# How to Create a Sub-Domain Finder in Python The following is a sample Python script to find subdomains using DNS. This script is using the `dns.resolver` module from the `dnspython` library. If you don't have the library installed, you can install it using pip: ``` pip install dnspython ``` The following is the Python script that can be used to find subdomains for a given domain using a provided wordlist file: ``` import dns.resolver import argparse def load_subdomains(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as file: subdomains = file.read().splitlines() return subdomains def find_subdomains(domain, subdomains): found_subdomains = [] resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() for subdomain in subdomains: target = f'{subdomain}.{domain}' try: answers = resolver.resolve(target, 'A') found_subdomains.append((target, [str(answer) for answer in answers])) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: pass except Exception as e: print(f'Error resolving {target}: {e}') return found_subdomains def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find subdomains using DNS') parser.add_argument('domain', type=str, help='Domain to search for subdomains') parser.add_argument('wordlist', type=str, help='Path to subdomain wordlist file') args = parser.parse_args() subdomains = load_subdomains(args.wordlist) found_subdomains = find_subdomains(args.domain, ``` - Import necessary libraries: The script imports the dns.resolver module from the dnspython library, as well as the argparse module to handle command-line arguments. - `load_subdomains(file_path)`: This function takes a file path as input and reads the file, splitting the content by lines to get a list of subdomains. It returns the list of subdomains. - `find_subdomains(domain, subdomains)`: This function takes a domain and a list of subdomains as input. It initializes a DNS resolver object and iterates through the subdomains list, attempting to resolve each subdomain by appending it to the domain and performing a DNS lookup for the 'A' record (IPv4 address). If the lookup is successful, the subdomain and its corresponding IP addresses are added to the found_subdomains list. If the lookup fails with a `dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN` exception, the subdomain does not exist, and the script continues to the next subdomain. For other exceptions, an error message is printed. The function returns the `found_subdomains` list containing the successfully resolved subdomains and their IP addresses. - `main()`: This function sets up the command-line argument parser, which expects two arguments: the target domain and the path to the subdomain wordlist file. It then calls `load_subdomains()` to load the subdomains from the wordlist file, and `find_subdomains()` to perform the DNS lookups.