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2022-12-06 22:57:12 -05:00
# Cheqd
* [cheqd is launching a self-sovereign identity network on Cosmos this year](https://blog.cheqd.io/verim-is-launching-a-self-sovereign-identity-network-on-cosmos-in-2021-8949e68b2ef8)
It's Verim in New clothes. Kaliya still doesnt like this model. Requiring verifiers to pay issuers is really really privacy problematic.
We want to provide a common and public infrastructure easily accessible to anyone and any organisation that provides B2B and B2B2C payment rails between issuers, holders, and receivers of trusted data. [...] cheqd is not and does not plan on dictating a single payment model. Rather, our product vision is to enable each ecosystem to decide this on their own through [Layer 1 vs Layer 2 mechanisms](https://blog.verim.id/self-sovereign-identity-semantics-an-economic-extension-to-the-trust-over-ip-stack-4a4197d8f6d3) and customisable tokenomics.
* [Why self-sovereign identity will increase university demands for a future in lifelong digital credentials](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202209/why-self-sovereign-identity-will-increase-university-demands-for-a-future-in-lifelong-digital-credentials) BiometricUpdate
Biometrics Update running a series by cheqd CEO Fraser Edwards
* [Self-sovereign identity use cases](https://blog.cheqd.io/self-sovereign-identity-use-cases-43bb03d49e13) Cheqd
While self-sovereign identity (SSI) sounds like an unfamiliar concept for some, others are actively leveraging the technology to address industry-specific challenges — take the KYC trial of the [Financial Conduct Authority](https://www.evernym.com/blog/evernym-accepted-into-fca-regulatory-sandbox/) or the [IATA Travel Pass.](https://www.iata.org/en/pressroom/pr/2020-12-16-01/)
* [Our Approach to Resources on-ledger](https://blog.cheqd.io/our-approach-to-resources-on-ledger-25bf5690c975): Using the capabilities of the DID Core specification for standards-compliant resource lookup
Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs): are often stored on ledgers (e.g., [cheqd](https://github.com/cheqd/node-docs/blob/adr-008-resources-updates/architecture/adr-list/adr-002-cheqd-did-method.md), [Hyperledger Indy](https://hyperledger.github.io/indy-did-method/), distributed storage (e.g., [IPFS](https://ipfs.io/) in [Sidetree](https://identity.foundation/sidetree/spec/)), or non-ledger distributed systems (e.g., [KERI](https://keri.one/)). Yet, DIDs can be stored on traditional centralised-storage endpoints (e.g., [did:web](https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-method-web/), [did:git](https://github-did.com/)).
* [Metaverse and self-sovereign identity (SSI): new superpower?](https://blog.cheqd.io/metaverse-and-self-sovereign-identity-ssi-new-superpower-b4cac6319885) Cheqd
Besides an exciting front side of virtual reality (VR) element that everybody could at least vaguely relate to, there are a lot of other interesting developments, particularly around the digital economy and trusted interactions enabled through digital and self-sovereign identity (SSI).
* [Why cheqd has joined the Cosmos](https://blog.cheqd.io/why-cheqd-has-joined-the-cosmos-4db8845722c5)
We know that many communities are desirably and rightly passionate about their adopted protocols. We are not taking shots at any of the ones discussed below, which we didnt take forward; we only want to explain our thinking and why we see using Cosmos as a massive boon for us.
* [AnonCreds Indy-Pendence](https://blog.cheqd.io/anoncreds-indy-pendence-4946367469d4) Cheqd
Part 1: Decoupling the reliance on Hyperledger Indy and creating more extensible AnonCreds Objects with cheqd.