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@ -123,26 +123,18 @@ Verifiable Credentials,IDCommons,,,"Gena Morgan, Kevin Dean",IDCommons,,,,IIW,Ve
Verifiable Credentials,IDCommons,,,Mahmoud Alkhraishi,IDCommons,,,,IIW,Verifiable Credentials for Assets,General Framework on how to think of VCs for Assets including leveraging GS1 and other vocabularies in the traceability vocab.<br><br>Requirements and Opportunities that block adoption of VCs in Supply chains,,https://iiw.idcommons.net/21E/_Verifiable_Credentials_for_Assets_30_min,,Session Notes,,,Use Case,,,,,,,,2021-05-07,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Verifiable Credentials,Trusted Digital Web,,,,,,,,,Using Paper-based Structured Credentials to Humanize Verifiable Credentials,User Scenario: ABC Grocery wants to use the Trusted Digital Web to issue a Purchase Order for 10 cabbages from David's Cabbages. Michael Herman,User Scenario: ABC Grocery wants to use the Trusted Digital Web to issue a Purchase Order for 10 cabbages from David's Cabbages.This tutorial was inspired by...,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM30pd3w8qE,,Video,Rough Cut,,User Experience,,,,,,,,2021-11-19,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Verifiable Credentials,WebofTrustInfo,,,Manu Sporny,,,,,RWoT,Rendering Verifiable Credentials,"This paper explores ways in which the Verifiable Credentials data model could be extended to support visual, audio, and physical renderings for Verifiable Credentials.",,https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/advance-readings/rendering-verifiable-credentials.md,,Paper,,,User Experience,,,,,,,,2022-07-17,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Verifiable Credentials,Personal,,,Pamela Dingle,,,,,,Thread: VCs need Threat Modeling,"Another pre-read recommendation for @identiverse: the @openid for Verifiable Credentials Whitepaper.<br>* [Firstyear Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 4 others](https://twitter.com/Erstejahre/status/1537615778106658816) ""It also seems to lack any sections about threat modelling and possible risks, making it hard to trust since risks are not directly and clearly addressed.""<br>* [Torsten Lodderstedt Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 3 others](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics) ""I agree. We [threat] model while we are designing the protocol, we also need to add it to the spec. Please note: we build on existing work. There is an extensive thread model for OAuth and countermeasures that we built on ([datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics). Feel free to contribute.""",,https://twitter.com/pamelarosiedee/status/1537233243086327812?s%3D20%26t%3DWWt14_H4AXgtn09xb5-yew,,Thread,,,Critique,,,,,,,,2022-06-16,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,CCG,,,,,,,,,A Primer for Decentralized Identifiers,An introduction to self-administered identifiers for curious people,"A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is a new type of identifier that is globally unique, resolvable with high availability, and cryptographically verifiable. DIDs are typically associated with cryptographic material, such as public keys, and service endpoints, for establishing secure communication channels. DIDs are useful for any application that benefits from self-administered, cryptographically verifiable identifiers such as personal identifiers, organizational identifiers, and identifiers for Internet of Things scenarios. For example, current commercial deployments of W3C Verifiable Credentials heavily utilize Decentralized Identifiers to identify people, organizations, and things and to achieve a number of security and privacy-protecting guarantees. This document is an introduction to the concept of Decentralized Identifiers.",https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-primer/,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-primer/did-primer-diagrams/urn-format.png,Report,,,Main,,,,,,,Credentials Community Group,2021-11-11,https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-primer,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,W3C,,,Markus Sabadello,"Danube Tech, Sovrin Foundation, OASIS XDI TC",Vienna,,,W3C Workshop on Privacy and Linked Data,Decentralized IDentifers (DIDs),"- Developed at Rebooting-the-Web-of-Trust workshop and W3C Credentials CG<br>- Persistent, dereference-able, cryptographically verifable identifers<br>- Registered in a blockchain or other decentralized network",,https://www.w3.org/2018/vocabws/presentations/Sabadello.pdf,https://i.imgur.com/7NRcJbq.png,Presentation,,,Main,,,,,,,,2018-04-17,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Identity Foundation,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifiers (DID) 1.0 specification approved as W3C Recommendation,"Announcing the [Decentralized Identifiers (DID) v1.0 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) as an open web standard signals that it is technically sound, mature, and ready for widespread adoption. Having an established v1.0 specification allows work to continue with renewed energy and focus, not only at the many groups meeting at DIF, but across the digital identity community.",The W3C has approved the DIDCore V1.0 spec as an official Recommentdation; DIDs are now an open web standard ready for use and further development,https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec-2/,,Post,,,Main,,,,,,,,2022-06-22,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-charter/,,W3C,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Working Group,"The mission of the Decentralized Identifier Working Group is to standardize the DID URI scheme, the data model and syntax of DID Documents, which contain information related to DIDs that enable the aforementioned initial use cases, and the requirements for DID Method specifications.",,https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/,,Working Group,,,Main,,,,,,,,2019-05-31,https://github.com/w3c/did-wg,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier (DID) 1.0 Specification - Data Model and Syntax,"This document specifies the DID syntax, a common data model, core properties, serialized representations, DID operations, and an explanation of the process of resolving DIDs to the resources that they represent.","Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) that the controller of the DID decides that it identifies. In contrast to typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so that they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties might be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject.",https://w3c.github.io/did-core/,https://w3c.github.io/did-core/diagrams/did_detailed_architecture_overview.svg,Specification,,,Main,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2022-07-19,https://github.com/w3c/did-core,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,DID Specification Registries,"This document serves as an official registry for all known global parameters, properties, and values used by the Decentralized Identifier ecosystem.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-spec-registries/,,Registry,,,Main,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-05-14,https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Personal,,,Adam Powers,,,,,,Understanding Decentralized IDs (DIDs),"This article starts off with an overview of DIDs, DID Documents, Verifiable Claims and DIDAuth — basically laying out how the technology works. It then explores the economics of DIDs to try and understand what problems they propose to solve, for whom, and how they go about solving them.","Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) came to my attention at the last Internet Identity Workshop (IIW), where it seemed like 30% of all presentations were about DIDs. I feel like I’m a latecomer to the…",https://medium.com/@adam_14796/understanding-decentralized-ids-dids-839798b91809,https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1200/1*lHXvR78dlN63nbyYKu7z_Q.png,Post,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2018-06-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Personal,,https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ym85y_bDVN9xkRZ-oD-zlUUIeZjVGWNihfZBk2GQidk/edit,Michael Herman,,,,,,What is a DID? The Path from an id (DID) to a Real-Life Subject,"The following graphic illustrates the path (flow) of a client app trying to: a) communicate/interact with, and/or b) access the metadata about a real-life subject by using a Decentralized Identifier (id (DID)).<br>That is, in (almost) 10 steps or less, how to you get from an id (DID) attribute on the left to a Real-Life Subject on the right?",Hyperledger Indy/Sovrin/DID Comprehensive Architecture Reference Model (INDY ARM) - Draft document for discussion purposes - indy-arm/README.md at master · mwherman2000/indy-arm,https://github.com/mwherman2000/indy-arm/blob/master/README.md#appendix-e---did-resolution-path-from-a-did-to-a-real-life-subject-,,Page,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2019-05-19,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Affinidi,,,,,,,,,Demystifying Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs),"- Does not require a centralized registration authority<br>- Many DIDs use the distributed ledger technology or any other decentralized network, though it is not mandatory<br>- It is a permanent identifier because it does not depend on a single third-party or centralized registry for its existence.<br><br>- Can be cryptographically verified<br>- They connect a DID subject (the entity identified by the DID) with a DID document (a set of data that describes the DID subject) to enable the subject to have trustable interactions.<br>- They are interoperable and portable, provided they conform to the existing standards laid down by W3C",Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) gives users control over how their data is stored and shared and a building block of SSI is Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs).,https://academy.affinidi.com/demystifying-decentralized-identifiers-dids-2dc6fc3148fd,https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1200/1*D5oqVHELQBRxW4AcasQepA.png,Post,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2021-05-05,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Hackernoon,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - A Deeper Dive,"The same way the SSL/TLS protocol changed internet use forever by opening a gate to the world of encrypted Web traffic, which is the basis for the protocol that keeps the web safe and secure HTTPS; the same way will DIDs enhance the verification process in world of blockchain, such as decentralized finance.",,https://hackernoon.com/decentralized-identifiers-dids-a-deeper-dive-04383442,,Post,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2021-04-26,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Elastos,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identity: Why Are DIDs The Future of Digital Identity Management?,You need to create separate digital identity credentials for each one. Only after you’ve registered with them can you access the services of each organization. And don’t forget: all free-to-use apps and websites control the storage of your data and are happy to sell access to it to third parties for profit. That’s literally their business plan: they understand the value of your data and how they can monetize it.,"We have more accounts than we can recall, and each one stores our data on central servers. With a DID (decentralized identity), you can own your own data. Discover why blockchain-based digital identities are the future of digital identity management...",https://elastos.info/decentralized-identity-dids/,,Post,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2021-10-14,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Impervious,,,,,,,,,"Decentralized Identifiers: Implications for Your Data, Payments and Communications","Through the DID Specification, service endpoints and DIDComm, Impervious has interlaced DIDs with Bitcoin Lightning, IPFS, WebRTC and resilient relays to introduce a new peer-to-peer internet standard with practical applications for mitigating censorship and surveillance risk.",,https://newsletter.impervious.ai/decentralized-identifiers-implications-for-your-data-payments-and-communications-2/,,Post,,,Explainer,,,,,,,,2022-03-22,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-wg-charter/,,W3C,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Working Group,"The mission of the Decentralized Identifier Working Group is to standardize the DID URI scheme, the data model and syntax of DID Documents, which contain information related to DIDs that enable the aforementioned initial use cases, and the requirements for DID Method specifications.",,https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/,,Working Group,,,Working Group,,,,,,,,2019-05-31,https://github.com/w3c/did-wg,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier (DID) 1.0 Specification - Data Model and Syntax,"This document specifies the DID syntax, a common data model, core properties, serialized representations, DID operations, and an explanation of the process of resolving DIDs to the resources that they represent.","Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) that the controller of the DID decides that it identifies. In contrast to typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so that they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties might be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject.",https://w3c.github.io/did-core/,https://w3c.github.io/did-core/diagrams/did_detailed_architecture_overview.svg,Specification,,,Working Group,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2022-07-19,https://github.com/w3c/did-core,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,DID Specification Registries,"This document serves as an official registry for all known global parameters, properties, and values used by the Decentralized Identifier ecosystem.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-spec-registries/,,Registry,,,Working Group,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-05-14,https://github.com/w3c/did-spec-registries,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Use Cases and Requirements v1.0,"This document sets out use cases and requirements for a new kind of identifier that meets all these basic requirements: decentralized, persistent, cryptographically verifiable, resolvable",,https://w3c.github.io/did-use-cases/,https://w3c.github.io/did-use-cases/images/didUse.svg,Draft,,,Working Group,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2021-06-16,https://github.com/w3c/did-use-cases,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.13 Data Model and Syntaxes,"DIDs resolve to DID Documents — simple documents that describe how to use that specific DID. Each DID Document may express cryptographic material, verification methods, and/or service endpoints. These provide a set of mechanisms which enable a DID controller to prove control of the DID. Service endpoints enable trusted interactions with the DID subject.<br><br>This document specifies a common data model, format, and operations that all DIDs support.",,https://www.w3.org/2019/08/did-20190828/,,Report,,,Working Group,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2019-09-13,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,DID Implementation Guide,"This document acts as a technical narrative for the implementation of DID methods and is expected to cover many topics related to that subject that a developer may wish to consider, including guidance around implementation details that may also be used for third party evaluation of an authored DID method via the DID-RUBRIC.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-imp-guide/,https://w3c.github.io/did-imp-guide/diagrams/representation-specific-and-foreign-entries.png,Note,,,Working Group,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2021-11-04,https://github.com/w3c/did-imp-guide,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,W3C DID Test Suite and Implementation Report,"This document describes the did core test suite, and summarizes the latest test results.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/,,Internal,,,Working Group,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-01-17,https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,W3C Decentralized Characteristics Rubric v1.0,This rubric presents a set of criteria which an Evaluator can apply to any DID Method based on the use cases most relevant to them. We avoid reducing the Evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the possible responses are not necessarily good or bad. It is up to the Evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs.,,https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/,,Internal,,,Working Group,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2022-01-11,https://github.com/w3c/did-rubric,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Well Known DID Configuration The DID Configuration resource provides proof of a bi-directional relationship between the controller of an origin and a DID via cryptographically verifiable signatures that are linked to a DID's key material. This document describes the data format of the resource and the resource location at which origin controllers can publish their DID Configuration.,"This repo contains proposals and links to proposals for .well-known uris related to DIDs, Hubs and Agents. See IETF RFC5785 for more details on Defining Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers.",,https://identity.foundation/.well-known,,Specification,,,Working Group,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2020-12-10,https://github.com/decentralized-identity/.well-known,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,CCG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Resolution (DID Resolution) v0.3,"DID resolution is the process of obtaining a DID document for a given DID. This is one of four required operations that can be performed on any DID (""Read""; the other ones being ""Create"", ""Update"", and ""Deactivate""). The details of these operations differ depending on the DID method. Building on top of DID resolution, DID URL dereferencing is the process of retrieving a representation of a resource for a given DID URL. Software and/or hardware that is able to execute these processes is called a DID resolver.",,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/diagrams/https-dereference-example-1.png,Specification,,,Working Group,,,,,,,Credentials Community Group,2023-01-18,https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,WebOfTrustInfo,,,,,,,,rwot02-2020,DID Whitepaper,"A DID architecture should focus on the set of components that Mr. Gupta refers to as ""the minimum required for people to be able to do business (or other critical functions) together"".<br><br>**A Decentralized Identifier (DID) Registry and Discovery Service**<br><br>This ""minimum required"" is defined by a union of the proposed requirements identified by the W3C Credential Community Group, the XDI.org Registry Working Group, and the Rebooting the Web of Trust group. It consists of three functions that can be addressed by a combination of blockchain and DHT technology:<br><br>- A DID registration function<br>- A discovery function that enables looking up a registered DID in the blockchain<br>- A master key recovery function",,https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot2-id2020/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/DID-Whitepaper.md,,Paper,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2016-05-18,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,IETF,,,,,,,,,A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace,"A UUID is 128 bits long, and can guarantee uniqueness across space and time. UUIDs were originally used in the Apollo Network Computing System and later in the Open Software Foundation's (OSF) Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), and then in Microsoft Windows platforms",,https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt,,Specification,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2005-07,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,2ndQuadrant,,,Tomas Vondra,,,,,,All you need to know about sequential UUID generators,"UUIDs are a popular identifier data type – they are unpredictable, and/or globally unique (or at least very unlikely to collide) and quite easy to generate. Traditional primary keys based on sequences won’t give you any of that, which makes them unsuitable for public identifiers, and UUIDs solve that pretty naturally.","sequential-uuids extension introduces generators of sequential UUIDs, addressing some of the common issues - random I/O patterns and WAL write amplification",http://web.archive.org/web/20190320121253/https://blog.2ndquadrant.com/sequential-uuid-generators/,,Post,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2019-03-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,
@ -152,27 +144,24 @@ Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,Markus Sabadello,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,WebofTrustInfo,,,,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,rwot02-2020,Requirements for DIDs,"Respect Network is conducting a research project for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, HSHQDC-16-C-00061, to analyze the applicability of blockchain technologies to a decentralized identifier system. Our thesis is that blockchains, or more generically distributed ledgers, are a potentially powerful new tool for “identity roots” — the starting points for an Internet identity. However “blockchain identity” may not fully address the core security and privacy principles needed in a complete identity system. In this case DIDs — Decentralized Identifiers rooted on a distributed ledger — may end up being a foundational building block for higher level identity management solutions.",,https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/ID2020DesignWorkshop/blob/master/final-documents/requirements-for-dids.pdf,,Paper,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2016-08-24,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,WebofTrustInfo,,,,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,rwot07-toronto,DIDs in DPKI,"- DPKI stands for Decentralized Public-key Infrastructure<br>- DPKI seeks to serve as an improved alternative/replacement for X.509 (that thing securing today's Internet)<br>- DPKI changes the web's security model from 1000s of single-points-of-failure to decentralized consensus groups that create namespaces (sorta like what blockchains do!)<br>- DPKI is not a blockchain — it's a protocol for securely accessing blockchains and similar decentralized consensus systems<br>- DPKI has Top-Level Domains (TLDs) representing different blockchains (e.g. .eth, .bit, .id etc.)",,https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot7/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/dids-in-dpki.md,,Paper,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2018-08-23,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,"SRI International, NIST, FIMSA",,,,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,,Cryptography Review of W3C VC Data Model and DID Standards and Implementation Recommendations,"Cryptography used by U.S. government entities in operational systems must conform to relevant federal government standards and requirements, including the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and National Institute of Technology (NIST) standards for use of cryptography. As part of its in-depth technical due-diligence to enable operational capabilities for DHS/CBP, DHS/PRIV and DHS/USCIS, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) sponsored independent nonprofit research center SRI International to conduct a cryptographic review of the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model and W3C Decentralized Identifiers standards. The review provided constructive feedback and recommendations for technology developers and W3C standards developers to increase their level of compliance with federal government standards.",,https://web.archive.org/web/20230319062836/https://www.csl.sri.com/papers/vcdm-did-crypto-recs/,,Paper,,,Literature,,,,,,,,2023-03-19,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Personal,,https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/4_ZLV8uot0hFQgRZsoILvdnn879oGEmrXsPXsCcvf4GsDPjWLQAxKjrZFiF0AxQe_MYb1_oeQa9HsRY.8KTaTYyrhu2Q-kJ_?continueMode%3Dtrue,Dave Huseby,,,,,,"Don’t use DIDs, DIDs, nor DIDs: Change My Mind (a.k.a. Oh no he DIDn’t)",Joe came and fervently disagreed with my assertions. Lots of people had reasonable counter arguments. My main arguments are 1. DID Documents don't have history when old keys are always relevant and 2. having 94 different DID methods that aren't compatible nor replaceable and don't function the same way is a HUGE problem.,The W3C has been hard at work for the last four years in endless political fights over the design of the standard for decentralized identity documents and their identifiers. The end result is a…,https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c,,Post,,,Critique,,,,,,,,2021-04-11,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,IDCommons,,,Dave Huseby,,,,,IIW,"Don’t use DIDs, DIDs, nor DIDs: Change My Mind (a.k.a. Oh no he DIDn’t)",This session was to talk about the topics I put in a recent article that created a huge fire in our community where I lay out the case for completely abandoning the W3C DID standards.,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/10A/_Don%27t_use_DIDs,_DIDs,_nor_DIDs:_Change_My_Mind_(a.k.a._Oh_no_he_DIDn%27t)",,Session Notes,,,Critique,,,,,,,,2021-05-07,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Use Cases and Requirements v1.0,"This document sets out use cases and requirements for a new kind of identifier that meets all these basic requirements: decentralized, persistent, cryptographically verifiable, resolvable",,https://w3c.github.io/did-use-cases/,https://w3c.github.io/did-use-cases/images/didUse.svg,Draft,,,Literature,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2021-06-16,https://github.com/w3c/did-use-cases,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.13 Data Model and Syntaxes,"DIDs resolve to DID Documents — simple documents that describe how to use that specific DID. Each DID Document may express cryptographic material, verification methods, and/or service endpoints. These provide a set of mechanisms which enable a DID controller to prove control of the DID. Service endpoints enable trusted interactions with the DID subject.<br><br>This document specifies a common data model, format, and operations that all DIDs support.",,https://www.w3.org/2019/08/did-20190828/,,Report,,,Literature,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier WG,2019-09-13,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,DID Implementation Guide,"This document acts as a technical narrative for the implementation of DID methods and is expected to cover many topics related to that subject that a developer may wish to consider, including guidance around implementation details that may also be used for third party evaluation of an authored DID method via the DID-RUBRIC.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-imp-guide/,https://w3c.github.io/did-imp-guide/diagrams/representation-specific-and-foreign-entries.png,Note,,,Literature,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2021-11-04,https://github.com/w3c/did-imp-guide,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,W3C DID Test Suite and Implementation Report,"This document describes the did core test suite, and summarizes the latest test results.",,https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/,,Internal,,,Literature,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-01-17,https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,W3C Decentralized Characteristics Rubric v1.0,This rubric presents a set of criteria which an Evaluator can apply to any DID Method based on the use cases most relevant to them. We avoid reducing the Evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the possible responses are not necessarily good or bad. It is up to the Evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs.,,https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/,,Internal,,,Literature,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2022-01-11,https://github.com/w3c/did-rubric,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIDWG,,,,,,,,,Well Known DID Configuration,"The DID Configuration resource provides proof of a bi-directional relationship between the controller of an origin and a DID via cryptographically verifiable signatures that are linked to a DID's key material. This document describes the data format of the resource and the resource location at which origin controllers can publish their DID Configuration.","This repo contains proposals and links to proposals for .well-known uris related to DIDs, Hubs and Agents. See IETF RFC5785 for more details on Defining Well-Known Uniform Resource Identifiers.",https://identity.foundation/.well-known,,Specification,,,Supporting,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2020-12-10,https://github.com/decentralized-identity/.well-known,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,CCG,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifier Resolution (DID Resolution) v0.3,"DID resolution is the process of obtaining a DID document for a given DID. This is one of four required operations that can be performed on any DID (""Read""; the other ones being ""Create"", ""Update"", and ""Deactivate""). The details of these operations differ depending on the DID method. Building on top of DID resolution, DID URL dereferencing is the process of retrieving a representation of a resource for a given DID URL. Software and/or hardware that is able to execute these processes is called a DID resolver.",,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/diagrams/https-dereference-example-1.png,Specification,,,Supporting,,,,,,,Credentials Community Group,2023-01-18,https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,GoDiddy,,https://iiw.idcommons.net/2C/_godiddy.com_-_Universal_DID_Services,Markus Sabadello,,,,,,godiddy.com - Universal DID Services,"Basic functions are creating, resolving, updating, and deactivating DIDs across multiple DID methods and networks. Advanced functions include key management, search, transfer of DIDs, lookup of historical DID document versions, notification of DID-related events, and more.",,https://godiddy.com,,site,,,Supporting,,,,,,,,2021-05-06,,,,,,,,,https://docs.godiddy.com/,https://api.godiddy.com/,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,IDCommons,,,Markus Sabadello,,,,,,Standard Interfaces for DID Create/Update/Deactivate,"- There is an attempt to specify abstract interfaces if you want to Create/Update/Deactivate a did that could be implemented for all did methods.<br>- The idea of this specification is to provide a standard with the same assumptions as with resolution. It should be in an abstract level, meaning it should specify the inputs and outputs of creating/updating/deactivating a did but not how it should be implemented.",,https://iiw.idcommons.net/3C/_Standard_Interfaces_for_DID_Create/Update/Deactivate,,Session Notes,,,Supporting,,,,,,,,2021-07-17,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,W3C,,,,,,,,,DID test suite,"DID test suite is not for runtime, but the Universal Resolver could do a few simple checks on a driver's responses. But there's also a philosophical question: Should the Universal Resolver be ""allowed"" to check and potentially transform driver responses, or should it just ""pass through"" everything that comes from a driver?",,https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite,,Code,,,Supporting,,,,,,,,2023-01-17,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Personal,,,Micheal Herman,,,,,,BlueToque Tools Toolkit,"BlueToque Tools is a collection of software tools for working with DID Method Namespaces, DID Identifiers, DID Documents, DID Agent Service Endpoints, DID Agent Servers, DID Agent Clusters, and DID Objects (the 7 DIDs). The flagship tool is didlang, a language for interactively working with the 7 DIDs.",,https://github.com/mwherman2000/BlueToqueTools,,Code,,,Supporting,,,,,,,,2022-12-06,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,W3C,,,,,,,,,Objections overruled by W3C director approving the DIDCore specification as a W3C Recommendation,"In its next chartered period the Working Group should address and deliver proposed standard DID method(s) and demonstrate interoperable implementations. The community and Member review of such proposed methods is the natural place to evaluate the questions raised by the objectors and other Member reviewers regarding decentralization, fitness for purpose, and sustainable resource utilization. -Ralph Swick, for Tim Berners-Lee",,https://www.w3.org/2022/06/DIDRecommendationDecision.html,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2022-06-30,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,DIF,,,,,,,,,Decentralized Identifiers (DID) 1.0 specification approved as W3C Recommendation,"Announcing the [Decentralized Identifiers (DID) v1.0 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) as an open web standard signals that it is technically sound, mature, and ready for widespread adoption. Having an established v1.0 specification allows work to continue with renewed energy and focus, not only at the many groups meeting at DIF, but across the digital identity community.",The W3C has approved the DIDCore V1.0 spec as an official Recommentdation; DIDs are now an open web standard ready for use and further development,https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec-2/,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2022-06-30,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,TOIP,,,,,,,,,A DIF & TOIP Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDS) V1.0 Specification Becoming A W3C Specification,"DIDs are a critical part of a technical foundation for the products and activities of many of our members. Many of the implementations in the [DID Working Group’s implementation report](https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/%23report-by-methods) were developed by engineers and companies who collaborate openly at DIF on points of technical interoperability, and at ToIP on points of policy and governance.<br>Why would you have 75 logins when you could have 1?",,https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/10/29/a-dif-toip-joint-statement-of-support-for-the-decentralized-identifiers-dids-v1-0-specification-becoming-a-w3c-standard/,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2021-10-29,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,Indicio,,,Sam Curren,,,,,,Indicio’s support for the W3C DID Specification and its path to standardization,"The position of Indicio is that the DID Specification is of signal importance to creating a better digital world. We recognize that, as with any specification, improvements can and will be made in the future; but we back its recommendations and its approval.",The W3C’s DID Specification is critical to building a better digital world.,https://indicio.tech/indicios-support-for-the-w3c-did-specification-and-its-path-to-standardization/,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2022-07-01,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,The Register,,,,,,,,,"W3C overrules objections by Google, Mozilla to decentralized identifier spec","The [DID specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23introduction) describes a way to deploy a globally unique identifier without a centralized authority (eg, Apple [for Sign in with Apple](https://developer.apple.com/sign-in-with-apple/) as a verifying entity.",,https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/01/w3c_overrules_objections/,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2022-07-01,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,IOHK,,,,,,,,,Advancing digital identity through DID core specification,The recent DID core specification approval at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provided clearer and stronger foundations for identity platforms building decentralized identifiers.,"Good to see Cardano jumping on the bandwagon, looks like they will bring DID\VC to Atla Prism.",https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/09/08/advancing-digital-identity-through-did-core-specification/,,Post,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2022-09-08,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,CCG Mailing List,,,Drummond Reed,,,,,,Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core,"here's the REAL irony. Mozilla and others are pointing to the URI spec and existing URI schemes as the precedent without recognizing that in [in section 9.11 of the DID spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23dids-as-enhanced-urns), we specifically compare the DID spec to the *URN spec*, [RFC 8141](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8141). In fact we deliberately patterned the [ABNF for DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23did-syntax) after the ABNF for URNs—and patterned DID method names after URN namespaces. And we set up a registry for the exactly the same way RFC 8141 establishes a [registry of URN namespaces](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml).<br><br>Now: guess how many URN namespaces have been registered with IANA? [SEVENTY*. Count em.](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml) I don't see anyone complaining about interoperability of URN namespaces. Amd RFC 8141 was published over four years ago.",,https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0010.html,,Discussion,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2021-09-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Decentralized Identifiers,CCG Mailing List,,,Anil John,,,,,,DID 1.0 Comments / Meeting Minutes (was RE: Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core),"[https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html](https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html) is fascinating reading!<br><br>[...] I can speak to the work of the DHS SVIP Program and our approach and perspective across our two work-streams that touch upon the two points.<br><br>1. Governments “lobbying” for single DID method and Non-Interoperability<br>“tantek: concerned to hear that there are governments looking to adopt, with only single implementation methods and non interop, sounds like lobbying may have occurred, … advocating for single-implementation solutions that are centralized wolves in decentralized clothing”<br>“<cwilso+1 to tantek's concern that governments are responding to lobbying attempts on non-interoperable methods”",,https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0135.html,,Discussion,,,W3C Recommendation,,,,,,,,2021-09-02,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,Legendary Requirements,,,,,,,,,did:directory,"DID methods are the magic ingredient that gives DIDs their flexibility. Before creating any specific DID, you first choose a DID method, which determines how you perform the create, read, update, and deactivate operations on a DID of that method.<br><br>Once created, each DID includes the name of its method in the identifier itself, so that when you use the DID, others know how to retrieve the associated DID Document that contains the cryptographic material for secure interactions.<br><br>Different DID methods use different underlying mechanisms with different performance, security, and privacy tradeoffs.",,https://diddirectory.com/,,Directory,,,About,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,DIDWG,,,,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,,DID Specification Registries,This table summarizes the DID method specifications currently in development. The links will be updated as subsequent Implementer’s Drafts are produced.,,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-registry/#the-registry,,registry,,,About,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-05-14,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,Transmute,,,Margo Johnson,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,,DID:Customer,"While we are committed to providing optionality to our customers, it’s equally important to communicate the selection criteria behind these options so that customers can consider the tradeoffs of underlying DID-methods alongside the problem set they’re solving for.","Transmute builds solutions that solve real business problems. For this reason, we support a number of different decentralized identifier (DID) methods. While we are committed to providing optionality…",https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/did-customer-4ca8b7957112,,Post,,,About,,,,,,,,2020-10-30,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,WebOfTrustInfo,,,"Joe Andrieu, Shannon Appelcline, Amy Guy, Joachim Lohkamp, Drummond Reed, Markus Sabadello, Oliver Terbu, Kai Wagner",Decentralized Identifiers,,,,rwot9-prague,A Rubric for Decentralization of DID Methods,"The communities behind Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) bring together a diverse group of contributors, who have decidedly different notions of exactly what “decentralization” means. For some, the notion of a DID anchored to DNS is anathema, for others, DIDs that cannot be publicly verified are problematic. This debate about decentralization is a continuation of a similar, ongoing argument in cryptocurrency circles: the question of whether or not bitcoin or ethereum is more decentralized is a nearly endless source of argument. Rather than attempting to resolve this potentially unresolvable question, we propose a rubric — which is a scoring guide used to evaluate performance, a product, or a project — that teaches how to evaluate a given DID method according to one’s own requirements. Our goal is to develop a guide that minimizes judgment and bias. Rather than advocating particular solutions, the rubric presents a series of criteria which an evaluator can apply to any DID method based on their particular use cases. We also avoid reducing the evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the options are not necessarily good or bad: it is the obligation of the evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs. Finally, this rubric allows evaluating aspects of decentralization of a DID method, but it is not exhaustive, and does not cover other issues that may affect selection or adoption of a particular method, such as privacy or efficiency.","RWOT9 in Prague, The Czech Republic (September 2019) - rwot9-prague/decentralized-did-rubric.md at master · WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague",https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/draft-documents/decentralized-did-rubric.md,,Paper,,,About,,,,,,,,2019-09-06,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr",,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,IIW,DID Method Rubric v1.0,This rubric presents a set of criteria which an Evaluator can apply to any DID Method based on the use cases most relevant to them. We avoid reducing the Evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the possible responses are not necessarily good or bad. It is up to the Evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs.,,https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/,,Guidance,Draft,,About,,,,,,,,2022-01-11,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr","Walid Fdhila, Markus Sabadello","did:btcr, did:sov, did:ion, did:web, did:key, did:peer, did:ethr, Decentralized Identifiers",,,,IIW,DID Methods Evaluation Report,This report evaluates a selection of DiD methods using the guidelines specified in the W3C DiD method Rubric V1.0 (draft 06 January 2021). The evaluation reflects the authors’ opinion based on documents and source code that are publicly available. The report mainly includes a comprehensive evaluation.,"Web word processing, spreadsheets and presentations",https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jP-76ul0FZ3H8dChqT2hMtlzvL6B3famQbseZQ0AGS8//,,Report,,,About,,,,,,,,2021-04-04,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr","Walid Fdhila, Markus Sabadello",Decentralized Identifiers,,,,IIW,Critera for DID Method Evaluation,The criteria selected for did evaluation are derived from (i) did rubric and (ii) principles of SSI.<br>(i) https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/<br>(ii) https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/self-sovereign-identity/blob/master/self-sovereign-identity-principles.md,,https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vAKtMrsrjO_tLQhah8tRoLaIS7HpOIE6xM38ZoBpgWU/,,Guidance,,,About,,,,,,,,2021-05,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,Legendary Requirements,,,,,,,,,did:directory,"DID methods are the magic ingredient that gives DIDs their flexibility. Before creating any specific DID, you first choose a DID method, which determines how you perform the create, read, update, and deactivate operations on a DID of that method.<br><br>Once created, each DID includes the name of its method in the identifier itself, so that when you use the DID, others know how to retrieve the associated DID Document that contains the cryptographic material for secure interactions.<br><br>Different DID methods use different underlying mechanisms with different performance, security, and privacy tradeoffs.",,https://diddirectory.com/,,Directory,,,Main,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,DIDWG,,,,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,,DID Specification Registries,This table summarizes the DID method specifications currently in development. The links will be updated as subsequent Implementer’s Drafts are produced.,,https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-registry/#the-registry,,registry,,,Main,,,,,,,DID Working Group,2023-05-14,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,Transmute,,,Margo Johnson,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,,DID:Customer,"While we are committed to providing optionality to our customers, it’s equally important to communicate the selection criteria behind these options so that customers can consider the tradeoffs of underlying DID-methods alongside the problem set they’re solving for.","Transmute builds solutions that solve real business problems. For this reason, we support a number of different decentralized identifier (DID) methods. While we are committed to providing optionality…",https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/did-customer-4ca8b7957112,,Post,,,Main,,,,,,,,2020-10-30,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,WebOfTrustInfo,,,"Joe Andrieu, Shannon Appelcline, Amy Guy, Joachim Lohkamp, Drummond Reed, Markus Sabadello, Oliver Terbu, Kai Wagner",Decentralized Identifiers,,,,rwot9-prague,A Rubric for Decentralization of DID Methods,"The communities behind Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) bring together a diverse group of contributors, who have decidedly different notions of exactly what “decentralization” means. For some, the notion of a DID anchored to DNS is anathema, for others, DIDs that cannot be publicly verified are problematic. This debate about decentralization is a continuation of a similar, ongoing argument in cryptocurrency circles: the question of whether or not bitcoin or ethereum is more decentralized is a nearly endless source of argument. Rather than attempting to resolve this potentially unresolvable question, we propose a rubric — which is a scoring guide used to evaluate performance, a product, or a project — that teaches how to evaluate a given DID method according to one’s own requirements. Our goal is to develop a guide that minimizes judgment and bias. Rather than advocating particular solutions, the rubric presents a series of criteria which an evaluator can apply to any DID method based on their particular use cases. We also avoid reducing the evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the options are not necessarily good or bad: it is the obligation of the evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs. Finally, this rubric allows evaluating aspects of decentralization of a DID method, but it is not exhaustive, and does not cover other issues that may affect selection or adoption of a particular method, such as privacy or efficiency.","RWOT9 in Prague, The Czech Republic (September 2019) - rwot9-prague/decentralized-did-rubric.md at master · WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague",https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/draft-documents/decentralized-did-rubric.md,,Paper,,,Main,,,,,,,,2019-09-06,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr",,Decentralized Identifiers,,,,IIW,DID Method Rubric v1.0,This rubric presents a set of criteria which an Evaluator can apply to any DID Method based on the use cases most relevant to them. We avoid reducing the Evaluation to a single number because the criteria tend to be multidimensional and many of the possible responses are not necessarily good or bad. It is up to the Evaluator to understand how each response in each criteria might illuminate favorable or unfavorable consequences for their needs.,,https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/,,Guidance,Draft,,Main,,,,,,,,2022-01-11,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr","Walid Fdhila, Markus Sabadello","did:btcr, did:sov, did:ion, did:web, did:key, did:peer, did:ethr, Decentralized Identifiers",,,,IIW,DID Methods Evaluation Report,This report evaluates a selection of DiD methods using the guidelines specified in the W3C DiD method Rubric V1.0 (draft 06 January 2021). The evaluation reflects the authors’ opinion based on documents and source code that are publicly available. The report mainly includes a comprehensive evaluation.,"Web word processing, spreadsheets and presentations",https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jP-76ul0FZ3H8dChqT2hMtlzvL6B3famQbseZQ0AGS8//,,Report,,,Main,,,,,,,,2021-04-04,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,IDCommons,,"https://iiw.idcommons.net/13D/_We_evaluated_7_DID_methods_with_the_W3C_DID_Rubric!_did:btcr,_did:sov,_did:ion,_did:web,_did:key,_did:peer,_did:ethr","Walid Fdhila, Markus Sabadello",Decentralized Identifiers,,,,IIW,Critera for DID Method Evaluation,The criteria selected for did evaluation are derived from (i) did rubric and (ii) principles of SSI.<br>(i) https://w3c.github.io/did-rubric/<br>(ii) https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/self-sovereign-identity/blob/master/self-sovereign-identity-principles.md,,https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vAKtMrsrjO_tLQhah8tRoLaIS7HpOIE6xM38ZoBpgWU/,,Guidance,,,Main,,,,,,,,2021-05,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,CCG Mailing List,,,Steve Capell,,,,,,DID methods as W3C standards - a happy compromise?,can't we pick just a small number of un-controversial methods to standardise? even if it's just did:key and did:web to start with.,,https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2022Feb/0117.html,,Discussion,,,Discussion,,,,Methods as Standards,,,,2022-02-22,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,CCG Mailing List,,,Manu Sporny,,,,,,Re: CCG Community opinions needed to define CCG scope (specifically re: did methods as work items),"Heather Vescent wrote:<br>1. What are the *pros* of including did methods as work items in the CCG?<br>Community vetting and approval of particular DID Methods.<br><br>Basically, broader and deeper review of DID Methods that we expect to be of great use to the world. I expect there will be DID Methods that the community wants to eventually propose as DID Methods for standardization (did:key and<br><br>did:web feel like two ones where we could get consensus on doing so).",,https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Aug/0376.html,,Discussion,,,Discussion,,,,Methods as Standards,,,,2021-08-26,,,,,,,,,,,,,
DID Methods,ArcBlock,did:abt:,,,,,,,,did:abt:,"One of our main goal is to protect users’ privacy. So people do not use the DID generated from their master key to talk to DAPPs, instead, the WALLET automatically generates an extended DID according to the user’s master DID and the DAPP’s DID and use this extended DID to communicate with the DAPP.",ABT DID Protocol,https://arcblock.github.io/abt-did-spec/,,Specification,,ABT Network,DID Methods,,,,,,,,2019-10-11,https://github.com/arcblock/abt-did-spec/,,,,,,,,,,,,
@ -9,17 +9,30 @@ toc_sticky: false
permalink: /self-sovereign-identity/critique-caution/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/self-sovereign-identity/critique-caution/'
categories: ["About"]
tags: ["Critique","Caution"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-29
tags: ["Critique","Caution","Decentralized Identifiers","Verifiable Credentials"]
last_modified_at: 2023-08-19
## Main
* [Thread: VCs need Threat Modeling](https://twitter.com/pamelarosiedee/status/1537233243086327812?s%3D20%26t%3DWWt14_H4AXgtn09xb5-yew) 2022-06-16 Pamela Dingle
> Another pre-read recommendation for @identiverse: the @openid for Verifiable Credentials Whitepaper.
* [Firstyear Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 4 others](https://twitter.com/Erstejahre/status/1537615778106658816)
> It also seems to lack any sections about threat modelling and possible risks, making it hard to trust since risks are not directly and clearly addressed.
* [Torsten Lodderstedt Replying to @Erstejahre @pamelarosiedee and 3 others](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics)
> I agree. We [threat] model while we are designing the protocol, we also need to add it to the spec. Please note: we build on existing work. There is an extensive thread model for OAuth and countermeasures that we built on ([datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics). Feel free to contribute.
* [I reckon most cases of over-identification stem either from bad habits](https://twitter.com/Steve_Lockstep/status/1524073204805160960) 2022-03-10 SteveWilson
> (e.g. RPs gathering circumstantial AuthN signals) or from Surveillance Capitalism. Either way, better deals for users will come from better design, not by weaponising Digital Identity (SSI, DIDs).
* [Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0010.html) 2021-09-02 Drummond Reed, CCG Mailing List
> here's the REAL irony. Mozilla and others are pointing to the URI spec and existing URI schemes as the precedent without recognizing that in [in section 9.11 of the DID spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23dids-as-enhanced-urns), we specifically compare the DID spec to the *URN spec*, [RFC 8141](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8141). In fact we deliberately patterned the [ABNF for DIDs](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23did-syntax) after the ABNF for URNs—and patterned DID method names after URN namespaces. And we set up a registry for the exactly the same way RFC 8141 establishes a [registry of URN namespaces](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml).
> Now: guess how many URN namespaces have been registered with IANA? [SEVENTY*. Count em.](https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml) I don't see anyone complaining about interoperability of URN namespaces. Amd RFC 8141 was published over four years ago.
* [Negative press related to DIDs and VCs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Jun/0032.html) 2021-06-29 Manu Sporny
> These are things that I would expect we would normally just ignore, but I've received a number of private emails over the tweet above from various decision making parties inside the EU requesting that we respond publicly to theses sorts of accusations.
* [Chartering work has started for a Linked Data Signature Working Group @W3C](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2021May/0177.html) Harry Halpin
> Hi, I'd like to point out that while there are no peer-reviewed publications on the (lack of) security of the so-called Verifiable Credential architecture and the problems with this kind of standardization of things like "Linked Data Proofs", In fact, published a peer-reviewed article explaining in detail how utterly broken the entire DID and Verified Credential architecture is, and how this is damaging the credibility of the W3C, and it was presented at Mozilla.
* [Don’t use DIDs, DIDs, nor DIDs: Change My Mind (a.k.a. Oh no he DIDn’t)](https://dwhuseby.medium.com/dont-use-dids-58759823378c) - [Video](https://eu01web.zoom.us/rec/play/4_ZLV8uot0hFQgRZsoILvdnn879oGEmrXsPXsCcvf4GsDPjWLQAxKjrZFiF0AxQe_MYb1_oeQa9HsRY.8KTaTYyrhu2Q-kJ_?continueMode%3Dtrue) 2021-04-11 Dave Huseby
> Joe came and fervently disagreed with my assertions. Lots of people had reasonable counter arguments. My main arguments are 1. DID Documents don't have history when old keys are always relevant and 2. having 94 different DID methods that aren't compatible nor replaceable and don't function the same way is a HUGE problem. The W3C has been hard at work for the last four years in endless political fights over the design of the standard for decentralized identity documents and their identifiers.
* [Literature] [A Critique of Immunity Passports and W3C Decentralized Identifiers](https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00136) 2020-11-30 Harry Halpin
> Our analysis shows that this group of technical identity standards are based on under-specified and often non-standardized documents that have substantial security and privacy issues, due in part to the questionable use of blockchain technology. One concrete proposal for immunity passports is even susceptible to dictionary attacks. The use of 'cryptography theater' in efforts like immunity passports, where cryptography is used to allay the privacy concerns of users, should be discouraged in standardization. Deployment of these W3C standards for `self-sovereign identity' in use-cases like immunity passports could just as well lead to a dangerous form identity totalitarianism.
* [Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity, and Selling Off Humanity](https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/07/15/blockchain-self-sovereign-identity-and-selling-off-humanity/) 2018-07-15 Wrench in the Gears
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
title: "(DID) the Decentralized Identifier - W3C"
title: "Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) - W3C"
name: Decentralized Identifiers
layout: standards
headings: ["Main","Explainer","Working Group","Literature","Supporting","Critique","W3C Recommendation"]
headings: ["Main","Explainer","Literature","Supporting","Critique"]
description: Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity.
excerpt: >
Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) that the controller of the DID decides that it identifies. In contrast to typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so that they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties might be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject.
A DID identifies any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) that the controller of the DID decides that it identifies. In contrast to typical, federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so that they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties might be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the controller of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are URIs that associate a DID subject with a DID document allowing trustable interactions associated with that subject.
categories: ["Web Standards"]
tags: ["Credentials Community Group","Decentralized Identifiers","DIDWG","DIF","Evernym","FIMSA","ID2020","IETF","IIW","NIST","RWoT","SRI International","W3C"]
permalink: /web-standards/w3c/decentralized-identifier/
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
title: "(DIDs) DID Methods - W3C"
title: "DID Methods - Various"
name: DID Methods
layout: standards
headings: ["About","DID Methods","Discussion"]
headings: ["Main","DID Methods","Discussion"]
description: Different DID methods use different underlying mechanisms with different performance, security, and privacy tradeoffs.
excerpt: >
DID methods are the magic ingredient that gives DIDs their flexibility. Before creating any specific DID, you first choose a DID method, which determines how you perform the create, read, update, and deactivate operations on a DID of that method.
@ -104,3 +104,13 @@ What I want to celebrate, however, isn’t just Kim’s thoughts and works, but
> Not only did Kim “inject his 7 laws of identity into Microsoft’s DNA”, but did so throughout today’s growing global digital identity ecosystem.
> Kim was crafty. He not only injected his thinking into Microsoft; as a champion of the Identity Standards Community, Kim embedded his thinking into the standards that inform many of the identity systems operating at scale today.
## Decentralized Identifiers Approved for W3C recommendation
Decentralized Identifiers W3C Objections overruled by W3C director approving the DIDCore specification as a W3C Recommendation In its next chartered period the Working Group should address and deliver proposed standard DID method(s) and demonstrate interoperable implementations. The community and Member review of such proposed methods is the natural place to evaluate the questions raised by the objectors and other Member reviewers regarding decentralization, fitness for purpose, and sustainable resource utilization. -Ralph Swick, for Tim Berners-Lee https://www.w3.org/2022/06/DIDRecommendationDecision.html Post W3C Recommendation 2022-06-30
Decentralized Identifiers DIF Decentralized Identifiers (DID) 1.0 specification approved as W3C Recommendation Announcing the [Decentralized Identifiers (DID) v1.0 specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) as an open web standard signals that it is technically sound, mature, and ready for widespread adoption. Having an established v1.0 specification allows work to continue with renewed energy and focus, not only at the many groups meeting at DIF, but across the digital identity community. The W3C has approved the DIDCore V1.0 spec as an official Recommentdation; DIDs are now an open web standard ready for use and further development https://blog.identity.foundation/w3cdidspec-2/ Post W3C Recommendation 2022-06-30
Decentralized Identifiers TOIP A DIF & TOIP Joint Statement of Support for the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDS) V1.0 Specification Becoming A W3C Specification DIDs are a critical part of a technical foundation for the products and activities of many of our members. Many of the implementations in the [DID Working Group’s implementation report](https://w3c.github.io/did-test-suite/%23report-by-methods) were developed by engineers and companies who collaborate openly at DIF on points of technical interoperability, and at ToIP on points of policy and governance.<br>Why would you have 75 logins when you could have 1? https://trustoverip.org/blog/2021/10/29/a-dif-toip-joint-statement-of-support-for-the-decentralized-identifiers-dids-v1-0-specification-becoming-a-w3c-standard/ Post W3C Recommendation 2021-10-29
Decentralized Identifiers Indicio Sam Curren Indicio’s support for the W3C DID Specification and its path to standardization The position of Indicio is that the DID Specification is of signal importance to creating a better digital world. We recognize that, as with any specification, improvements can and will be made in the future; but we back its recommendations and its approval. The W3C’s DID Specification is critical to building a better digital world. https://indicio.tech/indicios-support-for-the-w3c-did-specification-and-its-path-to-standardization/ Post W3C Recommendation 2022-07-01
Decentralized Identifiers The Register W3C overrules objections by Google, Mozilla to decentralized identifier spec The [DID specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/%23introduction) describes a way to deploy a globally unique identifier without a centralized authority (eg, Apple [for Sign in with Apple](https://developer.apple.com/sign-in-with-apple/) as a verifying entity. https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/01/w3c_overrules_objections/ Post W3C Recommendation 2022-07-01
Decentralized Identifiers IOHK Advancing digital identity through DID core specification The recent DID core specification approval at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) provided clearer and stronger foundations for identity platforms building decentralized identifiers. Good to see Cardano jumping on the bandwagon, looks like they will bring DID\VC to Atla Prism. https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2022/09/08/advancing-digital-identity-through-did-core-specification/ Post W3C Recommendation 2022-09-08
Decentralized Identifiers CCG Mailing List Anil John DID 1.0 Comments / Meeting Minutes (was RE: Mozilla Formally Objects to DID Core) [https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html](https://www.w3.org/2021/09/21-did10-minutes.html) is fascinating reading!<br><br>[...] I can speak to the work of the DHS SVIP Program and our approach and perspective across our two work-streams that touch upon the two points.<br><br>1. Governments “lobbying” for single DID method and Non-Interoperability<br>“tantek: concerned to hear that there are governments looking to adopt, with only single implementation methods and non interop, sounds like lobbying may have occurred, … advocating for single-implementation solutions that are centralized wolves in decentralized clothing”<br>“<cwilso+1 to tantek's concern that governments are responding to lobbying attempts on non-interoperable methods” https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Sep/0135.html Discussion W3C Recommendation 2021-09-02
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