* [Founded](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/09/announcing_the_sovrin_foundation.shtml) in [September](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sovrin-foundation-launches-first-dedicated-self-sovereign-identity-network-300336702.html) 2016, The [Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/)
Foundation is creating a public instance of the Sovrin\Indy codebase; initially developed by [Evernym](#Evernym)
* [Sovrin Library](https://sovrin.org/library/)
* [Getting Started with Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/getting-started-with-sovrin/)
* [Sovrin: A Protocol and Token for Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/Sovrin-Protocol-and-Token-White-Paper.pdf)
* [Sovrin Network: What Goes on the Ledger?](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/What-Goes-On-The-Ledger.pdf)
* [How Sovrin Works: A Technical Guide from the Sovrin Foundation](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/How-Sovrin-Works.pdf) [[**ϟ**](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/AnonCred-RWC.pdf)]
* [Sovrin Test Network Trust Anchor Registration](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/evernym-cs/sovrin-STNnetwork/www/trust-anchor.html)[[**F**](https://forum.sovrin.org/t/testing-on-the-sovrin-test-network-stn/643/17)]
* [Sovrin Main Net Outage, December 2018](https://forum.sovrin.org/t/sovrin-main-net-outage-december-2018/1010)
> The Sovrin Main Network experienced an outage lasting from Saturday 2018-12-08 until Tuesday 2018-12-11. This was our first significant outage of the network. This post describes the incident, how it was addressed, and what we are doing to prevent future incidents and improve our responses.
* [Sovrin Status Twitter](https://twitter.com/sovrin_status)
> SeLF allows you to integrate the Self-Sovereign Identity into your infrastructure without modifying your legacy IT-applications, directories or management systems. SSI credential-based access rules (CrBAC) transform the new technology into authentication and authorization objects that can be synchronized and used by conventional technologies like SAML or LDAP.
{% include video id="305420834" provider="vimeo" %}
[The Sovrin Network- Making Self-Sovereign Identity a Reality](https://vimeo.com/305420834) from [Sovrin Foundation](https://vimeo.com/sovrinfoundation).
The Sovrin ledger is operated by Stewards, trusted organizations within the ecosystem who have agreed to abide by the requirements in the [Sovrin Trust Framework](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-governance-framework/) and are responsible for operation the nodes that maintain the Sovrin distributed ledger.
Stewards also, as a group, accept or reject any changes to the ledger-specific portions of the Sovrin open source code by virtue of that role. They thus provide a counterbalance to the Sovrin architects who maintain the Indy code base.
* [Consent](http://www.consent.global/)[[**ϟ**](https://sovrin.org/steward/global-consent/)] — "platform for trusted personal data applications and services, using Ethereum smart contracts to implement decentralized identifiers, verified credentials, consent receipts, a web of trust, and exchange of assets and value."