This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos (@santosomar) and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
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Omar Santos 23bd69df60
# Perl Resources

## Libraries for developing CLI applications:
* [App::Cmd]( - Write command line apps with less suffering.
* [Getopt::Long]( - Extended processing of command line options.

## Cloud
* [AWS::CloudFront]( - Lightweight interface to Amazon CloudFront CDN
* [AWS::S3]( - Lightweight interface to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
* [Net::Amazon::EC2]( - Interface to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment.
* [Net::AWS::SES]( - Perl extension that implements Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) client
* [WebService::DigitalOcean]( - Access the DigitalOcean RESTful API (v2)
* [WebService::Dropbox]( - Interface to Dropbox API

## Cryptography
* [Bitcoin::Crypto]( - Bitcoin cryptography in Perl
* [CryptX]( - Cryptographic toolkit

## Data Format - Libraries for serializing, formatting and parsing data
* [BSON]( - Binary JSON format
* [CBOR::Free]( - Support for (CBOR)[], IETF’s “binary JSON”
* [Data::Dumper::Simple]( - Reduce and faster Data::Dumper and eval() equivalent
* [Data::MessagePack](
* [JSON::PP](
* [JSON::XS](
* [Sereal](
* [Storable](
* [Text::CSV](
* [Text::CSV_XS](
* [Text::Markdown](
* [TOML](
* [XML::LibXML](
* [XML::Compile::Schema]( - Interpret schema elements and types: create processors for XML messages.
* [XML::Compile::SOAP]( - Implements the SOAP 1.1 protocol, client side.
* [XML::Compile::WSDL]( - Use SOAP with a WSDL version 1.1 communication specification file.
* [YAML](

## Database - Libraries for interacting with relational databases
* [DBI](
* [DBIx::Connector]( - Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
* [DBIx::Handler]( - Fork-safe DBI handler
* [DBIx::Inspector](
* [DBIx::QueryLog](
* [DBIx::Sunny]( - Useful DBI Wrapper
* [DBIx::TransactionManager](

### Relational Databases
* [DBD::CSV](
* [DBD::Firebird](
* [DBD::mysql](
* [DBD::ODBC]( - Any ODBC Driver. MS-SQL w/ placeholders
* [DBD::Oracle]( - Oracle database driver for the DBI module
* [DBD::Pg]( - PostgreSQL driver for DBI.
* [DBD::SQLite](
* [DBD::Sybase]( - Sybase and MS-SQL. No placeholders w/ MS-SQL though

### NoSQL Databases
* [Cache::Memcached::Fast](
* [Mango]( - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
* [Redis](
* [Redis::Fast]( - Perl wrapper around hiredis driver
* [Search::Elasticsearch]( - Offical Elasticsearch client library
* [UnQLite](

## Network

*Libraries that help when you are dealing with computer networks*

* [DOCSIS::ConfigFile]( -  Decodes and encodes DOCSIS config files
* [NetAddr::MAC]( - Handle MAC addresses

*Libraries that help when you are working across computer networks*

* [Net::SSH::Perl]( - SSH client implemented in Perl.
* [Net::SSH2]( - Wrapper for [libssh2](
* [Net::OpenSSH]( - Run commands remotely using the [OpenSSH]( client.
* [Net::OpenSSH::Parallel]( - Run remote commands in parallel using the OpenSSH client.
* [Net::SSH::Any]( - Run remote commands using any module or binary client available.
* [Net::SFTP::Foreign]( - SFTP client for remote file access.
* [Object::Remote]( - Run Perl code on remote machines.
* [Net::CLI::Interact]( - Automates interactive programs.
* [Net::Appliance::Session]( - Automates interaction with appliances.

## Protocol

*Protocol clients and libraries*

* [Furl]( - Faster HTTP(S) Client
* [HTTP::Tiny]( - Minimal and fast client. Included in the standard packages.
* [LWP::UserAgent]( - Popular HTTP(S) Client
* [Net::Curl]( - (libcurl)[] integration
* [Net::DHCP]( - Send and receive DHCP packets
* [Net::DNS]( - Resolve DNS host names
* [Protocol::DBus]( - D-Bus in (pure) Perl

## Stream Manipulation

*Libraries for manipulating event streams*

* [RxPerl]( - Perl implementation of [Reactive Extensions]( / rxjs

## REST Frameworks

*Libraries for developing REST applications*

* [Catalyst::Action::REST]( - Automated REST Method Dispatching
* [Dancer2::Plugin::REST]( - A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer2
* [Dancer::Plugin::REST]( - A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer
* [Raisin]( - a REST API micro framework for Perl
* [Squatting]( - A Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl

## Template Engines

*Libraries and tools for templating*

* [HTML::Template]( - Templates for web pages
* [Template::Alloy]( - TT2/3, HT, HTE, Tmpl, and Velocity Engine
* [Template::Toolkit]( - Very Popular Template Processing System
* [Text::MicroTemplate]( - Fast, simple and safe template engine written in pure-Perl and core modules.
* [Text::MicroTemplate::Extended]( - Extended Text::MicroTemplate.
* [Text::Template]( - Templates with embedded perl
* [Text::Xslate]( - Faster template engine with XS. Supports multiple syntaxes.
* [Tiffany]( - Generic interface for template engines. It makes it easy to use multiple template engines.
* [Template::Magic]( - Magic merger of runtime values with templates.

## Testing

*Libraries for testing codebases and generating test data.*

### Testing Frameworks

* [Test::Base]( - A Data Driven Testing Framework
* [Test::Base::Less]( - Limited version of Test::Base
* [Test::BDD::Cucumber]( - Implementation of the popular Cucumber framework in Perl
* [Test::Class]( - Class-based testing. Support "setup" and "teardown".
* [Test::Deep]( - Test deep and complex data structures with great flexibility.
* [Test::Deep::Matcher](
* [Test::Harness]( - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
* [Test::Kantan]( - simple, flexible, fun "Testing framework"
* [Test::More](

### Test Double

* [Test::Exception](
* [Test::Fatal]( - Simple module for verifying exceptions.
* [Test::Mock::Guard]( - Mocking package subroutines.
* [Test::MockTime](
* [Test::mysqld](
* [Test::TCP]( - Launch temporary TCP Server
* [Test::Time]( - Simple module for faking system time.

### Coverage

* [Devel::Cover](
* [Devel::Cover::Report::Coveralls]( Report to Coveralls

## Tools

*Some useful tools*

* [App::Ack]( - ack is a tool like grep, optimized for programmers.
* [App::Nopaste]( - Post to various pastebins from the CLI
* [Daiku]( - Make for Perl.
* [Data::Printer]( - Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects.
* [Reply]( - Read-eval-print-loop(REPL) command-line tool.
* [Riji]( - Static site generator using markdown and git mainly for blogging.
* [Smart::Comments]( - Comments that do more than just sit there.

*Libraries for developping command line applications*

* [Toolbox::Simple]( - Simplfy some common tasks in Perl.
* [Script::Toolbox]( - Framework for the daily business scripts.
* [Devel::Kit]( Handy toolbox of things to ease development/debugging.

*Libraries for handling configuration files*

* [Config::Tiny]( - Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible

## Type checking

* [MooseX::Types]( - Moose types management tool
* [Type::Tiny]( - Tiny, yet comprehensive type library

## Video

* [FFmpeg]( - Interface to FFmpeg, a video converter written in C
* [Video::Info]( - Retrieve video properties such as: height width codec fps
* [Vlc::Engine]( - use Vlc media player with Perl
* [VideoLAN::LibVLC]( - Perl bindings for
* [Video::Generator]( - Perl class for video generation

## Web Frameworks

*Libraries for developing Web applications*

* [Amon2](
* [Catalyst]( - Overflowing with features. Very popular.
* [Dancer]( ([Official site](
* [Dancer2](
* [Gantry]( - Web application framework for mod\_perl, cgi, etc.
* [Kelp]( - Plack-focused Perl web framework
* [Kossy]( - A Web framework with simple interface.
* [Mojolicious]( - An all in one framework.
* [Poet]( - a modern Perl web framework for Mason developers

### Middlewares

*Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares*

* [Gazelle]( - Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks
* [Plack]( - PSGI server implementation and utilities for Web applications.
* [Server::Starter]( - Process manager with the "graceful restart" feature.
* [Starlet]( - High-performance PSGI Server
* [Starman]( - High-performance preforking PSGI/Plack web server
* [Twiggy]( - Event-driven PSGI application server

## Web Frameworks-Like

*Somewhere between templates and full on frameworks*

* [Embperl]( - Building dynamic Websites with Perl (sort of like Perl crossed with PHP)
* [Mason]( - Powerful, high-performance templating for the web and beyond

## Web Scraping

*Libraries for extracting some information from websites*

* [Web::Scraper](
* [WWW::Mechanize](
* [WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS]( - automate the PhantomJS browser
* [WWW::Scripter]( - For scripting web sites that have scripts
* [WWW::Selenium]( 

## Network Security

*Some great libraries for starting the world of Network security with Perl*

* [Net::Pcap]( - Interface to the pcap LBL packet capture library
* [Net::Ncap]( - Perl binding to the ncap network data capture library
* [Net::Frame]( - Perl framework for frame crafting
* [NetPacket]( - assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
* [Net::Write]( - portable interface to open and send raw data to network
* [Net::Analysis]( - Perl library for analysing network traffic
* [Net::Silk]( - Perl's Interface to the SiLK network flow library
* [Net::Inspect]( - Perl library for inspection of data on various network layers
* [Net::Tshark]( - Perl interface for Tshark network capture utility 
* [Net::Sharktools]( - Wireshark's packet inspection capabilities in Perl
* [File::PCAP]( - Read, Write and manipulate  PCAP file format through Perl
* [Net::P0f]( - Perl interface to p0f utility, usefull for finger-printing os
* [Net::Pcap::Reassemble]( - Perl IP fragment reassembly for Net::Pcap
* [Nagios::NRPE]( - Pure perl Nagios NRPE implementation
* [Monitoring::Plugin]( -  A family of perl modules to streamline writing Naemon, Nagios, Icinga or Shinken (and compatible) plugins
* [Net::Connection::Sniffer]( - practical Perl library for MiTM connections
* [Net::ARP]( - Library for crafting ARP packets
* [SNMPMonitor]( - Perl extension for writing SNMP Monitors
* [Net::LibNIDS]( - Perl interface for the Network Intrusion Detection System library
* [Parse::Snort]( - Perl Snort rules parser
* [Net::Wireless::802_11::WPA::CLI]( - Perl WPA_CLI interface
* [IO::Socket::SSL::Intercept]( - library for intercepting SSL connections through Perl

## Metadata Forensics

*General Metadata files parser, usefull during forensics investigations*

* [Image::ExifTool]( - General metadata parser and viewer framework

## Reverse Engineering

*Libraries used for disassembly assembly operations, ELF files and bytecode*

* [Disassembly]( - Decompiles binary bytecode to readable and recompilable bytecode assembler
* [Python::Bytecode]( - Parse Python bytecode
* [B::Bytecode]( - Compiles a Perl script into a bytecode format that could be loaded later
* [Perf::ARM]( - Use ARM instructions in Perl
* [Asm::Z80::Table]( - assemble / disassemble all Z80 CPU assembly instructions with Perl
* [X86::Disasm]( - Disassemble Intel x86 instructions with Perl
* [Disassemble::X86]( - Another library for disassembe X86 instructions
* [X86::Udis86]( - Interface for the C Udis disassembler
* [Asm::X86]( - List of instructions and registers of x86-compatible processors, validating and converting instructions and memory references
* [ELF::Writer]( - write and read executable ELF files
2021-08-17 18:49:14 -04:00
adversarial_emulation Adding adversary emulation tools 2020-10-15 21:16:27 -04:00
buffer_overflow_example Create 2021-07-17 11:56:53 -04:00
bug-bounties Update 2020-09-09 13:36:59 -04:00
build_your_own_lab Update 2021-04-02 21:16:27 -04:00
capture_the_flag Update 2020-05-11 01:59:25 -04:00
cheat_sheets Create 2021-07-18 23:19:16 -04:00
cloud_resources Adding cloud security tools 2021-03-31 11:52:08 -04:00
cracking_passwords adding quick_recon to osint 2021-02-14 22:18:02 -05:00
crypto Update 2019-07-12 07:50:07 -04:00
cyberops Create 2020-09-07 16:58:57 -04:00
devsecops Create 2020-08-30 23:34:14 -04:00
dfir Create 2020-10-19 13:38:24 -04:00
docker-and-k8s-security Create Kubernetes Goat.pdf 2021-04-11 22:25:32 -04:00
exploit_development Update 2019-05-30 15:20:45 -04:00
fuzzing_resources Update 2021-02-20 21:58:31 -05:00
game_hacking Create 2019-02-06 13:03:34 -05:00
honeypots_honeynets Adding Honeypot / Honeynet Resources 2021-06-17 13:42:53 -04:00
IoT Link Updates 2021-02-04 14:00:46 -08:00
metasploit_resources adding metasploit info 2018-01-17 22:57:47 -05:00
mobile_security Update output.json 2018-06-18 23:34:43 -04:00
more_payloads updating payloads 2021-07-28 01:24:01 -04:00
osint Adding breached data search tools 2021-06-18 18:48:37 -04:00
pcaps Adding pcap files repos for testing 2020-11-14 20:45:51 -05:00
pen_testing_reports Update 2019-01-31 23:02:57 +01:00
post_exploitation Create 2021-07-18 23:33:45 -04:00
programming_and_scripting_for_cybersecurity Create 2021-08-17 18:49:14 -04:00
python_ruby_and_bash Create 2021-07-30 14:47:42 -04:00
recon Create 2021-07-18 23:48:12 -04:00
reverse_engineering Update 2021-07-10 16:33:57 -04:00
SCOR Update 2020-09-09 13:58:33 -04:00
social_engineering Update 2020-12-16 13:20:52 -05:00
threat_hunting adding threat hunting references 2018-05-09 11:33:10 -04:00
virl_topologies adding VIRL topology 2018-06-02 01:19:42 -04:00
vulnerability_scanners Link Updates 2021-02-04 14:00:46 -08:00
vulnerable_servers adding nodegoat and railsgoat 2020-08-31 00:06:37 -04:00
web_application_testing Update 2021-03-27 15:48:22 -04:00
who-and-what-to-follow Rename streamers-and-youtube/ to who-and-what-to-follow/ 2020-09-22 23:01:08 -04:00
windows Windows PowerShell Cheat Sheet Link Update 2021-03-07 23:44:33 -08:00
wireless_resources Create 2021-07-29 12:18:41 -04:00
.gitignore updating wireless resources 2021-04-01 19:31:42 -04:00 Update 2018-11-18 22:52:59 -05:00
LICENSE Update LICENSE 2020-03-28 00:22:15 -04:00 Update 2020-03-23 13:17:52 -04:00 Adding new tools 2021-08-17 21:35:03 +00:00 Update 2021-03-14 20:24:08 -04:00

Cyber Security Resources

This repository includes thousands of cybersecurity-related references and resources and it is maintained by Omar Santos. This GitHub repository has been created to provide supplemental material to several books, video courses, and live training created by Omar Santos and other co-authors. It provides over 9,000 references, scripts, tools, code, and other resources that help offensive and defensive security professionals learn and develop new skills. This GitHub repository provides guidance on how build your own hacking environment, learn about offensive security (ethical hacking) techniques, vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, malware analysis, threat intelligence, threat hunting, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), includes examples of real-life penetration testing reports, and more.

The Art of Hacking Series

The Art of Hacking Series is a series of video courses and live training that help you get up and running with your cybersecurity career. The following are the different video courses that are part of the Art of Hacking series:

These courses serve as comprehensive guide for any network and security professional who is starting a career in ethical hacking and penetration testing. It also can help individuals preparing for the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), CompTIA PenTest+ and any other ethical hacking certification. This course helps any cyber security professional that want to learn the skills required to becoming a professional ethical hacker or that want to learn more about general hacking methodologies and concepts.

These video courses are published by Pearson, but this GitHub repository is maintained and supported by the lead author of the series Omar Santos.

Live Training

Other Live Training and Video Courses: