# Lists of Cybersecurity Certifications Thank you to @gds-domingues! He created a dynamic table in Notion that includes many certifications [**here**](https://cyber-certs.notion.site/fb189bd84e6e45cb96464ea7a2f9d49d?v=91180489cebe4a1f979b9bfdcc324e29) The table is divided by Level, company, and focus to facilitate interaction with certifications, remembering that there is a fine line between different levels. Therefore, it is possible that a certain certification may be intermediate for some while expert for others. In addition, Paul Jerimy created a [cybersecurity certification roadmap matrix](https://github.com/PaulJerimy/SecCertRoadmapHTML) that can be accessed at: https://pauljerimy.com/security-certification-roadmap/