# AI Security Research Resources ## Langchain Resources - [Tools, Learning, Notebooks, Bots, Agent examples, etc.](https://github.com/The-Art-of-Hacking/h4cker/blob/master/ai_research/LangChain/README.md) ## LLM Frameworks - [Popular LLM Frameworks](https://github.com/The-Art-of-Hacking/h4cker/tree/master/ai_research/LLM-frameworks) ## Collection of Jupyter Notebooks This is (by far) the best collection of colab notebooks I have found. A bit overwhelming and I wish I had time to go through most of them… Tons of links to papers, videos, etc.: https://github.com/amrzv/awesome-colab-notebooks ## AI Security Best Practices and Tools - [High-Level AI Security Best Practices]() - [Homomorphic-Encryption]() - [AI Security Tools and Frameworks]() - [AI Secure Deployment Tips]() - [AI Secure Design Tips]() - [Threat Modeling]() ## AI Security Resources from Omar's Training Sessions - [Cybersecurity Learning Prompts](https://github.com/santosomar/chatgpt-cybersecurity-prompts) - [Networking Prompts](https://github.com/santosomar/chatgpt-networking-prompts) - [Programming Learning Prompts](https://github.com/santosomar/chatgpt-programming-prompts) ## AI Ethics and Privacy Resources - [AI Ethics and Privacy Resources](https://github.com/The-Art-of-Hacking/h4cker/tree/master/ai_research/ethics_privacy) ## AWESOME Lists - [Awesome-LLM](https://github.com/Hannibal046/Awesome-LLM) - [Awesome ChatGPT Prompts](https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts) - A collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model. - [awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh](https://github.com/PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh) - A Chinese collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model. - [Awesome ChatGPT](https://github.com/humanloop/awesome-chatgpt) - Curated list of resources for ChatGPT and GPT-3 from OpenAI. - [Chain-of-Thoughts Papers](https://github.com/Timothyxxx/Chain-of-ThoughtsPapers) - A trend starts from "Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models. - [Instruction-Tuning-Papers](https://github.com/SinclairCoder/Instruction-Tuning-Papers) - A trend starts from `Natrural-Instruction` (ACL 2022), `FLAN` (ICLR 2022) and `T0` (ICLR 2022). - [LLM Reading List](https://github.com/crazyofapple/Reading_groups/) - A paper & resource list of large language models. - [Reasoning using Language Models](https://github.com/atfortes/LM-Reasoning-Papers) - Collection of papers and resources on Reasoning using Language Models. - [Chain-of-Thought Hub](https://github.com/FranxYao/chain-of-thought-hub) - Measuring LLMs' Reasoning Performance - [Awesome GPT](https://github.com/formulahendry/awesome-gpt) - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to GPT, ChatGPT, OpenAI, LLM, and more. - [Awesome GPT-3](https://github.com/elyase/awesome-gpt3) - a collection of demos and articles about the [OpenAI GPT-3 API](https://openai.com/blog/openai-api/). - [Awesome LLM Human Preference Datasets](https://github.com/PolisAI/awesome-llm-human-preference-datasets) - a collection of human preference datasets for LLM instruction tuning, RLHF and evaluation. - [RWKV-howto](https://github.com/Hannibal046/RWKV-howto) - possibly useful materials and tutorial for learning RWKV. - [ModelEditingPapers](https://github.com/zjunlp/ModelEditingPapers) - A paper & resource list on model editing for large language models. - [Awesome LLM Security](https://github.com/corca-ai/awesome-llm-security) - A curation of awesome tools, documents and projects about LLM Security. - [Awesome-Align-LLM-Human](https://github.com/GaryYufei/AlignLLMHumanSurvey) - A collection of papers and resources about aligning large language models (LLMs) with human. - [Awesome-Code-LLM](https://github.com/huybery/Awesome-Code-LLM) - An awesome and curated list of best code-LLM for research. - [Awesome-LLM-Compression](https://github.com/HuangOwen/Awesome-LLM-Compression) - Awesome LLM compression research papers and tools. - [Awesome-LLM-Systems](https://github.com/AmberLJC/LLMSys-PaperList) - Awesome LLM systems research papers. - [awesome-llm-webapps](https://github.com/snowfort-ai/awesome-llm-webapps) - A collection of open source, actively maintained web apps for LLM applications.