* a network of computers that collectively maintain a global registry of domain names, public keys, and cryptographic hashes. With this registry, Blockstack serves as a decentralized domain name system (DNS) and a decentralized public key infrastructure (PKI).
* [Extending Existing Blockchains with Virtualchain](https://www.zurich.ibm.com/dccl/papers/nelson_dccl.pdf)
* [Onename](https://onename.com/) — "a product built on Blockstack that allows people to register identities"
* [Blockstack DID Spec](https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-core/blob/master/docs/blockstack-did-spec.md)[**[ϟ](https://forum.blockstack.org/t/did-method-at-identity-foundation/4287/9)**]