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2021-10-07 15:26:57 -04:00
# Crypto Frameworks and Libraries
### C
- [crypto-algorithms]( - Basic implementations of standard cryptography algorithms, like AES and SHA-1.
- [libgcrypt]( - Cryptographic library developed as a separated module of GnuPG.
- [libsodium]( - Modern and easy-to-use crypto library.
- [libtomcrypt]( - Fairly comprehensive, modular and portable cryptographic toolkit.
- [libVES.c]( - End-to-end encrypted sharing via cloud repository, secure recovery through a viral network of friends in case of key loss.
- [milagro-crypto-c]( - Small, self-contained and fast open source crypto library. It supports RSA, ECDH, ECIES, ECDSA, AES-GCM, SHA2, SHA3 and Pairing-Based Cryptography.
- [monocypher]( - small, portable, easy to use crypto library inspired by libsodium and TweetNaCl.
- [NaCl]( - High-speed library for network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc.
- [OpenSSL]( - TLS/SSL and crypto library.
- [PolarSSL]( - PolarSSL makes it trivially easy for developers to include cryptographic and SSL/TLS capabilities in their (embedded) products, facilitating this functionality with a minimal coding footprint.
- [RHash]( - Great utility for computing hash sums.
- [themis]( - High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption). Ported on many languages and platforms, suitable for client-server infastructures.
- [tiny-AES128-C]( - Small portable AES128 in C.
- [wolfSSL]( - Small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud.
- [xxHash]( - Extremely fast hash algorithm.
### C++
- [Botan]( - Cryptography library written in `C++11`.
- [cryptopp]( - Crypto++ Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
- [HElib]( - Software library that implements homomorphic encryption (HE).
- [Nettle]( - Low-level cryptographic library.
- [s2n]( - Implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols.
### C-sharp
- [Bouncy Castle]( - All-purpose cryptographic library.
- [libsodium-net]( - Secure cryptographic library, port of libsodium for .NET.
- [Microsoft .NET Framework Cryptography Model]( - The .NET Framework implementations of many standard cryptographic algorithms.
- [PCLCrypto]( - Provides cryptographic APIs over algorithms implemented by the platform, including exposing them to portable libraries.
- [SecurityDriven.Inferno]( - .NET crypto done right.
- [StreamCryptor]( - Stream encryption & decryption with libsodium and protobuf.
### Clojure
- [buddy-core]( - Cryptographic Api.
- [clj-crypto]( - Wrapper for Bouncy Castle.
- [pandect]( - Fast and easy-to-use Message Digest, Checksum and HMAC library for Clojure.
- [secrets.clj]( - A Clojure library designed to generate cryptographically strong random numbers suitable for managing data such as passwords, account authentication, security tokens, and related secrets.
### Common Lisp
- [crypto-shortcuts]( - Collection of common cryptography functions.
- [ironclad]( - Collection of common crypto shortcuts.
- [trivial-ssh]( - SSH client library for Common Lisp (Built on libssh2).
### Delphi
- [DelphiEncryptionCompendium]( - Cryptographic library for Delphi.
- [LockBox]( - LockBox 3 is a Delphi library for cryptography.
- [SynCrypto]( - Fast cryptographic routines (hashing and cypher), implementing AES, XOR, RC4, ADLER32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256 algorithms, optimized for speed.
- [TForge]( - TForge is open-source crypto library written in Delphi, compatible with FPC.
### Elixir
- [cipher]( - Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries.
- [cloak]( - Cloak makes it easy to use encryption with Ecto.
- [comeonin]( - Password authorization (bcrypt) library for Elixir.
- [elixir-rsa]( - `:public_key` cryptography wrapper for Elixir.
- [elixir_tea]( - TEA implementation in Elixir.
- [ex_crypto]( - Elixir wrapper for Erlang `:crypto` and `:public_key` modules. Provides sensible defaults for many crypto functions to make them easier to use.
- [exgpg]( - Use gpg from Elixir.
- [pot]( - Erlang library for generating one time passwords compatible with Google Authenticator.
- [siphash-elixir]( - Elixir implementation of the SipHash hash family.
### Erlang
- [crypto]( - Functions for computation of message digests, and functions for encryption and decryption.
- [public_key]( - Provides functions to handle public-key infrastructure.
### Go
- [crypto]( - Official Website Resources.
- [cryptoballot]( - Cryptographically secure online voting.
- [dedis/crypto]( - Advanced crypto library for the Go language.
- [dkeyczar]( - Port of Google's Keyczar cryptography library to Go.
- [gocrypto]( - Example source code for the Practical Crypto with Go book.
- [goThemis]( - Go wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
### Haskell
- [Cryptography]( - Collaborative Hackage list.
- [Cryptography & Hashing]( - Official Website of Haskell.
- [cryptol]( - The Language of Cryptography.
- [Cryptonite]( - Haskell repository of cryptographic primitives.
- [HsOpenSSL]( - OpenSSL binding for Haskel.
- [scrypt]( - Haskell bindings to Colin Percival's scrypt implementation.
### Haxe
- [haxe-crypto]( - Haxe Cryptography Library.
### JavaScript
- [asmCrypto]( - JavaScript implementation of popular cryptographic utilities with performance in mind.
- [bcrypt-Node.js]( - Native implementation of bcrypt for Node.js.
- [cifre]( - Fast crypto toolkit for modern client-side JavaScript.
- [closure-library]( - Google's common JavaScript library.
- [cryptico]( - Easy-to-use encryption system utilizing RSA and AES for JavaScript.
- [crypto-js]( - JavaScript library of crypto standards.
- [cryptojs]( - Provide standard and secure cryptographic algorithms for Node.js.
- [forge]( - Native implementation of TLS in JavaScript and tools to write crypto-based and network-heavy webapps.
- [IronNode]( - Transform encryption library, a variant of proxy re-encryption, for encrypting to users or groups, and easily adding strong data controls to Node.js apps.
- [IronWeb]( - Transform encryption library, a variant of proxy re-encryption, for easily managing end-to-end encryption securely in the browser.
- [javascript-crypto-library]( - JavaScript Crypto Library provides web developers with an extensive and efficient set of cryptographic functions.
- [js-nacl]( - Pure-JavaScript High-level API to Emscripten-compiled libsodium routines.
- [jsencrypt]( - JavaScript library to perform OpenSSL RSA Encryption, Decryption, and Key Generation.
- [JShashes]( - Fast and dependency-free cryptographic hashing library for Node.js and browsers (supports MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, HMAC).
- [jsrsasign]( - The 'jsrsasign' (RSA-Sign JavaScript Library) is an opensource free cryptography library supporting RSA/RSAPSS/ECDSA/DSA signing/validation.
- [jsThemis]( - JavaScript wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
- [libsodium.js]( - libsodium compiled to pure JavaScript, with convenient wrappers.
- [libVES.js]( - End-to-end encrypted sharing via cloud repository, secure recovery through a viral network of friends in case of key loss.
- [milagro-crypto-js]( - MCJS is a standards compliant JavaScript cryptographic library with no external dependencies except for the random seed source. Compatible for Node.js and browser. It supports RSA, ECDH, ECIES, ECDSA, AES-GCM, SHA2, SHA3, Pairing-Based Cryptography and New Hope.
- noble - high-security, easily auditable set of contained cryptographic libraries and tools. Zero dependencies each.
- [noble-bls12-381]( — BLS12-381 pairing-friendly curve (threshold sigs).
- [noble-ed25519]( — ed25519 curve + ristretto255 (encryption, sigs).
- [noble-ripemd160]( — RIPEMD160 hash.
- [noble-secp256k1]( — secp256k1 Koblitz curve (encryption, ECDH, sigs).
- [node.bcrypt.js]( - bcrypt for Node.js.
- [OpenPGP.js]( - OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript.
- [PolyCrypt]( - Pure JS implementation of the WebCrypto API.
- [rusha]( - High-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation suitable for large binary data, reaching up to half the native speed.
- [sjcl]( - Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library.
- [TweetNaCl.js]( - A port of TweetNaCl / NaCl for JavaScript for modern browsers and Node.js.
- [URSA]( - RSA public/private key OpenSSL bindings for Node.
### Java
- [Apache Shiro]( - Performs authentication, authorization, cryptography and session management.
- [Bouncy Castle]( - All-purpose cryptographic library. JCA provider, wide range of functions from basic helpers to PGP/SMIME operations.
- [Flexiprovider]( - Powerful toolkit for the Java Cryptography Architecture.
- [GDH]( - Generalized Diffie-Hellman key exchange Java library for multiple parties built on top of the Vert.x framework.
- [Google Keyczar]( - Easy to use, yet safe encryption framework with key versioning.
- [Google Tink]( - A small crypto library that provides a safe, simple, agile and fast way to accomplish some common crypto tasks.
- [Java Themis]( - Java/Android wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
- [jbcrypt]( - jBCrypt is an implementation the OpenBSD Blowfish password hashing
- [Keycloak]( - Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services.
- [keywhiz]( - A system for distributing and managing secrets.
- [pac4j]( - Security engine.
- [Password4j]( - A Java user-friendly cryptographic library for hashing and checking passwords with different Key derivation functions (KDFs) and Cryptographic hash functions (CHFs).
- [Project Kalium]( - Java binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library with the awesomeness of libsodium.
- [scrypt]( - Pure Java implementation of the scrypt key derivation function and a JNI interface to the C implementations, including the SSE2 optimized version.
- [securitybuilder]( - Fluent Builder API for JCA/JSSE objects.
### Julia
- [Crypto.jl]( - Library that wraps OpenSSL, but also has pure Julia implementations for reference.
- [MbedTLS.jl]( - Wrapper around the mbed TLS and cryptography C libary.
- [Nettle.jl]( - Julia wrapper around nettle cryptographic hashing/
encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as well as AES encryption/decryption.
- [SHA.jl]( - Performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2-{224,256,384,512} implementation.
### Lua
- [lua-lockbox]( - Collection of cryptographic primitives written in pure Lua.
- [LuaCrypto]( - Lua bindings to OpenSSL.
### Objective-C
- [CocoaSecurity]( - AES, MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, Base64, Hex.
- [ObjC Themis]( - ObjC wrapper on Themis for iOS and macOS. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
- [ObjectivePGP]( - ObjectivePGP is an implementation of OpenPGP protocol for iOS and macOS. OpenPGP is the most widely used email encryption standard.
- [RNCryptor]( - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac.
### PHP
- [halite]( - Simple library for encryption using `libsodium`.
- [libsodium-laravel]( - Laravel Package Abstraction using `libsodium`.
- [PHP Encryption]( - Library for encrypting data with a key or password in PHP.
- [PHP Themis]( - PHP wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
- [TCrypto]( - TCrypto is a simple and flexible PHP 5.3+ in-memory key-value storage library.
### Python
- [bcrypt]( - Modern password hashing for your software and your servers.
- [charm]( - Framework for rapidly prototyping cryptosystems.
- [Crypto-Vinaigrette]( - Quantum resistant asymmetric key generation tool for digital signatures.
- [cryptography]( - Python library which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives.
- [cryptopy]( - Pure python implmentation of cryptographic algorithms and applications.
- [django-cryptography]( - Easily encrypt data in Django.
- [hashids]( - Implementation of [hashids]( in Python.
- [paramiko]( - Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality.
- [Privy]( - An easy, fast lib to correctly password-protect your data.
- [pycryptodome]( - Self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives.
- [PyElliptic]( - Python OpenSSL wrapper. For modern cryptography with ECC, AES, HMAC, Blowfish.
- [pynacl]( - Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.
- [pythemis]( - Python wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
### R
- [rscrypt]( - Package for a collection of scrypt cryptographic functions.
### Ruby
- [bcrypt-ruby]( - Ruby binding for the OpenBSD bcrypt() password hashing algorithm, allowing you to easily store a secure hash of your users' passwords.
- [RbNaCl]( - Ruby binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library.
- [Ruby Themis]( - Ruby wrapper on Themis. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).
### Rust
- [dalek cryptography]( - Fast yet safe mid-level API for ECC, Bulletproofs, and more.
- [mundane]( - is a Rust cryptography library backed by BoringSSL that is difficult to misuse, ergonomic, and performant.
- [octavo]( - Highly modular & configurable hash & crypto library.
- [proteus]( - Axolotl protocol implementation, without header keys, in Rust.
- [recrypt]( - A pure-Rust library that implements cryptographic primitives for building a multi-hop Proxy Re-encryption scheme, known as Transform Encryption.
- [ring]( - Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust & BoringSSL's cryptography primitives.
- [rust-crypto]( - Mostly pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.
- [rust-openssl]( - OpenSSL bindings for Rust.
- [rustls]( - Rustls is a new, modern TLS library written in Rust.
- [sodiumoxide]( - Sodium Oxide: Fast cryptographic library for Rust (bindings to libsodium).
- [suruga]( - TLS 1.2 implementation in Rust.
- [webpki]( - Web PKI TLS X.509 certificate validation in Rust.
### Scala
- [recrypt]( - Transform encryption library for Scala.
- [scrypto]( - Cryptographic primitives for Scala.
- [tsec]( - A type-safe, functional, general purpose security and cryptography library.
### Swift
- [CryptoSwift]( - Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language.
- [IDZSwiftCommonCrypto]( - Wrapper for Apple's [CommonCrypto]( library written in Swift.
- [OpenSSL]( - Swift OpenSSL for macOS and Linux.
- [SweetHMAC]( - Tiny and easy to use Swift class to encrypt strings using HMAC algorithms.
- [Swift-Sodium]( - Swift interface to the Sodium library for common crypto operations for iOS and macOS.
- [SwiftSSL]( - Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift.
- [SwiftThemis]( - Swift wrapper on Themis for iOS and macOS. High level crypto library for storing data (AES), secure messaging (ECC + ECDSA / RSA + PSS + PKCS#7) and session-oriented, forward secrecy data exchange (ECDH key agreement, ECC & AES encryption).