adding post exploitation, social engineering, and exploit development resources

This commit is contained in:
santosomar 2018-04-06 18:04:32 -04:00
parent b1fad52f87
commit 4bebc9bf9c
3 changed files with 144 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -42,3 +42,41 @@ The following are some of the most popular reverse engineering tools. HOWEVER! G
* [Capstone]( - Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework. * [Capstone]( - Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework.
* [rVMI]( - Debugger on steroids; inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool. * [rVMI]( - Debugger on steroids; inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool.
* [Frida]( - Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. * [Frida]( - Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers.
## Implant Creation
* [Exploiting CVE-2017-0199: HTA Handler Vulnerability](
* [CVE-2017-0199 Toolkit](
* [CVE-2017-8759-Exploit-sample](
* [Window Signed Binary](
* [Wepwnise](
* [Bash Bunny](
* [Generate Macro - Tool](
* [How To: Empires Cross Platform Office Macro](
* [Excel macros with PowerShell](
* [PowerPoint and Custom Actions](
* [MS Signed mimikatz in just 3 steps](
* [Hiding your process from sysinternals](
* [Luckystrike: An Evil Office Document Generator](
* [The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV Injection](
* [Macro-less Code Exec in MSWord](
* [Multi-Platform Macro Phishing Payloads](
* [Macroless DOC malware that avoids detection with Yara rule](
* [Empire without powershell](
* [Powershell without Powershell to bypass app whitelist](
* [Phishing between the app whitelists](
* [Bypass Application Whitelisting Script Protections - Regsvr32.exe & COM Scriptlets (.sct files)](
* [Bypassing Application Whitelisting using MSBuild.exe - Device Guard Example and Mitigations](
* [Windows oneliners to download remote payload and execute arbitrary code](
* [Week of Evading Microsoft ATA - Announcement and Day 1 to Day 5](
* [AMSI How Windows 10 Plans to Stop Script-Based Attacks and How Well It Does It](
* [AVSignSeek](
* [Keying Payloads for Scripting Languages](
* [Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 1 of 2)](
* [Executing Metasploit & Empire Payloads from MS Office Document Properties (part 2 of 2)](
* [Microsoft Office NTLM Hashes via Frameset](
* [Abusing Microsoft Word Features for Phishing: “subDoc”](
* [code signing certificate cloning attacks and defenses](
* [userland api monitoring and code injection detection](
* [In memory evasion](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Post Exploitation Resources
## Lateral movement
* [Eventvwr File-less UAC Bypass CNA](
* [Lateral movement using excel application and dcom](
* [WSH Injection: A Case Study](
* [Fileless UAC Bypass using sdclt](
* [Bypassing AMSI via COM Server Hijacking](
* [Window 10 Device Guard Bypass](
* [My First Go with BloodHound](
* [OPSEC Considerations for beacon commands](
* [Agentless Post Exploitation](
* [Windows Access Tokens and Alternate credentials](
* [PSAmsi - An offensive PowerShell module for interacting with the Anti-Malware Scan Interface in Windows 10](
* [Lay of the Land with BloodHound](
* [Bringing the hashes home with reGeorg & Empire](
* [Intercepting passwords with Empire and winning](
* [Outlook Home Page Another Ruler Vector](
* [Outlook Forms and Shells](
* [Windows Privilege Escalation Checklist](
* [A Guide to Configuring Throwback](
* [Abusing DNSAdmins privilege for escalation in Active Directory](
* [Using SQL Server for attacking a Forest Trust](
* [Extending BloodHound for Red Teamers](
* [Pass hash pass ticket no pain](
* [process doppelganging](
* [App Locker ByPass List](
* [Windows 7 UAC whitelist](
* [Malicious Application Compatibility Shims,](
* [Junfeng Zhang from WinSxS dev team blog,](
* [Beyond good ol' Run key, series of articles,](
* [KernelMode.Info UACMe thread,](
* [Command Injection/Elevation - Environment Variables Revisited,](
* ["Fileless" UAC Bypass Using eventvwr.exe and Registry Hijacking,](
* [Bypassing UAC on Windows 10 using Disk Cleanup,](
* [Using IARPUninstallStringLauncher COM interface to bypass UAC,](
* [Bypassing UAC using App Paths,](
* ["Fileless" UAC Bypass using sdclt.exe,](
* [UAC Bypass or story about three escalations,](
* [Exploiting Environment Variables in Scheduled Tasks for UAC Bypass,](
* [First entry: Welcome and fileless UAC bypass,](
* Reading Your Way Around UAC in 3 parts:
[Part 1.](
[Part 2.](
[Part 3.](
* [Research on CMSTP.exe,](
* [hiding registry keys with psreflect](
* [a guide to attacking domain trusts](
## Command and Control
* [How to Build a C2 Infrastructure with Digital Ocean Part 1](
* [Infrastructure for Ongoing Red Team Operations](
* [Automated Red Team Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform - Part 1](
* [Red Teaming for Pacific Rim CCDC 2017](
* [How I Prepared to Red Team at PRCCDC 2015](
* [Red Teaming for Pacific Rim CCDC 2016](
* [Randomized Malleable C2 Profiles Made Easy](
* [Cobalt Strike HTTP C2 Redirectors with Apache mod_rewrite - Jeff Dimmock](
* [High-reputation Redirectors and Domain Fronting](
* [TOR Fronting Utilising Hidden Services for Privacy](
* [Domain Fronting Via Cloudfront Alternate Domains](
* [The PlugBot: Hardware Botnet Research Project](
* [Attack Infrastructure Log Aggregation and Monitoring](
* [Finding Frontable Domain](
* [Apache2Mod Rewrite Setup](
* [Empre Domain Fronting](
* [Domain Hunter](
* [Migrating Your infrastructure](
* [Redirecting Cobalt Strike DNS Beacons](
* [Finding Domain frontable Azure domains - thoth / Fionnbharr (@a_profligate)](
* [Red Team Insights on HTTPS Domain Fronting Google Hosts Using Cobalt Strike](
* [Escape and Evasion Egressing Restricted Networks - Tom Steele and Chris Patten](
* [Command and Control Using Active Directory](
* [C2 with twitter](
* [C2 with DNS](
* [ICMP C2](
* [C2 with Dropbox](
* [C2 with https](
* [C2 with webdav](
* [C2 with gmail](
* [“Tasking” Office 365 for Cobalt Strike C2](
* [Simple domain fronting PoC with GAE C2 server](
* [Using WebDAV features as a covert channel](
* [Introducing MerlinA cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 Command & Control Tool](
* [InternetExplorer.Application for C2](
* [C2 WebSocket](
* [C2 WMI](
* [C2 Website](
* [C2 Image](
* [C2 Javascript](
* [C2 WebInterface](
* [Safe Red Team Infrastructure](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Social Engineering
* [Social Engineering Toolkit](
* [Social Engineer Portal](
* [7 Best social Engineering attack](
* [Using Social Engineering Tactics For Big Data Espionage - RSA Conference Europe 2012](
* [Weaponizing data science for social engineering: Automated E2E spear phishing on Twitter - Defcon 23](
* [OWASP Presentation of Social Engineering - OWASP](
* [USB Drop Attacks: The Danger of “Lost And Found” Thumb Drives](
* [PyPhishing Toolkit](
* [Best Time to send email](
* [Phishing on Twitter - POT](