cleanup \organization

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⧉ infominer 2023-06-25 04:38:05 +05:30
parent 1ba291bb8e
commit 1cb53ab49a
19 changed files with 151 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ published: true
## Explainer
* [Fixing Aid | Can blockchain help fix the I.D. problem for a billion people?]( 2022-03-31 The New Humanitarian
* [Fixing Aid - Can blockchain help fix the I.D. problem for a billion people?]( 2022-03-31 The New Humanitarian
> When forced to flee your home from one moment to the next, grabbing birth certificates, school diplomas, and other papers that prove you are who you say you are might not be the first thing that comes to mind. And without those credentials, everything is more difficult when it comes to starting a new life or picking up the pieces of an old one: applying for asylum, applying for a job, or registering to receive aid and other kinds of support.
* [Ukraine: Why centralized Identity systems can cause a problem]( 2022-02-25 Andreas Freitag
> Let's imagine a country that has a modern digital identity infrastructure. Citizens can use it to identify themselves online and offline, communicate with authorities online, they can quickly log into private services and websites and any documents can be created and digitally signed.

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-16
> A paradigm shift towards a Known Traveller Digital Identity concept will radically transform the way in which legitimate travellers are securely and seamlessly facilitated across borders and bring to life the ideas discussed in Digital Borders. The concept focuses on the use of traveller-managed digital identities, which will enable governments, in partnership with industry leaders and passengers, to conduct pre-vetting risk assessment and security procedures to enhance the seamless flow of travellers through borders. Security officials will redirect attention and resources to identifying threats, thus contributing to improved geopolitical security worldwide. The Known Traveller Digital Identity concept provides multiple applications for government and industry, across and beyond the travel and tourism sector, to provide more personalized and value-added services to travellers
## Projects
* [Video] [Traveller ID Ecosystem | ProofSpace x RateTiger Integration]( 2022-08-31 ProofSpace
* [Video] [Traveller ID Ecosystem - ProofSpace x RateTiger Integration]( 2022-08-31 ProofSpace
> Guests can reclaim, re-use and protect their personal data, the "Traveller ID", within the ecosystem of participating hotels.
> The Traveller ID and other credentials in this solution are Atala PRISM Verifiable Credentials on Cardano blockchain - a global first for hospitality.

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
date: 2019-03-11
title: Bitcoin Identity Standards and Applications
title: "ION + BTCR: Bitcoin and Self Sovereign Identity"
excerpt: >
The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field.
layout: single
toc: false
image: /images/btcr-header.webp
teaser: /images/bitcoin-1813503_madartzgraphics.webp
@ -15,91 +14,76 @@ redirect_from:
- id-initiatives/bitcoin/
- id-initiatives/bitcoin
categories: ["Blockchains"]
tags: ["Bitcoin","Blockchain","Microsoft","History","ION","BTCR","XDI","W3C","Ethereum","RWoT"]
last_modified_at: 2020-01-07
tags: ["Bitcoin","Blockchain","Microsoft","History","ION","BTCR","XDI","RWoT"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-25
[Panel Discussion on Decentralized Identity at Bitcoin Wednesday](
> This excellent panel discussion on decentralized identity capped off an evening of presentations during Bitcoin Wednesday held at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam on 7 November, 2018.
> - Martin Riedel of Civic,
> - Orfeas Litos of the University of Edinburgh,
> - Moritz Neto of Tenzorum,
> - Michael Mainelli of Z/Yen and
> - Eric Tang of LivePeer.
## ION
## Early History in using Bitcoin for Digital Identity
* [How Decentralized Identifiers and Bitcoin Fix the Web]( 2021-10-13 Bitcoin Magazine
> On October 4, 2021, Facebook, along with WhatsApp and Instagram, [disappeared from the internet](
> Their DNS names stopped resolving, and their infrastructure IPs were offline. They were completely disconnected from the internet. At the same time, it was reported that [1.5 billion people allegedly had their personal data stolen from Facebook]( and posted for sale.
* [Microsoft is launching the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the bitcoin blockchain.]( 2021-09-13 Coindesk
> “To have Microsoft say they are not scared of bitcoin, and in fact, it has some very good properties and we are willing to take advantage of those properties, is, I think, a step in the right direction.”
* [ION 101-401: what is ION (the public, permissionless DID network), how can you use it today, and what comes next](,_permissionless_DID_network),_how_can_you_use_it_today,_and_what_comes_next) 2021-05-06 Daniel Buchner (Microsoft)
> - Decentralization of did:ion if anchoring transactions are batched by an operator: its possible to choose the operator or to incur the cost of anchoring the transactions. Furthermore, the operator doesnt gain access to the private key.
> - ION delivers: massive scale, cost efficiency (despite running on the bitcoin network - best case if bitcoin a transaction costs 100 USD one action costs 1 cent), decentralized & flexible, decentralized registries
> - ION has a type system so that DIDs can be used, e.g. for software packages, vehicles, … This makes it possible to make the centralized data repositories that we rely on today, npm registries etc., to be fully decentralized. This is a Sidetree feature that is currently only used by ION.
> - DIF is currently working on personal data stores. Expected impact on private messaging, social media, gig services, ..
> - ION is live and in production today
> - Ion-tools is a selection of tools to interact with the ION network: [](
> - Resilience of ION: Its pointed out that not only Bitcoin needs to survive attacks but also the IPFS network as both are required for ION to work properly. With Bitcoin it looks unlikely that its currently possible to reverse transactions on the network. However, with IPFS data can be unpinned and potentially disappear from the network.
* [ION We Have Liftoff!]( 2021-03-25
> We are excited to share that v1 of [ION]( is complete and has been launched on Bitcoin mainnet. We have deployed an ION node to our production infrastructure and are working together with other companies and organizations to do so as well. ION does not rely on centralized entities, trusted validators, or special protocol tokens ION answers to no one but you, the community. Because ION is an open, permissionless system, anyone can run an ION node, in fact the more nodes in operation, the stronger the network becomes. Development of ION, and the Sidetree standard ION is based on, takes place in the [Decentralized Identity Foundation]( (DIF). Read on to learn how you can integrate ION, DIDs, and Verifiable Credentials in your applications and services.
* [Introduction to Ion a layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers with Bitcoin - Daniel Buchner]( 2019-06-13 SSI Meetup
> Microsoft presented in May 2019 in New York the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the Bitcoin blockchain called Ion. Daniel Buchner, who is leading this initiative at Microsoft and a founding member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation, will discuss the culture at Microsoft, how decentralized identity works with Bitcoin and what you need to know to use the Bitcoin blockchain for non-financial transactions.
> Ion handles the decentralized identifiers, which control the ability to prove you own the keys to this data.
* [Introduction to Ion a layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers with Bitcoin]( 2019-06-13 Daniel Buchner, SSI Meetup
> Microsoft presented in May 2019 in New York the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the Bitcoin blockchain called Ion. Daniel Buchner, who is leading this initiative at Microsoft and a founding member of the Decentralized Identity Foundation, will discuss the culture at Microsoft, how decentralized identity works with Bitcoin and what you need to know to use the Bitcoin blockchain for non-financial transactions.
* [Daniel Buchner on Why Microsoft is Building Decentralised IDs on Bitcoin]( 2019-05-17 What Bitcoin Did
> During blockchain week in New York, Microsoft announced the launch of their decentralised identity programme which will use the Bitcoin blockchain to create user identifiers. In this episode, I talk with Daniel Buchner, who is leading this initiative at Microsoft, we discuss the culture at Microsoft, how decentralised IDs work and the ethics of using the Bitcoin blockchain for non-financial transactions.
* [Toward scalable decentralized identifier systems]( 2019-05-13 Microsoft
> Todays post is the next step in realizing our vision for the future of decentralized identities, [which we laid out last year]( We believe every person needs a decentralized, digital identity they own and control, backed by self-owned identifiers that enable secure, privacy preserving interactions. This self-owned identity must seamlessly integrate into their lives and put them at the center of everything they do in the digital world.
* [Decentralized Identity - Own and control your identity]( 2018-09-24 Microsoft Identity Whitepaper
> Microsoft cloud identity systems already empower developers, organizations, and billions of people to work, play, and achieve more, but theres so much more we can do to create a world where each of us, even in displaced populations, can pursue our life goals, including educating our children, improving our quality of life, and starting a business.
* [Identity protocol v1]( - bitcoin wiki
* [Bitnation taps Blockchain tech to aid Refugees](
### Code
* [decentralized-identity/ion]( 2023-05-20 DIF
> ION is a public, permissionless, Decentralized Identifier (DID) network that implements the blockchain-agnostic Sidetree protocol on top of Bitcoin (as a 'Layer 2' overlay) to support DIDs/DPKI (Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure) at scale.
* [Install Guide]( 2023-01-26 DIF
> An implementation of the Sidetree protocol atop the Bitcoin blockchain.
* [ion-integration-test]( 2022-03-18
> An integration test script that helps verify that the sidetree microservices are working properly.
* [ion-sdk]( 2023-06-21
> TypeScript SDK for ION
* [ion-tools]( 2023-06-23
> Tools and utilities to make working with the ION network and using ION DIDs easy peasy lemon squeezy
[BTCR Project - OKim's Razor](
> BTCR is a Decentralized Identifier (DID) method specification based on the bitcoin blockchain. I helped develop the initial versions of the BTCR method specification and implementations.
> Its completely open source, so you can experiment with the BTCR playground (which demonstrates BTCR DID lookup and creation), supporting libraries, and specifications around resolving BTCR DIDs. This is a community effort, and if youd like to be involved, please let me know (@kimdhamilton on twitter).
[BTCR DID Method Updates]( by Kim Hamilton Duffy
> The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) is designed as a minimal, secure, and open Decentralized Identifier (DID) method anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain. DIDs are an interoperable locator for identity that does not require permission from anyone else. The BTCR method specifically is fully open source — not tied to a commercial vendor — which makes it a valuable vendor-agnostic demonstration of the emerging DID specification.
[![]({{ site.baseurl }}/images/btcr.webp)](
* [BTCR DID Method]( • [source]( - WORK ITEM: BTCR DID Method Spec did:btcr:
* The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field. No other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) would be placed on the immutable blockchain.
* [BTCR DID Resolver Specification](
* [BTCR DID Method]( • [source](
* The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field. No other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) would be placed on the immutable blockchain.
* [The BTCR DID Method playground]( 2019-11-14 Rebooting Web of Trust
* [BTCR DID Resolver Specification]( 2018-04-17 Rebooting Web of Trust
> This describes the process of resolving a BTCR DID into a DID Document. The draft reference implementation is available at []( (see didFormatter.js). Note not all steps described in this document are implemented yet.
> See the [BTCR playground]( for a live demonstration. The BTCR playground uses the draft reference implementation BTCR DID resolver.
* [BTCR DID Method](
> The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) supports DIDs on the public Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin Reference method has minimal design goals: a DID trust anchor based on the Bitcoin blockchain, updates publicly visible and auditable via Bitcoin transactions, and optionally, additional DID Document information referenced in the transaction OP_RETURN data field. No other Personal Identifiable Information (PII) would be placed on the immutable blockchain.
* [btcr tx conversion playground](
* [WebOfTrustInfo/](
* [WebOfTrustInfo/btcr-did-tools-js](
* [WebOfTrustInfo/btcr-hackathon]( - Virtual hackathon to create spec and code for Bitcoin-based Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)
* [BTCR v0.1 Decisions]( by Kim Hamilton Duffy, Christopher Allen, Dan Pape (01/19)
> The Bitcoin Reference (BTCR) DID method supports DIDs using the Bitcoin blockchain. This method has been under development through Rebooting Web of Trust events and hackathons over the past year. The BTCR method's reliance on the Bitcoin blockchain presents both advantages and design challenges. During RWOT7, the authors made a number of design and implementation decisions -- largely scope-cutting in nature -- in order to lock down a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version, which we'll refer to as v0.1. This paper documents those decisions, which will apply to the upcoming v0.1 BTCR method specification and associated v0.1 BTCR reference implementation.
* [DIDs Demystified: A hands-on intro to DIDs via the BTCR DID Method Kim Hamilton Duffy Webinar 5](
### About BTCR
* [BTCR DID Method Updates]( 2019-07-01 Kim Hamilton Duffy
> The Bitcoin Reference DID method (did:btcr) is designed as a minimal, secure, and open Decentralized Identifier (DID) method anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain. DIDs are an interoperable locator for identity that does not require permission from anyone else. The BTCR method specifically is fully open source — not tied to a commercial vendor — which makes it a valuable vendor-agnostic demonstration of the emerging DID specification.
* [DIDs Demystified: A hands-on intro to DIDs via the BTCR DID Method Kim Hamilton Duffy Webinar 5]( 2018-06-01 Kim Hamilton Duffy SSI Meetup
> This talk will demystify Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) via the simple Bitcoin Reference (BTCR) DID Method. Kim will introduce the basics of DIDs and show how they work in action through demos of the creation/updating and resolution process in BTCR. Well build on this knowledge by discussing advanced features enabled by DIDs, along with a brief survey of other DID methods. By the end of the talk, youll be able to create and resolve your own BTCR DIDs through the live BTCR playground.
* [First XDI Link Contract between "btcr" DID and "sov" DID]( by Markus Sabadello
<center><iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
<a href="" title="DIDs Demystified: A hands-on intro to DIDs via the Bitcoin Reference (BTCR) DID Method" target="_blank">DIDs Demystified: A hands-on intro to DIDs via the Bitcoin Reference (BTCR) DID Method</a>
## ION
[Microsoft is launching the first decentralized infrastructure implementation by a major tech company that is built directly on the bitcoin blockchain.](
> “To have Microsoft say they are not scared of bitcoin, and in fact, it has some very good properties and we are willing to take advantage of those properties, is, I think, a step in the right direction.”
<center><iframe src="//" width="595" height="485" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe></center>
[Introduction to Ion a layer 2 network for Decentralized Identifiers with Bitcoin - Daniel Buchner]( • [Video](
* [Toward scalable decentralized identifier systems]( (ION ANN)
> Todays post is the next step in realizing our vision for the future of decentralized identities, [which we laid out last year]( We believe every person needs a decentralized, digital identity they own and control, backed by self-owned identifiers that enable secure, privacy preserving interactions. This self-owned identity must seamlessly integrate into their lives and put them at the center of everything they do in the digital world.
* [Decentralized Identity - Own and control your identity]( - Microsoft Identity Whitepaper
* [decentralized-identity/ion](
* [Aries and ION: Two Different Perspectives of Decentralized Identity in Blockchain Applications](
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>
{% include video id="agPVWVe0p3Q" provider="youtube" %}
## Spidchain
* "offers a platform for self-sovereign identity, including desktop and mobile apps for end-users. It uses Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - backed by optionally Bitcoin or Ethereum - to implement a marketplace for verifiable claims. The Spidchain applications allow individuals to create, recover, and revoke DIDs, to authenticate, to sign and verify files and claims, and more."
### Spidchain Bitcoin Repos
* [SpidChain/spidchain-btcr]( - An implementation of the btcr standard for self sovereign distributed digital identity
* [SpidChain/electrumx]( Forked from kyuupichan/electrumx
- Alternative implementation of spesmilo/electrum-server
* [SpidChain/btcr-spv]( - Poc of an SPV implementation of BTCR
* [SpidChain/satoshis-wheel-of-fortune]( - Pick a name from a list randomly in a provably honest way
* [SpidChain/txref-conversion-js]( - Forked from [WebOfTrustInfo/txref-conversion-js](
- Javascript library for converting txids to txrefs and back
* [First XDI Link Contract between "btcr" DID and "sov" DID]( 2017-10-02 Markus Sabadello
> We describe an XDI link contract established between two XDI peers, one of which is identified by a btcr DID, and one by a sov DID. We believe this is the first working example of cross-DID-method data sharing and messaging.
## Prior Work
* [Bitnation taps Blockchain tech to aid Refugees]( 2015-09-09 NewsBTC
> According to its website, the BRER is a humanitarian aid project of BitNation to facilitate and provide emergency services and humanitarian aid to refugees during the European Refugee Crisis of September 2015. But while some bitcoin companies have made use mostly of the cryptocurrency to funnel donations, BitNation is focusing on the applications of the distributed public ledger.
* [Identity protocol v1]( 2015-05-14 bitcoin wiki
> tl;dr: A “master public key” generated by the user forms the root of digital trust.

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-09
> We at Validated ID have been betting on EBSI since the beginning. We started working to become conformant wallet providers since the very first version of [Wallet Conformance Tests (WCT)]( was published. The process of preparing our solution to become conformant has allowed us to appreciate how remarkable EBSI's work has been.
* [VIDchain is the first ID wallet to become EBSI compliant]( 2022-01-07 ValidatedID
* Validated ID participates in a project to build the [European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)]( for the support of cross-border public services, an initiative created by the European Commission. EBSI is developing a strong and mature ecosystem that Validated ID is proud to be part of.
* [Early Adopters Programme | Imagining what EBSI can do for European citizens]( 2022-03
* [Early Adopters Programme - Imagining what EBSI can do for European citizens]( 2022-03
> In 2021, 22 projects were selected to become part of our incubator programme to help tap into the potential of the EBSI infrastructure. Each project's private and public sector partners was given early access to the pre-production environment of EBSI, and was invited to develop their own pilot project to address a specific business or government use case involving the exchange of verifiable credentials.
> With the help with the EBSI team, Early Adopters can identify how to connect their systems, be part of a community and collaborate with other Early Adopters. This will help us improve EBSI's services and ensure it meets the needs of Europe's businesses and public administrations, within and across borders.

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Next Generation Internet (NGI) The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative aim
> After a tough competition among overall excellent proposals, eSSIF-LAB selected the 4 most promising proposals out of 42 submitted applications. 161 applications were started altogether, from 22 different countries. This booklet gives an overview of the 4 Open Calls subgrantee projects started within the infrastructure-oriented and the business-oriented track of eSSIF-Lab.
* [Video] [NGI Forward SALON ON DIGITAL SOVEREIGNTY IN eID-Solutions2:Self-sovereign, Centralised or Privatised](
> We are in a very interesting historical moment where forces (and solid arguments) for centralization and forces (and solid arguments) for decentralization seem to hold each other in check. Without a clear vision on identity, society will have no agency since the capability to produce future value (data) is not under regional, nor national, nor international regulated control
* [Alex Norta | NGI Explorers Third Expedition: meet the Explorers](
* [Alex Norta - NGI Explorers Third Expedition: meet the Explorers](
> Meet [Alex Norta](, associate professor at TalTech who talks about his project “Self-sovereign multi-factor identity authentication using smart-contract blockchain technology”, that will be carried out in collaboration with the University of Central Florida
## eSSIF-Lab

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
date: 2021-04-16
title: Hyperledger Ursa
description: "A shared cryptographic library that enables projects to avoid duplicating cryptographic work across projects, increasing security in the process."
excerpt: >

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ layout: single
permalink: /organizations/decentralized-identity-foundation/wg/sidetree/
canonical_url: ''
categories: ["Open Source Projects"]
tags: ["DIF","Sidetree"]
tags: ["DIF","Sidetree","ION"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12

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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ toc_sticky: true
## General
* [curated list] [Peacekeeper's Blockchain and Identity]( 2021-11-23
* [Three approaches to Self-Sovereign Identity based on blockchain]( 2021-10-20 Rosario De Chiara Coinmonks
> The third approach is, in a way, derived from the previous one, and is the one pursued by [uPort/Serto]( the blockchain has one single registry that tracks down just the revocation of credentials,
* [Identity Blockchains and Energy Consumption]( 2021-10-19 Indicio
A decentralized network using a blockchain-based distributed ledger means you can use [Peer DIDs]( to move most “transactions” and their cryptographic proofing off ledger. This means that for those peer-to-peer interactions, identity blockchains dont need to do any ledger transactions at all.
* [Legitimacy and Decentralized Systems]( 2021-04 Windley

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ toc_sticky: true
> All forms of face recognition are a menace to privacy, free speech, and racial justice. This post explores many of the various kinds of face recognition, and explains why all must be addressed by laws.
* [the link between biometrics and PII needs careful management]( 2021-09-01 Daniel Hardman
My takeaway: Instead of putting PII and biometrics in the same database, we need to put them in different places, but prove that there's a link between the holder of a biometric cred and the holder of other PII. I see companies like iRespond doing this, but I also seem some biometric applications that are more troubling.
* [This is the real story of the Afghan biometric databases abandoned to the Taliban | MIT Technology Review]( 2021-08-30
* [This is the real story of the Afghan biometric databases abandoned to the Taliban - MIT Technology Review]( 2021-08-30
* [Afghans scramble to delete digital history, evade biometrics]( 2021-08-17 Context News
> Thousands of Afghans struggling to ensure the physical safety of their families after the Taliban took control of the country have an additional worry: that biometric databases and their own digital history can be used to track and target them.
* [Sexism in Facial Recognition Technology]( 2021-05-05 Berkman Klien Center

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
## Gain
* [Panel | Bringing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) to Reality](
* [Panel - Bringing the Global Assured Identity Network (GAIN) to Reality](
These may seem off-topic but Bill Wendell has been engaged with the VRM and IIW community for well over a decade - He has some great ideas on how to reform/transform the real-estate industry with ideas/models our community has been discussing. If you are looking for an opportunity to collaborate and build something transformative I would reach out to him.

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@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ The Object Management Group is exploring potential issues and opportunities for
- Updates on new products and standards like FIDO that can make authentication both more secure and easier to use for industry and government alike
- Discussions on what can be done to drive better identity in America
* [NGI Forward Salon: Digital Sovereignty in eID-Solutions | Part 1](
* [NGI Forward Salon: Digital Sovereignty in eID-Solutions - Part 1](
* [February 11, 2021 @ 4:30 pm 6:00 pm CET](
> German administration is under time pressure due to the implementation requirement of the (Online Access Act) OZG by the end of 2022. Without authenticated citizen accounts that individuals can use to log in to the electronic administration, fully digitized communication between the administration and citizens or companies is impossible. The rollout of OZG services is therefore directly linked to the rollout of digital identities. In a European electronic government network (Single Digital Gateway), interoperable solutions not only make economic sense, but are also a legal requirement.
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ Could blockchain enabled self-sovereign identification be a game changer in ever
Self-issued OpenID Provider (SIOP) Update Kristina Yasuda Microsoft
* [NL Research Seminars | Self-Sovereign Identity and Storage]( Nomadic Labs Nov 2
* [NL Research Seminars - Self-Sovereign Identity and Storage]( Nomadic Labs Nov 2
The Nomadic Labs Research Seminars series is dedicated to promoting and discussing the extensive list of Tezos research and development projects.

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@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Implement the pallets based on Substrate
* [Technical Writer | Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada]( DIACC 2022-08-08
* [Technical Writer - Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada]( DIACC 2022-08-08
The Digital Identification & Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) is seeking a Technical Writer to support the DIACC [Pan-Canadian Trust Framework]( (PCTF). This is a 20-30 hours per week remote position with the potential to grow into a full-time role and can be performed from anywhere. This position is intended to be ongoing (long-term) in support of the development and maintenance life cycle of the PCTF.

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ The global market for identity and access management was $9.53 billion USD in 20
Decentralized Identity has gone international! In this weeks GIMS, well talk about some of the most exciting projects and some of the lessons learned from around the globe.
* [Decentralized Identity Market See Huge Growth for New Normal | Microsoft, Accenture, Persistent]( Digital Journal
* [Decentralized Identity Market See Huge Growth for New Normal - Microsoft, Accenture, Persistent]( Digital Journal
Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

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@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ No blockchain fulfills all those requirements and some none at all. And this is
This was a session to discuss the topics I brought up in my article on the authentic data economy:
* [The Authentic Data Economy. Universal Digital Trust at Global Scale | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 | Medium](
* [The Authentic Data Economy. Universal Digital Trust at Global Scale | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 - Medium](
With each successive wave of computerization the new innovations built on the last. Each one taking more of human-scale processes and shrinking them down and putting them into computers and eventually online. The authentic data economy isnt any different. It leverages data collection and networking and personal computing advances. It makes our data ours and authentic. It builds on all of the previous work done by countless engineers and inventors and dreamers. However, by being the last big problem it represents the final piece that brings together everything that came before it. The scope of the authentic data economy is literally everything in the human sphere. There is nothing that this wont change. Trust will go everywhere and into everything. But most importantly, so will privacy.
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ Linking data together is about machine readability. Involved humans… need to u
* [Making The Intention Economy happen]( by Doc Searls (& Customer Commons)
* [The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge | Berkman Klein Center](
* [The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge - Berkman Klein Center](
* [](

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ By introducing decentralization, there is an opportunity for dApp developers to
Decentralization is a commonly misunderstood concept. For example, it is sometimes said that the reason cryptonetwork advocates favor decentralization is to resist government censorship, or because of libertarian political views. These are not the main reasons decentralization is important.
* [A Unified Theory of Decentralization | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 | The Startup](
* [A Unified Theory of Decentralization | by 𝔡𝔴𝔥 - The Startup](
It is common to [hear people say that “decentralized” describes what a distributed system is]( [not]( [instead of what it is]( However, when using the word “decentralized” they typically mean something more than just the organization of the network. To them it implies a partitioning of the services, governance, and overall power structure to prevent any one entity, or user, from controlling others in the system. It then follows that a fully decentralized system — among many other things — atomizes the power structure to the smallest possible unit and distributes it out to the edges where it is under direct user control.

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ When you create your metaverse avatar, who owns it? Is it yours, or does the pla
When comparing Meta — [formerly Facebook]( — and Microsofts approaches to the metaverse, its clear Microsoft has a much more grounded and realistic vision. Although Meta currently leads in the provision of virtual reality (VR) devices (through its ownership of what was previously called Oculus), Microsoft is adapting technologies that are currently more widely used. 2021-10-28
* [The metaverse is coming for your biometric and health data]( Disruptive Asia
* [The Social Web3 | Protocols for a Digital Society | POAP, Lens Protocol, Disco.XYZ]( Bankless
* [The Social Web3 | Protocols for a Digital Society - POAP, Lens Protocol, Disco.XYZ]( Bankless
Web3 social media? Decentralized identity? Digital society in the metaverse? On this episode, we unpack the future social world in the metaverse and the protocols that will help shape it.

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
# Web3 ID
* [Web3 Reputation Market Map]( Kerman Kohil
* [3 Types of Passwordless Authentication for Web 3.0]( MagicLabs
> Passwordless authentication is a fundamental shift in how people will access their tools and information online, and it will provide more security, prevent billions in losses, and create greater transparency.
* [How Web 3.0 Will Connect Humans, Machines, and AI to Transform the World](
> MSFT Explains: [Decentralized identity: The Direct Presentation model](
> MSFT Explains: [Decentralized identity: The Direct Presentation model](\
> The technical name for the model at work here is called the Direct Presentation model. A credential is issued, and then held for a long period of time with intermittent voluntary presentations to many different verifiers. To put that back into our example, my auto club issues me a card, which I hold in my wallet for years (maybe decades!), and I might choose to show that card to a garage when I need a tow, or possibly to a store to get a discount.
* [Inventories, Not Identities • Why multisigs are the future of online accounts]( Kei Kreutler
> Whether its the enforcement of legal identities, platform lock-in, or more implicit social norms, the logic of individualized identity was baked into web 2.0. With the advent of web 3.0, we have a chance to do things differently.
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> We've entered the “in it for the tech” phase.
> Attention now shifts to builders and a heads down mentality can lead to the creation of some of the most intriguing Web3 companies to date.
* [Introducing Sign-in with Web3 — Building a Non-Custodial World]( Web3Auth
> In a much needed multi-chain extension to Sign-in with Ethereum, users will now be able to control their digital identity with their Ethereum/ENS, Solana, and Starknet accounts instead of relying on traditional/custodial profiles.
* [Building a Consent Management System for Web 3.0]( Affinidi
> Affinidis consent manager has a simple architecture as it comprises only a few modules and this is what makes it easy to implement across any application stack.
* [Citopia Self-Sovereign Digital Twins™ (#SSDTs) enable trusted identity & data autonomy in the #Web3 economy](
* [Decentralized Identity and Web3]( SpruceID
> With current technologies, we can have a user sign-in using their keys (e.g. [Sign-In with Ethereum](, have [credentials issued]( to their identifier (and store them), and use capabilities to retrieve and present those credentials.
* [Web3Auth partners with Polygon Studios to bring seamless logins to the Polygon ecosystem]( Torus Labs
> Web3Auth aggregates OAuth (Google, Twitter, Discord) logins, different wallets, and existing key management solutions, and provides dApps/wallets a familiar experience that fits every user. Mobile, web, and blockchain agnostic, Web3Auth fits right into your application or wallet.
* [3 Types of Passwordless Authentication for Web 3.0]( MagicLabs
> Passwordless authentication is a fundamental shift in how people will access their tools and information online, and it will provide more security, prevent billions in losses, and create greater transparency.
* [Identity and Web3]( auth0
> A key opportunity Web3 presents in the identity space is the ability to interact with a user's blockchain data. This presents two benefits: enriching user profiles and streamlining the login process with federated logins using storage wallets.
* [Ethereum's Identity Layer - Impact of Ethereum Presentation]( Spruce ID
> We had the opportunity to present on Ethereum's Identity Layer, covering the evolution of decentralized identity, and how Ethereum presents an incredible opportunity for users to truly own and control their identity and data. Check out that talk in this post.
* [OAuth 2.0 meets VCs + ETH]( [slides] Sophie Project
* [Three approaches to Self-Sovereign Identity based on blockchain](
> The third approach is, in a way, derived from the previous one, and is the one pursued by [uPort/Serto]( the blockchain has one single registry that tracks down just the revocation of credentials,
* [The Four Pillars of Tokenized Identity]( Civic
> If you are considering integrating tokenized identity into your protocol, seek out a model that meets these requirements.
* [Crafting a “no-bs” SSI platform]( Aditya Santhanarn
> Lets look at a few pointers that I believe make it hard for the web3 protocols to work for businesses and users in general
* [Understanding Decentralized Identities (DIDs) and Why They Matter for Web 3.0 Mass Adoption]( TechBullion
> All in all, the exponential rise in cases of data breaches and hacks on Web 2.0 applications, calls for a new system that protects users data and privacy on the internet. Additionally, the rapid growth of the decentralized internet means that digital identities are becoming more important than ever as users turn to virtual worlds and metaverses in future.
* [SSI and Music in Web 3.0](
> while our primary goals of financial disintermediation and inclusion are being realized in our existing projects, a greater long-term goal remains: to return to musicians and artists the control of their own data. Music publishing companies, record labels, performance rights organizations, and other industry intermediaries have had too much power for too long.
* [Decentralized Identifiers: Implications for Your Data, Payments and Communications]( Impervious - Chase Perkins
*Epic Content*
> Through the DID Specification, service endpoints and DIDComm, Impervious has interlaced DIDs with Bitcoin Lightning, IPFS, WebRTC and resilient relays to introduce a new peer-to-peer internet standard with practical applications for mitigating censorship and surveillance risk
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: The Jewel in the Web 3.0 Crown]( The Grow Group
> In sum, SSI saves time, enhances security, and returns personal data ownership to individuals, thereby lessening the power of GAFA [Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon].
* [#45 - Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho]( I ALSO Want Money
> Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Techs monopoly on Big Data - if its built the right way.
* [Own and verify your personal identity for web3]( RealID Eth
> If desired, create membership requirements based off of the attached identity (for instance, if you wanted to create an NFT collection that could only be minted by residents of New York City) without requiring users to give up their whole identity.
* [Web 3.0 and digital identity- (In Chinese)]( Fraser Edwards via Johnny Fry
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> A game changing, blockchain based, public utility layer, which makes it simple for people and organizations to exchange verifiable, immutable, trusted self-sovereign career credentials.
## SSI
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (w/ Fabian Vogelsteller & Constantin Kogan)](
> Constantin Kogan joins Fabian Vogelsteller, Ethereum developer, LUKSO founder, creator of Mist browser, web3.js, Feindura (CMS), ERC20, and ERC-725 protocols, and author of Meteor.js.
* [Podcast] [Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho]( 2022-02-25 I also want money
> Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Techs monopoly on Big Data - if its built the right way.
* [Decentralized Identifiers: Implications for Your Data, Payments and Communications]( Impervious - Chase Perkins
*Epic Content*
> Through the DID Specification, service endpoints and DIDComm, Impervious has interlaced DIDs with Bitcoin Lightning, IPFS, WebRTC and resilient relays to introduce a new peer-to-peer internet standard with practical applications for mitigating censorship and surveillance risk
* [Self-Sovereign Identity: The Jewel in the Web 3.0 Crown]( The Grow Group
> In sum, SSI saves time, enhances security, and returns personal data ownership to individuals, thereby lessening the power of GAFA [Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon].
* [#45 - Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho]( I ALSO Want Money
> Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Techs monopoly on Big Data - if its built the right way.
* [Understanding Decentralized Identities (DIDs) and Why They Matter for Web 3.0 Mass Adoption]( TechBullion
> All in all, the exponential rise in cases of data breaches and hacks on Web 2.0 applications, calls for a new system that protects users data and privacy on the internet. Additionally, the rapid growth of the decentralized internet means that digital identities are becoming more important than ever as users turn to virtual worlds and metaverses in future.
## Web3 ID Projects
* [Introducing Sign-in with Web3 — Building a Non-Custodial World]( Web3Auth
> In a much needed multi-chain extension to Sign-in with Ethereum, users will now be able to control their digital identity with their Ethereum/ENS, Solana, and Starknet accounts instead of relying on traditional/custodial profiles.
* [Citopia Self-Sovereign Digital Twins™ (#SSDTs) enable trusted identity & data autonomy in the #Web3 economy](
* [Web3Auth partners with Polygon Studios to bring seamless logins to the Polygon ecosystem]( Torus Labs
> Web3Auth aggregates OAuth (Google, Twitter, Discord) logins, different wallets, and existing key management solutions, and provides dApps/wallets a familiar experience that fits every user. Mobile, web, and blockchain agnostic, Web3Auth fits right into your application or wallet.
* [SSI and Music in Web 3.0]( 2021-02-09 Opulous
> while our primary goals of financial disintermediation and inclusion are being realized in our existing projects, a greater long-term goal remains: to return to musicians and artists the control of their own data. Music publishing companies, record labels, performance rights organizations, and other industry intermediaries have had too much power for too long.
* [A Devkit for Open Identity]( 3box IDX
*This is interesting, but they are taking on a huge amount of work without an [IPR]( container/wrapper).*
> Designed to be cross-platform and highly configurable, IDX is compatible with all blockchains, wallets, and a wide variety of user and application data storage options including Ceramic, Textile, OrbitDB, Filecoin, IPFS, and Secure Data Stores — so you can seamlessly integrate decentralized identity with the rest of your Web3 tech stack.
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> Give the organizations in your ecosystem a digital credential dashboard with your branding. Lower cost than building and maintaining your own dashboard.
* [Mapping the Web3 Identity Landscape]( Dommy.eth
> Now, when it comes to defining and verifying identity, a few distinct approaches pop up [Transactional Identity, Personal Identity, Collateralized Identity, Social Identity, Reputational Identity, Data Identity, Credentialing Services, Authentication]
* [Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #20 | Self-Sovereign Identity and Storage](
* [Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #20 - Self-Sovereign Identity and Storage](
> In this talk, Wayne reviews the results of support with Tezos addresses, use cases that have been deployed, Tezos DID methods and Tezos profiles. Wayne also gives an overview of the Trail of Bits audit.
* [Wean Yourself Off Your Wallet: Web3 Needs an Identity Layer]( Civic
> By incorporating the main components detailed above: DIDs, tokens and verifiable credentials, [](  is our proof of concept for an enriched identity layer on Web3, which goes beyond simple public keys and wallets.

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# Web3
* [Digital Identity Wallet: A place for your self-sovereign identity]( SSI Ambassador
> This article explains what a wallet is, how it works and how you can use it for managing your digital identity. While there are also wallets for institutions, this article only focuses on wallets for end users. The article also takes into consideration the revised eIDAS regulation including the European Digital Identity Wallet.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity (w/ Fabian Vogelsteller & Constantin Kogan)](
> Constantin Kogan joins Fabian Vogelsteller, Ethereum developer, LUKSO founder, creator of Mist browser, web3.js, Feindura (CMS), ERC20, and ERC-725 protocols, and author of Meteor.js.
* [Is Web3 bullshit?]( Max Read
* [Is Web3 bullshit?]( 2021-12-02 Max Read
> The only falsifiable prediction I'm willing to make is that ten years from now, Chris Dixon and the Winklevoss Twins will be much richer than me, and my quality of life will be the same, or worse.
* [5 Mental Models for Web3]( Bankless Chris Dixon
* [5 Mental Models for Web3]( 2021-11-01 Bankless Chris Dixon
> There are five essential mental models to understanding why Web3 matters, and they overlap often throughout the course of the conversation.
> Web3 has begun to impact all corners of digital culture, from media to finance, art and gaming, and even identity. Mental models allow for digestible thinking patterns to understand and predict the world, and Chris lays out how these new digital primitives are changing everything.
* [Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — A Bridge Between the Past and the Future](
> Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — A Bridge Between the Past and the Future Web 2.0 represents the Internet as we know it today and includes all the blogs, social media sites, shopping, news generation, and more! It is marked by user-generated content, interoperability across different services, usability, interactiveness, and high levels of participation.
* [How a Wikipedia editor]( ([Molly White]( [became one of the loudest Web3 skeptics]( Fast Company
* [Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — A Bridge Between the Past and the Future]( 2021-07-30 Affinidi
> What has really changed is the way we use existing infrastructure, and from this standpoint, its safe to say that its really the front-end that has seen the bulk of changes in web 2.0
* [How a Wikipedia editor (Molly White) became one of the loudest Web3 skeptics]( 2022-03-23 Fast Company
> I spoke with White via email about her views on Web3 fixtures such as DAOs (distributed autonomous organizations), cryptocurrencies, and NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Our conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
* [Web3, entangled: Holochain: a marlinspike to undo the knots](
> Moxie argues that protocols evolve slowly, while platforms evolve quickly. Thats because a platform can make decisions without waiting for a whole crowd of others to reach consensus. But heres the thing — some protocols dont need to evolve quickly. As long as a base protocol is versatile enough to let people create and express things in an unlimited range of fit-for-purpose application protocols, it can be as stale and boring as it likes. And its precisely the decentralisation, versatility, and stability of these base protocols — HTTP, email, and yes, Bitcoin and Ethereum — that allow platforms to innovate so quickly on top of them.
* [The Third Web]( 2021-12-17
> A good explanation and good critique of Web3
* [Web3: Self-Sovereign Authority and Self-Certifying Protocols]( Phil Windley
* [What is Web3? Here Are Some Ways To Explain It To A Friend]( Consensys
* [Framing and Self-Sovereignty in Web3]( Windley
* [Web3, entangled: Holochain: a marlinspike to undo the knots]( 2022-02-02
> As long as a base protocol is versatile enough to let people create and express things in an unlimited range of fit-for-purpose application protocols, it can be as stale and boring as it likes. And its precisely the decentralisation, versatility, and stability of these base protocols — HTTP, email, and yes, Bitcoin and Ethereum — that allow platforms to innovate so quickly on top of them.
* [Big Picture] [The Third Web]( 2021-12-17 Tante
> So why would you listen to me? What are my “credentials”? I am a computer scientist and have been working in IT for years now, doing projects as a programmer and conceptualizing and running large automation and IT transformation projects for different clients. I have a lot of experience not just with software but also hardware-software combinations as well as with designing the social and organizational processes around the software systems in question. Ive been an expert for the German Bundestag on the topic of Blockchains and their value and regulation. I also have written quite extensively about them for different publications and have commented on the whole blockchain/web3 movement publicly basically since it has gained any traction. I dont hold any form of cryptocurrency.
* [Web3: Self-Sovereign Authority and Self-Certifying Protocols]( 2022-02 Phil Windley
> When we dine at a restaurant in the physical world, we do not do so within some administrative system. Rather, as embodied agents, we operationalize our relationships by acting for ourselves. Web3, if built correctly, can help people to act as full-fledged participants in the digital realm.
* [What is Web3? Here Are Some Ways To Explain It To A Friend]( 2022-01-22 Consensys
* [Framing and Self-Sovereignty in Web3]( 2022-02-15 Phil Windley
> The tools people have to participate in these territories, browsers and password managers, let us visit those territories, but we ourselves cannot be visited. We cannot act. Online relationships (client-server) are inherently asymmetric and the power accrues to those who define the territory.
* [Web3 brings the Digital Sovereignty back to the User thanks to Blockchain]( Wealize
> Web 3.0 encourages users participation and restore the control over their digital identity and assets
* [Web3 brings the Digital Sovereignty back to the User thanks to Blockchain]( 2021-12-17 Wealize
> Decentralization is key to transitionate to Web3. Many voices are speaking up for a decentralized model in which users have the control over their digital assets and data. And this is so because each time that we interact on the Internet, copies of our data are sent to the server of a service provider. We lose control over our data. We lose our digital sovereignty. Decentralization solves this bringing the control back to the users, the real players of the online community.
* [My first impressions of web3]( 2022-01-07 Moxie Marlinspike
*This guy gets it ^^^^^*
> Given the history of why web1 became web2, what seems strange to me about web3 is that technologies like ethereum have been built with many of the same implicit trappings as web1.\
> […]\
> Personally, I think enough money has been made at this point that there are enough faucets to keep it going, and this wont just be a blip. If thats the case, it seems worth thinking about how to avoid web3 being web2x2 (web2 but with even less privacy) with some urgency.
* [Web3, Coherence, and Platform Sovereignty]( Phil Windley
* [Web3, Coherence, and Platform Sovereignty]( 2022-01 Phil Windley
> In [The crypto-communists behind the Web3 revolution](, Benjamin Pimentel argues that "The future of decentralized finance echoes a decidedly Marxist vision of the future." He references various Silicon Valley icons like Jack Dorsey, Marc Andreessen, Elon Musk, and others, comparing their statements on Web3 and crypto with the ideology of communism.
* [Re: Web3 First Impressions by Moxie Marlinspike (was: Re: Ideals meet Implementations - Blockchains, NFTs, Decentralization, Oh My!)]( 1/25 Juan Caballero
* [Re: Web3 First Impressions by Moxie Marlinspike (was: Re: Ideals meet Implementations - Blockchains, NFTs, Decentralization, Oh My!)]( Juan Caballero
> I recently read a twitter thread by an academic who abandoned a book-length monograph on O'Reilly, with multiple chapters on the vicissitudes of what O'Reilly kept trying to make Web 2.0 "mean" and what it ended up meaning after billions of dollars of VC and a decade-long hype cycle's worth of marketing and spin had been applied to it. Web3 is likely to be an even bigger, uglier, stupid semantic tug-of-war for some time\
> [...]\
> Anyways, I hope we can keep the CCG list a DMZ in this rapidly-escalating culture war, before "Web3" becomes the next "Critical Race Studies" or "Satanic Panic".
* [Defining the web3 stack]( Edge & Node
> This post will be a living document that I keep up with as I learn, experiment, and gather feedback from developers building in web3.
* [Forensic Investigative Report: Sanctioned Blockchain Addresses]( Coinfirm
* [Forensic Investigative Report: Terrorism Financing Blockchain Addresses]( Coinfirm
* [What is Web3 and Why It Matters]( Dion Hinchcliffe 2022-01-11
* [OpenSea, Web3, and Aggregation Theory]( Stratechery
* [Defining the web3 stack]( 2021-12-22 Edge & Node
> - Blockchain
> - Blockchain development environment
> - File storage
> - Off chain data protocols
> - API (indexing & querying)
> - Identity
> - Client (frameworks and libraries)
> - Oracles
> - Other protocols
> ![](
* [What is Web3 and Why It Matters]( 2022-01-11 Dion Hinchcliffe
> Ive waited a bit to weigh in on Web3, to see how it evolved and whether it actually took a meaningful and significant direction. While not exactly a new concept — many credit the term itself to Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood in 2014, even though it has been discussed since the early Web 2.0 days back in the 2000s — Web3 as we currently know it today exploded onto the global stage in 2021 along with the metaverse, another popular and closely overlapping/adjacent concept.
* [OpenSea, Web3, and Aggregation Theory]( 2022-01-05 Stratechery
> what gives Aggregators their power is not their control of supply: they are not the only way to find websites, or to post your opinions online; rather, it is their control of demand. People are used to Google, or it is the default, so sites and advertisers dont want to spend their time and money on alternatives; people want other people to see what they have to say, so they dont want to risk writing a blog that no one reads, or spending time on a social network that because it lacks the network has no sense of social.
* [Web3 and Digital Embodiment]( Phil Windley
* [Web3 and Digital Embodiment]( 2022-01 Phil Windley
> Web3 will make a difference for all of us if it enables people to become digitally embodied, able to recognize, remember, and react to other people and organizations online—without the need to be in someone else's database.
* [Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul]( Glen Wheyl
* [Decentralized Society: Finding Web3's Soul]( 2022-05-11 Glen Wheyl
> Key to this sociality is decomposable property rights and enhanced governance mechanisms—such as quadratic funding discounted by correlation scores—that reward trust and cooperation while protecting networks from capture, extraction, and domination. With such augmented sociality, web3 can eschew todays hyper-financialization in favor of a more transformative, pluralist future of increasing returns across social distance.
* [Web3 Architecture and Tech Stack : A Beginners Guide]( [Yashovardhan Agrawal](, Web3Auth
> Lets transition our knowledge from Web2 to Web3 and know which technologies support what.
* [Its Time for Web3 to Build - Creating Real-World Impact with Web3]( Ed3
> Now is the key moment to bring the ethos, technology and ambition of web3 to the real world to solve human problems.
* [Consensus 2022 panel: Is Web 3.0 more hype or reality?](
* [A list of (supposed) web3 benefits]( reb00ted
* [Web3 Architecture and Tech Stack : A Beginners Guide]( [Yashovardhan Agrawal]( 2022-05-30 Web3Auth
> ![](*5fLjOFTilr6T9OjVWkH2ow.png)
* [Its Time for Web3 to Build - Creating Real-World Impact with Web3]( 2022-06-17 Ed3
> Web3 - used here as a general term incorporating efforts to enable trustless coordination with blockchain technology - is focused on decentralization. The promise is the ability to connect and work with anyone, anywhere, any time. In this virtual metaverse, there are few rules (and fewer regulations). Its the blue ocean where anything digital can be quickly created and launched, including entirely new countries.
* [Consensus 2022 panel: Is Web 3.0 more hype or reality?]( 2022-06-15 Avast
> Certainly, there is a wide range of opinion on Web 3.0: Cutler mentioned how Elon Musk sees this is more marketing hype than reality. Notably, there is a lot of money being pouring into Web 3.0 — Cutler said, “Venture capitalists have invested $12.75B in 460 different blockchain projects this past year, up from $2.75B in investments during 2020”. Widman said that “With Web 3.0, you have to get to a marketplace of ideas where they can win on their merits,” before the concept will gain traction.
* [A list of (supposed) web3 benefits]( 2022-07-26 reb00ted
> Some of this is clearly aspirational, perhaps on the other side of likely.
* [The shortest definition of Web3]( reb00ted
* [The shortest definition of Web3]( 2022-07-26 reb00ted
> web1: read\
> web2: read + write\
> web3: read + write + own
* [Podcast] [Self-Sovereign Digital Identity, Blockchain & Web3 with Charlyn Ho]( 2022-02-25 I also want money
> Could blockchain and the decentralized web mean the end of surveillance capitalism? Maybe! In this episode, Perkins Coie partner Charlyn Ho defines digital identity, explains how blockchain empowers users to take control of their data, and shares how Web3 could dismantle Big Techs monopoly on Big Data - if its built the right way.
* [Cautionary Tales from Cryptoland]( Molly White, HBR
* [Cautionary Tales from Cryptoland]( 2022-05 Molly White, HBR
> The ideological argument for Web3 is very compelling, and I personally hold many of the same ideals. I strongly believe in working toward a more equitable and accessible financial system, creating a fairer distribution of wealth in society
* [WEB2 VS WEB3](
* [A list of (supposed) web3 benefits]( from Johannes
* [Using a Theory of Justice to Build a Better Web3]( Phil Windley
* [WEB2 VS WEB3]( 2022-09-27
> Web2 refers to the version of the internet most of us know today. An internet dominated by companies that provide services in exchange for your personal data. Web3, in the context of Ethereum, refers to decentralized apps that run on the blockchain. These are apps that allow anyone to participate without monetising their personal data.
* [Using a Theory of Justice to Build a Better Web3]( 2022-05 Phil Windley
> Summary: Building a better internet won't happen by chance or simply maximizing freedom. We have to build systems that support justice. How can we do that? Philosophy discussions are the black hole of identity. Once you get in, you can't get out. Nevertheless, I find that I'm drawn to them
* [The 5 people empowerment promises of web3]( 2022-08-30 Reb00ted [related](
> As Jeremiah pointed out when we bumped into each other last night, public discussion of “web3” is almost completely focused on this last item: tokens, and the many ill-begotten schemes that they have enabled.
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> But that is not web3s lasting attraction. The other four promises participation in governance, self-sovereign identity, content ownership and the freedom to build are very appealing. In fact, it is hard to see how anybody (other than an incumbent with a turf to defend) could possible argue against any of them.
* [The Sovereignty Stack: Re-thinking Digital Identity for Web3.0 w/ Greg KIDD]( 2021-10-04 Metaco
> Greg is a serial entrepreneur who is probably best known for founding and taking public Dispatch Management Services Corp, the worlds largest on demand dispatch network for urgent deliveries. In a highly interesting career so far, Greg was also Chief Risk Officer at Ripple Labs and a senior analyst for the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve in Washington. In his latest venture Global ID, Greg is acting on his long-held belief that peoples identity should be truly portable and owned by individuals themselves rather than corporations or governments.
* [How Decentralized Identifiers and Bitcoin Fix the Web]( Bitcoin Magazine
> On October 4, 2021, Facebook, along with WhatsApp and Instagram, [disappeared from the internet](
> Their DNS names stopped resolving, and their infrastructure IPs were offline. They were completely disconnected from the internet. At the same time, it was reported that [1.5 billion people allegedly had their personal data stolen from Facebook]( and posted for sale.
* [Those Things Cannot Be Done Without Web3]( Ontology
> If you want to explain Web3 in the simplest language, I think it is a decentralized collaboration model.
* [3 Reasons Why Web3 Will Flip Digital Ownership On Its Head]( Entrepreneur

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Web 5 is based on four primary technological pillars in order to realize the goa
- Self-Sovereign Identity Service (SSIS)
* [What is Web5? | TBD](
* [What is Web5? - TBD](
* [How to get started learning web5]( Nathan Gould