<td><code>[cbf]ar</code> matches "car", "bar", or "far"<br/><code>[0-9]+</code> matches any positive integer<br/><code>[a-zA-Z]</code> matches ascii letters a-z (uppercase and lower case)<br/><code>[^0-9]</code> matches any character not 0-9.</td>
<td><code>(Mon|Tues)day</code> matches "Monday" or "Tuesday"</td>
<tdclass="sc">{ }</td>
<td>Matches a specified <strong>number of occurrences</strong> of the previous</td>
<td><code>[0-9]{3}</code> matches "315" but not "31"<br/><code>[0-9]{2,4}</code> matches "12", "123", and "1234"<br/><code>[0-9]{2,}</code> matches "1234567..."</td>
<td><strong>Beginning</strong> of a string. Or within a character range <code>[]</code> negation.</td>
<td><code>^http</code> matches strings that begin with http, such as a url.<br/><code>[^0-9]</code> matches any character not 0-9.</td>
<td><strong>End</strong> of a string.</td>
<td><code>ing$</code> matches "exciting" but not "ingenious"</td>