* [Public Spending: One Way to Solve Many Problems](https://medium.com/mydex/public-spending-one-way-to-solve-many-problems-3ac394e46a9e)Digital Scot
“We will identify where there may be shared interest, duplication or overlap in intended policy outcomes over multiple portfolios. Where there is, we will look to develop a more effective and efficient cross-government solution.”
* [MyDex is working with the Scotish Government](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/05/13/digital-identity-scotland-prototype-draws-to-a-close/) 2020-05-13
> MyDex is a community interest corporation that has been working on building *real products in the real world*. They [wrote about the ongoing work](https://medium.com/mydex/proving-verified-attributes-work-3f9ca813d43f) enabling public sector organizations to give citizens verifiable attributes they keep in their own data stores and can prove to other parties without the issuing organization in the middle.
* [MyDex CCI on working with the Scottish Government](https://medium.com/mydex/a-way-forward-for-personal-data-6251d1503bdd)
> Over the past months Mydex CIC has been [working for the Scottish Government](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/10/01/digital-identity-scotland-a-beta-industry-event/) on a strategy for implementing and scaling a system of ‘smart entitlements’ for the citizens of Scotland. 2020-10-01
* [Digital Identity Scotland – A beta industry event](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/2020/10/01/digital-identity-scotland-a-beta-industry-event/). 2020-10-01
> The [Smart Entitlements](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2020/10/Smart-Entitlements-Research-Recommendations-and-Report-for-the-Scottish-Government-FINAL.pdf) concept is very simple. Its goal is to create a common, easy approach for citizens to access public services that is consistent across multiple service providers. To achieve this, it provides citizens with the ability to store their personal information in an Attribute (or personal data) Store which they own and control.
* [The keystone foundation companion to the Blockchain is Digital Identity](https://scottishblockchain.net/transforming-education-blockchain-ssi/)DigitalScot
> The building block of digital identity ecosystems are ‘[verifiable credentials](https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/verifiable-credentials-101-for-ssi-and-decentralized-digital-identity-tyler-ruff)‘, the core mechanics for forming these ecosystems through sharing Identity data between collaborating partners, exemplified by initiatives such as the[EU’s recent announcement](https://apnews.com/article/europe-health-coronavirus-pandemic-lifestyle-travel-73f90d18909c595da463994e16e17348)and explained here by the OIX Identity forum.
* [Digital Identity Scotland](https://blogs.gov.scot/digital/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/05/Digital-Identity-Scotland-Attribute-Standards-31-May-2019.pdf) 2019-05 Scotish Government
> Digital Identity Scotland (DIS) is a programme being run by the Scottish Government to develop a common approach to digital identity for Scottish digital public services.
> From the outset the programme stated the following objectives:
> 1. To develop a common approach to online identity assurance and authentication for access to public services, that supports the landscape and direction for digital public services delivery.
> 2. To develop a solution that is designed with and for members of the public (service users) and that stakeholders can support.
> 3. To develop a solution that works: is safe, secure, effective, proportionate, easy to use, and accessible; and forms part of public sector digital services.
> 4. To develop a solution where members of the public can be confident that their privacy is being protected.
> 5. To develop a solution that brings value for money and efficiencies in the delivery of digital public services