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2018-04-23 22:43:46 +00:00
# Cloud Security Resources
2018-04-23 22:44:10 +00:00
* [Cloud Security Resources from AWS](
2023-08-20 21:52:20 +00:00
* [Penetration Testing Rules of Engagement in Microsoft Azure](
2018-04-23 22:44:10 +00:00
* [Penetration Testing in AWS](
2023-08-20 21:52:20 +00:00
* [Penetration Testing in Google Cloud Platform and Cloud Security FAQ](
2018-04-23 22:44:10 +00:00
* [Google Cloud Security Center](
2023-08-20 21:56:30 +00:00
* [High-level Best Practices when Performing Pen Testing in Cloud Environments](
2018-04-23 22:43:46 +00:00
2021-03-31 15:48:10 +00:00
## Vulnerables
2021-03-31 15:48:31 +00:00
- [CloudGoat](
2021-03-31 15:48:10 +00:00
- [Damn Vulnerable Cloud Application(DVCA)](
2023-08-21 02:45:33 +00:00
- [PENETRATION TESTING AWS STORAGE: KICKING THE S3 BUCKET]( - Written by Dwight Hohnstein from [Rhino Security Labs](
2021-03-31 15:52:08 +00:00
## Additional Tools
- [Taken - Takeover AWS Ips And Have A Working POC For Subdomain Takeover](
- [Autovpn - Create On Demand Disposable OpenVPN Endpoints On AWS](
- [SpaceSiren - A Honey Token Manager And Alert System For AWS](
- [AWS Recon - Multi-threaded AWS Inventory Collection Tool With A Focus On Security-Relevant Resources And Metadata](
- [DAGOBAH - Open Source Tool To Generate Internal Threat Intelligence, Inventory & Compliance Data From AWS Resources](
- [AWS Report - A Tool For Analyzing Amazon Resources](
- [SkyArk - Helps To Discover, Assess And Secure The Most Privileged Entities In Azure And AWS](
- [Cloudsplaining - An AWS IAM Security Assessment Tool That Identifies Violations Of Least Privilege And Generates A Risk-Prioritized Report](
- [SkyWrapper - Tool That Helps To Discover Suspicious Creation Forms And Uses Of Temporary Tokens In AWS](
- [Sandcastle - A Python Script For AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration](
- [Awspx - A Graph-Based Tool For Visualizing Effective Access And Resource Relationships In AWS Environments](
- [ - Generates Permutations, Alterations And Mutations Of AWS S3 Buckets Names](
- [AlertResponder - Automatic Security Alert Response Framework By AWS Serverless Application Model](
- [Aaia - AWS Identity And Access Management Visualizer And Anomaly Finder](
- [FireProx - AWS API Gateway Management Tool For Creating On The Fly HTTP Pass-Through Proxies For Unique IP Rotation](
2023-08-20 21:52:20 +00:00
## Azure
### Enumeration Tools
#### Email and Username Enumeration
- [o365creeper]( - Enumerate valid email addresses
- [Office 365 User Enumeration]( - Enumerate valid usernames from Office 365
#### Cloud Infrastructure Enumeration
- [CloudBrute]( - Find a cloud infrastructure of a company
- [cloud_enum]( - Multi-cloud OSINT tool
- [Azucar]( - Security auditing tool for Azure environments
#### Azure Specific Enumeration
- [BlobHunter]( - Scanning Azure blob storage accounts
- [Grayhat Warfare]( - Open Azure blobs search
- [Azure-AccessPermissions]( - Enumerate access permissions in Azure AD
### Information Gathering Tools
#### Azure Information Gathering
- [o365recon]( - Information gathering with valid credentials to Azure
- [Azurite]( - Enumeration and reconnaissance in Microsoft Azure Cloud
- [Sparrow.ps1]( - Detect possible compromised accounts in Azure/M365
- [Microsoft Azure AD Assessment]( - Assessing Azure AD tenant state
#### Multi-Cloud Security Auditing
- [ScoutSuite]( - Multi-cloud security auditing tool
- [Prowler]( - AWS and Azure security assessments
### Lateral Movement Tools
- [Stormspotter]( - Azure Red Team tool
- [AzureADLateralMovement]( - Lateral Movement graph for Azure AD
- [SkyArk]( - Privileged entities in Azure and AWS
### Exploitation Tools
#### Azure Exploitation
- [MicroBurst]( - Scripts for assessing Microsoft Azure security
- [Microsoft-Teams-GIFShell]( - Microsoft Teams reverse shell execution
#### Credential Attacks
- [MSOLSpray]( - Password spraying tool for Microsoft Online accounts
- [MFASweep]( - Check if MFA is enabled on multiple Microsoft Services Resources
- [adconnectdump]( - Dump Azure AD Connect credentials
## Resources
### Articles
- [Abusing Azure AD SSO with the Primary Refresh Token ](
- [Abusing dynamic groups in Azure AD for Privilege Escalation](
- [Attacking Azure, Azure AD, and Introducing PowerZure](
- [Attacking Azure & Azure AD, Part II](
- [Azure AD Connect for Red Teamers](
- [Azure AD Introduction for Red Teamers](
- [Azure AD Pass The Certificate](
- [Azure AD privilege escalation - Taking over default application permissions as Application Admin](
- [Defense and Detection for Attacks Within Azure](
- [Hunting Azure Admins for Vertical Escalation](
- [Impersonating Office 365 Users With Mimikatz](
- [Lateral Movement from Azure to On-Prem AD](
- [Malicious Azure AD Application Registrations](
- [Moving laterally between Azure AD joined machines](
- [CrowdStrike Launches Free Tool to Identify and Help Mitigate Risks in Azure Active Directory](
- [Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Azure Functions](
- [Azure Application Proxy C2](
- [Recovering Plaintext Passwords from Azure Virtual Machines like Its the 1990s](
- [Forensicating Azure VMs](
- [Network Forensics on Azure VMs](
- [Cross-Account Container Takeover in Azure Container Instances](
- [Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing flaw](
- [How to Detect Azure Active Directory Backdoors: Identity Federation](
- [Azure App Service vulnerability exposed hundreds of source code repositories](
- [AutoWarp: Cross-Account Vulnerability in Microsoft Azure Automation Service](
- [Microsoft Azure Synapse Pwnalytics](
- [Microsoft Azure Site Recovery DLL Hijacking](
- [FabriXss (CVE-2022-35829): Abusing a Custom Role User Using CSTI and Stored XSS in Azure Fabric Explorer](
- [Untangling Azure Active Directory Principals & Access Permissions](
- [How to Detect OAuth Access Token Theft in Azure](
- [How to deal with Ransomware on Azure](
- [How Orca found Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Vulnerabilities in four different Azure Services](
- [EmojiDeploy: Smile! Your Azure web service just got RCEd](
- [Bounce the Ticket and Silver Iodide on Azure AD Kerberos](
#### Lists and Cheat Sheets
- [List of all Microsoft Portals](
- [Azure Articles from NetSPI](
- [Azure Cheat Sheet on CloudSecDocs](
- [Resources about Azure from Cloudberry Engineering](
- [Resources from PayloadsAllTheThings](
- [Encyclopedia on Hacking the Cloud](
- [Azure AD - Attack and Defense Playbook](
- [Azure Security Resources and Notes](
- [Azure Threat Research Matrix](
### Lab Exercises
- [azure-security-lab]( - Securing Azure Infrastructure - Hands on Lab Guide
- [AzureSecurityLabs]( - Hands-on Security Labs focused on Azure IaaS Security
- [Building Free Active Directory Lab in Azure](
- [Aria Cloud Penetration Testing Tools Container]( - A Docker container for remote penetration testing
- [PurpleCloud]( - Multi-use Hybrid + Identity Cyber Range implementing a small Active Directory Domain in Azure alongside Azure AD and Azure Domain Services
- [BlueCloud]( - Cyber Range system with a Windows VM for security testing with Azure and AWS Terraform support
- [Azure Red Team Attack and Detect Workshop](
- [SANS Workshop Building an Azure Pentest Lab for Red Teams]( - The link in the description contains a password-protected OVA file that can be used until 2nd March 2024
### Talks and Videos
- [Attacking and Defending the Microsoft Cloud (Office 365 & Azure AD](
- [Presentation Slides](
- [TR19: I'm in your cloud, reading everyone's emails - hacking Azure AD via Active Directory](
- [Presentation Slides](
- [Dirk Jan Mollema - Im In Your Cloud Pwning Your Azure Environment - DEF CON 27 Conference](
- [Presentation Slides](
- [Adventures in Azure Privilege Escalation Karl Fosaaen](
- [Presentation Slides](
- [Introducing ROADtools - Azure AD exploration for Red Teams and Blue Teams](
2021-03-31 15:52:08 +00:00
2023-11-21 19:55:02 +00:00
## Public Cloud Governance
### AWS Governance
* [AWS CloudFormation Guard](
* [AWS CodePipeline Governance](
* [AWS Config Rules Development Kit](
* [AWS Control Tower Customizations](
* [AWS Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation](
* [AWS Vault](
* [AWS Well Architected Labs](
* ## AWS - Patterns
### URL Services
| Service | URL |
| s3 | https://{user_provided} |
| cloudfront | https://{random_id} |
| ec2 | ec2-{ip-seperated} |
| es | https://{user_provided}-{random_id}.{region} |
| elb | http://{user_provided}-{random_id}.{region} |
| elbv2 | https://{user_provided}-{random_id}.{region} |
| rds | mysql://{user_provided}.{random_id}.{region} |
| rds | postgres://{user_provided}.{random_id}.{region} |
| route 53 | {user_provided} |
| execute-api | https://{random_id}.execute-api.{region}{user_provided} |
| cloudsearch | https://doc-{user_provided}-{random_id}.{region} |
| transfer | sftp://s-{random_id}.server.transfer.{region} |
| iot | mqtt://{random_id}.iot.{region} |
| iot | https://{random_id}.iot.{region} |
| iot | https://{random_id}.iot.{region} |
| mq | https://b-{random_id}-{1,2}.mq.{region} |
| mq | ssl://b-{random_id}-{1,2}.mq.{region} |
| kafka | b-{1,2,3,4}.{user_provided}.{random_id}.c{1,2}.kafka.{region} |
| kafka | {user_provided}.{random_id}.c{1,2} |
| cloud9 | https://{random_id}.vfs.cloud9.{region} |
| mediastore | https://{random_id}.data.mediastore.{region} |
| kinesisvideo | https://{random_id}.kinesisvideo.{region} |
| mediaconvert | https://{random_id}.mediaconvert.{region} |
| mediapackage | https://{random_id}.mediapackage.{region}{random_id}/channel |
### MultiCloud Governance
* [Cloud Custodian](
* [CloudQuary](
* [Cloudsploit](
* [ManageIQ by RedHat](
* [](
* [NeuVector](
* [Triton by Joyent](
## Kubernetes Operators
* Aqua
* [Aqua Security Operator](
* [Starboard Operator](
* Misc
* [Anchore - Anchore Engine Operator](
* [Falco Security - Falco Operator](
* [Quay - Project Quay Container Security](
* [Snyk - Snyk Operator](
* [Splunk - Splunk Operator for Kubernetes](
* [Sysdig - Sysdig Agent Operator](
## Container Tools
* Anchore
* [Anchore Engine](
* [Grype](
* [Kai](
* [Syft](
* Aqua
* [Cloudsploit](
* [Kube-Bench](
* [Kube-Hunter](
* [Kubectl-who-can](
* [Trivy](
* Misc
* [Docker - Docker Bench for Security](
* [Elias - Dagda](
* [Falco Security - Falco](
* [Harbor - Harbor](
* [Quay - Clair](
* [Snyk - Snyk](
* [vchinnipilli - Kubestriker](
## Cloud Security Standards
* [ISO/IEC 27017:2015](
* [ISO/IEC 27018:2019](
* [MTCS SS 584](
* [CCM](
* [NIST 800-53](
## Learning
### Blogs
* [AWS Security](
* [Azure Security](
* [Dark Reading](
### Courses
* Oracle
* [Oracle Cloud Security Administrator](
* A Cloud Guru
* Learning Paths
* [AWS Security Path](
* [Azure Security Path](
* [GCP Security Path](
### Labs
* [AWS Workshops](
* [AWS Identity: Using Amazon Cognito for serverless consumer apps](
* [AWS Network Firewall Workshop](
* [AWS Networking Workshop](
* [Access Delegation](
* [Amazon VPC Endpoint Workshop](
* [Build a Vulnerability Management Program Using AWS for AWS](
* [Data Discovery and Classification with Amazon Macie](
* [Data Protection](
* [DevSecOps - Integrating security into your pipeline](
* [Disaster Recovery on AWS](
* [Finding and addressing Network Misconfigurations on AWS](
* [Firewall Manager Service - WAF Policy](
* [Getting Hands on with Amazon GuardDuty](
* [Hands on Network Firewall Workshop](
* [Implementing DDoS Resiliency](
* [Infrastructure Identity on AWS](
* [Integrating security into your container pipeline](
* [Integration, Prioritization, and Response with AWS Security Hub](
* [Introduction to WAF](
* [Permission boundaries: how to delegate permissions on AWS](
* [Protecting workloads on AWS from the instance to the edge](
* [Scaling threat detection and response on AWS](
* [Serverless Identity](
* [PagerDuty Training Lab](
* [PagerDuty Training GitHub](
* [PagerDuty Training for Engineers](
* [PagerDuty Training for Everyone: Part 1](
* [PagerDuty Training for Everyone: Part 2](
### Podcasts
* [Azure DevOps Podcast](
* [Cloud Security Podcast by Google](
* [Security Now](
### Vulnerable By Design
* [CloudGoat by Rhino Security Labs](
* [ServerlessGoat by OWASP](
* [WrongSecrets by OWASP](
## Certifications
* Cloud Vendors
* [AWS Certified Security Specialty](
* [Azure Security Engineer Associate](
* [Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer](
* [Oracle Cloud Platform Identity and Security Management](
* ISC<sup>2</sup> - International Information System Security Certification Consortium
* [CCSP - Certified Cloud Security Professional](
* CSA - Cloud Security Alliance
* [CCSK - Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge](
* [CCAK - Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge](
## Projects
### Alerting
* [411 by Etsy](
* [ElastAlert by Yelp](
* [StreamAlert by Airbnb](
### Automated Security Assessment
* [Prowler](
* [CloudFox](
* [SkyArk](
* [Pacu](
* [Bucket Finder](
* [Boto3](
* [Principal Mapper](
* [ScoutSuite](
* [s3_objects_check](
* [cloudsplaining](
* [weirdAAL](
* [cloudmapper](
* [NetSPI/AWS_Consoler](
### Benchmarking
* [AWS Security Benchmark](
### Data Loss Prevention
* [Git Secrets by AWS Labs](
### Firewall Management
* globaldatanet
* [AWS Firewall Factory](
### Identity and Access Management
* AWS Labs
* [AWS IAM Generator](
* Duo Labs
* [Parliament](
* [CloudTracker](
* Netflix
* [Aardvark](
* [ConsoleMe](
* [PolicyUniverse](
* [Repokid](
* Pinterest
* [Knox](
* Salesforce
* [Policy Sentry](
* [CloudSplaining](
* [AWS-AllowLister](
* [Terraform for Policy Guru](
* [aws-lint-iam-policies](
* Misc
* [AWS Missing Tools by CloudAvail](
* [Awesome IAM List](
* [Enumerate IAM by Andres Riancho](
* [Kubernetes AWS IAM Authenticator by Kubernetes SIG](
### Incident Response
* [AWS Incident Response Playbooks by AWS Samples](
* [AWS Security Hub Automated Response and Remediation](
* Netflix
* [Dispatch by Netflix](
* PagerDuty
* [PagerDuty Automated Remediation Docs](
* [PagerDuty Business Response Docs](
* [PagerDuty DevSecOps Docs](
* [PagerDuty Full Case Ownership Docs](
* [PagerDuty Full Service Ownership Docs](
* [PagerDuty Going OnCall Docs](
* [PagerDuty Incident Response Docs](
* [PagerDuty Operational Review Docs](
* [PagerDuty PostMortem Docs](
* [PagerDuty Retrospectives Docs](
* [PagerDuty Stakeholder Communication Docs](
* Velocidex
* [Velociraptor](
### Spring
* [Spring Cloud Security](
### Threat modeling
* [ThreatModel for Amazon S3]( - Library of all the attack scenarios on Amazon S3 and how to mitigate them, following a risk-based approach
## Examples
### Ex. Automated Security Assessment
* [AWS Config Rules Repository](
* [AWS Inspector Agent Autodeploy](
* [AWS Inspector Auto Remediation](
* [AWS Inspector Lambda Finding Processor](
### Ex. Identity and Access Management
* [Amazon Cognito Streams connector for Amazon Redshift](
### Ex. Logging
* [AWS Centralized Logging](
* [AWS Config Snapshots to ElasticSearch](
* [AWS CloudWatch Events Monitor Security Groups](
### Ex. Web Application Firewall
* [AWS WAF Sample](
* [AWS WAF Security Automations](
## Misc
* Other Awesome Lists
* [Awesome Cloud Cost Control](
* [Awesome Cloud Native Security](
* [Awesome Cloud Security](
* [Awesome IAM List](
* [Awesome Incident Response List](
* [Awesome Shodan Queries](