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synced 2025-02-03 01:40:03 -05:00
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@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
published: false
### Digital ID Lab - CA
* [Digital ID Lab Announces Successful Closure of Several Public and Private Grants](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200714005237/en/Digital-ID-Lab-Announces-Successful-Closure-of-Several-Public-and-Private-Grants)
The Lab is Canada’s first independent and neutral organization to promote the compliance of and interoperability between digital ID solutions across public and private sectors, bridging a crucial gap in the advancement of Canada’s digital ecosystem.
## BCGov
* [John Jordan AMA - ToIP, BC Gov, Spinal Cord Injuries](https://iiw.idcommons.net/13C/_John_Jordan_AMA_-_ToIP,_BC_Gov,_Spinal_Cord_Injuries) by John Jordan
John shared about his journey and ongoing rehab, and then moved on to what’s up with BCGov these days and looking ahead with the same.
* [https://github.com/bcgov/von](https://github.com/bcgov/von)
* [John Jordan (BC Gov) about VON, OrgBook BC and our vision](https://bc-von.s3.amazonaws.com/2018-06-VON-Webinar-for-Sovrin-Indy-Community.mp4)
# Canadian Identity
* [Agency to hear public comment at hearing on August 24 and 25 as part of rulemaking process](https://cppa.ca.gov/regulations/) CPPA CA
@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ Oskar van Deventer, a rockstar from TNO, presents:
> 5. Foster eco-systems and demonstrate the value through practical use-cases.
> 6. Create a level playing field for sustainable data sharing by providing funding to pioneers at the forefront of developing data eco-systems
* [Meeco Review of the European Data Strategy](https://www.meeco.me/data) - Whitepaper
* [IDunion enters the second project phase initiated by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany](https://idunion.org/2021/04/06/idunion-startet-in-die-zweite-vom-bmwi-gefoerderte-projektphase/?lang%3Den)
> - The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has selected IDunion for the second phase of the innovation competition “Showcase Secure Digital Identities”.
> - The three-year implementation phase began on April 1, 2021.
> - The goals of this new project phase includes the establishment of a European cooperative, the launch of a production network and the implementation of 40+ different pilot applications from several areas.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and Government – Data Exchange](https://cyber.ee/resources/case-studies/self-sovereign-identity-and-government-identity/) Cybernetica
> The [previous post](https://cyber.ee/blog/2021/03-23/) focused on identity as a single topic, pulling it away from the data exchange component where it has recently become muddled up. In terms of identity, self-sovereign identity (SSI) and traditional public key infrastructure (PKI) based offerings are, for the most part, on the same page.
* [The European Single Identity System “Back to the Future”](https://vimeo.com/481408424)
@ -344,7 +340,6 @@ EBSI is a blockchain network of distributed nodes across Europe to support impor
- Digital Wallet
* [IDunion announces successful establishment of European cooperative](https://idunion.org/2022/08/16/idunion-announces-successful-establishment-of-european-cooperative/?lang%3Den)
EBSI: [Innovation that respects our privacy is a joint effort](https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/EBSI/Innovation%2Bthat%2Brespects%2Bour%2Bprivacy%2Bis%2Ba%2Bjoint%2Beffort)
@ -482,3 +477,6 @@ The goal of IATA One ID is to set industry standards that further streamline the
* [How the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will shape the future of digital identity in Europe](https://www.idnow.io/blog/digital-markets-act-dma-future-digital-identity/) IDNow
On March 24th, 2022, [the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on the final version of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/de/TXT/?qid%3D1608116887159%26uri%3DCOM%253A2020%253A842%253AFIN). According to the European Commission, the DMA regulation is expected to be reviewed and enacted by October 2022.
* [the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge](http://validatedid.com/post-en/the-time-for-the-eidas-bridge) ValidatedID
> There’s an outstanding question, for us, around how this community explores and thinks about the theoretical underpinnings of a Community of Practice (CoP), but one thing is for sure, Keep Badges Weird is a CoP.
@ -57,12 +57,6 @@ End-to-end messaging encryption is a domain where mistakes matter. The current d
Bedoya’s research has shined a light on digital surveillance and its impact on people of color, immigrants, and the working class. He founded the [Center on Privacy & Technology](https://www.law.georgetown.edu/privacy-technology-center/) at Georgetown Law to focus on the importance of consumer privacy rights.
* [Response to FinCEN RFI](https://www.centre.io/blog/centres-response-to-fincen-rfi) Centre
In this letter, we focus on two questions relevant to identifying Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) regulations and guidance that may be outdated, redundant, or do not promote a risk-based AML/CFT regulatory regime
* [Centre’s Response to Australian Treasury](https://www.centre.io/blog/centres-response-to-australian-treasury) Centre
In this letter, we focus on a couple of issues that would be beneficial in expanding the Australian regulatory frameworks to include crypto assets. Furthermore, our comments pertain specifically to fiat-backed stablecoins, which are backed on a 1:1 basis by reserve assets, such as bank deposits and short-term government bonds.
@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ published: false
# Public Sector
### Findy - Finnish
* [Finnish tech co-op receives government grant to develop a self-sovereign identity network](https://www.thenews.coop/164789/topic/technology/finnish-tech-co-op-receives-government-grant-to-develop-a-self-sovereign-identity-network/) TheNews
The Finnish Government has awarded a €3m (£2.6m) grant to [Findynet Cooperative](https://findy.fi/en/) for a pilot project aiming to build a self-sovereign identity network.
* [The Findynet Cooperative receives a government grant to develop a trusted way to share information in electronic interactions](https://findy.fi/en/findy-a-visionary-initiative-by-the-public-and-private-sectors-is-developing-a-new-type-of-verifiable-data-network-that-strengthens-finlands-position-as-a-driving-force-in-building-digital/) Findy.fi
The aim of this public-private cooperation is to strengthen Finland’s leading position in digitalization and support the emergence of investments in new digital services.
## DIDAS - Swiss
* [Swiss doing SSI](http://didas.swiss)
> Underpinned by our country’s values, DIDAS is the Swiss ecosystem with the goal to enable an inclusive, privacy-first & frictionless future for our society’s Digital & Data needs. We are advocating for global standards with local governance for digital identities and data sovereignty.
### Policy
@ -154,9 +165,6 @@ The LEI’s legacy is proudly rooted in financial services and regulation. Its f
One key aspect outlined in Section 4 of the Executive Order (EO) is securing the software supply chain. At issue here is the reality that the U.S. federal government—like nearly any other organization on the planet that uses computer technology in any form—relies on not just one but numerous types of software to process data and run operational equipment.
* [The keystone foundation companion to the Blockchain is Digital Identity](https://scottishblockchain.net/transforming-education-blockchain-ssi/) DigitalScot
> The building block of digital identity ecosystems are ‘[verifiable credentials](https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/verifiable-credentials-101-for-ssi-and-decentralized-digital-identity-tyler-ruff)‘, the core mechanics for forming these ecosystems through sharing Identity data between collaborating partners, exemplified by initiatives such as the [EU’s recent announcement](https://apnews.com/article/europe-health-coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-travel-73f90d18909c595da463994e16e17348) and explained here by the OIX Identity forum.
* [RaonSecure builds a blockchain-based digital wallet service with a public institution](https://medium.com/raonsecure/raonsecure-builds-a-blockchain-based-digital-wallet-service-with-a-public-institution-9fe2c8028f6c)
Selection of RaonSecure as the final operator of the ‘blockchain-based digital wallet project’ that is part of the ‘2021 Blockchain Pilot Project’ program promoted by the Korean government
@ -178,9 +186,6 @@ The EU-funded IMPULSE focuses on building a decentralised Self-Sovereign Identit
While the EU wallet may not align entirely with every principle of self-sovereign identity, it is certainly a massive leap in that direction.
* [IDnow supports European digital identity ecosystem](https://www.idnow.io/press/idnow-supports-european-digital-identity-ecosystem/)
IDnow joins IDunion, the network initiative for digital identities funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
* [New Directions for Government in the Second Era of the Digital Age](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/new-directions-for-government-in-the-second-era-of-the-digital-age/) Kuppinger Cole
The [Blockchain Research Institute™](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/), in collaboration with the Washington DC based [Chamber of Digital Commerce](https://digitalchamber.org/) and other experts have produced a 120-page report on how the Biden-Harris administration could reimagine US technology strategy and policy—and take action to implement it.
@ -264,9 +269,6 @@ The ID wallet for the digital driver's license is not only technically immature.
On September 15, 2021, I moderated a panel with representatives from the United States Government, the Canadian Government, and the European Commission. Below is an edited excerpt from the panel
* [IDunion: Germany’s Bold SSI Strategy with Hakan Yildiz](https://northernblock.io/idunion-germany-bold-ssi-strategy/)
What use cases should a National Digital Identity program prioritize in collaboration with the private sector? As use cases become verticals of their own, what are then some of the horizontal considerations that need to be applied to enable all of the use cases to function within their relative ecosystems?
* [Early Adopters Programme | Imagining what EBSI can do for European citizens](https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/Early%2520Adopters%2520Programme%23become-ebsi-compliant)
@ -322,11 +324,6 @@ Central banks are realising CBDCs will have to be intimately linked to identity
> In episode 37, René Seifert talks about the current status of identity in the UK; the government’s recent call for evidence and DIU (digital identity unit); the resultant six guiding principles – including privacy and inclusivity; the potential of self-sovereign identity to solve some of these issues; TrueProfile.io and the importance of verified credentials in an HR context; plus the ethical, political and technical challenges of ‘immunity passports’.
* [Catalan government announces self-sovereign identity project](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/catalan-government-self-sovereign-identity/)
> The government of Catalonia announced its plans for self-sovereign identities (SSIs) for citizens based on blockchain technology. The project, named IdentiCAT, was revealed by the President of Catalonia Quim Torra and will allow citizens to be the “owner, manager and exclusive custod[ian] of his identity and data”.
* [IDunion: An open ecosystem for trusted identities](https://idunion.org/2021/02/16/idunion-an-open-ecosystem-for-trusted-identities/?lang=en)
- [IDunion](https://idunion.org/) (formerly SSI for Germany) has completed the competition phase of the innovation competition “Schaufenster Sichere Digitale Identitäten” and is applying to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) for the next phase of the innovation competition.
- The use of decentralised, self-sovereign identities for natural persons, companies and things is to be tested in over 35 use cases from a wide range of sectors.
- The project involves 26 well-known public and private partners.
* [City of Austin dabbling in SSI](https://github.com/cityofaustin/mypass-project/wiki/blockchain-report)
Many folks within the identity space see VC infrastructure as the future of identification. If much of our online identity is reputation based, then VCs represent a formal method for linking reputations and vouching for others to form a web of trust within which individuals are able to conduct identity transactions in a less centralized way.
@ -22,3 +22,13 @@ As we’ll explore in the upcoming and future webinars, Scotland’s opportunity
> Apps like [Healthy Me](https://digi.me/healthy-me/) from digi.me are an example of this new paradigm and how the decentralized approach tackles issues common to IT, like data privacy, by distributing the workload and privacy control to the users themselves.
> Initiatives like [MyData](https://mydata.org/), of which digi.me plays a key role, are setting out to develop the global movement that will establish the framework for adoption of this approach, defining the methods and governance for regulating this model of data exchange.
* [Digital Scotland: Blueprint for a 21st Century Scottish Digital Nation](https://digitalscot.net/library/digital-nation/)
From the Blockchain through AI and the ‘Metaverse’, Scotland is presented with a wide spectrum of technology innovations to harness. And from Education through Economy, there is an equally wide spectrum of opportunity areas where it can be applied, for great national benefit.
* [The keystone foundation companion to the Blockchain is Digital Identity](https://scottishblockchain.net/transforming-education-blockchain-ssi/) DigitalScot
> The building block of digital identity ecosystems are ‘[verifiable credentials](https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/verifiable-credentials-101-for-ssi-and-decentralized-digital-identity-tyler-ruff)‘, the core mechanics for forming these ecosystems through sharing Identity data between collaborating partners, exemplified by initiatives such as the [EU’s recent announcement](https://apnews.com/article/europe-health-coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-travel-73f90d18909c595da463994e16e17348) and explained here by the OIX Identity forum.
* [Transforming Scottish Education for the 21st Century](https://digitalscot.net/transforming-scottish-education/) Digital Scot
This of course is the backbone of the education system, how grades are assessed and rewarded, and it is here therefore where the biggest levers for change are possible, and in this article we’ll explain the role new technologies can play in underpinning and enabling such a transformation.
* [Transforming Scottish Education on the Blockchain](https://digitalscot.net/education-blockchain/) DigitalScot
Reference in New Issue
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