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# Bonifii - Was CuLedger
* [Bonifii and Entersekt Announce New Context-Aware Authentication Solution for Credit Unions](https://bonifii.com/2022/04/bonifii-and-entersekt-announce-new-context-aware-authentication-solution-for-credit-unions/)
> Bonifii and Entersekt today announced a new partnership bringing context-aware authentication technology to credit unions through MemberPass Express, powered by Entersekt. MemberPass is the first KYC-compliant member-controlled digital identity issued by credit union cooperatives.
* [Equifax Launches Digital Identity as a Service](https://bonifii.com/2021/10/equifax-launches-digital-identity-as-a-service/) CU Ledger
> Equifax Digital Identity as a Service gives credit union members more control over their information and will help to facilitate faster and easier user experiences for previously onboarded users. Functionality from Equifax’s suite of identity protection products including [Digital Identity Trust](https://www.equifax.com/business/digital-authentication/), Document Verification and the recently acquired [Kount Identity Trust Global Network](https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a%3Dhttps%253a%252f%252fkount.com%252f%26c%3DE,1,P0Lh3syJAhSnb3ckebQ1p8C29xvkkJ94klUQn8bpJ0Dl1XUoFwXkyPWAlTmWqD3i3bv6IWqRyqfz7_JzzpwIpG4zrWtxyIfflytpAkuFg7nn_Q,,%26typo%3D1) are incorporated into the new holistic solution.
* [Liquid Avatar Technologies and Bonifii Make VCs Accessible for People and Financial Institutions in the Metaverse](https://bonifii.com/2021/11/liquid-avatar-technologies-and-bonifii-make-verifiable-credentials-accessible-for-people-and-financial-institutions-in-the-metaverse/) Bonifii
> “The metaverse and Web 3.0 are here, and we are building the infrastructure to manage how we’re going to live, work, and play in the intersection of the real and the digital,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indico. “Bonifii and Liquid Avatar get it, they’re on it and we’re excited to help them realize their vision.“
* [Bonfii announces partnership with Finclusive](https://bonifii.com/2021/11/credit-union-digital-identity-provider-bonifii-announces-new-partnership-with-finclusive/) CU Ledger
FinClusive’s AML/KYC capabilities create verified identity credentials that will be incorporated into MemberPass – Bonifii’s digital identity solution for Credit Unions Through this partnership, U.S. Credit Union members can now establish and maintain verifiable digital identities that enable safe, secure, and touchless experiences for many credit union service
* [How Credit Unions Use Verifiable Credentials with Members with John Ainsworth](https://northernblock.io/how-credit-unions-use-verifiable-credentials-with-members/) Northern Block
Learn how Bonifii is using Verifiable Credentials as a Digital Transformation mechanism for Credit Unions to Increase Engagement with their Members. John Ainsworth explains how they are revolutionizing how Credit Unions say “hello” to a member.
* [Bonifii increases financial inclusion with GlobaliD digital wallet and Indicio Network](https://bonifii.com/2021/10/bonifii-increases-financial-inclusion-with-globalid-digital-wallet-and-indicio-network/)
CULedger is now [Bonifii](https://bonifii.com/)! Delivering a trusted peer-to-peer services network of verifiable exchange for financial cooperatives.
* [Liquid Avatar Technologies and Bonifii Make Verifiable Credentials Accessible for People and Financial Institutions in the Metaverse](https://www.yahoo.com/now/liquid-avatar-technologies-bonifii-verifiable-133000234.html)
Oasis Digital Studios ("Oasis"), Bonifii will make its verifiable credential available for players in the game [Aftermath Islands](https://pr.report/KAodixO3) and facilitate in-game financial transactions in the same, privacy-preserving way real world customers use the Bonifii credential. This collaboration in the metaverse breaks new ground in the emerging digital experiences of Web 3.0.
* [Bonifii increases financial inclusion with GlobaliD digital wallet and Indicio Network](https://bonifii.com/2021/10/bonifii-increases-financial-inclusion-with-globalid-digital-wallet-and-indicio-network/)
CULedger is now [Bonifii](https://bonifii.com/)! Delivering a trusted peer-to-peer services network of verifiable exchange for financial cooperatives.
* [Liquid Avatar Technologies and Bonifii Make VCs Accessible for People and Financial Institutions in the Metaverse](https://bonifii.com/2021/11/liquid-avatar-technologies-and-bonifii-make-verifiable-credentials-accessible-for-people-and-financial-institutions-in-the-metaverse/) Bonifii
> “The metaverse and Web 3.0 are here, and we are building the infrastructure to manage how we’re going to live, work, and play in the intersection of the real and the digital,” said Heather Dahl, CEO of Indico. “Bonifii and Liquid Avatar get it, they’re on it and we’re excited to help them realize their vision.“