital Twin Consortium drives the awareness, adoption, interoperability, and development of digital twin technology. Through a collaborative partnership with industry, academia, and government expertise, the Consortium is dedicated to the overall development of digital twins. We accelerate the market by propelling innovation and guiding outcomes for technology end-users.
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# Travel
* [You’ll soon be able to use your iPhone as ID at the airport: Apple Wallet is also getting support for hotel keys](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/7/22522864/apple-wallet-iphone-airport-ids-hotel-key-card-ios-15-wwdc)
Apple has announced a forthcoming update to its Wallet app that will allow you to use your iPhone as digital identification in select US airports. The company showed how you’ll be able to scan your driver’s license or state ID in participating US states, which will then be encrypted and stored in the iPhone’s secure enclave. The company says it’s working with the TSA to enable the iPhone to be used as identification at airport security checkpoints.
* [Paving the way to safer travel](https://indicio.tech/blog/paving-the-way-to-safer-travel/) Indicio
* [World's Airports And Leading Airlines Join CommonTrust Network And Begin Roll-out Of CommonPass](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/worlds-airports-and-leading-airlines-join-commontrust-network-and-begin-roll-out-of-commonpass-in-december-in-support-of-safer-border-reopening-301179752.html)
> The CommonTrust Network is enabled by a global network of labs, vaccine distributors, and health care providers that agree to provide individuals with digital access to their own health information using open, globally-interoperable standards (e.g. HL7 FHIR, W3C verifiable credentials). The network includes hundreds of health systems covering thousands of locations in the United States and a growing network of labs and health care providers around the world.
* [IATA unveils key design elements of travel pass](https://japantoday.com/category/features/travel/iata-unveils-key-design-elements-of-travel-pass)
The IATA Travel Pass three critical design elements:
- The IATA Travel Pass stores encrypted data including verified test or vaccination results on the mobile device of the traveler. The traveler controls what information is shared from their phone with airlines and authorities. No central database or data repository is storing the information. By keeping travelers 100% in control of their information, the highest standards for data privacy are ensured. IATA Travel Pass is also built on the highest standards of data protection laws, including General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).
- Global standards recognized by governments to ensure verified identity and test/vaccine information.
- Convenience and biosafety will be enhanced with integration into contactless travel processes. The ICAO CART recommendations for biosafety include the use of contactless travel processes to reduce the risk of virus transmission when documents need to be exchanged in the travel process.
* [Decentralized Identity opens the doors for safe travel and tourism](https://indicio.tech/blog/decentralized-identity-opens-the-doors-for-safe-travel-and-tourism/) Indicio
Machine readable governance enabled businesses and venues to trust that tourists had been tested on arrival by Aruba’s health department. Visitors using the digital Aruba Happy Traveler Card could be swiftly and reliably verified with a phone app. This freed both businesses and the government from the burden of mechanically collecting data with the attendant risk of error or fraud.
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# Use-Cases
* [Protecting Your Driver’s License](https://medium.com/affinidi/protecting-your-drivers-license-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-25d22aeac05b)
> the biggest advantage of such an SSI-based driver’s license is that there’s absolutely no possibility of loss. Furthermore, there is no question of your PII on the license to fall into the wrong hands because the holder has complete control over how it is used and with whom it is shared.
* [Spherity launches New Product to Support Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Compliance](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-launches-new-product-to-support-pharmaceutical-supply-chain-compliance-28e5592b2dee)
> The product establishes trust in digital interactions between trading partners in pharmaceutical supply chains and ensures compliance with the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA).
- [Driving License as a Verifiable Credential](https://academy.affinidi.com/how-to-implement-driving-license-use-case-using-verifiable-credentials-cef928222c92)
- [Verifiable Credentials in Ben’s Serendipity](https://academy.affinidi.com/verifiable-credentials-in-bens-serendipity-b9acfa10f131)
- Think about it for a moment. No physical documents at all, but a simple and secure self-sovereign identity that Ben had complete control over. More importantly, look at the interoperability and flexibility as Ben could use them in different situations and across multiple platforms.
- [On-Demand Employment Endorsements](https://academy.affinidi.com/on-demand-employment-endorsements-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-d19d263a0fbb)
- [Opening a Bank Account](https://academy.affinidi.com/opening-a-bank-account-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-53ea478b5414)
- [Accessing Medical Records Anywhere](https://academy.affinidi.com/accessing-medical-records-anywhere-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-81a248f9b746)
- [Protecting Your Driver’s License](https://academy.affinidi.com/protecting-your-drivers-license-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-25d22aeac05b)
* [Accessing Medical Records Anywhere](https://academy.affinidi.com/accessing-medical-records-anywhere-a-use-case-for-verifiable-credentials-81a248f9b746)
> this workflow doesn’t involve any third-party to store your medical data and this also means no worry about medical data storage policies and the laws associated with it. The holder completely owns his or her medical data and stores it exclusively in his or her digital wallet, thereby making it secure and hassle-free.
* [How Exactly Are Verifiable Credentials Making the World Better?](https://sgershuni.medium.com/how-exactly-are-verifiable-credentials-making-the-world-better-eb72145c061)
This post shares 6 stories of how verifiable credentials can improve the lives of every day people:
> Ajay is an Uber driver in San Francisco. He wants to try various temporary jobs while he’s studying but joining Lyft, Postmates and other platforms requires going through a long and tedious background verification and car certification process over and over again.
* [Building decentralized social media](https://werd.io/2021/building-decentralized-social-media)
> People, in general, want convenience from their technology, not morality. So instead of building a more ethical version of the past, we need to build a more suitable version of the future.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Verification and Background Screening](https://www.corporatescreening.com/blog/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-verification-and-how-is-it-changing-background-screening)
> self-sovereign identity verification, one of the game-changing [background screening trends of 2021](https://www.corporatescreening.com/2021-trends-interactive-infographic). When combined with screening activities, self-sovereign identity solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate candidate background data and deliver it to employers faster.
* [Rambling – Do I Need a Credential?](https://www.continuumloop.com/rambling-do-i-need-a-credential/) Continuum Loop
> I am a Professional Engineer, which in Canada, is a regulated profession. That means I am formally credentialed. The tech that I am issues comprises of a rubber stamp and an ink pad. Yup – very high tech…
* [Can SSI Safeguard your Information from Hackers?](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-ssi-safeguard-your-information-from-hackers-1b256d3eb6cd)
> The cryptography used is called the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that comprises a pair of public and private keys where the holder keeps the private keys, but shares the public keys.
* [Julian Wilson: Self-Sovereign Data meets Open Banking](https://mastersofprivacy.com/julian-wilson-self-sovereign-data-meets-open-banking/)
Julian Wilson began his career at Apple in the late 80s [...] joined Ecospend in 2019 to build a self-sovereign data service on top of an Open Banking platform. He describes his role as putting an Internet lens onto product design.
* [The Digital Product Passport: Tracking Data Throughout the Entire Lifecycle.](https://trust-trace.com/en/the-digital-product-passport/%23new_tab)
In the real estate industry, TRUST&TRACE can be used by companies to obtain required compliance information from a network of participating companies. In this way, all property data is collected step by step: from building construction and leasing to sale and demolition.
### KYC
* [The missing link: digitizing supply chains with portable data](https://medium.com/mavennet/the-missing-link-digitizing-supply-chains-with-portable-data-583b66acc9bc) Mavnet
* [Mattereum & UNION: Risk Protection for the Digital-Physical Economy](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/mattereum-union-risk-protection-for-the-digital-physical-economy-628371e4cf8a)
Here’s a brief overview of the DeFi insurance landscape, UNION’s unique approach to risk protection, and how the UNION and Mattereum integration will work in practice.
* [Decentralizing and Securing Collectible Card Grading Services with the Mattereum Protocol](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/decentralizing-and-securing-collectible-card-grading-services-with-the-mattereum-protocol-ead040351c2)
Avoid costly industry deadlocks and gatekeeping with a peer-produced, decentralized alternative to centralized collectible grading and authentication services with the Mattereum Protocol
* [SSI for NFTs, Offline and Connectionless Use Cases, NFC Chip Cards and More with Caspar](https://anchor.fm/ssi-orbit-podcast/episodes/12---SSI-for-NFTs--Offline-and-Connectionless-Use-Cases--NFC-Chip-Cards-and-More-with-Caspar-Roelofs-e119ime) SSIOrbit
* [An SSI Based System for Incentivized and Self-determined Customer-to-Business Data Sharing in a Local Economy Context](https://idunion.org/2021/05/21/an-ssi-based-system-for-incentivized-and-self-determined-customer-to-business-data-sharing-in-a-local-economy-context/) IdUnion ([paper](https://idunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ETEMS_2020___Self_Sovereign_Identitiy_in_a_Smart_City___Full_Paper7.pdf)
Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) provides the technical building blocks to create decentralized data-driven systems, which bring data autonomy back to the users. In this paper we propose a system in which the combination of SSI and token economy based incentivisation strategies makes it possible to unlock the potential value of data-pools without compromising the data autonomy of the users.
* [Self Sovereign Identity/Decentralised Identity and Financial Services Webinar — A Synopsis](https://academy.affinidi.com/self-sovereign-identity-decentralised-identity-and-financial-services-webinar-a-recap-f5cecfb8b45c)
September 2nd, 2021 was a big day for all of us in the Global Developer Ecosystem (GDE) team of Affinidi as we geared to host our first [webinar on Self Sovereign Identity/Decentralised Identity and Financial Services](https://youtu.be/kR0IGOqmEwI) with Varsha Jagdale (General Manager of Financial Services at Affinidi) and Joseph Thompson (CEO of AID:Tech) as the speakers.
* [Banking’s identity problem](https://www.globalbankingandfinance.com/bankings-identity-problem/) Global Banking and Finance
Banks have sought to overcome some of these challenges with the use of biometrics such as facial recognition and fingerprints. These are now more commonly used to login to, or unlock devices, and increase usability, but still leave the challenge of proving the authenticity of a document wide open to abuse.
* [ForgeRock goes public](https://ludopoitou.com/2021/09/16/we-did-it/)
Today is an huge milestone for ForgeRock. We are becoming a public company, with our stock publicly traded under the “FORG” symbol, at the New York Stock Exchange.
* [On solving the worldwide shipping crisis](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/10/15/shipping/) Doc Searls
“The supply chain is essentially in the hands of the private sector,” a White House official told Donna Littlejohn of the Los Angeles Daily News, “so we need the private sector…to help solve these problems.” But Biden has brokered a deal among the different stakeholders to end what was becoming a crisis.
* [It's been 15 years of Project VRM: Here's a collection of use cases and requirements identified over the years](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20211011-vrm-use-cases/) rebooted
I categorize them by the stage of the relationship between customer and vendor:
Category 1: Establishing the relationship
What happens when a Customer or a Vendor wishes to initiate a relationship, or wishes to modify the terms of the relationship.
* [Top 5 Most Interesting NFT Use Cases (Part 1)](https://europechain.io/nft/interesting-nft-use-cases-part-1/) Europechain
From racehorses to virtual sushi: a dizzying NFT panoply
* [Why Machines Need Self-Sovereign Identities](https://www.peaq.com/blog/why-machines-need-self-sovereign-identities) Peaq
As the world becomes even more connected and more machines are hooked up to the internet, the ability for machines to move, trade and interact securely and efficiently becomes increasingly important to life and business. Today’s centralized networks do not enable this. Machines today exist on closed, permission-based environments which massively limit which other machines can be interacted with, what machines can do and where they can go.
* [Is the biggest tech change for travel since the internet and mobile the shift to self-sovereign identity tech?](https://centreforaviation.com/analysis/video/is-the-biggest-tech-change-for-travel-since-the-internet-and-mobile-the-shift-to-self-sovereign-identity-tech-1594) CAPA TV
- What are some of the benefits of this new wave, such as reduced cybersecurity risk and enhanced travel experiences/personalisation?
- Will this affect the way travel is distributed and paid for change?
- What can players in the established travel eco-system expect?
- When will we see this come about – where will we be by 2030?
* [Identity Blockchains and Energy Consumption](https://indicio.tech/identity-blockchains-and-energy-consumption/) Indicio
A decentralized network using a blockchain-based distributed ledger means you can use [Peer DIDs](https://identity.foundation/peer-did-method-spec/) to move most “transactions” and their cryptographic proofing off ledger. This means that for those peer-to-peer interactions, identity blockchains don’t need to do any ledger transactions at all.
* [Controlling Our ID with Self-Sovereign Identities](https://fromknowhowtowow.podigee.io/19-ssi) KnowHowToWow
Bosch researcher Christian Borman explains how SSI will not only increase privacy but also have a positive impact on B2B interactions and supply chain management. Meanwhile, Geoff meets mentalist Thorsten Havener. Will he reveal Geoff’s true identity? Inspired by this, Shuko presents some crypto magic…
* [Ep. 146 – Self-Sovereign Identity and IoT – insights from the Sovrin Foundation](https://insureblocks.com/ep-146-self-sovereign-identity-and-iot-insights-from-the-sovrin-foundation/) Insureblocks
we discussed the white paper he authored on [Self Sovereign Identity and IoT](https://sovrin.org/library-iot/). To explain the opportunities SSI can provide to IoT, Michael introduces us to three profiles: Jamie (machine to person), Bob (machine to machine) and Bessie the cow (digital twin).
* [Can SSI Disrupt Surveillance Capitalism?](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-ssi-disrupt-surveillance-capitalism-5c8cd6b50278) Affinidi
Are these advantages enough to disrupt surveillance capitalism? Do you think SSI is the antidote for today’s Internet identity problems and surveillance capitalism? Please share your thoughts with us.
* [Bonifii increases financial inclusion with GlobaliD digital wallet and Indicio Network](https://bonifii.com/2021/10/bonifii-increases-financial-inclusion-with-globalid-digital-wallet-and-indicio-network/)
CULedger is now [Bonifii](https://bonifii.com/)! Delivering a trusted peer-to-peer services network of verifiable exchange for financial cooperatives.
* [Building the Social Graph Infrastructure for Web3.0](https://blog.ceramic.network/building-the-social-graph-infrastructure-for-web3-0/): How CyberConnect is using Ceramic to connect everyone in Web3.0
At the heart of CyberConnect is a tamper-proof data structure that efficiently facilitates the creation, update, query and verification of user-centric data. Long-term data retention on CyberConnect is guaranteed through Ceramic’s blockchain anchoring and a custom data pinning service.
* [Verifiable Credentials set to Revolutionize Health and Safety Compliance](https://blog.dock.io/verifiable-credentials-set-to-revolutionize-health-and-safety-compliance/) Dock
By integrating with Dock and utilizing verifiable credentials, the process of verifying a workers qualifications goes from analysing paper-based certificates and calling each educational body to certify the legitimacy of it, to having the accreditations sitting in a tamper-proof digital wallet, with a digital signature signature from the issuing body certifying the legitimacy.
* [Building a digital trust ecosystem for mining in British Columbia](https://www.ibm.com/blogs/blockchain/2021/11/building-a-digital-trust-ecosystem-for-mining-in-british-columbia/) IBM
The Mines Digital Trust Ecosystem wallet uses verifiable credentials which are enhanced digital versions of physical credentials. The Mines Digital Trust Ecosystem is built on technology that is highly transparent, secure, tamper-proof, and immutable. From the moment information is stored, it cannot be changed. Credentials can be revoked and re-issued as business processes dictate.
* [#5 in the Financial Inclusion Interview Series – Concluding Remarks from GLEIF CEO, Stephan Wolf](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/number-5-in-the-financial-inclusion-interview-series-concluding-remarks-from-gleif-ceo-stephan-wolf)
Throughout the financial inclusion interview series, we caught up with key partners to discuss the launch of GLEIF’s digital business identity initiative in Africa and how it is bringing about greater financial inclusion for African SMEs. Stephan Wolf, CEO of GLEIF, concludes the series by accentuating the immeasurable opportunities and transparency this initiative will bring to the global supply chain
Liquid Avatar Technologies’ [PassmateTM](https://www.thenewswire.com/press-releases/1k98Fpjr0-liquid-avatar-technologies-and-dynamics-inc-tap-payment-infrastructure-for-verification-of-digital-credentials.html) shows how decentralized identity will transform the world: by easily integrating into systems that already exist. The soon-to-be-launched Software as a Service — conceived by Liquid Avatar’s David Lucatch, enables verifiable credentials to run on existing payment rails.
* [Self-Sovereign IDENTITY and eID DOCUMENTS: Two worlds colliding?](https://www.cryptovision.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/VAULT_32_cv_self-sovereign-identity-and-eID-documents.pdf) Cryptovision
At first view, the SSI approach is at odds with the electronic identity documents used in many states, as in the latter model it’s the state that has sovereignty over its citizens’ identity data. On closer inspection, however, SSI and electronic identity documents can complement and even benefit from each other.
* [SITA uses blockchain, decentralized identity for pilot license verification](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/sita-blockchain-decentralized-identity-for-pilot-license/) Ledgerinsights
Using the [self-sovereign identity](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/tag/self-sovereign-identity/) solution Hyperledger Aries, almost everything works peer to peer between the license issuer and the pilot and between the pilot and the verifier.
* [Impact of Self-Sovereign Identity in Real Estate](https://academy.affinidi.com/impact-of-self-sovereign-identity-in-real-estate-11456c4b1faa) Affinidi
Real estate is one of the sectors that has not completely embraced digitalization, and this means, there’s a lot of potential to bring about change in this sector.
* [Digital Memories](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/11/digital_memories.shtml) Windley
I think digital memories are one of the primary features of digital embodiment—giving people a place to stand in the digital world, their own perspective, memories, and capacity to act. We can't be peers online without having our own digital memories.
* [Super Skills, a mobile application use case for DIDs and VCs](https://medium.com/@ntonani/super-skills-a-mobile-application-use-case-for-dids-and-vcs-d174467ccf46)
Beyond directly helping children learn in playful ways, this partnership was forged to assist in championing the importance of three learning primitives of tomorrow’s educational landscape: decentralized identifiers (DIDs), verifiable credentials (VCs), and digital wallets.
* [Using Digital Identity To Prevent The Sale Of Age-Restricted Products](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/12/02/using-digital-identity-to-prevent-the-sale-of-age-restricted-products/?sh%3D5de510a97f9d) Forbes
This is not limited to alcohol, however. It also includes other age-restricted products such as tobacco, cannabis (where legal of course), vaping products, gambling, some movie tickets and even lottery tickets.
* [Is the Self-Sovereign digital identity the future digital business registry?](https://blogs.worldbank.org/psd/self-sovereign-digital-identity-future-digital-business-registry) World Bank
This rapid digitalization of the private sector exposed a challenge in the business registration paradigm. To use private digital platforms for e-Logistics or e-Commerce, SMEs have to register and confirm their identity with these platforms, despite already being identified in the government business registry.
* [The Value of Transparency in Digital Trade Finance, with Aaron Seabrook, COO, Contour](http://gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-value-of-transparency-in-digital-trade-finance-with-aaron-seabrook-coo-contour) GLEIF
In November 2021, GLEIF partnered with Contour, a global network of banks, corporates and trade partners working together to revolutionize the trade finance industry by removing barriers to entry. The partnership enables the use of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs) within Contour’s platform and puts digital identity at the heart of its proposition.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and Blockchain in the Healthcare Industry](https://knowledge.wealize.digital/en/blog/blog/ssi-at-healthcare-industry) Wealize Digital
Healthcare is a key case-use of the SSI model employing blockchain given the significance and scalability of this sectoral. In this article, we give you details about a pilot project developed for the Andalusian Health Service in Spain to evidence the feasibility of a vaccination card according to the Alastria Self-Sovereign Identity system based on Blockchain technology.
* [Is SSI the Disruptor for a Better World?](https://academy.affinidi.com/is-ssi-the-disruptor-for-a-better-world-aec34cef6275) Affinidi
There is a big need for solutions to enable trusted interactions, especially when it comes to identification and authentication. It all stems from the fact that the [Internet](https://academy.affinidi.com/web-2-0-vs-web-3-0-a-bridge-between-the-past-and-the-future-c99668c1e2f0) was never designed for identities of individuals in the first place. Though we have standards and protocols for transactions, these are not constructed to enable the average user control of his or her digital identity without depending on a single third party.
* [Using DID as a Second-factor Authentication](https://academy.affinidi.com/using-did-as-a-second-factor-authentication-198630db4a1c) Affinidi
you can provide your DID instead of disclosing your phone number or email ID as the second factor of authentication. In the second step of verification, you will have to prove that you are the owner of that DID provided during the initial setup.
* [ExO Economy Town Hall 11 Medtech & Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D_yV1K-sw8tM) Adam B Levine Kaliya Identity Woman Young
* [http://economy.openexo.com](https://economy.openexo.com/) ExO Economy Town Hall #11 Q- Medtech and Self Sovereign Identity - Adam B Levine & Kaliya Identity Woman Young
* [Lissi use cases: Education](https://lissi-id.medium.com/lissi-use-cases-education-c39908690300)
Upon successful graduation from a school or university, a certificate is issued as proof of the achievements. However, these are currently still only issued in paper form and therefore cannot be easily presented to third parties.
* [The Internet of Trade - A vision: Building the nervous system of the world economy](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-internet-of-trade) GLEIF
Many areas of production and trade have been digitized, but in the absence of a universal approach to digital networking, siloed systems have been implemented, creating countless ‘digital islands’. Data is still transferred between the participants’ computer systems on printed documents or as unstructured PDFs.
* [Is the Self-Sovereign digital identity the future digital business registry?](https://blogs.worldbank.org/psd/self-sovereign-digital-identity-future-digital-business-registry) GORAN VRANIC, ANDREJA MARUSIC
* [How LEI datasets can enhance global sustainability initiatives and climate-aligned finance](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/how-lei-datasets-can-enhance-global-sustainability-initiatives-and-climate-aligned-finance) GLEIF
During COP26, GLEIF announced a partnership with Amazon and OS-Climate to add LEI datasets to Amazon’s Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI) open-data catalog. [...]. We have since caught up with Ana Pinheiro Privette, Global Lead for ASDI, to discuss how the partnership is working to improve global sustainability data modelling, mapping and calculations, and the expected impact on climate finance risk and opportunity evaluations.
* [SOUNDING OFF: A MAJOR - AND OVERDUE - POWER SHIFT IS COMING TO TRAVEL](https://www.phocuswire.com/sounding-off-144-ssi-power-shift-in-travel) Phocuswire
When this comes to fruition – and not if, but when – it will be a transformative change, shifting power from travel suppliers to travelers themselves and giving travelers more choice, better personalization, lower friction and more security.
* [Businesses’ desire to store less digital identity data stokes travel’s SSI brushfire](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202201/businesses-desire-to-store-less-digital-identity-data-stokes-travels-ssi-brushfire) BiometricUpdate
The potential use cases for self-sovereign identity to transform the travel industry are almost limitless, particularly with the impending arrival of [decentralized identifier communications](https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/decentralized-identity-foundation/wg/did-comm/), also known as DIDComm, attendees of a [PhocusWire](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-ssi-eliminates-friction-adds-control-for-travelers) roundtable discussion on the role of SSI in the future of identity and travel at the Phocuswright Conference 2021 heard from an panel of digital identity experts.
* [TheirCharts](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2022/01/15/theircharts/) Doc Searls
If you’re getting health care in the U.S., chances are your providers are now trying to give you a better [patient experience](https://www.epic.com/software%23PatientEngagement) through a website called MyChart.
This is supposed to be yours, as the first person singular pronoun My implies. Problem is, it’s TheirChart.
* [Spherity is Partnering with Legisym Offering Joint Compliance Product for the U.S. Life Sciences Marke](https://medium.com/spherity/spherity-is-partnering-with-legisym-offering-joint-compliance-product-for-the-u-s-cbf9fd5a217) Spherity
“Legisym is thrilled to be working alongside Spherity to bring the first production-level ATP Credentialing solution to the industry,” said Legisym President & Co-Owner David Kessler. “With the successful completion of the ATP Credentialing Pilot in 2020 and the joint founding of the Open Credentialing Initiative in early 2021, the Spherity-Legisym partnership is already proving successful in collaboration and forward thinking.”
are we building for these use-cases?
* [Apartment rentals and fraud: Discover technology that will ensure trusted content.](https://medium.com/@michelplante/apartment-rentals-and-fraud-cf2ebc572890)
At the root of the problem is the fact that uniquely identifying a person is hard to do and that people can create fake IDs for themselves quite easily.
* [Digital IDs under attack: How to tackle the threat?](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2022/01/27/ssi-face-presentation-attacks/)
- photo attacks based on the presentation of facial evidence of an image of a face printed or displayed via a device’s screen.
- video of user replay attack usually consisting of placing the screen of the attacker’s device in front of the camera.
- 3D mask attacks where 3D masks are crafted to reproduce the real traits of a human face and even include eyes holes to fool the liveliness detection based on eye gaze, blinking and motion.
- deepfake attacks make use of leveraging software capable to create a synthetic video or image realistically representing someone else. Attackers are suspected to have access to a wide dataset containing images or a video of their target.
* [The Missing Ingredient for Globally Compatible ESG Data Collation and Reporting? Standardized Digital Entity Identification](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/the-missing-ingredient-for-globally-compatible-esg-data-collation-and-reporting-standardized-digital-entity-identification) GLEIF
> [Research](https://www.gleif.org/en/lei-solutions/regulatory-use-of-the-lei/gleif-and-data-foundation-comprehensive-entity-id-for-u-s-federal-government) conducted by GLEIF and the Data Foundation, indicates that the U.S. federal government alone uses 50 distinct and incompatible entity identification systems. When this fragmentation is amplified, taking into account the volume of different identifiers globally, it is easy to understand the challenges.
* [Blockchains in HR: Prosoon and Talao go together on SSI and HR credentials](https://medium.com/@talao_io/blockchains-in-hr-prosoon-and-talao-go-together-on-ssi-and-hr-credentials-3b92968011fe)
* [Trusted Career Credentials](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/trusted-career-credentials-dr-gordon-jones/) Dr Gordon Jones
Today, even in this digital world that has expanded over the past two years, the job market still relies on self-reported attributes, records, resumes, and/or LinkedIn profiles, that individuals share with employers or recruiters as the source for applicants and employee data.
* [IdRamp Identity Solutions – Reality 2.0 Podcast](https://idramp.com/idramp-and-identity-solutions-reality-2-0-podcast/)
Doc Searls and Katherine Druckman talk to Mike Vesey, CEO of IdRamp, about verifiable credentials, decentralization, and real-world identity solutions.
* [Leveraging Self-Sovereign Identity, Blockchain, and Zero-Knowledge Proof to Build a Privacy-Preserving Vaccination Pass](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.09207.pdf) Maurício Barrosa, Frederico Schardong, Ricardo Felipe Custódio
This solution allows users to prove that they are vaccinated for different pathogens without revealing their identity. The architecture is loosely coupled, allowing components to be exchanged, which we discuss when we present the implementation of a working prototype.
* [Avatars as Self Sovereign Digital Identity](https://653-eth.medium.com/avatars-as-self-sovereign-digital-identity-2acdf79d49c4) 653.ETH
avatars (the visualisation of self-sovereign identities) go beyond simply providing users with further ownership and control over their cryptographically secure identities, by offering an end-to-end application ecosystem designed to facilitate the commerce and exchange of digital and physical services
* [These vending machines sell internet access five minutes at a time: For many Filipinos, coins are the currency of the internet](https://restofworld.org/2022/philippines-pisonet-internet-access/) ResofWorld
Gatekeeping of internet access is a fact of life in the Philippines, where the market is shaped by the telecommunications duopoly. President Rodrigo Duterte threatened to seize the telco giants, Globe and PLDT, if they didn’t improve their service by the end of 2020. Like much of his bluster, though, the threat has failed to have an effect.
* [Can Verifiable Credentials Make Life Better for Refugees?](https://academy.affinidi.com/can-verifiable-credentials-make-life-better-for-refugees-ea887300f18d) Affinidi
Let’s say Mr.X is forced out of his country due to war and he reaches the neighboring country but doesn’t have any physical document to prove his identity such as name, address, educational qualifications, work experience, etc.
* [An automatized Identity and Access Management system for IoT combining SSI and smart contracts](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00231.pdf) Montassar Naghmouchi, Hella Kaffel, and Maryline Laurent
This paper proposes a blockchain-based identity and access management system for IoT – specifically smart vehicles- as an example of use-case, showing two interoperable blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Indy, and a self-sovereign identity model.
* [CONNECTED IMPACT Unlocking Education and Workforce Opportunity Through Blockchain](https://www.acenet.edu/Documents/ACE-Education-Blockchain-Initiative-Connected-Impact-June2020.pdf?fbclid%3DIwAR22cl_g-DzoZOEBStwKhrsuQpqqA66ZyZhKdd_4NmER2GyDMXbatuUsUuw) ACE
This report is the first phase of the Education Blockchain Initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education and managed by the American Council on Education (ACE). It summarizes an intensive research project to better understand the application of blockchain, a form of distributed ledger technology, to education. Its content is intended to inform policymakers, technology developers, education practitioners, and workforce entities about the state of and potential of interoperable digital credentials anchored on blockchains. This report also provides guidance to these stakeholders on the effective implementation of blockchain-based digital credentials infrastructure.
* [How large is the market for Energy Web DIDs?](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/how-large-is-the-market-for-energy-web-dids-bda42a2848cc) EnergyWeb
At Energy Web, we understand that in order to have any meaningful adoption of enterprise applications using decentral technology, a DID-based tech stack has to be offered in a convenient and reliable way as well. This is why we’re developing the Decentralized Service Level Assurance (DLSA) solution.
* [Airports continue to deploy biometrics as SSI ‘big wave’ approaches](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202110/airports-continue-to-deploy-biometrics-as-ssi-big-wave-approaches) Biometric Update
The conflation of biometrics and SSI is somewhat disturbing.
TravelScrum Co-founder and Chairman Gene Quinn described self-sovereign ID (SSI) as “a big wave of change that’s coming,” and advised that organizations can “ride this wave by swimming at it, greeting it, and rolling gently over it as it heads to shore, or you can be caught in the shore-break and have it consume you later.”
* [Digital identity can transform Africa’s economic landscape](https://www.globalbusinessoutlook.com/digital-identity-can-transform-africas-economic-landscape/)
In 2018, I was trying to open a bank account in my home town of Mutare, Zimbabwe, having just come back from the 1st world, I was under the impression it would take me at most 30 mins to an hour. I immediately realised I couldn’t provide most of the requirements such as my ‘Proof of Residence’ and many more. It turns out it took weeks and months for some to finish the entire process.
* [Countering Marketplace Deception with Mattereum’s Trust-as-a-Service Platform](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/countering-marketplace-deception-with-mattereums-trust-as-a-service-platform-2615dc2c47be)
Marketplace deception is everywhere, at great cost and risk to consumers and businesses. Regulation alone won’t fix it. Can Mattereum Asset Passports and Product Information Markets help secure trust in B2B and B2C trade?
* [The Future of Healthcare Relies on Adaptation](https://auth0.com/blog/the-future-of-healthcare-relies-on-adaptation/) auth0
Most healthcare organizations are and should be, focused on their core business pursuits, such as patient care or processing insurance claims. Information security and identity management is not their core business, yet is a critical factor in compliant, secure business operations.
* [Self-sovereign identity use cases](https://blog.cheqd.io/self-sovereign-identity-use-cases-43bb03d49e13) Cheqd
While self-sovereign identity (SSI) sounds like an unfamiliar concept for some, others are actively leveraging the technology to address industry-specific challenges — take the KYC trial of the [Financial Conduct Authority](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-accepted-into-fca-regulatory-sandbox/) or the [IATA Travel Pass.](https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/pr/2020-12-16-01/)
* [Mobile Messaging, it’s more than 160 characters! It Is Time to Get Strategic](https://identitypraxis.com/2021/09/15/mobile-messaging-its-more-than-160-characters-it-is-time-to-get-strategic/) IdentityPraxis
Yes, text messaging, aka SMS, is ubiquitous, but what should you do when you need to grow beyond what texting has to offer? Remember, “the medium is the message” (Marshall McLuhan, 1964). Text messaging is not the right channel for every engagement.
* [Self-sovereign digital identity is a game changer for African financial inclusion](https://it-online.co.za/2021/09/10/self-sovereign-digital-identity-is-a-game-changer-for-african-financial-inclusion/) ITOnline
Much like cell phone technology and the internet, the true power of SSDI will only be unleashed when it is embedded across all sectors of society, from education and medical care to telecommunications and retail. And that will require all role players – government bodies, regulators, service providers, public and private agencies – to take up the SSDI baton and become part of the change.
* [SSI for smart locks](https://twitter.com/AnimoSolutions/status/1394895595236626433) h\t Animo
## Privacy Security
* [Enterprise] [The Challenging New World of Privacy & Security](https://youtu.be/JmlvOKg_dS4?t=780) Atlanta Innovation Forum
featuring folks from MSFT, GSM, and Michael Becker. The video looks at the range of risks present in managing identity assets. Its focus is coming from the enterprise-level perspective.
### loyalty rewards
* [@_XPID_](https://twitter.com/_XPID_) · [Nov 2](https://twitter.com/_XPID_/status/1323371035484250113)
> Check out the latest version of our beta prototype in the Appstore for #verifiablecredentials for #LoyaltyPrograms. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1458328593 When #sovereign #decentralized #identity becomes a reality, your #Loyalty and #loyaltyrewards #Wallet will be on XPID. #SSI
* [The End of Logins and Passwords, Just for Starters](https://thereboot.com/the-end-of-logins-and-passwords-just-for-starters/) The Reboot
* [verify the verifier use-case](https://bloqzone.com/who-wants-to-know/) TNO
> The article proposes including coercion countermeasures in governance frameworks:
> - Require authoritative verifier.
> - Require evidence collection.
> - Require enabling anonymous complaints.
> - Require remote/proxy verification.
> - Require complying holder agent.
* [Confidential exchanges and the sharing of sensitive data: a major problem in business](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl%3Dauto%26tl%3Den%26u%3Dhttps://www.unikname.com/les-echanges-confidentiels-et-le-partage-de-donnees-sensibles-une-problematique-majeure-en-entreprise/)
if a crypto-account acquires an NFT UNIKNAME, the DID attached to it will totally control this NFT . The NFT UNIKNAME is a random-looking character string to which properties can be attached. The characters actually encode an obscured form of a human-memorable identifier.
* [Groundwork laid for mass digital identity take up as use cases grow](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202108/groundwork-laid-for-mass-digital-identity-take-up-as-use-cases-grow) Biometric update
Identos is adding W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) verifiable credentials as a product feature for its digital ID solutions by the end of the year, announcing its position in the race to incorporate international standards for how digital credentials – from health records to degree certificates – are stored and verified.
* [Impact of Self-Sovereign Identity in Real Estate](https://academy.affinidi.com/impact-of-self-sovereign-identity-in-real-estate-11456c4b1faa) Affinidi
One sector where SSI is expected to have far-reaching implications is the real estate industry, as it has the potential to bring in a lot of transparency and trust among the stakeholders.
So, how does SSI fit into this traditional real-estate sector?
* [Opening the domestic card rails to innovation](https://blog.meeco.me/opening-the-domestic-card-rails-to-innovation/) Meeco
Enabling Australian FinTechs a direct avenue to discuss how they partner and collaborate to access the eftpos payments network through the Committee resulted in recommendations that covered a number of central themes, including consultation and engagement, regulation, and technology and solutionsBen Tabell, eftpos Chief Information Officer and Committee Chair
* [Digital Twins and Self-Sovereign Identity: Build the next generation of Simulation with privacy preservation](https://iotpractitioner.com/digital-twins-and-self-sovereign-identity-build-the-next-generation-of-simulation-with-privacy-preservation/) IOT Practicioner
The rise in the use of advanced analytics, machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) today have driven the technology of simulation into the concept of the digital twin. Digital twins are generally defined as a virtual digital model of a physical system that is used to make better decisions about the real world physical system. Digital twins are usually intertwined with sensors and include a two-way interaction between the physical and digital twin.
* [Why Centralised Decentralised Finance (CeDeFi) and Self-sovereign Identity (SSI) Work Together](https://unizen-io.medium.com/why-centralised-decentralised-finance-cedefi-and-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-work-together-3dccb07f16f9) Unizen
the combination of Centralised and Decentralised Finance — unites two ways of interacting with assets into one. Centralised Finance (CeFi) represents traditional entities (e.g. banks, brokers, funds), Decentralised Finance (DeFi) covers blockchain financial applications, cryptocurrencies, exchanges, decentralised payment services, etc. By merging the two, high transparency, impactful innovation, and wide adoption can be achieved.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for Online Gaming, VR, & AR – Crucible](https://identity-economy.de/self-sovereign-identity-for-online-gaming-vr-ar-crucible) Evernym (via identity-economy.de)
Crucible's CEO (Ryan Gill) and CTO (Toby Tremayne) for a discussion on what self-sovereign identity (SSI) and verifiable credentials mean for gaming and the greater online entertainment sector.
* [Introduction to Smart Property](https://medium.com/humanizing-the-singularity/introduction-to-smart-property-ecb446268f23) Humanizing the Singularity
How can we streamline and improve the techno-social protocols around commerce so we can better maintain equilibrium with our planet and ourselves?
* [Houston we have a Problem – An Identity Problem in the Oil and Gas industry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DIat3GYRyfpE) Indicio
- President Biden’s cybersecurity executive order
- The security landscape for global enterprises
- Decentralized identity, what it is and how it fortifies existing data infrastructure
- Case study: applying zero trust and decentralized identity to energy
* [Electronic signatures for hospitality](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/electronic-signatures-for-hospitality) ValidatedID
Looking at the many developments that have happened lately, digitization has become the center of attention for all kinds of industries, and yet many of the typical processes within the hospitality industry remain paper-based.
* [Using Blockchain to Get Information When You Need It from Wherever You Are](http://informationmatters.org/2021/08/using-blockchain-to-get-information-when-you-need-it-from-wherever-you-are/) Information Matters
The goal of this project is to provide unencumbered access to digital content and print collections while ensuring the privacy and personal identity of each user is secure. Partner libraries will issue a ULC to any individual with either a fixed or descriptive address. Information access will be increased as users gain access to resources and services in those libraries that recognize the ULC.
* [Identity + Security + Privacy = Trust](https://digitalidentity.nz/2021/08/26/identity-security-privacy-trust/) DigitalID NZ
We had [four insightful presentations](https://digitalidentity.nz/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2021/08/Digital-and-Cyber-Risk-Beyond-2020.pdf), given by Jono Soo ([Marsh NZ](https://www.marsh.com/nz/services/cyber-risk.html)), Jonathon Berry ([InPhySec](https://www.inphysecsecurity.com/)), Andy Prow ([Red Shield](https://www.redshield.co/)) and Paul Platen ([SSS](https://www.sss.co.nz/)) which provided a deep-dive into what has been going on in the world of cyber security and insurance
* [How decentralised identity & verifiable credentials will transform the world of healthcare](https://www.htworld.co.uk/insight/decentralized-identity-verifiable-credentials-healthcare/) HealthTech World
When a medical accrediting agency provides a digitally signed certificate, the healthcare practitioner and owner of that certificate holds the credential in a digital wallet. The details of the credential such as the time stamp in which the certificate was given and how long it is valid for, can be optionally held within a blockchain network, digitally linked to the certificate, this process is called ‘anchoring’.
* [How Credit Unions Use Verifiable Credentials with Members with John Ainsworth](https://northernblock.io/how-credit-unions-use-verifiable-credentials-with-members/) Northern Block
Learn how Bonifii is using Verifiable Credentials as a Digital Transformation mechanism for Credit Unions to Increase Engagement with their Members. John Ainsworth explains how they are revolutionizing how Credit Unions say “hello” to a member.
* [The Benefits of Automating Your Employees’ Identity Verification](https://authenteq.com/the-benefits-of-automating-your-employees-identity-verification/)
* [Digital signatures, a fast track to digital transformation in the real estate sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/digital-signatures-a-fast-track-to-digital-transformation-in-the-real-estate-sector)
The latest real estate trend reports show how the pandemic has accelerated the use of technology and the implementation of trends such as teleworking and digitisation of processes. Find out how digital signatures are revolutionising the industry.
* [IdRamp and QiqoChat Announce Verifiable Credentials for Online Collaboration](https://talkcmo.com/news/idramp-and-qiqochat-announce-verifiable-credentials-for-online-collaboration/)
QiqoChat has really stepped up in this time of need to provide an incredible online event user-experience, enabling a re-creation of the IIW experience throughout our Covid travel restrictions. This week they announced the launch of a Verifiable Credentials integration with the QiqoChat platform.
> The community of professionals working on data privacy & consumer protection has been an early adopter of QiqoChat. During regional and global conferences, they have used the platform to share ideas and deliberate about the future of user-centric identity. Through these conferences, we’ve learned how solutions like IdRamp can be tremendously empowering for Internet users.
* [Building an SSI Ecosystem: MemberPass and Credit Unions](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/building_an_ssi_ecosystem_memberpass_and_credit_unions.shtml)
Credit unions and their members face the threat of fraud on all sides. And credit unions employ lots of tools to fight it. But ultimately, the problem comes down to the member and credit union authenticating each other. The problem is that doing this securely annoys people.
* [Simplify medical supply orders with SSI: Techruption innovation project](https://www.brightlands.com/en/brightlands-smart-services-campus/brightlands-techruption-SSI-simplifies-medical-supply-orders)
Participants in this co-creation use case were TNO, CZ, Rabobank and Accenture. The developed solution can be applied in other industries as well. For example in public services, which are often offered by a network of organisations that are all required to comply with high administrative standards.
* [Divitel & Ledger Leopard Team Up to Apply Blockchain & Self Sovereign Identity Technology to Video Distribution](https://www.canto.org/blog/divitel-and-ledger-leopard-team-up-to-apply-blockchain-self-sovereign-identity-technology-to-video-distribution/)
ready to market by end of end of 2022 offering increased flexibility, control, ease of use and speed when managing the access of video distribution ecosystem data, independent of the technology used. Divitel video carrier customers will be offered the option to include this blockchain module on top of their ecosystems.
* [Digital Identity: Enabling dignified access to humanitarian services in migration - PrepareCenter](https://preparecenter.org/resource/digital-identity-enabling-dignified-access-to-humanitarian-services-in-migration/)
The primary objective of the report is to inform humanitarian organizations working with migrants of the opportunities and risks in the use of digital identities in providing services throughout the migrants’ journeys.
* [Innovative concepts and software for managing digital master data and certificates](https://idunion.org/2021/06/14/innovative-konzepte-und-software-fuer-das-digitale-stammdaten-und-zertifikatsmanagement/?lang%3Den) IDUnion
* [Evernym Selected as a 2021 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum](https://www.evernym.com/blog/wef-technology-pioneer/)
The 2021 cohort of Tech Pioneers includes many future headline-makers at the forefront of their industries. These companies show great potential to not only shake up their industries but offer real solutions to global problems.
* [Introducing Veramo](https://medium.com/uport/introducing-veramo-5a960bf2a5fe)
In our last post we briefly presented Veramo and how it evolved from the [challenges faced with uPort’s libraries](https://medium.com/uport/veramo-uports-open-source-evolution-d85fa463db1f). In this next series of articles we will give Veramo a proper introduction and answer some of the basics: why it exists and what it does, followed by articles describing the architecture in more detail, and how to build applications using [Veramo](https://veramo.io).
* [Verifiable Credentials with Auth0 and MATTR](https://auth0.com/blog/verifiable-credentials-with-auth0-and-mattr/)
How to issue Verifiable Credentials from Auth0 user data using MATTR's Auth0 Marketplace Integration
* [Verifiable Credentials with Auth0 and MATTR](https://auth0.com/blog/verifiable-credentials-with-auth0-and-mattr/) Damian Schenkelman
How to issue Verifiable Credentials from Auth0 user data using MATTR's Auth0 Marketplace Integration
* [MemberPass Digital ID can help Reduce Expenses and Build Member Trust](https://www.memberpass.com/2021/06/memberpass-digital-id-can-help-reduce-expenses-and-build-member-trust/)
You can probably use the good news. It’s never been easy to run a credit union, especially when you get whacked from all sides. Regulations change, members always seem to want access to another shiny new technology gadget, and financial fraud continues to be a threat. On top of that, we’ve all had to grapple with the pervasive life-changing effects of the coronavirus pandemic for the past year.
* [Empowering humans for a digital age and global economy via Self-Sovereign Identity](https://vladanlausevic.medium.com/empowering-humans-for-a-digital-age-and-global-economy-via-self-sovereign-identity-457ef947f33b)
based on the article [Self-Sovereign Identity in a Globalized World: Credentials-Based Identity Systems as a Driver for Economic Inclusion](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fbloc.2019.00028/full) by Fennie Wang and Primavera De Filippi.
* [Decentralized Identity isn't a hypothetical need, as I personally experienced this week](https://twitter.com/csuwildcat/status/1410697679890489348)
* [Alternatives to the CompuServe of Things](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/07/alternatives_to_the_compuserve_of_things.shtml) Windley
^^^ Interesting feature: Phil is leveraging the Hypothesis sidebar for comments\annotation -
The current model for connected things puts manufacturers in between people and their things. That model negatively affects personal freedom, privacy, and society. Alternate models can provide the same benefits of connected devices without the societal and personal costs.
* [https://app.slidebean.com/p/6acrochkpj/IIW-April-22-2021](https://app.slidebean.com/p/6acrochkpj/IIW-April-22-2021)
State agency feedback:
- Identity is at the heart
- Disconnect between the data desired and the data entered
- Confusing fields, more confusing mapping
- Mismatched data
- Stick to 99% of a standard
School has changed:
- Used to be:
- District organized by physical location
- Revenue systems based on seat time
- School buildings
- Classrooms divided into grades
- Teachers as sage on the stage
- Some kids still out of school
- Playlists, virtual classrooms, hybrid
- Access to food. Access to internet. Access to a device.
- Teachers maxed to the limit
- Learning Loss?!?
- Social Emotional Learning?!?
- 1/3 of students expected not to return
- Virtual models abound
- Teacher mobility and agency
- Chaos versus Opportunity?
Questions for discussion:
- Identity technical solutions are easy. The data clean up and alignment is the first problem to solve.
- How can self attestation be trustworthy?
- What are the responsibilities of a proxy issuer?
- How far can we move people's cheese before they rebel?
* [Self-Sovereign E-Commerce](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23J/_Self-Sovereign_E-Commerce) by Doc Searls
There is momentum here, and a need to start building out much of what was discussed.
Doc introduced the session with the slide deck
* [here](https://www.slideshare.net/dsearls/day3iiw-sesion)
, wearing his hat as a founding member of
* [Customer Commons](http://customercommons.org)
, the .org working on the Intention Byway discussed at earlier IIW sessions and described in
* [this blog](https://customercommons.org/2021/04/27/a-new-way/)
, posed later.
His case is that the incumbent e-commece system hasn’t progressed past its dependence on the cookie, and perhaps never will; and that there is a need to stand up an alternate model, built on asynchronous pub-sub messaging and compute nodes that run apps that don’t have to come from the stores of Apple and Google.
First examples of target areas (where communities are already active) are food distribution in Michigan and real estate in Boston. Hadrian Zbarcea led the discussion of both, using slides from the deck above.
* [Growing confidence is programmed in – how self-sovereign digital identities make business relationships easier](https://www.bosch.com/research/blog/economy-of-things/technology/%23ssi_) Bosch
Bosch will now also systematically transfer the self-sovereign identity (SSI) principle to the B2B sector – in other words to business relationships between companies. A further step will involve transferring it to secure and trustworthy interactions between machines.
### Career Creds
* [Self sovereign career identity](https://diginomica.com/self-sovereign-career-identity-conversation-meg-bear-sap-successfactors) Diginomica with Meg Bear
> The Velocity piece is a way for me as an individual to own my credentials, to say, these are the things that I know. And these are the things I've done. And if I can own that, I have a lot more interest in it. And I can use it in a lot more interesting ways. In the past, that might have just been something that I built as reputation within a company, I can now make that a more dynamic and portable reputation I can take with me anywhere.
Having a look at [the Velocity Whitepaper](https://www.velocitynetwork.foundation/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Velocity-Non-Technical-Whitepaper-091120-V1.15-Published.pdf) it does mention they are keeping an eye on the work developing in W3C and DIF.
- [New Bank Account Use Case](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DYRLu4U4hSZ8)
- [DHS SVIP Plugfest #2: Limited Disclosure Scenario](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DBBSX0ljiCPU)
* [A brighter future for tenant/landlord relationships](https://domilabs.io/tenant-landlord-relationships/) Domi Labs
it’s hard to keep track since some call, some… email, and still others send you a message on WhatsApp.” Going through all of these disparate messages is its own fulltime job!
That’s why Domi locates all communication about a property in one place, making it easy for tenants and property managers to stay in touch.
* [Gravity’s Decentralized Identity Protocol, Built on Tezos, To Power DIGID Project in Kenya](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/gravitys-decentralized-identity-protocol-built-on-tezos-to-power-digid-project-in-kenya-a85069f2a027)
This month, Gravity joined some of the largest international NGOs in the world to launch the [Dignified Identities in Cash Programming (DIGID)](https://hiplatform.org/digid) project in Kenya. The goal of this project is to help the Kenya Red Cross leverage Gravity’s decentralized identity protocol on Tezos to provide much-needed cash transfers to vulnerable Kenyan populations.
* [Blockchain and the Decentralised Workforce](https://workforcefuturist.substack.com/p/blockchain-and-the-decentralised-workforce) WorkforceFuturist
## Trade
* [Federal Blockchain News](https://www.spreaker.com/show/federal-blockchain-news) - Podcast talking about SSI use at CBP
* [Vincent Annunziato,](https://www.spreaker.com/user/13158652/ep8-cbp-vincent-annunziato) talks about his work with The Silicon Valley Innovation Program. He is the Director of Transformation & Innovation Division of the Customs and Border Patrol Office of Trade, talks about shaping blockchain technologies to make imports safer and more secure. CBP's current projects include tracking steel, oil, and natural gas imports from Canada.
* [What Is Self-Sovereign Identity Verification and How Is It Changing Background Screening?](https://www.corporatescreening.com/blog/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-verification-and-how-is-it-changing-background-screening)
> A prime example is self-sovereign identity verification, one of the game-changing [background screening trends of 2021](https://www.corporatescreening.com/2021-trends-interactive-infographic). When combined with screening activities, self-sovereign identity solutions offer opportunities to obtain more accurate candidate background data and deliver it to employers faster.
* [The Equifax Incident, And How SSI Could Have Prevented It](https://europechain.io/identity/equifax-incident-ssi-prevented-it/) Europechain
> On March 8, 2017, Cisco staff found and reported a critical flaw in Apache Struts, an open-source framework that enables the creation of web-based Java applications. The vulnerability in question was identified as CVE-2017-5638. In short, Strut’s parser tool, Jakarta, could be manipulated to enable a malicious actor to upload files remotely to a server, and potentially run code on that compromised server.
* [Digital signatures, a fast track to digital transformation in the real estate sector](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/digital-signatures-a-fast-track-to-digital-transformation-in-the-real-estate-sector) ValidatedID
The report [Emerging Trends in Real Estate in Europe 2021](https://bit.ly/2Smqj8x), prepared by PwC and Urban Land Institute (ULI), presents a sector in full transformation. It also shows how the pandemic has accelerated the use of technology and the implementation of trends such as remote working and the digitisation of processes.
* [A Holochain DocuSign Challenge](https://blog.holochain.org/a-holochain-docusign-challenge/)
* [Frontier Talk #3 | Dr. Carsten Stöcker - Decentralizing Provenance in an Industry 4.0 World](https://www.kuppingercole.com/watch/frontier-talk-podcast-3-decentralized-provenance)
In this episode, Raj Hegde sits down with Dr. Carsten Stöcker, Founder & CEO of Spherity to understand how #decentralized identity is transforming the end-to-end supply chain lifecycle.
Tune in to this episode to explore the increasingly important role of provenance in helping build a better world and learn about the intersection of exciting concepts such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized identifiers (DIDs).
* [Use Case: American Electric Power](https://idramp.com/use-case-american-electric-power/)
> What kind of strategy will take you to being a next-generation utility company? For AEP Ohio, a large electric utility company based in Columbus, this challenge began with a comprehensive review of their entire ecosystem and which identified their key pain points for innovation.
* [Recap: OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains](https://peerledger.medium.com/recap-oecd-forum-on-responsible-mineral-supply-chains-b5c8c63f5e41)
> What kind of strategy will take you to being a next-generation utility company? For AEP Ohio, a large electric utility company based in Columbus, this challenge began with a comprehensive review of their entire ecosystem and which identified their key pain points for innovation.
* [5 Promising Use Cases for Verifiable Credentials](https://hackernoon.com/5-promising-use-cases-for-verifiable-credentials-tu1y348k) - Hackernoon
> verifiable credentials promise to appear in our daily lives in the not-too-distant future.
> In fact, several industries are already digging in. Here are some of the most visible and promising use cases.
* [Are we doing enough to align our work with Zero Trust Architecture?](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0000.html) Adrian Gropper on Public DID-WG mailing list
> [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/02/us/politics/russian-hacking-government.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/02/us/politics/russian-hacking-government.html)
> What would be a good way for our SSI communities to advance zero trust architecture through more effective accountability and audit?
* [Manu responds](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0003.html)
> Could DIDs and VCs help with systems architected with Zero Trust in mind? Yeah, probably:
> 1) You could use VCs to prove that you should have certain levels of access to certain systems. Checking this could happen automatically, but while ensuring that you're "live" and not some bot.
> 2) Logs could be kept of which VCs were used when to receive the authority to do something.
> 3) ZCAPs could be used to provide fine-grained access to very specific resources, even behind the firewall, within an organizations systems.
> DIDs could power much of this... but shouldn't promise any of it. The closest we could probably get to what you're asking, Adrian, is to align the Zero Trust Architecture principles to how DIDs and VCs can help -- primarily around: identity verification (VCs), login authentication (DIDs), least-privilege access (ZCAPs, Confidential Storage), and HTTP API access authorization (ZCAPs).
* [More from Adrian](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0004.html)
> The most important message from the SolarWinds hack and much of the ransomware havoc is that our systems are not set up for individual accountability or independent audit.
> The VC and ZCAPs perspective is inadequate. As an SSI community we need to address the separation of concerns between authentication, authorization, and audit as equally important and needing a harmonized best-practice perspective. Standardized EDVs are table stakes but not terribly relevant to the protocols that link authentication, authorization, and audit. Confidential Storage should be adopting the protocols that connect authentication, authorization, and audit rather than introducing protocols narrowly scoped to the narrow and obvious role of encryption at rest.
> I've put together a few slides in an attempt to clarify the relationship between non-repudiable accountability and audits (and EDVs).
> [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ksKal62ZiApX09Nejm4RSqHzHJbgwpu_l2Ho64_ePKU/edit#slide=id.p](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ksKal62ZiApX09Nejm4RSqHzHJbgwpu_l2Ho64_ePKU/edit#slide=id.p)
* [Adrian follows up with some explanation of the slides](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jan/0005.html)
> Considering risk mitigation, based on SSI principles, there are four separate actors:
> 1. Resource Owner (RO) their user agent (mobile wallet), and cloud agent (AS)
> 2. Service Provider (SP), by definition has data in the clear
> 3. Requesting Party (RQ) and their user agent (mobile wallet)
> 4. Requesting Client (RC), by definition has data in the clear
* [Digital Identity Isn’t Only For People](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbirch/2020/12/22/digital-identity-isnt-only-for-people/) David Birch, Forbes
> fintechs and regtechs looking for opportunities in the digital identity space should cast their ideas net pretty wide. Digital identities are not only for people and the future desperately needs digital identities for pretty much everything to underpin recognition, relationships and reputation (the 3Rs of the online economy).
* [@debimr75](https://twitter.com/debimr75/status/1347915348293533699) shares
> Now Animals too can have their own #decentralizedidentity to help them send their status updates to the rightful owner from their #IoT devices. #Decentralized #digitalidentity for #IoT devices would lead to #SmartFarming
* [Impacts from a new reality drive the need for an enhanced digital identity framework](https://bankautomationnews.com/allposts/risk-security/impacts-from-a-new-reality-drive-the-need-for-an-enhanced-digital-identity-framework/) Bank Automation News
While US-based entities are adhering to an enhanced regulatory framework, these mandates are particularly applicable in Europe, where there is necessary compliance with enacted standards (such as the General Data Protection Regulation—commonly known as GDPR—and the Payment Service Providers Directive 2—referred to as PSD2. A clear need for a true and persistent digital identity as a solution to the ancillary—and sometimes unforeseen—challenges that have arisen.
* [SportChain: a Decentralized Trust and Reputation Service for the Sports Industry](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/sportchain-a-decentralized-trust-and-reputation-service-for-the-sports-industry) ValidatedID
Do you know the story of Carlos Kaiser? He was a professional Brazilian football player [that never played a single match](https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2017/apr/26/the-forgotten-story-of-carlos-kaiser-footballs-greatest-conman) but managed to still have a professional football career. He wanted the lifestyle without having to do the work.
* [Why self-sovereign identity will get adopted (and it’s not the reason you probably want)](https://www.tuesdaynight.org/2018/06/15/why-self-sovereign-identity-will-get-adopted-and-its-not-the-reason-you-probably-want/) Tuesday Night
In the payment card world, there are clear guidelines on personal liability. $50 if you use credit and up to $500 for debit depending on when you report the issue. Based on that, different people choose to use different “systems.”
However, no such guidelines exist for the use of identity information (e.g. attributes.)
* [Unlocking the Value of Verifiable Credentials in the Health Sector](https://www.affinidi.com/post/unlocking-the-value-of-verifiable-credentials-in-the-health-sector) Affinidi
- Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing (DIVOC) - This is an open-source platform that enables countries to digitally orchestrate country-wide health campaigns such as vaccinations and certifications.
- EU Digital COVID Certificate (EU-DCC) - This specification allows EU citizens and residents to have their digital health certificates issued and verified across the EU.
- Smart Health Card (SHC) - This initiative encourages the development of open standards and technologies to connect people with their health data. Led by Microsoft, Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), The Commons Project, and The MITRE Corporation, SHCs are seeing wide adoption across North America.
- International Civil Aviation Organisation - Visible Digital Seal (ICAO-VDS) - This is a travel document verification to re-establish travel and trade through aviation.
* [RMIT future-proofs the university-to-student connection with verifiable credentials in Azure Active Directory](https://customers.microsoft.com/en-au/story/1481006006183422060-rmit-university-higher-education-azure-active-directory)
Compatibility with open standards is key to optimizing innovation. “We consider this solution part of a bigger ecosystem that will connect and cooperate with other ecosystems,” adds Radhakrishnan. “We’re exploring linking student credentials to the transportation authorities in Victoria and Melbourne to provide students with discounts on those systems. Microsoft embracing open-source technologies opens possibilities like these.”
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196%23.Yjkahet3YEM.twitter) Blockchain Healthcare Today
To manage patient’s self-sovereign identity, we leveraged the Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework to store patient’s decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and the schemas or format for each credential type. In contrast, the credentials containing patient data are stored “off-ledger” in each person’s wallet and accessible via a computer or smartphone. We used Hyperledger Aries as a middleware layer (API) to connect Hyperledger Indy with the front-end, which was developed using a JavaScript framework, ReactJS (Web Application) and React Native (iOS Application).
* [The Human Colossus Foundation will present its Dynamic Data Economy -DDE concept at the DIA conference in Brussels](https://humancolossus.foundation/blog/dde-dia)
Promising advances in digital personal health empower patients. Technologically, we could shift from symptom based intervention to prevention and early treatment. But advanced innovations also generate debates on trust in sharing intrusive data and regulatory compliance. You can find details regarding our panel presentation [here](https://www.diahome.org/en/conference-listing/meetings/2022/03/dia-europe-2022/agenda/29/precision-prevention-in-a-dynamic-data-economy?ref%3DPrecisionPreventioninaDynamicDataEconomy).
* [ID Verification Threats On the Horizon](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/id-verification-threats-on-the-horizon) Liminal Podcasts
Cognito's CEO Alain Meier joins the State of Identity host Cameron D’Ambrosi to dive into why industries beyond financial services are now in the market for identity verification. They also unpack the impact of synthetic identity fraud across verticals, and how platforms find the balance when building their onboarding processes.
* [Fixing Aid | Can blockchain help fix the I.D. problem for a billion people?](https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/podcast/2022/03/31/Fixing-Aid-can-blockchain-help-fix-the-ID-problem-for-a-billion-people) The New Humanitarian
Ismail looks at the concept of self-sovereign identity, which asserts that individuals must have ownership over their personal digital data and identification, and how that idea influences efforts to create efficient, secure digital identities for people in the midst of humanitarian crises.
SSI Fixes this?
I have been prompted several times this week by this article
* [Hackers Gaining Power of Subpoena Via Fake “Emergency Data Requests”](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/03/hackers-gaining-power-of-subpoena-via-fake-emergency-data-requests/)
and people asking questions about whether SSI could slove this use case - Yes.
If there was a trust framework for police departments and a DID registry for them - the police departments could issue VCs to their officers.
If you want to se how hard this was/would have been to achieve in earlier technology stacks take a look at [conceptual outlines](https://trustmark.gtri.gatech.edu/concept/) from this NSTIC (National Strategies for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace) developing a trust framework for law enforcement federations done by the Georgia Technology Reserach Institute and the [results/learnings.](https://trustmark.gtri.gatech.edu/insights/)
* [Stedin, the Dutch Distribution System Operator, Announces Partnership with Energy Web to Explore the Future of Asset Management](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/stedin-the-dutch-distribution-system-operator-announces-partnership-with-energy-web-to-explore-cd278623809b)
Energy Web, the non-profit building operating systems for energy grids, and Stedin, the Dutch distribution system operator (DSO), announced a partnership today to deploy a future-proofed solution for managing energy assets. This would include DSO-native devices, such as smart meters and distribution automation devices, and consumer/prosumer devices commonly referred to as distributed energy resources (DERs).
* [Trusted Timestamping Part 1: Scenarios](https://medium.com/finema/trusted-timestamping-part-1-scenarios-9bf4a7cc2364) Nunnaphat Songmanee, Finema
Evidentiary value is an essential component of important transactions. When a transaction is recorded in a printed document, one way to impart evidentiary value is by including date and time
* [How to Prevent Fraud using #MARKs](https://dhiway.com/prevent-credential-fraud/) DHIWay
Credential fraud has, unfortunately, become commonplace in today’s instant electronic age. Especially problematic in [higher education](https://dhiway.com/hashmarks-in-the-education-sector/), credential fraud has spiralled into a multi-billion-dollar industry
* [Self-Sovereign Identity User Scenarios in the Educational Domain](https://er.educause.edu/articles/2022/4/self-sovereign-identity-user-scenarios-in-the-educational-domain) Educause Review
Due to the high level of international mobility in the academic sector, insular solutions relying on only one national type of government-issued digital ID card will be insufficient; instead, the officials at the federation need to decide which digital ID cards are valid to uniquely associate an individual with private cryptographic keys, similar to the way passports are acknowledged internationally
* [Digital Credentials – the new student experience](https://condatis.com/webinars/webinar/digital-credentials/) Condatis
- The challenges universities are facing.
- Digital transcripts and credentials.
- How universities can support students beyond graduation.
- The benefits for universities, students, and employers.
* [Op Ed: Sam Hilgendorf On The Role Of Self-Sovereign Identification In Travel](https://www.thecompanydime.com/sam-hilgendorf-self-sovereign-identification/)
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://www.blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196)
* [Survey: How Do You Use Your Identity at Work?](https://findbiometrics.com/survey-how-do-you-use-your-identity-at-work/) FindBiometrics
The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly shifted the way we work, coinciding with digital transformation trends that depend on strong identity assurance. Hybrid workplaces are more common, as is completely remote work
* [Demystifying Data Trusts as DAOs in the Data Economy](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/demystifying-data-trusts-as-daos-in-the-data-economy-a9386b57ae86) Ocean Protocol
Kelsie Nabben, Researcher, RMIT on Data Trusts, DAOs and use cases of the Data Economy in DAOs [...] Kelsie is interested in the human outcomes of digital infrastructure, blockchain community culture, and algorithmic governance.
* [Case study: Gravity digital ID solution enables vulnerable migrants in Kenya to receive consistent healthcare services](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/case-study-gravity-digital-id-solution-enables-vulnerable-migrants-in-kenya-to-receive-consistent-713a78f9e0d8) Shiyao Zhang
Since 2019, Gravity has been providing decentralized identity solutions for the [Dignified Identities for Cash assistance project](https://hiplatform.org/digid). The first phase was implemented by KRCS to meet the needs of the vulnerable populations without official IDs
* [Coinfirm Adds Close To 1 Million Tokens To AML Platform, Offering Full Coverage](https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/1-million-tokens-aml-crypto/)
LONDON, United Kingdom – In the largest update of protocol coverage in Coinfirm’s history, the firm has added support for 840,361 new tokens to the AML Platform, offering total digital asset coverage of 17 blockchains. Now, the company’s industry-recognized blockchain agnostic AML Platform supports ~846 thousand cryptocurrencies and tokens.
* [Trust but Verify](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/trust-but-verify) Liminal Podcasts
Peter Padd, Co-Founder & CEO at Fortifyedge shares how he's built Zero Trust authentication software that provides IoT device OEM's with password-free authentication utilizing Tiny Machine Learning at the edge.
* [AERGO Labs: Funding The Future](https://medium.com/aergo/aergo-labs-funding-the-future-4d195c79858c)
AERGO is proud to announce the launch of the AERGO Venture Fund: a fund dedicated to dApp development! “Start Together, Scale Together” is a fundamental ethos of the AERGO hybrid blockchain ecosystem.
* [@Steve_Lockstep · Apr 23](https://twitter.com/Steve_Lockstep/status/1517861150129795072)
I had a stab at why Cardspace failed, in “[Identities Evolve: Why Federated Identity is Easier Said than Done](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id%3D2163241)
Why does digital identity turn out to be such a hard problem? People are social animals with deep seated intuitions and conventions around identity, but exercising our identities online has been hugely problematic.
* [Building capability-based data security for Ceramic](https://blog.ceramic.network/capability-based-data-security-on-ceramic/)
The 3Box Labs team recently published [a new standard for creating capability containers](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/pull/74) for accessing decentralized data to the [Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CASA). Capability containers are an approach for managing advanced data security and permissions, commonly referred to as “Object Capabilities” or “OCAPs.”
* [Trust Registry or Machine-Readable Governance?](https://indicio.tech/trust-registry-or-machine-readable-governance/) Indicio Tech
The world will move towards decentralized identity if we make it easy for them to do so—and easy means, above all, fast. The solution is machine readable governance—a smart way of implementing rules for how to manage trust.
* [Education pilot](https://www.krakenh2020.eu/pilots/education) Kraken
This pilot allows university students to trade their academic records in a privacy-preserving way, and recruitment agencies to acquire this data and process it, keeping the student's privacy intact.
* [Sandeep Shukla · Professor, Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6924705964537389056/) Linkedin
IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) had their convocation today and they issued more than 60000 degrees and certificates as Self-Sovereign Identity document (Cryptographically verifiable Credential) on [National Blockchain Project](https://www.linkedin.com/company/national-blockchain-project/) and [CRUBN](https://www.linkedin.com/company/crubn/)'s SSI blockchain.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity as a Service: Architecture in Practice](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.08314.pdf) Yepeng Ding, Hiroyuki Sato, University of Tokyo
We propose a practical architecture by elaborating the service concept, SSI, and DLT to implement SSIaaS platforms and SSI services. Besides, we present an architecture for constructing and customizing SSI services with a set of architectural patterns and provide corresponding evaluations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed architecture in practice with Selfid, an SSIaaS platform based on our proposed architecture.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity User Scenarios in the Educational Domain](https://er.educause.edu/articles/2022/4/self-sovereign-identity-user-scenarios-in-the-educational-domain) EduCause
The model of self-sovereign identity offers tempting benefits as educational systems become increasingly global and as learning spans a lifetime.
Ontario (a province in Canada) just had an election last week and Darrell thinks: [Digital ID Can Increase Voter Participation](https://www.continuumloop.com/digital-id-can-increase-voter-participation/)
I’m not an expert on the election process, and this is just my opinion. I’ve been lazy in past elections, and I’d be lying if I said I’ve voted in every one. As a citizen, I believe ease and accessibility have a lot to do with it.
* [January Walker US Congress UT04](https://twitter.com/UtahPolitician)
Solution: Election Integrity & Expanded Voter Access w/ blockchain voting & Self Sovereign Identity [https://tiktok.com/t/ZTdvvX1uy/](https://tiktok.com/t/ZTdvvX1uy/)
* [Can SSI fit within the GDPR?: a Conceptual Data Protection Analysis (Part I)](https://www.law.kuleuven.be/citip/blog/can-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-fit-within-the-gdpr-part-i/)
while SSI principles incorporate similar notions to the provisions and principles in the GDPR, closer analysis shows that they might have different meanings.
* [@tmarkovski Jun 10](https://twitter.com/tmarkovski/status/1535240038803464195)
1/ Can [QUIC](https://www.akamai.com/blog/news/the-next-generation-of-http) use DIDComm as a Handshake protocol instead TLS1.3? The spec provides enough abstraction for the session handling, and most crypto operations are the same. The main difference is the trust architecture and model: certificate chain vs DID Documents.
* [Identity Terms Provide Value along the Supply Chain: How We Know When to Buy the Farm](https://medium.com/@Transmute/identity-terms-provide-value-along-the-supply-chain-how-we-know-when-to-buy-the-farm-738701967e3d) Jessica Tacka, Transmute
Supply chain credentialing in the form of bills of lading, certificates of origin, or letters of credit is used to protect honest parties and their merchandise from being confused with dishonest parties or entities that are engaged in unethical practices, such as environmental destruction, or forced labor.
* [SSI Essentials: 35 use cases of decentralized identities that will make your life easier](https://gataca.io/blog/ssi-essentials-35-use-cases-of-decentralized-identities-that-will-make-your-life-easier)
* [The Importance of Verifiable Credentials to Training Providers](https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6269810a06ae9fafd52556a3/629f94235eabc454ea48c117_The%2520Importance%2520of%2520Verifiable%2520Credentials%2520for%2520Training%2520Providers.pdf?__hstc%3D100632769.d32f75d38c42eaa77409051b21d73653.1655033322879.1655033322879.1655033322879.1%26__hssc%3D100632769.1.1655033322879%26__hsfp%3D2803731784) Credivera
Great report!
Digital badges or PDF credentials lack proof of being authentic and current, and can be easily reproduced or falsified, impacting both the individual and the reputation of the training provider.
* [How badges can change the world](https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-badges-can-change-the-world-73529560caa3) WeareOpen
* [This model](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DZcyHKKc2LVg) […] shows how systems have a lifespan and what happens as that lifespan peaks.
As one system begins to deteriorate, a new system begins to emerge. This got us thinking about how this model applies to the world of [Open Recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/what-is-open-recognition-anyway-9f38ec1f8629).
## SSI Fixes This
* [Why Location Data Brokers Put All Communities At Risk](https://me2ba.org/why-location-data-brokers-put-all-communities-at-risk/) Zach Edwards M2BA
New work that may leverage decentralized ID from the supply chain side of things…but not sure (lots of links inside on data brokers harm)
* [How LEIs streamline KYC](https://www.ubisecure.com/legal-entity-identifier-lei/lei-in-kyc/) Ubisecure
Ubisecure brought innovation to the LEI market by automating LEI issuance. Revolutionising how quickly and effectively an LEI can be registered. While improving data accuracy along the way by connecting directly to business registries globally. This innovation has helped RapidLEI to become the #1 LEI Issuer globally, issuing about 1 in 4 new LEIs monthly, in just 3 short years.
* [How badges can change the world: Part 2: Why we need to transition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-badges-can-change-the-world-65395581f90c)
In [Part 1: The Two Loops Model for Open Recognition advocacy](https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-badges-can-change-the-world-73529560caa3), we talked about how as one system begins to deteriorate, an alternative begins to emerge. We know the alternative system, one that integrates credentials with other forms of recognition, is better for everyone. Without that integration, cold-hard credentialing supports outdated power dynamics.
* [Transferable Accounts Putting Passengers at Risk](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/06/transferable_accounts_putting_passengers_at_risk.shtml) Phil Windley
The non-transferability of verifiable credential is one of their super powers. This post examines how that super power can be used to reduce fraud and increase safety in a hired car platform.
- [The impact of self-sovereign identity on the cybersecurity world](https://blog.avast.com/impact-of-self-sovereign-identity-on-cybersecurity)
- [SSI and FIDO2: Different approaches for a passwordless world](https://blog.avast.com/ssi-fido2)
- [Can digital identity help with the world refugee crisis?](https://blog.avast.com/digital-identity-world-refugee-crisis)
* [Verifiable Credential Solution to Health Data Sharing](https://indicio.tech/the-verifiable-credential-solution-to-health-data-sharing/) Indicio
In proving that tamper-proof health data could be issued to travelers by their health providers and be verified by airlines and other countries without having to check back in with the health provider, Cardea has laid the foundation for something much bigger than Covid testing. Verifiable credential technology provides a way for all kinds of health data to be shared in a privacy-preserving and security-enhanced way.
* [GLEIF – Standardizing Legal Entity Verification (with Karla McKenna)](https://northernblock.io/gleif-standardizing-legal-entity-verification-with-karla-mckenna/) Northern Block
I see what we’re doing in self-sovereign identity as further reducing the costs of business/transactions. And this incremental value value is achieved by reducing trust costs across silos.
* [A Digital Staff Passport for hospital facilities, DIZME voted best solution at SHACK22 hackathon](https://infocert.digital/a-digital-staff-passport-for-the-safe-mobility-of-staff-in-hospital-facilities-dizme-has-been-voted-as-the-best-solution-at-shack22-hackathon/) Infocert
The hackathon held by INTEROPen, a leading organization to support & accelerate the delivery and adoption of Interoperability Standards in health & social, in partnership with NHS (National Health System) was aimed at developing innovative solutions for the management of access and safe mobility of staff in hospital facilities.
* [Why is Trusted Identity Important in IoT Commerce?](https://dlt.mobi/why-is-trusted-identity-important-in-iot-commerce/)
The evident solution is to imbue connected entities with unique, tamper-evident, self-sovereign, [Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/?mc_cid%3D1a98f7f0e4%26mc_eid%3DUNIQID), developed by the [W3C](https://www.w3.org/?mc_cid%3D1a98f7f0e4%26mc_eid%3DUNIQID), anchored in a decentralized trust network. For MOBI’s community, this is the [Integrated Trust Network, or ITN](http://dlt.mobi/itn?mc_cid%3D1a98f7f0e4%26mc_eid%3DUNIQID).
* [How Self-Sovereign Identity Helps Your Enterprise](https://zaisan.io/self-sovereign-identity-enterprise/) Zaisan
- Identity is the sum of a lot of individual parts that, when pieced together, paint a comprehensive and multi-layered picture of who someone truly is
- Zaisan’s my.D platform leverages blockchain technology to provide a [comprehensive digital identity management solution](https://myd.online/)
- My.D enables a cost-effective and efficient management solution for an individual’s digital credentials
* [Digital Identity: It’s All About Authenticity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DUR0J-Vuxnuc) video from GLEIF
Through the creation of the verifiable Legal Entity Identifier (vLEI), GLEIF has created a universal system of organizational identity that answers this need. The vLEI enables instant and automated business verification for all legal entities and their official representatives
* [An Energy Data Space to boost the European data economy](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/an-energy-data-space-to-boost-the-european-data-economy-7edf6fc1f6f6) EnergyWeb
“There will be no Green Energy Transition without full digitalization. There will be no EU data strategy without data sharing. Data Spaces can answer to both challenges at once, being Energy one of the flagship use cases.” Javier Valiño — Atos
* [Drone Pilot Credentialing for Air Safety](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DGqMsaI3P51o) TOIP
Discussed the approach and the implementation challenges of drone pilot credentialing for air safety using verifiable credentials at the July 21, 2022 Ecosystem Foundry Working Group of the Trust Over IP Foundation.
* [Decentralized Identity of Things](https://blog.darrenjrobinson.com/decentralized-identity-of-things/) Winner Microsoft Decentralized Identity Hackathon
* [DIDoT - DID of Things. Decentralized Identity of Things](https://devpost.com/software/did-of-things-didot-allergen-management-in-food-shopping). Allergen management in food shopping. Based on the concept of ‘things’ having verifiable credentials.
* [Supercharge your Job Search with Next-gen Tech](https://academy.affinidi.com/supercharge-your-job-search-with-next-gen-tech-5339e0008250) results of Affinidi hackathon
They came up with impressive submissions, ranging from job portals showcasing verified jobs and companies to scam alert verification features.
* [Energy Web and Volkswagen deliver 24/7 renewable energy charging solution for electric vehicles](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/energy-web-and-volkswagen-deliver-24-7-renewable-energy-charging-solution-for-electric-vehicles-734132c5a737): Solution enables EV owners to charge from specific power plants and match their charging session with close to real-time production from renewables
The purpose of this project has been to showcase that advanced EV charging solutions can empower EV owners to set their own preferences for when and where they get their energy. For instance, they can select to charge using wind and solar resources, from energy assets within a 10 km radius, and target 80% charge by 5 pm — all from within a user-friendly application, with an accurate breakdown of their session’s carbon footprint
* [How Blockchain Technology and Self-Sovereign Identity Enables the New Normal of Remote Learning, Training and Working](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-blockchain-technology-self-sovereign-identity-enables-hossain-) Md Sabbir Hossain
* [An autonomous reputation system](https://reb00ted.org/tech/20220810-autonomous-reputation-system/) reb00ted
we need to figure out how to give more power to “better” actors within a given community or context, and disempower or keep out the detractors and direct opponents. All without putting a centralized authority in place.
* [Visibility 2.0: Creating Digital Consistency in an International Supply Chain](https://nextlevelsupplychainpodwithgs1us.libsyn.com/visibility-20-creating-digital-consistency-in-an-international-supply-chain) Next Level Supply
how can something as complicated as the international supply chain take fundamental trade practices and marry them with innovation so we can move at the speed of digitization? Join us for a mind-blowing discussion with Karyl Fowler, CEO at Transmute
* [It’s time for digital self-sovereign identity](https://gcn.com/emerging-tech/2022/08/its-time-digital-self-sovereign-identity/375285/) GCN
the implementation of granular security measures to protect that data creates trusted networks between governments and the citizens they serve. Everyone wins.
* [Can Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity Systems address the Refugee Crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DewMZQoyGxCs) Lyonna Lyu
we invite you to build hyperstructures with us with focus on NFTs, on-chain music ecosystems, a new generation of DAOs and Zora’s vast ecosystem of tools and smart contracts.
* [Identity in the Supply Chain - Vienna Digital Identity #30](https://vimeo.com/669713750)
In this edition of the Vienna Digital Identity Meetup we open our 4th year with a couple presentations and a discussion on how Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are starting to make inroads and impact in the global supply chain. GS1 is the global association for supply chain identifiers with members across all industry sectors and interacting (unbeknownst) with general consumer on a daily basis. Transmute a foundational member of the DID/VC community and a participant in the US DHS Silicon Valley Innovation Program’s cross-border shipping use case.
Slide Decks:
- Transmute Deck: [thedinglegroup.com/s/Transmute_Vienna-Digital-ID-Forum-Jan-2022.pdf](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/s/Transmute_Vienna-Digital-ID-Forum-Jan-2022.pdf)
- GS1 Deck: [thedinglegroup.com/s/2022-01-24_ViennaDigitalIdentityPhilA.pdf](https://www.thedinglegroup.com/s/2022-01-24_ViennaDigitalIdentityPhilA.pdf)
* [eDATA Verifiable Credentials for Cross Border Trade](https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2022-07/WhitePaper_VerifiableCredentials-CBT.pdf)
* [How DID and SSI will Transform the Travel Experience Market](https://www.phocuswire.com/how-did-ssi-will-transform-travel-experience-market) Phocuswire
Over time the evolution of DID/SSI is likely to be a travel industry game-changer, enabling travelers to manage their own personal information to maximize personal economic effect and protect personal privacy.
The DID/SSI effort is already gaining a foothold in the banking and medical industries. Like travel, these are sectors that need to engage with consumers of all types en masse while requiring proof of identity prior to the certified exchange of digital documents.
Energy Systems
* [Digital identities – building block for an automated energy system](https://www.smart-energy.com/digitalisation/digital-identities-building-block-for-an-automated-energy-system/) Smart Energy
New features include credential revocation and expiration, full support for role-authorised issuance, credential issuance based on email verification and asset administration as well as better alignment with the W3C’s Verifiable Credential Standards.
* [Unlocking the Potential of Self-Sovereign Identity for Enterprise with Energy Web Switchboard](https://medium.com/energy-web-insights/unlocking-the-potential-of-self-sovereign-identity-for-enterprise-with-energy-web-switchboard-ab41499003a0) EnergyWeb
At Energy Web we believe self-sovereign identity (SSI) will become a fundamental pillar of the energy transition, enhancing interoperability and strengthening security for billions of assets, organizations, and customers.
* [WHY THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY SHOULD CARE ABOUT SSI AND DID](https://www.phocuswire.com/why-travel-should-care-about-self-sovereign-decentralized-id) PhocusWire
As chair of the [Hospitality and Travel Special Interest Group](https://lists.identity.foundation/g/hospitalityandtravel) within the Decentralized Identity Foundation, Price is one of the leading voices on how DID and SSI will impact all sectors of travel.
At [Phocuswright Europe](https://www.phocuswrighteurope.com/), [Nick] Price explains how this technology – and the trusted, permissioned, secure communication it enables - will change the way suppliers and travelers interact and eliminate impediments that exist today.
* [Traveller ID Ecosystem | ProofSpace x RateTiger Integration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DExHEUpl9lKo) ProofSpace
Guests can reclaim, re-use and protect their personal data, the "Traveller ID", within the ecosystem of participating hotels.
The Traveller ID and other credentials in this solution are Atala PRISM Verifiable Credentials on Cardano blockchain - a global first for hospitality.
* [TSA Seeks Contractor for Upgraded Passenger Identification System](https://findbiometrics.com/tsa-seeks-contractor-for-upgraded-passenger-identification-system-508302/) FindBiometrics
Essentially, the TSA wants a CAT2 system that confirms and displays passenger information, including flight reservation information and pre-screening status, to TSA operators, and that uses facial recognition to match travelers to their photo ID.
* [Transmute U.S. CBP Steel Tech Demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D03L_J7FVMHQ%26t%3D2s) [video]
The story focuses on critical trade verifiable credentials being issued, presented, and verified by trade, CBP, and PGAs.
* [InfoCert, AUTHADA and Dr. Ing. Wandrei develop a new tool for QES in the circular economy](https://infocert.digital/infocert-authada-and-dr-ing-wandrei-develop-a-new-tool-for-qes-in-the-circular-economy/) Infocert
signature can now be done on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets with the new NSUITE.mobile product, with a consequent streamlining of the entire process.
* [More Security in the Internet of Things – Thanks to ETO](https://www.etogruppe.com/en/news/news-from-eto/more-security-in-the-internet-of-things-thanks-to-eto.html) ETO
ETO uses a network of distributed digital identities (DIDs) and verifiable credentials (VCs). A side benefit from the perspective of human Internet users: they regain data sovereignty over their personal data. [[github](https://gitlab.com/anchor-bundle/angular-webapp)]
* [War Against the Robots – Pick your Side with SelfKey & Metaproof Platform](https://selfkey.org/war-against-the-robots-pick-your-side-with-selfkey-metaproof-platform/) SelfKey Foundation
Trying to ban or sideline bots is not a solution. The solution is to distinguish bots from humans so that humans can do human stuff and bots can do bot stuff.
* [Creating a culture of recognition](https://blog.weareopen.coop/creating-a-culture-of-recognition-39ffdb6cf943) We Are Open co-op
Too often, though, these badges focus on credentialing rather than recognition. Open Recognition is the awareness and appreciation of talents, skills and aspirations in ways that go beyond
* [Self-Sovereign Digital Twins](https://dlt.mobi/self-sovereign-digital-twins/) MOBI
* [OpenEarth partners with BCGov to develop a digital trust marketplace for climate accounting](https://www.openearth.org/blog/openearth-partners-with-the-government-of-british-columbia-to-develop-a-digital-trust-marketplace-for-climate-accounting) OpenEarth Foundation
OpenEarth Foundation partnered with the Mines Digital Trust initiative to allow BC companies to also share their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions credentials to the [OpenClimate](https://www.openearth.org/projects/openclimate) platform so that they can be integrated into BC’s subnational climate inventory and showcased to interested purchasers and civic society
* [Event tickets as verifiable credentials](https://lissi-id.medium.com/event-tickets-as-verifiable-credentials-31f4a10b28cc) Lissi
This article explains how verifiable credentials can be used to benefit event organizers and visitors alike based on a practical usage of the Lissi team.
* [Orie Steele @OR13b](https://twitter.com/OR13b/status/1573100718164164610) via Twitter
The [Content Authenticity Initiative](https://contentauthenticity.org/how-it-works) one of Orie’s favoriate Use-cases for VCS
Yes, verifiable authentic human content is important. I also think cryptography can provide better transparency for synthetic content. It's one of my favorite applications of W3C Verifiable Credentials.
* [Credivera @crediveratech](https://twitter.com/crediveratech) via Twitter
* [They are using Entra!](https://www.credivera.com/the-exchange/verifiable-credentials)
We Credivera are Having fun at the #NSCExpo
* [When Job Candidates Lie, New Tech From ZippedScript And LearnCard Will Help You Catch Them](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zengernews/2022/09/16/when-job-candidates-lie-new-tech-from-zippedscript-and-learncard-will-help-you-catch-them/?sh%3D731b54b63ed4) Forbes
“recently launched [LearnCard](http://www.learncard.com/), a digital wallet for education and employment programmable verifiable credentials”
* [How can self-sovereign identity solve the challenges of KYC in financial industry?](https://yourstory.com/2022/09/self-sovereign-identity-solve-challenges-kyc-finance/amp) Yourstory
Since the same data is required and utilised by everyone, blockchain-based SSI can satisfy the demand for general service for data without creating competition while also adhering to legislation and consumer expectations around data protection.
* [A pilot project for interoperable decentralised identity between Aigües de Barcelona, CaixaBank and Validated ID](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/open-innovation-project-for-the-collaboration-between-large-companies-and-emerging-companies) ValidatedID
the solution has allowed CaixaBank, at the request of a fictitious user, to issue an account ownership credential and, subsequently, this credential has been used to proceed with the direct debit of the invoices of Aigües de Barcelona
* [HUMBL @HUMBLPay](https://twitter.com/HUMBLPay/status/1574454647384813568) via Twitter ([ANN](https://www.globenewswire.com/en/news-release/2022/04/13/2421969/0/en/HUMBL-Selected-To-Pilot-Digital-Wallet-Program-On-Behalf-of-The-County-of-Santa-Cruz-California.html)
using verifiable credentials in their wallet.
#HUMBL x GF2GO - San Diego, CA - [Pilot Program](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DH_HAFEzmkWU): New search engine, mobile wallet, verifiable credentials and delivery technologies.
* [Why self-sovereign identity will increase university demands for a future in lifelong digital credentials](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202209/why-self-sovereign-identity-will-increase-university-demands-for-a-future-in-lifelong-digital-credentials) BiometricUpdate
Biometrics Update running a series by cheqd CEO Fraser Edwards
Supply Chain
* [Transmute @TransmuteNews](https://twitter.com/TransmuteNews/status/1572692362148847619) via Twitter
The "[[Fake] 30TB hard drive](https://www.vice.com/en/article/akek8e/walmart-30tb-ssd-hard-drive-scam-sd-cards)" investigation shows the real impact verification could have on [#eCommerce](https://twitter.com/hashtag/eCommerce). [#verifiablecredentials](https://twitter.com/hashtag/verifiablecredentials)
* [The Phygital Future of the Supply Chain](https://nextlevelsupplychainpodwithgs1us.libsyn.com/the-phygital-future-of-the-supply-chain) Next Level Supply Chain Podcast with GS1
The digital and physical world are merging more than ever before. As the supply chain becomes more ‘phygital,’ innovative ways of sharing data – like using verifiable credentials – are helping to build more trust with data along the supply chain. Join us as we chat with Senior VP of Innovation & Partnerships at GS1 US, Melanie Nuce, as we explore what’s around the corner and how standards play
* [Open API for Interoperable Traceability](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-interop/openapi/%23overview) CCG
Auth URL https://example.com/authorize
Token URL https://example.com/oauth/token
resolve:dids - Grants permission to resolve DIDsissue:credentials - Grants permission issue Verifiable Credentialsverify:credentials - Grants permission verify Verifiable Credentialsread:credentials - Grants permission to get Verifiable Credentialsupdate:credentials - Grants permission to update the status of Verifiable Credentialsprove:presentations - Grants permission to prove Verifiable Presentationsverify:presentations - Grants permission verify Verifiable Presentationssubmit:presentations - Grants permission to submit Verifiable Presentations
* [EricTang.eth](https://twitter.com/ericxtang/status/1575645620659900417) Twitter
Tweet of the week (emphasis ours)
Self sovereign online identity is going to be a CRITICAL tool for everyone on the internet. Without it, we will lose trust of any content on the internet due to AI advancement in the next 12-24 months.
This one of the most urgent issues in our society today.
* [Lost and Found: Digital identity Can Be The Difference Between Life And Death For Refugees](https://diacc.ca/2022/09/27/lost-and-found-digital-identity-can-be-the-difference-between-life-and-death-for-refugees/) DIACC
Most Refugees and IDPs did not have the time to properly prepare by gathering all their important documents such as passports, identity cards, driver’s licenses, and land titles or rental agreements. Fleeing your home may save your life, but fleeing without identity documents can lead to a very long wait – sometimes a decade or more – before your life is stable again.
* [Making travelling more seamless and relaxed](https://www.idnow.io/blog/how-digital-identity-improves-passenger-journey/) IDNow
Until now, we relied on physical id document such as ID cards [driving licenses to identify](https://www.idnow.io/mobility/driver-license-verification/) ourselves in the real world as well as online. Digital attributes and credentials were solely used online. Digital identity wallets, like the [IDnow Wallet](https://www.idnow.io/products/identity-wallet/), are about to change that, as they are simultaneously addressing our digital and real-world requirements by bringing physical and digital credentials together.
* [How to Prevent Supply Chain Fraud With Blockchain](https://www.dock.io/post/supply-chain-fraud-blockchain) Dock
The global [supply chain management market size](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/supply-chain-management-scm-market-size-worth--19-3-billion-globally-by-2028-at-9-02--cagr-verified-market-research-301540702.html) was valued at USD 10.1 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 19.3 Billion by 2028. Supply chain is the path for any product such as food, clothes, or appliances to go from where it was a produced, to distributors, procurement officers (quality inspections), and the market.
* [Battery Passport and the Battery Self-Sovereign Digital Twin](https://dlt.mobi/battery-passport-the-battery-ssdt/) Mobi
Similarly, a [battery passport](https://dlt.mobi/battery-passport) is nothing but a presentation of data points about a particular battery – who manufactured it, its physical and chemical composition, its current state of health, whether it was refurbished or repurposed from another battery, and so on.
* [Creating trust in assertions, claims and the authenticity of the original content](https://liccium.com/) LICCIUM
* [The Block Space @theblockspaceio](https://twitter.com/theblockspaceio) via Twitter
we believe that education should evolve, apadt and adopt the latest technologies available such as [#Web3](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Web3). Let's talk about why self-sovereign identity will increase the demand of educational institutions for a future in lifetime digital credentials
* [Coming soon — a resume-validating blockchain network for job seeker](https://www.computerworld.com/article/3675547/coming-soon-a-resume-validating-blockchain-network-for-job-seekers.html%23tk.rss_security) Computer World
“Verifying applicant career records can take days, weeks, if not months, to complete," said Dror Gurevich, founder and CEO of the Velocity Network Foundation. "Hiring methods are severely outdated to the point that one in three Americans have [admitted to lying on their resumes](https://t.yesware.com/tt/0db4de0058ee9613cdfcabd5fae96c6ca51e1b7f/275468cd0c53df0b2dfa60dbb913464b/c19e9bd03a563c32bab519acc1fa9f5b/www.resumebuilder.com/1-in-3-americans-admit-to-lying-on-resume/), which slows the hiring process immensely.
* [Creating an Enterprise DID to Provide Power of Attorney for Employees](https://academy.affinidi.com/creating-an-enterprise-did-to-provide-power-of-attorney-for-employees-c7f20cef884f) Affinidi
“How to have an enterprise [Decentralized Identifier (DID)](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) when an employee 👨💼👩💼 can act on behalf of this company 🏢 with flexible permissions layer in a decentralized or peer-to-peer way?” [delagation]
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# Guardianship
* [Guardianship In Self-Sovereign Identity](http://thedinglegroup.com/blog/2020/11/30/guardianship-in-self-sovereign-identity)
* [Video] [Vienna Digital Identity Meetup #17](https://vimeo.com/482803989)
> Guardianship is a complex topic, with many subtleties and layers [...] In this first event on this topic, Philippe has provided an overview of how SSI and Guardianship fit together and how SSI meets the lifecycle stages (Inception, Creation, Usage and Termination) of guardianship.
* [The Sovrin Working Group Tech Requirements and Implementation Guidelines](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aGTPmlno3WScpSYMs1HLhWsrVRx9B-I0yhOQsRgmqRw/edit?usp%3Dsharing) John Phillips, Jo Spenser
> Sovrin is looking to promote the governance process and where guardianship fits in. The IdRamp wallet is an example of how the wallet could provide helpful features.
* [A Deeper Understanding of Implementing Guardianship](https://sovrinid.medium.com/a-deeper-understanding-of-implementing-guardianship-9a8ab749db90)
* [A Deeper Understanding of Implementing Guardianship](https://sovrinid.medium.com/a-deeper-understanding-of-implementing-guardianship-9a8ab749db90): Two new Guardianship papers from Sovrin at IIW #32
> The first paper is called the [Guardianship Credentials Implementation Guidelines](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vBePVx8n3MRDWcePkwVDya9ab4BHEyU_/view?usp%3Dsharing) and its purpose is to provide readers with the background they need to implement IT systems that support various kinds of guardianship. The second paper is called [Guardianship Credentials Technical Requirements](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M21PznPAd0H6z1t4ODl-jiEoXZjEhwcb/view?usp%3Dsharing) which was developed by the technical requirements working group within the SGWG. The purpose of this document is twofold: i) provide principles under which guardianship scenario designs and requirements are considered and defined; and ii) provide technical requirements for SSI solutions that offer the capability of guardianship.
* [Internet Governance - UDDI - Universal Declaration of Digital Identity](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10I/_Internet_Governance_-_UDDI_-_Universal_Declaration_of_Digital_Identity) by Jeff Aresty, Kristina Yasuda
Internet governance, human rights, digital identity, Identity for All, Guardianship
* [Guardianship Showcase - The Sovrin Working Group Tech Requirements and Implementation Guidelines](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4G/_Guardianship_Showcase_-_The_Sovrin_Working_Group_Tech_Requirements_and_Implementation_Guidelines) by John Phillips, Jo Spenser
* [Guardianship, SSI, and the Sovrin Guardianship WG - Update for IIW #32](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aGTPmlno3WScpSYMs1HLhWsrVRx9B-I0yhOQsRgmqRw/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
1. Jurisdictions are essential [to Guardianship]
2. Work with existing laws
3. Build Guardianship on Verifiable Credentials
4. Build a mental model
5. Don’t build Guardianship [solely] on wallets
Sovrin is looking to promote the governance process and where guardianship fits in. The IdRamp wallet is an example of how the wallet could provide helpful features.
- Universal Wallet: [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/)
- Review/contribute to the draft spec (or portions you’re interested in): [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vPqb4bJ6pfuAPYF_fMW_Lb-7GZugasWKfrSCotpuv6o/edit#](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vPqb4bJ6pfuAPYF_fMW_Lb-7GZugasWKfrSCotpuv6o/edit%23)
- Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force: [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vc-ed/)
* [Agency By Design (Privacy is not Enough)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20B/_Agency_By_Design_(Privacy_is_not_Enough)) by Adrian Gropper
Agency vs. Delegation
Learning Stack:
- Me
- My Agent / Fiduciary / semi-autonomous
- Community
- Vendors and Institutions
Relationship with companies
- Dashboard for our lives
- Portable shopping cart
- Browser is not enough
- Force APIs
- API in healthcare
How would an API World function
- Intelligence
- Choice
The GNAP at the IETF: [https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-04](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-04)
Is server a bad concept
- Ethereum as the ultimate server
Clear application? Needed a model how a real human uses / not the tech / highly motivated
Social Context is important to the average user
The back end is most important
Real estate “agents” vs. DSIY - Zillow - the GNAP RFC at the IETF: [https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-04](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-gnap-core-protocol-04)
* [...]
HTML and JSON / OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange - support for delegation semantics ( [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8693](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8693) )
A password manager that puts the user in full control. [https://sitepassword.alanhkarp.com/](https://sitepassword.alanhkarp.com/)
* [...]
Agency by Design (Privacy is not Enough)
Adrian Gropper:
I’m not a fan of Privacy by Design.
In the industry are only concerned about compliance, very rarely talk about Human Agency
Privacy by Default is the opposite in some sense to privacy by design
The problem is that It conflict with community in many cases. (e.g. social credit score)
Cultural differences (EU accepts better centralization than US)
Delegation and agency are one the same thing
Agency is a much bigger thing and delegation is a mechanism that supports it
I want my fiduciaries to know as much as possible of me (e.g. my doctor, my lawyer)
Model Agency as hierarchy and delegation is the mean to have it.
* [...]
* [Why you know less about Guardianship than you think (because we ALL know less about Guardianship than we think)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20L/_Why_you_know_less_about_Guardianship_than_you_think_(because_we_ALL_know_less_about_Guardianship_than_we_think)) by Jo Spencer, John Phillips, Sterre den Breeijen
Link to the deck we’ll use to start the conversation: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aGTPmlno3WScpSYMs1HLhWsrVRx9B-I0yhOQsRgmqRw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aGTPmlno3WScpSYMs1HLhWsrVRx9B-I0yhOQsRgmqRw/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Do we need to get more people interested in the “real life” application of
Four groups of people at IIW conferences?
- Technologists
- Idealists
- Pragmatists
- Entrepreneurs
1. In 2019 the Sovrin Foundation published a whitepaper on Guardianship; transitioned into the Working Group
2. APAC and NA/EMEA WG meetings
3. 2 key documents from the WG are going to be published by Sovrin Foundation - [https://sovrin.org/a-deeper-understanding-of-implementing-guardianship/](https://sovrin.org/a-deeper-understanding-of-implementing-guardianship/)
4. Implementation guidelines
5. Technical requirements
6. Why are we looking at Guardianship and SSI?
7. Guardianship is a part of life - we are rarely fully self-sovereign or independent
8. Guardianship is not a part of SSI at this moment - is a missing ingredient in our digital lives
9. The group thought guardianship was a simple concept
10. Small set of SSI building blocks …
11. Gap between use cases and requirements was too broad (see slides)
12. A mental model for guardianship was required (see IIW30 and IIW31 for further context)
13. ‘Squiggle’ - the journey
14. 5 things the team worked out
15. Jurisdictions are essential (gives meaning to the guardianship relation)
16. Should work with existing laws
17. Guardianship can be built on verifiable credentials
18. Build a mental model (and test it) - 15 functional requirements, 6 technical requirements, 3 validator requirements
19. Don’t build guardianship solely on wallets (mitigate the risk of wallet takeover and impersonation)
20. Transparent vs Opaque guardianship scenario
21. 5 things to consider
22. Should discovery be enabled
23. Ensuring appropriate representation
24. Receiving parties are key
25. Balancing agency, dignity and care
26. Transitions : recovery, expiry and ends
27. Alignment with SSI and ToIP
28. Guardianship creates a tension between independence and dependence
29. An obvious relationship with the ToIP (the ToIP model/diagram)
30. Mapping concepts of Guardianship with the Trust Triangle diagram
31. Parties, Actors and Action pattern
32. [https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/notations-and-conventions](https://essif-lab.pages.grnet.gr/framework/docs/notations-and-conventions)
33. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348325716_Decentralized_SSI_Governance_the_missing_link_in_automating_business_decisions](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348325716_Decentralized_SSI_Governance_the_missing_link_in_automating_business_decisions)
* [What if the Credential Subject cannot be the Holder?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20H/_What_if_the_Credential_Subject_cannot_be_the_Holder%253F) by Sam Curren
Quick intro outline: [https://hackmd.io/HhLGtxBPSeGpxtp30S5tOg](https://hackmd.io/HhLGtxBPSeGpxtp30S5tOg)
Where is the line at the limits of what a holder can hold?
How is user consent managed?
What are the protocols like?
How does this tie into OAuth, GNAP, etc?
How does this relate to DIDComm Credential Exchange Protocols and Secure Data Stores?
It’s possible that the intent of the law is not being met, if a provider refuses to share data on behalf of a user.
OpenID has a function for distributed claims that provide a URI and an access token for retrieval.
JWTs have AZP - The authorized presenter of a credential. The issuer may be the authorized presenter.
If the issuer wants to use existing protocols, a credential can be issued which functions as a ‘shadow’ of the main credential. Presenting the shadow credential provides consent for the verifier to ask for a presentation of the main credential from the issuer.
* [Identity Escrow - Accountability AND Privacy](https://iiw.idcommons.net/11I/_Identity_Escrow_-_Accountability_AND_Privacy) by Sam Curren, Ken Ebert, Suresh Batchu, Kiran Addepalli
1. Can the escrow hold the "Proof of the information" as opposed to the information itself.
2. Mortgage Service - might seem to be an authorization to access the data directly or the issuer present directly.
3. What gets put into escrow is flexible.
4. Trigger event or a lockbox kind of capability. How is the claim released to relying parties? How does it eliminate mischief and false claims.
5. There needs to be some accountability on the service provider to claim false releases. Automation may not be able to completely eliminate false triggers, some level of human intervention for complex cases.
6. Contractual wrapper for
7. Technical and legal framework for accountability.
8. Don’t have data but key to unlock the escrow. So that no insider can unlock the data. Separating the data release from the encryption release would be better.
9. It is better to hold proof of data. Because of the risk and liability, it can create incentives to escrow providers.
10. We should chat about the CDDE (Community Distributed Data Escrow) that we have developed with UN, WEF, NYU Gov lab for data handling in disaster settings. Very related to this. Blind trust, etc. for self shielding.
* [...]
Links that came up during the call:
- [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1430-9134.2001.00173.x](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1430-9134.2001.00173.x)
- [https://dhh1128.github.io/zkpcreds/trust-paradox-rebuttal.html](https://dhh1128.github.io/zkpcreds/trust-paradox-rebuttal.html)
- Feedback loop into privacy law: [https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy+as+Expected%3A+UI+Signalling+a+Consent+Gateway+For+Human+Consent](https://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/display/WA/Privacy%2Bas%2BExpected%253A%2BUI%2BSignalling%2Ba%2BConsent%2BGateway%2BFor%2BHuman%2BConsent)
* [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-45146-4_8](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-45146-4_8)
* [Let’s Go - Together!: Does international travel only ever involve independent adults?](https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/11/24/lets-go-together/) ToIP
Applying the developed models of guardianship, using the flexibility of Verifiable Credentials and the trusted mechanisms of sharing VCs, can provide the ability to add guardianship credentials into the travel process (or not) without breaking the existing approach and complicating the technical details defined in the Blueprint.
* [Delegatable Credentials Now Available](https://blog.dock.io/delegatable-credentials-now-available/)
> An issuer may [grant delegation authority to another issuer](https://docknetwork.github.io/sdk/tutorials/concepts_private_delegation.html) simply by issuing them a vcdm credential. Let's say did:ex:a wants to grant delegation authority to did:ex:b. did:ex:a simply issues the credential saying that did:ex:b may make any claim.
* [Common Delegation Patterns in the Verifiable Credential Ecosystem](https://kyledenhartog.com/delegation-in-verifiable-credentials/) Kyle Den Hartog
did you know that there are three ways in which you can utilize VCs and DIDs to enable delegation [...] look to the [ZCAP-LD data model](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/zcap-ld/) which is designed especially for these concepts. And if you’re still confused and would like some help please reach out and I can see how I can help.
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# Privacy
* [Apple vs (or plus) Adtech, Part II](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/30/apple-vs-or-plus-adtech-part-ii/)
To review… in Settings—> Privacy—> Tracking, is a single OFF/ON switch for “Allow Ads to Request to Track.” It is by default set to ON.
* [Reciprocal Negotiated Accountability](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/06/reciprocal_negotiated_accountability.shtml) Phil Windley
The self-sovereign internet underscores a tension between those who desire perfect oversight of society and those who desire perfect privacy. In this post, I explore a method for conditional legibility of private communications.
* [Did You Know School Apps Often Share Student Data with Third Parties?](https://me2ba.org/did-you-know-which-is-leakier/)
* [Decentralized Digital Identity: Shaping the Future of Privacy](https://v3.opennodes.com/2021-06-24-08-33-27-decentralized-digital-identity-shaping-the-future-of-privacy) Open Nodes
In May, [Tribe](http://www.tribex.co/) held a Clubhouse session with the Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC), in partnership with the Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). Together with representatives from Affinidi, SITA, and Sphereon, the industry players shared their insights on how blockchain is being used to shape the future of privacy, and some practical applications of decentralized digital identity.
* [Privacy Risks With Opioid Recovery Apps](https://www.expressvpn.com/digital-security-lab/opioid-telehealth-research) ExpressVPN
Perhaps the most alarming revelation from our study of ten opioid addiction treatment and recovery apps is the consistent access of unique identifiers, given the sensitivity of privacy around health and substance use issues.
* [Links Between Privacy and Disinformation: Julia Angwin](https://anonyome.com/2021/07/the-links-between-privacy-and-disinformation-julia-angwin/)
Privacy, as we know, is a complex topic. When it converges with technology, it becomes more complicated. One aspect of this complexity is where privacy fits in with disinformation—false or misleading information spread intentionally to confuse or manipulate people.
* [Why Privacy by (Re)Design Better Defines Responsibility for Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2021/09/why-privacy-by-redesign-better-defines-responsibility-for-privacy/) Anonyme
Where privacy by design puts the onus on app developers to be proactive about data privacy, privacy by (re)design redesigns the “app ecosystem to address data sharing”, spreading the burden.
* [EEMA Training Launches with Focus on eIDAS, Self-Sovereign and National Identity, Blockchain, EU Legal Frameworks and Cyber Security](https://nationalcybersecuritynews.today/eema-training-launches-with-focus-on-eidas-self-sovereign-and-national-identity-blockchain-eu-legal-frameworks-and-cyber-security-cybersecurity-conferences/)
FE News publish exclusive peer to peer thought leadership articles from our feature writers, as well as user generated content across our network of over 3000 Newsrooms, offering multiple sources of the latest education news across the Education and Employability sectors.
* [The US Data Privacy Law “Floor”: What Deserves Basic Protections?](https://anonyome.com/2021/10/the-us-data-privacy-law-floor-what-deserves-basic-protections/) Anonym
The New York Times recently did a deep dive into the United States’ lack of a national data privacy law
1. Data collection and sharing rights
2. Opt-in consent
3. Data minimization
4. Non-discrimination and no data use discrimination
* [IDnow AutoIdent will soon be usable according to German TKG](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-autoident-usable-german-tkg/)
Automated identification procedures ensure seamless processes without media disruption and increase cost efficiency. By modernizing laws that allow these procedures, many cases can be simplified and modernized in the future.
* [DIDAS provides extensive commentary to the target vision for e-ID in Switzerland](https://www.didas.swiss/2021/10/13/didas-provides-extensive-commentary-to-the-target-vision-for-e-id-in-switzerland/)
It was a great opportunity for DIDAS to provide in-depth commentary to the proposed vision and contribute our collective ideas and expertise to help make a well informed decision. Our submission (in German) is available [here](https://www.didas.swiss/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Stellungnahme-DIDAS-FINAL-V1.0-website.pdf)
* [Kids PRIVCY ACT](https://me2ba.org/we-backed-the-kids-privcy-act-but-we-urge-members-in-congress-to-address-non-profit-carve-outs-in-data-privacy-laws/) Me2BA
We’re proud to support a bill that will:
- Strengthen the legal protections afforded to children under COPPA, and extend COPPA protections to adolescents ages 13 to 17, who have long gone without privacy protections online, while creating new rights for families.
- Prohibit surveillance advertising and other harmful uses of data on all digital services likely to be accessed by children, rather than limiting protection to ineffectual notice and consent on “child-directed sites.”
* [Exposed documents reveal how the powerful clean up their digital past using a reputation laundering firm](https://restofworld.org/2022/documents-reputation-laundering-firm-eliminalia/) Rest of World
Reputation firms like Eliminalia use legal threats and copyright notices to have material taken down around the world.
From the we can’t talk about ourselves without ®’s camp
* [What is Privacy?](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/what_is_privacy.shtml) Windley
The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) [defines four classes of privacy](https://iapp.org/resources/glossary/):
Bodily Privacy—The protection of a person's physical being and any invasion thereof. This includes practices like genetic testing, drug testing, or body cavity searches.
Communications Privacy—The protection of the means of correspondence, including postal mail, telephone conversations, electronic mail, and other forms of communication.
Information Privacy—The claim of individuals, groups, or organizations to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others.
Territorial Privacy—Placing limitations on the ability of others to intrude into an individual's environment. Environment can be more than just the home, including workplaces, vehicles, and public spaces. Intrusions of territorial privacy can include video surveillance or ID checks.
* [The business of Privacy is Booming](https://www.axios.com/privacy-business-booming-protonmail-you-search-28d00ea6-6818-4d9f-9b7a-b0ca4680b8a8.html)
Investors and consumers show growing enthusiasm for privacy-focused alternatives to Google and Facebook amid renewed scrutiny over the real cost of their "free" services.
* [The Rising Consumer Demand for Data Privacy and Autonomy](https://medium.com/sequoia-capital/the-rising-consumer-demand-for-data-privacy-and-autonomy-b8254bf3368e) Sequoia
Increased supply of user-friendly private tech and increased demand for privacy have converged, creating a moment of unprecedented opportunity for founders with a vision for privacy-first online experiences.
* [The vital role of LEI Issuers in facilitating wider adoption of globally recognized business identities across Africa with Alberta Abbey from London Stock Exchange Group](https://www.gleif.org/en/newsroom/blog/number-three-in-the-financial-inclusion-interview-series-the-vital-role-of-lei-issuers-in-facilitating-wider-adoption-of-globally-recognized-business-identities-across-africa-with-alberta-abbey-from-lseg-london-stock-exchange-group) GLEIF
We spoke with Alberta Abbey, LEI Analyst, Data & Analytics, LSEG to discuss how this initiative will support wider adoption of globally recognized business identities, in the form of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs), across Africa and how to encourage more entities across Africa to obtain LEIs.
* [Google Sued for Misleading Users Over Location Data Privacy](https://anonyome.com/2022/03/google-sued-for-misleading-users-over-location-data-privacy/) Anonyme
“Google falsely led consumers to believe that changing their account and device settings would allow customers to protect their privacy and control what personal data the company could access. The truth is that contrary to Google’s representations it continues to systematically surveil customers and profit from customer data.”
* [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy) Avast
we at Avast believe that a digital smart agent, in the form of a service/app for people, is the way to achieve user centric digital interactions, and that this digital smart agent that is interoperable across the globe, with strong public-private sector collaboration/partnership.
New app in the Erase my Data space: [Revoke](https://revoke.com/personal/how-it-works/)
Revoke allows you to send requests to retrieve and/or delete your data.
- Each company has 30 days to respond under the GDPR.
- Revoke gives you full visibility and control of what to do with that information.
- Easy to use app helps you discover who hold yours personal information.
* [Someone could be tracking you through your headphones](https://nrkbeta.no/2021/09/02/someone-could-be-tracking-you-through-your-headphones/) NRK Beta
- At least 9149 products with Bluetooth transmitters were uniquely recognized at least 24 hours apart.
- At least 129 headphones could be tracked in the dataset for longer than 24 hours.
- Popular headphones models from Bose, Bang & Olufsen, Jabra, Sennheiser and JBL can be tracked over longer periods of time.
* [Can Consent Ever Play a Valuable Role in Consumer Privacy?](https://anonyome.com/2021/08/can-consent-ever-play-a-valuable-role-in-consumer-privacy/) Anonyme
Can we rely on ‘informed consent’ if the informed part is largely missing?
Consent doesn’t scale well from the consumer’s perspective.
* [@tomfishburne](https://twitter.com/tomfishburne)
“The Personalization Privacy Paradox” - new cartoon and post on zero party data versus third party data [https://marketoonist.com/2021/07/zeropartydata.html](https://t.co/6OQq7fAAaP?amp%3D1)
* [How the cookie poisoned the Web](https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2021/05/14/poison/)
Have you wondered why you have no more privacy on the Web than what other parties grant you ([which is none at all](https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/if-your-privacy-hands-others-alone-you-dont-have-any)), and that you can only opt in or out of choices that others provide—while the only controls you have over your privacy are to skulk around like a criminal (thank you, [Edward Snowden and Russell Brand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3D2jxdwIkFdj8), for that analogy) or to stay offline completely?
* [Me2BA Product Testing Spotlight Report Published: Data Sharing in Primary & Secondary School Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/me2ba-product-testing-spotlight-report-published-data-sharing-in-primary-secondary-school-mobile-apps-2/)
60% of School Apps are Sending Student Data to Potentially High-risk Third Parties Without Knowledge or Consent According to New Research from Me2B Alliance
* [The new age of privacy](https://werd.io/2021/the-new-age-of-privacy)
> Privacy is a human right. Surveillance has a chilling effect on free speech and freedom of association, which we consider to be fundamental tenets of democracy. Sure, you can make a bunch of money by learning everything you can about an individual and selling access to their attention. But not everything that is profitable should be permissible.
* [Letter to Attorney General Becerra Re: FinCen Proposed Rule Privacy concerns](https://blockadvocacy.medium.com/letter-to-attorney-general-becerra-re-fincen-proposed-rule-privacy-concerns-d6706694b8a9)
> Our concerns with the consumer privacy implications of this proposed rule are twofold:
> First, the proposed rule’s requirement that MSB’s collect identifying information associated with wallet addresses will create reporting that extends well beyond the intent of the rule or the transaction.
* [Privacy Harms](https://teachprivacy.com/privacy-harms/) • [Daniel Solove](https://teachprivacy.com/our-expertise)
> Courts struggle with privacy harms because they often involve future uses of personal data that vary widely. When privacy violations do result in negative consequences, the effects are often small – frustration, aggravation, and inconvenience – and dispersed among a large number of people. When these minor harms are done at a vast scale by a large number of actors, they aggregate into more significant harms to people and society. But these harms do not fit well with existing judicial understandings of harm.
This article makes two central contributions. The first is the construction of a road map for courts to understand harm so that privacy violations can be tackled and remedied in a meaningful way.
* [Provisional Authenticity and Functional Privacy](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/03/provisional_authenticity_and_functional_privacy.shtml) Phil Windley
Provisional authenticity and confidentiality can help us manage the trade offs between privacy and authenticity to support online accountability along with functional privacy.
* [Use Sudo Platform’ Decentralized Identity Capabilities to Rapidly Deliver Customer Privacy Solutions](https://anonyome.com/2022/04/how-your-business-can-rapidly-deliver-customer-privacy-solutions-with-the-sudo-platform-a-5-part-series%25ef%25bf%25bc/) Anonyme
In this 5-part series, we’ll look at how enterprises can rapidly deliver customer privacy solutions with the Sudo Platform digital identities and decentralized identity capabilities.
- [Identity is evolving — but the battle for privacy has only just begun](https://blog.avast.com/identity-and-the-battle-for-privacy)
* [Top 5 Must Read Articles on Data Privacy](https://academy.affinidi.com/top-5-must-read-articles-on-data-privacy-342e95c9dcfc) by Affinidi
To help you get a good grasp of the data privacy concepts and what it means for you, we have put together some relevant articles that make for an interesting read. These articles are sure to give you a whole new perspective of data privacy.
* [John Oliver on Surveillance Capitalism](https://www.windley.com/archives/2022/04/john_oliver_on_surveillance_capitalism.shtml) Phil Windley
he didn't just explain it. He took some steps to do something about it.
* [Understand the ORGANS Framework Before Building Privacy-Preserving Apps](https://academy.affinidi.com/understand-the-organs-framework-before-building-privacy-preserving-apps-cfc00e00a90c)
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# User Experience
* [Only 5% Of US Consumers Want To Be Tracked For Ads](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/only-5-of-us-consumers-want-to-be-tracked-for-ads/) Anonyme
That means 95% of US consumers are saying ‘no way’ to cross-app tracking with Apple’s new [App Tracking Transparency](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/apples-new-att-and-why-facebook-is-hitting-back-hard/) (ATT) feature.
* [Your User Is Your API](https://www.evernym.com/blog/your-user-is-your-api/) Evernym
Rather than having one huge, expensive, and probably illegal data hub, every customer becomes a data hub in their own right. They provide the data needed, just-in-time, under their control.
* [Do Consumers Even Want Personalized Ads?](https://anonyome.com/2021/06/do-consumers-even-want-personalized-ads/) Anonyme
The [YouGov](https://www.globalwitness.org/en/blog/do-people-really-want-personalised-ads-online/) poll of consumers in France and Germany we mentioned earlier says it’s the [behind the scenes](https://mysudo.com/2021/02/beware-the-dark-patterns-trying-to-steal-your-data/) or back door nature of personalization that gives people the creeps.
* [The railroad of (no) choice](https://www.mydigitalfootprint.com/2021/07/the-railroad-of-no-choice.html) MyDigitalFootprint
> - to force something to be officially approved or accepted without much discussion or thought.
> - to force someone into doing something quickly, usually without enough information.
* [How humans understand identity](https://medium.com/universal-identity/how-humans-understand-identity-367200ae9591) Universal Identity
* [Managing Authorization: Who Has What?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4D/_Managing_Authorization:_Who_Has_What%253F) By David Schmudde
Focused on communicating risks/harms to the user. Focus on the high-level user experience.
- Steve Venema suggested the [Privacy Co-op](https://privacyco-op.com/frontdoor)
- Make an individual's policy decisions [disappear into their workflow](https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2009/HPL-2009-341.pdf). Whenever the application needed a resource, we knew the answer from the action they took in the UX.
- Trust based on the context of the other people I know.
- Web of trust: have my friends shopped here?
- Reputation: what is the ranking of this place?
- Revocation
- Information is given, cannot be revoked (photo of a driver's license)
- Permission is given, can be revoked (allow a 3rd party to say I have a driver's license)
- Trust based on browsing history
- TOFU: Trust based On First Use - trusted it once, will trust it again
- [Kantara Initiative](http://wiki.idcommons.org/Identity_Trust_Charter): agreed to terms once. Will stay agreed unless they change.
- The opposite of "who do you trust?" is "how are you making yourself vulnerable?"
- [Kantara Initiative](http://wiki.idcommons.org/Identity_Trust_Charter)
- obligations/consequences for violating the consequences
- "identity trust workgroup" - Adopt the Personal Data Categories from Enterprise Privacy for the Consent Receipt V 1.1
- Consent for each purpose. People give consent at the purpose-level.
### Harms and User Risks. High Level UX by David Schmudde
Focused on communicating risks/harms to the user. Focus on the high-level user experience.
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- Steve Venema suggested the [Privacy Co-op](https://privacyco-op.com/frontdoor)
- Make an individual's policy decisions [disappear into their workflow](https://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2009/HPL-2009-341.pdf). Whenever the application needed a resource, we knew the answer from the action they took in the UX.
- Trust based on the context of the other people I know.
- Web of trust: have my friends shopped here?
- Reputation: what is the ranking of this place?
- Revocation
- Information is given, cannot be revoked (photo of a driver's license)
- Permission is given, can be revoked (allow a 3rd party to say I have a driver's license)
- Trust based on browsing history
- TOFU: Trust based On First Use - trusted it once, will trust it again
- [Kantara Initiative](http://wiki.idcommons.org/Identity_Trust_Charter): agreed to terms once. Will stay agreed unless they change.
- The opposite of "who do you trust?" is "how are you making yourself vulnerable?"
- [Kantara Initiative](http://wiki.idcommons.org/Identity_Trust_Charter)
- obligations/consequences for violating the consequences
- "identity trust workgroup" - Adopt the Personal Data Categories from Enterprise Privacy for the Consent Receipt V 1.1
- Consent for each purpose. People give consent at the purpose-level.
* [Realistically speaking: Identity reclamation/solutions for normies](https://iiw.idcommons.net/14H/_Realistically_speaking:_Identity_reclamation/solutions_for_normies) by Grace
- What is the right balance between ease of use and identity, and how we use that in real life
- Idea of how do we even get our identity back from where it’s stored
- Current tradeoff for privacy is solutions that are barely usable (Duckduckgo, SSB)
- Real versus online world,
- Focused on the idea of context for each thing
- Lively debate about the nature of reality versus virtuality
- Discussion of whether corporate ownership of data is “data assault” and that the term data theft might be too mild.
* [Device-free SSI: Ideas, Potentials and Challenges](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20J/_Device-free_SSI:_Ideas,_Potentials_and_Challenges) by Nuttawut Kongsuwan
Links from Chat:
Catherine Nabbala, 10:56:43 AM
For offline discussions, pls email: win@finema.co
Takashi Minamii 11:29:45 AM
FYI:Hitachi's Solution (PBI)[https://www.hitachi.com/rd/sc/story/pbi/index.html](https://eu01st1.zoom.us/web_client/jzsz6o/html/externalLinkPage.html?ref%3Dhttps://www.hitachi.com/rd/sc/story/pbi/index.html)
* [Can Kids Use D.I.D.s? What’s your tech for kids online?](https://iiw.idcommons.net/21K/_Can_Kids_Use_D.I.D.s%253F_What%2527s_your_tech_for_kids_online%253F) by Erica Connell
Brief but rich conversation about what technologies may be available and/or practicable or are developing to use with kids and their online presence.
Use case: Wonderland Stage & Screen, interested in developing a platform to support youth creating media to share, comment, discuss their work that meets COPPA guidelines, allows freedom of participants, and provides a mechanisms for privacy.
- Create an onboarding process that models a physical process
- Collect information
- Issue a credential
- Offer wallet options for use
- What kinds of credentials could we use?
- View only
- Interactive
- Comment enabled
* [The principles of user sovereignty | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥](https://uxdesign.cc/the-principles-of-user-sovereignty-515ac83401f6?sk%3Dd37a69c8efc8a48cdd4a23d0518ba8d0)
The earliest discussion of the phrase I could find is a [blog post](https://blog.lizardwrangler.com/2011/08/04/extending-our-reach-many-layers-of-user-sovereignty/) from August 4th, 2011 by the “Chief Lizard Wrangler” herself, [Mitchell Baker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_Baker) the CEO of Mozilla. In it she prophetically describes user sovereignty as the consequence of new “engines” that are “…open, open-source, interoperable, public-benefit, standards-based, platforms…” She also makes the critical link between the philosophy of openness and standards-based interoperability with that of identity management and personal data dominion.
* [EPS for SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity)](https://medium.com/@kokumai/eps-for-ssi-self-sovereign-identity-8c742e2b1d02)
> you might be interested to hear that the core of EPS is designed to convert images to high-entropy codes, which work as very long passwords and also as the seeds of symmetric or asymmetric cryptographic keys.
* [Testing self-sovereign identity with the Lissi demo](https://lissi-id.medium.com/testing-self-sovereign-identity-with-the-lissi-demo-854e73d05aad)
> We are convinced this demonstrated user flow can help to better understand the interactions in a digital identity ecosystem such as [IDunion](https://idunion.org/). [...] The Lissi team is in discussion with trust service providers, authorities, municipalities, agencies, associations and other relevant stakeholders to meet all the necessary requirements and provide you with the best user experience.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity for Social Impact & Importance of UX](https://northernblock.io/self-sovereign-identity-for-social-impact-with-jimmy-snoek/) Jimmy J.P. Snoek, Tykn
> We saw pretty early that the puristic view of SSI, in terms of having everything stored on edge wallets — when you go to somewhere in Sub-Saharan Africa, that’s going to be pretty difficult, when there’s maybe one phone in a village and it’s not even necessarily a smartphone. It’s very easy to say, “Oh yeah, but within SSI, everything has to be stored on the edge wallet.” What we saw was that if you make that this hard requirement, and keep working from that, then all these population groups are just going to be left behind more and more.
* [Sexism in Facial Recognition Technology](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/sexism-in-facial-recognition-technology-d5e547a6e7bc) Berkman Klien Center
The use of facial recognition by law enforcement agencies has become common practice, despite increasing reports of [false arrests](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/technology/facial-recognition-arrest.html) and [jail time](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/29/technology/facial-recognition-misidentify-jail.html). While there are various downsides to facial recognition technology being used at all, including fears of mass surveillance and invasion of privacy, there are flaws within facial recognition technologies themselves that lead to inaccurate results. One such major challenge for this still-burgeoning technology is gender-based inaccuracies.
* [A Deep-Dive on Digital Self-Determination](https://medium.com/berkman-klein-center/a-deep-dive-on-digital-self-determination-368c48d87705)
Questions of control over personal data were a cross-cutting theme throughout a [Research Sprint](https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2021-03/research-sprint-examines-digital-self-determination-increasingly-interconnected-world) co-hosted by the [Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society](http://cyber.harvard.edu) and [Digital Asia Hub](https://www.digitalasiahub.org/). The Sprint also examined other important dimensions of self-determination in the digitally networked world, for instance, self-expression and participation in civic life and the digital economy, or relationship-building and well-being, to name just a few application areas.
* [Tap and Prove](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/tap-prove-stephen-wilson/) Stephen Wilson
We should be able to “tap and prove” any important fact and figures about ourselves – as easily as we tap and pay with a mobile phone at any one of 100s of millions of terminals globally.
* [Frontier Talk #6 | Bringing User-Centricity to Decentralized Identity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DUnWsu1gCe9k) - Nat Sakimura KuppingerCole
Raj Hegde sits with identity veteran, Nat Sakimura - Chairman of OpenID Foundation to understand how user-centric learnings from existing authentication protocols can be applied to future identity initiatives.
* [Most People Feel Negatively About Location Tracking in Websites and Apps](https://me2ba.org/most-people-feel-negatively-about-location-tracking/) Me2Ba.org
The Spotlight Report, “[Consumer Sensitivity to Location Tracking by Websites and Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-3-me2b-alliance-validation-research-consumer-sensitivity-to-location-tracking-by-websites-and-mobile-apps/)”, was developed to validate the Location Commitment scoring criteria in the [Me2B Alliance Safe & Respectful Technology Specification](https://me2ba.org/flash-guide-2-what-is-the-me2b-respectful-tech-specification/). The specification, produced by the Me2B Alliance’s Respectful Tech Spec Working Group, is designed to provide a standard for measuring safe and ethical behavior in connected technology.
* [Me2B Alliance Validation Research: Consumer Sensitivity to Location Tracking by Websites and Mobile Apps](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-3-me2b-alliance-validation-research-consumer-sensitivity-to-location-tracking-by-websites-and-mobile-apps/)
The Me2B Alliance (“Me2BA”)[3](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-3-me2b-alliance-validation-research-consumer-sensitivity-to-location-tracking-by-websites-and-mobile-apps/%23footnotes) is a nonprofit creating a safe and just digital world through standards development and independent technology testing. At the core of our work is our Respectful Technology Specification[4](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-3-me2b-alliance-validation-research-consumer-sensitivity-to-location-tracking-by-websites-and-mobile-apps/%23footnotes), currently in development, which provides an objective standard for measuring safe and ethical technology behavior.
* [What is Respectful Use of Location Information? New Me2BA Research](https://me2ba.org/what-is-respectful-use-of-location-information-new-me2ba-research-published/)
* [“Spotlight Report #3: Consumer Sensitivity to Location Tracking by Websites and Mobile Apps”](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-3-me2b-alliance-validation-research-consumer-sensitivity-to-location-tracking-by-websites-and-mobile-apps/). This research quantifies and qualifies public opinion of location tracking in a variety of different contexts within web and mobile technology.
* [People Don’t Understand the Purpose of Privacy Policies and Terms of Service – New Research Published](https://me2ba.org/people-dont-understand-the-purpose-of-privacy-policies-and-terms-of-service-new-research-published/) Me2B Alliance ([Report](https://me2ba.org/spotlight-report-5-me2b-alliance-validation-testing-report-consumer-perception-of-legal-policies-in-digital-technology/)
- Consumers are aware that legal policies exist on connected technologies and that they should read them, but they continue to choose to largely ignore them.
- 55% of survey participants did not understand that a TOS/TOU agreement is a legal contract. This has significant implications because a key requirement for legally binding contracts is mutual assent, which means that both parties have a “meeting of the minds” and must understand they’re entering into a contract.
- None of the interview participants were aware of tools that explain or rate privacy policies and TOS/TOU documents, and half said that a score would not change their behavior.
- 66% of survey respondents believe that privacy policies protect the business, while 50% say they protect the consumer. It’s questionable that privacy policies protect either the individual or the business, as they are primarily legal notices, disclosures of how data is used by the technology and the companies behind it. Moreover, 39% of respondents erroneously thought that the privacy policy was a contract [between them and the company].
* [Backchannel: A relationship-based digital identity system](https://www.inkandswitch.com/backchannel/) Ink and Switch
Using Backchannel as a model example, we propose four design principles for trusted digital relationships. Then we used Backchannel to design and build three sample apps: chat, location sharing, and document preview. We also tested these designs with journalists, researchers, and designers. Based on this testing, we outline common user experience challenges and recommended solutions.
* [Identity and Consistent User Experience](https://www.windley.com/archives/2021/11/identity_and_consistent_user_experience.shtml) Phil Windley
There's a saying in security: "Don't roll your own crypto." I think we need a corollary in identity: "Don't roll your own interface." But how do we do that? And what should the interface be? One answer is to adopt the user experience people already understand from the physical world: connections and credentials.
* [Survey Finds Customers Frustrated With Passwords, Open to Biometrics](https://findbiometrics.com/survey-finds-customers-frustrated-passwords-open-biometrics-7102106/) FindBiometrics
Passwords were a major point of contention in that regard, with a strong majority (68 percent) of consumers indicating that it is difficult to remember and key in a large number of passwords. Nearly half (44 percent) believe that biometric authenticators are easier to use, while 34 percent would prefer to use them as their primary means of identity
* [Measuring the Ethical Behavior of Technology](https://me2ba.org/measuring-the-ethical-behavior-of-technology/) Me2bAlliance
This session will share the results and learnings of the creation and development of an ethical “yardstick” for respectful technology, including its application to websites and mobile apps. The speakers will also explore learnings from everyday people in the validation research around the certification mark as well as share recommendations for tech makers.
### Accessibility
* [Disability-inclusive ID Systems](https://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/access-agency-and-empowerment-through-disability-inclusive-id-systems)
> Creating an inclusive ID system requires a comprehensive, whole-of-system approach to overcome barriers to ID enrollment and use for persons with disabilities.
### Customer Commons \ Intention Economy
* [Making The Intention Economy happen](https://iiw.idcommons.net/3E/_Making_The_Intention_Economy_happen) by Doc Searls (& Customer Commons)
* [The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge | Berkman Klein Center](https://cyber.harvard.edu/events/2012/05/searls)
* [https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Intention_Economy](https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Intention_Economy)
* [Making The Intention Economy Happen](https://iiw.idcommons.net/10B/_Making_The_Intention_Economy_Happen,_Part_2), Part 2 by Doc Searls
This was a small meeting primarily meant to tee up Hadrian Zbarcea’s demo of Customer Commons’ new Intention Byway model for better signaling between demand and supply in markets of all kinds
* [https://www.slideshare.net/dsearls/iiw-xxxiiintentionsession](https://www.slideshare.net/dsearls/iiw-xxxiiintentionsession)
* [Will users and organizations have trust in keys roaming via the cloud?](https://www.kuppingercole.com/events/eic2022/blog/will-users-and-organizations-have-trust-in-keys-roaming-via-the-cloud)
the FIDO Alliance, a set of open, scalable, and interoperable specifications has been developed to replace passwords as a secure authentication method for online services. The alliance has also worked with companies such as [Microsoft](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/concept-authentication-passwordless), [Google](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/protect-gce-vms-with-managed-fido-security-keys), and [Apple](https://fidoalliance.org/expanded-support-for-fido-authentication-in-ios-and-macos/) to integrate and adopt FIDO standards across their operating systems.
* [How Might we Design Consent Experiences for Data Sharing?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DbGgV2Ffnczg) ToIP HXWG with Dr Arianna Rossi & Xengie Doan of Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg
The complex ecosystem where manifold transactions can be automatically enabled by smart contracts contributes, at least in principle, to establish greater transparency about data use towards the many parties involved. However, the mere fact of building such a verifiable and traceable architecture does not automatically translate into understandable communications, easily applicable instructions and smooth transactions for human beings.
* [If Tech Fails to Design for the Most Vulnerable, It Fails Us All: Building around the so-called typical user is a dangerous mistake](https://www.wired.com/story/technology-design-marginalized-communities/) Wired
WHAT DO RUSSIAN protesters have in common with Twitter users freaked out about Elon Musk reading their DMs and people worried about the criminalization of abortion? It would serve them all to be protected by a more robust set of design practices from companies developing technologies.
* [Design From the Margins Centering the most marginalized and impacted in design processes - from ideation to production](https://www.belfercenter.org/sites/default/files/files/publication/TAPP-Afsaneh_Design%2520From%2520the%2520Margins_Final_220514.pdf)
* [Can digital identity help with the world refugee crisis?](https://securityboulevard.com/2022/05/can-digital-identity-help-with-the-world-refugee-crisis/) SecurityBoulevard
The first international agreement on how refugees could handle the issue of missing or incomplete identity documents resulted from the Arrangement of 5 July, 1922, which was a meeting of the League of Nations. Among other things, the conference established a uniform [“identity certificate” for Russian refugees](https://www.refworld.org/docid/3dd8b4864.html), between one and two million of whom [had been displaced by various conflicts over the previous decade](https://www.icrc.org/ar/doc/assets/files/other/727_738_jaeger.pdf).
* [Design Principles for the Personal Data Economy](https://medium.com/mydex/design-principles-for-the-personal-data-economy-f63ffa93e382) MyDex ([whitepaper](https://mydex.org/resources/papers/)
A key part of this is continuity and longevity: a personal data store is for life, so the institutions providing personal data stores should be designed for decades (centuries, even). Whatever particular corporate form they take, legal safeguards relating to continuity and longevity of purpose need to be built into how they operate.
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# Wallets
* [Introducing: WACI (Wallet And Credential Interaction)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/4K/_Introducing:_WACI_(Wallet_And_Credential_Interaction)) by Jace Hensley
* [https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/](https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/)
* [https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/versions/v0.1.0](https://specs.bloom.co/wallet-and-credential-interactions/versions/v0.1.0)
Orie linked this related github issue and discussion:[https://github.com/w3c-ccg/universal-wallet-interop-spec/issues/84](https://github.com/w3c-ccg/universal-wallet-interop-spec/issues/84)
Also related: [https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vp-request-spec/#format](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/vp-request-spec/%23format)
Use cases support mobile wallets, backend services and web apps.
Supports chaining of requests…. Relies on credential manifest and presentation exchange
W3C CCG work seems focussed on the “vc-http-api” and “vp-request-spec” as the solutions to this problem…
We reviewed IoT / Web / API considerations for presentation exchange.
We notes the following hypothetically viable non interoperable solutions to this problem:
1. DIDComm v1 (IIW ticket flows?)
2. vp-request-spec + CHAPI
3. vc-http-api + …. ? / w3c ccg traceability API.
4. OIDF vp-token spec?
* [Wallet Security & Hardware-backed VCs - privacy challenges & new DIF WG incoming](https://iiw.idcommons.net/20F/_Wallet_Security_%2526_Hardware-backed_VCs_-_privacy_challenges_%2526_new_DIF_WG_incoming) by Paul Bastian & Micha Kraus
* [https://lists.identity.foundation/g/wallet-security](https://lists.identity.foundation/g/wallet-security)
Wallet Security wallet-security@lists.identity.foundation
The WG will design and define secure wallet architecture, establish common terminology, produce guidelines, classify and specify security capabilities and best practices, and more.
* [5 Reasons to Use an Identity Wallet](https://academy.affinidi.com/5-reasons-to-use-an-identity-wallet-c289ba2980cf) Affinidy
Undoubtedly, identity wallets are an integral part of the future as it comes with a ton of benefits geared for the next-gen online security.
* [Digital Identity Wallet: A place for your self-sovereign identity](https://ssi-ambassador.medium.com/digital-identity-wallet-a-place-for-your-self-sovereign-identity-5dfbd3d48a74) SSI Ambassador
A digital identity wallet enables a user to establish relationships and interact with third parties in a trusted manner. While the wallet aspect is mainly dealing with key management, storage aspects and the graphical interface (UI = User Interface), the third party interactions are rather organised by your agent, which is a part of your wallet.
* [SSI Wallets](https://www.gimly.io/blog/ssi-wallets)
SSI Wallets are one of the essential components that make self sovereign identity possible. An increasing number of SSI Wallet apps are being released, each with slightly differing feature sets. This post is intended as an evergreen overview and comparison of SSI Wallet apps. If we discover a new one, we'll add it here. If you've developed an SSI Wallet app, feel free to make a pull request to [this repository](https://github.com/Gimly-Blockchain/ssi-wallets) to get added to this list.
* [SSI Wallet LIst](https://github.com/Gimly-Blockchain/ssi-wallets) Gimly
An overview of SSI wallets
- [Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/trinsic-wallet/) by [Trinsic](https://github.com/trinsic-id)
- [Esatus Wallet](https://esatus.com/esatus-ssi-wallet-app-ab-sofort-fuer-ios-und-android-verfuegbar/?lang%3Den) by Esatus
- [Lissi ID Wallet](https://lissi.id/mobile) by [Lissi](https://github.com/lissi)
- [Jolocom Smart Wallet](https://jolocom.io/solution/) by [Jolocom](https://github.com/jolocom)
- [SelfKey Wallet](https://selfkey.org/self-sovereign-identity/) by [SelfKey Foundation](https://github.com/SelfKeyFoundation)
- [Connect.Me Wallet](https://try.connect.me/) by [Evernym](https://github.com/evernym)
- [Data Wallet](https://igrant.io/datawallet.html) by [iGrant.io](https://github.com/L3-iGrant)
- [Gataca Identity](https://gataca.io/products/) by [Gataca](https://github.com/gataca-io)
- [Talao Wallet](https://talao.io/) by [Talao](https://github.com/TalaoDAO)
- [AceID Wallet](https://www.aceblock.com/modules/aceid/) by [AceBlock | Netis](https://github.com/aceblockID)
- [Mattr Wallet](https://learn.mattr.global/tutorials/get-started/wallet) by [Mattr](https://github.com/mattrglobal)
- [DataKeeper](https://datakeeper.nl/) by [Rabobank](https://github.com/rabobank-nederland)
- [Microsoft Authenticator](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/mobile-authenticator-app) by [Microsoft](https://github.com/microsoft) (Not open source)
- [Bloom](https://bloom.co/download/) by [Bloom](https://github.com/hellobloom)
- [DID Wallet](https://www.arcblock.io/en/decentralized-identity) by [ArcBlock](https://github.com/ArcBlock)
Oldy- but- Goody - overview of [SSI Wallets](https://www.gimly.io/blog/ssi-wallets) by Gimly
* [Custodial vs Non-custodial Wallets](https://academy.affinidi.com/custodial-vs-non-custodial-wallets-813f071de0b9) Affinidi
The biggest disadvantage of non-custodial wallets is their inaccessibility when you lose or forget the password. Since you are the sole custodian, there is a huge responsibility on you to always remember the password of your wallet.
* [Super Apps Or Smart Wallets?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbirch/2022/01/04/super-apps-or-smart-wallet/) David G.W. Birch
There's plenty of talk of super apps around at the moment as a variety of players attempt to become the western equivalent of the Asian app giants such as Alipay, Gojek and Kakao. But how do you get from a digital wallet to a super app?
* [Validated ID's journey to becoming EBSI compliant](https://www.validatedid.com/post-en/validated-ids-journey-to-becoming-ebsi-compliant)
* [Wallet Conformance Tests] are designed to demonstrate that the wallet provider can onboard users safely, receive verifiable credentials from a trusted issuer, and present verifiable credentials to a verifier. All of these, using of course EBSI infrastructure.
* [Custodial vs Non-custodial Wallets](https://academy.affinidi.com/custodial-vs-non-custodial-wallets-813f071de0b9) Affinidi
* [Wallet-Mania](https://northernblock.io/wallet-mania-with-mike-vesey-dev-bharel-adrian-doerk-rj-reiser-and-michael-boyd/) (with Mike Vesey, Dev Bharel, Adrian Doerk, RJ Reiser and Michael Boyd)
Digital Wallets are taking off! OS operators such as Apple are starting to support open standards for digital credentials ([here](https://spec.smarthealth.cards/)). Technology disruptors (like the companies represented in this episode) are taking wallet solutions to market ([here](https://northernblock.io/products/ssi-digital-wallet/).
* [Datarella Launches SSI Wallet For Innovative Identity Management](https://datarella.com/datarellas-ssi-wallet-for-innovative-identity-management/)
It can be integrated into new or existing ecosystems and provide fundamental decentralized identity infrastructure for users to authenticate, issue and receive Verifiable Credentials or transfer data. This allows for many innovative use cases like credential-based access management, automatic credential verification or trusted data transfer.
* [Lissi Wallet • @lissi_id](https://twitter.com/lissi_id/status/1397174023893684226)
(1/9) The [#Lissi](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Lissi) [#Wallet](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Wallet) is now available as a release candidate. This thread will provide you with an overview of the development of the [#identity](https://twitter.com/hashtag/identity) wallet.
* [Introducing the user-ready, production-ready Jolocom SmartWallet](https://jolocom.io/blog/production-ready-smartwallet/)
And, much like a physical wallet, you will be able to use the contents of your SmartWallet to prove your identity, by showing the cards and information you carry to whoever has requested it. However, using self-sovereign identity (SSI) technology the SmartWallet goes further. It gives you complete control over who sees what, as you curate the sources of your identity.
* [Open-Source Sovrin SSI Wallet - Functionality Design Session](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title%3D22M/_Open-Source_Sovrin_SSI_Wallet_-_Functionality_Design_Session%26action%3Dedit%26redlink%3D1) by Chris Raczkowski
* [Talking on Aries Bifold, building a community effort around an open source mobile wallet in React Native](https://iiw.idcommons.net/23I/_Talking_on_Aries_Bifold,_building_a_community_effort_around_an_open_source_mobile_wallet_in_React_Native) by James Ebert
Hyperledger Aries – Aries Bifold – Aries-Framework-Javascript – React Native
Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XKrgnUUF7nZI-bOqWMKijKZHWThsIjFkVkfPIVy3gkY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XKrgnUUF7nZI-bOqWMKijKZHWThsIjFkVkfPIVy3gkY/edit?usp%3Dsharing)
Repo: [https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-mobile-agent-react-native)
User Group Meetings: [https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries+Bifold+User+Group+Meetings](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ARIES/Aries%2BBifold%2BUser%2BGroup%2BMeetings)
Rocketchat: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries-bifold](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries-bifold)
Aries-Framework-Javascript: [https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript](https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript)
rn-indy-sdk: [https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rn-indy-sdk](https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rn-indy-sdk)
Discussion on the following topics:
- Face recognition capabilities and discussion
- Discussion of project goals
- Brief demo of current state
- Questions on Ionic vs React Native
- React Native is more broadly adopted
- Need to start somewhere
- Does Aries Bifold plan to support BBS+? Yes, planning on utilizing Aries Askar and surrounding components to enable these capabilities.
- What is the MVP of Aries Bifold?
- Connections
- Coordinate-mediation protocol support
- Credential Exchange
- Revocation
- Aries Bifold interoperability
- AIP 1.0 and AIP 2.0 support
- Aries Agent Test Harness capabilities
- Componentization of Aries Bifold
- Allows the inclusion of the project in existing apps.
- Helps with separation of concerns.
- Use of React Redux
- Packaging and monorepos.
* [...]
Karim Stekelenburg: [https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-tscodegen](https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-tscodegen)
* [Dissertation Study on Adoption of SSI Digital Wallet](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24K/_Dissertation_Study_on_Adoption_of_SSI_Digital_Wallet) by Kerri Lemoie
Slides: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BxFtjqypzPfeSe5Bbatl4NAPXn3lixWfWicdMNPOqQY/edit#slide=id.gcd69ee338d_0_288](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BxFtjqypzPfeSe5Bbatl4NAPXn3lixWfWicdMNPOqQY/edit%23slide%3Did.gcd69ee338d_0_288)
Perceived benefit + Perceived ease of use => Behavioral intention
Her hypotheses: (slide 13)
H1: Perceived usefulness will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use a self-sovereign identity digital wallet.
H2: Perceived ease of use will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use a self-sovereign identity digital wallet.
H3: Trustworthiness will have a positive effect on behavioral intention to use a self-sovereign identity digital wallet.
H3a: Trustworthiness will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness.
Methodology: anonymous online survey using design fiction (think “Star Trek”)
(slide 14)
Web page proclaim.io/study/ used in survey
Story told, set in the year 2031, followed by questions
Survey ran for one week.
See results (slide 15) H1+, H2-, H3+, H3a+
And slide 16.
Biggest factors leading to trustworthiness were “access” and “protect.”
* [...]
* [Paper based credentials: Demo and discussion](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24G/Paper_Based_Credentials:_Demo_%2526_Discussion) by Kyle Den Hartog, Preet Patel
Paper VC’s demo YouTube links:
* [https://youtu.be/EXvWxFjHvdY](https://youtu.be/EXvWxFjHvdY)
* [https://youtu.be/fEBNGj377Vc](https://youtu.be/fEBNGj377Vc)
Second demo video using a different potential flow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEBNGj377Vc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DfEBNGj377Vc)
Paper VC’s are hard to bring to parity with “digital VC’s”. The biggest issue is binding subject to holder and verifying that. There were also callouts on how do you prevent replication.
Traditionally, QR codes with the entire VC can be put onto a piece of paper. We proposed compression on those QR codes using CBOR-LD that reduces size of codes by 50%.
Alternative ways include adding VC’s into NFC chips and adding the NFC identifier as a claim to the VC preventing duplication. There is a cost overhead to this compared to paper but is a cost potentially worth occurring.
* [Digital Identity Wallet UI Competition](https://www.spreaker.com/user/13158652/dhs-digital-identity-wallet-ui-competition)
Kathleen Kenyon & Anil John believe that blockchain-based identity wallets are designed for engineers, not users, and created the Digital Identity Wallet UI Design Competition to address that challenge. Hear from the finalists’: Jeff Stephens of Dignari, Josh Welty of Trinsic, along with Ken Ebert and Scott Harris of Indicio.
* [Universal Wallet 2020](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/universal-wallet-interop-spec/) W3C Editor's Draft
> This specification describes a portable, extensible, JSON-LD wallet representation, supporting digital currencies and credentials.
* [Indicio contributes UI messaging design for digital wallet to open source](https://indicio.tech/blog/indicio-contributes-novel-ui-messaging-design-for-digital-wallet-to-open-source-community/)
> A [finalist](https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/news/2020/11/02/news-release-finalists-announced-digital-wallets-prize-challenge) in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology ( S&T) Trusted User Interface (UI) Digital Wallets Challenge, the UI digital wallet design is now available in the [Indicio public Github repository](https://github.com/Indicio-tech/indicio-mobile-ux).
* [The benefits of Self-Sovereign Identity wallets: Collaborating on Self-Sovereign Identity wallets](https://www.brightlands.com/en/brightlands-smart-services-campus/collaborating-self-sovereign-identity-wallets-12) Rabobank ([Part 2](https://www.brightlands.com/en/brightlands-smart-services-campus/rabobanks-opinion-techruption)
> SSI and identity wallets will make it easier for citizens, organizations and governments to manage (digital) identities. It will make registrations and transactions across the internet private and secure. It will also make organizations more efficient and effective. As administration is reduced, costs will decrease. As their user interface becomes easier to use, their customers will perform more registrations with less errors - what in some cases will lead to extra revenue, but in all cases will lead to more satisfied customers
* [Self-Sovereign Identity Mobile Wallet 101: Key Features](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3Drl8yt6V3p0U) Northern Block
> In this video we showcase the features that a NB Orbit Mobile Wallet user can use:
> - Form P2P connections through DIDComm
> - Receive credential proof requests
> - Manage Verifiable Credentials
> - Scan QR codes to initiate proof requests
> - Manage profile
* [Making Sense of Digital Wallets (DIACC)](https://diacc.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36a7601e22b37ac394b49842f&id=540fed43d5&e=8243e40b3b) - This report proposes what a trusted digital wallet should aim to do.
* [Civic Secure Identity is now Civic Wallet](https://www.civic.com/blog/civic-secure-identity-is-now-civic-wallet/)
> We’re proud of the added functionality and product flow that we’ve built in Civic Wallet. With this improved user experience now in place, we will be removing Civic Secure Identity from app stores by the end of November and asking these users to download Civic Wallet.
* [Trinsic Introduces Interactive Connections in their Wallet & Platform](https://trinsic.id/interactive-connections/).
> Instead of a passive responder, the wallet holder is a peer who can initiate actions of their own. In addition, wallet holders can interact not only with institutions, but also with other wallet holders, to communicate securely and share verified information [using DIDComm V1].
* [Operationalizing Digital Relationships](https://www.windley.com/archives/2020/11/operationalizing_digital_relationships.shtml)
> An SSI wallet provides a place for people to stand in the digital realm. Using the wallet, people can operationalize their digital relationships as peers with others online.
* [An Introduction to the Trinsic Wallet](https://trinsic.id/an-introduction-to-the-trinsic-wallet/)
> When an organization requests information from an end user, the end user can decide whether to accept or reject the request. If the request is accepted, the wallet will find the relevant data from all of their credentials that is needed to fulfill the request.
* [GlobalID](https://medium.com/global-id/the-gid-report-134-doj-challenges-visa-plaid-ssi-is-hot-stuff-f7811bdda7cd) quoting the [Harvard Blog](https://blogs.harvard.edu/vrm/2020/11/02/ssi-2/): “*The easiest tool to imagine is a wallet or a wallet app (here’s one) with some kind of dashboard.*”
> It’s understandable then why Civic is phasing out it’s identity app and merging it into its wallet. (Which further validates GlobaliD’s current path.)
* [Selv identity wallet](https://github.com/iotaledger/selv-mobile)
* [Indicio is a finalist for the DHS Digital Wallets User Interface Challenge.](https://www.challenge.gov/challenge/trusted-user-interface-for-digital-wallets-challenge/)
> The goal of the DHS Challenge is to design a user interface (UI) so that the process of using a wallet to access and perform these functions is clear, intuitive, consistent, and efficient.
This contest was announced in September and had a very tight turnaround. You can see the.
* [Identity Wallets & eIDAS 2.0](https://stateofidentity.libsyn.com/identity-wallets-eidas-20) State of Identity
What role will public vs. private institutions play in the rollout of eIDAS 2.0 wallets? On this week’s State of Identity podcast, host Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Marcel Wendt, CTO & Founder of Digidentity. The duo discusses the looming impact of eIDAS 2.0 on digital identity globally, how to keep data secure when verifying the identity of individuals and businesses online, and the European Union's clear vision for where digital identity is headed].
* [W3C CCG Digital Wallet Protocols Analysis](https://docs.google.com/document/d/139dTcWp28LePAQjrA1uXVy4d154B22Y2d-vn5GvIaec/edit%23heading%3Dh.wkav55i452ux)
* [Verifiable Credentials Wallets for Learning and Employment](https://info.jff.org/digital-wallets) Jobs for the Future
* [Wallet Survey](https://info.jff.org/cs/c/?cta_guid%3Df5a9c8e1-96bc-4975-8222-1a9287004ef6%26signature%3DAAH58kFdJ1COK9BlGdAqSf0jPZoGf8klWw%26pageId%3D67386986801%26placement_guid%3D0f76ec2a-e3f0-4475-9c19-98a6bf797491%26click%3Dc0a06731-2b1f-462f-ad3e-53424b190dbc%26hsutk%3D%26canon%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Finfo.jff.org%252Fdigital-wallets%26portal_id%3D19545115%26redirect_url%3DAPefjpGla1hvnHgKsx6ZSTsSbyDt8qBnp0QFIgUQgqJMqNLtHeiH_nsOlwVp1otzPJapH9BfPFDeyQHfY7u29aiIPrYsqHKVp4ruqsMnZn4hVtkomtSXXMibn0WJMJTkS1TGYAxX_xrWTbxgdsaAek98q7p6i19fyBPdnkkbwmU47Ns0i3mm2U5Fzl0IVu8YN_FNgBbINMtc3O97B9Qz3UqQ1fuorjGlcg)
Skills-based practices make pathways to good careers more accessible to a wider segment of the workforce by focusing on what workers can do, not on the degrees or certifications they’ve earned. The verifiable credentials wallets highlighted in this market scan give learners and workers the tools they need to communicate the totality of their skills and abilities and translate their achievements into future opportunities.
* [...]
We narrowed the field from hundreds of digital wallets to those that workers and learners can use to store and share their verifiable credentials.
* [A Business Trip with FlexID SSID](https://medium.com/@kudzigeorge/a-business-trip-with-flexid-ssid-7aff5407fb28) Kudzaishe George Zharare
In the offline world, we typically store credentials in a physical wallet — it keeps them all in one place, protects them by keeping them close to our body, and makes them easy to carry around and access when we need them. The job of a digital wallet is no different:
1. Store your credentials, keys/keycards, bills/receipts, etc
2. Protect them from theft or prying eyes.
3. Keep them handy — easily available and portable across all your devices.
* [Self Sovereign Identity through Thrivacy Wallet](https://irishtechnews.ie/sovereign-identity-thrivacy-wallet-gordon-jones/) Dr Gordon Jones
“Blockchain Ethics: A Bridge to Abundance” (2018) and “Re-Generation X” (2020) not only discuss the benefits of blockchain technology, but also capture Jamil’s experience on how he has transitioned from being a loyal yet downsized former corporate employee to a self sovereign individual.
* [Trust In Your Wallet](https://findy-network.github.io/blog/2022/04/27/trust-in-your-wallet/) Findy Agency
* [Finnish Trust Network](https://www.kyberturvallisuuskeskus.fi/en/our-activities/regulation-and-supervision/electronic-identification) consists of “strong electronic identification” providers. The concept means proving one’s identity in electronic services that meets specific requirements laid down by Finnish law. The identity providers are required to implement multi-factor authentication to authenticate the users.
* [Digital Wallets and Migration Policy: A Critical Intersection](https://www.bosch-stiftung.de/en/publication/digital-wallets-and-migration-policy-critical-intersection) ([Download](https://www.bosch-stiftung.de/sites/default/files/publications/pdf/2022-06/Digital%2520Wallets%2520and%2520Migration%2520Policy.pdf)
In cross-border and migration contexts, digital wallets promise to have wide ranging implications for global governance, especially in identity management and finance. In this brief Margie Cheesman outlines use cases as well as concerns and risks when it comes to their adoption in the migration sector.
* [OpenWallet Foundation](https://www.sakimura.org/2022/09/5013/) Nat Zone
The formation of the OpenWallet Foundation was announced at the Open Source Summit held in Dublin on the evening of the 14th. The OpenWallet Foundation is an open source wallet based on standard protocols
* [The Launchpad: Introducing the new ID Wallet](https://medium.com/global-id/the-launchpad-introducing-the-new-id-wallet-5bbb34541462) Global ID
As the user-facing [part of the Trust Triangle](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-101-what-is-the-trust-triangle-260e85e1c640), your ID Wallet should be beautiful, secure, and convenient.
* [An Identity Wallet Bill of Rights - Starting With the Mobile Driver License](https://blog.spruceid.com/an-identity-wallet-bill-of-rights/) Spruce Systems
Spruce’s continued mission is to let users control their data across the web, whether it’s web2, web3, or beyond. This also applies to credentials issued by existing entities, such as the Mobile Driver License (mDL) issued by motor vehicle authorities across the world.
* [Global ID: Introducing our new ID Wallet](https://medium.com/global-id/future-proof-ep-22-introducing-our-new-id-wallet-5d190fd984b2) FUTURE PROOF
Our biggest product release in some time, our new ID Wallet is a core pillar of our mission to enable anyone to create and own their digital identity. We spoke with GlobaliD’s Trey Steinhoff to discuss the launch.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user