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+# Internet of Things (IoT) Hacking Resources
+The Internet of Things (IoT) Hacking Resources refer to an array of tools and frameworks used to ensure the security of IoT devices and networks.
+## Analysis Frameworks
+- [EXPLIoT](https://gitlab.com/expliot_framework/expliot): This is a penetrating testing framework that is akin to Metasploit, but it specifically caters to Internet of Things (IoT) applications. 
+- [FACT - The Firmware Analysis and Comparison Tool](https://fkie-cad.github.io/FACT_core/): A comprehensive static analysis tool that specializes in firmware extraction, plugin-facilitated analysis, and comparison between different firmware versions. To understand more, watch this [conference talk](https://passthesalt.ubicast.tv/videos/improving-your-firmware-security-analysis-process-with-fact/) discussing enhancements in the firmware security analysis process using FACT.
+- [FwAnalyzer](https://github.com/cruise-automation/fwanalyzer): Designed to evaluate firmware security via customized rule-based analysis. It's an excellent complementary step in DevSecOps, analogous to Continuous Integration (CI) in function.
+- [HAL – The Hardware Analyzer](https://github.com/emsec/hal): An all-encompassing reverse engineering tool that provides a manipulation framework for gate-level netlists. 
+- [HomePWN](https://github.com/ElevenPaths/HomePWN): Consider it your Swiss Army Knife for penetration testing of IoT devices. 
+- [IoTSecFuzz](https://gitlab.com/invuls/iot-projects/iotsecfuzz): This framework automates the security analysis of IoT layers, including hardware, software, and communication. 
+- [Killerbee](https://github.com/riverloopsec/killerbee): An established framework for the testing and auditing of ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks. 
+- [PRET](https://github.com/RUB-NDS/PRET): The go-to toolkit for printer exploitation. 
+- [Routersploit](https://github.com/threat9/routersploit): A dedicated framework specifically designed to exploit embedded devices.
+## Advanced Tools for Binary and Firmware Analysis
+- [Binwalk](https://github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk): This powerful tool delves into binaries to identify "interesting" elements and also facilitates the extraction of arbitrary files.
+- [emba](https://github.com/e-m-b-a/emba): Designed specifically to analyze the Linux-based firmware of embedded devices, emba provides a comprehensive framework for firmware scrutiny.
+- [Firmadyne](https://github.com/firmadyne/firmadyne): This resource aims to emulate and conduct penetration tests on various firmwares, providing a simulation environment for security testing.
+- [Firmwalker](https://github.com/craigz28/firmwalker): This tool specializes in exploring extracted firmware images, searching for relevant files and information.
+- [Firmware Slap](https://github.com/ChrisTheCoolHut/Firmware_Slap): A unique tool for discovering vulnerabilities in firmware through the method of concolic analysis and function clustering.
+- [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/): Ghidra is a comprehensive Software Reverse Engineering suite. It can manage arbitrary binaries when provided with the CPU architecture and endianness of the binary.
+- [Radare2](https://github.com/radare/radare2): This is a versatile Software Reverse Engineering framework. Capable of handling popular formats and arbitrary binaries, it boasts an extensive command line toolkit.
+- [Trommel](https://github.com/CERTCC/trommel): Trommel conducts a detailed search through extracted firmware images, hunting for relevant files and intriguing information.
+## Tools for Firmware Extraction and Manipulation
+- [FACT Extractor](https://github.com/fkie-cad/fact_extractor): This intelligent tool identifies container formats automatically and triggers the appropriate extraction tool, thereby streamlining the process.
+- [Firmware Mod Kit](https://github.com/rampageX/firmware-mod-kit/wiki): This kit provides a range of extraction tools compatible with various container formats, offering a versatile solution for firmware modification.
+- [The SRecord package](http://srecord.sourceforge.net/): This package encompasses a suite of tools for manipulating EPROM files. Its functionality includes the ability to convert numerous binary formats, providing an essential resource for binary file conversion and manipulation.
+- [JTAGenum](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum) - Add JTAG capabilities to an Arduino.
+- [OpenOCD](http://openocd.org/) - Free and Open On-Chip Debugging, In-System Programming and Boundary-Scan Testing.
+## Misc Tools
+- [Cotopaxi](https://github.com/Samsung/cotopaxi) - Set of tools for security testing of Internet of Things devices using specific network IoT protocols.
+- [dumpflash](https://github.com/ohjeongwook/dumpflash) - Low-level NAND Flash dump and parsing utility.
+- [flashrom](https://github.com/flashrom/flashrom) - Tool for detecting, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips.
+- [Samsung Firmware Magic](https://github.com/chrivers/samsung-firmware-magic) - Decrypt Samsung SSD firmware updates.
+## Hardware Tools
+- [Bus Blaster](http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Blaster) - Detects and interacts with hardware debug ports like [UART](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_asynchronous_receiver-transmitter) and [JTAG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JTAG).
+- [Bus Pirate](http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Pirate) - Detects and interacts with hardware debug ports like UART and JTAG.
+- [Shikra](https://int3.cc/products/the-shikra) - Detects and interacts with hardware debug ports like UART and JTAG. Among other protocols.
+- [JTAGULATOR](http://www.grandideastudio.com/jtagulator/) - Detects JTAG Pinouts fast.
+- [Saleae](https://www.saleae.com/) - Easy to use Logic Analyzer that support many protocols :euro:.
+- [Ikalogic](https://www.ikalogic.com/pages/logic-analyzer-sp-series-sp209) - Alternative to Saleae logic analyzers :euro:.
+- [HydraBus](https://hydrabus.com/hydrabus-1-0-specifications/) - Open source multi-tool hardware similar to the BusPirate but with NFC capabilities.
+- [ChipWhisperer](https://newae.com/chipwhisperer/) - Detects Glitch/Side-channel attacks.
+- [Glasgow](https://github.com/GlasgowEmbedded/Glasgow) - Tool for exploring and debugging different digital interfaces.
+- [J-Link](https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/model-overview/) - J-Link offers USB powered JTAG debug probes for multiple different CPU cores :euro:.
+## Bluetooth BLE Tools
+- [UberTooth One](https://greatscottgadgets.com/ubertoothone/) - Open source 2.4 GHz wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation.
+- [Bluefruit LE Sniffer](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2269) - Easy to use Bluetooth Low Energy sniffer.
+## ZigBee Tools
+- [ApiMote](http://apimote.com) - ZigBee security research hardware for learning about and evaluating the security of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee systems. Killerbee compatible.
+- Atmel RZUSBstick - Discontinued product. Lucky if you have one! - Tool for development, debugging and demonstration of a wide range of low power wireless applications including IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN, and ZigBee networks. Killerbee compatible.
+- [Freakduino](https://freaklabsstore.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22&products_id=219&zenid=fpmu2kuuk4abjf6aurt3bjnfk4) - Low Cost Battery Operated Wireless Arduino Board that can be turned into a IEEE 802.15.4 protocol sniffer.
+### SDR Tools
+- [RTL-SDR](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/buy-rtl-sdr-dvb-t-dongles/) - Cheapest SDR for beginners. It is a computer based radio scanner for receiving live radio signals frequencies from 500 kHz up to 1.75 GHz.
+- [HackRF One](https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/) - Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz (half-duplex).
+- [YardStick One](https://greatscottgadgets.com/yardstickone/) - Half-duplex sub-1 GHz wireless transceiver.
+- [LimeSDR](https://www.crowdsupply.com/lime-micro/limesdr) - Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 100 KHz to 3.8 GHz (full-duplex).
+- [BladeRF 2.0](https://www.nuand.com/bladerf-2-0-micro/) - Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 47 MHz to 6 GHz (full-duplex).
+- [USRP B Series](https://www.ettus.com/product-categories/usrp-bus-series/) - Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 70 MHz to 6 GHz (full-duplex).
+### RFID NFC Tools
+- [Proxmark 3 RDV4](https://www.proxmark.com/) - Powerful general purpose RFID tool. From Low Frequency (125kHz) to High Frequency (13.56MHz) tags.
+- [ChamaleonMini](http://chameleontiny.com/) - Programmable, portable tool for NFC security analysis.
+- [HydraNFC](https://hydrabus.com/hydranfc-1-0-specifications/) - Powerful 13.56MHz RFID / NFC platform. Read / write / crack / sniff / emulate.
+## Free Training
+- [CSAW Embedded Security Challenge 2019](https://github.com/TrustworthyComputing/csaw_esc_2019) - CSAW 2019 Embedded Security Challenge (ESC).
+- [Embedded Security CTF](https://microcorruption.com) - Microcorruption: Embedded Security CTF.
+- [Hardware Hacking 101](https://github.com/rdomanski/hardware_hacking/tree/master/my_talks/Hardware_Hacking_101) - Workshop @ BSides Munich 2019.
+- [IoTGoat](https://github.com/scriptingxss/IoTGoat) - IoTGoat is a deliberately insecure firmware based on OpenWrt.
+- [Rhme-2015](https://github.com/Riscure/RHme-2015) - First riscure Hack me hardware CTF challenge.
+- [Rhme-2016](https://github.com/Riscure/Rhme-2016) - Riscure Hack me 2 is a low level hardware CTF challenge.
+- [Rhme-2017/2018](https://github.com/Riscure/Rhme-2017) - Riscure Hack Me 3 embedded hardware CTF 2017-2018.
+## Websites
+- [Hacking Printers Wiki](http://hacking-printers.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) - All things printer.
+- [OWASP Embedded Application Security Project](https://owasp.org/www-project-embedded-application-security/) - Development best practices and list of hardware and software tools.
+- [OWASP Internet of Things Project](https://owasp.org/www-project-internet-of-things/) - IoT common vulnerabilities and attack surfaces.
+- [Router Passwords](https://192-168-1-1ip.mobi/default-router-passwords-list/) - Default login credential database sorted by manufacturer.
+- [Siliconpr0n](https://siliconpr0n.org/) - A Wiki/Archive of all things IC reversing.
+### Blogs
+- [RTL-SDR](https://www.rtl-sdr.com/)
+- [/dev/ttyS0's Embedded Device Hacking](http://www.devttys0.com/blog/)
+- [Exploiteers](https://www.exploitee.rs/)
+- [Hackaday](https://hackaday.com)
+- [jcjc's Hack The World](https://jcjc-dev.com/)
+- [Quarkslab](https://blog.quarkslab.com/)
+- [wrong baud](https://wrongbaud.github.io/)
+- [Firmware Security](https://firmwaresecurity.com/)
+- [PenTestPartners](https://www.pentestpartners.com/internet-of-things/)
+- [Attify](https://blog.attify.com/)
+- [Patayu](https://payatu.com/blog)
+- [GracefulSecurity - Hardware tag](https://gracefulsecurity.com/category/hardware/)
+- [Black Hills - Hardware Hacking tag](https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/tag/hardware-hacking/)
+### Tutorials and Technical Background
+- [Azeria Lab](https://azeria-labs.com/) - Miscellaneous ARM related Tutorials.
+- [JTAG Explained](https://blog.senr.io/blog/jtag-explained#) - A walkthrough covering UART and JTAG bypassing a protected login shell.
+- [Reverse Engineering Serial Ports](http://www.devttys0.com/2012/11/reverse-engineering-serial-ports/) - Detailed tutorial about how to spot debug pads on a PCB.
+- [UART explained](https://www.mikroe.com/blog/uart-serial-communication) - An in depth explanation of the UART protocol.